HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-17, Page 8- 3r---.-- 4WW I- r ... 1`71111" -r-rlw. 11 -Tr- � -- 7W4 , , I c ,� 11111111111111VU." I -r- - , I . I n TPW�III,III.--W-1 11 ­ .1 - - ­110"ll y P - - -- -1 - - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIP ft- - ­­ - . - ;- i- --- - - l..iI""­ ­ - . - � ­ . - . I - ­- I I" 0 --r -- -----Now . - - __0.h- - =3.��71X­ - - I I , . I I , �� - �� - - I .- -­­ ­­. - 10-1111 - 6 � I yllllln �lllliIl- 1. ; I � \, I , -.1 - . . 00001wr . -- -- iIIIII111111111111111111111 - I--- - 111110111IM-W ­ W - , - -0 , --, -01-00. -4-4­**!1-M-- " - ­ , - - - - -- - --- -- - -- ---- ---,--- - --- -''- 00- 11, '.'.. �.'W'"Vmw'� - -, -- -- - - ----- ­ - --f- - . 9 GODERICH' STAR I � Tar, RRUAY, APRIT, 10,'th� IIIIAL I I I . . 7 . TRI - � 1, I I I I i! -----�Z;77�7,Z� -­-� zi� I . . - N -1 - I ,�­ -­ =--!":-l - - -!-- - -�,:�q; 11. - � �,", wymmomm" � � - ­ - �­ .1-1 - ---.- ­ � I 1. -- -77- - ­­.;'-' -'­-­ - I . �,l - -:,­=­ -- -- - �­ � � ­­--­ .... Z- 7-� - ­ " - - I- i " rMaiwasseassalialwalk4VA131pnio 0­-oIAZ�l -- -- --"", -.1 11 i�� . 4111"M 3110 --- a !-!!T � i � ON i �­ -­ � �­ ­ .1 �- - ` � qWjWEnftTWW allo aim WCAIM; ik4awaft I � Y'' ,�. Ww" Trybw TUN" A111000,111111h T&M OF wwrle �,,� 407� 1 0 � k I I WtV9 Ull 11 VWWU i *W I I- 11" a ww"W6 Uft I , % I it "M" an %b"M trystag tw" as a I -- 0 - ,nor, I . -,\ llt# *Iits, "* is lot ilpaii at latwort"t Events Whigh Havo was W MW terndon i §.Ulpffi,.... - - � I I I . "ONW"s Is I W ­­­ -1 - - . . I tC0 t1lo, 1kno#t j^ ,L 2*110 1 a bean st"SA%hast", 41IF1*4 0ccwrr*d,0uAng the Week. Zack of tke proper constituents k 03 . . t"Uss I . Wy ISABEL HAWIZOX Galk*16 Od. W �r� pa 494 bil"d 06146bilaf i%VAJy` SWINt NA IU blood is the cavit of ancni,U. I rcsolt froat Ostase or SUA O'goma'amwWW4;awoioxiikfo*io.*,-**AA%16�Nx:wvawiw;ii9lu**Nxu*iw,x*aioso4 , ` . Worill's 1111opwalop 0wo. 1 i� 14 I . � ! 1. fMIL 28"Mmaws ". and OL PRU U6 110A.V =41"CoyaditiQat of the systcw� The our God Inceea.4tiq of Efc, To a , �, I I I I be *ig� ftay C-wao" "d JW Iota �t sylliptoins, are, pallor of the aja�yy and Come, let Un to, the Lord m ... I 11 � I I 116nor and � itungly 3iUSIC of Yaw$ eirl jwl� bvd4iog 4to with 1contrite hearta return; 1 th6 lu� r ccom a , 4, . ft* AM1104111's abs" for saucW*1 yn�qbyaac, valvitatiou. weak. I I A: a V�� 11 ,% - -1,.� - a 414 draia va )we perasm by Ila* RARder* of Our WT nr. etc. Auca;4 is some- Our Cod ii graelou% par ntca for their entertainjuent. � I I � : . � I t 10� t-w^itwa period, tirfic , I mildfoTet-aryner of cousulnPlion. The desolate to moomi � They wiere not to be stinted in any- � 4$otaft dusiag lk 'i g 4110N .. I I .�, , iiad OU ig Ike Woe WlArm all motbors pAper. # tig d be done to bdiI4 1, wow gthiii,g for oveti their xvitie,wa,3 drunict . I I . 1. , Everyt, Our hearts, if Cod wio see#, to L � , I � I I i atar til"alt % Tv"VAY. sud to UP fit System. CXyz4, . � I i 4 * it I. I SWI know Him, and reloke; luot from gl;issea but bouts, AR4 the .. I . Intriork", it khatry =111vo 4 relieved ;�r. mtuoit of anemia, Its His voyal"Ir like the W"r.", � .... U*$4 , morn, shiiii be a 'a "14. Canada forgoeu Tlaim on Wrangel , ,, r rarest oil -perfoynes used in anol t! 9 � . , IslaU4. � a S 11 rM .- $ � - ' i .itheir bodies completIell their iudulg- i0R'ZXN TEA. . I I; np t Voice. M14 � aw follow. New womau teunljo �Ur developed I I liait been feeling,oreat- au4,'de* Like morning so i It' set vpQn their � - . V orir-on. ence3- 'They were V . � -\I� . 00111111101"110' I lit spala, I I I rtss0l. The Itasj exertion tirod a*. I " -. -TrY it* , ". , , had no appetite. It I got a few I I . a the best 4WOU7 price I%* �P:W�:A to become a PRAYRR I own pleasures and had no thought for �,# V .4: 1 ." br;, 1*0or 1"4a ehc�,s vlaYera at k bQUIrS Xleopr at night I W;JS lucky. X . f j h 11 "It was all It . I I � '. ! . I J110"JI009 dy liablo to heart New Y I -Ant,ed to rest all the time. My � Almighty 604 wboae tbrone i% es- the"AffliCtIQUO WeIR - . . - , -!r i 11, . Grit. w " . .. ,!,! � �� � - 7. 'r � -= III. a" amls riaturbaucea. She is often - ar ,In. -- '. � --l- � . . i Ituala0a WM stand alono, In ffght tablisbed in righteousness I luau. one to them whether the, nation 6�-� ­ ­­ --.;2;..-- 1-1 - ­!" � Al � ..'� . : p"i4" and bad tou'llevcd- wltU Russia, nerves were on e4p. The slight- should sink or swita so tons as they d Baft , � *"It help It. Iter uefve lost thinK. Irritated ine. In fact, I meat we come to 'Thee as the Qod of led firely, pepished from the minds of the �1 I -le I A Uxiaor was cut lit two Qt"S)t- could Ile atease. The church of G pimples an . � I via% suilering from Ucalla. Finally mercy a ,y be , .: 4 '.. ,s well as of judgment. We people, thougil it mg , "buried be- (! I ,. , Wag drawn oa hcavily, aua lqarvll�oe. Quo. . Joseph in Psalm 80*1 ,a of ceremony and super Were Caused by , , I .9uploly 'k my (FICAdi Ur- know that. Thou ligtest sin but lovest a via. - : - I � � r t 0 beivg Overtaxed to i' I 4W&A I would ail was, in distreso.. '714olstry held sway low I . 4 ,-i, fo 4 new Afe. . . The mother of Lord Uald4ne 4ccltl- I H. IL page, the droggist, and see.if the sinner. ,Help us to follOw'-Orl to ,bf jQUOvaji and, stition. The process of conversion of � I I . ,to � � I bratcs 9500k birthday. he COU14 do sometliwR for tat. Ile hall in, to the dethronement . P Christ may . on SAID , 1) �i,, I A *4 00AN019 VW 1009 Sioveuty boxers eovapete In Ontario I recommendod me to take a Course of know the Urd, for then we s kings and priestts alike were indiffer- India t, , not be going BIJ00 if I , � 1.� . T%I# is ac niost serious period in 4 amatltmr tournament, ' . I caraol (six tattlet). After I W crease in wisdom and knowledge and cut, and upon %em. the-proplyet cried, as rapidly. As :you hope, but, never- I Treae A. Blattlkews, &47*14 I! � I . Il I *bmw�,* lift,, "s "t role,. talms ato . tal;-erx the fourth - o Thy holy wil through, owoe" pud pronounced'tUt these Who tbeless, X Say, IndIR 'a being convert- ': Ul" 'I � ' *; # s'","a of 43 ozid 53. 1.1,01pire Exhibibtlou to Illustr bottle I was PL dif be. enabled tod I ught I wOV14 ii� � ate bet,wtm thA life of many peoples, . I foront ")an, I could tat, Sleep and theLgrace of out ivin ed; the ideas that 1,10 at the heurt Of Qnt., writes. -"I fI10' , Lord Jesus. Orrist, give themscilvea to luxurious livin , - At tkistitselboro 16"ofte" great %or-, 'TWeaty-thfee nations eutor'Olyia- I Jo a licavy, day's -and gave himself for . write an(l tQlj you oil the benelit I havo !J� i L . . , who loved us and lay nut to boart the trouble$ of the gospel of Christ are slowly but I . I, ,� .1 A Von& prostration, h.vsteTla, and yuclaul, � ofiapetwoo. Ing dred. I alio, bovight some bottl4s r part of Hin- iurdo , . I The teart. toa, the us, to reconcile as unti): �Qotl. In his others and of the Church U God shall surely permeating ever, dorived from cx,sloco sittIrTs. �i ch;Aia. . a1v and L nd modl ing every phase , U. �." 110pito, 11 V -U"41:931110111 gets 64 per Acent. of of cornot for im motherIllu-I name we otter our petitions. Amen. not go unpunished. � do ,society, a fY . I �, I . arttrit's of the neel; thiob, there is -votes in Italian eloottonsil ,she was gioatly tenefitcd,'�-Xodolph some few months ago I Was troll" . , , _ . . �01! Hindu thought." I , � dlzeixeBA, rush of blood to thelyead, Two big bjerger4 affect vaudeville Anstides Benoit, $t, Iqudger de Ri- SUNDAY SCHOOL LISSSON V94 Hosea 6 : 1-6 I j. T. Taylor, bioa with bad blooll which broke out I " I I" Ikut jus%es, and a general weakness . 9 " 1, '. houses throug74out Canada. VAr Loop. . . I � �, I -1 is sold by, . APIUL 2101. 1924 1 HOSca,WAS also Ono ofthe minor, . boils and 3iugwQrm, and 1: pt oo. bad '11, r . Ora . LOW I , . During these three tr,'Ving times 411 of .Nations to be registered. "CE0,104"ent, 1 . Lesson Titlo.-Am I ERED VITALITY ,, . ii;' ­ I Urrouskout the WbOle kv-stely). ItiLlo-Serblityj pact to sent to Uague oll opoi drum4l.4i , I - On 113� f4C0 in the naturo of P110083, 0 . ov os and �49ea prophets, but of his life apart Ir U VJJIL 11114 fliat b.V taUlpg a 51tess. - I I. L woolo Dr. Itevoll, Canada's Meat dept0itl 0 at C 's Drug Store. Pleadin for Wghtv6u 'his proplicay little, is- known. H4 be. . I reatty did, not lmow What to 49. I . 3 I,� . v9utso of Milburn's Uvart aad.NF1rv6 4les In Woodstock it Otte 90, I . ­ .. � � longe4 to the , kingdom 'of ,brael, - we re and the lr% I . . Lesson jPassage--Amos 6 *�I,Q ; u; of A Condition Vollowitig Indoor Con' 'Wam ashamed to go''au"he P !, 'L I I . Pills their hearts-vvill be strength- Vatted States spent $30,400,000 gathorIIfrom his calling the Iki . menvor NVInter � itching and burning caused such a It t . .8 toned up and I heir last. year In smuggled liquor. OPIOUke's tin 0 ' Hosea. 6!:1-6. L L one, L . ,oled, tteir viervc , dbi IsrpOl "our king." He, like bl§ con- , ki dly tOured. , . I _ .h . I ... terrible vonsPA194 I could 90tAO V0110f ... 1, . blood, eurkhed, and tIjeIl, will .be kept Kmilt# will dIWIvQ South African Itow 114 Art a . House ends to . Golden Text. -Amos 0 -.15. temporary Amos, was called Of ,POd ' or 'night. Ono. day a triana I I , .. . � . � . ­ d9lit In which LaboTlte Is Struck. . a the Shia of tho people� There are very fe*, People Who* - . la, a perfoct stof 'Of Parliament and go to country. of, the minor prophets, to denouric . ""' . .�� I I h.e%lth for tU I I Oermany belgluning to frame prQ. Ames, one .4vued me to use Burdock Blo94 Bit � ! j y0ars. to ecloal Stratford carpeater falls Into ma- r how deeply griev- not need a torijo at this seasli4l of tile ter$. I ueea,one licittle arij, felt quite, , � I � texta to reji�c,t report of experts. 11jed at the. same time as Isaiah -and His Weitfugs tell m - is' tha . price soe, a 'hoi at all druggists cUltiory and ,dies of heart failure., ed he was at tho3ow moral plain Upon year, The reason for this t a. rolief� and by tho, time I ha.dltikou . ,1 , I, L I . . , Manufacturers of logging maclito- *tluallty with whit" not foil Soytt Hoses. U I I 0 homio, the office or the . I -was "Completely 10., - l . I . or dealers, or wailed direct on receipt T., I Is was a native of Tokoah, . ch the leaders and the priests whether, in th ' bree liottic§ . I . �� I � y- Tho T. UUbur4 Coll U(L' oil 111torview Attlug-FIM411ce Min. Afriena negyW.�oays Gen, Hertrt.-w. a village six miles South of Bothle. NVIII 'been living l, B.BJ3. etiough. - . . of price b. L . rdtL u His' Vir, hem. He Says of himself (I.,14-10): were living, and Also how very heavy factory, people hAV0 ' V I cannot praise � � . 1� zt!!20 . ISter. Ulos/flit'l-lill Barulia, I . L I . on him throughout the long winter mondis"in nyone MOW like I Vras, . I I . ­­­-­­­­-­.­ � he felt -the burden imposed -up , , . . I I I . Vat. . � New,O.T.A. regulations will "Per. -nonti at Topontl) $whajoltia Ch ,41 was no Prophet, .neither was I a and 11tope a - ) me benefit I re4eivild," - I 1-111' q , � 'L - Jehovah bad a contro- an atmosphere, more or less vitiated, will.act the sa . , . I i I � - m Q0. - . I . * . I I , I . U111,11 drUgi4sts to sell, not I'lleense" .V proplibtla son; but I was A themselves 'not up �� I . ry herdman, by God was I I . . . . I $Ir lloury Titorotot, t-11, C .. 'veray with Israel because, faithful- aid " -a result And B.B,B. I# manufactured oulr byThe - . I I I thoul. L . * , , sycamore fruit . _ � .�; - e , - � I L ��N, V L Z L Many - .,,.I jj and a gatherer of their suramer,time ,, health,L T. 3fliburn Co., Limited,. Toratap , I " I I L immigrants placiitl on OU- L '-f""" ."I 'N'"It"ll;lIS� `ell.- "! - I .,. And the Lord took roe, as I followed 11066P love and knowledge. of -Himself to I long Months of win- . I - . I �� � ,� , - � aw ir"..t.m."411). " . Me, L are and all kinds of . bout the Oat. L . I I . tarjo farms, but demand, ts� tot oat � A Throng I . .) " .L, � � I -�r,,,o ti.,alnst wla'u v'.4.4%;"a the flock, and the Lord said unto bad dis4ppe� growing thin . I I , . '! . I . Istled, . Ji. rt.jjQjjajI-%j `�L.J"j '�" OQ, prophesy unto My people Israel.," wickedness prevailed and Hosea WAS ter your blood has 'been 1 .1 11�.­ ­­­­ =­!. �t i - I L 'i. I I V Mfmo mloolono Board of Baptist -1,w I L ". . Tills was in the reigra of Uzziali, commissioned to - go and proclaim ano-. or. Closer. c6ifflinemout And --""-"- .*­'" I . .r. , I , ,1',1!llh ;I. � I I po it up and '"'r"'�"'*"�"""""""""""' ." . .; .. Church reports one, of.the best. years L i� ` lack- 9, exorcise have used NOSE CLOGGED FROM ' I . I . I "I L , a v�, 0;,w rett, Cole,,:, .ttr I, 1..i . ,king of Judah and Joroboaril, king 64 against sin and warty them to repent. 4 . I I . 11 1. In Its hilitory. . 0 1 . I . ekbousted it, you,are, not aw elivil, I I - I ... I I L -rt;QS (I'P0.7,�%ril � I I � , i "I Moderle Martin, for ten years , V) Vot I (0 g') W.114W) ,Israel. His Ministry extended for Verses �1.6-]RosejCs Rxhortat4on. . - your work A POLO OR CATARRH I - , , gotio as you could wish I 4 . . . � I I . I i - mayor ot'hjoatre;tl. was detI by lki"43ou '. ,luto. the period of one your only and ,his i .1 I . � L. - �- � . . � I � I I were directed . -mainly Ifq erycl5uraged thein to,'Join him in tires you and perhaps your'(�Igestioyi. * . � I , L � � I a A - I 0 . "I I., �, I I I Charles U. Duquettp, At,% a 1. llontteal gajit'ho W4040 prophecleik" I . loliVig their idolatry and, evil ways jSL none to good. .Y6ur nerves May I Apply Creaut in Nostrils, To .., � . �, - I ' . � : 'L. I Lab6r Government in Britain tie- jit,�e.Ajvd wil-ti, litk got married, ayi6 against the sins of Israel, the'north, and seek the Lord. He encouraged bo�ohak.Y and your appetite. poor. All y I, . - Commons by small tilajor- ­Iiws ;111110yuk'alt I - by showing God's character 'these things jotnt to poverty, of the [ open Pp Air P"USel. . I . � . It I . ­ 1 ... era kingdom then at the very height then, I � . I 11, . . I I . . not reslllln� . . . I that if ,".f.*.@"8"4'�f".!.O.*.."Ni.4.0�q.-sk- e � � 0 " 0--.0 I , L . . 1. . . .L 'LL I 10111"" 11 Ole_ �A1r.­Ill,e.I.t,u,tfse1l sepa 110 r(afloti, of, its splendor. His -plain speakinc - scientific fact -rallefl, your ,clogged . . I Itylly.wovillacial tiollee .forced,, by. .. t, �'-, Mium anew. . If tho had been afflitted, it I blood, . It is a Ah! - Whab. I "�', . . 11. . �,Ar ,4��Uot tic ready to led to big being,charged by Amaziah, was by the hand of Ono who could iongearis tested In, luostrils Open. ri&tyip, tho air pasages, - J� ,� ,A . li . I ments to 4baidon attempt to JoVenl#' 'ivrtv.,,,o.,� t-.-, it xt Tutlrda.y. . the* blood of tbe st I v W',`i L � . - 'roj'Ont0�11 . of yRur be&A-are emar,and you, can ", . . I tigate $41ilt,trApp "!,ljjL`Ij Toili'lC4 ("I au the, priest of Betbel, with conspiracy also bind up and beal the wounds. the spring there Is less of it and it is , . 1. ! I , . . thih,' it L W UM ''r I I 'L . I I ��, I, I .. . L I 1'� . tl" against the king and he was forced to im*j'�- ,bmthe fredy. Xi� mom bOwkift " I lw p . . 11..,.4a4II,,)j%.t­)j �arvfullyover- They were mor4lly dead In their tres- poorer 06 In SOU A - � � I WP.DN:8$DAX. , _I , 11 . , - - I L I.. 1, V�= 00 orib"At ao , .,� I ,,;p L I oUr ,graild- ing,L mucous dIschwp t4=,73; - I : � . . . whe 1 " %. God could raise The spring. medicines of , _; , . ancee VIC- I '. return- to his former peaceful occull ' , tjy�Vle -A. v !wt 0'OrS. � S ; 11 4 � S,w X-ray device al4s c .;tit.. 14 . . P passe azd.sins,�but . , a � colit . . I ation, but not bef9rd all the denun- . "After two mothe --sull - molasseso ,salta nci4--�no otruggling orlim at 4 ts k . .L L 1. . th f � L" ,� tuo thr"t *04 cuest, por . . )hur tt�d, � . L �.' . .. . . L . . r I I .."L I . II, Al 1) I Ir. . . them from ,the dead. ars - �' I . I . In t4c.hcAd Intialo MU*041- -U w tie, . f) -.1" " .1 - �-,� . 01a., 11aa $15,000, fi . dations and prophecies recorlie4.1ty Ve L US; -t cogifted the neces- youp"cold ortatardi, io gone. 'll I . . , , -1 , � I eL . I . . . . Toronto L atw. la. from Churlo . . . , . r(* days will he revi . in the third and, L he jjke�re I Don't -stay stufftd,upt Got i Mau . �, ��, I � . . t% A P.10,1 � 2. 1 0 Per Read his book were faithfully delivered. I or aid at this, season# but were . I . L , L , 1, 7 to'4. ', L . I V V�A,*�d ,.;i, . his God d *,, ho will raiie, us up, and We, %bull Sity.:f Jorep -B ' ., � , I . 1. . 'Vat WOO 0011ef- * . 1,, . . . . . I _8p. L Ila bottIli, of El�'a 'M alin from your, I � I . - -': 'L 'L, 'ki his sight.' The prolifiet osso- an unscientific . , I � . Afirw4ts 9s � S, Senator Wheeler Is under la- '�'4j t;� ". AS he left big hoyms- on ve � I L d . 1��tfyieft" L . L ' . I -attempt to cleanse the drug&t now, Apply' A, little. Of I this - I il I ": . , t . . . ` . AlwoyA keep ft� h4#4V4 - 47 . I, -,Iwra.�,O I er. tearit salls. fof pointed missloq anit travelled north ,a himself 4ti, these people and bloo.d. L Ul"Ans- � . . . � I . L I . . . ART . l elate M6dern medical science has fragrant, antiseptic cream lit 70 . I . . I . . I . L - � . L . ys, T�iy - . .. " . . Dr. Williams' trils, tet it penetrate 0 my Or I . .L et.UcUastor; 1M dleg at I k%1.l%ll,,f4a. . , L into Samaria, lie bad abundant proof his,ovm experiences of fell, foaitd a better way. � , xouglt e �,i U.jij'tiil�. 'k, � , : . I I 11 11 .. . .. I'. . L , 1);1triji -Ine mail% and ,in what be, - laid *bare _ _ I � , . �* . ` , , .. � #0 0 . . Itingston. I l t i� saW that terael had,"Ifilled lowship - God. H4 jold them that Pink, ,Pill$ Make now, iiih, blood 'at * pistap of the Uoit,d- soothe and b" : L 9 * � . 11 ! . ... I I . I . . . with -';s memftsae I , ' �, j � �, �I 11 �. LL I I Governor-General Issues reprieve w;;�;- iw- lu,ul., .to the full the cup of her iniquity," their return to,Go4 mount increased the first'dose and at o�ery Ouse afier;n fbe s*ollien, iugamid ;i;w .. $ .1 . . �� .A � I I L'L . fm, W4111ams . I I . . L t�, S. t,%.Vl3--v.,orla Mors leave. ' . - � ! � . .. �� 11 - - loom 0 , I ChurelT Union, Bill weathero arst V[ i; .. . " . Ile was stirred as.he saw that tow'; kvipv;7ledge,for "when'they seek his wards. Thus they, stronglthan* every I , you instant 344601 L � I Ii � . i 'r L 1.11 11 11 i I.. . . � ationals beat New ,both lyiimin� amlL divine wore disre. L lijust . iatt"It . - . '', -i I '% L ' Am Obje(-tion - .. '!-�11IX!,litf.�11" t ­r, - face be gives them a beArt to knQw organ of the body and givd new vital- erer -has be ' . IVa ju0 ' � j , . , , 0 � I . at Ottawa, L .11 ., . '�'.L;r , - . . . � I I , I . . 0 -m � I- . -m � . I 1. I -c LtVl.�R, .4 , Iare '10 splendi . I, . � � � .0 I . to L . ..... � . . gorded with 'Impunity. Richis had, him" '(Jer. 24:7). Roowledge is Ac:: ity to th' JLaded systerm I I . . L Luis Firpo i woay.ld�rs-h% (41slou, . e NI it I . , L. i � I : � � I . 14 , .0m. boxing. . IL ttoute ot Britlah'ittordaerws .0an- led to vice and as vice wag a forerun. .companied . by'- consolations which proof. . 'il L a J12 a M I I...." . ... ''. , �� � " L " .1 4 L 2 to retire h ' . . Miss Cla% C'heslock, High . " " I L says: !="I­� - . " '� I I prohibition liet 4-1 auw)uao,I,d. . . I net of decay.and destruction he wag (:*me upon the soul asmorydrig'light Fallg,L que,,, _ will _­ , , , , . LK Xorway will iopea, I I . I I , . . � L . *Wtnea, 0, o - I , I � I . I I . . . , , I in faVor of. stato control, L 11,1l,�i S rillany's .Indus re d tZ proclaim to both kin -4nd . I . . . 11 � I . "''I A , , ,,a y , g and ,� I - ----- - , . . . . 1. " I . dispelling darkness and as- rain re -o run-down condition' , .my blood I . IL . . 1. . . ; ', . .. L'. 1. L I I - I LL I ira U. 8, gets five .rkav e-ar, dio,, � I co yrtior L � . . I . . I. . Rattinvu iu Weste I .1, . I � . � I . . � � . � I . . I � � �M%11 s priest andpeople, the meq.io I . -Wit- . . , � � . . N i W wage increase. L Londou. . Log'., i dwille to build . t 4 L* '. , freabing the parched ground.. He was thin'and poor. I took Dr. . �, , I! - ,, I I ­­­ 11 . .''... -1.1, . . I. I sage God had sent him to gi;e'. , He, abowed , God's, longing for their re- liarml Pink"Pills und, I ln�st,tbu I It 1�--,�-, I ' bandits beaten In 111no.la ,',GUI�,00u housw. . I . I . , POWIR . "', .�- I . . aki � � I � � - L. , organize to' ng Of you to , d'me.. I ne- , I I � . A . � - :, USE AT0,40 , I town. by, putSon gas ltevl"-v I 11 . British faeniers , . I supp, y the iniquitous dealings of I I IL I . , . m;tjteS clean spoke of their repentance and renewal of §er- v�r enjoyo4 better hdalth than I have 11 2 1 1 . . I � , I I nk ELECTRIC ' Bank � I standing. as it were. on a wat0li-towei, turn lo Himself by again Spe r Itbe goodV0 di , , Pre"llerl XWSOlint . r . I I I . I - 1, , I . acma bacon inarl;et. - ' I 'L L I . .. 1. . . L 70UPEOMISTOWElt nw,vp In Ita. an elections. I 14ollctifn n:Wpoyt., L.I., svIze ;40,6 the neighboring nations in thOil. re, I took tbem." I . . �­ I 1. . I . I I . �j, . I . f. I . . 00pleL, the vied vanishing ,as quickly "as the since I I L . , I I . . . . . . . lotions with God's 9wri, *p . ' l I : . I I I Ramsay, AtacDonald Bends �messugo 000 Iii bogua money, I � moriiling c1p,ud and the early devir,"' L you can get these pills through tiny . 1. ., . � 11 . ,-1 - ,­ ." I .:" I I . I . 0 of goodwill to United Stmos. , 'Da0y at New Ljskpard dies frolil children 'of Jsrael, He set forth the But : Goh, V.oarnod over them. and dealer in medicine, or' bY mail at §,q , , � �L. . I I I �1­ - . , . I . .. -k%4 . osty of 4ehovah and the cer ' - . . . . I � . I I 11 .. I . I . . dopts 44nhlag Avintergr( - ., . . Mai . t"11t4v would not d0sttoy-them without at- cents a box: filoin"Thq.Dr. WilliAmi? . . . . I � . 11 - I � , . . k �, 1� � I - . I . 141betals, bill on livigtionu loaue. - -Papis .glyea ohtbomte Vleletlnitl to. of punishment. being metod I " , I I � , UrItIsh Labpr4ovePriments . W 1UNG ' . , COOK'. BY I I I - - - I I , i . . . I I I . I . .. I . I . . . �-�IT' to 41ctInV,:LtherA arid-warryinig them by Medicine Co., B=k�il�e, Ont. . I . , . ., .. I �f , L . I. '. I ! ,� I . , .1 .. . . I I , "llarlIe'.SX11119ati, West0o. boy. agW King land Queen 0 these natiobs. 'Nbxt.hik spoke of the the, sterry denunciations of the pro L . _ L WO a 061aliZO ILI Wirl"g 0 . . . I I i I . ­ . YL I C f Uumaula, . p - US give L yall .an . . . I 11 . [JEOT �L three ;v0,Ar6, Is drowiied in well. , liarry lienuing,.Moronto, wing 011, sins of Judah, their brother :nation . A Desperate .fituatioll Let I . I I � , L I 1. . . "., . I .1. , . Nowfniudiand Goverani lo middlewelilit boxing title ' . .. . sit the fulljorce of his out, pbetw .4eilt to "hew them aricti sla; � - . L All kinds. I . '­'�- "- . .. � I I . - . ent 11kely tal - and th them by the w6rds of their m6uth.11 T p women in a, ttain arguell, con- I 1. .11 . t . . I 11 Be 1.'� I , . Ao promocute Sir Richard SquIres. L I .1 .. estimato for wiring your.hou L I . , � URICIT 1. Minister of Customs asked to'curb, L 1. , , I . . �, L . . I . I . 1, I . I . '�L , . I _ I . I � burst fell upon Israel Who, forg6tful Havin been, warted 0 then destrue- cern' it, the window *rt4 at last one or garage. . . I , - . . . . . I .411V"t, CUp.LSJX feet high. Is trophy International traMe in:atolen autos, � 0 L.9 in � . . . L . . . . .. �. L I I , . ������� ­ I . I - . . ror.Toronto* Seboolb QYS'L -oad'ftce. . Three t1tousayid visit Better Live -of, God's merciful dealings Nith. them tion overtook them they must ac- of thomealled thee-oftdiictor. . I . . I I . I Ill . I I ., � I r , . I , I . I " L . I Typhold and dysentery epidemic in Stock Train at C%noingtorl,and Lind ever since He brought tlydin out of knowledge they'had been justly dealt , "if this wimlow i�. "Opon, she de- . � . l Saran , I . lt, yyonedLb� jitiyy� -TELEPHONES � ' - V I . .1 ! � I :�., . . capital 6f - liondurus, klead litter Say. .. . . . e , With_ ,judgments are as the clared, 'I. shall catelis iold and Pro- � L PRIVATE ' ' ' � . . . . ' " � I ' �- L I . . ) I I! I . i atroets, I . � .1 . UerrAau opinion Is dlilded, oil ge- fore God's bar,of Judgment to hear L I . I . I MOTORS, DYNAMOS. '' I � . l V ,� 0 I �, . .. . I .. I I I . ' 111. for ceptauqo of experts' plan 1) light L that:%gootly for'tb'�" God bad bgbly die," " I I . I I � I I t I 1. ift � .", : aw; � deftitoly announced I on re ara- by the mouth of the prophet her im- made a w4i-�hairit *Itly his peoplejAe. illf the ndow Is sbut�ll the other . . 11 . . , i , , I I . � -I, of iww �2,000,000 theatre tloils. ' , L.., . I . 1. . . wi I ELECTRIC -BILLS itud � . 1. I I 1. buildlu, . aending dootn. - in todiyls lesson (6;. sirin I I I I � . I I I I I , , I A � ' I 11 , ' I , I I r aq A : 11 " I . 1 1 1 y I I � I ilo-, 'I I , , , I I I t , - � I , , I I' , i ) �Ili 'I .1 - . RIT's oVI j44-jid $16ekiall 1. 11'. .1� �m , , , , , , 'I I I I � 11 I -I . 1. it, I . L � �! I. . . . 9 I mercy rather than Sacrifice. announced, "I:shall. suffocate.", , . �' I I I I . . . IaTor6ato; � . . . Government njuke$ Out Of one cent 1-6) it'IS L the nobility whose lives are ,411e bath shewed thee, 0 Man What L 'rhot two glared at each other. ' BURGLAR ALARM SYST"S 1. -, I I , I . . . .. . I AIIxIog of, grain donounted at In sales tax; Income tax remains the laid bare good; And what'doth theL $ . . i . It ' L I . . . . I . . _ WithAlie, hope that, such: ex- is -was at a I L . - , � . � . .��, j� � I I .- Lord re- The conductqr loss, but ,, , ,�, j A ,4-1 I Royal. Commission. heaOng by-llofk. Bayne. - . posurewould -lead to repent-nneo, 'The quire af.thee, but to do Justly, Abd'to he welcomed the words of a man who - , I . . . � ; . . I I . '­ . I 1 George Layljsloy� . Vlmy, Ridge farin uear G1161ph set L ALL -WORK CUARANTIED - ,­ I , . . . � � . . clilef cities. of the kingdoms of Israel love Mercy, und to*,walk humbly With tat near. These werer "Pirst open ' ­ I . . I., L . � I - �� ' :, , I . . Till) body of Josl;;Pii M0%2i, farmer, *1 I . � � ... . I I I . I . � side as sumrW camil for, ex-soldlers' . - . � I I . � . ��. . . L . I .. and Judali were Samaria and.ZionL,, the thy Go4."' ,:The� prophet called; - -one. 'COOK, -IRON ana TOAST by I . . 11 ;,-: ,,, -. . I .. ,. I 11 '*1 .. .4 2 . I .i ,. I ,: upon the . wifidow. That will kill , ,I , . . VMS found crualied bfte4th tM0 children. former- wa secure in her mountain the I . . ; 1 : P . I . . . L 1. ' ELECTRICITY ,Ii, � I near Colliagwood. , James lifolujosh. aged, three, of 8 in to exercise godliness and not the Next, shut -the window. That will I I 4 , . 1. I . . . I . . ILL SoUrk ' 1). - Itooketeller's da6hivry Montreal, rolls off sidewalk Into ditch fastnesses, the latter was set upon a form of it Jost its ,)or Saviour ,did kill. the other, Then we can- hope . i I I I .. . I :11 . I . . . . � . .1. I - L L . '. . I I . I 1 .1. . . , I r . I , . , �X., � I I . ,4.- L . I . - . - -� ,�,,­ . I I r . q 1� . . � .: I I .bu$a Ito-manott jewels. Vars $1,090,- 000i plua.81D ppr cent, duty. I . voroat reev(* two oijucillors and L ' (1410 ikm .is protest to unit. Lik uror res water -works stand of,counell. And drowns. I Athens 0overnment 6fuses to per- mit, publication of ,Xing Oeorgo's . . proelamitton, . . Presbyterian Provincial W.M.S. hill beautiful xor.si ation. The prin" ces, the rulers, the great Men of these ,cities, were 'filled -with pride but the prophet bade them take no- I tion oT yieltAl-rit- kingdoms wit), when quoting om Hosea wheri,ile said to the Tharlsoca: � 41GO ye abd learri,what that eaueth I will have m '! mercy and not sacrifice." . A Ir. I � L I p , L . . I � V; . , eace", . * '' �1 . L . . Ve bave sn assortmoub of I., I the best Hle6trio Iroui ..afld ,Toasters in ado in camyU, . � . - . . . . . . . I ., . . . ( . � . . � I ­­"­­�" "'"""' ­ I I ­ ­ I . .. 11 �� L" 1. I 1; : : :� ,j �1, 111 , ; I 1� ,I �i " � LJI � . . . . . "Ing We degre. , � , . I . . I . L I - Canadfan. *ooIIez("ynaou4*. o,urors urge General Assombly to open Pul- .their great eltids­ They had been da'A" into which rr A . I omw two Cal 40160d �. ,and automobile drawro i. . mlew pits to women. � I - I I tiory the ilitiou had fal. I . I . : � '� . - . Goverament oinbudget muttert,. - French Senator for Corolca on- older and mightier far; "their border Job,, would not have been -true pro. . � ROBTO I AIT. ... . . I . I 611"01"t. thao, Old I . Schooner. rutu laden, becomes total seated- because bandit terrorized, elee- greater thory your border." These PhOts, if they 110 not cl4rly 'seen I ll I � - Welt I teicias - . - - West :91- I ,­ � , � , . .1. * . . . . .. I . . . . wreck on Mssaqhussetts Shore; litio- tors to �ote for 10m.* . had been destroyed and ,made deso- that "because right. was right, ar.4 I I . . . . Phone 82 r 2SU . . I drede scramble to chare In Spatial I . late so h6w*4bUld 'lioll and Slyn1hris bee God was God" such 4 state 111110 I � SjkT1j1W= I ause , sell *jqljyl�, ggmam I . . . . I ..� . . I I I . TRIURSUAT. Strike Is unlikely th BrItish. coal .9poto eseape ev,-�a C.4ougli, ther put of things could ilot last and therefore Ni I . . THE HYDRO STORt. I . Murrell und 111opplig, died .area. , . OR the day of reckoning? . . as John, the Baptist, in later da - - � � - - � ­. -- . . . 1. . . .I.. I � . � . . " I . "411 % * I � 000148 Union bill withdrawn trointUr.111s. StI -beat Toronto TA&fm. Its tbft lrowedw to point outspell they called upon thein, to 401topent ye � I I I - �. I �..'' . . . �'. . I . W 14wirt � I . � I . . . `sb%- , Pride in t na,I, and I . I . . i - . � . .. I Ift � 4-3. 1 1 � cilia indivi bring, forch frults Ineet lot re- . . . I � . ture. '.I ' .." � . I I - ',I � 1161011 )I,%r,*v R.Thtetw Iq declarod sant, b -y Uninaulo, lite declared Martial law. flotes grextiyeIs.-�*Ill hot save the nall pentlynce.of � . . * . . . . . I .. I hi it. l"S" .. � I �, 1A -. . � I G�M"WrWOW a 11,,�:�qiu'w a. tion if theres a cankersit tho heart . . I � It �. I � oruuba,ae 11luiswi. - Secretary 11,11ruray" Lebbatt, of the WOUD mrsko*a ,� . . . . . gig's vounded in duct. . A lRatesmates Tritiatle to chriqlani I ""WADIAN NAMNAL OU , 1*"'"111-11' 1. . - I . I , � . O.A.I&A. reelgas. � and. brael as a ptople vasi opproosed I I . . , by Its rulers. "oI all arotod . ty . . Woman Istligrged as 4NAtillit an,%* 0. X. R. worker is killed by faU him ** Pw bilat awn .' SPECIAL, �8 AT MtEWEN I . UAI DANTO Peet In moliuva. I 14 Str&ttOr4 ShOPL . . -tftddo sM "And this message has not only 0 . . I . I : i 414MIN SERVICE WON Turkey will soon have 0overumout Disastrous blast'at North B&I does, - st"Ut in sull4i 261110W while the come, but it is finding a, response in . . . *, .th. our hearts; for the old concepiion of i T ,� � *** 11""Pt 11164"O" control of Ilquot. I ,nearly $50,000 damage. rich 10116d on eou&ts UZIA w, I send ambassa- Di6niountratloh, at Breslau. in favor 4vory and coveted lolth, tkh. tapestry. a. spiritual worship of God -has not en. . FOR HOUSE CLEAN NG' IME, . . � I . ;10. 0640" 0.00 O.M. '51-20 0-M- dor to United States. ,of farmer Crown Pkluee. , � Lux"Ibus living *As likewise con. ­ I . ­ .111.1�. , . "', -, ,­­ . M I I � . I 0%60 1 .6-25 OX.M., 2.52 P.M. Twelve cases of smallpox are ho* Toronto League of Women Voters demnod. Thes, had a supwfluity of I � � � � . .. �. I 1, I L I - � " SWotth 6.41 ajtl. 3.12 p,ny reported at Brockville. . holds Arst annual meetl1kc. I the very best -lambs of the fiock and Will sprims, na,ugivlovo Neta, 'Ho'dras; AfarquiRatte, . ­ � I . � I . . � " mikholl. 7.01 &.in. 3.42' P.10a: Dominions were absent front final Exemottou for elylldroiA will be lit- talves of the atall, while at.the same IRUMAN 10 IL I . . n reaty.,, creased from 000 to 11SAO.. firrie their pot brothreh lacked tho Now pateriig, in Ilimil olleloth itird ril-niveo - . I Are. Sirtdord 1.30 alm. 4.10 P.m. Four Torontu awhuniom Seek.' Wife applies to Qu�bee cour6 forc ; . I.. . I ' I I Sit Kitchener 8.1-10 %-"L MO P-01- United StatPS 11311WA31 litIP4. atibultueut og inixtil inattlage. :==, Also Brooina, Brushes, 1101)4, Po,i-418-1, O'Cladir 0111, Liqu!4 I . - . I 0 OUsIph ti.45 a m. 5.50 P.M. Polio dceltic�; at last mom(wut not Parliament decides, that cupital J,UW tor sale of ilquor In. Alberta COULD NOT STAND . . . I ) - " Townto. 10.10 ik.w. 7.40I p.m, to Attend X. of 10. vereniony. punishment must be coutinued. $1ven Royal assent. \4- , I Voneor, Bram, silvar Polish", Floor wax, etc. . I : . . - "" I . . - . . . . 11 . I . . I . 11. a. Way limit Immigration of I J. Carl Lawson Is appointed Crown Ital" Rdeutist to announce 0041 , . , , .." Ill i .60 cms Canadian* to 24.000, 'Versons. ,Prosecutor at criminal Amiseg. Ao for cambadug cauter. I bryth'L VAmWng-Loao Torefit46 &YS Lydia E.Pin"Awa vev . � &)C ling . . 1245 04, oza 0.10 P.M. - Uktill bou niatinonit G -u Foederick Mowat, sherritt of Tot- Chief or Poll" %Vhatle,V dies after L .� 4 ft" C , OWerich to Vor- I I .. L I 1. onto, dies In sevetAY-thiril Year. brief Ubloss In %amilton. eb&* Compound Made , To Make The "-use Lcm* '00ck and Uall - '- "4V AiIsp 4.7p . - . . go -or, 111-111 11-11 !11111 1A I - 'hundred, thou"ad xhilward - 00thRigni exitta as to attItude to-, ' , Nor Well and Sttong , . . I I *** so *AWiW tmiti, ikrA Torooto One � t*.QaWkb C10 V, mL tolru . - . . - L �. workers are locked out lit Britain. ward plan for revar*ttoas., - ' I . I . 1. . - I .1 .1.1. L .I�JJII,I ,.,1.1�'11111 I' 1, L."' ' - '' " v1i".Agh twit Goderkh t* Toronto. ,,, 3 'r. ,ft%" ftft.alp Hamilton Uralyou Of OlM.A.. at an- Toronto 1kats beat Waterbury uiftd I . 1.1 111­­� , I ­­ ­­­­,� �Qp TV Awl I 19P nual raectlag, deplores budget pro- Springfield by 4 to I In eaeli'tme. QW* VOI16 N. Y,-41 li* lover t" . L L I I -r. P. LAWUNCE & SONS 1 C JUJOL 6 posaln. I Z� . lCing George invites Ptoinlet Mae. NftkW I W" so lick t *0 not to, ' I #01,%� L ell One hundred thousaud British Donald to Windsor Over *oek.eud. . . - . I --- LL on m . . \ , . ZM Ipgasoagoit w4 lUkets Agolits L jad' I jo 416 10cE WEN . ­ I. ,- " I L . . I shipyard workers toked out by exii- Arrane,intats made for MOO llu� . '"0166, 0 4, ,, , I . I -AlAn Utaryouttes to come to Ontario. I MY *oft. T116 t 'L I1100- AMM - ! ,_ ­­ I I... I be ployers. . doctor vaild an Oper- PHONE 40 SOW& sik-squallt "`� . _ ­� L", ­ ,t satisfies Ontario tarme Increased demand for farm labor ---- ­ -- jkck stabluag of Budge tsk 4tion I . I . I �ported- by TAnd Settlement Brarye*,j. 1. 201P I , though rolatively small direct bolkeat 1`0 Ilt bb vlec* I 61ftr ft&d tt. � . L 11 .. L � . . I I ". . 11 I lit?" : ift 0 will bo, received. L Ormce declares In plebiscite tnr ` L� �t stj� ­­ ­ L 'L I � 1! L! ' ' !' ' " ,,",I 11 . 11,11 � I . I . III I I . jjIj � I L tl - 111111 � 1,11111ilijo J-1ji IIJIll­ . I is sm I 1� lost Ott the Square V. S. ljouse of Itep"gentative, de. Reliablio and overthrow of Monarchy. I wo" letters about oil I 11 I I I 11 1101 I 111111'1 *a no M" . ."00461, feata vtooloisi to apply Immigration "overhmentel calls ape-elal meotirl Lvdia, R Pliftam's . I -111111 -IN -0 , , lililemelilmlw,-% - � - - I I Is Vi7clstable � -g- quota to CAUR111A. DIIiiisters to tonsIder, experts, te� 01)� . . I . UVIAAL NlIISULASS All"MiklAbY POW -W and befastb 10 LP -901 M."It"12-61T Tog ANTWwk -14d , tMINdfrot I T SU I Alberta fsrmerA lose monoy In I I A Sato Relief for Women s 81sordets Ile labaft enters protest against ex- port. tAke It, Be ora I III AM, . . AM woo you WM* " Ur ToUt clustall dituse, in V. S. Immigration. �.. . , . NO floWhed taking I . ­­­ - - I 6 0 WItlaunclied %t Upauese. wheat pool, wltnItsg� tells Grain COW- .. 11 � I., tho first bottle I save cwage Lily hi a certala tellist tot Jill dIsUdors,bt %0inejs. It Is applied ,111"so* M*d sill Tt&NO soad t'%areh t7nift Bill glyery Seeond MISAlon. I 1 6 - I --- ---- I whotgooditwmdo- laeally wo is idisoebed Into the omforint,tiNlue. 11ye 4ftd wmt6 "ter ja* tu "ft ym qoy U"dw. . �-^. 111"ta reading and now go" to Private Hoavy melpts of buttor at Mont- ft. Me. I 04 NOW Well and Atron* doll in the contested mion Is elve) I giving lmmedihte idtlitfil Wid 0,11111W . it i M -I. bornift at I "ssl**m c&IW for Is toy Hills comtnittek� at ott%W46 Mai last week tiuses sharp deellae, inir *11 fty work for t fmij,r of four, -1 I - - - rellet; the blood vemeW ollod it , . " =rlftln�fv* *lit it *s stop am *art *1 tills t6w* tot all Holy. T. XV. VW(Iarry says ht knovi In rillees. aTtair WAShIng and my ft*ir�k, which j - LL ,,... .. . .., I norveg sirt. toned vind sU*a&- - . -;4 ' "ItObbery and attenipted robbery at WtW is m*rnble"L $A I hild n(jt dared , . ened; and the elmdIA110ft ig to b"Oe 16*%kialms 'a bw skin oe* ittaloo ot Q.v. R* ifir C. P. R# Of 110 CAUIPA1411, f0ld, SM thAt his , 'L, I 646t. 7W Ur WejWr46^ ma& 0*06te. 'A"er took a VenhF from thc, lionin Torotito. Two Itatuilton meft Iwld to tft MY I*Wing Machine, fAt bsd I I., I &ttd to normal. As this Ire t: j"ll & *LSWAt i0m cream, giws *wh Pmmpt Servite and IlAnk. I I " $Wpeets. � I dow till Val bowb- I . niefit is based on stfliftly = I . X by hautd. I truly 4 .. 49 4"kk relief, even to Wy ftftft, Two mon. 41 t toed as women, are Javxueto threats sigainst V. 8, e!t- f#d tMt wtro it tot for your n*&WO I � 4 tifid PrIfidlilf8, and aM, on tho oft Usift ho tter beft tOW4 to, Coftful Attopitht"Co'k wanted by them InIvAnipft �Vojleo­ for elpsion MAUS6 pr%duee ludIsnation at I vould r4t. ber here t m my eaft I . aetall joestloft of the disew it ft , 4101100%p MOT19-11`11hiNg, *44 t0blOg A, 8100-11 NVASUbM00. mahed very serious."e-jes. Vlnogau cannot help but do igood In all * C'Fiefts � I Of its . �lwd"hvoir* w000 f $190, 510TO thlku 11009, heat valsed 225- W, BVOCULU PAIISA X. yo . . 5 , 10 '! .. Oor Uwy MW fluk SaMes ' Awl0i Ilk budget x6econ- erg zi,avic to calhadliln aee�ord or per. 11 LL . � rms Of femaic, troubIts"Iftelud- � , I -- k - 60 �. -A t- I OR Ile -will to %ood "Pt*411410 NOW Vow r9ft *61111tequett I Ing 41stj*d and Pli0ful meft4ft- M 4 Oww � % it*" to ove" t""Ctls dacito to re4uttloiks In *tIt" of =&A- tormanco last yetr. L I � auoll. leueotheell, filliss tr *0 utattured voI deciatols Sold A. , Torwito West End T.&CC.A. iietyloi� tt It Pinklistn's Ptivoit Too;. I .1, - - . . I - Womb etc. Mee 02.40 W box, "460 q�� "Ailmfttli 1*0110 to Wo I U okft Of V* "V"i"% V$A* PWP to. k'Alawell, 5ailI totny wins round and Xut- RM' W NIVO. - - I , I I whiN la sul"Cleat tor OrA - VC , . I Your ftitrislasto SiAkhod tra ealtada, title ftow Nonttetl. nwall *1111 be ottit y_m fmo is "m re,I. 1!: !1! ft � ­­ --- 1W U;; f* *,A f6f j& P jalLok MOXIMY. rii at. A Irr" 11 TMitirlent. enoupt for iO davk warth 1&.,, 01 wlniaz MU Ciallover vdas Xilw*wy ,,5prjag Postal iftlke not etilod to-dky. ow qu"a*" V1ft"tbl6Lydi&9 I' b" "th's t""Me - Aft A06 Will X.Ofyd We ht'r Illidtlftllf- I To SWARTIMP up, I Mg., ni(m1*4 rep"atativet sayo t� Modichw fm, 06bourr,, Ont. Thi-* ,W11 IS* sent Ffte to abi idkolw. Mvis, L401A W. tarm. Wlsftw. tsoL "' 0 U10 AS - ofil book omtsitwif*luableirrf;rrt!atic,Atmt 100W 3 6"Ps ad * rL a t4l"Of "***'"- Y"=9: , "00* 107 MW*W sh oft x4rding 1AL'Totoatil, 1144314'. ,*qsw Considers% uftmont troa the Cl I atom Qi-*W,� ------ ----- 01 OZ. , * I mervice 6MM10*14. AM,$` WONAU abould lym. , *. som) sy tntom MlInntm EvIttlywom"t �. 04 0404 A Vq0Wk4VV~ k, $4,11% li-M I - . . , I f . 1. . . J. .. A I .1 ---- 1- . I - . I -- I - . ­ -1 " Lb, L ---..,j. I-, I - ­~ , - -9 ­­­ I .-,- - I MINIM - -:- I ­�, T - - 11111111111111"`1110 , -A'.. ­ - � -­.I.� �����������l������lm��Iii'li��iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��������������