HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-22, Page 1a f 0 . ... I � , I - 7 , ` 7��­k'�'.,�-11-4qw� I !"."...-f , , , . !� I I ­ ­ . Pi, � , .e. , I I .. , . �, , .* ,�,%, . VIA'N . ,*�d I . ,,.A '11 I �. . . 'As . . I . .1 : ,�, '. 1, I - .- - - - - - . - ,. . " - -;&, � " --i '" - I ; . . WMS 1-0 I ;= ftwo W_ _� 0 -- I -.1-ow-t 4if��L�.. .1,'-., ­ � -, I ­ -"Ww ,� 7 -T. - � - 14�' � I � � , � I " ,,- I ql�",�, - " - - -, _ - - � _ - � I - .1 � I- . __ - - � - I—- ­­- "I .. . I *P%r, , - '. ", .1 ,V� k. . ., '' . ­ I . -A. � I . I . I ­ .- _____­_ -_ _ _. I I I - . . , � __ . . � .111. " Confinuous Advertising.0.0 .1sumbb- 4 1, .. , �,.o F .. ". , I *11 � At T Z% :14, , *1 1% I il _f� � , 0 ft I 11_1d&4& t " Ir r QUAurr PRfNnNc1-.,W I t -.:a",.,.:`.; ,. . ... .11, Is iuu as kmvftm to a morc4rx's I . I %J&�" . � ALA.a Tkw Sw is "u*"4 to tjo ail," I � F_�, Buiinew as the hghn in the sstore . - =3r_1W`- It Z.Afft 4-: I , . or as invitingly &*aed vkWows I I � ; .! .. . of Pesmons, from a b4h to a bo,4. � , J - I swit upon ywr stalloflqry�, I �t I I I - . , f ---The Caw*y Merchw I ��� "I . W ,W-. , I I I I'll 1) r I 0 " 4 AiJ At?kSW0fi*0&NWSf&QhWi1 I � 0 r 0 - -TKY M - - ". '.. .11 � I 1, I � - .1 I � , -1 .. I - -r , 111 - -0 . I *0 01 : � . , � . I - I �, 1, , �, I . 01g 4 - . 0. ­ I I -.. � � , k ..;P7W_ � 19� � �� I I � 1. � Iq '0110 ­ � - I - , I I - � ­ -1- � -1 ", - _ - - � 41T7 ­ .11.1 1. I - ._1 11 -I I _­ ____ - , --,-- � . . I " ­ :,. I . .1 ­­. . .., - , " . i Is i N M i I � u. , ,.Wr,-V"9q9FFJ , 164 - I . . )kl � I V J� . 4 .% . I , 1%. . '4�" * , , ,,, , . . '. I 'k -, . I � ­ �, "I � ­ . . .. , ,- , , �,:, , ,. �; , ,, �. isolwlwut IN X"'Sw , I - I ­ � " . a 1. . WMIM OATANW. UNAU. . I . . . '.. ,� t, I TRUIS MAY 22.'�, 1924 110AIA" #WlWJ1'JNw4_ar---8#* I , .. ,,, 1,,34rp v t A a i ow . � ­ , - I VA,%JL Ult a 1%,4*41 'Auvilf, �� , � ---=*==V-_ ----i,,____ ­__- : I � I I I :­ �"� r- ­ ­ === . I I I � --.-r ---- � ______________,__ ____ ___ I - - _­�41­� �_, ' " -1, � 1. - __ __ -..-- ----- ­­ 11 - I ... � . � ��� .� . � � I'll �� 11 ... ' CINE 'Gftlrf A# I . T" BASE#* 'win. $I. V. INNUNO TOURNAMENTS, ARE THE SCHEDULED ATTIACTIONS FOR VICTORIA ' ­­­ . I- . 4: . I ­, ,-. I 1. - DAY IN SODERICHs ARE OUR STREETS AS 0000 As CAN BE P . - 4 _­ _t!7�� � *1 . , qz - I , o �, I, � 1;.,:;.11 �.­ , __ --.I- � -k -, � . 11 . L" "I 11 . ...... ­ 1� N I v I I I I 1"77i.117 a- RELAUXIAMAM 'NOTICIC OF MURTING � , __!, 1 - - _., I ,_ ­ I -­­­-_­­�­�_ -,.,--- , - I _1-11 11 1��_ I �_ 11%,.^­�_111.­_1~�o �1_ CK"40840y. may 14th, ovelling At 1111* 10PLE WE KNOW ' . . - I .� " � . I t I dl 1. r! ..!'' . _. , � __ WNTINA1 OF 111101%,CMINLY TOWN OF GODERI ' jim. with a hynin suit invocation, P14 ITriumph of Faith.- V, p. ul�� c,hVnbL . " -, . , , I I , 10UNCII �, Ajr.ot Xg u%=, Wag Ur Ifoul School *rod ,Bible (Is e3� 1 , � 'i�, . I , . A C I A 1 itli �%Too v! IR 10., . $I, I , . . "' " , 7 �__­ , , ,­.... t Devotional rXer4visest were vondarted , 4 to Aw 0 Jak Much Bargo*t." Strangm. . I I !il_ ;, A '. The 4"OUP401 of Utv Corpor4tlou tit M6� - WOE$ to collect 19aybage twico & by Was Bessi Londesboro. T04 gtIeUiled tb,,, i - I "I . . I - � Banker'At Advice I County, of Iluron A'OU In-* 1, ilk 1110 0auft- 'We�k illiriug tile $30tamer wider the Af ter Coil QAU- "UnIll!"It":Xuas 444 Miss Mrs. Cwto, ", .. NV. A. IA44 VlAtOrg WelConle. . 1".� ,�,,4rj, ,,,,,,t I � convolitt" ta 4141daw this week,. Victoria street meth,i)dist church, I 'V6 'of course, that a baaker U )OV4510 so of Clinton, Owe a 4uet. . ; - V know, I vil (31aultiv?, troderifil, �*t 3 o*e4KX irt j ritsditinion I � . tli(, aftern o of Ttwsklay. gle 31*d (UV ", of the Uleal Atird ot Ut", 6,00mo larowialfe, 4 8#U16 fit� IvrVices Sunday, may L"Uh, surwor .. ,,, � 11 . is, - With wasy 4iffere4t lilim of 400114r. W YOU illways t1 Juno. ettlt All aev(iuuts agAinst UiZ- flealtil, OW be rwvive4 hy tba Urs. MorAifiwo t(4d how to inalt# millie, IS V101tiM all'Alft, A. 11*1113itylij. ,Sehool at 10 O�VlWk. Moraing *#rvift . . .0 4 . . r4._iemb*,r. however, that, frara Ills knowl�!dxe or other c0unt,%, 1,411"'t bt, 411 the hand of t" undersigned up to juno ist. - 10"01140, i!AtW%%#jA9 0A Xrs. . ­ �. busiluessoo, be am- be able fo supoky Just the t4ex, i elerU not 13'.Pr thAU Nlon1way p-t-edim. P's"' �' UM litellwaille. Mr. Itautlogo. Mr. at I I, sub*t* '"With J##us at a pk* I , L , L ,,, at Duligonnow spoko�on "How to In.'I)IO 11 1. I , . that will UIR 7011re?, tile meetinic fit Coun6l. I For. any fartl�or wtieul% k qx, Mrs. 11*111fty alld MIS14 matV AW." The evening strylee at 7 WiU . . . I rrlkpply tere" air)$ J� the viftle.", A Teo ,Uallday rilleut, sumilky to. 14licknow. be, tondw-ted by R#V. Mr. Alp, fit Aix. ,, . Consult the, Sterling Bank monssor. io #.d4ition to I of'm. NV. 1,111"I'MAN. 'to, intortstint i I bla*ll,road Imowlefte of buslacro 1he hall as a back- , 00(leriell. Nlay J,-),. U11111. Co. Cloth Wk ou "Itow Uoys and � - -_ Giris Could, be Attra - ,A%t- (T X GrAbU0444)(r- U0110 Mack- born. A coidisl1w0conle to all, . I ground tho canaerr,%tIve m4nagement whleb has brought I A, D. UOLLAN, p�ted to the ?Aio_ 11 ,Toroltoylti%,eroi,yXcqleilfittt(lento Vaptist ehurch., The4lev. A. If. I . CoURT ar, RVISION, I Chairmact Board of Health 810A Saudi" WAS SIVen by MISS XOQA- 00 all thellf bout I tho $terllug Bank to Its Present ppstilou of stability. I ­--* ., I ., CH fQr t4u a � 1. # "" I .. . . I u,"u'll' V111 Fronlow. Of Calvary Baptist thurvk. I I . . 306 exiiT OF 11FA1910N.I. % . . - eV, of Goderleb. Mrs. S. Sherwood oatiou term, .. I I I . �­ . 0explained bow their Auxiliary looked Brantford. will preach the eighteenth r I I - r Mr. %"a Mrs. G. moutskluo IVIIIIATOR, I I I I . A .1 The Wptit Wawano4i Vaulelpal. 'Williatus, ot PAY- Anniversary seimons May .03th at 11 . Tinim . , Council NVJII meet Tuesday. Nla�! 21th, TOW, N TOPICS a)jter� stranors, and Rao Androws I of fluffs1g, and 0. V. .. I at 10 a. m., as a Coult ()I, Uvvi�wloa to 1, *^�, .to 4 of the work of the Fred Victor 400, Ohio, $peat the week�eud with Air. a. M. 04 7 P. in. Mr. Fromow Is 44 . 1 Alul Uts. Gco. Williams, tit, V4 'ut'it, otertal"Ing speaUtr And sillg*r. � . In, STERLING I . �� I hear and decide all app4eals analiml. 11w Maitland (;011, ,-lull .VU Re,%d IT Xis4lon. The quoxtetto from the . ocL """" t . I � . %. lassest3ment for the )car 1911-1 Constance ladies was ifluch lkppreelat. Mr- I'. J., Uoymol4s. of Unto)); basl it at all possible hear, Win. Evevy. . - I . . . ,,, , 'lerli. beenovelidluals week With h1s. Sister in I I � . � 40F,C*"A . J)URNIN 1411LUR f, for the 24th ed *04 Miss S. Courtice told of "I3. 1 , body welcome. ­ .. I i I � . . . --- . Tho 44terers- for1he Maitland (;elf- slonary work in Japan. Uo quivt 09404011. Ills infloy friends Am glad '-FloWer Sunflay.(Children's Day) at - i , . . I . 11 I I , I I - . 1. ; CUVUT (IF, REVISION.. , . to beat th'S4 blis health let 11uproving North I I .1 . , E 11 - Club (Miss McLean and Miss NV41- boor was Presideflover by Mrs. Wffl� , . I Xu== 1wr .1 11 4"6__.X4a0 m ! ?OR Till. TOW.Ns V Holmes I)IO, street Utibodist church will be - - . . I . , Itill, OF ,0014,1111ell. lace) have arrive4 from Totorfto� de , of v. During 508. W, & C�ulthut$k ,visited frienda of Spvvial interest thla year. The I - � I ___ _._.1�.._.____ - ____,________._____, � Notim is he . The newly-al�pointed,11pro," Mr. t0a to Toronto, alid IJUVIO 46 few Wooks-,4go, 8 � � . A . -_ ___ � . .1 % I . I reby'a, Kh,eri that a Court A" hour ROV' R' Fult011 Irwin gave 431% butwo regrot tb;%t sinea, ber returtisho ,� olidaY school has already began act. "of""""""""," , . . I I . ­ .1 L . .-Of 110181011 'Vill be held Ill 11101016' bert� Hancox, Arrived on Tuesday a4dress of welcome, which i6s ro'. has bet'll, contlactl to the bout* thwti-b Ive preparations for this great ev-e.vt I I . Hall, 1191mesvill on 0*1onday, May WHU, zight, ,and extra help has been socur- ll)ied %q, by Mrs. Hedley, of Goderich. illness, Q I . . at thl� hour otclo Wclock, in the forn. , 4 undkohe diroction of rpof. isek$orl. I I noun, tor tile purpost, of lfearhaq� ,au�d ed to get the course In first-class coil. Ih the'evening Rev� Mr. Irwin presid. Up, and Mrs,11oweAl J�. IVIIIIams, Who "He4vta of Gold" ta the cantata a#,*. � deWmiluing complaints a Millst tile A— dition for the o1wiling of the season ed and a beautiful pantomime w4n Purchased the shottraitl property 1,34t WWI for this joyful occasion, .And I . . I �,un Lito Assuriance Goo of Canada Sessment Holl of the said ownship, for on tho 24th. The'program, of the pilt on by young ladies of Sonfortit, 1s) the past; week opening ita bright mwiia and beautifti == . 1024. Persons having ,business ,lt tile � I ines. 11 . I . 1 .1 I . Isald Court will pleaser (attend at the, events for the opening day was Pub- 7418 was followed by an Addre,gs front upli�101*`T,101011S= preparing to move up sage %�Zill be ou iflopiration, t1k 370UIW . I . Wd thne and priaoa. w1lbout further lished in a recent isAue of'Tho Star. Miss Courtice, closing a very vrorit. 04 the Greyhound excursion. and old. The date bas, not yet been - you INO'SUREVOUR HOUSEs WHY NOT 1110UR UK P lotleg, UP. HA11009 C01-AcS f0114 Guelph and able And interenVing meeting, Mrs. G. M. rAlliOtt Is b3Qk t"01A he" lived but towards the end of June th , - . � I .1 . � All dogs in 4he muntel ality not cor- v I � � 0 . . . 13-yerybody gets tire insuriance on houses and property, tiped as destroyed, and I eldgs retUpil, inSu 4140 inUegn years experience in Dou V ROAD W U41440011%. M1119 1001' 40 Toroatif "ehildren will'ask you to Join. In their , I - � , 41 . bit Daily ftsdial .8trvico Galt by Mr. 411100, who is attending a, Child. I � � I. � _ Comes ed on or botorethe abovo,4ate, will -be England: Una Carfa4a. ill the 4, 'Voit- , , rT Atvali I f :, . yet.,ouly one fire Insurance policy I* each 1260 eyor bei . &lid Itautilt" rou's A14 weeting, They will ret4ru to yeiirl� An . I charf An �, , � led All the 1924 taxes. ,A person. Ing on Satur4a' the duy'a proceed- ."."..­*� I '. , a,claim, whereas among the, same number of mier, oven at so , own ng or barborilif a do out 1he y AS guesto of tile catl4alan pa'lfic Goderich tomorrow. Ura. Elliatt came g mro yow holidoy bakiligot the , I ; . . 1 z wt ings will close . with an informal Itailway, memberaof the,city eo,oncils back from Calitoruick by w%y of the coast NV " r ,, �, I yoting an Age -a's 3$, 'niore than eleven Nvill'pass aw,,.y d�rfln� 'lee0s"UrY tax for 024 .� It be pro"- I I mra" t , , � . I I cuted according to statum. , dance in the club house, and chambers of commerev of Galt to %%tueotiver. . C. T. V, balkIng ,,�.Ale on bfo,� -, � ­,.. I . a ,year. . Wae wlies wid tuoturs *isa th�y wpuld ln,ist 4pon a. 0. T110ho"1141 � . , pelt . at the late.F. 13. PrJdllam1,.A $to . . �� , Deputation to Ottawa- and Hamilton, as well as, officials of * ;O� 1 , I . � . - ­ . � � . ., - 1. . . insu,rance.; were husbands ,and. fathers to give the subject sober I I . . . Towlifti Olerk, � Ellc4uiaged . I . " 0 "' 11 .tLhQUght 'insistence Would be needed;. The halAt of saving I . . ( � ` L . .1 I no I- R. 11, 6. 2, t:1111ton. , , . the T. ff. and B. anfl L. E, apd X. Raii , 11RIEF TOWN Topics * Xr� UtleDoliald Gibbs" e 10tv;0to'r I , �- . , I I . Last Friday a deputation consizt1ilg ways, travelled .froln Galt to liamil- to ire Day exorols %U4 organist ot Knox Church. 1 now 1 1, I I will be worth, almost as much L -as tile p6ace� Of L mind ill being � COURT or 119VISION, , I 04� at victo-10, k I,- . 1. ­ . L. . . I I I— . 49 ; . . - . of Mayor Gallow, Manager Parsons ton and return an Saturday previous selm IIAVO been postponed to rriflays 1:1VIng big Nyholo timp to ooderleb, I wt,.* 'k . . I - assured"; - , - , " . I .. . . - . � I 100A, TIIE TOWNSHIP -OF COLOWNt,'. and Preside* Hunt � of *the Elevator to tit() opening of tile -new double daily . Uay�30th.. . . Gibbi 10 at thf) 01100% Tholiday And I . . .1 A Stitt Life policy provides for both. I . � . Fridayuftornoolls, and all day 8%piraily " . . . . I I � _ Co,, Manager J. W, Fraser of the W radial service between these two The Home und fiebool Club of 'V Igtor. , , ... I I I . I I . I . . 4 and 30polutinents tar stistruction. An - .'' I 1 Notice is berebi 19.1ven that q Court 0. r, M" Mr. XV Cr. Cameron and Points Sunday, Connections will ii,�', 10, School will mcoPon Tucsda'y ovoillall, 111ano. Or�fau and Stugfng lurty be Ilv. .. ., . I I I . . 1� I I . - I 1.11 I I ... I I , . I I I of Revision will, ebeld In ,the town, Mr. W. It. Robertson, interviewed , tile made for Go4erigh, Toronto arid other May Wtb, Xv. A. 51,. -Uobort�on will I � . . I oft I I . ;1. ;t�'J.()NQ, 'Ut rlt Agent ship ifati, - CarloW. on Nlon points L L 1-401,1041, Any day at tile ebutell, or two � . . , l- � I loft 20 � . , � 0 d4y* bftv Minister of P01ic Works and mem. -main line L W tic , give, a paper on "Lo"Ity," L . I . I � L I . ., . I 26tb, at the hour ,of 10 61olo L I at Q elph Junc 11. may he adtlreisoa at tile hottle of Mr. I " . , L . . I � � - I P � 4 a th 6 � , I . . forenoon, for the purpose o Ae.r bers Of the council at Ottawa with re. 'Officials of the Canadian L PACIfe oil The Five Hundred and dance given ,D%vI(1 Mellwaille, Ne%v�oato Street, . 'I 1; I . - � I I I I L I I . I L "-W-W"W_WP" and'determinin oomplaint.s. ferencer to an addition by the Xhmook -Chapter, 1. 0. D. U., (1111044 249 W.) L . I . I I � .. I I I.. of mint; 10 the trip Included: H. 0. Grout, Gen. __ - ____ I , I ' L , , . h I . . 'A, i , I Assessment Ro I Of the sal I at appfopMation , . I . "... - .. ,,, . . ... .. ­ . I L 0 . Bill fof,�Goderich harbor *ork. . 'Ft ntario District; 1�1. ff. Brown. lastYrWay eyoning was much enjo . . I . I I , I -Persons having usilloss .jlt� Ora 1. Canipbell's, Drog Store L I 10ST 'A 9b FOUND , for 1924, the Y� . . L . ____ -1 ­*__-%� ..-___________1X_- . the .Wd Court vvill Pie 0 tten 'at Point of view of the Impoi Su 0. Tile attendance Vras, only . fair.. �� � oeolat L for fancy, - - - - lws�lq ­ I L tance of dlv!�iivo�gbt agent; W. Horder,assist- , . J65��*-­6,rganiq I *0�-AUW .rug. i)Fwavr, e.an: lla�e ace - -- irbor to the ,;,country in the I ea. _-Ahv#W-4 fresh. I I , L � - f�I'OF�..,,�V. II. t . I said time and PI h 11 � ! , ilW'Fou-N ttIblee-l! notlee. . out fill . the h. Ant district Passenger ag4ttt, of ,rot;, The Maple CourtL on Frid(Jy, With , , '' . I . � . , Director -of' Music, worth ,Stretit � pg,e on provIng property at, the I ;1 I I " ff, c a 10 p . . I movement of'grain 4 �itrong- .0tiso was onto; F. U. Rutter, Supt�; London; W. 145,000 bushels of wheat and oats find Collie I 'L L Uftudlst alluecb:"Instruction given In .."TA, - el I paying, 0 eases. MR& IMTRERNOTO.N, Clerk. - . to the, eighteenth arin�ver., �i . 'Voice CUltUre, Organ,' Piano, Vlolla,%� . �__.__ made olit.and the delegation feel that Stinson"'hast. supt,, London, atil oth- the Glencalra on Saturday with 104. ary setvices of the Goderich Ua�ptlst L , . I , -1` '­­�`.,:�_.i I � :::'-- 00,�FtT OF UP e 8 . I �. . . . U� -r. Tlieoty, cle. , . . . .- . rANTRO. WISION. .. " the need 0-f1urth r w6rk here cannot ers. The storage battery car now. In 000 bushels of wheat, wer6 110104410(i church tioxt Sundtfy'L ' ' - . I ..., S U040 and �;e�lftence. phurch .5trept.. . ANTED-,Gtrass a 4. , L I .. . ,. . , ' 38'1' - ` '. '; ­ .1 cUti I . x -TONV.�-slfli� or .NsIll'it"""') thd meatitime the dredge Go i ,thil tu A, SOO 60m ,will- he open on -, �, - bon . 'i--�; VOK ..Tit , be ignored; by the 0ovfirnment. , in . � 1) . ZA L Operation Is the first Otte to be oper. last week atthe elovatorl. ; : - 1. _ . . e L ­� 4 � I it�irinitl5,Nv4t(,r,.,�t-fto.Vl., Apply . I �_ .. . derich is ated-by the Company and *111 .3upply - TLI10 A r­.CIrle'of Knox church T1111 _ . 1"J�N .Lot ,),) " L 014 7' 1 ., . I . I WUILVIA) Ii evening owing to 04o bolifty on - I . L . L 1*IV,8L10 NOTI -1 .t 1). Notice is hpr6y A�,ytqj that 4 Court or busy -it the enttallcO to "the harbor A, service loni; in domand b residents llut on the play, 11$sfety First." ni . � 10�vn� I I y .. I . L � IM , ��l -I R"J'sl0ft Will b" held it, tile CoifnMl working Qii the 4 � xarl!�,&ay- L I ­� , . - --- �_ w-&-" - 0�,�� __ , ____ W lip 11. A. 140'72� Ooilcj� I propriatiou 0 The car ivill A . , L' i* , ,-..� _� . OL ' -1 Ictlioligh . Chamber, AsIli-field. oil . $0,000 ap, f Harallton it and Galt, ithuill'on Friday last ,%lid lost night - . . o. ION, OP PAilTSEW11111" ' I ­ - I . � �. I N10,11(101, May 26, which was rovi n tht, mai le4v Galt a d Hablilton twice daily gave L A b4zaar* alld. sAlad tOa under the I " - , I ,�.�. . . I .1 Vsf Via U o6rfts m 4kr1,,NNah( _�� _' L . At the hour Of 10 0'01ock if,, Ill,� love- p d1od for i n 0 . it at Blyth. The unaccounted I ' N). ,0 of ileflvink.adj . I . � NA fjut:�J'Ag LEI ift-N. 4' - - saturl 1)ooit, for tile pUrpos estimates, ,. i . . And Is fitt0d with the latest type of dis4ppearafte of mr, youaghlut. lost 4uspites,ot the mocaillivrAy'Nissiolk . PIN , ��(J(JS , for 4 I o have been, . WANIT�. -A341440ditsf; . � ,; Aai-4, Amikyl .;j.'L.NAQE L. �11 -omplallits agalfist ttio As- Two million. dollars ioffrefght (one equipment, 66 power being st%�pljed Friday had soutewhat of'a dompen.. . and flouso Furalmhlogbitslivvs in fioil, .. Bl' ,., deterallaIng e , Baud of Xuox 0uroh will be hold in I . _vlft Go. � . . 04'.14sment 11011 oUlbe igald million and, a . . (�rlct tor 1.110 ila-A WU .Nv;f�s '114's h4ml :'" . I townsli'll fo,� . . . � I � . . I L -------- .,-;-- -'!'_j-__ . - I . 1.4 , havinit business al, mo quarter of which went by 260 Edison cells under. -the body of �, 1hg effeet I J1V.&'.N`i'IQJ VQ it 0 the call. There Is a. notlr6abI6 ab- Auburn, thoug)t Ahtf attendince Ivaq Saturday .afternoon, bts)p li .... I . L . . dissolved. _N*J"." - t 1021. Persoz . on, the entertainment gkt the JkCturO ,rooln 161 the church o4 I I N _D:r b-usineSs �gld % thfk. *,aJ(1 to the '10444(11411 Natlorkifl �Rxilways) - 31at. fjrea � . ,VW. Ctirtwright bas r�,flvtsl. ,It, JL.'ra�, _ , SsId -Court Will 'PleoSe atteo(t at L Was earned by the tw(I �rallways 1"' 11"Ohce of nolsz.and 4orkiiig.' . . fair. I I . ! . 11 10, . I having purcba,vAI his IW,.1PsIs,- anO thi, p furair4,f(l. �01. Ullfurnishell rooms, UtTIC and�Pl;lce Without further n6tice, t I �. I .. . wilt be served from 4 ,to 7 p, in. I , " otlim" . I I � . -ss, will,be, cooduevid under'the �.npl.v 13,o.n ,u), �."4� 14 All (I "' ill The Iflunwipality liqt �c;r,tl. ... � I . 1* �'', L . busint . - . I �,, . � - Oed it, (�, . year on grain from' thO G00rich 010- D. D. G, AL Vj,sits Tilyth . ' The annuQ inap Bazaar,o - A i Off, QroYeft, and'the ta s �returnpd vato . Cadet ]!!n t .11 40:etck . I � nme or'Tbo %I A Gray 04, ' - ln_L, rs, and this, it i* expected, will A. F, & A. U. - : -, . ­ . 1. � . . . IV " . . All , accoutltii -a4s � pti'vilasecl, I . , .41ngle GRAIN ' ' ' 11 1 , , 0018al. allo - now Pas� 1. . , MP L' Ivel with tnana- c 3ar#pd In the '144aXes. An) I L . , . i . . on or berom. UP 'Above da 0, wIlt b creased this yoar,if the take I � �. . . I . &" -�M WAXITO-�--TNNO seat appear t e be largely in, . Corps- of the Collegiate ,Institute. wilt , . _$ . froln Dray & Ort. , yt nvt+ .-I to tr " I IN r.0011SOT1 , 1, I ovnipg. ),Xvo� 20th, thi, -place on Friday Aftcrn00" At All kinds of choiee seed vorn for ' .. pl, I 11, 191ted the Blyth Lodge, Colonk,l Goo -, . , - , --,ft (4opt vvith( quak, '00*s""Ar., the iftAt .. 30. .U6 It"pectitig *Meer .*111� be �Ajo at A. 'A. tj.o�jpeej W.4 u , , , �, " �, �­ ��t,, tk,�F,,�, .-And I 'A ­UW.oSsWW."_MV:oIag"0, 41a . It", � ftblkw""i�,.&.A�1; V�ft!�'I�W-.- `,'� . ,�WLC. 1�4144*%;G�&,WfO alot. Awrin, I . L . , � .. . . . ­ Nya�-t,hojq a position. t�,,,Ieave the city I -aryL t" for lftj Witt b(" prosc�' in the Way of sufli ient,dredging to and t aft I V rA r� - . . __ ,_ , , . r I � I ' ieces,, ;a­lha 10ove" bl, I 6 ,V , . I I I I . I I I? . I � li . .1 at once. WrItI., If L 11CHARDso-N. Outed . d � �Work of the'.c�entng -of Lon �. ,i . I . . I � �,� ... i , L � _.,-._t,.- 7, 1 . . Idderich,' Gen, ,Dell. mpleted the brethren retired r"'11. Gillespie' - Hamilton St4 0, W, _. ­ il . . PlIltlic'NOT40t, 11 , facilitate 'the movoment * of gr4in was c �r t Aoti. ,The Cadet o1ficerg nra Company I ) . . . . � . :1b'. ,0 I '":'Or I 11) -1;114 ut, TP. Cle"I', btiattsi, the harbdr., The Minister of to theo .. . � " i�� , . TUR 1101-P1409-4111ii 11 will: i10 V, ( T NIC W11-IiIN2,0-1. % Lue-know Commander P. V. Anderson, t I CARDS OP THAN4*8 . . -N, IM AVANTED t0 4VLL 44D Undon.-for gen- _* Memorial Iran, where a splen. he pla- 1. . "sponswe $or An debt dontra&id bV Glerat flouseworit. .AVust be able'ta cooK Public WOrks Ntuted to the Mayor -his did banquet was served by the ladies toon leaders 0. B. ,Orr and Douglas - 'rill' undproigned wisji 'to exp*r0*4 � . I It . skens) nd L be eXperlencea, rvo waspitig. good I intention Of visiting Goderich,, � � . Nairn. The parents and fri Nr milleepA appreel'.41,14-14 of the ut3ay . � - - . my wire,jUrs. li,'dit r1orenew flo s ARTICLES FOR SALE th, . . � � I . 11­10­1­14_� ­ ��­­ Of the t0W[li W- Bro. Peter IV. Scott ends Of exith-mionq or Oyllltmft I'Vora friendst . ,� " ". � I 'After tbi,� flau. � . , � � home, high wages with increAso. tram tLme ,W. k. s. D , the Codlets and the pu I � .� . � (Signed) CRA - W. "OR I to Ulne 4nd perwantnt position to papabla blio generally ,Jn�j nelat j,� p . imvq, Fon .'i'%i`4K_ T)Uby CAl'ieRsf Single istrict Convention acting 49 toAstillaster. The follow. thorli. ant' 03t)fel"JfIy'Ql4* kindL- S. Q . office Pox ..(Iomti white leghorn - - The tbirty-sec'011d annual couven�- ing toasts were given: �`Tho King," are invited to. present at th(, 0XII I I 114'" of 11111 lgodefivh 1-30vator QW, .Wnd . r rl. Reterences roquirea; rolAt, 13e Lf�aeh. . 0. N1. KI)l 'PI one 41. tifin of the Goderlch* District Womews responded to will take place In be I I � % Julie 1st de be I J I bfitchell, 011t� 0 -, Londpil, ont, 1, IfterN. I ), I 21 , . . = ______ $ 11 . .1 . � 11 , . . May atill 0 � . I I . - - I . .. , . by L the Singing of the d4lon, which t NOP10'ree Ill � pantvtloii with . the L'' .1 L' I I _­ - - . . . . . r �, I � WAINTED.-Lifn ��mpflnjTqth flead FOR 8 -M -K -Full size rft,d. bob), bf]lq- Missionary Society wa,s e Victoria, Park. death fit Mr. 1101. , - I I I - I . ORA * . , h 14 in the National Anthentv the toast to . . �S-,41 Mrc u,xi. foll antl -falutly �kud AIV0110L 1)ZODRATING, WWI Omm 'at Water!00 co�telnpjztles . gy. in good condition, UaroAa for blethodist church, �Saafortb, on W�d. Gra . �, � - I , , Un . -T ,itin 1* (inside nd Lodge was responded to by . brothers. - . I' I I work Promptly attend- _...". . .. . .. .. � s, p4lao ng W A#ellcy'au 41,o(t�rteh, ()ne I- ill 0. � "- AXONOt TIFt C11VRCH I r". . .. .0 t I �,optni , qulok,',ial­(�, �,ppLy box 5,.Sta 0 c . I , _... . _. � 4 - . 8 '. . .; I : . ai I ­_ ' . "r. _-1.--.1--__ 'N� I I I. 4 r )is 0 le, eek. 'Call or writ reprc,seittative W-,trlted for this loc tity, W. Bro Wilton, l4ouilillit and Tierfi. I I E BORN � - � ZE I %leat, $teat rot 13ox! t, 1prls;ll. -plabo fwalwli� -TP1 youft ow. - . I . aYp -"The Craft," b , Rev. A, X. Frbmow, of C,alv ry (MAJOIN At I1ri*kvJIIs% sione 1, It,", ' . � Ito . Sri to , Cr6od dpiorlitnitics X `A'4',�--i t� 173011-T , ,m. With -' .:,I " . W ,or iigtl t nrt . assibt- FOft ' - ".... . . , y, W. Bro, J. J. Mc� a rl V!,'. . . � . . I � pistelet Mike supervi-0611 a . coso; and m'0816 cabinet: I Ax-. . 'F 0 lot, on Suorkay" May 19th. tit 'Mr. at"t , . I W 41) I I VO VIM RhVjl.�q Aoill;r-lf) hp . .11 VIM. It. NV. 4-voilrie Inee Atta Mculititool, I , Wat llilnstor rug, fto ft., I voll tent 91/vIl , Wingb4ffl,L W'.* special preacher next ftiday at the I Kinzc ..4t,, paqj. ,j 601k� , . . I I --;;� anceo Write.P. 0. Box 115 erloo, .A -ror� mompo Nvorl-- ,we" "Our Visitors," by W. Zjog Baptist chorch, Brantford, w I be the . t.q$ . � . " . I L . , nx y', ;r rSteWart and Jobb, of 11 ?, I - r �.; "A SALE I 00 U4T I ozit. . . . ft."Twith flopring, Apply to irjjs� ,1. ne else Ui Small P4 , Ill . _ , " . I - tsmUTON .. to - -�,nu want to become your o%vn I)ON.q. Bro, Sampson, of Londesboro, W. Bro . C. k- UPH Wol, ''in I tollorielt. on I ' . . . - " I .. .1 " � . . I-------- , sot!ttl. St. , . . � anrdversary services at the Goderlell � ,; .. ONI", ZIAN � jil;��- � .__-1-_- ­ � ­ ­ _­ (,I$* Baptist cllurfih� . . . I L, . � L 1 -P�OOX TO Hki-0.--�Comforlabjf, fur-. .. WANUO * IN EACII ' 11"tn't's " OT)Povtunl�"` for' Ulnbi` J. -Robti n and 'C. Robert%otf�.and L : .Nla,,�,'20th, to Mr. oud Mr -s. J't�,,to�d�,,! . . ' � COUNTY to appoint agenj 1 lous 1111-n 11141w AlIt'r-fito flu 1, .1 1, - I -'Lw nisheff room to rent, in respectable , - s to sell )VIIINCr CAU V(41 SAl'b". Ill b , I , home, three minutes;, walk to S44 our "Alaxio Gag"; a st vanning HudIflon, Prief, leeirteal J.-nitioli, 11jtIt�pN.- ,in W. Uro. Jno, Wilson and (lot, Var The vervices in,Knox �hur imilpt"41, it "01). . I. L I I t iaranteed pro- . '*.� Ir( -VI � Coe, of L I . ch will 1.1f)TINSUIN , I In ut.4.-Pleh. 4-n 0 -ty. I I" ffrl�' duct', hel;� disrovfiry.,equals X%!,oIIlnJr,,asonabI*, for cash. �14TAII �9 - '_�'_ ,Lodge, U lich " , , (, ,,� High, sebool, or bqaiii ,0. Apply 41t, i. NvorlL. Fmv: Nwvki; I F�%A,. Al'orhingstar w bt* In charge of the mi , I nesi�� . ,op,on ,. .. at 3 c,"I.,4 , , Carlo , I . Water. Sub. alf, ffith, Io Mr. �Md 'Mr;%, It, I - r &p * � MCKUY, of L jet.ta . r e . _a gRIlon, 11IN' (14111and, big pa)'. .4;010 0 i % IL John or r ,� � feired. APPI� to Box 10, 't W00 box glvtvs �& 1:21�11&_� - I ... - 11 1 4 W- Bros. McDernild'and of sernions,'11 a. m $IF"Iffir, �114�11 It Null 411-wertru lull . , I , 'I v -i . .t � it Aftv eplit., pvr bour td hep I .0 i, I __1 . nilles; : *5(0, monthl 'Y- V MA L I . I _. .0 L YL fl" I ... YOU Goderich, and W, Bra. � W 1, f � k, � - . through "yolir traillink, INIPJto or � Wnf. Neill, of HanaicaPat" 7 P. in., "The Parable of . . L J_ I �, - 'VOUNO BULL VOR 9ALE.-Nice rol�kn, qMck. . P. A. tA.'FEVF31l$ ,�. .0 , L , AICINI- I . � . . h . ,l)(10* , Wa rug I L DIED . . I 14, . ;-5,- Lavendot br(q. prim '114dria, Ont. . � . . . ' 13 selg; "Junior Wardensi,',' by W. Hlllalinl,", SabbatIl .School d B'bl 'rkYLOR 'At . right to I L fo,.tl N al *01T. 11F.-NIPI-IIIA, "Dr- Bra, JnO, S- 800tt, of Blyth, Over 04`130'dt 3 O'clock. all .1 I (1, NI-ly 101:11, Lill . -it, hl-rv. hetov,e!l. AUTO 14"lluftl'. 10 1�111K St. NV., I . Gatif-r"ell, wl 'I'llestlay. . SOL VE ,LSON 'McLARTY.' R. It, No. 5, ''" ` ==-­=.-==--;-=�.7:�� . ontfi, ont. . , I lan NIL �" 4�' � . , - . 0=.===0=0===== One, hundred M011ona 'Were present, I North St., Methodint hurch: 10 agir 4 lit. Afv%ansler T,i�lor. . . .1 - '. I � ,� , 'Goderleff -11 I ­ . .. - . - . - . a � L. OVERLAND . --- I and c . . 441-011K At UrPrIsNifit-, ,pit Sund3y, I X SALX.-Two-story red briek . 1P AUCTION '" after the slnging of ',We aro All a. im, Meala Club. Church Clasocs, * -1twed - ' - Folt 0 L. SECURE YOUR ' SALRB Jolly Good Fellows," the members ?Aiaoion 13and. 11 L a. M., ,, AWN W. -80." NfOwl NIN:Jhit�xn. be L � house, all 'modern don'�.eufetlf.,("q. �­:­)­.�_ _­.....­� . �' L . * 11 N ,.;AI,V: tip 11(tt., L Thc- wifv of linbert, W. i;r. ,w. , "I L . . . , .4r _w, ( � i irhis propf,rty is attoost -nekv. Otuat� 'Ir(ot,r) of the craft dispened- to their rt,. 4--,­�­­­�­­­ -11 .11, : ­ : od .H UDAY BAKING TOURING: CAR A' J' � - 1: - ­­, .: �7-:__. ­ 12 .,- ­_ . I ­­,_ on 6.14bobs stree4 near Vietoria st. I ­ . I UNIX.Ts . I I— . - 4 . lip-ar Victoria' school, AIRs. I L . I .. . I I ­ I SPective 11011108, Blyth Lodge i,,t ill a L R q 1, ____ L - - - - - - - - - - - I I L� I .. . THOIJP�ON.' I ADAM . at tho, . I I Nlli- I—- 'r. ' flourishing condition, . . . - _____ I . �� �:,.* I. - I I . . W.C.f.U. HAKINCr SALE 0 L For Sale . I - -�- NA'Nf- (;AAl0,.,4 � - . . I , . . 1, . . '. . 0 L . will'st-11 bN Publie A11111011 let lwr ro,,! Mr. Geo. W. Bell Dica from Injilrie,4 , TOWN OF GODERICH . . . U4NT-FUrnished bouse to Nni I'/'^"- dellev, NN'6�.Q%Stri.1-1, ())I . I . ,� I I _, . To fov unmer months. Coil- - IPIRIDAX� I MAY 23 o in good ' - I . A nasty accident oceured nn Friday I . . : . , the st ­ "'i" . � I col)dkion 7 1 i,�; 9' vente Near sunset Itotol slid ., 4 1% ­ L ' � I I L . TLI"FSOAV. NIAT rith " I ..J, . � "" e� tile . at I Clock' Mull I - , I . , '' afternoon )aat to Mr. Geo. �W. &.11 Is - � . � �, . I . L. 1,ahe HAR, Garage. $30 per month. I I , DD I� 3-PIPOP PArlor imife. niahoixanN fill- - " I '. 1. Possesslon 1.'A ,or May ICE. $200 � "" "' "' tit(' foll"""119 ' he waa en,,�iaged in brilaifing- a cat into � - . . " 1If desired. Ap- Late F. 1. Pridliant's St I -A h4l, I mallogany table., I par! positi6n on the C. P. 11. tracits near . ' I .." t . .. ­ ... ply Do% V7 , STAR OF GE. , . . are . . . or 611114 ' 1924, TAXE'S NOW PAYA9'LE F., I I . I . __ I WO 1*1111, ort: I hall raeli-. I sJ(If4N(,;tv#I. I the olevat0r, A ntiCk h; 11"4ed to,, ob.L I . I , �. PASTURF. FOR R%NT, in 00derIch tp. fiernowi Te4 4 30 to 5.30 - . . I I . I . . L . . 11 �. `t',X,(t41i1(1'r41.,"ll ("')"�� "' "'t"119 rh�lh`ft: "'I'l taining extra, loverage in operatint, " . . .1 . , djair, . ,,, For terms and tarticul,,ys apply . L I J. - W. ' 111111ofilterell J., � L I Supper irara 6 .32 t6 7 � , CRAI .1 mu -11, 18't INSTALLMENT IN JUNE � . ft) IXELVIIoLll, STURI)Y, lj,��,11, No. 1, , GIE - ` �'Inll t1I114"4.' ' J14�'11111'r the break wheel and uvidently from . � . 'Goderiell. 01.11- .4 V.. VW. , i I . J I . _ .. . 141014.11 rallge� I mr1ling iloqk: I . . � . ; . I I " , ** � , . I 11� I I I � I I I I jft�. [WaNed- A a I 1� I I 'I a, Al I t1sol 8 Ok I's i I I I X i 1i 11 .%, �l 11 - , ,%� I OR I I , I 14 ) I I , il Z Ims I I I . f-1 .,( � I vil0we heater hlrM'11.1 some cause this waq Jerked froin ilia I . Li; , IL � �0; I ==_ _,__­ - - , lah" llf-ilter, 1 %sablill book 4.,Ise: 1 grayp and i;truch. M(; head bacl, of the 2nd INSTALLMENT IN DECEMBER . _== ::��_._,_ .1. .,­., I',, ... _ . . . . . � � ­ . . == .. !=Z��-lz;-r�---"',�;�--.-.==r'--T-4�---=";..'.:.:.", .1 , - . I lith . . I. � - . 6===�9=0=0=====G=oc=��o=O====*=:Ro L ­ .1.. � ­ �. r1w. 'lli'll eabl"J't' J ""'11011 1111)1": left eye Wherf it fractured tile altull. I A N*,�,titlt (,(. ,2-.; t.tf lq't, jl,,,q11ll1Pllt if paid. 0!1 or Am4fole . I ales * hitOwn rbajps: I thro-s' jnlrflpr MI Ain o. . . L , . . I . 1, , I - �,i � i . -,'- -__ - ­ _. . . 1.11 I- I . L I � =====a=*== 3 irlill hed'4, 411ri'"g.4 ,41)fl J1lafft#-Nw,4; I n digtanco- Thi �.uflo 1,11th. ­ � . I I L . 'i - - --T 7 7-�­, - � 11 I t1f,tiLtall" I . I . 11 . - I . I 1� �_ I 7­�,777 ­ 1, " ! PO �0 ';,I - "k� _­ 1 % 1 1 accident oecurred about 4 ci'cloeh fin t7i"If L L 1�. I �., It I. 1, : r '"%�7* .--- ­�177� r it) T.ft% f"r %,V;,10� t I . r � , . , -�,,� �.� �,� � "� % e3l" 'kilf1geilt ., . . 1�- . . . , . I �, '' .. I %V'rinar.r. I fuly. " , If y1m :1,,_ till, ,)Ill itjC�', f . L ,-, , I L. �, � � I "I . twilitI.- r1of "I", 11" ' � , . �, 1, ... � , '' I .. .1 ... I I � , . I � I '. x � , " ft I . I .!4 � I I . . ,� �� . ­ , I . �. �L - . . � alel,.+; I)Nnrk: I 11110,11. : , ffn;bir -if Friday -Afternoon and 11r. Bell nev- L. , . 0 .1 I I I 4 , I . � . 1 4 , . , . � ,� I ! : so� , '4"'" 11'4: v`r- or retrained corhiouvnes.,4. lip W.1.11 if puld of) or 110(ole Jwle 11all. . I I I . i , I . " ,,, �4 . ­. I . I , I , I � - , . �at ,kill',"" - , . I I I ,� . - . alr�: ,T, , ., I . a I L . I '. � . 1. . I I I . . . I ", .1 I ; I I .. kdall 4,13, iclurv!-, sjll,wr�kave-. . 11fliff'(1 t"? .. 'it Jt4 t' I a . . _ t'.10L fit, , j tlJ_1ttj1, .Jlt�, 11 '�*, � I L� . VNIM, flishe-4. gla­maro: potq all(I 1p,tils taltell to the ho$40tal and he brt-g, I 'it I I 1� I I . . . . I I � 0ed PANALTY-.7 uill 11" , � I L r - I I ". I r aflip . I . I I � i " . . , I onfler a0thelt, it#,; nontermt, t., his last about noon the ftillo,witits. . vmll by J111V 1141, I ... I . I I ­ . L: � i * I . . I , * I .1 fifin. LL. I � 11 s �� � I I � .1 I . 1, L 1. . � I , I I I . . . I - I I no . I Aft-. Dell w= the fourth Ron Of tiv, I. Y'(') '#I 4 � . I �� �r . . le, I � I . . NO rf'.Nellie .1.,, .111,g. (,v.,jLr J;,')n -")[,I t1l" late Jame L 1�!`V Tir Tll� 1, +Wifj JL,1.;*' I )I ". ;,fill J thl '114-wmA rl,­ 0 trio I I �J ` . I . . . I . - . . 116ow'. S &U, who died six nionths.., . L L L. . ! . . �- I , I I L. - I � I . I .. -'rerniti rw,lt. 1 . . ago. He was titarris,il rim yearr,4 uUW IMZ, �;V'�Lrw. , I . I . . I . � I to Ifiq � . , q , "Stella ,1(.Well, %.;hrJ,L.W " ... , i , ith t1Jl4_ . . % � . I P I I L � 0 .NI(S. ,%Nl\l. 1111AT11, T 6l:%,I)ItJ-. th tille­ A4�n;-ri, iv , nin � I," ,,,�,j f i1t1kt-,q. I i I . _ I . I . , ., I �. , I � ,� Projoriefro �, %nvl,­,o -, uhildrt,y), Tbulina. aged five. J# . " , - � X. � a I ­ 11 �� . . . . . . id . . . . . . . . . . ,,����,�,��� �afl ag. � . � _.: � ....... ... �: � I . . 0 ' RIC t.lq#*A , , LL . . � i ,� Mff , , : I IN . I.NSVIIIANC �. ANO %J, TE - f,d thre.e. an'l 1101oll, 1fred ttwl. 'It. WK CAMPUELJ�o I � I .. I , . L _-�� , .. � % M1.111 r our urfittleyn, T110111a.1, ( I'lar- . .1 I .. . . . ,,-- , 1, , 1.,� -an I .1"all, 'if t., and Jame., of . . , I � ­ . I . ,Lf 'ag ._, J , wn. Tan Collector, Godertch . �, L ­, " � . Houses-flouses 1""""i (1, nNi 010''i'Aft, Mr. Jtmtl ), . I I . . I I . . . I 8 - - 1, ft0%0*^ I , . .1 ,� .! � I . 4,lt kint1g, 4!"" -1 1. _& 1. I flvale,�, ofqd'1�11, al­�o , kil:vhe. Tho y -, �­ - I I 11 ou 4. I'? la L , " . . . I U . a V�llat '"VOUL111 CoSt r4l)U to build. It fUll`eral took Onve oil Tue A.s7� aft;. i �, ' I .i I . " . .1 . '"F-m. #� . L V�i­ V- ty it, �1,21, 4 , . - ", %Vill be t6 Alit , �,J , I I I . I 1% � � - ­ fore 1�� -U Alle U. . . � o -t . a 6W . IiL, (is I buyltir,. Several propertioc4 on of Krifix 4 -hutch, f onducted thf, ! er. , . I . - - I I I very liat. cOqy t"015 Of PaylAcilt- Sec my vii*:j alol tha, pailbearurn wote Mf,,� I " � , � ��, - , I 0 �, �,l -. .1 U.' Mopv, A. P .,;-,7.,v. John D 4f � 1, i, , P. J. RYAN, I ' I I I ... , Reitl Mfate and l0q.tirattee, I Vf It MUnd',V. FD kit Maltfl Nn tind ff"; I I I ­. I - - - � , W V Lai& runce. _1 I but 014, fir; �t pl" 06)(A '114U, . "PIN %201,41,11,11%li 1.4TV11", Iwing mapl(,yve�� Iff the elevatla.. !L. I I I 1,01 4�10.% Alit,.%I'v, I.IVI'L, ' I . "I N , "" � 110i wil,; in hil '_'8th �eav aml �ad iiv I'll"I., . At 1311%%I, A111si I I ,#?vt (?I practival%y all his hfv ill (;ml4-.ik.11 lN-I15.%N13-,. � � , V�ith thip ens (,J)01014' 14 44 11olt lifnc, r I 4 . I, . I I I I I . . . )bou­ ; qzfl. 1.4, 41 Infri-Ne"i, ,1jif?'­c,l)evt in l00rf,&- lic P,ud liven onr' , ,U'�' 'FornIN, tsvp ,.Ile. A lnitf.lwi�, ?d 1�4'1�, hygo"I".11 �,.Jith tj,4� ,I(f U vatfir (4f). for fite I � I . , I !,irtllst Pli-14.4 lift molliv. "Pato $4 flip 11�"tl va"t t -a 1,,%�rp. pull fnt;�:tvij 191161)twd Ajour montiv-, and WyLvath­, front the ! � . * 4, .&-& THE P AVILION Goderich, Ont. , L �,,Ijti):l hf#w;o mt i TP16,shxar (41044t. Nw,-'companjr aud from thc viiiployerti I ' I ' A 1#14--atifilt; in I lid vw- 110ti(voi. %PZ16,111 tV(q,,P plaj�pfl Olt hio (",4ql�pt, 7 4;U""1Tw,W#`3n-1. �af_-`t`_41� lififl` L .t 5114 1 Ail 1nqu(,.,�Ii`%va!-i oyvn%d oil ��-'.,,4ftlr_ I , I . J0fsf,c;*0y11 gt�tn. 10m, 1,P401. 1.i,4�y 11,,rm I (NEAR SUNSET NOTEL) . it W�in,l �flav aftortmon by VornnN-lfr A. 4'. # 4 �, . I - = 4#3 04CM60IM11,4 L110rP 1411.� ­%vr Itunter, ond arter vivwiry the 4,wtv � . I I . ­ ­ " . I . . oi" at .!OPEN LVERN 1 8:15 ANW& .. I I - SATURDA Y N" HT I . lu I'd A'6411 tifiiPOTHPIR J1111flyVIA119 Ito lit, I;djl#1 tl)fl jar Slip) rl, d . , .. - Y U e to Monday, 31,4� ut wi#,e� Lm� pri,r4zq el R'),,mi pwao,6,sp 11 J,h 0 1 t­lfno r2#04111 1,wulf­� �. Ja lop, Nmr-411 till "), I t tho Pown hall, Uo jury con. Mc, - .r. ­ntbl�, tm�ao W 161,na; ,Joomf tks,. nlqti of If. R. Lonr,; (forpmao), 11a7 - I �,'J'.ktl J�4 frl�1814rX fit,,I� .0101-y tN-Ifud t.1 0141 111af-lustow" F.. If, RICCA, G. 11. � P't%�IiW MV Ww�(,� 't Pol;�14 1'.#%�akd" k�.!� ill;01,A.? 'dUW10 , Grr(�P., J. A, Roberec6n, John W -Mu . _,X . pvtvpj,s�t:4 � elf , ,� I D _",, I�v fn vn ' non, J. 11. 14;bertnon avid (you. ll,�� ��jlja Vjt�'4PI145JL3 lh.oft�P�4, f., 'UX WlWi�ipl. Uatc-4-. Dr. 1714057 nlado thre pr":A anI fkv aorr-q #)f t1l,,ol aot�ld�,�_�l t,j �,,A, � I V,, ,Ot,torv� e, �zo�.171v�ation- 1,�I�J�,H%. IN40 "t rmlnt,�6-r UT 411ma ful, �#-­ ,�Jr.,, , _ O;L, V 'af , rcad T,U.tUvv-­4'U zit"q V, � ,,, 11111 _ t I V '04 run arjA I _­_ ___ - - _­ .- . ­.. L' L # 'L I J,�.z � U Jls,) 1�5', (,.' VIIJI", J� IV ___ %101-,IhINN�i� 61))�4, lkg�;Uli,� t,j": r):Iotcrrapbsxt�axodakway. f,'�1011% . �*===Mwou,�i�-i-�,.�-.m.lgml.lr.,Noloioowll%,iiiiiii� 04�f�k,,-4, It',* , 131,311,1111-1 PLUG Rror,F. I -.,.- � #!�. �, � &I , I 0y. . U . . I I . _,�!','*'.& - 4, I I I ka I- ... 0 ft �, I A . � ' ". t-_ I J� , � . . . - - ­ � ,4 , ,�A_ ­;�L��:��,rr...A____ ­ I - I -Lz '. I , 'L �. 0 ­ , I'll :. . I �~ �ft . ­­_...­_ ­ ­­ - -1111 . ­,_-*�,a ,-.�,�-�,:,�.k-st-.--.-.--..o,.,--4,� ------ �, " �,__. .- . I I 'LL.- � - � ­ I 1. .. I—— ­­ ­­ ­ ­ , - ­ -.--.-,-..-- _­ ­ ­ ---''--' L -"'-- . __ - ----'-' 'L ­' L ____... 1� . t I I ,�o - _� - \ , .. L � I IL I .1.4, I .. . �J I ­ 41 Mal