The Goderich Star, 1924-05-15, Page 8V "N rTHE GODERICH STAS' THUXkWAY. MAY Ikk 1"4- PAGIC X101KT I . I i 11 $1 � !1 - 1W part of the struggle botw"a Froaft Had Tw*ofty MrA :Fligisull for Can*". Tile origi. 1-11, In wood was bot In 1716. Ai For Your. He4l& Sad Spe"lls a new 9 ias bwu04173,3q the %via$ 1200n] Of WWII toll of its st It Was Sunday Atter '. ;. I re VV0 shovid bur sho beite oltocked in 1174 M92% ft"t 06y W10 Her Vy ISAVE4 MAKIMS, 00"Ck 0d, 16 whom It was surrendered. CkOW000 4" 66" CANADA'S $UIRV9UP. Heart stell0fres shot *Vora 1 11 TSR ik safe stronghold but (30d 115 stillp their sins, 110 was not convinced$ *a%* *Haow 04 044 Q,—Conion has prmetl move ter - U, N� i1liglimiau, however, that Itananiah's PtOP110Y "tory t A trusty shieU slid weXPOR; was from (;oil, for he added `N'00 ri haii any vther country in the Vj�l J*7­1 � J� was ill,% itb kratt troubloi 11,bill help Us clear fromall, the ill lift a4vor world, that is, between 40.OW and ;�a 1LZ.2V1.V isovears, . OtO pult of 00 That h4thUs DOW cNVtXk0"# ertheless hear now thou this *v as fRow" sw 40.000, o� w. and, a large additional 11� i th4t I speak In thine ears and 14 4 we'u0sph4l sad uMot The auelont, Prince 'of bell are3 Is being Surveyed annually. UK* risen with purpose fell cars of an %he people, 114D then vro- W0040yos, so 410"10 =41 how otbor piopbcts 'be - Is, m;'Jaicise. zkll this Qat I strong mail of craft awl power ecellea to toll. wo bout*1111 4" CANADRS ]PRODUCT -41 VIXPORV.: Tm"a 1*ke 8;ajjox spslis sma would lie wesveth in this hour; love him, h84 foretold destructioni 0"ONWO It V""4000 TO THF, U. .9. @Lad, Most salentlikooltv 4ot " 4 1 wet* 90isf to dis. I WOW earth, S not Ift fellow. and sometimes# AS W the, cA00 Of Jan' Q.�---To what extent is Canada ex. to the purest tism JAUP okud get all' told as 100 4*4 $Ali when he prophoslea tho destrup. $044 No porting her product,*, to the, U. Prepared 4**. wold to4is4r, 144, Martin Luther. tion of Nipove UOU WWR Itavo to Moy ill X04L for b, It aid not came to A.-,4)ur1nJW the lost three mouth.% PRAIVER Of 1923 Canada exported farm pro. pass for the 'People repeated of t*lr t at 432,27;i,_ ,*"U at it as S"%y Qatir, we rejoice In the Wickedness. That did not mlike o tile U. S. Valued . *8; Lauretta JIL%Y,, %Ad tile Almighty $r. ri her* I WHER BAISY is W4 knowledit clure, 116. Jr. IT.— %* bad SP411% V. . e we have ftotit ThY deal, Jonsill 6ut to be a falso KOPlict''AS i802—an increase of ever %0Q0,00.0 Flick, U.*t tiaw I wall ill loy hitsboad. todloii Over a slutilar period of the proo4zd- C .1tign With �Jlltn of 4nele"t 'times# 43 114notilith . WAS trying to 091tvinev"I x1on JKeebrlie. Sr. Ie4Nettio Pit, When the baby Is Ill. wbOu Ile, evies IN Jk% e3oclor *ad ke 1414 1 woulalksmo well ** with ourxelvgv, that Thou art )PIO thAt Joremiall. NIS% ft YeAr. 111t, 4ftttoutloll, priest and Ile( lor.ence .9vOlurre. Jr. I.— a V Undo, F KIllud 'relAt desi and Ila *1110V Baby,* to ** to 'mititreal S*4 Ott * litott round about all, *030 Who put their aver, a. prophet prophedled Worma, 11111. Sr, Vk.--1Cl4rA PI Q, Or petting loakeli Win 11APPY. ". how a )%Ad bo ffivext U114 With, but tkkt I e"Id, aot v trust Ill Tlweo. lkloy this AsqurwnO Ve4ce it COU14 Duty be proven that, be TOO MANY ROME CARES- Herman,Fisher, Ruth -P4tblAdO. Jr. 0*a Tabloto b( 1114"'but -The Ublot% Are A A .1 actg ft—Elmer'l; is or. Oil L Which JLQglllAto grt#tor f4ith. in Thy was a true prophet b, , .11 A t delay. whtu 1 wits Itt"11194r. It tu *#$a- lead log ever to not One lt�ason - Why So'� "bilin h tborovgb, lautivo tile tiosqi T saw y4or Ittalft sad NAVY* St. that the Ulngdbms of this Corning at peace. if peacd did not y womert G. n XNECUTEL, Teacher. bowels And arw"tou tile *;Omach %till Fball beeOM6 the kingdoms 'Of roule then the prophet W48,Q �41F, Are W041%, 404 Unn-Dowlt join InLtile. INI]i #Avertifed 414 X tilOught I would Wor a �m ilrk� out Constipation st0k 1019t; - tj4l 7OU that 'I felt to see 'More prqpbet*�Ru impootor. ",,The worit of tile wo �otae Tot 1110OTLEG BOOZV tic I b I onillm Und simple foltorfi ............. file t".4 av:4 duty in makes gloater demandatin her vitalltv There is no booze tha, it 'toy to try 0" _the ChViSt. I pf after a week Is Our U' t'o'flt to drinkt Riau 110, v logo tb%4 won reslize, 4134 thavels alwayo the best Is worse than deadly dies; absolut Y guaranteed to be'looe IrOla 11111orly to disciple all '2 VJ@ I WAS ablia to get' up, and I eati 0 in His gporitliond, f�ib before X ob y 4 The Lord haii toI4 Jorem somothin a to dQ'r NO wonder the bootleg IiAters, white or pink, 4ry opiates and. narcotics and Cali LbQ SIVCU toy I IkAve "everh0d. a, bad uAtiulli. AVe ask it in flis nAMO. ke badges- of women,6111'"11,01koir Ache, *till their noryos w4lt flit 40 1�� this to 'ral aervitude, are worn out. No wonder why they got Merely Murder in disguise. The po- to even the new.born babe with porfeet Cc, Alail, llow 'yo S WithLbouds to.fsstenj�them, Ana -'ar "tety and o1woyA with,betieftel,41 to - AU tker. sslghho�l who litp ke princes, DUR CANADIAN ilepressed all(, Irotablat $offer fviiul tion Iron,, the SeOJ"%w still With 8011001A LESSON 11404 to send th�m. ta, jitighbdrinq Suits. The V�ablets Ave sold by U1641 - "at 244 $ay four PMA art * marvel. SUNDAY j. deadly action is -endowed,* before you clue dealer, or , by nittil. at 94 aeots 0, ba% allies of Jidall, aq4OMp4T%iCd with the beAdaches, and always feet out. of sort$ vh6 ressou r am seadilic you tits MAY 23th, 1924 Co.# tro.rolob. and the message that the nation that woold. Oman rate 'not like drink it make, your wlIIA and buy a from Thn Dr. W011401 Whfkt Is the Ulgorea�e? 0 M N C()Uroo $11 y/ ,ile ist ilk%t 3c ksow, there are a lot Lesson Titte-4 coffin and , a shroud, When, I'm l3wokvjlle� Out. eart ..fforefa Jor flit$ Wtilial sild 1. . Uot Put Its neck under the yoke of the ", Ir 11 Babylonian QUIZ 0 LU A woman with plentyLot athirst tho'pump's.my fxicn4, I buy 6 king Of l0ahylOft Would be punished aves; I stand W6014 liks Aliyo%io *bO 0411dro like I go-4er. 26.18-1 Ina and blood twiter volus.fluils work In the no drit1ka at outcast kni id 4114 %rs: with the sword, with hint wPh home Q&qy; her VItttIJty %L at par. This con. liffoil inodoo" for two 1ANADIAN INDIAN, a ling litook on end and then JKOSF. CLOGOD FROf to SM tileut, a fair trill).10 C,01,4en Text—Jer. 26:13. pestilence. Jeremiah , was also to TIlU.r.0 AS 41L points the way to health Ja women who sume its spArklingvvaves. I drink no Jeremiah w r 4: yoke stud thus.. A -0, OR CATA t 4 pro. wear identify himself FARMUR teal run dowil suit depressed, Naito g ctilloa to 'be *1114mrs 11*ayt iplidNorwo P11111,0to a fforing of the h blood.' Yod omit 4b Is with'Dr. poison, green' or red, no turpentine or b ers, or mailed phot very early In life. He was cult with the sfM and su Qe—T -*w, rlc ink, X lift A river fr* its 604� it 01 at all deal , o whavextent Is �tbo Canadian "I Vilon U mot Hatianiah 'on di 1 9 Willfams' Pink 0III& Theso pills 4%va 0 of the priests who� lived In Aiiathoth, people. I, till 1, armor. 19W OIT' the Up 41irset I in or�lt 611 receipt, Of Plitt by the T. property at, building up C, d foam, arid take a I' Cram *40A Out. a city of pries miles this occasion Ito was Wearing thlo A,�The Ind1au$'OJ tho, blood, iod toning - uw the nerves. drink. In olden tq some three ! the three Pral. the marvellous, days 'when booze'waft Air POSIM040 from jerushim, At the time - Gdd yoke as a memorial of what Ile butt rie rraVinqes Ill the 1928 SoUsOu bar' ThiLt Ul proved bY 06 case Of UrSi H- sold by; licensed Vendors It was b4d; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . be a prophet be, like prophesied. Usuanialt tore It frOM vootea the p ateSt itir their, hig_ 40plagor, �e, Scott -fitree called him to . t. Vancouver, it'robbed the toiler of his gold, and Ah I What r6WI y4Aw - 449041� Mones, dinel4luled any fitneas for the big neck and agalti.tittered 'his pto- C.- Who 0%Yi:—"I)r, W111141118' Pink intide his aunts nod tilecos sad, 0OW10 . I tory, accordliftCA0 the annual Wart 13 It Ill- a 0 ke *ht up, 0 Air P4460got ofte.but the Lord said unto lilm, diction thitt, the yQXQ 01 Babylon nent or. Ind4n Affalta, Vill't brOtight back my' 14041th slid, red Aire O"&r Opa of.tho Departi yincoe, Oe Indiana -tvength PnJ roHtorcil my fiePvVii to nor led the poorhouse -up with skateaL'A'ho Of Y:qUr Ilehold;-X have put my words 10 thY would be broken. To this daring as. In the three pro, inalcoaditiou af(orother modiolnealhad might' have' liv�d in happy homei" It 'br4404 have thin day set thee sertion Jeremiah made no reply an(] barvesiod 08$,661 bushels of Whe4t, I", =uous 419*44*, head 9,. dry. mouth. - See, .1 41 14 wao after their 4irth Of ul'y wrought moro harm In 40 states than 0%44—no br##* At.Aigy4to over th nations, and ove 4 *r r the king- In this was se6vt the PutI0110 Of the 670g2 bushels of oats, 62,3Q4 biish- 10* � to root out, and to pull 4owns tr�a prophet. When he was Tevlle4 U els Of po Sacoild child that I becamp. [so 0491104 r 60,000 Teapot Domo.s., But' still a your cold, OM doing, e els.bf barlty, 58-,264 h 511 Rod nervous that t thOURKI W00141 TOP ',man, might take a horn and keep his U-11% etgy ZXU�U$j cion 04 a, st"ll and to de3troy, and to throw downt be riiiied not" again; but Went. his tatoes and 10,000 bushels ofothOr Vol my. mind as well " my, fitrelAgUls r Al front 01! lint'llo- rolleir siglik and live long yeam, and wttka lboUle of.Ely!s Cream to build, And rto pllint"' Way. tried n6voral medicines, thire - up ontbo'morrow morn without the dru"Ut tkLOW. A.Ppli S little qJ it ivas in the reign of loslah, that Verses 12-14—Joremloh, Vindicated, THE HALIFAX FISTIr"AY until 1ws'a'Advised to try Dr. Willfatrin' r bier% gut.bow itilleptle crosts In yoUr nW bo. began Ills WorIC Which Ito contin MISSION plal(VIII14'. Afte, heed of shrouds and r uilopot6tv boxesof I frtfir"�, *' ivog, Air It pr6m. Cox these Could, see 4 change. 1 felt the man who hits iho booze is bidding trl 8, let it reftl boat throughout the vj�o aggecedirtir Ood when he called Joroml* , pamage of 0 headl and ised to put words Into his mouth. 110 r Q.—What Waa ille HfillfaX Fls�hqry $rtrongor; my appetite won. bettor,. I death or blindness conic anfrione ark Wail sent book With A IneSsage �to reigns until. the beople were carried sloplibettoro and my nerves were strobe W in, aLtia 'all. Must :logo, Who 'tal u ins"at T", Styli ct"M away captive, In all he prophesied Itana"Ish. "'Thus saith tile Lord", A,-4ho'Halifax Fishery Commis- et- I cautioned tbt use bt We Pills; lot with the Demon, UUM,�-Wlllt Mashp.. "In at, Gol& &jA,*t*rr1X for'liver, forty years; years spent In st broken the yokes of wood; slor� closed, on Nov. 27; 1877. It Mit g6me timo.,'abd again found tnytielf a, just Thou ha 5 ore ap beva Xvil warning the ; people that judgment � a I 4)ut thou (Jerentlah) shalt make for t� settle the voged fishing question well wotilati, and I can sincerely Ra'* JOB PH THE oSt 0 that WS' health hall since breen the b W, ,ill 1111! i4=40 IVOU14 follow sin. -but that mercy them yokes of iron." These could between Conado, and the States aTid I can chearfulli redot4ul6n(l the pillft to Apply minarald every ds�, and would follow penitence. not. be broken and would lie beavler deciWe&1hat the qeii fisheries of both rub It 11% well With - tho Anger Etirly-In tile reign of2edekiall, king 031 weak. run downwomen." upon them, Signifying the 'Way in countries should be open to' -the fish- : You cau - get these pills 'tr4ta , Your and h0a* Of JUdah, Jor(nillah and another pro. tips, It periettutes whicWthey would be-oppresscil by the ormen of both, But as Canadian firb� druggisto or 'by tuall. at do cents a bov. k. �S 0 of Ilanaursill, QW40 -the best the from Mhe Dr. Willi%late Medicine Itinims wammatlo phet by t1tv nam king of Babylon, whowould rule over In,; grounds wero much do A raMc4xfor esWYPOW, together in tile houso of tho, Lord and even tile beasts of their fieldg. Fur- states - paid Canada $0600,13W for BV00kv1l16, Out, 01 0 eo�llr uttered a prophesy in the pre- titer Joromiah, wag given a. personal fishing prlvlleger; for twelve years. T 0 IRR IU T 0 sence of thp priest and the people. 'ins.sage to 11anarliah. He had nct Canada wAnted,$14',880joOO.: tb� tot of ut had preac t it 111D it I S. S.Wo. 1, Colborne �be ftilallo'd ublew the people WOU14 was Hoo'ke tUril fro ainst Odt herefore thus iialth UlLU)NUG AL llatiaoisb made promino oul tri -to IN a t 0 Pea c b e�e ; in Jeho vith's name, p mises that could noi Ilion HOC I It -1340A Q._NIbe� . e following is,tho report of S. S, in their evil*�syv. ITO Made the rd; " L, old, I ill cast thee log&? No, A tion of this condition but ao- fro A.—Hoollelfies WAS, the name gl(v , * n 4i Colborne, for 'the month of M.CLLO o men a t e face of t e r t1i - this that stands n April. The standinris talten'On Ox� gured them that the yolm of Vabylop so thou bust to the fortified town id amInsci year, thou shalt die,' becaus �Ious as *ell, as daily work. wag broken, and thit within tw& taught rebellion against the Lord the site Of Mostreal- It vas visit Ve4va all 4`110 caPtivQs: Would TOtarill (verae IT)., Itananiah was counted by Jactities Cartier In 1635. - fj cor- The TbirAr and'Voprth Classes were Rail thut all the'vessels of the Lora's unworthy to live, being a rebel. Thiq talned' fifty largo houses, e0ch lodge examined in Arithmetic, Compost - house that hod been carried away lt� bonpenell in the fifth nuonth of th; sustaining several families who %U . b- tion and' Grammar, History" Goo labing, rshmallows 'USE HMO Nelk 'Nobtipbadnezzar. would be brought reign of 2-elcUlah and two inonth4 ninted by cultivation and i graphy and Literiture. The Second Class %vas exainitied lit the same b Ii-aeU. To thin Jeremiah naid: "Amen! Q1.qTARIO'S GOLD MXN�S t I.Mt Mel tot 1`10PLM POWIRL later, Unnaniah, the falce Prophet, Je ption of ulst'03; -in your niouth_� tit_ J ot with the L exec __ aw.— the, l4rif do co; The 1,90 Vtrforni died. Q.—To v0bat extont,.are J* Sr IV.—Dorls'Hill, 68.;'Jack Pitblo. thy words '$yhl 8V ell thou hnt prophe This conflict remindi. w3 to ponto gold mines producing? eanklin 1*11tobel, 01. Jr. IV. SOW 12i Colbo do, 66; F1 riled.11 Though 3cremlab bad time rAe e%tent of that behieen, Ahab and Ell- A.—The gold mlno3 of- Nortbrill —Mar- Sunat Hotel If. C. D��, --Aaron fther, 48# Jr. Ilt K prophvcicl against the jab. on one nlao %volt- rio broke all previous reeardi, in garet Pitblado,. 19; Franklin V lick, S, C. Wfloon and agnin the prle3t, the onta People be had 41110 frequently pwroa r reoio and Hananiab; on the other a the mouth of January this, Year"Whert 18; Myrtle McClure, 72; 'Olive Hill, for tbom-that Me throatened Imptlb. loup, Prophet, The outcome 61towed tiley producell approximate 100 ar. 69; Duncan Million, A Prevail and God be 000, ba3ed on preliminary roAofta )rtc,At rot, IM knOW that truth uluo $2 mont Might be avc Llw 1, ?1- Maria Fish ITY the gricioug, loving-kir-dness Qf Gad. kcn�,Ted. jctvmj3h kv frclu ex. from the mines according to a apeol4l ever, re4dy td! turn away Ilia wriltl� revienre that "Tho law of the Lord deapatolt from Timmins, Ontario.' --From if the people Nyould turn away frent j5 perfect; tl,,e teItil. y of &,e rd Found Relief. rou Lo THE GOLD&N DOG In rure", Q.—What la the logend of the Go)- , CONSTIPATION "Lord Thy wotd %tid0b, don Doz? I - 'NO �OPE ArA oar foolitiops guideth." A.—Ther mar -der of Botirgeous Phi- By the US$ Of SPECIALS'AT' 'M UU'E K'S RATION WORLD MISSIONS libert t6k place Ili Quebo 6h Nov- L.WU Wlwn David Uvingzztone waa`twea- ember 10, 1759. Ile bad a bfF stur, ty years of age there came into Wo known as Le Chien dlor or the Conitilixtion jl,,tho cause of more FOR HOUSE CLEANING TIME, FOR HER* heart a of his dUtyL to Dog, which npolled tile busiiie­i, of sickness than AnYthillt Oise, aud M'd which Icd him to cay: "Feeling TA V riponne (the Cheat), tile pe4o. free lootioll' of' the bowels, at lit ealvation of mon ought to be pWs nalue for the Government stote, onto a day, should -be the role of Sorims, Bungalow Nets, A10,4489, lifarquisette. that t 74OUe %VbO, aspires to perfect the chief tlesirc, and aim of cvory William Xirby's qtory of the Golden evel JSpw pattetns in' floor oilcloth jusb raceived. 6 Cbriotian I rc3olve that I wgll &6 to Dog In bancd on this Incident and th Df 'tar P 'regu Drooms, Bftishes, 1%lopq, poilFiheq, ccdaar oil, Uquid Opt* xtor A&W the causo of miocion3 oil that I earn sign of the Goldion Dog may still be Milbura Is 1,0 Ills,0111 - what it requireo fo*2 my liv- ccen over a Quobea doorway. fib jile t.. act properly on Also how CANADA'S RACUL ORIGINS tho how making !1.oni active and Veneer,.B%4so, Silver Polishes tior-Wax, ate. But sit twcnty-ono to rcai an and by doiui *101" ,�v "Asedicino b" do* ice behalf of by A�tV. GijitZlaff 4on regular in tkeir lie! 4, tot what;Q Q.—What are Canall:06 racial orl- this relative Clio cota.,pation, -and all M. I Was in b" for China, and from that titne he sought giwj 7 its allied troubles. Everything thapor 00 Cal*qr Wood eight or 11,116 fts himself to cnt6r tbe fortIgn n4"�Sl"4 � A,­Thc cow). GO. - W nbo*a that 4.8 dlk� laywymmthammd field, inffuft��ed by "'the daim of so OW reopio In Canada are of Utitiob Ur. .1. V. Charlton, 05 North 8t,* -To Make The HoupeLookapick and Span "�V$ Ins* 'Quick a voltileal ot ft 1(tWAX, X.91" VrtiteA:-;-A A I Uve been TV* 402 rm; ttany millior% of Ell fellow cmturc3 origin, divide"n follows: English, oill]" and the want of orod with tonstipiLtIOA for a num. caly 1*144 'Was kin qusliC" ln"910n"' 2,545,406, Irish 1.107,817, Scotch �Uoth 6 t r of years, hot- millet I sto-vtou to "ratice. I r"d of ies." . So he won cut from his howe (Szottish?) otilers 41,0530 Pills t Lydia F. Plakham's to follow the sliviee, of old David Tile population Of prtitch origin in Its 1111buras Laxs,-Liver HVION0. STORE 0 jOultil alich, rolief 1 will zev#r ji4dieWs &M teW Hogc, one of the patriarchs of hi!i 2,462,182, a littlo 1"s t1balt thf 409- Witkout t1lem" NcE W EN 4wh W# squam iou"K the X040whk 061h. homs village: "Now, )ad, malct m. 113h. J* rod Wtbe SAU. Aft*r that come 66 difforeut I liffion the everyday business of your SOL-th Side Square I, PAO* 254. a Vial at all dealers, or, Wa* 6"d they races. The lartsat single group Is Mailed direct on receipt of p ieovy PHONE 46 Ir I T, ra rilt M thing of IRS and Statto. f1minan, tv;th 294,630 people, ML r V om turlly di,,I wont_ra Very I AU M Uilbura Caq TAlsitedi Toroat% ;tM ,OU 4' QZ"If"e Smau ptreentago of ths whoW "pa-, T. 1111MIDIAN NATIONAL K 14 the U&* "W 0 *"1 1*1al't tip L% . thin will tret, the better of you," 11atioti, 6"d next conis Ifebt**X no; 044AIWt. IwM Wit your He went out Win his simpk home *tk 100 Ukranians, 104,12L ArA siuso" voricla" Oft "a YflaY unknown W sind died as onb of the TPAIN I t It Iltll- grfAtdtt and Most b0n0%*4 Of Men. 0V 01. to TORONTO vablilb is 15C Wal bottle is, Robert E. Speer. OSOOODF, ItA%14 "RONTO, L% J[24r-i See CoUpon below Zwk U Q�—Why was Oftwde'nall, Toro". 14V BOA 'IM40"" 'Painfultimet v. ", dell 8 '2�1 a.m. 2.90 1),rQ4 CONDITIONS ]RIMP.P. IN tot so named? cutiton. 0.06 cl% 92.62 pau, "*41311kiiii. tired MW nZ44" rot* lift I CANADA A 41" a% of f"" Uftu", �-Osiomle Hall, Toroni t % Vogatablo Cm- The iClinwiall Sanj,- of Conimerce chief law toutts for Ontario *41 'Afitrholl 7.0t Ami. 3.42*P.M*' ru. hvA W hX0 Obw% bt Ukth 1lt*1 T0 tW4 htv been condwfins an inveltigation named after Chief Justice Osgftdo Arr. Attattovil 7.30 ow. 4.10 pva. to fftr web tltqubl"�- It em- into farming conditioni in Canads, the first eblef Justfee Of Upper Call- Jv*iteliener StO %%.in.' 0.20op.m. thing that can ir �dure. wW tenda. afid�tho United Stato and fln& Mixt ada from 1103, 1794. It haq been in (Welph 8.454,01. to u strengt Ea t Orgars aalculturat conditions are Wter on leg , al use for RtArly a C 4 sa tb tt ytn work in a entury. not 41 %)vouto 10,10 ami. 7.40 pan. VAL-Un OP-VANA WS t r. t I I p the' Northern Side Of the b0rdfr. THE: 01 Ve a, I tot tits, Man 2Atul ining—Uuls Tortitito 0.60 a.'m. Staty Western farmers of Uhnited Ve-*,ftblo t or;gin are now roturning to am 13.m. s6na6.10 p.m. Ingal t ill ovo 14, their bonxes after a vi-olt to the States Q.—Wha A comes isvi y 17ti-tior P,,afe csr� Goderich to Tor* thei past winter and are Worth? ,,*to, 61t morning train, *Ad Torolftto %u4" 0 A t= A 1101004 s sham000 1� "Itrkh 411-10 P. M. u4n. not only, facing the future with gromt. 'Worth nearly 44610 000, compri%*9 er cententment but art bringl4ig lurkeyg, geew.­fteb and All 0tv" Ta SWA RTS& Marty 'new Settlers with them. U fowl% Thlroug* coach 00(kVich to Torontoi FOL V. LAWRIUNCZ &,801148 Canada farming conditions are didl. tried tnanyshatnipoos. Jown Jp4wftow 4W Tkkds Agt*ts Auto and 0118 JiVeIg tult cuough. but 1hey havo iftot been OW9114 SOUND You have 4 aggravated to grelit an tv ' - ' Q.—Whem 414 OWen SOMA, 011- olive oil �qll-,klllpoo is reeoin- .tent by d ot tario, Xtt ift ftb*? ad, your hair.'vS gIVCI1 4 systems of sub'dired credit an mended by Iligliest ttldloritles. histe, "o fS 0' --- bek. stablest U.. manipul%tc4l. tarift.­­ A.—The efty of Owen fSounil v4as Sillty SoftlleSg tiatilral #016ftt"al lit mit named -sitter thp Sma4 wbith tom- 0-4we offer yoll a trial botdo free. 0impartmont as the b*"0rAt4!3 A*AVA Wit- ItISt.reand sheen just ON the squat� Jumping into e Adraint air r Hair specliallsts kn6w 'that at, train VA's 1110virp, qandv nat hepX liam camodi likhard ow", on another hat. 1849. Ile was for s time Com? olive oil shal;IP06 is heat. It M SUVIU.—S&T TOM "You etumsy idiot!" ejaculated the in Chief of It. X. Ships wid �Vovstb 'Clleanses thorotighly—clear,dolvA yott get this Shaillp0o in its AMT SULM ANOWSIX1411WANTU lowner of the headpiteei "Whs, don't th the Or"t Like* up to 191L . t, I most perfeet fortli—in PaIniollve. took before you sit dtiwn?" CXNAI)AS, WREAT 4 o the pores, 114 6 i i 6 d'o eol�o 0 0 Ylqn�'ndy rew &1�4 CORTRI131tTION Tr� it at otir expeilse. Stad lot 0* w4iimt ytft U W*4 picked up the list. � 111tt it cleanses gently, mildly. on for 15e bottle free. __ M* "Alt, wetlil 'he, remarked, spatly, '"I't ' Q._.�,WkAt Ig the, #"ftt ot C4mo&!& J)Oes not leave hair dry, brittle. coitp K to sid itch' bwm' - Ul' &A AkiN the ig pw of tiois tow* I*r oil it rosibly Ittive, been wor"1211 wheat eftttillatiall to 0* 1 It"los At 0. To *0 ot 01 V. R. The first shampooing ivill Sur - 4 '�WOTIO`V' OUIXIMOd tht wrathful, A.—Wg, f4w 16COMlY 40-019*1 Does siot irritate sensitive scalp r lireparA604 WAft 0*06ts. ottel. 'lies ruined, mail! How mild boo of, 04" io prise and delight Yom Twi WOU nd sibly have b"n Mhow that %he Dow skin. wo A pkw old Crew", gives, sock 4alt at i Prompt Servk* it Vol tht-greateat U4" rdkfk ma to Uly tclafto micht bae betri ma oiin," an. *he*tMMVjWjft ot qftAtt. she a 6" too" to Cartful Attemkow, Moft 41*" 00 Vidw 11% UIAL f 10TTIZ FUZ 4"t US lever Awerod Saystly� sd* ito P*t, 11tit" in ft""In* W.- till art avia rott to t�!e IAlnelive Cor. !at A t Ataim of its germ-lkslrb Qer Uv*ty a" 11"k Uniks r tow 0 a far slif0i fol he Tovonto. On olnhp, It takth tft i1allim *111 bo 10"Od ralr4ifst r yeml, ArA are rapidly UdOLIVE SHAMPe� 1"Itlllb� ca� 0600 kikotim "d Wah Olt *tsw* ir , - J. ZX NJ" 4 gainirw In the fmign %salk4s. -0 _W x4ellt. soomh Alt f s 110 V ..40 am )U Uff h 4601& lo #4w a4 *Oy ttWiwi, U04 thke "RT MUNCZ or WAIM rug Vomit fttt*"#* S#lkWd4 10A1,916109 COMPA4WOr CAN"A. *Z 4� —*4W* 114 Vftt PthK* Ot WSte-5 X==;"; *0 W21h Ift iltlfftV 06 Tom -to, Oat. rq*W* it" godi T* $WART146 altutt"i f ;UAKW4, I W., Ao-4ort Priowo of WO" sk*i ma r -of -i;KW— OU60 in mate" ift"" ko U4W4* I . .- - 4 - - ____ ­ -_ low *" oft the shot" of It*%" ft a" U