The Goderich Star, 1924-04-24, Page 2M
00111 IN 1:1 IN!! I lopt 111 1
qqjj7,R.g APRIL '40), I$C
i Irs tunwd, Thty *It @peak w0l of the mom ft
roarvellQua, tininess aftivity of tb--,
OF YORE. country, and thlV4, ita gow place for
IN DA active and cuergWa wen to go. Xi-.
GCO. Aelicsoll Is expected bowo fw 1r, War
QWAWUW9 00 FWM IMM& 9NOW9 10 Ift r*9W 00 PM ZV 'gems the Nortlowt the esirly piirt of tko s Ulm a NEW *r - e g A
Soo— I* Too hw1wo of Swow-.4vApo"vo Y000lweek. � '*- , � I in "N%"RW 1W 9walpm IV W Ut viovelzarge vour battery for you $his QVini'l- 0 z' Ir c'kl ?3y'� ')_�
Party for St. 8tepheWs 0 s0uw direct current. wliieh is abSolutoty necressarY fOr"t bt"DT`)9,h
MW 9LM flattery w4ieh at5g, Makes your I)Atory 11
of IU- rburck - Q 7M 100.80FI, t1tk?`
Akx SUmonst a Foraw Pr ft Old its 011or,
0. D" im 2"1. 'A, party wIll be held thi5aNrAga"4 'Ag ratel unfil APQ loth oxcludwe. 400.
Rpd evcning ou tho Aegant ground"4 The Demo* U*y*-' I them employed as long ar, lie f-oula in
TWENTY TRARS AGO ILWQ400 Woo �, 'glar With Ju0ion of Mr.a. RiNwa f8firling House),, flur- Rowo mr-Itatiots alacl ecovowlsts tke various huge industtiV3 under 118 X W#J
JlVxam The Vvoder1Qh Star of April Ucro5pe, iV'61 ms, 15 to bo x-eviv,ca 1eA roaJs the procce& , to W for tho BARKER
7 prowd 'to their oym patisrgejugn, care. Vitro - prescat 194-9 liko. Ger.
22114,� 1001) this resksop, A* oue day lost %vek nD 41 St s4hen's. iarsopsge fund. T"3- ycars ago that there could not be an. roansvbs lost chance to m ake govil wItIt GODERICH
As. : 2�_ U - & will Inr 1 1. 'hilinnfo. 31 i PRONZ 398 r I
gewto to Uri biclics of $now 1 WV4 049 as 44V lyoo 1K4W -I r, ozlierwar Mat wollid Ja more, toaa 0 powers. --------
ino, a lunior fc=, cillcd ron A mer 'to those �A;,iring.' An attractive pro- stx mont1j, 0 � e
Tb* %now Storm of Friday gt'4vo us r Finances 404 the wast. ------
11vt of anow,.and In rnauy pla- Chant for A �obsc-rljqtioa. ram Wr wiirsla will also bovit-cri6d.' age., 4�j� Wman We would. not st*nd Ron, Avlor'smith in Trouble
Judge Uwis Bought Property Isammer Resort ausiftess Was Brisk the atrain they argued. But tho Prolik tile roliticat atnlwpllcrc� of
4C*X fast of U,, tho had iron), 17 to 10� Mr. X. N 1. U,,0,3 has p%wrW-W for I Altbgugb tho ocwon Ugan . latv� Door Nvar and later the. world- war the - Oataela 14,-,islature oborgos in.
NY "..any it il 031-mcd that the fall g"d rourid, 6uni the property tie I than usual.' Qu4 dvl4pite the loss of tl,.Q showed *00 to - Ye� in tho Vrenw� volviw a forxrEr mini,,Awr of tile
hopLd the foil vl),mt c-cuitdcrably. a
11100w J� NOW COVICI 4 401)atch from Paris de. Crwwa have t3ased to the, courts of
91,4'ItMosr on Alitit 16th . p Vant.froul,Park floule, the' nurnber. of visit(jr, ml
*1id �iliiing tho Sbaw estate. Xr� L'�Wwni con. to Godorith during 'the season bas during that'--thOVrelvil apaY lsosses reter Smith of Strut.
it it
On toe -.1144 J!"tinuotorrolde ',on the property.
to �, yvars to Come when r Go" Club, 001cers,
wintem are mentioned, that of tue
been vvry large. Capt, AUGm9orof
the present VOTL- jjo�se, boa Ifad his
I "cou"nodation tested to. the Utmost,
s tho demon rar capable oz obli- Sord, wbo.Tms trea!=er durla.-, the
terating wbole, arraiva in one 9pera. Drury QoVernment!s terill of office..
tion, aud of Vdpina out everythino- is uudcr -bail of $1012,000 on charges,
The C;0derIq1j Gun Club Was OrgOO-
1704r will be the one referred
for 1899 Wedues-day
I and urilesi bo Oan secure larger
livi In ani v6fintry Itta0:0, and of conspirae Th - '-'-be queud.
Ion F, ese -ingy
le- Accenoriu.,
zed on evening
V to wj the most severe, unliderrovicd 41th the kj(,cjI9n 'of officevi and the
quarters for another year will pro.
batly Do
tb3%inv*rV4iuIkktImQ. UlUclainlvd-ed before III& trial begins,",q hi the lrl�
that thf!3 diicovery ofn Prewh I terlin it Is likely that
,Oil sleighins; fo ovtr '"464,31 transaction of routine business, Tito
quite un4ble to Toeet the de.
volen. o06 persong,
tist vvw-� about'to lipeouit,
6 - Volt, - .1 1,�� Plate, xUlly Guarantied..
sleighing on 16th of April and ex. . officers are E.,
't �R. Watson, president;
cellenk skating In the West �str.(!( Aym. Rutsolip vice president; Drew
I round made upon him. mr. J. �X.
I Wright of the Point Farrq,,'aIEo had
opeiative qotably some vibowerelier-manout of.
when the ArmUlce vilth Gerinally
Ford, Chi- e nd aid 'Star,
vrelet, 04 r1a
rink on tile 1$U41 will be the r coor`4 Of llougvleo r-ce.-treas.;
on excellent season, this wautifill re.
1V as signed and that it liar, --ince been
improved to a state effle.ency
the century, Rvgarding the skating ton, F. X T., Kaftel and Ed. Tilt, exe.
it van be said that the 11co was In fin,�
sre winning admiration of all who
have seen it.
of ylbieb
makmi r ranev nupreme in a rahicmry
cuth7c, cammlttto.�
conaitiot, and those Who took the op-
U40K the U
portunity for the rreard skate claim aphu
souse. One may take such claims
a grain of salt; they hiive oftch
that the Ice was all that tould be tie. On Niredueodny warning six of our
been advanced for vArlous nations atl
dt by
glad, $0 9 It a n for Auburit,
kin h t a vao e and two
3fr34 Alfred Tranellemouts P'new at..
des Sollico, QuoA, irrites:_
ivarlous timel. But it is certa in that
much time, energy and
Chirimb Urilon,Twenty Yoors Aso
vioney ore
a all boats and, adiin tl�i mill in
At an Informal but largely attend-
that bu at 20*30, at onto launched
Own Tablets Are an excelleat
maillclue. They s4ved my baby'll lite
being expended on destructive wea� ...
polls that, olloold be devoted to ad.
FROM49.00 UP
va meeting of ministers of -the pre$. the boats an started ott the thirty-
andlean bighly recommead them to
vancing the artA of peace,
byteriall, Methodist and Congrega* mile trip to town. Whea.betwten
11"41 *ChurOhe� " Hamilton, 11014 On Auburn and Belimiller -they came up
all motbei:4.11 Mrs. Trallobemoo,
Monday Idst, Rek. Dr. Pletcher, wood. to the scow that was lost by the -par-
ot oiber in others who, have tested the
worth of Baby s Own Tablets. The
The BrIUM Premier And The Sovict
evotor of tbo Presbyterian G"PrAT ty that tried the journey a few daya
prodding, the following
Tablets are % sure and wo medicine,
f0v 1400 tO
Britains Premier was amqzIngl
fr4n k in his addr�ss to the Russian
All Kinda of Oils and Accessories
�,As*mvly, since, and stopped About one hdor to,
vi�solutioil W49 unanimously and
repair it. It was then taken'io tow
01108 0-.114 never fall regulate
thabowelsavii stomma 11, thus relieving
fleleglites 'at the opening of the An -
11 ".1' , X.A,
hourtily adopted- That *e, ollbist, And left- at Senitiliter. Aftera-short
f!" of the Pr<�jjbyterlAril �IethOdist
all the minor Ws frolu which obildrou
softer. Tliev are sold bv medicine
glo,Russian Conference In Of,
He declared his opinion that if a n un.
W1. M.O.' B8LL
stay at the villarm 14 tbehollow, the
dealer '25
oil . ligrogational c orcbes, of, R.Am, Journey wns continued, ana home
approve of the principle of thp
$ItWo $ reached at 51.30 p4 w. T.hw= *-q,, wils
Or NV tnall'W cents is box
or The Dr: Williams, Uodiclue Co.,
orftl�vjllc, ont. - ':
derstandilic wah not reached at the
present time there was�,Ifttle hope Of
EAST ST4. OAR;AO,E ThOne 243
or le'volon of the denominations manned by Ila Autson and Cling,
this or,. subs�quent British Goveiii..'
nom , and tommend such a rooye. Ift"j, and +,h,, j,.
ments making aw! new. arrange.
V t . I . ments with Russia., 40 also omplia.
nisat toAlle prayerful symputhy of� c4tapaigne, Walter Shannon and F. (By'Rev. W. M. Trivett)
the ininisters. ond illembert; of these Shopberd, and it is to the credit of As the Easter Lily sixed,the n006WY of cireitting, a feel -
opens Ing of security. 14 other words, that
covoral church �couris at once, to take the voy4gora that tUY ran nParly' Golden bearted to the sun 82iish finaticlerx and manufacturers look 1ut6 other matters' ill addition io many strange and e#lting experion-
suell prollminaiy sWils as may be no. vvery rapid and, completed the Jour- So would T* this , 1:aster m6riing, RON. PSM $XITU that of wagai,. It to interesting to tes witIl stormst shjpVMasf, mutinies,
Imsaary to vecurp the,union of those Ny old not do business except with the, Former Provincial Treasurer of note that Attlill" James Cook, leader and piracy, \goliie of the trip.sp.�
ney without tin upset or injury 4. _*-�Dlame to greet the Riaeli One. fill) 16owledge that b, U. select4 the Atlantic, in those days r6quiled,
be, con. any kind to pqraon or bout, though, la'aworld that bides Its beauty, and agreollients were, not to, be, sub� Dotario,.,syho is charged.with conspir. of'the Welshirniners),,haq ee
risNal 4vvith the best intercsts.of.t.he one of the boutnieu was jerked out of I njust look 0 by the British 'Mineral Federation so.aays, The ships carried no dole,
aurol -Itys whell llear home beyond the grave; jocted til the- whims, of. extrentists in, Oey. Re � apt. fbilow�itig a
one of the A I must catch d e r Vision, * I as their §gcretary, succeeds tors, and 0 - Schetky,
le Me Russia. Finally he w4rned.the Boa- uk Hodges now -a ittember of the naturalgift, was med#;al man for the
TWUNTY-F W911MARWAGO J, g ive ±nd be cart save,,,t
WHAT WAS DOXNG'h�.Issl slans thht propaganda of a Rolsboviot I ficials of* ;he Government, Vill be Government Cook is most extreme crews, of ill ships on Whiqh We sailed
kr. *u ;dellod with some trouble'? nature'lliust not be carried pla in Brj- charged with somewhat similar often, in ;his views, and very, Aggressive� 4tud accomplisbed so e xeniarkkible-
The - Goderich Star of'April w the (loderich Star of Auj.'
�1 I od or
Vn('. 1899� �ub' Uad'there been a larger m
r ,,
Raster peaks to you t6day� tish countriek Ile drove this point ee-K, It will be,a go' f1iing f
])#tW ' nr .11le_with the declaration that the lic life in Ontario, in particular,
10, 1881�, ho ajority of .�urgicA operations and medical
In the grave resign your worry, and
Ffist and Last Death of Former Proprietar.or Tile Spirit risib th miners I, UvOr of. a battle, ho- 6ures. Rewas-abo a keen and skill
Snow Star jr over.clay. British Government would ultit Accept throughout C gelleraji, if the, -vasse)
,auds �.,fcjo the excus trials lif 14111,40 the
7 no ul �navigator and savid.his
Jesus risbu, three, e tbll t, the Third jnterruttion- ap-tpaioti iiiiiids of' om, disaster ma times. He t�*
not tit. 11 Ca lesson ;6f de,,,
Thc- C11 -St ;'low' 1414 fall *as In Oc� Al"ander 0. Simmom,' for'several ; ylitivt
First fruits 4 our a' , nadian ltizeNq the'
future state on Russian Ao�ernment, art. -In the Civillwar. ln.487Z he
120r, 6nd tho1ast so fax, this soriligo y1oarn proprietor of this papee,, and Let us humbly bow before him, was re!'ponsible for such propaganda. votion to principle:, The public se�r-
aturday nfght� making wj.,ater wrell kno , 'jilrou 'Rent as executive Av�i� to sur -
WA �hout the entird Lot us '*orsbip Nybile we wait. Thin -fins beell a standiii�.Oxplanation v4nt, shculd:bp, truified.nrd. brought
14 1 0 - - I I *et, but. apparently even Alp irr the ideals, of unselfish s ic ey Nicaragua with a,view to con -
At leaf., six montho. counV,'died at his father's rcs'i
lencf� by the SOVI ery e to
esus nin
Mr.-Caroy Partliasod RoWeave �011 wedries4liy last, of erysipelas, 9* the British Labor party is jettin tir. the staW. trudting. a jennal th9re,inatead of
I � I � r . : 8�0 IN bride _o*peqt4nt; sings, nairia, and io the following year be.
=14 C VWted, the 'West ed of it. Mr.
Mr. Os urey has puxrhased. - 111,this Vale of tears rooieln MacDonald: will no Best Writer In the VAirld was ordered as navigator, to sut
Avro Urn. JO."er'bVilliams her hand. : Mossri, F, Jordan, 41,"C. 'Datlor -And "As- the lily upward douht'Win many friends in-Britain))y
A .4 4some. residence in S' his firm attitude -with the Rwqsians, Now - 0�uiiswic ther.east coa�it of Nexicai, which hal
_t Georgo!$ w4A. Xalnes MeXay, who, h4v� been, visit. k and QueDec sbare -barted
The suill paid was A500. not been c Ur 200 years
Ing the Great Northwest, have re4vTlR9'STAR F OR -JOB PRINTING in the honot, of having the best., hand 'a coast are in use 0 -
is charts of thl
'11';Irpi :111,11zft France 'Links Up With,Little Entente wrltbr ill tlle world. Arthui Corm!
er, ay. It was during the 'Nicaragu4
a Inkc4l" student at Laval UnNer-1
-France and Roulnuilla have reached survey. that be went suddenly blind
sity, Quebec,' and who'is"from,Co.
an agreeracht which �omplctes the ue to the-.1ilazing sun. on the dazzliul;
linking of the7 former with th g New Brunswick, ba,4 won' the white -sand and-beeallSe Of the close"
a "Little r�t plize I �011 Caligraphy; in � ecwpo- -va ion qvork he. L had to 40.
F-rit0lite" in a military sense. This ti
qChetk* 114SL
titiol' a- inst the world,- Twelitv
now. taken ]to inoon jitat Pria"ce will - ser*od in the navy,
countries wore 11 *Ilentedlh,O�e juil, R -all par�ts of the world. , In 1809,ko
assist Roumunia to the full oxtelit of
r Me to decide I "1;i=0T4S7s15 fars. J. L. was XeUxP4 -Vom activo.setvice on
herpower in the, event (if Ru which sat at Kris
I Pki going these diys of the -typewriter',
to warpvor the questich of Be$ the raul-� jt)Cen�g Mother,L age limit of 62 years.
USS[a is inclined to be. rAorjAptraifiia t'grallh machine and the typt�scttOr, Capt. Schetky ran away lo -s
And the. desire for speed, handwriting At
just now and. Trotsky has stAted that " the age of 15; shipping oil the Veeauie�';
there will be no war. In an is a rather teglocted art.'sUany T1110 bound -to Sidnoky MW4 to fto for 0* 30 YOM
Y. evelit and Oriental u, -tothe
write a grr.1t (foal Of inateiial for ports. ts siga..Iwe
L Russia would seem to have hertlailds For 21, yeark be wu in tb,,
full at the moment, fo� there is a po. P" ' 1�11 P110 IQ usd a PYpourriter "I reliant servlc(
or dictate to i�omconc who doo,4, be -
volt f4irly large pr s
against Soviet role in Turkestmi slid cause their own handwriting is next
any troops are. being sent there, to ille.-ible_.Many P06plo who do not
SeVeT use th , ert for a livelihood a
time �
the same al P648aut L Up� o re also
very - r 'ters.
1$00 handwri Anything.
risings Ill Russia -are causing . troul"O. that will stimulate gooa handv0riting,
even if it Is fornotbing. iiioje. th
Misirbler Done, by Legisl4tion - fiv VS. an to
make some sign4tures legibl�,should
clud6 Japanese be welcomed,
Vhen the Japanese Ambassadbr to
ited States wrofe t the (;ov� " britSb , ke
the Uni 0 ra Ray�xot Stri
e1rdinent of that country a protest rn'vlow of the small ninj
against pioli6sed. legislation which favor, of rejecting the wage increase
0 would oi�er-ride "the geotlemeu'$ offereil by employers to l3ritisli coal
cydi TAr, E Asier agro-entent" regardinto J
4* apaneso Im' miners, the latter 'Lmay not strike,
migration, stirred up R fiorneVr, though the.V 'i�ked for consid
he erably
"ext. 15ome phrases ill his letter move than thp owners were willillk
were construed by committees of 1he to glk-c� It is likely that the m6rl � Will
th�n alking House and the Senate as conveying be content to �,aewpt the fi
nding of
wetr out tbreats. The i*ault was that the bill, the commisglofi of inquiry &-#pointed i
RANX Jones used to immplolln Minister of Labor and beaded
on the*bard tement walki— 'as passed by both Chambers with by the
hoii lit "veo 94tuable tltat'by. Cycling overwhelminj majorities, would 4bao- by
aboUt his fiet ptting so hot Lora ButkIllaster, and.which will
id'uhey from his long Walks to initUd Of I W4111dog. autely, bar Japanese imilligrants. IL
Itoo Work On th If you gave Pronk a ebsnat lie would may be vetoed by President CooliftL
0 Urd roilds telt you Ali about tho C.CX. Triplex but mueh.,vAischief has been, done.
discussion, was bel -
The tone of,the
'OAC fty When he ftlt)�MOM- tirtd, Vl=t1�th114"tXC%PoA.4S to "the *1141tteirt lirtrefit. Oil the Avoerleah Paclfi�
and his Utt Iturt. hin% wone-thatt promote ob the Pedals *Ad makes the coast, feeling, hag reithed such a
C.C%1N. rUft to wm*oth]Y� q4ietl,� and
Utuil, be happmed to see 11 01413 go egljl3t. iktace that ox�ulsjon of Japaboso at -
gliding by on a bloyole. 'how Y Dow- �re*dy there is dtmandod. 1;ho Pig in
Ile would * ou the strani, question does not1detl vith , japarles(.
11�jcliag is far tasitr than walk- *rjul &*ihoo of An - Ub.
Slish Usmloss- T
log,, said Frank to himself. And bright silver$,, filcittling Ahat %Ion(.. It, alao eavers the Proposed te-
*aWt rust btwve it Is 4oat overpoM duetion in tlh6 quota from all C600 -
all d% long whilt he, was worving —the Sparkling- enamel that h I onr tries. to the Japanese Ambstssn-
that t OU9'ht ktpt fUnni"g thrOUgh **or a to4t of anti-tost so it wilt stand does 10ter has greatly Inflamed 'pub -
his. mind. *AA, $now Ana all kinds 41 weather— lic opinion in'Ahe Atpublic.
That night, on the way borne, he th* eow Clibooft P*d*l with At* fast- #
foot iluminwo ttatne—antl the CX.W. &#A Setentism Claim to
dropped into a C.C.U. dtaltelk and fjqr&�** Coaster Stake that coastit to
looked over the 4iffertut C.C*V. *,s*I*, Me auth 'braking Power, and fit
#models, choosing out that �#Ufted 11iMer than tbot old;altyle side. Prom, Italy and the voited' StAtes
him in every way. ar*& t,"t. thAN10 0W6 despatches.. recording
I Get their
Since then rtanw-S ftet �have b4d The C,04t. dealer will, a so, be glad tlalm5 * Scientists to 41'scovolie.3 3,
20`40h ftlitr titftt Atid bf* 4U(t t4to, to tell you All About the U, And to which will help to check and turo tan.
Vlaining. In foot. hes boasting now $ho* you the nf* r4odeIS—the St&nd' e0r. tit the one case 4 development 6rders nyow
about how fifle And frtsh be feel atd, the Special, % S"rt modol. the in 610 use of the X-Rhy *Ad In the
lie sUrttil Cycling. VCX. Ply . #t, the C, twid 3vr moilel. other the finding of a seruni are tb(! Wilk of the f a r in * r'9
kill : PrIcts artAts to ft 160or thalft the 69thcIts. "'The trouble with ni*lly of who will wupt timothy,
Ile *Is* tells h6w 401ekty and tie
lit Cycles to Work And home asikift—how A llig Dollar*g value these discovorios, Wthat announce. eloVer, whe.-xt, rye, o4t$,
be save% the shoe leather he,utt4 to 'fir tver:r dollar you 10tst in it C�C.X
vient is made of them before they iseeds, pqtutoes for �Iant-
have k0h tfittd to the "lot where ing'. r6ofing or pAint for
their ejajuiStalt be at all justi4eil the barns; wire for tile
and �ConSMI(lently t�ere IS Witter &
appollitment. tor thoutatids of "gliffer- thicken runways or p1r,
Co. C*M* 'V*A#AF ers, -W6 aire probably reaching the IMI " a hutidi�d things.
point when publication of such mat-
CLEVVLASO—COW" AfRIA—AW 8MV tors will not be allowed until tLe If Prim swe favourable,
1p"eurel of the discoverers have been 90-t their or&T for t1teill
provini to be eMctdauq, and are sup. now, W, LwW Distmee,
juirtod by 'nteon�
Made in Canada by wedital authority. Aud - 1161d tile goo&, if
11 Tai A *
CANADA, CYCLP� & MOTOR COMP�%%Nl. t_jmjtefj Gerre.1111y *rA Reparatiorm
VC,ZnW., T-atente. w9stoub HANUPM GertIlAnY sh6*,s a disposition to Q'V, Vitn tht, v6adsl a" bad
Makers of Ifigh-Grgife C#nXdjQn giijejes jor 2S yej ft*
ts, cept the !Plan of tht Dawes fomwh, farme.m it a u b ly appi*litte
Also of QCX JOYCYCLES—Ifigh-grAdt, Hassy-running Tricyricles ter, eft rerltratiowt. She would be Vour tel0honkrig thirm. The
fooli!!h to continue Any conne 'WIlich first merchant WI1* does
staftils a miAhty pad flitnee
WoU14 further Alienate The powe-ra. of rtting flit-ir 6lAeVv_ Try
To Addition to the propcfx4l loan ov% ral1q. Tht re.mItim God
4 nhleh the puwtrA nity arratigo fok *Uuld 4veritst wxy well.
Mat one.
HOSE v1410 rent or buy houstj
are influenced in th* 'Choke
bY- thO lwd-
vi6od?* ",Upidw6od flom—tiv*t, know_
SO— OL h0uft has " Hafdwood Mon
throughout'* is a strong affilag argument.
V'L00$t1NQ I'll UX*t skilfullY Made.
It Wis. the exact amount of riwisture that
scietice demands. It is tongued gild
V06vtd On Si4ft and ends to At snugly
and permancutly. tt is UAW, -
ed for beaut3r.. If YOU a b Idling sL hom
VLOORING--or it your preftat house
lms tough UnflightlY 1100ft, YOU esm add
immeasIltAbly to its VAIlle and I btauty
by a surptisingly stnall exjmditure.
Call, Pholle or wfit�
I ftl Is
nea ra and
A%# iles
her" fiermaliv is asid, to C"lant upofA
beiWe(n One hu"(1red 4"al
le- Accenoriu.,
0 0" *
Parts,. Tirm vW A Ubft
fty And two huftdred alillfor, dollare,
froul tht estato of ffiwo Atinnes the!
*reat in4ustrialilt. EAtirfiatol ot hisl
tst*te vary in valuok elm a (*Xmidtan
Godedell, K o. Box l6o
NO partkula
lwki, § rwrn tyle�hiilf to ofit WIlion oil,
4* US
Mat one.
HOSE v1410 rent or buy houstj
are influenced in th* 'Choke
bY- thO lwd-
vi6od?* ",Upidw6od flom—tiv*t, know_
SO— OL h0uft has " Hafdwood Mon
throughout'* is a strong affilag argument.
V'L00$t1NQ I'll UX*t skilfullY Made.
It Wis. the exact amount of riwisture that
scietice demands. It is tongued gild
V06vtd On Si4ft and ends to At snugly
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ed for beaut3r.. If YOU a b Idling sL hom
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lms tough UnflightlY 1100ft, YOU esm add
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Call, Pholle or wfit�
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nea ra and
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her" fiermaliv is asid, to C"lant upofA
beiWe(n One hu"(1red 4"al
le- Accenoriu.,
0 0" *
Parts,. Tirm vW A Ubft
fty And two huftdred alillfor, dollare,
froul tht estato of ffiwo Atinnes the!
*reat in4ustrialilt. EAtirfiatol ot hisl
tst*te vary in valuok elm a (*Xmidtan
Godedell, K o. Box l6o
NO partkula
lwki, § rwrn tyle�hiilf to ofit WIlion oil,
4* US
F s R NN I 1EA"mm
Gar"eand Mit&k*
nothiftir ta ('146ty. 1,
Isking the Xro"M fit tomyminks.
I;" for Ma t44WLT. tmt)o k" 4"o
Cor. Victoria &" EW% A".
Mw" 2"W GQ0EM*
*hot w4k* T*St by eft*UyhK *%
mskts�� P"Plf Rit "I'dime, awl k"rihK