HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-05, Page 4F6q TRUV14DAY RINF, 041t, IN& Tn GODUICH STAR VAGX kVUR _4 ------ ADE. 4TH REWLT OF PARBOX o FATA lo a CQ*0"tia WAk Dot eorge Bell TFAMOTI-14 &r. YOU'Wal 6 . — %jaa Ento the d fad **w*WW9 in 'eorge 661, -who di'cd a G of, bong strack bw fi"o r-: Dzy GOWS SPecials 6n Usivic in bra-ing a car TNW015 iat tile elevator, waa C, Wjviai%!,1 All Ulzo�l Tuf�Wh 133th Tuesday 0,�,Cnivg and tU Special 5% �ach 1-�IwOlnz, '170 wMa. dic-t war, one of accid, T aid ........ 230 - *w 1 ,, " "M I AV Sue a5sortment 4 Lqdle(� more care be takea in f Uloomim, at 75c anJ Nc stick if Its V30 is MccHsal Child's 8190MOTF, lit Vhli� Thi -o 914 at 490 oach a evidenc, submitl aral Mack that of Mr. ex. L. rarso of the Gojerich Elc-�ato %it Ltd.; Mr. J. Mu ]PARSONS FAIR G0DERICH intendent; Mr. Albert I EV*rYtIIIoQ for tho IIQIU* in charge of loading VK R. U." Uri Iforace La brought the car down fr( Chest of emptiesp sey. Such an addrer�s was a revel"* WharWagthe only persoll 110M ELECT OFFICERS tion of the real fcope of the Liens or- ly wit4erscd the who District ganization. Messrs. Wro. Fitzpatrick Anil Hear RepOk of ROUsing —1114r. Vntertainalcmt features of the con- ott, Arthur Turner, 0. 1 votjtatintx� -fo r4latta vention Included an inspection tour of CrAw men; 'Mr. Thos VY Newma", Torontp, the now Welland canal, a visit to Nig- car inspector; and Mr, .1( ternational Pres*Atf- gara Fal Is and a ball ther of the 4eccase4, The Internatig"I 0onvention of It -was shown in the I The Coderich Lions <' tub templet Lions will take Place In Omaha June the grade was e41,3Y but 61 their election of Officers at la5t 23rd to 20th, Friday's lunche*n. The officers for tile ensuing year are as follows: During Prezident Saunder's term of egiogOU"y'"wealthoaf leoaarledisc4nrec Prcsldent� 0. C. Lee (acclamation); omee he has done a great deal to does notget beyond cont: treat* interest in the Club and has once hal first vloo prosiaent Xitchell deal of the evid, s4ouldored a large share of the re- of using ice president, the advisalti (acclamation); seeoulf v! sponsibility of arranging for speakers for the egtrk leverage It J.'W. Fraser; third Vice PresiOnt, J-1for the vatiouS meetings himself. Ito . erating the brake wbeel W. Cr4itit; secretary, Douglas Brown, executive, Dr. Gallow, 1R. 0, and the, other offkerSr of the past year to rules of the railway I L.Varsons, X J. A.'At4c- have done good work. The new offi- such an appliance but 0 cers, take chargo with. this w0ek's do not 90101`4117 1160 1 V*atit It. C. Dunlop, IT. X. Kidd, John meeting. seems to have been a h Butt6n, W. F. Saunders, L. U UOX sko4 A. F; Shirdyt, tail twister, Dr. J. tic ith the Blevator ei A WIN AT WINCHAN Air. rarsons stated A. Graham (*tilituation).; lion -Uln. or, A� F. Stardy (acclamation), chap. 4 1 handled hundreds of ex lirst Game braking and did not f4v lain, Rev. it. C. Nlepermid. (acolania- Purity Floor Take Their 1, tion); trwiver, A. Z. Maoxay (40- 8 to 4 With wingham the club, No instractii fa 0. riation). The president, vice Pre- , vor of Its use or agi . and. troAaurer are The Purity Flour basebill tvaln got given. it was dilip to" V tideits; secretary on IVerl ,;. r Ive it no A. fault of a membersof the executi � by, virtue of into. uc�tl`n at WIngbar . selve. d4y afternoon, and, in. a good game, might make it hard to � their , oftlet. The ehief Appointed pitched up to tits us. jJ*rry Ubelocher and V X. Kidd to in wbieh Cooper cars were inspected by audit the past �ycar's accounts. vat good form, romped away with 4110 mpany . and he did n long gpd of an 8 to 4 score. Wing� co The retiring President, G. X_ $sutt- Any inspection by.the I d the club st the ham had one more hit to their credit pany, would be any add, tu". who represente � I an the Qo erleh -Purity Flat,.Ts but Mr.- Murlson did not district convention In St- CathAVIlles, -etting the nt. Mr', -13 1 tine report of the conVen. e latter -had the nack of ell wot 14r it very 'Wave for %$Job he received, il'boarty 11100fut hit %vben hits meant runt; and cotitrej, e of t a bad only four men loft on bas�s to who fig Vat bin's. Tho new district Mr, Bonn eight. Tim catch b spo t, aid that N.Ir. U Fred Y a s srovernor is Avery, of St, CAth- WfughaWs Of sirines. Dr. Wiley. of., Windsor, is do- staill, a new comer to Goderleb be brought the car dowl Mitchell's bit in the r fift .1% Innings was passed the remark tba� Puty U04 Hefb' Cummings, of St. hatinesi, district. secrem, f the game.' Haynei had hard t4? hold. Mr. Bell, )r. Harry a feature 0 C^t lJoWman, �Who has been 'president of A p6feot'batthit record, four hit$ car down the track aft( out of four Itim Tbo, first ed was sitting on the J. Toronto Lions I. slated for the es at bat. the rat bit the fimt run and the 0 r 6 Zo tltk� The withopsi Presidency of the Lions IntornationaL, Went to Al. �jj he'. �ump the track. Saw With good #O$0Ct$ of election, and if the SQ4So ' A r 0 UP ashe thought, to get ho % elected th6 organi�atjffn Vf the Robertson, at thi d base, sho re. well. for the first 4016on' in fast com- supposed, now it was 14onW hi Canada would no doubt celvo,a great inxpetus,-as it.would be pany And made a beautiful throw- struck. A inan Attl The following is thp record. have the Same power 4 his Polley toget a jiumber of,organ- Purit� Flopr R it B and could not operate. Izerst at. work in this country. 1 0 he were standing. Th Vresident Saunder'S Was able to ro. Lindsay, 2b... Weir, ...... 0- 0 ferred to.use the club port -.4. �ers tothuslastio meeting in mit , 11 � n safety, he felt it gave i St. Catharines, The Mons is thb ., chel I ... 12 2 .4 youngest of thaVarlous service 'or. Ilaytes, ej ................ 2 4 0 car getting out of coi t.... spol�cn to Mr. Bell 94nizatiotti, bejng--onl�r be spaffordl, ss ............. -1 1 `� be was and sevenyWkraold, bu�,�as made re. RobeAsoo, 3b ............ 0 0 0 about the stic Stahl, 0 0 ed him. if it wag not t mailmble Progress aild'if the.saMe 0. he' *-A sure it was 4 0 0 irate -of prog-ress is maintained for the I Bell'S reply W *'Yes, kXt Wxyeitrs it willoutstrip the old. Cooper P. as, lie did not think the :u file g9t4rions, Afid was;danger-b all, us 'at oner 4 couple of. Wiles Thi inajor lines Pf iservice 410M.] H 1 0 dint. 1.6 alWing to W V.hich, the Lions a ork are help to blind, crippled and under- I "O"son, Cf..:" V 0 9-r, Lawrence aid; Walker 2 0 making the - remark noutished childron. Minor objects Irwin are taken, up locally. In centres wzw;y, I belxig� hard to tiold. 0 for oll he was worth where Rotations or Shriners are u1jUrackenburg, x"dy looking after (!rippled children, Harrison. ss ­�...+.o g� �O exactly by the spout bi McLean, 0 0 Q right ypot. He li� the Uons� c&n-rdevoto themselves ' to 0 cars -go over the D. r. lone' of tile Other TboIjOhnst0ft, rf� Imitchell, 2 V to help in 4teeping the plating in the hands of �tbe blind obil. MeXibboo, 0 0 ting off -the track), ov 4ten, in the Brantforil School.for the edr to the broke iioi- ac Blind, of a magazinetheY can read is so 4 -a 10 1 " Mr. Cheater JQbnsto window c m6thluk that is being iaketk up by dent fizom a the Cti�j lit Ontario and- Quebee. Rung, by Inniligs. Purity Flour 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 2 x--8. His attention was fir� One of. the inspiring addresses on 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 ". car when It was aboa whith Presid4ut Saunders com),nented 0 that by Judge Jones,,of New Jer- Umpires—Nunell. at plate; Ourry aw;�y from the D, rai via on bases. r . '. I speed at which it w, hits­Goder1oh­�-Uit0hVjjr siw the car jump the out half a I 1, Cooper 1, $Pafford 1. Winghaw— fib ejigth POISO1111411) SELF9 Irwin 1, lilowson,l, Brackenburg 1. the stick strike.11r,*B, -outs­�By V46per 14, by Jr- fal I over apparently Strike will I. thing, DIDNT" KNOW IT, r Vase on balls—Off Cooper 0, off Ir. 11r. Fitzpatrick sai wiiI, 3, bad, practice to use o D 'It Know Whst W" Stolen base not in thoir equipme mtromwmt Mr. �,4LI,lndsay 1, Haynes I &* Matter UntO Nousea. Sick I. ' could suit htinself a) *U*Iacho and SAd Sacrillice bits. -By Spilfrora 1, It'was a dangerous %P, 100 r it by pitcher—Ilk Cooper, Harri. not 'Accessary 00 the Wore TracO to lVtul 'I III *kept i SO114 the track if one A joeal ioet�'j NNMt g, r, , av V1,42(l tj) Time 1 hour 45 toinUteg, He told. Mr. Doll a c Aud that hil tlwd� nervOuq, billous Von. before the accident ditjou vaq due to paisow f6u! thefood BETTER GREEN TEA INIPORUD about the use of a st b6ote. 1138told Of kind 111;1e8ted aud �Iany think "that those who drink- tor iiien liked to use t 'ellffiloated - propes ly, his ro 14 IV Is GrPen Ton are more, critical judgoa of vent their hands ge Vo M quality thu those who drink black. The brako.mx the vai Isouing Ills W13011 8vatow. emoduts idek headacI10%, 301W3. rg(Lq On a Sour. Sue), Would Seem Ur be the case, be. After the accident he we*k stomach. 1).td III" sloproper ,,0' ition. calls(, some years ago great quanti. tor took the car u* t raovejueuv of Ilia bowelq. jJaV4qg I)P"#. leeted his, liver, that. 11uportsot Oj gan ties of poor quality Japanand Chinn fifteen tar lengtha at and it �Ao�ped all i bpCAtno a tnonace to hInhealth la4fead Green Teas, were brought into Can. brakes of *A aid. Dr. It. h*� Timelier's Uvejo* it, ado. Th6 demand for this type of applied. however. � mwe % 'quicu ten coon fell off. Now, boweveri the Fred Burnett.. said diVeUlICY01111UP-tho wav ho felt- slept, Me 'much finer quality of India and Cey. 0. X- He did not thii and looUed. UPI reniarl'ablo 'colody loo Greens, imported mostly by the a stick but they wer sets divectly on Ille 11"r 'and'UeePs tbo SaInda Tea Company, has sharply re. by the Railway Comy wbolasystem tooc-4 up. 161agolaNT-ith N yoo� %,III becolliplettv vived the demand by those who enjoy Arthur Turner -did uil'crstandllag�I�I$^ theft IV.111 be no the dinflnetiv'40 flavor of Green Teti. faith in the atitk. 39 $1tit . jAed. it was very, safe or I rofit. Got Dr. Thather's trOtU & CAU10bell 1303eftell Out- ADVERTISE IN TIIE SIT.01 He had told Mr. 'Bell that his stick was to P. It. men had a at f they used oil "butiv 0 club was not dauger( WA 4AVidi Due %vagr Ond he bad Oulu ice %alect" VIT V HUT V N ion about using, a long Ig yard14 the short c! bi , , 1 11 Thon. Crawford as t ID AIVIi ]L_1W C14hin _1KP all cars, over on thb bridgo before they across to the olevat For Men and Boys which the accident ( of Wk_101jells, ffir trade is all hore. aPteteil the day bef, right. Ile would not 909MUNO AND BROCK HATS John bell wan aski dtmt he suffered tenu he said wan canst 1�50MZTHIXG. FOR THI�/"DIESAT THE thiown off the car' MEN'S STOR9 brake. A fille 1&0 U11,0611 WOM00th Shift \V36t- It you are well lil 0 Ybur new straw lia t A15ct �1 teW Stv,'Io',9�r StiCkS, ill 111 C010i'S W M'LIVII Y0117 it in a rettauranN Jress, 'Tho only thirzg,; th 1ADIES" HOM IWO UII*f0W4!TA ',*0 1111� P)'kek und low to the taill, and a bathim suit. I lose With 116111tex h2els. For Akelk"Atic 11 and achtm of sciati "'a' IV, Avid 1* we I' ecttic Oil. I CH, ASL BLACK tL have been "The Men!$ and DoYe Store WOA WhiV" fifty Aro. ro�e it sitew qw-AWN either vr 4, ", lower an"Wat