HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-08, Page 7-
, "T�_ V*TrFq_w-MVW-T- -- , -1 M-MI-IMP"M -- .1111M, _ _,N __1
, ,7 1401111111111� . I VV1KL I _... . . . . -1 . . .......... M
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# WM"'t M I If u QU lb" ".___ -8 A Y Witit Ir"t takl�41 "r." I—— .. -
il - iikiikaffo "
I "10= 00 "WWWWR �
No 4MV 11010. Ot. Th*y require rich -
� ,-MW- 0t, aigai t1wo t# � c,p, I �. -40 .
� OPWOM lrow** *ad jko%v4 ft,lue 4 * 4 re
I "*I * tM 8001"ft � Mien the V,ac ach#d by thp �'
"o, am ""MW 44 Mambit, Qua, toots of tr"o, t � �
Roland Yorke I key need plenty ")f;,;. � \ �
i 1��, Misilft 10 110" 011114011, Wikt*ki kikitfilf * m0istIM. It stilttitil in light soij, ill I
I 11 , I
1, *0 *Wsuukls* up* him. V"olpt * For Sk YOWS pots or Ifthts 6#t in 4k W&M place, 2t 11' I 11 r I . I I
. . .
".4110144- B)p MRS. HENRY W000 - � OWK* ft"Vowe, o; for, It Santa the first of April, thcy %ill W alkkl()7$t rl I-.-- - -1 _ c1d r
I ,,M . . (� "" *41411141014tot froft w8iting. it 20414CIshiS SkWAM aeVef t�sk, 1, 1. .... \ __ I '. -, - __ �_ and.& r . . <I �,
P1, 81141111�, lVady to tw loy the firit Qf Julle, alit "I' q, ;R —
I J VOM Wo % rival softevskil, be* 09r. 'e��skd *"4" 8Qn1t,61MW#r8 1*40felb to , pl;Ant tho t 9 �,', k� � -
%*t AlkaUld b# '"A111401 -
AMM or Alwo "a. "" 440*0". *Wk V;J . - -.1111.11. fl--',
I, " WMA '001'r bov tko lift of Dr. wow -sl sot. 4M JiMt ill the gQj1 �,Arly in . I
I . I P 1146 tba aff".1ok . tho4bIt A AIRY Wr F. I i, I
rr - , -
Z, t
r - f I
I "Ex* Lyrux # sov'rrtloes PW&,**. 4#Th,t<$VU4nK* , J a A" � I r 1 010fts"okkao 4 �
"A "047 V Piso Sit0p, *14 tTk*rob,#,Vrt5V*X% Alk'"on sks the eyoud WoWd hQ rcwl� , . I * .1 .
! * 0 ot. slyistv. 11filt It � an 11,0411, 11 — 4
Ii! Ad *MW atot a little; tbo, 9glat %ocQsoin't chrooit, *44 441haps potittoes. I � I I '..
,"LOH QAbt=J'% Daughtem'" F.tc. 11101111ok- ot 000*4444 0. 04*001S it to a _4, 044944 Tlit PIAMS Should � .... I . .,
-1 Rwm"$04 took * . twisk 4 Torkt evolop istq soas , W set la to Irk " � 4I_ ... 416i. .
- ",
I- . ,
� , oikA 0 Ifffic tt4vtble. - inche-i *part, .."
I_ L AbMt 2�;t to 3 inchei � VLWN .
0 1i 1 I "offew *0 ito woo jko*t the 44vot d"A. with the , il � , 1� ,
�, - �! 11 I Imil C111111111cl � I Ill 1 I 11 I 1� ji, lyl 41" I I I ,
Skowam I r I MW i I � I . a om, itt. MM J041all V fi;Xty, NOWNStoa er uppe, hollow side of the tksb� � , , I , Mn't delayl C*t this
� �� r.40 Mrif. 9&t,k Wflto .___"i L'ay le it. Tubereu,j legoni.a.
. "'904 am 4*14 a atraifffro a book batlte;a plawts ** I as darmakit tubers aj,L�% , , - )
I "fad it doily's 194041, ana, does. ali"We4i up *left to his Fat4or 14 0111 Mak br#gkQkIa* over: Wilator f9j, 04i , . Valuablenimbw nowl
no,, -AMM&W wow, 4wrliksp ila"04f; 04colo A. 7ell, t t I . . k
� atoll Itor Uow blue frock, 4ho *hall go Xewy#u, After 4u4k Ipglu$ 94#, whola - � fered . fAs prer4juln's fi)r 4 � mdabtt i -01 test,w,
. I' *20 a ootow ", ,� Dept ,t, ,
out for x walk," was heard from, the the visitore were gait rid,pt (for Clore,. 40w1w Allst igraii of 7". mem X'Shill jh the flortleultu: � .
400rtil-row. litamilit Put 1119 elbow J0111te 1194 §tAYed skik 4j*Qqsk I hl 44*�W.r* 1444 I 4"t ,You Voriat 40 sIvoiat, rAA4 I* the Oeties. by thi, r41 &I. . 11 f.".R0IniC"IrW`i11PM. l'at"t
0 34 �, mes,tw 4he tubevouq I . ( r
"Ur'be xrm. of . ot, I would )love a 411tu to 1, dalati
I" 00 ir%'M ill y cooking.
the Vb*lr- Aud,covered timet 41MAX over old laterekkaj � toot (I,t,(.)A
AN file* With hilt 5 at "A* 40401a boor of late; and - Ter and begonilk has becom ell knoyll In, I
le0er fingaril.... aelatouloish), Mrs,, Manning 10 Ad -V" i mited. . ()nly 3W
A "But When I think of my wIre. her 1JUS askralt'.0 ro. . postlxtid. .
11 a 444ke up Witil Or skoft otwif"sing 14 Many FfOV4Ke that they
iosti" uskawwo# My elf"t. I t
r , baid a#leepr in bla,ehit1r. ,V10f. US 4 4*4"t a .A ried several Vou'lli, *it' Might not othe* � Write toIday. .
I � 0110 -and, I a "to itolalkik, "Wisat rwise havo r,e*eIW,1. 11 ,
14 AlwaYs'think(air at law the door aotti$,, on him, Abo, lost W61 AW a t Man"T-Thit his 004 to do tat X* r I I -- ,�__ .
th#14, Elle#,-Whea I realize the-3bit. down by the dini -room Are,.,* " #Yftgl" . . ISM000 trio d dvi"d us to try 0 "`��� , if
, I ox 4 � � , � )'Ott W,311[t the $our
. ter trutiff. that I must leave them, why �ad I 00014 Norway -Plot CANADIM 11 I will giv(. your Chit.
'then at tinkes it seems Aff.if my heart Hamion VhaUUI4;,a wife Was % bravo W4' Wtk*"U I 4dWt think You 4004 blurt I
f� . eltax. W", I ell the brain, body,and
I the IOU$ P*At,UP tears burst forrtik, g Ctl Rd tatter I kaa takes OUR . that .
I 14on, my dorllUV, I would ,at. even otgoo ,Word to Mrs - 0 t I I dr - . .
]=us' btvgk with its Intense, Pala. 'woman'. but there Are griefs that to lkbpx� 44114M.", liftorruptod I QUM CMUMN
Wellaigb. when th . i�t Kim% I be err1XM%wP,,y.,, . ".0"00* � nerVe building autriment .
� . ey full, to shatter 1"4. OTWMIL I � theV JIeV(1r__ r
f ,us. Ulu% Nelly, ea]?. LL ,"'"I 00 YOU -V&U 14 11449 M. a' boula; the latflo favully :
Im., I 410 110t.; tot up pair llr T" T. Xa.
I Yet, bay* ,spoken. but that I know the brgrVIst Q WANOM"'t I .02 XLBERTA AS & VRIZg 1VIN.yqFI,. , UQ,o Purit,y
� -
. lk� you Musit hay`0 Won Waiting for It," Alfred ever so Ions ago by nurse, was "I _bw Jim 0"iiii4a PWdQ%, , 04 � . hu- 2bd � 4 -I, -Where does Alberta stand as , a .. rlqiur.
"I Could U*ye borne any trokluls! at to's In the aurs0Y. Roland arorko 44MM Woo bakU - irs� - .�imited, U -619b Qat __ prito Wjj,�jr In live st"k and crops -� I 01 WZffr"tJL CAMAVA PlIfta L
-1 I better. than this," she anow"off, surprised mrs, channing In her Bar* Ilot gk�kkkovfs yo ., utaff, halt 01110110w; .. - I I .
. I JCfk rQae to Jat*rrgK JAMMIX12 Olk*U4 I 11 ,#AWLS' �coWAKV, " .
. . Pressing her hands togetikorI row. Roland never eanke late tik,* I &Ali 41, r tl4g_, and ho: felt that Ak-During the pgst,five yea6 Al- idz%s r 1144M .
� , "It 110at" no offerture. itol I b# Could like a ollale berta,has won 1 .-Tfk"%**,�01010114
"It will be softened to YOU, I am house With a Clatter now ($Lt 16SA '00 x1fosiOr said $ 0 w1ally (who the following prizes'at I , r ' L.
� I Xure, . "It is tbo truth. 76V had boon 414 Informant _. -_
I 1411eu- .1 am ever Praying tbai whet' be thQugll� of its mo,aterIs stok AA"., "4, A ILIA' 11 at I the International Show At I I - ,-,%��
. , b Ind to It.,, gerftllt brf#uXbt Alm if 1010, 5 prizea; Isgo, 19, prizes p� I
I I it 040r.lf 'state), but 'With a softly 4.eco inx blIa. Ala vNeago. -_ �_ ��___.;;
. I I I , rouss VWX"14 the matter With nd 1 - -_ ----'I
. "But," I � . hifal" letter ats he entQ.-Lod, "Ind Gerald taro two elfs i !
I . . It olph" it P Qv*d to be from Sir three grand ch4l"Plo $. I I
I V step- Down he oat In, silence, on the 411611104 Oft4d. . � r hiplonallips'. 1941, 30 prise .,�� -
Itors In the drawing-rooka; Mrs. OPPOatto $14 of the llearth� a The Mm9tor Vub 1kint? icile 0 1 Uships; "15 L I I
� . Ud Saw I
I I I I I .
I , I
Bedr Greatorex and miss joliffe. ,& the reflection or mra. ohi,sfalugtif lk"_ I Oat I
I JOINK M" Alto brief story 11OR A"neelff''VOrke, Inviting Oerald down prisei Urld r three 0hRMPIOnuhiP9,
tears In the firelight. I , It few to $unny Mead oil the 44orrow for of I . �
.11 1 Notyant came to announce them. site V004s. ,The gruel jirVItwjkbj4 1928, 44 Prizes and 0 absuf1go"s I i
, I I
r I brokou Couple of diys. sh000rtir.,
b4d said t4at her mistress was; at "Is 110 Worse?",- asked 1t9Isa#, Isla AoW. . hi
� � home, And Ellen had to go- Up. when he had stared LaVllttle. I I *14"iffiror , . ; Hurrahv, shouted Gerald, ..V ,# --a tOtW of 144, making it wonder I '! PURITY i,
. rength, I fjKfea I PrVAenqO to conceal -her gpJaL 3111111S." r . red or so,, t . . I I '
lifted Miss welly on Ills in dool't 'V*40r*t"& 790.� mrs. chalk fr11,1 011tsko'DkI IWII1411 a hund !I
" I , ]RAVA1811WIth his remaining st "NO," she ans,%Ier4d, soarcel� 1*611 I*V*1" 110 okagJ*lMLkkd. "I CQV$tafC rokkad� JS b"' 1.11 go, r U record,
� . L ee, doll Ar . 4C 4 tj 0 'LLINGTO.V
ale to to FORT -IVL I I
: I .
and all. . � I there will But be voo muo "91! 0411M You read them, Our ' W1. "I"," Q,�-Avbere ts Port wollingtot, ? , . I
; / of 1 *14, or9od. Hurraitp, ., .
; 1411411, PAV46 Plle;lsel Bally-Joi tg. Worse* 14 It At all, Rolaftd;'A AM* a" anot *40W their bitter, sh4al . . -
I tickled Witt% making herr toilet, ' Ship more weakness verbapm, And that WJ4 ftJ &J"U r t
. r VetI', ab* OXV14dnod. #,Tr *_ , - 5 � A, -Fort Wellington ).a in All FLOUR I
thAk 44d IS LV,W 'W" XWh tb&t key 0, 014111t. , I
! I I I wants to go to sleep,- - �, . be all I Rig. afrIald . r L . 301911% have atrucX a . (Tolke'eoutinuod) . .of Presott gad consist(i of a block, � I
I "What WOOld Nelly say it papa [,Uegr- I 1 X4,40i he tblaks,so 11 - NOw OT11111, to a utrong MAU.r they " '' - 6� 1 house and ftrthwOrks. It was bqilt orm-m,-Iwi;;i�.-",-,-i�ommomo�wowm- -_- -
- . === 'L
� told her he also WL-lut,84 to go to I.. Roland. S - __ - G"vk If 141*4 ane, to, Hamis GIRLHOOD DANCERS in 1812-18 its A Muln Post -of defence, =*MM!!�71...- --1--, __ _..... 10�Qrm
I . 'i . 1. ,,, .______ _ !
. , . "Lot -s "' W "at ;4' 11" 840kod' Ala whole toart and - hap, between Xing,otoo and IVIontreal r r____rr______��.
sleep?" I � derulaUd j1 I. b. no
� I L L . Power 4%VI -_ __7� .
L . - I 3)04't Itlar with a ,0 1111POn Abe book, he r I the troops #08embled at thi& .Paint 000 h I I Senrorth C,olf C%h I)AMee
: Miss Nelly lay bac,k.111 PaPa'sarms n I I And TIC 19244 1will add 90oi-
. While $her considered e a amish I MIL40 It wurtUY 0M Dq AV0141od by lCeepluff the Orse POW,er to the 3,288,000 T1 $ fortiv Qalt ,an
� I the qtjestiolIp . *ot AU 11krolssli" And ful", ruen r,oseng 0104 144 �Mot Pure , , ! "t took Ogdensburg In,18111 and re, horse
r " I the doll bushed In hers, I dleV . 0 Qk
L 104 b14904 it. A strarkic word foal. I . alroady installed In the I clu�n gave ok most e *lit I
r . i "Why? Are You tired, papa?" . yes, I sin sure there, is go nift do** 011t, Gerald, Ion.' A . r L 4 Okkftntry
I 1. III& . 'e.t, - for me to use; - -The suaiplia .I Pelltd the '"VABIOn At the Windmill Dominpower 1 NK njoyokble d%Uco
.. I INtle weary, dear." # : 4:010 , . . . I .L bit It Is 0, true, one, , Tt4ey- rose up, . . Of Young girls. 4nasY be On November 11�18, 1838# dtiring th� the ON W% V. A. boll on XsIrAq eV*Jj.
"Then .04) L to $It. I "MY gooduesill 11-4md Roland "V AWA-I-44"eavy. as I belleve-let theta. n L I . 119 Oi last Week'. About 75 were pre.
; L I . - Doll r shall be � , inhItAted, OrAt m4y be oused by I*d aebe'340 OtUPPer Canada, St ,� JOB PIMNTIVn AT THE STAR
. I
r I . Quiet."r * , - . c`P . L ' . W, his' hot and wot-Atrickou slow. $01roo to WrI skirt unsaitible food, bsksty,artd irre" - T)JIV ilgat;tT MARTY11.4 ` �__�__ - � - __-___� -
. . . I � I . "Th� r sleep's not . coming J0 I at yet, "Why It() %*As better yesterday. I to aud work Out A d0lfb� cul*r eatll*� insufficient oyt t.m i � .� . W"__ Sent and a good tlme Ak*y"I -
i : Sell. A .2 . 1011 *Ws If`sk; ttley Cot It'lleut 'forth I - -door ex- n --vitu- .
1:.�� 0
A 11
. r-�l
. "
I . � I ..
; I . t'If . I � 'were the Jesuit Martyrs! . .. .. . . 11
I I . . ---:W�ken it doe � come, iW1;�__4UXkkg And t&IkIUg like fkkuJ6 .*Me War JUL eXeCtU&I ebunnel$,
I � ,, . ,and orgL4 and �[!Ot enough, reit and steep. . . . . I .
I .: papa MAY not a3vake from I . , . .. . M0111 the book. It comes On,il &.-The I LL 4
1 �:. ;"Not ever, I ,.Not really . "dU43r, begiruling. with suit �fArtyra of early I . .
� bey'did , . �
.. Over?" asked,Nellyj bottsi, It is as I kkkV. set i1st"d Also to kill tifewriter,it 11 Pren4l, Cana� . I L
I . I. L e ", .0 . � GqMWA hito (gesk looke . L
, nn Mile eyes in w6n4er, not oland,,, . I . I L W IAn9Uor,'Jnd&po$ItIon to esertl6n And tiau, history Ware' Brj'. ' , L . I ;,", �1 , -�, ).,
taking -ill at all tile true songe of the "If ever I - (I willtef a feell"g.of fatigue. Later comes beuf and Lalemont, Wh in 1640 were .1 ..
. : . I . at'* such a nflskqftl*� thloa "Usk" We 011911, In their ba eruegy done to 4ekkth * ... : I . �
. . if�ue4tlork, . . . war d as.�hjo!,, eX4141med Roland. 101 StAIV. WOM Vfty ugly. rd PAIP04tion,Iof the heart and b I
. . , I :'Not ever -here. 1, " .- .111, I Uever the , ug4t_&t least, all 1 ho" sifter their defeat of t Y the Troquols .. L I 4
L I . . I 'Th ch.. -kat "Still I. can't Understand " be' ache.9, In,the majority of cases c6UI, he Hurons. ... . . AIL4,& # � 'L i
I I .
. I . . e Princess we.at into a sleep in I what he*d get Well, Again; . file 4440 '7111111 critiques wee, of 0 " ,1414,, stipation is�'present, and the -comple,-4. . CANADA% * . : Usa L&Aaom fluei 1. . .
. my tAlo'book, and lay all thq bed with goodi handsome . Oursut, rather NATIONAL DVBT . - ... . . ,. .
. m4n. I'd like to 10"Orill; but how can gritiqpeg 100 takes On 4 greeuish.ye�Ittw- pallor. Q,_Wh . . . : I I
rop�al lit her hair, and nevei woke,. kno*,. Wily .he .kill A The . At are the latest flau I . 11 'W I I i1i,
� . I . couldn't, and wha ift"?" . . tre res wt . save money by using sup Ramp I I . r .
t bat ,40iient is quite easy, and sint. to Ganads'a national debt? . . .
� I ,: never), nPver, till the jood 014 'fairy, . : killed llim, " . . %, .. " . .1 ,,And it you,, being ple. ,br, Williams$ L eledL ' If f I t
- . estate and touched her," said "The revie a roview,er Pink Pills ikrg� . � Ware vooking viessels. They 'ifook �
. I Mis's �b I W- have done it,- usid YOUr"Ir. Gerald, 'could only A.,Cain;kda,s. 1%ational debt stood. I _ . ��
, . . NellyI I , . .� .. I . �U. In a low tone.' , . . .,4124 alit who the faix $401 to just the t4le to rtmedy this Wretched - I less fuel. To satisfy Yourself try this . ,. . .
, . . L 1 Roland gro�alle4 ' .
, . � , . ; . � I . I lit . on ISAURry'al, 1924# at,net, U,jij.- I convincing test in your kit.,Chg",. Take �, . . . k . ... I
. I 11 Ther " pause. Uamiall L . A suspicion Wanii e-heArted bound state of health. They act directly 888,604, or. about . . . 1, !
,, that -4or. it's thought to, bare been upon t � I L
L . - one JoIlOW Who he b1bod And as It becomes rich : . ...41260 per, capita, . I I gin 8V_ J�nameled ,Sauce P . .. 7 J
I ,011anntug's, lips q1tivereA u little; but they lat'st hUVe had 4ometbing to do Penned ill* lot- and PUr6,.str;ugth and actl I L Oka and on* . . I ..
I . - 110 oneI save L-blInSelf, could have. With the decay, had betn'llpon him. "YOU'4 oblige me,,, Put in .Ralgrl,%. III% vity' re- - - - XITORENER ' . . I . . . . . . �� "
. I I r guessed how every fibre of Jila, lle;ll-L self. , , " I . turns, the glow of h#a1th Cora � I I of "U811 size miide of altiminum, till . I . k T
I . I . �. . repay b3m, an I've meen it done il chp -soon the es to Oic Q, -Where and when did Xitch-ener L or Other Moto. Into 04ch I I . . I I.
, . . : IL'. � . was, aching. � . . , .11 IT -he 0'ruoi reylOft broke - his .POrt NAtAl. His howltat' Would be 'eks. alkf� trouble Will di4- get Ita "AM(,,1 . I . .. I qu". t pour t . I . . .
. . I . . we
. I .. . . "Nelly,";he resitnl0d, his iroice'And heart," restlakIed Mrij_ellilk -: ,-,E Ebmathing due.,, 4PVe4* and good he4ltJ1 fall i I I . 8 Of cold Water. ,Place each ifitutif, I I . . . . I I .. 11��
. _
�J I . it L fifilg I R." N. ow" 111sa A. -The eity Of ]Kitchener ws . I � I
. , iuUnntr I alike . gravel. -ne'St, b14 . ala cerf: -0 Its ltolaud.; -A leaA ,ea. "You do uat'y* , .0, 1, Reabo L � The Witter In (he - �
L' � . V L qal 9411 Pearl P&*, R. I I
. I . I "L � ; . ' at entirely, Unde has �proVed I . la for. , I I Pan over the Are.
'L I I I eyes loading sitt-ve . r, Out., r* MerlY Berlin. which �vas changed in I .. . 1. �
.. . bets, "I want. to �gfve mail w0tad,not. have felt it vi. stand, I 114�8, Gerajd;ll sadly answer the 'Volue .of thi . . SVP Enameled 'S"aUdIf PA4 Will I* boil* . . . -
. I L , . YOU 4 Charge, Should�papa.'ha�ve to ' . , .
. � I tally"' a' Waa, .,PAyJJI0aIiy Ptrop .,� payl " .. 1Me4iclne;,ip4 her at8t�ukent Will Pat a 1916 after Lord Kitchener ' The . L. . Ing , I .
nt no attention - to 41 . .Vt place merrily, when the W;Lter in the I . I
. not, h%va ,a � get . 111111%. JAterrVt1ba, whil was- started it, 1807' by . Other to just beginning. to ig,Mao* . I 0 #
. ' ' 4fl. to�Aau` long Journey" You WLQald- be c9nid " ,Itk. 11114 . . e Gera . 14 ' . L 1. .
. . I
L . . L
I ..r . c , '�" U01tive.iWOni� t6e most shoulder uPon'bluk. "Ill, Virls- fSbi" SaYs:-"l wa4 very - Ill ,r4 from Pennsylvania . Save your Money. V" , L . . . . I
. . ,� I` W2111ma hit$ left Take iou: But h I . v,ft,ered in, ,he�4 turaed iilw the way to health to All other wesk tle . U�W. get. L . , ..
I e, my child, -to be ever dittiful.to sexualtlye; atid.4116 never, with., 4U his one lease thb. revjaWa did ,,()t kill. with L .of Oerman L . ..
,. 11" sUM*&i& ext"Retion- It IS, estimated that, half . I . . -
� .. � ; to bright, f%e,e,,a I 1, Ana � f4ruk" *to* 'ohy. Th I J Q9Wd .not sleep's . P . . �. - ' .. I . . �i
at -aight, my"gppotits, IV#; poor , my,face rsk ,a - , ,, I L , t.
� be obedient to her g1IL,ht ' M OY did, not. for lnstuu�o, istrike at T
. ble I L. I . L I I
e olcailiatrons-�Andxo hedouLdXA. .1ftakish deA4 at once, or break k . 11
. I �4kls. 1. -and. toi love ter with u ,doll of- the present popul4ilon I.,; -of that -
I L aye'$) I., I __-,,_._� --.,--.I" -- - ,�m_, I 0 1 stag .� �. .1 . . . ' .
i . L 1. F L I . , - . 1. I heart with It.41 his and lips %Viro very Palo and'my 0 . . 4 L
1. "A I . r I L . . . I . . . rake, Ill fact, you , yes I . L I "
.. I . - Ong,, long, Journey?" demand- bear the blo May tblUk the. dull. ' 1 got so.weilk that I could not CANADAIS, LUM13ER IN ty It . I � ;.'
.. .1 � ., edLUlao Nally, . I 1. . I W. 44dit has UiliQ fllkn.,� exPre35104, b, broken D ST. Y ' L WARE I . 1. , �
I I . ,IV - I *. , I.L. ,. . 1. 1. Aw4nd SAt Aulling at hj� whisker$ a at mpeech.. alld 90 llllstih�`Wlthaut resting,. I took -.;- ha are e flawes 4.9 1-, I L . ea�'Ofpo 1L.." .1
� - L� - . . .. . . I Q- W t th I I F State, . .
L' a ry, long.,, � . . I bi "Oes0dirate gloo Ilk i degree, of vourne, it is so dizzy an' . by " .11 �4 a roolain and a me , ", .1 � A
. q . . M. MrAl CLIAlloing . . I. Aut d fainting sPells, had no a - Cunada's lumber Industry? . I 0 I L . . Tltr4tt finjohoo t poat . I W",, t,,, 010 o . L . I .
, there are som bitiofi, whatev T . ;. �. I
I 11,
.1 "It I co . old -bat Viten I to the re- 0 .. e natu"O and to A,_.-Canadk's lum I . 1104rly-sroy estoftel Insig, %,if got, "Daso at L . I .. . . 1. :; i - V
I 140&04 . I I . I
., Be wh ire go,seUXjtIvtly'orgxa, ,I cQnd Care b(Ir iiIdustxy in 1, Ware, 11kroo Veau, 111dit k'109 bad whi.to asit. �
. . And -Whon Would You come back shaded her eyes with ber'lia d. blis Jo . er, and did not .
. Again to thli, house?*, . _ � . , . � U (OL
.J,:... � "Not ever.;" ' .L ' ' iffei ill$ . -go about 4 1 WAS" Lin thi, iti6q ffn. ign Of 'q,Jg8,r,08 thousand feet board ! 11 I . .
L . L
. . . .1 .1 L. I VJeWer.S! " -he,.�Aed, -,�;;e, 't� a. Me) blow shatters them, nearly a jear. I -had treatrae .1 'Awf. vhitf, fitting'. cr . .. --- I I . I . I
. I o, papa V, . . nt frorn m6asure, was L PatV 'Wkito W Irial . W51'Ot 4110#4 CVG*V� I � . . � i
it be t V4 olftr a tfid�uaaud. Powids' r. t"'I" WU valued. at nearly $8.5 -1 , ids aa Oak. : I
I . . :'WlIere would 'eW,attl It Walk ills' Oral; w6rk, you know. two 'dogtors,'but 4i " . odsll�r, I L With Norat Bigo. . . I .. . 11 ,� I
� I . 'Heaven," lie softly whispet'd to anybody. who. Would Mug I . 04 the blow canle he had hot. the $trenatill.so ,,,,Otd not regain iny .6001001'br thO total Valkje Of lUmb#r, I , . . I I
. a I . I
. I . . Nally r036 up In ills me thell , In . . . . I . I , .1 . . I
� . - 2�rma, the - bi us name$. HaM64 the lotl - And, If you strength to rally from it; mind and� Uneasy her, who W"'VerY shihgle and Ott otber luillA Was . . . - ,� .�L'
. eyes moro woh4ering than before. were not'by, Mrs. ofianning it, body were alike L about Yhe, decided I should tr.%, 000,000, � . .$134,� 1 1 � , I. 11 I , I
. I � ,. L I . x1rIcken down, 8114 Dr. William$, Pink, Pills, L ., ,� I . . . I . . 11 .. I .. I .. * I
. : "But',thLat would be to diet,!' \ .worse wdrds, than .tj)at I'd ' 111�*--p so tile we knes et.in and laid hold Ing illis for a ;Vb, 'Aft�p n%� DRO RL I L . : L �- . 1: . . "*1
I . ."And if lt� W,eri?,# .1 � I . . Mity. ot h1m, & . 8. N I I -the Ale I felt r Ily L ' I ,. � , . . �
I . .1 L She ,$book )for head. 4,pitching 11 L .. . 'Ofne. ECTRIC 6F,vp,L0,p. � , I . wl;�2 , - -1 I . . .1
11 What *are th what better, and' contihu Ing - . PLANS -- -
I a life. The -publish- for -?yr, -ifervOlY demanded �Gerjl4, ihem Until I had wed about . . � . , L M . L "
I I . Doft fell the doll Unheeded, The 100 the reviewer , ROIRUA, Would not, 030 naturn good ' ed taki � MENT .
�.sflllld's feats were arokfs4d. She give him back Ill " . .
.. -thre* her.litle UVIna-About big neck. er thin A tone an It 1. � I
� . . A e .—What are the projected hydI-1 � . i 11
I I kq �hat one. -man wrote them . he were regentt g somn-6. boxes, when I was 4guin 'oz �n el Q -pla . ,* L
le )p . L . I �, -them written, . some,one Pqrsoual Injury,. , L M . . - Well and elztric ns-? I . I .
. : . ioll"'PaPal Papa. Ootl't Met- Dail�t -all: or got . . I strong. I can strongly I . . I , L I . �
. - . d . I '. , I "Scarcely Jo ' It . recommend A.—The .. completion of pIgng I �
. ;
I . I � . .9aut it I. m6t, ,tilen?". . . Who Must have ilad,X gRidge awallist ed; L "The too. r earth, she answer. Dr- Williams' Pink Pills for the treat tot, i I I . . . If , . . .11
. . L . . 114mish.-.1t doer, seem llkb It— . exquialteif-re . L the development . of hydro -electric . . - I � I 11 I L (
, .. � 113 not 4eant tering from annendu.os � 1- -- . I ... �
. 9111Y once In her wl could Rolao . Aned gold' ment of,sny guf , . . 1, I "I
I . � . $40 remember that he tole life A's picture 1111gift hi�e been 1 O.Ipd . for �be world's colaago,,� You can get these pill, rAy . L " �__ . ! I - . , I P� i ;. . . . I . .. . LLLLLLLLLL I . I . . L I t
. i
-by her true,name, and t ,. Sud. at brittle . ���____ .-.--. =_ ! 0 -is
had called her, taken as an emblem of despair . I , rather , he a bit, i from 11 - �. I . � .1 Is.
,61nal t Medicine dealer or by, maij,4t 50 odt�,.s __ , . - I . . I . . r
- --sa - — -_ I - - I . ___ , , —.-. _'. - . . I L
. . her bat wall When 'denlY the face �brighteued. a litle, tile ban Made so that I Couldn't A box from -the Dr. William,,, ?��4i- I - toolsookkkka L" 0 - ;, I
I I tre grl.kudPa .died. � She hegan � to sanguine temperanlept, 1-coulaed itgg stand a reyiewi,, said G I . I
1. . . I . je L � I I . away. I I . 1. I I to be hoped thereos #OX enlil,. ,A ft's Cfn� Coli�Brockvllle, Ont., . I .. I . . L I . . . I .. . . . . � . I I I � � I .
. . Jjeople " L � .. 1� . L,
'*Who Would take care of in*, "Don't you I , martr such � . , . . . C , L I I . L , I I
P ose heart, Mrs. Cban., L I . .1 I I 1, I ---§� ' I . L : . L ..
� . L,
. ,
. . � I paps,7#0 . . . . I . I I . I � , 0 I L My .
. .. "God, . . a courage.11 . . I L A -GORGEOUS FLOWER I ' . . I .
I . I . I . I L nigg. You t4k . 'Only one In tuns of th . ' � �: . .11
I I . I .L , I . I She amiled & little. .1 My taking GeraW." I I L Ousand . 1. . . . . - I - I . . I
I L - She bid her face upon his velvet eourage,wo�ld not help,my 11, $band "Does It—trouble, 111112?" -Xviced . FOR SHADY SPOTS I I . . ., . .. . L I
L . I . - , Waistcoat, strangejy $tili. - � Raland.11 .1. ... 1. I I Gerald hesitatingly, . . L L � - I - . . L . 11 2 - � L P .. � . .1 I . I .. � � ''. 11 . .. I
I . "lie would guide, &�d guard, and L . . . : 1. . .OA -_ I , -'C L I . 1. . , � .1� 'J�L,
"Well—no';L petbaps it mightn,to "The Advance of death?—Yes . I .. 11 . .. . .
I urigto '
. love, you Ver, Ellen. Ldying Hpaj,. acknowledge L Roland" . I 0 LNO t , In . by the On. I . . . . . . I I . L I I - . I . .1. .,,,..
. . L - resuming big , degree. for the ileskth� Gerald;, tario 11srticUltUral Association . � __ . , , —.- . , . ,__ 1_ . . L .t: , .
I . � I., I I . . � . �
. . YOU would be His dear child always, gloor�, t'Whera is be?,,. , but the 4111tting, me and Neuy.,,' L I � I . . . . . I ,
. I I I . and He Would bring you in ,time to, * , She pointed to the , other I . 0 . I . . I 11�. - . . . I .
'kne, Look UP, MY dear one," Lrooln, Ar" a"' not yet w1lit HAMM And 'The shady part of the garden that .., . . I . 11111. I , . �_-7� � . , -- . .1 . . I . .. .
. - I I . I . .
. � . .
� "Must YOU go the Journey?,"' L "Aaltep before the are.,* thur are� sare to he heard UP there, will ,not grow even decent gr"$ can * . ' L � , 4 .
. .
. . I ."I fear 09. " I . I . I Roland softly opened the door a4d Who" they ask for a thing," ark"In be made beautiful by 'the use of the - I., . I . �p I , I
� . I'M, PRPalIA'%d don't you C . are.- looked in. ,The finligbl, Played on Interrupted Roland, Jerking big head. tuberous begonia, So long As a bit 1. . .
Itasnish Cbgu#lng,a.w#$lted feAtupes. upwards, "bu . . Good `-Scrlaon -Cdal ' : .
I I .1 , I t I do pray that from of the 'ground can get either the early I 6 I
� that YOU must le . -of a . I � I . .
dOIVt YOU tare for alamma. and me, ,And his dreams seemed to be t 0, n
. I aye no?" .01 the day that bad base wall hearm at morning or late Uft45tdOOn sun, Or for . .. . . � I .w . I
. . L . "Carell, ,-� . gallant nature, far st smile Alsit all . .a r during the palodle . . * I I . . I .� . . I - � . . . .... �
. 4 ' . HRMISh C1140ning's death be'll be �Of- the day, a bedL Of tUbeTQUA begon. I . I . . I I - . I . . .� . I . . . f,
I e; tile WON Ing and dreAml. NsIverthelaug' Illeep. haunted by bin &boast for'ovar,ff CHESTNUT (oot .. . . 1w, -11, - 'ill.:-:
. I . . . I 'He could say nc mor the delicate ljpa,, 'peacefully, thori . A. - , 4
seolned to Put the finishlair stroke was somethins; in tile ffte�'LJ1141 Spolff Ellen asked - Ing t,harnklng, I . I L I 1.
L Gerald Yorke rose. 1AS Planted tb�re wilUri I ranges"l, which I& a mixture of oh P . .
I . to his breaking heart. A c.y or All.' at coming death. Al:44 him to wait' Rnd ' - 1. . 08MUt 94d 'Pea 4081) . �. A
I rCUL4411 "ILlid age Itanifelf, but he r7esultil.� This Plant do" for The &A* , ... , . . . L I . I I I
. . gUISh' r patient and Implo"44 Wat hare "rat 'Uto aob�j atl U%J XtoO4 Otnswered� in what setmild a desper..' shady :spot What the geranium does STOVE'and 106 at .$I 6000 P . � .1 L I L �._ I
. ,
. tile Ps's, Us* I might be soothed to thein . t46". ODW% Ozick 41141n. -And olodifil . ate burry', that he ha ll " for the sunn I I . I - TOM , ;
. . I I . I , . I . I . . E R I L , J I
- -_ .11 � '.. ment. I . Y IOCstiOU, but it da^s, T1 'i. I . I . I t ". ."
I I - _ - . .1 . ; =e be%41use Of the variety of Colors. NW* . kN
I , I �Q���- . "y6u might like to take v, peep af Ur*4 Id R.ToN , . I.. I
kT-i-":�,��--.,..'Z,.':',-':�-�:..':':.',�;.,':,'.�-':�.*:i.-':�:�:�:i::;i:i:.,;::..".*,.�'�* *.." -.i- -'-.' �-':' -:' - .�-:�7:�*:;:::��,, .:*-, ,,':' L "His $D1,atf. DOMES G, 4 no lumve, 1, at $ -1 2140 - P � .
I., - _. �. : ...�.-"..i',;,�..�i..,i'.:*�:'.:i::. -,� ,::!:, :::�:::�:i�;:..��i����i'�'i-*i*,.:.:",.,i,i.'.�',-**;�t�i':�l.�,�,.--! Gerald," xpok ' . greater, beauty of the I 11 08 I . ,. .
" :i:i.,.**..,:�:�"i::i:.":."i:i:i,*�: 6 Roland, 'L
,:��:..*:i:�.,,�:�::.�i:',�*:�:�:.* .-'*i:�*��* ,��:::, r. I �
1. .:i;it:..�;�:.:,.*?�,.',:*,*.j:j:'.;j*.i:i;ifi:i;:;::i�i::���::::i:�*�:�:.,::,",i;.i::;.,::�;;;:::;:.P.�:;�::,:� Oaks As Peaceful The tuberous btgania CWT- . . . I— ; . .
`-`,"`� "_,�, .X....
::.:. ......'": .::::::: ... ".-
r * �.P,.-.'.,:,�'.-'i�.�i..,:.*.i�.i.-"'i�".:*�i:i:i:�:�::"��.:i:�'i�.,-*::�:i:::.*.:,"i-.'* ;�::�:.:i:��]:�::.::��::;�:�:i::;:::.:;:::i:i::*.,.:::::.::::::::.,.:�::;;:;:::$.'%��:"::�.O�'*� AN lf It weit not IkO used in . . L
. I !-, *, . . '� * 111m, I li
; . :i,i::�:;�;j:,*.�!:,*.,,"..i::..*:����i:.� rate . a
I .�i..: ' ;��--, �*�',��-.. . �
":i:.,*,�:i:.,.�:*:::k�,*i,'::�:�.-:,ti.��.."...*.-�:��;*;�,:i:i,-.-�*:j:�:j:-:�j:� ".;: ...... r. . . ".... "...'.... ". :.,:�,j:j:.*:,.,:-,.:�:x:; .......... ,.:-, - - SAInted.01 . .. . I An OPell 100at0h fac. . . All Coal weighed on Marsket Scale*.* � . '. � 11 I
.P. r. ;;;- �_ .�.i;. L� . � I -
.;".-,-.--..x5.;.4l...:.,.,:.;.::�:i,:i:i�:i:.-:i,:.,..,;.-�:,:�.:.,:�i -:.,� ..; .', ;,..I- pi�.;�,.,i:ii��.,*.:,� .. Ing tt* sun during the hot part Qfr the I . r � . . I . I L . I � I ,
. ".......".11MI-11. .... I �,S�:z;-- Gerald's alkj*er was t.a turn tail 7 . I . L .
- .. . . . , I ... I �
. . ,..:.:.�.,:�".,.*,..*->�.,�$,�,�e�- �,K:K.*,'-.'��, X--��:�-,.. and go OiT. Asky, 1kcauge the I!Pes are apt to curl . ___ rr .. . I I
, ., " , Roland , . 11
; ..., .. . . ..... I...; 11" � A wh6 had some . L
. .;�:i:�:..'�:li:,.'�:":.�..���'f,.- � M Ing 04 band ths, Up 1116,d with.r, ' . I . . . I �
. I :,;.;- " t was being wait. . . L . .
:.;.:,:.:,:�>:.:.:.:.:.".,-:"*:.�:- - I I ' ' '
I I "::�;::i:.,.",..�,,�",*"...:i-,-�:,: . . , "� -� XI, stayed' to Shaire hands Nvitb The tuberow begonia has b e U
.",:.��,Kx::., i:il.�.�i ii :14,111t, ' '
�.��-` P�'� ,ree' oil . . .
� I -, 001launing.
. I :.:::::.,:�:�:�l�:�:i:i:.':i�:.*:i�--, I I L .
I. �
" -�'
t.-::�;:;.�:.;-;-;:;.::;...:�:.;.;- .1-1 Ufa. ITMOY developed � 'CA . . I
. - . ;:i-'K.?-,�Q, "� .1 In relaont y0wro, . I .
.:::::::;�i:::i:::;:::.::i.i�:;, _M, Look hers," he *blsPer#d to hor. he Wilt vsr1(.Lt1t,.q r Lin U17 JFV I .
*:!:!;�:";::*:.:!:i;:,i::.:::�: �:-,.-.�g-..�ii�,s,�;,�-- � .
,,, prod
" , ,:,: , Dt Worry 1118LInin Uee flowero 1 . ..
it .
.::.::::..i*-""i:.'��:��.,:::: :i�":`:.'�:�,,�.-..**'%' to d lion! four to.glx Inches � rA ,FRE . R I'll D"RnAND CEMENT. .,
.. .
I, ::. _ . ,- - �;.Y,;ro.v, bOut You and Xelly* it, 1110� way at acrosa and I I � I I . .
,;;:;.*�:K:',:j:j��:. *1. '. _ - I , . r, 11 . �,j�r� �
,-*�K:::�:.*.',.,'�:�, ! I __ I __ . jUst ill, whiell Are are sel . ,
. - - .. V . M0121M You RAM I shall be gt1ra to .)itlg ut ,
- - I ,
I I :::.:�:��:�:..:*i*:�*�, _ get lat* something good moon; ' VJ L n. I . r . I ,� I 1 .... .. . "
-:::i:�*�:�*j:-�,.:�:.,:�:. L . %
P ' 0 'S - .
I P, 0 , Mi'l
W e"
I I I t,k 1.1
. I . . COnt will ItO to that, and I'll a .
:�7;;�O*;��::,��:� . . i
. ,�:�.,�:j: A PU . t kit r L . L . . ,
r .�i:�:iii..,:�i:i:i-."*,�i�!���ii:: . ML rs , Care Of both Of YOU. Good-bsle. . r soc . . V.,. I
� ,:i:i",ii�, " . ,;1 I I L I
" -�ii�ii,i�:��ii��, "00% .. ... ,Poor, peunfl as, good-hearted Ito; I L . . . . I . .
-�::��,:j:�:j:j��:j:j;::j:j:j:: � land! He wale I L � . I L r . 1� L I . . L
:;7;:�:�i�::��.ii�.'�i�i*:��:��.*i .�,-.' 1. -',*k` 1. '3"k 20c- txtr2, WhiCh is allowed 103ell s,iisdc ir. retttrUe(J. ' P r .
.. , i � ,
. I I M'....0. I ild have ,,t*ken care-, .
. ".. ,;.,41M,i?.�'. Of All the world. With a run, be GRAY HAIR N[W I I .r I
. ....."M � L' . . .
�'. I . NMI
-- '�� .
e..;;,-. --'.1-;r'1 11
-;-....,..:'.-.i . .
i:i�:i-i.-�i;*i�i:�.,.,:,P.,.,�iii�., ,��.�-.::::�i:���-.':;.-;�,--�;�,P:-,�i.�� ,Caught up Gerald, who WAS Striding . . . � .1 . .
I ::;�:%.*.,i:��,.:�:..:-..*i,i;.,�::.; r gk`,iii:i�.". �M*.. ix . , I . I I �
. - .. �.! along rupLldl.V.r obylou$ 'of "All $ar r . - . .
:i,::i!�!,.:'.V�..:,�3,�,�..-:,-<Wcp...!!:�i�:., '5�;��z�ii��:,.,�ii�.'.'-.-;i..'iii�.,';� � " - P I .
.K .
- -��,-.;�.4.,,!-�!�,�, 1, -.w� ' . .
. r I : : �: -:;::�:::�:;' " . �'.:.: �:�;.:.!..; , ;- 4 -,UV i1flesent alstreA4, everi 'r I '. 1.
:�.`-,.:�:�,�11`101 I , ,��.-�%:`..'... . at GerskI&S -tirve Witty# " the"m rhet for ty wJ4A*- .' 0 _�
�ffi.. � , Z 114t 6skYo Ladies Are Utirto in
. _;.� I."; .-,C,X
, : , � L :��:� P�Z�::��$�. XK; pj$t colaift'ljg. " i . "A Dri
. ........ :1 .L;:�:�;�:jj:j.::,.�, , , _�::�.'-' i�,, , '
- -:;:�;:X �, ,�;j ...... - 1. I Al ,,,-r
.;. s. -v.'.:: Z � ,,, r
...."..:::::::::.:�i����.""-�*-�?ii.*i..-- �':-x_ *,'. �r,..'.,.:::X:,� �. ..-_.... ...;- �. r ,,, r
�i:;:ij. , , - -K�S,`-;�. ,
�;;:;::�i�-.,.,::i-.:::���'.i:�,ii.:��!.- �, ', lame his Ar I AVd got regulsed for - - � of Sole, Tea slid r ,4
-::;X?-K,-;K;:�:..:-. -.....'%�::: # Q aud Attemptoa to Reellso 45 ffs
, .. -1 , i? ;�?-.`��,!'t,kfipl � ry ^z%r I au "r
.... * P � �
.;,' I 1, "' I ,�._ "
. . ..:.....�: - -.:: , , 1-111". I,;,: ,.,
.,�, , _ ... ` for"t that C�i;� ft COMPleit a line as.we did when,on
.:��, i�:`:`�:.`�:i :�. .X's . .
I :....�!�:'.,:�, ... ��.".. " ..... -1. : � " �,_..,_-' � -7 -:- his pains. sulphur . S,1,04,r I
': - I. ,:,�:; �;, .- ,
�,;'P..*::�:�.-.;-, ,_ x, . . ."' ' ' ._ , . . , I
., ' _ I. -.,.7.:, , . �
, '�.j _ , ,� ; - :_" � ..�. ., -:.:�, .. . '
,."r'�": ; r . -_��
j!� .... ::-,.1X-X __ . . . r::; , . "My way 4000 not lit the same , ,Z,tdt'J e you Moneydp �
.. I
. S"V
. _
� !:!�:�:j:�:-.X:�:�.._ .... ,. ___ ''.. ` I I , I
- - -11 Itals,
.'��.*��:i�ii. *4 your$, I think," wit$ OeraldPa .
. K,�.'�--, haughty resuark. thAt lagea I*tq Color And lustre
I i:;�i,;*;:::.,'�,;*::: ot wilto, it radek turns gray, dull anj . I
,:.,�,*:��:.,��",',;.,�;�-.� How -to W �r' 110110d Would not regent it. �
. 4 1
1 .
5 Ah and MORESCO, and ALARASTINE at'60ce POP , ackage I
.:::-.:�,;":j!�:j.,j:' , � lifeleg_,t, is t4we. by a Jack of sulphur
. .:..:: in 'I say, GeV, is it , 011911 to it, tho
'*.�3: I not to . . . P .
_:i*�:'-.:�::::�:�i W 06 One $Ad? .I hair. Our grandmother made _-V-A--W-_-__-_,
K:X:.�,�.*�?::�:.*:j: 001e]M rr .,:..- I It wooldn't bare .
1� 11
r-�,-, Pftserve �i:�, . mattered much had it been yott at up A mixture Of Satt TtA Ond Sulphur 1 I
�. ......;.,�:.::,�,".K ,I, ��.�.� , I
�',��xj:�,-�:"�:�.'��!-': _ to k(V her locks dark and be.Autiful,. .. .
. h at
"`,*::.,:;::.,�.-,:..,::% �-' JU41 on 11to w oe tcsfte'ta I 0 i 1bt ou rt dMt tom 11 $ohs s Ca uaenb' 'and tW "ends (If W aftl 2n4 mett who I 11
, .
z:�,.*.-.",-,:�;.-'.�i.'.:-,:*�j If yon art- froing to do atty
- . .� it one as him 11 I 11 .
,.�-.` I 0 Ulff.S1 r - - -IWMJ1 �Is.Ql � '____�W.�#*"W�_
�.;:',-,i* "":" Woolen garments or articles V41lud that evft Color, thit b�Autiful _�
, dark ,-;had6 of hair which is so *t- I .
I , - , � "Thank y�u 11 said Gerald. .909# tt, e, use dilly thig old-time rtcipe, BAWYNGt ELECTRIC WX '-- .
.::�i:A-;i:.'**.,*.:; _" of
%-..�i alftnsed with SURPRISE - �-, for Yotfolf.", PL " _ -`0 ' -
,; :5.x**! * 4646 RING
ii�'�__"-�,_,'.-,__`*�,�.� - ��, NSX, IR
I ��:;�-� ., .;;.; -
. *:',�_�:�;;,�:,!* .r:;;::; r6wadays we got tilb famoul mix IV 10
, I 1.
..P:::-:,"',:� soop W 80ft, flu Y, and we I . "And with 114mish the broad And tur6 improved by, tht addition of other etc., we. are it) a potiftion to giv P
,t�,;��,- ):::,-ji�r I . "': choese dies. she his but little "
,-.,.,_1'-_, . Monty. ingretikutaby a"W"t at Any &Ug store r e Yfitt,all Al job, and 1womptly.
,:j"_,:-1.!:* I Perhape sho,11 not foe, th6 Want ol - I
!�:%. .washecis -Dry Woolen artick* . ItAbough. I'd for a bOttit Of "'WYOWS Sige and S61- �r
P,r:" �::�'. ':" �;: 0 -
�'. ".- � " I Work my arms at for Opt Compound," w.Sk - r .
.:" 1_.,:1
:.:,:, in st moderate totaperature— * -41)4 for her . r ro hatur-Al so evenly, timt ON . Sig C a r
,.:l , , � thAt darlifalt little X401ir 6 d,uken, tile
E , I . ,� ,� -
I "".. I ''r: too; tot- Hamis It gak,e.
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�,,,,��,�.,r,�:/ 0 11 Wy us possit y tell it IliJ be r
., I "I don't b#"e*# he IS dying at &11,*, plia
�,:�.�'!`r . ��_'� not la ihe sun -II -and do not I 41
,r., ,, I r, �r valit 00ral& ybil just 4a"n a ftpotaap� CHA LEE
.;,:,;. "; "ROVIOWA kill him, In_ #6ft brush with it and drAngt Or
_1�1111 .. allow them to freeze. Sun is dtod! 101 sltO*eth#r preposterous.. through your if ' W thb .
��,%:, I . �; * * 40 W61216A talk wretthtd honskense in strAnd at;k time.21f, Ukh*. one small �
By wer"ing the gray
, �.,��, , ,6j. % thisk world." 0 hair di%P its; but w1Mt delights the .
. I.. injurtous to wt)ol- ire", , The Islia0dwatse StOM at the, Hapbol!
;P . �.]_ 10. .** �
, ` 11 - '.. I 1, I I �
I � . I . .,:� I . , I . I
I L "I eflufts shrinkage. P I . �. � Without 110 shaeb. all a Vartift Udieq WiMyttb Sr .S'W Md Sulphur
". , � I 1, ''. J�i *06"ISM, 00flkld Oruck *&OSAJ C46%apo,
i � , � I � _. W41 ______.__, � - Wd S*3 1
. � , � :. I 'sIa*�I�'* !�-�j 11114W 1111 *Qe$ beautifully .
I � �� � . 1111M tr,, -_- ' street and #i"Jpgkolkf#d. . I 0 1 0 #rkiftiog the bair s(ttr I Hous
I � , . . I , . I I ,, ," I � oarkiil.
� I I ' r I � , - -,. . , P,* ke, a kirm at MA thistilube I I f0m, it iiho, 6tiogg botu A
I � .
; I
. I � , , �L , 111M,MAL ! 111144 tot* 1411"11114" Itbel . at Iisstti SM4 give,s it *M F-ders ful attention.
'Phone*., Storke 22 given prompt ^"
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