HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-05, Page 3f"IMAY. JuNt 56h. 19" THi 0015FAUCIR STAR PAG119 TXK= "a Cremy ft"* mom I tho ft*WW. amDerhood News %agets It strikes t4froc to the okotkerlo- "art to have her b0f wake MR dur. Wr iog the night Wma tkis uzjuticilla I I r1cm Fra Our Exchanges the. firat thiag to do i� to fordelay, ET UR R apply kk PQuItiets to the thrat 044 .40 11*0 ins*, aftneral Jjoaager� of tke stw� r Put. of tkol Cksat, s"11 thsa ]We . iii"t I-% sive, *fow do"A of The 4"th W-curred in f�ellfortl- 8"elity Nfe Insurance col"vatwof '13, ; hoFipital, on Friday worsiiixiei Nay �, C*nad*. He Wi*1191`11, 'At RX01cr, and -*-Tk after graduating from Toronto Uni- Hugh X*eDorAT4. well kno an isaw will And versity be taught WhQQ1 for some tiazi tz 4 vrill Xseeive pro t and 11005011 resident, in h1s,66th siar- then follo*eil the realiestAte TLO add -4 Re lita Iftew NO scbea St"dento and building Iminess. b" f, sad perkkp I Present time., be He ho It taking this immekliate pts- Operetta :%1V1101!y conneeted with the Insurance, 014- new Am"ta The 4eter High School studeixt3� party for years. Mr. MaTaggart boo XM wooley'x0ek, coatstom opt., I presento4, thCoperetta, "Patricia," in been a meruber pf Toronto'Board Dt DOA% overlook tho vu. writes: --"My lItt14 cl hall 4L V917 the opera houso� Rzotev,, recently, and, Education for several year S. I&" Stores off the une Croupy Cough Which. flept her *w - 0 it I, described 43 one lot the musical Of rlwwow at nislit. I he'l tri#4 several tkat tAtle wiligkou rati *arm* 1* relieve It, blit Could lKst nothing tveats of the season, rhIle spendin A aWkisman we )mow b4s. xpr*xy ring St. 4 as paster M*4"*tor of *nit_ the 24th with her Until I pt -Dr. Wood Is , "felt L of Xr. a by eaular on some F After she 'kad.tikkeu a fcw, Ima wooisitory parents -at th* home Of TvIllitive.8 in XA Ladies Suits ll� Strxtford;the little ftughter Of n * cartomake saw food eltecto 5.0 1 kept Rev. Chas. Curnming, of St. Helena, And Mrs. Donald Rat. Wingbam, was ri6t On with it qLad her Cough *"A -. arrange. A noijiber of -Ladies' $uits in UaVy tricotine, tailored in bayl 14ft kor." has been elected moderator of Unit- badly burned. The little givi had got J, syrup is Dr. WisodPo Norway. Pine, land, Prvabytery for the onsuing six" hold of a match, lighted it and in some meats. He am Styles. Regular prilze, $2750;'reduced, wbilt., they last, 2205,0 "1, Wt 4L bottle; 6k. for the )art# family months. Rev. Dr. Harkness, of RIP. way it caught ii� her clothing. The Ws now customers since. size; put up Only b ley, is the retiring mod*rMor. mother who won In the adjoining At An appifited day and y The T� $61burw Co., Limited, Toronto, 04C Former Clisitonl#% H;4d of Royal SP- room heard her scream and ran to her hour he regotaxly cogs viety of CaRIAR, ampistenee. She took. liar burning Ladle Neckwear Prof. 1. rC. McLennan, I of Torofito­ clothes Oft and smothered, tb* R*m" izitm-W ung, Dig. 0 rA a list ho A view shim Ut of Lvidies' Neckwear has just been received �Dft. A, lit, REIST. Osteopathic Physician. University, who was elected president in her heir. - Xe&al aid was quickly prepx"d, an& xets thtir e yralluklo ties. Moines. stilt oiliefre or of �he Royal Society of 4�anada at its summo"# and the little girl is On a, osteopathy" . Licentiate low* &ad Michigan couct",re session atVilebee City to. fair road to recovery, though her *&% boarils. 'at nuentloo to olseases cently, is a jormer Clinton resident. burns will -J>e. pretty sore for som� of women 4nd Scruldren, 0onsuftition, fres. If he JS 'aWay, QMCO COVAOr ',Velson, gad SL AW time. e1116 CAttiet Out the Mhe- me"I's Suits Sm" 110 Dr. Hell . emano, 14 I�Mgsgesnent Air. and Mrs. Thos. Broome, of Re lidured at Toronto dUle.folr hiM. Xillop, wish to announce the engage: Two f�rmer eltitens of , Se4forth Foi meu and young Men, in the latest styles and Shades for Suntinermear. M: oustomers 1&0 to melitof their daughter, Sessio. Agnes, were itijuked on Sunday morning, MAY -deal With hea4quxrters. Now is the ti tue to get a, new suit while we have a large stocl( to eboose frola. You, P. Fl. I. R, FORSTAR, to Mr. Ru.Asell D. AnOeroon,,son of 25th, early, in on auto accident* when will fiud the prices inost reasonable. FVK, X4% NOSE,, ITHAO&T, Ieh,,they wero!jvas at His 04144 Over 100 ;i0w ae'. Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Anderson, of Pe- the car In whi ruc1c -,'Late Howto Surreon Now Yon counts in A tow months %001111. plae.e by 4 streettar on Queen street, Tor. 090 and AUral Hospital, 4S trolia. The marriage. w1h take, 401d's, Eye ties lial And sl4tant t Room Onto, dragging it, -a distance, of sev. sarx the buskeM bulks I�rXs youift b4iiare IU7C Tbmt Hospital, toodon, E". early # June, at the end of the year. men."s Straw H - ALS a Waterloo Stw �Lq. s4rauor4. Tailsi. Kintar4iae $olt -Co, J)ropo�", Bring. enty-five feet completely wrecking *"One "'. L � . I * the car. . Miss Doreen T-amsm. was -an- At 'Rearora *rich, - from Ivjbk. lug in Self UA10041ag.c6al Boats I conscious and her sister, Miss Froma needay, Ji5ne 23-th, Thurs* The Xineardine Salt Co,'Is propbs' Toman, was ba* cut and bruised. A ne*.sbipateut of TNIgn's Straw Itats just received in tile latest shqes and 01 P. M-., to day, June 26th, u A P., in. in at njo,icriate prices 1 1 q - Ing bringirli ' a�lf;ui�104dlng` coal Duncan li;ngelt of Hanover, thedriver NOTARY ETC boats of about 260 Xoet� length as soon of PTLIV4 the car, and Gordon Itappei of the as the dredging of theharbor Is.,com- same place, 'were also, injured, The pleted and has secured the consent of Taman family W. NOTAAY PUBLIC . lived in SegioX�h until General Conveyancing done the council toerect an ur)lopding Or'- a, few years ago, wheri, they moved'to Ov"T Bell 7'010&11!� is Tr6g�teVep arir veyol� at the. east dock, ;�ong Dist CXr h. oat;. Ones staiw#, Church Uniou ile ielgrave asiA.Calvin The Late William Mundell An. CORNFIELD. LEQAL� CAMS Pre4yterlan and Methodist, An old land res�ected resident of CHA - 8 GER X. 0. The Toward vn drodtv4ns, who had rosideti. wii SID GODERICH olitirches of Belgrave ;mil Colvin have Turnberry passed to his E WARE Barrister 86lielsor, 11lit"I mile agreed to 'Unite and forp'X A umon, Friday,.Mv 28rd, In.the porson,of 4Aca the death of her brother a Xew ano on ancer charge, with 4 Presby-teriku minister Willi 'was bo rn ye 0 cb. House, Oodartch. am Mundell.­Ddtzeased ara ago, survive. in charge for thefirtt -four years, to In DrPnifriob, Scotland, on March VEYANCIN.0 AND NOTARY4 be, folloWed. by a Xethodisi minister 12th, 1839, and came to Ca ada in for the succeeding years., EMPIRFe DAY AT 09ORGE.,X OREENSIADR, June of 1857, staying iu Guelph until . ; %� ap vevAlletnor M4 Tiotary"PIT, d. COD- VICTORIA SCHO' .e.ech by C�urloa',Naftel. Miss Wig'. the National Antli6m­, Miss D. Bell I Read 'the Advertisoment!, Bank of Commerce Picitio at Grand November -of; 1801 when, he came to g class, gave another patriotic ex4 acted AS ACCOmPAIIISt AtWgr. Wilkin- 1 F MUORAN k HOLMES. Bend Turnberry and took up land �4t -GO 441,Vbat .1 Will Do,". Donald son for, Donild �,IeDonold.' ROW) 00T. played lot 9. Mayor ))opV, IE;. R. Wig.le, ]g. p. p,, orc, t Instoto.. SolJoltors, Notaries rwi. 'The Canadian Bank a. on, 12, where he bus lived;ever $!nce- and Rev. X g. Holmes Give Ad-. McDonald a sol urray The* PrOgratil was n ime Square Vnd. -66r tram officials and theirfamiliea within a Ife Is 4urvived by hiswi -A f * Commerce c lo, WinaVrod M very fine and the CASTOR I Idow and eight dresses areeitation. QiQra� by the school, choruses were, given. with the precis., #%y Loved CanAdiap - Rome 64WI 0 Ott 0 - 00detich, radius, I For WMAts IM4 ChAd.rea Note a to loan. %% lowest, rateic of ieventy-five miles held h ..of a family' -Viz, Mrs. P. Hackney, at Mr. Iou,-o I f a trained choir� get-together picnic at Grand Bend on Belmore; Airs. Goo. Gannett, of Blue- A very fine Empire Day program Wiglels address was og "Parliameh- 11D111JDLPY trol'BM".4, III Ma�,24th with � view to getting ac-' vale; Mrs. Thos. JArvis, of Toronto; was given. at Victoria school. on Fri, tary Affairs and Local Civics." Sovi ,­I�orms causs ;fntfuloess and. rob.. In Uso For Over 30 Y4ar* H, SiMpAori, of Wingbam'; day, May 30th, Owin W infant of aleep, the.gient nourish. I Alwiye beats -OF quamt9d, talking over I mutual inter- Mrs. A. g,to 'the Coot on of miss Potts pupils gove, a reci. e I b me; George, Of Drayton; John and Wil., weather the proceedings had to, be tation on "Empire Day.." 'David r* Mother Groves' Worm Xxtermin. C signature of ator will clear the stomach Land In.' Judgi Greig, of Bru R liam'.IL-of Turnberry, and'Thos, of hold indoors'and, the accommo4tion Wenger an interesting, talk on: the' teAtiven"and restore healthfulness eats, and having a good ti ce* es1gus XWross. whs ta*ed. "History of Goderich." Then came His, Honor A. 'Al. Greiig,.; junior v4e,i[Avs ��Jt. CAUV4. fit., %A. 'judge of the Comity of Bruce, has re� Killed in - Motor Aceident The-opeoilag number. was,"Saluting another recitation by Miss Veiita wat- ;Jjgned f iom the bench under We age- I The funeral took place on Tuosday 'the, Flag," by the 'school. Then. came son's pupils, "It Isn't Reining, Ruth alteynoo a chorps "Home Sw6et Home.', to Me," "'The All Canadian Drilpf )Vision. lRe was appointed in May 27, of Bert X"� Mcmi- ­ AUCTI, enjoyment of years Mayor. Go w! 0 months and 11 2006hip,,,A subject o , wh� he 4, xch _gave trance clus. followed by, a chorus y Irin 04" 0.U.rTAT, good health. .He has won high ro-s Air. and Mrs. William n SEE, US ABOUT, THAT OVEEHING 1916 And is still'th-1hp chael 'a 4A Ilowls address- was on,. IICUIJ� as' given by th girt f th " g% IR days, son 0 -qpect durbig his service on the bench, McMieUel, of YAMOS street,. Soaforth, some very fine ideas. Iv.y Clark gave the acho6l, "The Maple Leaf For- "Empim Day," BertrIm over.*; Jamos' Itedditt recited and ftl4s in e­,evk4,y , vot� mid I l(Hot th va YOU gatistselto Mr.' and 1*i- John Young, ofHen- an acel- gall, an -ace' M%vowt,"le Aotda. dlocoannim dent -on Thursday, May 22nd Mi patriotic exercise'L "The Vlag,' by dress on "The British, Empire, Its A reading on w 'BATTERY -ter. I Ralitoll stra. oilael A Who diiad.in ibe Aultman 'hospital, CAUton, Ohio, ag.'th6 result -of MeCre4th a recitation; en came a then Rev. J. E. Holmes' Savo an ad - NE alo%i - the engagement,. of Mkieliael,'who was,:61derai �rohibl' Miss, Wiggins'. class. Miss Vesta Constittition and Resources."... The N11 their younietst' daughter, Phyllia- tin Inspector, live& in Cleveland, And Wat4on's class 94,ye a 'chorus, ",The concluding number was "The Rects. Fully Guaranti ed' - f6 McKtI.LVP MUTUAL FIRS INSIMC-IC-8 W P1 0 .. Mar34 to Mr!, Robert Duncan, Har�. was on his WAy tj�'Canton Orr official Land Of the' Maple,", followed by A sional," as o. 9rui by tho:school, And 6 Volt ate e r 14 L 0D. nngton' est,,iyounkost son of Mr. business When his coupe. was strucR Werin and isolated, Talva Property Insu"it. "moo" V4111A or erty Ansured.op,tO.Janoly Philip Duncan, of St, Marys, the mar-; by a fag' eyr e an' a ,-travelling radial car throe Foril, Ch olet, OVA' nd Star jiage to take� place -about the middle miles frolf, the latter place, at a dan. $15*00 0 lafts-James Conolly. Pregident, Of JU11 geious crossing *here several similar lRderloh; las. Evans, Vica-Presideta. Wingluant Bowlers Orgaid" ve occurred. He died fif., -�j!f. E, I a. SOO.-Treu., Sea. Setchwood.. 'Jaccidents ha forth. Winghatii, bowlers, held an enthu., teen hours' later without regainibg MRECTOIR�11 T. McGregor. Sea t 0#.rC3 SIZES SUITABLE FOR ALL OTHER CARS L a. Grieve.' 101brop; Win. 'In. cog' siostic r6 -organization -,mCethik ri. eo�sl:iousnegs. I . .. 1 1 4 ' I . I . % . - staxim - Geor" McCarutel, Tacersint ;: cently,*when: the following officers a=WX*=WftM="� I -Perrii. - ohn ventlew so, Mrs. James . WAllacd, low 11stlook. < Broadbagan; Murray Gibson, Bruce- were elected: Hon, prels., Am" T'P- The . death of Mrs. J�s. Tvalla, TIRES IN FA 11- ABRICS and CORI~ field. I!ng,, bon. vice 'president, T ­H. Gib- took 'place at the Seaforth. hospital .. A0Er4TS-4..­W - Yee, aodericli - S a;. vice pres.', Lattelt, ClIaWn" ­.'M'n. criesuez. �Sehp= son; pres., J.�W. Hann early Motiday morning, May 29, 1924. FROM $9.00.-XJP X. Hinchley,.Waforth, Rev. H. W. Sppll;.sea.-troasi, C4 R. - Although � she had not - been in rood P-411% Holders can Pay tbeir's8sessmOnt" Wilkinson. i , le store,'Goderich, A. ;. health for some ehu4, all so Oood 'you - Nor. e had been around as usual until Saturday,,wlien McLAUGHLIN. alld OVERLAND CARS Clitbins Store, ountop. or 1. a A Ypry pretty wedding was solow-'she -became suddenly ill andiwas to, —*A- msW the* I All Kiods of 0& and Xce'lessories riRr. 1NSVRAr4CZ nized at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. molved to the hospital for an gU44L opera - Have it attended. to by the, Albert Gunning,. Blanghaid, on Wed, flion on aY, -but failod�,tro rally. WEST WAWANDSH MUTUAL Fift t" zesdiy, May 21st,'at high noon, whon The Into Mrs. -Wallace, whose maideb lei ,mid Established 1879 , ORA - 0 "their daughte'r, Tessa. Blanche, wai naihe Was Helen Cairnbt 'was �orn in t d Office Hea :, 111angarmon, Oni,' united in rn�rriage to Mr. Heiiry Al- Hibbert,,- township forty-geven,-years 41 M BELL RAT9.' TIMI't 01108 014110111011101110 POLLARS, Ian Jaques, Re�. Mr.- Xiteley--, of Con- her father being tbe.late John- Jno. A. McKenzie, KincardirLo, ttalia, o ffi-ciating. ago To EAST 14 GARAGE9 'Ph6ne 243 Harry,L. Salkeld,'R. Lt. No. 2, CaNs. About twenty-two Y*J�rs 490 RONTO .5 she was married to her now.bereaved Goderich. vice pres.; Airectors--Tim . On May 24th Vance Sanderson, hugband and for. ten jears lived Griffln, It. R. No. 71.,Lueknow; W. P. Winiharn, and Nliss' Lola Willis, a Comber, Ont., later - moving to Rood, R. It. No. 2, Lucknow; ff., L, young.,lady well and favorably known �mjth, and four years ago they 11lovea, Salkeld,. phone 600.rll, Goderiph; in into Egnioildville, Brussels, were. united in marriage o Alez Nicholson,. Lucltno*; Win, Wa t- at the IvIiiehell Metbodist barsonagej.' Passing of Allss*Cole. gon; Jag. Girvin, It. R. No.'O, Gode- b 'Rev. Harvey Moyer, Miss Lu rich; Win. JThompson, Auburn: ella' Sophia Cole, the last surviv- THOS. STOTHERS, T. 0. ALLENT, Vultjn� Brussels, and L, Sanderson-, ing dh ughter of the late Dr. Cole, one - brother of the groom, were the Attend- of Huron'.% earl Treas. Secretary. arit"i. y ploneerA, passe4 a. way at 13rantford On Saturday, May Little -Handford Nuptials .24th, after an filliess of a few weekg' ISUPE'RIORI� CLOSED Of THAL A very pretfy and unique wedding The late Miss Cole was. born in Dub - 4 was held on Saturday, May 24th, in lint Ireland, and came out whop but di, the little white church on the Grand a child.with her parents. Her father, Bond circuit, when Miss Irefie May who wasa Se-,dicaldoctoi, first settled Handford, daughter of the late T on the Yorna road between Varna and STIVIATF0111iD. ONT. hom- Bayheld, where he practised his pro - as and -Mrs. Nandford, of Ingersoll vrepares young mort and young formerly of 'Exeter, -ivas unite(I 'in' fession for some yeara. ' In the forties MO:DELS, women for Business, which is rovol md'iriage, to Mr. Jas, Georrm Little., doctors were not very plentiful in'this Canada's greatest profession. of lugeigoll. new country and while Dn Cole'lind We Assist graduates, to positiono Kin intended to engage in farming he cardine Council Will Not Submit found that his medical skill was need. THE 'Utility .,Coupe has over 14 cu. ft. of and they have 6, practical train- I ing which enables them to meet Watson Bylaw ed by'tbe settlers and he sooh gave uo space in reai deck. with succem. Students are re. Tho proposition of Mr- X 9; Wat- the notion of farming and spent all terod ach 1week. Get our free son for a loan of 00,000 to th� Wat, his tinre, practising hi,. pko&ssion. The doorg of this triodel can be locked as. alog eat ue and learn something a- sori r, urniture Co. to assist in the ex7;,, He moved Ito Clinton after a few, bout our 4ifferent departments. tension Of its. present factory building years, or rather to the Huron road well as the -rear deck, tnakinf� 't an ideal car and plant was turned down by.the jilst W(!qt of Clintona nd later into the where parking outside for 10TIV, I , periods is neces- D, A. McLACHLAN, council, which decided not to submit town, Miss' Cole has alwayq' ninde Prindpal. a bYlaw to the electors Under the ber '.home in Clinton, occupying ber sary. proposed bylaw Mr. Viatwil would own house on Huron street', but Phe have agreed to pay $ft000 per annum spent the past couple of wintr* Wide doors 1"I'lake getting in and out much rs I. - Brantford. her brother and ni CC ft,. easier than in m6st Other akee. rn F ophq, FOS Itev.'E. A * Four to Superannuate Af- siding tbcre� She was lookineg for. ter 48 Years In 211f;inistry ward to returning. to Clinton wh�n hei, C-Or"Pletink -18 Years of serviee in illneos veized her.. One brother, New SUPERIOR Utility Coupe, 2 Passenger GODFIRI fiH Methodist ministry, the last four aq Honry Cole, and her nieee,�Miss Ntil PAStor of Ottawa Street Methodist The Leadino Aiurch, Walkerv�lle, Rev. ri,. A. Vear will go on t1w,sbperannuation list at are futh prepard to -,-o#ur tho, end of lieXt niorith. Per. Mr. and Embalmers Four han field many tbargei in West. ern Oatastio. wid i3 - W,�ell known TIRES, SUPPL AND ACCMSORIES Or- ALL KINDS ordora oo-refully attended to throughout Toronto and London eon - at till houm—nighb or day� ferencel. and our Voqair 1)epartwent i:, in i,i Mr Edward BrockoH, an .1(:e, VI'o k�Ll U expert ltwchnni4 (A over 15 ear C%;J-Stjk!� f�`ve .011 Paving of Goderith Street, Seaforth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A raecting of the Seaforth counell ,was hold on Monday evenir la2t WVek to Conlider, the paving of Gode., k= DELIM'. ED, Includino Taxes. R. Vfteeler rich otrect. I Aftor discussion it za,� 4ceided that Slyor Golding, hle'301's- Utility Ow"'I . ................................ Funeral Director and It. 0. llayq and R. M. Jono�q be cent to Se d a n ..................... .$1,245.00 New SUPERIOR Stdan, 5 Passengc�? intorview the Minister of Iflghiiyaya in Toronto on Tuesday. The deputa-, W4 N Y-0 SUMMER E, A WIN CORNFIEI.,D S Differen W40 tion returned that eveilliDg in a hop,,�- 40deticht Ontuio fill mood that Isometlifirg would bo All call� pramntA%, auci4ciil 1,� dolle. 0 VD To Me DAVIS rormer Exeter 110Y Gets Important tLy or ni6ht. ro-4t CHE ftf%J'L"LT GAR A"U"E Phone, 83 Sopth Street,, Codettich Plioneg: Storo 335; ltoa* ^035,w Mr. Wellington AlIcti, MPTaggartj of Toronto, 'tin Exeter old boy, ha%. --- — ------ Ile 0