HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-10, Page 9V
TWUMMAV, APRIL 1(kh. 144�
-V. -4 th4l rta"It of vit
near Dawson, Caaadjeswhoot Vo*
Mg ""a" b1ti
A ex are increasing Yost,
Oy. Itho questions �?f trolmPortatioll
IBM im;140ang ar.4 pr�co are priMem.—
�%hkh l"14.1 almaxs utt#1�4 it. WV, All
AWM I it Mr
D way that tho PeTZA of deprtx- �
-`on for the agri�uhuyal �ntvwvts iit,
autt that tkey v411 be th-�
vaneed in its 1*01ation, even for an tcadclrt in the rcund t3 propperits'.
.1 Radical Bill One western fimmer war;ls bis frieud,4
W -tlier by deliberate intent or bQ- Australian state. When it sought a that the 90u% of ini m�gTation wili
h embers Of loan in Britulu Some time ago its So- ii*ku, alliong other th"ingo, the C& $009"
Use tho more radical M ,
clalist premier, Mr. �L G. Theodore, corption ot a nwnbcr 02 inlprovl� I �7
e pzrty have forced them into itt
ain% Labor Government has hl- was tt)ld that moneycd men regarded farma which bave bron 11,cc-cl o n lbo
-ome 0,, It$ legislatiov, and particu- warkct by Some rof the��o disccuragC1 tj s t Vlcclvol a Tlip�
ucvd a; rents bill Which MaY rc-
t In the defeat Of the Goverlaulcut. larly its Land Act� as introducing an owners at privea whIM lie, conAdoml
-lement, of insecurit, nt e Ili-trawattit
#, V which could, not oadivillou4Y 1,)W.,, 110 intimulea 111Q Ule1j",
brief tb5s provides that an unem-
evicted jr4rA be Overlooked* The Queensland Gov -
ed tenant vanuot be ximient immediately turned to New thcre will be 3, smvelty of sulb Tahimtt,; ina'de , tat it
farms. and- #dv2se',i Owners to get baelt
ouse for nou�paymont of root %M- York where there, was not such 01). to thera without delay..
it van be proven by the own (JQJ�Qndab-IQ 4;'W(_-
jection. But in the meantime it )lAs
he har4ship from* evidently decided that there i,%- soule- 04:mv It
Hare to get possession than Owtell, thing, in the British vriticisms for it Lucy was walking dowa Mut'l Q�. just 'the C,,zat for 1,41,uy
nt IWOUld by evictior. This ISW far has ulade concessions accept#de to Ph
he most socialistic uleasum t . hat the tile ijondon moneyed men, and the looking and fcjljv., tier b.
"rovernment has stood spairsor for. I nt; or Illet # gentleman friend of %icr-,j avA
he 0onservatives are sojidlyx�gajnst poan, whWx is for the retireme ifter discussirt, t1jo 4114nipor.art tot.,
and many of the LlberatW'uro said - loans previously made, is now to go, pie of Vaccination, she inquired of Min All sizQsl 1)'hile 111ey
through there. %*,here
+,a be determined to AVU it. Some. if -he would he in* prested to 8(.(.
(�)servej-a bellevt +,hat t%e Govern" j I Butt Has Surplus of F4 %y NjI ) 1 she b4d been vaccinated. laill wal t
if much abashM, Vot pulled hiftivIf tO-
ment has reached the pollat lyh&e it o1a lion Pounds other and answered in Me affirnia-!,'
has decided to derilleraUAV challenge
tho� opposition parties eegnrdless of The amazing ability of John... BuIlT tive. "Do you 040C that house avkw�,i
to make ends meet in tite ism ok very the street with'the green P
the. consequences, 10oving that 'in trying vonditions is 14ustr*tPA in the, SAMIA CELEBRAM TMNING OF FIRST SOD Olt bul".
the event, of A vli-�v "Olootion it WOU14 official announcement of a isurplus of Ing. Said Luev, 'vell that a a where X
at least limprove its 'pogition it it 114y Steel (,�orp�or, irst sod rezentl ftkr tficir Mg plailt. at SA111"L vaceluai�V, (114 1 1. h I
fifty million pounds at the end -of the The I)o1ninjon A 1tion turned the f ly .._ �_
were not xpWrtlea to, power. Later fjocal year. This is balf �of the sur- Williain 13. Rqd, Ilmsidetti, of the Corporation 1S seen aboye lj�ilding the s3vo.copadz. (I. -I
,despatches say that the ilo or the 9 at- plus of -the provioup yor. The dif- tile right, weaflng the I%idge., is seen liert H iei
McCreath, the organi- of the 01111IV11'o' AL UAIIINN AV,
Made has bet'll 4odoved in, thii face ADIAN NATION
of defeat and modification of the mea- fdrence is almost entireV due to the
v4liction, in the i4come Ur, compar- new leader%of the I' his bapicas 00ve 48 a 1,unch Counter Service Ifetwev1% '11'r-
jr tribesmen, Abdel- greut powers allndonec t surplus, is t1kc best 1wile of
snue is lotbrlutoa, RQBIN�s
tatively slight as it wa%, made In -at is said by foreign military ex. race in the boar of Ito need, b no lel-.� tomplete. growth for IZU� `-lun onto alut winnipeg
a is on the way to that
Tlw Argenfini's New'Pension Law Is year. 9he 'built of *�.e surplus will, pdrts, to havp. built up a most form! -'a blot an the page- of civilizatlerw. ICAT(40 ny For the convenience Of its
I be applied outomat104y*"`,*he -realle- doble fighting force. it is well equip- T he Lausa=o Treaty betive011 the 4mvit In spite of ma -41 Itail'am'-s are LAW
or"61c . , 0 C 4C he ca"'Ifflan NatiOn
tion of tbd debt. WlaiW Interests orti UA& kTurkoy, has been tbe A r V lqw- operating Colonist Coro
pod, qQt only with small arms bat i)owerq
It will 'be surprising. if the now prossift, for taxalaorl -'viiliaf in addi- with artillery, quite modern and with subject of warlu, eritlei= in the IDA lc;,.a pjntjt,!� woulki be a �,O, with unch, counlers (in "Th- \a -
pension law of the Argentine oVer- tion to the ordinary in I tionall, between Toronto and Winni-
cbme'tax-payer. ijmorls� 'But no Ong udw4out- g.L,%, fWAM'.
an abajjdan�p_ of ammunition. This tish Con
serious trouble 'Or. auv The theatrical a4d 4gribler nuldnt in- man, Is said, to lip the first of the Bei- ed steps for the Puniie o�t lieg, loaving Torouto 10-45
1�ngfll of time. In effect it provides terests in particular are making a ., ber 1raccefor generations wbo has beloil, key, "Au latter coutitnv kne%v ULTY �X a Real R�pvntanca In Germany daily, al,riviug Winniov,,, 4.10 T. ni.
�bat -anyone who has worked for a l alp T
strong Aght for a%4V4rinment of tlie able to get the tribOlMon to submit well that the Powers alo III mo nloo,): Gonerol, l:udeP6&, fork -00V4 Aeldithe third dq, and frOM Win ' I" N
company -or in4vidual for 25 conse- 14nius�mei%t tux, Vloy plaim, that 1� m.' -Blip oreS810g P410t
to regulation& and discipline wi-ach tor war with ber aolw. marq,nul of the German armY,. waas Toronto leovilig Winnipeg 121.30 1.
votive years in any capacity: is`entit- i since this tux produtod Its peak of nd oft thli field acquittea cgl the vbar,�v of treason ar' dallY, uvriving Torn to 7.120 U..M. th(I I
iea to conso work and to receive to the i obeys com%aAds oil a' k
rovenue in Ml, lt'has:advorsely of- of. battle -without question. Spa;n A National Cbal rtWkav ising ouz of the 3,evuh at MuMch last third day. - ,,, ten, and bov. vr �nn r c),r X1. u*r
tftid of, his lifa, the salary, he was re- footed the uumiielne)%'business. with. h d.. kker own ht ."The 'adverse vote agasw;t the -Do- November, Hitivr and all the other ril, saudwitbos, pieq, Janl,qnilk. b% CK.:) X:) IP, JR -T 0
as a hard task to hv�
er 11spbere of in1luened", in UoroMo. solution. Icaders of the unsuc
ing class bears tho hoaviest litirden-of: im-Inion Government on. AL :ft,
'log when he * it The employ- thfa result tUt Sere'llas $beoli a tre' h ceqsfal rising,
odw qu - 1patMr, *b4ked
mendous falr3pq ofl! . in attendance and IV
INIs arrang4ment. It would be a dull [regarding a. uhtional -COW VollcY, was, NYOM' cQnVIQ' d 0" sentorlmd to vary- I chased at the lunth vountk (wlunled
Inx A orlas o! imp�isonvcut. The ver .1 tjwt, during I the day.
revenue. There -seen-is tolbe a belief,,The No-* York Loan tw Switzerland., a matt4r of 1pollt:4*4 niam)euvring'
#n4gination that eo��Id not picture th that, if %e Lalior party -holds office t -V a Q, pleased the ma-!
jn� In, nterests did %'Wbicli did not Product 140- visuL41 (Ilet '; 411t; to 11 v I au , fittc(i
-few Tn"ths longer it will I jtir .' Of the GOTmall PONP' ` g*lfJhM?%X war Aiorvho
dMiculties and dangers of such a law, for a N ew Yoric 6noy- I This Aervice iq ill %:
strohe of basinpss for' their I fect of a Govtlmlutlit (defeat- Apart It' Vh0 uA` tion to the rej witil lootb-vt bom.411ligg for the
'Old age and- sickness pensions are pose the propo�kd tax on race track good edly re d'04"' 'with Itej on the u tvio;'t Im I I alt 110 to dpto Mi.
whful . they loanod to Switzer- & altog,6ther frem politim-411 -Canadinna doubt gard the war lcul
�,000n�*k r4cognized - as. reasonable betting" from -which an estimated ve, countm' * upon, them as -th;C &4,
an wl;'ch allection, and look hakibe.,%
and fair measures. This one ne land thirty in4lion 4ollars, to be utIJ, MaYsurelV agreo that mily pI
,pds to venuo'4of -anywhere. up'to thirty ni for freeing\ 'ctims .1"lle Choi',
,aemonstratwthat it can live. o" . v:;. lizdd in the phrehase-of wheat and Would r.uak6 it possible for the peo.' ultimate instruments "40040,1ke
lion pout4s Is prodicted� r, U '40 da VI —The, man O�
y - ibe suppliett, nt*.. tbL.m from the Yoke Of' tlWA# 14 -%- I
other ctreols from. tive, United States. ple of this count otetric cowes [Itctrid 114110 War
04r, man -stWoet to asthmn. ij indoM a C
-tonsion of -the 'credit systent'reasorAbIt, vates, wilth coal from There Is no real repont4nec iti
To4n of One Hundred Alillion Will Be This ex 0, f4atetowAvolk, . W4014CU144P
11"_66�d in London Italy WM. Tinprove Nava -I Strength looics like � a more practic4ble means I milies witirin Us own borders, would many, and anything she does to meet ,tlm. What ean be more, territyin"
Ands laid ddwn bF the Allies to suddenly b-. seized *ith
t d 14 T in farmers of the Jbe vvil vorflh -aWiprt. The difficulty the den, Wo owt, klip lmtf� S11141upo(W Ant, 0
British financIM Interests have -won - Italy is the latest coutitry o ecj,� o assisting, the gra on% of the will be done as a matter. of exPe- Nr ckhokiiig WhiLb, seem, to thir., Illitt'roolo pleinii6tlikum �-our Own
it&_ �njiy ' rmimaat is that Uk
t -In -4 tathx�i-curiou"ontost-iigainslt---.Upo- - im-M-Moment-_ al _Unitod__Statm__tban__thp... -to Aicficy-4,fily,�—Thww-js of life it- alaim. V041111111loWelu.
tal defences. A. plan of making direct loans to them. country �Rxe o far ii�WWfrom the
land, Aus. strength nud its &rose (;erma
'the Government of Queens] opportunity Illy such a oon I On' Tyr.
tralia, and.New York, The first re. numInr of cruisers, far superior in coal proodut= 9 ;arvus to get that corn, if tho at . W& . Prince Agir . AIM. She Asthma Remedy hUR you. . P47R.31tAGE Wu 1 016
speed and gun power,* will reploe6 Turldsh Sdiits Will Render. 56jQ09 =041tt-V9 ut tronsoxable prices, They would
-suit. is that a. loan,approximSting Homelest I am thus aepenjiont Upon coal .. from must be made to Made=tand 1hat her broutPhtb.,4Lj. to completely iestoreki
onq hundrqd million dollars will be h0sen0w becoming obsolete, And the s esent duty, is to,�oWTtlie tommands health- and "happines%. 11'18 knOWn W. 0- GAmpbeLLI,
V 'the United $t.;Rtes. -In the develop- pr n every vvc!Cion oi this HAIRORKSUR
floated in* London and not in, New new Sortresses- will replace those at Itecent edicts by. tbe.1ourkish go .1 allies and to reftuin from the and prized f
ibase0which were once considered id- mment establishing, -Aanes' froMIMeTit of Its ralLtural resource.1 to thei of the
York,, *hich� a few nlontl�s ago, cl4hn- , eal lorl'heir purpose. The iuigestkoi which all Armenians are barred will, II-mit of,,Oycir mwofulliess for ats own tactics which have ziude it necessary broad . Iona,
ed to bave had the, transaction in its% Vriniar4kv, and for export it for the allies to dt9beM6,10 any *9111-
I 1 1, from Washington foi�. a new confer- it t thous- PmPllc ises. that aro
'p6sm'ssion. Qu6engldnd is rather ad - is said* render anoth6r M4 not immediate.y j%plo- Whore A Pew Minutes 110c
would K-om to bc' and, peoplie-homcilesi.j.., The last hope I
once bn armam, ents . 9 .1 1 mooted by act on. A Month'a Difference,