HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-08, Page 2/ _�!==,_­_� 7 __:� . __ - _77777TZ-_�_'—(r - PAGX .11" , 2- � - __ , ­.. I I ___ I � owwooiiiidiiiiiiiiii!=IlpomNllllolI 11 OWN i 1 ! i i i OWN!; I 11 . qwv I T�_7_ - 7" ­ _­___ - 'a THE _WDERICH.. VA. , a--,,--- lo ,TR,L,R$DAy, WAY $Lhoo Ito. 11 I . !!! __ I - . ---- 1_` - __ , ., , I - - - - - - . . . IU 1101110� � .-..- 0 HIMN 60 I --------- .1 U __ .17____-_ - _ -_ � Im"0111111141141""­ � Ili '&IL J;�* `� . (=W I I I 111ILS11111. '. ­ - , __ ­LN�­_­...­ � . . I , I - , A`v OV I UKta � I I . I . AMW ­ 4, L �. X I � .,�)� 11 IN DA 10 . � - i�l r - _­ -,. - ­­ , " � --- -.7 . It I I . ,­' - . . ; .""-WW^V"0"*" *. lv_., —,,- - - . I Mal Was Lm"Cued at G04"kh Twosty A* I . in' op 0 1 ­­_ i :,A,�� ,� .I's - i:. .- .. ,,�,_� 1. I -..s .......... ...": ,,, " ":,��'.,%i.. -, '11' y"" i 11 I'll, 11-10 ­ - �,�' '. . .. , , 'rho &AMW Can .WAY lJo0w of It4nom w*s Is*:; I I NANFRR-T � - ­ ­ I I .,;;,-, `:*.,:.�'.�,':'-��­:�-:,-.z 4ad'aw A4*60ft to go C " I 1 J�c - I P ..�. 11 --*..­.... -,,,,. "" . . I , - . I , I", , . 111� I , � . _� � . - I - 'CL-, � T- __ - . I � 47�: 1 - I. 1. , "i 1�1'1_ . SWIL 0,� �cd to get very 03, � � . Ir ,,.i,�,..;...,.-!,�*!..�!.-',�.�*'--.-.*!'. I a, Twenty-ftye Yost* Ago"4** W01, I on of tiole Mcliellow vatielk, the %varld has no no? OUIIJ; lady's 1119, � . .. 1. � I ­ ­ _ . '.,.*, I . 'Flie Abolilk _ , - 1 ;17 .-�.",.,�,::*.;*..,.�:,."..,..,�..', .. JANYW vowt000 W46 WOW - - � *il � t I � .:t!,.--.. ..; � TW flear—swker & myom sUrted .. - . ated 16out it. The y - � 1, - . . "­.:.* -.,��' J.;_-11'11!11 . ;�� . . Its Juirtet . IJUJ,e of � , - - 'r. ,� �_ .!!. .'i ..- AWay 4 11 . arA , aughtcr 9f %be � ; _� ­ ,- - I ;.... I .... ­­­_..';� I Robkmimft P60"d owi bor;sn Factory A41- . , it tho Uri- I tiler Is a 4 1 _ ,;� - .... -V S440JA :Jts�w arIPPINOW, ) two feature,' , . - rriuce3s to there- I 11 I I . .1.-. .... . - .:. . . " - ­ 11 % �,, ... : - i , I - - - �, ­­ - ... , - - , - "' Jj4i$J**4.V P Tilere, arli , - � - - .- , :. .. .. \ t151% ,budget, tbofirXt to, toe. presentell, xMilburgh and tht i;�� :�F� I ­ - , - ��- � '."-.­-�, I - __ - , - - I 'L . . �� I , ��i_! ` __ - ; I � ,% , _ _ � a - C"CCrL L I ii;��r ,at grgrdolaughter oX 40011 - �_ I - .� _ � I . ' - � - I .. ­�, � 1�;­ � 4jfw.�% 1king ro'scott'd-owme Wjjk4 U040it n", Sell , � 0 of i - - - . 11 , - 1, 1� . ,�.... �­.. _T, , 1 .1,7, . '.. .�=, - � I � i A _N1 , � 1W17 I 11 �T� I I I , � I irt, -5 , _ �� >;�v -1 .. , � � , I , 1,070 a grc b Itv is , JLlV __ ____ ;n("nt, whic SO 1QY4i_ : g�_—�-i��` , " 11'� 11 . ... ,__.;,,4� .1 I . a Labor GOVerli oria, whose -_ , � t� I I , I I ­,`�% C, ��, . '� I - " __ - - - � 11 " �'- , *01, - � ­ , ,,,, ­-�,z� �, I . I I '. _ .'.1_ _��,�,��11'��T � ­ � , I ' I (, nL � �_i�� -1 -1 , ,� � . __.�� . ) b1i his countty.,vict 'a , ;4. it the I; �, - __ ­� ­�,,,, daily. walk, AP S '%r U e a C . . 1, �, ,.�,�k �­ ,�,,;.�� Inpon could tal'T. his , IVeE; nwital interest t" 't to abQlj!4l%'Jv vel br % d ,�-�_,� ,;­ --- �', � " . " - I ­ I ­ I& ­,�-;�,' I _:�rv� - - - ,_� I , , - �, I � 1. . TWUNTY YXA1t% AGO' Vgirently it% tho best of 11041th, bt3t Farmeir ,. ., Tlle,w arep tbo o1ccislon forinee himsellz IS in love With the ��,�',` � _,;�-� -# . - A �� ,� �,",',",�-:, i , , I � . ­ - , ;_ io to wil the, 44MCX�bri% noisa he will IAQ doubt � MIA 4.��'�,.,�, . . 1 ,4 be was Seen � . , . m Tlie `1310-Itc! . froni that WX It the r o 'da 'havr P �. " oph, .-;tar of MaY C airl- 5oung - - , I JFra � a -are bad, what are k"n us earij , � 6(b, 1901119 I 1 40 was frequently Confined to the . 1)Ut1Qs,,, 4glid tbo othev tie antiol I - content tok wait for her two �yea.ro I I , . , ,lx I many &P1V6V4,r,auxT4Xm- " � .. :0000, Iva$ Be tit the time, a fe%V � . iii:eiit ow,thov Govvviatcut doe$ TIOL, but 9no May Imagine that 11 A441t!on to county '"' hoUSQ, and fro I prefer,c'neesi,or lonscro . I U01 t , , itb a ij?o ,Wjr�, ji6itpo-slea buy'. approve -of tliv Elilplrf 't ),,�, IV VI ,10iriatic rea. - t � , . months cAnce, ' recovery Was � O'he ao- . is V result of tke bir, , . ill. not, XTY for dif cry evi- & : . . . accidentf bis . l wS , � UPOIIA - Ito has given ev Th build;ng coulmittee Of *111, severe . jug $omethl Agreed, fert,"ce, batjbat this'sOnq ;"One itch a Ina'a. uld motice a dingy rooni bright and *, � 0 wobable. The decQO'�" . antA for herself Imperial con� 1,0nee that he is very III � � I r -You yo I y Searnan_Xerlt lja7rd�volod Floor$ - cow I Ity C-Ounkil aloct at the Houso of Considered Intl WIly W , , Nvill, be left to tbe 00malotis" . attractive a I a Will , " , ed gentlentiku was born In BRITA01d5- or family" uAtil $'he Can mattel , . Notl6e the transforrnati,Dp Your rouill I TuesdaY, Present le McKenna duties', . � I . uOuge, 'Clintoll"01 ; connol, wick, ,jorkabire, F,nglind, in 18191 towill to decide. Tt , August IriAlistralia to Iio�ose Duty, Against I ad comfOrt. 'There .. Messrs. Cantolon, ellairulan .ntv years of aglo, locat- get to b,e WhW �vlll be aboqlished . . . t ro Netting forly 11hint WR6 vhcerfulntss a . ! h9nies � � 17, 00min, Miller, ReNaughtt"I e. And *bell two know TAW, th4a texmx. Vill , gave a pieforence to tile. Overseas Britis I, W1 - rdwoQd flooring in the � , . War&n Avid C 31cric ed in Ciinade at Ottawa? then know I Ims, motor cars, mo- the complexities of In- would be even MOSO 112 I they' Cost# I "_ the, ,ounty C 10 , busy. sh� woret be 010 Dominiolls *011 fl I Once again . . of Canada if it were ,realized how little . � . The tomiuittee found the exca - as Bytown. . , . I ('10CUS, -ovatelles and ter-Imp.erial trade are illustrated by 1. U4 tell yo%J'What I . � to get to town. tor vyclek,�. Fediral Govern.' .� . . I � � the ITOUS A"004 Concert musical - instruments. To J�1,4;111,3 the decisloti of the � I �, JV,(easure up Your r001ris and let an W , � . for the addition to tit * 4 duty .to refloor thtino- ArCyone It , ., � obe men in the ment of Australia to Imno" � � it would cost SE I I . .compirted, god An Immense t1liall I N the chief b4nefit has I "A I ground, on Thursday,eve"Itit of las t WeQU.� - E T -of material oxf the .a , cert, I you give motor car 'industry, the expart 4f i. �Q prevent the ldumPini' Of '�"e't4t_ - a $0Lw and hammer CAU lay OF oy'. -, yox . I the first ,light of the minstrel coo ert, . vil b1jy now. I I . A Ayestfieli WedAnK � CaU her -a front 1,977 in 1921, ting from Britain. The usual ground ,#L(>ORINQ Over the prgunt once ill 4 , Victoria. 11641 was fairly well Alled. her the chance. which.has groNN h a stop as given, namely, that 4e low Cost, ;arid 40light I . A very pretty event took place 3' istAnee. ShO Valued. at d little Over two million"jor SUC sorptioed at 10 I., - but on Friday the attendance iyxi ex" by UU9 1) . .Oduct is, put down in will be to abolillb dust sliverf . . . and Uri. J41111 lit( all. 'The Marine sand � will fmll WMpliminted. dollars, to. 10.,$32 cars valued At "e the British Pr I a lo,over Price _ with results. Tocide today I . the home of Mr. � ceedingly gill - 032,681 for the fiscal year ending Australia for sale at * . nU *cracks. L D West,6014, on Wed;I644o looked well and'. - itAill, ,, I , owe% 1514yed well on the lif .Know your otoeR, 00 You - i IQ otained in =inlp. �ENT I , � .. April 27tb, - When their daughler, toritoon of Thursday And both tv"t" . can , avower her ques, March last. The Preference has rp. I than could I . .. . "I . SEAMAK' . . I I ,,.Ity.thst the.earnest � is . I � I C*Ta, one of the r4ost, popular you"a . . sulted tit s'nUmbtr A&I Uriltea Statc ]�owetlrlg in Ireland I . illes, and it is I +4nvtoot roaftv. I 11-1,4- brall- , pl�"'A.' 0 1 i j, F . 40 UQIW 141 V , � motor industries I . . I I 11 , wiett 9f the lOVA11tN-, WAS un'Letx % of the roembers was, 4 t 'Joltd4 arli clearing in , - I I I � �, " ,rl.. � . W411den, a rant, 4ur- A 114141 "Ptrionce Vol fool' ches or o0onneCtionklin. this country *00 i While the"c � .1 � . . ,% I � . L , Toattimally to mr- Wm fulll& AppreclAw. B. D, 0 phow you 'Kilrope they lower in i4, . I I I I ,farmer of tiler same place. . Como, Wore how it wo4m as t6 take, advantage 'Of it- It 'Is up'N I CentrUl . .. . . � I- : -, -I zueevossful Ing each performance# I taese + ment Which CorIfe"nees between Ulster . . I Or Wfife L . I . 1. . I � ; L' I ­ Twe Baptiora of the Cariboo the Certain and 1104itAy thanked Don't, JudlKe by Oita Qi two feared � that this movo la,nd. � % , - . � ,_ 11 . �,, , I and healty Tri a d9sen, in- � see . TOO - be A P)ONVIng o0q, win stop I e, representatives : In, I . , COL11, Ph � one 1. mius C � � . I . � � . be attempt-%. - J to and Free Stat � . ' " t . - The ossil that will -bincefo,4,11 present for attendance Others do It " by n%OV0:- .1. 0 ;_ � ptiou and mentioned that tbeub- toillgentl , � and that a nuniber of branch I 'PlantsiLofidon have been follovI.ect I . - . I � I . .. . . - - C shl bi 0 0 "' wa s rece ; suece-9sfu ly- Why not you? I I , � il v, �� - 1 , � 111, b Ut idea which presage a I f� . `kwwn US the steAr"" s$k P YA�14�1r,keaCe o.f J. IF, P � second in Canada. may*ven close or e c e4ts, on both S � di . . froul Marlton," � . I 2 ailiess t6 So t4 .. in , I tl.. �,, : . . . 1011"elmd . tobinSon ,on thl family, . . 1. . I I _ � war rather than to � 11 0 - �, , . . Ilea, . * lent C I " .. . � � - sesttrday, afterI11501% at 3:30, An night was due to death 1do,his. I I . ... " * Jfi�h. Presi� - e 11 , I . 4 na, - . . down., *. * -05- I Gd ikh 0 � I "I !, .Ai . � 011athilu Miller to � Ill . . . . . .1 . give way one , . . . �. . .1 ,�� " � . I $to took tile water the "filer$' and that of - 1 I I . � Fifty Miltion I . . . -tea ,. ., .. ". I I , I that raust neort *Pcnt4%,rith a � , . Six itusidr.ed 10 arid grave and his colidAgues bt the Proe'' � . . � in, . � I . "I hilitles, toottid in a style fiess, The to d ar. I it . ft ., I in Britaln`s� I a o I . � . I V 1 lfijlc�4 out in the *.choriji; behind. the scenes, " . pounds Re4uCtion State Cabinet 'et the I . . , GOderiC11, P� 0. Box 160.0 . I .. . I I I � . . 1. . I 4 . it some . L . .1 -§Jpoo Dec.. -1910, V cannot g . 6 I � , I I � I .bavo been heitro , curtain rose 0 � I .. I Debt , "., dilenitna." If the -ain to . .- . . . .. I I I I . n" . , ttlwaships. T�e Cariboo lighted as 4tea away tbe, �� �� 11 . eme0t ill oboundary acriusted they'are c4crt . . I , . performers, .. I I .11 I tfit . . ... . - I I I 1i . I I . 1y;oon Ale sbe'Oot her Aepth and At­twe4y 111001y. attired r Aterlocit- � I I I The most QdQund"49's I - be defeated in the Dail, . XireAall- I - iinimniiiiiiillllllllilillillolom � - , I . . '� - , � - trReto general atteutlo4 by her fine witli Dr. J. -8. Whitely `� I 9 I I I th B 'tish budget, was the annoullce� � the Aangef Of a,neyl 111111111111111H111111111108 . I I . . . I I ?I .;, I I filce.tbe N. D.,killed remark- �. I 3 918,1110 They -also fAc( 11111114.1101MMIN1111 I I c � . I n atid even PONO On the Woltx'r-'tor all 0. I , � tfienirthat since DecOmber, .1 - uprising on the,i)41!� 0j tbo lteptlbll-� . . � . 0 feet, - . , , .,� I 1. t� . , desi; - *Bell Toomphatle is a total debt reductions including exter . lkk BiX01i No- 1,47 00 P�r , 100 � � , �. J� r : W Craigle christened the Carlboa, I 01�, well, for though not an end matl� r1fore 4"ors statiom regated can element wbich,bas .always been 3i inch t , r 1 5 I * 0 feet . 01s 'After *0 dim i lyiterlial doibts 11991 , he Be . . � 0 per X00 I . 1. p . . and thevt was a general c.h6ev Vileb be*eOt up his'end, ' . =_ , . =1 a* .ttleloent, ata bao .' art JCUt Oak,, 'NO- I. Il $120 0 . .L ' � . It , . ,'I chord alld chorgg of a few jokes Alex. l, ­ I . I - ver six hundred and. fifty million restive sinco� tl �, inch thieU Qu . eT , . * I � I i . plied the joice -and pro- .. _ 0 T, . . . 10 x1vt VIvelyll P, -in good I 0 4�t I . — pounds. This I$ a performance with- com4tantly declared th t B'ri*ln was '$ . PI �L*6 Oalt, No. 1, $g�.00,per XOW feet- I � , vessel, The new Steafile � kurZy ques i � . �, i " .. . I . named the 4' rose and sang Girl I Left Se4lud.1 . . . iii * Out a parallel in Europe Aitany TAtc-i not in earnest 00 the I - .11.6 1116 thicl� at . . '. I � � � � I � - widir per iIosc, "The rehestva, acc011 . I I I I I. - feet lorij at car, with, a Peculiar Olst on ,t�e bill. Atcq is now, the Only 1 tion, The dibidet is ,JiO;Y asking the � Sj�ploej at J. CARRIVS3WO . I I . I . - ger and two *et � tj� , pplicatioll., � I . �!."A 1, . -�, i.4 foov I ighe Uni d St I , . . I . I . I I sister, tile StO419er Mikill- Then B. D, Grant NVAs equally th4, la . s 11104- I British Governmont to act under thO ,,' -,�rilee$`On 'a � . I .. — r 0 �"!! . I , i tban her I I Mer . I . %­ �. when she leaves this home in, 44A11'. I Want is Uy Chick' Poi0ment" was -to say the hnpr�ssion �Volmtry ich Britain Owe � j,, . tou, and Will, , I itla safe to. wit money to t f the bill,- and to appoint 0, . . , .. "" on_-___.-. - _.- . ­ I �� I . . 11 . . . . � her on tile Geo ralter, BuehanAtt sweetly and 11 not wear away fop ey, lout nIaby countries. *Qwt Or= 0 . r with- t=t"!V_ . - � rl-- , � . I . . ;_ . r' ons," and V - taxes on the mission with * ­ . � . . I I I I . 11 .�, . � � llll� I . . port,, be ongagej vit Tearla Away-" leftebytimeUl WE elina's Nnt was aritaig. RWiletiOn in bou!%ftry V'som , , - � �, I I I I �,/. ,ft,t.r � :. . I ". . .1. . � . I I . , � Buy.ol- JAke Supocrior.and-SOO sang "Riw , Those , for Ad! . . t of Vistet. But if the .. .1. � 0 kitill then gave the MOO %WkilIg, and 'out the clonsen I " . . ,� - Alarltoll Jas, TbomI int ever seen on thQ -tea, and sugar were is that T. ., . I t, � soll,, ll�fit.fa . I %#i!St , . �q. � , Iroute I Lhogauyll- ill his us- ,he love 11140y �Om�.,other decreases were made ill finding of, tbi't commission , L . Wo congratulate, Mr k I � I . 4 ,,, . t ' 4 , I I .1 . �_ - t: , I � I in" tile S.11qeessful launch alldUe frilt" mclodyt `MIPS'M� There , werO ' I I :Portion of ter- . , I 10 ,4 . , Goderich" Allk(- . aw - e up a - . , I �' �, 1 ; 4 bo� has added'to Our 'nialinot utvlly cleverly'- � Jas, the pe otmance, elltcrtoh�ment taxeti as Well as onvo Ulder niust g1v wq al'Yone - suto" '. ­ . . . �. . . # / # Tolode stntitt good hits dulling itovy she clilinis, do: . ' 7 I - I I . � ; Id dried fruits, . The r, . ze. I I I. , . ": �` , Isonpliment the Dominion. Firil ,Thomas folllo;ve4 in a ditty and ke instant rush and c coffee a) fight,! Thei oi- . 1._� � . , 1(11 . l, " � .1� ood V I,Oga 0 POR t t she I 0 � �e ha w U n ' t . ; . . . DP. and R. W. , 1% bVit the bestAvar. 0, I .� , I .(,,o.'o;%.the owno ,hip of so fine 4 boat. .Laneashiro vto e of Mrs.' McManus", bu get, talcei� jitogether, is likely, t alld rather dis- : L . I., . I ­ I 1.1 I I . � " � � rr I . ­ � 1- tit t ji 1 , I I ed i , � � I 11 ... 1W � . I � � ., , ' - _ � . . � � I ....� - I It r - -one . I . . . . �� 7 , . t ,eems; tobe.assur , heartening - �- - . - �,, . ; gave "Not Always," an crighttal poem 01endid Pos ­ the 1: I '.. .. . . i I . . . , , . the guests whiin the word 11s4per" *re, - be pp6rted b 113,eral$ And 0 ra on s a 'n x , I i, . ' ' klilet . . . I I � . . . a' ,� , I .� . 'T1VENTV-VJVt,' YEARS AGO gathered from different Par S of Iced., bIrs, R. %'Logan ivas Lab Go*erx. . I', office for some � . ** 41. . . . * ,-. . I Noe' . ., "I �'. , . � . I I . . erj�h Star Ot May 591, town, Ed,l Belcher, was as usual ,40- pfolloul . ia and, earned fresh; ed d* continuance I , � nadia, ' ; � I Is . . ��r_ . . _ , . . I I �r . . Cofiservativo�s will try in Ca . n West I I 11 . I rod . � . i.Gos, and oil L 't . . . � , . . I . . n . I I . It( takes th ' � .. � . , I . . and Prank $1%11011011 saritt . to s 'non.�Jalfilment of 0 ­T�t gas , � I . I I - pn I - G %� - . (Pr6ni The .0 . . 3hadoivs. of the!pPints�" the' "Compan ,love, Inartipulation of 14on s.' The � r Canadial We$ to .1 I . . , . - I . 11 N . .1 . I . .� In, A*0�et laurels by -her - _ .! 1 1199) , . pieciated in "I 11401% w.that abolition of the McKen . _ ) * S ,), � , �. . . . I �. . . I Well at .. . � I ', , . Wedded Forget Our Old laottle the *ocyz 6. . � .. � the . smash L records. � I . . . , :, � I I . . . I � � � .� , � j L � � . Mr. Richard va'astotte tenor "Pon't : . , . na dutiots, and roposals � _ ,ke time ; . I . . I . I I I I L Som,e� tl%V( . k WC4 � . Couttsi: Alberta, ,struck ' son' � . � - k, � ,; � , , I .� since Mr. Ric.ha%`4 par ANiay,­ �Xost of the tiptlibers DO not allow wokills to gap 'the vi� , the imperial Preference P ent, in I . . . I � . . .- .,� I . . 0, featur I 0. of the � vhlldrefi� * if .not at- 8vill. Only 044 to Anernploym ag 1. I I Fol� soo inj arid clearing I ,, . I . ,�, has measuria 62,480,000. -feet . th ' I I . I . V01,40fte barrist r ,at low, I a 000 boa 60ruses, *Ad thi tality of YOUX . L I � I I . . -ess, for . -he momeAt, frelor --p . I 11 : _1�0 � � � d MI,4% sbow added greatly to it$ $00c ten4ed to ork irrePar- - BrituiA,' But for t . 0 iii, f1bw for' it, I I I t .thit time of the I . , worms may w � tit . I .. e . the skin a , ,10�nt of,Goderich, an . Y��nty4our hours. ' ' � ii . time to, I niusi. in the ase . at r e - time t is I's In o . endaney III I . � . � 1� . Nellie Bell, wem United IA.Vrocollocl.(14 the twenty voices -�erc always able* harm t4. the con6titution Of the trade sectfis'to �be ' � is b9ped.th .ty . * . . . B.Ulc.', is..., priitved i n, . I . , � I If the, predietll , tatiolis ,of those Who I . . , � "inkhatil, p The ' ' . � I I I ,t time, 11T�e 00de-i - little Sufferers., earindt. -there, [Oros of Chancel- print the expe . : , . I . �ote�r, Z&M� � I , 'bonds , . , er Stiow, - . -balm 4 ,� �: t I I In St. paull'o church, AN I ,r I thq field that oil Nvill K �. . , � *Ave,j asgsW-by cat And 10 POrfe ,it that infarot. I i _ . . � 'Force," a funny A , . iltnint, but , there are 'lor of thoo Ex6equ , aen of a re lgr . .valuable'. This rariq herbal , . . b es,wO king 11 � . " . - .. I I I t k wl . � the veetor, Rev. W- 1, rich Police, rolcs�d violoce their , a, -then e r ill was for \ . , . - . . "I �, I . I � I I lev. j, 11. �4toorhlouqes of LO04011i caused tonsid ttugtber, jy which mothers are. vivul in trA&,are borlit M4 " c he fulfilled�, it � . . . � iedi6inal *: aCtiVitY. .�. 1. I . M I ,,, , erable I . many signs 1 z . �, delap in . 4 1 . , Mies part No, I of the program, 'The se- , cc of a. vloantre exerts its wOnderful. rr. ,. I j . . ceremony. hat mi,dos)%,61 MMOV$ there is not much chall I thid . , . , �hat itehe drilling was cominenced' . - I . . . performing the . IV - .' 0 .Sluggish over I . " . - � . � " � . I Jane, Sister Of the bridew Was the a art opened with� a nicely rend- '"do' otv�$ire t Thesel. B, tisb. fiscal. poli Idous im I .� , ner li�sues, qtkU .freeing th � . . . Worm Powders * Accessory. I in Ii I . � ey fo . r some � Alme art In vle of the tremex . ihe in . ' . y I � .' r 'L I 1, . b ristet cOn P by little -- Jul4ly and wfl'f expel - e." z . ... would be given to tb6 ; I mpurity. . I ,.� ( 1 .. . bridegmuld, V. J.. DATIC11111i ar - ered Teeltation given '- 1. . -, , * p4tus that' . . buedene8 skin.of all: b.ltmish. and i ' ' . I . I another old 11mo arge Allan gAv. . n4x�,, Porders act tl stem, without .any'' I 6 finding of oil,, . , . � ,,, I � I I .. . I at law, of Toronto, . I P. �Platt, then 060 I worms froin thp, sy I CaUnd Railway whole district by th � . -Bojl� will - make your _ , , ,,e-� �. I i . I tion,of the art, 41 cc O the thild. � . COINPse of New Z I all Canada 'Will widh ,for it. If this . A daily dre pin& -Of Zam ` I 1% I � Goderich- boy, ,kvaa best man. collent-A. ustra inconvertion. t �. . . Strike , . - $ �lly s� , ar 4nd. fresh. Keep on', '. � � - - �'_ -.1 o, � " Messrs. 330clo , nj an . 0 1. .s_�� I I I Zealand Government )f supplies for its oil ' skin beabtift- - 9111000-1i c,le - �l ;, � ` ir land XeYers St�vtea t � did, It $0 well country can be made independent of 1 - . � Aerich xi;,o A, secollol odition, PROTIXTION OF CIMPREN , The New I I other. sources, 4 nozy to pirfl�les, *' , I . In ausintss in 01 I was felted to I have +Akeln a tre- using it if' you ha-l�e the least teride . . ' ..; . �1 - � Was the Co'll. r . I $teett%s to bavVC'W0n A notable .victory � . 11 I . � ' . rtleth Iteport of the SUP-_ . it -ad it -5 coal it will n . ' . '�' . � � I . ree- i I i,rom-tbe Thil a of the. Tallway joits stride, '%along. . . . l, 1, latAY ,Mrs. McM4110' .so! 1, strike I the roud, to , caos, -,soremess or o � ,� ssrs. li,evuer. and Meyer , I ,Iccto�d ati(IrDependerot . blocotches, blackh . ther cornplexi6 . I � il � 41 mv it was Tutt ,for all . in the collaps!, I . I . M plete, ,ina ovintondent of X I h �Pr, jet, N P ;A . rial t � : . are repOrted to lit,, oludiv, - 'M�hl :assey - declared , t Men' I way is lie lquic�est, SUreSE - , . of TflAonburg, AA ts"Noo tho follawlug fig I iership in mate develoP- , . am � I , : ,. I I no worth..by thoso representing c h4116ligc. world.leak I iroobI6 for the Z ,Nk.' ,�, - ,� . lands in the furnitu" 1i was, . , . Ohildren Ot oil, ,, em . . ' ' ' I . ­ . I . I '. ; rienced ) �ebai - On the first shoNvirog in .vortoomaed memento Was a c t V � . . . . I , .i . i A . I . . racters ures, are taken, its 00141men I .1 wav to perfecc skin healih. . � I I . �, . I undortaUhig business I I . � have pur� the different I . ... I., 'Avoid -fatty porc,clogging ointments and face creams - - : . . "'"d I dford was form, ,the X04% I onal Ificu . . . * *1'. �. I JL. � e I � on 'Itles and re-multa of last .1 * � . . I , � � 501� Alid Avoil,will of' A� night �Jjne Host of the Be . Nutrober of Children's by direct action to constitut! . � - I � I � I ii,�.� s woru,- ow thought that - Australia - � I . . � . . '. chased the st, ans, 1he "least" Attr yeav ' children Go�ernment-' It Is It � � oul" J,aboor Governments In ledicinal -" Valvc� For* anythiAg 4 . . C-orneirs flirtiolture, buslixess, ana not by, any )AC . all, mbo Ata Societies,, 04% number Of , ttlem.fit.in,,the nature of,tbe F � .1 at political' evolution �J i Vvhic.h , have no real� it . , L , �, . R. I h the skin, ZAm-Buk is al�"ys t6 right 44i , . , I . � jiley are here (O tiou 60 the -AA90- ')�L W' Ug� oatedfok1,13,998' numb"comin'tto tis a' so omise offered ,bj the' Govern- A significa' .vv pg i. . . . I .: . the t; w � .. . . , � .1 . I . entlemon $a) . new - itly0stivot'llt represented the lady who gave. Ahe ,W&vAd during, �ear, 786; nuoitier now compr I ce in - Australia within ,� , long wit I . . . ­ . . . I * lid lotake their � I - fil�firt"�' mely ­ -wage& haW taken A O' tq use. Wash witi-, Zam,Buk Medic`iq.a1,S6ap- . , an I .� I . 'i, : . . . . stay a � . . I . soixec, led off in so.ng, And did 140t v1slon, 8.80� numboi to I ��crease in - one year. Ave are now four La- .11. � .1 _1 . . I .. I . . . . , , - . , I : . I . . �. ulkiler "per with siowillit cfi�cr hours of work, '. I . 11 I" ­ Y. . The leased trom. SUPervislon Wit, year, 1,081; _ . - -Gove nMeAts In. .that countr�,. I � I . . i . . I . . VA . 'Orphanages, b . bqv� Y I I . . .1 I .,�, � . . . jf , . I . :o bring down tb0'h6u$e* , 'Will 0 accePtea. � � I ;* � . Victori;j St. �tethodist Parso"A90 fall t ,I. �JcWanua (F. At. number at ,chilolrell'in Queenslafid, . Tasmania, Western jL . . � � 10 IV ! ' L . . daughter" misi, If, Chillijoals Shelters. . 1�t 0 ito , - . . 111. . I I Australia I I � 110 � . ; . wu."q BeInK Et"ted % � Dunham), a very pretty and IoAng g,goo;. litimber ( 411dren Is Sheittro. 486; ' . Australia� And Southern . I � . I � � I 1C. I � . ,I .1 I -, - 39; . patroller ot c es in' I I I . . I , i 4 .. Hat-han-Ins' and lthynaq have tho I IWO Circus Girl'! Pt I kderit larglitS in various Australia's - A4ditloq,9 f a Its pleet - liging the stab which these exist I ' I . . . . U I . I . . . I . . . I . girl, sang IWY L number of doper . onths, ago there was! I . I ,� Ill I (I . fya*o*, work4ok tile Victoria street trao�tiv .. r)r. J. U. Whitely came homes. 122111 ; lauttiloor of children in 14- Australia Propose% w build four or "oe to I I I ­ I p . " ""oe' - - - . ei.y - 'wh � aplexion.l' . - ��! � I � . metbodist, church Parsonage in POO out it% a now double role, And As Pre' gtitutions, 2,908 , natribetot ingal V,aoq fast cruisers, and other nsival' net�of that cot' .11, � ­ .11— � �.., . . sta Ave )te cabi I'— L � I.. I I * . 'As � plivent,% � I I I I Clius. Reid h, 0 Alker$ tloas..975; chilar ish cnl�y ' �- - � , tiott. Ited the sang hiq Vve"Ifere song in too. en Of 'Clutualaied st, strong and new it J5 thought by soiTte Observers andl, I &*A111111. i J I . 3 the Cridle of the 4 , Investi,401ted, 1,162 . twalberr ot unitit to, estalil tt and students that this development is doe � I I . , . . . � . L� . . lie, "Rocked il , �Ase for this self contained lie � , � I I - . � " . - foundation f6r tile cidditi011, to til 1), W4 - I to Streugthen .I � in I 1. #AWSICIAO' I'll 'I skitx cuilo. Bums [ow oloym that* It cull4ren In lout Industrial schools, 402, and and air forces to tile success of the Labor Part ­ I , ME '41 - I I �r (lodo.rieh Orgall %octory. . cop"k and got .so I t$ I �Should the latter be till and.ho-411ing s-e Clwf, . . jr�, Boat C,rk , I . Vu. '�- , 61l1qJA^ d Wk. W --A - pumn b0foro he finishM his CA%U collected under 11111119"'Ied Pafents by the Bri In. . -IhAt for,m4hbtr . i * .4will-Ldollaw _.xls i abandonment a voils Wit.esses.cieers litWU9x,P4­(601'­" 8-P_"_1#- I . . � I . Ille 'fig Act" ,%61,0313.561, TOK () - gene ,y I out of oflice and kept Outo it will be I Se*40JI. _96f.11. . . 1q,,JA7,,,,,,N,,,,*C. O1dIr14r4o,qfA.WerXW . � . e 'test notes Vol. Belcher $a ,417%864,17. I I t#lior"llt;.Iiidress's.skio's.401I will, 5011� All I � , . M. four Inditetrim6l gehool% " (;oVerillneat of the Sin%A- . . AT 0 box. -i too $1.25, k� I I The life boilt at this St4tIOII�'1*Y0t d V, Imperial I n o"', zalli 81'k C().. Mill- $0 $1., rort , � I I ,. I - I ,� . . .. . � into Commission MAY Ist Under com- 44 eep in t e Deep�­ with his 01 , .1 .-.I',-"-,— � pore scheme bas.hastened these pro� nteresting to note what'r6flex ae 10 � . co, � , _. I .. � �� - , '� I Iters, *lzeom- 1%jeeting Atteptance , -1 . . it has in Australia. � ... 1. . - I -_ ! . eetne - T. Wa $0, 0 . I I . --- ----..- I I � � . ��, . . r%mind of Clapt. Will. Babb, lite OU010 ,an Call, PVC tin eS Dawtsi Report - sali.., - % * . ...._­ . I ____��. - = -all, 1 1 I= The names Of the crew It y rif. Los ir- r&pJif, progrVIS ip L . i __..____k_ I " Royal savy. 40t, Jas. Inkstor, CIA I prtt corno6t solo, And 1Ame3 Rather more �ptariee of the. � I Thereasing , Are as follo�ws: C ot'ltepS it, being made, towards Acee CanottlAls 101nigratiou Ammmemelow M lilide I . . . . I � I ittee report - nm lxa� . . .. I . . . I - �� Pt. VetAr Wy* Thomas appeared it, "FO arations, Comm g with �. I � . . I i �1, . � I C,apt� 40ho Craigie, Ca! * ��L I I 1__"t�� . ,, ; I I ze song and quickstep., Da*ts RtV For the fiscal year endin , . � , , � . ;, -lie, C,apt. Ale*. McLean, 'Angu$ Me, thom'Sand"ll a nil , , so, A. thaw had beeri`_ hioloOd for, And it "a ,larch, Cgnjd:i received 148,550 Pe6; . "I �, . I I . . 1. , A 2% I . % I L - . . I , . '; the pe"111116ts 011 tile � � � ,. Tilt, 4arnes ThoomP �J � I Nevin and Dan McLeod. . I btessrs. Ed lebet, made $I ple.-just double %be nOTIotr Of imnii- , . riarch tiepatis . $tunders mind �Vd. -Bot, Possible that . . e preceding year. Of the I . - I . 'Es .. ; A Pat . and their European sit,102UOIX may' be agreeably Vantg In I � I ; �, sioUndid dRrkY lquirtttte I . cont4 , . I . -4 mo ,gr. , the disappointed. cieralImily, like Pranee. total 72,919 or aver,fifty per I . L I "t tko patriarchmIl age of 6M y( ait, sloorAlur Melt," equal to . : Arid four mouth$ Mr. Win. RoblfisOini sc neorod. is��10 1*V0 a general tlintion Rod were front the Dritish Isles, tile t'n- . L . L . t 11 I � ?� I " was lbAdly t I fuenishi 00,691 leavinw . I I 0 . I . � .. . , , depattkoil GUY WOS-' bes' acert consisted there is An gtttvnpt.oI% the part; Of ited States tig . 8 . I I : k: an old fesidtnt of "erich , I " 1 � I '� , 0 . ? �i I this life last Friday. The last ninz The Marine Baud to - st$ to stampede her Into the total front all othier countries at � P o 'to Welt So the Molft"thi *tude on rtilara, 55 IM, - - mon antagorlistid att, The P, � . . . ethet'Atllt, Of tbf�ee nimil*ra' -and the' rtponderancoti of Eng ii�,-' I � � ,,tylealld Well played AS tO jL a fatal MiStftl'os . . i I :yc,d,9 he had lived In I 'divers , in. s. That would be is gratity1fi-k I . 4 ,�. � i�; . having, Withdrawn from the rityll -of worth the�wholo charge for Admis' 00" j-isW_sptAkIn9 Vttople!§ . . i � I . -A and Robinson ti, W. W, �IacNqJfor Gernlit'07- L enougii, �10 long as We know what Ve I . . . : 1. nwhoug 4 � I . I I . I.— ,; to do,wil At the . I � o,� I �' I I . . Mr. Roh. Lblon. Adtliva Pat I . ;14 them. . . R"In, I N G , Until the beginning of 1808 I - . I . I -, Are going . 'k enough for �� . . -0 , . L . . t .. . :� - ­ I I . ­ I ­ ,. ­ _=;! . . I . . . ­ 11 . 'Inomeot there it not WOX I . R, HOUSE I. I.. ivtmael� I ; .i = 1: ==11!!:!1t -, .i = . . I population which de- . , I �. '� �L Im �­_ _- I I . . . - 4 ' L . I I . ­- , . . all of our own I I .--- _�_ ��,�, - X . � . it 4 i - ,, . L " . . . sires it, though there shOuld be in so __,4,_� 1 . rl� I I , A I , .. I .. I I '' , umins�and Dr�pelt . .:� . I I 6 C ' n tremendous stud so potentially rich a .. I A Probably find S I owe C I I � I . n'dering. VOW a country. I � At 11 .. . �­ '.0 , pu§e Cleaning Time YOU wil . . 7 ,I . I * 0 I I I 11 I �i' Made for finest lau . . t �d mlacillg- We- have a full stock of ' L I - . . ,ob ies hat ni � I r I .. � 1. i I . I ",O:;�/ I . � X;rig&ndg1K6 Rite .&I1,0ver China I I.. � , 4:4# . . 4 I . I � 11 . L I years ago the Chin"SO 11 .. L qmsettes, Xaboasy ,�. I I for . everything . only a few Ntjtl� L LL 1z, I Max L "I ", � I us th p ; I. L . I on its tateer . (I " . Drat 0 , W_ ,, i . 1. I I ,��> L 11� "�J 14 tepulilie Started, ity of mal- urta*-,f ; I . - modas , . I o _ . every possible oPPOtt%1W, I N , =a Lace Cu* I : � I �rijlj.jy PalinoliVe PRI . the Situttloft vvti-, . I . � I . �� 8 ", I � � I Thet;e� ��Ilov;y, I . Ing good. But . L . CJ�S*. FLAKE.*.,' Were Illade f 0-. I itch more bopdeSs Out . . - . .� I . � !,,', 0 A I I � even theft A 101 11, oteu. I A61W 1��t;jl(ler*lag tile ,;h�,eres,t, fille-�,t fabricst t than it appeared t6 be. It . :0 :L L I ­ . Iv , -lovely, ex- . alble hat the hope of amassing riellfs AWL Aunho MW3E;1�3E403B IS I I . . . . I silh,�, satitis, ghigolls, laces t pow,er w*1 the ebi - .1 14=0011=03rm , 11 ; .. : I . tf ob X13 A660c3W ptlisive things. 1 arA attaining I I I ;1 '. I I (IS ej)l1t,tjnq jeet of sevev , : ,� I ,, . , 11()thing I d so-cmilled "strong" I _11_�,���� � . . . . I � , . Vor.,the fbailly su , It* men who were regarded As Itadem 1:6 . I . , it . I i � �N lvf t1ij., t can possil,l.v 11"Tt the suost fri .. . the goal. of a new, well g4verted I A W , �. . . � - �4 1-W, I ift" ALL4VER, J I (.� I k I ,till. .. ow the ease that bri- kPRONS � v . i'llurict oi- dini the 1110st delicate cot n 0 . � Chitia. It is tit Houbb DRESSES AND , , l I I �� "�, 1. V, P An OV& tht � .- tes, atift"'at =Arate prices. � . lally longtilens tile lite of prett. 3 in newest sty � ; f' L .. I I � It 'utt . I gatlamige Tunt rife, ftearl Itt I mbrav . .. i �, -,'/' I ­ '' 41ahtty ilhgs. 1� country. The central GOMAWnt in Giugli=Saua cha . . L .11 , I , I I , . one recognited by I I I - L . I .- it can be it ;Cd fog� in, WhI6 Wthc GINGHAM 1� . lint -best of all. . Ptk* . MWN*S DRESS . . 1 14 ..? zg! 111'ecialse it is eco- the rowers, is absolutely hel*58 . AND] . per yard . ) , ( "...., /� " �Aundering everythil, d NVU-pel.Fit, who biltads. ( ochetk patterns, tot-duced to 40c 4 Soap ­11offillig el -,e its Army, , %11 col()rs, 'Plain jno� 111, � I All � � I . notilical. Being pure I f hin -2 naues wideo I , � ..� , �, 1-j�_ .. . ,4sq. ,ally goes futher. It saveg all I 4s making it the illstftinevit O .1 I . A new AiPwtut Of � I I o bitiorts. Charg- . I I i i�"r�1;6 I , 1. . . '11, '. 4 -it acm , Iciently. own Aims *a Ant 419 . 1-11 11 clothing. Avd it elcawes eff is, %kev" OVER-OLOUSESt Etc* 141 1 , '2�, .If Tso?Lin who hoolds Marlchw � BLOUSES11 'i � , �, . 1i Ashing umehine, � there is a great quantity of fine FIGURED CREPES FOR I " I � * I 0 I! , NL " �� 1 So it in ideal for the IV, - I . at $1.26 per vaid I .� t I , otgr ft�r ally housellold ptlrpo��P. � fighting stock, is prtroviot to at V I I � , tempt to V bove othel, * I � I 'i , " I . I ve oll . 10 %,]Ftrl �, I I , Madyl, oac- I authority. A puliffing ffttre,*.� t: _ 'VoilesIl Raftnes, rie C"111st . 0 ,' I i tlpl�'. fft ,S01141c, Wilay -- iTont like hirhtOlf A " * I � if (YA11%-1. t0o , thein in. It MODS *111 I j al . . . I votar de' er. He 14VI I situation is tile Milan" in Which. tht,* All sorts of DRESS �, I . I 1o__ I . 1. acLa"'.7 I S ana C 89 . .1 1L ': _, "� naltal r'. .. es. ­ I der -8 are W-l-Mulliting vaA I , i, tw ts so kUttd WO-Vt . , , S lxk !!. , , ,* I I - ,Ir3 - _ - 11 U Crepa VIA 540 a . I i'�M 1�0) 4�vtffifes of 'MilitAry supplies. * : � twus. I S 'fun 15�e!.10:,tvs �,ONIPAVV or C-INAIDAll. V, I " I is furdrothing theyn'! In tl* mean. � � . ft . Tc�-,�_%,o . . . time, avacks on f6re4"m arA on I I *lid all at PoPlar Pncftoo� "I'll ��Ilw- . I'll . " __ . . a . * & - : I fore'llAn 1+jpPjVW, Are *1160st a daily ­­ ".1 I �­- . > L ......... ___­ , . I I LL un- _� . I I ... �� 1. P ,�% I Nt 0 1. I V,. r, oi�cuvrfme inmany p*rt* of t1m to ==t_,���_ - I � I ) i , check t1hem ar'puntolh the offerI&TO" i I - r-, () \j� t"""-�) try, ap4 0-0 ago* 1. - . 1, . I . � L , rt) ov* iA takiyolit *Tiv att'"s to . I 40mmosihL, IMIL �� t�'k, . * I I N ��? E S---,- � S It - . " i — . , — : ,�. ; IR, 1"' " 10 L "1.14 I . . I& * 6 . F,i-lk, [11 A 4`1._ S . i lve,14 A.- COHNFimLD - � , ,I 1� � 1�/ ,� of WOU41 V"y MW44 -a I CXOMWH I ­ . , 1;",_ ­ The 111takor, L I I WEST StW. SQUA9 I I I N,� i � i �, 4110 1 I. ­­ ... L ­ "I -_ I - I r I . __.. ____ , . - ­ ,:,. 1- i —_ 1Z the Ihiect, of walfA iaq to ,wait I I - 0 tw vqes� 0 1 j 0 firspot -, k. . 1 4 ii 11 _1 - __1 ­ 'Ilia - I ". ,­.,� . :t,"­.!��h .� foy twoN �;ormwl Ar "OV- tif Vtkroory 1116" 11 I L � 1. .L. .1 -, , - I - -loam ­ L --- - 1,00.0t _ & )l, � I i4t "i �_.. "- - or ,�Ptt' 4 �# . , ft, "P, I r, ! � V#il"s fel Vourm-11ii lie I . " . # #­*,��_.__---_._­.�­ �­_­­_ -_ - - �-,',.�-�-�--'-,-�-�.�,��-�--*..Owo%g� 11 i � .;, I ­� I* .1 I . , L� - , A. � I ".. i —r-- Id . I a- M #L , 4 - I - ", I . 40 L 01 , I I I . - I .1 I . ­ . 1-11 , I _.- ­_ "I __1 I W 10 I 11� � - "�� �� �At� � i -, __ OJA �, - AMMM I ) . 6. .,�r L. . -