HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-17, Page 37 URSDAY, APXI 1,0 11*. lti�. 1, THE GODERICH STAR
------------------------ - sib. *M" h* W 1""A vaned. owinx
4F*ob -100(:,,ro Bo#w ure to the sad "tb 9thiA youwer bm-
tlow, 11604a. A -t 4""Aw, *U fcr
$We He To& THE ]Neighborhood Ne"O Nugets 117 yort WW iova omploy" * at are-
cvry 9"" *" in r -"q
---------- 10941, )AVilag 1144111k 1W 40WA UY an
Ifyou. art- ("MR; out of sottsi, lmve ortz, Pkkgfrom' ftneuga aftod bawslit, wbo W #*A" the
stero. -On different oceltsiou at.
swtipatio*, iwiiiesion. psinsor g&3 �U�mljzha V. vj%, 4.0; Z;� I
itit tu stomwelk, bklwug 0�elb� M.4 ItAd I get:4.4W. tempts at robbery hod bon mwi* aad
1911ous ho4axchca, heavtbura water 1:ictca=1 LOA� I Mntcn "Aivs 44 .401 T*x Re%, Wilogbow 47 Cod recently his employed MA bon 1wld
Lnw PlArt% ;:C�r to_�3. s2a,rq.
will be surfL;d � to, Atilorican vorn—Nro.." yellow. 9111io. &3* Rcur3on Ccvvak%* of 1910 Dovabit $W to NommW up at the point of a g4u, Thb
loraW ete�, you
1W how quickly a few, Josesi at' '461- 01"atarla "ala_X4%, 4 white. U,10 it% itc, to vesiiwd Is survived by his widow and
vlrdir,-, 44 001glitoutsift. Paik Foad-40wox4no Fxopcgac Tomid CAN
1wr0s Lixa-Liver Fill$ will fvi you. "Ie4rit"rio, V"'IZ—No. 2 wintor. 11�5 "or Vctt on 1*&^*W B*w-.& & No. 13, Sag ) &W to 046 son.
UP- lot. Q40 to 111-U41, to;ls. 'o'bipping V. 0U. r-Icii Rc%w9v_-C1jaton Will CAtkoe the 24flt,-Fh-4 Wm �ucisaow Rark FUVA Gets Winsifilill
W. X(O. H%U(T, TA Giltud Ave., WM(irdiku; tu tivialita. I
llea$_So. 2. sixi to ;I.Go. Accordtoa of Wingbrin Dies io VAUCOMW—FOMW S*00tth WO"U" An iotelestivy reminde'r of the Re-
1ormtq, 04t., w4w.-' 'Hiving lt*d to freights outside.
044 malts froia using 'your AM- .1 00 to 7,41c. accora- - Hoop Herself—Extuir M" KOW ip peulak. union of the Lu4n tW anti, viclftit.,�
MIX TAxii-vivpr loilla for, i-Adiges. Ina to growlita oquld% 014 Roy$, held in IV% Was the re-
Sassd tonstipittion, &A4 knowing the l$%sel;whe*t_No. .1. 760 to 80C. QLCCQT4-
4q, to frefl;ht outside. ointost Tay, l4tt, 44 bills, Interested, won the tirst pr4e, in lic" . c0lit the other &�, by the committee
maw stteudlug %&me, I think it 014Y J:ye_W;o. 2 740 to lite. according. to �Ash in tharge of the Improvements in the
right to tell ctlie" of tkii be4eat I frcl;.�W4 outside. Clint_eu town council b*
.)s struck a district, the prize being 41,00 Uz
ba, Flour-Firot patent. $GAN r4teof 44 mill& for 10.0% the slime as or st, Red Bird touriag eisr. Moniorial.Tlirk of the itum, ot $440,
14orivt4 friiuk their uw. T-111C."'It'.10 recond patent. 1G.60l Toronto. This is the amount Qf the balarco at
X Wag Very. rusielt troublea With gas Ont=14 101OU11-90 P.C. patorit, $449, last Year. Blyth tA; Vote on 7aylaw credit of Mr. A. P� ftwart, treasurer
in joito otsim Uouirool. prompt vhtp.
on. My atomacli. after cat'lug" and lost Jklont; do. S4.0 Its lute bags, Toronto, Wingliara JW a 4744111 Rate The qukiillflod electors of t1w V111490- of the 2910 to -union fund, which b(ks
wxssy a aight's aleep, but after Using prompt '4111inovat, do, $4.24. built Wingbam hs rA r A To 4 him. and
a a. tax r4to this"year of Blyth �WM V;te on a bYlaw to MAke been u e the co t I f
board. Drompt shipment.
two, TUU of PUT rillw I "n truth- U111fopd-Carlotd. delivered. Niont. of 47 mills, �The paved streeU alone a l(wri of 44,00 to Xtsers. D. Floody, Mr. 0. IT. Smith, the two men chief.
fun.r HOLY that 3: feel 100% bVer.-I 1, real fret t. bags included; uran. plir account for 4%. Wills of,this, E. C. L4 undy and All. T*ylor, on April Ir responsibIt for the suomes of the.
* 1; lb, 40; ml4dll -e
Price �Se. a via at 411 ton. 0 7, 1 ortj. per toss, 4. 29tb The gentlemen propose to i - Rounion. The funds have been On
131;101 Pled ht Bluevale
per ton ;35, aood fccd itour. per bag.
MAiled direot an �ca!:V 'f""p4ntreuolboy'r ;2,09. ',and equip *. factory for the pur- deposit in one of the banks being hQ14
r _
a t� To 9 to + of mitnulowturing doors and Rea- until some community pro$cd tamed
The T. Millium Co.," 51arzaret Spence, relict of the late paly
Out. .James Henderson, Jassed, away at POFe
CATME MARKETS I eral.,-, house furnishings and planing up to which the funda could be devot-
Blievale,on Friday, April 4tb, in her mill sunsilies and to grant them a fix- W-
1111318T. 051copattlis;
Graduate still College of
031coptsthY. Liplotlate Iowa and Allehlon
StAto Board1j. Special attention to diseases
Vmen and efilldren. Consultation free.
C10 corner �e n tuid 8%, Andrew Sts.
SnCe P!so
Ues to pelleviatin. In Searorth
DR. F- it-
Late HOU50 surgeon riow York Oplith*
alic and Aural Hostilt4t, as4istant tit �Nlnorn,
aid's Eye I os 1)0,1(len 64113ro
oat 05. t I, ... o do fc.
53 aterl . St atford T-1cle-
t Bedford RoteA, Goderich, from ed,
liesd PrI "I'll at U W., to ThUrsdayp
Apr. It I P. 111.
NOT*" PUB41% XrC_
019040 0., arl"'h! ont.
ilarrister solicitor, Nolaw"'Public
Boo 16o cef,--
Omeb : 64124"llbust, Goderke.b.
,V ar4SZ*DB. flaYfleld. Con-
verall nd NotAry Mile
L tsarristers, tes 110-
F)Mee—on Oe Square_ Ond -door tram
etimilton street. Godericts.
Prlv`kW Mnds to loass.4; lowest, riltts,
L. XlLtORAN, DUFLEV 110101PS, Jut-,
umml$Tp,tks� PTO-
Live Stonk and neneral Atictiontier,
"ah"Iton.. street, Goderich.
Sales ,d. -everywhere and all efforts.
asade it) glyelyou sa;Wractltin.
Farmorsl,'.sale nateA discounted.
60, - 1 1, .
wrair and Violated Town PIropes insured
Ily *
1sw of properly Insured up to January;
4tO 63 048 975,00,
0PFIftWS-4ames , * ConollV. fr6sident,
10dorls'li ; - Jas. Evans, . flce-Presideiit.
decchwotid T. E, Heys, $at;.-Treds., Sea
J.0elptITORS-6� F. hicaregor; ctparorti?.-,
�rte". Nv4otllrop,; NVID. -wrill, Cott -
ounce., George M=r!ne1,,,P
n \ ekersmith
lobn Ferris, flarloc , llennetvise.
Vroadhagan; Murvay Gibson, Bruce -
AOE=80_41 . IV. Veo, -cwderleb , S�Itndy
boitch. lintOW;, WM. MeRIO3, . S;arorlik
1114'ay SearortlI.-
It 140, mentg
Poll to can pay, Olt- 843e.4$
. Is 6 0 -
4C tilt tore 0 at eb, A� J. Nor
#I$ Is 0111111111 to6, III n, or J. If.
Of Is. llovei%
Have it attepdod to by the
Established 1878
Head 010ce: Dungannon, Ont.
Jno. A.'. McKenzie,, RiTkardirse,
pres.; Hatry t. Salkeld, R. It. No. 2,
Goderieh, vice pres.; direetors-�-Tlm
Griffin, R, R, No. 1, L,uek,n,)w; R', P.
Reed, R. It. 14o. 2, Lucknow; N. L.
Salkeld, ,phone 600r1l, Gsid;�ch;
Alex. Nioholsors, Tuc1cftdw, Win. Wat-
fidn; Jas. :Girvin,' U. R.,:No. 6, Godk!-'
rieb; Wm- J. Thorupsofi�:Auburn.
Tretts. Secretary.
pre L pares; young, men and young
*omen for Sdsinot,,s, which is now
.Caiiadn!�s greatest, profession.
OWb assist graduates to positions
-and they have A, practicAl trAln-
Ing which euAbles them to meet
with success. Students are re.
gioterld each week . our fteg
C' u 1
gttalogUo and learn a th!7 A-
Ut our dIfferent �Mo me ts
ThO LeAdIfte
and Embalmers
Ordem carefwAlly abtondel to
at all houro—night or &�Y.
Toltox" Alive STOC116
V)ROXT0. April 34.-A utently-trade.
62nd year.
ed ass4smett of " exce be ire- layor of Wingliskin. Dies at
school taxes, The loan Is'to 'pt 'or First
With a good cleass-up, slosorlboo, t v
;La,3ttla at the Vaton Stock Yar%4a
. The Marriage takes Place today,
paid with interest in tlftoan annual
Mr. Velij. Willsoli, a former re -
e likeelpts were 'about 800
head heavier than In the previous
April 17tb, of Agnes, daughterof Xr.
Win. Sproat, Kippen,, to Mr. John X
spected resident of Wingliam, died
Period. but the approach of l4astor
a little extra deinaildo and tho
Allexs� son of Mi. and Mrs- Robt. Al- I
� " Xagagements Announted
suddenly on Sundo3r, April Oth, in
rebult was that Pri"o retained. tho
len, 61 Winkilain
- T110 Marriage of Anna Vancouver, B. C. Mr. Willson, who
small n4vance of the week before- Tho
cAttic trade 13 always expected to 04-
Clinton Will Celebrate May 94th
dauRhter� of Mr. and Mrs. Robert was born in London township, came
Eell,.Seaforth, to Mr,�, Roy Campbell to Wilighati in the early, sovettlea
prove around l4aster. due to an in,
,r asted consumption of beef. and tr ad;
Victoria D 4y win -be celebrilited An
Anderson,, son of Mrs. Anderson and and for a time engaged In meretoitile
9 'last -WaOk wa$'good. Somet of th
4%. C pie" expect it Will be eve
hoieter kilts week, while at
, hers feel Lt
Clinton, a joint meeti ng Of the Xiltie
Bond, baseball and laeres se 408.ap-
the late Thomas S, Anderson, of business. Soon afterwards he estab..
Hamilton, is anuoune 04 to take PlAt'e lished a balilic, which he eon-
the prospects do n 14%, too good.
Saws ot heavy at( f Ir txport were
. .
pointing officers and COMMItWes' to
make preparations.
quiotly in'Wronto April, 11th. iluetia for some years, when bol was% 1
The Marriage is itursoulleed, to take appointed'iW-dger of, tht�Mk of
made,from $7,60 to ;8.50 a hundred,
while exporters also took several loads
. Ciinton Ball Club Reorgauiz4_1
lag* today, April 1701.. of Agnes, HAMIlten, " and he continued in
of lighter. weight -stock from
$7.50. Quallty klljlnc oattle solt,"from
. Clinton baseball club bag reargaii.
augliter of Mr. William C, Sproat, the employ of that bank -until the end.
V to $7.50, with, one steer at 10. The
ized, for the �rear with Dr. SbAW as
forth, to John A. Allot, iion of Mi%, Deceased was a Most highly esteemed,
fact that the bulk of the saleit In tho
killing classes werie made from $6.0 0 to
honorary president, J. Sutter pre14-
and Mrs. -Robert Allen,, of Whighim. Man of a kindly disposition and pro -
tosided to show that there was
dent, X. Paxinan vice, and E. Walton,
The oVept will take place in Toronto. bably did more for the'advaticementl
sonio Improvement. in the . gelsgr*1
MacKenzfe-Beverloy Of the town of Wiitiliam than av*,*
Sir Vrl cps were paid -for icnor
Late Posatal Superintendent 'Was Re-
A quiet. but pretty wedding took other citizen tier did. He built thel
COWS. uue Iveighind 1,840 pounds bring-
hig- $8 a hundred, and several from $0
to $7.6o. �Jltttcher
lated in - Winghant
place at Caven ]Presbyterian 10411set roside0e later o I b Robert
F A fixox and. kept a, large i�a, nd.
cows ranged 0131
steady to s,,shade stronger at, 0 to
45-50. Bulls taken for
Mr."Duncan J, McLean, Lonaon
distifiif superintendent, who
Oxotor, on Saturday Morning, ril
ards which fins since bimn s Id
6th. when Miss Ariel XAV Beverley,
were , export
,from $4,60 to M 'while bQ)01;nhs and
tiedlum balls otild frosts $2.20.to 43,50,
died on FrIda . y, April, 4tb, *as wen
dW;bterof the late James and Mrsi t9 the Governmok and whore now
in't4hrriage t6 stands the Winghain. post Office. His
The offering of hop but
prices hold fitm uht1lV11418-= The
11 Pessinsr maTkets were on the basis
'known in Winghaw, and was a vousin
of Mrs. W. J. Howson, of that town,
wrioy, wah United
MIr Charles 8, MacKenzie, son of Mr. father, the late, Crowell Willson,; ex -
M. P. for $iorth lifiddWex, vag, one
$7.50 f.o.b., or ;3 fed and water
Rath -Rehberg
and Mrs,' R. MacKenzie, After the
n eat deal to
Mr. Mrs. MacKenzie, of the me '.*he had a gr
Prices settled -at 47.76 led, or O.Do
,8.15 off car.
Mr. Thomas James Wilson - Ratif, i
Ceremony aid
motored to London, where the groom do with the' erectl6n of the present
It0elPts of sheep and lambs were
light, sind prices generally remained
Son of the late William IT, Rath aW has, purchase b I I St. Paull�_,ehurcb. The 16to Denjambi
d. a grocery I usiness.
Xr& Rath, of Clinton, was married Miss Beverley Exeter's Wilson was reeve of Tuinbarry Ili
Last year's lambs sold as
hi -ho' as $16.50 a hundred, which is the
;recently in Stratford -to Preda, Mar,1
was one of
ladles held 1872 and, 1873 before - Wingliami wa.0
b4t price for the Year, Esprins; lambs
oold froin tlo.ta $16 each.. with light
guerit.e, 'daughter of Mr, - and Xre,
. .
popular young and a, post.. incorporated as a villago and cobtin..
tion,on the Bank of eommeis:6 staff..
one -i d6wnward to Wessels. Many of
the SPA -14 lambs. are being marketed
Herman--Rebbergo S�Tatford,
. Seatorth Hurops" Reorganizer,
Partner Seaforth Resident Hangs
too oar4% small lots of sheop'soid from
0 to
At a well.attended, too tb.all. i&et�
The,olTering of calves wa,4 heavier,
and prku_* showed an easler tondoney.
Pil-ev's ("u-clitiod front Soo to Tio-a i4tin-
ilig in Seafoirth last week great en-
thusiasm was manifest and itvas de.
Mrs.' E. 'Gibbs,.. *idow of the Into
HeroW_ Gibbs, of, Seaforth, his, WPAI
drea, w!tb ciiojeo closing at �io to sli
a Inindred.
cided to enter both is junior and'a
herself in the attic in
of her � hre
Oshawa on April 7th. Mr. Gibb3
Live stock roc6lpta at the VnIon
or to . ,
Stock 'Yar4s, at night f -day'!'
aptior team.. 'S.' MeXenzie(is, presi-
dentAnd A. W. Dick secretary.
died a f ow, months ago and there is
mhrltet were tollowik Cattle, 3.400;
that filnos and despondency
colves, $31; bogs' 4,2do;. oi�eep and..
lamba': 3117, -
Clinton Bowler� Re-orgarkize
Over the loss of her husband, waaAhe
01110AGO LXVLA ST -00M
bowlers have reorganizi!d
cause, of death. Her daughter,
l.1- %I
V�. I W P A 11 U
V 6
Pic% 'Tootple
S Le" and BUY - More
!!!!�%tli I &WI--aad 03 lisiao CIsh as' P, ssibIc
You, WM W jbAt tl4il poliQ,Y
QTAIV'� rW ispaill IM 04 bUY =T* 41AUtY (kaorats.
M.Wom.- i i 0
No. 4 Sixts, 2 tint -AWK
(ArmucilticigaiNsArk) tu. 23c AyLvER "is 211-
110. - *14f 1 21 tint for .&M
,*A%CX BACON, �c
Canliaisia peame-1 AyLuft A&
lb. 38c TOWATOICS, 6
Made at Our own Sakery
lb. - - - - t2le "U114"n"Ry 2k
CHXRRy CAXU` 3Euly Rous
ib . . . . . . 31c a for .25c
BACON, Machine storts Now. PICNIC 11AUS, -
11 19C
.$avow, rtin'.22t c H. (4), 0xv-0 A 10 to- RIT.119 Aft
CHOICE. Soaxyr.,
13c SARDINDS, 4 tins
COFF,UE, YA-lb. tin .33c, lb. . - - -
.19C JAM, 4.1b. 0112 79c
COCOA, Vx.11i tin
PjjF�dES, 4015(T, 2 lb$. (MarShmalloW Or
Croam), each,
(largo bottlO MARMALADE,
.3.1b. tin .49c
No. 10 1 .99. LIQUID
16-0. con, *tin* for 39c 2 for. .25C
�10 ti
R 0
E 8 RU
Ina f
Sort. OLIVES, 2, for -25C
All r q jitt'.
All. So tj
i�A I ol L Li
11 1
CHIVAU0. April 14.6-�.Xogs—lkoceljnts, . WAUX e follow ng o cers-., on. . . . "' * "A' l. $ —_ ; - 11 - 4 1 9
fairly active; Otron to Ucl�htgh- president, Win. Jackson; president, A. Who' liveA next door, -were away over
er..bull; good and choice 160 to 31.5"In, the week -end and, returning,. found
averages, ;7,45 -to 37.60; top, $7.65- bulk J. MorTlsh; vice president, Dr, F- A,
Packing sows, $0.86 to S7; bulk dosir- 'Axon; socretaty,"J. t. Hovey; treas. Mrs..,.Gibbs hanging from a -rope su-
abli., strong weight. W."S to SO -60'.
heavywolght, $7.46 to $7.65; rhodium urer, H. U. Sharp; auditor, D. L. Me� spended from h rafter, The coroner -to be the -first reeve of th i3te� of.Winshaw lodge,..
66'. Ph decided an inquest was uftnecetl$ary. uod. O.,yinage; a pwlt mo
Zs.40,to ;7.65; light_ $7.05 �o $1. Orson.
p4oldlig sows" In 1874 and for four years, In 1879 1 A. P. & A.Al., and 0 P44t Z Of. the
smooth, $$.Ss to 47"
packing sows, rough, $6.66 to $6.85, S.eaforth Golf Club Exqter Man Killed.in Detrolt 10-1 Wijighatd'wasi incorporated 6.1 'ti town Cbapter�
Alaushter pigs, �ss to I Seaforth golf club will bold:a dance r. 141 min Wilson was h6nored by
*attle-lileocipts, 6001, compared with ardiner retained and Renja
a week ago better grailesweighty -beef April 28th., R. R, Crettwell ha3 been Detroit on Tuesday hiorning, April being elected the. first mayor.' Ile THE STAR FOR JOIL 10�41XTINO
atoeri, 26c to 76c higher; mostli Soo elected patron; Thos. Dodds blo.norary
up; po.,6111011 an edlurn lightweight
siteers.and yoeings, steady to 25c president; G. D. bf-aaggart, presi..
higher.,,. eitreme toj�. matured steers,
dent; J.- G. Mullen -And 0, Neil, vivp
higbest for ourrcsit year: beat a 0, U 0 V
yearlings, 0.1.76; tat she-stoctt*. 15v to presi4ats; R. Al. Jones, secretary,-,
,Wor higher, weighty cows and better Miss"K.- 1, Kerr, treasurer.
grades beef helfors showing most ad-
v4nces; canners and cutters firm,, bulls, ;Rxeter 11;111 Eirect Twp4storey Win. -
strong to 16c higher; veal callnes, urk-
even: largely. 60e to $1 lower; stoe.kqys Fxetcr Doard.of 21au-cation, subject
and feeders steady. - . �'to the approval of the'departanent in
Sheop—Receipts, 2,000, snostly dlreg-t;
marIctit honi4nally, steady; for week . Toronto; has decided to proceed with
around 13,,000 direct; 132 eara fed lotat, th6 erection 69 a twoLstory wing ein
compared With rL week ago fat lambs the preF
250 to 60C higher; 7aarlihjjs.-26c'to Soo ent SChool building, �rh * 'ch
blxl�vr; sheop, Mbatly 60c higher; top will be Used exclusively toi the two
fat'woolled lambs for Week, janior ClAsses in the pul-lie
beit ellptsed lambs, $154A_ top rat
wo011ed owes, $12.61); �bolk% prices fol- New -Light -tit Point. Clark."
low; Vat woalled lambs. $1,5 to $26.95.,
clips. �i,(,O to $15.40; wothero.-110,06 An , ocVulVing light run by a"etyp'.0 I
to. 4,11XV; ewes, $10.50 to $12.25, -now takes the ploee of the powerful
ne APO
UTIPPAT00, Aprill 14, — 'revolving* light that shone frorn ti
delpta, 125; slow and steadr.- Calves— lighthouse at Point Clark. The old
Receipts. 200; active and steady; �eholee. house at Cove Island. The oc6itlng
$13.00 to $14:: fair to good,. S10 to $13; i
cults, $5 to $0.50; heaVy, ;6 to 39, gross- lights *. ran I Automatically 101, three
era $4. to ttt. month-, and therefore. a lightkeeper
Rogs—lte",Ipts., 3,200; sfilw
steady to Go lower: heavy . nit"" is 'not reqUired. Z
and Yorkers, $9.15 to 20., light yorlc� Death of. Former Scaforils Boy, in
er8, $T.25.to $8.' Ir... $6.75 to , "S,
rouq-1144, ;6.76;,otags-, $4 to $6, Innipeg
Shoe- and Lawbv—Recelpt,4 ISOU'l
. . . r. M. ne, a Xo or bealort,31
active; want lainba, $10 to'$17.115, elip-
Mad , lambs, $$-to $15,, rearlings, $8 to boy, and a. souof Mrs, Richard Ro6ho,
"Wethers. $If to $11.60; owes, $$,to for a number 'of years a well known
'50; Mixed Uhe"P, $10.50 to $11. 1 1 . .
$1 0. proprietor 'of the Seaforth 'Commer-
cial Hotel, died at Wlnnlpog.r�cently. t me
LONDON. Apr1l'14.-Onp. linudrip.d Ile Was prominent in Winnipeg ath-
thousand sbipyArd. workem. in 111 letic circles of -i decade ag a Stor F r., Las inut&
14hip) rd Workerm Locked Out. o. M' k This our e 0
parts of.Great Britain, wery locked ��Jr. an4*. Mrs! David Currie, -East.
OUt by their eniployers'IFIrlday night, WawanosI4 Bereaved
So "on ns thero W a general re- Mr., and Mrs, Dairid Cur I rie,.of East
turq of the Southampon inembers a8ter Sho 9
of any of the uniona, the lockout of WAwanosh, have suffered bereave- E .'�pin
the Members ot"fliat union Ail tuo rea ment in the loss, on April 31rd, of
61, the country wIlI eense, but so far their accond daughter, Dorothy, *he Yoti Want To., Look Smart For Easter; We. Ca' n Supply Your Wants in
the .4outhaililiton vien havO iemained was just blossoming Into young wom.
obduraW. athood, being only sixteen years and
six r4ouths of age. Ladies Spring' Coats: and Suits, Millinery, Gloves -Hose, Etc.
0abbr Control. �Siott's School Reunion
PERTH, A17STRALIA, April 14. -
The Lallm%party gained 26 sr-ats I in' Invitations are being iosued to over For the Men, Young Men and Boys We Have Suits and a Full Line of Furnishings.
the goneral Plectlen and tho othor 500 former pupils and teachers of
.Parties combined 24 teats. Ubor'la School Section No. 13, East Wawa- �y GIVE US A CALL.
AoW tilt strOil9c-st PUAY III LIAO 1101,180 nosh, 6r a reunion to be held on the LATEST GOODS, MQDERATEL� PRICED,
of Representatives alid tgay join school grounds on July 23. The event
forces with the anti-Governinput sec- will,, be ono of the big affairs In the
tion of tho Country party in, Torlullir, county this year and already manyl
a liew administration In Wcstern have signified their intention to bel
Australia. present. The se Ladies' Spring Coats and- Suits Ladies' SA, -Gloves
ction has a most in-
T-Ught P�Ople Are Iturt. tereAing history. Made (if tile. nt!ivest inaterillk li, the latt,,it Avle ;1l'-1 1711tirt
.111J.6attliflet in all tile lie%e't shade"
GLIAW FALLS, N.Y., A,1,rl1 14.- Death o . f MrY4. James Lyons, Luchnow s.!Utdas. The models ,Ire :Qtra,:fiV,% thv line - it, all I.,ade-. i,
11.1glit people were hurt when a Bud-
zon Valley Rallway trolley �ar. ran Mrs. James Lyons, for many year.; are sinart the trinimings rich an.1 v;s1s1,-4u1, tile prL,,�-
wild down a hill In 'Weebratesville an esteemed retildent of Luel;now. ,tre remarkably low. Ladies, Silk Hose
ftlturday morriling and wat, brought A pac;sed away on Tueulay morning of III tile ncwc�,t ,hdde�.
to a 00V -after it Jumped the ralla, last W"k. She wic born in Scotland, (fifierelit �41A&.,
mounted a oldowalk and crashed Into 70 years ago and cat -do to Canada ati Easter Millinery
the side of a otone church. the age of 11bree years, the family Gat your Spring flat hete. We liave .1ary ,tl ick Ott B Suits
settling near Owen Sound. Forty. � oys
dv-trillinled flats, fashlotled fit fl�ll, ollortill w lte�,-iak (wt the lltl� a r,!1L,v !,�Ilit 141� o lmtc �t
Aviators Arrive at Seward. tix years ago, na Jessie Cunningham,
CORDOVA, Aftts;ka, April 14.-- she calte to Lucknow, and a few: Cotllt�ille(j %njtll Stravi. .Ind trimilled Ole�!fiv&- Yf�tl VL tolek, "O'Siv V-flh lvf� pa, -1 Holqalel,�.
.11311V INP!:111"
Pourairlilanpo, composing the United suro to filid -.1 Hat liere that will witi,
Wateg army squadron miklar later waG married.
a trip years I at a nioderate price.
and Hats and Caps
around the world, arrivcd at Svward. Kinearillne Looking Into Question of: I "
Alaska, Sanday afternoon at 5.18 Tourist Camp 11 Rvlllellll�cr �qw kAll ""t 'l-P.-iw, t". (,ap lwte
O'clock, Pacific Coast time, according The ptoperty . committee of the Men's ind Young Men, S Suits ��!ry Pl(ldtnate - pfi,!t, 1,111, 1"ttv'i h.,Ip�;, and
to Inforwiflon recelved here. 9
Town, of Kineardine is looking into
the matter of a camping ground for - At tiargaitl PriCe% tl',Ivv 111110 ',11'41 011;11 '1; J Furnishings
f It %A i n I % 4 1 ft I Vjj,.�
Lourints An the ngrieu turaL . park. IM;Wu 4HU 61UV, A:� W1;7 a,� '� i r , III . % Y
The vouncil took no action tn an 6p.,, Regyular,914 56 for $16.50 wzttlh-, '�4 1P..5Q1 0�1, $18.00; A 11110 44 (32.w) 1 av� t1l'! Z",�
SIN plication from Mr. S. V. Watcon for" roguhr 832-�(� for $27.90,
j, R, Wheeler a a lotm of $25,000, to aid hitsi in build-'
ober ing and equipping tin extens;on to bis J
Funoral Director and Furnittaro yactorj.
Evibalmer Won �Auto3 in Advertiser CwifeA,
#A 31r.,Rtioioll Preeter, Of Zurich. I,-.
W 1)0 00111,M-Attllatcd on witining the A. CORNFIELD"
I r r � ("Awo% 1111111 ftu&on ermeh in the Advo2tlger cab.
a ncription contclt. Mr. Prett�? turn. Goderic"
All vraiupt�!, n.ttendc-J t.a, for OXANS - COLDS 14 ;#) the lavonnf� vntts sin 0,1 W6;zi Pst-A tyq r
ari BRONCHIM a plign, t%o totpl beivir 87,191MY9.
1114c'neg: t�torn H;%,o N141, Gco� Ray, of In
!� Nk -
/1114 __ .1 ,
� "14
- 'I