HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-08, Page 5To 1 00401wo THt'RSUAY, MAY ft� 111#21. THE GODERTCH ST�XRW-"�m­—� the b"ItvArd Am Mont"41 hxcvd, *t the 1#qw"t of Mr, Cwkbuva Hayv� attil tile A, .1 " - "PRINE' 0 The bowtv*rd below hirb Ptacv irx "TIft th 31*W 1*C11; Chaplain, lcof 1.4wit *QVr titan the rest, '4 the FiilkhW IhO Urth Whilkl Val.'C�V- the t1evelard GraNa siuk:o For Mother on stretc Thiii waw rc0r"- to Xhe pub, Aia­V. F. saunder-6 0 iionril*r jut the Athkl�',? -.44 16- LOTHING FOR BOYS Ilie, works cvmmittee. 'tMating Lift, a 1(144s. X*4*7^ AL W-Atawcp Mr. W. 11. Robkrxioll, on 1whalf of 11440kwl AS the Chauta;jqux guarantorw. for -m*UUic-al 14 th�' I(1)r,1A­- 0., 'G AT E, 11, RC "s irce. far tht, FAAh, Allen* 0 f)tj witut goed lo'king. rerfezt fitfing, avj WJ1 taih Moih,mr the use of harbor part :4,924 (`,hautQVqua- and this wai grallt� The Canadian Girl at Work�41. RaQ. Of ibu Vi:34- CA 06v'�' CIOIM4�4111y THE f"RUNCE-Chithing, Ma ed, on motion of tile R*evle, seconded I u krT ef Huron will be holl, at Vlistcwn Pill ra by Councillor Ilumber. Tho Gulden Ruto in Uw1ucn�­Atth= Ile, CW9� Kl� wtto VQ00611or Ryan rvportcd having Nash Tito, mtn�")l uleoling of tho A SKMAL BOX. OF CHOCOLAI Ift I it, . 1. LV Ai Life of chri, t . A- - iat,�rvlrwei Air. P'lliott of the Nr*, A Peorilt., of Huron su'reas nest blenday. Ma.'y i �­! ratur House as to the Use 4Qf the propertN son i�,MNtbe. 112th, in lxoudou� ff ft taek of the hovi�* for a tourist c*nip, 4%, Handful of lkars-F. XV. V)oreha;11 The auntrul' a1c;Airg of, I Boys' All -Wool Jerseys $1 Jky, There is a U1001ti $QnlewherO %-' Wom.. ing t9 be rettlembered on A.Jotbees ing site. Mr. Billott is pta-zlidirr to All in a J)aN)s Work—­'%V-. V C I 4� urc Auxiliary A the A -h It Alvdev knit all Wool Jet', s. in tho Ilewe, 1conduit a restaurant during the sav, st UWV14,alld 0 ID on for the Vioc��e of flurou will bo hold fastellctt WWII titi domil fastewr!;� Ilice, lay it tourIA season and to supply hot,ano. This - �,- -j., 11. Fdbr(� In xvin6or May 1-10, "111 and, 1221, ,Wrth of oud� cold wattr and to use theproperty 41t jut ' ' down i�(Illar. The M CIA rior Rolf Rev. W. U.. Alp. of Auburn. ozvu. -N? al'! travetters psalllph�-% and Wil have tile May rear of*the hou3e for parking, al- W 11) sizes 14, .,() afid, 23 olkly. regular PRO,? 0,,�Ca& t)rir'S'lle herk Day Is Done-44gar Guest pled the pull,,It of KnoN. chureh an NOTHER'S DAY 10 NEXT '000INDAY1 MAY 11th 110"We'lag tourist� to, uso it flVe. and songs of a sourdough -'It. ksatkwdeay� for reV'LnU0 front W. Rervive, tftnday IaSt, in V'CQhango k';Ith I"J)rV. looking for hN t.he '0$4' B$kJIa48 of R IV id,r, and 1, 0 , It. C. StdDerai 'ja Sell! DOU't fQ�gd to: Wear a t1ower in inemory of inother on ronage of his restAurailt., Mr. lfvanl bighly SEE OUR' WINOOWS Alothees Day commented that be did not th The Daya Before Testor4y­-Fredor. *Go to Sunday Schoot 4*,xt S, theta was a more suitable und4y, U Goderich for parking cars. The en-' Ambli or your Through * Avadhi-C. H. 14 oiclock A. 111. at the 4u, DWI' r t forget to give mother some special tolte place In ick Hamilton Nother's Day. speelal, prograin It 09 C. Pn'DHAM & SON affeQt�on AQU NJQtJJer,.;L DOLY trarim 4t tlw ettat side of tJ.W ravit TV 0 House 44 away with the neeessify of Towne day school. Nothers aild father; making an entrance to, harbor pa Pioneers Y Old Ontarlo­W. L. Smith Specially inVittd, ft" 57 PON% AND SOY$' WAR 1�11%1 B. J. Hendrick 1401other's Day articles ilit our store., when It- wits ploposed to use ih 14 Lik, and Letters of Walter it. Page— to Ruox khoreh next ssabbgtti the to the li�w Store next to Baink of Mottoes]. Xr. Elliott would like the town to'put self.investr"j. , minister Will b"Ve charge of the Sol,. A spceiilly'tielected box of Chocolateg., PaQUed, a-% a up a sign "Public Parklug." This Builders, of tfie Can 0 n lvl0s. SoUlects at'sermona, 11 0, ql.w Alother's Day Gift . 'S radian cowo 10 . .#The. Rethiny 110111430rL., 71 ( - farrangement ,olves the tourist valzip wealth -7-0. H. Locke. & tu., 1he +1 1114 pltatby the C. P. R. train, the ambu. -site for Goderich very niqely. It WAS Birds of Pe4sem*rsh-E, L. Marsh Fashion of the Age." S,=01 School grdint their saftering chlldm-�, Cards, Stationery, Candies, Perfumes, etic. Suggested it gateway- might be put in 'Wake Robin-Jobn Surrouebs alld giblo Classes at 3 o'clock, Wee meetinit It on its arrival. en they bove Atother Gramw `W;4a this property and, Harbor The servI"s ne%t- Sundgly I I i or� I . �Worin, Nxterminator to ItIVAR nappiness and Goodwill -4. W. Mae. n 0`3 All mothers Can put away anNitity M fill Aft Park for the convenience of tourists Milian Victoria street Wthodist church Will 0 Its egftts: are sure sAnd 4sting. Who might want to use the kitchen in Earth's Vnigmas-Chas. G. - 1), p b b gonducted by the Pastor, Rev. T. Ur W, Hedley, At. A. Mor_Aingr ' D r K Oak - Moth 8 the pavilion. The -special committee will confer They Who Walk in the NVIlds-Chaa, "'A Nessaire'to Motkleru." rwolling CASTO R 1A TIN further with Mr. FJIIott, G. M Uoberts subject, "A NeS8Pg* to F1tth(-r,4'" 'k Thelfibance committee reported, re. Readers are adivlsed�-b keep, 1his cordial W0101110 to 411, awften DOMINION EXPRESS Sp�--ps Aboni.uiakjag your, plans fo;F a�ythivg in tbe Kardl`119 the rvquert of the CWqrlQb )44 for reference. T4e final meetior, of th(4 IN"olopli.1% 10 U** �CO)leglate Board asking the council F0r0'�0r30y"r*" MONEY ORDER line to Ade funds for thek. 4dditlon and Auxiliary of St. Georgel.; ellun'll wn'4 Alwamblato It=held oil Tuesday, when tho Summer On$ to. theCollegiate Institute,,, REV. DR. MELDRUM'S siguatuto of N t V.Vk; h4L 0 outAt for the Auxiliary's adopted in. 1 Films St"S" which %vork is now boing proceeded RESIGNATION tuan girl Nvau baled und shipped. with by the contractors, we recom. The InAcethig concluded with I III ' 1 11 �!M�!!L!.�!!—'� , ­ ---- a Social 1110114. thAt tht- Af4yor,�the Chairman Cleveland Plain Dealer Glv" soine, -cup vf.tva. Finance 'COMMIttee and the Interesting Facts -of His llastoratie clork.im4e suitable. arraflgewnent4 at Old Stone Cliurch North' 1 -1st. Methodist thuwch 14) CAMPODELL'S DRUG" STORE, Of the : a. M., Alon's Club;- subSect,...Ptes p with ibe Rikwil� of Montra*1 for tile P NOTIC ERENCE F96NE '90 THE SQUARE neceS.%ry funds until such tiule as 14 Collnect4orl with the i*tir4newrt rovidelfee wholly dirett�,w IntrOdue. Ay Y' "IM I ed. by Mr. Roy S,.onchousv. C� urch the deboatures for this time are d;s� of Rev.,Dr. A. X Meldrura as pastor Classes. Mission Band. 11 a. ni., 'I �0 t posed of.' of the Old Stone Church', Cleveland, diAn N S for the Old-fashioned Mother," Aloth.� OU Full That nek.otlation. I� of Th6 Cleveland Plain De4l' i VIM I APVAM *60,000. -debentures for newsaintake followinir comment el' li a Q th 1i era! choir.,&Xear a flower 11, honor purposes are under WASi and thaf'the Dr. Meldturn's ratlrewnent� of motber.73 p. ln,, Church k,,cl�ool I ne I -own council matter for, the will And Bible Classes. 7 P. nu, "An UP. present is receiving 14 rat LESR I p bring to. conclusion an active miwljr�. r% .3;s 11t 1:11. 1 1 , VA fJ consideration. tdrial carear of for�y years, inore 1 14 StrAngers and visit - Full consideration. is it a h ors welcome. Ama. 1&41� Tour ,. also th n alf of which has' been at Old Ut Camping and Parking Site He prov'" 1�0h'n4 Park given in tegard to the issuo of , bel" The W. X S. of victoria'st. Metho. make nd sufroring froinj table ingrodlenbi app�oved by physi. U 25j000 Stone church. was Installed dist church tbift testl E �$e Whiire R"J*Urant Will Jae r- . onk%CtC4 of debenture,,.. for the consolidation there June 1, 1902. 'Closed a L. very In lans, N haye just digestion, PilhillON ftilill� 11i. 13,10.'c Holps nature ele=se and tone suecessfV1 Year's work, At r Of a �Poitiowl of the towntg floatillg Hia was born In Scotland, educated, YQur IIV6r4­3trengthVn your dikestivo XTAU41JA. 'A"00 PARK debt. the elec- d Sides, Constipationi 11013dacbea WILL BE AT H.. at Knox college, the University of tion - of 'Officers fOr the coming year an organs­nooi.06 the tired and ovetta*' the, results were., Pros., M`rS. jj�n. and tired, run-down condition, duct to ed nerves, biaeo, no your system and Re conclusion of sale of $�Cf, Toronto, 0anada, and San Fvamlseo dall'. vice pre 00'ncil- Will' Uit Cemete -iltures, to A, 8, Aan Theologieat Semiridry. Pastorates mrs� Hedley; trea"', &H-Polsoning because of'uluggmix purity your blood. It has heltwd iA s _Ma(le Hydro debe C lolay for Impfttion- Co, IS Mrs, BOndet; roe. Sec., Mrs ry r" a 0 9 we exPect to be, able to he held before coming to Cloytialid . , , ChrlSL liver and clogged Intofthes at this thousondq feel return of ntrength. vi- ip"t,ion Vout of CW Town Lost Week eomp)etion of this trans , a r 0 11 Sanderson; cor. Sec., Mrs Z�r. . I -,t etion withill were in San Francisco, Hook !Stand; I a. Willoll, time of yc gor and enavgy again. You, too, mw p the next' few days , - mite box,supt., Mt& R, C, I ­ Ill., Evansville, Ind., andSt. P.auL � POstle. Take, a plenfla.zit spoonful of J)J, be'satisfied, or no cost. The regular meet!n9,.:of the:town first of May $284.70 of tax is jvc6iv,� Re prop9sixtion" from L the Huron . It, becomiw Pastor Aimerittia, Dr, thwalto; �6trangers' supt., Mrs.. NAP', Thacher's Liver land 'Blood Syrup, Dr� Thacherla 19 f;6I L d 4nd reeonl.L eouncil was held oil Priddy night last, ed. 8pecialty Caitinis eq. re purchasing Meldrum. 'will follow the,example of Christian te ardship, Mrs. afta the next two meals. It,. leag thnn mendedlby,T. A. VAmpbell in Goder.tch all tl�e members with. th� exci6ption A request from Messrs. Barkor Victoria stte�t foundry, we reeoT-A. his predecessor, Rev. Hira eed. alegates ere "ISO appolivto'l 14 hours notice quick diWerewwo in and by le, adfug druggists In every cit, V Or the, h in C' Hay`� to Atten the conv ntions in Senfolth of th�' Dainty Reev� being "Present, Bros. for permjaSj9nL to ore4t "an diVilmend. that this be, 'lef t o er f d'-,. pAstor. from 1872 to 1880l and and St. Thomas, way- you feel'. Contains Pure vegx- and town. The'clork also was absent, bbing,,at1t6*el* for supplYing'.air for inflation Present pending.'the result of the -Ae. IS84 to 1901. rfi the'LeaSe., Of both Electric Of allto tires was. refertod, to the * ub- go'ti4tionS for the ..the,, meeting of - the � Ilydro P Sal of this paistors oftials of the church rojused Baptist church, �unddy, MON. f 101, uiiicl;�;tf'Ass6eiation 'in Xitthew-r, Ile w6jrRs'tommittoe. i Property. r is "Mother's ' Day." Appropriate P, at first to' consider the. esignations heloVS. The p JU3t Wh yon!'V' ,aAd In his absofico'gr. AV,I H. Robert-: , 'The - following appik4ons for The fire coinniftboe reported r' 6 which the ministers felt deereasting a3tor in charge, 14? ente o building permits were xec�ive'd and, me� ec in. 40111, who was present, cons 41 t ping the gr School meefi- anting of -the buildirg strength and ill health -made neces at e Been Waiting Fort' Minutes. referred to - P or -at 11. a, in, an keep the the'. f1r* mmmittee. Oinits; referred i to it, w) sary, and in both cases, Six motba, all. Preaching in the,hope th. 98.44.71Prom. 1. rts`*ere adopted. vacations were Iriven at Taylor's Corne M. STR* GUYNOUND.- Zko-ursi during story irazAe dwelllftg,mith patl�wwt raL at 3 Last The colle0or reported' $1,$ W. Cmigloy -to erect one lanu paid the troasurer: in taxes The bylaw was given its the pastors mitht irecousider� Sunday.we bad the pastorls brother ftna ly 'Rev. �prjl, alsa$56 do- tak; and since thelrol?fing on cement posts* 30�24,-at an third L red Dr. Meldrumls, va' Goo. W. Dewey, of'London, and the byl Oing and passed, and cation came in estimated qost of ;1,00.0;. frown Chas, a* to consolidate the floating 192A at the conclusion of his � fwe',� his messages will linger ng 10 ' in 'oln. Goderich to Detroit to E f th%e­ ing, On. ft.,David street;'Troin Roy benturts inks was given at the tlose.o; and return. a first' and seco.ld a trip urope, th; .N4bs, to erect frame pordfi to dwel� debt of the, town and issu� $25,000 do- tieth year, the church piaAding him niemorieso A very heart v was read ote of d"' council then adjourned. Long pastoiltes' `.'ovevI i1ping Monday night meeting. And n we. aftol6ion,. :to'' ran a to resi- time, afid the Wil put ve a OW we Le*vt dence -on south Side of SC David st. through the calling of a junjor, or ag. 'Are Prepaiinm forihe eightoenth Gder`,,,�,t Tuesdav, Juse 10., WEEK of MAY 12th (o MAY 17th �dnd to !rernoilel garagia aw makpl NEWSDOWAT sociate pait�6r bef* ni all - re the -final retire. versaly to be held on May 21t* men�. of the - Senior Incumbert, -he,; 11d) $ othel, minor repairs; from Leonard THE PUBLIC LIBRARY $ 3 roond rip 21#25 one. w4y Rev. A. ff. Promow, of B rAtford, t fildoday atid Tuesday Owen' per B. C. Munnings, to re- bee4-the custom at Old Stone �hurch Ont,, has beeft secured shingle rear addition Of house- frolil as prwacher. since 188 Fuller AinnounVoilents later B. Y, Sj when RAffv. C, S. A�ken was od A0os This is On evont thatcomes but h6t a N, All" t Nillson aod las. Xkkwo Ch'llenger'.t6 re-eover roo'! of The called from Utlea,'N. Y. Rev. Wj 11. P- V. Monday �venjngr at � o'clock. restfol.hOlmy lake ricle to Detroit -visit the amusements, the rreat ifidut. i 0 Patterson Limit" -trial f6dorim, and you cdh Ghop there, t'w'. There'll bo inusle, dancinq,.. present- dwelling On Elgii, 'direnue, I , Madge Mac, Goodrich beca aStor in Charles Huml)01­49o�Fdarge. Wed. itt the seitsational mystwy dratha with cedar shingles, from. Jas. Buch Beth me associate �P 4nd appe Dr., XV, ith all the home tolk. --Jos. IM, Dr. Aiken.becoming pAsto.r cm- nesday evening, prayer and Praise. tizing riwals all ord. Be on deck tA anan, to'ereat 9 -age, 's"PONJOLA' at Lincoln qriiu% In 1801. All are Invited, (,Ome,' to. thesteawtv ons for road Under a Thousand F ' 'ff. Me hASOCiate On Tucida The tollowifig applicatl ii pano�dll Itivo Q*&TIch tit CHRI$TI9 COMEDY oil were referred to the p6blic works. ingston v- Dr. qydn beca pastol (91";ro".1� I Goodrich remaining Sen. IRRJEF TOWN TOPICIS I . . .1 1 . I a "GETTING GERTIES COAT" in 1872, Dr. 4:30 P. on, an ardul" etrolt All committee. On Bfitanwila, road,- IrQtn John Dering.-Jeffrey Farnol ior pastor until, his Aeath in 1874. Weather permitting i S10 p , Am Remain JAI Urbit ovtr South istreet to Waterloo street; on' The WilderneSS patroiL_H. JVIII b the lawn b0io. W Wt4ntsday and tettirala&loove for to Vcto L, 'S Dr. Raydn. aC-eebted a mission botrd ing se on Godeddk�TbuWay" JU1110 12t)v 13. Bit'410' 4VL. I 0gin oil the, 24th of Wednesday 'and Thursday Nels-on street from Albert Ad lowing Weathe�-John P. MaIntyre Secretaryship In 1880, returnhig to Ma treets, on West Street from Water,' **ny, Love and Ratt—Eleanor H. S(w Ty Cobb the pastbrate in 1894. Rev.- A. C, Thie. W, C. T thel Dordth Dalton sloo street L andL on Cobourg St.; and on Porter V.- Will hold y Mitchell was senior Oasto� during the gular meetirw Monday,. M and Bab* Ruth ina great Ralph Ince production Montreal street, The Rover -Joseph Conrad ay 1,thlK Tile NeW'itat1k V�Askvtof amd Ile - I four years. of Dr. Haydn'd4bsence, the: TemPerOnce 11411, at .1 traitTipers will Riceyman StePs�-Arnold ]Bennett Old � Stone church, fo hanorn ot 1'rAivin Fietil .'The Moral Sioner" Amatter of the:removal of a trep �batttleforba%ball 1 '0, Come and br 119 Your friends. JUII(. requested by it recent lot purch SOr Big -Edna Ferher funded 4" 4U tMit, on UACK UNS19TT COMEDY and "mother" No L It. hNiAl. is your at the cemet 4ser The Ulil)py jsl��Bagil wi;ht* or "grandmother" of 00"Itunity to see tile two areatot rval Precious u -A 945dask SiftIPS!, . . k, � S" *gestiOn that the council should visii, the cemetery, and look it 6 ver so as Lonely Purrow-Mau d Diver The Last of -the Vikings --John. Bojp rany or the Presbyteriarl churches organized late)-, Started yet another in Slur- stAtra Of baloball to A01QAl—,Tv tune to slip on a plank At the Cobb and Babe Ruth� corncr $of , �Al of the dock by the new elevator Lot Fridiy and Saturday, to he more fully conversant with the details of any Improvements that Or The Four Straggim3-Prank Packard Nortliprit Neighbors -W. T. Orenfell 1 new church during fir. NeldrumAs pastorate, It fosetred the mission that developed yon. 'Ti -i hip k 0efroit terdayamoming and -broke a couple i of ifbs. Fri4q, Just 13, 0:30 A. IONA. JOHN GILOFAT Itt a tale of, 414 Graustark might be considerod, Jus , t as the coun. cil. the other evening. made an inspec-' Xorth-,L.13. Hendryx The CaUahang and the Nfurplilds- into Lakewood chure 11, which has a membership of 1,400. A Chines lan a mis�loil and a Syr The WOdn Poday afternoon half ho. MOONIJOUT liday started in Godbrieh yesterday, Goderich 'TRUXT0?XI tion tour of the town This was re- i0ived fpAvorably and it was decided Xathleen Norris he Wrath to Come -9. P OPP911- mission have , beqn maintained downtown by Old Stoee church. out of when many of the business places M011day, Juno , 9 I vere Closed. It Is likely the holiday 'SUNSHINE, COSIEDY to makAi this inspection nat comm, R- tee meeting night from I to.$ o'clock'. heim. The 194 Blue , *oIhier­P,. it, Hill ,At the contennial. celebration of the church in 1920 it was repAirted there will be still li�qre'gencrally observed P. M. t Wednesday. nex Adults We Fox NF4WS REEL NO. 12 The Mayor and the chairman of the I special committee were appointed g, B1 ue Water -F, IV, Wallace Oorduroy6.�R. (,*. Mitchell had beA6,4 veceived during the eighteen Childrea 25c Ab accident occurred at. Auburn stiloy thla deflularyll three hqar Malinves-Man. and Wid, at 4.15 Sgt. . the reprosentative of the council on A Man for the Ages-�-Irviiig BAChPl- .282 years of Dr. geldrum's pastorate 1;� now 'memberG� gre.,ra- For eon yesterday tAbout noon, when a cou le Alma on beautiful Lake Iftstir). P M49d's don" arch000 ikboded, Of 4C. P. It- emPloYees fell ofr Jig at 3.00, Comi n I g-"Ifer Reoutati6n,ll the ban& committee, Couneillor Turner - brought up the Noll-flittion, tional expenses during the eighteen years $463,006 had been razed, and a - ger.01'. One of the ilien, Mr. Hugh WHITZ STAR LINE Hill, W" rather seriously injured ffiatter of the�varlation. in width of The 1116140 StOrY of the'Peaco. V4n Ifor missions and benevolences $35,1 and was rushed to the Goderich hoa. ......... . . . . . . . . . . Dimes 1311,111 Lno ose GU,RTAIRSo CRETONNES9' LINOLIUMS, FLOOR'01L CLOTHS-., AN O'� RUGS THIS 18 NATIONAL CONGOLEUM WEEK! EVERY CONGOLEUM ROO IS REDUCED #1 HERE ARE THE SIZES AND PRICES: Wl'in.X3 ft,X3 it. 3 &A,%z ft. 3 (t.26 ft. 9 7 " it 9X9 ft, 99 1 of Z' ft. 902 ft, 9 fuls ft. 4&. ea. to I f 1,0 $11.95 $13.95 7,1' RIGH"" NO WWW IS "r" uE"N' `0 BUY LINOL EUMS, FLOOR OIL C1 A HS&W OL -R LuT vir 0 UGS .4-Yari-ft Lookm *34ard-Wide Uookum Floor' Oil Cloth (I and 2,yd.) Bath Room Unoleum Bath Room Oil 00th' squot*e yard,$ 1 $1.10 Squaloe Yard# $1.10 Squape Vood, SSc.' Squave Yard, $1.10 Squaoo Yard,, 68c. artalins, Cretonnvesao .n ntz, Cartain Netsaw maALL ON DISPLAY 36 -in. Curtain iladras New Amenican Chintz Ito patterns in, -Cretonne 100 yds Curtain Sc'rlim 50 pair Ma4ras Curtains Fivc,, pattems in S-zoicli Curtain sonit �er. Madras ftill yard %vide. The &signs 1141V and very riell desigils Hinlish and Gankaian Grammes ill American Curtain'&:risns, in %,iiite are are real !4,4pteli Madvas ate ShOW11 III this raikge of American Ott season's nervest Jcsigns are now on .111d ecro sihades, some plain and others 2 1-2 yd". long, and io) jllehe�) are, liew this wasoll. In ecru S1111 ("Iflatz, all fully 36 inclies wide. I'lle, display is) .111 the boautiful patterns. in sit;f`�Tlmidid 11orders, Thh, 6 a good wide, Almvu in'tive patterglF" a �,Pten- oniv. nhis i.�, one of tiie ivst ues coloeings are in coglibinatiolig of ros", a spi'dal showilip, all at one pylee. quality fille wrim in Soverat designs, did %vearing and good lonkjt)�., �,bfforled. Per yd. 3%. Mue, 'green, black, grev. Vd, 34e. Y rd 59c. 2�c. While 010% 1,14, pr. $1.95. We have e�W a 4" A GRA Y two/AR T WRIG`%`H�T)� G 0 DER 1 (0 01"" .0- 1 1, 0 W, 401