HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-24, Page 7__ - __ ­ — . ..Alh� . _;,� . . I -m -,k - . ., - ___ . ,. I.. ­ I- __ � __ - . - - .1 , , - _," - ,-- - - _­ - - - ­­ ___ ­ � __ — 1 11 __ .. 1-1 1. - -.---- � - I ____ ­ I � .._­_____ ��_ W. ­­ _tM dbDERICII STAR 11� I W"%"Ma � -,- - - 11 ­­_ ­ ___ _.­­._____ — ow —.--,-"-. ". 9 ­__ -.-, - - -IT 11 . ==40�ii l�11,1111111!:iiiiiiiiiiiil ____ , A — ____ft wool , �, 1=011101.61111:111,1111111 0:0Z2M 1MRSUY, APM Z"_'J"4J II'llimpolimmimill 111111101141 1 40"W40 ­,_­ , �_­ _._­ ,7: �_ _; ;. :11. __ V�wl_ i , M - , - � �, �;11. nt- ­___ i . .. � � . - - 00 i � I ­ -- I ­ _ _­ �- - - - - "_ ­ -00 iiiii ! I—— I =111 ­� , __ - __ - r— Oftt thfra a choice vt neat bo�*�i- A"; . - - .- --A%.A ___ ­ ­ -_ mandwa�� I gBira to gioaer*t asafters, Attiltur AV% KK*4" so Mo tho himse thikt siiit#4 xuio &AS* thAt " I I I r 1. � charlos k1odamug hall "*a" I a--- *As with us last, �-for wily 11%)t be thel � . � 's *1 11 thrwash. Lootalk *a tblir WAY to J9Q, ""I ft oftly thing irt. the viitiakatioa of the 100t)� ; Taster, More'. � stwlv,ijt�o Roland York* 411A MOW I � LIUKe :! fA lato qWly gat ovealat w0tk� SIAt 11 from Work iWAL ,,go, in rily 04wa flacei they� �, 0 1 , 4 JuA ,por#ovor loven " 1�014111411101440 44% alway*, find at least twu tylwS Oil,, � . � . ,and -Yorke wk** *iie kidro.vo tWO' to 46 114"o in early May, but it Is not PV, J. Rol to Sir Vincent Y44001)(10,149 O*VyAt' Opva 8744 f4ii to Juttv tit, 101014 auuthcr of tW�i 11 _4440y ItAst S"ttook",$ 111callovs, ors" 41009k 041103 tkert VA0V* - � , "at') t" cos"I'v 94 give them � I puts") on t1to subl"t 9t A"a"I preferred style for their wond brwd,�' sy6tqii* vvit &",a &wn u4vt ii,410011 11 �, ,--*. �_ Isy M". lieNky W001) , ` CA"aft, 6*411 lot bu saasow* too- � &Qa* Qf tk* ail wkwi they arew once WtOed to a L i . I * 0"9* 'I poinona Wlu4 W"31 C44%0 �J 4 1 Samor , . . looking 'e,v*r tar t" vot ,40,lly ,46*080 lWatiork they art, Us% li�vly to Move li � I I � i I" . AUTIM OF, . Ass"t was "� to 44, avvs"at AAA W in *e taiddle of the sa�oa. But all i 14 C, # L " inywftj� I . . �'W V tit" 'Waa to not h " a - wal --iU1 fi I SOM � 4 all A . just natur �, . I t 0 p wotld� aut iiii QIL 40 411st lip,proacit at Itidusy bir4a, ,litsts. get to 7awsk by il YOU j1h y wovit wvso� -V � )I .ra usy whilo tho SEW11J OAA34104 A -4 laoatar "4 , OWN to laav� OFAst Lyme I "Vertwes Pddepo "Tho Challi0axas, r to another. lible. D0441a kzidpty Pill* �10"4 rowing and it. naturall%l VOR _.� Arw W wx�w ! , young ars X1 . - . wQrl4 vs* slow to stresivo It-- tro �zgu4 tru-ible wv�idtdi fallows that all birds prefer to use a JUtsghters., Etc. Ifamish tile bricillt! 1* Used and mn "Lora 0XIOXWX I- I Mo. 4. F4. 3oltirson, I1r',1%tford4 Oat., now nest for their second brooll, A A. V,. (*01, OWN 9 . I ' � 1, Mr. Butterby *sO oil his way to Writell.—II)iT h-,DLd*FALJ 89SQ1441 $000' bird May %Ise tile game JJC&t in Siir�,Q(S. 81"N.SET11 ;iL ASk fOr life A#XdY 25VOCUCC __ � L VP is Witk bili kjjaat� . ... _ - ,Ewl - �� Ur4,Jomfe& t#01441IL0, 944 WO must %"tAI VS And ,eell 4 I 11. f". PUM V '. . i AWMM �11 1 W � follqW hiVA. HaltiUr opposite t`11W rufkt Wg to *lay homw from work si%v $ears* After the lice have t I I I � � . . I . killed by the cold, but in fiurftftl�r theY � s. (i. wil.80N. . I sunlight ,or the void, clear day; a bouil* to take it aurvoy at It, he saw two Or turso t�xloa a weelo. He tried 0 � lmnoed W great deal brighter uttorby that there was uo light 14 Mr. 0111- 4 kin4s of 06*p"but tiler only ro, want A new house, ,And it we viatit i �N I . . IkIA649 *'the' letters than Xv. B them to raise their second and third, i U6 VAW TMOMTO I ; Arthur Chauvitair by the Walterat the who Is dtilt lie ditch�IrAttri Vora's sittI1119490m: tkW* WAS no , lieved Win for a sliott While. 4 . hotel "Im"It light Bipywbirt, that be tould *44. 4 - - - � . that ulght in Norfolk Stro-01, and Ili -a sulky teml?or. ' D"A's XQUO'T pill* advartistil 44 broods in our gardtas It is vital that I was Oaft from MArtQ11116s, staling that ,*live bqeu played With; th4VXwbAt ixy vbjeb. fact he gathered that the lit felt Ilas" *ftev we OiNtr them that cleanliness thffi- R ...... -6;�W-iii;;�-­_ — — _. � — - -_ _­_ I � - *A t , When unmolested, theirl, ;6�_ - ii;;�i: -1 I I I. . 4 )kit atter a flow dwil I ", 10hirloo, just befoWla4ding, had had lovo, been.*# PAY# Butt*rbY In XQIIIQ* 014rgyman won Uot At hms; . k a mlaosa# and was lying at MarseiII94 quy*1 "Bodo' Greater#* Tioftsra MO was satisfactory. as he dI4 not X , guell ka kid upta four Wstar ke Was C0114- dt*lre- I , - - I I.. � , . , goAtact with blak pletely r I olieved. That was tw# Y60s tAmene5s, becomes Almost Startling- W iz� ­ 1!! . 1! ! sewimmw I, , � , # - - - ________�__,� - - A� I dousorioUsly 111-14I&L'Ilto despaired or. . 44io to come in Are appiorently %mconcerned ­­­ - -- -- - -- . I � PorhAvo in tbolilurrY at the MoMeats to be still. to Iso peotlys; And W111", j t t th present Unqertn6in state gr A As k114 . . . - � � o j411J*,k,1 L 0 . , L l'ops 11 yZ:30==6 0 ' ­­--____ . ( lot suraved awev.� I'll, . ) _ go 10141 46,0na MO% . when 0 person stands Only four feet I . , , as 1 --7- - "" . Pric hol them, and I fancy that a spider '� , I" A rX - I'" r L 0 5k. 0. I I keep atIR itud DjulaJIVO, And $top X. 114 an 1KQ==z=0XXQ I t: . . _ Arthur 41.4 not and, cQUld not Act 40 Own at likletoultighk , tAX1116 no oroolng the street, he knockot from " . ro"buably *a 1.40 might have done, , It'vinx mor- Ic , r iled dirott on . I . All, up tuouglits steps,- asylog nothing, to , gently #t the door. bliss fte al- 11" *11,111-11". . by kq, T. MO%= Offered from the fingers would' be 0 i . - - ran (on the question At a t I i,. ­�40w could he in the shortest a .4 tal, lotting the. tiltali 410 xwxj� It It Brad it, uQbo4)7,'but htrxtlt being of son Accepted by a wren tbat saw tho . . pa� Tocolpt Ito , onto, Oat, I - I - I will 416, bi Makes at mull of It U* *w a -lamp, Co., win . - - AWNWOMM 610'rilener 4*117. ,me I gif,itilat get to garseillest By 4lut In the, Italian, A Went iga I � 11 P of 4tarting -on the Ingtant, and taking here 14 to*A. why cOUfd4,t;bO bave about full upon her face," And the . ­ WOW may have much pleasure, arld I L ' L A,;44etrgb. he might get to London kept bla, tothor and Parson, 0111704 litart she gave was quite visible to ruitiall, an't bee tiolia �kgad learn a 004 deal about the ncarbv � Sa�l ie�' Continu%.Qp,�. � _ or going but Walked 11trals , ht a a birO Population by hinging in- the � . L Bridge In time to catch tot !)over Noyer a I*wY Mr. Autterb:r, He ht �Uug,ht him Arm still held � . 1 1:401:VhO Sharp enough for that. Not into Mrs. Jqllefilll 11 Yl WM A4, uervoua !rlisp i4o!tl I . L �. ! Nall.tralp. , Taking tip big 144t -And I shrubs of ,the garden such things AS 11 be, He 4011a nothing Of the, sort, but Butter'. pleces of strings, ,, cotton cloth, cotton . L � � lottors"heran out of tue eliffee-roota had come to ace Ilt'r; her, Allotlik * YOU 11 promise me. Mr. - I eallla$ Blood for tho walte.% Noboily Into one a%-. both at lem, work, And. Rye. Her work lay oil the re(t te,alt- py?�.' I I resoauded:'noboay, as It Would RD- ferret, and worry., and discover that cover by the lamr; Mr. Butterby $At --I caul� promise anything. on the batting, etc. The neighboring blr& Ok i we*, at that mopieut in the way Godfrey Ritinan ban. turned up, And down in theallikdo .and throw back his spur of the moment," said he lu Mi will And everything that is suitable And Drastic ReducHolls Are SO 04011P ;I 11611'r. find out that I know at It. and 90 to �U4 stood by tile Are and nor- �. ­jt,ou for their nosts, alld coli'le Again And , 4� ! - I turn thlugft'0=r in my again tilt the supply is exhoulte(J. ' .., I to hear him. Afraid lof even an In- Cost; #rgvel but not unkind t f, L not wkIt, headolagrters and report me forrief- Yously ,gttrred It, bev hanoo. trem- liaust ,t V40 N �, I %� ptaut,4 olqteution. he did , .If, ;pui and Coats III but razi.otit at the b9tel, Up )Norfolk lige4ceLl t get a. curt teleirram. to Win I . . ft friend got go Many Orioles . Made On L All ' "tS stock . L . co -here the dougo �. C, b6r face blanching. mind For one thing. neither that, QA [it his Place in the country that . . � . J � I I , me to, town, and When , atter up. pair the arour " . Street. balled a 11484149 hansom An' .? , that there UnbQVVY eTQAt I ughlug of the in roaQk4pd London Bridge StatlZl be. to powl" tdok place at Holatonleigh, the On . Ursula& of Its may 110 with me. I he COU14 not tell accurately how many .. . . for* the train Started, From Dover Mr. Ellifterby turned roalad,aiiate,h- t 0ounsoliar ollivera, now gettla old you others had got it In hatid, there were, allst by such Means, Ard The balance of our stilts must be cleared ifiltued- I . " , . . � . ad, up ,i few papers that lay On th6 0 . Ult Awaits ly and for that reason only are they markod at . to Calglg thq,boatlfad an exceedloglY or Ave -Yeari back, there was a Ulas. Rye,,and I told you truth. Now that re, tile, dweller in %ate . . �� .1 I t4bleo glauced over the writtilt. Avid 00 t' oncompaosVig It I .. I . f 0.41= passage. and Arthitr was . an- , good deal at doubt , t;iif,re-s tie need for you to cQM0 to small villages And in the country. . I , , " i4bled to wrio -game short notes In re,olimed his soliloquy When he bad I such decidedly low prices. . _ , round About, mins aye," he oudIdenly : t4e door; I Can lot myself out.,, I . � I I . . t4a cAbla, ,getting Ink and paper from put them dovm Again, begin., And Mr. Butte.1by let hilusOlt Out I L I . . i ' . J 4 , IiJelf has It In band here, and I've . " 9" . site rejoined faintly, ' PAINFUL'SCIATICA T. � . I one to the hotel that he Doubt. "cordingly, ui;kiair no poise Over the . ' - pTices M84 1 040 steward. MUA . ANO NEURALGIA' Suits regularly no to $4J.00, speplal, . . " ql&d,L so. way be said; surreptitiously not yet got to see him. Not at %tttlog down. to the. lable and catch. Aixit. I . . 1 �.� j 1.1im b.efore I've heard 1 $25.00, $27., . . . quitt6d, one to Hatalsfi, one to Ro. U%Q. lay seellu I Ing.up her work. , #. I'm blest If I cap see daylight," � — � ". - . , . I what Bode 0reatgrOx bus tO'40- 040 .,Yes, doubt. I Mean as to how Us oxcialmod with energy, hs he went Caused by, -,Starved' Nerves, Due .to . ' : . . .: land. one to Mr. Galloway,, one to Mr. wfi6t been'shaVo Onoligh . the deatb was caused. Soule said It t�owa tile Street at a,brlsk pace. "Did Welak, Watery 10loW � Coats, regular $,18.J01 SpeClal priCts $0,04 : I � . Oilloway's London ligento, Arthur, thing theyly - I , —,.,;. . � L silwaya conaldorate, ever willing to I to discover yet—whefe Godfrey Pit Was 4 murder, and some maid it walt ine do It herseltT—Or is She t Ylug $24.00, $22.90. . I in r I � � . sisro other$ anxiety and pain, (lid oxati to to be found. Fouter Birm, lits,own doing-_.Buicido." t9 adr06a Mlksttr George Winter',' IV* Pahl In . . I I I . - ,, holds till; .tongue, Johnson. Uielde., " Peoplia think at tievualgl% as a . . I L � I Ry why be Was hallteallig to Mu'r.' ill,9110,111 1114verybodY SAW it was 4 Al OJJV Of the two; And I'm Inclined to it tiouralgia in . not iI mhows Jelf the-iloor'whell he,10os to - last. .A tho head at face. hi By . il - � - 4ted that be. had, she itittrrupted. with trembling- tag thick ItL is th . AYAV'Ay, Sbe4'$ & &ace Tillaerveo at the body, Vifferent, Sweaters—In Cardigan aud Slemless tityles, dit. , � I � 1: . seliles, but merelyr at ask aboitit Wiliter';: and there they . I nam,!V v I . , � . I � ! L, determined on proceeding thither, In- 6ruean, bar shaking.Ancers plyius, the brave and a GId woulan, Whether u to It whohit 000ta fereut deSiRt1.9 alld ,all sbades and"colubiav�iollff,'frow .. I are. .Tolt Bud the person, Or jelf Bud ere workInx tot, ' I . I . otead qX awaiting Charles 14 Laudon. tile tqte�k4� as If Bile W . al6e uid it, or whether gille didn't cort" tierves. Thus aeuralgis0fthc I � I . �, Xr. Greatorex�wblchever .at M � �_­.. -- ­ . . j�- These lett6rg he gave -to a, French . . ninir up. very life. , "The coroner . wl Jur,V iv,$, 114� ligat Matta: to accuse heraekf solati nerve Is called.00ln,tielt, but the , $2.75 t.o $3.50. I � I � . I I I L comialaslon4ire on landing in Calais, two it'la that's stlrrlul;�—moo - I . of intir—­0 . . . I chsr% ter at the pain Pile nature at . I L I I . , ­­ 4 1 � wlth,,mopey to ,buy .tile necessary And down England ifter�rttmau, lit- decided it to be one," I L . a % � (A tile iful Colors And all I ,) , I iQ� fii , tie-.thlhklng ho'o close.at ho'me, right - oNot quite everyboliv," Mo4fluted Ur. lltaivrby 0ame to, a full stap: the 1304se Is the a;,, [in I Silk Slip-on S*eaters­in beauti. I ;k jmtgnipi, iind' a. gratuity IIIa0f* . I �- . (.;)m. �ai,,.!n words und steps. It W04 but rotuedy to.bo eftetiv#, �MaSt Lbe the ' . - I I I . I .L . ­ ". . 0 under ihelr,very- uoies,, I .and Bede Mr_Butterby*, listening wit" and Ilf. Jaug'hed sar It takes tile sizes, reason,ably priced at $4,60, . . I I I I I ordering him to'Post thein as soon I rio., The pain; V.hether I . . L I I Greatoral hold thilt.sepret. tight; but' posure Until Shia had Antshed. "You �,.r ,1 �,:volid o� Wne; . . . I . . i . as might be.'Whethbrlhe wait qti�"� I L a a t L he. churchyard :, � tj;lli: ,.Altul Inugh, at his own ob- tOklu otoolatica or,whatbei it afrect% L. L � � . "I , ly. pocketed the m don't'think I loltilt. ''I W1.3 1 d, to co I *nay and sUPpress- Sball,foel inclined: t d . . q9W by starved - . When "they out him InJO the grounil, ,,t�...%(" u ­.­­;".­­�.­­ I I __ 4 8 Ile passed oil, the faco and boa —,—,. I. -1-1 � 1:� _­�­,- ­ ,�-.;�__­'..;­;:=___ I I I - -o(t­tAe lettOrs., or. wl'Otllcll� .tie 4.1d fit 'hold it long. ' 4here, Is , P11111alit' uorvch, The blood, which normally . . . . . � I . J ! ,, L , I -one says the sergeant to me yesterday. and beard and .9aW � you over the , . , I f:,r;...Ot b.or a.vowal ,L( tlia grave. oartive nourishnicubtuthe nerves. for 1.4 ! . I " I . � to.130alo atalieltdoluar ere. it . . I . t 6.),j lia�i done It herself, s4e'd nev.; I I o I � � ,his turn, entrusted them t * . . . I I 'Ab! say$ 1, 'that's raive. t . . BOU30 reason DO longer does So and, th , 4 else to- post; who lost or forgot then), ,rr ,J,��,k. �_Qnj.� I 1, . � . . 1, just the, problem we are � some vt Via "Bot I. had cause.to-�—W—altet Lily . . n for that public din. 610 ,Iatiog paluyouteel lithodryof . .4, - Arth-lr. , - -qtll it. atiould tifrn atteutton on , ,� . *ould'never be a&p0taint, . opinion, later,"'. she Said,, her face V14 3. it gad. The all unconscious ofAhe covinioxioll lie trying to work gut-' #" tbor" ROYAL LADIES" READY-T(REAR , I I mr, tutt6rby stoippeil. cradled the turning hectic with emotion. **Hegyea 1�41-. ,*14;A, yes; siie is sereening.Win. starved nerves for - t I . .. .. . � . . was causing at home, arrivtd quietly 1. .. roason-why the,bloodfalls tOpt*Qt*.rly , .. i �� UtL URrSellkee and there found Cliarl.eo coal Ilqrcely, which Sent tip a blaze alone knows how bitterly- J.have, re, t�r. pt;r.li4psthe man, hidtax Wthat nourish the nerves Is 09011Y becauso I I . . COMPA14V ­ . . I I .1. of .sparks, -and walted. Reauminif ponied Of that nigilt.'s �iorli! It. cut- top fluor,-1vith nothilig, to do but tar. the blood itself N weak and thin. - . I I . . . . ;! . 4,err III, not quite out of dAnger. For . . I I I . I I . . � I . after a while.. � . . ting my tensile out 'afterwards, Ili* zileat hill �Ylts, got If-WOU0 Or MO When �ou tMild tip tho 110PONOtishOd '­ .1 . . . . I L . e : . . . . - , #OMOL days. lie 'Was m'b6IIY occupied . ,, And it is . . stead �f before, could have undone . ... . � I I 11 a problem; onel. can't I ftbyttlg sh-a fay.. bloorl wlth*Dr. Williams' Pink killst You 0=====o a . 0 � .1 ,� ... I I . . . "I 1. I ''I . coup.,tellor below, Va I . � . . . . . . . . with him, arid did. not write at all - I I ato attaw. ng Nelatica, neuralgia, Pull .. . - "Out t116 III_ make collie, square just yet. . There's. my .Igjstake.�_ - I , . ' ' ' I ' - * - .. ... �11 I.. - �­­_ .., �. ­_­_..t__­��.­ w�"�r�r!"­_­­ � ;. I . sin he had said uothinAr: I ,!r4ow look here; don't you get breti 1xim, ,and so--" Modred illseasols at therOat., AR .proof - . � . . . . . .. . . . � I . . . Browu­w�as,good call -hint by one alias . . r r � � � I . Akeps, he ktiew there could, be no a6x_ alet as a The break In ,%Ir.r ukittorbyl,,vakkn. -he . . , I I . , a9lapother—keeping as ot Aurrl,ed,'* Interposed Mr. ButterbY. Olt . value of Dv, williallih, Pink Vills ; � - S�ty, Now. that he did write,"Challes I tefiee-this tiliIe was ec.,,e.wilitied by In cases MAIN kkoil. We give the %t4t(k. I . 1111 . I . t I r . , I I r . better rapidly, It may mouse, �that .be J!S, belfig "I didn't'tontie hem to put You Outo , AV. . � r I ,r I , I I . I -was - - but just to h4ve a rational talk on his 'S1106ting Into an elltr�,, woutotAlrx. Warion 11011, 11of I . I � AV, , . . r , . ... . - I � . . . tv, U= proacillng, towardi 111111 catlie , Stra. t 1,4111, , . * . . I 11, . .i I - ,� just �� that ihe 11!tter lef� looked aNeo fdr tile'wirder of Conn. a . . I 4 _. I r r r go"'Ne -at came sollor 011ivera. , r ,W his motive ft.nes, attendod by 11"' 1WrVaDtr,W'h'b Vil"" w 0 ' - r- . I � Ilbe ob 'o.. ItIlouglitatthertio4a �,ayo,­111:401110 yam ago I 'j r. 111 t 0 rack 'at t e hotel � (th , . hat'o . a point or tw., y6,u. play r.6mem- 0 'waA attacked 'With selaticit,14. MY le." I m . �_ % I . I I r . � . : I - th...,reat In keeptua dark? The debts he left it was a bulcide,,.as , . . basket-, alld a vaelating . I *49 � . . . � I _ , od ivith at the 9teamer's behind him In Birmin , gham are paidl to confess that tile a hilge. tuarket- . hip paln'-was c1a . I , . I . . .: .. r I , d . � ,her; but.Xin'tree an "..,d] finail The I 0 . ,.. I r . I - leftArs ,from *900111#0- hild serve Johnson and Teague uck-nowledge his way in which -the I ban rbas been kept bad neither tlMe nor wish for I y I was to)rced I o go to be(L 1 0.11 . , I I . . 1i � . 1, to complicate matt - has served oto Alter in? , ('11013001' With IhAt lady at Ilit? Mi'- Ap -ently afiv the Oootor could' do %Vas . 'W's , � . � Ors,, but foi* that. ling since r . pal yea"s L � 9 Innocento in that b4st'trausactlom of .. r91 r - . - tQ'p I . ., I . . � . � r . - . i letter it *Ould hAve.been surmlood oat Moment. he let her go by ,IVQ MO 4luga to' dull tile pala, aft % I I ' . . young Master swxjuslls; they are. so � unsellor Olilvera Was mur. I . . . �: I I .- .. r .. I I . " .A*rth nfilv4rable 'plation;0o , ­ . . 41�__ - I otherwise I fonuil no relief. I had beet! , I 0 �1, . . tliaf ur had teoety6d u gotte on to to.. rr$q, his .friends,: and the maw dered!" I ., . ,r I In bed with tile trouble for eight wcoug . � I ,, . � � - , �, ..news of C "rles, and had . ly. Taking up her . . . I - knows all this. Why, .then, don't She made ho rep . � BIRDS IN, THE GARDEN � I- I r r . � , I r' jllkl, ,The accident wag, indeed a sin he come forwaxd And reap the beut�) scissors, she beg�aij. cutting 4Way at r.. — . , . ., when ii lay who came to we too Saw , I . ar one, which 'left that letter In I I . . she had a 81milar aftek, and blid � . �, . . r . � i , Sul � I ' d put -himself- the work at random, and the hectic r � 11IN, . . I ��, � � � tit of th4,acquittal, an I sl� - .Ry W. E. Saunders, Direct6r, on only tirough tile Use Of I)v-. : , . r � . I the tiloUght thltr r ,iy_ ,kly whiteness. (: found vellat t' r ­ , thil rack; ana ever co : clear' biefore the World, and red fa4ed to a, � r . torio Horticultural �ASSO,ciatiOn) %VJIIIatn6.pJUk ,,,,,,,. r I (Jeeladd-a oneo I .1 . I � . there should: 1106 been 0, 56' u4frdm Xelther g%l gulltv,qr.the other . "There was a Stranger lodging at - I I ino(liollic, nuil r 6 , . .. . , � . .1 . 1%larsellies never .occurred to them. seller's death? - Of ',Mrs. Jonenlq at the time. You remem- The many 0--oonoulle re�sotlg wh� to try this before 1 Mid . . . . . . I . % . I I �. , 11 thing—the coull tall'in tuare than tilreo. boxom t found . (k I . -All these, and other details. Hamls,h , ber, One Godfrey' Pitulall. r -11#10011- we Should encourage the visits and ,� I , �� . I : I I Ve to. wait for. 110 �ourse, When Jelf and Jelf'% matters relief. I contlanod tile use of tho villa - . � r,�� . . , 1, , 11 - � I I l0hanning would ha know he IS. 41ding �himo6lf SOM6-r lelgh said, you knew, Mies Rye, that residence of birds in our gardens, and under the treatment the i)aiU 10(t . 11 �, 1 1 . . . I � , I .. . � It -anybody did. It, it WAS - him, That el great aes . . . I t - I could affoid to do so holding that, yfhere, and doee � not come forward, pale Wore - th me, I was able ,to willit again. h6ud I I . :: 14M.1.80t . t ' � I � new letter of relief In big hand, Whidil Godfrey ' pItM&U'la ran Uncommonly Sq�l We want birds , for the , game have not Since, bli,d the least roturn tit . . r r - ' " I : :.� stated that CliarieD. was eager to con. they alslime that he dare not, that . . . I S r tj 0 _ r . INOR 1 7 � " tillue his journey.holubwards, so that he wag the man -Who did- it. I'd not sharpt.card to have kept himself out * , , 1, feet t6at I.)r. Williams' I . . . � �i . think reasons that Wo Want flower I namely. the trouble. * � . - I . �1 I 1'�n swear. but he ,was,. either, Looking of thi,- way -50 long! ,15011?t YOU he Pink Pills have IIleen of N�Ich gr0lit S' . . r � - I . I . . V � . . I I And :1 !t r . - they should probably be in, Lom I at it in u,,broA4 point 09.vi�W, One 'to?" . . . . . for our own enjoyment, .,Get , , . I . , . . I 5 . � U after JtSrrecelpt. r . uld be a 'iash Mali who WOU14 �ry benelit to me th6b I str0liglY 01'90 ' . ok .. � .1 , ago -that he!inust have "I don't think atiYthing about It." we a flng cial esttm SB OlI\Me similar Sufferers to'give thclll 0. fair . � ! � "i � I i " . ,,01),. Hamiall, .It it good!" crled can?t,help seeing Shot answered. "What In it .to me!" to place. n . _ trial 11 � . 4 1 .. � . A.4 r same urgent motive r for his silence . Value to U r tin we . neO bo . . . . . ` _ You ,can got 1, . . . . I : .;;, , Rolaud,,who bad been listening with ,,Wall, miss Rye, I've (be Pleaa,40 a 0 . ,belie pills from (Lily . I I I . I , �j : - all Ili* heart and eyes.. "It's like .4 . aud'what that Alotive to, One MAY of toiling You that 004trey Pitman's enjoy. ' . . I gls'�,� . . uitAl.gliie dealorot byivallat 60cent-41, ,, . e . . I . .. . I � I . � 11 � . gritit: bright atair come down I . row . give 1% throWd. guess at,, vt� at he in . I . . . -.'Willl ms' 6dialne . . I . . r I.. " screening him-selt or somll;dy else'.- tounill" But we can never ttuiter dissociate a box glom The Dt a X . I �:, � . ,heaven. It's ... like .Z., 0aIa,'4Ay=,_,­ , . I ance of mind left In ourselves from the -economic idea, so Co.. Brookville, Olit. . . Thirlk of it! A big �200 . . , For all your baldfig.— ' . �, ­ * ,,r wait- There's 01ily one other in the w9rld Tbe little. pies .r r ,. I I . .-1 . f4, big loav" i that Ase . . "I olare SaY there Is a let( d to quit bar at the I I I . - ,r �Or. You at Airs. J.'a" (tJe0d)*. that he, would screen, I expect, and Alletho, Itye Secure eve while we are e4joying the pre- . pa . I � , . I .. lig . f i . . . . words. Perhaps she w0A. no Joinger n , of the birds �O' MU017 -ihilt 'We � r - r' '-'EA'TE' PRAYER . . .. ge book with' 700 we I riglit tip out of the pan,+—. . I I 1. ; ­uf.course 1here fs," deeXid'lto-� tbatla Alletha RYO." . I I gone .. . . L as she , le - I tested.recipois and house- foi Clouspas ry, always . I I . -Mr. Butterhy's facs.- .so capable of maintaining, 11 to secure tbeln,. 0 gracious Lord, Who- at; at thiS . I . . (Jen * t , - I ... - r . I laud. "'As it Arthitr would t6rget . �k long. pause. , once had been. I . I , . . would , spend rsioney. . 'the liold pointers for abbut the oinsist upoll purity Flour. I I . ­ . .r ­ .. I I �� * t " ay won't die- yet.-' with All'bl" Pkafegalonal craft, had.as �e �are ilpt -to bug to our soulA time didst:Aise Thy Son Jesus Christ i . r I I . rrrrr ,, . . ine, .Old Gal ow �of pliazled 4 took oalt as tiny ,ordinary . "IFounil!" she gamp6d, her hands N; I Us well with p6wer from the gravel raise u.;; , . * and � ... I . 1. . . I I . . .. But, even In that short absence r l'talijug oil .her work, her wild eyes th6ught that they are�useftd cost of paper, printing , FEATUM : . =0 I I I . I I t . I I ; ; - � " � , , , I I I - I ` I e I I � I � , I - �," � gat, I I 1 -41 got �1 forthe 0410M I 11 I - I 'I a. 07 07T 0 V I I 4 I T I , , , I I t I , - � I - I , , , , , , � . 'I , I . I W . I I .. . . . : I mortal's Might wear, . ' .r . -3.4r. stitterby, ' , - as enjoyable. cech Thee, froni.the deatli . .. ,� . . . ' I I .. I.. .., . a day anoi a night, Roland seemed 111, suspected Alletha Rye more turned to , And" of course thoy jip, We bes S. postage! No-wonderthey ical recifts I I : h - Channing's face ­1,eastways So.pear fouiid, that It really are so Perhaps none others of sin to the life of righteotisne's . Tested, econ0t � ,to see that HaMis the line Skin ,than anybody At the, time., .Don't ,. ' ,, r gol ng ,,,, ,,,,r, . ,�� ,had gr4wu thinner, w. Don't Ithifik1t Was mayn't be an age afore he's took," art *ao useful in keeping down insect$ Revive, Our. faith, and Make us. fol- I_ r a rapidly" --edition �' depot-ol ufto- r I genial bluil suspect her no , . . I �;, moire transparent, the It., added the detecti-ve with profeisioual as those that come in the wint lowers of Him Who hath taken away 1. 'I I . I . . httr.- Wouldn't $Wear it wash ' ,,,,,r limited. Send 30C fOr " 11'eighis I and measures. L . . . . ',r . .. ,Oyes brighter L . I . I I I , though. And, In spite, of -your Jujunc- craft , r "Our friends In the blue coats 'Chic.kade6s, Downy and Hairy W d- the sins of the world; Who, by A, . . . . . � I . I . #_ . . clue to hlm.� I'd not kers illid, the White, Ur sted 5troyed death, und by yours to-da� (Postpaid], 1101(sehold ilsf�rmolion. , . I I .1 . A .. . . tion, to be still Mr. 11ede 0 teatorM, have - got the c . death, hath dej r . I . . I . at y lay you the worth of that 0 - . . I , I r 1. .: i 1,11 go into th, thing a,bit I in Lt he,s not Mthate'll, These bundles of oehtt- His rising to life again With ro� I ?! : ICUAI�Zt XXXII 0 I Ilver thim . ;tored I WESTEIKN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CoMpANV. LArriltad. _ 1. . I _� , . . ,r 'L . It of yours, Mine. Itye, thi . I " I . . . L I �' . , ., . I L -4�z, own satisfaction." .1 , b . ..4+ ��tivitv U, attracted to otir Car- to us everlasting life, Heir us, 01, r ---,--,- Z_L, . 11W , . , e4 , r, . . . i " A stirtilus Avowal. , , .'"pers on the 4 . I .Looking over the ' .Von standing In a certain dock noxt lWaLreu I d6na � . .. by. suot, at- suet and nuts on a merciful Father, we pray Thee, for I . .. . I Cliff -Clourt. Xleet Street; and a table ligalU'rhe locked them UP, Bud . * sat ,dow�n. to. witte a, letter or two. - Decemliftr. The ,,In what clock? r What for?." came i ' A$oizes-" : I L ilab, will live with.us day L after day -the -after week during,, the cold sake of our .risen Saviouro, to I Whom, with Thee and the Holy ;1 f sty, day Jq year � I I . ro ha3goue on some six or seven weeks Somebody then came tit to see him from her trembling,lips. and ]Vor What he 1,14elatonleigh dock.Co weelt Other species a Weather 'when re fib- Ghost, be all honornrid glory, world I . . . � Since the lzs.t'�hapter, and people oil business—which buslnvs� does not , . concern. us. And so time passed on, did to"Mr.. ollivera. in e, Come,, I '�tt and much of their limt, will -bll ' . without end, Amen. ' . : � � are beginning to talk of the rapidlY� and when the sunlight bad fadod Into did. tot want to frighten You I � e - m a bunting over our tree,4 and 0% —Disho W,,Boyd Carpenter. .p I . 0 -ver the fire, :1 advancing Christmas. 0,1 a top I)jtu,,.! ; In the litP6 r4om .in Cliff Courto d"Pic, N'r- ftttk'rby DUE -4t, 10. this, my good Young WOMR11- Alld why should It,., it is not certain Pit- s for, insect pests, and if one has shrub ' winter birds, he I ._ It -isn't propaganda, bowever, un. I L . � . him by gas.light coat of rough blue CIOL-1.1, am. w � where once saw t- ,, i, -A, _A#� man will be brought to trial, though, a f4ir population of �_l S_ U . mir.. 1�t leas it fivor% something you oppoze. I I I . . ,Is almast,cer n ".V - F . � . I . . ­ . . I. - ­ - i * Years, h&Vv 9 I . . . i � , I . I i I to, Mr. Butterby', The ,room IS Oul' `11"L' P-1sk ` - one by . I . I 4I ht onaug1l wlth.suallgt no*, Juptil,,w.uctl to tell, of -111 Tq- he were guilty. seeti to begin the year with, — =t== � : . : .—,-I��---�--�—...'-.��-.-�,--.-��.--..-,-.-,--.�.—. � ,.the, broul,lit _ . .1 of in . ­ 1 5 � . � .1 . . bric I 1. . I . ��' since, and the Greatortles Bud Par- the spring comes, we gr,Ut . I iv � � . .., 1". . � . ; . C. - I . . . I I I I I . . . � . I I . - -_ . - "�__ ­ - _!tt - t son 011ivera may A . 1.1. ,V', 'AV I I . . .� 'RF"R-10 Much Z . I .1. I " ! -1 �_ _� !, - tn-_.!nV!� ! :!e . . hush.it up. They When the -turn of the 8oj . ourners . � 114 I I , Finer Shaves are humane Men;,A&r. PC . Vby , I . I . I , . . . li.pt I . from the southlatiols, and we are luelty ' - --' ' , ...." I . . . . . � . . 1.� . , "You. don't believe Godfrey Pituillk . if our'bird box49 Attract and hold a I I & r_ I , .� .. 11 I . . I : I ' Was guilty?" she eiQlainied, and her pair of Uouse Wrens, wboso incessant -1 �_ . ... . �, . � � , . I -- 't . eyea began to take a hard look, her bubbl ot,gh cbedV even � Coote.ianer Ss...'QAcker . I I 'On"" t to . 11 ) / - f . � a voice a defiant tone. . - to do their -bept. . I ' * . . $. terby. the i" 'Ptablop . It N . . W ". . Oil, don't 11" returned But Wren Veg r. , in their se- . A no skin irritatioal I I m purpose, .Visa a are rathe 'trange . /i I . " Rye,, the London omeers and their lection of, a negting site, and it ifl'w011 I I . di the perfect I I . . 'principals, who Ilave got It In hand, for the bird, lover to be prep�wcll ,to � 4 I If you %vero paid itor psqtilig ii,to.uor "dic . . � I I .- __ . wv�, ).()u %ottlol Ilrol . . . � Fil sallb. defille it as . . ,. I ilelleve it.4 . . 11. 11 ;;;T.-;_��___ I ­ . . � I I . ,�, , c-le;inest, quickest, ca%iett oil 4-41", . . . "And what It 1, tell YOU that God- ­­ �__ ______ � I __ - f-- � a really goiod " frey Pitman never was guilty, that I 4 i , q. � . I Ilevallge that'.. w.hat 116110 Ilion 14"d us � " Ike never raised hfa band against Mr. ", 011,.' -, Shave klinuld Im. � . I I I I V. 1� 011ivora?" she broke forth In passion- FEW FOLKS HAVE , , � Now we a0. %0'ill to) 11111ge llow well -we'N e put thuse " . . . . 16.v . . "Zi I 11 . .&in. At our exiiell4e. . . ate acctntx, rifling to cootrout him. 0 "N I three re(iiii4itel; nito 4 &11119%-319 4:T4P 1, A I . - it tip in litiltiritiq of tifen. And, havillig ., .-What it I tell you that It was 1?11 GR4Y HAIR, NOW . I .� ,., We�e lout we Alr� 4011wr vreatit or aoaP. Standing there before him, her . . 1. . 11�1_ trwd it, they refuNc to riloritte"4, shaving advoill- I I �� oyes a.blaZe with light, her cheeks L.. I I . I . There are 5 di -tinct ,4014 I 1, � aving, (Watil. It cost its Is trimson, her Voice rlqging with sow- Druggist fty* Laillto Are 041119 .. � . l'alilloli" '-'!" I 4 I I c.1 wurh. 1.11 Julow � � . or. t was nearly impossible to dialit- =hill 0l $M, mpelinlents, to perfe-CL I i R*61po of sign, Tom slid . ! .. , 11�c (14ir ,�44,d.. . � Ileve her. For otict, the exlerftced,. I I tittill, Now jn(I � I I Ywill firld crk4111 llllsltipt�h-i, ilqelf .154 Cities ilk I I cool man, wss taken aback. sulphur � I , . � -11 ::You. 1411$& Rye!" 1 4 ­ � . � I 111'all tolls h�ther., 1, ' . I . 1. I VIA, 1. 1, Alletha, Rye. What, I I i '. y4l,illl ,,'4,1tI tj..t 1,40,vr q�,4mo 'I,e ,'.lost UntulY beard . , BAY. It I tell you it was J did that ter- yA111r filat lo,qq itq color and lustre, , �, �, io 'me ullvute�4.vvithlwt afi� ont.4ting "rubbing N." � � I ' - rible deed? Not ,Godfrey Pitman. or wli(,tl it fades, turns gray, dull and r 1�stilll filid tip -,,1,A0;,. -r reignon, rich Und C.-eAttly far Now theb! you must make the saost llr,21esq, i's 4cause4, by a la& of milpbur Ili I.,ililites till Nttir iare. it Ilece"144"v- . of It, and do your, best and worst." in the h*, Out grandmother tilade ­ . ylault fi !v. Itabbles .- Till cutting eiv�ier, vle'Allflr. Weal J Tht s4owal, together with the Tati- up a mixture of SAO Tta and sulphur 0 (,J e%ti,t mttriijo,th hold ej f5 11AVe, t t. T1414 io hil9l" I 'ous Ideas, that came orowdins AS An to keep, htr locks dark and beautifult 1,3111. 111w1h, )"u'll lli,41%01 ;it ti -C kwA. so.,tll�d "aftel, I � A agcompaniment, struck Mr. Buttorby, and thbusands of w.omen and merl who ­ ��,14 . ji,cl'l—a re6idt of tile vafeitl% blended I'A110 a,141 Ol"d '. . lie sat there gazing at hot; value that even calor, that beautiful oilq. I r � ; dumb. orly tatting him. , dark shade of hair whkh, is so 2t- I %Vk; usL- your Judglucili (6jit t1trie %)(j"fit", Aq 4 fA%-O ) I ,116 speech Utt ..It this true?,, he whi6pered, wlift tcutive, imt rtelve. % - . 1"Ailisig. Il,e loqq uolll(l lie ull om". .Ilelitf A%Iag 11.1t, t I , ho -had found his fatigue. Nowadays we get illis famou% mix. k,,,kJJ111l1 i,..r -,tsuv lerl free Ih-1%v`- I "Should I *Yaw Much 9 thing It It ture Improved by the addition of otheV �� I I I . were not! Oh, Mr. .Uutterbyl hugh ingredients ty, aNing at any drug store I I . MO& In Canada . . the matter up it it bt in your pow,� for a bottle,R "Wyethls Siip and Sul- THE p,A,t,,,q0tlVV, CONIPANY OF CIANNADA, 11MIted , - ;, I I CtAnpound," whkh &rkon5 th* I I , �� ors" she implored, clasping her heads Townia 11 . tit an Attitude at oupplication, and Vallprr to natutstly, so evenly, that no. , I I I . . I � - - � - --- -1. --- -_ . her breath tame In great 901115, 110 body tan possiibly tell it has btfu UP- I . . . I trast the words were Jtrked out, rath- plied. You Jua 'd sponge or 1 "I . 4 'Iry IN - . I 7 � er then spoken. "In PRY tO tue, bust soft trash with I draw thin - 10 811AVF,8 FREE it; it hall lain at rest all these thr6ugli your bair. takiog,,oft sMall ' , I I � 1 '013vt f It ,Pn $0 ta,111, to I'm* rabsol its 1. $,"T'S. i Q1,,;,,.1DV L. f t,Ant%da. J.C,lo 1,�OLV,4'.% �, " my sake, Strand at * time, By Tootaing tile gray L VV E 110.00t,�. 410t. ., Let Godfrey Pitman be! to. PALMO lot bira bol. I Pray YOU. in heaven's biit diu atg; bat what Misfits tli�o ,W , , C I I S,� � tr, . 1%1�!I.Q ­. � I 1. 11 I ,;�. � ­� I - I I fivine!" udies, wit wyetvs SW 444 sutobur � i '. ., to%ter_ C-empowld Is ftit, besWes bewitifully NG MAM .. ]�, . She sat down In her Chair �nillg tile hair sittr a f0w a _.— A41clsbMs I .. I . . lot bowk to It" And buret lato X good darki PONCA- , , - _=**V*"*00N0@0A —_ -_ of bystorleat tests. Mr, vatterby tioa$l it ilso brkw U* the *164 and .,-- I , MI . (.917'. - I I . I waited In silence till they wett over, lustre and gives it 44 *"two of I . I ­ � I I 1, 11 *,",ftll I ,.Sd thttl buttofitt his,colt 4,0 SO, Out, ,A1t,!Jr&hW__, , � . � � . I . . . I � � . I I . . � . . I . . I . . . I I 1 .4. 1 '1� I 1, � . ­ _. - - ­­ — _­...AdiWWNWAffiNsN01W� A� dlmft�a � I ..a_. ­A. ... - __ - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. _ddo1k � ift I