HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-05-01, Page 4*
� 101 11 il�illilliplim 0=111:1 ---11- - _-, _ —_ -, - - � , � 0 � , . —,--,. M ___ - . 11 ,
=moll lool ill ill 11114011 - m . . .1 I I I SPAY, MAY Trot; 1W.;
;;_� _`-- ..--..-� TH17R #
. nmv. anDEMCK STAR - . .. - 0104, , 4" !000!0!0!?�".!!!!���'
I 1. __,_ - - _ _ ... � __ , . , - 7 - ____ . - - , . ,
. VAGS KWX -P -M � 1. . -, i 1"= � __.... .. � � . __ �, __ ___ ___ � �__ __ . - ___ - - -.- - __ -
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I t—_ ��� ��� lll - - ! � ! �,.�!F-!��i!.,W'!!����!�::��:��l-iF t, ru DITIO noevid.
- 11 - - ..___ __ __ ____ . � ___ - - �! The Crown Attorw in reli,y I
11 __ -MYSTER1 us U K I ted out iliat, the "a"ka for - ELKArS
, Palo
PARS0119 VAIR SYNDIOATE "A VERY _ strenco W44 b"i"t bi,a y4atemetahtil ,
0"M I KIMARM,Z . ;1' t ron"Wft I .
W. &� N TAKE Joir RWE TO - AMP entirely on the evid#w* *f h'$ cl'ew
C __ 1- Jf Mr. Gua&y *a Mr. PellOw were, �
.,.....,......_ . . ....... - -------- "-*� ani tad , H '
tiouff )�"r %*all hw *W %iftt. �* folvvlffc� 7 :no= tMa ME
=t**= Z* * *f"10 "a, I M= THAT WAS Wr NA, JOY I to be btliev*4 they did not urle all the �;
1111,11� �,laftwwe attritated to them k3l I K ,
I orable. oilckth 11 C()UftT PROCF"Ims ma6i* . i�uu Mr. Beattie at the first tilt fz-�
. � , ,%,aT_e" �e - r -e lle%v, sixteen different
� 01 caw . PWCF. �waa under arrest. 11 . .1 112ts lool. 11,
M I SpKial Values at 4054 a Y&A 14 - -, .. The point to be dwWcil, bowevfr,
Sp" $1 49. $17604' 1 1 in ?,"e "wo Rq*ft"T colors.
. . . . . . � 11 " ;Ono ftir news blwxk&W I was,,wws the &fvndant intoxicat0.
__ _
I'll $I." wvas *" last ... , Two C04vw , rwouir VenfiUtodlrw Mor,409 �, The omcerro said he U;"r,. T%ey . 30c a bottle .
flet Paper MWW to. lk - � I would know. , '. ..,.*".~
" -
t"4st 1�*27 n,gt
't and, Satuo,
,ly d3or ,w;)�(.�h rccelvcd tho blow; thl But t as ul,3te niore than thf?..
Pot vers ; pars,010i ssaal. 5, larts rolla , herew ,
for 21t morning Warvey pciLttic,, %Vill A� dac,?r havirg been left GPC -n Nvben tl'e ne stgry the buys tom mr. seager
*4 ICWY I ;$I all sixes. . "fraers got cut� The glas3 accOrdir-g ql�arat.terixed as one of tb,? boldeit at. Lyou's Water bollass'E99 Preserver
. 11forow." a oice Y611# 6 for 250 era�ix and (;ordon I!ar&n bad All AU, C kwu in-
, - - lbro
. to* So up 1. I I �tomobile 4mPediVon UP W Kit-GaVdino to ruspictor Peltow, beW6 tclujits to obstrue't a court of just�ce,
I __ . Ord Dirley that seems to bg,vo been to wagp pfecC3 and the door itself fun of thiggs so preposterous they I 20c a tin -
I -im all lilz % . 11L_ 'tikir Xotea. A dinge on the fender of. the
;=1'1111.1�111: 11=.. ..... full of incident. Acco0ing to coulil: not be believed. The ,whole
FLONK POT — . I ,.r=... acattle cap corresponded and Inspee- . ()"a t'111 will pre4erve io or w, dozen eggs-
., - . - �__ own Story, the boys would not scem Wa's a - cock ar�jl bull &�'3'ry. a � � -------- �_
I cry pleasant trip.01 tor pellow wa,$ oatisr MR
,ted this da go Story of the Woj,_t 1,1nd. ,kfr.
&I - , 000ERICH 'tobxve bad a v � I ;Iaoryy , urowuie csul-
fk1"KT FAI SYNDICATE * 1w*5 done in the OlUsion. We now.st4)ck 1,:0stman. Kodaks,
VV" it, �%Mll lights burning o3t, hours went on t4o Mr. Will. -Seager pointed out the uccessify the � od Aluateur stip-
E *W . 4- in lPA"01W fIRST . spent IDn the 1roAdS . Mo ou a cold night 'The Reattlecar defendants vere under, from their a .
I ugh to Bannister% and after sittinil, in the � eras,, UastWan FLillus, Vilm PackS
VW14101 UA IN - ___ , poLit -of view. of aceounthur for the
. ,,Illilpllkiiliilii��ilililllllllllill;llllillli.i,iil�i�ililliliiillI _ "', i for it to get light MO .
W:::::::1:: - I � �, __ __ waiting :
;;;;-I ____.,____ their way, then, tramlling car for some time until they thought t1r.le they were away on this tr; , plies. , . I
. progeed on , it about time Mr-11211nister might be benco tile story about being Ott tlL . I ,�
- by the dim light Of a t"Oublo light getting up. thQY IW04c-d at the side 4of the road for three hours wait, .� TING AND ENLARONG ..
. . . � hung over the radiator, Ito Supper the 0911. Mr. U,�Innjstm! put his head out DEVELOPING PRIN ,
-, ow! tbe Object of their 4 ing for light and the story about the .
I I night before , ' na '
. �
I UFE INSURANCE ON. ' I � ttalned. Accordilis to the to Inquire what waz wanted and� Wa5 trouble they'had with their lightr.. PROMPT SERVICE - -
. a told they wanticd to borrow his car 314gir-trate Reid, in summing UP, . - , _
. . . = of 6ustable Pellow, their for Beattie to go home ine $0 that said this was one of the most mystel&, . . -_ 1, I== I � 0 .
1. I , i difficulties included a collkslou with they could leave the Beattie car in ious trips that had ever been brought I I
I 11 A K4sn, which smashed thO
I � .. SCIENT BASIS his ow ,
, WN0 �. . glass Of one door and dinged the town, for Mr. Craig to fix. This Mr. to his attention in the Police court. He Co D UNLOP -
I. I#* I , &inr a crash loud onotigoll, to Bannister a9mcd"tw- The, change of A4 to tbg story that. the follows in . -1 ,
I Sb&tfwa, F,qqa� .
.. W& RVAIS ca *Ub LNO 1VOW4MO door, alp - locks away. though clars was ,nla4e and Beattie Started the car stopped on account The- Rexall Store -
I � - I P&. FVOA . . _ I I . be heard two t ng to tlxeir own oft. After having to fix a tire be- of lack of light to drive by, be, said, I � . . GOIDERICH
. me con%pate'd mW Arglass Fe&r4d I the boys, acg*rdi Phom No. I
I � . .VA$Q;Q04 story, were waliy� unaware of any" fore � he got out of town he started "I gin Of the Opinion that YOU got so - - ,- - - - � - - _..N_M - -
. 1. .. Tom on Ptdmimm 1, . . I the return to� out the Bayfield, road. And it was drunk you coot - - - - - _ ____ - -
f :�', . . - I 0 4 I I collision. Then Ott . d n9t drive and stop- - -, __ . �. - � ___ __1-1t_ �
� .1 f � . . TH& UONS, CLUg LUNCHWN LAST FRIPAY � town, when Xr. Beattie borrowed An -'here the constablOs arrested hin'l, ped to sleep off the jag you got at --1. . I , ____ I --' __ . 'r ,
I �: . I I � I other car to go OUP'lloind in, ore at 00ming.up. passing and then stftping r,lues,rdine or WAY ,or somewhere � - . couver on the completion of be
. _-"�_ , to stop Beattie, Beattie resisted, elaime,4 be elso.,, There was to doubt �heir (ToUghter, Mrs. Matt. Shackleton, who Van I . I .
�', I E1116"WW
o . I co I 0 the tire$ came off and be bad , did. not know w A, lue but year.
I . ,h*t it was allabou rt- b" boen very *k for some ti . L I I I
. , ftosi*nt Owt, ,of codorkh MOV06 =A Trosw *. Z= to, fix this. Then 6n top of $11 these' lights were burning when they sta - -
� I I rtme"t, *Ad 0 of . and objected to being ordered to get ca. They were burning when they is somewhat improved.. .. . . 0
. Craig K workA Deps , I troubles came -polite court proceed- 'I over and let Mr. Oundry drive, How- and they were. oir Miss . Do -1 . .
� - , ., -1 Of POW - Also Present I ings in tile passed Dunlop I .1 . lores Lalthvrait�returaed .
. be;�� of marim mad FWW;fs � niorning, and;on Tuesday -1 M10 1V
I I chapter I ever this was done, gud ?4r. Gundry rd hill, h__ "Id, to Stratford after ,openling Easter
11 , . . and Wednesdayqulte a . ivilon coming up Sawo n1L
1, I ". . � . I . - I . drove the Bannister Ford ear back He was satisfied that the defendant week with her Parents. '.1 r x:1 ox;ows
� Of Strlitiolil, lized when it was rememb4wed that Enrely. . . .
', -.',�;,� Prank �Cofius, of the I . .Mr. r4ellow following in his w s intoxicated. Ile was Satisfied it Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Warreper nns .
� 31r. Mutual all thisr money was rc.investrA by the The doing$ started on Friday aster. to town, a . �
- t district . representative Canada insurance oompatiles. - I 1100h. I Wattle, according to the,, car.. They took Beattle to the lock. was Craig anclnWou, who were 'have returned frout a hone7m on trip
� 1. 0 � I Life ImUrance Company of n .of Life insurgnee, be Pointed Out, W�s inviteA Itailloll to go out to'bis � up and lodged him there. .. I boote fighters, who had inflUenced, - AtIgnto -city,
." � . . the lunebeo , - pate . spent At New York, le
4tg Intoxi . � ., .
� I wag: tt,e speaker at I ,e -that VO$ 'story, - . Cbaigos, of hol . d Ill 0� HAS �GOVY �
the only foro, of insuralic place that ater,noon. Ile baA,14, bot the dcUndant Bezittle'to. go .on O& a a or jilacq$, .,� I . �
, .
. I ' -were laid 0ainst each -_ - ., . "
I I. . tbe Lw" Club on Friday. last at the I '�n lveep_i public place .. . - trip � but lie was *L146`�Jamlng Biatt�o 'Id ,tb I . I I . �
� I
� I I ,- Any -other fusum=e Itle, be bad be ' . ra 00ft I
.1 , "I not a ga.yable. of cider ,which I ' I -
... I , Bedford. . I I 0 against Something since Christmas and, be thought Of , the, t4o, and a second, cha; c� that I for loviting1hem. out to drink cider X=. Lawrence E. Gray, ,Of Strat , I I
� I
__ I . -
��_111_J , � int, oY London, was insuranc Ing ,
kr.4olin. 1, A-, Ulu which might nevor happen, One kept it would be ready tot use. Hanlon I of driving a, ear while in &O i4tO)dC4r,- at his place. . ford, and three children have return
I � 0 � .+?,. , - GENTS ,
% . � against Beattie 'Easter
1, ,at .of the 13oderich ElQvIlt0v ed condition was laid .
. , ( . . rreswo � his house insured, for instanc0o'but it happened to moot Cr*W,, and a,; Criig i "There is no person in the world, ed home -after spending the JADES and _
, I . - 0 galust Beattie of . k1r. Reid. holi � rith the former's pimento. in .
Ji ��, ; . � aw Transit Co., Ltd.-, Mr. Hubert I The Charge a intoxl� ,least of,all myself", said I days, M I . I �
I . I . . the pub- might never burn, but with life 1�sur - had some,work to do on Beatti0a ear Cation was, heard an Tuesday, open�L 1 I'wb � other friends ,
�� III, �ngineer of , every policy.keptin force be. ( ;�tc e go o Wants to do you any Injury. C . & J. H.. KNIGHT . I
; � I . . *aijr, Londc I and Mr, Car- once I a cLaUghlin), said It would 30 a. in, by the Polite Via. I olborne township and .
, .. lie works. departmeilt, thHanion, which he did. D 'v� Ing At . � gin sorry for your wife gild ftmilr, in Goderiell. I �IMIINI'1% , -
i� . . ri , 1O." � . . ,
. I of Morino and Came a claim sooner or latoer. out wi ,
� - the fliree cases all but. the law iniistbe enforced, �.,'�`.,;"'Ql 7",
. ,
L I I I e, but as I Ara .T. ,,., - 'A
. - - ,
; I I son, at the Department ;OwA to test it , mis; E. B. oillhom -and Xim T14. . L ... �'�`;`,-.% ,� P ,
lqp Laws of Averago pild ing Beattie's car to t I. I X
� � ,horic% also were Swesent Ono au Founded on ' = bring out P*rettv much the ,1 satisfied. yon were intoxicated (I don't - " I 'N""Jo .'...
I * out, he picked up B - Taft and a coll. Umeo. their. pro- . ,:�;; 7..9 � K4�11'1,:��%V,l
. I �ob . Brantford ,,�,_',� ", :*-,1,-,--.-, 7..
. . .- made few remarks. Mortality � , I some ,pvidence, it Will, be used in the I say -drunk). - t .have to ac'Ce-pt the I ,0,;.,� ..... ::*,,)�,
. �, -
I ' _,�� 11. *�`
".. -S
--A I : : ,
, ..
, �,
, :�, .
, �: .. -,
, �,
11 , .. "', ` I
. .
I . .... .:
. ; ..... . ..:
. , , - �
pending dthe ,.,4 ".. . , � 'k
surul� 1. ,. , " " I.. , �',`-Iili'!
. inr- , . V,ej, fessional ,duties .. . ,, R-.
h . cc was founap rade at the Bedford to. see if A . I on the "�� .'.
. . Life W, ,d on the wat� I Return. other cases. - evidence of Mr. Gundry and Mr.. .1�;.
� ftots Have No Difficulty Itnter) I teaching.staff after* s � X.I.,
. I I ,e and -on the law of parcel had come for Hanlon. 6 �; �4"-,-M,
� � . law.. of averag low, who h4d been known to look, on I . .M, '
: . . . Harbor - :.11WT�'R.!:.. �'�k)k_--,`,�'�,"'!
, �`
. �:,�' :;,gl*�:Vll,,',
" `
I . I . . tbhigs� that nevir Ing to Beattie's the ,eider was Sam- The story of the' three occupants, of � Easter holiday at' the - La"thw1kite. , .Ik�� � 'a , ,
. .,.
I . raoitality" two . the- Beattie ear was given In d I kw.',�... N
� -at ' eta" by . the lenient side and give A Mall the home, Maple Leaf VAT111, RUTOn Rd, I., ��.:-. I'll .�kl��W'
-� . I Mr. Hunt mentioned that the 111 ' p , but proved, to be almost vinegar. e).7 sorry I �. �
�� %, tUip Season. change. No - other business was. SO 104 . . � ed ..to each of the .three, all of whom told . benefit of the doubt. I -am v , 1. �..�...`,",�_
I . grain boat to the, elevator later -the quartettb return . ; ,
I . � �entifle. The Uncertain. the sami stoiy. it reii%aliIed for, the j, find YOU guil tory'told Mrs, W. Q Campbell alia'little son, . . . :% . ...
I I absolutely sci . ty, but the I ,
� . - .
,! I t4wr.. Tait was left off and the oth- � d, England, .
I bad arrived during the Past twenty f Great Harwood, ,,-.1-d, " 14
� . . ty of one individual, 1110, was'Vollat evidence of TusPftfbi P011OW tand od, England, . ,� I .
how -s and, had lao 4101vulty in er,th,ree started,, off,_without having by,'Craig and Hanlon and yourself I na d ' *I .. ",_ ."� I ... %:�. ,�
. . I ._:�.
� tour , . Usui-ance receSsary. The I ds �:�.�.`- ..
I ��,. 1, - 0
, OK was so cardine, ConstAgle Gundry to, contradict it ' possibly b4lieve." ,
41. . pposed to made life i . . I 0 In could not I I rj�� in town on Monday to join her . � .�:_ I
� . � pa"It * for KiP . , . . I
� q t*fto .bur that .bad any supper* minimum usband,.W. 0. Campbell. They will . . . , .
. har , of the story, had somei points at lewt, Atc0l:4ing to M
� I the rmoderivil I bpi entrance. Certainty average over a lame wording to the � r. Reid imposed the .I.. *
. I be at ' inber of lives w , made it a I 0 , make their home it, tbo ap4rtmontA I - 1. `
.-, no - -as wha* Be4ttiei n4 costs on Mr, Beat- .. ,.*I I
� �' � Ile ilso referred to ItII6 recent liate) . b4to told by the gara&*., man from the, story of 06 officers they were penalty of 00 a
, , . .
,.:r,....: -, _ . ''
. e.,.--�&.,�.,..,, "'.�,,::. :� I
,�.,-;,...�., :, n-,.� �. ,.... : I .
I � Sato an I ing intoxicated o , " � �v � .. � " %._ I
I �� _%vith, the Goverament, when th�' d scientific, Uortglit.v tAbles cardine, waiting in front of the Dunlop store i tie on the charge of be , U, , West Street over Mr. Campbell's _ " "V �,
view I ,oming more. and more accar-o 'Whom be got his ior it' Kill im a when the. light of the Beattie car ao- in a plae�6. Notice of ,appeal barbor shop, mr, Camptioills father, � Z,,.i, T ..:�.,
I - . o. - _.., -,
�:; �_ . ,.
. . . .�,
�, , . I e � "; : 1 .0�.,.
. I . �.111 - r -of thi, port were. pointed .Out. were, beL . . that h might be- abit to jet Ill � I will ...l.".1", �
� � r, the latter wbo , � � � ,-'.`.,:�`--._ � '.. , '. �
. "
. m � ;, -, �.. . �
. I . � . I .0 petirecl in the distance. 11r. Po0do,w' pu 'e tely given. ; I" ; `� , %. .. -4, _
. � r I needs n"phasized tbai there Was nO 'ateo' ut of, 100,000 *�n it was L.nown drink if.be Came,,Up# and this and to . imidi otlier and siste - I .
I 11 .
I ; �', . . . It was v 0 * " fender started his engixiebut did tiot put on wa a of ladies'. .depart . . . . .
. I i , . I other port on the lake from the buy inquire Ab ut a ui�l which the �&e information. in ' the other : have charge. the ,
i i , I ould be that 785 would -did the first..yoar. for %� .4ttie - Car while ment of, Mr. Campbell's parl�rz on
. 1. 1. . � : I j! southern end ,which c , , . garagia:'man was getting .attle, the lights, and as 'soon as th6 He . .1 charge, that of ,driving a . I HOTEL BEbIPORD
it � � to th � . � � �
I I � , . at . car passed. gai,4 chase, v 9 - . Ave - I
. , � 11 �, I . harbor of refuge and he This meant that if each of th group ta of the trip, though I . , equiriii a I under .tile iniluence. of licluort was . West street: are oxpeoterl to 'arr-
� � � . I . e Tit D&V .
� � ; - Govorilment.rcallztd the of 10po Aileg SA hour to "then a ' - -99 ,
ulade Into a , paid 41.85 as a premium, were the 6bjec mended to ba. laid u4der the in Goderieb on the next trip 'of th
I : . , . .1 ., - I I . lie boat on which Mrs. '.C4mp e �rrive
I , . . I a fund.of $7g6.. all admitt � 'Vehicles Act -instead f 11 1 -1 -
beU4#ed the , . . ,ed the prospect o�' a few speed Of 45 at 60 11 1; 11 d RES A i 5 .%
1 ;� I I 'do. ake .them at Dunlop's Hill, I 11otor I �
. ,
1. � . Olt [ was prepared. that wOU14 PrOv' was' the biggest factor. AV. Ov0t �_,
,.: � o jCrim1oa1.C4de,as m . . . , , le mo,Uel� of Dorelsweadpi
I !I, - . . eeds of the P AW 000, or sufficient to paY"PA00 to the *ink$ They passed tho Boattiie.var in. $at er allows last week. . . So
I . . to , eo'tliat t�cy Were. looked aften in Xine4rdine .1he garage man, I . I �
� I I h. � I jawigs. New,
',.I - I each �f, the 7gS .w ,riving � - I ?a .
. � I ; s . grain bad been dopendents of. , . 0, . ford, -and went 0 the 8AItford hill, of custody of the ear being kept. Miss. B. B- - Gillbalu ` An Nrigilan I � tent Touptt$ at
. 1, A large amount Of died. The second .year each ot the couldt not �be locatedi SO the 4171OKS U . , , -
. '. . � � . *oderioh- Elevator 'not obtained; and According to, st9pping"on the railway b4fte OQ This-tharge - will Como UP thi$ morn- exchange. tealler, on Monday return- . - �Etyles fQr Year. 19.24, incluaing
I .
i ,��t �, -.. . . . hanaltd ,at the, (, remaining members ,of' the group wote _.stop the Zeattii' or the In istrate.,:, intimat- ed to Brantford, where s . Eight proof -
I . . - and he expected to See 4.4 was the gotting out to . -c Ill& but ag he is teacb- '"the now fie . 1
��4 . last yeat the story it wouldseem Craig d' . . I -- s - h oo . lo . r, . - ... .
would be one -.year older (with a littlo only, .One who bad sav I d be willing to roserv,t do- ing,,,After spend i�irtivg. . . I
", I r I Mae) , , - ' handled t . I , intoxicants coming Seltin . . 1. . . . .. .
� , I -or more, -his -year., . . ed he woul ing-a.most enjoyable
I . I proportion dying) .and 780. 0 Craig, Beattie and Hanlon all swore cisloli until the appeal in the 64bor
. of grain .it larger. I I. Yeek at Maple Leaf ' . -
�t. ,. . � 'With tlie large amount during -the trip. Ile iliade an- excus dispo . ]Farm She vis- � Mr. KnigUWill &InonstratO
, ' t� I . I . '. d of tho. lakes, there should be fewer to pay the Premiums, ,Which , that the Inspector's car had no lights case was sed of as Oil- 'this WOW$ ited Goderieb -last Thankog -
, . , igher premium. Aud,so on p rate on the way I . iving and
. I
�.. 1, .'I � ; the lieu WrS busy� till the meant 4 h to StI6 on, At his sa On and the , 1104tio, 6ir bad the one � hinge the result of the other case. was d6ligbted tv . 11,111d give 1rde �aqice on all sealli
I I loti to keep eleval Ago out - of toft and pflikoa* do a i 0 -Ounce plea in the case of at another opporturil . I
,� little light 99-1he end Of the trOub1c The Die. Craig of visitin o; di6elsss. I .
�,-;.*.- . . 9 this quaint town. . . I
_ ,� -all% � came 11) it had to be until ,there Would be only one r mK tot -1 11g ilty," annd, . . . I
. . � � . I new C) Goderich wag left in the group;.ho ,Would bi ovok bottle of Nvhiskey, but at this W wdo'. The officers both swore that was changed to g 'Saturday she had an interestibg and
I I . Inoved sonlevihere and Much for thre6- he did not treat -his cc W P. PEMBER STORES
I I I . U ideal 90 years of age and -would have to pity ' . I 1. they switched t1itir lights on at the though he has more than Once been � 'the
. I . . .. . . �uatt.a as t . . � I eon exploring .
.1. . 1. geographically sil I a premium. of $1,0 -his, de, companions. � - ity. Flour Mill and Salt Works. LIMITED -
,,, . . .- .1 . .. . I I spot for.41stribution of: #)3140 to We> ,00 ko that Leaving Xineardine for home, they turn in the hill conling up aiid that toldthe. nexi.infraetion would bring'a Puri
. .. I pe dents could draw gut 41,000 later the Beattie car had one headlight on jail sentence, the Ynagistrato decided ' 129 Yong. slre4t , Torolito� 06i.
I I I and %Vould�von- n had- oplyt, gone a few miles, when one . -It is Miss Gillham?s. intention to re� �
,, - ,rn Ontario points . .
� I : U . . mm
A" tinue to enjoy Olat Position., so ,that 11% the year, when he died, This was of the lights Went out and the other and the tail, light. � � . T . to defer that once more,.tbe defend- turn to her holue in.England'via —_ I � -
,� . 11''11, I I i , _
:. , I!, . I r 1% ITO j -t. wbat was called th� natural promiuni, f Mr. Craig's explanatioli of the ' 1. I tint undirtaking 'that lie would 'not .
. .
� . I , . .
.�� . . . be looiked 04 , Od teAson'ft bu! . was uncertain, and the ouggestid'i - . I I I -
... I . . . 1. but in practice tbe - premi , le;ed burning out of the lights or, again in court, afid recelvingr I , . -_ --- .1 -
. .. F I � . . rJess. I . . . Ums 'werc �vss made to go to Ripley for.liew the ground, the appear . that. a jail sentence 1 I . . . . �. � I .
I , � . I lUanomic Loss, to Country If code. ,equated, tit such a. rate: As would pro. bulb,4, 014 6eing Shorter than.,ioillg the* Beitttlecar was that 1 , warning , I , L � . ' "
, ., . duce tilt, Erime reven0,4n. equal an. wire from the battery had.worked would surely be imposed if he was - .11 I-
. . . , I ,
� 11 . . Irreb. Ilarbor N.ot Looked After ne. so to� Ripley -he of $10 and
I .1 �4 � . I I I an L payments, Tbla was called the back ito Xineardi , ator to devel- again convicted. A 6 . ,P I I
. � "n I they went, got the bvibs and five gd, lose, allowing the gener I I I .
. - .rnig said.itwouldbe egon!! , fell, OP too much- power, , . . � 'S DI
i , �4 . . . . Mr. (7 , �op 1:01 premium, and ,amounted to lons of gas and started for GodOrx costs was imposed. a _ .
. I . I a t.* the ,country not,to 4 on accountof the conflict of testi- UP .Case against Mr. H "loll will ..
,, � . Light trouble doveloped agAin. 'First 1UL
i� I � � I . Almic los $1412. each year, not considering the . it NG -FOOTWEAR
. i � I I .. the 00derich, hurboein a position ,to earning POwell, of money or, the vost '000 'wont out and then the 6thert the molly as to the electrical'coodition Of corliq up this morning, His c6laisel -
� i. - - . hom'41e the. g aiii � . the Beattie c r, Mr. It.. June and L. was willing to plead guiltk for him .
z , r .. traffic, and he ,be- of conductingthe business, a , I . I
I . I I I � . lieved that the 0overmnent quite I rev, I , I I last to. fall, giving out between Port . al(o L an -unk ill his room in'tho to- I 1 . . 0 . . . ... . . . I . .
! . I . . I flow Pftmfum Aste Ig Built UP Albert, and,Sheppavdton. They pro,- Baker wore summo0d to In to being di . .. .
. ..... 'I - JIZ04 the Position. . �Ilr ' cxt 41 The Crown, Attorney clairm4led to .i�.'Style f�atures are en4bodied in tild handsome.
� � 11, I � . ', � , Mr. (, ;vi liprt, i In oider to makq the -rate aafer a c ed slo�;ly without lights but the .tinination. of the car inimic MeIF, toL . Many fte . . . , I
�, 'arson staietf. thit het v. . 0 eed in of trying to 4rlve in th models we are Aowing this season. . The novelty lines ftfe
I I . 's; r mortallty,' of $1 or $2 e dar% and to, report in the in ' bining and the have evidence to show that he wgs
4fth, some matters oading to .$tral . �
I . I . -in, Connection. I te "I'll- wgs`to',"�nuch and. Seattle pulled oCt case and the others"w'.6re then ad- taken to the hotel in that condition, demand aj the'pre " nt titne. The range, .f� wide and
. i about"We light, at this port which Was uddca- And the I'll rest journed 4about 6 P, in. on Tuesd9Y) ,and the case,was adjourned for hear. in great - se . .
I I , ) were being attended to. - . ... I ing power was figure4 at Say 3 Pot into a', farm, gateway to wait for ill
� . ., I . -1 3 n .
. � � I I �. . an until Wednesday morning, at 10' 0. ing to thi,�.morai 9 at 10:30, varied and ft Value& unsurpassed. I) W4�rjvite an im ed.iate
, ill openitg his address Mr. COPUF cent., ,whereas, as a matter of facr,* dawn.. Here they fell asleOP . ' ' them nr)W. Th'� greatest 'valueS ar , -
1�_o� � � . q it was 6 own that the average earn. slept for some thrl�c hours. , According to the statement of In- . and close inspection, See
, , . 11 said tile tuatter of life Jnsutance'Wu I b spector Pellow, Cons I table Gund)rY , P190PLI& WIE KNOW I . . � �
� 1( 1. . . , plie of hours could ings wero. 5 1-2 or 0 per cent. Then I Awakehlnr� 110attie thought of U�b- I I , shown in . ... � . .
� , . �.� one on which a 'cou . i was the "loading for exl* I hse* ing his extension cord and the dasb and Chief Postlethwaite, the last of Miss Cameron has returned from � 'bein- '. . � � . . . . .. . .
I . . well be taken up. Hence to ('011111141th"O I whom saw Beattie in the cell Satur- Toronto, where she attended the suni� . I I .
., . . I I flit remsrUs to half an hour 1110411t of $7 or $8, The niargin of safetr light, and hung this over the -radiator day morninir t,g�ly, te was drunk. pier millinery openings. .. � rno
" � i I les took in fixiftf; And then procetde� on their way with . .
;I that be must leave out a great dqat that, the ,corapani cn m TWEAR FOR- CJHILDREN
11 , like 1,6 speak about. ... their rates meafit that there would be this uncertain light. A car overtooR Mrs. Jesse Gray, Of Bruce streets . rvi .
he livould . . ,end of the Year. them In .Saltftird, passed them and was Sober, in fact he had 'had notb- returned 6n.-Mimday from Ashfiel(f, I . I . .
;, i I., . . luft Ifturs"Ce Growing ,Faster Tban a surplus dver at the Ing to , drink tkoth the time he took ing her, i � 1'.1 I I . I I . . I . I
, : . This was commonly called "Ptofito" when they came ulp to It Again On the whtre she has been attend I I- I I I ,. .� .
� . Alw Otkor vusiao&q the� cider at his own place. - I . . I . - . ,
I.. I , WAS, but It would -be more accurate to re- �iailfty bridge on the $41tiOrd hill, Wheti, Mr. Pell6w saw Mr. Craig at - � I I . . � 1, _1-
I I L The, lift Ansutitneo busines$� ter to this as sin averebarte, When Con%t*bles Gur*y and PoAlethwaite , - I . � I . . .
growing, probably fast � . breakfast at Mr. Bannister - . SHOES AND SKIP PERS ' .
0 . ter than ary Is he Said I -
I � , - ld back- VL Were out standitur in the road hbldin!t . . jyb� I . . � I
"I � I other business,-srid "fiftiallY marked an Insurance company ps . het was making Poor success as a good . r 40FA , - . . . . ,
vos, this growth in 'tho last twentY dividend to! its policy holders, it wia up the car. The Beattie car passed, part of his food was spilling down .If I -that No, I giVe the 1-,e$t wearat the lowest possible prices. .
- . I I
1! , I ArS. At the end of 1044 (the Iti,it simply paying back ,What It had according to the $tOrY of, the Oceu ,outside, ana'thisoondition,be consid. � I . I . I . � .
" ,� � I charged mort than was Ru.fficivht to pants, without, any trouble, tit least . I I
; I . . ered was, doe to intoXi�Atlon. .. . I . .
, .
� �J � r for which compitte figures were carry the business. In this waY this thev heard or tilt nothing 144 whelf � the otacers went to Sir., ., ". 1. � - REPAIRIN4 .
I ,10- . *vallabh) therowei* fifty billions of A � __ I. I � .. I I . .
. i dollats of life irsuranct in fored in only differences -in rates betweEn lislon. . . . Irahlowg room Saturday MO"*jllg CO LOS, - CKA MAN -_ . t . I � . � I � . . . I
I t , companies could be. in the waY of According : to Inspector Pollov, 91 0 1 M ,IXN � !v ,�- � . ; ft4=:�==V- 1 � �
. .
I 1. �, � . the United states and that yoar forty variations in the cost ofltarr3!ilig On however. a. crash (kturred whith they found hint s p prawltil on the bed - ... ,_ _1`_�1i_1___ .- - _1- - I " . I I . I �.
;14: , . . 141,6011 dollars 'wah paid in prenilums the business or in having a selected could be heard. two blotks away. Ite w4h his clothes'and boots on. and . ''I . . . I . , . I . Is r*
and one ili ,tht" Of the "PWAti0ft ,
i I vjAss of risks. A twenty-year endow- birdself had Just time to fall ifito the .hey could tot rouse him, Xr. Han-
. " I � ill and chli6vo) was in. long howevery whintains that ho %ad �
�_ ment policy could not bt'zold forthe doorway of his car to *,VOId being run . * aevicar
(men, wome Geo'm
� , ourltd. tit Canada the same year . . of nothingon the trip; he bad some it'.
� Same price as a twenty.psky4lf6 am over. Ito thought the, whole side -the � I
I., 11 there Was $3,111,000,0W of life in. in this sense theri was no such thing his sedan. was wrecked but It was qUor in his room land this is what he NOA S& of Square 'Plimm 220- 1 - GOIDENCH
� I bee in force and the business wa-, I .,.....A— got drunk on, after lie got back. I I � " .
% I � - 1114ft as a bargaill bt, life Insurar-c-0, and If � � _ _.- I On Wednesday morning MEN'S . - � 'ill' . 1. 1- �. �.. I.- I".. -1.
�� hw"asing by 250 to 300 inillion dot- anyone was offtred such a llbargaife* discover that the "bargAltit, -vaq no Mr. tUne . 11 a I A. -
V, P, Iarx* year. undMr. Baker told the.)Lvault of their � 7",*� 14'0---- .. -0404"
t, ,p of life in JnL.(, be would do well to Submit the' Voliey bomotaill at ail- extliniatition of the Beattie car. The 16 1K . ---- - - - I %PV I
f , 11* butille S Sur$ . to some insurance man in wbom be ft Premimat JECO"Onil. � 1.
i . I Want a great deal to the von(voic nd ht would .probsbill Federal Tax 0 head lightswere burned out, but tht 1910 DIM
rt.a,, bad colifidence a 11 ni) afinfliARYNAT -MARR,11
,ivndition of the country. as one r0t, i 0 dA. . R light,; Were On.
, . cally Vilsonad : cowl light,j and W SPECIAL0 - ALLISO
I—— - - - I
I . I . . .1.1. � � � � I I I � _ i. I ,11 Inight , not be One 'Of the witnesses meld the �tajl
*-, - - I I I - � 11 I- . Something whic
i. was that Out of tv* light wap, burned out and the other . _,_______,__ ___ ____ . ---,.-- ___
1. generally known paid $1.125 went to said it was Alt VIAL The oxplalift. .. I'll I r-RIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL$ '
I ery $100 preullums . .
. the Federit Gavernule"t at tA%- This tion seetus to be that the contact of CA
10, I .. S Of UV. Mr. copusconsidertil, ,vaz VC011- tile tall light waq in*etfOct and it X&P 110 .
Get St I , Tomorrow . orilleally, unsowid, ingsliluch., -ag. it Nviks ljot ion till pressed with the fin. . LAR n I 6c """ 0
�� I . r, I 11 . Wxd tho thOftY for the benefit of ger when it lwoukd come on. The It 954, $1 6 V $1.95
11. . The Federal illeolue, flament in tho beadlights was buVnCtl - ork thep 1
� I the unthrifty. ow of any da',,Wv- o0t, The ground t4willinal from the . Fresh S1 MO.' P 9, �y ALIL -, " iece, * 5C 1b
. � By Ordering Todo - returns did not all t!!Ll�!!!t!!!���m!!t--W!,!!�,!---- GOOD CHICKENS WANTED
. , paid �br life inaur- battery WAS loose. 11 I
. - , 1. . _-, --L---
I : � . a K'In'th'e"O'ld country dedo,ti'As mt. ueo" Iltaeont to whom Mr A I 01 01 A oil OR 0 ON , up ___ __ - ! - - - 0W%0W(*,0W%0%01W
tc, pro,111. . �T . �.. - 1 - _1 , - 4__
I - IN d & I i .! 1.1 1� , � I . .� I __ _WNNidM*V*Ad4WA""bA Were allowed for life insurfinc 0 Beattie talked On 18sturday moMing The vers, latest in wlLt- � - __ �. . I
I -1_11. - �. . � 1 4-1 - - . .. - - �. - "� ... �_ � . - � ium up to one -Sixth of a ulaw", In. while ill the c0% told 'a lJoAttle,% trials And shade's.
. a come. Mr. COPU3 considered slach aSiting him to, go- to Mr. 114"'nisteel . . 0
. I , extmption,wss a sound prineiple"m and toll Craig if he Was there to take I . o wear
Au it man who denied himself so ats to 'his 'tar away, and it Craig was not In Grey, F'awa, light Spring Fo t .F -
Smart Snap 8 og Clothing OU it C IFWF
I 9 py pri providt% that lie in his old age %votil'i thtre to look t1tv 1; tht ,,%V 'to "-0- I
�. 11 - %�, � __ %� -LI _ - I 0 - 0 not be a chal'V On the SWO Or that it thcve W`ss "Ything in it. Mr. Best. 'Green, Ponegal Tweeds 1, VARIETY OF STYLE
,, I 'It, I ", ' *
I � , --- _ 'o,1111" that Ile, 1, d o 'IS,',,, "Wrill'S � 0
� It .1 his depo-adents, w0llld tot bet-onle a I com ,,aid ho would I 11 "' I �, APPEAUNCE
I I - , of his death, -Wlom tie wws;not drunkeb. n " W AttiadiV , QUALITY
'Chame in the case & In Arguratsit, Mr. 1). E. 1101mel, e In 11 .
% 1; � � entitivil to coinidow-ation SL COMPAT-ed All t'he Very lAttst .
Our Stock of Men's Furipishings for with tho man who diA. t6t denY Mill- Wha 81)peared for the deft'adanto AW1 I
.1 I . , I , .. ,*tlf to U',Wke any Su(b provit6v, aul In fa( -t is At -0119101! 611 the threc, styles ,at lowest prices. � ( PRICE
. A 0 X agreement of the U On
a movem, mt. was oil toot to have nuch �, Pointed out it 11LIvepput fowth oui, best 090ft ta ceatirc fol',614? C 5t let-
, 3pring is Complete � * deduction MA& leglil bero. thyce in -their evidence and arguea� All si7ts in all shades. 'We .
I Mr. Cepas had a 81 -cat dCal Deori� that a reeliult against the boys -on I t1tt seat in feetwear for f8pring.
� . I N� *,Yould like t(� nav about immrarwe I accoulit of the co , icere failure to dis-1., � 11 onr travellhig C604 Iftartment ig completo .
Aw" A rN whEch he k4t uw:aO ir OI&Y to t,(,f I covcr Equel on the Cat, And oil account Awo� . -
n I t IV N I.C, %� it 3 -, to Mr. pelkw'l car �. �7.777777_ 1_ "Shoe Repsillring The gest. ' .
mit'hin V*D thne linliL SRtW_L*d f th 'I'U�v I I . - I I
- I
a yv AT DYE
I ,
11! 'I I
, ,
I. I
i 1�
- I
I , .1
CHIL 1ft J:;0JLa I 11 -,
AW"U44 ACK in mating hil talk t3 inteve,16nr the, 1� cau�,(-'d thc-al to be vloye ow-ei o Your Iguying"At -1 _
&P half licar Ito tw_k !�:C,Calcd to V"t, �11, pwleroptory in their hitralikig 4 the - - ___;,���_, � �
. . I %1�ry quicktv. I -, � I t�)A'.,tt-e than fhty -WMI(l 0thfT-Wi!!(- il �
"The Meet and I30Ya` StOte WOrth Wh'la!' ; to Ao� 1. 14 oft
. Au C-4 PITF-il.-11 At APPM isti,',n tO � bP� 'The ortleript of watfieted "'I No ROBIKS . w"'"i"'Y"Tt' D
, . � �J salitoder the dtivinx -&�eil '! 43W st"re
1 219 GODERICH ; Mr. Vevu-� fow. his addre"'I onj tbp'ov.�v at, - - -
PHONE �ipging Pf tho 'National Antbon 0�tvJktoljld 110araft (ottlike him to tilve I I . I - � I OW00" - � _ - ___ - 0
1 � - - -1-1 I 1. -1 -1 _ � I _. 1. 0 the � pi ocrediov� . I 0�1 VlMtOe tcl' dial Wattie, beicg I it-, I _ W I o � .
N , e I I
i""o , _. — ---A,.,
, ,
. �
; I . i