HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-08, Page 8F4:
—- - . I.S
" *-*-"I . .. � M Itilloo'gi: I I �:11milim -- - — Still, 19,11, k
. 0 1 00, IN MON' I �1, --,"""'W" 04011111 � W! ii Wit! TIICRSDAY. MAY �
: 0 I 1 I- Vi= - � !I -- 4! .,�� . I . � I '1-11:11111 -- � ---- �-
f , 11111 1! I INVO P 4 ,STAR .1 77 . �
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liiiiopio — ..jjv,,�i i�jl ,, �,�-- - � ll I
. . - -"'AA ft"Aadwk � � ' A91i Your. ,Gro,cer 6 1 �
v. WSOM I . 'I, *Ig' I I .- —,.,. --'� .' . ��'..
4. Twonw INNS Topics OF wat ,�* 1.," ..., ��,
..., �� . " Sun'dqy Atternoon IV for & trw Poe.1%040,ar �
I I "d A I A , . . ,
I 41 .
'. � Which Hoofts fld C ,a ; .
� I _& 10--moom.0 �K W, 1WEEL UAN11,70N, CIPOWch, &1- , : " 'mit' '� I I I � I
11 I)MY With"'NOr oc,cutred Ouring the We,ek, he oijio*ow*nniso I 11
, , O'seenows-wawxmsjiilww*icn*!*:NxAmiqFm,Tkxxx I 11 .
11 — �--- conseewo y4#4 ;Wiji I I . . out -spoken". . I I . .
. to a, P ' *ko t big onl� madq ,him move IF .
I,. "i . Tits OU01 W004'011 14011111,'"Ingm Care- ..0" lirs a belp The Ass Came down like t �Fnlfwd bla mas- � . . I I �
Hoart, a .pat Into I , - ;0" eww"Or 1�ozgt the fold,, . nd boastful. H0 " I . I �, I I I
gessm, 04 . , .
V - . "as compued on . gleaming 1 ttJ4 calling him again and ago,'), I -"
. �
xi*� it. s. Cupwaivi, ej�owa*, x"a" 014Y *ad Attractive Shapo for - - *w lat ""ft And bir3 cohorts were "The great kini, the, king of AsSY- , . . - . - �
I 11 - *lit*$---.$ ltI W", Al witli. uVairt troums. a Itead.ers of Our I purple and gold ; . ria.11 He belittled thoir king und the - . I www—qpmppwl ... �; . 1�`�,
VVIVA) by th"O. , a" 6"M , - Aild the sheen of,tiloir spearr, via . 00% li:-�
1- I, OUA valft of Aht, � S, . . �ongtb of his defenee:3, ATtd the use- I TZA A I
fa atafly two yea" . A"ro I - 0 XROWW ,ra on the sea, at) � OREEN .,11
'r to. . . wgsow like sta T of his depending On Egypt! . ..
J, I *a i4 twe�hospitsl and takist. '' � TU"DAV- 11 blimpowaswouse whentbo blue y7aivo ratio nightly ol lossilic . b* isfttls- . - .q
�. . It I 41"It ,All twits, tiat I � . for help.- He further spoke Sacer-1 will
. I .6 to S. -- yi"11114*410 - I . .- I -in -- lirrou enjor loreen *OIL VQU � � �.-.
I 4wtorop wqdieise� deep Galileo. to their trust . �
" 14 I � 1,
. , Ovid T.'eafig bexion at Baltullort, - 1-1 - cif. Ingly of their puttill It *041070 I .
4 I I lirould Ittkus finviolt titpolls, *'Ad W, L.,g-rauge, Vrenvit. runt, v1101 vil-, I I Like the leaves of tile forest whe 6ulparing bita and:, 004, with no otber blelfwd. .;!- T17 I I
"aimitt W441a I � I I I . . . the God of I ' I , . . r!.- � �1- -�- . J,
I lase., . Summer is green, ar"4111�e some IevV1 with - , i-
. wtto goiag to die. I M11 putting blin onu I tL --1 I -
. ; '. 'Cola, as lee, and Compulsory vaccination ordert,4 It, ir banner$ at situ be had �!rlmn�!�!��! :.-,-..,!,----
Z", I tism U06 and got oi . That host with the the gods,of the nations which " -1 �
Ir -, " he .
- ' - 1�1 I
, I WAMftor V=W17.X441 ,
1 T ,
� * I S -1
i I ,A - �
-i. � 111�
, " I
, I I
, r Vnf� . -V I . set wao acekwi, g, .that . ... �katoou, . ,, - ,
11 0jas'Wovild have to stay Tho b6dy Of 4a 1 5 oi the forest when pouquered. He erided WsaYiv . SCHOOL REPORTS I Via Professional. �
VM1" St W tinit.' I w1SV0 U0,11 29 ni"T. - � 11 Like the leave itthe-gas Of the va -1� I
L' found near Pernbro4v I I - I . I UqUIA04 notiou'i .. - I,--- . , $askq to Play ,with that Vit .
lit bed for Sarnia, school�- anjsnuv�u r4an I
� , I so twitaty, bad upells A, 42y, Aud,tlxe over 100 WIMOus dlo� in e*PlOS.1oU � 0 Autumn both blown, 'Ither��d , could - not -defend oud� deliver ttleir *. " .. 2, West Wawa "It -;�--;;Z�=;-� -- ! i
� I I , on the inorrow laYV, "
" . mine. I . .1 worgh,11para neither could the aoj of � 'S S Not
W46411 my Ilusbaua-valleol In, West Virginia `- � � 'that host T�e.f;1IOZ;1nq is the school report', IFM.M ' � -
I .
I loot 6101411 I r avid ke elld I wood w4ye it iii rumored VcUIz0q.,5 Ivill rQ- I 0 1 and strown. _Byron. Israel defefid and deliver them tha I - 8.1 r-ot.:nd ROMA' , . I I
-is Ott 006to aring I of Easter exil7lain,410ts In S 1 .
IL weart On �er polltlo In Greecil. I At tbis"blilsPhOT00as out,pol Wowrivicab- Sr. IV -`1 ; cotOTIPATION - - I ... '�� �#
to so to 3toutreal, Rua see . 1.111,131w, York central Railroad 64OPt- 1 . held, tbeir e
I . , .90 ed daylight-saving tinifl. I PRAYER Hezeklab's' wessen6vii a � � . 66* 1 ,
spatialists but tw*t I c their cIQthqs I token Melilla Jones, q44i4n Dob'bl 1
9414 lot .%on. ,q I I LQ hsLgt ordained that I Jr. Tv.Ra� 1 13y the use 04
. amitil I *&* %t"XkPT' In tu vissa. Royal orain 0001mi55, juizzea I 0 Father, wh peae'a but rent Hamilton, 60. 1 . ''
. , S ,ttive ioxpert., - be set within a Scheme of circurn-- of their'grief at the disihotior done to Norman Jiexx Hamilton 61"
11r0*rt -.N' S. eo.op(j, . , - iligitn' 02; Vt -, ' -Livor PKIS - '. 1. I
. and erve V. %1.0, Ilivift I Iwo conflict we V;u vhny returned and ro �Fjn =-&,,q I M111burn'sLax's %�
tuniok a Raw 79- uglit I Walter Newton licats ,,, , . . FL . I I 60, .Qr. a - . .
�, -- -- irtloed and X two, would I hetitt�r at peterboro'. I I stances 01140131T, ill S'V"' 00d Alit - . all tTWy had Frank*pbalent
,�, . I clix 011. YOU thxt�l tot Or 104 should find Our strength and tAUT11011. parted t� Hezeklob, 7 110ze" Finnigan, 74; Margaret Doblep'71'* "'Onstipation is the .cause of more �, .
r, . pili� , Ing rabbit's at Fort wil. us the' heard. Like his inessongerso . . abinb, ,60.. Jr- Ill,-, -COM , thing el"I Mad 4 1
� -k . 1% of tweint u4 afier a vreelk'8 I,ad, uhtiOt , over all; withoid not from . - with rent his clotba,pad ll'at on sack-Gedf9v Itut, ,, Slokoess thAVI DAY at .7014 I
I ge� U fatally wokInds'llialsolf. han =-n ��i ::,,= . . ........................ 4 . ............. . 00 I F1141 ,u of the bOlTels, I
. dk�- � . *0 I Wks able to . P" and I va" Ilairl, I "dglora t ..... .. �. �, courage by '*high alone we can e of. the * Flnuitan, '08, Mary free raotio a be- the rule .41
7 ,f T a), I have never had 4,'bad Immigration t, luer. Still our tongues 'of their vedk cloth, and weili into the hous _lt-Margarlt An4ro.ws I � once a 411YI shoul erflot - � �
I 111 IOU tat- and doubled �durlog 1214 fiscal Year. cru- norses Naves ZdmoAtOn for Japan. � teel our hearts against Xord. and there laid the ygatter before I Sr; 11. . . who pi .
11 B and now Ic . hlbltiou,� ruplatinings, at , � .. It
e Ill tits selghbor's who live 1101.40 Or Chicago Pro Ilaulliton and. LOU4011 Syro4 de� CO ,�fully Accepting the oThou SU41t answer, Hutchins, 60, troric
�. . . 11 .
� A in, Jc God saying , . . M, HOGG, Toachero � t,votirivz . 1.
, "Pills aro a inarvel a me$- I . . '11'rep . 1-1
I I W der Is Wrecked i)y cnewles. tits of illauluaNVar to cease. all :fear, at - earthly Pilgrimage Lord, for MO."' He next sent Pills wl -
, Jkv your I - $a Mulock citation Chan- bates ine� conditions of our � (ill asking his prayers .. -0----1-"- I milium 'a LzxA-L1vSY : . I . �
304V I" I Sir William , V ar Souls ponger 'to Tsai . . I . . I I
you - this cellor'ot 1JUivit9sity of Toronto. , - ,ongervatives in British C0101"Ona 1 to possess a' ' Pli DID LAXATIVE * lato, the flow. of bile to Uet properly ,011t .
I . critlejzj�- 14abor Govefuntent's budget. joay We come - A , . I i gildf - �
I . larico (!%ruo . - 'iny I -!�- ,, ., , '. I � th� bowe)ss Viaking them act'",01, .
Tim rekson I 410 st"13% � .- 0 for J �
lettgr is twat I kriow'Aheire lite a lot Porniev gra. b .a separ- ged deal adsh and JortiPal6m. Isaiah Te .. ., . A FOR THE RALOY qica, modby i
ten front huoba . no, Capt. IngrAlft, Sixty-three persons ldlle4 and, 400 and achieve Our litirpol of 4ark- plied $$Thus shall. ye Say .uutO.10ur '� '' gular in their w 1�1
I of heart malyeters in 01.10 I a . 11 cyclonein southern States, auger us n W I . re .9311 �- I
Norld, and I . at for any terror ' f . 1i � I 1pa�tou exci . , . )
- injured I I L a Be no, �- ,
tear ,d to 6astor, Thai; Bait t -
. .. I *quid Ilks, staii4to VIM 010ors llktt I plow of gas frqm gush�,',T ot by mail, who' nos$ or from any torment of min h the 1A Tt, t L e the coust .
, , am went4a Oil � a � hou baEt ' ',�' ad coisstaritly be Or, tws rerav I I .
I V a Rhou . :. . I
! I brought under control, Chath 0 a fn as alai I ds U er d troubles- I
promoters lifterin.ird-comlittits suleldo, may ro* $in a woruini; - its 41,10 .
I 414 *ad lived An otloory for two Yvan , gainst our Souls r t ii st" t r d 0 the WOr th .
� � � �(tmrciag��, baby's bowels .
I to -'sive them a fair trial." " - �Ill g sewago, canal ess Com- cover. of Thee., Amen. heard, wherewl I guar to eep J. E, Charlton, 95 XOTth *-i . I
�, ' L . osing ease before, COUIV D,)rtilii tirviii.lots Com- � W� E. Orchard. - � # of Assyria, have bWaphomed me. iWely and his stOlylach sweet, ,for . . Mr. ume been L ' .. i
044 Nerve PI ae � Y.ing L � . ..
'L I U11wralm ROT ills A" I : Proollor W -ran' �, Halifax, N.S., irrites-"I - . ;
'a 1 $, Or alalled mitteer. I mebeage� to So- ON FOR Behold, I win send a blast upon himo nitio ered with -.01150PI . ;
� � goo, w box it a I deal"! Owou Sound juniors., DOIUIaIOA 149 era Of Peace-. in I . SUNDAY SC . I i , ,tenths of the allMonts f , both Ition fox 11, ��* I .
. . I . . and he shall bear a ruia�r, and return. which little ones auger ar,e caused by I of L yearSp but since I sturte" to i
'Aireet as retsipit of price by' the T, . olainpions, .rr, I ach and bet - .
. � . 119 .celve Robart$04 0411$ts. = on A , � MAY IS�M1924 se. hit.. t Of the eforn ii, -Liver Pills 1i
I Xi1bgro i0o,, 'Ltd., TOiOMO, 09t, �kpy . . opoillng of Toronto intvt .4inti-A and tho AS- to his own,land; Land I Will Can derangenten a , ' Wilbaritils Laxi . ,
A, . tr.acd oil ae: . d " a Own TablP,ts are a I 'ts`kq feand aucIA relief I will never I . I
. � TroPhY. Increass, teaniFs ho"In 3oaswi pz*�'. . Lesson 710011salofi . to fail by the sword in big own lant - boinela,. Baby' have . I I L' . .
-. . I I . , It'llor alms to. a!n- Syrian Crlfifs� � .1 &Iivelred him- gpI&di4,Iaxoti I I . � I
.- --
. �!=�� .. " 81114slit VIIAM. . ve for the b4y. They I J11 .
,e " =A-�%��=Z:M!7r'.! . I codnt of n I . I I A
I I I p4th duties and vast� burdeu On . Itl4c Rabsfialteh,* having $ft his. L mild but thorough, contain neith� be,'Vithout them. L .
. . . .
., I d -,�V T;�'I!V,7 - 1 Toef a e-- -14, 21-23.' or L I
I " . . , I!nder n -it - - Leason..Pas ag L , ISO. . 87 . . self 99 his boastful messagoi 11 are te 250, & vial at all 4aale"t I
0 . � to pro .
11 I I � � . . I I 1. L.. . aloall tucom('14'. ,d Until thf Fall As- 'J"lailalion W111 fck'�' it � . 1 29, 33-36* � , . - .. I army before Jerusalem, uuder the er oplates n9ruarc4lest Ond are Ali- , Pril L an receipt ot Trice'bY , L 1 .i
I Ball io reutWf . I ' Liinite4, TorOutoo . , 1.
L L I .� Izes rot, accused liolne Bank 41ree vltAtt� hilf "!Inrly- . xt-Ps. 46*1. to 'mand of the other geriorals, and golWtely guaranteed to � be gate'. nnd mailed, diraot (30. I ..
, ' Ace 0�. 1* """" Golden To I m 1, L. 0 � �
.. . . . . Is . Acting �MaN . . w orders from his b,obo, The Tv, Milburn . L. I .
.. I � . tora and 01001als- I lqaiah'foretOI4 the punishment that -returned far'lurthii . efficient. for either the neWbOin 0 t I . . I
. .1 I . Brussels Water 111DOn merits t.ffee.ttg w1do . , . wi 'a 1. . . 'I, I I . . I
,,, L I ducea amend child. � By their action - *
, C--.. - - is, and Judah "Ba! king. He* found him warrtlig � . ..
., . Parts and ,� I th',or the growing I , -*."�-� . .
� I . Range of coulnialilltles. would befall, Satfis' -,!tl 7 , I L I . I
I ,
I , " 11 I . 1. basis ,oil: %vttlell Britain will act.'with Aug & pprtears ,In ean$e they I obo�ed AO , its Of another tribe, but� he sent messengers 'on the bowel$. and stomach they drive , . . . - - I ,.�INIIIIII, . �, .
I . !, gillaq ,>It exports, Plan. tin (,,haniberlalt C t Ithe vo - nd . indigestiolit .. . . .
. . . L - -.:' . -Ing tbrt6tav,bbell eased with. a letter to Hcze�iah in'whleli he �iiot constipatioli A . . .
. . . - I ,)On,,k,-IIy and llarold,Thomas. British Holise Wealt I tho.Lor4 their God, but trAnSO I and siniple fevers and . I I I . . I .
I . , L f'. V.. ulonocle, t. I d- all that Moses the reiterated all that Rabsbakch had break UP Colds . . I d . �
. I I I Of Provincial Seeretary's (lepartnWov lilstead Of falUOUS �W ;,&� covenant, alft ded teething POnO
� I L I
4 I., �. ., W L. . Itisotate ngo of o � I 'a 'LIE wC' "�. '' . .
I . 91,111,111, Nqrimll
. . . Voll ,�d, and said alid urged him to surrender to - the drea I
I �, . . es at- thert. . pptlor Smith faces tQ,n Ue servalit of the L(irdL.Cominandf . mqke are L Sold t I
00 .arrt stod oil charg t . � L ly medi-
. I . , order rt azil trial will . . � I I &gy, - The Tablets 'y ft
� DA that thIP Ora charges In 'Police COU � not.boar them, nor do tbolup his away, cerntes a
�-;-. .1 I . . L is aegatlatiiAg for .the purchase go on a weelt beric, beforo , Judge would ' tol
" . . . I . be also foretold the saving og a rem- Verse 1441ezekith the Good. ' cine, dkloru Oi by mail at 26, ents e E I . , ." ". '
, 16, . I I . Sir llenry P011att- Dentoit. ' .of God, "Oit.of life of .the box fj�m The Dr., Williams' Mediein L L . . III
." , ,'t' , , . 1. . C adp a it offer of eople . j t.?# This great er�ts At the ' ' I I . I
, . I . . British Labor Premler will $up- * paltic-intereqt-1 ta t a renm It Co., B.rackyllle, Ont. . . L - . . i
I loot 'PIOL11- jtio.000.060 ,yejusalotta shall go fair h . . .
It - for -%-.,it, Material, but nation'showed the manner. of won ' - . . .
port Coolidge's 410ftrInalt ity's lesson is et- , r 44BRWI Siebert. . . j, L . I
, I. reparation P1111's 11pitibb, Government.' lit Interests of What is xecor.d4d'in ted king,was. On,tbe receipt of'th "I Saskatobiii Affe I L
. . I ,
. .� . %,F -r . wants'" xperts . . I ; �ING . .
. L �) I . W R , I ,.
I ".. . . I, ", I
.. . * I I L ., � opuee, refused to sell. - 'L , Is � the historical L fact of what Isaiiih ter he: r�ad itL and then, instead of cdI4 I I I �4 ... ,-0 ---
,, . . . adopted I I . icted ,,Bojell. Siebert, of Zurkho the Well. . I .., , Jr.. rl - I , ., . ,—-4%.N !,
. I . . d . . ,. F111DAY. ling bis'advitiers -together �o, 4641det -At I .0 , 'I 4W U9 0. I I
I wt,�J) ,SDAV� . Under . � . who has been W 4 , r, Idi" I !
I . I * L xhwlirs every &Y an . NP - . - L , the ';0jrlt,: of 'G04 pred , k hockeyist, I I 1, , , LINa
. I .� . , Apply it *X'11 with tho�.ftgor . y%litoll irall its lgirled in now. I "�, - * lb" made to it,.be knOwr , . I .. I p
. . ,. : 1:` I a' L t would come to"PAIM * . of what reply Should t . . ��� . . ener theLpast two 'Years and "IS I
, aviator, los , .1. dqrint the ralLkn,- . . I .1 . all hinds. 1'et, us gi,vo 749 Ail I .
I . Milk It it , Bandits delf1011ah Offic' In V11'eug ' 101, 'At. Thr I wefit into thib h6use, of the"Lord and, ,� -
It 6 , U'penctratel; strid hoils. zey loses to St. Jal"ItH JUAI'St Start r .\Ilk ,%rtla, L- S, , ee tiViles , has received d S -OU I . � L L
. ,
. . � at 'Oiagitra Falls 'Ul . r h0u"e .
f�l . � P60 infisitatuatioti. L ' ' � . d by 'the Of now . e4imilte fOl' �Vir 0 ..
- .. . In Alanhil, . Hezeklah won Judah -ilivadd' . ., took, counsel. again w(th the. king . � .
� ut.year. . . it '�(Tp !'R .09'� JOU , he just tirpe illl� the do- - I empting pgors, from Sag- ()r garage., I . . .1 .
. I . - %LCX"V" . I I L I . .1. I Rusgia ,will eapit�latv (a..q �stlbu -goutreal riolleo'. I . Assyrians. T lc�ngs. Sonit;acheirlb and Rabshdkeh sOm.. very t I . . 1 4 I... : . . I . � I '.
� 4 L 1i . po,"* . � I - . . I I L. . tiqatom fell before, . I I L . . I . . .... .
�- J 1 .4 r46micdYfor every 43 ' of debt. the Move. - *fenced cities butJet, . . intdnded'-to frighten Hozekiab away' "�*.�o.s..i�,io,oilo.6,."�,�O.'a�-0 I ' .
I I I . wats 10. T.Q . ......1-T,M"'i .
,,, � I 0 . . .
I . I . I I . 1-1, . 11 -- '.. \',xWfo!tl1(IL,t1ld L tq,.Ili "hold general , Toronto ,,�lll get n1no,r .... . S h ill's arnly. Hdzeklah tried-, 6m' the -Lord bui they frightened' I . PRIYATE TELEPHONES I .
. I . L I . . . .
. L � L . . S lit laqt �Vevl; of May, distribution. it is. prayer fie WIED FIROIN - ' � , , , , - -' . -
� . 40 ,� �, ele(q1out ion In . tPOSE CU
L': to ='cor�dac- at a Very great. dost 'fr the Lord. NtOT.ORS, �:OYNAKOS. .
�. . A . I ction ot'NaPolootticrolics'll1l � . VAT�Aft$HL.j L ' . I
h . . I . '&'.nl,.g1Lo bUr child in . A'001le . I aV king Iva; him to Toy Bad blas-" L
�� 14 ' ' L' . I L I .11 . glur st(Ilts Oil ,. . I . . I The perfidy of. ih� AssYii a . 4 whom I WOR, , L
. .1 . . father . dared thd GO L %, &COL L
: I 1 I �, Chleagotand It, shot by ' �Vay 'to Aincric4- son, by loslnr� h t, he' took -.^the tribute- ' ced upon .God to s3eo � . L " 1. :1, . -CTRIC BELLS a -ad , . . . � .
. �
> L -(!it , L 1,0arg j)I)r,n home sea . . . . . !� t, Cut L ' '
'�'. _11, . I .
, . . . L I Simms" " . .� . I I seelf lkl. t a �� . ' t ,
L It"recalling hii; army. I 0 .Ma
. . I .
Ao-.Nek%t ''. . , . in 'Xo�WW L To L
I - I . ,01'110111 Vat1d,rbilt.. L -arh, 10-7; '. money withot -r-the words Sennacherill bail, . L & -Aft ALARAI SYMNS I
, lion. ,jillIn VrAncls Aniherst Co
� , � 4UW141 a . ' ' L, . � a)1d hen , I t - : BV�U . . �1.
I *00) , Thin to%" . I L .
ii I I I � * wods .All$$ (' lit Book and Traet SO- I d ftinig..'Ot, -N-Scn acell-tt' I Rather be ordered it to -�advarice 'un,; sebt to,reprotich the livingTQod " who' . )&Ppity- C � . I . L . . % -
I L� .0.1114( . I . I der the leader . ship at trr�e great gen- � . ' ' . I '.. 4 . .
� L . I . .." . ": ste.,.Nlario.. 11 alone ari ,Godof all 1th6.kirgdZln1f of' � '008 Vl�'" r*s56*,TT6--"-""1 I . ALL WOK�GUARANTZP , . . .
. at Sault , . I . . L . . . .1. ..
� � I .1 . I . . , ."."" . L I
clet�v hoidq 91ptunnall 11110et 11, of ' " ' '" ' gity degrop Aro'6utorroct ihty, ]lost - encamped le acknowtedged the . ""-`"-'*"" 1 ,
14 , 1p,.Ta�loj, robbed . orils; Thp mis the varth�". I I Vqbat - ratietl Votw; �)ogged I . .
. 4 11 � I t"ady - %vilit-, I . Lby
I ."A, I ,11 "r L mL an(l - ' Ahl � . . *r,px . wi . L 1, . , L , I .
, " I , "�� L 1,40 Joi4sale Rillishake ud writ
I . t of tul. at BlebilmIld" by q1l Wilil'alit. Ukiloel.c. ll,o, the - t - * ' n xi&t ug, the ;4 ;ft . . .
$�V,q(i� Nvor It Lltile truth of , what. Senz)aoh�brib b .COOKI. [RON ind TOAST
, �
I I .. I I I -- V . �. .- . . . . . amothL.r,k ,jeiler flow w be4 - genera *W -, nostrils T& e ,you ts" . . I .1 . d Ty � L .
a ,)ON
I . 1, , 1; eg ed�*�n, Hetekiab to %elp over'oth 1, ear sud. .
. I'll I M. . . . chief , . ' . . -your e
I . ta'Alt. . . of ead, ar,
I I I I . — 'jilliberravil, 01'94W7 t � lit vpters�,n. Itst�ad 't6fi :concerning hiii victof I e
I L ,011tal,.io I ,I' 11 gralm gpea 'd tbeirgodit. *lhicb were . .
. . =-- I ,jtnlo Go men's come out to ,It with'Wm,- norwItswkibig, =11M. I ELECTRIPITY .
L s`111' a at . � brutbe freely. i, No 3 L
0=10— t,r U6 At(. hP.1'.k`r1I : T1Jl0VV3 ill'NV131111M�, - . 'a ok nations an 14, 417- . I 1. . . L � . I.L
. I L
I : I I I . C�)k,an '41) dung 0 . . .. I .� I - ,% - h,e sent throb commissioner k.Laf men's-banda ing inacolief discharge$ hNAW ' I I . I �
. I
. . XL,Iswe_ I Pr Or � M 1* �
� . 1. . a � wbillall's S31 r a foa�k I'Do gdds but,the w n astio�trrneot. of " .
. I ustlyboo MWEB v irdq � golf Clubs. .ILD "o Ior ed them. �hot "to . be destro 6d,"t " b L th'st night,
I VO liave, a
I cogb- (, h.N1-p(.,r pj:lk;on b)aill w4rn . and theiefore. -could V aess�mo . I
. L lodeght N'turn" . . 3 rA13(3 . . . 1 017 J L L " � . and, �
I .. . =tt . I
I 1. 'L '111 � I.... k . � - - nly once' is," .Prayer Qty ,asking- $ouroeold Qr`cXtAr � s gone. lleSt.Eleetkie Iron4 .
1. � � -littral pplsortiing �".%m.l . .. ft�,I[ It ell q ' t , hi L - Ott S* SMIXII 'T.6aSt 0 - -,.. , I . .
I . 1, �(JV#,%rnJJlfNnt 't J$O)Ver I according a I bii� �
TRE PEOPLE1 POWER, * ' "�.�"""ru "Ll g# 'j�;J.In 9 big" follY."N 0 . ij�e L
. I �, � I . I . 'JU t. I 0 � . . .. . , ey interrupt,11im and then. it lie' concluded ca,uae Ilia, Do1&'tL at" I 61,g Jda(I a. . I
-, . . . . I . . L that G 7 ! =.-A%! . . . afitta, .. I
I , I did th ad �401d- make,fheir .. . zlin� fr&i yolir .
:� Ivan., U I L .r& Creatur .1
I ,, 11 � ,elk -at .1 lbottle -Of RI; S. . . . . � �
� �.� . I L New. Vork lziltlp.s after w1unitr L k to 0041C in tbp Syr!, 'dlus'o iver Jerusalem, for if . Ilittit- Of tbi . .. I ". 1. � . ,. .
I I " 1. . 0 L DIV, - L 14.. Pt vW Ill threP Prairl ) e was to ask h#r a -Ad del -a . I
I I w-Z'tu re . I 1� . , so that �
I I llyltv eight stral,0' 9"IcA . instead Of J( I they Were date . . am I L .
L �01 . L . . I I , - .: . eL W . fragm , .
1. . 1. I I . thc,God of Uraelwas eon-, . trits. let, it ien;�*! twough every, air" :v a 0 *1 � ,
1"'t , -w:Nski- , Is' I
� , - Ingtoil: ; WOlariguake at6d - then the - nations - L ' ILtL &nt*P#q er# IX . L.': T �' V .
. - I -as - ' dru ist -now. - Awly . -
..G L N .iigtk�,,, I,,I1,..1lt,.a0Q()rdln,Atu re . , lose to ggi 7our nos,
11 0 � 0 K 0 lak� ople might ,not ,understand th
,�L . ". I I lim1t, froill went. 'trio clo- the pe., I ould say - 'Soothe mind heall RO'DTL -TA - . . .L � ..
I . clustallis T -0,11.1 Out, heir . abraze, ,; . I I . .
I . . . . Jujill collina fk�ll USIPPA 00 Plot, 1 tnrnf� fl he �was �oending �to their king ,U ,
. I I I . . . quered fts t . glido ' had been,. pgo"ge .of ike hoad..,
. .
1 . form.ttt Poll ArIbUr arid was killed vator to b,�, bllil� tq Now.AV03ttnIu-. message . *am, inumoa xuww- mw Ele . West St..,
I I I ili4ow, $herefore, O.,Lord our God, tbe ii tvxt-r�%d My',q Cream, Orician " .1 �
.. I , - L � L . a ,�: .
I L . . . ster .. � . save us lrom4iis ban all -izigi Phone SZ or.254J ' . .
.1 I)y P.ming t"01111. L 0.c� I, . I . . �
L � 11., .f , to preDare a, that the I Vt*, you us . . .
t � , L , ELECTRICITY - A. -Stv WhIlAA I Ot ,,, Mier ' Mnc�)Mla . ' _ At a- JUS L L . I . I . . I . . . I . 1. ..
ucqtlItLed pl, thr,Gorm��ny fd Saturday'r. &;Lines, . . . " -4, tvut��wry cdd*ia catarrh � -
;L � ' �: I 1. . W. eL itl,urd4,ring 11�,rbprt ,Me, it tiolls wl nt.7ti!.t. Ini Olym- Xingaoms of the-barth mav know -V I =-O.en *j�isa, ., , - i I - . .,.
, . I
I . - I
" I . . chari,,$ 41 direct ller,o. ;11 . I . ') Uwi sufferer , .. . I
I "I' . �� I � 1. -- France deteat It that thou aYt the Lord, even &u 0 I . . I I I =- -� �. L- - .. . 1, .!, �
L� �j ; I . I I , . I . n-- SI'lan'lid' L I . L
I Ili Tornato. r I I .0 . =.:'' "':!=
, , L . i . , 0011-, B third read.. eParatic" u6n, toramer 1.*nlver4� pie Rui�,W, 61--3- mr, I I " ' ' L - .. I I . � U � I — . ., . . L . ��
. L L �! I : � ('111ilrol t"M611 11111 get . Thorli(b.-VQ, 10 tillmIti) sul_ .L liquor bi.1 A 11111�3. t�() . Y, , ... ' � 1 � I . .- - . . —1 I --- - - .�. .
. LLLLLLLLLL . . go .m.tildrut. C( . Brittall . I I .. .. — � 11111111111111111111111 . .. . .. .. I .
�1 , . " 11 - aillpildinpilt In INOV1 $lt-� of ville.t. I . I 96,060 ' : . , W*r. .- . �������= I � I I . . . .
� , �, ,, jut, J%,it'alollt . . ., . I ,000 vvevkly� '2145-God!s ATW' ' . I . � I., I L . . . .� I ....
k, I I Lldt� ou'itio Atlaiale. k1amiltou �,%,0.3tjag%,jqfiZ-.1,toanl boats, �, �, . ., � . , .' , L .i � . 1.
. '"
.%*", . L - I rayer I . . . . ,.. S ' `� '- L
I . I I j. ' , L L I . . L s"itia LoptslAturv. I 11'CtLio e%_ - .1 ''.. -, i 9'G I � AT. I L 0 . . .
� . .�. . 1 -t VillijultnUr St('L(f'0naqOn' A" Mrs. k Itux TKOI'ntlon� or HesPeler, torkinto All L ,g to od hears and answer.3 the p I 8 P'. 0 . . .. . . : . .
� I . . , Scots 11-1 - ,
. . I ,. Ing to ('Xillore 'JVA6t4 . 01 twir.% for thol gn 0 , - affilcied wheii they cry -tinto . . .... . � .
1, � I . �1, . � L I'll? �s at. Ont., Is the I'lot4ex I 1. 41 1 . �;O� I� ,,lose L oNy ana , of, the - . . . Is . .. . I
1 � 1 0%� rel . . . � .
"I . plarer, Is 14L 'sslon, I MIA Aj � . -4 , , w . :.,
.1 . . : q �. I . ... .. I I . L I ,N,lt�traljall interior. sk%eoud tiali'LLIJ1 011r" exile of Reds to 1. . � hini. ., Hi will 'bear from his holy, he . . I . I . IL I
i . ,,� . . .. . I I I I . ancellor at the Ex 16- Franc(, ii . testing 1�ow b.orabinr Is tomb (1�atalil$'JLiAA,1l,W1All-'- t�-11. *1 with the savinj strength of ��Is - . . .IN I . .. L.
il . L r British ell Tat' � . I L,
: �rrvint* two tOlis . I AL � . . . I
. 3 budget to Houa(l Of plane capabW of C'. ,,60 lay. I . .
!L, , � . I . quer submit' � Ing story of Helt:ri of.Z Irldbt hand:' � . ., . . .11
L 4., . - expicisivea and 'eruising I.". . I I . I
., I
I v , Surplus LIS Shown I Two railw arreftf (' I Giicl.sent Hezekiah 4 .. I I
� I -L I Coulmlits . ,of . � ay Illivit ejel-Its . . . a -a answer by . . -
I . % . .
I .. . I ,miles. . � I �ttel% , 01V I
� . Sgaiall will cast, concluded by an, 111A a. I , ,.it wai a� dtfeet slid gracious I
I , f . . .1 . 11 . , -- Preniter Brupe of Australia nri.a on charge. 00, stMI mwois-IZ6 Isaiah. LEANING TIME * . I .- . .
"I � I I . . able.-wU1011011t after corittiluouSlY bf BrItish . ociverninont. of. Uharicagg r answer showing him -in what light TOk HOUOU'C ,. 40 �
� . I , .
� , ..�. ceLl that in View of "
� �, . " I. L . .. . Ing in lilt- coullta fol, two Oars. noun into,, n ust seek, other succeasitil la-�Gornxail elee!tbr%, - - ( .God regarded Se.ir-mberik'. and his L — , I -0 I .. . I .
.. . . � I .1 . ;1 � ,rat laember IkOm budget DOM I I . -Fuliteral Of Sir Louis I),.Vir;l..Iat . 8 . . 1. . � . � L 11.
I ".., , . I I 11. .Ntr,rb*r, Llbe I larg,� gat'41 boasting. He,,saiil ,lerusalein. wa I. . , � . : I
. I., ,� � el. I I .N011treal, announces Ito 3011 vote ..markets. ClIllef Juatice'attruded by . � lit'l, as a virgirt - SoriMs. BuIn9mlOw Nets' Mad , . . I . . . I
I I . ,eov! ayr I der his protec, . , . I I .. .
�1. ,overni . - 11 . !�
. � I RX,ill1q,t tj I . .:,
I tnLt �� I 11tent on Budget. I)ouble lioIbAIKY p. nents at Mine Ing: L . an eLand � . � . I .
' �, . L . G*t) , . prittit to hold UP . Ill UP or ow-eevkl%'�! �daughter in bet F.,heeg; Was �0 I eeived'.. � � . . . 1. . I .,
, 11 '' - Reports from prairies sh ,� ' 1010th jusl; re . .
i # . Nit,xicau. rebels att Bank Shareholders not. beflig pi
. .; . I � . :.? , � I Igh time for payment has ex. ro.0e-;1l'!-,e and laugh, to . New Pawns in floor OIL � 4. I I ' Liquid L I
.. . . I 4, . - , incer Put On full, Steam thou I . . I I . .
,� .,*. 41 . 3. per tent. re6tvad. and IdoirgurL, c,,)ndlt1kin,a,4LO be most jeould tboref6
# , . . . train, but eug pired; Duty te' . I .. I I n, shaking her 1,ead at such an �;heq, mops, Polishes, U001aar Oil# I . . . .
.:� I . - . . I . . and escaped. S . ., ta.vorable. Scor I Alio -BrOotus, Br. I . . . I I .. .1 .
v4 � , . . I , Robort V. poster WAPP " , ,�,VUR,)j..V. , . Harry peVall r.lay be 4rno Of thE , arrogant enemy -as the Assyrian king. , . . I I , . .
.1 � . tendent of (" � ,� n;I in in twelfth In Boston. I w sh - .
. �enemy ]�,Oli as, Floor WaN, ate. I . .
�' tat oflow I 'ltz a 10, a 61ants w Igo wltneilsOs in the 'Llan- Vote' God said Sennachitrib as big Veneer# Brasso, Silver I I . , , L
c . tksh do Superitt . . I I I . I . , , . .1
� .1 I . It. 016N, Quick, tao t and I.o*U ('Or- &afs beat Xewarlt and even. Series. "I'le, I I. I � . . . I : . a , I .
. . . $01"11h ad Registrar of Trus smitil C.tstl. IL and "no one shall ptovoke me with . ' � . L �
, ; . . ug Liberal rall,.v Is Planned, In .*,-,�,�j Canada's . . � . I. I .
poratious. I Wasbin . a .I.L. punity:! ne.further,said Senniell. . . o -L ing. I - L .
, . �: . oc I I L- I 11 . . ersion of 'Im, . , , - .1 ,�Ver�tA* , .
�� 1'! 1, , ---, . TitrilsimLy. . Quolice, �Iloatjn- Ineet Ott prot�eot against t -- -:--'a Altv erib's going out ,and coming in were - , . .
""I C - .. il I . Vt to tako over work on T,At!x Vance witts' WIP .. t, lake water. L I I riveyniou 4411 under -his oye; he'w" but an in-. . I tt�e Look Spich and Span . I 10
. I �1. gy I I I Tillsouburg. veterap Mat Falls L , To. Make The . . I I V . . I . .
I If STRE ,tomb. I cor cars rs first ,defeat, 1051119 , gara, aliens st,triment - in * his bj%nd and' he ebuld . , , ,�. �L . 1. . . I . I .
11 ,
- I V .1 .. .. .� PArls doctor 4118,11411 CAU . Sarazon suffe visks* big life to '41aluggle Ave -- , ,. .
1, . . . turn bitn',whithorkoever be eboae. "=Ili I I . � 1. . .
I I 1� -found. to 'Orteadale. In nto 'Llultt�d 9,ates. - 1. . .
... ou e Utruck by on 0 . . . . L'
. I . owth ." S01", 1111131t� � 9 tomobilea Now he chds to tufrit him round and ,� . . L � � .
I - I I
� .
. K, I - i 0 am=- - �r.." I 0 a le -ad.; 11".. I � . . " om nV ah a s on � : .1 . I I .
eraol , arreste a , God then gave a . M ' EN .� '
. - I 111�` A �L . . . � I f161q40-l and, OXORP 61le(-tion dp- A,q('OttiSh vrofiteele lose fOrta" Irlievo I, ,.,1)4 ' I . q ��
I � . I --A . . - I 0 1I Tlv�- I I *bal Lva- ,a Tor . .. 0 send hint horae .
I , Arivers aro � W I
6 "k twill . *�, rvi It, I 'onto.durjng'�wbek-eud and tw disappointed of his� I eE
.. � I --- Ruilk-rualuW, tr� �A� 1.6k-; !wc,a siL*�ll- zl� -a atio d, � a I . wil-t . . J4, I .
.1 . . , . L guo batsmen With .6 12, 111;#11ton haves' to Itave Ovel is fa�or towa a ill ' aid his pea. .. J* L . .
! ied by all DOW610118- ages ocean, Ar, - *otks . . I I S"ft L
L �, 1� 1�� 'L K Mrs Geoxg Winggtt. ftay.Creelt- Sixtv-ton 'tug, lero on dollars tPo _ on ,
�Jlt harbor I souib S&I �
. I . . ,�,, CANADIAN NATIONA 0 - It A.. . . .pt The s6yriAns in over -running a . E 46' ' I . . .
' - . . I .1
' I Van kille )y 1, train . veil iately at Montreal . � � 11 I
I i ril tan. , turing, tile Coming 80as's the laitid.had destroyed the fruita of� 'PHON
I L . "; , W.,re-40ing 000100` I I . .
. , Couservative Leader Baldwin e New ro�.-Watlon 0 leld bfit 'lye �ball out this year I .--
, ,� JUIN SERVIIE to yoftift Win fourteen. ,
I —
I , � 111"NTO Pittsburg Pirates I clatea now volio for party. a tf. S� 4'ause. confu4jon: the' f I
k'� , Chicago. . lie eakty, Int e. ---..-�---�-- 1
,14 , � � . " h laning Same st I College coal . . such ;is growth of Itself ; and the b . ''I
I q , glitente. ebarge Berlin Goverriviont C)Iltarlo Agrlk�ultura I i ..4 ,N4 -, iinrdor 0.6lat,j., . -,�1, � I i.* 11, &.&.."� �
. ft"V 9""t . I r- F-- I -_ OW10.0111.1011110111011kow"110 - - - - - W I
.4,iv SUW"V plotet, i. corld -year - ihat .which aprin eth: of w------------" 0 F p A A .
il � hAlf century or work . i ,9 1111111111
� (I . , I L () %�W.'. 2.20 pma. �Iwlth abetting 11011tarlsov. Sault Ulna buried ill lack for eleven --7-;7-7— i i . 1�t.. ,the Same; and in thi third yen So%v . .- . I I . .
I � � � I 11 L". ""M 0.0 . 0 sklng OtA;t,orgo Jureotte, I I -D A ' ye, Sind ve'ap, find plant vineyards, I . .
" I nly F I
-,4 boots alld' Vnkitiowl"YOltur, Mau found dead' CX
r ., 11 'A " Clinton 6,25 ti,an. 2.62 1).M Tw . �s witiluut InjUry. I arid eat the trait thereof." Xot 0 E , I
I -�;: 11 SWotth 6,41 &.1m. , fail Qxoorta of I .
� lrlsb in AM. houra esear.c. olson1bg. T-10 LAI' '
3.12 P.;� ECTAW , GOD RICH '
. I 1tt06a!oVTlI(" Pc at Toroato front gas P .. was the city to be saved but the bitrid YOUNG PEOPLE 0
. ( L I'll- .1viteball . 7.,04 &.In. 3.42 p.tn. aboos de,I)bIvs durtUR IN Mr- M ,- %Vrollf� appointod , � (- . I of � #10 ,�Pecial Afterno0a Vassts, I .
I �,11� L Of m44 rovorted I)rot. 0041'1'il , � MOTU was to be left unmolested arid� they ing aavautAge �
�: , 0 %.w. 4.10 P.M. First for(Ift afrix I ard. -you tak) . � .
, It 1, Art. §tf%tf0td 7 ,I ) P.nl. 'Ilk ,NVrlk`IJJ ('41UU'�, Q"t'b(�c. NI�L prestdont 0�� 61ala"I"'ll " "' ' y' . were to be fed abundantly. , llv I I
� �
I I i� .. I , Hitelloner 84-40 a - I U - ),'.) - 42 ( lion "lit' 1AUttit3 D01�'S'. fhIt%f Fredoin of 1`0140011 thl-k�aO'ned by % . UREKS V'erit 36--Selutatelterib Deteitedo giiiiin by the I -
. I 44 . M 'At. elitul,ell 111ttioll, bays aults, coullsel. 9 .1 .. didli
- 15 a, M. 5-60 P. . L ---- ��� ', , CLIN ,
7 1 . � f Citielph S. W: 4ruqt1co at li*pqviada. dikmq. 419cd 19- t+an protests %Ilk, rilak* I . I . A ..2 1 J?ftphesiost are goractimeS long in Sego nL ju%pMMERCL ,TON? Ont- .
'! � .It ; I . dis nto , 10.10 ajai. 7.40 P. Fruit of bamitillons is bIg [l,aturo . pathor Min . 1. . . , 11 OL Ivir daily
;f . , � , " Toto I �ey. ing of ellurch union a Politic -M PaWA- AlAwfir"MMSMA, W
011 I , 6 Tor6nt* C,.,50 fi.w., at 1J,ropire Exhilift(Oft at WOn" I r4r, fulfilled but In this case the to medomaloas6ic Sjudentq
L . . from (;aderieh wMing t6 c0inalUtO
. .1 � I att-01 nlag-l*av 0 Twerity-tive Ildoxlean robels wq�ro m-.16- . talMine�t followed elose an the pre.
: . . . . Trial 81110114(!nt -:1 COWS, att' " and triala. L IPWdialds I
� , ., 12,45,0.1n. zusl (00 P.U1. lined UP and allot, attt,r QuIck JWYM-w HOW er ' ., �' dietion.', That same -night the main trsia-Clamiles 2:40 to 6--,40 -P- M-0 St"O"har' 0'Ortiln"Or"
, -1 . - : 1! 1M - Algonquin P.1t0t ranger MISS109 . ca"AA - by a SP6618.1 COMBOS %
oarlor C,afe t4r, Goderith to TOV - ! , body�of the army was Slain by an sin , sacretarbil au
, I . I—- I y Ilavp lost tits 0141 11
, 110 ismito, on 1wifaing titano and Toronto an . 4 A . �-
.. d It In fozrtld hp ma, I . I I
� . ,, ,,ej showing how Weak tb6i mightiest APRIL 29jo 1-924 ' L
".. i� . . to:0u ,. � * -ork"Im MRS. L
- lito. Trenton, Ofit. am writitif EAS TER �
� to IGWerlchr 6-10 P- M. train I 'I I . army is - before Almighty God. -- � I XJ .
11 -Ma .... lj#%, .01)(11)n to L .. ep.
, I I . ch "trieh to Toronto- ,lilt, .�111ligterareadi in ratud t* R Pinkhtmi A V ' V juformsLtijon lwtitA or plione 198,
�, ; L Throloch C" TIS Ca . ARTS' ,eonfor with ,11aelliOnald '011 r"Pert " I ;Ompound'. I When, thote within the besieged city Studonts MV On at any finle. fo .0 I
title ( . ter
�� � —�� 6 TOM- Ittilaid not bm, with- rbie4atly in the raornirlt a terelty. B
1. � a Toport. '! it. A, STONE, C , . .L , F. WARD. D. A.,
I ,F. IV. 1AW01INC15 & SON It avid Noise Livelo Twkv-w��e%S-Old I;*Y 144413 out it, I hive taili-en irij-1 sigHt mot their eyes. ' Sennach- �Om. Spi"isust
I T�s*,k pam"ftw rits � I , All) to re� 1. . h* . .1 . r0aciplik ,
.*� .1 it" Titkett Agents Alto ail to sturo b� ,.V)UlW1 V.,110 f� It before eoteh of my erib escaped at thigi time but it was vit4i.rriftcl I
__ �
� I . *rho" 4 n was bern . I 1. .----
! ...'" 'bek turn for It. not 16ng after t6t be -nttt death at I -----
f� , � o -.0 ........ Oww -, ' ivrof. bantiliq r' -e -41 ad Aftervitif4a , ond I . . , -",
I I �.rl -, ,, r , stables, Oct rhea 301111'. -Ott .
44AP"N"O" 'int Pft L
I I �� Colt, ,�t�-d, Alep, *6 ban& of his own Sort& I i !!T!!�-!T!M
r I to"I str"t ,41 at , 1%q,t ,; o� Ainerles,14 ad it a , � T! � ��
I . I 1A*0 I Aot Iraififstba`15Y -- ..
1, 11 I PrMlo-arhli,al Vlu, V. Beforl WORLD MISSIONS . -1
. � � , K S just off the sq"fe i�jhj�t e"q11'eg 'i 4,f rj�01%):�r"plla r wasborn haddie,ri- 11 I
I I SIM an" 0"40110 N o .9 1:1 Rk ,.,,Ir. bom.of breath Sidl Five hundred of General reng's a s 0160fdOM-110dilys traimlift"
. tvw Ilar . . . coiPorml,t� took lilt for Wom
� 11 rr f (!anadlar� COUIP lin t at M ears. I c1hristian a pledge on A OM K8 '
�r SMAOff StVINAL 111ST-CIASS UTOM"Aily oaco Libra"% TOrOM0. I fe t Z%r if V;001� certain, Wet for all dli6rderg Of WOMM it is "Ood
It 12m, " ANYWREAF uver'� voltv, ln� favor en T _ C-Witinsa Dity thskt theY would *I% c orjingt Lily is 0, . into khib iiii1ritring 11860e. rMe dead %,Rot* &*%let
U1 M UltVXI - CIT YOU NVI-ston ootaw , he,Vtkr Pull thp%glk. r.
�i' X Suser Ay&A#KV V60 VAIIT To Ott T11111r, of ,q d 10.1%tvo,"On Uitfl!W _ their bloodi,without charge, to Pe cally 4att IS ah"tbm ed, giving Immedlite mental and Phygletal I
, j, jolall"r
.� . OrL - - ,v 11�ca - vico. . ! One day a friend 61 86011 suffeiing fror�`pmiclaus 41301- In thil. reting4tstted- tMI(Ift It ex"11 - � reliet; tive blood VesSels 16141
i� . I L � - � .,0.000.0wo-04*40-60" - , I -04" most *11 Tilstlas mio# tot% rapid mdlal cI'. ,tvn ftiflsh I thy hu*wA to4d bim what tht Vfgehl- inia tad'othordige*ses. ' I - - -- � ., nerveg = tOned Wid ISIM0111-
I T ras"OW11104* lAbor (NMIrXIM"Ut d(, 0�111a.,l � 1. ,- � . I 1, lilt eiri -
�L ble Cow bad dobe tot his witi arid' - ' �' I
1, - I V*M*60"tmilw1lirlotay Aborals A411 1V0P')1`tlt)l" il` �41'4 rA to take a bottle bolft for Thfte days Isiter the 18urgeon% at I oneat &at Itulatiork is no
I I , i: advistd, it 11 I -to not-M&I. Ag this trett-
" lot 0116 tMent you awy Watka � k" &'h 4 3. rit'n"It ,- � dered
to in WhOw. buraft or #art 40t t%f ,titwo for ell . ticn Bill. *M&h VW. AftW the foMth bott* it 14,115 a tht hospital in couneetion With *e I , city W,le*-,
I , mt *K. the it"i"If sto"VA ... - *. 11 bIONDA11'. � tain. I hok" 0W thiliften, P41hit 11ftion XMiCA Collese. land. I q , I otnt 1!5 based On Sift
=I ttillmost 0. T. Rs *r C. V ,�
. I %ftft bftj". 'A'V3 ,% nota *04 S"* ottawa lvc�j %;�B14 ry botd alIDUSLI J� met*rit "W r � 011c) prinelpleg, &11(1 Acts lon, tho
11 ""#to. ii tow. am 1 alwols And ft V0101:0110 ing vital ,need of atiteh strvices to L
1� C I of thf3 dis"Se It
It 04K Thil $111111*111t Pttlitari't'", 046t, rompt Service and dzwwv� 'MPO_:1ad I gfftt !V: sit jt,**f69 to Save the lives of X womalt and a tmv. . I sittoll. locktiov
� OA 'I V1ft*f,iit k4d train, XiVft SWIS , P1 I . Dmflrllt-�-�a%�ng koz��G Into ClIfet e vanw)t fiffilp DILA do 'good to all
21 . � mxke cOhN*VWnt em er. I "ec"l"'elfte tielephoried to 14anyuart to Ottletal , � . laeludo
I ~& , frietidt "— Mrs. FRO H farlw4 of femaile troubles
I - , 4, *kk ft*Lf, #'Ven to i*q tC Carelvit Attent!411110, � in Toioito, - , loh� sc, trttlton. Zint. Voriglg 0amp and amked for tw6'V'L1l. � ' t -
" L"*Wft b*% BUdgk--t tjln.�' ta'4t E137 au. �, it ingdel&W isn'! Okint0l tafa!gtrd
� _ evar b" ift" to , 44004"M , 11 - � 111�11) �11 , 11 sloill, I ft'khtin's, title Cow, U00". L r I r allon. letworhol, fAI1lh# Ot *#'
.1 . It" ift 0q, ks � �r Zcl. . . I no "'etiato tmdo fact i Lydia V, The mrrAt - T*16 Of womb. ete. Witt 42-M Ve-0 hOlk I
. .4"traymg r.0to oar uVory #04 "sicu so" otl!� 4i I, ptium is $in excellitnt :rl( Im for ex- *19 TdAdO g0tid. . , I
aftsuse of it* *ttm Ad**6 � ,. peeto 'tal '60 their , . � Ntlilch ig 811iftleitnt f6t a" .1
* I 11"'141j'Ak, ken ----- L --- _ ,
*go* it 40 . *111111 bit 1"1141 1010-0-49mi W101111101"n them VA6 to the hosp, r I I —=� .
I kuly 3*40t% ft isaft, .t Moth#ft%,*11d "Id be ts - ----- - ----
" Cob d* W
Ift"t and %tall like atst to O"tv t"Will J)CttUlt Atalt-Meaw; t03�1 afth to%- _ , - bit-yeles, Pitbinitted to 0* ol*rttion Trial- TtfttA*Rt- t6b for to ays. Worth 150�,s
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. , - arrntiv(, F�alnO. to ettoAr"iftlilthamto"UPOW in whick estch Itarte "oMethioc r4ore t
4& Vt. U60W a ektir. ft" r .Woigiftp tra , t�At it may wftk It thalk & plat of blood. - vvill he sent F' W any "ter'" "Ov! ,W. bkw, VA~,. Oft .
I . C #X* of vey terWitiftt, ts�l, "66 � V,6gr #&ttatmislo 86114106 OMVIG 1,463nt' 4%!-,'-('�4'1QZt')L) mr- I *1110" "Stm *1 A S A*d sidftlii� MRS' LYP"'L
4 =*90toolly ata ast" Is lwlo�e a sta
W tovioafi!, OWA, Th" thoy Vde batk to totinp., S(q,n 1gy LtPj8IDM DIRAIMIM 000""M"
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"K baft to wait far a . nqww� tangell 811041051. lacal, V-a*ay % #very " 'Of I 'm , .
I .. W 41 *�,sstp-* , To SWART$ near 434 TAMP -N!740 , , orwid. $ a , Roviart mm"-ewwr. .
I � I -,At- X 0* 1141 Niftiew st"011 caus!�% *e.11"tion, to 016k t0L .
' J! rf ".403--- --1 --- a 1. "11L.16 I - -- - --- L LeAts brftk evn h 14 I I .
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