HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-17, Page 2— *W I _11911"I" - Jpl�l - I
Q0DE-_-_ §7
rknURSI)AYo APRIL 1703 1921-
ills im Awsammomeds — — - — — — —
11wrl D AITS Our 10DRE? j, 040"60 Guarateed Battery tn
1,ct tl'3 cha%e youl
3ano Wod&mq& of a Se i of Y�w* Aro—A OPA-d-W of yo r battery for YOU Aq
'A4P C 0*0, stwited W at t W#0 1114 C" W."al zw ab,-Mutcly vems.4%ry for'D r _,U
4nWmod Wsw 50WAft 1, ealvjte direct current. W i Or
Iwo �n S=r
Ur battery 1101d ita elwx=lo 10
saw fft $&T15 -_7U skycle chlb V"d to 'i battery which also M,4* vQ
ion" Jwve 1LO"W"lu a". ratei glatil iwMl l6th mehisivo.404:'.
11"WA016 At kys"_4iis U110 00
d Towaamlik W" thld 40 t
rieftr im 1441-410 some ys" a ssw,�, A Grave Problem, in South Airica 'g.'. , T
'"T" t%-,J1Crf �,n* PA pay their rmt.415 or not. re
to WA14 up 2�94 Preinicr Gone his cnl� strongest battle in the Coulmon4 r"-
ral Sn' uts and eh provid- .BARKER, E) DOS9
UAT WAS DOING LN 1�81 siory is that he paid $3.15 for a I d loagues of the ftith Afrl(-,-:n party, volvel About Pe clause Whi
# Uo4orieb Stak, of AlAg, Is .0s that v*s said to be Just a Cord; fac-e a gmve 1probler4i, Vorecd, by ed that a tenant wbO could not PRY PROM 308 r 2
(From Th 0 �;Pleozioni to ili000lve rent,becaus.e of unemployment, chwild
IJ the load was dumped out In a ylle; WIMM(Ka PAP d!e"(Arom b" r certain
jt,tbat he paid the money, AU4 that, I 0o the not L3 eviettl �Xcept undo
Parliament and nyve",
SWke Ltwia Passe4 at 040040 � thinking it looked min0l, be PiIC4 it, ti4qy are compollivd to t 31conditioul; it being finally proposcd
Wg *we glad. to rce that three of The atickii, he says, did not, average the Natiqnallsto O)a that the re=japenoo to the landlord
was multeclAn'"larrigge to Niss combination c3der- sliould come from the poor raWs. Itl
ol"I wr ir vzolicilables under tile I
ow "*rich boys Passed, very 1 .20 inches, and the pile was Jast,* feet T ingest daughter of An- no r I
aou* final. vyoulluations at 0sxoodo_h*Y hecere. wbiP 0� 004eyal H(Tt and the 1,ti- seen a to linve been the Labor wethod
"d not, quite 12 $*et long, and Margaret' YO`0
11' fij �Xys be has been wonderit4r ever glig 74, Gunn# Londiiu, out. T
Iny took place at the family reni. borites, comp9se-d of rwitisl;�born or Of handling the whOlc q'LlOstiOn, cOID-1
Townto. last week.: " Mr. U SE" USABOUTTH
0^ 'bined %vith the threntouirf. - . L
W4&ou, who had bveu practising fOr since w)wther it vAls, the. stunted, ln� �ent, under Col. Cre.,1well. speeches
deuce, and, on account of recent British d
Aime �ikt Clinton,. come out St. growth of th# t-reen or the lusles - The Nationalists are frankly for a rc� of it-, author, Minister of Health DV
deaths in the family. only cloac, per extrenllst% that
'Cond in the barrister examination, bwb tjiskt m#Ao A'Sust a cord vi wood" &I friends #114 relative$ of the con. public. Thoy were beaten on that is- 1"eaticy, and other
exactly live-eightlis Of that quantity. Son Vral election,, of aroused most of tho bitter opposition.
Xr. NgearA and Mr. V. N. Lewis pas "Pere present The sue in tLbe V" NEW BATTEXX 1.
of Uioyc tracting Parties Died. by Rev. Mr. slace which tilliq thkt-, have kept it Ev�.ntually tho bill woo witildra-vii
sed their examination for bjkrrister The, J)sys, le. Club Parades ceremony was perfor il Ad Labor accepted a new bill dra
WW attorneys, MVjAX tskeu both to� rews s6ine*bat, in W.- L,'backtvround, and a
I The wheeling season opened ihis Wylie, ActiniW past" Of St' And have gradually reached �_& point by Ernest Simon, a Loberal, which 6 Volt 11 Plato- My Guarauti6d, ior
14414 and thoush theW'wire no 40 Isfesbyteriark church. The b Ides- ;�jkre they have veoured tho sutivort will likely be adopted.
A U4" Tournament parades, quite a few whe011 Were us. luaids, wore Misses Esther Gunn Rod que%tions.
34 ed In the dryer portions of the tow of tbr.. Labor party on othei r Party Were in South Australia Ford, 6evrolet, Overland and Star
The following bands took part , I p. Mabel Tow, slaters of the bride and
erfty Mitchell groom respectively, and the grooms, The Luboritips Lave been exi�vMtnoy L`b0
the tournament lent Housebreaking at HiYfieW wton, of Dufferin bitter aralniit thg' sovernment I The Labor party In South Australia
'John may, lea&rs U Pleel . man was Mr. Ed. Ne the ar.-aed revolt in has, won out In ii�e election,-, there aV $J5100
&ott, leaders I on Prl4ay three boys,�Qrft charged M. the crushing of.
Benakiller UvW. Paul Mitedel, before Polite Magistrate Seager with Was Organist of St. itter's aP4 St. the Raild in 1922, which had as its ter 1i steril, fight, Proposals for the SUITABLE FOR ALL OTHER CARS
enenls the attempt to prevent golor-* introdUOtiou Of 6lored labor an a
les*r, 8 pieces; and the 00delith breaking into the store of mr, George Georges ed men getting a . class of work hith- large scale gave them a good rally-
I*nd#, 0, Armstrong, leader, 13 pieces., Rew4toil, 14kyfield, between the 18th A letter. received in Goderich this TIA
10�e v1sitimg bands were escorted toLand 20th day of February last, and erto held to be exclusively the pre- ing cry� Their point of view is that TIRE$ IN ]FABDRICS"and COR26001i
therefrom Jilindry goods, week contained the sad news that Smuts, which, animates most Australfans�
Mrs. Fred Fair, ne.e Miss Jennie C
'"k, rogative of the white man.
their'utels W Prof. Vetztr's band,� ste4ling )r, (,,rcnerai better to grow and develop Slowly FROM ;9-00 UP
alw at 1-30 a Proatasion was formedioniong them, being bottles Of Alerts 4iid last weelr in Detroit, after -a who liket his predecessf to voluntarily Introduce a racial
on the Square, and marched to the Hair Vigor, olattoonts, mouth- Organ$, short illness. The deceased lady, Botba, fought against the *,13ritiAb in than
s, a the Boor war, has been a loyal citizgn Problem which in a few, years might
nortkWturod grounds. Here the V10111s, string , clock and other it. who Wps well. known in Goderiell of the Empire since. His services Ili get absolutely cut of halnd- McLAUGHLIN and OVERLAND CARS
Vrogram. for the contest embraced ellis to theNlalue Of sbOut ;35- years since, *0�9 the Second daughter the world war on behalf . of the iillies 1. . I I I
ieces; from each bond -4010t- The Maitland Was Quiet of the late Major were of great value, His part� in Rouniania's King and Queen Visit o(Oil Aepeosories
tvol I Cook, Mrs. Fair All, KWI; z and
sup 40.a a selection. Messrs. R. Car- The River Maitland is open At this I was always a favorite with our poo- splashing the.Bbor rebellion at the be- France
m1oftel and IV. Trott, 1ISSIsted by lity and her willingnes,
jondt Whd is bald to be clear of ice to ple; her affabi g! ning of that V�Ikrs ca�'not be over- 'The King- ud Queen, of Roumarda
Prot. Fetzer, ucte(I lwjudges. After pts will, long A I Kru; -�Pe,
-S as to tulle, time, its source, Its now style of spring, to help in all good proje estimated. it, was generally suppos� have been wai ly received in Franc
omparing mark L Alsappoiniment to our be remembered. She.had great musi- 11.
c opening was n ed that. this rebellion was the last They were accompaz�ipd by the Ro ELL
ttc,# t1w two former declared the Mit- W 0 5
peorle, for, for the last thirty years, cal jbility, and as 4 songstress� J�Icic of the ltdio hard!" Boors. against nuinian foreign zniuister, who bad a ii
theo, bAnd, entitled to the fire prize, the annual brez.U.up Vms one of the and organist was . rarely vq�tklled. thc inlusion of South Afrir,a, as a tia- sorlim (if eorforencei with inembers op
h third. 110ne,
ric sidence. in Goderich Ale' Empir 1s'Labqr,, and of the French government. The si.. ARAGE9
Slinton second, Ana Gode her re
'Prol. FOV4er, howovvr, coilslde�td 410 was organist of St. Peter's and St. that . br1tJqh_speahiu�, now to, help tutition a% between Russia. arid- R6u,
Ooderich baild entitled to :second TWENTY YEARS AGO George's churches, and was instruct, these rtnetionarics to try to form a, ralinia. was no doubt under discussion
be 4iaobt press his 5 to zarly who becamvpreficient
priyo, but as (From The Goderich Star,of April. 15, res
poilk�t, the decision of the "1131drity at the piano and organ, Cauadian Budget Rectived With �Mlx-
�sa$ onuounced greatly to the dell -ht League of Natiort4 AlaY Outlive Itsl 4�4 Peelings
lot. -out 141tehell. friends. The point, Connom-Neville CANAD 11 -be re
TH9 PIONEER IN Critics The Canadian budget wi
tkmsWei*d Aggrogated a# 10110*s; St. Peters church was the scene of I Thirty-two years ikgo the nowhim-
mitcholl, 1130; . tlinwn, 162; Godericb, a pretty wedding on Tuesday morn- )dus 11SALADA!' Ten was placed on Because he, has been.'A� P�riist�rki oeived vith the mixed leelinga and
of the League of Natimislyle*s, inseparable from conditions of
138; Betimiller, 114L The bande; thdn ing, the contracting, parties be"34 the nwrl�ct in. metal pavkages. . "$A_ ad:lvocato , , � 1. ;
-formed, together IaW marched, tip Lucy Joan Mr. , commentators have n%ver lost politics. In so far as it shows that
dskughter jot andMrs. LADAII vas the pioneer package tea $Owe � I :it Promier I there is som
town, 411 Playing "St. Allitilil Com- Dennis Neville, William ritte0t, and in Canada. . Immediately its Superior an opportunity *to jeer .e t improvoinott in trade, '!'2
it eti was WilllaW J. Connors, of Detroit* Meh. , $muts, Sbuth Africa's Prowler. Ont, and an effort o reduee'OxPensea and
mandery Worch The effe flavor -and purity won for it a great -most pe6ple vAll not be -
very tue and the harmonY excollOit- The marriage took place at 9 a. M., pulariiy that has been growing wond�rs if they,%voikid rejoice should taxation,
ag he be defeated on the question of con- words' 04 coulmen4atio-A. EconolMor
Though -not so largely attended as Cx- Rev. Father UoUlke perforful the s still a,little different grudge
evev, since, . It 1, it
qu carried- ceremol nection %ith -the British Ernpire, of Time -only can Prove whether, - 0 , -not
Wwoted the tourAnniont w, jy.� Mis#,L�,Sb4nnoN who pre., ona a little boVer than ordinary tea. r car, is
sidedat* the organ,. played, 4 yodding . which he Is tc singularly able and con- tariff ellanges,'the beriefits are'td be 'est "noto
opinion in the Vn- what'gric side claiiiii.they wittfe and necessarily the most ecOROM-
out ph rlsteat advocate, 'T'Pe"'
maroh, and Miss Tralinch shig the Asthma . Otercome--Tbe. tr1uhi 0
MTV.FIVE YEARS AGO sweetest of.adlos. Among the guests ited, States scoms to be steadily vcei� ;e othir Says they cannot b�. The, car.
TA0 over asthm� has assuredly comc� Dr. hig to support of the Leagu� wIdAll? framers 'of tariffs in this country as f �aug'blin-Duick
()hora The Goderich Star of April present at the mairiage Were Mr. and $, D., Kell -S
I oggis Asthm4 Remedy has In The new 1924 Xc]
Mrs. Moss, Ashfleld; Mrs. Flynn;t proved the most Positive blessing the VOWS Master-FoUr.
trength despite -its many., elsewhere ari judgea,by yesults.� is the lbgi�al car for
Clinton; Mr� Redwona,,1V0at W4,00"victim. of asthmatic iver shortcomi gs� It really looks 01% it and,
�d Avas $3,7i per, oora.- 13"t— , attacks has e to whom econonl�
Corawo h "d Miss 000n6rs, Of D*trOits kl)OwA. Letters received from thous- the I,6ahue'might outlivd its critics Premier' Mussolini Stores Wonderful "cry person
6rdwogij, though 4sing in price '00 1 4' In y and usefulnes Victory in Italian Elections -0ekVice are of primoitnpOrtaUee
sister 01 the groom. ears.
per cord, Is vvlovkly being Cut, lio lave tried it.form. 'A is o rugged
And$ who I
TowGunh Por ibe, momeAt tbe.Ttalian systern This. high�grade Four
*ttmttd ttee% for a g4atloman, who nionial �v & leaves DO room f0k lettiott Campaign no- Ing and so well constructed that repairs
woek oil Wednesday aft0moon Dr. Percy doubt that here to a real reVedY. Get South African 1? of' electi - to Parliament % great
U"ht 4k load of short wood last fers Prjacles Visit 0umber of parties and formir�q, gov� are seldom needed arid'upkeeg' X"
every. wety. n w0fom-y 4 er.
jtv.tos short In His M Tom, son of L P. S. John 919� ' It ol on de. 1. S' th African eleotions which ekaments out dif combinations -of thegetl I ns IS at the minimunll.� The
ou ' 00sF e I
the'post, has.gss�ed, pr�nli s ughlin �Bulck
will be held in Juno,; mean e olini aud P4a ter�Four AlcLa:
-------- The
-visit a the Prince of 'bi hove scorW a wonderful
pwoeilkeilt.of the' motor is extre.nlel3r powerful,'yet.
that �courltry. WAS' t46' victoiW in. the general el#etions,.where
V4 1le
lvaliq, to the gasoline, Consumption is, low,
have sailedvery shortly, but his Ote, 'for the.�rM tilnip in thecountry's his-�
ring an elect�On� campaign tory si-sty-two per een0of tbe'total The\Master-Fopr is �so reliable an4
senop du
day,in and
F6 which. is liable -to vo I were polled as� ag-4nst a pre�- efficient that it deli4erf
be m4st bitter w1buld t1 S
'have been eynbarrasaing to all paitiw, vious high record* of fifty-five, of day out service -with very little ft -
the, man wh6
The parties Ili South Afrka the total -polled Fasciati,or 'support- prociation, so that
e r...
x�L L Ca
rig , the boto ing I a Waster -Four a. get a
Lot More� Valu have united in exprespil cand dates, received well over S� owns
ry later, ty per cent. It isregardod, as extra -
C that he will visit the count highor resale price than the owner s
and - have assured him of a hew ordinary that. ont two, death were of other makes of ca�s-
re �S recorded. in some of thb lively vx-
Little. o ..(Cantiftued on page9)'
ex�.Iuslve C� C. M. Wra gel Island to He Left to R 1) e f a rr 0, 4L
01T 14 't Ask for & it appears 'that, Wrangel Island: E WJf'
Jt*tuf4r r a y rk 0 it t
coli III"
tr!�,nie , '111cater, smart- he Triplex flanget.
yerbie.,00--mortsparl. A sliet-100- itcedesigathat which Canada was supposed to claim it easy or
4,10 its 9PUWL POSSeft. you tG own &
ling -liiekel:��Iilorp 1"listelling pRes the C. NL Ilivy is tor be left Lto the lindi. r
enormil. Any knin would be spood—ithd pr sign of Russia: t3o far as thil country
A to t1h,11% 116 M. !—G%dP1rPri Neveran ati d Great BriChin are toneerned. � A It
fir 14
r AM% nor "figlit and 000" year or so ago ShoWd Kno
APO a somewhat different,
impression wa% given in the Canadian &� Zam-Buk cqntains in most
.4 pro.q. - ..
t. 411 It C-ornmo a, particularly because of tho 'm all tile esS tiah
Sore �ytttl pit compact fdr en
it, zt('r," Fs thall t(at" 4,6ulftJor speed; under .9tefanoson, who
%r v fi y honle
ciplbra lono
4 hrllit�11, and perfect eiver-read
regarded' the Ish . as of great im� ii a
PuWhel tw%�r A eum -4 auli- portance in view of the. Aevelopmenti liti medicine
Thix umtrq & tough.
Hercules Bvake� in aviation and from other. strategic 11his, grand'herbal T). �'i; ratio
dnirdtlt� -tittatel that trillN "The little Fellow wit), t angles. Stefunsson received st)me as- benittifully <00thing fOf Cuts 5 sp IAL
i ways sure r4ASTCRF00R;24-3 Z;
#10!ad I CA"-Vda ?� Girqnt'ii Grip." Al.. borrf.,,'scald-�, vtc., or for cbafec
treat 011d all is
k:nds of .?coo? er. abil klukli, yet ;4 and vel- S!stance for his exploration,. and later
vety ilk avti�sn. 'Lets the for a trip to the old country to press and chapped skin.S. It remove�
ickl nq N.-nnothly
Hotir N* e Bath V. C. M. coast these . viewpoints upon the British all danger W. M. BELL
The bright 'Itots (it 111i. find "'Jidilig. governAenL But thore Is less chance poisoniog 6r inflaiflination, an Street laarage
C.,Xl. ato I&L'i'led,40,11 ill e t6os f tron Ni.lool r�
now than ever of Britain taking any East Phone 243.
action to assert ownership over this or sorg with remaricable emse.
Gibson Pedat R A" 11, Ith, in tile olinds
thra I& in 64. nit'hel hatliq n i . Arctic teiritory will
iv -a (Inuislo. s!rvilgill &A�Ifloft 11w. now pedal *A of our own people, I-. associsted with ZAM-BUK Is "'A Su ry, in I
for t a 4) 14�1111-4 1:15ttl�q4t 41f tJk(1 ;Ittong, 1, � a ,_, a
ar# " the loss of two bright Canadiah lives T%#104130
ve�t W0nd4:r,1.U,11.%7 li,,, rathc�r than -BOX"' U"ftll to I
111o, It M."Im
1.11t,5 With possibilities. of IA. - Aooldtntl Knd Skin 01^-
f ir
iliefoal *,wrfev4,- 111rublier ti�rlal tichneaq or. stratogie-value. If
tpq 4ave wear oil 811cos.
RU-9sia Ilan the best clai
a= thoy
ty-on I
r g, Light FraMe tobe
Inu cotdon't aqt for rk alver wid vannot rust.
stroliver. ulfftel r;gi.l. Moro Is
oul rmni-. It iq 11.1410 ot worth More War Between Russla and, Romania
..Aceurattly made You'couldn't ask tor bet(er Imminent
%_erV 4114t, of id, VQltlr thro, I ven yolk Ilk a
There Lq probaiffity of war l*tWeell.
fxkq, uIth No drop iorgt4l liariq 4f a (4. C. 561. laievele C. c. is eertliial.v
-Aussia. and Roumania ht a few weeka
I mun. alro plartivally Im, N 'wruvatrlv mado, y Worth ing extrtli to
-or :44� time. Ownership of
11iiiiiii4w ot 11, klifcu to. pven rlo*�r limi�$ Inty it hiqvle thit it b�
rotigh firw1illd, fa sta which went to Roupiania after the
rat-, sluut.% V. out ttr the rtt*0,40,
(it apeursev than, tile tx- anti 'that will be rutkllhlv�
4 Alt it$ #he ddy,40 tro"L. fenkely. dejieoLte,
rowway crosNiogli and Val. tuses world wmri is the Issue whiclit over
Vtrt* i� Mort soloollay after �,etkrs
r t ht. (% V. W Ott 81106. of setviee than t"any biqdrik shadows all else in th6 dispute be-
tween the two. A conference recent.
do thou o.ew. 11rice* to -day
"Trued Uo" ate $15 to Uo less lhik� ly called to Jiscusg these questions
Weatherproof fulvill, I broke up at it.s.-first meeting, the de.
Ttw riuv� Im, of clear 04 varli (I C. hl. is all 4,ltkle4 the "peak- prices. You Set a
beeh 145t, traek durato on the Bossarsibian matter.
ankil 'veAther 71 lap.. before it leaves. tile fats. It' Dollat's Value for overy legates from oach coulitry, king ob.
spolot ar# ar %; " tort. Tilt w 111� 1gr you invest in a V It is not certain that Poland wid oth.
krtr�fhinj MaH be , dExclusive
riglit. Tilt% -truing uji"as- Drop itito the V. V. Nt. ors of tho Little Entent would assist E have been appointe
Tile heariog's are of r4,ifn*t'- dekklvea. 18kc the new modds W, istributors in this district for,"
Rutplyou a LIA41 Roumards. Poland for one has mr. Di We
hard sioel, 1po harit a tile Itir men. women, boys anti ions Problems of her own, especially
wt:11 vot, fza�,ra. yr� uith all It is 00%. 11toluseb, illu,3ttated
In the growing strength of the So.
mirrior coto so 10tigh that alM 411 tilt ORPtU01a iteAlS extiloguo free to�rrqucqt from 1924 Stason for "the faraous
the Wavings 44(1 prAvtically "900d" ill turiliot ault cheap litartAt V, V. INT. dealtr Ot cialists. Francei which backs the
from ikoy CXIX braneh. Little F-Mente, would assist in the
PuPpl.%* 4f arms and munitions, but
Might not go beyond that under pre -
sent conditions. Roumania. is not Aimee- Holden Tires & Tu
Aft4IE4 Ay to give un her newly ae(likkired . ' 1.,� . ib
territory witbovit a struggle. She andtau car" 4% complete sw.k
will be more detormined, about this
RE40 RIAWD—MASSEY—PERFECT because it was At the insistent soli.
citations of Itirks!* that she went Into Ord
Let us boolt. yo r _det' 1,, iro-r- delivery
COL164EVELAND—004UMBIA the world war, r0ying oil Rupian
tarorilistA to co-operAte with her a. W, e --will. -gilarantee
WAP01,,ar. May.
Amited -nr ne delivery
CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CONIPANY. 6 RiL54-es failure to live up to her our present prkis for S i if
menutA4. Tism%% WEST01.4, Mt. Wittipts, vatitc1vtr PrOmists was one of the -most ghastis,
Mokers of kii�.Gr*de calladUft Noyetes ior 2S years, ofthe ftlany ghastly erdgmt,% of tht.
you place your ord—er at once..
Also *f CCU. JOYCYCLES—High-grade, 8asy-running Tricycles Xasier war. rosultiuk in -terrible, los�e_q for
Rou"anin find tht ternporan-r
...... lque4 of the country. Ames 1461den Tires ntM tio mmMendation froM U6. J
. . . . . . . . . . YOU lftftd 40 is to
6 sy 31atDolkali Clings to offiet
111ft In nob "t Defeat COMPARE oTHE WEAR"
K".4, rlalussy MacDonald and the Labor
Cd B*rd and CkaMrs'.4and B des! 1 11
L, party cli"te Office In the Woof a
kideit, $J D&rr�OW one it j4
% trlico 61
0"011 111" * I T, M, DA VIS
Accessories, Parts, I tres and I Ube$ Rents Vviction bill. Mott of tbo Lih.
crt"N IretrAined from voting. but fn�
81 CYCLES REPAIRED �,Olkgh of them joinC4 the Conserv'Atives Goderich's Leading Tire Shop
hich 0110
I'to ditfem the Y'ArmuTe. iti. which 0110
1 0' ft Gas %.Pill
-q, 'It *
cirdf-d that a largo porti(
Ro MILLER, and Machine Showc1all, of1tht, prn:
hw 259W !GWERIM ONT,: 'n ""!
vid" sea EON Ave. i"', pf 1d] tenpn" yok�fr ffie-,N'
! 0.0juEntoff
. . . . . ....... .. . ..
�d IL