HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-10, Page 7I
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..Our rath" whick vvqwlvo - 1. "
nOM7 ,:I, imatt 6.#4-0)1 A _ JLAL. a& , I lift 9 FIA, : .
I The U I 40 z, . I K 41111101AW
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. at Aki sure as G d is "; as sure as ( , . - - 7r.4,., 0,)k C
I I clirwUlt"ity is the roLJW" which God . I (,*a1fV.,,V a-41 1 :i '110 I or liany rough ralich. sorenesit at efto. /
I caretl *0 *Wb to to" "elm ies tO i I W y I - . . tion, should,,be retarded as a pos%A"
c his ,
I .orae to exith in the "on of I solur, e of CQUIUM w other V*i1wfj4 .
I : I's all power A Ulsvon. AVAI A Ikxth Of (41wer ("'OW"k unt" ' "`C-' &hea faiilipW bwl l'i I . *M obstinate "-in diseftt
I I . Son; ** ivore as brought UWUt by -,zeVere Attaika oe
I it .1 4ud on *arth is *Iven to Joel* chriAt, one kankircil and fifty years ago, i' gout, from whi0l h", lladll , 4 I 11`r atevery troublewri-te- oq c witk
t, misFionod his dilwi- on the 4th of April; 1774, Dr.; Oliver beridta"
. *3 sure as ho com wen a wrlonit suftrer, cilalpollcd ,,, -s " I
11, - I I -11 a , - ples, tkerotere, to so into all the Upl.diiinift, ono of tbe 11105t l0vtlble him to BULI the klui"ULIO Of thiD 11i)u`0 . %, Zan .134-. Thiu refined lkotb^ - i
. . I rI4 *U4 preech, 'his gospel to every chils"Wters ill the awAl_i of F"glish -ears later he re A (unlike fatty Pore, clogging Qi t, ,61
we 4i, and two .% J % . I I
, . _. , . ,th to literoturev. diej at cl w iigv *f 46. ,of Lox i ... the kin. . t, "
,; creature; as r . tired front office into private II I A k sinks deep into the kin 11
, 'V, 'Ure as, he protetu n of gcniv; have Qxpeliea ff. I . , I
' 1 . CXRZZ?4 TEA - '"'" be with such OU thO days *v#A U"tQ Few Vie ' In 177o he ", s able to again retutf aad plinkics, the W,Ilwc tissue, drs " .
e4 Privations -134 UQUI, and oiie". iva instar; c ; *_1
t the end of the ilg _,tguiggles such a,,i I, to 116 6Qat in the 1409, ut(l dutitlg! I I dexul . I .,
19, bo n'Afrlc*. mokl*ed the oareetv of this warat- , I 1r21r11k1'aU J Qou ploxiou in st woft"46ul , .. I I I
I to In Ithw -lariter "Um r or ,cup* It tianity of Ultimate triuroph i orld hearted Irishman, -whose work" U0 the few Ternainivig $eArs of hLq life , . .
4 :: 11". stv" pior V0,42%4 . _ V01101OUg I _ TVT % God vaited a 1QV9 time 10V the wc )to popular to4us, be used all his eloquence and influemm I -.1 - -1 . V . . r
, . t(i get ready for Jesus Vhrist, but In better known Wild m( againtit the PQhVY of the goverallictit I , I \ I I
1; .. I I ,M_ the fullness of time lie C41110- Quit than tbo*e of any of his brillialit Coll- I I . 16" %" 1
7J - _ _ - temporarle - I in "DuKtion with tile revoliing Am-' " I i
i - %, . ".. "- "!--!!!!!!!!!!!!e!!!!!'!'!!!!!"E-- -.- -- , , s. The WaJoritY of hll LAVicall Clgonie, -1
W!t!" s, which. culminated on .. .
,. _! __e_m. waited a long time for the prevairg _ . , I
t, tion. of Indio, China, Japan, ROM, troubles W*r* the result of his ou'll 4 \
lm a the " ,th of Apvil, 17W, with tile lit`0- i: lei I 1 *4W____'
1 aad- the islands pf the sag, and for the folly,,kvhIch in his,youriger days vaus- "Peace on Nay terratip, .., .
. readiness Of Chriatiants, to carry t4 hink to throw away golden 9ppoi,t, "O to conclude 11, " I.." I 1_1-.- I—, I
, , - ,I,
, e . N I
I ( , el, +% has, lie waited tuttities, and which, witen. suceQS3 t I 11
I a them the gosp I a was erall statesulan Into the House for 1 1 .. I
I I , , - a for the message ,of salvation to . the lost tinto to make a PASSionato'i I ^NO. I . I ,
I ., , - '
' -' .1 Sunday Atternoo'n IN. came to him and, a steady incom S , a suggestioix which brought thoi vOt- i, , . 11"\ -
jt, ,i . a, . - A 9*&CW to the millions of Pagariand assuXi. led him to ii4ilie ill reckics, but futile. protest. The exertiou AvAs I
, 004vich, OW. ,. extravagances ZAM-SUK 1AE91011ft SW 11
, , - -, * ,UAM ,9AW47,0N, j UqUirfmedan Africa. - . ..,
'ft i . I _. . of 27 be left Loy. too much for his shattered constitu- .. " & severe "01111% started On, my d*u ii
i I " oinnoiwo I "Out of the shadows of Aigbt, V%ert- at the age back in hin seat in a I i 4htqr1#foft"*
i . tion, and he fell atelk." bays Mrs. It. Amey, 42, Lysill Av*,, TWW*. , " .
. , 11 The world rolls Into light, den University, the third at witich he ath the follow- . , i
, . I
, I whose glory fifts the sklest' Phet that is in Israel, telleth the kinX I bad spent a profitless perlod'of study, fit, which led to his de of 10. " I wa5 about to rall in % %kin npeciplist Who& I %Wd '. I
Christ, It is daybreak everywhere.'* Ing 11th May, at th . of twa Zain-Rul; t"ittment rescuing otbtrsufferom 4* 1J, r4
brist, the true, the -only UghtA Of Isrliel tba wards, that thou. Speak* ,. '101.., andered for a year throllgh Xur- - .!.age
I 0 . .1' Wil'badads' Wilson S. Nay he w. I I got vi box at Xam*auk and sailve zam au)t Uotklioa 1, 41
I 'Righteousne a , Cat in thy W chgoliber OpOl leading the life of A h0meltl% . . . . \
. Suti of 85, I'deo$,of night. on hearing, this, sent an armed Xni;l *."_ oBrruARY I . Soap. This two jold tteA101tht bad a gre0sootlelogo" ., I
' '
'I 1 , ' ,Triumph O'er the -all vagabond" and Obtaining foQd and bicD0NAI,D,_Qn Monday, MArvii; urifying influence. Dav by dav the sores all g"At%W. . " , .
, to pothaii to bting back X11sha, lea a GODERICH POY'S . - , _ I .
Dayspri high, be Ao# ; I I 9 .1% in ir's Okla W*0 .
,3w front 04 at with 'bar- . , Mt),CAL, ICARM. Shelter by playliq the Oute. 110 was - James McDonald, ot Do- I U titled stud V. bi the month my doughte 11 . , :
I I prisoner. This grest bo, : 2s, wben he arrived in London, and 24th, Ur . wa WX thoroughly deomd of all impurity,- i
DayAtior, 11 . my heart appear. ty . — . . trolt, and it former residen of t 0111111110"lim" . 1. ., . :
I . -charles, Wesloy sea and chariots surroxincled the A having jailed to make a UvOlhood In , be 011AR VOWAft sa a" -Bilkbalial Is *014,040c. ft box, ,Z*M-Xok I I .
I at a , ight, 10"'s servant"On go, . ison, Chief 31"6641 m. vt Hullett tp., VASW4 away. W The Itlon.
. - Dr. J. A. Hatchl lilanyVoup4tions he felt. back on the 4th Ci , - rMaw #W Medicinsi Soap 25c. the c4e, 7k, Oox Qf thrite, Of ,,, I
! 1. MA101% out for an early walk, saw t 'x Cora- Officer of Q X. It. Littes'Becolnes lowest literary drudgery, and for He was born Ill Scotland and came to OsdTf=ZWO"'M druggists everywbete. or Zara-liluk Co,, Tomallo, , 1. I 1. 11
i Almighty God I Ath- - ' 'Consulting Surgeon. of Royal Vic- eight years was qften on the verges Canada when a`bid with his parents, I -11 - I . I
, , our ReavenlY r pally 4nd hurriedly informed is InAll . 11 . . . _ I
I for lives lived, in ter in war . toria Institution. , Ilett, Later some I —
. or, we thank Thee ds that were fitted al ; , . of starvation. Nlbq settled in Hu I I " , . I
. . t1oft touch with Thy$.If. blay their him; "Alas, my maqtorl h a , Few came to Nut with the publica- so years ago he welit, to California, . . I
. faith and courage, insp-re-,us so that we do ? His. ingiter was undiom*YNI The follOwilill clipping from a Uoutre. returning and farming near Wyom- ,,, I I . A, .. t `
I I 4 r wi be reatt with Rri at interest, t1on of IAThe Vicar of WakefiCtillf and, 12 years ago moved to I 1. I , I
. we may 'have a vision Of the 11110eeO for God revealed -to big' vision A tke f4rally in Goderleu.. "Tito Travo)ler," and gaitted-Um 44-' Ing and some - I
q but real belping waiting to. 14841-0 mightidr bast than the servant saw. bv tr avid ' at t1 Is survived by three
, , I Petroit, He . 1, 3
1 : i , , - .. exander Hatblilsoo WoR ap- mittanco into the eircle,of lirlilliant I I tow M r s. . I I .
I ' dthout- not,, for -thW that be. with us r, I- I I
. , Victory over fees, within and 'Vn b an oyed the "friendship, of di%ughte`rst and' t . 11 I 11111 ill .
I . _1U6 no' love a ItIV)."'al I ... ,- _ I 0
our hearts, we 1111111m, re Victoria Elofipltala4 tbv avnloal meeting Dr. Samuel Jobtison, the uncro-,:%lited Reynolds, sr.,
r beseech. Thee, are a ihan they that be ,41th Delut olmoult'ng surgeon to Val men w 0 j of I iett Mrs, P. e!mwmm! , ! !,!! !t!!! — !.!! n'tr __ t.!_
, 'Imply . did rulisha calut the - and Ono I
I I i .1 . Of 40, solfislitiess which is the ,dearest thern:, Thua , at the %aa of Governors at the hosPW literary monarch a; the day, but It McDonald, of Courtvlght, - Elliott you wuZ no more,
; ' - Idol we have kn6wLi, so that w6 WAY frightened sev%grit With words slitat-' at 1101(i yesterday afternoon. hor, John bleDonild, of Croderleb M , j. 11. ljlllan, Win. Blair! Jadgment day and ,
I . - - I prepared to meet.your Malter as t alit . .
.el olor ,# was noWulltil the rproduction of his brotl Avid Clark. . I - ."_ -
. worship ,,and serve the one living -and I.ar to those used by. ilPaa in his epi5- .protessor ,john Tate, protal -4 ) made ill Detroit la;j avid D ,%v6uhl ,
. .
. 11 1! Sav, tle to! the Romans; "What shall we Physiology tit 19colit ,1141varelty, was play, .11 a Good Tiaturk Man," 12 Interment was , " - __ . to tueet your account you sum L. I
. trua Qoll:t and JeWs, Christ, Ou after his, au'vebt in London, that Thursday 109ruingo . . Will lie Do It'i have to, go to h0l. Trusting you will
Iour.' A " thnsay to tbeae things?" If- God appointed -consulting plivalclegist and years Y large amount , . I it ropy of 'a lot . I . I I I .
mark. . . w4ituall, Professor of he received an; of alon- cveland,. Following N ter Lid- do tills, I Am. ete ll . I ,
. ,,,.4 S1UX1DAy,*CHQOL, LMON VbU 'be for ,as, who can be against us?' frotessol" S. 't uRIN1.;._Mrs. Brinee,of 01 ,I!
. . - was appointed con ey for his. work, The play brought sod to the head of the accounting 1, , 0 1 , 1 . I I %
. , . . hat there was A,ustomy %t, joolli .. . . .. , a Sister of 'bliss Annie Reynolds, of dres -intent from a rural Customer: 111110es NV01`131 Powders veldant - .
., Tofarther assure -him t sultaut In anatomy, . a 'of a ro. (lopir
I -
. . ! , . I . APUIL 20th, 19X4 ,. ric force grejer ,than. the hira $2600 and tile nasuratic Goderich, died recentlY, Dect4gid account, had boon stunding fall. They intmediattly atfttk the ' - - .
, I
. . iWort Vitt-4--visha "! Teaiher and A prote4ti ad that the r J)r. autelilson, who becouleg consult- munerative market for future work.. was a native of Hunett township, And whOse 0 ns, and who had. been' worms and oxitel them frow the Sys,,
. , 1 I , - . 9. . I I 11 Attacking boi I ' I surgeon tothe Heap tal, is a alatia. and with reasonable providence his after her martiage went to live Ill thtsi`* many A' 0 I
statemaw. . I 2 a no tova. They are campleta,$* tbm, 7
I -rd mIgh" 'at the servant sto What u shod graduate at X IR Untrereltv. I
1, t.. . _IUespon pas ag'_2 Kings 6,.15-2 . Lo . t life, thenceforward would have been that busy city. Besides her husband rQPQAtedIY 118)(Pa to Settle- F '1' t- p
" I & . ha,$&w. flAnd the. Lord cipoge4 the and a, atauncli fri011a"Aud suPPOrter 0 - I got even.a reply, the,ace4ulitant C,_ .,, .. t
I I onpaoj at least moderate prosperity, . na, sho to selves. not Only as a worm destroyer. , -
, d e saw; the Unl erglty I ,
t I Goldett Toxt-Roak. *'21.' , , I eye. of the young man;ai I ,. Its was bbra Au'Mon . Iromptly forg4pt all his past and tlivea, daughters and two so the delinquent one a letter which I but as *a highly boneAcIA, m"One - , ., .
I 'but he ' . is Analo sent ,;;
- . .
11, ., , rob And I behold, the mountabli Was full Pf treal In 1863, ind received his prellmill- A%ed out 0 a . vived by, her sister, Nis - reply: 110ear for ehildron, coxrocting weak ditoe. . .
. God , a. Xry edilell,tion in Montroat High school, prj, Atlons. and loulle int, , is Sur ids, at Goderich;.and.three bra. brought the folloNvIul I
. , appeared ,to,Zliiah at H to 6f,.fire,roti - Roynol ,t I - aoltilit t Sys- .
I in ,ia'stIll'amall'VOIC0 1 aria :told him. ho; es find I ChariO 3nd i Sir:_1 got your letter about withtJ tion and restoring the a 04 . ,
4 . . 633il at Go4odch, Ontario. He graduated Attar of nee as$ extr4vh9ltt1.Qe- He titers, ohni, of Clinton; Patrick, of f
I Elisha, %'he '.son of about Elighst." The openi of his I
. to go Aild anoint I I I ng lumeatoloorom NoGill in 1884,,aftet', rc ased t a lease tof.6ambers Ili and Paminl at New Us- Owe. ya%i, Now be. paellunt. I ai0 teal to healthfulness, without.,irbich i,
- ,
I . his fear$, . Hullett. y , lease wait. Whell, suill the growth of the Child will be rotalvi. . .
11 9hapitat, to. .be, prophet, in his, stead, eyes quieted, wards puraninig! post gisdosto gtudles a am le, which ll furnished' in a 'Only'a month ago another fbt*et On P . I ..
I , in R41uhurgh mud London. 04 rot4va ke4rd. . . . 1, "
, , : .11 Leaving tile Cove of, -.1forelt Elljob -2o-4ho Alladintr of. Ae Axatv . .6 o nner, and'Whire he lov. , .d. at. Clinton,i, Ujis. QOIS pay tile I pay ,you. It this wa,; od and I .I I Is constitution weakened, .,
, , 18 I ing to Cgivaaa be commenced praetli! sister was hurie I .:,41:1:1 ill ill 11111101111:111: l ill. . I
I went, to the A44 where Eli ha was . ,
. Elish4 calmly, w We.d the, a Ishly entertained his frie,qds, vAU the Marcon. whc; had'.died .Ili Detroit. 0_--!==:11*' 1','1 11 " 1 1 . 0 "_ I I
I . bugbing and,, vdthou: 141 ,Cilng -a PP"Ach ill Montreal; and in. ,1891 became so . , . . 1, . -_ .1.1 :
I .. I PI , I 111 of'the Army, exerels.4W,'Mi powerful ,,,sistaab surgootlod the staft of the result that he was never o0t of diffi.- old frlejids of the deceased SyTklpa-. . I I 11 I . . -_ I I _ i'l I I I
I-- / Word, he throw his Prophet's limittle, I . I . 'Three culties, and when he died.osix years __ i I- I I .
wibapon of, prayer,upon, them so,that Montreal .General flospitut. . thize with the bereaved, The funorat . .1 I I -1 . . i
I . .1 Ov6r Win, .'This, was 4 'Sign thati be t ey oil . ijit(? his han,as, instead- of his years later tie Was APPOInted attending latar he left dobti amounting to.OvOr was hold- at ,Clevelanii_ I I . . I . . . ..
) . . . I . , , Le
I " I
,* . , - WAS L being olathad,y6th'Cotra'spirlt. their I . ad with iiurgeoa. . . $10,000. - . . . . . - .. I ag: bef husband. " . . I __. __ . I . ! .. 1
I I'll , becojing piak; 'Ito -Play ti'or the la%t tbirty-onoof4mrs-Di- ` HERUe surviv --want----- - I L I
. . . Thus yast , EU0111% mado,'willing to them, leading thbra , whitherso ever he - %0 6nisqaxlnedtately b0ow Gold- . I Why * BusrNv owen . . . .. I
sod follow 3PU- , autthisoll has been at, the COU111119 - mbers Were occupied by Mr. Jno. Herr, by Dine years, Mrs. I 11 I
I , leave hom,o and.work .. Cbo$C....W,heii: thus "confused he lead staftot,the jsc lty ot..lVedleirle., until Smith's chu 1, 4 , . , . "
. I - -- ,4._J-,".- I
; h, - - Pa' a it great Heri-passed to her reward oil Fridik, ,.'
. I Ja r , utniber of, I tljoni to sa'Vria, promising to show last summor,m1ken tko became Professor Sir William Blackstone, thi L . p .
furtbe , r . is veort - "'i -i- I he age of 74 years. 0 '111,0004 . , - I
i . lod,of`ihai;* si them. ,the n(hu.they liought. He theu tsargerV F. 11ols lawyer, who made filequent coin- March . I _
, , is a to 3S. . - .. . . mud Clinical Surger ing.t.he discordant xiols She was born near-Tbronto, being n. . I : 1. .
.. ... , but it I iasiiaabloio a ppose a. , ov their blind- ') - Mod* plaints regard , .
,P xem e . 8, former protident of the Montreal I - . I
1 pia,yed God, t , ')%ot too 0-hiruri . .. 6 . :. WARE . .11 .. ILI
I t , they wer6 11 4sy,jtt-,th schools df t e aw- g1piLl societ%,, and a member as made by a gang, of r4ffilans fre, daughter of the late, Mr. arid Mrs, S . .. . .. , . . . . . . ., 1. . I .
. ness, which go did, Arid they s . I ' as.'the-.IaaVto- ...... I I I , .
: pr hets. it,Joriefio and Bethel. It. I . 14600f, the Pledi, John Glazier and. sh . . 11 . . ; . . .... I
op of til execative comm oor above. Th ,e w . I :.. . . . . L .... L,
only Blishn. but the trAP- into which Oft quenting the fl is gang fainily of te . . . . . . . . pled 'Ware I ' . . .
I . - . 1,aud Sargical, section Qf 4ho &welri Uost survive -of a it children # BU . ,. .", ... I
.. .-I time,'ol X11jah's dopavWre drawing ' fallen... They were ptisoil. of liuffijanil consisted of the I ' s.y. women walit SMIl''Enam . : I .1
I f I near, we I .. they had , call Railway Aftsoolatto". 110 114 a. Pal- . - and included A sister, Mrs. ,Cooper, died .Ili Mani - 0 . I
. F - , read of his selling out fritm, ors at, the ,marcy, so they thatight, of ,8argical Assools. brilliant 14en Of the day 1W because it will bring f&d'tO - thO b0it 011006t 1. . - 11 . . ... I
;-. I . it I. - They learited, low OtIlle American . Jos,- tobis In Ugly, She as marrkd twice. , . . . . %
, . sit ,of Dr- Johnson James Bosw0l, Sir . - ..
. 011941 to pay a Amweu visW,to a the Muir of Israe I tion, sod ,a -tile Atnerloau . Collet. , - twice ae fast as all-meW litteUSUB, And CO*r .
1 . .1 his students, Visha, widbe(I to go, , . I t I .at.the okoadlan bus, - Reynolds, David Gam ick' Ed. Her first husband was Mr.'Wm. De .; ..
. . I . I with. him but Elijah Intimated - he however, that they were prisoners of surgeoriso a member. _1 e # v . ino, I '* ho died 20 years ago, .and of - vletei the ooking sooner- A Wom1kn CAR 11 . . I
I 11 diii,bed to go . , God and bf the prophet,* Their alarm avdicait Assoolictloll, the Britioll Mod' ,cal inund. Durkei Dr. Charles. ur I this marriv4ea family 'of eight sur- . ed Ware utensilfj fastei , . 1. 11, . . . .
. .
I i., 1 1, , '% alone',, but, on Usha's ,4 ould be, great, for their danger ap- 4k§qaclatiou, and the Notional Railway Vilward Gibbon;,; These gr At genius- wash SM_P Enam-el , 4
- V,ersisfing be was`-Aoi*d to accom at. The king was for Meilical A,ssaclation,' A, number of vAl- as would vary the: moilo,to "of a ar - vive, as *follows: Mrs.,Lorne Smith, I than utensils that , have to be scrAbed - 4'.7 .. I I
. . ared Immine ' . I I , I
. . . I . ifil'ba; this his lost earthly Pil- , - tlisha, ,who uable contributions have been made bY -ad change of nit of Niagara Falls, Ont." Mrs. R. J, . . . I . 11 ... I I L . . . , .-
I . . put I g them to death but ling conversation a I r, of Toledo, Colin"Devine, of -,-, . and scoured.- : . .. . I I o, . ,I . 11 IL
. .
, Pany h . -here, was , I I . . . . ,, . . . I .
I trimage. It *6s oti, this journey that - cogntj t him to-Zalladift'l and United states in of MWO I I I . .
. I.. I . d had brc; j t - thow -t :1 journals, and the chapter on by indulgilic Ili thp lusty sl f Hamilton,, John. . I .. . .. . , . . . .., . . .
. I
. .1 I 3ijah Was taken up -into heaven an -word'of medle I Prac. jovial chorus Soligs, or a oisterous TOroZ o, lli;precst, O -11 .. .
I 11 9 *ith showing theni that the a . Rall%V y stirgery in. the,American I Pine of "Blind UAWs Buff , ene .goii; and Tom, George Three finishes: rearl Ware, tw6r coatis of . I .
- I . I I as he, ascended- h1i mobtle fell, and the king was at his servi % ritteu b him. ,,I so there of E I . . . . .
: I .. * 1. I.. _... ,.CO. , ticeot Sargery Wa w I - :and Bob, all of the West. The de- Vearly-grey enamel. inside and anion , . . I . .
l reged,,, upor. ,Usbx, *4 ,* PlAdge i ' .. . Dr. Hutchison has tot many years is ample justificats n for the coin r .. out. D! d I I
. th:a 6pirit of 0 ' . . .. ituls6l.t in the Iteld of , , at fband Mr. Ilerr, I I 11 .
'' . ii grant teacher b . Verses 21-23--Tbeir Itelease. ` .. distinguished t I plaints of Blackst no, who. -w4s ee4sed's second.has I 'blue and white out- . 1. 1. . I I
I 'i who.,was. hence- . or-Elisha; "My' rallroad surgery . . . . I . .
f am his, pop, , . addcill the 61)1111146ma that finiq engaged I writing hisi Urn- passed away nine years ago. M rs. - . Ware, three coats, light . .
1 on the king's iskin I . Side, white filllngo -- Crystal Ware,- three . . I ". p
"Poll the bead- ot th6_sehobls. Father Ite W000 shall It Railways Nugfor and Colin and
I : forth to be , 'shall am, . I tion of the Canadian National . ous commentaries on the laws of Eng. ,Smith, Mrs. I . 1. . I . .
. i I duties of amitte, tie i4I Elisha ordere4l,th.at and t#e drand krunk system be was I .1 - 'Ernest were here, for the funeral, also - coats, pure white Inside and. out, With ROY&I . . . . 1;
4 `Anxiolis, to toter. upon, the m? . . I I . , , I . I . I . .
. me I I 1. . . . I I
. '
. " " iiis. new arid, i;acried offic% -r be given them that UWA10 ehlbf ilic,&I.901cer for tile whole land, . ,of gener. a'afece Of the deceased, MISS Katie Blue edging. . I . . I . .. . , % . I 41
bread And, watc ' . . .
. - rn at the CAu&diau NatJon4l. U110011 which Goldsmith *as the goal ro)ma Ellison, of Seaforth,, One son Is , . . . . I .
. to e -C . . , , . m capacity ho,has several litindred guv- osity,.and After his. death his . . 11
, .. ri ross'tilie Jotdi4ri- 11t I they, ight t and drink and retu . :
. : ... I .-, . ' Mr. OF CANA% * I . . . I I .1 ,#,
I . )%is now power to The, k g, to Show his -r0sPc4 ., and 2 "I'SHEET METALPA66UCTS Cd U141110 .. I .
1. . I the test -when be home, %k I its; tinder his 41rectloq. . . were besieged by a. swarm of poor dead, a brother-in-law - I . . . . . I
. . -' L gtillek.. tfli waiters .with :Rlijahos man- i -for glis a ., n aric 1, - gel, ' w Ellison, died last Decer0er inii . . ' 1P . Wl"NIIJEG .. . . I I
; I . . b# nd to 0 h a ,his godd Ilia war record ill' an enviable one, vensionara;. who loudly be ailed* the. Lorne MONT14CAL TORONTO, AY . . . . I I . .
I . I I
tle avid bpencd a, waY.Ior himself to I ness: ancl forbearance in the eyes of In 1916, lie compiled an logs of their:benefact Sealarth. The funeral Oak plate On . I EDMONTON VANCOUVER I CALGIA . .
.. . I GolrA Ovorse4s or, The offer of . I . . I . .
. I .
I . - i , . . I I land. The :fifty song Ili elittertilhed t6m gersor- - b on, the practices in a tomb in We Monday fro i Brophey Bros.' under- , . ,. . . . . I . . V .
. I .go over on &Y OL Syrians, . extensive repo stralitstor Abbey was re- I ' .. . .1 . .
. . . . . il
.. I honorsiloly awa,v,. use in Xilgland. Franco ifita 1 61gjulli in a to Maitland cenietery. . ,. . . .
fused',*'b , parlor . SM I . I
of the, Pr6phots,`stalidW On the OP- y an.4 sent.them , y the frionde of Goldsmith, taking . . . . ."
. _ It To-estab. . I I . . I . . I .
I I . I
.1 I - I . By this treatment the -enemy Vaa O-olibecitiou %fith soldlem WIV It .ov. Mr. Dewey, pastor of the Bap* . . . . .
. 'Posite shor.e, witnessed this display of. I adian who Ili accot,dianci) with his Own 09- P . . I - I . - " -,
. .
. . .
. i . and with becoriling turned int,ha #Ienct and the bands of lislimplit. , He Served 1p No. loan pressed Wish, laid 111lit to res, tist. church, conducted the. sovi6e and I I . I 0, I . I I . I I -
. ,
I :. I , iftiraculfts power - Syrig caina.pqpdrb into thei"lana of (iollet.ml MgplW In'prance, and with ten -ex I srs. James Vo . L . ' I ' ' I. . ., L
. .
; I - raver n0 received, him dg their head , . No. li (,lowlidlian General Hospital Ilk in the Churchyard of the Temple, the the pallbearers were Mos . "hiiAi 0 1 .
. I L
: . .performed by , Isriol.. I . . . - a -a had passed the oi y , G06rge IrAtes . , ..
i , were , rwar& ho,became COD nl White WITI, 51CDOugall 1 V
L . . Other miracles England. Atto hpot in:wfil,h It . : .L. 0 . I ..
I -bim Iterwards , *I Avg a4ditional' Divine Power And divine goodness suitant in surgery,with the rank, Col- app, y hours of his wretched life. I and' Ciark.: L . . L L . .. I .
I . . I . . .
,.'. - -.I, . kvive Appointment. appear all through this lession, God o 11, and with headquiaters in LW(On. . . , . . I -A venerable ago truly ... .1 . . 11 ! I .
proof of his . I L no . .1 i G R k,, Y,N. . . 11 .1 . . .
I I These. Watt 41, ion behaii of indivi- is ever oeskrto defend those who put . . April 7 Chatham's Last Speech was that attained .by , Mr. George . .11 . 111
I , Ing th I . . . I I . I r . I I L' '
. . . . I I . . : I
I dtials td rellevei burg-er and thirst, to their -trust ITA Him And the. enamies.of MOis Toachem. had been givi to merly of this town, who .' .1 . 1 I I . . 1. . I ..
L I e hundred .and. forty-six years- George Green, r . I I
; I a L they class a 'nat . was a class . I . I
41,tb#100, lint arid Of His chtifth, When are lessoil At am I = '' 1, I I 111. .. I * —=== . -_ ,.
i ralso'the dead artil b,, Go d of little boys,'and in order to find out a, on the 7th April, 1779, WIIH passed away at Pickford Michigan. . I
I . ,ayls lesson his'-powe triumph, will fin, itt, Barl of Cha 'ch 24th, in ,his 01th L I . I - I I - -1 ____ I 'L -1 _________ I . . ,
- . in tod . r is used seem to be ready to the information had I tham; Popularly on Monday, Mai ____ __ - -
. --- I I
: ,on behalf of his coputry. I themselves pi4t to Confusion, and sub- how much of . . I 1. '. - ; . I
. * 0 as 'the , Great tommonev/ year. On coming.to this country Mr. . . I
. V 1j.i7 6 on. L ' We further . le0rn' that somewhat eads. 'last speech in parliament Green s parents settled in PC 1, I I ; . I S . .
'I , ownship of 116wiek.
, The king of Syriia planned to de- greatness I L I rw - 1
. erisi. J: jb, .Visi true etrated'their
. . . .. dued. his e latcr
, es , I I is seen Ili deeds of mercy& she asked theira to write an essay,on intide'A rried-home in a dying con- moving: to the i h ,
L . ,'If thine onemy be' hungry, give him the frog:-tho antinal that . she bitil and was on L . - I
i, : ..0 '. stror Israel but Gold revealed thI15 to . dition. Here Mr. Green took -4 land and i .
. bread to, eat and if he be thirsty, taken for her subject, . .. lip I L
r 'to drink; for thou Willie's effusion . He wa!iborn in 1708, and At the U90 cleared the brush, and here it was .. I SPE Groff . .
, vislixt Who. Warnea the king of IS- ran as follows - . . . .
I gplinst. hitil. give him water of 25 entered the House of Common$, was married. ,,Vrorn. Howlek he W,Ov- % .
Tie! of th6 plot laid At aPL coals of fire bpon his 'head, ,,What a wonderful bird the frog ang into ed to Stanlog -townshiP, ullerp he . 1. - 14 ",
I li . 7
. I ,30enb4dsA,,XiUg of 'SYTIA, wa thee' are! When onehouse farm cti . . #91* . .
- most, 9 proni o old St I I
.1 ,s greatly shalt he 25:91, 22). "Out I say unt'o When he ho where her Jininediately spr " FO CLEA
, and tht Lord shall reward be stAnds he sits almost. inence by his vigorous 'attacks Itpught th
troubled at the foolute, of his plans ps be flea al R HOUSE NING TIME
. and.-thoUght there, -must Do an enemy (Prov. government of I
! . . 'Lov log, bless thel.n. ain't got no sense hardly. He ain't on the arbitrary 1 Sir tile" Dayfiiild line and after a few . I I , .
. I in his,own camp An he called his ser- you, , Le your enem e r he C he came to near God
I I ad to them th.-t got no tail hardly either. When lie Robert Walpole, which ultimately led 'y a a t , . I . . . . .
i of big that,curg(§ you, do go -ich, locating near -Pipers. Subso: " *4t.i, N (11m, Ntme(lt6-;#)t C. L I . I .
I d hxves figatod. One sits he sits on what - he ain!t got to the downfall of that powerful I sclitrl.;, Batlatdoiv N . in - t I
L P / I L Youo and pray for. them L %vitich IL . I ,is- quently he lived for years In Gode , ' L . I . 01 'J
lov:r,tiants' said there was no traitor hate , minister, Ito ineurxed'the dl ple. I L ..
eliLbUt "EliSba'.1 , and persOdute most." I I posi. 1, oth picit reeei eil . . 11
L gifilougst th despitefully use You ure of King* George It by big OP . rich, giving up his home. here about New I 'Ittorng I i I 11 fjo,)r oill.'I , I 1-1 .
. . .
. i I I 9, . '' . _ - I =! -_ .L ! _ . --- . L - tion to the m604rch's foreign PolfcYir ten years itgo. While here lie Walt .11 . , . . . I L L .
. I . I w w I' I I 11 I 1;,"I'l I I, Ili! 1! ! 0 = . i
. 11 . , I - .
i ! 4 : .;!Pi 4! . office for sev- r thodist M sq B1.1-111pi, Brll,,Ni , Nloli4. lloliqllil, , 01'oilar 0if. Wilifid .
I f ';,,. L L L . .. . 0 . and this kept him out of ncinber Of Vi(,toria street Me I . .4 I re .
. . I . 1 .. L . . . L. .1 I . L oral years, and al4o led to his dismio- churell, having joined that denominat, Venebr.' 11-%t, qa, Silvor POliqlAt'14, I-100" W-'%, etl'- L . . ,:"
. I . . / I . L I . . . I /' sal all two occasions, but oach t1rue tion in hiq youth, and he had been .4 . I ,. . I I . .
. I .1 . I 11 i 11 I I the king was compelled to, recall him member of the official board. Ito tit '. L rw-. . I . v ,,
I . ,
, I . . . L
I . I - . . I 11 o-winj to his tremendous popularity survived by two song, FtVd, at the . : Arwiverything I i
I .
; 11 . I , ",. L . - i I and ittiluence with I the people of Brl- Sault, and Jalneq at Picidord, and lt.v . . 0 . i
. , . ToMake. The House Look SOP- i A and qpan I .
, . I . . Y
, . . c% Mrn. David Bacom, at . 110 11
I L . tain. . Ine daught I
I . - I . ,-.,.,A r 1 . . -- In 1740, when be Was appointed 1),eitford. The r-onigin, were brotight 14 " A I . - I "WW.WA..WW-W" I
L I -
I . I I I I . .1 .. I - . . -.I ." . .
h : . . 1 .. paymaster -general, he secured the .to (;oderich for intorment, tho funer. , I I . I . . . . I . . i
I . , / . L I I . , , , lasting confidence df the nation in his at taking place on Thuraday last .. I I
. .7 , I , M-' . I I . -sidence of Mr. I"Obert . 'EWEN I
, ,
I XTAU, envv 11 I 0 I i integrity by handing over to thO 90V- from the , r( oeding, to Dayfield I L J. Alc
. Women I I . I I - 1 ernment certain large sums of money Young and proo J* L
. \ L- ' L . It _ ". I and commissions, ,which had alWAYS cemetery, Rov, Mr. 110dleY eonduct- .1 . Smith Sj& Sqljar# L
I I , . I .
. . nly"thi 1I ts , I I been regarded by his predecessors as ed the services at the houqe and at PHONE 46 1 .
. .... L d- Parkinson ofilclat- . --I---- ...
. I . . . have -o s secret . Ill , 046 perquisites Of their office, And stoA Bayfield Rev. Mr. . - -_ - ,
, I , 0 . . I I . I r, fastly refolng to accept anything be- ed. The ptqI.bt!grd'rs were Aler;ura G, - ____ - - .1 I - , 6"h.WA.4.0.-&, 1 11 .
. . I I % I ........ "..W.."* - I _ .—
.. t, 6 tLhe - . ." yond tbebare official sailary. L =-.-.--.---- . ; . .-- , , #. 11 " 1,
11 . # by if 16 k6e. When he was recalled to offim te.1 .-- - .--.-- -, L I I I .1 - .
.111. .111 .
- ---
.. . YOU, to,op may arnol - . . years later, after his seeond dismissal 1. . - - - . .-.-.-.-.- .fig. -Le. I A.
. . .4 . . 1. .radi4dce and bloom ot youthful Ain by the sovereign, be was given abso- _--ft . . :
. . . I . . I L.
1. , . lute control over the War and foreign .
I i . . . I -tep your coin- The simplor, Lvrrtd way I policy of 13rit4in, and for the next ten . I
. Radlint" Witt% the charm ,of thoeltiet say, to L You cannot rind a 111ore Circe. years big Career was the history of i I 1
It ; . -youth stilt'theirs, millions of plexion lovoly, radftntj youthfut. tIVC beauty tre2ttr1cl2t, BCCaUSC . his country. Ife .proved himself the L I. . . i ),
clever , It pallualive Soap .is blended of most powerful f04 I C
( women are . dialred-Rud But beware of harsh c1talising' gn viinfater that
__ , , . methods, They hijure skill. rare palm and olive oils, -famous -, . L I I . . . I t
. envied 1 -today. , the nation had over had, and as th ,
\, - , , hey - ,%Vx9b: thoroughly V7101 for mild but thorough. cleansing .11. I . P , I
. . I. -I., .. IW4 -.11im4k,noAlrelautt"llid Patniolive soap* eacll night be. qualitip since the daya of Cleo- first teat Imperialist In modern'll I I I I I I , .
dtini Si'Zi6-_4i0 gRit Aft- , Rub the. creamy, patraj Arkilit is intXpealive, $a tish history lie made the Plans and I . ?F I
l,y thi$ sintille method- fore retiring, tha directed the operations from Which .0 .
i I
0al , My lather Well into tile tg:- tbouqands now use 013 0'ar mighty 'gropire of the I . . I
wbicll is for you, too. T6 9iV6 0: y palmolive for the)iatll, , bavo aris . - I
reg. MUS6 - and repeat tile L
. YO110 015 weil, the'ellarrit you envy P0 frLe th;at YOU"get: present day. I I , (
. washing. T heli rinse again. Mike si I I
ill thent, , raltnolive-which is never Sold "I Iliq lovo for his Country won in. . I .
. Tfi6lf gV111 19 dry-aPpIly 4% opuirapped. All dealers have it. tense, and his fiery and resiatlem elo- I I I . (
. I Bor Afto West it Ns ., little co14 c . reatir. T114t is all. 11 Get it, and try for 000 weeU illi,q . (Itteric-a. not only made her believe in ' I I I 0 :
. Cleanst Olt skill tegulatlY, au- Skill 60 car"d fOr i&, not injured "n' le6t of ,tll trtatments, See herself but Ar011sOu SPitlt in the na- I 11 I
- ,
I I by cosmetiem. 'by willd 1107dolightfully alld how quieldy ,, tion which rendered dcjoat impassible. I I .
. I it benefits yo jr Suitt. .
_,71t; ^ - . an4 311ti, or by dirt. . I It was his genius which welt tho Sev- i I
. .. -1 I I
. ._ . I . Yeats' War in EUVOIJ0, and Placed
. 11 1. .1 .- 11 . , OF CANADA, . P.11 Pinnacle of glory, "I
. . 'TM 01MOLIM9 COMPANY i Britain Oft 4 fteW kno,wledge of I
Ill Ing`
to alarm
ow It I
-*;,-I I I a W!!rt0%1lW"WWx
I 1 C *ft ft
, , S -1 AIX 'I
,A I I
I I i 1
I I \\ " *1 ''
L t
103M Ml: fVA 9
I , ."
*. I I
I' I ,
, I 1,
I 4i
'thl, 1pe I
I .
, 1, ILIMITED jv;hile his wo0deffill !
,'I 1, lid a winaxpet Toronto, Uont"A , , . men, which caused hini to SUPPOtt 11 .119 I i
'rokwit's 4- L 10ivolb work In India avil to appoint
A*kory I
prj&fe - ISO It"el" 4.101horlt 4nd 1volie a's generals Ja 11
. I . F w 'I
I ., Attm tod 410'ev w1s."04iog of 1;olth AMvrIea,JeStdbtd in the a4di. 1, a-"- UP I
, # , #N*wy Aw , fistart'A tiotils (0AW fo P,0104kw $00 . , ____ - I 4
, I tion of, two mighty Vornlnionr; to tl,,e 1 1 . ___ .__-_0 - a - __ & i 11 ____ i a 1 4 iQ4%&&&9
. is is i i 1 i m olt-.. i Im A!!M 1 ; ;111 7.4 i I 4,
14, ^ - /I ptiti h Crown. - '. A , ;040,i __" a I 0 A39!? - . ;
I Ive UAM M CA$A L ,t) A. -1 1. 1. 'L w . V Ito remalfted the Idol of tho porle I -
-1 .. v -1. I I - . .
, I .111111*1VIU..., ..
— ' - & - L.;' . . &'; " _. h&6'. __ — __J — . - ,
- - T!_