HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-01, Page 6P * Tnrj"DAy, WAY loot, It" "'t GODFIRICH STAR "Nil 1110 101118 NMI -low" an 466WOU 0. 1.1-im 11�11111 1� 111 ill 111 11 I 9WIV tj, at -ey had drt)ppfd �*U(-k work 0141 41MAALp- �181 TOWN C001UNG01111, t4 fet a iton at VimbrAA rr. ililin. Slivwbaif IRWI let 4it -ibiq W&sw get l' -wk to P27 ........ -�.:77;iVN4 -11, firara.n unl Cm ......... dbldh corit"nuci SwM page qor Says Xwe lottiro*t ""W No Ma 9.'42, 0 rulu;;,g in a cou e of CO,- in rowk .4 Col A , 11 The matter of the tcwn bami Utc, SUrUM a,, ......... b bt e mayQr explainva Nor Of TK­� ter wa3 tef0r, WP i tne a es. Tuar, V, ho, to folL�l 3 Vitt fku. j�j c,14 y ,r.3 aw k,i iDrd public W(rek L,, accepted, Onvi A. F, Amps and Col - :� - 9, - -Tjw Crt,%L 1-.%li.bitim of c all �o attowl *6, Z-,� If I Clan toose printed! vastinxis ei. Would #PeA IN INS. FAU41 A swish ot 5�ultvqta. 4' j!Uros 'Specialty ic n1c,*t W evcaivz o bp "t n., exppaio .,o the town, andl "#V"ty throe �;nq�v %#24k:b oft -.4 V,jt",-1t:4 40 a Likv to Locate in 69littich p t f�r for this p swile I ., - -, - I � - - *ay 1041, SAW affut 41"tfi5' tjtj1A4h4 Ot a 4,64 'if lamlv VP aUA V.1 Oe AN11ft-Vt 10114.4"4. The w03 "c('4v1Pd col""IeUts v tho Isick vC �5pnerat iri- layo,, %-, o4ij th *60fa ill tit" Itgauny wt 11.10 world Va-4 luallou 410 treas- %V1110 t4itV In OAS *0 111101� The .1imall Ual directed to, -00044L I-V 4jk*k& V4CtUd4 4a 110L 4 U,& t 111,4t terest in public affair,. 'CAD ttaflsvpf� 101 tA%&*. 4,r( une %a4 a attendance at the Toetting rdjUe;v;"d "Ide'et4he 0%hijillfoii 41we bex to vnquire rcwaydio.� thO ta�X, all mcciFary ote tj to tarry out T of 'by the oft -era of tile 131:0 1%:;W.� he agle of said debentures to, A. V-1 vAsk Priatelp Atlwlt� Ow hasbivi if mes, pwsibilil;Y of our Purcllasill-- � OUO Ilighway Aswiation was an ovi- t 9%,Ao. w1ja lh.*w j,L"I#iSW4I Tbe IpStoblii rof rV.4bit;r-4 wgcoelfli � O"I"'t4 deuce of their lack of interest, aU4 Ames anit Co. a(cording;y. �IS w4cry avva4i, the foundry buildines, OnCO 0 nalittee :,eported aving I too 4PRUft bt4d, tS %d Att"4, I L1414ch 1121, 27.644. vi Vilw'la owt fam. The fire cot W*0 We 1'sr-wt ut.: Ili Olt) firut halt U1, 4-4 mv-4011f. file, Ciao cuto,I)IIj, 'It, ­�Njlj_ 11 by thj3 Natlop.al Shipbuildinir C - ill the small -vote *it the 0. G 1. li�law 'grauted pvrmift for lill building 0-1 WAS OX -ll Joe jjvtt ;ill-* a It* Goderich. We would like. tho old also. showed a lack Of interest, -0111 all Potts foundry bail4ing,if you Could carry C. Lee snd Xilloran plications. referred to %. at the last la v;v,t. Vf VAOUV6. Wit in vvcly calK, P&I WtUDUIVI of tho u lKlkd wavi a j;lcat AtlauAltt tile jftortgaxe for up# allowing U% to were st delegation from tbe WaltlAnd rimular mectinc. found that HardWo Ieft Olt "i" wrmts of Upon investfg0tion we 0 had lwtm ccbolla 41 it$ 118-1�ttl "Sil 0 Kurilints Ila pay it ofr in ytoirly or balf-yeUrIV Gait club asking for attention to ilia c, Addition d to the garage - as con- '"ablilSh Bull r" 41024tt.y�ankl it U.11 . * 114 also purebuse roadway to the course, in the way Of th W. Z Pelldw, has t Ill Payments. We wov I tilakidow the gre"t laskullilon at twtlt "denjog it 6u strutted by -Mr. any 41 now * the V y C()$t little._ Who foul inttnr5t Ili nit machinory or SwPllt . t by filling in, or outting Upplica. th they ItISt forev0r- I wbiell Is know all Ili* c could r4ske tme. into the b been m4do according to his t*udtd to Pk4plllwo 11011MU10 building of which V' Oak*, cutting. the gross at I tion and As passed by,tbe cowdl, 410d to julprovo 9110 public ta, to goothev fecolret .111 which 114age Albort "As you already know the gresktOr tbe edge so, that one could. jee Whom,., -special ��iqiitee reporttd.1, SUDI)ar 'exhibitlifli In Loathill opop tago of our work,comes frOM the The 00miletitord tgnil; aij lliltion,4 woulil bet was t1jo proue movrr. Tile Inutwula percelt edge of, the ground was alld -not �subraittfng AtAeude4 milk bylaw Mally - k .4 the -,toa and, fluebt 09derich, We have $ust fin!�W a I AR floors Are the � last wOr4 iu- w4tyfl, C4ptciaII$1 14 Contain 1%4 ta �,t , .I. �,rnv go,over with a car. They also drew nrella d b -i the golichor and recoln!] 13WOOD A- I.- Mmell- f - . J�, S r 11 togetfiflr tj)o pe-opligi of d1uptent I toll lion of opplu'a art in, 4110 Was' i , V,�ry $ 4 ry KISS. 5 ,, altention to garbage being '10.raped . ecoriolily. latir 1044 '6091, 44V �ie bondti of lauWal IOU r- 'and Itt, a) Iles of gaftthis 4Md(`vOtcdt0 t expCot to 40 a r caulst,. mended that it, be psissed and for - lie boatis over the baaU above the Noll KI ond they Iayt a 1006MO. Let - U3 quoto You, 14 7 enhwits which the nlaampr I nwoatee will ��; warded to the Provintini Minister Ofj :,old floo" or e6t matt roo4 tium er business in VlOwP0'"t';' The public works cot sufficient looring to cov" your Tbb wagultulle jif tile idea apil the tin whicli'ths arta aud KIOWN Way be Wp (10 not Intend to pay rent any, deavor to improve the Toad. Agriculture for approval. or Your iirW house,' HArd" rlovoty of Ult jnvitatiou addrelml. to "I � appiled to %be Various indust0eq, Nirle recommend tUaii the, Goverp- I on your requirements, f g .8% or *116 long6f and now that we are ill a Po- 1110mutures Bring a Pr4all - ttle various apticall"a to tilelu 3o treioewl,'4 5tiect lition to purchase (with terios) Town! 014 ment be atiked to giant the request - wood floors nevcr'*,=r oUt-the Wear cQ1003 110V go eater Into a fr4c"61Y CoUllwtitif)" AA exhibition N44 witittly Owing to the rich The finance committee reitortled of th6 Ataputatious Assoclatiores Pe. on tha, woW,'but on thc� Varnish *Ad wAx. That's .4,1jin 00;1 usetulue3s, at once Ulade the tnerg'r and CA buslaqw. ot the Prince. would prefer to tettle in owe 'to'belne Popular. and Alk'i fivrelitI0114 wark to coullcedowl rather than C-linton. JVJJI yon Idnd. 'having examined the report of the tition with reference to leaving pen� ow they economize in, 1110ney. In timl, and Theballdiag in %vulch 010 eshlbilloa with lti orgaulzatjoh broo6ht on Were ly 9 e Oatter your care Ig Commission and. recommend don paymen at present. effort they Savo tmmendouslq. In bea3ty and ive the 4bov fill Ifously . ts w Att - wish that Xr: e. A. Naito be paid the tmat These reports were all adopted- actual telling V�1�,,;-they add im- beld lVa4 aii oligloal all couldlectloo tattnelm Or tat4volula. frot.) whiall lie viltion and, lot us know you] charm -in Mlad debi�tpl " the, 6efiewO A9019. TIIQ;, novel* recoverca, and which'.0ulloub;', at; soon as possible. If you ar� in of,$100 1-0 full for oll serviceo to da",-,. Moved W Councillorw,11olmes, and meaaural�ly to tho - valuo 01' YoUr h0mc.. �..olosqal jillace *t glam and two. whieb I edly Otormied bl" life, reav favor Of our prot,10641 MndlY 04te R"OnImOnded that the Water lirld Turner that the mdtter of arranglogi X Was ere.etett Ili tlydt,* 114104 WYLIN OW I At (he COU0100:011, Ot 010 0 to, carry out procedure, in connection' bition tile r Of eid Segman-Xent Uardwood Flooring is InAft i 11axtod. tile Il .4 price and terinsP Liglit Commission be rendered an av a Plain Igautfa i4trocture I e4 . 50 us their share of the with issring. $2spoo debentures for eted to The wbole.matter of dealing witi . unt for ; e gardener tit We Inle of Devon8biro. and Iran wag remov e4l. 310 re -eye olidailon of town debt as per 6 Red Ogk,, Quarter Cut White 04k, Birch, U1101 Ill.nie Ingooklity maq rowarded with Sydoubaul, oil or London, this letter or of recommending other 1920 4,uditors' pay roll. can$ U r cove li dot 166e. it still standpi" ItI4 onlo 111tho arrangomonta for the use of the 'Upon verbal report frotu the Reeve cial act of parliament be referred =4 Beech-eiic�of which h4la ik4 own individual o� WntahbovNI. 'Ille balldlut, IT -tug �ieputy Rgevej we. reomra�nd. the port.- character and beauty. alrea tit OVO, 19 Actes, awl contala(4 'Jot), 1 toost Popular 00% placv,& i'll, 1141V pla was, referred to the committee, And I finance comillittee to. re "millro" Imil, 14 4 , At OAS thut the 400ount of Mr. T. A. Patter- C�arrje& r 000 ft,(.t lut �W4s which woutled 400#arltlau I VOI-111 rf"l-tt"41of the whole council. 'Suggesti IJ 414 Alipported by 3140 under fit; name of tile Crystal what the Dotv son amounting. to -W6 for engineer- Moved: by Deputy Reeve Munninp, :taoii. The mor I'T 1 (0 adq of' aceing 'on� grontollialaq, ;N11101 were hollow and We" lowould 46, and also that locia i0a, eorvices beroi& :seconded b People . C cillor Humber that ildi�g We recommend t1i4t the.'00 Pro- the. printi�j, and issuing of ;60,4009 SEA aKlff, M- DELICATE GIRL- TIMNASIDY-PAUPY VOTS A men would be clad, to use'the bu ducts Co. be. paid tho'sum of $467= debentures 'for waterworks on-the-sitme terms aa proposed by thp $ 1111afln%* we battor stop dia-;o llitot- Ijuron specialty Castings Co. as balance, of their account in full for. under,,bylaw.No, 8 of 1024, be re er -�,Vhat Ajotlivrs $hould' Do ag'Their leggem by restoring the 60volage �Wa 61 A* reouest from %r. Lea Sor �:free Pew.er pipe, and that the sam of �XOO red tQ the finance coinmittee with. Datichters ApPro drink 1� Not th(k 041 W00", Ot 00UM10 t, t be paid into the Local Imprownhent power to, act, and t�ji coil for t�nders ach Woul.gnboad of the � Sec. in front Of the Or grall�' r hotel was rcforrod. to tile sower account for154nch sewer p1pa f6r,t�e purchase of'the debentures to llcenacs#'� Ouramt 400 ablic works ow Thus a' ointej as paid f6r by the sewer accou*lt. but be lieesoriteil to the call Ing Save , ncU.--rCar4ed. It gtowltig gil-IR alre to boOme Avell tor. p nnlitt6e. Hq' P 1eveloped. livalthy . wolncu.* thalrl�' O�t.th4t.be sn6ut�froju $1,200 to ;I as, ex0aiiged f�i 1 -11 -Inch pipe as owd. ParAiiwg Orounds Z�r Tourlate hesItIX 111wit tit, varettilly au"a Aed'. "Now IOWA to bow they 40 to in or Ailvertising in dritfix,on Victoria street. , southe ti� jtjjodcs*� tile AesVest metuber 45500 it X� Godedoh, and Motbow, sholild 00 Ignore their uv-� Wellave'examined pay toll 9� $225' The Mayor brought up the question 10100 11,111ti3b, Eallilre. the street past the hotel.might very of parking grounds for ton 'risto, The �CA, 'Phone or, Write �etrleil mootti or tho various tr(lllbl1% On flotabor Ist, 1923� this COmmOnt ivell be treated the saino way as theifor attjiidan�e at council meetings, 1hitt tell of ap( 11 110001 Inaligutateq horn id pay roll bf $82 for councillors' matter,of proper camping grounds t I lan *to Ov r0sPOU"li'10 Square slid oiled without expefte to AS was. becoming moro important. every iiallor, 11fiadilvilu, Oro ersigtW �Vjrlx full wqtntln�a trallobbic. At *nee nee at.co year. Ifligrbor park was to,be used The Deputy Reeve or Councillor quarter jundink.,A[Arch 315t an re-. U=010106 41-0evident You tnu4V pro. ., agaitt a -better entrance should be ar- It Is bit im portll, , 1111 10'. law tilts 6nacted against -P S toverament and started. Out for he aco Oro f, selling liquor attenda mmitte "meeilfigs for Godench la'llin I C I vule the safferer with tile allrest uleaus Kumber'wer.o appointed to represont. coMfoodd, that they be Paid- 46F tottatives or Indiana, j I d be followiSig ranged, . Re , thought ariangetfienfs Olt malzing tiew 111004. &ro tile Bootl( %goi s obeying It the, t,6wyS at the* meeting of ilia We have receive A mi -lit be inade with ine Park House Itemember. pale bloodless -girls tice(l, for the.$20,90 of deMmture%, Liwitodf, unj�jpal* Elvotria AssodatWn at tender$ for supplying of bot water.'and- light plenty at noarl"bulent. plelity of sicep, They are - fist lota of woupff to be 3K4 and ftd., as issued under i Why'? Tberm ltoberier May Ist -J�)Ghw NO.- 86 o * f'192 �-ejled-alr esevalge. But to � i refreshments. ry " It. puiiodea .1 - de not 0. L. No. U.9 sent a letter of for Goderich; P. 0., 1 B ox 160, Noudipot maerer (,be must 'a the A. E. Ames A Co., at 101.07 $20,214.00 Councillor 'Ryan. stated that the ilb 0 enallies are XIDD,,or six thanks for the grant � to* S Mr. ?Ave new blood -ittill nothing MOO' the I r , td . . proprietoi The$. Elliott, wis I Twelfth of 4ruly celebration.' Bankers Cor or-" lt P 6 �C.jlag Plair at lsoufaoo�. ultbutla 14 planning to conduct a ;restaurant and For full part1cwhars. Vh.effo 11111's Iwtv"696 tile suppiv at Ifew, ad a yea Is I The Deputy Reeve who is tile 4tign �,at 100.579 ..... 20,103.2 ne.-Option, toe a second, Sterliiip: Bank at IOU— W,100,00 arrangements could no aoubt bemade Teti blotalt tlje3� stitalliate, tbo appetito . You Oall enforce ally law. it you ivapt, chairman of the 'public works oom- Ahe'use'of the pioperty at the Photw- 47w -After Gpsn, Phones; 473 or 341% 'quilr0lovo the w("Ary bWt 'and limUR1 to, by. attaoiling PeU0,1001-1* 413111ciently t4i went into. detalls of Condition Royal Securities Corpora-. *hus thek reit(we'.Molth An4 eltatu rear.of the.-Parl; House for Parking. tleeld grader owned by the, town, at' 100.47,; ... 094.0 Ind by aj)pblnt� Of 010 , . . �0 0, EV6rythl"g.1n Oullders!" Supplies and bring la anaelift girls WO Sala to ellatire. reepoct; I ran The Parks cornwittee and- the p"W", Anything aTid Ing Sympathetic, And and of terms the Dominion Rosa Xa- Bell, Govenlock and Co-�, 4 obeelm. antl bOr'llt t3,v(; at 8009, 1 works. committee. were lnstru�ted to chinerp Co. would Allow for, a trade, 100-437 � ....... 20,087.00 as to ae- russylool," JOIAM00'. who Ila$ jast ook into the matter, -Also yon Call get theac pills through, soy ve I I and of whpt was needed for the street R. A. Daly & Co� at 10.43 26i%00 1 0 st. - b . DO turucit 000%, 11hotlestil, say$ :-"It Is signating oert.a reets..w e�a7 julml 0 41-041tw in m0lolue, Or by mail at- 40 ork now on,hand. The inattor of Ximbitt, an.2 Co, fill, beadedst%IgbtfOt1S0hIbUI0"- 86,04t, w mijJit park, wjthout lights;' this X� Co 04WWA WX (170111 'ChO DV-- Will"' l0actory box tile Uifttlie ImW been, th9r& 1he deal was left to the chaimaiu 'at 100.43 14ork the sugge tion oK un6illor T A a " 20,046.00 Holltnes who thought it qUitO 'Qnr.e� a ed 04-�s %V.. tredlelbV -Co., UVOctivift -O"t- 19.6 vocitexons demand for, its extension Co4a6llor, Turner called attexitign *104;. o figi� Weii nd, n gatheibd from -other Tw,),byl4ws;wer6p as .4ho whito Population, 11MY 0 1 WhOtil 'to th � UA that there were no dudeft Co. at 100.23. tessary data. had be� " I to that cars should li�ve' to leave Painting. Mr Campbeld maesoOr Stod k- man. never loses - fulth in voj�1411. need It far.moro than tile UMIV6 do-" on the -road Go at plac.0 as t�Jeost and- management of e:uorth side of Britannia U , Burgesir and until one of thein hurts bls­vunitv� qo,0261bo ligbts on when standing on.the SUC A 4;, 4 0'. 'it olid, W spot 1-00 h buildings, A great.'�njany, p.eb,-, tolleotor, un No, I . rnendigg, th t the We. qlso to hollo 4q"re or under- I�ilght light. Ir bylaw, �� fix a ;i A he,pla 6WOet and , P413tablO, MotIA& tca'r Air. Win. trVines m donee. 'and Co., ple had.been looking over t , ts, mil Children Ory -19 -.00 'T.he Nd* To -on Hall ill the council chamber. The 'matter I bUtter fat requireaht 3,25 As, er� pro- Gravpal Warm Exterminator is ne. This mao . reteireil -to the public At 99-M ihe� queation of Uie.new was referred to the. special commit- vincial =meAtol. roll; and itdoe�i it�. ..FOR - FLETUER1 works committee, '' whose : clihirms4' Wattile-ws Co. 'At - 99.60 Then came ineptable to child arte Y, 404 Co iq;i�ft hall, The I ,?Aayor'�atated that tee, .Tbo. th011 11410urnea. work surdy and PrOMPtlY. CAS TO R I A tile DePuty Iteeve, qPlained that StP-%v ... ...... .. 0 WIWI No I 0as NZ N lag R r TAT� ON 1 -1 Flv,� Passelnei Wane $1245.00:1)elivered to You Four pals""ger Coupe, $1114S.00s Delivered to You �J FiV6 11""4or Towidst Price $810-00 Deuve"A to YOU INEERINO SPECIFICAT ON$ DISTINCTIVE PEATUItES 41n. stroke. J. MOTOR. LOW 'COST OP 0PZRATION4 The New, Superior Clievrole CYLINDERS: Qj�,Cca Noc (including 6prar half (if Crank case); Ilead continually making new recordsin- �4soline mileage -30 to 35 miles to the gallon being not uncommon. - Oil consudiption is so low -as to surprise 'Var. Tird mileage is u I VALVES.- i t-:! In diametov all new owners who li.ave.driven any pther 41 CONNECTING. A66 WARINGS i I i -s in. diametor, 1 7-8 in. long. bigh. CRANKSHAFT BEARINGS Frent, 1 1-8 ill. diameter, .1 5-i(i In. long. EXTENSIVE SERVICE FACILITIES. There are over 1500 daalers C%�nter, I 1 1-2 in. long-. RQar,1 '14 In. diameter. tth&nt service� to and service st1tions. in Ciriada.ready to give prompt and t hi. 11 Ing. Chevrolet owners. CAMSHAFT BEARINGS Front, 1 5 ift in. dkulleW, :,� 3-S ill- 101"ZI COMFORT. All models are exceptionally Well upholstered, have (.'Qjjter, I o- i -, in. dlaineteT, .2 in. lung -, Rear, 1 1-4 Ili. diinietiar, t doublo ventilating, Nvindsbields. (Ternstedt regulated windows oil all jt)sill. long. closed cars.) La�ker surface area of radiator Insures tfficient cooling af OILING SySMM - ,;pjjAs1j. �,,oae purap �iul individual ell pck*kets. Pws- motor. New sprink arrangement and improved fTam.! increases riding �AlTctoceutcr&Aflupp. liore comfortable angle I comfort over rough roads. Seats are arranged at I CARSUPWER % Zenith.,. -N pit more leg room is provided. front and rear. FUEL - vacuutu feod � 1,4g.-allon tank in r,�!ar. IGiffi - Rellu". t Two P"set*ercovef$lots.00i)tuv*reatoyou CURTAINS OPEN WITH, DOORS -4 very..deeided and pracilcal STARTFA. iNO GWRATORo- Wnw. 1 4. improvoment. There Is also, a new devix tire tile engine hord which effec- CLUTC14 -i� Con�4 t�pe %itlt adju�W4�6�6111PM�atln�, XV,.! are fully prqared to ine Wally, stops alt rattles. TRAIRSMWON - '11'Aeztivi� - tyre� <,tiding AlUrs; iha2k� 11Petis' f0rkVar4 ot your roquirements Ili 47 VACUUM FEED on all models with tank Ill rear. and Tevet,�'i!i now improved g,,�Arshift. ep TIRESO SMLIES, AND ACCIUMRIES OF ALL KINDS DEPWWASLE RIMS. It fs'a shuplo, quick job to change tires oil �,Vater punip and faW. ltofV�,,m;n1w mdiito r wo ith in int is in citarge (if Mr. Uwwa BrocktV, in C COOLING, s �;Toa��4!d alky clldvrol t. eofAillg an�% jilti, our Repair Dep4ttme 1� FWNT AXLE -. Mep�tvr�ed Now departafe expert njci�hanic of over iS :wW e%p&ionee. and.we can, gl4vo lom jMpR0V9D'0gSIGN. Nvith tile aew high hood, crowned panelled 18�, tile Vest of Service. jenders, slopin�y whidshield, Plate glass windows, lavra radiator, nickel. - REAR AXLE % &ntWj()ati`6g t� Ve. I I-vatt anJ New I lepaf tme 1,0361 Plated radiator'shell, dumb -belt type radiator filter, cai, drum type tieait. It lights, 6troam pla, ce mnong 4cat; �.d ,14111f. I Vevel ring War aid pizio% lilies alla fine finish, Chevrolet takeg it5 t Fluer4 V 11RAW g6te % infetual expaujing. haiij control; much higher ptico- on an equal footing for value. nal o"40cactilig. ,ry tq,% deniountal-Ow rhus. k t o Vitt, flanit,�i. bavo F ill:'r 1104i0s, FISHER BODIES. All Chevrolt TIRES: jt� in. -9 3! I�Z III'. Curd VWS AT,� St011lbfd e4te!PI1l061t �,�a ali CHIA:Avv AuE well known to lie the highest type of construction and standard on the ttest hose selling at tile IlIghest pew"N3. I& (if rlos d cars, even t DRIVE.- Left CMer v�atrel, Spark anj thfottle "II&C "'t&r. COWMMOM W.M CWWOMT and', your elose inspeaion of ing wheel. Foot ao�eletatpy. SIRMUNG C*M : WfIrm arL4 Worm gear, 16 in. A&ria,- wheel, T* Mo D&ANT IS tile New supetior models is sincerely requested Moro buj%� Any car at ,ly pfie ,e,. Nume frmnt al!j wIlf. Valladimn 4reL a' rous pleasing features, aIld oxchankal ex6II& iies ill VVNuZLXAK 2 10 in� Mwft 83 SOUTH STREETSi GODERICH 1,o Ilotic&I which lack of sp;!6 will not . pered us to enurn , emte liefe, L ­ -r-- j - I..