HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-29, Page 2THIV014Y. MAY Mh, 19111
I! r the mayor. all F. wiatt .....004 Below 50e�, Rank
acl�ok, by rowit of r ........... A� Fowlic NewrMid
$- cre4its:-
nn, $ULU Of b"inesn in town w9re Ido $,ewell V. vinniga*
g4, NrA Wis Were tolied, as a. warl. C. , worsell (t) Vuebarme
IN U&I 5, OF Y%M of respect, to the late rre�idfmf. Gar;- C. I ,
lkoh* rem&Sus were interred at, J. Walttr (3) ...... I .......... 69 M. SawkiTion Robinson
V. mutelt (1) ................ 58.9 lForm IIIA.�Avtrsge 0
.......... 1 110
is not$. -
C44 Fodw Twooty You$ AtW-19 -Cleveland dur""t tho" hours Iton
S winter
switu Wo Mr. A. xCV, Alton )040004 A tu Y ( ............. 81.4
*so Salo" T"Ut Fi I J.- Ituuter .................... 70-3
L yam Ago Ikatswa W Ch" 114 Sig .9em"graiw so Alt, A. Mel), Allan, our well knO�Iin ......... 5W
horeculturlst. is again elected as a (2) ...... ...... 50.1
r it wits 0,16CIA4 to tsy CON"t Grow- no
11% 246 of xlty--That US director of the Ontario Fruit MacKenzie ................. 4".3
cr�37 Ac-.9-clatiolk. WWch tact ut ZPrhnS(t2o)a ... 682
d the Square- V. Varnill J2) ................ 67-1
Wofts Ail Ron don tillskc.r.k. ilia di6tri& NO- 10, Vrooman (2) .............. 01.2
6 'S the counde") .09 Huron, q 1.
was all excellent One, many of the L'". 0111)VICL R. Currie (?) .................. 5, 111 Honors: -
TAVVINTY YEARS AGO trie's Creating con-Aderable laqg�ter Bruce and Grey. J. Russ, (5) .................. McLeod ...............
day Uft for Manitoba Mildred Johultoq (4) ........ ber ...........
k StaP Of ? 's. Shortly, jium (2)
(From The Goderift by their comical feature
27th, 190) ad started for Quite a largt� party left for tho Velow 00, RanRed-
after I 9,clock the bai jysrrl� ......
-tory the park, playing a lively tune# In Nort dne"Aay raorainfl, B. McCabe Hinahau 'a Elilott....: .. ......... 61.9
hwest lQrt We
Was Vre-0i0i Cloak Far -s announced including Major Cooke, who P14" to S. Mallough Lattl1waito Nf. Wilson ............... 61.61, Lwop
Noble Smith -was measurlux the addition to, the program a It. Johnston J. BoVers .................... 61-3 $01diA A. ZVONXIt"O 301�00 Hk" C. P
last *eek, the young peopIc bad an enjoyable, view the lord; Mr. Harry Smith and 'it. Me4d
site for the eloak factory All tit.ne in the Agricultural Hall, where C. & Slight, to, Open up a clothing Form. it., Average 57.5 Cric-dits- C. Vraw"
*0,4 the movement Wdleates an ea dancing w4g indulged in from 2 until hou'-p; Airs. John pharis, Mrs. John 42) ............... 59
igtmx-t an the f6uT14104100- 316. L Honors: -
Rh and child and Mrs. M. ... ...... 79 51. Fisber ............. 68.0
WtreCom;aon 7 P. m. Thebig !hall was, during the $in' Hedley .......... ......
toria Day was 4 bla 40Y at the five hours., always crowded, and. to Quarrie and 6114t Re4ditt ....... ......... 76, M. McKee la) ................ 60.6 .......
Viel many itere -was now geAU1116 oullse. exederich $*It Sweeping the Field 'N. Graham (1) ..... I ... .... iso.s
Aornilig 11. Honors..- ........ -50A Cre4its.- G. Sonley .......... 75
Grand Trunk station. The r ment on The dancing floor than there We "Otle Provin�lal �1. valcoller 1) .......... /,A. Hays (4) ....... H. Tigert .... ..
c that at th( .........
tWu, C-OMpostd Of WO CORChes and a was in the outdoor sports. There Voirs at London and Montreal the G. Holey ............... Mlow 50r�z_ X., N. Dovxb�rty a)... 1 Honors- � i.
swoke�r, could not Weely seat the uudk, Ar. ni ....... 69.4 A. F�Aler : L. 0� Hera (1) - . .. I I .......... 03
Sesforth And, Mit. were twopipers on the Po North American Chemi"l Col K. Gardner (1) ....... Form IV,-Averagg 61 N. F. Dobiq -It- B"Re
... .70
visitors to Clinton, asiloble Auder-son, $L Helens, and C6118 Godericb h4ve 09ain carried off W. i 1). Wagner ................. -683 x. it, Baker (41. 1)41ton.. 1. 1 - - ..
c.1*11, and the afternoon train w NIcKenzie, Kintail, sud these gentle- .................. 07.8 L ........
. 33-6
eqoWy VVOwdtd- z prizes for salt. .60,rp W. D.'Woollcombe . ....... D. R. Or- (2).... W. J)onaldson...
T 118jeffa b41j-4mPfAO.-v .
ofu delighted th,e son% of Se.otland. M. Ryan ................... 111, Honors:-
Woon Trout Fry P-10c0i ift LlIk" with the beauty of their Playing- A. Robinson ................ 17.03 F, A- Beevers (1) 9. Wilson
Ill. 11onors- . W. F. Baker (2) ........ -51
OwIfil4my an offiter of the Fishery John Bowers was president Of the G 0. 1. EXAMINATION REPORTS 485-6 IL Honors.- so% Ranked- Cre4it-.-
H9well ........
rAuced eight tins of Efll* games coramitteaAnd T. H. Varnin :::::;E64-4 A, U, .......... 12 2'Below
Middleton .... 701 FAllock V. Hortolf ............
"on trout fry in the Uke of this volt- secretary_ The results of the Third Term ex* Horney (1) ... . jofferson , Below 50%..-
TkW cans,were 5�ia to emitain. two Conto"!6 Celebration aminations ending April 30th are giv. D. Brown T. M. Cutt. k ........... J."W, J, Gibaon .......
million livo fight many 04"which Avillt ow. The figures in brackets - A Johnston ................. 03-ra A, A. Hetherington .(I) ....... 68,0' seconj Year Commorcial, Average
QUeenl'% weal -od. program en bel V. HUME,
V* � r 1. , Honors�
no daaUt� in future ;�ears help to 50 :her, a go ome names indicate the num 62-7 T. D. Andera�n (1,) . ...... 01,2 principal.
ply o1jr �Itlzens with food, mud a fair).* largo crowd made the ct- afterL S g I. sisset, (0. ........... H. x C. �iell'-4j 66.7 G. A111son.._ ..........
lebration of Clinton 4 very enjoyable ber of papers below VsksR15tAndin R. Rueeshaw (0) ............. 61
F*j%rjkj of.Morping Star Lodge 001- and successful one. A speOilft train -Form, I-A.-AW496 Mark, 49 R. Hoey (2) .............
till fron) God lQh at 10 a. m. took doWn H. Quaid (2) ................. 60.4
1. Honors:-�- I I nm�l Ilia I Ilia
Including the Ma
of, Sunday afterhoon the r0mAins *bout 300 rmO "ancl V. Osboldeston ........... *17, Credits.
Attt. "o died iRt his and the 0. 1, Cadets, and on arriving 14. Fowler (2).
Of Jesse (Ir=r 414 the' visitors ivere'met L. Dowler ....... ........... 9. ....... hcT
hme, Nile, on Friday, Uft,01-' An illness at the st' III Honors. -
of *b I tee . mout%* duratlim, WjZrV lild *e receptloA conimittee, headed. J. Wallace... E. Ogram (3) .................
00.2 1. Abell 0) ...........
jitreot. in Colborne Cemetery withINIa- by Mayor Shaw and the 33rd Hattal it. Russell (1) - '0
und the Clinton 10. 1. -CA- 60.1 C. Archer W ........... O'Ll -LIKEN, QW,:
t6nic bonors. The funeril took Place ion Bond D. ranzer (2)
he k1_RAVWk;,dA (2) .......... ..
thodiot ifttch, where ser- dets under -Capt. Coombe, and t N. Garrick (i i ........ .............
from the U0 -.07.2
Colborne Procession to the market square was C. McKenzie ........ G. RYAP (3) .......
vice was� hold, thence tO 64.13
a very fine one. Here, after a f�r Crawt�rd (6),
At the cemetery the fun . -Ho"Ors: G. 4ewell W� ................. sg;�
der was vead evolutions by the Cadets a R. Plante .....
eral service of the or
g. T .............
by tbe IV. M,; Bro. Samuel, 86tttg, music W both bands, the firemet0s obir, (2) ";:: ..... ..... $O.g I. McKenzie
nd lots ofl t
the fiatemiWfOrMi"g 4 verY 141*9e bose reel coatelt was held, Winghlim E, Thompson (p .......... j 60.3 �W. Tobin
grovc� The 4e- being Jh.6 win:neri, The afternaoA X, Be :.60 Niurney $.Week 0 -ly
circle-rouni thO open It 12)...
c-eaged gentleman was a leading oifl- piogram was carried out in tht Agri- Credltsl� Poster. ........ 50.3 R n
ci*1 of Morning Star Lodge. for the cultural Park. At 2 o'clock the, Gode- B. Black <2).. L. Bruce All at, educed P
. .. I I . � , �V �'.. � .
a Below SQ; ranked: Ile,
.past tventy years one' who never ricti and, Clinton cadets, under COM- H. Hamilton H. F611gan-
exe t. -_Grout and Captain towe
missed a Meeting , opt thrOU0 0t- Maud of Lieu P Hunfaivy (3), ....... 06*8 J. S
M, Stafford
Combo, TwOormed A series Of MIA veil (8).- .5co 0. Robinson R. lbla;rriott,
the tary evolu. NIX J. PuVvis Tablo'Da
iion$, both the bands play -
ID. 13ren
Nile Church tit nah )0.1 X. IDn"lop h
i0g, afid the precision and aArtness jj., Gravene (a) ...... Unbleac
24th- %
of the boys weret most creditable, Below 601 RAnkod For* 111%-Avorage 61. Alf iinefi,'06 inclies wide at,$j.;jA, per yard..
Tuesday, the 24th, witnessed a VeVY, They marched execedingli well, keep- I . Freeman S' rd
Social gathoring at 'A
the N110 church. bed Uaiofi Table* Linen, 8 c per y,
jag good order, and fired the fou de Aq U bleac,
The -program -tonsisted. of sougir by L, Evanq C. Grove$ 79!.
and the Tyndal. jole like veterans of the line. A ........
x4thitson it W
A tely after, he
C -by the
"ke, of Cjjj%ton, �aseball *gam4lmmedla
bro 'iberm, �nusjc.by. the Nile,choir and' R. tonolite, 74,, Towelling yap
Itutions by Xlk;� 3A. tween Brussels and Wing)1401,10sult- E. A,, Oroul: - , - * %
*Ir�hestrat and I -eel in -for Brilssclw b�'ld tO'8- ras,
Miss j. T&Intooh, and (t ed in a- wl G. Horton Q. James ...... Heavy C h Linen Roller Towelling, 18c 4 -yard. -
Balley and The Daroella Specialty, Co. varied the I. Johnston H. McCarthy Heavy DonieWc: Crash, red b�rder, I -Se a yard,
rtuding peze, bar. and,
-with theirtra, -a ........
ball game 11arriso pentuncl .........
TWZNTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Clown Oct$,, and the "Mexurchy sisters S. proctor Ill. Honovs;�-
6) Ighland
gave a rone (bibition Of 11 of the exams.,,
(F Star of UOY 2 . 0 Present forouly'a, vRrt Ben (2)1... Glass Towels
��m Tble -keth
dancing, Pipers MCKOY and Ross SUP- etin ton 65 'tit,
. * ; w I# . V . 65 M up 3 2), ifithes by Inen, 680 a P,
G : . . ade ...18 inches, all pure V
uOund, the squire plying the m4sko 'A, lot sawing eou.! Whitely
10 com- 'test was quite exciting - *Itlx five Form rage 59 R. MuAVO (1) .......
At a meeting of the so" football
unell on Tuesd&Y'cv- teams contesting., Then the
mitt" of the co the h
match betwe�n tetims from Gode- I.. xfoo6ts. E t -S eoijng
G�. 119daitIndL " - y Cotton anti
'Wing It was decided to. at -once pro- rich . und'�C'ojlegiato Institute$ fOuua it. sandy ................... 19,7 leld (1)-- ........... 16, U "Factop
......... I I %� a r
IL BredkQw ........... ....... 62 iii vy pacto y Cot
a, time, but neither side was McKenzie (2)......! ........ 614
:jot the 1I. Honors.-
arou"d- the score a 9 . ofil, - jk it d Sh
Ceed. With the step<; ' necessary for a share of enthusiastic *dAllierO lot P. Sheard*wn to", YA� wid at. 20c a yard,
walks.� lild All
able to H. ZovitA
Jay rqce 78-7 Clark nble2tche
an, , ting
Pars To Rvidtnte' firemen Was won by a Wingum Tn ..................... 69.6 CredlW_' Heav
sily. The. evening. Program .......
v M. MCKAY 59 1 y
Vurs were in geocrol,"Use *0 0 A
The TO- (2) ..........
0. Haack wl* , X. Guru.M ................... . 72 hichesvide", red�.ced Jo'65o a, y,!
last, -,veok Und the firit few ft's 'Of had As its chlofattraction 4)6'jF' L "Af� FmVroW jj�,"W,
irly,,sood re- Allen (1) ....... 0,
......... XCA I). N
71.4 1
00.2 1
-kesentatlob 'Yof AO
4ohnston (1)
J�ht 24th at Dungannon the desert city hRv
structed in the.corner, of 111. 110110TS'- 9 H, Molvor (1) ... ............
%nga,4non, was in holiday 'attire, ft been co)N ...... 60, co:
matle by 'A� Baechler (2). - -
br4veii, it the Park. The Ottaelk was 'amid �,644 L, Black ' .., I ..... I � 54.1
"bunting and 'the flog that 11ftnt style, u4r i.3) ........
you , d. the, thO:Cadets in ga .....64 Pi
ra the battle aw ews ........... L
thousand, Cornfield -, 0.
........ R.- NF I E'
1�eing so n evidence fierce. connonading.L-Aty'd against A I- AAdr .09.2 H. McLean '53
juch in i h s. L. Sturdt (1) -
stubborn defkncia by the Dervis e, , er (2). 62 F. McCarthg (2) ...... ODERIICH
tb%t one could ii9t belP feeling thOt Hpmli :: "...
Villager$ SQUARE/
ri Warnock - (1) .... 1WESrSIDF.
tht loyolty of (ho, WHAT �htlaton
41*1% lin loVa1tV--;th4t they loved the rphs n..aerich star at set ........ -q1.16 I �- IR -Ft- I., . . - -
V Abell (11 - - , � a 1 1. -.152 -
U 11brritt d St'Catharm`es)
'it irn t -aessful- b sinesses (1. on an
0 have bui WO succ A_ in GodeHah.
on the an of our product, and Muend to do, the same
V 1 0 U,
0 os ,4sonio ".Vemple
pp �' ite M
# M