HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-08, Page 1, , -q. ­10�--411­7"-- " - , �� - 0 I I .:Plqw-. ...;;;:::::::4 11� 11! 1.t� - 1. , ­ 11, - - . V- -V . . .10, . I I - --- — - -- . . . I - I I - " I. ­ - ­ --—1 -­,; -- � ­­ - :­��------� I � -1 .... � ­ ­ � I- I .- - -- I . a - � - -11. ,1. � Continuous Advertisingo,,* + I . QUAU7TPPJN1"1NG— , EF9,1- . , i�% A9l1l101lhh.� 15 1 . ; ; 11 - I 1) 0 I , Ths Sw is Iilquipw, to do all lorri 1 � ~* A4W I 1% f� Is just as imponant to a Mvrchaik'i 1� I Businen as the fights in the 5tore I . ��­ �, 'of Ilirintinit, from a bill t,-. a b,�,�, � oras invitingly dressed vvindows � - Stock up on ywr Stationjery. , I � I - —The C4untry Merchant - I'll A" It I 0 VV It 4r I . . I I I , . IT * 1. 1A1k3W0AMJ*5w#(W?1Wft I , . I --TRY IT . .. � : 11" 11111. I 11 1 ... 11111111W WA00"dwo"M � 11 I ­ " - ... ... - - I.. � . . I.. I , �. �. � - . � I - I I I _ __ _ . I .— - ­- � -- - . I, I ­— 11 - . � 1.111--w- 11 01I I'm 1. ­ I 11 .. 11 - I -- � . . I . . � ­ 11 11 - ­­ � .- i 1, i I ,-"..--,, 01;1; - 111111111" Tum I WOMB. ONTARIO. CAMADA. THURSDAY. MAY S. 1924 110d0A I 0*. sj'-"W� W"Xit liumaxa;ft � 94V,&!z1V'r&jT ,4U,T,'!, �j',,Qto i .. �,V,.T4,11, ,,% I � W 0. - -, � . I—— ---1.-.---— — — ­ ­­-- I r1a. . . �, I ­ � � ­­­.. ­ . ------­­­��� - � .. ­­�­ -, � "The laplef" to 80 MAIM for Hospital, Town Council Committ" ConsideAng Now Town Hall, Glils L AMOCO and Now Water Intake ' I .1 . . . - -1 . -� . . ­­ I � ". ---, w I '': ,, .:;,-:i=.. I.: 1; I :1 � &I* MakIng Prom I — -- ­­�--:-!Q �—­ . - . —­­ nw�mg 1111112m- I'll � ..11- I 111C.I. � . I I 0 top a" '' . PUBLIC N 1�11((MQ4� W I ­ I .., I q .. , , " " ""' "Inti, �N , ., -a,.',' " P'Tit, M302. ;`d" I . I I c'ElITT 3 ,. -- and 0111sidi�l 11111,wo,11WIPrompuy TAttenct- ja I 7 - I . � � A Stm and Stahle Position 'd W,,,,t ,e,L I r IC or wtift 10 "k., lilt Ek� strVItst, sl��*10� for box - I I . L� - . . I ely 1.4 A � ­­­ - .,It:,_ ---%, -; 24 . . 1(19 tu6' f ot prinelples adopted 11I fe"1140's -, ki 'io�-�RBDWDRS I ­ - % I F, - W. ol�r. the Stel"ll " Mutt Was a Polley of e;xlrefut con v. j .�l-,-.^��,_��-,���a�,---"��,�,-.�,�j - WO 01:11WIT W. I " � . - . liervatism. -AAi arke" to'day Is ,strong and I .. ault, 4ur position . � NOTIGH 1, ---- ­ . I. I stable. , . � . IS THU V.ATTFA OF THE, B,ATATF, OF �. 1. - r0nthll to thP 1110rulal con- - . We I;now that vretlit Is es I LRY AN .S, .4, DEGE Xt -N .,%(2§F '0- ,ASE.D. Nt , I . � dliet of business. Tbe�otore,' It YoUr business is sound- 1 LATE OF THE. IIXIWN OF tsollElt- 161, M\ rrilm NUNTY (it? 4111HON, . . . Ively, we will advanco ge;lerouz. and ot-orated Cons(,r-vAt . . j wil)(Ay. I . credit suptiort. j - , . . # reby given, that all per-, � . I �' . �.. 1, � t 'SOUR hyliz claints or Ilemands ug4lust Ig 1. L j I . I . . I . I j - I - ary Anti Acheson, *;Vito Wed. the sat .N on 4 about tile alath day of April, A.D. , last, When Gordm Harjawchw. ft"On Ist. The offi. �, " Nis plea to Que of "guilty.11 this cers forTI'V11.41IT-14tyPres., Miss M. OBITUARY I � vhm:e belut of iutQx:e&tj9n in a pu%l� E. ,Salkeld; let, vice lwes,, Nr% W. R. WIDIWIL-Atiother of,-tho old m� lie Afte- The cliftKO agalniit Uar- Pinder; VInd Vice Ms., Mrs. Beattie; Si4ents of QQderich, pa,'J4cd'Q%-.4y oft . I - see. tress �6* J- IL NOrsh"ll', dis- TkuV40,, May let, 4t Toronto, whero. : ve,v &*ttio of 4riving a ,car while In � , 'toxicated, was disrah!6Q, ft towel't tri�"irg t6r. *s. J. a. MOVA'Ali; she' hwl been living latterly, in the i �,*f hia coowwl he V*Ys for damages, brimwh direct4ri. Mm Svwmansollt, mm. � , to Inspector Pellow's ear &M MR. Me. Wheeler, ?Am J. 8sW1kv14, Mra. Vred person of Lucy Bennett, Widd*. \Vi. I I Laughlin car ja*suapezid,e�d from us*� Toole, Mt$, It. Riaekv plainjits4, Mri. 4QWQf the late Mr� Charle3 Widiler. ,I forthirty days. t. WbeAvr and' Uni. 114ttle; auditors, a�d daughtel, of the late WaligLyl " Anothipir cove last 'week was that in Mrs., A. M acuan, Xvi. Beattie, Bennett Ricb, and Sarah coub. sh& 11 * which ChAs. Bell, Of town, paida fine district representatives, Miss 8olkeld, was born at Brasswersev, Faversha, 01, . c the Wrs. Mayshall. Xrs, W,, Thompson. Kent. F,"W., and tho family Vame, to I . 0. T.'Aq for having liquor for sale, �, Mrs. pWlHP% Mrs- D- MONOvinl PrV3q Canada In tho varly forties,and set- i Womell's 0011PItal Aimiklary . secy., Mrs. McCreath; district pree., tled in. Goderleh, wheroo Mr. Rich wal . I .. H*ve Work Ahead Now Ttat IMrs. WiKhtman. 11hyth. After tile in tho egu*da (,omt)any, Mrs. Wid. I . . at file town of u0iterlell, in the . .. . .... .... ­,%­ I ., I" I 20131' -county of Huron, upe required to "" ' - "'.,;.1�. 1- I - - '­�­7=1­' ­- ­1.11.tf, Jkilftt OPIratiolls wre Devided On `4A Of Offic"19, Mrs- WIRM111311 der Nvan ,educated- at M13a'W b , - r I � ,Mrm 'I 00 . I el"tl 0 Va tirl SUE RLING , K � sead on or before tho Utli daN of Nlay, The annual niecting ott,be ,",oaiell-s govt. a very Interesting Addre.11.% on vitte school In Sinictle. Iter Im,wad, . � . A.D. 191.0. by post. prepald or iteliver to TOWN ,* TOPICS 11081111tiLl 41axillarY tboth Town and Wom*Ws Workand Miss Ph 3 4190 tile late Chades Widder, Rqq., tit . . ) . Ilays & Ila", Barristers. (toderich, On- , .1 U44 of her work in conneeltul with "'Lyndhurst," was Crown Landi Am - 1 4 — Countro %viii be held in the Assembly . , � , . ,,, I OF CANAOi I I . . larlo, solicitors for the, Xxpeutors, their I Hall of the Roseate romple, third iloo�, I Wonten's, Institutes. Mrs, Wiveelor � ent Ill Goderleh and Nvan n1so agent I . I I . . I nammi and jadckesmi,with toll particu- New Manager fit Stetl Store . . � I , on Monday way 12th at 2.30 p.m. In I delighted all Witt) a Planti 801q. A lars tit writing. of thpir elaluts and na, Mr. Iv. It w A 0, a r view of the fact that tile plaus tow tbe The, report for the 1,for the British Anterican. Insurance � ,. I)OuglAs. the no I a go : � %�� MIX XQ6.4 WaX.4144%,44.4 A'1*Q0CSW ture of t,ecurl'ties, If any, held by thow. ComPaw, tuana9pr of the Hufou � . I NOTIOX that arWr Ahe Q "NOP108" have been bowed 60 membiers a I AND TAD. 'ear "I'll,! - I 1. 1. , ,.. 11 � of the T,r, It. 141teol Vo.'s. 004orlob store# roviodePing of �th 1 S h1tho roll, .. . � ­ � I � I -- : � . � . I � bM been si�at here since the Steel Co. approved by the Pk J.041% Building Society"" Anti repro- I .. . 1. I . litti day of -May, A. D. 1024, the sattl . vincial ArchItect I regular meetings held and tw(h, $00- vented the Canada Company and nf. .. -1 . � � I ­ I I � � � . . . . ­ -. � .. I Nxeevtors will, proceed to distribute .tilt; lifla taken out ofthei receiver's band on and a (Iotumittes gilp,ilated to w%,,-,* 1 C141 Ineetlogs, wltb an Average at. . . � " is of the ogld deceased among the Vav I tit. by the fbarcbOl#0r% Ur. arrangements to procet ter his death Mrs. 1,VJdd(,P livcw1,,fo,* . I I I persons 4ntitled thereto, havin . d,%vith the build. tendauce of 0.6. There was one Ail. I 11 4""', . ,� . . aming * ' __g regard Douglas is an txmirionced chalit store Ing operations ab 0000, It Is urgently re - many ,years al:I­U6 old place. $1le, � ,. �� . , only to the clattils of which they thf!" rdauager and will endeavor. .to to- quested that all wombers bc� prejent. dress by the summer spaaker, Mrs. vvam of a kindly, charitable *dlapasl- I - .... I Sun Life Asouvance-Good Canada " I . , :. I : . have been given Ilotlee, und that. tbl�' mortillandise tile store, aild give the p0b. llpportFi at the Avork at the Past )'ear MC140111140, and five 'dQAA0n1VJtt4tJOu8 � ; said execUt6ps will not be Illable for tile greatest litiAilil vallto 40 the wl � tion tind was mueh interested In the � . I , Q.tho 'O R . 11 be given and the nevv oftleers, elect. by the members, and there was tt wQ,lfnpC% Of the town, *,,,be was, a . I , This 'will be on lialiortaut year In 1 shower for tl' I . f .s, . . . � I � I sAlo assets, or. any part thereof' to any t ob. - ed. i I . 11, �. . I 1 0141M 110110a ;hall not , W ChIldrOW4 ShOtOr. 8trong ('011aervative and a statioch, - ' . 'y hen bave been received. I t(')",,,,�,'%8't",P,—r,tc(,,),tl.,!,,;,,�,0,,:C 9 110APItal work Rud 411VOiliku Inter-pt4ted : MU IN$URE'VOUR HO Et, WHY NOT YOURIIFE P Terson ot *11060 Caila jan National COcial to A.4dresi The feceipts and expenditures werp A'A ile4n, one of' ihe orl��Jtud ,meM. � .08 ' . mted at.Godertell, Up In both town and cotlatry , are C"(11311V 1: � . , . 9 : "!, op.- . � . . I t-, this 10th day Lions Club This Week as � follows . " , I . : 0 houses and. property, f May, A. D. 1924 . . I I I 00c, . I Everybody gets fire insurance on 0 Invited. Tea will be iorved at tile Ukol&-. bern of ft Georgolo Church here. BAN, The Canadian,. National bus call. close of tho,bu CIO She Wati tW lost of the tamily, the I . . � . . I I I -o evei becomes 3t Sollol,tqts.for the Executors sentedto send Capt. Milton T. StatO .1 following-, �%Iothern and sister. I . 'bne'* lnSUrAnCe policy In, each 146 S & H.A.Y181 sine4s a, ting. . � yet i�nly f4je .0 I I Orain Cargoes Arrive * " I rush on 0 hAnd......... ­....$�$a (�rt _ q haville I . a claim, wherea,s' among. the same number & men, -even, at so � I - to I address the Lions Club 'At tile!,' � 1 MemberS, fv('-%,, ............ .. 13 50 predeconsed her.- Mrs. Wir, Gle, y, � ­ I I young an age as 35, more than eleven will Pa INWHAINCE AND WAII, 91WAT& On Tuesday the liarbor . ar . I .� � , , I .$� away au,ring, was empty"imiss, ...­...­� ..... I I.... If' 00 Mrs. 0001 -AV BrOV61u. Mrs. Rugh John. � , . - . . I . -I- ~-- ,--., luncheon this, FildaY. Capt. State of boats, the Xtkniarls, 'the last of the I July I I I . . ;,, . . a year. 'Were wives und snoturs wise they would in,ist upon 11 . has a wide reputation as .h speaker . Carnival ........... al 10190 149 stom �Irs.' Bernard lialdanei Mm. . I I ff0,,U^,;08-1!0U4e5 I winter fleet, having left And there, I Dining -hall at. Still fair ....... i 127 6111 � . . . 4.- I � I I � insuta= i; were husband$ and fathers to give the subject sober . atid is much in domand by Service - - � Gicorr,6 3torphy, Alvu Ue�err,, N11- �- . � . .1 .1 being a lull 'in the Arrivals Of grain, bliss. ......;......, ..... 11 � . % , I I . .bought no insistence would'be needed. The babit of saving . Ali Idods for -sale at about bait Clubs, Canadian Clubs and.Boards of I 01, liout alld Robert, Rich. Mr, Br wn � . - . . I .0 , ... t , . ISIMe the first of. MAY the following - interest at. Bank ...... : *::, , -a CIO � � : . will be worth almost as much as the peace of mind Ili being what it'would cost you to build. It Trade, ' I . . . wds formerly county trowwrer here ,, � . I I � � ,win be to your interest to see me be- vessels havC discharged, .The Ilowe, 06'ernment Grailt....;­... I'll 00 nnd � Mr, Goary was tt Contra . I , . asWred. , ' � . I . . . . . . I To Proceed With Remodelling of the Smitl�, partly at th Clap. . . 1. . I . . . . fare buying. Several properties on , e W. C, V. wqlnti Euchre told darice ..... ;­ . I - . . k L . . � i . . b ... 77 80 The Amoral took plaeo on Saturdtiy.- . .� . , A Sun L ovides for both, . very easy terms of parment. See mY "Naples" for 'Hospital : . partl$ at the Goderich Elevator,- the I " I.- .. 11 - .. , ife policy IM � At a me L I . . ­;­ last, - the", remaing boint �.- , . � I . . . . . . ". � . I list. . . T brought to - . � ­ - --- — e 21000 . . Total ........ $617 ,15 Go&, ,ntprinent-in � Mnitla,n,l �l � . ,:: '. � ­ � . I -­ �­ -1. I . . ting at- tho board of the J'.' A. McKee, 117,000,oats and 3 .riell for I I I , � . I . P. J. Goderich Elqvator; the . . . I . . � I . rl,,;� � . . RYAN;. Alexandra X4r!ne',and General .Has. I � 1. . . " .. "I I 'Ph9no I 1 $ i , .I � K R. LONG, DisWct Apht , a C I I I'" . .1 I I $597 10 cometery beside tilo,4C Of herL _late bUq_ " � � , . ' I �� .. . I . 11 1� . I . � . .1 Re9l KAYte and lus"t � a O' pital held on Mondoy evorilngi a com- Glo; �' ot,thle�a QOO bushels wheat,- tile , I I . 1 I . ----- band, and Mrs. Widdorla daughterm . � :, . I., I . . - - .- - - I . � . . RF4AU ESTATE mitee was appoihttd to take charge U6,000 corn from .Mil. . I I Balance ...... $.29 '20 Mrs. (Dr.). k1ohnston, ther� Xtosj , I � I � k , - ­ I .1 ! I . � . Tl.fz AR'N'STRONO S2"f,=le%t,' . I , . �I - - I- � .61 I . AND MUII&NOV, A0ENGY, LIPE of the .0 , . , 1. I'. . - I , , � f r4modollinc of the "Xaplea!' Glensannox, 87,000 bu� .,'-' Expenditures . Ethel and B14116110 Widder, of Toron. IF � � . . .. I 0 1 'T, and AUTU . . � , I 1, ", -. � - I � . k,outj ­4A.pli AWDEN as a hospital, the committee consist- d 126,000 wh , and the postage - " . ' - 'Ind her son, Mr. Fred W. Widder, ` I :, , I I MUSIC � . . 1� . . WANTBD. INSVRXINCK. -, . I I . I cat, I . . f L I I - --­ -------- . � .... $ 1 7 5 to . . . . I ---- . n VT programs. , . . . 4 - -".,4.,;- 6��66~­ --- ----,- - - ----­---��— 1� ing of Messrs. R. 14,4MeGaw, H. J. A. a ols oats an 140,000. bush.614 onts, printi, g­� .............. . . . . I ritt"Ino I �. - � � I .1 Caring n an .'., - - - -.1 00) 1114114301' Of the Bank of Alontreal nt - '. . . I * I I � 'TE0. -man ' to )CArn' Houses- Iptl lots In Gti'derich, and MacEWao, B. C. Munnings, Dr. Xnek. Monday. The - 'Maple. Expenses to Lonaboio.' li o a P44n, accompaniod the romallisr to . : . . Pilot.,. W. 11, jAMSO�N, oi,gaiilst, an,l WAN -Young . . 1. I . . bireetor of Uusio, North Street biislne�g Must. be steady, .re)ia, farms, for fali% A­numh,P.r of Nety line lin, Mrs. Cani"on and Mrs. McLaugh. ourt alld,MCKee Arc doo at the Ele E . .0 .... - 44 tO*n. Another son, Lloucl; Is, living � I .,I �11 �t 0 ,�� - � '. , ,)cl, . APP!y M AN - properties..Inclualng some of the best va r � . , I I - Methudlst Church. l4struOUou siveil'" ble,and v�! lis�­ 'l , . lin The 'plans, for the remodelling . . . .. I 1. I .1 �Xpenses for aurnmer'sp' aker 6 . I . �. I A,G '1�. L� jl� S1 �, , , '11, - A 1� , , I E�p tol- Ist of j ' - � .� In � . in town. 'Mull modpria- equipped. , l . .� , 41Y Oarnival . 7i ,�)R in e-'alfforilla, and .Mr.. Char16 - � i , I .1 Voice Culture, organ, Platio, Viol]. t --- cot the sanctiou of the pro, � a Wid 11 ",,, cte,.� 0 . — ;*od houRP, on Trafalgar �street'. NVe have Te via 'To Buy Babcock Test . V�xpensea for 0 - ii. oa der, another son, died so . . . ,.. � � ' . . 1. I GuttAr, Theory , . t NV6,NTIM--Orass. vattlo -to pastur , -flne coildition,. Modern vincial Inspector, er I . . arn1wil Que6l, mt- yeur-.4 , I T I I . I c.' iocatj= - ill I I I � -11untilug, Nvater.. %�Io 1$1.M. Appi Juinlol- . : �, " . At the month] xxiclises for dining hall 4t or. . I . Studio anti ,resitionce Church Strep', � I . . y meet' - R I ago it, New, York, Tbe funeral a' � I : .. convenien.at-4 Just VatatARL 1� . . Ing of the lo I I I 1. . Phone M� " �­ ., ! � W. �Lot 22, Con , ssion g ltsy Save the Discrimhtation Against - Health .on Xtinduy 'Afm, � fall, fair- .. i " 07 33 vicoa of the. Augliotill chureb weiV . I. . . , . : tv RICHATW WIN. I (]late pass(%. lven, low priev,. 6, . � � Cal Board of ­ i ' " 'I" ' L . I .. I , �, Croderich ,t-o,washlp, ,11. R.,.NLo. 2� 00 r- - tenns it desired, . . Buck Lambs. - I ter n it was decided to purch tu I . I I . I - . ae , .noo , Cbeques to Hospll Bltig: Fund 301 do liold at,.S.t� .Georgels-,on mik rday 4f.. .. I..� � . i-,., � . I . - ARTICI;U� I F�X�t" i2tz i 10h. I I . owing to Conditions there Are. selor- . I . ase a Children's Aid S.ocl duo TV. S. S. . � . . . � '. . ; � . IA— .1 I �. I I 'r [41 Sood properties Important to be sold In 'Howl ,of the fact that T&Oiito 4*1iottlb 0aboocic -milk testor�. in order, Sphool nurse eiy I ...... 10 00 terhoon, 'Xon ted ,- , . . ­- . 1� I � r1l, SEALE.-A.Vm� Dore TVbbPi tiretv -MM, 'derfe, -1y .�rjc ' - about them* markets are going tw discriminate . . � , - . I ............. 4. so. Oo Hardy. the redor, asalsted by Ve . . : . , WAN -In., ,G o li,,� good PlAn aL bAoo. ­14� -es:--ask. to make tests of inilk and ere* for n. . , *' . � 0 to . do geneca,l Ouse-� Sonic jiood'homes can be ,bought On against. buck lamh$ to the extent.of butter fat locally in ple ­­.­ 1, To I . . "., � lilf997, hs,*Ood, 01 Xlt'Nv,'a114 a 1W cDOk and. 11 ,. ce of s -ending. Miss. , , ". ,, , I . 1. ,­W�'... 4 1 0* Arehdvaoion Jonqu-nate all, and the � ... Y. � , two, in thr M Mze& ........ � . .Ju I'�.,'. * . r.a,.xtl 'erearn sepkralol' NO.'; V;' al'1164t "Work, no, NVa6hlng or. ironing itinthly payment, plan; about tile . . I . 4 00 P11111 -boaters -'Vere Hla frottor" ,0 ,j- . ,". � I now. For Address alitily.at Nf.�R ,01,1- falioly 'good wagm te. or apply samp. its paying rent, only InRicad of $2.00 per cwt., 'the: Dopartment, of samples as frequently as has been. " - �, - � "-f ... - - I , dg . . J . I RICFI� 1. � � . - Agriculture is willing to assist any dont to' Lai District t;1x­ I .... � ...... I... Win, 1*11% Dan, Maciltividd, X -r, John , - , . I , �.'­.�., ' I I . I 1. . InWIR ately to -) Q,XALD, P.O. 10,41,19 the MoneY, it goes '40vax(18 ndon. Samples will still 2 80 L0 � . . W ­ ­ ­­­ , - ­ ­;­��­ F �T, _,,,,,. .�,",'11,,rll . . . .... . Delegates' exp, to � London � . . . - 15 00 Galt iind th-, Tayloj, . ; . I I I . R ISALF.-I�4 ,tourbig, 11) * good Zra8ver..=, Goderieh. . . , - I - pavIng for 6 horne. farmers .wishing to have theirlambs be sont to L9ndon to the InititUte of . I .. - . . i . . ;. ­ -- , - Several iiroperti6� CIO$(. ta "I'O'N"', ,docked and Castrated. The district I p .. I . . ; '.. ", - F0 ' '� ` . ' Public Lkalth from *line to time for has !tat ...... I,-. 1. to oo' . . � , �­: - � ,k.,��',. . U running -Onr,r. Apply to Milli- r ( - * '' . 1, . 01 . e, . t'lo" e', ' '; representative has -hop whic j,huoe�'hvtt '.And dance ...... �­' . . -.1 ..... R. 8.4EVE.M. V*1 1) Av. ae-h . h will be ba0crial count as ivoll as t . .. . 22 05 ON DISPLAY THIS WEEK ' � . � . 11 .1 . - i -, . ­ ..,- to", Is 11 oWt it" . . . . . . . . Thewe. w4l,bi ; - J, - -. - �.:.%7- , I- -01 , - P 411 , wit -� �',')d,rp'4�, 1 - W *lad to a4lat ftv I . ge , .. . .. I., 1. ..4..... * * +. - �.,a. forn%ol display O.". � I I I of, farms 'for available and *tit tutter fut por, contaIrt' A ro%O�t -f,6. C yo, I � �, . � I .. 2� r 9 . , ' . .. 1. . I . . lo . I the next few y0h , ift. work of -t)ft relved from the Institt' . .....11.11.1'..... 10'00 ,cry day this week and V11 next t.p,(* I �; . I 1. , c . . I s � lite Of Putlitc , I I I '. I I . , lz ti V , I W , V friet. i or wr1w J. NV, kind. .. . .. .. Health pit the I . as I To . . -- �- -- .1 complete tange of 'Imported . . . . I I I (Ir r , 0 L I I tit 9'1-2 Parsonal Pair, . . t sainples: sQnt"in . of ., I * * I I . I �-, . : x It f i I 0 n)6 APPlyto N.MS. .. � I .. ­ the middle a! last month, showed a � tat experldItures, $,697 I0 cretollnes, C-huttz, Talp�stij, and . . . - ... � J . , I , I . - I—— ­­- Hog� Grading Report - , . .. . - — , .. - Pri ted. Silks, 'Tho ollowitig consista ' - . ; 1�1. , ­.,�'. , 1. . I $ample Of the town water to be V1 7 i I Offlee at Water!oo con, .. . The grading, excellent sanitary quality and t1le . , tr vw� . I ".. 11 '0 . * I L-A,;VRAXGUE POVIII.RV, :: I at, L-� . CRAIGIE'S folloN�Ing Is th boll" PEOPLE W19 KNOW of French, Tqvil g(VIII31% +5003., ,'I 11 . , I . ."..mg an Aken iYodn' I � pigtrA k, , le .%.�f'. report' for e ng. April followii1le ,percentages I otonto tr­ 0 nels for wit 4twor 1 n, 1Xog. � ,., I I . z0gs for hatelift; Biltred Ply- ' 'hE%JL t4TSTE A-0 . -of butter fat Ulas. U. it, bf,ac:Vlca0 wait In T . : - �, y th week ondf -r. � * - "opresantatryt, vvldl Ifor I -Ills locality, . .. ... , . W 4tJ0 . . I il� , �;� . 11 Olactionald CoWge) ; r rig -lit 1"111, %vith � . I Poll 13AU11 , I and Vanni, Ban, I Ifliltl% Ph Chintz and Cristolines, French � I 11 . =te Wyandottes (ileg[j 1)QpCa$1; 5 " e 10�n and A,;,,,IsL, 21ht0l�' L-0141 brick fully moil, cGsw Auburn Vier . try opening. . . � . ... . . . I .. I 11, I iouth Illooks 24th: ' - � . - last week attendlop t4p �qmrqer 5 . 1, , � M ("'3, 0 . 't, ., .­ .5. In the milk 1ples . 11,0 I . ,� ,,, ' - �edafoy­,- S- a. ,%Vhjt� . � �rn A room Milk . . Topostry, Protteh 114nd Vtocktd Lin.. , 1. I I I 1�. Anotinag (RIvIL In. tr pkl�; . Ox 17ax ' 'attrlR , itirUi3i-4111 lot., double zpragc, situalcd . . . Cre4in � � . .. I A . I , I � ,ze! �h liahr . Mlpsq. JOB. Elliott ­ , 7 � , 4ghorns. (Perris and Bart -on. ,straihs). Unt. - , .4 p I 'Ratiley- sir6et hil. Select4 1904. . 45 'at Beattie e.0 I- v I . . � returned last week " 'b-"` gril4W Bilk Shonturgo I I . . ..Ile L � , The h -Ins. in M6 above pens are, qelt�ct- � �1` I . . � � 1 car. E ,19in AW-AuuL, � . 60S I - n* I. 17 Bisset . . 4.10 ' front her visit in.pitawli, . . I . 011N$ AdAVV4%­ , - 1, e, �:. I � � ed for .0cir � . I ' ' i . repres . I : I .k I bred train the StMins that produce .C. ' V.50 returned to town direct from the mills Of England and, . ' '8,gs for hatching. 11red, I 2.story franic, Krdom house, e4eeir. . , laying qualities, and are F4)lt * SALI,.-k, Mediate po.MMslon. Priee 4z3,3ft - - Thick sMooth 1041� : 22 45 Fisher ,41.25 X181 A. Lowis ha8 entIng all the ne6ai &.816;.0111 . I , J . t -0-14Y Barred Rocksr Fgas from ligbt, st\ver and toilet, 2 lots,.,. , This Heavies 69 13 � , .. . � 'k �' I cp7s, -Price $1.50 Per ta,ef GEO� � I Bell . . , 3.70 ' 28.50 after spending. the winter in Tononto. F, The patt,erna are new, indi. . I I X 11s. Frize stock, $1,00 per setting -1 Of 15. Cus-. roperty Is in firizit classrandition. ne%A-- Pixtra Heavies 3 . I . . I Mrope ��, OREMNSLAM, Baytiel , ont, (0 I Phone E03 r 12, Votleclelij ,­ ; . celved, F! McManus., I I . c . mers Attended to, As orde.cs rp v deeor.1ted losItie and out. Corn,y Shop' bogs. .." . 4.00 � .1 Mrs, A. ChOlOng,er was a Visitor Vidual, anti nevel,.qhowh in C40derich . '. :: 1. . J. 11. StNtMON, Shoppardton 11.`Wr 171 1 2 . .- . .. . � . 11 - . . . . . . , I 1� -1 . 1- .- I . - ---' 1.'�011th alla *1110lic sti�pll% Imni'mil,'tte Lights ,& feeders ,,2 % 2 " I'd SoMe -Go,derigh fligil School 014 ljo),� with friends. at Westfield recently, before. I . I . . . t . , I I 1)05�,es,;iol I . . I . . . � I , , ��, - I ON�" amx WAINTED IN ' EWAT , . I stor.,, rpliple., .at*, p�)Orn it J)tl .1 _ Vito. Y014 to Come and,aee. thii; , � .. I : Foll "WEEZKWoW76�w, Urs; )�Tjzp i. Price $1800. 'Goo.d terak . " we , � . 6 ., f, �jl�,�v, RUghs I . . . Lucknow goij Xfs, &monds, of Toronto, is .vis. . . ­ wi Wor for.1 cooscentive y6r.; antli I "COUNTY to appoint na 4 . . iliol-W Julia Elliott, . . I flhwl Of old world fabrics any day ' , . G I akents to sell electric Itirlit. about 2aeres of lan(l witil, Sows No. I , 11, A. %;,Ila will b# remembere )tIng at tbe residelice Of Mrs', Si ,. : -1 Tcam ago first 19 bin ', OT.a4d No, 1. IDUP Obtagio GN-Wv-, a guaranttv.d, ru-,good filult, trees, Fituateii on ill,. soillil Sows go. 2. .7 1 . . I a lwat I "4110' All Or atext iv"k. Sonic very .�peeial, . . . . 1� I ., , . 100 Pet, cent .geeminittlon. C f4 (if, ' 0116 time a teacher t 4 ' 'A AS ealled t val I .. NO- 43-M5 ,OK'411cate�411ct; hew discovery; enuals gasorlini: of' Mill lload, 0odorleb townshtp, Stag,% 29 aear 11olytood now, &s, V, - V. Loamho 0 - � . �.'' �'- ,. - Price 100 per' blilsb-' Also' at 3 cents a gallon, $1.00.box g1vt's BOI) !n1,yJpdlaJp , .2 ,' . . Of LoOduti, Out,, �Vjlteg,a re . Xing 'It will be offered. . . . . . . . "o, 21, Soie I ,xo,ise4t4oll. PrIce r9low. . I . . I . .4 folloivu . � stoll tilla wc,ok 0%q to the . . . . . I 0 A. (IL N ..d Harle,T,, I'Se. per intles; 4300 mouthly asy. . gardi 0. . .GRA " busti. P11,ALN'K 1, Write. ' Ill', Mine forater lipbotil s r I i , . e, 011ie� 11 . Ing.k.may be had ut ill* Last Week's'llolice Court Cases � Ifack in the eighties when I plat0q, death of her nioqlet. Y AND C.AP.T%MIGll . � , . .. YOUNG, I .R. Xo� 5 qutck�,. P. A. L4F4YHttB N Co.,,,%jex- office. . .. 1. . . . T. � 1. . GodOrlcli� Phone.'208 Carlow, . � andr Ont," . .. .1 . Was an ex, Airs. Clarence Pott,or, of . I . .� . �, � 1. I ' I - J. W.- CRAIGIE The wind-up of last week's police Public school teachor takin . Detroilf "Fillilf, fot' MAY pictures; Fre,41l. � worit g senior �-, � I .I— I ­.... ., . �, ­ ou a n in the Goderfoll ulgh School, . . V. Superior re.iultg. VAMP- I . . t, I , =--, ­ - - ! - =;::::a------ I I. .— spent a few days last Wveh with her flit), . P � . � . . � urad . . I . I �. -­. -- , 2, - � rC WAR 4130 In atte.adance a thjl.1l, relatives in, town. . I � . I ;� . h , , I . I I . ­ - —1 ---.- form, Day 66m Ashfleld, JVw. A1cTglO.,;b,' . . DELL'S DUUG STORI�, Tahe pie. .. . 11 � . I . � � ]Bk`yourt nwx ] - '. Cralgle. noa Urp. turv;, the kodak way. . � I . I =0X====,0=0[-' ­—Oz=0=:===.1 924" ------ X0=0======6=0r-----*= outigster, Vronolan vl(w.ad ?ttrn. 1,�Vabk 414018, a6 . � � . I I . . F5AI-7---- by name. Ila was a t)rixllt y Ups. Toole, r6ii. IV .1 . * . I I . � �_­ . I � . I I 11 ­ . I . ., � I I . . .� I well thought Of by fell -w studeutfi and litra tford, t Ver the woph-ood. %voillan may be vain, but the aver". I . 11 G .. I I I �,­:.� �. . T `=Z -";'7-- - -----' - i ",Wq F." . I .VI, you Ahvays going to ,be work- teachers, ardit isgood to know that, . , ­�i , , ,-' � I . :. . - I I I .- - -----',��-;�- V�. I - . . I I F - a- � I . � ­ � . , i,.;7, � � F. ml��.:- �. � I- !,. . - � I , � .1 ; , , , 1�1 , ... , .. Ing ror sorywoni�'elme at small pay. or thep,onlIr4o of tho"a e V, I man thir-Itti himself rathiv pretty , , ., -- V t � . . . I I I V ,�,, - , , , , - .. ­ - . � , � I , - I I , , � . I 't. , 1: , '--. .. -q a ,V ye ,Mr. and Mra. Walter'Naftel and UP." . � � � � 1. 1�j ,�� , , , . . , . . I .. ,� . do YOU want to bivome your own bo�.. 11ra baA . . . ; � It .. � . .1 I - . I I I I ­ I . I I . . I � . . .1 I . . � . . I S . I �1* I -� . � ,:,I . Illindreds of apportunitios been fultilled. Ire it, now'liev: jV L� 'Mrs. Sinclair viited. at the home ()f Just .after st nh�ve. . . r `�%, - I I .., � . .1 � I . I '" amh'- Atel"tosh. D.A.; 11, i),, the, mill(. 'a' — , 5 1 - � I I . . fluns rn*-n In Qo� Automobilti lotjuatf�-, I n F I I I � . - � 11. . . , ... ­;.. , : . I, . --;­� . . ,lp,;v,,r it � � " . , R for Mothera' Xittv. Prooll arr.l. . .;.. .t � - � , � , " :. ,; . � . . � .. F ,it Igallfon, P,attpry.aad �N,e ponular pmatorof King street fors"sliv. Mr. and Mrs, R. Stonehouse and ving.at noon Saturday, (,*3raltions j)ar. , " , I � ��' � ,Iilctrlez - . . t '; , `,. - . V I I P.�� : Ing Worli. Fi,w %",ej�,s ,to I , . ,I, , . ., ­ . .. -z. 1, I .. . I, 1� 1. I ­ +1 , I � , . -- , .. ., . . I 1. I I � 1. . . - 1purll, torian Church. London, and It %ru IV . 0 1 . a ": I , , .1 ." . . I .. I . � � . . .. 1 ­ Inland, big p;ty,,, c y little son, violted at the former's par. 0ouq, "Iyeet peatj�etc, iqeaq 'r . . I I . I .. � I . 11 I 10 , . I . � . . ­ I laliure to coagratillate I , I,. a - : , , � � . 1. . . , .. I . I . . . . ., � I at llft)' 011118 Por hour to. lielp you School friend on %it,c(.IvI0jq fpom 1j"0A ' , 'tc�y .I . . I I I "'. ­ . - ,. I 1. . � I ,� '. !:,,.' " 1,arge d4 Aomp woric giVat PIL Inv old . q or'de I I . . . ., . Onts' home at Westfield over the Ea,q- , PhOUP Or C%lI Ullfi- I ba.5, COOki I � ,, . . . - �% .. . � . I � 1� I] � I . I .1 - . 1. wrowc. Writo (a, �,,11,1 Colle . , 4�i('1'11111;, ­ I . . � . . 1: " I - � I I � . . .. I . . throu;rb vuut, in � lalit Week the degroo at Doeto ' ter week -end, . I . � . I g( . I '. ; . . ;, , - I . . V � I . - I I , , , .. . . I . � INIIIIIII"J, Biti of Divinity, an 110116r which be will . Mr. aud Mrs. T. 11, Alitchell. motor� Dr. Forater eye, '6r, . Im"o and . I f6r spril4l offor. IlL I., I I , . I . � .., I— . AUT0 s4'I10oI,, jf;:j mini; St. �V., . I I I 'I . I . , - . " 1 I � . I . I .. . � . I— (Intoi ()tit. �. I � Tor' wOrthilY W03r. It Is Intorenting to note ed to Flesherton, 0%vveu .Sound and throut. tpeel i's s,- .,,,, I ..1. � I . .11 . ,­ � What till array Of Old br),Vq Of (Joderiell .4 t, Armounce") the I � 1. 4 .. �­ � I., I . I 11 I I I . ­­­. — , 1.� High School, former ntudenLa of the late Wfarton on Saturday,'ri-turniur ,quu.' dates Of his next Visit to Godeiiell, �� ,� 41 - . ��'! , . � I / �7 I I -1 I LOST I . Dr.strN139. afterwardabeer.nie 1).p., , day* . f , , 0 for *Nay 21qt, at 8 pjn. tq �ilay ,.)2,ul � I -11 . I ---- ­,-~��-� I . In, ; - � I It in tile Jlrenbyt�tlan, eburch. Thme I ' "I r . . . 1. , 1L..'. " 1. I. : .;. 1. .. 1�, 1W "r H A!113.441`000, W11.1011 wa!; up frorn tit 1 T). tit.. v,hen he will lifs ,It tile . . I Lo" - -k ( fjlf Wale" (;hain. ollier h 11 I thitil, , of tire. . 1). Uc(;Illlvray � of Toronto durk - ., w of ng r 11 .. I �, ; � - On 11P, Slillare ill* on Maitland polf 'billa, A. 11, 1� 010 Week and hor 11"fifuild 110tPl. - — . , .. I I. � , wl 110UP14e. lipward it rettIrnf, p C . . -.--,.Ill. 0 b . I ? I .1, I , . , d ill Ul iteldrum of clevoland. D. many friends were very inueh pletta. . � I a :�, If .�­ � W STAR OPFICK. Pertit, or lViogilar1j, (,fiiln young, t1uper. . EXHIBIT OF BA81(wrily I � . I ­ .1 , 111s, � , I ed to lno.et hee. . . . : I '. V -9 � — ItItPUCIVIlt, Of glocw. -14��, WIlADn Of . . 'Ifii5 Collvalat(i Instittstv Cla6rk'4 In .1 . . . o�* A : � I I . ­; . � LeT , ­ ralm, Mrs'. R. C. McDermid lin(I .Jak,1; j�l(--� . I ;�, .1 . -- --. Poll SAVE 919 To Toronto, and nsjw I)t,, Atclutosh qt.Lon. I IIJ " ftv will hold an C', .1 .---- don. . .. . I Derruld visited 1110v, Ne. MeDermid'a %,,'�l , 1, f1l, tht, torn, 0 1 -1 ­ �. -1 - , ,( zhibit of the I ,, . I '. 141mi IMIX.- T%Vo­�fon. r ,,,,,I ljrij.)� .,'I I - . ." . a V , ttl ,k�lav afteratioa I � I �, : I. I . lifillso'. all mr)(11'ril, eotivenflink-1-4 A Suc'cepsful Entertainment by Junior I mother and striter in tAindOn onc`..&ly,� antl ".,Illva, May loth. (took :; if) 6 and 11 1; Q . I I I 1, " � .. , ", - I 1. . � This prol)(Tty 1!4 Utmost tiow. ,-ittl,tt' Alixtillary of 9t. Georgays,Churth , tbe past wook. I frols, 1..�m to �t (;eJoeh in ghe clasm rcow . I I'll (lit 11ri ibonn Ore-vt. rivar Viettiri., st, '' � I ef I I �#r . , Mr. and hh-s. c '%l1eiii ntpl (;,,;I or tils, pliblic 1,1littity. Bl,�i,,lbpr$; of . I - 1- . I n Vietorl') '411101111, MRS. ADAM A very' interOtln',' entertainment A. . I , PAI It vlfte,t: at#- asitwil it) bring, arly two. . , ! I 4 Was given by tile Junior ) And Mrr. if, C. I)ullIlsp w(.pp- Ill, 01J.. ! I'M f!l.1VStl%'. 1,, Auxiliary of I don : 0-1, &� at tielen niatift dilt-1n;s tile turin.' � I t, rrlt— St. Mal -YR And Straff.--t; (At !�Usj, -I'?,,, "JUAIM4 (if t(Alft anti 1!,)llliUl.lnit . . , -1--11i1;1�-,-i01 onz to c'.11l, .4t. George's vh1irch (tile lvisAwi ,day' y I . I Tf:) 111"N"" ., Band) on Friday evenitir . , ' ' 't (I , Invited to attella. I ,for till- stillimer tAf , I n1o. c-alliall'y , intIm. con qqt n i I . . I 1.16-onlenreA, .Npar -.ttlJ!,0& Ilot(,l �lnjj, the %tery satisfactory Mt. .111d Up% Tlw;4, '31illitsn, of It,,. I I � ainount of . - girp J. IV. vlt�,,sfm. chahat, . . '10, ;, , I 11 I !�q .�(., llafi�-. 14apatirl. . , troit. tootored ovor and 'pent tilt, ;I, P. HUN;�;, I'mIsident. ,,� - e-40 per fronth.1wa-t; realized. %� I . ,,, A? I � If ' E rt a P I I I I - y'. nes . , so , .i _ � n _ .] 1511 ber ing Ing 11. 11 I I " -i I tow" I I I I I 11 "" I ""' , " I i - c "? , I 0 V �l 4 Or 4� u q �, I , .1 , i "' , , I 11 � I I � I � 0 i I 0 �i I I I . I I I i ill, S.Alton 1-4 of May It olluAred. Ap-1 A prominent feature (if the vnter. ! weeh-clid U'All it](,, forint.l.,14 pareut,i. . . . . I -- . 1101. 114. '-wil-w ovlpl(*'�, , � -- I . —., tainniptit Was the three.aft lith4oll. ,, Mr. and 51m. W. .%ililgi, (*aUlbr,.4 SPECIAL OPTICAL OFFER I . . . I a I " F, Filit 11Y.NT. itir (to&—rich tp.! arV Play entitled "Volor Mind," gIv. Road. lligh-i:rade, r:fpld-fillod tipeoaclo,1 ana I I r I I � . . ;; -' . THE -PA VIL10 ' 111-11-T11r, 4111"11i 00.1 .10arlIvillar-A apply Aunilinry, I S 11, i,f!l 1 X X -a N, Goderich ont. tit N " i oa ,by mem)p!rs of tile Rentild Wiloon, now of Turonta, 111' glaT41,4 , with livat flat PI r ( 1 4 I P thidill" """"p- '-f"t"I"ly- It- It, -%I)- I, Which was Splendidly done. An all. �� liar; lJ='4V(I hi,� first )-car"T Pn:!hlfk1r� 1PHIA-, fol' olgly" $1.00. All othor I - riell. 1111111if. if #in 6W. � -1 � . (NEAR SUNSET HOTEL) 11 -­ --- I ­­­­ �­ -­­­­ I them by the eboir boyr, and a ve4;ppi- h4t cuttrRe at the Univel,ifty %vith hwi. stYle of framet and lonse'I'lit 10%ve.qt I I I` . I ' . " ' � I WANTED TO RENT hymn' alao Given by the boy", show. �'T)ra- 1110 MaPY f OPIN114 viltvVI 4 s,n I&Vv�- P,.Vt,q enamined by �!llr- Hugh. . I . . ed what fine pro-- AW 1-11. !Watulatlom . ) 0 � I I . 1. I , I * -... ", 1. I -Aftw­ h� — ­ — ---- � .. , ! - 111SOnt . . I t �A # nraictly, ont,ea, 4 xpet�i, ,P,- r 11, — - � -WWI�w � 4M AM 0 1 Ill Ills'%# 11 11"U'- fir A10-111111val fior tile choir director, ia nlal;jjlv In J)pputy 1I.QpVp DIUnlli11C:,A at�lll ,.,, � JCA,,Jt .. 'ralronto, e light, 11"'11NI-blo, , thl , , gill(I later f*)r Henry ping i twction of, 111q, , F(ItrAry G, 10. X116., Of the %V (M-1, ar I ,,%10l9,ltA � . . I T. J�% Txl;I*frI,.", pilron, :j*,fZ tra ning of tile boy " & (',P.. %int;,val. Th(- be,qt . ==T��t chok. The wor& and intinic of tile Liqbt Vonlfilim-ion atterldi'd till, t.,w 141otital wffel. tot lit, fobtairell and at , , - * � . i --Wiffib—N SA I'VeOPOr hYinn WOre both of h1r, Wilk. venthm of the Muni(Iiii,al Flpct; i4 n' mutif iatol l9i k v,.' TIIVRSI),%�, JI,pr- � VA 0 . . 19 ' ,-*-,-,*Ol"A--,���-,--O,--.---�--Al-- f in' 5001 Own composition, In the all. Amwciatiov. , PAV and 114ATUHDAY, Blav �i. v, to. � I VC -111 I -N SAI,% I, IF A 0 N17oll't- i them Ponald Alitaponald tool: 0�. no. 4,onw vnrl�. SMITH'S ART ST01.01,', I . ,&X ,%nix .P14.%kil" 11%vt1i'm ' M113- V- J- BVIVY, rof Uw1tilca s t, ­v I � I -,.%,-T ,.-TIMLT, (HAII-MIGII, ' (#'% "O Parig, Tile C110ir bOyll JOinOd Ohl" 31im F. Oram), wm� the"Puef4t (if la -V l6odprivb. I I � � � -- � With the %lembem of the Batl!l in the Gi3tet-An-law, Mra,"Walter (;. or."In. Ill!. (411B.13 NOA, 811UNDIN.G 1; I ,,,t Ain iti4ruoi 4 bv '.klr�%. .%.ziwi as ,1,A,.1 �dflgltla of a couple of mi,40ioparj for two (JDyn The paot vlet:li, agwr ,in ; WHOLF, WiH I.-, (;()r)V.Ttrott . 11 . , 1!vell by IJUDlie auel%n at tho rs!",(11- hylu"3, �t, 1.9 � �.A&Lu ealp, 4113 Daw Quitot � . * I , . 1. � . lt;q r -R4 "A.. fiWeriell. wn I othor 111tich APPr(.e!4tC-d nurnbera an I -841T Y . rich. I ala.4tOV . r mprovelIMInt in Gode VVI* Va0vouald (abba, chou i � I FAVIII)IN' MAY 1011V I Oil the prograw *p follovia , and tstj4uSitA 0 Rnox el,dvq:ll, I, . , ' I efininkneing i4t 1,19 welfich C,harl� ,to 5A I � _1 no�v I I � Thp fir -t hooww %%#4t. tit illo 1;, %. lj.kpianq Colo. Bertha (f Mr. 6, ('1911. prack M. who I.Oevngv .*gl'iviri", biq whole CIMP to (;Ottletipal atc, . , rawford; violin cold bIq VtOV4,fty gtj Ur a . , 301321 %V 14.Jell. ('blib 4 Iq nt tj�v c1lug"It 'I h1w-Am anti I � 1`1611alit offif",q, at r1po"i-nt pceupie.j by noloo 140,1191,01 NeWcombe; Viou r616. batwr. Iii lqVina fqrTcr,)nto to soil) h1,41�1,VJ(13V3(t,L,r00*nq . ' Situr, ay, Mayl0th, 1924 1!419a. f4tokutl. Tho loymp 14 In ,10,A Xcith Murison; recitation, ,,,R,afl,,11 mt a [a Cho haUfpg buslincr ' - awl all 113V s-ktigl�ay. t ,� I -11---1.--...-1.. . . .. - cortjit:on. , ,�,; tit that eltV- � And hutiolutments far in4ttictm-ti in � �­­....'­ ,I -­­ ., . '' - , �Rnd e6rilatne) par:or, dulinq Dpri3 Riley; recitation, "Tho Cam(Vh lift. Unif dcr;i vot purpo:.e re-olding in Islatio, ()rtlan and Mnliingl uolv 1"It. ar. . ' � �� r-,V)Q1,, k5lehen -ajnq� sullognt Hump", Lily Leggett; Viol Toronto JWrMfAn4W1.V but latewls ti n,. ,� la0r:C11 anv jiL.jy at tbp thzlt�,;. 4.w V�0, . , 4 bcdz, �r ;� I kitChOU. fffiwil C41IL-111. I- --&n %Ator ard JCelth Murinon and in dup't, r0nt0(96dr,r;C I a fak, -4W,a lot qo3rt 4,Ir lot c&p. 1!ggs . , lr�cggie Now- 14 30 build bimf-elf a aci& ja,,4y Itp 0l141jcw,e-4l: at lbe 1101-61) of HE. , I i"Lyri C �Orchestra " under direction of -H.'k. Jenner jomk'�,-NV 151 ebMITNW-Vt IIAllatrd 10 5� C01111W.' reTitAtiGn, "it Can't be Don�.," ,h,,0',1,n.0 t50n0th,w0,)1U2Ct10T1(ca tu tt� ri-5 110' 0 14,% 604i - David , Hell%aing-,,; %0?wlMo V�! IIVLI PIECES , , -4116P -,n, Its old -TAylolp; ",vf 114plitly, ";h")J14-161 w.) , . ..'Loot. I r C', , '. 11. ,14it 3, 00d t P thil facto-ri, r 1 16 rwrourk ­�­------ , - ­ ­...­,- ­­.. I—— ­ ­­­­­ awl 041rJ4 N, ,athl, PC -citation, "Mrn in .-.-,---* , - -.#��, . I I "" or" � TKILNIS ,A;o INT e* fit Of pla7e15%;e Cangth," Gladya Ohore; C,;40�U5, uj(,. Tl,jere ,.,lay L,.n otilE,r corn TIPMOV914.1 , BORN cy � ilee, fo 13f, pa�d 31 t3mo 0 ?-Ve,, Vio flu$ Nd3 lua Ghine"', by the girl,3 of but you will nr,t 'Lw L nk J*Ittlly EMill. J�Nttlr 11,3 14, f '.." , , ,.I5IIJ . 0 1atic'nal Antliem. flcd Until you have t'ID�cl 19014m-'ay'll .F !I �* � , i. V,�4, A F - %3 . ��', 5 �,3, ., ,I I 0 1 MEME T1 ME' A% I it "E PAW furanco ihi - W dfxm c,v a porigw) or the Ausiliary; I OT- I % 1� . puronx.,"I, fg,6ngly faaF? Z�11410 6`11 210N ,,, , " I � 90 (,3 u ith MtorcAg 4t 0 PI'V, VIU Cera llemovcr. DI ­,&4,.1, I V, .�* I;tA "'. ,� III, m� i. -N." -- Di ", J I 14 . . OPEN EVMY SATURDAY NIGM FROM MAY 101h ON V Ito t,wfim Colo slenp tx,H#Jt-T3f,)!-1 - , WOM,ttfs Iftstitute Anausl Meeting ­11,� '41, r�,'.ar .-� I . I I . -0 1 ) , . *(I - . I I Mmifuv. snolw1mg 0 0,011d ldterstc-1 T,t, annttal meeti,x of the, Wo �' A zr�petlally selected hov, ut �110�46� D1131) � ----- 0 XV===0X" - e T lat03 P"r rncA��Iie C11 Mu! lot. *=*9=0===Z=43=0====6WX4== ,- I 0,,�;,ai� v"Iil bo t�alj- 1117* It3"itlife WM �rlld Lilt tbf,� ho!V' %%1P,',.'*11 U': A,�".)W I (III, 1, , �-v, 1 ' .'c I a 14,vt at %t3t to, I[Mo� I R ntz,V 114", IT 14 �V �tt . *M=110=0 T. 6V,Nloftl� AM�goc;i,�r, G? NIM W. X McCrekth, Sr� t)x�!' CAMPBFUI& ,,, I zd " 1�;,I lit P ��, �'�, " %Vl"I�i �', i I � - . 1, -- 0�. - . , I.. - I ;r — � . 6� 't1dowillolk" q J�.( Abl'o- - - All" �, A. -1, Al -1 ..JL . . ��