HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-01, Page 93
oirr�a ILI, CA)VER10H STAR *,WON
ourmm=iwm"- T.
MAX Ist, W431
Dr. Alfred W� Holuiei;, su4 two
XX $Top `10
'44ughton, X TXIINK? COA
�0, jai*& VA#IIa MotoW was born in
1104 port"Oky to all 2"T, H# received bla odwalion 4�, 'nat Nwt tovi at*& Are feu -
An 00ft _t QV -
""U"s """**atbot aix�e &WNW at Victoria 0011fife, robovArg. and Lit or poomini'A4 WFA * greeter *%'a'
y ber of titizevf# %ith faith, in iN
a affina. Q#%WsI$j.W4H#0W katea. in medicine and $urgeu
to L411AW, 0014601 tr gradi,
N.A. courow exe4red. Wllevlw College, New 1010 futave. try %*K% wor(,
101sis" Not ticlso did graduate 'work later at, That out volts
EV U144 June 30 to C ity. He
L=4"qov. ft it too Univeraity, Montreal, At ID110 11i. troct-ova and le" detrertor.
Natwaa scloacoo-724=04414W Aiespite 1wks *1rA woras, of
jlhy,skiall� olot,thateur C�� at
I in New YOU, una later he had obarte'.4 the 0410wed Ptsbil on 0,
August 9., time Di. 1101MRS W49 city 0i"t to the i4s, all God d Scras
1, 1 covoktry 'a X4 sixas Pg:vkt to As tc
0W 4hat t of. tbo Nurse* Rud 00XtI IlOsP't*11,4
Me outwart *04 Ni"bi
No $LOU as KmI.�tatenIsInud. lie wc= ta 1)qrO1t*_ don,
Is fit rs ago. Dr. 1101'ueS fie"04 in I an oppwte, � Airectio". you
32 yew, eaulde of your town
K*w Val the Spunish-ArovyicUlk und 4 bxvt to X* 1vt 19d pa coal)
VON both The Dr. was a wV11 to *to evid"Vto of bWr*s% r. -,-%,Iv- CHESTNUT *1 raft VMS wbkb wilturs of thist
t 040 Worl
of for rever- &L
-n resident
Ortoffimetla" wri rr,gs *ro x(tting better
AMP vlwsor. or Dr. at years and practiced 143 profczion. That flotes $1640 P'60roM TONSS
Deceased was a brother to the late and your town. is goinj; r*troA,-. STOVE and! EGGs lt�
as seany citi. r
Dr. %V. Holmes, a practitioa�-r That the 6W thl I N
in Brusp*1% before be %erw think *ktlk "ked t4i A* NOW' La *1 010,400 PIM TO
40 years ago, i
sujjjk� the oillec, thIsjf for their town is, "WhVit 40 ftRIESTIC, 4 in,.* RIP 0011 at ;A
Godirich to as i I ttt out of AT" They ohmild j1had on Market *141000,
WHAT Afts YOU D01'.40 OBIT11: came to
11" U12r.10 THE HOSPITAVIN -vam� county treasurer, T A- f- imi, All C090 W01
AUDONALP.—Ull WO- eae I AST Call
.efully � think,
er of B()G%&-;�-Thore Passed P
20'th,r 1028) 1000 Gardiners se6nd duugllt t -own?" $e1fishuts" likould not he
Royo S. ,pej,,nd, r�t. D. Tobil and �,Jra. Gardiner, for,� away to her rest in the Great 11eyo-nd thought of ift civic work.
the late J
John at the home of her daugliter, Mm. C.
ThouSaudS will never euter a boVitid 1, morly. of 1110cvale, and -wife of :t., Godel.joh,.on That mail order kousts never AMIM
jerich, died at the bome it. .(;reen,i Anglestk' M prosper, In a town wkere the local "M
but Uri one of lDs Can lO10R.)QFKspv thp XCDOrisld, G04 rs. j. Kernij!hant April 22n(l, 19 the ApO old (10 1 L
24, at ' ently,
occespity tor sucu sorTIOC AR tbO UQS,Ptt- of her d4ughter, Ur me"haiRts advertise COWSt OF PORU AND ENT
t". 01 tnVV3Q$o8,. No, judivitiq4I can aftordl B Zed years. She had of 87 ye4rs,A1Artb4t ��allows, widow i because the mail order Me know I REJU .111%
overlool; �vb%t the ho-sj*41 WPM% to ente'llier" * 53 ur InOnths Of the late. CAPPin 411drev, 1109101 they co;A04 0000P00 with %'1001 i jost 11), W'hieh we ary Will) at
alvId,ilally. Life it, so Ibeen ill for past three Or to 1 11
him im with a tumor on the brain. She. was who. died In,. 1907. She was 4 114tive If the Stierthskut underst*A410, i
fillelt with 44ugors und PWAIN. t ind is survivO. by,ber of Colborne township, being the last Stem
iR Eu 11tals are uoV wouey-m0togean. a fine womn, 4 J. two . sons and seven his b41#1400t. pow Ift
,11041 je ae"Is edutatiag I
,corns. They are votiateadqA40 H40111,Y husband and thiee daught0va era o the late James $Allow$, to t the publ S Kio
employinear, or tok enhAnOO VC tious, Kernigban, Mr.5. DonalO. Graham, Vc- d Ito, krAwledse that they con bay 1 8000 rw
but m0den name. 4 Wood.
They 4 ilaut the"a obilagg. tbOiv troit, and Alisg Nornia, Stenographer by. Is rst I at -NOM4 as vk0alply as bl0yIAX,j
is, who died. tit im. I ien sock is rt
hUman Ato I I away frove boror- Sack 2o,�, extra, wlliglii 4110we
rrituviry cbjecto are to lessen with Butterick Publishing Co., Tor, wa, !,e
to t- 6.1. . ji�A +Wn sis-
suffolb�. aud togrolqug, 1001114tak 4 00 in —1. Qh jjVO IV I V
ento, J#s. Cxardiner, DoUphillo Alan-) ;3h 'the 5 on marria0e, R. It. I That vy can 404141Y a" wAxv, I
l4o cittzon, bits ileeeaae4o AU41 Mrs. C. tera by they are buying befom they, pay i
egulls"llitv .iis,a brother of . -and
, "util be has con Illiant BrophoY
OW06; -And Mrs. $allows$ VS. f4r it, a04 they"do not hav* to wait il en in,tho ma HARDWARE,do not
ad� jo the local hospital. Unlol;$ J. Thornton, V1400tOn, leb, ana Mrs. ROD— - ritet for anyt i Ir I
tribO a.,9woubolder ov a'suPPDXW 130 Frc4 McCracken, Brussels, a John, of Goder, L859, she 4 days and even weeks* (or thtt.do- i I Wh te� Inc 0$ we did when on the
-spoot tavors who0is, j ru M09D Ih I comple a
be is ee b �, Oregory, Mich 0. livery of articles they huy.
bah ro (jght, to a Gariliner, another ptain Andrew D forget that, we carrY as 1
married to Cai
mIlVO4. Tho best thina about It, years, igo at Fort Wil- was,
Ili tkjAt,ibe bOBVItAl, It$ dQ01 fuller bY the Rev. Mr, Xacui.d. With aqua ajoney h
li The al took place to giej ;I*n of the lost year and a S - re� and can save you mone
WI its sMff. Vill, am.
all(I nur8f,44. and keteiy uftov� the except
tt" Out �Wwlw.� , 4owtorPn4erAld1Xait14nd0e1V on Monday w:;h herk4augh. _T_ A
an U , per.pack
PM o p6j bbor- 'notqj', April 21st" dece4seds pw;tor� half, which sbo, �pont XOSTLY ALTIONS . I '50ce
to toe Ine4t or life Was spent in U41
104, Man 10 �iU,6onduetlug the ter in G�dericb, b ecordingstur d AUBOTINE
If lie 04 A104 or In,')uwa, no quatk- g�v. It.i C, XcDefi the fuliev_ the township 113 � whiell. she was born, I A - ,;t:� Cbromer VAQ,
U000: i�-A;ouatlpg ile- iaovvie", Those Attell(ling jqlphla, gaili4go is freaquent-
Volm Am atigeni Rua me and Xj,%. Her h6mo- on the old f Arm On -the loke., of Phils,
Alule of 110W 1,01 fron, Brussels -.vote, Mr., Wa. L', - t b�wtleg II.
bfvaloio ot. the life S no od 118v Its �os 4 -in the r4aulag of
XIS,% . karga�er; pitality" ly use "The majority of
kloty. - If yol� Art: goilig to-do ally
e and and many a W %raveller upo f.
Ife m&VL j1p,viloursc-41 or latighod,At D�is. Will eary -n thel Quor- 110 SRY8
'tt" -sl ss Aln..0drii highway of life was nourished by� her,- Illicit distillers aro aliens of the IQW
pet! known to turn any-, Trim CTRIC WIRING
thollopliAL; lie 11lay hivo, . W K
th scula, he tn�v have �st kind. They have been r0cattodlY
1444101torn NNI, -(041 Dr. Thomas as -she was, nel 'AU were welcome caught, going. � ftorn garbage, can to VPING� EJUP
000101d at, IN 1, 1 HOL, E .--7 PLUKBI-N a,XLjrjjQ6,dk
;.L I0 Si)lte' of Ott ry.*
be tbero to striib one� away hung,
the hospital will 'a, j ; *behind her garbage can along the rosSdontlal
thls� sotlrobita Wiltulf0ja retired captain., he-UrlitodStat0,3�to.herliome. $11010,7v lug tbe plee�$ of meat, Al 11). Aild proolptly,
Its ove�y tsollity to It ; . wotbev of the late -Dr. rish the �0 of a m60ter and streets, gather p0tiou to give yon a
- a I lov I'nga and other refuse etCii, �ve are in
�is brom-fit in as A. votlent. Imeg, of Goderloh, died at to �ho - -Ions and -twol = Pee r I
He grandmother, foul their vile
Where ii %'Our
Look 91WID 'NQu, 199.Webb avenvey Detroit. granA�"�"� they -law in m0tilig
toAtter wb.ettler III's homel daught6is,l twenty-. dren. I eolicoctions.. In quer StilL con%jscated
tie. lhot ITORP(tal April 16th, and 'the funeral serviceti great grandchil
you, 1118;ve any special 0nd Sixteen
be.,j) yoij,whon the police, recently, zl�dead cut
iftl. It, weiie hold from the residence Satuk- daughter� :W'ah (0-1. by LEE,
our bostill 1; He Her. a found." CHASIN'':Cs'.
is y 11 Ik ute4s 't A ril 19th, with I,,- ,,r eldeat wa
jouveea help. Holp -it w4c� neoln I
1 11 !*n died' In 1017.
a Ur; , 11,
1401). iitq ivjr� c
Your 1�ment. ', in r dren alo: William G- 1�otloti of dressing
KDr. od by Ills Shore itoaal, Thomas I Ali -old timer Store at the Harboll"
to it. Dr.' Holifies, who is surviv . Bogle, Lake - was to let his belt out two Hardware.
Whateve worlj�4k i widow ra, Sarah X. Holmes, a son, Robert, Of Ifor dinnei The
Bogle, of Penticton, or. C.; he es.
is^ its so S Alex., on� the, old bome. I .
ttnd� COUP60
Sheppardtou; W-01. it aid-, to Storo'22 IP given poor"Pt
1 stead; Mail (Mrs. Mile) And still. the cost of coot allds t
nos MK' Ow- IL Green)i, the winter of our d%content. Phones hone vedep-8 full joatentiono,
Toronto, Ag Hou*se
The Rural trlbut4s and
the, large attendance of fricudd from
her native township who foll, WA her dill III I I 1 16
o 0
tremalus to Colbone.centetery, show-
The faet that, pi�'opler WPJ'e happier in the old 4q,,;
high e6eom in'Which she was
I ed the rl Its Quality 8011SIL - when ihe sowlar, on of WOW Nylk
I'll Id her r1eighborbood. The Phil- �lr, Trewar,tha on Agi cultdr�l �om so. lwarly thousands.of 4161ligent pe.h
RO- -in Urt,
were four genadchildr( ple continue
J)eai.er& to use Dr.
ki, M- P- V1, for, ectric Oil speak
Bogip; Be e
berC Bogic, T, volumos.,for- Its ben
'Frankic Hawkins- Rev. oppointk;d' A inco it Avan fir4t THH" ISTAR FOR JOB 'IvItUNTING
pje and South Huron, has been Ing efficienc)'. Ewer s
dily ill
'C, NcDer' id conducte member of thc LegislativO-COMI'litT00 ced it "has grown steA
jods of irnprovin-, �31'
d entircly to 'it,
91 YOU at the house and grave to study mett public' favor, ovir
01 illotber , `breathet her" hit'st cultural conditions in. the provi"04,
When a: manifold usefulness In relieving 011il
arewell, giving attention, tO g end JA
114st the* f n 6alil specific. fo, CASTOA
stioki means more than tongue
For- Wants and Childron
transportation, ut", bo�u .5
can tell is just a matter of lleel)- _ Jintttot.�, pain lveord is beyou.d
Gettilig-old rept.o. In Use For Over 30-Yegirsr,
-0orld ;%e'ems quite anoith�,r p ace here - it; ach.
The h shut when 0_1
irAg your mouit
y 1 W"Out the Aral of other�s- f aZo. i P not
116 In th Always learn
nothing in tarticular to Come out. us Inust I,%, how . V tile
-cheery g face? What puzzles %vh' 0,0011P4 s 4a of
Her tays, her smilin '�'(* 11 - - - 0i
deAti8t'kuO\V8 01" the I n t I
Are a pleasure to 1700all; The hard part is to, love your iiinch
1.: .41 — 4 1 our elf are unconscious.
T'a"CINTP bne n wa n .7
And died beloved bia-L
I Q 14,
-h N
w UK.
. . . . . . .....
non: som.1tafinx
Unit -Orltax DOY0111161111 se0ion fat the arto in of
ok the
"'Or Ir
"Nir"Mati 1(pru. to October, 1924. 1p o wro
lice z
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A4L - - *4 1 . 1, - - , 1.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir . �, 7112mr--lax * I .- & 1 1
1 M