HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-22, Page 71111 Is ------ AW.N._ ttotIM T` .011151n= Itgod. IW4. THE: GODFMCK STAR A . Q01r lookto at vrs� Joal's, ofiftft 11ky w4W Qf *P*WQr..* NY*()'* 0141110ir to klil sitt 60� it spoki Vol- A I omit �and Yorke ;htforward, *1w&ys,Xr#. ftao ptople, pt * w0ty *WOO Or Rol $Quo* bl"-stly puttkil quipattot to lliiw� 4014 OVJ'JQN It ?a,*, At4itiva tQ .1 YOU suavott hory "I hsky* %lJ8#*t(ft iter'so **me to it, paprq� -.0li. it wilt Mott #loa By MR$. HENRY W0013 tow tooloo ot Mr. ouivom in %xitwer. it wituit ii;i, -wilao it aty woav Im we. Mrs� sr.oaso. wavovor eg, vriqgs iasunv sasy kiivo �"a'sovlo AVTWR 00 **Y 10 It" 111MAL refult at 1410, A to 40 ois 1�y, tU pro, artov* tow it thitt*r4e, rp "Vior"es "a tU lot silil of a t PA4,011 *4TI4 "I Alorp vity eawk you *$4o 4. 144tear Ufa, 3selaiis To"hits. A" say yolk 414t Xot 40 mr, stals"d Roload. Ilk hu isk" fallshit. "Dovilt 014 at a OL014 OAWW# vaughtue Etc� $so* vi, a bottlea 'Ur. woodos Not, " ftAlit"14 914 at 4YOUr 6041" bY suittrby. us, stwor ipitch" upou. tim WXY vivo, f�vrip F410 see Uw Juickly - - - - - - - 11110000011"m dalit. Ufa. J.. tomelawors, Polar trootlfWRI t**.,* UM 0006 Ametwwat"t, Skell lJrQoLk, 14*r 1*40 Wt� %ops, ` "'4 We kore tollitlAts won't to alar CHAPTER XUm, 4beeks was'"harst ltoos-l; , -"t Va sure It It would. rd sook,,_ wtitox: ---,,we uv* usta Dr. - I I *r It 14W W"4'# Nor"Ar Via* S.Trup *vaJV Mau.. lkof ow - let It IK* on a, bit -*00pato we Aaako, 400ilikw 119110L 49' way*,," 10torpo"a auttorby. w4tor *!%" wit taws, to vaush %;d rtelug it$$ room, in the worst xx4to I t*w "* ta 4"""iso" as ON, youtt Ilk* t9F out up's tow t %fix$$ to W it tko but W# 0#4 40 for Cotoli Of Ptrturbulga poAsiblo, wj1% t h* "Aid ft 4400wr-. t% ** Asks` *31i YOU, MUM R1*- 4* *a- You'll *Ad eqV044, It JuOttetsks to kt*l the Mr. oillyora. Igt,' had tow" ot UK V.11* Wax W gbosla $0 have to go to R6114040111k." It all the morn 00 pavild 4, QAOA Itoland. **I say. ovid *)rfqAuJkIly, tug, Noglectius big Or- doto" #A*004- �bi ist, 01A. 14,wrl dlaorr tltitles� stsYtor indoors -*ben vauld 1 soft000t Y" 'luttorby, Itit a alstalo. I know. ZA Afth the 044' si'laost at OVA,, to .4 it vmu Itor go. coast rou $hill A%vo all vir,4141y I% a W0441ortol 1110d.itille. L to b* ought AVQ been Out, Unable 0044Aft4violy *4 %W It "Aftot "or to At or, to reat. be was 44 a ;state "Ahr" *W Me. xou*rt�r, two Asy ftsor." :Ost di0tressift Indecision. The Ot that soft soc�� 40044"s. Ill 0DOWt at*** thero lilts * atatue. prleo *15e.* OL Will*; IAZ44 tozatir sizt� whole 'at the night bad llp'Only by, Tile T. Uji., he totiled 4ad tko Wr"t sowt tqk xuLk* oaxo#jAW4, to It, yoA Wft.* momitrulak," said tattled- And rose UP Again and Again Ot., S4 a**. J Mrs;, Janos, soixtus her *later Ad, xil� cook. )ham.. Ift's X^ to walk lillsroom, atrutgllug -with We I dValtk X* #X4 gibosts, #1141it obattag. �11T*lk 00"cleuge. VOr years Vast lie h;%d, Asia thama it, is W* it tkoa;rott AT* 14nocont. girl, If XQU 110 to Pay, lived on t1io .4310cipatI04 'Wlkml* at. 416 UW I;t cam, #Ad lot auttoroy go *bodt blo that bAll bad her %pProUipailoil, of this hour, Whe" tile Wemor.r at date 111 , . C* VM Red* bit dear brother 4tould liti -cleared It" ud, jwwer to notthor "11000 01`01itorel big bad nothlas 9114%. fig . A;AC In reoponso, Alletha, Itf fOul 4taln, and the true crjm*. II&VO to do A; jj4L, Oaks nor moved, to, ddawltli It. 'Twsia his fathor." JnAl brought to light. Alld�now that W wrsiot CA* orv* . that *Otof W01t, ROW, I have * favOp to 4 Ith the, vcarr"t 3BUt at this momelitLano st It had come'. Lie w"ka hesitating sxftt to "14 t%," be, 4411t* OPOU the mcei;V. A knook al YOU- Mr- tthko Butterby," continued the, Wb�ther or not to take Of accosapnelted otIfor after a pause. "The gQ64 0* NOW 1114 $roat door was politely AUAwtrJkA It" whether to let. file, stain remain, be.,, At oae* by the palleoturbu, . glad, 40. name of A -young woman is a treat tht CV1111144f, e=lpe. About on . e� '14ow thsm�, A1W11*v. Op, Ygift *WM doubt, tw, bay* somothiag to do, And deal easier lost than re$Aluotf, %AI no, o'clQck, *boll the, . renimbrAlice at thAt. Your I dhoWs go b r than ya I urself, . it O*ag OWT X.r. SrOwit'Outored, arriving sit home OnO cAll I I Ott* the = laerabie, gravel jlu(t of him. who Wtat on tertU - C from tar Ais Auld -day Idea will be, an awful thloc It Allotha Rye, had been *Xe YCRA sta,0010 � 'k. Roland dasU4 being J4uoeoUt_%A LL $0 miserably put into it, ftrT * who Is ItT" Into the Passage. swear to yon lay very atroug UPQIl 111111�',Alietna The lutertuptic4 Witt igati XM . "I #or, AroWit, bore it a xtunulug silo 10-uhOU114 be accused r tLi Are lame"Into the ilodal imith Noble J0_40s* ftllied wot tbrovig,*A.00 itut* 9111:014, 0111'Buttorby's. oo o t ta, e readful crim in a k 4 e before the world, U White Cilivats of the POrso'n's Ili her closed. door of b4er -Va whilo: will rur, &USO, -Ailiaths Itye,RA 11100 Ititown ber a long 6 a oriat 40 rapownsil KI*ft *L %a "Take her up for what?" x1r" ton got stretch a polut to a V It?" baud, She was neAE slid . tile as *'That might depend a g .81141k wearing 4 soft merino gown dio. Arowu calgay asksA,. dial with White -worked guftanad collars "'gave YOU Come 44.ftr What the poliit wax," replied to saftt a*?- the Millar and slayigg. of UPQu her 10r.bale smodib, And abundant: ahe vWxPered, 0musellor 0111"ra gut I Mr. Ruttorby. be may*. a ,,, P1 have done the beat A cQuId with "Well. it's a-wat it, XIso,Z$a. A#- these thinga As never waxi anything , A Vcry ofinple Quo, Only thla- theta, 0fr;-CUtlo1f4beedgex a hem- proben'o. thtt js� Wo.71 Vt: IL 00 �.4ut A, "It"" that you Would stay proceedings until Aled them 4fre$h,4 silo sald�%'fter ^ud'yaulll go la, 1% mitt, = y trA"4 Mr. Brown tUtned, Into, lifs'zootbi, I'bAy* bad thut to $so Uede Groat - that, I PA040d the Irop over theni, there, �all Aunt nut jl"IeL A-=. v*Xsd 'Put do*u bit limit aud % sultill. Pallet or(.%, Lot hot! r4mala here, In.cus- Anti they look Just as It fresh got, that youat Yorke, s:b9vI4. jWK be at Parcel, and went oil to ill# SIQ00. oaurao--for I am aot,%o -tool, up, 40416. TOod to get h"V niat 4^ HifOrO Its fould a1W a word�,,Alletba. lib`Wta suppose You could release "Thank you,,, murmured Ur. 01- hour- earlier, 4u Itor-bUt 4001 Wolest. horA don't take Rye burst forth lilts . one, demoutoo. VOM the color Agailing, hie face, A door was VVdIe4 90ft kore, Mt, grown, lier atrayl 4 In fact ­(;reat her mf Mrs. Jo "Doet L come. &ad 084kinC la'g confused kind Of with a Jerk To �deftribe tb# �*#tcw We've nothing to do wUk straikgorw. tbou4h You know vile were wrong- r4ftnuerm like a. mail ove.-takf.:n 11% a J#hmeat 04 her to"* Whft Abe QWt havoull thi world looking at fully accused. rou may bo obligoil crime, 'the AtAte of affatts WoUld be IWO* to me for thIS later. Xr. butt*rby_ "4areat heaven, catt L g( on vVith QfLskift. AJIetha'wJtbLaeoUAto*aaaa Mr. grown took A, quiet sumay of L ion't say, in the interests �t Liu- I It?" he QUIalmed, as abe *.on =%tterg wJthJPorfftt selt.003 inanity's but -of Justicol" t, Out; 9f Xb"tlY fear; Mr. Butteft �Vw session, lea;*Jag the iteckorchlefs outIle table. gerlag to her, the pWoe , man olk, t1ho Variant thoughts and elore It L *ad then 4row Mr, Butterby towards 84100 Possibie to believe that she ILOJAad .York* 'Jila VOOM, Just at tholigh, 11% bad Of the Past, *4 connected with door mat; Bede k0444 04 up Gre*toret,,, came c did A -with her baliil,good faces' leisurely. On. a 6 authority of'scotl4W4 rowdint itito she with her clear honest eye T- he con. . ""Well. I'm aurla!#* e"34i6ei 'TArd. Mrs. - Joned,was left Won wind at Buttetbr, nit lips -par ed WIS. t tinned la,an Agony of distreai3, "lob Jones. with her sisters; and 'Augbt haid,+1 With A smile" but It wag not a :'Wbat,may he the miguloll for guida able )011% upell-th4t I may 00 shown of -thi*? her two hX4411. 3 uJY'L course ought io be!" "Now t4oul What 14 tho. Itziglish , 11 -Wilk that 0 'What I There could be %16 evadon AQW. 0414. Gl-catomx 'Could As WWSOURI Iblitte1% �o give Alle� I HsLLd Allethain, of this? Rad 10 Wit 't(SfytUg you' that harsft-xo�t beart hapoo you alight to I. h Join WithIlle-ill Rik tha; RY-40 Auto cUstOdY Would cause , 1W keep It from bor tart, it was not'klms ltyi the death of Mrs 0111yeraTi, 0." u.med tile poti. bliti srl�,ioug 1100r. 1 WW6 Sile-hadlivedi And attong-111 Never," said Alletha; 411 would do thi L Am Almost xqre he cau. under (bo*h4We,ro$fwLth,_hIm, L bility ` fritiod alater, the Poafl� -iot have hurt h 0 If he will." .1 1 Ing him vol'unturRY, a hundred shQW4 Was. over. k;bd. went dowd.tba . 4 alrot big bead", "WIllell, Is as mucli little few 008 that lat to the room, ALnd Mrs. JPU*a, at the autwor,�har,Aly ai to sai, that 4ourtesles, 'gaft, , kindnesses. These entered, It, Mr. 136utterby, eloAs hPillad 4kno . W Whether to xlap like younir *a- Wit he and )-oil have got your, allsol (If, his" , JUSr 'Put her- The 141,ter,,wae rhvt I . mAn's tace or to Shriek At her All elous'tur�id on, Adult other. iivarttr," UUderf L I to L I tint . the rights, had been aken itl pure door.44" ROIAtid York Watitt thilk disgrace brought upon liar 11ouse. rojolneO'Butterby. I-Wi10 was It?" W, very much d ill, Thi f L the, good *41i. Ho of our taking Fren�ih leave, ', Which a aud:Alletba tamely to submit to it. it gr.� l3rownts bheekr, took a. 4#r4ble, seasons- AA .8, preliminary, Alto began a tar- darker titigi.at the direct. qjjery, Was of distress might be Wo stared.the moat, Mrs. jolt spared to Us, It We could but see a Roland, and whleb* of the tw es klain. t�� be seen. JuK(Aj� J'o all, inclined to abliab Mr. J)Ut 0 felt Mt of words. "They little *further -thati tu� Prese 1119� "Huslit" said Alletha, moat; than atmosphere think We guilty, a -ad at present th "COme! W 0 did I bat tblu:g? You the e. most, when his ',-rr*ud became py ' h t%'I know.0, 4latioly around. L'.. Henry lyluj 1 1. known, 1-ealifU4 a question to, this. must. b� let thtn"k - it. - I �aau6t �hqilp livOisl lialght'We been Oily. Rolau;l's ch selL. It Butterby conveys mg! to "it I lay do notl;now--oa6d I SaVed bad wiliplonxillp W44 gul an as hot'.. Able to tell you, I be but that, Helstgalilgh, be.mUst do ft.'s hat I do, mt. ftt. at, while doubting, another was acting. Mr. . *'You know you ai"Ya do take Mrs. J0116% was nearly staggered. Mby-1 can yet uIaLt a ishmwd Or Oroatorex had taken It Into his o the. Wrong'pe6ple, Butterbyl -o -out of lier passion. guess at I hands, And the trpu %ord help the wench 'a tool' d Bede Greatore:j, 13,16 Was, eveli -, "NOW, Young Mr. Yorke just you for . - "An too, you ibea,At thiv very door, A, comm*tIox, tbileern yoarself.,W�Lth yoll"awn, .1tual. Dont YOU know that It you fare coA- 14y" ow Mr. Roland Yorke bad on- ness, and lelv#o-other Zolk-s aIoAe,:,P 1*0y'sd to H010tonleigh It Would: *640� to faney,he �can, .1�-red, And Was calling out to tho 'Was - the detective's uusworing repri- take Your triat at the neit, Assizes? Lo*W�t. ilifu eg,cll orhov's 'eyea. don't see whAt W1 you 'Would You face that?" deep.111011. house to bring his diniter_ it was have to be In this'llere room at til.op ;'* "I cannot tolly". wailed Allethat. illielle(l. 01,11 It Wa*b't 11114 woulau", lakeA to him InAbO shape of Adult The Paisibility Of -Allathass.billilg 'Putflut ipp her thin baud to her trou- whisoered,)$utterby, "J�erliaps it war, allees of roaot mutton an& potatoes.. cognizant of the -ause Of John 0111" bledL face.. 11 must to knother.01 4 When Mrs. lolioshad ti. joint bj�r verals d4kh,' ' 'thfat The clerk Op frOWL It. Of opt, much less at being con- 0110 his ilibt to spoak .Roland was served ose - Pectell With L W had 'But we must follow 3(r. Brown,,AA It, IlastY lm�ulme: but lie atosed them 11101t Upon MO, there talue atiathev elitered the he . never once 4 , looklug harii at tile omcer aa'cf.mrs. jonols.. She 14i Raised into,, big room and clo Agaill, Atill �..Whetbir If was' or not, the wfj, quiet double knoo k. At thg Atreit 46or, stared from Ong to the gtber to !,the 4our. be. took it tolerably long Which MIAO Rye went to *AvweV. Ad- sifilple wonder, m look Into lluiterby%- eyes; possibly, luall WK* not Alletha, Pqe.' land thought he�:recoguAed it voice, "What Is It"you Charge my B:Atfr *liaviug to iilsco4st whether that ' "Then," said,jUr. Butferl)y. to:low. and Tan' jout, his mouth . fall of Notho Butterfly? .. 7the death of Ooull-, astute 60cer knew him for Godfrey 114OUt his 6wn klyatO thotlgtts, and afillor Olilverafl- PitinaU. Ho obtained. tici,roapit" Rad giving the -table ali elliplittle slilp Why. It's never you, Old. glitter- '.Well; ies; )Ar. Buttorby been a born natural he whI011 - eAused the trugal )nu�heol;. tuavx Iw, lie byl What -'brIFtg4 YOU In L00404 Swered L 'mo trky to Jingle'L "this th'114; Will UeVer L '404114 Aot have looked ro charm - I Ingly innocent. Th t h4i chose to lft� bd brouglit to trial." "And how d4re-yon, do Itt". - L ' A, . . Whatever brought )it, gottothr to "Now, look you bore, Mrs. Jo6es,' 'dulge this. dem&94 for an laterrf** "I don't much think it will, "., Wit L046021A x0thethipt eurlotm AP�� aid gutterby, Ia & tone,or. reasons �for purpoxes of his owns those who the. lagufficaut Answer, .0,tit you to llavo�brought ligni to MM joc000s, PUttinir his band calmly an hot wrist, -,khow him could not doubt, Tbejr VAIL consent to what I Ask? I won't 6 AwAylong: A polleemiji bad followed him W '41've told Atlas. Rye, and X�-tell jrgu,. 44100d. together before the , fireless A 41191'(tr of an bout and wax Abutting the streft 460A that these Vroceedillga tire instituted , heAtth*, however . coId7 tha weather Will xulllee for' lay iWterylew With with a mA44or qoit* at halue. Thero by -the 14*1 not. by me, Jr.1 h!kd not !%lCht be, Mr. Brown's tr� went out 'Bede Greatorev, 691"Pod A fliftt try troxiiAfttbAll, At" tOMe 'to carr3r theta outA, another after, breakfast And was not to., ber two turned white as %AbM Rok, would, who might.have done it in. 4 !lighted until ufgbt.�..' at It lay in the buslaess of Butterby laud stared from aiie, to the otbw. rougher manner. A, woman of Your "I beg your pardon, to do; knowing who 'What L *A safth*A tb* Inatter :yr. Butterby. L the man betore 11114 Was 'With the sugouloti attaching ? sense Ought to %ew MO matter In its jVlth &&much confusion in there" : thilit light. I don't say zbe,g guilty, Modding Ia, the direction of Alro, to him, he AbOutht 'it UlJgbt be "I"11, like M AiPtak to yott Ia ow1waft And I hope shesli be nble to Provo Jones's Pxrlor'l-I am not sure that I willl to UOP him under vlew. , Thery tar a Minutes MWW Xy%- OAK Aft. that-fille'a not;. but I can tell I n to oseape; you this Jully, understood, Is It mue that you Waft UO 40011irent fatentlo Alit"Atlby, in a low elva U00- ­%Ww, are.about to. t%k6 miss Itys Into, cull- the clerk seemed honest *4, the day A11% Jane#, th-erd'x'thetu that I kink you *&it tbom- h4ve" had their.. susolclaus turned !tody on, sumplaou of having caused OR tbl* , present pUrpote, and At went higher tip th* the, death.at Atha 011iverAt" 4tranigely, Oatilest; b . a"'loolted Von" X01401000 Up6ii. her from -the.flrst." I �fii ut Mr. Buiterby 0"Athma Alke 0 . Wine a wamau� Of 116nae, at Mr. "I have took hOr," was the shott Itithlid to trust nobody, - stag at.baiy. Them wga no Answer. it Is nothing to Y* "I'll "TOW. pied Irdo* to Mfttw 1311iterby delicately Insinuated, Ure. ItOr with You,", ft(d del take 1"4 W Mr- Jones beg9l) to feel sitrifle staggered, king Witt k4e#p matters, ghte here, '1111ro"'ll ft%C.01' &*"r my cftx. Z I "it Is this much to me, that I hap Come On. 'uAng me, It thin tigo ever 009al, at be tailed it) wn lu MO. Not sit Ills words; �they, had Italt pe)i to ber in a position to testify. that b4d ft* f#llow,- It turns one about VmAting **tnume. 1%" the tri. Power over her mind, 111ft 0 AlIeLba's !Ahe d1d not do it."' *Itfi Its litle tinger.*, 414 man at law W" ykb appearanoe. Lear�tkc ilgalant the wall "0" *J"QUL think to. Ala ydu,1,.%aId asaw bad 11 ftftit to an"* hAss Alko& 4 L , , , , there. Wbite, faint" BlIent , she looked . lHuiterby, fit a civil but glightly mack. (Tos be eoutitiardl doubtec A ItlavoXIA vru Ufts ad like one'gullti, rather than innotent: ;'Jug tonis. "I've knowetl ten Web sit t01016"WhISIX ** alfte ba**0004o And It suddenly struck Mrs. Jontlg lloanl nwear to 0110 mall'f, Innoeenev G"MUMN0. 8XCl11(8t0N. VU30111106. *01t to eftb*., *Mt I i A that site did uot� attemot�a ty!lzbte In ',;f a cIrlInts and him CUIRY all tbt TO OftAOIT OV*66 W *46. Towlikaw wad her own defnee.. 1* A1116. Don't 13ILY It wax porjury-. op. V Aftusyms xmat; - AmottAt, -rot%% "Why don't YOU, speak out, girl?" .,pear.toces are deceptive, sqld buinga The White Star Nne annaunce$ Oe Vf" 116% 00004401WA torloaft. Pat hk she demanded, in her tArtevit tone, J..Uturels soft,14 big annual low fate excursion on, tile %ek 9A*bM* hu voinat 4004MA IA -You can, I suppose?" A111"li to You UA 101rocia"0111110,10L I the hearing of Str. OreYbound from Goderich to Do* But tht commotlatr had begun to ':4eav(,n, that Alleths. Itye wxm Inno* troit and raturia. Thoi Groyhound "Alva us% Ms. xot-u** am* no cause attention in . the quiet house, --letic Ot the death of John'0111yera, , 1, will 18ave Goderlelt Tuesday, Jutto, ]MY 01M *ftsrk lft*W*" b"t me Not Aotaueb.frout Its notse. as by twd Ut, J�rowti. In a solemn tone that 10th, at 10-30 a, in, 0' . T ) arriving shoots bUt it his been bego(A **w that subtle just;uct that makes itself 'night have ear:,feil vonvici I intr fr, evot Detrait 5.00 p. oil me:* *11160"W 3&. Motttr*. -.tivo heard, we cannot tell haw;;Aud Mr. ;a less experfeliked ear. ­:�hp had *OL to ** y6u, to go, **A ft*�- 011iverw came in, noibingwilstevertodo-w4lift. UuM A fult day and a half will be given oft wf� me:- SA* trwnlh�� N44 L "Who has done thit?" he briefly. the following morning, wil e 'All '�Veursiotiiqttv ill Detroit, tile re- Vb" b* V%* oxfttoc hm A poswj4 asked W detective, Oil sb turn deflzwture being, As must, Probow f" waft""L :found him, $his was to Ignorant as thumday at 1.00 "Mr. Oreatorex, sir.". You that be was dead.10 "A" 3rou ma AtzwA awrodatiL v 'The noAt thing they'll do may be * "Thea wily doupt she splik no and Ii Tile trip to Detroit In a nio3f ite. to take me tip on the qbarge," spoke A1%Y` NOT not that It could makt anY ghtfal One# ACrO.'4U Lake Itur6a, Mrs. Sonegi With *03hattY. "What difference. it 00 eAtth put this Into their 14fter- the pr#seat stage of &Vht the b6AUtIN St, Clair River; through St. Cair Flats, tile "Venice able 'You don't suspoot herr "Vill you lot ftp %sit Wbp it I# of Amerj'Wl to Lake .9t. (1air and tile groaVID060it, rivers -ad atromma- The filro ia so Jaw a datiOns of the Greyhound co good atA coffifortable, tl�ilt ovtrynne v�bo C.1kit artance to do im, should enjoy thiq 4011031 oppoktuait� to %44t De. troit, the fourtil city of thp, t;nite(I and one of the world'a 0. rvat- !slt industrial vonttrsi. r6al aelig`ht Atisfy A bloftligbt %vill bos ran nut cl psaderich at 8:30 Monday evorihi�,gt to the appetite the hunger. with good tauile for detwing on the 0 ' upper do'ek, and there will be other 'nt0PtWn,"X1rt in ft shipsa wain eab� in. It will te gar'd news for baVeb,-JJl fon,' to learn th2t th6' New York yinka 'Win he playlog t1le Detroit Tigera at Navin Fi6ld, Dotroit# oil Wtldposdaf. June 11th, This will 6 groat Chance to sce Babe Ruth of tt!ar the 1, W Tor), A 3114 PJ (,4)tkb, 'of AM 0 his he w U th't Titere, besides othor farjoll,, vlayera on bothtlubl. All m6thera C"m put away anxi(ty theii %U 'nr ('11ildretl fte. t J , lvhm thoy We Mother (;I=V3, lvotftl to give relief Itn Mfczls art tareand hiting.