HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-17, Page 5P.%" no, THE GODERICH STAR he work and tlie tleluen urged 0`&40.1 away frow 4cutivo - Wt of t 101 N11141, I 111 Ul I I narrow view& and we things in %he "ittees reduced to two. The wom HELXb a vd% large, Itt thought before the visit- 'Could be got through in les"s time , 4 AF AJP r WR joXg,, left wewould be able to convince 4V Manager should be a r4ka vith Ittlem that tile destinies of the two 4 thorough, knowle4e of, the hiw, tie FORMAL' OPENING �towns (Guelph suit Goderich) were should know hx* MI 1111111kiPalitY,11, 11, lihU4 up together. Goderkh Nv&s and he should have the "'"f a rh�r'� port of Gwlph and floth OMOS- 11 clate Mr. Hastings SaW st t, #.ia was his fouvilt I I I V01141 � :10"W'U'lon creator, Sir John Galt, he b2d �1 the jear ilk OrKe. hes -&- Announce, FOR MEMO SPRING CLEAN. UP JG�ehjph was founded in 182:7 *nd-God- W. C Pridham is ru t "9 'r I Ic in 1 18. . abor lktier Th;m Contract Ile did not know why JDay 1, i 044y labor b:A., I Opening of nis New Clothing Yoa will fW4 thom for thorough, se*enetgo aleanir)g. we did not gtt MOTO People from Work Lysol 1.3ulphur Candles Guelph among our summer v sitors. !fte cji.y had fou F o im a They mostly come from sopth, We ter than contract war),; they 19 t bt 4 0 Ammonia Polishers hadtfie, Only harbor on the cast phore tcr work and itcost lesi. Road ya%v- d Men's Furnishing Storeo Oopperas Rubber 0 loves and grain boats, could leave Port Ar. mcat put down by contract was nq-. thur, come to Goderieli and unlead',standing. The city took C:41,e of twen. creol, Preservatives and be back at Port Arthur before'ty,eight milim of roSA44 Wtudin"; city In 4 After tweniive alterations to the store lattly occupied by', Craigie Bios., we Sertibbers Soap-Tne BIrk the same boat could W unlOa&d and suburbuji. Titc, head of each 44�. 1, Carbolic Acid -Solution Bor going to a Georgian Day port, the p ' ment was ma i are now in Possession and will. have the formal opening of otti(Ilew store I de ax faster time being Caused bj the open art Brimstone Gum CamphQr the nager. Tito managor re. cou"e. lie wopilered if Guelph pe4. com=ziuch woru as he thoAght soaps Vnmigators plo Itnew that manufactured goods expedient and Uept the city council .SA TURDA Ys APRIL 19th could -be at Fort William in 48 hours, advised as to the finances, and so shipped by boat at Goderich, and the forth.� lie attended all meetings but General Public, FORMALDEHYDE. 50c a lbo gradient.% were easy. Ile also pointed To Which We Invite the out the advantage to Guelph from the, (Continued on page 0) For Treating Grain shipment from Goderich of floui, aalt Nve-have A(i%v one of the. best Clothing and Men's r'lltiliAilig Store$ in West' I I . I and wheat. 'let our friends tell US it is a credij to tile town of GoJerich. KEEPS MOTHS AWAY CLEA' 4 UP AND DYJR The port of Goderich stood fourth LOCALTOPICS (rn Outariv, ill f - YOUR OLD STR&W in grain receipts amon- like -port -5. We titter our new store with a past experience of twenty-three years in the Lavender Flakes handling; IS or 19 million bushels of ((x,rainued grom n* 1) - experienve ought to be of great Vall'.'e Cedat Flakes HAT grain, about 85 per cent. of which 11 Clothing and Ftirnisbing Busitiesso This Vah R411s Parke'.i Straw Hat Dye) domestic consumption, and Mr'. Fred *air, also, reported that !A- to our cUM01114-18. As in the past our customers' interest. will be oUr first con . Sider- tmias e'loord bQ incre-a-led, With our in. formationwas laid against five d%I atl6u­we believethere is no other way to succeed. Oil 'of Cedar creased olovator cap;icity he th ught men for contravention of bylaws, and .Invaluable when pack. Q.)Jorite.Hat Dfa, 30! this year Goderich would stan,51 8," that on March loth two were fined co ing away clothing, furs, J5 C,31ors to Choo�e nd. But wheat, Sour and nialt were for selling mIlU without 4 license and not the Only freight to be �Onsidered. one was fined for sellini. Cream which Alberta coal would quite likely be dis. tested �jess than 22 per cent. On a . Announcement of Partnership i i tributed through Goderich. subsequent date two Other dairymen And If we -could have 4 steatner' In were let off on suspended sentence for - who has been with tile as a clerk for s v r CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE the east coast of the lake there -would selling milk without a Icense. soil, Pridhain, be Plenty of freight. Before the war Mr, Weir also gave details of ill. 13 YeArs, Yw'ill now be a lilealber of tile firm. The name of the firul will be. THE SQUARE we had three steamers, eodrich spection, etc., -of houses. which had �iiONE, 96' built a freight shed -and the trouble been under quarantine. was not in getting freight but in get. The following applicatlo�s for milk W C. ting a certain, -schedule that could be licensesiwere granteill C. Bisset, J. M 0 PRIDHAM & SON depended o*, 'Mere was no'reason McManus, it.. B eattl�, G. M. Kidd, A. whY a spleWdM' t�lde could not be Oko and W. Fisher.* Mrorked up. . The'socretitry was instructed to se- BE Next Bank of Mon A�ayor Gallow also pointi,,d out the LION" CLUR BANQUET Men's Clothing and Fur ishings core prices on a Babcock milk tester great advantages of Goderich as a and to got literature from the 'Pro- yor an Ald, Mahoney, of Guelph ; SUPL Mccor. summer resort. and recommended the vincial board on the testing of milk. ople Of Gue PlaT�) to apen le front C, pe 1ph to, Algoma Central ; Supt. R of' utter, of C. � P. R. their summer outings s Thij tests whiob have been load 11 w1ek-en & time td time have been made by t 'ftr. 'Mr. way to plan he, n arrangement trimtkied w t wh e_ OX t t),jeso and We Are. in. Mr, S. 0. Stothers. and L" Men.Speak here. We 1ad. healthful air, scenery Institute of'Public Health in London. is evident that such a f and magnificent sunsets. if he vern. and Mrs. yieft a ter the eertt- formed by Messrs. Cook and -Bowden it was thought it migbt bepossible.to could -not ellOure *ben thil 90 r w York and. that those may, be planted in tile gar. GUELpH ALWAYS READY To C0.0PERATE WITH G.ODERICH tO,tell the remarks he had he4rd a- lave tests.for butter fat made local- Tileot.5,trip lAong the lakes bec.111110' m0ny den almost any time now) in a 6POI-� bout' Goderich from visitors tb(-v extensively occupied. city. cold think he. was , ly. ThaBlue, Wafer Golf and 'With a fair amount of sunjtgh�, stroteltin(r, Ile K of Tmes o� w eep -Your License Plate Clean A Fine Store plant at least a inches deep, ju�ju.t, Guelph City Man er Recoin Day Labor, Planthm extended. a welcome and hoped tile Mi.. Bowden says 9 Ii a a com Local authorities have received in- The improvements in Walter Prid- Country Club a. L and Points Advantages n0i Spare ad Disaa 6. munitY, spirit. between these nt of hani's new store, into which hek has , Mr. Pavid Hastings, the golf pro. vantages of City Manager towlis would iwq�ease. siructions - front the. Departme te a. sepured by the Blue Witter The palap brush Is much In evidenct, ;Orista� rnoved this week, mal 4, It was after the maYor*s rimArks Highways to prosecute . mot which tbe'PeoPle of Qoderich, ad, well. Golf and Country -Club, is very enthu- kt tile dock. tile bolts gottlui; %ligh- a who do. not keep their license plates The lJons' ClUb ban F at down'to.the ta-' tb t the' solos -of Xrs.� Saunderq and clean " that tbek can be. read. So as the ONVners...can well be pfoud, ill s1patu.- over tne course he in 14ing d0d"R Coat" On- TO ~ tumetad Oat quet on, ri ay About ninety S. MI% Holtnes were U a V B night at the Bedford Hotel PrOv0d It -bles. The dining room of tbe -:0ed- . given and after that motorists will do w0l to brush of? fact it may truly bc qaid to be the a t. t th - Ine Water Beach proper, the Ar"t to leave would be out To"la) Mr. Hastings, city ma ' of the mud god dust -and save , a4ine. finest'store in Western Ontario otit-fty, which he sayj will be a first -clan.; night, but yo4torday the Ileet waa still e y nager very Interesting event and a real got ford and the tables looked v r, Prett Oovuplolo. Solna of these Ann, daytj tho Daether. The Club had trr, their' indeed, witR floral clootAtions about Ouelph, was cAlled upon to speak Of Druink,"Bought, Motorcycle He -Did side of. London.: The aew,ftont gh'08 course, Mr. Hastings omes front out-IM1110 plVec"410ki will start b .0 . Appearance Ao the nests City Manager W D. Hastings-,' the pillars, flow6-a on tbe tables and the ' veration, of that system niagnificent Triton, Scotland, -a town which Witt) Use, Ajillerls. WQtm i;�iem 444 ig Not wallt the scene of,the clickmpionship play =an If. riomcwof.the' lights softened -in Chffi� qP61P.0.. ance, the other day, place, -being 26 feet in width and Con Mayor W. Steven's'nnd Alact Unde t�mfiu sisting of,two side.Vindows of a, last year and. one which has furfilsbed�i the' , battle against worms Is 'V�Oft, Mahoney, 411 of`�GuelPh; CaPt- W. J_ dse lant&n efteet. Mr. Miedonald -The Royal C . ity V�rr Deiqbcratie - a man bought a mot4roycle -over in depth of to feet, 4r�d a central'.A.Nrin- -nut golf- Theso - powders correct the morbid Gibbs wag�at the plano-and quit� lk ntrane'vi 4bout thirty of the prblessib conditions of the stomach which 14cCormick, saperintendent 9f the Al Although called the Royal City� Mr. Saltford. In court, Charged With io- dow between the two a ted States and Canada, no, Qf the' S�ult; S. number of the rollieW,-, Lions songs, Hasting s* ebriety, he offered -to sell . the motor- era of the UM s aid, Guelph was a verr de- the sido. goma Central Ii which is 6 feet back front has nourish wokols, and. these destructive, n. Stothers, distriel. agricultural re-' were zu'ng durink the uteat, After- "locra6tic clty� He rose front the cycle to the lodal. Chief of Police to walk. Wo matter which direction With a Population Of 16,000, it pikrasit;Rs Cannot exist Aftep th6y Comn'. 4 ir. the program� I chase offenders with, as 'he did not five. 18 -hole co, aysentative of 'Hurom; - General Sup- -wards, at, an intOrv, ranks and -had been assessor and coi- one J=g from there is a finc� urses. From such an in Conti t with tho - m Igine. Tho Mrs. Frank Saunder� dAlighted -all lector need it.himself show facing him. environment, MrO Hastings comes dir- ac ad crilatendkit Rutter of Western 'On and mayor. ge Congratulated ng worms Are, speedily tvftetthtO with tario for the 0. V*., R., London-. and with 'her rendering of "The Song of Goderich, On having a Lions Club. Towit )Band AU41 Above the windows prism' glass leot to 06derich and his Welling 0 other refuse. from the bo els. Sound- tiful light back th . h the game will, no doubt, be very val. Bockland� of Toronto, inspector the Rdbin," by Arna'Case, and for an One,of the tno.4t important question& A Public meeting oX, citIziliR in the throws a beau! ioug �ess Is Impaired to the and. of those cu(e little selec-�* o' V Oh(%WzC& town c hle�. the h6lth of the child. =y im 'n!s'.Ajd,'biaticb,* all 6f �whqm, eficore.ohe was that � f. interest of the liewl the .4tore. The bacl�grounds of the ua He modestly admits he is C e municipal government. s a : good Iteacher and will be, prepared to. with the exceution of 'Mr.. Blicklando tions.which.she uses so'effectivelY in'Guelph had Adopted,the cit a -,e r -band, wfll be hold In the VoWn Hall ou show winaow is fo k with Fren h s y in nat at fS O'clock. 'Windows, which still furthar* lighten 0. PyoVQ. �gave addresses, and Mr. Buckland Will responding to- 4' fecalt' -�he W2J Pr�- form of. Government and Tuesday evening, April 20A � give _ 5 lag In a few weeks. 0 he *OUld try The band will be in llt(�ndaboe tvad the stoij, The background of the, -The first bole is over 500, yards, Speak at the regular luncheon'of the serited with a beattioul, touqatf of to give its defects as well -as its ad- all4adilrosses will bB,glv�4jby kliast- X., diffuse a CODERICH MARKU, TS ower electric lights and a C%b on MAy 2od. Chief C.E. Saun- . roses. Pied Holfnplt szipg thR vantages. Shunderg, -of Ow Voos-� 0 obi K, 4. A. "Ile d show with a creek ' to cross . nice ureen. 1OcdPQf_ light. Wardrobes iin to feteh. onto, 'the! fouirtb 1101(i. Js wilvati. pel, bu4,i....$ 0*5 to dersp"Vi4 `01ttef ca$cs line the sidowalls and the back 'A Ilhb)Kwahi '(Chkiy .$dng* At'd f& 111M, The first sten wos taken � ip , 1%16, Pre$.'.Board 60fidde', and by mayor diiil6w and 'Air. VV, 11. Rober Mckins,". ap d was loudly, over 500 yards and 1i cluite sport,��', Out IT 1'-, 40 td t- '"Keaps, when a committee was appointeUto the OV.D�Dr. W.'r- Gallow, Every- of the s which -We, well-known V our 'You, have to play dog le"; and VVW, JIVe W411 1. 40 W 1.149 son.also spoke. applauded. ider tht ond interested in having a band. to 1ret'nkd of cloffies Flat] -up to con.si best plan of. City go�cru- town 8110illd make a, p0113t; to be at this Society and the, green lies at - the 133fleyp" P01 bush ..... . 40 to 65 InteFests of Guelph and (iloderiCI; inent, -.On Nov. 19th. 1917, a. bylaw lusotin date furnishings tire shown, and 66 the creek -f Family flour per,eivt. :1.25 to Arr an -r of h. N, g. Mutual I was passed d oil March 26tb. 1918, silent salesman .14180 display pl-orn- right hoZ cOrnie the peach ore 1) c, r ov Ury to Put a Stamp an All RiceiPtR smart. tbiti6 in.'menls wear. ard. The fifth hole ia a nice hole, addres- it passed the Legislature,. and Jan Or ver. "n"y the va'r(Irobe it the jrear ot about 300 yards; �.For the sixth hole pall, 30,00� to ")I.0�� 110 .00 that the ob-. Ist,'1919, became operative. and ti� gek of 'he play is alongside the now roait. Ill i neatre In opening.the progront.of The'�first local ease o reach. the e store is the workroont'aud office. t� t�n.. to 32-00, Model sea Chid0aundeia sai WEEk of APR. 21skto APR. 26th. ject of the Li6h5 Club was, to make a system had given' good -results.. The courts of an lufraWon of -the law re-, The whole appearance of the store going down to. the lakenear the south llay-, per to" ....... to., I I&P better community It did not want to real objecters. were the older alder. rnp, 6n receipts i..; ineAs of thp property, The. eighth In a flogs, per Cwt ...... 7.50. to . 7.fifj quiring a revenue sta one of brightness and roonn -,q (4ttle, 'ordinary, per inhinge on the P;ivfi;�es Of any otb- men. Un Ao that time the city had of over $10 -iWas aired on Thursday it is certainly astore of which to nice it hole, Mr. Hastings says, As any J .16 j Mon4ay aindIa"dAy.' ..er organization, but'simed to co -op -r had various commissions, the �ublic morning-bqfore Police A;ajistrate Cwt -5.0 to C),00 bd(�Proud. pla$er could wish to see, and the Vattle eVoi`ct,,jwr' cwt. to -UIO.. er4te with them. He asked Fresidwit ymrkso'parks., waterworks, light i and ilteid. TheVbaso.'wasi one, in which Mr. -Pridbam has taken his 8011** green lies right in.the peaeb orchard. NORMA6'TALMADGE separ Mt.— ....... 4 50 ro 4,50 I I H. J. A. MacEwan of the T:Ward of power, ete.,'all looked after bv - payment - was made, by cheque, but: i&jp(,st, into part L'bi I ith him with, go OIB I itt �he. great Trade, who was a] a ��esiderjt. of. ate bodies. . Nny municipality, Mr. Ahe- magistrate held that the reecipt and M The nin1h bole, Is over,500 y6rdn lm,l Baby beef ........... 7.23 to 7,;2t gene detL so Vic essrs. Pri4a �".a"nd 'son an- the green li�s in the apple or�huM i . . . I '1 6 , at Lambs, por cwt..... 13.00 to %'06 spectacle drakan the Lions Club, to tate charge of the Hastings said. could adopt the i"an- -also fequired a.Itamp. and imposed A jjbun�e the, formal' 6 ing of thb 1 ager idea without going to the Le i penalty of. $10 iild costs. the :glob house, For this se Ilido 1 4 now store for Saturd 311011 00 per lb� ....... 04 to 0-1 7 -he Voice Front The Min 9 ay. . Mr. W.'C. P all% will OCCUPY t "'t Proeeerw rec�m CAI- Planning for.'it Big Celebration- , ­. ridb' 'he- 13r the nine holes will be used, but it J)oilr� 'Butter. pier 1b.. 311) t a 40 EDUCATIONAL COMEDY , On Ning Mr. Macl9wan said that slature. He would. C 11 V121 of the 12th.. roams above the store, which -are is expected tb�t this fall work will be Eggs, per doz....... 20 to 20 it hapPenod that Mr. Saunders, who ling such in ofliciai ity com issioner mum -[was chief of the Lions Club, was vice or public commissioner rather than V�rtyor'fifty lodges wlll'probabl,�- being laid with Oak. flooring, as a started on � th remainder of the potatoes. ...... , 50 tQ1 5(1 an Jr. residettee in. the near'future, eourse d th t ear players. will . . . I . . I . 6 1 Come early, and secure jour choice president of tbe, 'Board of Trgde, and manaver in Goderich In Guelph bp.. take part in the Twelfth of July d�; have ccurse. The,,work That. trorn the � plow liandle.q wav of seats.' the -two orgatlizations:worked.. togeth-, sides being city ma;ager111r. Hast� I monstration in Goderich this year: Berkel4py.80ickl[Aad In getting ings said he waq Also assessment Bruce and Perth iodges have been in- fine, Mr. Haetings a (.,(Y.4 )y wNtalie'rot, this 11rovilice. It er for the common good. Ile we!-, commissioner and fak collector. if itod to attend as well as both. Ilur. The followi#6weddlng notice taken says. The creek. has been deepened rctini'l-014 Ron)') tr4lullig, to be a Premiet, -and, Thursday c6nied the visitors'from, Guelph. The v from the Toronto Star of Noodaf, and widened so that it Is now 15 fact' lv"W it 4 a 1111htalte 'tbe people, won't b a man did his dutyas tax collector he ons and it is. expected some lodges April 14th,. refers to the only daogh� Wodntsd#. s' of Guelph and Goderic I from the adjoinWg counties will broad. The' Afth bole, Mr. Hastifigs; luf"P ag!"n Ill golne t1wo. THOMAS NEIGHAN two town In6e the W�s the most. hated nign ill town, but ter of the late Vir. Alexander Strick. had been on fri dl I make'Goderich the point for cclobrat- says, Is identical with the twelfth, 11010 Long Standian . Asthma -Many his great cheer -e al I this should not'lle. land, formerly manager of the local int -up sVeti this -year. L, 0. L. No, 182 Is on, the Troon course on which th(*, in days when the qalso.a:got the bave suffvred so long from anthmg �V, plans In Guelph thb Act -provided for ing the Bank of.Montreal, and ,69 . of the. two mixed. Both! now occupying its new Iodxe roonis branch of championship Was Played last year, and have tricd va many so-called Woman Atoof . . and bot1j; a' ighteen aldermen, I - free.%, Mrs. Strickland, now of Toronto. 141V COMEDY gotexceptibnall� gobdl plans the six gettinse th� over the Police Magistrat,'�, c , but is,the eighth hole over which be renlWies they think that there Is 110 PAWASIOU unique plans. � The lntereqts*' of highest vote being elect�a� for three 'which bavobeen fixed up appropriate- Mrs, Berkeley will be well remember- entbuw4 most. whiclit he enys iq a teal help foi- thein. They t3bould read -"am "d Ye � I l vears, the six the next highest vote ly for the purpose. ed by the young. people of 06derich. the letters recolved,by the manufue ggs Goo Ph an lovely hole. td Goderich were mutual. We we - gentals it Bruce Be�Fh and Mp. Hastings expi!cts to have tbi, turel-s of Dr. logg's; Aqt)iyr-,t .re for two years and the lowest for one -up will be only harbor on the lake� the following write Kel Friagy ana Saturday 4nd 4U our buglnes� meant *4inethingr year; after that three being elected. I Itis stated that cottagers at Bruce reud with interest- course ready for play the f1rat weelc Remedy front hundieds of ew;ca orvp each year. In case of a tie the one, This afternoon in St. Jtanes Cathe- in M :WALTON, ito Quelph through tte Guelph Junc- wit B win have to Pay the gove ay. 110 IrlVes the followinq tiq a,9 6aperato as their own. FIven in 14 . I. h the highest assessment is eleck. each r"_ dral, the marriage took place quietly - asen this -f motZ GLADYS tion road. I ment $W a year each. Some of them . what be considers a professional par long -neglected e. . pre in the � i al Speeitl . Attracclon ea. . of Alarj6n Josephine, daughter of thi for.the courde- Ist, a vood bogey 5; paration bringo Prompt hel a tU st, vers Dr. Gailow )Extends Velconte . In lu,do in wanted to get titles to the property P. Two. mistakes, had b ond brou, t the mniter up, with the late Alexander and Mrs. Strickland, 2nd, 4; 3rd, 3, 4th, 5; Oth, 4; 76, A; gh The Towia-Scandal.' Dr., Gall,w, mayor of the town, was his opinion, One 'was that the power result that they Can get only 21 year to Vhomas' Charles Berkeley,. son of sib. 4; 9th, a.* . I CONTURV COrd"y thon Called og. The Lions Club, he to. elect the mayor was given to the leases(tit $20 a year. This informa- Mr. 'and Mrs. Imarles W. Berkeley, IjaAllese Lilies Distributed HOME FOR EASTER '440ne saido'had bein . puticularly fortunate counct'L The People objeeW and the Cardiff, England. The bride looked I �jembcrn of the Goderich 11orticul- Exciting Day"' .-n getting r4en.of outstanding ability people now elected the, ma tion*111 come " an ullploasant.sur. the cat" 'Cartom rtol to- address- tbem. He ricalled tb6 soccnd mistake was. the yor. The prise to, cottage -owners at the lakO* "Iry Pretty'lli a algart Yreiieh froek'tural Society have the past week re- The. -very time rLKS I W liloAr It *,IV, C N Itb topchog, of increase in b6aches, who thought they wero,oc- Ot 'bill *k ceived two Japanese Illy bulbs 'eatch� afatinees--41on. and Wed. at 4-15. comment of Dr. Sdager Aome time the bumijer,)Df alderman from II.to. 'Cupying a sort of no-man's-land powdecr b'luo�`nd' eha"*t and Alloet; to The other promiums, to which all are to have Your Picture taken sat. at 100. ago, that *a lived in a great country 18, He thought t hero, should not be match. She carried a bouquet of. entitiOdt namely gladioli and chry.* and were a small minded peoplelmore Aari 12. 1901thought three al- where slte� were f 'a. While only a. Sweetheart roses and lilies of tbo' satithemuma, will be distributed Itkter. by R. R. ULLOWS re Coming -"The 11right Shay�j,,.'The same Idea was emphasized by the deirmen should �bc,-Appoint;d an a few were by the lakes, the Goven- valley, Her wrap was black orep, I Many have been inquiring the proper I &W Bishop of'X ment took that view of it also, but it nartheamess tuid Gish- tevatin. These two gen. 'board of control r the exe. P W o m i e n 9's Misses lannel Dresses: ,1,11ese are ver%, sinart SpritiV., ,DreNses inade from all wool dress F1,1111jej q)f a qnoofii evaij finisb, ;11 oriental 61ue�,. slow"(Z. Nav�s, Miulberml, Saiif. N11,ludfulh Will. tried in eontrasillig SIMC4� ia z-hite. 118o95 THING YLI'SH ST... 'EAS,TER C 0 "RY I COATS, SUIT'St GLOVES HOSIE SMART MODELS, NEW SUITS SPRING COATSt LOVELY STTLES Women's at;d Misses, Suits !n Nay... and SAIIJ Trienfille. in tho S'.1, NVometO, Sprinx Coat'. in Tricotille .111d, fine % elo , u1b, ill smils latest styles, some in the regular tailored inodels. others in the 11141jels, Inade witli the new roil collar. bide lie 4,r Kickle tasicililig, tile Box Coat style, All Ileauflitilly finl5hed w1th tucks, stitching or braid. cloths are tif all ill -)and and reindeer ;hadeN. New Lisle Sport Hose 'Ninted Heel' Silk Hose Black ailk Hose' %votnell's 11.111ted Silk Stocking,, in it Putt' Woinen's and Mi.5sesl Silk Usle Stiort'llose Woyn�n's and Mlsw�� *110bited Wet" Pute 'I Silk and luv) �,Plendlj 111"tek, wearD fik.! a Te3 ill Me fashionable ribbed tegs, ill talie latest Silk flosiery ill ever'v bliade for thiq !�dastjil- pecial price. Spring shades, 6'rey, MWO, Haniboo. Silver. I.Ver%, pair -has doulil� thread toes, Ile* 311 bl7e!), tilled top(,. Mastic, Black, ver -y moJeratel-y priced 'it teet. %'AtIl tile added feature of tile poliltea beol. Pair PAIR, 95c, PAIR Nit. PAIR, $1,45 RTWRIGHT GRAY and CA I Wom-en s Misses Sport Coats �ksvftlell% .110 mi,�,v% spoit Oiat.;. N 1)144 �Ia,l Polo hii vheck,, almi 111t%- tllr,� %101th". all mhl IrOt,� in 1'et"ie U"titel $14.95 M