HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-17, Page 4. .77-,P�.� - iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.11.1.",�� i ,9 �' 4 I . -- I -1 - --
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� Try Ow ENGL13H 51WAKFA3T-Tf.A 0*ck) 1.9pecixt-sk
59C a 1h.-'Yowil liko ic
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11 4','# iisehes uide, wlulo ulij Singlet 15c, 20c *ad 2Sc
, col,aji. ewi*l At , Double at 550 04ch
. � 46c a Yw4 11 . Tho 'Very lat,�St stylo I
,� � I WALL PAPER- -'Sap now dcf,-iftslr� just lu az 15C, M and
I ne a answ rou. .
CA*" Bello Free�,Tho rxerapn ural;iug, Vio lar,r,c1, purchaw
it, Wall, lliqvr 4%n Rwar&y, Al�rd 19W, will L,et "00 bu�ub�,
I VONA at L�k,A). .. , I
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.. � � 1, � - 11 - .
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� .. The opecial musia at North st, Methodist church 'on Pastor sun-
� , ,
I I I . I &V will include the followl'ar selections : ( .
. . 11 a.m.
i Prelude, "Andante, I .... .. ...... ............ 11 ........ *..BAtW4.-
I . . I Anthems "Sing Glorious sor.gs!l ............... - ..... ........Gelbel
I , � w9, -rhe Itesurrection morns, ........................... Rodney
j 1p(, , � Mr. F. llolme%
LP � . 4wertaire, 1%lor1w, ............. #.� ...... 1* ... *.*.., .... . concone
. i� - I Anthein, "Atcelit of Easterf'.. , .....Ao ........ 4 ....... 0 ...... Hail
i1i � I I U -M...4 ST IlAh.4.1 M.1"4.10 . TY."A.1
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;appredatign in solue way more tb2u cral, The valibearcra wcr,- meprri.
AURU, WX wisk you t,3 acccpt Fklward ari'l %villiam 1,2�,vy' William
�11, Tuesday Mr. G*a� D. Howatt L'ai Inere "'6114s., *0
trus; silver tea, savice, pyrex casser� and-Ilat Farr arul John and lVai, ?&-,
— ,of Mr. Jobn *
a very a "fal Nale, kin Gu` i
� §toker wa. ur.tK 4cr. ole And pic serwr, as a mcro to &A, . . - ---11 � - ;1
r .. , ,# the # - "TWIha 411.,* -Alt -111-1491 arA palnstatiug ax.
Last week mr. Join'X'o1.4rtson,`o'f' vicies rerAdored to va. 0 �4
00&ricb, visited frien.da in 1ho V3- our moot Sim-elre and hearty Wish Mr. Dud1c,y ltolmvs wale a trip to
loge gatl renewed old acquaiWanizes. is that you may venialn our organf5t Lerdon la!�� wceir, �
Mr. *n4 Mrs, Johnston, 91 Carlow , for many more yearro. .Al��--,iTyov6a�5%v,-ayla,it%vccl;v ,,,rd*'�
were the guests of their dau-biev �
#' I
Mra, (Dr.) Weir, the former part oi SR" in behalf of the Auburn 1 lup, the funeral cr au undo. 11
this week. . Baptist congregatipn. ,� Miss EmIlly �Tvaftel ba[3 b -Zen V;54l�-
Several of the Masonle Fraternity Min Uowgion witi tal�cn greatly by.� jr�4 Air,-. Ar-'(Ierton in Loadou th��
attep,4vit a jumting of that order In surprise, but made a, very suitable re. past wrea-, �
I thanking them for their 14injawis Miss p,tbel Pallister, of Detroit, is �
Clinton last Tuesiloy, at Which t!w V Y9 ;
Grand Master was present. In pre�!vnt&ng her with guch a lovely tlz" guest of M�,rf, Gra<,e Vvidean, St. 1
. I
` 14st %Ypek raw the b�st ran of sa,p gift. ., I -- --*----�� Patrick St.
� for the reason, Owing to the rear- Blra.s. lvarriar�. or lletrunt. i4v191t-
city of help and the pre3sure of NILE IMI I'" 1111001MAlry, V0031d Grallamil
spring work, some Are quitting the lurs. 11, seakis 1S1V3L%Jt'.'bg Ittv 1*iter at ul"wev�ter,rctrAve.
08yrup for this sqason� , lve'1004- I mbls Lellett. tas been 10) 00odeb, �
Last Wedues4y,11r. Th93. Hamil- 3414- 110thelluetca =1 bev son Robert the 113SI� UeVIC In the iatelrd5t3ot the
: ton, who h4% I*eu busy building cas. SPeut V Aturday at ilto Nile. . Tljpp*�p Canada Tract Society. I
, ties, in the air, resolved to put hb� M'". Or.o. merhm hm;. been visiting Mrs. Carrie, sr., has returned from
theoll into practice, lie , invited her fathee, ift, Uetl'01:1010% for a, fem, a ntontWs visit with rolatives and
� Miss Fswilds Webber to accompany 4AY8. 1. friends in Par4hill and London. �
I B " . They called at the Mr. Albert Glen, we nittlemlaud, 'Urs. Fraul(Gibbs auil daughter, MIS%
-ector and secured the services -of stUtca last 51'noday for rteanlington. to Sadie. of Clintoyi. vIsItell at the home of
r. Hawkins, Then Mr. and work for a wisae. .
1, ro: Ila 11ton took the train 4or Ve- Mr. autl N Urs. 13. It. Lec. Wellington lit. over the
.11 $s: j. 1% (,,Ox, vlwlrt,d at 1114 Nveck evit.
trolt, where they,, intend spending a bome or,11r. A 'NIHItan 4v Nile Oil lion. Rev. C. X. Dewey and Mrs. Dewey
few days before returning )ionic. WO dsy, avul aut-ndea tot., s. seikoul fiervice.
hope they may live to see many an- I Tito NV. H. Society a�re to talte charge were in Toronto lost week attending
nNersarles of this auspicious occa- of paq of . I Jubilee Mission Service . s being held
the fier"ce boxt t'"ild" in Massey Hall.
,$!on. ! ove"114g. Iva Illopil to have a 4argo ,
The aged residents of our village attcadance. =ss Mable �%Ilalrord, of Blyth, bas'rv-
. *
are fast disappearing. Another va- Well tile Canadian balid jt�Ls beard turned to her bomA after opendina a
. _
ce s last p
Lvactising on tjoll4ay &0(1 Xoi,a%y week with bet friend )ltas Dolla Auder,
= In the person of Mrs. Wssner. niguts. I04s&I4 tlity must be frozen 604, West $000t.
Declessed. was born in Germany. 82 opt 'times before optio hits fully ,, Xr. Frank MeMs'llaving finished
W&$ about o no v , p. L 0
'years ago. NVben sbeL pa"041 his course at the School of Commerce,
eight years of age, she accompanied, OWerich Rebeliah Eodg7had a big I leaves this week for Detroit, wboro lie,
T11L7R,,3D,4,Y, AFRII, 174h, TE4�1,
- I . ��
. ,�;# . . ...... I ............... I .... # * her parents to, Cana4a',' Tbey took night on Tuesday, ftban Irs- Xsta- will take a position. - � ------7--Z�— L ' ' � . .
11 , 7 P. m. . tb , Ila een,
L I up'tbeir , 31dence near t c 11 o of brook, of Torofito, preside't of the - Mrs.. Arthur Brown 'and .d. I I ba of pipe be,yona QM L Ve b
. � " " pttlodt, "K440011 ........... I .......... ! ...... 4. ........ Reetbovoi-L 'to 4ughter, �G. Co. I.,minstrel Show' lebgt' .
;1, : Ta- 6 k,whereshespon eryouth- Rebekah Assembly of Onterto and laid. .
P Lowden On Friday evening last the ass�m-
�-� I . Antlieni, "Christ Is Aisele, ............................. I years. fter her tin a alle, violtors from Strptford and 80'atorth Helens haVe returned to their home in I MOMS I
. 1 ; . . . I I :::.Knapp A night London, after spending OL :few days blylialloftheold:0. .LI.W ..
` I .A 001o, "Open the Gates of the Tomplo" ....... I .......... I
.. I I . I accompaill her , te hu and . the Uero prescat. It was InitlAtloi ,C at; crowd- I I
., '. Mr. A. Ungham
. I � I " I Maitland -Block, 11 lett. a bard. AnOtbroovandidateg dulyreeelvoathe with Mrs. VVill. braigle, East street ed, to its , capacity -long before the
- ,, I Oacytolm. "Glot!" ........................... I ....... I ... Farmer ships incidental to the early settlers OlYstorles of the Jultatioti ceremony. Miss Grace $Onley, of the G. O.I., haa I troupe of gaily, dressed minstrels' ' .
" : .; V/ Anthem, "Where Have o'Laid TOW1 ............. o........Itobertson was their l9t. Even the widaurnmer A Short mosical pi�ogram, spoeches '.niade it B
I.. % pets".. I ............. ;-..Vivian .bot,n snooetisrul in winning a GpI4 medal s'appe4rance. For two hours I . �
. 11 .; " A Ifinch, 4104 dallobe followed. . 1. d engraved Cortitleare on the Iteralog� the artists afforded the audience a
I . paidu in the withems Will be *f . Fell, Miss 1'. . ,
I ; *W ;s* * * lalt a" -Mrmil,y won �
.. a -taken'w sun failed to mark the beginning and
3, . - , 10 . end of the daylq labor. She came to * Mr, 4. H., Moreland came home tQnTypewrlter. She. had continuous laggit by g series of dlla� , r
I � , . I I . I &T, bits. Nair and Mr. X Holmes.' I 51u, . had tbreo medals on the Uniltrwoo4 Type, loglieS and Solos interSpeVS4 -with a I .
I . 1: . . . NV, 11. JACKSON, Organist and Director of I 41c, the village about fifteen years ago, week trom tbenezor where be , HAIR GOODS .
- � � , . . . . I . I . She was a member of the Lutheran SPOnt a Couple of months, Wiloo ho. �wrlter. We gcm!ratulate )Jivs Sonley few local . hits. To single out any ' -, , . 6 4 . . ... I
, I it , -I arrWed he round that ,his house, and on her mastery of Tyve*rftlt 9. . FOR I �
c - . . s survived by three
. I'. S. GRORGIrS CHURCR,'GODURIVII �. church. She part as deserving of special mention . .
. ", . . 11, Rev. S. S. Hardy, M. A., Rector "... stablim hail been,raqsacked during big Miss I ..
, . sons and one daughteri Jacob and. 4kofUi things Or Con'. Jean McLeod, daughter of would be, Very difficult for, -judging I
. � . I " . Henry, of *the Maitland Block, HUI. absence and wally .Mrs. Ale XcLeod, - -Cambria' road, . '
�; . , Special music for Good Friday and East pri L - - '
I . j, .. or 11lay (A "'I 18th anJ efdorablo value had b6on. taken AWAY. X� . ' by the hearty applause, eabb number I - -
I I ,�� 20th,, 19241 ,. L � I . . I . lott; John, of Port Dover, and CAtber- $u0b contemptible c6ndilat %rouscs the had tho:misfortulao to fall and.put her I LAW ad GEMS
. 4 . . I ' Last Saturday a large Indignation , 61! L leopeetable I was thoroughly enjoyed by the lafte I . , .
�, , I . I On Gfood Friday, at 10 a. m,, theromill be shortened matins, . ine, ,at bome� L people, kilee-cap out on Saturday last. She
. -
I . . . litany and anto-oominualon with Sermon a Oc . number of r(katiVeS and neighbors Those Wbo, do. Such things. would do and other Coll#giategirls were play� au4ioniie, Arnong those who took in- � J. 8. KNIGHT ,
I L , . L , ,. 1u,the evening t 8 olel k .
I - 'L �, I . . I L . � . L the. service will bo shortened, OVensong, after which the choir; will met to :y their last office of respect worse it th bad tile oppor L tuatty. jup. bull # -the timo;TbiS'WiI1, Jay dividual parts at the opening of the, .1 . . . .
I � - 0 . . oce � OY . -program-were Bob Snazel,. with his ." -Mx, r L
� . - sing Maon&rls "Penitence, Pardon and Pence." A boy has been , to the aged, Six of her grand- #.
I . her up f6r ii f,c,WWeeks,*unf nate.' lo,. "'A Capital Ship," and Tom An. 'L .'RoN, ,�>,,,
. . . . Ow t---,.� XAM"
t , , I I . L, tvained to take the soprano. Solos, and Mr. V. G, Holmes has consented sons acted as pallbe4rers, and 4zon- AMONG THE CHURCHES i ,���',,'�,."�,�",'...,�,.,.,,,��,-,'.-
. 4 , 1. . Will OCCUPF Slight_ , L - I . . QonnaL :,u-�,- 1�'. I " *%
. . � , . to.tako the haritone Solos Bvensong and cantata her mortal remains to their Y derson's Solo, "It 'Ain't Rail; ,.", L,;,�? .'s
I I ,, � 0,,,� Ngg.,�.
. ! , I
. L valli __ ial I . , , . .�I; �-,
the pro- -;:1-- ,�
� . . Mo,, The ,�': I : , -1,
I t .I 11 ly"Olore thar .in bo= ' � . . . Just esting place in Bull's cemetery.,. AipropriAte services with spee Miss Kelleft, the deacohness repre- I No . sioond part of . . I ��-':' -, ,
. I I � . . L ' I �, A"A ..
� � "
... .
, . I I . . L I . a . . . � Base Lino, Rullett, music in Xhox church on Easter Son- sonting the. Tract Society, cor"Pleted I gram opened with'an instrumental bk � �� "..S. -I
. . . . I . ss in'Goderich and � � ` � : *�
. . � . her canva �:;;. - - -
� ,, . L BASTER DAY day. SubjP09.0 sermons, 11 a Jack MeDermid, who acted as planist � - / :: � ,��%-""�: L � "-� �
� *1 , ... I , I � .. . . . . . 1. . a 14,I) lefi w�.i .� I
� . 1. �, -� �- �.. I . .L I . . and'Holy Com . L I . . . (From another correspondent) OChrist Ptisew and' , Saturday for Stratford,. where she during the� entertainment. L Welling- I L . . . . . I LL L�:: " I 11
I I Matins I louttion Living 11 7 P. af., "": ". '-'�L 'L., . .. I
. .
.1 . IL � one students and -teachers Will $0011 'vie for Evermore. abbath.. school was to speak on Sunday. She had I : �;;�... F ,�. I
. % I . . . . , 11 , .
. ; ,., . � 11 ,
- . , � .
i L . . ,. I I I It a. m. .. � � . 1v S ton Donaldson added to the humor of .,e�,�, .
. .: I . .�..
� ; I �L '.' . I I be home for. their Easter holidays.. al ,contributio . , ;, '' " ..
. . . . ' � V -- -,: Holy Cow- I and Bible Classear at 3 o'clock. about, Abe usu ns from , the program with a solo. 'Although .., , LL . �
� � . . ".. . . .. L. I .17be ,liater Day Services will be as follows' 8 n: In . to L - I , .,.:.�, ,:: .. I .1
I . . ; .. ,,, ,, �: i- �� �
L . ., ,
I ,, L , Mu4i6r;, 11 0, W.,.1'eAtal Matins in shortened. form, followed by Holy . Mr. and Mrs, O� Pa, Erraitt visited , The Annual inebting of the Victoria Go4t;rieh and, wlshes thank all whei I it ims understood that tbore were V) ".� ,, ': . '�.. L �,', L , x . . .
� L ., I ,, . id, . . L ..� .. . I L . . �,: ' .. .",
. � . ., � "��.,�'�.' "L..' -
11 � .: Conimuiiion, fully choral; 3 P. m,# Sunday School service it the-, friends in Clinton oil Sunday list. assist � , - , . . . be no elicores Wellington ieeeived ;:;"-�.-.:'2, .L'�'."'_j .
I . , I � . Street toadies' Ald -%,�ts beld in Ova U. ]Z.rLljTn36'ar,. !, , ..,,,,r_ .. I . I .
I ',P,,.�� .'L '� I
,1 - .. church, when tht! sell6lars wiff present tbo c ntents of their Lenten - ,, MV. George - I .�'-4"%:'�-' L �'� . . . .
. 0 Howstfhad a ftb day church patlour.-� on.T�-ursoak lastubvil goderal freigb t ' persistent applause that he was ,�,,,,,.: r, .r\ ��' L'r�l I I .
I . in '�;,�arnd a good crowd at biii sale i %ore elected: Prefl, Montreal ; X If. 43wiva. . , � �� .�, I .
, I , .. . . . -i foreeg to.r�spo , L
, ; . . ..., . - t agen such I .
I � � . � � mite boxes; 4 fl� M., Ba �v - I . .
. ptismal service; 7 pi, ., L ensong and Sermon Pit Toes- tud 1.116wing officers d visloll .
L I I . . nd. Another sour�e of 1,.-,��. � "'.,,,r:,��, �� .
� � : �7 1 L . r . . . . . . -'. . . . .day aftorailon. .1 � I I " wA4 'Ifft Vice pres. Mrs. freight a antl gentral - ," , ; ., I . .
, geut. Tgronto ; e. .. L,;" L.. ,, . .., . I
. n Wod-' '11 _ ..
� with apecial,music. � .'ars. if - I)o I . ,.� .f. I.
,�. .
rt� ..... �.' .Her=6 . . . . amusem9itt -�as the -4"Coontow , - L �
I . � � . rjocoj$Sjonal r Hymn Ill", �'. . ........ *.Tones I Wosthrook,20,N, .. Mrs. 11 . . .- �.,.,', .
I . . , _ j$�o kje4 cqlcv. Superintendent Ratter, or the 0, P. X.. . . I . ", "..f.'.�.'.r*'.'r����',�.."�,�. C , r�i, I
, ding,' in whio the :unhappy couple .�' - I :.�. ��, , : L L I r . .
r I
,. I S;Voial P, , ra, G.' f6i We Otr (groom) 1�ffi� 'r.: ��,'�'
- : pople of this vicinity at- SW, Mrs. Pbstlew)�f4,, Troaa. H It * . I
, ,,.,, � Itesilonses, Festal ....... ; ............... 4-..... ...*.,....T4llis stern Ontario, were in town last �'� .��.�,.'.r� :�� ' r'
�, I . . I
I I 1 tonded the funeral of Mr;. Thompson � we,t6o. . , - L r . Brock and'BA Snazel r 1, . . . . . � r
, L ,. r '' L - m I - the r . I
� I � . Paste, Anthem .................................. Chant, Ou phroys. . L . . L I *eok� . Ur Rutter wit.4 bore tot, - '. .1.
; - I .. . ' L BEDF*RD .
� I " � . I . . . I ;., 'at Clinton Mond�y aftoritoom I offerings at r.NL britici were united by Bob McLeod, ' HOTM
% 1. L - . . . . 'r- " - .Chant"' 'Sattishill . L . orth-.St. Lions' Club banquet on Friday, afid the a$ . r
I . Proper PeabA 111-4... The musical _
, , . I � �: .."..'"....' � We are �glad to see that Miss 'Pierce Methodist. 'church last Sunday were . I . I I . . I
� � � � 'to T*oio�UudanvW.. *.. 1. - I � I . IT. Smart in F. othertwo gentleman were,in town On the piirs'r� The last pait of the pro:� L . I
F. L, , L "-'.. � - .Y. - .r� ....... . � .L . . I . . . 1, � 0 1 g. " r .
. . . . r I Vie F . . r r r - y Saturday; voned.�with the -familiar s6ng;,, -224 I
' � . . , .leiSon ) . . 11 I I . . -able to be out, again, but regret two well tendered select! ns ;b 'the r grain 4 ff. APRIL .
i . I Is Lo . TUESDJ t . . I .
r � I r I . . . U - Full ohorill,Comniunlon it) P :, J. Stai, r Up. Peter Scott, -of Bolg.rave,'was "Old Bl6ck,Joq6!1' A solo,."Can't yol �� I L I
�� r . L � ; U I . G orlo Tibi : ) � " - - . ne. - that Mrs. Sarles I$ L Still bn tbo sick choir, it special number for the male . . I r .,. r CA . e � I . . I . r rr:
�, , , , � * C ) ,r . r , .... . : L . ' ., . ' list, . . . . . I I f . r I . I . , . � I � I
, , redo I . � I - -as giv .
" � ! i , . . '. ,. - i . . Hylun, 166�.� .. , r, .r... , ....Tone,'Victory P � . % I I . . I In town, A *cou�le of days this week. Heah Me Calling roline " N% - . - I of Dotenwe'lild's. I
h* . L . I ......... � "o". A'L� ....... :. " ' . voices alone., 'And a solo by Miss . . . Star'so en In good -voice by To Cott, -Who, solo makers .
" ' . . '. . .L . ' , 11 .. ;I 'rv- and, ,among O�hers, left The r I M r r .
� L - .. r . . . Rev. W. B. Hawkins will conduct a Laura Price, 411,:94,whicli are dese
, I .. I . . . r . . . . . * oil' w. 'dent of New ' ' '
I a � I Invitation for- the reuni of old x. as prom -t - ,,Patent Tooptes and wigs, . .
, .1%, L Stmoil".. I 8i e I ye'axJ924, inclugitg �
. I � I A th "'they jim-ti, Taken . Away. My TArd". . I � ......... j *i�or, , special Union s rvice in the Anglican ine of special oomment, I - . he'Literavy Society, . .
. r
�.'i � " . , L I , , . - 1=0111%;� Z4, . . L . . I I. ting toachera and ex-�u' Ili; of S. S.,No., iti; dbsbries to'be congratulated oo the styles for , 1. L
' r ' � robs Auburn, At 10-30 God Friday The re�fular mAltbly'ruee p . � " "
. I . ;-.)."i .... L� rao"'ing. L . r I of' tho Bost WawanoSh,
I . - .'4. - - � ..... V.. ... 4. *.Timc� Salzburg : � chu I I � Axtbarolecle orIftift Church will be It toftp.L a - the new'fle$h color, sight,,proof
.. ... I. . I L... , . . � I . S , I 1. :. r I . � , to be beld on 'the success of . t a en inr ent, A - fter, . . .' " . r .
. , . . L .1 . . � .. I , held 61% XondaV #'ril� ;L)t;th at Sr O'CloCk Sell( ! � ,
. . 0,grounds on Woftegday, luly the long !tAnk WAS concluded the �
I I 11 .. I . I 1. . .. prog , r i P�rtlrg- . . r *.
� I . Sanctus- ) ........... �.. .... ..".. �..... �:...:.I- Stainer , , Xui4bt Will,.d6M06t ' , , ' L
. � " 1� * 1 . I . I ; I Ter . I L .. I . The soMee noxt� Sunday morning to -the Lecture 'jr44m'. Thbi will' bd tbe 234 6ommencing at. 10 a. ni. The audience rose and:s;ing- 'Carry Me . r. Mot.
. I ! I': � Bencirktus 4'"I 'VelriO - r L L r , L. . . boos dat� X X140 ..
. . �. I . . �� , in the Prei'byterign chilrehr.will be in - reguldr thank,011pritia moetl original old- log, qChool"L e a Back to OU Virginia,,-, after which .1
, . I I ..k .................... ".."..'...... I no , . r r ! 0 r
� . � � I I L . . L ILus Del - . :. - . . keeping with Easter— The. choir will fall attefid4fice "a rcqueSte ..' MIS, back to 1863. . L '' I I L . .,. the teacher and give free advice on M'so p -
L r Notor r . V� . .. I . I � ' L . wand the executive of the diseases. ., I . .
.�. i � . . Gloria in ftolsis ) , . . I I . r�ader Vaster muslo. . I L . Duglop. �vlll givLo,a report of tile Provit � Prot, Jackson, organist Itnd diveco� Literary -�Ocietp:�)vere entertained at - I . . . . . I
I . I 1� . L . Post OommuniotlL .. .1; " .. ., . I. I . . Quito a number L of. 'out " citizens clat WX.8, 0onvention autt Mrs. (Revj at I . .1 ... �
I �- . -c"..,", .. ......... i. 06....'.*w .......... Sth Tom'. L Hamill4a Will 4180,8 ak . Of L'UUS'c Noftu St. MothodiVi' r Wl SOWs'resLtaurant. - - .
... , 1 r : . 1. r r � . pe I I I �L I I I I- . . I L. :W. P. PEMAER* STORES: I :.
,.5 . ' L I
, ; , I , ....L ..... went to Bountillot last Friday even- . ... . I
� i ,, . . 1. I :None Dimittis I . . . : * * I Chant, Harnby r Easter services Will, beL e6nduete.d church'is located for the present at I - L , TIMITED
. � I I . Volunfories , ' I. rL L .. . I . . I 4 . , 129 Y & *" L L . � *
. . f)rgan - . . I to see the play, "I Can't Afford in tho r Viejoija Methodist Mrs. i;liK1rWs' house' *Qu�ctioo I .
. . . . . . 11 L on Chueell ,St. The cement work - for tha,covilection
. L . � . I . .�. r I . runfare '. ' - - .. - - - - - � - Dubois . r' I They report a good time. street of the DeWr intalre at ,the an . Toronto., 01t. ..,
I � I 111. . . L I , 0 sedimentation . . I
. I . , . . r . , s for .. .
.i I . L . � r Ave V .. ., church next gunday by the parstor, and I$ prepared to receive pupil' - I -- -
. .
: .� . . . r . I OrIlln, . . . � . I. I I Mozart 1. �. . . I . Mr. Clarence Wolden, son of Mr. instruction onliorgan, piano, violin und banin hits P" PutJo. Abi atwo or three ' , - - . ---- I . . 11
I a . L offallelujAll" ...... I . . Handel . Jesse Walden, of Penzance, sasic., or- Rev; J. W.* Hedley,L X A. Morning L -- L . . --
, . I . L -
. . I . L - I � . — ,
I i :. , . . . . ... I � . . . L I . I . r subject,41the Bodily -Resurrection of guitar, and Voice culture, theory, etc. -- � - --- -
. I L . . ,. solix Prof. Jackson comes to ,town ,most � �� I I I � � �.. I .
I . . . .. . I . . � I.. . � 1. . Vve". . . . . ... . rived In Auburn last Friday and will Jesus. Evening subject, "Whiii. the . . . . . . 1* . I .
. I I L. . . .. . . . . � . . r i 7 P. W. L . I I 1. I resido. with hiLs Aunt, Mrs. ,. Jno* Resurmotion.of JQSUS Deolares!v on� highly recommended as an instructor, . I. . r r r . . r. . r . .
I . r . I
I I : I , ; Processioithl llynin, I57-4 ....... 4. �... .. ..Toile, Lyra Davidlear Thompson, I and has already booked a large nutd-, ' ' L
. � . . . April 27th the olo6nii services in I . r .
. 1, . L
. . �, I . I 'Responses, vestal ...... . I � i � i �7*111s, . - YOU. know that "!The Pill Sot. this chirich 'wilrbo ton4tidtod by Rev. ber 'a pupils. . . I . . . �
.. I � I .r . . .. ' . D14L r . 11
I I I I tiinus Peregrinug, 0, tt tie"k a Play'rily North St. MISS16ft Cir.. I ' I
. . I I Proper 116411ftig, I 03 # I 1 4, ; ii �'. % *8' a' i t i ;* h* I 1*1,* * , , , , , * * ... "* I arre !Alr.land Mrs, Jos. Swiiffleld return- I
I . 1 . - ,
� . . -
I Mag"If$c4t r . . ) . , ' . . .. r . . . ,, ok Braliffor ;tboi� r fASTER 'FOOTWEAR . . . ..
I .: . . , '' I I . . .
I . . ) ........ . . Ole, 06derlib, Is to he presented in the V � . ed on Monday r from r winter so- :. I . .
, . I L - -�a very p,easirg joiiru in Florida and are enthus' r I
,; . � , . 1 Notic Dimittis I ............. f-.,4 - ...Stanford in B gat Foresters' Hall, Auburn, Wodnesda � Mr)L Dewey gave I .
� . " � I.. I ymn, 173 . - .. I... — .. * * ...... v.4q...�.....Tune, St,.Fulbeft Y, And profitable report of the Canadian . . I . . . I . L . I
� I I llymn, I 7.*-* ......................... %4.., ' April 23rd,.and. that you are expect- Poreign giSallin Jubilee held in Mas- 11 I � 1. . r . . . .
.. I .. I . . , . over the southern climate, Mr. . . . . .
'L f". ?� I
, , . 0 I ...... Tune, Lancashiro.., ed? . .. . . n Lthe handsome .
;, Anthemi, "They llavo Tahvn Away My LoiW1 ............ J. Stainer . . L Swaffield has some pictures of 'the ' Many new.style featureSr are enibodied i
.1 . I � . . . I I r sey liqll, Toronto, April 7th, 8tb and builditifs, and scorkory at. Eustis, I CIS r Avj are 'Showing 'thir s . season. The novelty lines axe. I
. . . org.40 voluntaries r, . I - Florift According to his story doe- . .
Recessional Hymn, 109...�... .............. .... Tvne' r St.' NeAn There will be a Union Service In pt. 9th. Fifty years of Canadian For , Mod
i . . - . � 1. . . Xark1r, Chureh Aubum oil Good, Priday eign r Mi$' 461% in India U'AdL Bolivia an . I � . r Lge is W &
* tors and un4ertakers have a le " . in great demand at.the presetitlitiv. The in !d
� I TrItuillhal March ...... Costa at 10.30 amt. The Ileveread 31r.Ballea Those meeting,4 vdll go down into his . and ,
� L I . - . "Ifulle uJah" .....�Bctthovon . .. I . I . L ofthe 3t4thodist Cliarchxvill'glVo trbe ' time and noone gets illor oven,eoin- - varied and the values unsurpassed. We invite an imm'cdiate, .
; I I . � tak1- torY as the most wonderful in Cana- I . . I . , I
� . L r C. A. IL WILKINSON, Organist and Choiroinstor. , 41dreas and all tho, mInl.9tcrk will n h n
� . � '' part In the service, . L . than foreign -,missions. God bless Plains' ' , Cold$ are u know ana.whe � .and e . I .. I
"A . -
. 1�
I.- , . - '
; , 1� . ,11 - our missionaries that remain, Some one is. shing one never thinks Of rCloSe inspection. . S e them rwn�. The ,greatest values ar&. 1.
I . . I I ., I . .1 . HAST811 AT KNOX CHURC Eleven Presbyterian and el'4*' I ?vg , . being shown -in � r I . . .
A ;�.eat%.,e�e.rd are . . .
. , I . . . i .... have fallen f "how th . I . I - I
r . . The gaster music at Knox Church will Include the followlng-se-� Methodist ministers, With a n=ber . asleop-awaitirig a - glor� StoPp ng or 11 _ . I., � . I � ,
- I ( i . , . lous, -resurrection. L . no. ill efeets. it you _ . . . . .. .
� , i � , lCetions z I I I . I . Of laymen -of, each denomination, from I . . I Z - I
� . I I blondt . I . . � . Baptist . church services , Easter L .
r 1. LW this district,, attended the church on- . . LOCAL Towf0iorics .
I 1. I 41f;We,etl�. the ' are Sin&g". r I I FOOTWEAR' "FOR CHILDREN I ' .
� i I . . (*AMP Bird1r: ... v ................. Draper , . Ion meeting hold in Wesley chnrch� Sundity: Thiines and reportai. as - - . .
I Sol% 111105anaw, ..W. ev. The Horticultural r Society is again I � .. L - . ... L I I I : I
* 19. Hume. . I g L I I I
I .1 r. 1. —ii, ... � ................ I— '. Jules Gran'" . � Clinton, last Monday. It Dr. Die.' well, Of Work' being done.� Bible, furnishin aster seeds to thb school . I .
I � Ss I . . L; . . . .
P I I . . i . Calroh,"KarAvr Flowers, Faster' Soncs' ................. * ... . HoWard L r Gregor, Ofr London, *as the spficial., School at 10 a- -in- Classes -for '11, obildren, the ra,ne, as was done Inst . r' I . . .
. i � L . A Resurrection Study of Scripture. . .. 40 T. IPPE r ' ' L..
I � . . Ote to �pto&-, .vf�ar. I . . 09 11 � .r .
I . Alftthfra, "Tke Strife is ......... Mmild1elssohn . 11 &. tn., PA*a0bJng0fL.f . ,,, I �
. . r ............... . m . 'heine, . . 101JOES Der .
L I . . L . "The 1111t 14ttle", 'on educationaf "The - Huron Lodge Xo� 02i I.O.O. F., AND � 03L R13 I .. �
. 11 � L . . , 'Eveyans . I � P,I&.V;r *Ill bo Pat on by the, youbg people Practical Power of the Rosurtection.". Will, attend St. George's chuith olf . I . . . . I .
� . I � ('�arol, "Day of Wooderi Day of Gladness"�. ............... SchneAer. of Notti, st. Methodist charobs. Oes Corners'at 3p, m., following S uday morning" A rit 27th, to com- I r
I . . I . U P
f . L . rareS Talunday School. Special Musk- memorate ,the 105th anniversary of . .
I . .Polo-Seleettd. . . GWOrlch, In the , ttre' H&JIL0 the Jbal ivill give tile best wear at the loVe.,it possitili prices. '
II r . I . I . .
I I . Mrs. F.,Saunders. . . . Auburn, under tbo 20%ploon Ot the I P. M., theme, "T)m Livinir Christ.,* the 6rder. . r � . � . . . . I I . ts . .
� I.. 1. I CUO). "A Rhyme fair Paster Time". -r ... � .... I..".. ..... Old Pnglisb. , WALS- Ot the AllbUll Methodist Believers' ,baptism at the close of the r ThiB t6Wn public wq . . I - � I .1 . .. . I . . h L
I 1. I . . ( rks, dopaftmoiit . . I . � , RZPAIRiNG � I . , k,
� . titA,ctkoix'%VW%3e,.Ulil,.lkotII433rd. The evening preachfiw- Speoial Easter had tile, *Ar!Atr at work on, Cambria L
I I Wo--Sekood.
i ) . 1. I Mrs. A. 1. MacKay. 'play will be found one of the most in. music. S. V. P. V. Monday ivening, ro" it is platkned to improve this . I L . .. .. L I i. I I . I I - I --- . .
� � Antlam., 'ItInfold Ye Pofta],W .......... From Goonod's Redemption events1bov,it1toplo ,011 AubUto - . . . I
� � 11011""1119 ty Itill X 0. he 0 jrtlirllt� April 21st; Th6 Resurregti9ti Story. rmd 6mowhat similarly to, what was� I .
I sod vielial 8 1 �
I ... � r . .
, . � I � Again. Wtdne*W evonilig, prayer done Lon Victoria street lAst year. 411 . r4
, - -.-.",;. ^�� �-. _._.,.",.,_,.,.,,".��,.",.","+,�� and hearIV4 ,�
P, , - ,��-�,,t, "'. -,. of atelug . �4 It to b
� � '$RW I pwse%lit. . an# praise. Evey�,body wolcomed. . I .
� ) � Lirl I I I ,,f! "JVX TOPIC, ( ,; I A resolution In fav6r of the 0. T. A. r .Ptemetnbor the Easter tft and sale -
I - tion Army Easter Of 110410-ftide candy by the Mission ' 'L
L KIM) in nlirA the "'We of -6t. as elltered 00 midst g"d taken - jeetl '... I . I I . �
1� *, Again the dread � Angel of Death - Speol'41 � Salva'
� / home. wassent from the lWal W. C'. T. U. _ , Geo. MacVicar
� .. r to the three Huron members rft h a 'A Ing Sunday mulbro April 121fth, lund in gorth St. Methodist church
/, I a&& baldr�g by the %V.C. T- U, I ly, Signed b,v Mrs. Hunt" as sec. way ofte of Ong oldest, most,respected at I P. in. Major Byers, D. C., of Iftture room on Saturday April 19th I � L Nor$ " of Sqiwo, Phone 220 � �` . 00DFJftHr , ,
� " . May '*'J0. I ret*r.y. Mrs. Colbornt as presidenti , I -and beat loved titi,tenS, in th4Sr Person Stratford, W . . . .. .
, . � Ill Conduct , , �
� �� IX Service and Ton Served froze 3 to 17 6"'elook. ' L I .
I �, I The Abracel; Chapter, 1. 0. H.- and Mfis A. Davidson as recording of Mrs., Wagner. The fun#ral on Sat- give an gddrtss. Sunday Ochol at r i. �. � . 11 I I I 1111111111J1 - . . - L I
*ill hold their re4rular monthly Meet- ceeret . I - . . . -N
i �. Ing on Monday. April 21st, at 4 o'- lary---.. 1 urday. afternoon was largely attended, 11 a. m. . Maple Lent Revue, r. 0. 'D. Eo) - ---- I ^ . .
I the service being held in the Luther. May 8th slid Pth, at .q v. m. in the .
i V : clielk in the Board of Trade rooraq. JIQn PIRtNTING AT THR STAU r Easter At North St, Methodist .
I , r - - - - - - .-I - .. Ion church, interment in Ballkis come. church: 10 a. m., Men% Club; sub. high school gyranusittin. Admission
� 1L. r I . I . . I . --
I - I Z=;-� tery, Tho sorrowing family have the jects 4(Pr f;s of the Ilesto. ction of .
4 .. - - 1- I q - - =— 00 re 50 cents. . ALISONS SANITARY MEAT. 14ARKfT I
I ll � I jresilq " r th, , - make L � I I . .
I . I . . . Aft *Pincere qynilfatby of the vpntire com- " Paster. Ch4rch lnl4sses. Corns cripple the feetand - - I , . - ': L'. � � -. - - 7---- - �-- �L --- "-- -
- -- --
I . . I I I �� btlss* Band. 11 a. m,, i,The Re. walking a tortures Yet sitro relief in . r� , . � I
I .
i i 1- From another correspoo4ent) surwtion Gospel" 3 1) I thew shape of Hollowayls.Corn Rem'Ov. CALL AROIT-NDAND SWPUlt DISPLAY OF
� I I .. - 1 pir 0% G U P Wff H B lu Ad (; K! S niunIts- In
. 1-1 if Friday evening, April Iltb# the session of .qeho N, Rev. '. I . . �1 �
,� I . � . I I O' ol.* Add,r,�;s j, open er is within reach of all? . ' � -
. I I �� . I I mentherS 'of, the r b J. R. Ford. 7 1). m., The Satter 01ory ____ —1 . - I - I
� aptist ehurch spent . . ...ak
. �� in picture and scog.- pamous paint- I Sa4y Beef. f6rlote'r Traide
i� . UNTO -THE -MINUTE . - r L a pleasant evening at the home of Dr. great attist. ',Ito . % iL I . I I -.'� �-.,.� ........ �, I . - --
C. A. Howson. The special feature, ,, 10" of . I I L 11 I .�
I A , I The Life of 0111TA "I . . I . . L I
� ""I-, , nk' L / of the evening was g, presentation to r athe . 3'
I � - ;1; 11, 4- ' Men's Smart . , L , theirdaughter, AVinnie, who had been views, de- %0" ying i I GOOD 1 ICKENS, AND RtM, OR WANTED
— Wear, �, SrW&0 - l, . 1� VIAIL , , ,
� /I . L.- 1. corations. Brigh . I " L' .
r I 1� � tho-�pflstlohureh organist since the musical service by 4, �' . I
I . I . I . 6 %0"O"O' . r. - - - A 04 04 00 ��---,AAO 04 M
� - " I --
3. � 11`�� I , ) LoPeninc of their O'hureh in Auburn the choir. Como and Worship the . . j!� �! L �, , . - - ' - - ' - L _A
�1. A L 11 I I � Tho address was Teatl by Mrs INW, gisen LOW. -strallgers and visito" *0191 L , —.-- — -!",-! !; � - ' -
I I and C * ''%VC%lr-"ne- Fumntuilu I . fl, I
" I I � 0 1
�- : I � Marsh, and tile gift was presented b.v ,�. , . . I I �
I I I . I Mri. Jno. McKnight. �'Tho addres4 I � ng 00 - � ,
— r I read os followst I . OBITUARY Now ori'Usedsernelliber I r r
. . � .
I , .. . I Qd a (Ad I S ri twoar .1 .
I ) L - NVC. alSo haVe a JeW 'nift r . I . I Dear Whmio.-We have plann ditional obituary news on page D) . urzaa 81*41:40nei Ifutti. P , � � L , , `wl 1 I ,
h I . littlo surprise for sou by gathoring ' 1ACEY.-The death took place on � b" Exchafte " the Wool- � . �' I � I
, & ; thitips for flie Ladics. � L at rour home thR evening. Since the Thumdsty, April ,loth, of,clatherine ,, 11 'VARIETY OF STYL9 ,
' ,
& oswrtint of our churth in Devombcr ShAhMn, bOovM voite of Mr., John W*Y of a*&" is tlw Platt I � . � - * v q ,, '
� �' I � If f � 1M,,$ou have been our faithfui alld' TACty, B&Y&M t4d, at the a9t or 168 1 't'bligo, ; lil ;.' APPURANCt 'I- � I
I I ' Ladies Hose rtio-%t tmeitrit ormist. ,,-early ev- N'tars, the funeral tskir4t place olz , Attiractive - QUALITY I" I '], .
Umethinv New In ery Sunday finds you at. ,,�our plac�e gktvrd&Y from the family h � I , .
. . 1. --�u io,rhp. lot � If it ,*it & Sk&ft y0% wa^t. %* I . I .. "'i pitICE r . ' ' I ��
In thethuroo& You and sour mother #, Raynold too, to. the Roman leath. .. � . 11 , . . I
. 1. . -The List Thing on Broadway. lhavt given 'Veur untiring ,rrrvie", 10liC fernettM RM -4 ]P*ther GUM Con- I fia�e it. . We havlo rut folth onr bp5t effort to �'C-Urq f(w mw . ' towev,g- i I - ,
11, -6 --00I...." 1, 0, , " !%-�-. � ' 1 4 �' ' - I freely. for th . e good of Our Chor.h. *Otins tb,6 *rviw at ,at. Poem � W114% u I
I I - . - - - - - � -" � chyArt)i "liAt t1w %T#4T"I&- Thei, ' * * Y$W %ft. .& it . tile Best in Footwear -for SpOn,M 1� . . . I
I 11
11 - - - �� r'! Lt.!N!�%� �� 101kh Mhows Your unselfiLli. anil (lft"!!ed came ht'rer from Clint6n ft� INSIS , I I I 6ar tvavolliilg XOWJ!§ D"Anlent is e6uiplet I .. . i
. I CUUtian tharafters- In llthtlf of b,out a5 S-,eara ' I- - � - I . I I 10 t
t)W 'Choir, they haVe' ftlWal'A f4UIld r'.4 % and Mr. aobn ..
I Manhon"Mi�j F'kn a ' 11 ' " "I *nt The IIC,t # L, " . . . .
� nd .V"_. br-le- .%&* Repairl it '
CH A, S-,. I Ar tfl
.1 Iyau *41ant and "'afteable to dr-il Intosh. ,111 of (%jiton, � �, -
.. B W and M;. Dan; au NE's, Y3 1
� il x i�; 11 � , I
��� ith, the diftalti" awl mr-401itic-1 Shiltholl. of $eaf(trtlt, $Ire brother, HAROLD BLACKSTO Wt havitt You To Do Ym* Be ias, At " �1111 ". �
i "I
t h
sb I
'I I
I I 1 R 1
11, 'I
1 1
- Ond 0,tSftj,r. , : �- �- ""' - .- ---., - .-----! �--- - 11, ,
I "The Metes *n,d Boye Store Wordi WWtW* .Wbith ItOW 61010K IVOnr W^�V. ' J�Ui�jn% , , RcAde*, her ho4wo I I I
� thr� �6,00-el% �Vesrs you hxvt, t,C�11 loi� Mr,'#� t,litltY leA-48 -, two daoghtere� f UNNITURE EiviulmmANG ,
Or fbair has m-4dom beell may �nt It, 0 , I I ��
orgar',�t &,� ,ML� and mr?". Joyce, or � I I
MME 219 GODERICH E - ` "mm nu Itiftsit , 1�
I . On thk*18reativray of (;Wniek 3, -HERN'S BOOT Snl%P ww'" ��
%A(Ant'� etctpt for a ,xowl cawt(,. Chltthal% The fomilF sn,J 1�,-rother,t . . 4 � I .,T.m k
-1. � ------.--.1- I— � � � . � 11 . � I
I Now %�, -0.elh to t-,trrf*.k 0210 pjn(�(Itjv ATO ri�-,trr,l %,*re oill ?. I I 114010- -
- - - - - - � I'll " .Crf� felp thf. fujz- =1.111".11=11".2 - W .1 . . � 4 1
� L , I
�, . ,� � , �
I., I I
I 1� . I ;, I * I I I