HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-05, Page 5vv� rwIlrp- . if A WERICH STAR T THUMUY. JUJ� kk iV84. !T77 J, ga marcied!" ari her LTI'ly wa,), "it . . . . . . . . . C IKP— I DRUG STORE i"A rot' 44 quioiliall of e%wht u---, bw sociecy Brand r Ine tihidl W:1 Appisir"g the story, ho saM ftre Was ma qucst;en tho tQW13 -a ougbt to havt� FA zcw halk, tho Handi. "0 ilored Clothes OffmrD MANY zir"UCIAL,S "u­ ttunwal oball it, Ito did u2t Mc�k thow wian aqyNwr morc, ncojlci for Tolill fin"I in.tht'se 401.1hTs cn;ersthirx ftat no o1 ficlumve IMW.- D lifs - F y no TOOTH BRUS 60ex-4ch than a commodwmi. venven- chavit tailoyi can Otter ycu and ", oft. The vet StIAVING IRUSHES CASTILE SOAP its 50C To," R*4014M 3$c ava Sec. ient ani v;,03 equipp-M to%�n hatl. v6oni by the I*rt dYcss(d men in the WK9cst Rabstorsot R*gwusk, ! Viiioli% LmW Jkr sular 7he town vms the, largest and. bvP "d am to be hid at Wry Moderate WIMP, speciat 39c. G b*rs for 99o, Special W. Special town In ttho ceunty� llcmalt bad a Rcadr to put. onor ma4i to your WeSSWO, V101 a' cholc# ot ow nice hall ani Myth, With a -JNttl eg pattcrov. $35." to MAC &AAA Agonts for Y'VEltv now our pz�pulation and a nixth of our as�, THACHMS LIVER "d Rs$ular $cc Sax j, Ev�--_Zmenz. Sikafortb atso had a halt 37C wherio they Could put on Vwrtain. Be ISLOOD SYRUP 0w, S W mL Prince Clothi"It for Days "WEATHL"n PROPHET,, EAR mtut5 and educational events. Ile NVO bavo had good success witil our roye clathing this Tw­ - j thought t1jew should be impiediate in palice Clothing Wt have jusl the kiud'tbe boys -want.' them it 4.4 Lowney's I a ther Clothing. Try AdvelltitQd. foil $1.00. Gilt P111's To Girls *tev Btyle and slaUk abOut then' 011114 it' U9 0 n4)NV The' Rceve on the Financts ufrinco SuilVI andbe convincedef their value. Prices $7,50to$t4.40. Kodaks Reeve MaclEwQn. peinted'out , Special and, and Boys very good financial condition of the There!s fun I town. Our bonds brought a higher pni at the time INIDHAM & in ThL9 prict- than those of Ritcheuer, Ualt I ,H Coupon ONLY �jand other fawns and higher thou any Wo Co avN Quotation lie bad seen for municipal Their New SWW, Noxt to Bank 4 Moah*&L ot Water i n making clocolate bonds. We! Nvere building the water illit ce at a cost air $60,000. This did ME1403 AND BOYS' WEPR Kodak Pic- IIA44 out of PhOM 61 pars not out of the taxes but out of Bottles and thi cwpon the rates. Andwe were build- ture. jul; the G. 0. 1. Rddit101ko But tile -Ing h. 69C anol 6 f.6r 25C Rowu had beeA votiring debentures tlic, case of Oakville) luill rates. pease in look after it. V t Regular they store. and Goderichs highost hold been 40 - I was cleaned up and %he taxes In i�- 0 1 and wore were soon to W rctired, would help a lot. In the new buili? - 8C. 1 we could very well take care of our C!aviipbell Recalls Ralldlog of �: $2.50 UP fun for God for jobligations without much bother. preserit Hall Ing we would have value. The luile� $1.00 and receive The question Inhis mind was, "Is I Ing would make work and the wrk,�, the. future. this t.h6. tinjo to build the hall9l" In Xr. Campbell recalled the circum. would be Spent In town. Weather Assorted a High Stances of the building of theopresent I lie (lid itat think there wav aw, Botfles. loll the old plans were prepared and I town hall Soule time in the Ift The doubt but that it we Put our 6110101d House, Bouncer ja5,00 was the estmatcd cost of tile town at that tinle always had a Bur. Films Bulk em to the whcol we could carry the Gas Ball. buildingthon. lie pointed out that it �plus,,w!hjeh It Should not It'sallY h4vt burden without bother. The asstaiv Clear ing at Prophet Candy RegUlar the new hall was not built AW had to had. The hall was built out of the I Ised tPOF I Price 25c. sond money to get vault space. , surplus at 4� cost of $Q00 or $7,000 ment of the town iihoidd be ra Finishing What has made the town's, financial a were issued. this might 114VID the effect Of fti$*� special condition took bad 'w4s the floating. and no debenture bout it. our eoo:ntY rate. c4eada--alittr than bopgrteil 16049 ("t I al o 11*4 0 y I There Were no two Way$ A An -1deal Gift--Xadc a 4111fitni year this was reduced by I NVO needed 0, now town hall. $1.49 cl-Ildre Vill bi� out; Only debt. linst, Ile had ttr" Win' Uallaeo thought th"W7' 'S 4pplieS --When the, weatliet IR to bO flu� the two 44c lb. $5,000 and the,$,46,000 consolidation were.protty flat uaw and there wa,:� weatik�,r is apprbaebing tbo N . k*<)xn,(- out front e of that much wore,," yo irs a" "" officer and ought bound to be a drop. Tile $12,000 Xt. when stermy, vitcli, vrill -Ir reliable oil would take cav t9 3'.NC sOmetbing about it. And ared to give vould; )4 1vours-ahchd of A-allfor '010%v- It is qurprlsh), kiTg only about $17,000 a' 8 utayor's office, �%eXar was prep. q to , id thei '. 1-11111- iotol w6ither conditions, 41-adik 011"trk-tiy stiontifle, priiielples. lea, should have a his official oo�lly be lost by going Ahead bQfOw perla� P1,11,6 oil U, 411jailtity. and 11% c4uncit had great b6iies of PAYIng Off where lit- could attend to Hmwrer, it wits poiot", WA(l. r6it of that this year. prices fell. correspond'ence. - the a, they last will v�ll tlicul t s to %he question of site be woul _6.1, 0%. it you bring this coupon. VA -e.17 vi Mr. W. H. Robertson was strongly A d Out '� at�,tiial building Could not IIQ' liag(" city R b0 we should have it done till next Ye3r. for exaotly'what it QO'tt us . to ush Mal 1 Bah� s 0 �n Sm tall them llay(, one. voluk� and get yours at once Or Of the opinion that and farot hoine sbould new town hall. In addition to the be disappointed if any but the pro- . Messrs. Goo. Williama. W. N001 tra for litteling"and po,;tugo. All used. It Ifild historie .4 8e Qx n Clork Knox till favored tbc- maii yoluiorder.. Xall ordor, and Tow PalmetteSoap nced of the town for 4, suitable halt sent Site were years age Ile jaeal gift, 0:8poclations. E btr' Knox Pointed Wt tfint Omr '. . for meetings such as tlw Ono of that went to school an that site. The stte I Proposal' ? C4t�as for t to wait -till the othet' Pro*6 we but night, there was no place where a Pp- wu, CAMPBF,,,LI:S DRUG I ORE g a good one, close to tilt" squaro, I cleaned up WOUX 3 r 19c litleal meeting could bo'held, no p1tice, I it b(.. % fairly ceutrah,'he did not think mbanked oil wen y bttON�.tqaoylearu. Wowouldnevet, 28C. See our Windowi Our Store, ou could tilvito a public man of Im- ter site could be got. a portance to come to address the peo. need a t'wu ball worse than at the The Square, tod:erich Reg UAar 10C Cake.:. He thought the town could easilY Regula'r I 5c Cake. Phonei 90 pld In., afford the -hall, without putting (ill Pro, nt time.', ­ Mr, Win. Campbell told his little any extra taxation ; In fa�t the tax A second resolution, moved bY tale of woo, how, often he wag frozen rate might even be reduced a little. Councillor Humber and secended by iit-oi hils, OiAce and how cramped it Mr. 0. 0. Lee was that a cominittev OU He was strongly in favor of the pro 'ta�eu hold of at once. be appointed to consist of ono or 0 I 00000M The town was in was. The town he thought was ne- ict boinc I .. a g p Towri of Goderich to be tncOrPoraQed an undertaking'? al condition at the ver� In better �haie Jc Manager Lesslio of the Bank of "T"Ore mel"'Wre from r q ew. municipal. building, his only splendid financi it wastoday, owiiii to the Iiaying.off Montreal, was called on its the luan In the toAmi. together with Mr. Miv- se ro.m in a r , nt time, as was shown by -the In conjunction with the c Meedn'i E n*do stipulation beintr that thc'communi�y prese received Over par for of large debentures, the town got its money front. Ito Kity to act Publi ement. should be - tecOgIliv-0d by the fact, that we 'Per c�nt.- Ily- Owing 0 the desire of - qouncils -to Suggested that If the town put off coullell.. AL incorporation in the, icheme Of PrOvi No'. other . muni- vehlr3fts building the haIttill it could affordit, —To b(k- rellAive,t N all ­' s. oui recent issue of - 51A keep down the tat -rate 0 Conquers Asthnix. fo r ew Town H I _waitiiik dro Electric bonds, ject un for public sitting , or had occurred andatvitrious times do. it mightnever got it. receiving par, which Untures were issued to take care of front the'.terrible saffocalffig due tV to'TaUO.Prefintinary rooms with lavatorlc.�, Tli,� offer held cipolitY Was uly autt if illowed that* otly: creditin thoniarke-t Could Car First of j thbse, and he.remembored very weli ry the Burden Without Dlf- 'Astlima. Is a gre4 thIM but tO UT good until the ,�thaaja4tjc Pul6lic'Meetirig All But Unanitnous. then, was at top notch. ficulO soto,guarded for the 'future is even steps lmme&04y.. e7 town did not -take -it, up by ginal As to'the state of' Our debentore the. �,epoit of Mr. Dickenson, their e greater. Not only does Dr. J. D, X01 - t", -would :proceed with -big orij love Nutting$ Said, It Ile I him- indebtedness. our total debenture town solicitor, that the town had Deputy Re Remedy bring vroll�vt gduo the, limit and that the issue of was tot - ovor-�.euthusiastic about logg's Asthma TOWN IN EXCELLENT.FINANCIAIL CONDITIOX �gheine of -buildirg'a Small ego liart. ollof,.but it introduces a now e Or . I I I � � ­�. was bull0fo the hall, just now, but wan ra M VjAous Organinatitmit V 1, issue 4261,967, but 4 Is' debentuivs for current p`urpoAci C,0Wxr&tee to. Consist of IttPIresintatives fro self. by Sinking funds tematic, 'in. Town Cbvmcill The town council bad writt�n to, a pi thiis was Secured woolgl have to -stop. These �virious not in favor Of 8141141119 any, WOney "fe to" the afllleto�o' , SFA s, an * lid Og, ontlie'liresolot building. Hethought1t VV-dh Mr. McKay to Act With s where they knqw 'and mortkage, . d, taking the t.haling of silloke or fames from tbe!. nuinber of town _414 away, lef� only $74 and the tor ;`,su4' had now been till px y'thp.' the now litlildink woulil cost no 1 reiiiedy prevents � re-attAcUs Ind 04' - the doors hI they Mid a..munic$al bul , I These oveiArafi arei - 'Committee which -was crowded to Iditig , - in err s were caused b 48 a P"m vllt;4:urc-� SLiggerits Citizens! xr public auditoriton in conjunctihn. bk�`tal'tMtoft owed, wh refle�tp or of Ing a nt tax $100,000 than. less. He would like to ten We( for quite a, ilunil ;ejeel I . n there 'was s ' ' Z. fact.beYond, had received. a number of 'the,. tax In additio not "rik 1 offic" W4ar. see the National.$hIpbuilding Pjanz' rato, and X n N STAlt FOR 301; PRINTONt'l. 'Ozens ask nding at 64ThAl' this meeting of. cl b6th entrances uiiable* - tOt data and es. he quot�d ard!no, ITH to take,'Immediate 'mation ill -which the:$28,000 for saw.erso which meant tLitt ton and 041,villo and savt .$1,600 !or $2,000 of ex., replies, the ififoy with �J. and 50 (in 'gold the town'couneil less I Lan the prellmi the town of.Goderielt. owed nary ar� get lnglde�, th4i meeting. ste#s,to carry out Mayor, gate to e f T Mayor. OfAltues Proposal ra,�gejuents for thO,orection ofa, new to, otiiee Hulls, 1$j(19,;000, which was not larg �--;xd `44110w� 6ut1jjf_ 614a I ots town this $I . ze. d- 15 'seR,44­WO His. NVOiilll)) aYq town an 'son f t, st'about $26,00.0 -i -�uggested that -it citi. m ftobleit McKay." ed the rea or cObto the me.e ing, 'Elyth ball co - I!' His W�rship fro Xt- d stly by subscription, and ould bY: the feell ould have a e WO s bout zens? k*inrnitjec.b� formed togo into Such wasthe resolutiou,'moved ng that we Sd bt a credit seat 560, revenue from'rental the matter thoroughly, get plans that Nh.. Saundo seconded -by public -building that Wo nt 4. rs and piovI& adequate ae. UM - Coiinty Cldrk Hotmah, that summod to the town and st of $2,,-.. wouI4 be up-to-date at the prose V V� u the feeling of! the'publl� Meeting rommodition for municipal, purposqs. Orillia built a hall at avo tirhe and also take care of the. yiews HOSIERY WEE p t Friday el,.. The P 'POS81 Of Mr. Itoberr, '1�mmay 000. This was burned and in 1914 it 6f Mr. McKay� There was no feasoll ro tile held in the town ball las s rebuilt at a cost 6f $73,000, The.. jiscuss the proposal to erect :it cOmmaitity hall broughL wa why the WOmen's Institute.. ening , called to ( it was.folt auditorium was leased for a five-year Daught�rs of'the Empireor&all such HOSIERY. erich. the matter to an. issue, to erect a new town hall for Gbd ly that his "scheme was rather term to a. pictui e stow at an annual organizations which had. the town".4 HIS IS. THE WESM TO AVY YOUR PRICE The tesolution curled almost ulUthi- 13Y Inal ental of $3,000. .It took about 1.00 welfare at heatt,,should not meet in THE 13EST QUALITY THE LOWEST o . stpall and a number of, the counw r mously, Messrs., John Sturdy and to int and hq�l, u , talk'With- him tons of'�oai to heat the build-ing and pre- cii'met h Ord Our municipal lidildini, John *Story being'the only ones 6. Receipts fl, against it.� The meeting and 116 agreed to give the amount.be. th� ball seated 82 Then we bad to consider too Pure: Silk 'Hos.e �sent to vote 12,00Q) to the warkeffees and scales i$378.- Accom� matter 'of fire fighting equipinent. was held in the council chhamber, proposed to, spent. ($ ?vas provided for all the ite# Improvement. of our Obsolete f beautiful, soft silk ades'of Whi equip sh municipal, offices. And'the caretaker -cause we These are a holeproof Hose niade 0 -week, ment had beon put off be i Xc ai hall. black and Airedale. Theyare a heavy weigIA Jjose of e eptional, value. t.. was p d a salary of $23 a were thinking of a. new town 41A 0 10. Just What you've Been Wait, Owen.Sound had a-builditg ian old Hoise-drawn equipment was Obsolete per pair ...... -h seated - whit Specially priced building. re odelled); and. our engire was riot what It ought. in ose, -H L 'Excu.rslon between 600 and 700, and the revenue Annual STR. GREYHOUND" I �to be. His Worship Suggested that ste. H last year was $512. Fibre, Silk ose our municipal building beA �ced file. St. Marys hall cost,00,000 to'huild Ing on East street and m&rkbt house A heavy riLbe­(l sport HOW. just the ai)d the revenue last yearw land fire hall facing Of good even weave of fibre sil Its $3oo. on Newgutz k wfth Goderith to Dttroft Southampton ball, built a humber wit owned the. proper- eel Hose f or everyday*Nvenr. we ' have a street, as the to c0tton top. They have a reinforced h p and return of years ago for $13,00, would .4cat ty through frout street to street. rich shades of complete., range.of sizes in shades black). N and -toe. Those are in, 450 revenue $200, Several bad been 'asked to give an ude, camel, ilove, baniboo. and 1k 0 P� um= Ing Goderich 084 ihe brickwork of the present muni brow n, '�arnel,. sand.: navy and 95C w Loav June 10 estimat of what they thought a ly priced, per Pair 79c' 404T 19 p I Mayor building such as the old'plans, gotten TU ci al building in Goderich tl black. 'Specia 1� Priced, Per Pair' 6iege. SoeCiiil said, was crumbling and the rooms out some years ago'would cost. At n1l These are not , Co ie only- 43*50 round t.r'ip .$2*25 one. way used by the officers were u' t - for of- the time. the plans were prepaieO se nds. We.sell Number One Ho fice-k. The clerk's desk and munter don't mis;itl Takethis $85,000 vas the. estimated price, but This i's an ovent that comes but once a year — were littered for want of room to put —visit the amusementilithe great itidus- the cost today would be nearly three restful, balmy lake ride to X)etroit things, and vas not a decent plape times that# making the -probable cost trial factories, and you can. shop there, too. Ther0l b; music, dancing -1 S-M Be on deck withall the home folk. for -the clerk of a town like Goderich. $80,900 or $85,000 or -$100,000. - F119- just Received ana appulm"M 4 No Safe Place for Valuable Records onoruesd r;relb?theStemer uring on 3�_year debenture,; at 61-., lete rande of Shadcs; also, new Gmyhouav leave Godefleh at Should a Are occur it would be im. nor cent. bn a cost: of, $90,000 would A shipment of Bedora Voil6s and Ratine, in a comp 900 a. M, *.= fig at Fort Huron po�sible to replace the records which inakean annual payment during that sleeveless Sweaters in attractive floral and block designs ot attractive snaae compina- I= 1.1t would belost and the old treasurer's ills on the 5:30 V. jrA. RCM&W In U, office -upstairs was litteied with valu- - terra if $5,600, or about 2 in tions. T head are on clispl&Y al' thi week. Wredfictdow and ftturqlag,lesve for Godedch Tburo0Y,.*1une 12th, assessment there -were no 1 P. rill, able twords. 1� ue. The Mayor then invited it audijor_ rev n Soo Ty Cobl� Then again there was no fre� discussion pro*and ton, ium for public meetings of any kind avor was in f. DID and Babeltuth in town, The Court flobse was no Mr. C. 0. T Pe of going 1 4 - OUR AMERICAN TRADE I The'New York Yankees skud De- I ahead w4. the proposition. Sf LICIALS FOR troltTlgets wOl battle for be" 111111 1 longer, available for public meetings, - I I r honors at Navin Flem, pordit, on Mr. Tom Wants New Site -visit this a Wtddftd*y, June 11. This it ybut the county council -deciding to keep it. ri� to tore and Tom was fav* orabl� :ordially invite the'Americafis'corning to our tow opporiwaty to ite the two treatftt for county business. So that out- 'Air. J. RIgin We c sfar# of b"eb&u in oction—Ty 'be tock Cobb and Babo Ruth. side of the Temperance Hall, the Col. but thought a new site shopl&'be se- inspect our s of the following goods. Last -trip N Ddre.1t leaves Geaffick legiAte, and the various churches and lected and rent the prosenf buildingi toobi li. the picture show, there was no- meet. Ceilings in the old hall wer( it Linen Embroidery- �Io h. Frway, Jume 13, 9;30 1 Towelling g of ceilinga 'in sehool Linen Ing The town was starving By the lowerin place 'buildings fuel cos 3 89wrtment of 4"alitie.4 for some place -wher� the citizeliq ts were cut In two, Poo, M 0 0 14 L I G It T could got toge�hcr. No concert could We should'have a building with Rome -A pur6, linen Towelling of fine weave, We have a g be g1v' linen Emb.r'oidery out of Goderich and widths in pure en xcept such as local talent appearance and Air. Tom. did not, trimmed with a dainty border of red or Nonday� June 9 put on. think the present site suit.Able. f Cloth. 8-30 P. M. What revenue coi&ld we expect from A resolution from the Women'O In- blue, I These are. 16 inches wide and are ... ... a bqilding such as was proposed in stitute, dated April'19th, askinir ill#, excep 10 Specially priced, per '211-itivil. per ncibto towider -a rest room in call t nal value. A&6 51k (SINt" 26C Goderich, The Hydro Electric offices cou 314-illf.h. Ring . is &IlAtfut dage hout were coating the counnisqJon a r4ntal nection with the town hall wa.t read. yard ................. ... 19C matiful Lake taufon. The.(e offices should be.in Mr� 0. K. Saunders sald he bad N% 11 111T, it, 1, Yard re bo d. ard Sam *cc of $250. our own municipal building with the thought a good deal about tilt- pto- $325 was ject, more particularly in conneetio"! able D ask WHIT, E STAR revenue going to the town. Linen T am being paid for rental- for the police with the assclnblY h IL Varlou.q or - All Wool wankets mAgistrates and Childrenor; Aid oflu, galvizations would put on entertaw. qo should be in our own ments with a good membly hall niul We have a good assortment of pure linen cerso and the� We have a good tstack ol all -wool Srank- a 1ed municipal buildinir, Then for rental thousands 6f dollars would be r I table Damask by the yard. in widths ets, in plain MlitO with blue oir Pink of the auditorium, the Mayor auggest. for chwitIble purposms. A,; far Hop were concerned, 2 anJ 2 yatils, Ranging iq, price from border, also fancy check Blankets. Thene ed all uveraire of two nights rental a the town quarters HERNIS BOOT S week at $25 a night as rearonhble to Mr. Saunders thought the quer;tioft "o o $ .25. A18o a good mock of linen are the noted 0. V. brand Blankets and consider was, Can you affolA to ball- t 3 PtKurc on, or say $2.500 a year. 'exceptional value. Thet4e various amoutits vould total die $100,000 a year in your prest-vt T�bfe Cloths and Table Napkins. are, MINER RUBBER FOOTWEAR 1 $3.075 a year. And, there was no officeq ? liould Mr- DOU9149 HrO'L%'u t4aid te ff)r Mljj&,,� . They 11ave beell tried reason why the Board of. Trade. niete is no substitu not have its . ofilces in a municipal tainly needed an auditorium. An to Wool Swipaters and testeJ and found satis building. rite be suggested'the vorneroppoAte �\,,e C;jrry a coillfilete raiige hi Should He a Nitle Surplus the rink, Ile thought the mayor was Ten * Low and Ngh Shfts a little, optinilatic in plapitig $25 a. Wis .irt. offorilig a voillp1vto. rAtIv,11 Of New Bowkr, IV -hat would we bave to pay out in night an the rental -of the ball. That, wttld alul ilttrjvqiw� toe -ill, .11A 1%;,P) '11141 Ojiltiv:fi. The -4, BOWLING SHOES—See Our solex conticletion With rmch u building? ould be till riclit for aft entertain� -,aGOODS a durable Firat there was hent, Tile Court W SEE WORK SHOES�_.Iri Brown and Black, with extr ment, bnt he under4cod $10 wafi 0,UR Wlr4 DOW DISPL" FOR LINEN and WOOLLr ChiWetl's Str&PS "d " SwAah, Oxfords and High Bfttt. House usea 60 tour; tw%ting $700, but about what vqts; paid for balls for 14o our Runnhig STIMS 111vC Oftle With 6 ritodern beating plant the May. -en for Me now ys and Girls Ile SUN Y dances. He was kc tell,g—we have theni. Shall Va? Th shou?d Vat a rnuni6pal building. , F ide 'i a qtlestion of O"Nili I.,#, jjuj East - Light. nay sloo; janitor, $100; inqur. Ot anc*, $750. This, would lene a n1ce I e S A. GR AV t U111111C111,011 tile sole—They ate 11,;1211- or eati lated that $500 at the outside building a,;, anyolle. ow oulde or Boy scou rn j --w A 4,0we phon 140tth Side surpim. ounty (Jerk 1101111all alWayf3L 11ag W, HERN SqUre We que:;tioft to decide Tvaq, ,Ipo a 13tory witit & point and told sbout tho couple that had 43W you think wo are We us afrord sadi Leen Voing to- I .......... sx. 6