HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-17, Page 6N `4017` - --'- =- -AV, ,I - - -V--� - 77111W - 11- -11 W , , , t I - -I - 11W 7
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� , 14 OT 0 Aba I. 11 I I 0, -q00-"W-""r"* —,-"... i M14
. i i . ;'=For bY the rouaJl and since the�!
. . r-CCTIO 111210 tho �icction Ile ran. , .
. . TOURM TRADE BECOMING VAL, - �� . K"Greai P!��airiitfourOrlr,Qriants *114 wal� clicc.
.. I ?I VC -1-7 -P, � "a *d by a 12 t- �
A,11110140--- - 0 -,-- r-41-1 Inalor". The first li .1 I
� thirg that striscil; bim in Goderich, .
. 0 C\ MOON oft � " Mr. SUreas said. wiv; our beautiful 1.
. * vv:dc streets. Gq,(;,(lt,jQh, he cour,jdvr� .
11 ,.1. UARDLE SOURCE OF REVENK � .1� - -A-,- owrks. --im 1 *1, was one of the most beautiful 11 I "I .
Pktl�knt Mw4dwu *a S-v�-ctxry France, Ou6no rliblkity Aa N. April 10- Birth of Sir Joh-A Frar4,uft towns of Ontario. Ijc� u5surej us I I -11 I ... � � , .
I 03 a tfou, In V'snadit. w ) c accup V, . I I .... I
A I . �
- low -go W" of MUD Water IV*Wsly A%:-Cimioa. j .030UM4,1re-el -an! Mfwty eight-yc;w, two,yeara. Dadv,,% tbcso two j,)awvvf, ttat any time the to,va AMnited to, . � sidord UN04 "lacco,
. "I lie rmrvoyea R44 lasplicd over 11.199'alove In the direction of. har-bor-4-2m.
I —4-- 9— I %-1,1,111`110 wal tu0l. 4%pj�l W6. tilrlobn railes of hatilerto unkuow C0850 lineraud p rovements. we would have the hearty I IRM �
V.9VP. T? PRESERVE PINERY AS COVIMMM PARK. � ' U' "no ef *1be f9rcat'st of Out "a big return to EnglaW v as kuightca
. . D MOW 4) ploterg end the d1woverC,r Of --great ftroccii. 0,0POV'31011 Of Guelph. That, city i IS FOUR TiMES LIEA
. 41 . I RLb N0l2L-WV4t,1,4-"ag%.' via, - for bl% would like ' ,�LILO
- s bofv-� Ito next 41%tingulsbed h1rosi'lelatils to see other places'prosper � � — .
V. C Pt - u Patir V) Tow r17 Va�ta; Tmil--Valuahle .45uggeollops It, ,ally juttl0jr1l that.111. (At as for the Sake or the extra f . � I Y, I �
�* -, was origh. Ggvek War Of loepruuucu dur-Ing a 40 w I -- I
. "L V� MAL -0 LA -0 Tcxvra Attrocilve wlaurists W30211d entec the ebutph, but )Ia pro, period j)f wtvice ,with Cho Mciliterr,&p. freight they would g t Apakrwwo -- - I
I �r I vailed upon his f3thcr t') ID110V,7 Jjjjo ta et" UV4 prosper, I .0 .1 . . - - 1;-n�ek I
� can sleet, sua later f"alued fceAh laurols ity for one meant Prosperity for all. . I I - . :
i - ficemlip a sailor, and at Vio go ot 14 be - I -
. , CM he hiMOlf had 017;iYa W C0101`61 WD 12TVRI NQVV as* inEdship a Concluding 51r. Stevens saj4, that I � .
l "Ar. 1pra=* fl, . .
I ; X400'ro J. 51. Me.wnw an W.4 tbO 6QVCrPQr OtWa$132926. A j049D I
I which Ile hela for se -en yeauk. Afrf�r!ff W 11 11� .
I � - � ..
Ge".t. VA -Mut" of. Sarnia, pirmident ntop bi,ro to inflidro t4le V;ay t,o tah-0 ^ jx;an. Ile spoedli'v ha4 hN baptlault (it . nift men from the Bell factory haq,! "I -UXr&W-nWr � I'll,
I I �' � , In 130ho touk cowulaud 0 . I a * I 11 - I -1 I -
.e to got gut tf? the nortjj.. bohirl arpRe"t at tho battI6, of ftm "*- $,�'r�,gdft the- Guelpli voundt,- three I - . - - - - -
$ a" wretary ret�vcctively of the 't � In fact tile Are. lk* . - : . , Z 411 i"IF'oEa- a
" � Po4ition &40L 010 Norttl�wwz Pass -1
LILI* %fItCr jjjCjj1%NUZ7 Amwiation. only aig4liere wau the dircuting,onck C0V0bA."e41uApvn160I. Aftertbigho I ill, Uay b(T s!klICd 4*4 Mayor; eight on the Board of Edu, i . t �
1 444-1�ell luv twovears under,ilicy cuuit.' P,aU(1 Oil the 10 . . .1 . .
was in towA Togo,, Apr.,Stb, Dnd told to Hotel Sutiaet. . ania, Capt. j1TMDllt*Vjel1iv" . .1 - �,Iquglfkud with the two ship.4, cation, three as ebui a one of � I , G , .
I 4"And of bia ca . oor oil t Nz be$ ry"u; % . . . I 11 I
. I � 0ou by a wit t members On the 11br board Av
I 1. *& latertSU09 EtOTY Of,t!10 Very PVAC- The co-puld eXtion of Motoramble (lets, during 1140 tilar, that this colebrat, " 4were lav I I I I
P ill �, ,Illy
I . tical Work they are doing Ito bring nrj,.v boohln fosued =a to, Consist Of ,jr,11 901t3iltip, V,�L.Iar wwi enfla6lod in f3ar. till Y�l 4fter Chid the fat()- of W43 an MPloye6'of the *11 factory.! 01. U 11 To 0) I
I . V, Ueda .. I � . I
I t I ., - �;ir t1w twil,l a lea. Thece would beplaced veying and mapping the coast of 114) re . my.00lyyfor four. God0rich could bank on the co-op. I , I
itstereated audience at t1w, town hall 10. the touriatla hundti In hiu licraie Australia, and Ito natin ae'lUireil gro3t. �Cfllil 37C3rff, d0tipite the efyorts 0010111. .0ration of.Guelph at any time. I - 0 � . I
I in the evening. I e�ty, throuz;b tourla,- bureaux, and 61-11t. atlil aceartLev as an tistro"01111cal I erou"xPO4i.494% sent'Out to' scatatz for Alderman Xabollo,,, who is the I # The Vvy . .,
. them., 'IN'tica thp DrItIsh Government , , , .
* a 14 wlq to pj,711, p,,,prr . I
I il ,40ne of the is. obsivveraild fjnrv0*or. wFiet, , . 11T
k � ' -clubs, b I " nt of the C. P. R., with 1
1; ho -work M40063 49C
, 51,5.00 Tourists Came Over Highway through moto%* finally abandoned the sm.rch t
.. I It . . I Last y4ear . auo wau to be dhAributed promfocu- , prove, go vitinablo In I uitilater carear w3 wag colitipue(t by tho efforts of T436oy the GuelPh Junction Road, said that. . . . .
. . I .. . . ously but would bip''got Into the right an twx0orer. Frauldia. tbe explorer's eecond wife., the ,city 'in allager hod bad no rosy: � I I : �.
* � . X.r. rrance who r)pQko firot, told of channels, . At the battle -of TrUalt,lav i4 1804, be w1jo with all hot, own -available meaw path. There -was 4n elem ent in the-,. - . , . I .
the f4r3t IR& booklet gotten out Ill * juen Us I �
,ed to publicity waa Mgo,011og 6,'tuel on .'".S. and tb,j gnb8criptioas of sympatblverso
nstlinates, by "Bellerephon". and durint, We next 0,o city that would do anything to rid to bring you the full ricbness -
.l . I the way of publicity, which they Cal. vorL, of what the publicity the nazo� yearp siw, active servico in vr.rloUfj Mted'olit a. filliall ship, which tialled the city of the city manager. , ,The . 91"d mellow sweet" , of this— ,
- lea "Mue Water," then of tho firzt from Aberdeen under tha cotuniaud of
! � . if, clation had cceured would cost ran oil parts Of tile 9101)0. Capt. 31WHIntocig In July 1837. XeCliu- Prosperity of .the viviQ administration .
j , .. � Fsueof "Mototamble, in Canadi", 130t. tho -way from $10,000 to $40,090, but TO IC418 I'll 10340 hit' f1i'lit "Yage into toch's exhaustive 80arell was rc,%Va�&,I, liall inervatied � wond , erful . .46$ I . Tit
teif out lost year, the expense of : 'ti4n for tile Arctic re'stoU14 11) COMUM1111o; one or - . lywander him. I ,
I the total elmt to 010 associc 11 succes4 slit to 11gLt tho He could 90 to any Aepjartment and
I arni'l two ships t,�,,ut not by the government, ot k,; anti �voug . r
� f - Which was Anet by the S, I!n .
. "ll I 3 were $1,04, and the but the expedition hall to Ile ab, our aul.lin'tt journey anti tile Put A clerk in another department to , Tobaee(). Qua
- - beref Commerce. Motor League zud audoueff -4 e . 'a. help out in care of 11 M5W1qW1W d --he ty * '"
. - 1101 , . " . I
�1) I �Usinen^. mun ot Sarnia, tille latter A%iaciation itarted the prese owing to the �eeoml "hip beloP, datuahled rato 4f litulself awl bi 'aliall, lut, h I -1 .., �
. You With $172 on band. Paid wein. to the pacit-jee. 4% ;loar later be, waw, wfio;Wero found to navo perished froul The taxeG were we�ll c;leilcd. Ald, , � I . .
11 I pedition stayvat 0 4 '2111( .. 01Xj)r):lur0 after I'Ving Mahoney referred briefly to 'the hig- . mahuractured by .
, J� ; , I alzing advt%rt1ihr,(,,, space. Thisy,�*,r% herabipa in the Ansociation, accounted UQ .1 t to abandou ti: � . .
, . of Motoramble contoins no Q4. . plact,11junt nimstud c? iN,uid OX . � IMPZRIALT-ODACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED
I for $70" and there -had beeti V44OU5, tllro�glv 0allada froul 110804 14y to k0ir '1111)"' tory of the Guelph Junction road, ,
. ; �- I�111; Anioug, the relics dlicovered and -
J. -�
� � �i 1. L . �1�
. �11 ill I ! , "lents Nyllat"er na It wAG donation"s and grants from the alloreft of Me Arctic $va. and dltring The company Was first organiz,E�d . . �
� t . ''. � found fjuch. a boohlet, carAea more palitiou. Tho catimnted-expe muoici- a pert.4of alreo yo,ifa I Ile covered llem'. I WoUght back by X-1,01intook WOM tWO 1. . 1. .1 - I . I I .1 - . I
I'll . . . W nses for � ofilgers of rranir- March let, 1887, In'1888 it Was tak- - -
�� I I � I , L -�aht as an authentic touristgulde, the present year weix, S,1,),,224. Ttf% ly fila thoust.wil tilifes (Lud 1113do Wj`i,LV I duoututlutt. written bj --1----' =7�..-=r . �
l .1, . � . '110i 1)arty, v.yh.jeh showetl that the ell over by the C. P. R. on leuse. T$e -- - �- . -
. I I
I I I � � '�U4 booPlet appears to be it Very booklet (the Second c-Aitiou at Mot,,)r. valuable (11sro"Oes, In 2,925 Ito left ilitrePid explor-e had dimcoverOd $110 fIrst Year the city received $9,80() and . Adjusted later- at 5 centa;When a .. it is well to repent,"a'Ad pray but it ?
, : fino pici,e of publicity as an Induce. . tile bedlAdo of hN (lying wife at . the Company ' � f
, � amble, wall`costln� .51,224. - . � X),letla West Passage. , . I is a good idea to hire a lawyer.
I I I . . I � 0 . last,, Year $77,514.70, The, Guelph boat was to be loa4eil -
,. � . ,. . . ' 4 to the dock Col I
I . nviit for touri.sts to taho the Blu6 of duty, and tualt allargo Of I . 00kYRIWITBI) , .. people bad the assistance of Goderich hod to bring 80 o raplete in. itself Mother Graves
, �� � - - .�-^.— . men . wn - .
I , .,Nater trail, Showing the.. increase TQ0111t8 Ltave Lots of lvlo�z.y In O... — --Fo---�' I
I . ' Wor"T t r in ter doe Ot
, � � . in getting the road through to GOde- to handle the produce, Re would be. Ex 0 in" a an require ..
, I in motor tourists vioiting �7anaOa by . tarlo . ,
,� , . i ,bushels of apples vvore shipped and :rich and were ready to help. us at any delighted to talk Aransportation f6r the assistance of any other diclue I
averarp of it tourkla stay it' Q -well now ,be tird'e, that bad been his business all his life, - ` -
� , .! the $arnia gateway, Mir. T'rance said , Itlie '. I ' Ll NS. GIM8 04NQUET i though we did'pot do 'Go � to make It effective. It doesIt lail
11. . h a n . I
I I i I �0- . ,
. that in 1520. 6000 cars entored by Ontario was ten 4ya and t o ver- I .Led. to see An increase, Huron Divisiolial Superintendent Rutter of If you have the business $or a boat a to do its WOrki .
I X 4 - ox
.- I 1�
i�ll "
), , � �
-, I that VAWWAY, the following. ar Alge kment by a.tourist parly "Aille in I ao- the I !1 � -
11 f .. . I . . C., g, R. spoke next. This w s 'boat will come Ile said. ' I
: " �, , ,. .i� . . ye. - farmers were c . --
1 7700, and, 1921, the year that lalue Ontario, at; fova-rd fror, enriviry, was � (Continued from pap,,e 5) a . -1
. .. I res of Orchard and, even at.60 barrels the Arst time be had been in a tiong He looked upon, every ratepayer as I I . I
(I waver W9111vaY, literature was first Vo* close 0i $1,100, Z)1,000 tourist . to the acre, this would mean 600,000 Club. Re was afi� ex-Rotarlan of a'stockbolder in the town and wap en- , . I . .
U , . . I
� , ill � I distributed la,00%, while last year up -'W'.1- 'it Wi MM96 at ,',12011 meant .�djd not have a vote. NO Supplies bp ,-a.-, p() that there wag reason to Toronto, an . honorary life member of titled to know wha.t every man was, . � . I I
[ e i� � . to Sl.�pt� 700hen were 43,000 and by ,$411."'00,000 10ftin Outalim were Purchased *without his approval. look f6r. a big increase; all, the indi- Owen Sound, Rotary Club. Two . assessed for. The printing of t "� . 0 -'ij , � I . �11
1, � , � � 11� Dec. al.st, 51j500. Tile Association ,Alr. Vratleo (Woted the e4m. of- 4. By thism ,-,ystoni, better co-operation cations were for a big rejuvenation of . , jw� as- , . .
. r �
� ,. : , I I ' - ,things he noted about Goderich. One sessment roll was the best thing that
. I I , - ti!% ,whej dlstj�led 'Ali' A bet*cen departments twer happened. � I ': . . ..
. � . k � did not -claim oll the'credit for their tk,i*,%r in Sat was secured. the fruit business. We could produce I � *�.
� , I was that we had a fine harbor, which . . .MEN18.
I . I increase. Tile Provincial 'C"Overn. 1pr4e, stock of Irish linen in a short Emplilyces coaf4 be transferred from a n Canada. right of course had to be develope At the conclusion of the addresses I I -. I I . .
, , , I I . -, and, tile �Ago,ur one department to anot ' ed the very best . pples I d. Ana
� ; meut had iqsut4l a booldet for totirists thyM to tourist trade . her as seera . . . ,
� 11 In Huron; and if we, could get them we had something else wit$elt-ho n Mr, Geo. Williams moved &� Vote of
, � 1) � - , - -dealer In Grand, Be -who, 1G?ld a advisable -Tho now. system had I . " ever
� . ol(i, ok a � I'd t by water, it circle W -1
. . saw in any other town,, a. . htch thAnks. to the visitors -lor-their re
. t I .
, .. � I . . li� seconded this and ,this was carried,' .
I . , ' ,Iqt v4luable and was * worth caterijig to. ,.vith all cor - R. and Algoma Central OQla I . -RAI N. C
,-. -
� '' �, 1. Ont-nrloi and the Sarnia Ferry 63. de. veq large number of mwa e�ts to, gv�atly rilie-ved thef aldermen and would be an advanhigo for--w0er . I d Deputy Reeve Munnings
� I � . we �
I � I . . �!ervvd credit also for publicity of, the tourists, The'tourlst trade ivaq very made Ono responsible head to go to transportation -was always saT4 to be called a square. , I . inarks, -an
I � liplaints, They had 1200 � C, P. OAT's I
1, Port. In 1922 the rumber of tout per than rail. - , . with hearty applause� I . , .
, .. �.. �i - I . - . ifits in a � yea cheal le sido line. � One Mr. Rutter saWthe 0. P. R. would .1 11 � . .
( , �� si Auto,) that Awro known to have come Do whatever could be dono to please to 1DOo complai . Honey waS ;i litt ' ' Mr.'Saunders announced that ow-
� . - �( . over the Blue Watorrouto from Sur. the tourist anti send him otl his way record of all Was kept 4tzd they were illiOn. pounds of honey was producid, not promise soifilething it,could not Ing to thd 4ollowing Friday boing .- At - $ I" � 95 . .
� ..', � ' .were inore of pleased. The average American .did promptly atte in the county and' 100,000 lbs.,went carry out, 'Theybad 4heir line from .Good prIday, . � � I , .
F .. , nia ,�verlol 47. Theto Udell to and in this Way !it � no meeting -0 the Lious� oil I
.�N I � , i. 1. T ,�l !'n ,but In Sarfiij th�y kept as not 4rink tea but liked groo&;'�cbffco there were A . . 1 5 - �. . I �
. , . . West last year., 7 -y Fort ' William to P4rt McNichol), Club Would be hold. On April 2.5th, . . . I
� I � � .6 conic backs lie'Ontario Hone � ' .. .
I i eomplets ,a unil sometoing better.,than .qkIm millt Guelph was the f4emost city In I ..
� I I , . 'I I Mr. Fralik Copua,"of Stratford, would � . . I 11
I rpeord .ae poqsIble, of toi a -started ih� as - which was the obvious line fdr them, .
'. ;i . I ir* c . of, a as, the. distance from Port MeNloholl. giv'6 'an address, I aiid on Many 2nd :, . T eived, a sbip- . .
. Assoi tion was t, year
I �
� . i� � , i!3tq, 171tore th(--y came fronts w], N- with it, If eneh town along the'rooto Caudda L Ili pUbl' ownership., It ll4, Would 'Aqce the -idea . .
, I I 11 . I j U.5t ec , I
VT W4 .w ,
� � � . . . tht,V ,olv goin". long the, re rould hit,on something by which It owned & wattw works, electric light, or so,
1: . , - I I ,, 1017 pv� ., boat sqrviiie from Goderich to Fort to Montreal. was 100. miles shorter Mr. Suckland# of.the Children"A'Aid, I - � I . I
�� i � t ,� would be6m��'kbiiivfi it would help.. gas, Street railway land the Guelph n front. Goderich to iMontfeal, and To I .1 . .
. staying and w H., t ey were �U in), -in ,� � . . routo. . ihent of ruen's Paraiiiatta
. .� I ,. .. . y I I . Wjlljar� forthe honey, 'the movement'tha . . . .
I It V speaker gave I - .1 .
1� I -�Cumda and , ho,(� lituch - - t wy orts, For bittance. if every. tourist cnine to Junetio"n, RY.' The of which to the West was equivalent It. uvoiiI4 going throug`h Toronto and � - � . . � I . - � � . I
� . .� . -
�# . � , � ) . , � I . - I . I
� 11 ,,, .. � . Gilauding,'. The tourist camp -was, � g. - know that he"wouldget a kialit bakoil. some inte sting figures ot the work to *40 cars. �. .... ....1. so quickened up the serviec,, and the SATjSFMD M)THERS , raincoats , jinade .. fa . a - :
� , r� � - if . . . . 1WA twigo a (lay, In - 10129 9,72 . potato .At Goderich, or some other donel w.hlc%e ,%�as'llargely done by day .' A great deal &adlent and curves, weie easier. .. .. . . . . � I . . .
� I I �� q I , Then there was hay. I 11 1� .. . I
� I � I , , I �h()W,U aUt0't4)Urj114t -car* t'AmQ- Up 0YOf feature, it ,would help, jost 43 a cer- 14bo.;,,. Under contract their. perman- �Of ofir hay went to D , ctrolt, Cleveland' - Tlie matter of better passenger ger- No other mqdicine gives, as great! depehdable olive: shaae, . .
� 'A I . �). . . the Blue Water I routes, �. . ' . tutp town ;it the States, was known AS:: ejit'r6ado: all'Vient to Pieces, Under . I. . . 'fater train leaving Goderiell � . . � . .. 1. �
�. - i 1. . . I ." I Buffalii�pnd to the West. He vice, A � satisfaction to mothers as does Bally!s:-i , � . .. .
- 1 , � . "I . : 1publielty'lu''U. S. Pipers and 310to! 1".. . day labor'tbey 'had -ToAds that. would �add I
, "F , i0 , � . �. � , r. the Waffle Town. - .: , believed)we were ready ,to Use 'a- bout: WAG -under coilsideration. He point;W Own -Tablets. These Tablets ,are eq.1 jost. ,t4e, coat for- yajily ,� ,
� I . I Let Aach 4own Adopt Some. .Specialty � fast .far beyond thoir pffectivenoss, .1. . .1. - I I . .
, , � . �,614gazinea , � freight 6iievice for ha�. � - Od 11
' �
", � � :; � I * " � % I I .� I pply was brought I . 6ut.the difficulties in making a time ually go, . 0r�tho newborn babe or' �L'd I � .1. � .
. � . .
� , ,,, , . '11, I - I . Mr. The.tity water Gil' . In �25 to 150,000 bushels of. benis table.as connect,ionif had to be figured the : a.ys. . . I I I
�. I - I - - - il. -� 14, 4 � . A -lot or publivity was..;socured, by Mr. XacAdam, Who followed in in a 24inch pipe from springs. . ' 1. I .. . . . I growing child and are absolutely I � ; . .� - ..� . �
�i- unitea States newspopers copying 41-:� , France said this idea of each place wero grown in H ront The county Oil. , . safe. They canndi,pogsitlly 40 hann.. I I " . .
. . . � � . ., .
A � I J I . , planted thoUs4hils, ot in U .
ticles from Calladiah papers. about having Soule specialty Was worth 1008 the city Ounds,401mma the third Ontario *for fleans, As to a boat service, he asked, ba've -Always: good. The Tablets. hremild :-
, �
VI � �� . � I S liud. -Q* --spring, -,gr � u, approac e ., e o tern Novi- ' All ' 4slzes, 411ile they .
. - . I Watir Highway and they . COL , .1 blit. thorough laxative Which regulate - ,., ..
. , 0
ill, �� , the Ifflue studying, out �Hv-Tointiid out the tree are '"'�"j-1�7-d--30 .,mile- .radius of h d th N rth
I � 4� .. I .,,preserve the supply and the Were 'grown La,tion, .: . I I....,. �'. . � . , I � . . . I I
. � . I acceDtod - articles from -40 Association yAluv of the, tourist businesG-.Not 6�1 Goderich, and the Westerl, market the bowels -and ;gWeeten.the stomach la .1 � - . I
-� -
. , 0 .. . I . � . I come to Canada.- now. eiov,en alia twelve feeit--higb.' . * � MCCOrMiCIC L has had: a �- 99od and .thus relieve' baby � of any Of the "st . . . . .
11 ! , L I;, and'at-orlea.of the route we new industry had was lost -On � account of the freight apt. . . I
I � - . .. . .
, , � ., . ro publish- one . Vvery municipality - that bad ;spare ' , ship, deal �ft,eiperieuee as a transPortation minor ,illS of I . .
� ; � `1% I tile States, ill the last three yours but the tourist ratii, All this in addition to the h n?, - .
��, . , i . ed in motor magazineo 'Of, grourd, ubould plant trees; in Guelph .�
� ) i 'Ine Association bad soific good buslue.55, could be-Tando a very valu. . nts of -coul, salt, fish and Wheat� Al. litan.' He was fifteen orsixteen years. stipation, indigestioil, cl�ldg� colic et4M,
I . ould soon be worth more � me " and' 111tter was sup- .
� . � I . Colleerninj them Mr r Fillion, ...
. �! � . I friends in the. Detroit Motor Club. able'. industry. 14o city of Paris this foreA w ready relerrea to. of cours4, be snifi, with� ihe C. P� R a. Arthu " . . �. $5819's - , 'I.
�,�. , t . i � And One of its, gre,atest. upsots was made .a point of lt�epjng. Industrips, than the w4terwokks.sypptem. I the farmers h0A, not got,, all th I � ga- I . I
" ;�,,, ? l is erintandent of the Northern X-Avi St. Sylvestre, Que,, writes:�-IsBabylg . I I . � . .
. �� � - '&-t we doiet care. A change bad fleeit made fVOM freight ready, but it would develop it tion Co.� Eighteen Years ,ngii, that O" Tablets have been of wonderful ., �, . . I � I
I . � , i - ibe tourists mhovItad ,gone back well out� It said in eit - A-0......." I ..
I "I I - . . .Pleased. of All %lie toUri. 4 6team, pumping to electridity and gas ' ' I . "F
'its who ha
. I . I 'a Whore YOU earn your dlone� as long, a boat were put on. One of the �best ContpantV .started to handle agticult- il,e�defit,to my baby who was sufferbig .111 71 � I 11 .. I
,� : , I � " .
: , � . .. . . ,two had,any kick to a slivid, x -a ,large savins . I �* � Ode I " I . . .
. I It . I .1. . We# oan.0111 0 �rou - , Vaiich bad resulted i a - from constipation and indigesexon. J .11-141- :1� :
� � i� � I . . . . &- it in Paris, That tqld a charl; . A� of 6 ce.nt§ a foot against liotato markets was in .Windsor, ural pr ctA for the Lambton farm �
11 . I i I . . I mako. ., Mr.. Prance sahl he could A the lako towns could pla5r, and the water Windsor .hjtd. heavy. land ,,and we had ers. But all this bad to be ba!'hilled" always keep the Tablets on hand and .
i. I I i .4m, � . I nientlon' nouip urbo had made friends tg as made for I
'. � �T�rQ�vteuuii would, be, secured without vocautt lots* w light Jana, He was -fully satisfied. if by hand on -dock .Rind'they found they would. advise- all motbers to do like- ,
. I .
. : f . : . �L I .- . -on 16s.i of resources. There- would be nulin going: past,.us. it ,added value to JbLo far ,ra wcr�'given th6 upportunr were. losing money and actually pay. . Tablets are, sold by rned;--, ...
i � I . I with NoyorGallow. Customs, onk . . ., im . wise.!' The � .
� � . .." i 1, . . :And Immigration Aofficerts had helped just As much scenery and air left ar. thf-prow-ty�---- ity they .would ,use the opportunity Ing a, premium, to the larmera for �he icine .dealers. or by in . M*11 �ROBIKS 1�
I k : . . � 0 The Assessment, amounting to 15 � I I ail at 26 cents a : . � .- I
11 � I � . f -by being expeditious At the bot -der. ter thousands bf tourists e - 4 . erful business would dv- � pi�ivilege of .handling their st -box front The Dr. Williams"Ifedicine I , I
.... I I . : . �. . i . . I it'340*P4 ralilonj of dollarg, w4a`mado on the a dl 'at 9% cents a basket .1C,o.j Brockville, Ont. . '. .. ... .
I The -tourid janip at Sarnia had pleas- thera her'Q� vxAop to, Sarnia, and in*garden.sass was litin ed � I AMN
�� 1 q -t � . . . �� ,
, , I -no I I � .. , �- . . - , . 7 I - - , 1. . .
. , . V4 thc peollile. In. fact It was Said to, Co-operation 8.ccures Much Publicity'' baSI9 '01 80 -r cent- Of the 3�111ng to Port William. - . I - -� I I . . L � -
,� , I �� - .. . .. I .1 be the best on the, folittlaent'outaide', . I tof Little cost . , Price, $zir,23,460 was exempted. The ., Chairman XacEwan. referred to the 4 i .- I � I 4 I � I .1. � . I � . . W*"" .. I . �
. � � , Of Denver And Seattle. 1C. su . exemptions to factories welre� now on- days Of the. Beatty boat4i when there � .. . , . ,. .1. . 11 I . . I 1. � .1 � .
j� . � I Ali this eftort for only one town ly'hatf of what tbe� were Six Ye4ra . I - . . .. I I I I I I I I ... I I 1, . I
. . I - - shade, *4 . � . . 1 V . � I 1. � � � . 4 I
. ppliod i
� � ( what the tourigt,-wanted, . *as lets of. traffic. Re thought -we I � I . I I
i ., 4 . . - � would cost A large �sum and for ago, and the city bud Adopted. the �� I �
I I ,, It . could produce a great deal Of 'freight , .
. , � .
1, I , , � I � " � -� a tORW Goatrich for instance to ;aintuin a I onl$, making.louns'to indusw . .
I . , k , ! . ter, light, a Oluee for ,x . Ore, an i ,plan 0 1 . .
I � . cotivemences. There sliould be a aer� '63n at Sarnia to meet incolaing tour- for, any boat. I
� , I .. , , , tries, on a sure mortgage and giving. 'n was talle&on ,
' zies df such all Along. the 'llighway. Ists ,And direct them this Way Would , Mr. W. U., Robertoo i I I . . . I . .
, I - �
. ." . . .. no othor assistanc.e. Tho Population I � . .1
'Ir � I Another feature that `bad inspired Z pettk -of our harbor and its needu,': -1-#1 11
? �, � . . I mean salaries, otuce rent, light and ;wag 28,819, . 11 . . COA L, , C'OA* �
I , . � . confidenet, was' the 'policy of always hent 'etc all of which *ore I . . in place of Mr. Parsons who -was out: I I I . . I I 11 . .
: , . F 11 . . I - �
�� I P . � . I telling the truth. The publicity mat. without The utilities wdre doing better" of town. . - - " -- - . . .
I I . I . � I �� cost by co-operation with .the SKTAIi by, year. The street railway,, ertson expressed I I � 1. I , . �
I .. I I
.. t - ssociation *ho had u3e or $12,000 better last year n the Ure at what Mr. Riwtings had Said , ! , I
. 11 for frankly stated that tbV road from end of .the A, ilway, 11 Mr. Rob his pleas- % I I � "
` � ' f the Chamb( 1. - 0,,;�, . I , .
- �', I Chatham to. Wallaceburg was bad In f o w of Colit'hiciee roolus, yetiv�before, The SON : lant wao about co-operation between ,colalmun. . I S
11 J
� - I I - � . wet werither and was quite fr�nk Mr, MacAdaut told 4 Dr. Doolit- the excavated islud . go System, and the tied here IG C.
� I i i � , I about tile condition of the Plnery,ilj�!,,,, trill Over the rOultO (he is tl 'efflulent Ivas,,as clear As sprIng water. and did not want to make unfair com- I
k i . . . "I
. i, I .1 I. I ities. We Were �aot GOV-ten ood I : - nton ,,
roadi Detour sh"t,'4 \vcte furniGhed'originator of the Motor L�agua, lx�l The speaker closed -with a appeal. parlsons, but any person, ,who tra'60- , Pit Coal
I I i . : I �. . I � . toutiats wben ally t4eeiiou, Of the the b6t known motorlst In Cailada)'- I for better, co-operation And love be. led. know 06 Was 110 place like . 10 I
'. I that the I ra . .
� � ::: I I route wo. not In good condition. 11te went back convinced . . I . . I � I I �
� i I . tkireen, the people of Canada a -ad. the r . . , � I . . . I
4 I �. � Dlrc�,,tfon Signs fit Godertch and Day- A,6urist busideaq was a great industry"' . ,,,0dQrj,h in 1.0 n. les. . A . - . �. I I
, I
I i . . j lands of their birth. Re -traced the growth of the grain -
! i .. field SAgg0tt-A ,*and said the Blue Water' Association I . Ogg call, which Wo mixt, 0 -
��� i � . Huron � Farmers Would Vse Lake trade at �Ooderlch from thct.daya when' CHESTNUT (not. ra I - ore mi t and On coal)
i I . I . A tonditionAn Sayfield aild (;Ode.�was w6rknig along the right llne& � It � . . � . 1. ,0 .
f � 'i i �,� � - I I . V reigh If Available the arrival of 4t cargo of 35, or 40,000 - �.
, : , , � rich which could ho improved rin *,-ia 41 Mr. UneAdam referred to the 1-0 ext called bushels was considered quite an event I I 0 -woo , .1 .
� ,, . i, ! . I Mr. S. R. Stothers wns, lu STOVE 'and EGO at,*1 PER, . .
� I I � I . the putting up of ns direeting idur� Port: of the comidlesion investigating I
. . I .
. , � . 'Itthe toNvu. 'Mrlhotela and tourist possibilities, which oil. Ile began by eomm.entinij on the up to tIle present cartro&i of 350,000 1 1 ., I � I I
I . ** ints in and out 0 . . I I
� .i L� - -.11" . I. . stated th�t the'04verument should fact that Huron *As the segand jtl,.,t bushels of wheat or 45OA00 bushels . �
I I . .
, -] _ , I I I XV*..lIthy eounty in Ontario. lie felt of oats. Visitors *to the harbor today DURISTICs-44n. Lumptoal, at,$! 2, -00 PER To a .
I � , I W'174 i W i 0 j 1. I iiiiill��111111 I I . . pasa a, vote of $100,000 to adve�tiae Iticlined to ask why had we no freight would - 80a a winter ficet Of 19 vossebt -� , .. . . .
.. 11 Ontarto as the playgrounds of Anterl- . .
I 1. I Ir i apacity'of 4 million .- -All Coal weighed on Mairket' $,Cafes.
- 11 11 tee on t I .. . . - I
.,. � I � I ea, The Recessity. for economy had servi be water. Hia grand- With a carrying 0 , " . � I 0 , . . .,
rI : I . 1 - I . .. Pivvented -this being, done but when Parents walked up into this part of bushels and a money value of $110,- . I . I � . I � . " 1. . . I
" , , I I I the .country, there being no ,railways, 000,000 exclusive of their cargoeq, 1. I 1, I I
" 1�- I the Government finally would come I . ' . I 11 .
i ; , �! � - so an to bt� near the water. This Wa. Last year 125 such bouts had arrived. I 11 . � ' ' �
� ��. to it those districts which had been
� 4� 1 carrying on publicity wol:k Such n�q ter, hq thought, should be. covered Last year at both the mill. and the I . VD
I 0US--CHAP�PAtL way up elevator 29 million bushels o
. I ;/ . � _ �N41105.� UMM the Blue Water Association Would with freight,. Ile saw on bla f griiin I
. 1, i. . - �, � . I I . . haVe a strong case for consideration . 1plowlnr�, seeding 4nd platititig of Tio. had been received"10 million bushels, I -A r n ESIH CARDF PORTLAND.-CENE .
� � --- ------------A-M-0l -I tatoes ,noin- on, We bad a piece of 0 . I
. ., I 111if . I in the wsy of a igrant to such public � excess over Montreal as a grain re -1 I just in, wbich we are selling -at . 11 I I 4
., � - , . ,ty Work. . i country we were not XShamed of eelving port. Midland was slightly 11* - .. � . I .
; i .. .
11 . � 41 we could stuck Up againstany. I in advance of Goderich Ia9t year but I .�. I
I Grand lknd '(;tts Ikhjnd.� to -Extent t Avhleh had a seven million bushel .� capacity ' I
I A ) .. Of $150 � . I thing in Ontario. We did not grow I I , .
I i1ii4bi. 1. tobacca as they did in. the tgouthevil, against MOM million. i 80c. P E R SAO, Kv
�' 1 � I k Grand Bond ,with iouly 150 I , courticis, , though ,��Ome wa3 grown The prospects for the futuro. were � . -- . 1�1 I �
, I
, , I � � " 10 . �tants hnd decidcd to become rcVO"#' here, but that ,was tho only thing in very bright and we could look for a 1, -- Sacic� 2oc. extra, %v'hich is allowed wlien sadi is retttriie4. I I
� � sible for $Ir)0 towards Ow' Publicity which we didu
� � � �Iwork of the Ausoviatioll thi . ot produce as. fine- stult 04wAiderable, increase. Only a smalt, I . -,
? � 9 year. as tiny part of the pravinc*�. per cicdtag�'of tht West viss under . . 1 I .. \1� 0
�� ! NO other Provilwe of Cauada 11,� I
i Same opportunity &a olitario,h4d, the WIlat do Ive raise 1 In 1806 12,0010001 cultivation and the limit would be fix.. 1.0 1.
I en ac �
� I " I A. ed less.by the capacity of the %Wmt to! When in the market for anything rin HARDWARE,, do no'
I % I i. cimat, of the number of large U. S. - - ----- I � t
� ;. I i I vities to the south Of.' e Europe to ,consilitle, It.' forget that we carry *as complete a line as we did when on the
� , us. Italy and taLo this up with their Member, 'we Mr. Robertson believed there was jots � I
' i , i � �� Switnorlaul made the teftristbasiness to do thou ramo. The Canada Cont, of business for Vancouver and the CF - .
. � �
!, , � Asked �
,� 11 **Wt"""O.t* I thtlir mail, SOUKO'of income. Oquetre, and can ,gave you money. .
. ,
� � , I ,oq to 10lat'he thouqllt would be * fairl, pany wou'(1 "'o to see sonictit'ng 'of Hudson BOY As Well 03 thelAkes and .
I I 1� - , this sort done, tMit such a feature, Goderieh vmri bound
" I � 10 � to have Its zhare
��'T.41 , . lWould be a gobi Attraction for sid-lof tho busi&sm. .
, I I . , talino-ova�xatticti,i)sresGoodfett-lheoh tAosir,b*c'i�'i'totit000v,,6,%5rtdr,., 1�vvrtlslng the higlaNvay, ju,)t as was 0 . " o ai --
I �, 9 �, You re "Fired Out It would tako soule tittle for Gov.! I.- .. M RE80.0 and ALABASTIN E all a, � . I
� I � A 11 0.0 FrInce Suggested $Wo as a miuimumi� tile ""U""it' 'OMlat'Ou at Xft"O CM1.401at 4pproprialiano to ovt,rtuke ..
� 1. 1� . MIR Nff es f W Edge, tand all 'who wer6 present ondorsed Poiut� . the needs, of our harbor. W(. neAp,_i . I �
- �
, .
I , � �
- . 1. the linen oil which *� Aaloei*tion 14 � V. S. Pi�ss Mett To -Tour Itouto t ,00310111Y but it would be poor, bofivesa : I I If you are.going to do any. . �1'
� i The day has beett' ,,I weiiany4a,expret-w the kiia that I � .
. . �] Tlic Sar -111A VWtors stated that wl to nt9lec-t our harbors witich Avould I I I
.. . I 'Initt a 0 equa t 'U'VOT T) T
,:1. I � , � 11AI'd 011C I-Wd evert-tLitigir the NvM ShOuld i'�i(` at IeRS,t thtkt pirty of 1- A States pr,ets jjjl�jj Was 4 do more busineng if ni d I o iftir '
prolapalt. ptoly by sale of $1 111elp. , t
. . -
, I has gom wtong. Will' 'eirtr organi2ed to conle ,ovt,r the 1� the demands, and wc- wAnted the hel,o .D.LNGI RRAL2111G, &IJ1300TRIC WELVANG
, , � her -Aft Ili the, Association anti partly route AW Poiht'cd out tho advwsge3 Of our friends of Guelph. � 14 X jj � . I I
I not relax to Inusic ? �! by �,rant franj the treasury j)o!jqbjy. �
It � 41 I 14 011tertbiniVV these visitors and Rs A?� to businest :for a boat lille Mr. I etc., we are itt a position to give yon an Al ,jub, and protaptly.
� eserve . I
j � V'r Pinery to; GoA trameat Park" trvathig them well Whelk they eame'r,'R(lbett-3611 "ifiled Out that we hod a I
I I I A V ICTROLA 11 Mr. L. L.. Knev who was % Terionto 0 aTA tht MAN -Or aftNuted thtm Gode-�I&Ur TOW with a Capacity of 0 M .
. � - .15 '
. I rc�tsntly and saw the t�ommisliorters t2ch woull leek afttr this. It laight b#rret-t a day A#Vj two salt VVC11% A
: Costs so little in 'C,,)nz")ad- �i' ("I tj, . bc� thil 0 1101111cCAVAlly would say effiew us, re. * .
� 0 Clututda f'o., who own the Pin. t Feveral partim of rre�z mer
I I "oil to dle real satisfac. �# er&'- etated th(,y were baving all sorts m;ght 1%6 or*a4zed. j suits and Nve will put a bolt 01m. out CHASs Cis LEE �
. ; ;of 010icatiotis for pumhaso iofi�por- . �;W,o might very ,fairly My, Cliv, , � ul
I a tion it Rivies. ,j Cof),!' of it. and were likeiv to setl. . ,i tho servic-eand WP VAII 1,4,how rc.ulo. ! I
!=!!!-"-!,!,�l!!!�oll�!!���--!�!!��-�r-..� �, C . "V The H oie at the � Harbop ,
- " tat vv�uld rec."r &ell 'eft km-, 'the 1� Goderielf ,Cart 'Hant. aft Guel h Joe. � I � .
li 1 I
I 41(h of blvirg this protervAM sti a � I efir" maybr ste'vent P . I *
1� TORIA' . � . I
, 1� 11M..
rw 116ats a" adw#j 11 .'-Wftwt of 6UPIP"I ,Q,S,-.d he , store 22 01*OrnPt Und C%re-
I . . ; 'yV(1- b, ard sAncluilry ow loftwtkinK,1� Llyoll I 'Phone* -% Hous* ,j -, 2 rff IS liven
R ��f��")':"�llt'fn" '�*T", '("r * It""m 1%1#� Ono ordel Ul attention.
H * E . JEW N E V',',J ,'"' f1l6WiV9 tht 01iltinAl tiftqWltiOft U U" AW 0"W 30 Yews , IWPTC�('Ilted tht* labor tivmtnt� I it) , I
16"I &A of &M a � � AIWAIM beam i; i wag Wt emnlove, 4 tf�(% rell. 11,ill"o a - I
, - I I I ,� - 1. -1 I - - � ... � 1. � � - a
.------- - - -,. � t)17 fl,o' PrAvi- -0 01%14-01M to thok Ala- ,, IM �! C� - Mr. mae9wAr. in itt , lui, ir . - - 1, . � 11. . .1 I - .1. I ,� �. I— .... I
---- -04A A .�11 Witt fkf, .Norwrk rm,M 6017wil. , w -- . I_,
- - - . - — '- � r I to *Wllte' tt flill,lo mid that b" naok #, " 111001111�w�-- - - - " - - . --- -A014." i I., 00' '000 -1-1-1-11.1 � ',W.W - -&1K
. . 44AURZ �[ limt ee�te4 " I � � . " 11
. i
06F. i
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a WN.
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- I " Z� �
I 0 1 �� I' OLD Cfiu�N I
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I " . I - - , - , - �!L -4 - 4.
- - � — - - - .. Ir _in_ -It -e—mdallew k-- ---- - — ..