HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-22, Page 8___ __ - , -, �� W'-'�� - _��-..-n..&� vao.*.*� w�_ --V" - --7--- - _ ,- - _ - � W"! , - - I �
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� . -11-1-1- .. 'rHURSDALY. MAY AW, 11024, -
. I I � -1111- I- . - I a 10 I - I . o 0 � V . '. TH - - I
I ----- ' ' ' ' , E GODERICH STAR �L ... - - - _ ---- -r!1=!7!_---!`" �
� �__ : ��,
I 1PA44 =019T ' �"_ _! "!!!, -!!!- A!!_! � . _0 � 71 T�� -T; r=77777114 0 "" r!�! '"T i" .4
11 .1 1. 1.6- - . 0 -1 I I - ,!r!!!!=r��!!r! _. - I — - . _-1_6,:_,1 __ - %! V!rTT!_""__i!�!1 t
. -4.1-1. - _6- =-___,6-__ -
I - _ -, - I -11 !T=l_" ?=M— �"!=====
tnagm--my" - � I - 11 11 . A—!__ — . ll� _. Those 'boats had been Wilt as V4491 . / ; i
- 14ioneem"ooaark!64,iF,116)iF&Nwikwpn �� I .
If' ko to" ."Ot sow � . , carticys, fifts, feet lf'nw, 7,;Ao vyai5teoll MIL V
� I Aw"k - will L-blut Ilowed, and tile - avornel, &ner
I MW IF �, I Igad waa frow two hundred to two None )
I 00 01 001 . we . oft*i n't "%* $"- * "fl I *0 mio V - Sunday Atternuon-io �,,',. hundrk,d and ffty ciAses of ,bverl - __
, .
. � . by A# aill*, W .4 revvy . twenty-four bdttlea to the case. I i
'i 1. I VMLWOAW� twAw,iax awwsw, "A I * ISA851. HANICTION, 00jerich, Od. , 121 '" fte I clearsue, r4pers X"y to Got -
. I 1�
�, to 10M who" Iflit, is b1:40 1W it, , 'A � it,, �Svl I am not t4 goesi; at' of I
- ,,,
. -t4l , Nottat ilmas, *i0tot"too oisk I i4 io-losse""Owai"wm"wow*X-48x*a, I IN
,O*Awwfwgion*i.inooRgAingo3post. ___
. , going 19 t9t.colAt .
. I UVA Miguirimp iftlisktigns; to,' llk� ici2rie- tile future; let Thy IN0% Mali, uppolsad Wng over i0ab aud ;_ *11% a of liquor I 1 9402 �
. Vko w4ko lip In tlip, morso � 1-io"044-111-111 freni the (Anxdign shore at that' . .
., a0g, ittlist \ Quide vs, bright and morninXL Star.. Jerulalem' Point, but it must W 8 yast quantity. .
N . . 41442111 alo I .
;� AA# tuva " Vill*% _160y 'we*t to 114_4� Aerce, our toes, and ,hard the fight; Vvists 31-10-1009 &441211- 0 . A customs, ofter on the American I '�_ L
r wo ft* ofer tke QX_00.tcotuly ul@*� Arm 49, Navi.Ouft for the war. As a V=, --al of the king of Babylon, 41*04 lost side, whose name I must not give'l . � ZEN TEA I . !
, I W6,04 Tersesuing ifellp -hucrl. _40111 -ness and 4,15tress, lie had to take an oath of PllfgiAucc I __. `0"001" told me that a Canadian custom 00- I L CT
I I 111'Quir wesu �,awe time he �t.._ ured him tb*t an *V9140 & loregl green I
V *my *ill *sly %sle'j4�lWirala Uose.- -lt9ck of st1rongth, W Thou our to b1m. but at the , �--_- to tho, fineet unco , �
I . watcbe4 for a chaxwo to free Ills frOA1,3 thORATA to eighteen. himilved
. L
" fti No" pillit, 1� Atsy ; couiptry from the f0relK0, Ydke- Like '40"o I" cases of whiskey, twelve quart3 tew procurable In. the world. , . i
f in$ 040 =04,1%*0404 In *� Pathless wilderness, �Cxl *090111� I
Tlim P44 br* 4ecessors, his heart to the case, leave= day for the .TAW It$
af#tls it -wk by improvi%ir the of 1�1 - . $0 many of Ilia Pre = *01M. , saw manyinoot- $Uporlox, to tho beet Jap4me. 0
, , I ext It 'ar true and, loving W41Y , I American 6here, I I I . I I
. L
Iletiry IDownton, was not right with Ood so bQ gave � , . � -
sm of 010 atm .- . " beea to folso Prophets 4r,d turned a both beer *04 , ��d���ft.!!!-V��!!!!��—,,�.!!!!!!�m�,�
k I I %* %ad Otte I . L I I . boats loading W1011h; =!!ii��M_._ 4.-. �:__ __._.!!��" IL ", r nq!7!'T!!" . � I
� *0 kilart, aioa Ikerguy XA�Iaj Ill* deaf ear to, the warnings of Jeremiah, . I I whiskey. I saw five big motoriwats - ndsor for 04er,&W �'
*U10 01ftf1% VQ%'1tL tp %4rlaony. � PRAYSIX . . h word of . 1 4 I with beer in cases. . go out in one hour that sifternoork. 1, sa�v from the Port of Wi
pie. high , a. e cou not � '
!I) most detor and tender Father, WhO, faithfully de"Vt'"4 �t 0 . fjoin thil the bro�-.er in clearance papers on 010 port He replied that b 14 . 1(
our I)t1enaer altd, .Ijour4l ,- t"',ndue I the Lord, though moc%e4 and despis. I � [in lem than a half hour Q, enterIn , e rocords of business . ,
X". W, J. ,Uryti, Port Arthur, , %or td aild imprisoned for co doing, � . I 1,4ock ot tl�e Britisli-American Com -1 dock; be.does th g and clear.' 4isclose thos - "
Oatq wfitos.-Olt was to nervous I as with Thy 91 * mpy Cast . . 1 I saw done by,Canadian citizens"
nur minds, Then it Was 'that the anger of the I �Aw row�boats go out with a , of bouts *by telephone. - ;
R24 Pally. what I saw along the Inter. %
. "Au ]tot 11top at *10lit. I V" OR thegrest blind-wr xth upon this wl , I - Ifew cs.90 of beer and whiske, ng for Havang and, From r that judge .
*110) and gAreful"41i Of worldly thingA and Lord burat. fo cked I '. . Y, slid I Verst Cruz, I wired., Mr. Farrow, national border 1-belleve � .
SmIliled **Atk faint alla dizzy $I r Uinir and his councillova, who by 0eir . . N.aw a gh Vith I and, Webster, of I
'S�. would start up la. m F jut our whole study and care tn . 1. Jbirge go out loaded Jlljvgr ths Detroit, sv=Med up the
Lill folly brought the kingdom to tile, , . IuWkegs. Within thrfe bQ1 Ciinadl#n Minister of Customs . �.
L *41*0.40 liek4ivhe L eoL UxelSe in Ottawa, S
*.V sloop %*,I $C,f#%m aild iump up, keeping of 1%y holy low; and that I 1 toting those facts! situation When he declarkd; "Yof,
%*4 tke least littis Aois . 0 would 1M we moy labor, And ii4vail for our pe- brink of TAin, . lafternoon I Counted ',twlenty-thr py of the recordsican7t, make America drY until You J
QeSlJItiQ04#,thI9 lif . IF, - I with bee� sind. r
birds of Verses 17 -21 -The Firial Invasion. boats loadc,l whiskey 'and %sking for 4 to
11 Z40 e, like the . . and, rs boats that clear,11cork, up, Calkada-" . . I
L .F�*Oii*l 101K W&C t Went to S60401 r - tile 4merloau above, of tl�!I��,Amuggle_ - I ..
L r. ,,,, tIrIlpi his riledietao"bot it the -1- - . -1 � . headiol; foi -1. � 1% - .., _ X&V � lt� n*= ... Mlill t: . . I
to do *i, , air and the lilies of AP fieldt Instead of looking to Jehovah for I ; r, L - L I - of course, 1,414 tot $60 all that went .. . I , - -,. .-� , ;__�-��t:t=_ 1�.r: %—r . ."
1. I I - .� � ;
I . I. WON ,14 stm any good. At ,wlthogt core. Vot Thou bast Prom- help when the Chaldaelli Mine, into . " , I . I -_ . � � .. �� L .
.. �. . )gSt I woot to iho drug store otud,got ISed to tke Careful for, us ; sind bast the land and laid iAii-e-4 JOVUSA110111; In that time. � . WW . I I
1,1*x of 3111buri0s Ileart aiR4L Nary$ 4 .1 )d Ig from eight tq, fifteen dollars4liquort; I was told that the greatest move., I � � ft 9 I � - �
. to . Zoininsinded that Upon T1190 we should ZedCklah 001411t help from the- 1] ts are large. ' ,meat ,is after dark, when the bOAtsl � . I
They wet* cast our vlil�o, 0 livebt on4 reignest Oj Egypt Wa . 1 1 1 � I , 1 ,I r . .
1110, kikil wun I foulld 'Wh , r .� The siege a begun on so blsvrot of the natiollar prohl. ply steadily until morning" and Sun- .1 *M�� ����� I
,.. doillt lie good r contigotil their ,m, world witholit, end. Amon. the tenth day oPthc tenth month in ' Enforcement le spot on the Cans. '�, L .. , . . .
L I I 31*v* tstou rour boxes, &*4 can 'low 1545. r )f his reign. it lasted bition law in Michigan I$ In tile he'T'da nyaldo vo, only 01 . r . Ir , L .
. 11�nry V111"s Pra ,troit. Re -was dion 0� here are se,vent*-0a Sor
h.. � . lit '40 _.AA &MA $1f$P *Itho%t guy troll. iwor, the ninth ,year i Alen igm. of J. R. Davis, of DC re. T . I 10
�__. � r I r F � .
1. ! .. , - �, - . Qat),kf, SCMOOL,, LoSoN FOR, for a year and a half; but WYL . v I was there. The assist. mUco, of above line, and *mur,gllng 1wr - . I . . .,
, �r � %lif **41i&VO %0*4 of 01010, dizzy 4X4 S1 - the city and there Iway whol its whole . I . . .
I 4 � ft"r$l". $"IV. I 'JAavf gfrLtaully I . JUNIR 10042%, Ine prevailed In alit director ;(or Michigan is Royal .goes on, more 0 16.4.8, along L
. - . .. -_I& , P, .V , r .L Ca . . � -
I , . was lie broad for the people of th I � I � � . .
. I
t � , fousA y4ur resoedy to to a wasdar. . __7114 land, the city fel 11 14 with him I went IRngth. .. 1, .1 r ' . .
, . 't"6011 --Tb* babylOw and t e �kwg and his B, Decker, AT : I I . r I .L * . . ;
. I , Title I e Cauadlau laws, :: I . I I
'I � �� ,. 01 .040's4r ill, . I I . I stilo .of Judah. � - " I ... u %-ere over- -across the river to; Wolkorvl�le, On To complY Wth t1i L, 11 . I � . , � I i
I 'L i . . 0wr* . . army ile4 by, night, b t , de, and visited the 4115- which require that all liquor loxpQrt'a ' .. I . . i . . � .
�'. ,V 'fout 144 Vem Vill# evicho,', The the Canadian all . r .. . . . I , . I . .
N, I t .7 tirt VtWgrjd 'I
'i I I Ir so me. a bor tt all dtiAltris of t"alled 14"Olt Pasmxo�-3 Chron, 116 1.1.1411 taken on the "ad b jy of 11iram Walker, which 100nig must clear for a tovei&fn pOrt Outsid 4 - I ' . L . I . . I . I
I , ri I f 1. �j ,T,k# Tv, Collik" TgZt,,Pr9v, 14-34. - ns were slain Irfore. his, title . L -1 i L
� I Ah"t ok mo I t, 9 rice I kin0r, sa like a great castle, right at the 4ver's �he United States, these boats clear I . .L . L I . . I
I �; XOW,% *V" t4q, T4roisto,r Oat, B*bylonts, 0390 tolled the Urld 'of oyep, and tbe'n. he himself Was d0PviV- 'Ie sign across it' for Nassau, lfaval`14, RIO, 'Veit% ' - I . t, - f
. r I . . nd sent in chains to qdge,,with an, eloictl . . ... . I 11 I .�. . I
1, I . I . . rovince 41o, ed'Of his sight a � ten feet high pro, and other deep-selt portf4. An open r . 1.
L p . . , �
I 1. 1. ."" Chuldilea"was %'J. . loco,' in letter 'A .r I . I . I
-77 _ . . , of' Mid Babylon, where he died in prlsori� 'Of booze, .
j., . -__==-X;-_7,�, I", Atig, botm4llid by, MqJ30' r , the opposite rowboat, with fifteeit citees I
l� . . . I . e 'Oil the northL ,a completely de.itroyed. vlalluft to Detroit on . . ... .1,
. I . . j, oil r Jerusalem wa I . I . I
. � I ".. . I . p6ttmfg�otl,tbe east by thelTigri " . . ..
e e, , i 1 11 rvm at the time. Thotastle of David -,the shore that -this i� -where Canadian aboard, ,will clear- f6r Cuba.. It she " m
� �; 1". . I : . oh and the -olitire city Club stud L Imperial R I - I L .
4 � the .00*tb by the Persian Gulf and, on . ye wbiskreY Is welit. theVe she would h0a.to 1411k1s; , I � .1
I I t, L . temple of solom . -0yage of % L I , . ? r �
� !, the w.est by the Atablfu Desert It ' . I severab thousand
I , , Jay ill ruins and, to all appearances, made., 14� Qce4TI v . I 0 1
1 � I . L ,r I . 1'r wait founded - by Nisrarb, 4, the ;test r tport 0i'the Depattment of miles, '.A . a#ruggler's boat loaay.A I . L. I L I r
I k 'L . we waa an end of the people as well The r Ith u dL "in the Do.- . I . SM . . ,
i I 1;rAudson Of Noah. Ay, the time of 93 I Ind txcisb of Canada shOwk, W, .boot,, ,was eapt re r
� j," . . of the holy city" Thus was the custQ a 'tt 1.1�t*l. ,�jj� �Clli D%Ullop r _
"r I . V A , I I
. 'tile Ascal, Yet clearance Wdih : A� S. Colborne . . . I .
' L I la l#*$o", tho,'kitiodom had be-- 49 - I,U%!, troit AiyO regeritly. with fowAby . '. 11' I - . I 1, I
today . . . sr of 1922)
I . .. . . . r word, of Oil& 16rd -as, spoken 'by Jere. that In .r . & C. Vii. . L - ', . "
I ll� . I j4h,fofittoit , ons, i2A. 4uart hot, trails, I � I r $OA L, . . ,. I �, ., � I . ''
I 11 t4i ", Thus 0 Was ,,I,,) ar 7% Call or 6,174,E, th, . I . " . � I
I .. I . I . coinelone 4lf the tl�voe great'empites to .0 of Whiskey Werenja4le Lin 1% dir' yapers f9r Aull'. . 1. � - '. __L___ � . .
. I A, . I r of the go;j, It;w.kjTJg,LNobuc'h&dn6z_ tIler:pJ'OpbeSy ti� ]KOseS that 'TerU$A. ties '_ ' If Ue laws dr twnWA wore strictly , rr .. . I r. . . . i
- , � .. . . I %li I , .1 .6orapilear With each -: I .. I � � .
" . r, Was its ln� In . , I I I
J L . . . . % . Oat succol monarch. , boatman would I r .. I r I I . ..
I 11 L U 1. Tlic'PiOVITIC6 Of Ontario, � I . _., I 11 . . -
� I-
� �.. . . I . I . . ow . . It liem Would be.ornittem 'by calan'tity it tiller has a, prohibitory , Customs house; - . �_ 'r ; .r. . ___. " - t=�=-O._ L .;M tltl. . ..-,V-
., I r . . � _*#$ ho VbO, rdtde Voloylon Auch a. it is located, L have t go to the " '' .1 .... ;, . I
. .. . L �, I ,L ' -a , ,,,,Ifilcelot. city. . e _ Ila not I
I . r � - L Its ,�plte, wOq keep. the 06m' Which a away, and enter his.. ��:". L L --- I - ____� . I �
I . - r . I . . .
, , I I I I . I � L 0*46 ,on )"a hoe en ' � , L 'r I p , . 0. ' 1. " . . L '
, I t
. iiiii d of the Lord but bro�e his lawliker that in the 'United Stoics' So fourteen mile
I ; � I rr 11 . le I - , M ,is . . .
- : f�--!; I . . . . WiAlISJ''jt4J'c%0ala, it$ Palace With its -�(1�v, with the Markei ther6 is rea4ic-ted- I ask- 'boat whon'he came into the Canadian r xil , _ : ql.
, � . I . I I �� . I 11 . hantilie, Owens; 0 6110 , lcovotlaut . , 26)� But God, - . 't- I � I .1 I . R r . . I . . r
L , � I , tixisidered,to b . ed the manAgers, ol this di,itil ry. I port, and 'go again for his clearance .'r . 'M . . .
1� L I I ,.� , ,. . the *Ou4j1t6. of.,tbe world,, wore 0.11 wholm , a thou.4and years are as one . Ing It papers blefore be sailed. 'But t1le � � rr%V,_0',S , � L' ! "' '
t . ", , ; . I I I .of I L . Alakey, 1 know, . , .. ' I
I q Ally, gave tbis,Afflicted people a vision they would 'sell w'
V, �t", , r L r . . attributed - to 'No sbniu and - Passion' I , ,led into, the Stat6, trAffic isi so ljvgo,,kq,mony touts come I . W01R14 - -- � t . L. . I
I , . I . � I ' The sameo'propliets Liiho was to besinugg . . ' .
L I Bgby. of hope. 'J 0y-f�kP"tMC1:6JWQLhA;il" 'r
. . : I �: I . , illy -considered,, IkU4 adiall custorris, , I . I .
L oyoq, for building, Ill the Sqiptuitt I . . lizueftlas FA,rumeoril)IT1011 ORQUOMT 01 , .
I I I (lay 0,64._ forlet�oljl thie �lestructlon of J�ius� ,go, that the Can a 0 90 -1 L, '
�,, ' r ' AV* MoUrd"S . L . too is spoken of as "the glory of . lera Their allsw,o.r, - carleft �� 411'j; r . . AND l%EsTQRE '1711F. CHILO T . �t, t1EAL'r". r, I . r . I - . .
I % I . . ,L I . � . . .
', '. "witu"'t I f1s ,the predicted thOir''return from capti'vity was: . ,,Wheu-our prod t I;oe!4 t & Lih L 111fate such an iTALPor- , I . . . I ' - ' '_ , L U I . . 1, . .. ..
,lic � a tb jog$ ,tp Jac . L : .. 'Li�* ' -
. L , RAO - . - t .6f,outgoing merehao* . . I . , I
� rob It ut *011 lie 04er L , the,lady'Lof kingdop , '(Deut '30:1-5). �. Xings 8,40-53). other PvLrt& Of I 'NO INIA1400M --- - , _ wr..ASL � - , .1. . . �
1.7" . , the *60d, as I tunt, moVemeill . cs,_.�_IiLrLkj�A - _,IAR ,
... - . _ - w. . . I I
:� . L . kingdoms I ft t - - � Permits a broker for � �, L % I I �� . . � .
IL ' - , vaty of! the 01141det cille ty- , r - , , p:ntitiet , �
11 , r . 004- It PORWO'Ot011 �iMO IM4 be ox .,; we' have 'to furth" distr, obligingly- I I I . I
. I . r . A�o .. I . . I . . ,, _.__A&*__,.,�,.
L I this L .1 forty ' Years we the ,grriv . I
� : �. I _ . I Vast 4U =11", , I I I . l .
I I . itidigates the power of the. L ' WOULD MISS11ONS. 111torest'in it. -0 4v, , . tha-smugglers to tdlephofie —_ L I . - .. - '� ..;" 'I - L ' - I - . . .
L L xomoveori6ft�twd, 7 . , . the reVatolne 'm . . � . .
. . I L . -1 _ .
I . . 1 4 1 . I I
.r I I . . - 0410�. enemy against which, the peovIt of, - ** Mohamirktdan. Intolerance: have. been shipping,to the Bahmnas, als 'and ,depar,tures. to __ - I A.- I I .. . .. I ___ I ; r ,
I . . A had ,, r Cent0ho'. *Tla L L � r . I . r '. . - I
r""fov* .. . I them � . I . I I ,%
, . . ' J.'� L , - L
. I 147 is Judah into. whose a o-ifie West Tudie& house, _aT4 'the brolc 1. r . I I "I 1. I . L"' � ,L �
r I . . I.., - r -". , L' I That there are in ny �JOSIO)118 Who the BeMU(bts. and 'r , . I .. � . . , , , . . .
I I I ,. , or Alvel. I A. Allham
� "I �y eventually fall and by � r 4 t increase tPir- clearance Paper, �' Ir . ,r . I .. I r 11 .. . . .
. r� ' . 1, . I . hands thl , IF wqqd,vL,adiiy accept christinnity it ana yq know that- ou v a L I * 5, t.* t. S ** - . I I . . r. . r
,, I r . I . .L I , � rt the,, is .of ghlpii those pointar nOW The day_follow4ng My rip 0 4 �* 'r I I. I I . . . . . . ,
.. whown',14NO410M. was uttetlY dtAtrOY rolI916us liberty WeN gran ed . nents to , ,.S ' .
"I T . 1 td� 11tere, were several, . iriva'sions are ,only mealis ihOt eventually those 4hlP- nyside I mentioned it to. Patrick K ." ; L I .
I � . . I I rr .1 VOSItIV61y k., � - , I Thev: I . r . ..
r . .
I -
I I L , , I 'at ,%jonta.for 1 L � -.- I -E . I
I � , L � 'L I and upon one �f thts,01be vessels of, menis 4et'into the "United ftI09 but Gardner,. .chief .of �apiei .�SP !A -S A. :,,� M�o .�!' IrN"
� L I , 'prevented from tin opin iprofession r , I ' - I - . � � � i . - I
� � .. . IF . -the L -rd wore. carried . . hieb WeL ellojot follow it afterwe ha'vd sold United-Statea Treasuryo ln,�De. - .� . �, 11 .1 1� � L' . L I � .r . 1, L 1.
. L 11 . . � . persecution -w L the � . . t . . I I. .. . ' - .1 I I .
: , , OiLt, . . I
- I the ,hotwo of, o
. ,
1! . L 11 - ut in the Idol,temple at Ba. 'by the certain lot soll a shiptoent i r... I .
. . ost 4A ',woVid follow,. Mohammedan fanati- it. We would. U, . f tr . and he sitid-- "I saw, 4,11 of- that rU
. � L I
. , , I r tlny - rt AID
,� I �� , L r r .r. .
� - . . : Z r kiniong them clam Is,so. desperate that vien will we kneW it Waa� gojilg, L direet;Wr p.cross myself, la% Friday. I we I :0 L L . . r
, �', 'L . � I bj�otl, "t oe�6ptle" g I L, . - At, with a . Fun R SE CLEANING ,TIME
' 1
r ... I r Such thoice, y6ung menr�41$ Daniel and. .cornpao$ r wil. bro- tblvrivei to the �4tea� I L �reanadign Custovr� officer to the � . .� ,. !!ft."* . : i r I ' ..... .
� , . I . r 11 . , r rthe deAth 0 their o _, _ _ -of the .*� "+M�, _�M . . . L I I - I " .. , .1 .
, . .. I - I 1 hiii,throe tompaillom, -were made top- ll�� prob, �'tjl wareliplaSo. rand 'dock I , 1-1 , , , , I I . I � .- L I
. - — I .
" � I , I . I— than, see � them. become ibition, Ontario five d lBritish- . , � - . . . . .
,, . I - _,-_�. 1. - tjvfs�gn,d'the whole country laid uq-� th6". rather 4,914,969 gallons. of liquor un- . . . _�Jrkrquj.%tte. ' ,_,�,�,� 'L _ . . 1. I
rrrrr * I
, r
er . nod L - I . I I
. Y,Jui� ("livistiinik. What wilit . not' be vx- ter es made . I . American Br -y Company to S � "Sel: 14'!.Alnmllo� 'JQtQ"L A10'ar'NS
� L .1 ewer . . ii . . M . � . , ., . . � . .
�, L _ � � .tribute.. For .,three years r, if, this Superior People Were last yW breweries mad4 four� L � . . . .., . . � .
I , .1 v I . . . d pected .,� and seven . llyside and, between three JZ,a�'r �. L . � -1 1. - I
I '. . I 1 J$' L . ' 30 -triblita' 'I IT 6 a 6L.409,189 gallons of,beer Nwith a -con- o�clock in the'aftern06TIL'I saw five Of. -lotli-lust received, . . r . � I r I . .
;, i L ., 10f, AVOU 1" ,olaklin paid 1his ,., but he' delivered fromr_ the- thr-ldO I f . pattfts in -floor ofic J . , r . . . I
. L r , ,
, .,� q _ 'h . . r � � .� .1 I ,� .:, . �,�,,
1� 4� .1 . � � soisod � tile opportunity "to throw Oty mere form of rellgion and led into (ho tent, of B per cent,- alco ol, In Wind, $I* mot6opats-loh.dod'with beer put ,.,
,� " . - � I . ' ' � , - , . P69 h , 0*0 a' Qil, , Liquid , , . -! I .
. ; I 11 THE WnVg �"K# the ,Cliuldatait yoke, When Nebuillad- I' Ing faith and �he glorious, liberty sor, across theL Aver from Detroit, out for the Americui! shore, - I saw a : tl�larp. 13�odnl4i -11,1,ustia% MOP% a es le at . ..
. . . I , IV I , .1 . . -.1 . . I L .4" , r . . �
11 I I ' ' 110=41! NN Th'e Jargeit is . 'T L I .. . .
1. r ,aa engagt&ill war with the L , %0"I" � .
I . I I � I - , are three breweries, laitc boat ,come in fiola �be Amori�- . "00 . Silvai Polishes. Abor I . . � . . � - I I I
r�_ I . � V_ A,the Pure gospep? I ., . 44ij ghore"'Jolaaed, L*itb V1100 r. Bras " .
. . . L . , L wy - - in the DarlcCfthneut) that of the tritisli-AMerican Bv6W- . . . , . 1. . . I I I
,L r I .. . , king -of r .pt. Jorewlah, the pro (Daybreal, L,tS L. .empty 'beer ZL . ; .. . . - . I . I I 1� I I I 'L.. I
I ,� � . . ; . , .. WA 04-111M againat this step, . . I I cIllargedL ight . . , I r .. 1. . ,.
. ,; h r - L . I I . I
COOK D. 14 p et ra - It has. I kegs� . When T lefto. there Were r ej. ,� - . I .
, r cry .Company, L , ,
�111 4 1 . . I . . - t the dock I"di". 'with . I . Everything', I I .
.. � I L� � . . r L . but in v4In.`q-After:a tlmd�l .1 I plant four L times since, prohibition bef. m6torboats a I � . L L . . . I I . . . I
L � 144 _i_. -_ . L I . � . � r .. . 0 , . � . . . .
. S S,�I*ChZ . � . I I
.. , .. �`o * land RIVERS OF IRU14 r
I � ' ' LLL NOS again Invaded, Old Jerusalem es. -When 'Pr.6- beer, and whiskey,' I jaW five hun-
� �' .. ..� L , 7 :FROM THE NORTH gall In tb I L 7"6r Make 'the House Look Land Span' � .. L
- bad to-. surr6der and the Moe. W4$ . L Ditector Decker and I visited -drod, caiiies of beer,�gdlng into boa0 V . . 'L 74 ., % . �4 ".. .1 . .
. -
� � . , . hiblti6n . . , r LL . I.. .
. - . ' ��._ �' 1. A b fitifebing the t:t:t�.;� � I'l I' 1111 11,11. , ..p.,..,lj.*." , I , . I .1 . 110-. , '_ � , i L r .
. . , L. . Y . alain For, ;k fe,� montIls . his "li ficklayers Nveft just . r . !, � I I I ___ I li I I,, �%, .. I .. Iv __ . .1 r� 9; I . l�� 6 I I I L
. �.. I ELECTRICIT 11 . .-
. k" .. LL . - � VoIgnedr as. Vassal but he VAH carried ( mutirawd from Page 2) wallsof truother large addition to: it. . .1".."'.11: , ; Z, . . .L 1, " .. r
� . � - L. 1. .1. r I 'ti;L'broitior, . .1 !, ,� , I L . I L. .1 L . 1. �, L I � I � 1� . .1
I . . __ __ *I to'sobyloo Q1141. s Xtdo.. r I �... I r ny Women Suffer,' . I.. . ' r " . . .
�.,. � L�. I . I . L' river will run In rtA' B era, are ,Deflitnt. - 1 . I Ift L I L "L' I
I 111,1111 I :1 1,1: 11 # I . . . . , I . I .. � .
t "O�!,t,!___ _ , . 11 -the L . . .. I
L L rrrr . .��L T L . , direction �, - � : - . L, I y, owned by Untoir I I . . I I . L r J, CC . 110'r - L I . . L
I . . I 44e)��ea yearl' L , - , M` *V -v I&. EN - , I . r -
, thO at rew �
' the, State,, , I An-oleetric rallwa ' .... . I d Agony J —. -C"- .
I L I . l, r '0 � ' Y, Pe,ilt ,:' r: 'Govellimerit of Outario, follows the I - I ' �11. . . I 4 . L. . � . I . '.
, . �
I . �� r :;'11 . : JEV.E'P,A'1NL � Fivlik Sow . MONE 46 - - - 41. �_. 11 , I I
. . . .. , - RaChO . I � r
,., 1 11 . . . I � . In that one -day, my drlv�i"06inted 6'anaAja bank of - the Detroit AV& I r L - .1 Sat" - Si& S4u*re � :
L I " . . L ... � I I . LL L' I . � , n . 'WoMell Are the,' , . � . . .. . � .': . I . I 11 . . .. � I . .
, . . . .4 t,O r .greaiest stiffamrs I .
� . ,. . r: L I L . . LL 7 .
. I J . -$arm hou 1. , - . 1 .. . - . I .1 r . IL , I I
i 11 . )ut A twore of L Ists, *�4 �*Mi from WiMsorsouth fourteen 10110 I eks .1 . . I .
. I L I r ......... I ft smugglers.hiitl their booze; ho. s%moysido, where the brewers and li- fron0'"eik,'Idive and aching ba �, i. I r I � .. I 11 11 I r ";
. 1.
. I I . . .%Vhe . I I of, ontqio have , Nvare. owing to the contiAual stooping, bond. I . I . � I . . I 1
4 , '�. � . . . I . �, n ro had used some of them hiniself. . We quor o*p6rtori . ' - - , I :1, .I W I i 11 r I ,, I - . .� L . �
" . , I 'BACK -ACID" ' . .
,�� � ., 'rj, :
r , d W ting so necessary To per . e I . 1 I . .
, I . r ' I I I . a oil. the'road that lie. ho, for. apIuviling the# lug O'n A GUre 0 1
; . �_ , . met eighteelftear. . , L ,uses and docks iVel, to Xlebi L form their houseliold dutiesi mad these : ft.ml . � I .
... 1 1; ' � r �. 0".*- . . Voss the r Ig . ari. ,aumd, %rithout 0, . - - Women$ 018.0t BPS-10,dayls tratmat ffel L .
� . r . L 1XM knew werle� in the slnuggling business, product so backa0les aro� 0 '101, . I . I
.,�,, . I . I . r . � , Women May .Dep-,nd U kd be spoke to the drivers of several Last Jnn"ry an investigating� eom-; doubt, by some derangement of, t1io , . . 0 R811641 I I d . I I .
. I av L . . ralop Lily is *a certain relief for All disorders of women., It 4s. ap
. � plied I
� r � I I . � . LydiaL.1R. Pinkham% Vega., ' I L mittee met in Windsor and Sir Adam kidnoys, for 'it thera wore not. some , 100ally and In absorbed Into the su tji* 'tissue. "a dead ,wxsto i4tter .
. . � of them.. I Commission ,.W
1� ,�'. . I I L� ...". I I . .�, . . in, one year, under the liquor Vow- Beck, chairigan -of the' � . . eakness there, the: lbaet. wouI4, be. int tile congested te on In evelldd� gi I : .
, . �;��.Pj"�, . t0V.e,,1q,61np0"t1d , . I . L I 11 'L 191 L Ving Inimed ate MiMftl and plilldeal
� . I I . I L Iiiissiou, $16,212,801.'n Worth Of that operates this road, was a Wit- strong and well. * ' . - .- . - .- - relief. the blood v68010 and ' -, .
I I - , , " . �
r , I I . . . r� , 14 whiles and $15,684,- near, and testified that thi's road haull Donn)s,,itiduoy 1',"s will give per- 7 , - I nerves arel toiled And streillith- % .. .
' "'
I . � - hard liquors at gon, 1'... t to 11 ,% e r- � '
I . ; , . 11
I I � . . , were sold. I OUSand Cases, or three , foot Lrol,ef 'alld a T ikkf: . . .1. eved; alad,the citolilatlon 10 ren. r
, - % L - ulunenpo�js, I worth of beer � '
� I . A�,l r I .-, �I haa heard so, � 1) (V 113 n 00e, ed sixteen th melf, .j%ullj. , �.��
A , . , %; bee, a total of $30,897,471.'94-, -the net. hundred ,and eighty.lour thougliq bao'�achin& zufferl-!,,� wo - , I 11
. . . . . I- . r vkueh�*bout 4 k" Pin ham'sV C _ IhL I derod to normal. As thill treat,
. . I I . � tabletmocurld Tn he awk mv&t� P - Is band, on 8trictly!solem.
1. � . � 1. profit oil It was S4,000,014.60,, and Yet* -bottles, of beer a week frO t lor th ir househol., � -'aies a plea ro, mens � ,
� I ..... r . . when I b lizOd eries in Windsor to the 11(lilor export instead Of *burdej), . 1. .�, ;��A I I i tlfl�prluclplco, and lots. , :on tho
. . I 10"If Oak gal a bot , � I neodedtota ,80111116- ,the mission told Mrs, Jovdan Prtmaer, celatreville'. aotUal loeatiot! of ilia dianoe It - I
I I L tbipir to rel"Ve my -bi,ethik'01 thevillageA 6t Que- ,warehouses in $unnysido. : . N.D., 4titeA(11 sufferea 'everytiang .. I
I r . 4"Wo OWO, 401sk . Amoll five .. I istricts But th sixteen: thousand ,ease$ ,a r ,.,r, c"not 0 help but'do good in all
'i I I . 11 . W ,L . I paltis and bi*064 i bet, &lid nearly Stu the rural d Is, f;om paian in my back and. kidnoyr. . .11 . forms f female troublesi luelad, �
, �J . ,�� kW%0 11*10 bui)d V4 '*ere under *prohlbiton' 14ws- Only week is not all -the beei � tbitt goes I tried oil kinds of medictues, but �� � I . I Ing delayed audL painful aegstru. -
L . . � I . %11 bef" to take the �� I . over there,,bY ao" --is, ,tlietin� failed, to itua any tn*., At lgsi* I, � . . . . ation, .IeU4OrhOe$, fallinS of'llle .
. NE,UV r STQ8 0* . � _. .. L bad big �ceutte% are wet, - . ilkyti't . , stern Wed road rUils L40'Wn the" r , I ... . . � A' sq -.00 per box. I �
I . . .1 at ))epn decided to try Doangs Xidnoytflbs . womb, Cie. Pri .
I 4 44 I usW 'Sir NVII114111 EwC3 S I � - �,;; "I ��- zdl...��:::_., _i L* - sumelent for' One -
41 I ORD t alck -off An - for . - 0 Quebec Liquor Cato . A . I . . . . . .. - �. i - Which. . Is
. I . year* p4 b4oly of trh lmission, b6m, WjAdoor and ther bu* Of th!i arid titter t* in r boxes I sm I I . �
"awo � , *rA licioc -by trock. completely r . f. ILL ,rftatinent, enot
I . . *" $* S"" . I-,;,7 wliithed a humm bow mudi, 11(luor *ia beer sold by the beer w 96" 4olow, 2�vf,dlou VftOrXth% tr atmett. A rft rl f9h for to days. worth r5c.,
L' _11 I., -1 ___ . Prit6 60e. it box it all ,ionlers, OX- will be lent,pree to liny pallering %vonma.wlto. will Rend ivie hor add ' ress. - . I t
� I L_% 'led direct. on receirtt of Prico py A 8V. L.ADD. U iad:ior. 40
. j� r -- , , �%'d 1* Tit Over the, Wdor. dolkAny vi*i Inclose a sta,ops ,,kttd address. MUS. LYDI � L' ,
but I eoulmission, Wo 9. P- :00", vim ptimlaont of this
� I
�111111 I '.111!111111,1.1 . � �.,, cv; lbs ou, 0 *.A"l1*#%(l. o4ii,k - mporeonfulto of 'ni,itish-Anierican 91*W&rY ' - , 1, . I
- ____ - '' L- " . �:,V,t
r J&AL" r r , . , . �.%_l _� . � �Itjlts irv.t I al�% , - , , larr,( Was & Wi0ess Montly iU a C,knadj&;l 'The T. Uilbura Co., Lialited, Tgrantf,%. . I
— �, Ad 1; ), %Ver QaaTlQt'0jI h-w,rduch. , , . 11 I . I .. . SOLD By LgAbINQ 01%Uar'l6rS EVgtty%VIti1RF' I
I AnIAN VAIMNA n . . , tbo'\ eg ,tabl6t,�Olupo I We h%V6 thirtY-One.A01*8 ift XOU` COUtt *V4,�'aaid iA Ww testimolyt. oat 16 I . I V . ... . I . . . I 11 11 11111 kL ., �
.., � -
. I "ity - . treal ^04 Aye 13%Wdred atid Affl, L 0* - r I *_ 1ti=t!.bt!!!!==t=tt!:!t
.AVe 44W0ha4rJb.A6kAo*led& fLotirif
nil RI " i. J.Bllopi, 3W ,*VtA _! I I .
Au , t - - L r ' 1__- ,� � . _"*.tFL
L- 11 1501 . L:P 01hAve. . lqi%*&J4*11*., , ,0 , _ I .�. .:! �� . . L I . . .- I I . I
I hAuva Oftery stores, where beer can be in V* vrohibitialry lows *f the united . . I . I .
WIN SERVICE h TORUIR I U. �, , rv,1048�lk Tr&4 f!r;md bought by the vast. Any Moto ,call States. -we believe we %l* privil6ged , . I . . � I I . . I . I . I .
I *%ft S"O"t 44J%V"VoWM,wh6 *1110" N00*11th drive Noin one, to tho other and pick t# or.alipment at beer 'to r - .. . I d9 _1'.� . .
. $00*W --- . I � $11, orders f . - � I I I L . . I
t6 have Ak ft" friend up a load in a shott'6111t. 010 Uhited States #,Vell it It If$ illegal . . .
a liks the =�Jib* C1111 ttd,*)t says 'ssjon stores 6nadisift 1br tit1teris . Iltdtlea Stat,OAL to I 11 t� - r T6 . I
", L"4 0660doh SO 0,10. ,2,20p.tn, A"abi f Of tht* . Shave M*Greater,Comtoft . I �1_
I- , 04*0 635 c". , ri 01, In the lcolnin, C � . . . :;k k . I . .
, . I � L . . . , . . .
I I -
" IdlJoh$11. ,7.04 $.tn. 3.4241)�ffi T*#%r,iAo b"Iy thilt I Could t4t atatidott I I I . t1_ . Make I
% 2.62 P.m. Vall, ,White whisikey is sold for on(,, dollar lisive beer."
11 uts. W. & I;aw. = -, 41nut stree�, ' =,� -�
- ., .
. '" &Oodh -6.41 *ft 3.12 P.M. Qlato." limic'u.'. 4n. Pad ft"%* w0a): oAA tigtity- genta. a -,quart, and all Oil- With Prohibition Dirfttor Decker I . , ;W,l,ill,,,1 ,this test*,, - . r 'J L �
L . I . � , L
. . - , . I I
� , er brands of %41skey 00, sold froM *ent Ao Sunayside., Th,6 atore pl) . - � I . . .
.. � I r . I
� J'Jr. J;tJ&t(eATd r � T.V sk.m. 4.10 P.M. *I fftt HWf Of! roy time was ap"t in ,,,,t,, to aloni , - k I
A' Ila Am I hold 1W In My back,which two d4ilars and 1,;fv#1fttY-fiv(1 r there for -millts illt * IOW wide L I . L V � Why stgrt'day aher thw Nvr011-,f,)Y a 161H.- ve t':,Q i 4' � ' ' .
'*" "O
"' Kitchener 8.12)0 t.w. 4.20 .0.111, 16 e. � uncomlorla"lle _r ,V, ei, 'llt"e� ;31, �C.,.'* ;aj(';0ky;r r
, . , I tried tyet whith the Climadia-4 Goi- I "
3thIng, foot! dollat's mild Allot% OlItS a (Jullitt. Kwamp into ,��
wire unbetra, . , 4% , .
-At . . I . . ,
50 P.111- coiddillink of ta h01QnvW(A ale f tha,�cs are possible? . " * r
atiol"It 8.45 a in, 4 I *be�A " The smuggler, pays that; h6' Oftfift em ytt has dredg!�d many long can- . . . 4 , .
0.10 &.W. '7�,JJ)L p.lrfy. f=&4yWW1-j,4i9&`PIftkb%tii'0 Vest- on �ack frord the river top I I I
" Tomato W1 , - I !j two hundred quarts kit a load. als that r I Z I. I , . &L � .
pouvil I bft= takillit itsit 'e*tr 0 , oulid, Alont 010 liahki of . % N�N 11illions of men now shave in lesortime, and in far -(.,mater
0 . 1wil"It - ____1 , L, � I . VA test quell as we offer you here. 4'� r
-t*ave, Toreato 6.50 I;M,, "A OM .1 i it Vitbo4t; holit. The ,Prices in the Uiiiited State's Wee solid gn Y, comfort, as Xhc result 0 .
0 06M IV" *"*1*.,V - , k 1 4 ' - '- , "OVA cart4s, Atia on Tur-- t . I . .� . .
12,W p.m. sind (Plo p.m. U000 . 1. those Alum e oottN. mtill in r I � . it toott -its 18 inoriths, to perfect Palmollve Shavloir Cream, , ilJ
We "r, "rkh to Tot- memi ,i!l1!wJ,!!1,-h1* . .L . W.WIW�o-*1*4W*�**-*000"�&-Oh*,*�0-0'*'W'*'*�*'O k0s, Cre* SiA Petit I .. .. . I I..
Piltur kill - - I - - ftft" lets that jut In, tht ,browftie% 0 I .. . (or ,yotu Ule made 1,310 laboratory expetimatim. But we gave .
*#,* ftr or 0,,M,,* IN 04 A Al% - - - - - - - - - - 0 E CLOG490 FROM � . I � I s to shave.wore quickly, alore coill- L r
04"dus mi", ArA Terolito Os ttlerg boyt, their 4%ek%, and WXA � " /11 � 11 . .. � �, you t1jese 5 dIstinet wa)
t# 0"Olk S.10 If. Mr. tWo. I I . I I I - I � .. t I . fortably. lfake.thq tosi-Irce-and judge tot yourself, . I .
*r, L WARlr,S, ... . . r
� . A COLD OR- CATARRH '%?" S. Thai are . . 1, .
torolito, . house Ind Mill I. .'I- ., I ' . I
Uroft% to& ao&rseh to 0 . s &lae "o Unk&&A hehi - ' L ' Ujiltil)lica jtSelf 250 thile's4ill lelatri
* ... mwm� * . I 0 6 . volopen. � I .� I oug, W'hcr. �
V. 1p. LAWOUCS a s"wis I likill t'Mo Llik No"id 0 bgrW-vire foat". Others a Soften's the tougheet beird to r,ne minutt-widt'
atlil . Bad *Ile L I'm , 11"u, V# Air h41110101044 The elfttrl� lint, "S to a Tow of . . I I .40 nect!ssity for rubbing -in. . . . r I
To** r0a4ft-* a" %aoll Agosts __ -11.-- them. Jagilmild tipurs %vikeh othera, . � 'Will last 10 W 'r J;0UW, fle L .1 I
. .illutt "Dil . _ -11101st r, ..
. . 1100" 4 Lather .1
WAM6011,101" 1 --00-041 At L V"". owl 'yftr_-t_kWa *Ad a6viral *to reacted by metor I L
. � 110!�,G* I ikck Stablial E .__ . . . 1i I I
_ VA 0 *0.6 Ill, � 0, l I �� L J "'.4,0 - -- L - . I Ach, efiective. . .
I - _ i 114MAIN "ft-641irt %A�s air --- t4d trucks. . . I
1 4" ea ,'arill,% "'kent molath., Y4 told ,11*9 er&t I
.i. - I .. 111110"to"Irst '"at lot 3"r b" am 4 ittels !WON bor . Stronj�.walled lixibbles I .6. fo;- , . .
, r , . *
it no IMANS - . . )%lit ON 11111t 8414*141 I k*"Uftvj�� Xgwotslawki I skulk. thati V iskov �h*% bee'd goirg 0M thi cleancr, vasier cutting. .
___ I bg, a*wus disdiarp, 0, - . . -1 Votir skin us It -ft voinfortably coal-sootl . I . .
lit %,"*
. ' *"%o 0"o-okill, *10ftmo *k* � a, rivor. ; ,!. ted ty , r
T bl;iker Sold tut wa% N FREE - I
Jh*1*A01WW i*oftr"' I , -the careful blending of palut anti olivc,oils.
MWA !KVIIIIAL TINST-CLASS AUTIA4101by $ou r talor% is got. . cau5t blootlog whi9key W I" ihava ibc -_ 0
" irt On 84*0 tw .. I
M Witt -- sa You Ammit � __r t" 0 . . 4� %Vr it iq ;e'to
ot�y'O"ol-Imb., tht a sloall so mtmy dritikm . . ,�rtI4.a"ytI.jJJg, I
L- I I 11 1)*%% , 10 Inomillpi it eorafort 15 , Viorth Vo,ttr 'Whi. r
AMY SIMMU An, W= To WANT to 169t T8949 Wtit 61t Mys 104011101 *31" too ,V")r thty Were Afr*id ot it, arA had turn- f �. I Z�r. Mal'it tile test -se'. fg- yotllj�elj 110.,f %t7ell
.., L I L - , I � .. i 0 br&s" � � .- - -1 %00o" **ft oil Tftlakl a" - drU1101M *V. )"11111 01 II" *1 *10 �ed to b"r as the safest *ift1r. Pat-' aecept ow. mtt .
I I I pwx*wlr sow* � a41040" cc A in pur xf*- 'tkally oil the CAnadisin liquor 80109-11 11 . . . weve done our �%-Orl," . . I
M *0 **a, "* Itsalbo tot P -k � JUSt PMt thl!6UP311 1166Y. It bfln�;11 YOU WhC6 StUt1l,
1, .. "to," i4o" for tot say ,a. -00- %% 111111 al"", #jr !gled,o%ler 144*t4ted; the k0tltW2` I
- - - 6 we W 1660"arm !=,.:!i lh.,��."_.,� U" , .
� hft 41 0A b-Ays couftOrtelt 1"s ands by additirT il I
r =0W,1;`AWA am part ,6 tho tow* tot all !1 h 1 _h1w � 111E pAtmol-nT. compmw or- czmm. ulokel .
_J110111111111111111l111111111� XWF=PW�,
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