HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-01, Page 5. .............. IP "a own op !!!,11v 0.10 .own totittits"ool" 1 1111 1 1 1 CR STAR i M111 moo THE GODFM THIUNSPAY, MAY Wit IN4 MONO The w6wir aid 14ht X"rd OrA Wally (Nit -tr q, J_ ranit, save nQ1110#1W Oft tile Alat;ot the lo, 0 W"" for ioar no aideolAt Would W it V. W The fol1loving' SPY'licAtions oft stroot lighting but Owt %%It year- Aer� SON bailding wriiihs wero itterred to thQ ly paymolits in July and Voi-evilwO FoUnA ktqwrs---R(?s* TaNhir, 11.1, Wro From t1w 61. C. L \kllolsoff, P. V would bit exilected 01 rlonlh-`Reid� jag, Jiro colualititt ill, placo Will -h, J. Xillah V �ct an addition to the COU llohlvllr�,, � �7117HEIR Nclu STORF, boarid to V ly P*yM#110, The reason for 4cv, 11 jcL-, f3undatiolt, A� Miller, 1), Altill, leciate, kf tol, ing On the half yearly YaVnlcnt�lt Vwe 4r mansard twir 'with slate awl 801ret. OA tilu" ot i0w 5*,ttteJ ill our new Mitre ne',%t to, jhk� liatilk, limerstand, ix 01A a -,c Ant 4 the viewivrs-4sq, 11i " , ,A. I % 0, J� Wtory and baveywrot in-stalments, vo t1lat Jobusen, H. roofing, three r coming in in tw nl lon to Wfve Our -hkl - W A of Mont rosit" jut 1by Windows at lite newest at 111o5t �Rnd to remO&I the Pt""Sent bil"d'ag' tile, MIN nwy be paid -A ) tho ta%es M. vmstrons:, W. F real relialle MEWS NA AOYV WUR ,it C;)me in. It %%A% the Hydro 1,Iz--trie G. A� Grcer. including relight floovills ed to me"'t Close prices. Otbe lieft side of *11 rooms, rk j_,qmmis*jou � whiell de64(.4 qujn%t,, The cou Mw"I WiQurll 1�- > ',with maple, or birch thwo-ogbout thil the allow*ng of tho commis,4011, Uut 0.7th at 10 a 111, as a Court of b ,school, installing 'Steani, heatirg and as the T�;n was always paying tho, vW011 on the a!­e3�imcnt T40% Wo� fe"itur Iforcied ventilation by electric motor monthly bills out of borrowcd rioncY PURNIN P1111,1081 cler" soci y BRAND CLOTM IFOR *N 0. FOR BOY$ 11 drivell. fail, estlwatzd Ifost $56001, until the taNcs Q.1mc, in, on which it 41 0 M. J. Bowler, to re4killglll kit- A Golf Course for Basteld PAINCE CLOnum HATS front _� 10 pc$r is MXW from Chas, Bell 'vas Paying et n" 4;ent" th" ciihancing its popularity SRO" ima BOR& chen, Trafalgav st.; cent. col OVERAW ect Ilarn and driving shied W 1� mmjssl�n did not Wan klg� sulffiller 0 sort by the addition Of FORSyTH A1JMT% fWADLIOW to er h Inuch as it seemed.. 'Ce th�� lleW Sto Road, of cement wall$ wit golf course tMs summer. The lawl We itiVite 'Ally tinle 're [louse le nielitly situat. tani Town BAthiNg I frame root covered with Paro!4; from At tke meiectc4 for it In collVt Chas. Vell to erect tiummer kitchen, � Councillor Watt intAtI1110 ""a cd,'one and one-half Miles,frOW: Bay" with a new Stoek. Britannia road, frame with parold need of conveniences at the tQN%n field, just oft the main 04d to God frail, W,. Reg. sharman, to bathing house. and the havbor oom . Th`� course was laid OU� by MV - roofing; Z�;, Vich, put in new Plate glass front at $hoc mitteO WAs asked to look hito Given, the professional at the Mait- repair shop, south side of East sttect, matter and report. - he land (;Olt club, G*oderlch, who thinks We C. PIRMADHAM & SON o5q; from J. I The Atayor mentioned that t it will roake an excellent courte. ;kt an estimated ciwt of $* g, the town ( MEN'S AND BOYi0o" D. Wilson, to re -roof present 9200 fishermen were 4810, )wing to the rolling nature of the PhMo 511 is road, with xedar frei gdht shied *lid that their, eivil shneil f1hazards is almost Ing a Kodak building on Cambr! , , iond the building o SW yas. Butbanall, to was empty, The harbor committee entirely eliminoted. The work an the Oak Shingles; iron, Shingle dwell0ig on Cburch St., cedar will look into' this also, grcena and tho'building of 41"I'All Shingles; from F. It. Spence, to erect Mr. George Stewart, Who Was pre- rustic, club house is under way, and From Your -Shoulder garage on Sto GcOrgels Oesvent at sent, asked Permission 0 cut Out 0110 the course will , open formally July ftA estimated cost , Of $160; from A. A. or two trees, the shade of which "Von Ist. In. the opinion ot Dr. Newton- Model loneatire Williams, to enlarge present garage interfering,,, with the Success 09 his Brady, who Is greatly Interested in and then you'll take home tile trip. I street to accom- carnation house. lie, WOU14 imri-OVO this project and who, has had mWh WS$K of 114Y sat to My loth bu easy th -11 find it.filn ia�lldjnx on Rea1s golfing experience' in the Old COUR- e Kodak way and YOU' a e two tarst, from John Hull, to the appearance of the spot by Age it on Cameron jug large floral urns on the treck been a competitor In tbe . from the first, rebuild sunimor litche try, havine hampionship - 19121, this nd Tu"da) rtreet; from Thos. Sturdy, to ol-Cover stumps, planting a long, border and Irish Open C put your plans for pictures it, our hand,6 on o\f0d, zti:004; C. course should be one of the ftest-in JACKIE COMM Urs tile tight Kodak for root of dwellinp- Ontinued on Page 6 . v.ii.), cedur shinglesl from Thos. Us western Onlatio. in hig groat lolkghlAg and we'll pUt'in YO IT'S HERE. .0randah and __ji0_NN'fiR0OK .. ., you to take along- kills. to put up ne $*DADDY = on 114,01eld! owina to the WRY Aeaso" the play. LOCAL. TOWN TOPIC$. 'R?AAII) CONIKOY now chtmiivY at'4W Won- as In Toro, Auto hic ]Kodaks, $6.75 up les Mn, ,to I NEW MI No. 2" Irran road; front Gi S, to erect -mimTopsy Turvy." has been Po4 bliss Edith Wiggins.w ed from May 2nd. to FrIdAy. May Oth i1c 9U.Picton. St.; last week� lk-ow"Ies, wo up. new poreli at dwelliv X lirm'alld�*200. from E. C. Webb, to elect. olouble gar- , - _1� , miss Isobel Matheson, of Welland, 11 of Z . Lge OX) Wellin&II Street. WEST WAWAXOSIR, was home for the Easter vacation. Wealkitsiday via 11hurshY supplie* Bolird Will *�Noea Money for Lde is a struggle rwishiug Film C The West �Va-%Vanogh municipal Rev. and Mrs. Jus. Hamilton at. 6L.ORIA SWANSON Certificate May council h lar 1AVAIDIP", *11 tended Synod in Woodstoiek,this week. First Progress old its regu Tile w*eedS crowd tile flowers lApril 7th. The min%463 of -last mg,"Otda, "`ZAZA71 Out, tile potato bugs calinly Air. J. P. nume, secretarr of the meeting and the treasurer's atate GODERICIR MARKETS -as follows Imelit were read and accepted, , The sit on the fen�e grinily W, TIJE SQUARE by the. chairman of clerk was jn$trutted to notify a ter- Oatso Ing t C DRUG ORE C. 1. board, wote Wheat, pet, bUShA...$ 03 to � "00 pARAM01UNT COMZDY "I am directed jast per bush ....... 40 to 41 44 it . .1 e) profit. by your toll, and POWE 190 finance committee io inform YOU tain, !Pathmazter to collip)OW . Peas, per bush....". 1.40 to 1150 MONKEYINO AROUND d the work - L, . .1 0., . . YOU, all the while, arl� striv- I I NOW" - the jillargement year,$ work or the value of the Barlo .. 60 to 65 that contract for y,. per bush Mllegiate WLU14 be collected.. A bylaw 4P- ir per, cwt. 3.25 to q-35 0 idity aud Saturday r at sunny ;7- and improvement of the Family flov ing to P ese Ve th pointing T, R. leer fox.. r cwt.. 3,315, to 3.60 rl building has been.let to John AVerY Pattersoli, efigin patent flour pei the nlunigiPalltY, WAS Pas I se 11 'o LINSON disposition. itchell, Ont., who rave d. Two Bran. per ton ...... * 30-00 to 9 -00 HEROERT RAW -M d on 11 ;Shorts, per tc Si4 of the prize rl 'bound fhemselves t bylaws In his fighting t ,6iVn I C I and,Son,of bave the buil. Tho p- to 32-00 oundil o i0dappoiniting W. 'T P6 ton 11.00 g, Can' you do ft. without a ng ready for occupation 'by $ePt- son as roa superintendent and One Hay, r .... 10,00 to T. h- e� fully completed by providing for expenditure on roqds, Hogs, per 7.50 to 7.60 'THE VICTOR" 18th, 1924, 'and is to bel ep Cattle, or�llnary, per VIC t:,rk0,LA 70 in, Town Affairs as shown Jay Sm"411 and th BABY PEGGY, In Sept. 30th, 1024 at he assed. 'ticizes [Aick of Intereill �opon pro0eAs.,CeVt11fi- The follovnlag named persons were cwt 5,60 -to 0-00 C. I" J$YJAW &nd paid monthly C tp asters, poundkeopers Cattle choice, per cwt. 0.50 to 14.00 �UWI Attie he architects to the ppointed path= ,TIPS" v6to cates. signed by t �or 1924: 1, 2, 4, cWt.... 4 50 to 660 FELIX VARTOO RU911 at Pwofic, Meetings of the value, sind fence viewers I extent of 86 Pei, 'cent, 1 26 roportion to the toW I R. Taylor: 3, Tas. Nivins. 6, T. Me-. Baby beef ....... 7.25 to 7 X L JENNER. Mutinces-Mon. and Wed. ai 4-0'.� INO PREMIUM of all work, servio"Phee; 7, Will. Doble; 8, W. Corey; 9, Lambs, Per Cwt ..... 13-00 to 13,00 A� PER CEN R contract price, TOWN DE9ENtUR" V actually done, Placed art; to, Jerry Taylor; 11lides, 'per 04 to o Sllt�. at 3,00. Next Bank of coinwer a -ad materials 11, W. J. Stew. The M.Nee;.14,12, 24,X.Ivers; 16.1Dairy Butte ppr Ill... 35 to 40, urists, thwwew Town Moo In by the contractor. 20 to. 20 conllng�� milrovetriont or furnished Parking Growi4.for, to first progress certificate, Is* likely to 16, 17, It. Wilsoni 18, 29, 90, 'It. Plan- I Eggs, per doz Reid; Potatoes . ...... 50 to 50" A of RooiI to. GW CoUrft, Etc., pnder Vocuasion--Huron, be.issued by the 23rd May next. The kett; 10, D, Raxailt,911; 20v H to, Locgte Iketo Win. Nov- & Castings CO. Want, finance comnlittee therefore ask you 21, j� Vill$,, 23, 24,.25, 26, yfouivUlt mo TO,�-The efficacy of Win.. Ferm provision ins; 34,so, 43, a. Alton; 37, DALURDAY1, MAY I& to be kind enough* to mak� , 16, R. Finnig Dr �Xclloggls Nsthrna issipa to'hbld, a tag day for the payment ther6ot illimOdinte.17 guson; 26, 27, 29, an ot moziliething that'is merely to be�. lecting of ihe'town. ;asked Perin The regular n this was4kranted. therealte 'to the tre4surer of the 28, 29, So, W. R. Andrews; 38, J. ed. It -Friday e on July 1201 and r, M XoAllister, 40; A, hoped for; A is -to be ex*ct 't the Goderich Ciameron; 39; ounc'tl was held on vening Boo a 0. seldom falls to bring relief, and' in membOrS present. coal oil and kta, of Trustee. last with all the I Mr; Thos,"Andeis6ltos giate, batitutt." Redmond; 48i 44, 33, -paid relli Colle your own individual :case it will do ,This was ref d to the -finance on; 42; the same. So universal has. e0orted having I `4Q2!i11C1!oJ11e;ff1!e`i116 Jas., Craig; 34* been the Ship' nt of 'Hats 11 . 4 gr. camp*11 r gasoline peddling,lite"se 'WAS errp A Sip mel The treasurej�s­lnco-Apri.IJSt, 40,702 ed oh �he v4sual terms. Il4nry; 22, 30, �91-, 32, Jas� -famed remedy- that' 46, 46, R. 011L aftears and $26.1.18 on 1923 taxesi. I gle Bros. 11 committee. 5a, 67, 47,,,1, Durnin; 4% success of �bjg far for Saijurd&*t selling at very attractive Prices joll6otlon'of Oral, or ctool The. api . I The G. - C. 1. board also requested Leddy; 45, everyr one afflicted with this disease, _,221..50, slid that he expo I billiard and pool rOiDn' amol do rlot'wrilas'seeing our 11 Of relle*a for May lst'dia- A. McDonald; 49, G. Stewart; 50, 6 es it*to himself to try It. to. bw,;abler to SuPPIY� by neX meetin raz r6ferred, too the special $1,1506 on their lev o.vilella list vf 411 those in n hkh was' gratiled. C. Purdon', 51, Wt J, Foran; 62, J. motion of Councillor 'UrAeluchts,, w of the c `eo!;:11MS1tt:, 0 oard of Health, through the' Kinshian; 58,.T. Cummings,. 54, Jas. children's ..and 1v1i$se6' M�.ts IV Reeve;, Uthetford, 58; 3 prit. Humber sindthe. Deput. ry, called attention to the de- Boyle# $7;,W. It proprietors of A �, petition for ., a sew C,, - McDonald. 40, F. Todd, HOMEf?�FOX EASTER j! ll,,Ivc a very good'assortment. and at p.rick�s th',It NOII.Sllit.' A letter from the or on, Park 6f'.� ett' kavv,'con�eb- 811ard" 60, V Hotel Bedford, stab "d east wa� 0 sam, . draboility b 62, A� Aitchison.- 03, �4 they �planslied . . I li ant abd n, W. Woods; The very fime, b , works commit- jettees W the dock, NAV, -,I UNIVE MUtliying tlle� boulevard on iling, reforred 0a 66, 65, __RSAL MILLINERY South street, front carlbrii'r 1 to'the piiblie )ods;- 64, C.Taylor; 05, on light from tile pqwer 104,4 and a 'E. W(. street beside the hotel by leve Petitions fok road oil s was rd- J. Patterson; 67, 0%, A. Gamlilid; 61. to have'Your Picture takieu. Vast Street alia Squaw he teei also i1roper -septic Cor. siieding, jcneipg, etc.,, And asktd t ilittee, T-, Lyons; 71, J, And the town council. 6mbria,road frPin Wolfe to OlOu red to fhe�,A#rbor consi in M. GrO .e , of ��t, from Bri- f,er ison; 72,Walter Webb; 79, 8J, 81, T. by R. R. $ALLOWS ills concurrene t1la water and light e referre4 to the tester, and on South Otri ijunction With matter Wa �'f the cot s Mabb; 74, R. -McGee; �1115, St. 82, 1. end o The tannia road s'd-Uth- to the commi"ion, arks committee. Of the atitiloners; Hospital AuxlljoLty Property �p -------- 0 -ii JOG13931213 all: The Women's 'madame am am lam A S1 & F� TE� ijtak ve RIT VIr A 0 V&Y AD 'Linol o �,A000ngoleum.� . augbi eums, Uit U till I . 1. N.. .... I Event in Moor CoveAngs, 'Gleauiong Time. 01 o.mes This Gre A- Selling at, House, Be Right Now am mats,, Woo Zy. Oil- Cloth Rug% Linoleum - Rugaf --au .0 ketionAes, Now dhbit It Big C'urtains, 0 'Event. a __ g mely, W�, are Showiu T H0USehola*XeeasDurm­g This See What.., Sure aU4, -C 'NING A SPE IALS, T 'V, BE IVINGIVEN PE DAY AL -aG. SPErIA FRIDAYY�10 %oloicUs ains n nces curt ad -gugs at Reda�ed­P' Co�,goleu M C atin. ets art New' Crte'L izes arid ve on rical Cold Seal ry ibW PrIC65 Read carefully the si Ig evblit. - You will Chiloilitz Congoleunt Rugso on sal� during this big S6111r, and 5 Wilton Rugso 50 'pair Maid. rasso Cwtaiins' like the lovely patterns that are just like high C115 easily cleaned, splendid wearing, and -will stand lots of lt�rd usage- '11lese' Ire ire rk!.d !;;�otch Madras 1 Aquitz gand W inches 94! New Americau 9X9 ft 9x6 sorne,-Very ni�w and very rich designs qx­Wft� 9001,-Z" ft wide, Shown in"five Pat orii,�. �Plen_ ,nierican 9077F.9 and glmd toliking euttAll.., did wearing lie shown, in this range of $15.95- $13-95 $11.95 $9.95 $7.95, Wililt! tile% e . The 7 tZ all fully 36 inches wl 0 Chinlit�'gs are ill combinations of rose, color blu%, green, black, grey. Xd- 34c.. LARRR A -NO SMALLER SUES ON SALE .. ALL REDUBED 1 200 y4s Curtain Nets. 200. %ds. ot Cwtaln Nefc�, ill title 'I English and Canadian CWtOt p.,itterliri are a4tiew Ilk S' alia NulerWittl it). Ten.Patterns * Crotollne - OIL CLOTH GS I ines b% 'NOLEUM FL QR 01 CLOTHS, .ire Noth dailit tile season's newestdesignS, are now Oil Ll L 1, alld verV durAlle hi, display in all the beautiful patterns, in tern is new this scas011 in J, sllltll It .tnj Illej, in, &signs. Y4. 48c. �vill give years of satisfaction. - Every Pat so in almost all at One price. We have � just received . d shipment of the best quality Lin. a. special showing, d Oilcloth Rugs direct front tile ittill in 'all mizes i;f nie patterns, block patterns And sinall design i0o yds Curtain Scrilm Yard 59c. oleurris Floor Oileloths an, asoned, lind wearin". surfaces. that any coloring YOU Wlill, rNtlire- I Fifty -inch Overdrapes Montreal' These are, fully �4 Bath Room booleum Alliorican Gurtaill serillr�, ht white Heir Oil Cloth eull shakICS., S01110 ��fln anI 01heri otch Madras Ovetdtaiii!s, 4.yard-Vide Dookum 34ard-ft Vinoleuln 50 inch Sc "s Squarse Vardq 650to Sq# Vdoy 68011 86 $1 A 0 -ell, This is a -1.10 Sqvsre Vards $1 -10 "Juality title s�rhn ht 4everal designs. in br�%Vn, blue, rose, gre Vardi, 4 Used special ovetdrape 1111i that looks E THE REMNANTS IN FLOOR COVERING licautiful and hangs perfectlY 601E,1N AND LoOtAs"M m= YOU'RE WELCOMEO SE %ndows. Yd. $1.80 au 0 36 -in. Curtain Madrass 91; all important W1 Fivc pattotil"', in S�i:,Vtch Curtain 6 10 'Overdrapes 'I ju� &4,nq -six-ili tull Thirty 11 Ch 36.illell plinted Marquisette ovet- aw lww thi tv!te ill tile drapes, Ill lovely coinNinations it, rose, I its, %vide t evet tolIvroj. i,4!L %,1.39c. 11lues, fawns, browils, greel '1111nough to divide for side"Curtains arid 'ala' -jg V nL yd 4&. 'D HERE, A DEPOW WILL HOLD THEN TOR YO AT'"ADY TOTAKE ANY OF THE LINES ADVE" SE IF YOU ARE N%1 I ,a Aftg000-­­ in W i 7