HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-17, Page 9ilr%7 T -'-MORIWMWAMO THE GODERIM STAR THURSDAY. AP191L 174k. 1101tt I TO SUC& LAMBS ASHFIELD LADIES f slid j, Br"aroot BIG WORLD EVENTS Ts IcLINTOI( FA I WAR6 TODAY AND 1HE HOSPITALI DOES YOUR 006TOR .!, wm. Gisy. Blyth, WHY Hoa%*4raught toltsm in tcut�iauilil fr�m page 2) JW of Heavy Hor"* UA It Was, A, Willi J� ExMWt of Borg" No HW itt $ G03tr"Ch Stav- Huyvfs of Iamb. im outgria lijit To theF KI!!e Changes - t4 truirk-ed thf, va'varaie)4 = Ik Moly Toole Xtoeliquit of Brigba", myth, 3 1W. N( 'Wa%on mait x viat in tile. Price of pear sir,:�= to rA T!',v forib. j it of Ik. -;`md Ril 1:1 -.1" in several districts. it is wit so )gag = bwk tataiw a usu 1xv ha&14#4, Star a mKi ADVISE A 11 Agricultural brood mum 3, Iflas weight, j)r jv� average,.of about'$145 FIAV44 WQS K�Vkll, %1hifIl i�` W-4,' V�­"!l;;'': ftv sitice, scores of dead am vomwed t . —,--W,. 8. Br9lidfooti. Rippen; marked Italian clection icampaiwas, 7he spring 000, fair held at Clin—or oVer 1per lar -IN In cther WC04, eveiy fying tl� all iate�CsIV4 in especially in the days when ton on Thur"Uy. April 3rd, was thorArl Sproat, Sextarth; Jap. 'Stirling, lamb of gwid quality, prolwrly icas, worl". . Sayfigid; 'W. L Falconer, Brucelk1l. wingti of the SQ64Ft. and Columun. largest fair ever held there�, partly" tr&W4 aW. #o-�kod, sold for 41,35 1 wooill PW t0- 01 Sttf'106t) t011l Al THIS DIEU YEAR, owiv* to thf#..excelleut weather- pre� Aglicultgral filly or gelding �,Urme than did tilk, buek- laints. what is bcli�VC4 UINIA" ilot parties were contending for group vailing. Entries included ene hun- and, 0yer—mantung, Br6o" lan"Jes- 14ast sprillig warning of the action This Is the sWOU vbM Plilf Mll-tc'Q lesldcrsbip. A goQ4 deal of the 3, boro; D. Foltheringham, Brwve&lJ;1 00st Itowit tok 1witnirr jjt(;WJWh in f0liffiti, 11 ­4Ait0 YoUrtind .vu t dred hors4s and owe thirty cattle. to be taken by the bw3 in an clifOlt 41 Au%ililliry nialiir4g a plt*kv to Is IV0011 to Vhailge may be put do, o the fear MVIAeau, Of Riehinond Hill'il D. Foltilieringham, Brucefield; Jach. W -64. your uVer 1Wc(,1Vr4 sluglgi: h andovkrfamM bla�v UV vouv Mr. 118111Q8 to "uduoe f I * laulb,3 raise �300 in adaitien to $70 Qn zwo., i of the FasclAi which under Musso- armers to trim t %eir and �Our howel-4 cloggrd lip with Po6k)w lqstk�UA Auki who iuX.-zed the teavy horso, statca Wright, Auburn. linVa command, 'took action to put it Agricultural filly or gieldinf ' 21� 5vars was seat out tj all newspapers Und for ITO Ali a �,nu. t stop, to a state of affalri that t�r4eat. it was the best exhibit of horses be othcr pi�bllcatloav iat�rcaed, it) tho field Fold"(131 Aid lVirric- rai�wJ a rze� wany oact fcow sulch Equilltorus wi Nklti,-v sluit 1� wsy Nc-ti tad seen in many years! experience at aud under .3—Will. Gray, BlYth; F4Xd ened ta leave Italy In the hands of garraing, Community. Twenty4ve, morial fund to forniAl a 0, 4 i'l the wu r stomaell. ck?atcil Touguc,. liad tfasto., 104i"Vikil, swwkw aw't f"i I fairs, outsAe of the large city eAl. Nott, Clinton; W. J. Ross,,Clinton. .1 Vou. tt';� W_ tboug.3ud pamphlets were also, distill- r-cw ho,,pital at 00cric-li, w4-41MV iZ 611tousinglis, wrtgul eulcnlisnt tho io, 14,44 than I A U%1=4 it kl-a OVIU�CC,A. , the "Reds." There is bound to be Agricultural horse colt or filly un- lk, Elev 10. reaction against i4at bitions and winter fairsa Ur. Wal. lbute4 throughout Ontario warning is built. fund at Palu" �u ftc Rati-1110, W4 01"'ts It now amounta Doherty,. of Toronto, judged the light der I year—W. Plack, Se"ifolth. Dr. Thilebewle 14 ftilsl avt weAP, to a farmers of the IQ4!s they would sustain �,kmounts to 8701.69, Mrs. Jualo Uay. back sud 014014 dictatorship. In the' ii�auiime it Agricultural team In harness -0. �vst! cleawo jail tono incuded bV J. A. (Imulibell# U0410tti, in adipitted that much good has been borscs. while Rolwrt Roweliffe, of Potheringlultm, Brucefleld; lack if they continued in the old, careless drit. treasurer; Mrs Jas. Cook, Nes. IF 511111140 0414 ki by legiligg t1tu"islig VV4.TYWh4X4J, Exeter. placed Oe fateattlo and John �wa; of sending to the market the kind Win. BlakQ awl M,�.. Rod. wwbul- our liver 44d bowerol, Witti Dr. 1,ftach. an accomplished. Arellibaldi of Se4forth, the dairy eat- Wright, Auburn; Manning Bro-,. I icb. Loades. of latilla the consumer did not went. ney, trwiteo of ,mnle. 111 11,121 a ':F tle. Londesboro; R But in spite of this action the mar. trancli of the Goderleb. lipopital AMX- was one 01 * jimly Of ton. aa4 was went van inside in, Naitllhaltl V*wz? Aucation in Savredixess of Public Trust The prize winners werelas follows- boro; Lot,,j. 1pst ion were flooded with buct: illary -was otganized, in &bfidd, the last to guV-Vive. in 1869 Mr. and on Thurilday aft4wa0011, AX letul General purpose brood hiare, a - Investigations by the Publio--40. Cattle years and ove—''Fred Nott, Cli4op. lambs. when members expresscil theinsOvesimra. Burritt vame to Nile to reolide Rev. J. X Ifulaws and Ret. J. 1P. as In. toine notable instances farillot's that it W38 their aim, to TSIPSO m6lior- ry counts -Committee of* the Ontario Shorthorn bull, 2 Foars-4, - Snell on a farm. Mr. Burritt divd Ill '71 POW Q011400ting the' 00 ices. Th Legisla0re continue to reveal a state Son, CllutQu; Ge Shipley, Clin- Heavy Horses ldld� respond. Not only 4did these ts� till fund to $1,000, it hospital building and on his deatli, Mrs. Burritt sold members of Militlanilt Lodge. A., F. 01, neral purpose Ally or gelding, 31' cape the penalty J)ut tile gicaeral qua- project was carried out tit that time. of affairs that cannot but sudden the ton. Ge the property and venloved to Dungan- and A. M., attentled lit it body and 31,z Shorthorn bull, 1;1 1 year—Jus. Snell years and over_Wm�'Deckvr, Zurich; 111ty.*f their shipments of lambs was The following Year the AUXIliar.Ul dis- nott,which c6ntlAuCd to be her home of the b6thers *Vtea a% pallboarors, lieurts of.all'thoughtful people. Itis ; D. Gard001, so much bettvncd than'the average b.unded. And at prelient thol ' 1. R. 4. MeGaw, inevitable that thetourts must be the u#4 Sort, Clinton; VA�lu Ciielt, sea- Wni. McUcr,� Zurich V 13 Ito till 1883, when she cawe to GO(lerich. MeSql7s. J. J. MeEwel place wherein those who are sb4w0OXth- price for these load% was noticeably Org$.t1li2atlOU -acti�ely kilgag"d "' In* The family Always took a great lit- J. S. Platt, A. S. (%VYst#l, W- W - to have been false tip their office, and Shorthorn cow, a -years and over— 'I General purpose team in harness— enhanced. creasing the nicmorlal�f . und an fat, as terest iu*hurch work, and in 1911 3 - 84ults mud Dr- W- I"- "Ark- TU"" that utcans to,their publi� trust, shall Melvin Crich. Seafortb. Win, Decker, Zurich; 1). Gardners, Evidently many farmers were in. I know. memorial window was cre4t0d In St-lfttuft vet -0 $111 here for the funeral' erent to all, appeals to send to the Thankink you for space. V receive proper pu Aeut. In view Shortliorn heifer, 2 years—Jas- GoOerieh,, Win. Bell, Blyth; , R 4 arl diff, MRS, RICK MeWIRININNY1. viturs 0hurch, Dunlganuou. by tllo�'Mrs. Reid was ciecouipanied by he , nishr -& So Coop�r, Clinton. market the kind of lau)b that would , ry of Wir fathiqj * 1jusband, sjud Ilia father alsb Was up. of thetse revelation% in Altitario or, Snell n, Clihton; wNtelvin Crich, fatally to the menjo iny suit the consumer and cqually Indif. R. R. No. 1, Dungannon, Oio. Holman not, Seaforth-, Fred WatU, Clinton, Best matched team in harness. , t's Licht �/fthe, World. from Somfortit. Mr, and Mrs. Wit- wiill as in other places andcountries, c4lor—Wichard Shaddick, Londeslibro. fere4t to 'the statement that buyers "April 1141th, 10124. vs surviveq, llarA PO4ham were here. And Mr. -wonderP4 at if many Shorthorn heifer 1, year—Clifford A forAily of three dotught( it is hardly to be inpued with the Xeys, Varna; Jas. SQ1 & Sent Clip- Team, coining greatest distance would have. to penalize the kind of Mr. Phil OBITUARY Mrs. Armstrong awk the Misses Bur-` and Mrs, Ernest, Iticks and young folk become I Win. Decker, Zuric ilambe that the worket did Pot want. s, a brothewl4n-14w, both of Tor - idea that public office is a stepping ton; �Tas.-Siiell & Son, Clinton; MVI- r1tt, all of town. Rev- ChOrles Riell-POw ston� to the acquirement of eady via Cricb, Seaforth. Judge-4amcs Metean, Riclmond- I The effect of the cut in, Price On A1.466H - Death canto and clatillea a Ord de pincier, of 05h4wil, and Binhop onto, were here also. Floral ttililluter, money. But -it - 14 possible to exog- Polled Angus bull, 2 �ears or Ov�i H114 blqlck lambs was that the former pro- love4 one on WvdnesdaY. AP111411111, at OfNew Westminster, are from the fraternal soclettei,Mr. Witl., g the article that the market do- the home,of My 4nd Mrs. Mathow �k lus 'd r 0rate. Eve ' no of ladut age knows, I —F. Watts, Clinton. THE CONNECTINO FILE 'due'". �d pijee, while )to In their oul� chilil, John. Mathew, In nephews Of the deceased. The fun- ham was onneeted with, from the I ryo P �niundedgdt an eahance 4 oil Thursday, W. V. F. M. CO. at Toronto and CA1- or ought to know, that the Tnalority olled, Angus cow, 3 years and I his titth year. Jack, as he wa% Ruown. oral, which was he) . I . I I the man who refused to do so sufferc4 wai at a bvight ood loving dispodtloil, April Srd, to Dultrannon eemetory, - friry.. and front 'the firm with vrbich —George Shipley, CliatO-0- Royil ' Canadian Regiment Issues the consequence of his negligence. of men in public office 6%, in civil ser. Over lovtAl by evet yone anti eudureil his sick. W" conducted by Rev. r4r. ITUrdY, Mo�tttqpd N. connected, were recelvi6d., Vice are honestly trying to do their , Dairy- cow, any age and breed— Fine' Publication to Keep Alen nii determined to con-. A _­� best. The question, arises as to whe- 1 Fred Watts, Melon-, S. Rands, Clin- It has now bi ue.s;�A with Areat patteuce. TOO tancis) reowl, of St. George's church, and the Mission to Upers I In Touch Alnue the eatne,valicy, tuli, year and was hold imm the howe of otaparout ther there should not be gome change tom, J.'Rands, inton; 11. D. MOT09- 1 101 pall -bearers here were Judge Lewis lov to. incrense the price difference on Haxarday, April 601, to Maltion, The following amounts were re q,.*,3f methods in the handling of inuch gart, Clinton; -John Dpraqej, Clinton. T410 star has received a copy o en. t d and cemetery, tho sArvice being rs. 0. V. Carey., Jus, Carrie between the lamb that is wall e �Qatlodied And Mesa ceive(( for and forwarded to "The --F d W ng File," a periodical by I 4.8tituation 'and J. N I public busiuess,, 'especially On the Heifer, under � years re atts "The Connecti tay. R. C. M X. Frasev, and at I)ungannon -4tion in the sacred I the one that Is'not. ot iovo was shown in thti, ruany anti Messrs. David Sprool, William Sproul, Mission to Upors," Toronto, groat ,t 11, ellu'on; Elton issued to. keep the 20,000 I'Viug citi- I ILeginning on July 15th, 1924, a cut pray- . �iiiqs Of edtL n eas Clinton; EltOr * i ROze Rozell, Clinton. , I Adrian Disher and Samuel Pentland. . thO Interdenominational Day of k,bublie trust. Rozell, Clinton; Eltou zens of Canada who s�,rved liv ithre beautt(ut Aoral tribates. NX0611 8Y1aP&- 'er conductod by the IV. bt. Sopletity; on: all buck lambs f 492.00 per bun, Sweepstakes bull—Jas. Snell & . .1 thy 11, exteutled to, �Ntr. and M�s. Alualle ranks of the Royal Canadian Regd- dredweight will be made effective., ju their great Ogg. PRIDHA1Vf.-!4Or over thirty Years of Huron Preabyterial on MAr& ItS 'Committee of Rxperts on German. Re, Son, Clinton � or. in tho tailoring; business lit Godcrlvli, Auburn ........... -7 0 Seaforth; lent in .,touch with one anoth Lost year's experience should provel Gokl Use token boine our dadiUg Judges-4;hn Archibald, I v and parations. "The. Connecting File wap 'started oil. that there will be no exception's. I)Wwd vorbud emong thOilOwOrs a 'member of Maitland Jodr Most of the impdrtont re' Robert Rowidiffe, Exeter. An office typewr!-ier-threb �ears ago But why should anyone have tol Taltt,%u haeit tile ohim,ho lent oli, Huron Chapter., - -in the "Masonle Blyth .... ... .......... 16 04 commen- dationsby the Committee of,sxperts Light Horses - and the typewriter stage iihas I passe� suffer a loss that can be so 4easily.1 TO a b3tter 11CU10 than OUT$- der,. and, of fturon Lodge. '111 t0`(* ....... 11 45� Roadster stallion, standard, 'bred late in 1928, wh Al lua-'4avoided? The ldmbln� season "a just I DICXSON.� on German reparations,. were fore� en the regimeni —The death took place 1. 0, o. F., a generous hearttvl ............ 4'.. ....... 51 casted before tliev were officially pa�, trotter --john Decker, Zurich. gazine made, its'bow,.and oil forisier. beginn7 Ar - clable man, well liked by his coul- clinton. ...? I i ing. All that farmeits hove to in New York on son IL 12th' of Made I I ". I ...... lilibed and faitli well digested by Roadstercorriage horse in harness R. C. R. iiieh (whether veterans Of do to escape the, price. cut is to cas, line Gillan Dick �beloved wife of paniohs, was- 14r. F. J. Plidbaill"lixetei ........ 14 01 Dr. Archie J. Dickson, brother of Mr. had to hote lit those who.took any interest. There ' —Dr. 9. H. Ross, Seafort.h; Roy the' South African, the European or trato and- dock.',,their male lambs. whose death we 0111, C-o4orleb .... .. %080 is natuitAlly, objectloii from,a number Carit0on, 0inton. any other.umr) . are. urged­tO -write At , Wiers � bop�, that "Jast year's coma, James DicksM of town. , Khe V40 isSU6 last week. Mr., Pridharn "Go Gxr�bd Dead ................ & till C. H, Hill, commanding paign has" been taken to heart and marded only a Short time ago and 'I for Hillsgreen ................ 4 44, of French observers, *ho'thinic that Roadster horse In harness--Robt, once to OOL r Dick. did his share in public lito ani -d of relief from McLoren, Heasall; C. J, Dole, Clih- the, Royal dZ�dian Regiment, at the that this yea be very few touch synpothy Is. feltfoll D several years Occupied a seat o,,, the Kirktoft 350 th,e two :years perio r there will Lion in. his, berqavement. The 'body. toy b ............... payments is simply giving Gerluan'y ton; Wr Iregialonful headquartqr�, 'Wolselq )A council, being elthirman of th Leeburn ...... .1. Decker; Zuti6h. buck lambs on which the penalty will' brought to Goderlclr6h *.Nvednesv� a new start on its policy of evAsion. Lady having, -,�ou prizes bef6re-- Barracks, L' don. I was finance committee. Mr. Vrldhan) was Londeaboro ctnd Burott.. on 'Amlly plot day for interment In the 1. If the powers accept the finding of Mrs, G'Ar, Nott; Seaforth; �,%rs. Geo. The Coniibetiro File. is ufipe little The simple fact which makes this in �lajtlnd, cernetery, the funeral born in Goderith, a $011 Of the late- MeXillop ................. -the Covintittee,it means 1r; effect, T. Dole, Clinton. magazine, . the, onlr One' of its kind, action necessary is that corisumers'do taking place on 1:110 arrival Of the John Prldham, and lived In-Goderich Sqilth's Hill ................ 00 that they Will make a big loa i in Judge—Wro ohe T prutically'all"his life Ito waA tak- 3 64 1) itYr. 0 *0 to- and is pre-eminently a Inagazine Of not want to eat strong4asting lamb. C,, N� ft.. train yeitexday mornlng� Thanies Road ........ 14... gold. tq�,,T Germany, to enable her to Heavy Horses coraradeship. If � a housewife gots this' kind the Rev, Mx�. McDermid 6onducted the en ill last winter in Torontil,14 where Rippen ........... 3 11.1 Iiieet' _h,�r immediate requirements Clydesdale stallion, - S. years and , ti 61on in eating lamb. T" November last to virdt hiq eut.� el R_ J. S. Langf6rd, whole.1a ily quits service and the pall-bearo'es' were he went In and to stabilize her curr�ncy. This oVer­�-Whi�,Grayl Myth. Commobdinv ".11" Companv, Totont resul . t is a loss of trade to the buyer- Messrs. J. E. Ton% 4pa Jos. Dickson, daughter, Mrs� Arthur Reid, and fail. Total. --412412 t4anwill b� 5icurecl by- control Ok Oe Hea� re, 3, years. js'the.,qdItor_.. Capta market fo� the proaue. - of tawn" k -ing-to make recovery,_bis deuth, W14 V rohie, Ray and AlrChie Total AV. a. ALP, ral1w,.9yaj the - imposition of, addition.al Tom, of Stri In addition to place on Tuesday, April SO, He is y. Araught.1,mod. ma smaller. 'and J. Broadfoot, Sea-, lips, MI C� Is the Businesi Manager, 1,er. itford. and. ovpr—A Intord. Secretary. taviltle-it, �nd the raturb o much' ca- forth. land Staff�Seirgeart C. J, Wimpeiis� is What the market'wanig 'is nicelY DV. Dickson,. his sisterls, Mrs. A. M. sur�ylved by his witd. fornwfly. Miss.[ M it * h ry drought filly or. gelding .3. Assistant Editor��'Pki� t4i"' fleshed owe and wethor lavibs, finish-, Ray, of StrAtford, and bliss Grace Allie Slueeth, an& �Y 6 IIY,Of two' Chilbltilwk— pitat that as a e �OuntrY" of Heat llites, Z 111"'PtIp" ksou, o -,vero. fiere for sons and o4e,4aughter, Reg. and Unit.'— POr )�". latpi In, other wword the powers. yeafs and over�,­D, McCollum, Blyth; and general deus�ex-nlacbila It i'llie�-6d'�,t�80to.961b$.,,Ii*c.-,,X�ight� DI, f: �Windsori Oillblaina 114 froul 1131160 Q003urt' the funeral. -ice (Mrs.. Arthur Rei(I), co Tn4k9 A fresh land and Beati. t6 � aluell. and 4 -old ttnd frost -bite from :wo*ld ald Gormunsr. Alex. Sinclair, Kippen; Alex. Sinclair,. whole works. I . I A by two brothers, start, but retain Pontr I 6ough" to* be Rippen; Wesley Nott, Sealorth. . I tfRRITT;.�—One: of the oldest resi- lall of Toronto; all r -Major W. G. Peterson * DSO., is the I *Woruis cause frotfulnewi and rob ceitlitin that- she will inake veparatio f sleep, the dents of, Godorich 'passed Away on of Toronto, and Walt�er,bf town. the. icy windn of winter. � In the treat 'A' , Heav�k dr4ught fift or gelding'2, Overseas 'correspo�dent, with Captain the infant o great nour- Wal", �r tin excellent prep a. Priiihain is with tbo bead office. ment of Qlth( ar. er *or E. F. ishei. Mother Groves' Worm I payments � on a steadily jncimoslng yekn ind und 9-:41los. Carbert, F. G, t1acculloch, Sergt.-MX1 Exter- Monday, March 31st,,In the death of neg Marshall,. Q. M. S. 1, Thleme, and minaior will clear the At s. George Burritt, formerly Morin of the Wesiern Vanada.Flour 1,131% tion isj)r. Thomas' EtlectrIc 6110 az; 'ise4U, after two years, German re. Clinton. I $mach and �Mr. , la de Pine$ - er, in her , 95th . year. Toronto, and Maitland. NOW. "Thorlie, It vouatvra.eta tho inflammation Und eattilifulness flosal, would Probably result in the Ueavy draught filly or geidiri;g I Corpl. � G. H� -Labelle,' rc-preseiftatives intestines and restore 'h Soph son -and McPhorHon� rolic�vs the pain. The actibn of tile V, of Ipreuch �deseeat', Mulholland 11bw occupation of Move of her 'territory, year and under 2—A. and of "A," ((B,YP ddcVy. and %V torapan The'family wer. i tit ndit wa At's i 6artpk ed ae ounta i R.' The hotly Jilin roulpt. and respec.tively. It isn't o aga' , howcver, uh- and Mrs. Burpitt s born tit Buri 'oderich .,Ind b4pr.. trenwly sh-Apl c its application is (.X-:, and- increasing, econaoiie control -by f6 Seaforth, Colonel Hill heads p as bi ought to 0 Q Heavy drought borse -colt or fffl� the Board 6f Management. less it faMrs something -kou Oppose. Rapids., in th6 Rideau district. he. -w \N41111"For . ... . - - I rr*l ' I . : i Five Passenger Sedan, $1245.00 Delivered to You Four P"songee Coupe, $1145.00p Polivored to You Five Passenger Tourliig, Price $810.00 Delivered to Yau ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS DISTINCTIVE FEATUkES MOTOR Four Cylindler, valve-in-he?.*ty0e, 3 11-16 We, 4 in. strokg, LOW COST OF*OPERATION. The Nell.- Stlpe.tim' Chtvlo'lek i-, CYLINOERS: Cast cil bloc (inclulylg upper half of crank case); Head continually 1111king new records ill ga5ofinc mileage -111 to 15 111iles tp. as to defachable. the gallod behig not uncoillilloll. (Ilit c0ust"llptiml is so low surprise VALVES - 1 1-2 in diameter ave driveit. any other Tire 1111leage 1 1 all new owners wlio h, S equally CONNECTING ROD BEARINGS 1 34 in. diameter, 1 7-8 ill. long.. high. CRANKSHAFT 1BEARINGS -. Frout, 1 3.8 in. diameter, 2 5-16 in, long; EXTENSIVE SERVICE FACILITIES. There -ire twer I;0l-l'kW.d0rS Center, t :!1-32 in. diameter, f 1-2 ill. long; Rear,i 3-4 in. diailiete_v, and service stations hi, Canada reaki% to) Ove protlipta"J effich!"t ,,'rvice til 2 11 - *1(?i in. long. - 1. 1 (S ,.Iievrolet owners. CAMSHAF RMINGS�-. Front, 1 5, 16 in. diameter, 2 3-8 in, long; COMFORT All nfodelL, ,Are e Wepti, ""Al v W011 "Ill fllile NJ, I'AVC Ceitter, 1 9-3,2 in. diameter, r 2 '111. )oil-; gear, 1 1.4 in. diarneter, , """' l� tiouble V6101,1611 81j1C.1dS. ('I'CrthtCult re;�-'1113h!kf VJIIJO��- 11"i till 7-16 in. long. 9 : � iolt :#114ing ot closed cars.) Larger , irface area ol radiator iirurL:� e r k! SpI, I oil Pres r Ile xr, S rid:v.; OILING SYSTEM "Ish, pica puiniaud individua pockets. illotor. New spring arrangenteaVand impnoed fnitile illeftl�,Q Oil- remre gauge on instrunient boarki. -trt over'iough roads. Seats are -,If ra'Med 'it "'tire C01 ak,! � all.,lc sure to center Rearing. �1� r and re, CARBURZTER . Zenith, and more leg room is provided front xr. FUEL,- Vacuum feed ; 8-plion tank -in rear. CuRTAINS OPEN WITH DOORS t vory Je,.Ue�! .1:11 Jinx- I -al IGNMON - Renly. 'Fwo Passenger Coupe, $1,025.00 Delivered to You STARTER AND CENERATOR % Remy. improvenient. rhere is also a siew wl, tile �11,11le I!,.11 J -;:4:1 t1lativ Stops all rattles. CLUTC14 - Cone type witfilitillustable Compensating 2prill,"s, We, afe fulky prepared,, to nicat yo!jr requirtmictits ill VACUUM FEED till all Illudeti, with tallk ill rear. TRANSMISSION -. 'S.-lective, type, sliding gears; three speeds f orwart'. t and revefse, new improved gearshl t, TIM, SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS DEMOUNTASLE, RIM9. It illF tif COOL114G - Water punip and fan, h6neyconlb radialor with increased 'utpartment,L 4n,eharg% 4)4,M Brockelli all. 1g. V r. t. I A, J_ coblifig liea. and 0ur,Rapair4,_, L riv Edwwa cxpert mechanic of over 15 %cars' experlence, and we can vlv�, .(,:I IMPROVED DESIGN. With tho- ne%� hiiJ, lit -J. t:Fl1Wt10,I P�ttllcllv,l FRONT AXLE - Otoli-forgeSPI-team. New depatture t%earittjgs. V, C ad I or, folders, 51ophig wicJs1lield, PlIft %11151, t REAR AXLE -. Setni-floating type. livatt and Nmv Departure bearings. the best of service. plated radlat It 1,011 t�,110 ladiatfir filler, t:op, 'Llruill I-q1t. he -d - Spiral bevel ring lei and title fillisl;. Cht!vTll1%A ,ir and pinion. ot Shell, duln Unlerg nding, hand control; Service exter. h!"Ilts, Arzlin lilies 11RAUS -. , enq, internal expa flitilch higiler price 4111 all equal twiting tor V4111w. nal tontracti�g. WMAS Wood, artillovy typc, dontountaille dins, largo. Nib flallrw�- FISHER BODIES. All Chvvollet %+,,ed i!�W, h -!W I Cord tires ire standard equipinent on all %vell knot"ll to I,e flic Ill!"hest t�re of cow"tni"tioln and Aaudard fol tit'! 1"!,A TIRES - 3o ii�. X 3 CHEVkOLET GARAGE 16(111 4! 0 %ra& of dosx?d ellvS. ev�ilt 0111 3t t1l 1*411 �It P DRIVE: Left side; center control; spark and throttle Uvers under steer - COMPARISONS SM CHEVROLET an,l ytsnr clq�e il?��Peoiillt opt itig. wileel. root -accelerator. % is Jneerc+� re"Ille'led llutoiv .1 ir im", "llm, t!""l; �t e�,; Stiparior moA04 STEERING GEAR Worill and worin gcar, m In. steedug wheelf. To l�l M. DAVIS I -all� "U. SPRINGS : senbi-eatifilever t!�re, f Tont 0 and, year, vallaah,1111 6teel. Tato Ilego. i� �Cd, tv) tov Lmill1w 10-i photie, 83 $013TH STREETv GODE RICH 1 If A 0 L_ 1 0 it