HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-22, Page 51 ­2­,1Q&%w4"4�-"*&W0Mfi - ------- ,,,�A"W.&__ - . ,_ . � . 8"Oft. . . _. .1 I � . - ,L,.gAW&A&.�_.. -1 %I - .� __ 1, -A 111AL01—Nam . _­ &.J" A�L .Ad - . 9A&&A.JU6­ 1, � I L 4 — _.__.______ 11. ­ ­ I .- ­__ ­­­­ . I—' � ----- -- ­ . ...... --- ­ ­ L ---­­­-­ L- L - '- I - - . � L' I . I - . - - _­__ I - - ___ - - - __ ;;;;j— - - - ­ r ­­­ ___ - - - — � r . — - a& -_ - - - __ ­ __ ­ - r ..V. 1___ ___ --rm � . - . - frw . I TRrMAY. WAY 2ftd, is" & "s (30E)ER" ST" I V4401 01V I . - "... , , .- 0 1 11110 11 11 I 111111 11 I 1-0.1 r- �­ I 1- � . _1 ___ _ -, L r --- !i ___---r r I L :!".T= !"!!!,!!=!�=!Tt="= 1-011", I 11, 11 I 11 11 III 11 I I __ _ 1!!"-!T_0P*��=Tr­­. �,­,­ . , w�_ , Z_______--_�� ­ ­­­­ ­ 'L . - _­ r. ­ __ -'---L—L--'-- --- - ---- � I .. I t3l" tb*y " T*t ""k%r %110 *#" nM yUft W � TAUGHT S. S. FOR 11 ,I 1010 ­ 1. ­ ­ at It p4y. itat , that tw� THE MITOWT NINISTIY I I" W441, I ==w rtiijgn ogwtiyt Jar* i I DR. MILES" '0-' Ub. Uhleiia an incrak" %as nw*,ir FoItTy YEAVIS� r ]BE WUL D ­ zu 0 L . .*v. Mr. — pre"lAt#4 %V- . T 7 ! !­ - - . Fort so* L^6" He Has ,V(*� WN, Strachatf% ith t . w" refOrrod to thit Are kVWMitt##j JAW(WAA 000 Of 90a"NCAWO; 11ilit, -king by anox t aurth S�R&y I . witil power to wctpt their Trimitus-i Ja Qiidla W*rM *VA He 1-4 til'Wift,L ,� tkkooll ?? IT PAYS"' PROFITS 4 1 tions it they deemed it wise. lhis;i . Illa, A $601 I ,­­ * NERVINE bei.V on motion Cf COU116110W 9 ' - 1, Wear well Cut Ootlllos and you, invit� oppoltunity. (31311, . � � Developmt Dr Weses her and Ryan. - - � , , veil' at' Fer a ("U.Wer 'Lie a im't"Ir"? Ntr,i� ccs A�onw. qui4est to tlw� m4n. who looks reakly to rcikiivl�, theiii, I adl&"".� was *a, L, . �, ,,IV o'l T00,h Tbe Dominion Road Machilltuzv (�O-,North strekt; Rethgai?,L choo-4 vtj WM. '8tr*vh;zn bas tilled tji,e inipoirt- and vou will IwA101", K, ;udgtj b,w the tasWyol ave A Nerve Sedat' I A Unique and ive r ,,,,,,, j4 Cjt'vo &;Ph J � %V� U, % , .tV� P. it!Tyti r it prop4ing to Make Sallie charif9es Ttt Supday morair- last ,ky Rev. J. C. &lit po-Ation of tca� licr of t i in N64 clothes. )ill 19 othe ychu,11�­ . L . is recommendeti for . insuvance companits and re&ce the Ford, ,Wh4 is "his Nvae vampletiow Ladive Bible Class of Knox diurdt - o-sillhixkv and �mxrt�v.- L , , I printing, NERVOU."M% Rrm& amount of insurs" exrried and Uk-,'hjIf & mztturj�, itil tbr ministry of the R04 has praved a Inost oflidept ifti-il Fine FATFIC'. froul Oreat Britain ia f1w, wot-stod alia L ed the vourivit to kgre� to, the c4ricel- J..Vtthodist church, being in 1ho uatute struc-tresc ludeva few who ",zvy the I 'i, taak of tt .aChing th(. DONE � 1AV1QIk of certaiii P.Aicii?3 and the ac- - at #j summitry of J%is career with twit , Bible JeSlIolls are Tweed Suits and z"Prilig Topcoats, r "I I SI, I _L niattcr W4L31�ab,TVrvatlanS tj h ftlo Valli - EMm"NWO . r, CLWS teptwive of otherr. -� Thl� . S 0 ' p _ pted to'so thoroughly groul*d " Xi Siva. ' $22-50s $Z.001, $30 -Wo M-00 % P11014PTLY NEURALGIA .04irred to the , finame comm;ttfe! make, Mr. Ford Faid -he %as the last I Rrachan, and ,ii*r k4m,10ge . of tho _.1.. . __ I... � - __ � I— ­ ­ __ -.1 I I - r. I *r r NERVOUS I)YSPFJ%At � with power to,a(14, of ii, family o of uirte children.. Ax of Bible is very thorough. For wine . L . � � -7- IWADACH9, , INSIDE& The Bell Ttlephoue co. *Aked, per. whom wtrt bo�Fs- short On* she, has not b"Al. *I-Wosod 'FINE JILUE SERGE ,6*" S$,12,4_75 , I I I . - I . mission to,put up a ha"gills sign in Ilia Uther tiaced hic-Aevreat bwk in teichinc owing to ill#htalth. and SUIT ".r- I RACJ$ACHE and OUTSIDE front of their office, a drum sism with to the Puritans and, his mother bueU although volIsiderably improved she I % 19 Uicbes in diameter. This to the day of William-tlte ('Uqueror. had deeldtil not to fiesuroo liev activl� I . Kodaks 1PALMATION of the WA*T '.� ",� ' L face. to the chai , Made in fine t3nLKlish Hefringbone Blue "*rKe-very - pkipular just uow,' perfcet fitting, Youti& Men's 2na . due to functional or N ��.­ IWA '89TWEEN was referred rmon. of Vub� She was an Anglican and �'Lft. Ford tift In this k0Jn)QCti6".', She fall eure. onse � rVative "1od&--30r";4 fit 30—W&Y. $20.75. �, Browaies, r OWGIA$ - ttft- TEST" lie W04 -s committee und, the street took occasion to comirient on the vevy ly F4 she has *,done her bit.,,, Last 11 . 11 C � I . I'll 1, � I . L . --- , At - e ent .r ­ r .1 � -1*o.-w-_F . i inspector, the compau$� to =mmmo *11 bcautiful, v,pirl of ilevotion, rover Sunday she was made th reelpt . , disturbancei. I , , :c : i P I I . q�,v b I%INCF . , liability. vnee for things establislied and law f it ring As * takert of the apprecia. . CJ.0""Ne . . Ws *11215 ik kottle i . , b ifon of the X MR LIWY.S , . If, 0 � I At s& The following rApplivktious for and order whith,was devvlaped 1-40hool, in 'Which, she has To a &"—Ilwy Am 0*4 , . 4 , Wts tb%t ehurch. Ilia parents. vame tq labored,, At the regular session, of tbo, - a building permits were refft,X*4 to the ­ - - ---,- -r, - - _­ - ­- -- � . . . . . . - - %-0.%--%0%�A"r%~ � r-, - 1001M I r � I � fire equn-aittte, From T. M. Davis, Coriii4im low years after their mar- Sabbath school, accompirlited by the , r ' I ." ' L supplies, - YoutVis 354 to re -roof with cedar shlagles,, put riage and his father became a mezu. followitte address. � I I r new verandah, And, mako interior rt- �er of;the first Methodist church in' 90derich" ont. May,!I, 101.14. 1 TV* �� � . I . I I . . r . A' ` -,"%,­"11rs 25c Poterborougli, And for many ye,ars To, Mrs. 'Straviian, I* Tbo;r Now st" N**t to ft* of poor� � . i . Etc, , - CAMPTBELLO, ,Pairs to dwelling op West stt+et; I A)v C.,PRIDHAM � & SON . . . I from A. r^ A 4,4 plese wits,clams leader, the diiss, meeting In 1. I i IT, . ' 11111, to, Ali lit Goderich. Out. , no" $7 I MEWS ANO BOYS, WEAR , � , , I . . . 1i - - dwelling an Trafalgar street nearer the dining -room,of 4 tavem. HIS . I I .. - . . ,, I rr — I I I I I k L ' . % ONOW40 ..... ......... =1 * i I *XA _ I 1 __ VA"W"M � . DRUG -STO AuthOr Was closely arw9cfat.ed with khe Df,tr Alr�. strachani-A,heu same M i W 4 - ­ , I I ..1. . . ­ , R jL . . I "O" tho street, VIA" a- rph In 'Peterborough months � ago you weV0 cOmpellea 16V T-�-­__ ­ - - - ­_ . _ . , . _. � ., . ____ " _ _. - - , , ", . , - ___.�� __ ____ � . I I . I I tion and make minor repairs; from, ',,York Of thp- 16bu dilteontifflie 'Your teaching ,� , L " ' I 74nd a,ssiste4 in building three of the , , in the hands ,of a capable and eon�We, . I . . . Pbotto," GOVERIC11 I r - It, .L *11, to crtqt f ratne verandah at - � Itt'd WEPPARDTON r r � lit 'r 31. . - Young Women's Bible Class, OWITIC to auectasor. jt#.,.� i r L . dW�t"fling *'Ir ' fine Methodist churches In Pleter Mrs, Morrison visited . t � . I .1 I � I . . north side of Huron road, � illness, the .0achers and officers of the of the Mikstvr bringEl ' " I .. . r . , . Th 1. � � r - -rM!�!!!-�"-"Trt!T��-7'----"Ll,tl!!�-- ___�__ - w borough. The speaker wits thus i L school held eagerly to the hope that it, ,.4 service that tbe , Percy (40ham. I I � . from Xenneth McLeod, to erect ne* �i. own .rowa Urst * . L . . . I L' verandah of fraine on Mone and cc ds fiom. Ktichener VISItC4 at I JF"'Ir ' 'T *I . I . "."Ift , . � 0 4M, ' I I , . � . fteitt, IOUtlIaMlont at Alwelling 'on Bri mces of youi. retirtmefit might be only a tem. I 1 e!!M�_ 101ing example of the product of a trd. Nothing FfIen I . . religious education, the fAfte human heart can bestow can campare, Mr. Robt Roglea ftadw. . I I . tallittia.voo; from US. H. Jolinston, with Ills *ppwN, , arrOA6 cousins and Victor HOF being fiimil� prayer, tomperance caused Us cfteern and svt ', to 4c% , it have loved you and we %ant W . ne . . -0a, , ."ir"iv, ,Yet we Anticipated thaf U pro. y 'list on a small are SP04 the home whie4 mouldea, his life porary ;tte. your protracted Illuess. ski of, our s"et�, ,and A I . I i . , ,6,L wn G nal � to re -roof dwe4ing on south Side of need we 94N,,, ou so, and so, 3 Ing 4 tow Jays at bor4q. - � I . i . I F,�Ox, strtet,,with e0ar tabingle anil Principle$ arid church seri,ices. His I 4 rest and Tele - outward taken of out. e,qteorn antl re. �tr. Thos. JBitiril alid K0111'r bf BrUe. " I � 1. .. . ­. I � I � �. I . - 0111:0 use from resport, I . ular rileefillir of 1be, towst tvswutlorl wa-8 ,P r osed Calling tar the put up new frame vor&nd4'h;. from father.was the originator of a fem. � . . , sibility would finally restore you to spect I%e M r 7441coint McKay, ,to re -roof st*ble on perahce society in Peterboro. health nlid, ultimately to our,­rAnkr , we ask you, to $OL'( -pt thiS'ring, field,attondtd the lim(kral of tht We � eolln�ji Was r hold -ion Fv1day evening * *ork of tax col� Vast street, w the time of his �ouveralorl . With the hope that It Will help to kt,ep Mrs. $as. Dunbar on Friday, last. . L, p , Ith. cedar shingles; from As ' . i ; - r " last. - In'the glifthee Of the rdayor 'A lktjort, ,t,h% being ,mqv�d by r Council- _ 0 aqvin, Let us assure you today that ; IL "Oeding Olt. 'of tM Xr. 4 .said he 4id not k ' green, Ill your memory the years of , I . I ott6wa 'Reeve, $Taczwayi vvis,appoint� I lir numi)el, "a SeC0404 by the' Pe- 171)6eph Buechler, to, erect gal -age on gr a e . .now. He the necessit,v which compelled you; to dovot,�d s Stolen. vropevty I'% 01teli, drop$oi . . * . I . I . . . .. Park street; from Isaae..-Sulkela, to -had reeolleotlonif ' Pleasant e'Po- retire from the high oflieQ urvice Tendered. In the 'Sah- when brought to tile light. NVhO 4tQJQ L ' .. � I . ed t4" th4 6alr.� . All -the other niew-1puty Rec,vw: , , - , ..,. .1 . vent 4t the. 4 . whicb,you - tile -eggs from the hen house door? - L . � . , . . , petition for road?pil on'Britaurda rvpair ver,%vidall 40a. -mlike addition � , ge of sig. His havo.to 1017C occupied Wlth such A,$. bath school of unox Church, . I . � � bers were �ieseht- r . A, ,uing, ,ort 'stgue foundatiob, at"awel- call 'td' the miristri c4me when 'he tine I J.. P. 11timp" .supt. Frailk Hawkins is sporting 4 now - , I L L L . . ,7U. tox colltct�i reported less -ft-,x rosk4,,from W)M*rIQo jo."Wellift1ton P1 . r tion his filled us With profound I , I I . � ling on Alontivitt. itreet-, from J, H. was. looking 0out for A. niche in life, regret. We shall greatly miss you (Svd.) C. & SAUNI)NRS', Asst. Supt. Ford,, wbi4:h he AvIll, t1o, daubto, Awl L ". , . . : '4 . L I . � . . $100 reoelved Ott iax4 since the last streets was. referred to the public n'd He, spent a ye,4r. in. a. . drug'stori. tbeir from the I ,quit6 convenient for taking long trip, ". � r4eetbw of the council, igith'!aeveial "rk4 pommittee, ;99 was also .a 're- Pip% to -re-roof portion of -stove a welit. back to school again. - Foil a oiidoeils And work, Of the � (AITSIS� MAY STODDAUT, r - . � L . r � 'bing (on the dwelling ,on Victoria strett-, from, R. timer he Woiked 86601,; 1 . I President Y. L B. C. on Saturday last the fiftuRTY rela., � ' I 1. 4, . I proixiloes 'of piymdnV for .tb I a tition' for concroto. Loop C, Dun r tith in -a printing �stikb, ed L to la,bo . r a . d Afts. Percy O'Cabitill. ,* J I ML, ly . . JOV, to erect garage on So ,L waple, The 'report was r 'e, Sc utI4 oido of Park ,street, from Vic- .. r I . '-To be Permitt tives of Mr. an , , ' , , .. ft I tQ so . lishrientr and loved the- smell of prka. S a teach- Goilerich, may 10th, 102c 0 . . 0 ebrj$t.�. , , , I , , . I The finance .tommIttc,r and elervlrgen� iorta to CLlmbrig 1w.4- . .1 ' strectl from 1" W� Smith, tQ re -roof I . . I . 01F Covering a period of more -than , , gothorea at their home tot, tb � . .- - 'IL I 0-0 It . dw-olling on south si&of, Brock street tere ink'to, this Oay� FQrL thr I � I , � Urs. Straolicku onpres0d her wiot�e- I -ning of their daughter,,, Blaftha . . . r _ L -:, . .. Mr. Frank Sirtaiders asked for tho . sh Ir- he,. tought, school and it w ee yeava forty years, and ,<If almost, twenty. elation of tile expression In vety letil� ' . : I . j L . . . * r , I with oodar, ingles Land, make trite . I . . . 1 as while he five'yettra of, Contituou r � I _ I oval or two troos�,liit Cambria . ,a and unbrok. in A,farlon, by Rev. Mr. Hedley, of 4Uode- , , r . . .M ' rent . I . S. . r I f I '. . I for, vepairs; front JeWis'Wlleo, to �er, "I engaged at this 6cc�ppdion that .g word . � . eat an service. in tharge of, -the. Young L . rich. I .. . I . :. �', .. !r ' , oddl .1 road in frorlt of ,his promilms ' ;Andftis. ftt, a mitig 0 L 4 lOcAl Ptikeh�r'* andL the 'Womm's Ifible Clas$, is it signal. dis. LAWN - MOWS# SHARPENING r f ! 11 L , .' I . .1. . �n re. 'was "ferred to, the public fr me po.r4h at, awe � n Ite. he became " N�orUs and . I comment 6f the. mlJJI$tQe8',j0f0 that I I . : r . . tie" 'r.. . � xont street. . �. . � . . I tinction, 4114 one filled with rich ,4ev. 1 am prepared to rUrpen lawn J0 . 8 PRINT]ING �i ;r1T,' STAW� - . , I . . I . I. . I . , , � _ L . - I . - parks,commit ' - , . -he ought fo,be A preuhq 6f the gos, vice j�r L the AJASter. , YOUP'. deep mowers by the L PoWer:eatery . � .. , 1 �� 0 k . I . ' , � I . I r : r . UL,waa , docide4- -to I I knowledge of ti I I . L: I i L I I I � I L � . . . requb6t: L - into :.Ttlomoralldit Pd -encouraged lit ' to ihink -6f the ie. Bible and your glft�-j At, toy machine shop, VittorI4 strcet. . Qui ' ­ 11 r WEEK of MAY. 26th t6 �A�, 31st t grAvit Mr. v6eorgl The Upeve bid so ill priiress , , * ' I ; . I . r � . � : st4warv$ for the xemovitt Pf from the. Alityor" r One was as to the lilib%tty. Ue went �Fick tp.ivork in AS a teiteliel, have made Your _ I r , I . VON Ft " L' . . � r . I - iblie meeting to discuss thi Peterborough Review, howeiev, . '�votk . . � -- � �11 I : , � miloAly and Tuftlay : ,� t one trod -in fron� of Movoen- houses.- calling of a Ill . THO$, SANDY. . � ' . . ETC fft'S., r I . I theL -14" .. L. . . -and . I , proposal -for w new Own hall. 'It duling, these. ma Y YkArs invi4wililo ; 0 A.8 -01r- 0 R I A I . I r " .. I I A,13ymphony qf. Life:ln the, high The re4ueot -of, the, G� Ci x., 3ppra and later was offlereo',i 'partnership .n . #1-14��p G , ' I i . . . . t Stich a*mcodiig' 0 by, his bl, tQ., the scholars who hay PUINTIN � r I � . low oavf� , . r.. . . . '. ,I � Lfqi, Ae., payment of' $1,40 for r4une, WO decidedl, tha .b .0thor.rin 4..JJo I . , ' _ ' L 1 � ! ! - i ! ! � . . . ,� . V$pgper bi�81 , I I . I r I I I entss was reforved to thd'An� -held On Frldsly,. May Wth.- I ' r L I . through your k,Wse�t _t,-dxu0 -be a e"!� ­­�.;M-_�-� =!Illko�m�-----: ------ � I , . L A . I I i � �!! i !'!! . rtess. A telog.ram c4m4k"Askim-. 1im. dt�p,ilud Aincere gratifieutl6a to you � . . . . I . . . , .1 . .; " ]EDWIN CAREWE Pre"hU s�'P;Iym I . I . Another was with rclerence� to the if L ll� W6iila . to - '. � ., . ,:, . L I \ , , . � � L . . I ., . ' . r . *--�, -k 4.w � . . . . � I . I I L ford disttlet ina to this he I*" ber$ Who Wert Yotl�, I)Upi,L ' �� . . . I I . ­ r I I I *ELO Do�qthy -,-Va�kaill and James ' r I I I" . . . . . . r I I ., . . . ­ I .: 1. . on luly 1'st� - The tkeial committee a of 6ther Ill, 11 I I . I .... 11. 11 I . I I . � Xe., ,Frank: Wokis for 'rbnew4l of I � iplied in th �gative, but a month d4ya. 'Be they Who � I . I I .. . , i . , Itfilthie . .1 r � . , . . , firic6-tommittee, ;!.� -, I .'' . qd �o confef with th . a a eircuit. In * I F I � . L � I r .'� . . I . . 46ty 1.8k, 8( 'Rose � . the "OVftO'Ir1e6t, front ti 'to time, iiIem- . "Mis I Applicatfoxis front -Mrs. Lauder.an.4 "invoiling. �of the soldlqsl r.donumm# ,BrAhtr "Ift r I I . . was appoint . e "10- iater' anothe n assured IL "that -Y who r DIF ERENCE r . I . . .1 , . moving pioturo and pool room Ilconv L I . er request L was re6eived, saw in. tiam . . I � I . . r . . ;, . : . . r : 1CORISTIE. Columrly ; ovis'l eownrAittee. . I .. , r ,shall coine again 1.0jgle. r I r . . . , . , . I I . . . I L .11 ; �%*Y.. Or : 1, . sea respectively, were'he3d over,until, in The'suggestion ,was made that't e this - tinte frbm Burf6r4L district, and Ing, ls�atillg Piecio-00 sbeilves.'.' 'Your � � . . � I . , . . ' b he decided to acc4pt,', .This was " - 'L - . L L . . I I I . . . . .. "!!�il . , I I the � special committee obtiinsl� Ida0l, I I r, I, 44111ir. .. ., � _ � , L L I . . Celelirafl�.�jj, this L year iiiiih In long I r thi$,,beifig * , ' t take a I service has compelled ou . ' 1. . � ; ' . r � . r.. from Other t4w4s, r . . 'Mo. . . . .874, which thus AlAkes thQr0resent otion, and gratitude. I IN. WAY YOUTEELIN . 1. . , r � -1 . . . . . . . I . . W4110190 , xn'd Tfium4ay , �; , tibn of. Councillors Hutriber-and. Ityan. little, diffeierkt.1orm than u.sqal, witil year his jubilee ye�gr in. the'�,minl,qtvy. We . , . .. . , . . . z � r r � . . r , . . I . � I . rr S , . r . I... , I . I Afet.h6di]st �,L " ' ch is feli L, I . I., . L HOU 'I" r.. . '� ��. I � . I . . I . I -the SO I at% � c I tell s tl��' various the young **Mo . I I . I . "'Y . AVOY i)iitlao Btos. as to renting part of ' ' ' noininations inr th 'n to . � . I hetirts of r ,� - . . ,game% iii tlie afternoon. - . dL L L 1, . I L . , ,­_ , I . . I r � 0 1 - r . 4 In Canada in the year�.:1874, to 1884 whose class Yow were most,closely, r�, ': .1 . I I . . L 11 in their,greitt vitargeteritAtIon � . . . ' RS r R. r ', ' r *CL Pord referred to the union. of reference . �­ . " . _. The' Jono g prop6jitl6' the unveiling L, Mr. ' must not.f&ll to nl�ke-rgpecl' . . ppremo4ieq and'addres- al # 'L;" . . I GLEN HUN= and wit froth "a I . , : I � National Shipbuilding platit, was re- , 4 - 14 0 , LES , in 'the jm6rnjug h*ld 'r to the regret will . . 'L ,4wes 1, forred to,;,trommJttee.:'of . - Deputy Reeve 'l-Tunnings ineritiob- and'e6mment d ' . � L . . . . ., . I , . L.. . r . .. . . . I . L .. ,� r 'W , I sions,bf one de'10111- UpLin the Achool look$ng fo . irid kwffortug from oleArtba a . I , I . I . . . t 0 t4e,witter Tliwev' the whole ed, the eonditj()ft'�f L Some, Ilion ' e that"plitri W took 14W. U -08t; if not 411,of thloln,grew Ittl tone yottr liver: - strongtilmt ­ , .. I .1� . V& r ilil i - - I cQuodh -41Wt would,lfkecto� vent1be . .. I uments that long forAivi make this tost " , I . 11., . wx; , LS , rwa)*d to Ilidigeotlorl',, pimples, pivilis ill B$Wk &aq Vour digestive orgA614- "woule � tile, tli*0 . . . . I . in the c etkl which were. ill danger I ation to jDome - � . ., idwh',wo, M . I MAe - � , I.- ` rig of the Brock treet' , n r L togetNv #q shrruld the day when they,ly etJ uetVett' %)�I%C% Alp'ry0% L . 'r I It :.�, foundry buildl i . I . �x �W# . abjdaeb'eg lintl �Mdr Vet. � I . I ­. . '" ' - Side. loh9filiatiou, _ '� I . L r.1" , IL' I ? uildink of falllnfover�llnd bn his motion, se, hive,'patien.te I th 14, 1 sittla, duld be 1wornot 1, C (Y to'% � 1 '- . . . '.. T k;&.�"Ej,e plant of the National Ship6 . n 6 45fl.e.14'., , . It Iraq . . , , �.� ,­ IT01mes, it was .. ed to-:YOUr 0289. nd w4ile -we all Wed, rnb,dowa oondifloti. d11010 $Olt- Ry3t0m 4041 ,. I . . I r . . . t� . , , OQY , ndcd by CounHIlor tion of a union iii . betw�en � dif� regr#t 4eeiily, tj3 SOVI � . LL , �, p , 120 A purify Your. blood I I .. . I ­ L - Cb;.- Iii whicif to start a mouldiAg 01 returi) orstrengO . - - * ­ , '.. , -, 7,�', .r ,_ . , ,tl # . 1. � r the I � 11 . _ ,!zL:_ �_ , . ' e I L, f -04 nAL lqps.�, f" ,.. �. - -f . . Aop., -We- ;will -repair th ,`r6d deeided. to, have tiAs Work. doni -Where feroit klenoril t* ", r S' , ties whl& Pat"Ving bc ... 1. ,�411$10 of alligglAit liver and belped thcaviliV& fe r I : - L - iqie-�,��--- kAp%,�u '. I .4 Jj6 ' '' have ,so ('1001Y bound r Us tA)gjth0)! eloglail Iiitestivies at twk time of yeay. vigtillatAit-001,9yagaill. You"100,0111 . I'-'.* . , L z I 1 I �.. : Friany, 441litur, 0 .."� Wit, . dows'Land put'the .building in gen-. . -relatives ean,be found, -the mitter � The Ussiotl he hk;�f leavned , Take aplettoant spoonfol ot Dr.Thatqjr I, tic fo-Waltod, ov Ito (lo'.4t. . 1. I . . . I .. .,r t, I I . . I r . I I - b i� 'referred to the' i ete M' � * from his hekeo their loss* will 1?� t'h�'mor6 per!, ,�Vs L,,cj, ault . . I 1. . . . I - ' - 6V �nljttftL ' P*rn ry �o % L flfty -m otie of 111ocd - tho Or . Tbaullor's N �6,1)1(1 and rccou;-� a . �'­ � , , L' . WMUAM RUSSELL, � r , al good fair condi4on, and will pV ,e C with power to act, . . yearS.In the, lithilqtry w,, . son4l" ana Intl Hyrup. lkttc�k . . � . . L I .. .1 mafe, Nve , JJ'Q neXt tWo mef&)%. In lai%'thaa,14 hautiA IneridetIL10'Y'.1. t k. (IiAtollbelt In GO(t0rJ4LJj, . . . � . I . in the. ] I . . reassurance. ,Christ 'had led in *the thatLyoUr One $ L are fit . ' - � L L � - I I L. . F , . . . . popular crook llrams� .. yop the sum. of $20 a month f4r ,the. The preparation -of abylaw to pro- . . . atisfaction !,I- bieakin I notico o1ok ollyorpvo� 16. wtvy. V611 rool. and bV k;d1n., dvnj'..:Ist�4 Ill every Ohio . I I . r , ,�'A. . . . . � I ,,00Stbn alaCWe, L ". r I .. . . h, 1 k, I L . ' 'r � __ .. �Jp � .. fifst year" arid wp will, vacate UP ' ide for the tak, Past, It was' His chu�th. 411d His. the bond -,vill b6,tlio�kpowledge - I 0 L ... .1.11 _ 7-r, . 1� I I I I v Ing of j the ,assessyr-ent that I contalon, pirro v6gotable'loilrooloow illy. At1ld tQ%-'11' . r, - . .. L I I r I - . IMP CO 'D*J ". L ; - . WvId iind God was guiding 'stlfll.. . , . . . . � � the short6st posAible notice if request war, referred t(k the firiqltee epunilli- I I . . I I . . . r r I the work bal; 'been committed to the I 1prov0d by Iftsiolaus, lfelpfi liattive r L. I .r L, I . I L . I L I,% iA M04w! . . .eA by thd to". Should there be, any- � ln�., - . .. r � . I I ­ - - - . .. � . 1. . . � . � I . . I I .: � . I L, .. . L I I , .1 know' tee. .. �., - I .. I � I I I t __ , -,.-. - _ !.I! _7 ­ L - r . .r I .. ­ .. . L . -0 I ==. r � "I � . . r * I � L : FOX NEWS REEL NO. 14 -thing t1fe'council would Iike to I 1. Councillor Turner mentioVed L 110V_ proved ap. road a first arid. second tifne . . . 1-1- -..-. - I .11L r - - ­... . r I I . - I I I r r I . r, . . . I. . I 1. ... . we will lid glad to L itt�et them or any ,,ted I . V I I . . , - .r .. I I . . I I — r . Ing been r,equ . ­tq bring y the without change. . I I A � ;I : --.-: - � --- �_ ,-, ." . . 1 �. . I ., I - Alatinee.4 Mon. and $0. at 00 of the, committee, L . . .L .1 : r, J�pte. . I I, . L I— 1; I . . . 11 . , ,- , : "I.- . . . ,. I I L I. I 'qUQStJOn of oiling the harbor hi 1, aud �. Thd fire c6mmitte(i repqkted having; P t,.` ,.N.. ' S .'' L , , , r * , ", . . , I . I . 1. .':,-,r, . r .. ;'r . . Wed. at 4-J& ,., ' nootion in -this-Alth the Huron, Cast- 'building permits as foflows- L. , ' ; ' . - .r. r . . r. . . , I ire4:to the. public 'Works 9� . r L � ,. I I I t Ing. Co� of Clinton." L � this ,was reffii ranted . .RJ ' I : I ­ , I � . . L ' . I - A'16tter from the firemen, statiii committee, the chairman making the 'To J. NV,� CraLjgke, summei -g#tage on . : � . . Comfng-�-"The Hottentot!l . , ' . , . . L I . L . r. 11 � � �� ,' , r r , . " ___.., 9 coinnient that if any fair coating Cobourg st., Chas. Nobbs, repairs of - S . , - ING. r. . r . ... I ­ . . . . . � ____.r.__! ,,��_-_ I . G HOW OF . r . � I L "I . � . . ! I .� I . . . , woe got the'hill might be Very slip. dwellinpr on St. David st.; Us. Duch. � . . . .. - - - ... . . I L I � . , . 1. . : . I . . L� . r ­ .1 I . r . - LA I r 1. I . .1; L I I I . .. . . � , . . i i i I ! � . - Anan, garage on Nelson st.; � .( . . .1 L.. I . I . I 1. . . .. I 1 I . .. . I ­ L . ,. I . . . ­ I . . . L � pery in some seasons. r ' , ' k. 'hal- � . I . L I r I r . I .� , .. , 6. I ' , . l .. L ! I L . a .6 . Lr . quest P .. . . I r I . . I . I : - I ' . r f . , . I - . . . i�. .. r L .. . ­ . . . . L: . . I I . . -Councillor Wors,ell brought upthe long j'L . r ' R L I JUSt Wh t YoUlVe Peen, Wai ng.Voil . L roofing 0relling. on Elgin 01 V C% . ' . . I � ., - lavatories on. the ave.� L. QWen, yoofible &ell'ng 6n r - � j � L. ,. ion of,publiL I Square, He suggested the feasibil� Trafalgar sti; R. Pattersoo, repairs - . I MA �j L AN, D GS I I � . �"L :- ... _� . .r . I . r, . . AnnUed ST R.. GREYHOUND f-scuielon ,� ity of an arrangoment with the coun- to -dwelling bh'St. David at,,, J. Whit- . I I I L . I . L' , . . , . � I - . I . , 1. � I . . . I �� I L r . . . I . L ty wh6reby an excavation under the man,,roofing stable Orl`q.1.1.,%� afr".f . . 1. I L I � . I - . 1_� .1 I . . � � L' . I � � 1)e to- , made arid . I .. I I . . . -"--.---- " '__ � _ . ­ �. I I - - L � L. .7 r.L., 7� ­ ­­ r. � , r.. r I eourt house could be I public The public works.committee report- .. . , r - .. r I I . . I r . I r... . . . r I . . . .. . .Godert6h, too trolt. , lavatories Installed there. The mat- ed as Tollows: We recommend 'that � * . r ' . . . .1 � I . . I . r I... t � er wits referrod to the public works Messrs. Batker Bros bo permitted to We haver- ust receivid a laige shi I In- r i I .� " . I . ­ . ,r . . . I , '' . .r , ipment 04,.Wilton and Axm* . . .. . . 11 . � I and-retorn. . .. .1 � . . committee. Deputy Roeve Mu�ningo place an, air tower �n. Bayfield. road ' . r t. � . . 11 �. .. I : . . I . . I �,n the town went in front of their garage. upon furd. . 1. 1� r . , , .. 'Leavini, 4%qkr .' r Stigge"'c' that whe , ster Ru s and Mats with many.rne,W patterns in 6hadis of fawn , i � I I GodexichTuesdayt Jtwe 1.0 ; to the' onnty couneilrt .. 9 , , . . . I . r ,�' - . . . ­ . c o ask for fAv- ishing an agreement pro I tecting the � * I . . . r 1. � rs, it r . r' . I . . : . o would come with a better grace town. r . I I . . . r . . *ne way 1. if -our own country rates -%v4 'd We recommend that A& chairman blue and brown.. These 4e heavy* weiglit-and are low priced" r I L: ' , . I I I , I$ und trip . , . '%25 �re pal I � 1. r r � . , 1650 ro . . 0 . I., . I I and it would cost no mare,to borrow of this committee Im empowered to I � � I � � r � I . I . 1. is I . I I .1 � . r 1. of the town gravel pit, lot on the GS7 . � . _�, .. r I 11 . . �." . � I T. -omes bAt once a yc*r -don't -tnis% itl Tak6ithiia�­, and make provis I � . . � h; to an vvent that c frotit .the -bank tl�an to: pay interest rent ion for tho'eAre . I . r,-sttill,balmy lakeride, i*Detroit-villit the amusctn�iiti, thogrtat indus. " . . . RU' r, .(7 , I MATS . ., to ther County, , . , r . . ftiat f.actodcj; 4n4,.yO%1 can shop there, too. There'll be. mu4c, dancior, 2', . r The finance committe�e'reported as Huron road. .. % .. � . - I I i. . . I . 1 � ., . . .. �. atud appaizing nicAls aboard. Se.04 deck with OU the home folk. .. � . , . follows; We have arranged with the The special committee reported as . In Qualities I 0 ... r � . . 1: . 11% Qtwiifj�% I . r 11 . . . 1 . . woner Bank of * Montreal for temporary follows., We recommend that a by. r.. � . � . . � I .. . Qr"hadad WW lftve Goftich at � �. . . . NEY WILT01# r I — WILTON r. . . . I � . .. . S" , . . � . I . . I . I . 9;300. to., stopping At POARUTod loans required for Collegbite building 14W be prepared providing Or the I I . . : ' I r I I � . lit: 1.30 P. M. 644 arrivifit Vetrat st purposes, until'such time as the 4e, porking_A autos , without lights on : ARA131C WILTON �' . I I . LAKrONN9 : ' � - . . . �. S30 Weintisob Nuoit *vts- � I I k r . I I . . . . ; - . r . I . - ' **efor Untutes to be i�suea under Bylaw the Square' an4 within the first bloc . . . I . I I'll . I 11 �', I ' !� =-ioh-Vh'Z�rdZ��JV.' 12th, -,, WOODSTOCK AXMINSTER . . I � . . .. . I G04 No .10 � of 1024 are sold, any such of.strWts loading fron: the -SAua . AXMINSTER 1. � � . . . I . � � , . , I I P. U1. , . re, . . BRUSSELS . . . . . I., , � ,.�_11% I . � . � ,� . - S6o Ty Cobb - loans to be paid out of the 'proceeds We recommend that the Chiof of I . � EARNSCLIFFE SMYRNA . . . . t; d I I 11 . . d the Sergeant be allowed . . 11�1 , . 11 :. , � TAPESTRY . . . EMPRESS JOSEPHINE . . r .. I t , and Babo outh from the sale of said debentures, and ]VOlice an I ,�,­ ."L.... r .11 we reromotend that ,the - mayor, the the sum of $60 each towarda pureftas. . . - __, r tic Ya&t" am De- ,, r', . � . - The He* Yo In . . . . . I . troftTigfts will bidtle for ban bidt chairman, of the Ittlee. committee Ing a new uniform eoreh, consis.ting of I r I I � I 1. - .­ .1 I . bon6ra'ot NoWts lfitld, DeWt, on Rugs In sizes --9X12; 940 142 ; ft -9 - a It. 9 in.x# . . � . I I 1. I I . ­ - . ___ ­­­ Wedutsday, June- It. This fs your . stud the treasurer borrow such quinu coat and, two Pairs -of trousers, anl . . 0 . . � � . - � . . ,,, ­ ,A- 11111i opponualty w4ft the t*0 "test as ard required by the Collegiate that two uniform tops be purehat;od Mats' in, sxzes­-36xO� ; 27x54 i 18%3.3 -, I sxgi. , ­ 1. I "'.11. . I � I ­ . ; 'on. � � I . . 0 . . . I xtor* of baetb4all In action—Ty Board upon their requisiti q from: also, r . r . . . . -1.111, Cobb *nd,Sabb Ruth. time to time and " requested. . Your eonimittee Is -gathering in. . . I . . � , . _� �, f.fist , *a , ­` ItIvol Qlar, h . ­.. You are invited to see these lit our House4umishing I)epartment, vvltere tiley %vill be 11 ... , _1�1 ".. Ust 184P to 04"It lewvol C.4*14 a - Will r Ort at ne"gt . . I I I - I - 41 I ­ . I That the aura of $000 has been form' tionr 'and ep I . . . r . . I r,� . I , I I Frwy, ItA6 13, 0.30 a. a. . borrowed from the bank for water meeting on tile matter of ren(-wIiftV1 Oil display- . . . I � I . .. I I . :z .- . I I , I I � - , intaXe purposes, and the amount ba the pool roont and picture lihow licen. . .1 - 1, A . I ­ . .1 .. I t,-, . ,,, I � i P40 0 N L I G a T been- paid 'over to the Waterworkfs; Ae.q. 4 . - -�-'---��,.�—�----�--�----,,--.��,- I , _~�.!. - , - j " -, ��­L___..,_-_.�_ . I , 4 . 1- out of Goderich . and Vlectric UkIrt Cotnmissio�. 4 Theso reports wero all passed. . 0 P r . . - r . i � \ ,,, � 1. - 11 � , , al I � y 4 . . I 0 1, I I r S. . . , .30 ..,,,. r. ' � W IF -1 Monday, Julnwq . The victory bond Interest due Ma. . I I , � . . . 1st, has been received and de�osited I COLBORNE Spect rices in Ladies: Wool.Sweater This Week I 4. " I : 11 to thi variou.q funds as follOWa.' O, Seeding ia about over; some farm, r �; . .r I . . . w . Q . . i 1. Mults Re CmWear 2d ,;,K- IV. S. IL fund, $302,GO; Kensington era were delayed oVing to tile revent For ofie week.%v'e 4it ofierin1r.our 0111e.1104S.11! qJ110.14% ,1() . . . . . I I . I I I ..; q . cmi "'tilld iti. -po)� .Sill. . V. . W ' I � r I I !r'4.y 04s d4ghtW tbrep how Furniture Co. fund, 4100; Buechler rain$. , reduCtions, These, -Consist of Sw'eaters aild Pullovers. ill attractiv, trill , r " . ,2,.r � . A I 0 11 It $ I I I I . I I .;L� Cphir ca"wiliflati " of .� r . ,=et1=1Ak19 0"t6- sinking Xan4, 900; Chas, Make fund, Mr. Dick Iteld shipped a car -load of little, fawn4 tvb*, black, lirlow-ii and nNtive. r �fl I I - . ir,"Ns catni *bo". � r � � . I I . . .. . . I . I r I .� . .. $27.50;, General Sinking fund, $142.- cattle to Toronto oil Saturday Itint, . . � I . , .1 "ITZ STAR LINE 50- Cemetery Perpetuity fund, $26-25, also ',Vfr. Joe O'Connor a car of llogs . . I & , t . . I �. ­ .1 Alonday, I e . . I I I I . I That the suar of $1,285.60 haq been on I & otdy� Pullovers, regular $1.09 to.43.95, to.oltw, 95c each * � . . , I I . . I I I � - ­ r rr I I ­ a- -_ - -_ - received Yrom the Toronto General .. ". . Swea&rs, �egiitwr $2.95 'to $4.96,'to..elwo $2.25.tach. I I d, I " i I I aiii��� 11110 W,11 I I 1, 1" �, .11 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sea 5 Only 1. � � - ­_ — Trqst Corporation as the towWs pro brooke, ,Also .1 . 6 only Sweaterso r-t9WjW $4."95 to $5.5% to clear, $3.95 eath.' . .* . ______"111_1t_ 1!t�!!,Tl tt� —_ � .. -11-__ tile Affimel Jennie and Stella Aforri.A. I � . . I _. I.. - 11.1 .1 I . .1. - I ­ .1 ... I r. I ratse Share 61 0. W. S. R, victory bond . �, .I- I � I I _­­.__ �!!! !!�"W!_�-___­­ )Y^ n . interest due May Ist. This amount motored from Goderiell and, nppnt I � 3. only ptillav,ers, rogula,ri $6.05 IS4.76, to oleakr, $4.96 ,each. . I o,r !�� "t 1#11 �� qunday with Mr. tind bit,p,' Chan, At. t* 11 . ' 11 HERN,�S B 014,11 0 T S , WK, has been dopoAted in the 0. W. S. ,r,. jin. I , 1 7 tutily S�yOater#,WsUlar� 0.56,','3� '�i4r$46.150'�*ch.. I I I . . __ _ , , . I � ­­­ -r' - I . _ , I �­. �__. - ­ necouirt, And we recommend that . " , � , r 4 . I ­ � 1, ! ", r� I . 0 ,?, � . I ,, � . D I �� ""', , �, . � r � - Elk f 1034 victory Wit& be pur. `� .-L " , __­�___�_ � , - -, T,"' I . r U r AIM- )MI'lild Ilickinan and tw6 rhil� A A�_ ,�*��;_14_��_.,A�_­_. �,­�1_11_1­�_,__��_� . ERIN , chased for this fund out of t10 rro. dren, of T0eont0;w1J0,hnt-A been virif. , ___141i__ �,:�'. .. . ,::� . 1 4 1 , .. I — , � IDD ceeds, on hand . .Zg� I ; I . � O" r , , , , , , I MINER R " 'r00%0TW "'m "500 0 intr her Patents, ' ,�Ir,oand gr.q, (;eo. , , " * . f A� ., . . ,4 � ru'l , The committee also recommended Bean, &-)r fOl' U low Weekt,4, Aurve re-, - sses 1rh&,! isna'stibstitute for Mitier!'s . Theyhavalleetltrfu� - I , 1. '' I I. , the fililic of the colloetor"a report ni;d tqrnt-d 1101110, ' ciall"Na ue In tidies, , and"M . - 11. .. 4e., � ., 1. I .... , '':, 1, , ", Sport Ho�e - - I , I , and tested and fouild S',t0Sf'Uh3rY- I Mv. Will Tirten, of Gode'rielt tp.,1 - I , ,;, r ? � . .. V. ��, I r ,A tbe pa�jilent of a numb& of nevoupbq, Z 'a, �Vv carry, a corlIplite range in one for $518.95 being to the Dohin. visitpd frierift at Zion on. Sunday. 1 JV5 is* a VJ1*ed4,hl1- HO�'d witil. 4x�4ptjmial weanri� qirVlitiez'si and i,- niltdc 1tf'attva%:.- 11 1. ' , .. � I - I 4 . I ..*T- , ­.... -v � . I 11 T#nnis Low and Nth Shoo Ion koad Machinery Co., for big grad- IV# *think %11 hit,on 1.1o.r"th Zioli vory � JJv,g,sft`Xde,,;,of 1111aek, dfivPl'� Ne"*&'� 6d .6afilboo." I 1 -r with Lwarifter. WThi.q ainothf, will WpJJ."tI.q We4,1 C.Ijr ht I . , �, I it r k�, �, 1, , -- i r � . . I . I HOWLING SHOES—S-ft OW N6W 96wkt- I f I nte (1,q,to ,10 "t, "c'- .� I . . .. q. . . *�cW Tfiii'Wte�t Pek ',Paih� 79c. ' .. � WogX SHOES.11i l3rown stod 131&&. with extra Aw" $Ottil I* fndormd baA to, the town ai par; Win ljoine th I ore in the lic,ar fature, , '' , ,_ , 46F �% ... . , . ." "" . .. � � . " .1 % .11, t4l 1. r .� I CJi9&et0,s S&s4* and Satxfitht 004*& AVA JV140* 8066, PaYtileut of 0-e bond hterest awiro6y Quile a. nulaber of neighborp, aqd , . I I 11 . ". 11, .. . Ir ". ." .. I . ­ . ­­­ .1 I � I . ­­ 1. ­ ., I . O rr I !, 1 '!t!�_,�_� _t�!�,�'7� - � - , ­ �­ 71, , JJ,,,,, ,,ld r te Silre yo,Ur R01111irIg SlIaeg 11aVe Blue W thec-610m iInd. ad irleea,%by 11 I . ; - - _tjTJS t . I Va �. LIM ieriar. knoth thia,townihip'tattelidir.q 7,-1, _(',�.­.� - ­ _�..­__ -1 - .� ­- � ,.,, _, ,, , . ,­7�7 I .. . _. i . 141". the fontral �J 'I ". '. � - . I r.. . . 14 ­ � 11. . 11 � , '. r � the,litto Urg. Will, Tro� ." � 1: I e , I .1 I C0,C 0 1 ' �, A&%%* � I H f Boy &J)Ut F"Iblenj on t1he 56le-They are gen. I ' ' Tile. i�owwlttim, of tho �A , , ' & %* . , I I'— .Ittide 010 report., ble fast-Widay afteln6on, ,�ftu. Tre..' . 1W ,0% - . wao---Ive live them. -- it -d an follow �onddprcl J)Jv ,,had fitade her h8mo Vitt; � Iler , , , F.� ,F E, a. � " no - . . .. r _­­ ,.-.. - I ­� nylaw NO S: We .b,%V6 THE , . , pho"o I I -, M idi� , , , . � - _. . to '14 V: 'i for , , ?" " . n .1 - I � .5 - . I I -of 19. Piro *4. 10;�,s. Tat*$ ,ginve ttle. ,,-A,# ' ruev nA I I O', lie . � -11 , . � I , fry 1�2 �' C-t-ut' llie�111� 'of Twr 1;aribind nove 4�eri , 11, I I , 1. i S4 , L, %f ` - I ry . I � � , f1i on, debt,nfure-1 ov*r it- period ,of fift I I .. , i I . " F3 tleach - I , njof�tll� ,n, I - V:� . " � I I , 01 ven 'I . , . � - " . . I I 1, . 11 11 11 r i ato I L . R I . " . I .1 I . I . . I Wr' HERN - ld.` ,s,we � �� the '!"v *f `A00 . . I )" TV * lvftr�,% t,& VA�,Ioff the 110atiar, deti, GrJ - . I - .. _,_ � .,. AV .... ._­ 1'--...--..-. 1-1.1-1-1. -_---11 .. .1 1. ­ � ­. -.,., 11., ., ­ .. .1. 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