HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-17, Page 1'a, . . - - 1111111i�� - - - - "Frz
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.Continuous Advertising,.
11 imWasint, to 21 mer�Znes
BU as the lights in the store
: of as invitingly dreswd windows
-The C;Xn try Merlchant
I . --TRY IT'
A1111�. A AIL �, ...A I& 11 -
. ? � . ..& I 14L__ d�w, AL A..& This Silar is sq�v.ppjd to j;) AR sern
I �_ 1W .ARW 4� i
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I r_,1 I I In I of phi-RiN. ("M a tito tia a 4�00k-
11 I 11 I .101 SW-' up Im Yftr stxtionlrry� ,
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XQ!0W M ritlualm fflap� GODERICH. ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY. APRIL 17* 1924 " �_ I�Qw 61i Q4V,41PSVvr1V141r1,z%i" =
I tt 1'um
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"I '4.;_
Bylaw to Aid G, Cal L BuOding Carried by 50 Majonhy, Work to Commence at OnceinsoiaWinter Pleet Getting Ready for Early Start 11
_ __ _
- .__ �_ .
. C4.Moa = ,,,,.,,,,CP,A6Mr1, `AA .1,111 � -.���-A--��,-�-",:�----"------------�---�
I &QP4`AA*A WANTS11) � Reserve Tuesday, April 22nd, for " .
I rr
I I r' �_. 1 19.4 Chautauqua W*3 held in thu BYLAW CARRIES By 50,
r NNfANT-Ml. -Pasition as h the Faster Vairim by ft Goorgela TOWN TOPICS 'Roard of Trade room% vu Mendoy
U �,,�"...�__ �___ __.
. , ,$� .
`%!Z" r"ie"ll lairle ouild in Xa*oalc umple. eveldur, whVil tho fellowing officers C'Qf4tiate, sykw no# 30or I i
Ja V�wn, or Alalborno or
� r
Conservative Nianagment and Credit- If.' �,,. Apbly to Vex 31,4. tyrAft :!, The lot$ vhafdaw�ws , $1 14,0(twslf
I 1 (��1_14611.1! _____1_=-______ , wilrel oppoirktoo. Panifdvnt� W. It. 0 Wadno. In ftaffl, Vote r
___ -, ________. __ CAIRPS alp TVANKS , Robertsou; aeerlet1lry,J.'-T. Fell" trta. . , _
1, CRUIRT is eiiscnt1*1 to the normal conduct of busineas. NVANTED, 110 I A ineetint of the guitrantora of the;1 ,
� The clothing manufacturer, for instance, de , __�_ L � � __ ---=--_-;z;;-;----.;��,,.—,.Z;;�—�.-,-,,, sux*r, It. R. 1onx. Ur. Robert'11011 The repult of the vote on Mottlixy ,
, signs his . KaWAS& for Nit. old __ ___ 11
A!, rostaire 1114PPIA1 Anfl L Q14 elayelCl)e:jl (I __
Clothes and 1014,011fActUtcs then! W387 m4uth* beforo the �Allls,QP TIT%%'4K,TJ%tr,s '4"��
W101 hUmp" attvl&C (44 ls�MOS Of W, , P. J. PrId- AUCTIOS SAi�w - �_ WAS OPPOinted to al"IN thot0wil C00*11 ,oil the, bylaw to sid the Q. 0. r. bytilf) I
. retailer bUY-4 t1lim. If his busluesit in sound he obtains from itted 844"P. cjre*A Britain, briw� 11,311t 11nd alniiY Mk4o* .
14, 1 �,
VIOR aleall-i 11, for the vse of the ll*rb%,)r Park otitin lesue of debentures for t fro i
. his banker the money required to icarr W01*14JI'fis �t of tAxprehsing thpir.91`4 N !�!i:'i.,; .,roirs &%lie: I ho pro
. Jy him: over the perioti preforred. No IS114114. � titude for byal ,4 1 11::11; ;;: 1 I . -
of heavy Productidit and, light deliveries. i Wattled. is Noll 4"IlIx U-11 YOU liathy 'Iml mat lessi.4 stwwa durin", —, , for this Y10110t ChAtItiAlQUa, Whieh ment ad enIttroement of -the Q. It 771.
. . S. %11'yM11 their wevnt, nt,� 114lic, auction of prolwrty a,jj 1pi lo�*?,,% on Ault. 9th. was *v, follows .. � �
I I old 10ter pie I;Qt 94 T1111 hTAR. otmt�wv
The Sterli ' _ ,._,.,_ ._� =,I 1�!,�-q,,11b0un;4U1; ti) 0w eltato tip till, 141111
I ng Bank enjoys today a ,strong and stable pQsition WANTRID.-Furolshed room. qply ARTICLES FOR $ALP, n . WlPhtv, at thi. pmmist,4 (it Lo.."I* magow Visit to Clinton' Pollivs I
., due to conservative, toanagettiont. If your business is con. . rot the Aronst, I
ducted on the same vartful, line,% as our own, we ure piropared tk) Box 5. STAR OFFRX.' Na. U words of 250 membera of the $041visiQu. V,yuw Ilylaw
I � —_ ,. RIP100 " Jp 0 1
. . to offer you gerxerous financial support. 001 P,_.X9I4J skm FoR s.ux.-.1 m%TV11111141iT. APAIL J91h 4N60010 fritternity gathered at CII I I . 107 - 24 .
. - I . GIRL WANTFI)l ta go to L�ndon-Filr -Ren. ^of NI"treoni lia;J�f it-10,01"Ienving a I or% Tuesday, where as mally a"' %
, I . vrot housework. b)U,,t J)Q able to rook outtit, Inclodla � . . t 1.30 p. sm. ton a .2 �V n .
and bo experielaC414. No U-4,41 loud NP(qh4'. "A" buttery. t rep t e . * coul& attended the sessions o Min.
..� ' ling, ROW . f � 0
'. Tl][E, STERIbIN(i 0 q1e prope"y 0 .0 20 I
I AN home. 11191, wairei,with Ancrpa.w from vmo 411d, I,hone*. et Var-�'N No. I- �Tho pri�pt,vt�. eon,�14 F 4 . 412 I=
I . -.e- (I.. promIrty 0 ,t. ton Imige; A. , & A. U., In the at.
11 I I, �
. to time and permanent vo,flilon to capable tune, CaRv'n Club. 11fils outt Acost 10 Ing �kq, a a4qy�., of qanfl' ,lb,, th
U � . nererencea requirv,d. post office boX nevi, lessAtiall INVO ca . a Q. ,and: ! more or IvsN�� actjojilping tbt� , 0 s3nle. t6rnoon. and evening to mcot u0st 5 . 32 16 -
- JK" K t -,s;!. London. Ont. � �'. " I" ,+jr,v pj,w�� Wovshipful Grand Muster, Bro. W.
", 1. .� . r I be ,iold %at a Ila 0. onloustration, mlspz� at, .Loyah In the Townt;h1p 6 44 - lit ,,,
I . - ,— 'if J- PrOP0,'Of Glims1i,y. Ont, on his 7 "
'' . r .� - WANTF.D 4N t,,A(�Jl, can be arranged. A ly to . It. Itt:1.N. ,V.aI4L4r11t,,. (q) %N,hIVb thl.rt, 1,4 Io I I
. � ONP, vAN I a f"A" ofticial visit to Huron district. The
.. . OF CANADA . (1401%NTY to appoint agelits to hwil !A.B. I Ithone Got r I , or It. 1). 23,101. "Ey 'JAIUSe. gqJOd b,JrJA %Vltll ('41tilent tjta� . .10
�, I litine 2;X1:. .r . ,)Iin;�, t 140 -
. I I otir 4'.Njjgl(� (j,&'. a guaranteed pro. " ,.,"�'.. _., a q,,Ientlid orehard. qn(l gqo(l gardt,n. _ 4,L,j Qodorlch,
- � _____ Ftill 1.AIA,'.-.-l;ee,,f Peali, Barley "N ' I exemplified the first degree and the . . 1
--- ... duct: npw diseoviry: eqtiall gasoliln(- T A - '*-'- -'r"" P'T D'at- (It I)Ur('IkQS � 148
1 lrxjg3t�= 9"Iil� - �311(1 Inotle", to be PaItt at tial, eXem � I
� __'. -, AK X"`1X314a.Q at 3 eenl��.&gationj %14110 box (,Iv", to �� kit t�alo. 411a officers of Clinton Lodge "
- . . - -1 11 � Dean. grown on P;f;h , plitled r - I � ,.----. _______V_
I _ - ___ I h tsoil. Als i tile balanco in 30 days. the third degree in a ji0st Intotlest. Craigiv, �,vioondea bY Trustce. Ache� r
____ - , ,�..��'r,�.�,.,�,�,.-�-,.—___,__ - ' — miles,, 4t monthly easy. Wrile ply to ALVIA 11110,N11 N��N. It. it. .No, 1, . . in r
=--- - .--.-- .— __
---- - _. . g in
.1 � I � . . I "_""r"_"_"" r t4oderich. Phono 43 on f,03. :nner There were About 33 son,, were phwed- ,,r,,(,, .
. , I " I r .. r, quick. 11, A. I,NFL1VaJtt,* ,& (�()., .klex_ Mtept,4 I Meath rs Qi
,r . % i an0ria, Out_ - -_ -,-.. .. _' I . At the same ti.me .All ihe ;',Aleeis, \v&il Maitlanil Lodg J,
. I . - .- III sold, Including: � 1. 0 Pitesftt, The coatingelit committee _,vas etil. . � ..
i %WATNTED.-Votattips wanti3O, (-,�--, 1pi", 8;%T,I;,.I)Ug�..,-y. and. hariwbt; fcir� I good young (1vikft mare; 1) .-;ots t f while othera were there fiom l4trat. poworod to PUr . Q11430 pap,or, inks etet, . I I il
. at Nlo, �* " , arnlN": __ 4,;;Ilor' ford,
-ti busbol, deliv(ved aw stO-- ,,;ate, 31-) Standard bred maro . �, J�) yt)llllg briiNNII 'I. r :I Mitchell, Zurich. Lotiftboro, for, the �
. '800 Life-As'supance 00. d Canada Oil. For ad,drv8s apply at �_T.\Jk 0FpI(;I;.. iens; J, pulybret . rvllools.��, �
. It. If. -LZISITUAN, Phoni� 21 r 15. ,,.,_,_ . I (.'oerwri-Is�.1 wt iroin ElYth, CarloW, Senforth, F.-Veter �%nd . I I .
0, . .1 - � . - , � 1.11 . — laprows; givi"n tuktis,;- bUelisinall's other points. In Illio 6venlni a 1 ban. r . I
1. Dungalint)II. . �, neat$ of. Ut*lth
, --- , __ OR SAIA.'.lhaby � earrlairv. Feorxet- . .
r I " " _ tools. an'll, NiSe, vte variwntpr',; quot was hold 10 the -town h4l], prc� The Matter of Improved nadi Pro- �
WHAT A POLICY IN THE SON LIFE OF -CANADA PROVIDES , IVANTM).-.1�- number Of stooket's- F gray enamel. 'Fin- reed body tools, I twill,-11t)"so phlvv: I ston0w.,it. pared by thO WIVOS, daughters. and per annitary convenlenci.�:I,at 0 dog -k .
,, and hood. Pirstielap% elladitlon. Ap- I broaWixe. .
, . . grass cattle, by ,the monilf o- , I '011o'S'S*clit .;(I\V* I 411114'rell th , , .
. I season, Address -GHo. 90Wr,,It3y. 11, ply A, LA'jN611AM, VIC Huron Ituail. buggl ,. I ,,,.t kif $InglfA ,3k,IgI114 sisters of Inombers of .tfie (I jhton �
.. � . 16 nob only provides protection agaidst death d*ur'pg the, years . � . , I ontl. It was brought up at the hleeting of the �
I;; . I, r,,, 11109� needed, bUbL it algo, a R. Nov. 2, Goderlich. Phone comi r 2 ____ horm. wagon, I outter, I Ilay 'r,k%j., I , ,lodge. to Which about 260. Pat dVwn, local r44r4 ot neolth on X. Y. .
Wbea r E, br sav*inga SALE.-,� -White Illo,,stiom, S-tvt,vt cuttlau box, I road, ,,,n't, �Jr JjUJJJlJJ,L* k,f 11 I I
I N , stablishes oApl . 1. � : _,: Onsa, .
. � -
____ _ aker of tho ovelling Apt% 70, on a report from the aa3isli;4 I
I . � . Full The leading spe,
. I r quietly wo4mulated during the viost �roduebivo yeows of %.mail's . . Cloviv 19123 Skiel). Af,ply tv WA- burn -hi; .1 lailtivr. I ft,kv',t box,* quaillItN I urse,-Grand blanti.,1, Bro, W. .
. � ; � , PUBLIC NOTICE VIN Jr.WPLL. It. It. Nu, 4. Gudorl,ch, tit 11tiN - I
1. life- Tbe�e is an old but truthful sa,yiug that "soma 4ay you will . . - �tnd otraw, quantity lit ,whoal � . I "vas 01 "', The r alit sanitary inspector of tht. coaAi. - - �. �
I., Al'+;1A 11ANOING, DECORATIN0, NVaR (� 13K Carl4j\v. I I I villiflago fork; 410v6s, I mthering �rokv, .ow extating conveniences.
, ___1. I ; . ---I- . 2 ,ha\r1i1lk.*: I 111) tion of I r .
. SALEL-0. A. 'C. Barley No. 1211.� ", enjoys r I
� I either be, an old man or a do;vl one". ' A polioy provides for both P and Collioll Tinting, Painting 0"d( Foll ,i noigl,�: hifolu-n eupliffaild; d dillin-, . ont I
" . I f,L01,,)tr0,1c(,1- o'clock,'all voting it a In
1 1
1. . conti!�qo4oia . 0onault'lls repraing our.mAny plaps of. and outside). eljaiv4 ; I organ. -.3 reol,ers'. I ble Affair. r r The vecret,ary of tbo'board, Mr. L. L. . . .
If 1 -work promptly, alieud-i Pree froul. Weed st-efl. Apply to I feathe . . . 'Kno.
X. renolved the Sug&L;tioll he . r
. - . 14surance4 , ed to tit, reisoname prices. C411 OP WrLtb A. : 11,111(,"k-... I Itilingv: 2*1wili and -,ilirlug, , I . ail . .
� - - 11 I . � 11. CLIJ111f ON', 11, 11. No. 3, Ouderloh,, i., i i : Public School Doord : .
I . . I 1. I M, 01 � ' _= to A. SINAZEL, Drock Str r &if 1111(flouln, 114\VA�* I plo;-� *of I Trustees Wallace, Thoms6n, Car.
I . - __ ley's wanpapors. , r eet.. ago . lit lot, no.,c_ orplikilio 11,14, CarloNN, . I lilt '71til. ft,141,.. I pit,01- lif linflict)[11, . made .several times before� that a
. I -1-
. . . . 'PhOw 115 .' I 1pwet Agftt ` NOTIC ,(;, �. : F�OJJ &�J,F I 1-1 1. . � . � I. . M8; ittlivi, ortfoils i�w uunitq,tvu� 1,t , rie, Acheson, Crair,10 and $41lown neat Place ,could bt- Provided andt I. I
r � . I H. P4 ILONG, F S I
, �
"I - r I I r . . . . . , To ,nj�E pU% , _.,X good �'rdra-y, gravel hax I I I . heated wloteift from tb6 boilem I 11
�.� , . I - 11 . I - - '_ M W _. , , Vvood ;rae% und Plough, all for sil'i., nivnitun. � � . I Nverat the membors, of the public - . . .
- ..� . I r proi�Qllt. -it the monthly .1
- I I Ing about Our dear taby, also thos, 1_ , I 1. . .
� , -
I . , , ___ - ! ;0 fir all th,ase Who ari, Iso busy talk- 1gardenor's 1101s, g oll till 'I"01WK '.\Ik'l1IfXP% I. I 11 Nl)liy. Mekting' oil Monday, Apr. 1, th, Trustee proper septic tant� . . 4
. - r . ! __ - ___ � . I . — � gle lionw, Calling bo . carpeater's ,%nd TJ'0t"NI:,-"- '(:a,411� . . school board and an vp-to4ate - �
__ .1. __ - Vi
11 . . 43 llb,t: (ulil 1. (I -' hou"e
� I FOR SALO 04 TO LET . lour-burtwr New 'Ihirfevilon i-oal �6il I"NoNtOr. I n po� I I IV
"t "'
i . I'd 1' 'It( . . I
I _____'__r_. � 1i MUS . -who - hka"o R11 mapt%M livil;Xtbile brought to the at. I I -
, ".. I ----- ___ . � I heard this folse gossip, r r Allotbirl". I,. Iva being moved,to the chair 4i tention of -
.' -
� I I � � please read the following statement,. k Cook """ Ov"b- APrLy 16 MRS. - ()p V llace
. r r . RONT-Purnislied -house to cent 8' V 'N N1 I WX .
I � PfiOF� W. H. JACKSON, ',',* B �,' N. Ie0C'J'hARTlI, 'phone *� VCTION zkk1j, the town council .it its nex;
. . I 8,101st and, Which I hold the original. An(l in th )Iw, cornin, A ' .( the absencO Of Chairman. Saunders, . ,.
for the summer months. Con -I Director I of NU$I�, , North� StV,ct future Please speat awordingl,N"L [ Ilaylleld'Ild, and Niqlan street. - if . AND J.\VPI,F,.NJP,1.NT1.14.4�R' �' . . meotilic. .1. . . lie A
14.1, Will Mot IJAVC any more of -.1 --1 I I ____ . r The principal of Victoria school re- . � I , . I
�1� �, r . . vettlencee, Near Sunset Hotel a AfethWlst olluf�h thm"O. - 11-s I I � 1� Tho- assistant 'sanitary Ins ec r,
�.;-, . LOCO Bank. Gar�Se' $Wr"Per month . Instruction givew, In spread around. � T.A , VILANCILIP, POLILTRY YARDS.�- V Mll� Ji 114AN'MIT) Pox � ..., poited for the niontli of March as . D.. . to . r . . � �
� . , ia ' a, . , I . JI -1 Eggs .for baWbipg -- _m follow�: Boys , . . (Volitinued on par.(, 5) �
. 1110wes9fon'Ist of I a ed , Ap, Voice Culture, Organ, Piano, Vloll. .
,;,If �desir . . . ; Barwd Fill yill,t,01 1) v pkibile atletioll ,it L-4 4, on the roll, 174; glrlst ; . . ... .
Ill.' etc. r I . .r . I . . ,�ilts,. alivs., PENINIRNGTON, Mouth Rocka VNIaettonald Gollogd): Con, ;'.. (lodorich "" 187, total 301.' Averape -att '. .
K I, � I Pty -136,x 97, STAR 0 ON. . Guitar, Thmry,', .. . . r s,trvet. towilship, vii _ nASI'sp. kowims . .
I. I .
. I . .
Jr , . I . 1 , ,. - ' Trafaiga, � 'Wbite. wyandottes (Ileg&l 110t,MS1, S, .r . ' v -boys' I I � . , ,
- - ,
�,�_. 1: _. - - -- - - - P 'Ti, Ju ___ 9tildio- anit :wsIdoni:e_rA=.eh. stre,at 5taf�ffient--_ -1 . � � . . I TINPADAY. .NI),nit .n.,t : t 140; -g r1s, 15% � total 304,. 01, Lilies, - � ,��,
_ .'e,-TMF- -FOR RHIN Oad(wf-ari. . . - I ....- . -0.----Anc,onas- (Riverdato'. % G. white- '' e0mmenc.109 tit I o'elfwh. - - 81 per. c t - Awes, -darnatlon,q. Dafrodiff; .r
, I
and parti- Z*. . * V_ Mrs. Ida. PreelOus, do hez- elaiv. ;hqms Werri% an(l, Ilarron strains). .. � . 11
, I . .
I Pholl� �*� , Tx'p JJoNfr on - PennY Bank deposits, and Tulip S. . I I (
Township. For terms � . , 1111�mlq,.-I . beuj.'jt'� 7 N -cars 04 I; , I 11�1111801. nun, ' Xi, at moderate price � i�
I - . - wrong The hells th'the abOve Pens are select- Ilia I of depositors, 822, Week -end special Friday und Satur- -
I - �TIUIU)y, I . .
I .ulars, iapply to umviuLF S - - I r 'r .1 that I could not se4 anything - 1')� 'k Pereheroli flial4,. ,i y(,qN - I . , ber � I
N -q A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Nvith the baby ( �, . old,
� . ad) beloinging to ed,fOr ,their laying �9, and ,are r� ton, rising 3 it,ars': I t1riVin - I I i
r", I'll R. NO. 1, Godotich,- Pho6t, it on 603, r .. now dez ualitli 'lit, Mr. Stonehouse also . reported that Daffodilt;; At stock .
, - _. - has, peiiiiinKto.". The Orid, front the straJ s that produce .. , At $1 M. per
. I I 7 ) - it harse. I Mrs. Rodditt supplied three days for . . . . . . I . I , 1%, -
I I ' I forme(I an4l.norm-ii. it, egg,,. PrIce. si.r.4-per 15 e , . . , I
. . I f1(1alN1tL,,,'t11,.��4.t!1C . I '
t I I WOWS To LUT', -Apply . . I pffr f rforil tow. .1) yc I d o2l re- n I � 11
p.. 0. Box * ffit". OPW. ("atilo.-I Ito ;jlr�;- T4188 V, wats . . I
� . - healfli. I have no reason to think, nor �% (IRPIMNS14AW.C.' � paytiel , on .and Miss liume 0110 . . . I
� ' 500, Ooderl . . - . . .1 . r , dij.� . I . GEO.'STHWAUT, t, , . I
-, -
I - : Ph � , NO TICE Q'it, time, Of salt-, I Durham, Cow, 8 ,yoar�, day for Miss L. Beale, , $10ifs !, .
I ,
t, , . . . � F .1 . 1. dijetor'8 authority. that tll,,, C1111:1 e,ro Phozw, tot r 112, ,Godef,lch� , . i y. . -1 - ,
, I I 11 I VV I I . �
;; , ____�_ _. ,,,, 1b, __. ' newIN, - fr0shenedi I I)urijuifij ci�%v, 7 1
:: I 1� . � . was or ovel!l would be a oripple. at _____+ ___.-_ Tile principal of Central school re, �J-Jt '180$ NOW SPENDING. . ', .. I � �,
*-111 FOR ISALF,Prame housti, Olght room--, - he hill wak,r on the britln. Tho'child WSXkine darh Oak China'Cab- Yvai�', du�, tim�e, of saiti, I .11"IsIpin 00%,,, - G IN1000UP " I..
bath room, cella A R owners arid i3coupiere, of ' lli,wlx, fres"Ilk'n t,ow *,I N r TAO .
��`, r, erft,trio .uflits, evidently'eauglita cold fmm big inQtJJ_r A ypaps ol,1, ported'fo - th� 'jell ___ , _r . . ,_. ' ,
. I Flnet and one gooll SJ or sowfug ' I oth of March As � 1YJROLX,T1hVK
- - .' f4l' . . . � I
fixtures, screeni'and' iblinds th ft �jll -PrOM atldv; t. William 'e(;w, dw, f6lIO`W8- BOY$ On the roll, 103; girls, *. Ma(,J)�DA�a:lil (,Jfb1),4, ehol�ul I .
I .. � . ... .. . . .. _ . - I (;Oder Iii J40W r
, I I . -*71d wator, houge I . .., I I - -ho ,woi -vilry ill- ,%\,Ill: Infl;ipuza, f: i�-1 'Vr8;,2 .\'Pral-4 01d; 2 lieffor,ii, 2 boys, 90; girls, 76; total, lb5, Penny giviug hN wliiolo tlitiii,to lCh. llfi , . . I-
. ises. are 'hereby r notified 4,i-,- \N Z�Javhjnp. Apply.10 .MRS. %. . T4 1�.&L- .?, iT' pal, "ter -
. windowi. steeL railge e0atkooted, hot and �,tllab. bronchitis and other trokiblv.;, Tile LuW. twith Ntreet.,� Goderich ,, !,mb!!r; I" 114,11-stvin row. thii, Apr.1 $0; total� .192. 'Average attendance- - and ontaulat ot Itnox *cbur(:h, .
g6l 'I..
Alewly di",ra - Cold krm,06ped into pneum,mia (w iipj- ------- 13 , . , t( .
. � tell, ON I
good 91rdon, all kinds fruit -trees an�,f ., ALL G�-.ARBAGE, ETC. tular lbeonchitis from whiell.il I , t - I)tlz,, yvars old, 12 slver)i, 1-.%var-old. I - bro, id � � .� I .
. . . . ,,I,,Ir 14! ell.il(I W. I . . . I . I .. . .
. %1-F`-11auner "t", . .. - . Bank. dep 01111m In at the Church TliurWuly alitt
. ' . - Foll ' sf . .
r 11JU$hf-8. - 'No . Mappable offer. refused. ten da,v3 afl,4.�r I was throuKh at winner for 2 ooweutive years and ') , o4its, � $08.1o; number 6f de-
�, l', must he removed from their 11gleturnt'.--'r eUttf-r: I b(lg� positorsy.16%. .MJ$S Sh 1. . I i
"I - ., I Or q ulck so le� t APPIY IIPX �. 50, The Star - 111s home.. Also I did not quit or -leave ears ago first In blix .. .Grade No. Ii -Avht bitrovq - and , 'to Y rfj�lt', a ratin or Fridxy oat ernootia. Anil all day Saturday. � .
11 � �fto. : r� i . 14 , , ::Promise's by tho� Ist day of Airs. Pennhigton,'.1 ,;ktyed ns 11k,05 ti" ,�W; ation. 'CairlificAte net .oke; - I rep. t., . .
I I . I 1. . ft"a aripolutuirpta tot tostruatiou in � . .11,
14! . . , 1. r . I . T�r Oent germin �io,1411.8, U set tit 1 '%('t "r ed that Mrs. Redditt taught *. nine pl. .
',�A , . . Mrs. IY�nnMgto I ()lit ,'V.15. Prim 'too per bush. Also..,gli,, 11, avk'"hal,nes-4, I l4lAr f,llu- , r . I .
" I I . 1. .. . May?, 1024.. ' � . � I was liceded, , I t N 0 3 , arnl,4s., I I , . , -, days for JJJJ6S nUrrA'tt.r: : ano, ()rgan and SIUM, Un WAY be vx. . Jr
�% % �y zinto - - . me that slip, ealkld K I , %merwan ervolli �vparti� ; � � . . � )''I
,,,,, r grAnt( 1, I he . I .1
, To Rf"�NT--vx rtlable Irame llouqe L . et along whil t1w ,O A, 0. Nlo. 21,1 bl&d, IiarleN '15c per tt)rlr (.hJJJJJ4' ft)i'ks. vfi,.,� f Wag� Ir"an-1 Burritt. .d one . ,,,, A,,,r,,,,,r r �
' . P,, -, I r raliged any day ab the Church. ,or
. ! . . . " KeaVrS .; � . ' F. G. N.UIR, maid she had. Firither.2NIii. .$ni;. bush. �J`WNK 'L. YOVNG, A.R. No. - 5 : I N� ,., Misrs , r . I JUN (ill [it them holne of hIt'. r .* '', . r
.. . ( . . 't _111�,Iug 11 , I �
9trP't-,TcWu'.*A14t0r In � - , 111.,�%. I we k, � WA
� 110US6. 410��l stablp or rqgf,� . AS, ,Asst,'S%Pita� .198 , -, pald me every r J1 .qt1dvrJr,tT,. 1�tipXtL, 2o�,(,,'4rJo%N-. 11 box" I set sleighs .. r
. " 0, .; - , C.6111- Jt4J]glJiJoW. I .4,;t JJ,,rr,,,w,,.rI euJil1VitfJtr. .Q 8 leave- of absefice oil � account mi,viii, .i[r�Jl,%vv,jnc, seAvilat 116
I r - . I I .. wfioa', � � , . r 0 , Stie . � I
Aft . I as tuliaugh., .1 I
Y, -7 tig . _ &4 . . . I
. . � t ton ,
. . le , ' 4 `V J� _ 0.4.y" � .. . 91 . Peo or I, 1. Ili , n10 (M.00) _____� 1. , _� _�� , mailiter,,- - J, .)Ja.,4� I r. I *I .
." I ,qrW 1, , 'At'STAR f 41(wAill., I - . , - SAIXI�_J - .,f.)JJ:JJ,riJ (1(1111111� Of the death of, her Mother. Whimol'!19 W.),, I I I . .
� I - r . " �. I ' rVa a V111 ,a. .1011 .11 Inah-H) aiT—m7i,�P4.1" )I . I . - �'.. .. I . - , I I . . I .,..,. , .r .
� . . ___ I . - �Signed)- NIRS. IDA PRECIOL I cultlWil0r, x%lt boan allavltuwnt; I COMMUnic4tions from tile Ontario I. I . I
, , . . I . .
. � . I
. .1 -t 9-rutch on paint, Ounlop th-1114 . '.1 . .. I
": ,�' I . . . hird" Acycle, (-nly tsviet, U'41:4, nut dise hart,mv; I euttillir box, I :rannlfi!r Slobool Trustees and Ratopay�v� As'
'. r . I . � . . ___ - . . . .. . , w . .1 0 . . THANKS,!_ I I . . .
,-, I r , VOIR, mill, I 4tvel ilred e(lV4.1."d 1111""Vi I , . . 1.
1, 9 . �. � I . .. . I r I . .1 1. .- . � plete With irpilo-wing aoct,s4orit-s,. pump, rublwr 11ri,d bugg-.%, uf.N% : .1 t%% A - " * r socintion with refor*ence to sprf4ink 11 On behalf of.the C91legl6t4o XOard, I . 'r , � . . I
I ". PJl%lJ_bUtt.oh bell, f'onibint' w "I'Ll"' delq- ' I wish to roturn. th4filts -tot 0 r,e� � ..
" . r' I.. . . r , r . � . I., I . . - , I �� .it J.tJrt*;(.r al)(I ,,utl,, I . . �
�', I . � I I . � . r � I . r .. � r . I stand, Engli,ifi varbldt,, h ladh!,�.ht,, -rear, All, I , .. h - ;8tQ tO the 11,06tell convention, . I � .
I ". i . , , . . . I I � I toolliag, Will. *_, elhlliemv�. _4,�o 11till bmi,;. ub-,ul Avere road, ard, on'AlOtIoni of Tr.ultet.. R ponse to the ApIR-Ul' of 1he Board W I I .
. r, I . I r . . . . . I I ruby o0lector, � I I .
..." ... . . . .. I . 61i'ann0r, 209' bu.0w)-t ,.),ds, on llushvl� ,-s"f.ilA,a1 * _ ,,,,,,,,, ... _!� support the bylaw to provide meand .
;I 'JJl4VJJ,1t%. jlJ()i(,J. q'i,
� . I r oil <-an, tl�o wreuckt's wid repair outfit.- 1,.,-, _J 11%01- __ I .;; 11::
, . .
. I .,., . . T 1�,IJIV 11a.k. o r. � . .. to so 1,44-11odel the Collegiato building � I . '*
1"` I - . E rubber pvda6 on 4, g I, I 11.1W ,Ave us a new, UP40- 1
r, I . � , � _ 1. R r bileaDjece alumInum illi.,mf1ty.e1j)�t:r hay, %,() , (11 ,
I . . .
'. r . " �,v s. I I , r
, ." . . I . . . . .. . TINAllie, "It " I , 01410" brake, largf- tol- . , 1. 1) . tfv` practically to I i .
4" . .. � � r � . . .
: . . .. . . � I . Spiral and - "Veoder " . date building and equipmenL ThLA . . 0,
. . .t., . , I , I mw". �All Slims 1-f 14to wfill 1111fl, ." .
% . -B ,r","gul"ZDU�
� L , U -E i .. . I
. . . f� ,.,tpring S, J\JSfJ:. 1"16.4.�p ,,, r t .
I . I . ., . .1: I cloryletor, rl. eason's'and dails ond DANCE it r Was
� l . . . I . : . I . � It amouk.A mmillis, en- . ..� . response Is .ao much the motor QPPTC. .
. r I . I . . , 'r un, le to use bk-yele.,, 11� oil furillSbing aI,J,,."% ,
I r� . llfflvagf�, -r . I
. . I . . � .1 I I . I � .. ji� X -Y, r:,,,._ teir ciated as Qo Perfectly Volim- I I
. jr)II'le 4
. C�JrC(,ly JJ,.efJ. I
` � I I � I . (I '. I J r r Mom Ilovillial Auxiliary will hold I
r I . � ... ' ' " . r . . . .. I " . �. . 1. I , Also ( ',,,,, r 1, i . . . I - ,
. . . 11 . . ' "FHL',�_011 IV �� , , A dise-ount, lif .' r Q, progfeDD VQ Soo und Dance 14 the tary, the Board having made no per- . �
. I r !)"J
,..� . :.. . I d . I . t , I � L . I ', r 1, tamilea 11 eh�venth "!, 1�1 1�11'11,tll!,"" '. it I I , r I
t: � - , I I . "1111�;11, 1. it '. do , lv.�,"Illl`1181'6. ffir va�h, till J1111 G . . .
�, . . ^11 ; . I
. r . � k I ef, 01111 jn*bV"P- "�nI(quit' I � r .r 0MAL canvass and no. provlaion-�to
. : ,4 . rrr . . .� . .. . � JU .,310n, inehir Ing .). r . . MASONIC. TEMPLE irot out tile vote.., The contract han ' ' I .
, . I . ; . , I , . 1) veneemd, J. IIIAVAIM CON, '01�0. 14,13,10TT, I . r
. .
I . r ... � I . I . �. t, the wh.ol+.,, . boppe he work *ill ' . I �
.�1111 . � � ,r the , � TIDAY EVENING . , in very soon. . . .
. r ,� (luly signed and t
'I',., .., . . . , all I . .. �JL I ').W � Wh I I . . . .1 - I 1 I r . . " The building is to - � �
, . Mvul boohf,.ase f � 0 '? Ish.
� 1. .. . I . cost Piq, rfm,s Sur cithL Proprielor, Aiii,11tinvi, �, r . ,
I . - . , I
11 r .,r . r. r I I � .. I un r � . abovei lots � Ap to . .. I : '11111A) I-31 be i . r
4 � - .. .. . r r . r r . . . 11.4'..�:oLuLt,X'011, **The RioctAory,' A'. (;J1*P1*(1`; S -k""' Ol�'11(**Vl APRIL - 25th, 1924' " ready for lmocGs on I on Soptem- . .
.1 .. . ,r ' . I - - . I .. � y . . - . I � h.t I Ilayheld. Ont. ,(,*I'._-�. . . .. " I : I beir 8th. , . . . I .
r - r I I I . . 0 . � � � - .
r7 . I 'r . . .. i I .. � - .- _.. ... , : , I . ._�. I -Therl. W � iil bf. 4tri't-Nd � Pell, -1,1111 .it tit,, I . 8 O'CLOCK . � . , I _ , '' - JAR. R FORD, 1 - I I
I . .. . ,� 11 r ; " CAP179ALIZATION$40,000.00 ' .. - . . - . , mstifiiNCE AND. REAL USTATE I I 'rJr,,,JJI(.JJJ,., - I r , ,, I � ' Chairman of Board. . . . .
r . . . � � .
. I .
I I . .
t - . . % � � . - � .t. , I '�, — '
. . I . I 'if Miss AL (;. Wtjrlh�,'Ciju- ADMISSION - - ,50 attfs r- . :
I I . . 1. . � r . .I- � liTillgi .4r. -I .oll . � I . �
I r . . I 8,03--fiouse's A . I . " . S&LE 1113019TER
I . � . . . . . FATVIlI)%N', APRIL 2rith , .; � 1�1 -_ , .
V, . � . . . MADE Up OF . H6u I 1. 0%0`11041 014 0-4 04 -
, . I . . I . . . . ;,.. 1=_, I I . - 1�,�.. , .
I . I I . . TV ; AYO April 22nd -Auction , .
11_1�' . . r , .. I . . . — '' 41Wunlonving al 1.30 p.m., thi. foollimin. : � - - - I .1 _L)
� i � �, I . 411 kinds for sale 'at about half I llrus,�,.l 1,111 3"01-v). i tallf"tr.\ .�. r . .. I gale Of fdrin stocU and. implesmenti; at � � .
- $100 . -s ,C lot 24, con. 0, Goderich township,
�'f, . . . � what it Nvould cost you to build. It rag 3\3 -1,121, 2 loathttr u
J, will be td your interest to see me be- ruckors, I small nrekor, 2 p:&r1,,1,"P11q'1;,1r:1 AUTOMOBILE .co"Itnelicing at I o�elock. J. flow. . r . .
400 SHARES 'OF A. PAR VALUE0 fore buying. Several properties on I ,lak Pedestyl, I hti,4-1 bed eflijeb,�l w1h, X, ".
. . I I I � ,F I.. A.00 EACH" . A1111 CO. Vroprie�tor. GF,O, V fl. . r
I .
�', ; I . . . . � I very'easy terms of payment. . See my liall raeh. 2 lit,cirimill -WW4, sprill'", - OWNERS LIOTT. Auctioneer. � .
I , . I . . - inattresse% I S111iZOr -SPM,iJJX ltla� . I . . � � . ---I--- .. - . .
I I . .. . I . r . .� ., " . . list. , , � and fi�tk- S . ,r . . . . I __ � � . 1,
, '' . . P. .T. RYAN, . jJJ.'brJ,,,4r4J, ,i 1111,1114 r1l;&. I . "
,�t I . i ljnfds� � ! r$r I I RRIED . � .
. . � lily). ll� I'Vell"31 vila'r- .f t�,�Jlilt,�ttl, IV I I
�11V I PUBLIC OPMRING IS NOW MAD .10 I I . , . et 'Your arke , .. . .
, .
� I Real X91tate ltlad- Insurance. , I I I "i, li ruph(J"Ir(I � . , . . I'll. 11111I.Y. %, V.1t, V" .
.� . E Of UTHE UNSOID BALANCE OF taxis"Cil! " I dropil.0, taillf." -2., it, . .
I � ___ ,.-. , , _ _ — ---.,.-- - �l 1121. fitjjr, I . � '��
, . . T" AR'At'MIOXC, RFAL FSTATE AN '1�f, I iloal oil slii%v, ,,o%vr it J,ir, v.m 1. ill-t�. tiv It, " , ,4" " ,,�, . .
i . � ' I � � I , stuall tables, I r,s,)kmtt,Nv. I ptull,try . . FROM— t,l,,�,A �%'v.
- , . �
. I � - 1) % . �, Kim% eld 11
�� I I '00 SHARE ST .1 UMMANCE, AGENCY. LIFE, AM- it. I ,.! A kliz:q 1. % -. "!T."N�1�r'!!11",."'!. r . .
I AT PAR .$100.00 D.EXT and AUTO INSURANIX11 il"(1 milt. %111(11mv U-Iladt%', 1111-ture . � " r I Prindley, of I I It
4�1 - . . . . . . I .11 -_ ., . Anan, o, kittilet si-1, rw ru". hitetioll, J..W. MacVICAR (plr!'".hp I-,wVN!ljp. t I M." 11. All �� fl.rAt, r . . I
fi,;. - . . I I r 110t -SES AN -11 MTN SDI GOD9RICTI A-11)lwaro aud enukitfit uLvii-4.1* o . 1. f,f T,1wJ,!J,t%V. . . . . I
I 1. I I . . . . N%.Sll 110111,:1. � .. . I
I I . I r .11 .- � .1 . . I I I '.. .. VIUNITY AND FARMS FOR 5.kJX. ' � tut$4 and.1141avd, and .411'r arilv;lt�z-, . at 00. MatVICAR'S SHOE STORE. . �� . .. DIED, . , .
. . � . I I. � I ,. r. I � 'll.W 4.441I.. . 14 r , .
. � r. 1. . � ' I TX . . I . .
" . .. 1,arge number b8ted to sel"t from, In- . 14orth 514o of Squate, ' PO.Sax,l 1, V I'A V) OIoriOl T,�._,r-hip. ou z.
"f� The Coraparly have secured �approximsttely' 100 a lega, �Iiidinjr S'Orne of ton Mist housea In town. Xls..; INI, G. NV4l,flTill. T. IWNI)ltli. " ,
�P * .11 .
. ! . GODERICH . ThM -1 P'.. Ill"41 i(JI21. 4,3i'6F.11110 '�
I VeIOPM cros Of land; more i6v . A number -are full Modern equipW. PropriOrf-1,s.. rplolV,111'ev. . Shall . . . �
.. .. Alany of Ilia proportleil are very low ... . . . � . It m, .11l i qusl 16%lt� 1.4 A111. .1"hit Lw0y. �, .
I. ftom The Goderich Do ent CoWpanyo Linifted, Under most favorable terms, price, A tow can be bought,on thri monthkv ("ILFARINf; ,%t,4,T14 N l��% p".1f, 4 1. I :11; 4 . n %0 "r. .. � . �
I .. . Sittlated on the Blue 'Water Highway. orle inile South rof M11)(Int Plan. a small amount down pay. 1*1 - � I . - ! 1
41� � . Goderich, upon which is ment, the balance in monthly paymon" uir I ,��Il N11.),10"ll N i -AN, 11111 4. Ul I . . . . I I I
" . , being-congtructed a Colf Course of'el'ghteen holfti pyactico g'rolAnds atid begihners' salrl(' 45 PUYIntr rent, or any way to suit , N31411INGIA. PlIrf *1. � . I , 1110 UR TH - I .
i aser- AMC abOut them. A numbor or fo . . ,
, r I vality, %)PICO or ttrms for � 'k tille "tabliShynCnt Qrtho r
( courselo ne holes Will be'in Plar, this Year, w6rk having been beguii in 1923, and = for SaJA almost any size, ,kind, 10- . MRS. %ITION11 . 0 the series deal . trig .%Vit . 1%
.: payment requir- ,xill w1l by pub1h, alle"Ife) .0 Ill r TI. %I BANK or MW,4 .
N" how being" rushed. forwArd at, fast as weathc�ir POrtnits, under the direction of Ar. I ed. ."me large farinq , to exchange for ,l.,1u,,. ,I-r:lf-,ILr;1r �,,,. 1j,I,.J.1,.b .2, TASA14 at representative 'plOints in CAr4ADA I
. I'l ,
, . chitect's plans -and the perSonal gtlperVision of smallf'r onoi, or,for town property. A IOU* b.,u,,: _,ip%,%I J& VJJ.JJJ.,�i.'J , I and C15cwhert-. , . )
� �. . � . Mr. David Hastings,.. of Tro n, MIMI Prollortle-vtor sale, Luitable for fo%l . .-t, . J,u . . I i.
M119011r, -bee business or g4rdlinflig near 8%'I`J)NP1'H1l%)'. A131111, 30111 . I .- _". � _ .. r .
I . I Scotland, whom the Company -have been- fortunate. in securing as the Qub Profoes.; WUM. I � 0,1fluoul'ilig M I.Aq 2P'4+#vl, I . *n . I "
. sional Golfer. P14Y iS P�brnised [iy May the 24th, this year. .- . . A flnP, half- Si-etibn (of land for so 110311 �l IN TORONTO , . . I . . I I
I ,,r . � . .� . I 11(frina, ,,a�,k. lly4frOved. Weil 161140d. I', 11,A1,14'r 41101" 12 f -11.11m .111gi rl;n-�It r . .
) r . . 111OU'llir d0nP. Por salo cheap fir ex. 1. oP , In bron1m J-dii-r: 2 YnAvia jn� I .
ChAngiv trip pr(jperty bjiro. X " ..
do -.&i 3 P-11101-b-1.1tit ruit.; I 1A firwitt , � f . I I .
� � Alterations are now under WaY to the Club House Property, which. when Com. . For ill obtlarfl,leulam ,qtv ,Y. Nv. .jlj*q� ,1111,-. dt,#-%%f 1, qlarill, 11*1011 .11, , . ,.,Or,*, 0, r . I �
.. � ,;TAo* ,v. I N 116A ��. I I . .
. . . ' Nt.. PaNqll.�o Jait" Oidt.1fi.ji; (!'(.�,%,,Z'kJJP',I N`J,rJJl4%; I Litl.J,f.J1 I'ItIll , r . I , ar, P,�Ij V I I . I . I ,
I . ... � pleted, Will give shareholders the Veiy beat of accopmodation. A fitnited number Dox S19. . I . . . 11 Ill ,.,*. . , ., ,
. . . I I - . I U10101 4;1lp1l-,,1r#J. I W4,12'.17 vhm"-. . , . 0, ,4 ,.;Z;�,,f,�U � -. '. . � - - :1 I "
'Of tOOtaS Will he av4ila6le (Or Week -end ViSitOrs, etC.p large lounge room, cli ' I I 0,01 A 1'. fig .. gmill �1� 17"v6. , , - , . .. . !,P4
! � pg wI �40!,.!11. " . . te ,t "M
ning . , _ �N .
' . I I... I .
I .S r � '.. .":-�,l11*,?.,7.r,.,1f7 � � - s it- ,
t � . CRAIGIE 1, �, frolit ,lild k 1-1'N, T. 1.1;v "r "Id, : I , , ri .0, . .; to Nii; .
r . I Is.'all -,. , 4 0 1 :
. ,;�e,i�a ': .. .. - ,,, .- �,' J - ':, . ..-f,-,T_;i.",4 , . � .
I;,'1,q".-;J()11, -,ilv! ,th t.,Aclf , , . --4�7,- ?: :
I i 0 I E',.".,0411! ,;.
: . f"11116, . * .
roorn, Merj'e SMoking room, ladiies' rest room, bath rooins, locker r orns, Complete. Itf,'llf- C'4TAIV .&Nil INS(1tV%cJ,-, , � !V , / .*
, v ;
. Ist, Q ,C%-:P.J. J'All, '%a,,F
li� . I I , ,� 4!:R t- r'.1 �,. A ,,, 1, I.:",.' J ?,_",_ 11
: The Very best catering available will be supplied �",Iub MCMbers thi6 year. . I - �. 11111"I �l N.� 2 litall-J., 14 #,At ,:il - - ., , I � � .. '444 , �fi 4.
. I . . IN lit S�%% , 1. , - - - -- , * g*f1f.is,-*,,,-1- , 1. '- ... .
*i - .,..%_ I J%". tt,j .,�.J J,-1.1 ; 1114 " f J ,., ! [� 1� �, , '. 4. V 'I , I . 0 - -. , I '.." , - " ii ,.. &'03%� "I
I . � . I 1. V. , Al , a, " � - .
I � 0 firit-14 fully JrAnlern A 1�-mj'l 4#il-. ift!o r 411-11-, -.0 1.1 hwjs ". * -6 .'*. , , .., 'A -14h. ' - I TJ" . -
r L, .%11-1 N. I,( .1. 1* 16 1W " " ��j ; Ar,�; I 11�
The ,C�tnpany � I , .. ,�j ", f :;J7r", - . , -_. -
I ." bjb�..,*..44...�121, 1 .`�' � ",'H7 J;'�.
N - "IF Lit - 11 "'. 1-7 ,� . �_- -- - _-
I -I V--I%-' 11� M.- 9 - � .
Ll"101 14tuat'.11 . , J." 0 -,,ft l, .
. -
11 also intend to COnstruct, at once, Tennis Courts, both haTd and hims". rull lilt, d(lubli. 4r: ;AIZ r(il#�'. pil�, N � X! !-,"�,.1.Aqa*-.. M .1. .4W 6
. cor. F;Igitj Ave. '411(i .'41.uil,"�' !4tr#�$.t, ufi� , 1!� 1! I '), $, � 11 �i - ,%, *
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1mPeqi(�A,,4l,)n. Isrifil, ,, r 'it --4 4
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THISCO"' M P ANY WILL OWN ITS OWN AND 1.%r' 11141141r, , 1�.nail rlwa, o": -I . .
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J I . JPf'..J,.,v4Jrm. Priets PI.X(Joj I . .
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I �.. I %for.,, rp.11110l , I .K Al 1. � !, -
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In an6wer to enquiries, no", being made daily o us, the CornPany Wish it to good re If "#P.'(!a,eJ it Y1, '
11 r _3 BraneljeS V,Cj,
, r "it. I pitwit.-IJ on) flio �1.1111-' 11'� '.Ill.. . 11"i"'IJI, -t,. I I., I-, � k., --,v .Jr.JJ,J . ill Jtir", ot 1818 establijung I .
� be gencrall.v tinderstood that Overtures have been made to- the M' War% jav _� e Mv, . - I 1. . '' "--1 I 1, _1 . .. I I 1. I . I
=,�,_' .' . rC, %)4jPdjJy,Jb "re ' - �Club , �14,.Alli lllill.�.7_4, f4-i-d,ap.14i 1,,iv.-,,�i. It., - , , , A. -I. V,ItI.A,A..AI VI -.,tsw, I
liniquiah t6ir I ,� - ompah .d clolf . ?Iiin .... 1wil 1PoSq1,.tA%Jo1l. #,fJ'JJ,df, J�.. ', A,8eiieics wKifipi6il, 1. � . .
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I . - )VA 0, R � ,; �,l f:!4# .*'�� ". and Yot
,aii'd j64n th' 1 Priet! f3lqW.
Is , ,V ��nder favo'rable terms, I filil r li-4 iAa.14 may 10c, 10d at l"A , Vw. parfivil., v, -J ul ti, .�� V... V -, 1" 0 . r I
1; I � . and thus avoid dupliCation, :bUt they Were UnSUCCeSSNJ. In orderi 11OWeVer, to be ' 021 lell., X jl,%�4. f,.. %I it NO. York, vd-9di aftcnv,ard_q ttrcajlt,�, t1le city , 1.,4)ronto, I;ad t6a p U, bd �i
J. IV, C I �11 %041. . :1
RAIGIE Iln-pe:0,111. . . Allt'��011L, " it I I � �
'' as hir as possible, it has been de8ded to hare of th' !; flr-',t r,t19P<*:ld1 CMA municaton estabd(" I
a"Vt Oft�os., - - ... , gb;,ed with Kmgsten and Mon.
'of t11,8 0 MAitland Golf ==--t-_:::-t�� - _ � 1. � - �-_._ - � - _1 I � _ . . � - � I I
Club at par as part payinent on one sharo � - --- _ - I _
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. . . nuch sharo* and'desirotis of joining this Company, UP Until, but not after May *VV^ from Which tile ltl&aro V., �(.totr4-1�;-,itllf�tilier4-,-21,jodlernicw,tvn
I first, 1914;" - . Iry r_r
. � � . I .1 V WN OF G 0DEA10% 'ILI"
� I : .1 . It Of dle little c0M1nUW!y. Today Toremo ixif,z anleslo flt,� ljvg�t citt,m
. .
I � Application for Shares, ,thould. be made t'o DOG LMENSE on die contimat. I , I .
___ ) .
.. I R, L LLOYD, Of dtt Bank's 567 D'r=,'�e�, 26 ire tit Toronto and zo7 in
. e T110*0W110�, cla, had,torar (,fany Dt,g witifow a ii,41n,40 0 Ji'd4f) die Province of Onlirily, badaul rig, Toronto. � .
PrOvi;'Onfll 800 tafY Blue WatCt Golf and COUntrY Club, Ltd. to Iii!nVoution up -der tho Town 131 -la -mg, 1 1
S, Degi at large �Vfthout it J,rovov Lieer,t:e Tao,, -.01 lo d4nti,4j�,fd. I
, I per cent. 0 Tgi riay to el),,M1leJ afj� t1l,
.1 � g to pregis with this advertisetlient. a Male befo-re I ku(11�0r. Mr. camel Af.� ,) T�)7,1,, 11�111 fl,,111 t'��(, �
I goin r f thig issue has already been ubscribed by private, ' ,; tscep a df)", ge#�.,� T,'�,01)%,, .1 R AL
.. _ I If you,walA f, , I -
I .. -1- I.. � I It C. TWT1.1111 I WAI'rl, (,'j�i(J 4�,J 1'�Al,Uol. Estsibli-mihorl over 100 years
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