HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-29, Page 6=3 I t Y 3M. 104. I o:: 11 111 1 � I 111 111 111111111101111110011111 TXVXSDAY, MA IPA" SM TM GODEWCH ST"-- 111, 0101 M 11010110", 4 —.ii,imio - 11--___ � - On e. T—rr LiEd A NIGH G"UrARAN-v D FR-.. L TERvowDAY- IR ANDW,, A R a , ou Ito get Air at "'my time � you wish, no waiting, no fussing or dirty hose "'Air TUNER, whic' enables Y By Our New West Devic-_ Automatic Air Compressor, also -, , e�-1 lu- Water'Cighway, at to handle. Ju-st Otop and hip yaur,3,41f W11 13. --F.VMYONE, 2 r% ouR AIM IS TO'SATISFY - V. 0. Box 474 Also Distributor* for the VtNTEWLESS STORAGE BAT- RAN' is-R(Os. Phone 398 TERIFS—the Battew t1sat is Proving a wondeifu) succems ow KER. 7; ---- -- =_77- �:- an excellent prcpar-' . .... . t i V - --t -- .0. , , - I A E� W�N,'CIIEEKS I'Statea 06DOXCIS-0 Aye not'"tisfied with Afl a Vermil IfOlMod Castle, jilled the Position time We are already XetOr4F 80me-illk attho strto th of t1losr navy, And *re ption I* *other Gravti�l! Worm E, with dignity Anil a certain icliarm. ling of what the years -will Witold, t AND -DULL EY r0dy to support a program 'calling � erminator. It, bassloved the lives of ld Witbill t110 rea,countlesa children. Thtt was to be expected. WOVM N#W York 'and CttY*I$r for an expenditure of cut hund ralaid in a )said school of U00004ing post few days, simounce, the success. h Proof That the, Blooi 14 Thill 4011 and fifty sitillion .,dollar# to bring.ii, cring out of experiments of bor and thrift in very much, of a ful car Isaparf� "I -th of -the British Ut yourself gtid.not Vow Word* is roons cottaCt III transmitting pictures bi - OUttricity up to the wlen6 speak fQr you. snou, III$ little, two, telopbone wire. Thssi�,Akv navy. There, are evidences, on every . You will get only.09. glye, Asibank boa been -an IhiluencO of SOW over th It Is the blooA.11'4 gives color to bond, of A renewal of the ottrmlko to ,44111 In the community. Ifis"'worli: as a A$ tbe,.401* and 44tv 4f,oMfl*r the 0.4eks and liyz, IsAwWas, gbt. make the Various usylPs at;Ouger Sunday sebW teachei iW 104 Jer, and experiments but actual P1 neov, Jo the eye% if, your Wooil gets th# thely rivals. Premier MiOOolt­ PF77 lity of wWh are developed in tbi usual way 4 1 his steady progress to the digi 5. I*is thin the color will Udo anti the eye. aid of Britain, and President Coolldx_ ating Photographic A OPP a Best in the House of Common$ Oil of tre ibar im. of those interested grow dim. Sy 6411me this happOns of the united States. both 1*yo 6 IOUs to do Eos Speak for themselves. lt;amsay Mae. the 1da you will notice that y u :41re. vasly new conference on naval oifairovand listoxicatioK Llqmors estmot W TAU- porentlY not very Ons theX will bo able to transmit such 0 And no -doubt one will in held next year. r en lato 1'rAWHOA Provinces, jant], Grindell �Jatthews, the discover- Donald bad among his M;Qlving, men oroax the sea$ iust as 4134 alie subject to headafhe has *on to, Irrance to disguss vho by birth, training god. raulc ybotographe a Iiielcaches, for the blo;ldilrgQO�% '3Very. The fouling United States elections. r 0 10111,111 1 , e *i they did between the t%7-0 K IDNEY ,A considern , gaily there the offer of a huge sum for All might have bet. d as heing citles')iAns where n4,-tbe entirw oyatem fells would interfere witli any hope of sue - unanimous decision the $u rights Nothing will be Concluded I move $ustly entitled to this brief per- ea. In France It -was stat� the effect wilen, It becomes thil c!as f9r sueb a gathering at this time. -Ourt of Canada has lophold *(,#I Biro *&some - time ago. that propesr. -was WilUguis' Pink P C with ibe k)vueb, however, until the iod of exaltation than 14J,41111 WnJ ills. N.r. I P1 LLS tlgt section of the Conadst Temper- being made in attempta to igoa the wite Act wo'heh prohibits Ole impor- British Govermstlent has bad a pbance But XacDollald� who is a good judge er ments n"essary to enrich the blood,J For Burns and Scelds,-Dr. Thom. to *gain cousider the question, of men,.pvobably desirW to CMP114- person to whom one is talking ov this better bloW'atrongthenx. the As! Eeleotrlw Oil will tAke the -fire out tation of intoxicating liquor into pro- he bighqtt poll- the phone. up -to vimy cowidorable And And all the of 4 burn or * 111 * siz,e the lesson that t nerves organs of the body, Avoid, It shoulil ll� at Ebition Provinces- This is the rosult, Russia Woula 'Prefer Trading *Tre!a" tions in the gift of the government distance$, We certainly lbre in a of health to the, cheas,. bond in evemkiteliell so thAt it may ight with, the obviour" brings A glow K i a -quit brou ties to. War Are -open.to men of indqstvy�no matter wonderful age, o 4runtion of tbroviog wide the gates., bitightness to the eyea'iand a g.neral. be,available at any time. There, is Of Stories picturing Poland, Rount4nis how humble their origin. feeling , ol 'renewed health AW no - preparation reqittred. Judt oppiY 1,4RIV-S *H Passed or Pte. Q4t%.-j1 kh a F r k, a-.�d mo�-Ing the difficultie8 Of ClIf0i Soldiers' Bonds 131 he Oil to the burn or- scald AV4 the ce, act and Torkey As aligning theMSCIVOS 01 Avesigth. 151isi.; Florence 4ohnston, t irg, obtarlo*s own tomperau U is against any attempt 03i the Part Q� Russia Anxious to Resume �ormo Went's Ifeatt Stra,114:doPnt *;10 bas proved, the �aft� will abate -a-ad in a sho greater than, at presentv United, States v In f r� *il is=$, Pink Pius In together, rt time th Russia to rot and to Trade Ralatlosts rAK was expected the pvobable e case will be carried ske Bessarabia, the soldiers, Dostus bill al their alliance sea of this kind,. says;—"A V, Oil. have British backilog in Coolidge CA --lon -Jqj�,�p THIK Through its delegation In Londo Sen4te` Pustiel 'to the Vii I J� Cou moet all war ovep the v years ago I wait greatly run. down; offQred to are; no 490I)t, somewhat overdrown. Russia has pto of President RINTING AT It Is certaltir that Russia would havv to and the, measure UP b-990nlc law- _'my bI00,d­'0r48 very poor and mY nbr- Bank - AevelAtions '00MA to Tun tile risks of ,more dgbtij to British subjects prior Coolidge hims It had the courage of tem In ba4absOle. The,dot 110414 tackling. - t,114U, 19i7, Provided that' that Britain uv' a the er VX. bis, I like President vous sys 00"k 1118WHOn i,roumania, is she decideo to fore. term loan for It convi4itins an� tor said Any condition was due to im. awdust; It the continued vevolAtioas now issue, But it Is doubtful indeed it Is. offe suwh Havdipg"atood out,to the'las, P;Q.p��' diet and�litck,ofs -fresh = �11�1111,lelel rl�lty , red: %eing made regarding the 110me Bank Britain would takeany active Part if a loan, Whatever the decision on this tbo 1�40lire. it provIdAs a small b e, then commenced eating, *� fno4 do not result in the docjyjlon forgov., it came to hostilities. The SIN14lon rtioulor propPsal it would 66em t#, Cash pgyment'to, certain men',enrolled, advised and went out -daily for a ver# vroment insPect.1011 of banks it will t4f has shown a good deul of ftet of during the war and 'free ehilowme ivalk. 4 did' not improve, hovm two Qr tittee awaotolokne' be cortain tbAt an - arrangement surprising. Theif is A, great, 64090 during -the past insurance for some three million of gnd� was -much discouraged. 'A -friend -q1t sentinlent on this question, the in- it was declared some kind, acceptable in the, 1111410, to nation Is CAI- advised mo to try.Pr. Williams' . Pink and quite recently the mass of British people, will,be them, 'The cost t4 the' Itluerice of whitcli cannot be ignored. I that there, need. be no Anxiety As Itus- teaohed. Russia is $bowing herself ntat_.4 at nearly three billion diflarS Pills I Yost 0. time in gettift a sup -o. I sia wouldnot g� to war, The obarge, dous to resunii normal spro#d pver 4 periodpf twenty years, ply �h'(Itan Truthfully say that when to be most an: Afe to decl%rc. Ahat no in ky,, Invention -of a Uri. in tone of late is striking. The SO- other nations, and It,, iii Almost s . I had filiish4d tha,box I could note an The . "Deitt . J141. iny is reported to , be in vorY trade relatl6ns with los'sal alim b4%. ever heen'eUr #4 tish. Citizen Act Ar JsAl apparently, willing to Consider such 00 . vo Improvement.' Woni thon: on the -no and ab a putting iiiarked.' as. a . to -getting �ropogi 'woi steiidy. My Vomolf�x- ME s of claims And cou6t� fine shanpe, and tbrms which $11a would progress! Out of a 11148 tion. - Xt� is probable that, It Will 30b- Ion, which had one million Ore. Ov the field been P41,a'shd . . . . . . . . . . . tr-gliiizos of amaklog discoveries in a year, ago. 'JMttly baye' A` reactiond'ry elfegt "fended to assist lnitho'pr )st . , I * *,* ji�q ON" ogess of 6X. inimediatelk wit of taxes be to take oti"a healthy ut upon, the, proposed rodu�txon -Ad 'nations, human materiii t draw.froW4 B ugrall great deal' stronger and ray. up - terminating armies a ble that at the I Britis ise '21 'conlel.the delluite, annoujlc�m6nt that it, is. more than proba timc Russia would prefer to. r9uto ticiawv�will use it as a lev, vO in 'he �bealffi was 'fully restorea ' BWXe Woo h In To gru wli. 1h lentift A08wit"Ott to 144�t In the"Unit0d'States. , But many pt petite becamd norttalp abd� soon my in Aisgust '61, the Involtioll of A. present 0- It 1$, mpietW thitt - man!(., -now Ptesidential. c4iripaigii'this fail. British Citizen, is an actuality. It is Voncludo trading treaties with, Fri!inc, I . I . * � * '# 'L * � Williams. Pink Britain and. other gountrie t ipses of progresa'--wIll U/'caught -ink or clabiled Ahat -it isin, d6stroy not U�ow Anything about thoir , !' O� meethij of the BritiHli Asso� Leag' S6ttI '� Xeiile'l. barking upon costly '% R�, the t, Out of action par$. ue of Nations. 007 .46rful qualities, but now I recommencl and airships and Pu of clati for the. Advancbment them to. all suffering -from cimilar on r.%am-dviveit or any other, kind ofseu! in, Au,,, lan, the ia egfim Fhlps at isnOtesiso distuncogo that it'A Atider.geisme,tho KinaN It it, Science to bo held in Toronq other -good "Piece -of work,los ailments." llb�profegriollal Ty sentative t gust, �rearly five hundred V w o carri tiot akuo' of You Can gktbps.�'. pills front� an 'IT, ' h es salnples, th6 �avl fshrlivelup whole armies, and been acc9millisbe4 by the Le erfl_ Scientists who have gained world-wi4o by mAil at 00'cents les an out life In cities And. iroat areas of 11.1amlo" Brown, a, Scottish m 24iioni III Ville �.settlimettt Of the: Xe,-. medicine 441er or the lad' ' wbo Dizie of the OM41418 of the ber q parliament And a, miner by repute in. their 4spe0tIve fields Of b thebusiness In coufit0, mel dispute. This tbreAt.exiod to'ln-' *., ox from The Dr., M liame, Medi t( discovery hovo sigslifleti their intenm f:aet, anyone Who. requires rVitish navy have Next �vastly !in. trade, ho became tlie King's repro. volv:e . Poland an&, Uthunli'in wai. no., Co. drive—in Bentative with thi titte of his Grack tion to be -Prtsent, andzlit *11, sowde ti �Evvsed lis" the discovery, liud'are org The Council,of Amb4$0Ad9t$, 11 t the w6ans for personal transpolta DIV throe thousatid men itta Women. Vho$e' 'to . s W Vale th 1 Ing -the government to ado�t it and to the 'Lord, High Commissioner to the . *Vious phase$ of first tried ettle the dispute, Wster [say. Goteral',Aaaetably. of.t'be QUrCh of IlVea are devoW, to v --comw Lc�pro "Atiott'- ollow. will. favor., . i� 6W 4 aweliger it up,4n Four , guard Its sedrots, Premier Ing:- the exiP4i4m4iti- 01. 8,'f�w "TacDontiul, almdbis asswittes afo up. sc�tlaud Rua xjig;*d,tc� ten -days !a research will 4itend. In tho m e League tif Natiors Vho, .. I . over to th az6, Tbe,oftaligementq,viow are on SL Jill q111m, trong cbmillitteo t7o deal *Inch, more satisfactory basi the MeLay h a, but it. Is g ta.infor. The fugurM clei With it. Under ther arrangement'now said that tho Welsh, capitalis c reached 'MemeL whigh Lw a gr"+. kar- aster our Valve-in-.hiad the7eandtir bor on the Baltic, goes to LithualliA,.CSted Are convinood. 1hat a.41iyinandiday.Out. velop the . Albefta -coal . fields to , a es, rnotor And c�sjs insu,V but PoIAA4 is to haye fioe access to, point -where' -distribution of the,loUt-1 serviiz he . *"Mullne xnileAg4 4S very vid ­uplceep� is pea and free Uae 4) r it. it is in this k1n4 put taxi be bxndle(I with comparati Ts extr ely. low, y% in ap- re -ofoowoik tWth.- Leoguii of Nations e Juid: 0 nee, 1his ur is typically 4, is steadil;V winning A. high place,in Ch ipnosir in tht( Caua&an. mikket- AnCe 'and: P e pp *do �in-Blsl*- VOUt�Whe�el Brakes 48- Whoe i� is still thelasbio old for� Can, Age pensions t pJdddhi9;PtoV1(Ie 010k6r vs on this continent to 4 in s�bme qugrte sure safetY, preVen pvi�m I I -­ - I zs. committoe.of-thii ne&iatfon 44f congested tMflie,- try to, Ulittle its -!tlaefulness, its Vo- Hatifent is dealing with the questiou cord. of, goo -accomplished is 4 Work of old. Age p6slons. Sogner ot later beginning t* -assume rather temark� RE this will- bocorito a liv� questioit- in Although, ideally suited for Personal transportation, facilitatas A- short turning radius able Proportions. 'it has certainly 'Conads -in spite of the somewhat the tat has Ample room for fou 'Space. for i1mall savetl Vurope from several outbreaks M, "dely held 'belief that. in so yo f9r luggage is 'Piro ded. by ^ compart, wt ung a f. r. and a larger, of w At. be4mcl tht drive country. with, so much to 'he done,, to artmelit in the re4W of the body. Welsh Ifinevs May Develop; Alberta One s�h4ula, be. in need of assistance of OMP this It is incongruous 1 coal A � us ab� -Plan. em -.1 piyinent any sedtion of the � community sk utthe G.M.A.C. Deferred With thia announcement that the ployed I by PXo-duci4l or IDowl th� 41,,ek,. W. *AA, I tion of''transoartation"Of Coal' from, $Peet �of pengiotis after ye4iii. of str­ BEL Conatliari - i4ining tientres to' Other ite, wben the people who P� M v parts of the 6vatf$ At rates which " �It e 0 alm m Ite -be much lower thort those hith- taxes tar tarry an government. have' n erto "be'lleved to -be ther'W"Imum', East triett Gidrago Phone 24,3 - will no, such hope to, sustain th im 1 sick - P old age. mes the, vepott -that a, groll of �ess or; Easier C. Fair Welsh mine owners msy enter the' New, Conference. on Naval Affairs it Tea`r "'ICK .1,AlberU coal fields -and develop, ona likoly to M Bold. Nk MSLAUGH 'IN'.* B Many members '.of the United Olt ShIpW tp Ibis 0011nity and $Old llere' . . ill, :''j� an WCA VOY large stale. Walsh coal is being 1 kin't West out on the� tottd- �etment waAlks- 'WRANK Josses used to cousplain how he savet valuable time by Cycling JV zbout his feet getting so hot instead, iWw4king. aud achey -frarn his long: Walk$. to . if you gavei Vrar.&-a chance he would and frotn -work on'tho hard roa4g- teli you oil about the C.C.M, ViP14* and pavements. Crank TIAnger-tht Wonderful Vo*et One day When he felt snote tired, Plant %bit rcuupoudsi to the slightett, Pressure on thi pdd4s *04 imkes'160- and his. feet hurt 11101 NvOrse thau. C.C.M. Von so smoothly, quietly And uvs�oijj he bappened to see a Man 90 easily.. gliding by on. a, bicyzle�' lit, would %bow You the attO1111to w_ "Cycling is far easier than walk- erjul Jr;imes..of Bliglish Stainless Irtub- ing,'� 8,11d Frank to himself. And ing-the -brijbt sllvetY nickeling that " k* W�nijvust,becautstl it is done over COP06V All 'i'lly lqnv�, N911ile he wasi_w.jar Ing wi-eliv sparkling enamel that Is haked Oft t1lat t1lougfit L-ept running tl�Mgli over a coat of anti -rust so it will Igtand his roiod. �Xlh. snow 'Ala isil kin4s of *'tather­ That right, an . the way, hotne, he the new Gibson P0441 with It* tutt- dropped into a C.C11-dialees and roof gluminuist fralite"and the C.O.M. f1treules. Coaster Stake that coast$ .30 looked over the different C.C.M. easily, b , sis mil braltifix powtit, and Is Inodels. choosing one that suited "ountes ligitter than tbp old-style aide. bitn in every 'way. 0111. type. a � sitwe then Vrankls feet have had The C.C.M. dealtr wim Also be a rduch tnsier tign' and be's 4-01t 'cQrd. to tell you All about the 'C.C. f to in fa4t. llt�s boasting stow show you the view models—the tand- ard, the Special, the SOO-tt 111041A, thO a e ;w fine and fresh b,- itels StOce he ixtarted Cyeling. C.C.ft VVer, the Curved Bar suodel. tit jilso tella how quiclaly and -easily prices ate $1:5 to 420 lower that tue ho Cycles to work and 110WO a&VA—h0W "Ptaw, priets. A Big Dollar% value he s2ves the slaot leather l -a u5ed to f6r tvitry, tiollor you lw�tst Itt a C.C.N. 0 C m *C BIRD MaAe in Canada by TRIPLEX c.NN.A,D,A cyem & MOTOR COMPANY. Limited HANCmpt Mcitmil, To=:n�6 WESTON6 Ott, Will-Pos* Vahttat4it as Makers of High-Orade Canadion joycles for 24 X trar& a i r Aiso of C.C.M. JOYCYCLES—Iligh.gtadt,Hasy-:tuintning Tricycles .1h Red '"'Ji Pod auld.Cleveland Bieveles t � � to #Vto Atemories, Puts, I im " Tub" BICYCLES REPAINED Garao1Pian4MaChjn1e:5h0Pi ww"11 Mo. Cow. Vido6a AINA bmw MO. ""o 12"W 'ED MODELS T HE'Utility Coupe has over .14. du., ft. of space in rear ' aerl& , I. The'doors of this.rriodel caq- be locked as well. as the re�r deck, making it an ideal .4iar where parking outside for long- periods is neces- Wide doors. rna�e etting in an out much easier than in mosp other makes. Now SUPERIOR udfi�y coupe, 2 PAWnOr _Q. We are fully prepared 10 "leet your requirements in TIft M , SUPPLIES AND AL06kSS6RI#4 OF AUXINOS alid. our Repair.Department is in charw of M� Ww" Brockt1l, an expert algellanic ov over 15 vve ean tfte you the liest of setvice. Vvtct Ogumpws 16datuft Text$. ttility coupe .............................. 1*W SUPERIOR &4", 5 Pusenger Sedan . ......... ........ T-* M. DAVIS 'GMAG-E vhoft 83 South Strett, Godt&h �i mom .1 Wis. West out on the� tottd- �etment waAlks- 'WRANK Josses used to cousplain how he savet valuable time by Cycling JV zbout his feet getting so hot instead, iWw4king. aud achey -frarn his long: Walk$. to . if you gavei Vrar.&-a chance he would and frotn -work on'tho hard roa4g- teli you oil about the C.C.M, ViP14* and pavements. Crank TIAnger-tht Wonderful Vo*et One day When he felt snote tired, Plant %bit rcuupoudsi to the slightett, Pressure on thi pdd4s *04 imkes'160- and his. feet hurt 11101 NvOrse thau. C.C.M. Von so smoothly, quietly And uvs�oijj he bappened to see a Man 90 easily.. gliding by on. a, bicyzle�' lit, would %bow You the attO1111to w_ "Cycling is far easier than walk- erjul Jr;imes..of Bliglish Stainless Irtub- ing,'� 8,11d Frank to himself. And ing-the -brijbt sllvetY nickeling that " k* W�nijvust,becautstl it is done over COP06V All 'i'lly lqnv�, N911ile he wasi_w.jar Ing wi-eliv sparkling enamel that Is haked Oft t1lat t1lougfit L-ept running tl�Mgli over a coat of anti -rust so it will Igtand his roiod. �Xlh. snow 'Ala isil kin4s of *'tather­ That right, an . the way, hotne, he the new Gibson P0441 with It* tutt- dropped into a C.C11-dialees and roof gluminuist fralite"and the C.O.M. f1treules. Coaster Stake that coast$ .30 looked over the different C.C.M. easily, b , sis mil braltifix powtit, and Is Inodels. choosing one that suited "ountes ligitter than tbp old-style aide. bitn in every 'way. 0111. type. a � sitwe then Vrankls feet have had The C.C.M. dealtr wim Also be a rduch tnsier tign' and be's 4-01t 'cQrd. to tell you All about the 'C.C. f to in fa4t. llt�s boasting stow show you the view models—the tand- ard, the Special, the SOO-tt 111041A, thO a e ;w fine and fresh b,- itels StOce he ixtarted Cyeling. C.C.ft VVer, the Curved Bar suodel. tit jilso tella how quiclaly and -easily prices ate $1:5 to 420 lower that tue ho Cycles to work and 110WO a&VA—h0W "Ptaw, priets. A Big Dollar% value he s2ves the slaot leather l -a u5ed to f6r tvitry, tiollor you lw�tst Itt a C.C.N. 0 C m *C BIRD MaAe in Canada by TRIPLEX c.NN.A,D,A cyem & MOTOR COMPANY. Limited HANCmpt Mcitmil, To=:n�6 WESTON6 Ott, Will-Pos* Vahttat4it as Makers of High-Orade Canadion joycles for 24 X trar& a i r Aiso of C.C.M. JOYCYCLES—Iligh.gtadt,Hasy-:tuintning Tricycles .1h Red '"'Ji Pod auld.Cleveland Bieveles t � � to #Vto Atemories, Puts, I im " Tub" BICYCLES REPAINED Garao1Pian4MaChjn1e:5h0Pi ww"11 Mo. Cow. Vido6a AINA bmw MO. ""o 12"W 'ED MODELS T HE'Utility Coupe has over .14. du., ft. of space in rear ' aerl& , I. The'doors of this.rriodel caq- be locked as well. as the re�r deck, making it an ideal .4iar where parking outside for long- periods is neces- Wide doors. rna�e etting in an out much easier than in mosp other makes. Now SUPERIOR udfi�y coupe, 2 PAWnOr _Q. We are fully prepared 10 "leet your requirements in TIft M , SUPPLIES AND AL06kSS6RI#4 OF AUXINOS alid. our Repair.Department is in charw of M� Ww" Brockt1l, an expert algellanic ov over 15 vve ean tfte you the liest of setvice. Vvtct Ogumpws 16datuft Text$. ttility coupe .............................. 1*W SUPERIOR &4", 5 Pusenger Sedan . ......... ........ T-* M. DAVIS 'GMAG-E vhoft 83 South Strett, Godt&h �i mom .1