HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-29, Page 3N PAOX TUB=
*AY atis. 1"4- TICE GODEWR STA I R
W�m Commid by
300 log" A. mattliews. stay�w,
Pat, wfited.-441 ilio4glit I wi�qld
Write 0^4 toll YOU Of Me belitlit I %XV*
sow tow weatlis ago I was trow
kW witili bed hW wlkielk Tomko set
me sar fus is the mature of pitaples,
Wk tied Aagworn, asid I got so bad,
I "Ireally 4" got kxow wut to 40. 1
we^ vuwa to go saywilliem, *114 tlw
sail burails; tau$" 94tk a
torribli "Mostlow 1'4:01010, 40 *0 relief
4&r Or,kitislit. Ono day a friend,
advised ke to use Dattaek. Blood Bit-
tora. I UN(I 03te bottle and felt ittite
s, rolief, *ad 1by tke- tial* I liAlk t*k4*j
t1kroo bottles I was, coat*01.r t*-'
Roved. I
**A x impe, ouY93 Amf4sa iore I Was
will got tits same li.eaelt- 1,rocolvad., �
"-a is uslaufaetured 011Yky Tbo
T. X0114ft Tai"tas
A. N. HOIST, 0 e
Graduate Mole" a I
-, Licentiate We I
Boarels. $. lat 340111
orwomen And childre at frke.
cm corner No �n St SIN sts,
Successor to Dr. 111111 1 forth
Dilit gyr, FAIR, NOSE, 'tHROAT.
tAte House surgeon Now York 0011141-1
into and Aural H(HIP11141. Assistant At OOM
gold's Zy's, Bestial Wd- 001.4m, 6411are
Throft Ho"Atal, �, ondon, Ir.
63 Whtel'100 Ot. $I, stratford Tell,
#*one 267.
At Bedford 1101elo ertgli, from Wed-
aesday,'hlay 24st. 0V m. , to Thurs
44�. May 21.1ild, # P.
V Aq
oeller:F(convoysbemir done
oww= oat,
Ell, 1C. Co. NOW
8srrioter, 5tilledor. . 7
L Ind &Ayerincer
offlob Con" Bod", G640rlil,1114'.
'6R%ZX$L*DZ, sartleld,
veysucim Suit NourY Petit
]ROUbl'60T, * ULLORAN & .. HOLMES',
varristors.-'soucitors, rfoftr�es
tici lie.
dttle6lo she square. Ind. door
tiotunton art oerlefta,
to can
4WeROUD=, Z 0-, - - Sur.
A* i 0-S
RRISTURS11 14? T16.
11CIFful coutlseil froal a Wide y
kDown powry E4 Nked Fro- M Our wies
Don't filiterre"I at tbt* start-IF04,09 k to C'eukatil coo
.Nprouled 14.144, 4 rariled, tiritirly-- lwod - wjob," of " uftd hVies WA stow
Give Tbein'lifleut) lot 4014-FV"l 'N%C41l-F4"WW'AVtft,#( row Save wickout SACAel" Quarity
t.i.= ft-wintionowill. .
1A -WA 11-1villut"ll) or of Comwet" 14-0 Atdaw at 11 1400MV-U4. wit The 4cost of livirts IS 0, Moot listportant ques6w The Viroblow
blircrenit ilor" no ukilialla F00 4 flot". Bro" sow whereby cost con be brOuglat down without 1OW66146 tb* SCA10
ontorto 1*P4rtlhoa1 of of JiVing is , one that %Very housewife M& to 4COlIttilld With-
TairtMIL4 our exctip% those wbo shop tegWarly at DOMINION XTORNS,
Whom quality , 1#7 alwa
groceries a Ila be 1pult4hasittl at 004%441t
Nei ft -ed Is given until 010 chicks Seatotth Baseball Club has elected cl�ett to visiting With Oftero do ya btw y0i_ low VtRos. Prove It for Yoursel Ilds woelt.
aro *#Arly three days old. Water lu;AY , '%?. F Mrs. jm Itit
th4 follow!"K officers: �Prts. " her 4daughteV. IMVS. Will Lale. of RIP- 0001 we hoar
be given to Arjuk it the chill is,,ta4vt' Keralake; vice pres., Cho,% Aberbairt; it
a the NCO scc,treas,. Backu lev =I 1"*rk* osk her R"
s; member of WIM HFj"Z1"E03UNSWt% I
Off. The chicks live give -e- ur. jas. Lane, sr., spent a couple TAIlla Wk **A togs
QpOu Clean boards about elglit tactics U'lgric cXceugve, Reg. Roma
wide. There alust be pienlY Of bO 11 . .. Put$ in. Modem Light- of illays lost Week In Ripley visiting "Ohl Brown X" us out, iiawl *09m - 20C
11", Blyth citurch with relatives there.- . 11 tb* 140114 rt'.
,po the, lie oil, ST
it otere 4room, on t am log Fixtures Mr� illuil Mrs. Wilt McLelaflftif Ut- 11s up every
eyeq thica. A boaril three teDt The . mainagers of St- AudlrewfffilW, spent Thursday tyty,1119 with *so ca , W, SOVEREIGN SOVS921aff
I e" Nvide will give thurelis Blyth, have had the ehurch the lattees sister, Mrs. Geo. Lart - 8OCXZYX fjg�
its; inia� 091k Inch BRAND 4OCXXYS
room enough for litty chicka. Zu tliv r&wlred to suit the byiiro-ilectric and It sod kvole known SALMON, lellll* -20c
start. So says Prof. W- It. Grallaal, current and- at the same time they Mrs. Charles Alton and little by th*t I time vbAt Is SALMON, I's - -OVU-
put In. modern indirect ceiling A�K- daughter, Peru, of Toronto, are visit- I -, I GOOD. Ripp. touoru BRUNSWICX�. .25C
Tbo. chicks ter the Qrst few weeks ing with.her brother,'Mr. Cyril Camp- li"dw SALMOM-l's - -22c saagiNss. to
AbQuJd lit) fed abotit. six times daily lures. belt. aftwa, is proud of his OOOD.ItEDICOROX 25c LOBSTER .25c
SALMON, Vsfo, 2 for
at regular Intervals. uIve, the 11"t Blyth 'Platilng, Mills Mr. and Mrs.lRoy Alton and chil- groq*ry busiMs. lie
reed in the, morning as early As We Blyth planing mills*'will be in run- dren spent a day last week with Mr. Now be. it is Xrowitte.
chicks can see to eat and the last At ning order shortly. The TAVIVinevk and Mrs. P�MV� Or.0401, Of ShOP'
night as late as possible. it growing is being rapidly put in place and ar- I*r4ton. Ile awn't depend on 4 COLD BAR
chicks in February one feed may bo . "the HAWAIIAt 25C
i , rargements Arobeing made to suppl�14 ),Tr� and Mrs. Abe Vint,and family CRUMED PINEAPPLE
given at rligut using artlocial.110L power from a large gasQ11no'enginO motored up from Stratford and spent three. Clue t6 buy with;
Welt overfeed awthe.Start- until -bydm is turned on. Saturday and Sunday Witt their, re- out to sell with axid one
MAny chicksure -overfed On, tbu Be in Darkness for Six latives here. to take Order$ *V"- WIIZTZ SATIN CHOICE, MEATY
rotart. We bay* adopted the plat) for Blyth PASTRY,FLOUR PRUNES (largo)
.the drist Ove or six diiyaln the brood- Weeks Quite At few from around here went 'He )mows the Tgue 4t 24 lbs. . . . . 29c
or of weighing the feed. An expert-. The hydro -polos tire being placedito Ripley on Wednesday, Dollar DaYA lli� SWA148DOWN 'A LO - CATSU113
but they Were 11#AeqUAt0 tq*PM4At in-
,enced feeder way riot need to, weigh In Blyth and the dismantlilag-of tile looking for bargains, 'It CARE VLOVR MACARONI or
tbqL feed, but the beginner general'y old poles will begin. shortly and the not to be found. Uied.
a 0- D. S. L. BA��Xt SPAGHETTI Olk
ess for six Or Born. in wingllam. hospital, on fume$ adt- POWIDE) ,
doos better by weighing It. W jown w.,ij be in darku 1. tin C 2.1b. plitts,
low -one 4unce of tbeidry all :M* your
Iture for
overy drtr chloui.itto%ch teed; that eight weeks. Thursday, U47 16th, to Nt- And Mts, quat6j AVIX.t SEED 9 4 -lb TIN
is. no qljl�ks, for their firot Ove dayfA Wingbant �haraber of Co Re- Will Rutherford, a son. We v*ond L
An the bro . ojer, got more -than At, organizes m7pe, our hearty congratulations. $INS, 2 a. .29t P UM SAM -MC
CRISCO G. 0. or LOMBARD ail*
ounces of dry, teed to. fiftY chicig, In 0 . hamlier of Commerce The following from East Ashfield .29c PLUMS .10C
"t day. The'plij followW to to ULVEROSE
-stic, W. S. attended the Maitland Pres -
�Otqlsteti the-firot food With canned as reorganized .,at An enth -83C RIcE, 3 lbs. .25c
tomatoeo,"the secouO. with eggs, atilt rueetint and will holdregular mouth. bytoilat held in Walton Tuesday, May
20th. Nmrs, jAmes Little, Miss -Mary
the third wttb rallicedliver. and,tb'en ly meetings. The following officers ]ROMADRsTOMATO 23c D. S. L. CORN .29c'
bogin the' jKriva over .4gitin. The were, elected: Ilon. pres., W. F. Viat, Rev. Mr� and Mrs. Cummino XETPHUP. (quart) FLAKES, 3 for
above amount, �will not matsify the Vahstone;- pres., T . . C. King; Ist irlee,' And Margaret and� Mr. Adam John. A*" ANN ilia NEW .23c I POST% .17C
chicks' appetite, They '%411 CrOatO 1k T. J. McLean; �nd vice, J, W- HArilin stone- CHEESE, lb. BRAN
great noise at eve7teeding time, but 3i4 vioe, N. L. Pry; secretary, Abn6r.: mom
,tt gives Atbatioe or the chick to ttb-- To be of' use in the. world I;. the on -
C tyeAs.. C.. r. Smith.
Iforb completeir the -yolk 14 the b60. ousing; of the ly way �o be happy. RICHMELLO PR0DU%.-)L&-7
AftoFr the firgV period One should Death Of Former Warden A merry heart doeth good like
to i 'on Store*
I'medicine be abtaill�edoaly 19k DQUIlial
feed two or tUlree times each 'Aay sit county The bull -dog wins because hohangs
Wat the otil0sowill eat, Exreeve 13 & Cook, of Fordwich, 013. JOU'PRINTING AT THE KrAlt.
.We beSIA glying,it drinking vessel who ivas war�ien of Huron. CountY hli� -79C .33c
each of water and. Poor; milk, when
ceir old, 1899, passed, away at his hom6 in' qO�F]�Plp-.
the chicka are about , a V RtCHMELL0 RICHMEL 0
Corr .1 lb. COCOA, 1,j -C
M xny glVe agur milkto drink at the Tortinto recently,. Deceased. carried
start, buf',we- have
obtained sliglitlY ob, a ivate bank in Fordwich fo
bettor to A by'not giving,tbe milk. And a one ency bust..
�tilt yeirs did g ral:ag MAYFIELD BRAND
for the Iftrat three orlout days. ness.
OfAt AYMER 'PEAS 2 BACONwsichine
,Veed'Sprooted and Cracked Grain. Death of Mrs., b a-vid Grigg ft-
hwot I Pi and C�.ORN 2 for
Whew Cho elifelti; iiass. the second." Ma ed wife of Mr.-
rtba Kcm�.belov
week, sprouted trains may be\tod 6*ades 4%AW4Vl
Also a little cracked grainar. Th; David Grigg, for many years an OP, -
I" I A ... ;derif of Winb1am. uasqed
eltange. should be made griiQuallY
trom; tornatues, away in Provost, Alta iy May 28th-Oirth of William Pitt from the moment Frained aeclaired war
egga. and. liver ov6r recent rje$L against BrIt.ain in 11793 hift'popblailty WE SELL TOSATISM
to g0routed grains, tender groon Two brothers, George and JoAefill, By Ch* idla InAwave.,withAbo., general Tubllo
gj,as�, it AyalhAblP, ind a little grain Kerr, owned - the planing mill '11ft :,. One h.j.d...d i'lild slxty-five'yea , is ago# bej*v. to 4ealinef'but his power,ottio
Wingliarn soth ' on �Mxy 28th*L 1759, NVIllia Pitt, tbQ Corritnotia remalaid 'dusbgketk Until thLOL
if log wealcue.;s 1-1 uoted, the tomtlt- e years 4go-L'.'. u� - � Ch JB01,
tdos;and spr'nvilf,4i grains should tie. Prbgress- on Uru ,younget, Was born, doLy1flatall uthis lifinlUttY in MOM I
jacre.t.4c.il Ilr til, elli,.1.4 . so as one of the, very rare lust;tnelbs -8-1notV Slit fillewts
put out j els Methodist I He w After tbro'ey a
Church 0 .6, �Al achieve. 0-A
doftcon, MoaAl" 441ffjjLj':' it irs,
. .4 . �4jj on DeNv
-round �mtr. 6iid never to brood'
The lirieldaydrs got work- at the�
rrussots Methodi*t church, repairs
PK .10I. - JP 2 Fit bi
life realized the 'PrOTIllisO
o He was the second son
of %161Ah=dt ir of
again elk uwlj IM V
May If*4. and, Accepted thO task with
the fail teution of taking .0howled
twa I ots (if e h ic R A ov i i i P� same trou 0 it
Monday of last'week And are in a); inx
William Pitj the fir�t Earl 69 ChathAtu)
I -Aisson's birth wets at
James Foxo Via great politletht rival 111
06,59tock and C -Priers' mirwaser.
11411111ton att"t; (ioilorleti.
sales triads everywbere swilil all arr.orts
7 Oil Slit i5r"ti'ln
tit, roar, NI a ny
Jit aby 0 chicks' Are
nont Ln -for ox-twinhtion each year
tliat have-. frou bl(-, isue to land infeLL
good beadway, Xestrs� Sr own , slid
Parke, Uitch6ll, have the Contract
for the and
who at the time of 'to
tbo'gonithotWisbrillian0c;Lmel,- Frorn
air etirl a the boy was epeortraked by
to take Interest in public
the Cabinet, bai be foolishly yielded
to � the Itinjifoo aversion tOL For. and ro-
trained from Including the great states -
in his For� nearly
jars KjAsim
HAO" OD F.L10,0Rjjt
notes disersIvAlfd.
mason'work plast�rirg,
er *U
Arof jAl 4D I I
lilsqPNvill lip roiltid advailtagOO411
froul tro ugh or
*.Y Drowned
aftsirA, audiwas systo Waticilly, trained
byhlui in statecraft 'anel politicsi. At
two years he stragi ed agatuo along,
Mira u til big h
series of disast I ealth' wjLjjL
if reedlm- chieks
broods olit of doors to move. thp
Eddie Ryan, siX-YeaT-Old Poll Pf
the Age of 7 William Pitt the younger
c. stralti,,and
otpplettly sbattored by the
Tj IL L TlRjt
boards or,t, figlis a tle very feed
Mr. -and Mrs,' T. Ryan, of Xincardine,
was thoroughly acquainted wfib the PQ-
lie died January 9 -3rd.
all; the age of 47oa
Likewise It must' 64rera em bored. was drowned at the mo n ox the litid&I position of thodayo ROO Av 14 W 1806 the 26tu unuivOr8ti Ot, &no
-when the chiclin are fed Indoors. to river recently. The. body visa found able to discuss public questions with upd; which he first took his Belt in th
lrolti* of p to 4.snux�f. something ot the wit AA Viere i6d be
&M Inland. 4 keep the feed boirdii clodn. bj the father close to the lighthouse 4 wisdom 01418 Houise ot:Cotatnons.
000003-4aum 0A0114i President, His csi,rcer u,&$ specially notable,for it tuti
ae-presidout; Give Them Plenty, of Grit, After a two-hour search, by neighbors. big private life.. no Stibs I
dollerleW.; Jag. 04US; 11 OWWg to ill-bealt'll be wai not sent to the purltv of :but his tit-
aWtil000il; T. E. Has, SM -T"98.. 6" Grit Is at -ways In easy access of the Street Dance in Smforth any of the. great public schools And ro. ter disregard for money resulted In his M you enter a home, the
mrUL acks, it Is advisable and necessary To - fittingly celebrato- the comple- ceived his early edneation filom I m debt. This Aur urou fgature.'+Ut 64ov Instant
01RUTORS-D.- McGregor. swilfth; 'cl it r a PT lr� dying deeply Ij
�G. Wdvo. Wijittiroli.- Win. 'Wrin., Con- to aad &'little oyster shell 4 St 0 &to tutor. but at the age of Ila be enter- his memory was remofed by Parliament imprV611411 an you is the flootv�
Aws. George MccArth , Tucks"rattlil. the`tow pavement on Sea- _1 Cambrifte
R-- rticlLaa to thp ration dally A tiOn Of Univerattv, -where he -ft #1h. finin of s2 rm to be paid to -L-- �jt A
. I . I 1 -6 #
Murray Gibson,. Brade. certain arriount of lime Is necossa r$t
toba Porrls; Harlocir, ohn Betitiewliliv- ry, fofth main street, the Seafoirth Old greatly distinguished blinsiltas IL JuSth- bis nutoetouR crO440
gtoadbggan., ng for artitico am *too Aw the lack of
on are arrangi 01161ay., add
Wiiuldy foods, dirtj feed boaids. Boys' Ass6ciati ematicIA and classitlat-9 wo hardw9od fioojs;,. They add
del& and rijusty litter are to be allnld(ld. . y I I rgilia- . p -
a -street dancing earnival for .7tine In Januar 7 1 he' entered ut And ebaracter and Oft -
'140 E06dericll 0;andy " . := y
j;jltM, anitlin Win, caesney. fiWorllft ; Moul4s,kIll large nurnbers of chick4, .96 P. m. Th d a'motith att6rwardshis matil- jr of permanence.
. I " �'.. jjouse is �lean and the' Ord, commeneing at .8 h latonighed. and delighted the
IL. inne Y. 8"torth. 110 suro,-, Sieaft)rth Highlanders
V 'll your, "gand, the Or&
P6117 oxietir"m � ttl6lir. No matter what llicstle of
Nor! fifter, a DO not lts� cut
W - KP.NT* , HARD.
%%... , &a M
Cut$,* I Zd' Rues orchost�rit and other mj,ji6 House of Cooitlions. . Elgbteft motltlis
W& K ot'rausty. for baby' scent Five SEAMAN
bitbin barley or rye straw, as litter later'be was given the Itubortant post of
a. In will be provided and t*o blocks Of 'fillaftellOr Of 1lbe B3(0h4;qU0r With A
chicks. belikusetbe beards may get I I -v-Oak, Maple, 13.irch
es� 'Good clear lit- -the street will be roped off. lboose
Into the chickso ey a Beat in the Cabinet, and he hal not Com-
rIRZ 051FRANCIC falfa mitkos the beat chick litter W�[, Hicked, ij� Fage' by Horse pleted his 26.th year *boim he :becatne 'or 11=1111, you, will: kooiv thot
atht and hio�
Rave it attendtd`to by the dt CC have'used. When ft gets. soiled, Or Pritne 'HintAtbr.' He hold thig tiffice yours Is a fier w quality
WW WAWA*011111 11110TUAL FIN INSURN dirty remove - alid.- replace ft with Mr.. Arthur Foyd, son of Mr. NVm. ithout a break for a rrkpd of nearly trade floor-excollentin
perfi:Lt in workmanship.
elf -an, litter, Ford,.of the At con. ok Usborme, bad w
Established 187s seven -Wen years, dur ng 'Which tituO
Road Office: Dungannon, Ont.' lsfortuu6 "to be kicked in the Britain waii ORSS1, no of
Feed the in through' 0 X611, Phone op Ivelle
face by' a horse on Tuesday of last the greltteat rises in, her history,
uiel Ur -)rd had jus
McKenzie, Kincardine, ber of fee F t turned the Hii Was tb)t first statesman to realize
jilo. As the ciiielot got older tloe igum,
V11 , in a the Importatit part which I
day uiuy bp r,�;l
8 horses on 4ustry was GWerich Plawing MiRs Co, L14
'JZ�L hem
pres.; Harry L. Salkeld, R. t;o'tbat at oil tgp v)f sevi�n wook t when one of , V
,Goderieh, vice - pres.1, direetors-Tim tlirk- or four (��4 por da.V are-sutil playful mood W e and.ki-l-ed- him destined to play In prowoti 9 the Wei-
, M Id c., I fare of the world. And that ilia best se- Godcrich, P. 0.- Uo% IGO
Griffin A. R. No. 't, ]GUcknow; W. P. cleat; in fdat, atier dij.- sl,-coue, wovii inilicting a flesh wourid belovi the ,rit peace Jay JAL the freedlitil'and
utercomrso bo.
oats or ilry wasu 6hin that required four stitche3 to .*,dy 'or at J.. C, (. liflillik"s
Reed, 'R. R. No, 2; LIAcknow; H. L. boppets of crilshed 01.9 of commercial I
Salkeld, phone 600 r 11, Goderich; ula§ be olaced ill tile Poll. '11h, ft -1 A close. tweennations, Hig rule. marked a new limilivare Store
Alert Nicholson,, Lucknow; Win. Wat� Gr luolst niasii are continuod at what- do r Ilritish statesmanship. and
uparta 0
R. No. 6, Gode- ever amount the ehlvk�; Will. Wean Lit) Armstrong -Gould 'Nulitl3ts d 'I.It th first half -of his longthy ad, DIT 1,
Dept. Of kXtLjjSjoll, (j, CoAle,;tk
son; Jas Girvin, P f "at io't
rich., ;Fr�. J. Thompson, Auburn A quiet wedding took place in injuistrat on# he was the greatest sub
? Windsor on Ma3� 13th, when Miss jeeo Ila the world, and wielded a wider
THOS. STOTHERS, T. 0. ALLEN, ter of the late power and Inittlence than any of U181 rA
Leila Gould, daugh
Treas. a -lit
Secretary. 1 1), 'evill ba. e%. James Gould, -of Exetev, wtk,; u0ittil pivileeessors.
Tilt- qw-stion is likavatty anic-, He was essentially a peace minister,
vj b..0-1, . in varringe to Mr. Ernest.,AL'rm-, And lacked many of the requisite quall.
regardili4 till, b-ost 41a, strong. Both bride and groo . fientions to succefisfally carry through 0,
millet far lwy prouueiloti, k1n teter.
vral years lit aj�et�-will an ext;W11. well and favorably known in sustained and vigorous war tiolidy.. and
CENTRAL ment has been cond.ac�pif at'the ()it- The former is a sister of Mrs' We$-'
tailo Agricultural Uolit-go 1,y sinviti
g ley Lamporte and the groorn was at
millets on each of six daferent, dateg. one time employed at buttermaker tit
atarting on May 15th and fiuisljilj4 the Exeter Creamery. They left for
STRAT110101`10,� OliT. Winnipeg, where, they will reside. S 40
oa Anguit Ist, allowing abouL two
pteppres young men And young wepkg betwvvij each two dates, of
women for Business. which is now seeding. Tile averag-, results ilave Car -Slid Into Tail Race at Berimillor
Summer pea s
Canada's greatest I profession. 1311own, the higilest. retirfus fivill simr. iroved a verV
What might. have - p
We assist graduates. t Naturally, varjouos pion P-nif
0 positions Juno lat.
serious accident occurred at Dentrill-,
I Ile or,
and they have 4 praeticil train- it 0 lie japaneod Uarn)ard -and tile ler Friduy, May loth, %jhile lvlrs-'�
ifig which enables them to meet ja�anosu I-aniclo riquire to be fumn Volle Dresses itt dotted florql desi,101b. ill light ';h, des,
with Success. Students are re. tariipr: than tho RullgAil4t, GkI14W -1ohn Aitken, Djaster Gordon "and tritnined with JaCe inSertions and riblion�. adapted tg�r
. .........
gis red es tm. tiborter re L at3on for Mrs. E. Monroe, Clinton, were out �prices rangt! from $2.75 to $1.0.7w.l
ea;te each week. Got our free which �,-qul * I stinimer use,
a, lit motoring, As they caniC-doWn to-
ogue, And learn something A- dvvolopm� ards the bridge at 10cumillor Mrg.1 Hatine bre$SLIS in livc (411t! T';�Ce Ayk.", �,PCCNI
bout our different depattin0ts. Aitken. tvefit. to Put on the brake Im" A I
9L40p the brood Sow In good ilirifty freely and 8elting priee, $3' A
D. A. XcL&CHLAX, and livaltbilY colld'-tilill. Allow her which did not work verY Str1a US ABO
pj(�nty of exercise, *Fced her 6r while she was ttying to manipulate I.adies' llhilofed Skirts in
fuoa in. tljt-- winter. Shd*-Io very it thevar turned a bit and slid.d.)wn serges, special price, $1.45. DV
foud of ahaifa hay and mangel Wets I It into the tall race. The mill
with utte teed pyr day of tftlddliftg� the ban
and itilik. Give b, , er aAry cornfortabie hanilu idlinediately ran to the r0cUN!, NEW, BATTEX16 I
rtraw bed, also Plenty of frPall watvr. tile Decupants nad the Cal, W,�1`0 drcg-
and S:le will winter l In printo con- Led to safety and no particular barm SpringStats and Coats 'Volt I I Plate Fully Guaranteed, for
ou BFU dl4oti, Was doje -except that the �Oceul)urlt; 6
So ! inearia has oald that the bNt received an untimely wetting qrd A large variety Of SllitS alld Cfjat,� hl tile 111o"t. f)(1pular
GODF-910H VIC ades, �lftde UP ill fillest Ford, Chevrolet, Overland and Star
tc)aellcr in a community Isn't IlwaYs --olne minor injuries rand nome slight st s and sh
The WOO tile Ono- in cliarg., of thb sellOol 415 danlrigea to tile car. It m1f,"lit huVO 0 C1;4llv priced,
superintendent or teacher, but may been much more spriouq. It $15.00
fularat DiroGtorr) be some progrennive (armor who Miss Carling $1110crinttIrldfat
walies up tho colamunity to new ros- ()T
Pd. �11140hdrg 3"ghtw of the J4 IjER, CARS
a, �%ho dovoloma twwAilio, Mbs Eva farlira. A R
add to of titaught, and starts'a new_%ut0r law Thoma<; JR. Carling& Cli�ton, villo Dress and SPc�rt
Oraers mrofallY sttOli dovy orlse. 11 has he.en assistant superintendent of
at a I I hours -night Or po$r. 11.3t, Lukefs Itoopital, New York (�'Ity. 'i'llc (;ji)ejje shape is the fawirite and these triln Mae hal!) -TIRES IN FABRICS and CORDS
tirz. It. L Wright (ace Alma �ou,(A a contraAing 11BO or
00, of Port Sa3kateliewan, Alta., :for some tit-4ief liar; been appointed are usually beflutifiCd with 4111 FROM: $9-00 UP
W W %0%0 winncr of the gold medal foriOlompo- sullevinitc'nilent of that inlititutiOn- flowerg. 131ack and white hats are gj�j(j van!,-
,stival' Ileath of Old Lucknow Resident ing from $2.95 to $4.60.
rition at the recent musical fc . 1. 1 --- C N and OVERLAND CARS
4T. R. Wheeler in Calgary, Alta., him a number of ro- Mr,$ Donald StacDonald, one of the
latives In GMerkh arid vicinity, v8ry old rc-siticuto of Lucknow panoed
Funeral Director and among tlze an aunt And uncle, Mr. toway at thP_ h0file Of kev wn.in.law- All Kinds of 011a and Accessories
and Mn. rwbevt 1ohnstone. of Gode. Mr. P�, T. I)onglaq on Monday after -
Embalmer rich. She was a IQOO thcorY 9VA- noon Of lwt Wtek- Alrg- CDO %ld ROYAL LADIES READY -10 -WEAR
duate of the Citingervatory of Musie, who WAS 86, YeavS And 5 =Onft Old
mAth for the paot 0
Goderich, Ontafto' Toronto, and, taught music in the city had ken in poor It W me BELL
a .1 n- COMPANV
until her wart-lage lit 1008 to Rev. M. two years aad duting the winte
r,� Wright, tkeu of St, Li1mbert, Mon- spring gionths had On6re-d a OfPcIt
All rpU� p7o"DjAIV aftendea to 1� 1 0 CAST GARAO F.,
;treat 4�31 frow asthra'a kast Side SQUall"41 60DEIRICH
or akglat. I L � �
8110re 333; ROZIX 331MV C*mpbtli'm Drt* ')Store for �. fancy There iD t6thine, in OW WOVd WOW3 4 ww=
- - - - - 11 -mil ehor-olate-A. A�wayt frc.*- doing, WfOCK ft -
Y I A 01 04 WW�j� - - 11rial
%, ."I
. .�. It