The Goderich Star, 1924-04-24, Page 64 1�1.11_ 0". THURSDAY, APRIL 24* 104 if VAGS SM THE GOIDERICH 9YAK �q am MONO f ON sW .10 C 0 fto-- cur co� PLU6 April Z%-Plath of fika"Popre flctem4u) VIC I Wern %xittiu. 'rowt- kiem"i tn O'l. Splill0rJ41616. w4ks F-.03tjC(4j on jj�kt 1418 "... ill 4h t4ogreatctit Witen ffir 0 WM�A' W/A4 t,7- Good Scran on'� Coal, the watld. ffiC41 at, the, *90 Qf Am stutbriatically known of M64th07�arQA'1M t(I IA'M Pill I) "soft. 1111�_4414 Auv AtWol, life tban ouv of tho'111-he r CHEOT ur jq4t, rapgo "ll -I vibilh Ij 11.mixtura of, chestnut and 0 ities rof bill day. otill IhN IS a consilderable a coal) celebt V) 04're LVINU11 -lO ly awingtotbefact thatbe WAS :wo ;T�uy bili Actillpl� �tr lrogitlrdedr "Jolre **a fta() jtCtj)r.*%A % Ian jutereSt Ili Abr,) 01fto Tiwatro PP 4M a greAt writcr by 1140, COUteMPOrArieO, STOVE and EGO, at $16-00 afto"IR TON .3lize that, ell Wal a who apparently 1xit(A to r(I Ilivlayawould lIV40 forall time, and ve. #3,1000-a Whicit 01' N 411, iflemife of bus big many jilterAry trienda, Ificluct i film to 1101-eh-as'l a 11HU xc%i(Vawe 111. LUMP10081� at *1 2110,0M, PE and Michael praytoo, *blot ug lien Jubuson *� StrIatford. tO wlile tA 4%) rofivcd Wholk ost the goldoo oPporttlilitY Of Mottling, All COW Wel0hed 0" Markot -ScaleIlls, 0 Wo filid dul"413 0.1 the 9lsateilt Agaro be finall'y ICU ra"Itilou Ia to X1. I , 110 wikq tug 141144040 friend And a the 611110619 (4 litelcAturtw. m4rit brilliPiat men 4f 111% tatber wx,,t One of sbo Watling to tile. day cta%j fad W&uV. j"Ovential pat. men In theitown bt stratrord?On 8voll ream. Ito wa-4. lwell.k4awn and popular where Ito L-stablishell 4 CCOMI store, at Cojig:t. and wa% freqU011111Y 114009red In which her ca.rPlellon the coushilled bv routiowid pertotolatwes More -C trageso(ji glav . erj, btitchor and dealer .11Z,tileth. What Wafj FO.d(.jIgljttd 0 AR O.J41 CEME NT jusSricaltntal produllN W1111111111 WWI in 0, A FRE X 42 tacatellat the Jocat tilo, rharaoter ot V*14tv It I . i born tit 1564 and cd Ileary Ili", U10 $;Ito just in, which we are sellitIg at 80C 9 4 At grammar 101001% where Ito tolnD101,41 $b0car Otte to lut.-Oflocor tho cortylteat 1. 9, fanilly reVerscs until lie WaR 13, kalgbt io aliotlipr Play, willoll C ihe A. 11) uccessItAted the buy leaving 8.0bool to in Ifte- %,vj Iting ot I 'This Uorry WITeS 0I 80c. PER SA' K01 Ito warvird Anne wfadtior# I — I . . Art tile ago ox 18 %1.( spearc. 8 Tile )afit fi%*0* Vears of sh =% I eight years 11114 tilrIle r7*y M WoMarr husiol ack 2oc. extra, whicIris al wlli�u sac� isrie — ed 'a Wt IV, atilt 0 travelled 11, IrO PE004 In aa�jour years later'b tilrj. whoro'be tio-s gly on foot to London where be WOMS tO WritY at tilri" aftluro. -h 4t 6neo ZUMO(i his attf Utj(jI% tQ` tbQ asttive Iilteros� In too, fr e have f iltit began to fail.."uAl tile �4 ji'lespable In 1610 Ill" 1101 WAREl theatres And,bavlog Prove b ited tv f actor he �ia% ltoon.4 popular tlaeraborr0f te$i;tvjtje4.wKhwh When in the, market, for anythinglit HARD; 'Otr, 0 ading corapLwy of the day. visit from W frlend��44-t When. orl, the' v"r "e tile. le. only 16 WQT0 Pub 'I L)f 104 37 plays tolt brouglat-ou a tQVerWWQb ausedlits, forgettildtWe carry a$ Compleje a -line as we did 11004 daring big ore, so it is 411mcutt to destli. a save you m Square, and ca oney. re' that pilece of Mrs. J. L. Ai*4011, a Notable of a heroine in the biggest 6 a ad ever known. C91ulwtl b .0 1youlan, D S in Vancouver ask d in C61 in er 'Was away, the home sur�- j1 - The Vancouver Sint. of March 21stf rounded by fire, The mother and her Britt an S %ve AFt plkc The tit ESGO, d'ALAWTINE 5 lia-, a very interesting JUO story Of fives' L alteria- Mrs, J. C - lAcLagan, wbooe mother daughter, the eldest Of N, Was 11 tken of - atelY' dUR '4 11016 in the garden t; gollig any W an passed aw. place the children for safety to at the and carried buckets of water from 4 0rX,1D*r0' pac U y the prQVjOaSr 'day poll tile hem f her daughter, Mrs. X. Do slough nearby, to throw U3 W, MING lier v H11A&rJE6INGy, EUB hom n, Vancouver Was that the 13- -PLUMI-BIN Pan husband, fencing. Then it '600tr ifb the founder of The VaucOuver,$Uff, Yeav-Old Sarah ruAhed. back to. the YOU 4iX VA house And with. great diffi�ulty�-fPr etc6, we�,areiu a-psitiou. to �gi proluPtlYl Years a ad for, five yeAV9, died 21 go" al only'sem her fathef t4clde after, his death site mant gedpp�Apft. she had before --puzzled on' , 4 The jllu,,4tj!a*j= Shmv$ an ioteresting test yod 04vow, If any, Women) says. the instrument a per, , end MesSagel Land got CIS illpold tl:y fn your OWn kitellett. I Sun, ja how to f; U KS r cooking 1. 1 proves the The avo plaied a more PtOrftin inater, The ent part in the early and later British through. to Now Westnii super y of good ameled ware foi ply came back through the blazinkr C H jorit jV11) - EA OL Sallee Columbia coast history on the-main-'Ve: $ I . Tako an S' ameled War thgo, the Into Mrs. MeLakon V0ljey,.,,lWclI 4o)ie Sarah' and e'� . I r th purposes.. ope :Harb laiii size made o' altirm- Iftad things 4ere at their worst the f wam 1$'t r I � : Pan, and a sauce pan. Of ei� allied, a number of prominent The HaOd e aL into each pour a,�quprt She - ocel -Ininn; tin or Mher Met public p;sltions in woman!s * organi, and, his Indians emerged from their, Set botli $gUcep thefire. o.00, g1rVen poompt and eftimeall of cold vmter. _,An$ over zittlQua, being one of the fOW340V$ stops 22 h to of the Victorian Order of Nurses Hous IL 2 The w4ter in the klyl? in jb6lItL AVO Miant 0 Council r O'f Phones "Phoft ordeps fu, tt �t,o 'while an n. will'be holliffig rw I atid Local Women'. The, the Wator In jhj all'_Metaf S&6ee.riab will OOM046 f rat meeting of the Victorian Order! 6 '1011teS Was hold at her home in V40couver. 1, [lie boll in About eight MjrlutOjg�,-thrOe = She was the, second, president of theV Joilger, .'SitVe in, cooking. . VS0 %t ....... of, Women atad the fii. Local Council A: Board jeg4t� to go to a convelition: of the canoe and,the sm6ke- and helped, to ta the Ameriean.,Shipping do ekled $0,tional Council In tuo east. she the situation.,.' -and despite her, age, learned type- �ho will 'RE h. sa -telgraphic w6irk-on., dkod Mb hours a MY Skil UNIP. Yom of thil tamor SMA W we, anot er er: given. charge of " t 0 thtough this skortitofn4ally L A Waa also, vfth ;j0he �vas lat )a writing and, did er that board forifireo' years. At old'timer, oxie, of qlegrapb oflice, 4-hile .4ill s, d d-twen oary"ims the. original organ, r bllatokiu� t Pot* ofparceldn ond o'Noart.of Stat Daughters of the Ena- 'ut Iis�e� Of thewar she procteded to 14�_ rt izen of' thti rl la subsequetatlir� we find her th pi e.of y Woo, *W#,0ls%tb "04*910y rint the rifl-I 14 gland and helped with the, recon- there It more mono 9 despatched to. Yale dw, at I OL;kn � ., �."' 'r - I . . Wao. thtft toliitao Ilkht, V.0therliveat Mrs, XcL, e t , 4%�, ., r a dor r jiluttly,toatis appears to hav way construction, period to. take. struetkon worl Of .Ithe National Red crisital Wax*. three a ojery capable Woman. wan Wl asl *40 so At the- s- 010ur Platats if Hr. . Us' been charge -o 19. low X -yo utiss. *"Iast the office for *some mblaths, Cross 14 London, subsequoinly cro j ettTly age of twelve, 'When her father the only' strilitly busWess white WOm- sing to Frande and Working With the at Mate-, in xe Red 0 ty all received a grant, of ]land anr therer In thote-r6ug)r 4iid ready Witish-- Co mi#eO of the Fr rich of Lone. of i (ftS14X-rir META�Pltoouars Coo UMMO .0 yokor eest RA. It : I I . Prairie and took charge 0 tofowrasAt. ro o' WINNIM6 qUi I Cross. - She then returnell,toL.Vaneou- Ft wro Z00't t#r t the two telegraph station6 (the other*,. T"He, days Wia'n, the, Great War, came ofi� Un; ver, and was ma& head of the 014 lineeting Ippr L 40"Ktat'i N"Y" QAWAR*_ beltig at Yale) co with.! ifo THIR. STAR "FOR JOB, -PRINTV-1 I McLagan went �dkiwu. tor Cali mia, PeOPWs, Ill !j," 0 bing tbeCariboo,she figured, na sow t 0- tb I tin, A�-M I M $124.5.00 Delivered tb You Five Pa"erwar Vow Pawn Co�",, 41145.00, 0411voied to YOU get Tbujingi P14oe $$10.0 0sifivered to YOU DISTINCTIVE MAIVRES, so, MOTOR 'ylinder, valVe.in-heall type, I I i , 16 bole, 4 in. strok',.*. LOW COST OF OP14RATION. The. New S4 [110c (including 4�per half of crank. ease) flead continually making new records 1 ifte mileage -30 to 3,5 miles to CYLINOWS I Cast ell 1 to the gallon, being not uncommon. sumptlon is so low ai to suirrisa de anV -Tire mileagAis equally, di new owners who have driven other car. VALVES 1 1-2 in diathetetr high. CONNECTING ROD BE �ARIbJM .. 1 5-8 in. diameter, 1 7-8., ill. CRAN&%IA" BEARINGS : PrOnt, 1 3-8 ith dil-Milater$ a 54 'In. loug; EXTENSIVE SERVICE, ]FACILITIES. 'rhere are over 1506 dealers R in. diameter, and siervice stations !a Canada. �ready to give prortipt -and efficielit �ervlde to 21-32 hl. 1-3-111001119t, Carol 1`t t I I 16 in, Iolm Chevrolet owners. CAAtStL*jj Ij Front, I I 161n. diainoter, 2 3-8 in. 1611g; COMFORT. All models are exce�tionally well upholstered, ljjVe center, t (W;;`iA in. diailieter, -1 in. 1011,9', ItMxf, IL 14 in-,di2illeter, I double ventilating windshields. (Ternstedt regulated Vindows on till ars.)itarger surface area of radiator lusures efficie t cooling f 7.16 In. long. closed, c, a Ne si Sj,STEMr SPI, xk spring arrangement and lai 1%,,es ridi .t "Oar plullp, arid individual oil PoCk-ets. PrCS- OILI '811, 0 . motor, Ne fnamg increo llg sure to center llearillF. t)il pres�ura gauge on Instrument board. comfort over tough roads. � &ats ate atran�edva"t' more colnf ortal)le angle CARSURETER -. Zenith. and -more- leg room is provided front and rear. acuuln fogif -, 8 -gallon Unk in rear. a VVEL % V TW6 P"*fttr C00", $1,015.00 Delivetw to You CQRTAINS OPEN WITH DOORS N very decided and peactical o t 'tie hovil whiell effec- IGNITION : Reray. improvethent. Thi�,als also a new deyvw ia, he engi AND c&MAIXTOR Renly. STARTER tnalky stops'all rattles. CLUTC14 t Cone j),pe u,ith gdiusiaLile componsating ",,ptIngs. we ate f4l meet $,our requirements ill - .�y prepared to VACUUM FM on all models with tank in war. IVAMMMON t sclsmtive tspe, sliding gear"., throe spi!0s :fotward 9 TIRM SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES OF ALL IUNbS DEMOUNT. ABLE RIMS. I . t is a simple, quick job. to change tires Oil . e rever&,�, lieu, improved geat 1 and Shift. arij f radiator Wjtjj.jjj�rs!aQ any Chevrolet. COOLING Wattr fuln an and our.Repair Depattment isAa charge, of I& Z&ud &0", all Caft ii 03 DAMMED DESIGM With the new high liocd, crowried panelled molhw area. expzvt meelianic of ever t S years, experience, and we We 'o FRONT AYAX l.bmill. N,�,w depattuti.� keaT111,0- the best (if -service. " kridets, sloping windsbield, plate glass, windows, largc radiator, nickel - REM AXLE t Spini-floating UP& 1.1yatt 'And New Departuro haaanqS, 1� sills 11 1 lated radiator shelf, duimb*bell type iadiator filler. rap, drum type head. T, cc Spiral bevel fing �eetjr and fition. �ervko extef. rights, sW%= lines and fine finish, Chevrolet takes ita 49M, amolig car; A intelftal liand icontrol; much higher price on an equal footing for valuir. ifta, Wnfta,fln is, hirge tub 1111&6, n.n "SHER BODIES. All Chevrolet closed cati havo Fisher Bodies, , ountable tin I WHIM : woot equipment on all well known to tie the highest type� 4 construction ard �-t indard Of% the best TIM . 'to L.I. X 3 1 in: COM tifes are staudard Vj&V I GARAIj atth grade of closed cars, even those selling highest pikes. modcu'. DRIVE i Left We; ieerit,�r ecattrel, �,-patk and thfotfi� ICWTS under COWAWLWM SEAL CHEVROLET and your Clow ifi5ptction of or any car sit IIIK Wheel. r�oot accelerator. t M. DAVIS the Nt% Superi6r models it, oincetely requested Mow Ittlying STZKRM CZAR Z Worm ard WoMl gear, 1(j in. stwin. , Wheel� any prio�. Numtrous rletsing fcatutes and mecharfieal cxc_AlenZies� will ijigili 8 &jjjj�cantilev�r 1.�jv, front ana- rear. VInldium steeh s0MH STMT* GOMICH K-Witiced which Isick o space will not petirift its to enumerlitit here. Ph*" 83 A 0 X\