HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-10, Page 5f7l,
ir 1 !01
r W4 "Va
Witk 0�* toWA *10W91 or as W iki*11 OWTVARY 1, he served for 69ma V"Ta On ibe
A Utt#r from. Ow 81w Water High- ;apf"tioft of AP61 ,3WAtWVLL�_Mr. R. Russell and, WaQstock W*ttr and Light Covaniis-,
sion. He Was Prominent In mis"Ide,
�Way AmWi4tio an"Uncod a Mott- romanuers" tutUr. N116W be Su- Wife WAlk street, have Veturned
taeil that this WiMi0if =*t W *It' We virclos. becomin a member of Kii-q,
l'ina to I* b#TA I& Goderick on Taw, 110;� Ripley- whers they rc gttQud� 8olamon, Lodge, No� 43t in IM and'
eQWP4, with int the funeral of the, latter'* motbel�l risin# to the mister of that loft# in
day� April Sth. T%e matter Was re. *r*A or *Q rebuilt #A W
ftned to Abe tpoeisl �cQMnljtt9q ko the APOIC,40i^
Thew reiQrts were aAamto, He vas a tkvelt- hont*i�r Aui
**ke arrargo*wam into rest *n the 27th day 91 Morch, hN younger days, unit
A motion W03 made by the Reeve; The housinw co*miss" reported lq,24, aged �q 1�04rs� Tbia UQUIR, wa� was the only surviving (Urter mem-
seconded by Voundllor Autubcr, that that tW6Y 9uccRv&d 4 9CttiD9 a man leaves to m4urn her l9sa her bus- ber of the WootlatQ& and East Ov-
Xr. CamplAl W appointed ancssor transfer of bill of sa* Irrow Mr. Cuth- band, ggeij 91 yearis, with whom tshe. �Qr& Fishing V.1iiij,
for 1924,an4 was carried, ondianoth- tcrt-�ou, after ad%wti0*o1r the Proper- lived more th4ii 6G ivurs, alsa sevca
or mutiQn was that Xr. It. T.? 19dwards ty for sale to t%* 1hislival. tenderc7. sons, two , daughter, twentyAwo
ssor an& coliketor iiild eventuglis Q,.0 the property to i GODURICIR 14ARKETS
be assistant asse. aid tiv* great gralul.
for the reftaindcr of ithl' ar at Mr. Macdonalill 41blis. he continuing children. Th(l, Pallbeirers were sixxvileat, 1wr bush .... 05 to $ V00
V00. W the contract sx4 pWing the sum of grandsons,i 04tor Per 40 to 41
rge for road
$400 %VhIch :&mo%int Will pay ;411 ar- P048a Per 1.40 ta 1.60
The matter of the t- of tbQ oldest. rcsi- Jurley. per bu*b..... Go t3 65
TVM oil toowners of corner lat4 was refer. reirs to CAW-Talucllt until MaV Ist, � �01130rne Family tour Im -ewc us to viU5
red to the public Works owpinittco, on =4 indebtclr�vss -and expolise W thlo dents Of the Townohir of 4
kpassi;id to his r*Nward on 19liturdar, PAktont Ilour per owt.. 3..a5 to
G60d HILUtS motion' of Councillors Ryan uni Town of C*Wefleh. -VW attained the rine Stan,, per too ....... GO.W to a Loo
Holmes. Mr. It. V. Coon, agent; for a load April "Ah, havl a the Short$# per UM ...... 31.00 to 02,00
li. ihr.t Nour eanday A motion authofaitig the borroW. material (141led 14 Rofar," addressed oid age of ovtr uinety scors, I'
r. Jacob FIjc4-. of near Ray, 1wr ton .......... 9.00 to 10.W
Jimiak Filtu boro"txf Ing of funds to 1,*,y for the progre.gs tbe,tmmeil. lie quoted a TUto of 1*r6QU 0
Saturilay, Vight. ., r y certificates on tbe water work Intakc. 118c, per gallon. Tarvist last year Bentallier, 1110 Nvas one of the ploll. J10931 per cwt ....... U5 to U0
(K* �Qizmday until the dobelittives are s -. per rallon. eers of %0 township, to which lie (74ttltli ordillurY* Pet
2 Lear,) �y old was cotit %)m enuneil 1-4.474. rv.n v) 6.00
s8ed, the rilaorand the treasurer Bvlaw No. 4. lovying the tixes vms came *hoatthe ycar 18M III$ birth- Cwt .............
lawlsy. 'Ready ad the, place was Alsat-Lorralne, Germatir. Cattle choiceper cwt, 0.59 to 01.0
`Z' Pa
ing Oil I, being aut)k out. mW lthr�e times and Passed a
AwK.01-DAK TIME' 'Film hem for""L _Qeaedto, carry this cwt .... ....... 4 50 to - at 5 o
It was .'maved by Deputy Reeve, council ailsourned. I where 1* first saw the light of day . i
, � . -01, * * I Novoinlier 15th, 1833. Ile was a Umbse Per cWt ..... 13.00 to 13.00
Spring is alive with invitation to Nadalt, Anil MUnnings, seconded by Coxincillor 1114030 per Ib* ...... 04 to 03
piaturo-making is so eagy with a Kodal; that Humfiers tUt ihe ukattor of closing SHUPPARDTON Lzembor of a large family but the on- Dairy Butter. per 1P.- 35 to r,40
ly Uurviving member is Mrs. Cathar.
anyone can make good pietures the 1,'astinau all- up the XvA�Ingthn Firiniturc Co.. The, Trail Runge.rs and the 0. (1" !s* Utters, of Germany. After eom. Eggs, per 20 to 1.10
ditylight NVQV. Catalogue on reqtiv4t. mortgage, 'be referred to the finance V1.) group bold debates at their n*!et. fug to Canada Mr. Flick spent four VOtAtOes 60 to 60
Committee to instruct tile solicitor.— �lvg 7FrIday evening,. Mar. 28. the . . . . . .
Film Finishing Supplieo Carried, r I boys . debated on the subject, "Rewly. $ears at Sebringville, after which lie
The finance colurnittee reporto edtbut doctors ought to be Vame, to the Maitland Concession of IS'
that,* upon Passing the required vvso� the community instead, of by t' Paid b$ Volboram townships where he did his
ju he judi. PEMBER
tion� -MrZingementa. ha full share In clearing the land. Mr.
d bee" r3ade vidual.11 As there Flick was, a member of the Evange-
'he $-ank of Montreal for will' Only on-
DRUGOT with %
judge,, it might not be fair to report -litillchurch and In the construction of
'e of funds for water intake 711IT"'lils decision as to the winning Bide.
CORK'S 081. vanc the church building be took a prom -
Poses, until su�h Urne as the d6ch- The eirle eublect was "Resolved th-A HAIURL GOODS
tures are Issued under the bylaw.rankj I flionii part. tre was for mazw yous ..............
PHONE 9a, THE SQUARE the girl can be of more service to the 8tewarit *and trustee of the Evang,01. t FOR
sold, 'and recommended that orranle- world as a nurse than, as a teacher." cul congregation near Denwiller and
rneuts'liemade, to open a spe*W-we_'�The result was a tie, the one j)de teacher in the Sunday school, It
c0ullt In the Bank of Moutre4 midd, having the advantage Ill. matter, 'the in May, 1861, that he was mar, LA
Was D rra ad CENTS
that funds be borrowed and transfer --
red to the Water and Light Cvmni$s_ other side having the I advantage 'in ried to Anna Marie Schwanz, datigh-
marine.-. ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mit-hael I B. KMGHT
sion from time to tim upon request
je fromithe commission. 'Schwanz, of Colborne. Mrs, Flick
T h Town Co ICU 4P_
Recommended that,the aewu GODBRICH TOWNSIM passed away in 1904 and waa buried
Five PeOd=s For RoW Oil Already Recelved'.and'Oeferred to the Patterson, arAduriting to Mr. Jas.. Ross is confined to lilis'bed.! in Colborne cemetery. The members
;430, be paid on condition that it can The linvinati has been- rolmiring of the family who survive are as tol-
Public Works C M40110e.
be chargeable to cost of rktorin st, linesi etc., In'the vicinity.
lows: 'Michael Flick, "oriell town-
I ship; Mrs. h Schiele, Pontiac,
MWEN WILL NOT ACCEPT $100.00 EXTRA That no action be taken I c 1z Councillor Sowevby is ItaVing sorne Mich.; p4rs. Peter Wiederhold, Do-
m joijilm of the roada graded this w6elF.
trolt; Mrs. F,, C. Shetler, Stinta Mon- N MR. me.
the Unlo� of Canadian Municipal!- We regret to say thut; Urr, 'Percy I 1ca California - Mrs. C. W. Spurgeou�
Mr, Wm' Ca�mphell, Appointed,,Assessor for 1924 -and Mr. I -L T., ties- Ntiftel,,continues, seriously Ill. 16rion','gi,h.; Leslle 0. W. Flick
That the sum of $4,sol lbe, Placed Your Neighbor s Hens
Edwards MsWiutt Aisessor and-Ca�ctor-for Xr� 6bris, Johnston I_ 1Vxo&rIch, and Miss Agnis Fll�k - and
on the roll against the oR plant. of
Rernain4er of ISM J. Fli
the � Godezich Elevator\ avd Transit ler and Sons � sa king wooa ffor him ijohn iek, on the. homestead in
Colborne, Two
Co., and that the amount df school Friday. last. other daughters, Ade Have Been fivafing
e I -of ydur firemeo I rates be placed on die xvM against � Mr. R. Whiterand Androvd.. line Catharine and Florence Mae, died ,Iww
The rqgalaz meeting' of th t6Wn At the. lust mmtIpg I Mr. IS. Your Garden
council 44ts Aiald on Friday qpvetiing wus ir;stmd6edtto,n6ttfy you that thcr, the Western Cauilda 10106 Mill C,.)s have been ln� neigliboAvood loolc,� while quite young. Mr. 717kU has
I t the $,,,
last, all the zuembem p"sen.t. will. not raise. and! 04vator. ing, for Cattle., fourteen grandchildren undone great
J=ep I but alwavt la'y - tbe;�. eggs at
The coliector reported having paid would like rou. to: reconsider it. I 'The committee also ratomronded , Mrs. -Geo. HeVitt bus, been on the gr(tndcbild, little Miss Blaine Lanuorn MTEL DEDr-OIRD 11 -You're ty)
Weiderhold of* Detroit I'lit funeral lomill ;l,(Y And hava
The tr suner 445wort 1923 tax" and 4his Was memerred W the rare co --payment. or a number of arcounts end. sick UA'r We *�Itih ber �a -complete
$453.43 on =mars,' in 41 $903.43.. luitteo- Itbe filing of the Gollector"i rreport, rebovery. took place , on Tuesday from his late T413UT APRIL 22nd been fillo%1ting tile information
residence to Colborne cometery; to your Wife, and A110's ill
Since Aprit lot lie.had paid $490 on The hillirwing application% fo,?,: 'tT he public Works colualftee report- Mr. WhitfioW, the -n" :rAirdster, i Rev. Mr. Mors conducted the rvo 9 collapsel
arrears and 4100 on I= t4xes The building permits -were ief6ired to thloi tod having given pernnissiqm Ao Mr. A. will. ocduPy the pulpit kff servlco�% 861sitilakers of I)oreswend's. StNto of lie u
Union and the pall�bearera were Messrs.
day. Iry
day of the r,*6rt (April 4th)'�e Was fire camnuiLt*'e- Fi.�Oul J, W. Priddle,! M. Allin to cut down tw4i. trees 01, church next Sun 1pottist Rptes and Wigs. Now
paid $100 aax.,hrears and $460 on 1923 -to re-abingle:bouse,on Wilson street; �Vrhfalgar street iisrequegbed, Mr.'Al- Mr. I.John,. UsIle and Michael Flick and Don't ca;ll m Iloo-tor, buy her
and $14 on 1924 taxes. Oe expected from David, Wilson, to shingle Aed: lin. payinK the sum of $2 for -the trees, Francis 'Chidholm -is 'In New.J. Schiell. styl% Ifor year 1924, incluaing
a payment llten�ggt day of $200 on on GibUems . q3t . .; from Ron. J. M The committee retonmentled that York for treatment. Welope, be may AEVELL,—Mr. R. Z Revell- -,,,Tt 04'aaw flogli color, sighi proot V AIN
ac -
19123 taxes'andiurrears and about next; Kenzie, to terect garagle on Ek4W soon' return greatly %enofitteld. on Tuesday morning for 17igersoll trad 'partiog. YICTROLA
_tth; Purity Flour Baseball Club be
.3day 4.1 .1923 and Several street; frv)n Rbbert Johnston, I granted the - use. of tbo�,a , gricultdral Bell Bros. have 'been busy,thig, week W.00dstodkr, caRed tV%ther '. by em,
Thul 40 000 �o ei-
years' armars. ect gai-4ge on' Cambria road;.from groim4s�and to have the 17rivilege of cutting wood -for Messrs. 70, Orr; T. death of an urcle, Dr. , Zielard ML- a�nd,*ivwfroe adviee on all flealp
The Q, 0. 1. Moard asked for An: up- 1ames Donaldson, to erect house arzat0ecting grand stand, n4s, etc., un. Sov;orby,*J. IN11,t. Jdhnston and W. Arthur RevelL A news' , Item ilatid
pr6priation.ofV004or April, lst.pay� garage em ofth street, � to f he of: 44 the supervision of tie wouncil' the Johnston. at Woodstock,, April - 7ilill, 01yes ahv,
is �waa granted. -at esti-, Use of grounds, buildings, erectiplii-1, rm�n Fuller 'has b06 foIIP*Ing pAttk-4srs1 T.'011HER'.'STORES ff E. JENNER
ments, and th" isfacc, �Br�iford - sbin,gles, Master Xo
W. V. A19�31,,�6cretary4reasurer of. mated oost of $4,000; from John No -land c9neessions. to be at Ore pleasure sick for aeouple of days with'an at. 3he death took plitco Ut Iiis 'home TIMITED
the Fird Coinpany, wrote asr follows, Donald, two rebuild iurnrher kitcheril of the council 0311yo the,gou tack of'. -flieumatism, bilt. *has - suffi- hero tVis mornizir of Dr- Iftlebard Mo. 129 Youe.5troot Toront :Next Bank of complerte
ncil.reti4r.i-, I I 1 0, oat-,.,
on Elgin *Venve. ing,tbe rijlf of'; 1- ciently rec ' ed to be Me: to attend Arthur Revell,. vne vi VoodstedWs
oancellwg tprivileges Ovell
Rivo PetWons were, received for und.use of grounds at' iW*time and school. oldest -Vioficer residents -und Teputt4
be Oie aided ra6fistIn practice"in,
-one from re4dentg oil 114y� of takiii xerfult Pon sa -assisted in to
r�ad i4 g VIi ia ground Some of tho TiVi, bbors,
Model Eft tre, zid. .,or"d 4rom ,'tritannia, road i0- %uiId1rWs.,�'.btands, concesstaos or erec'3.' meving Air., and 91�s- Johh, laeweombe Canada in follit.of yeurs,dVage and
Beano stdints ort'41- i tions oil. the ground . s and of allowing to, Croderich Monday. Thvy will be of pracVioe in Vis in-ofesgitin. He'pas-
�st.;,006 from re
WEEK arAPR. 14th to APlt. 19th. beA 'st. fTom Vast to' Nelsdn; One zany. other; pa ty or parties'the greatly missed by a. large circle of ged- away after offly a few dayg' fft-
use of
n bap- ablo, to 'attend. 'his 0 Dr. Itev
1rofil residents on;Txaftagar st.. front di and all 6xwdtio s and friends noig ;t �, .060 -wi for ness and un le last TueWay 'be wAN
the k�oun and h or s
Victoria zoad � to Catfibria road,* one privileges, It being thir inWtion- that Ara ;of bealtlit
rhaday and Tuesday - , .1 thqm many ' P, I Met. 'Via .EASTER FOOTWEAR j
from residents on.Cmbrift road fro?n the.,council is to retain c=trol of. th,,, piness in their new. bum. few days of 'his - 90th J
'KATHERINE WDONALD " East street to 7 WbI& strobt; and, one birthday 'having 'been �orn in Co U*nty
grounds, buildings, eVectiv*,,.qtc., at
with Bryalnt W-ailliburn in a First from residemits 6n. St. Vincent street .All timos. PORT ALB M. Tyrolte,,. jreland, April '18fb, 1834,'he
Nstiampil'I'k-ture. from North to Waterloo - stre6ts; iind -Tliat Mr. Sheardown b!5�!permitted Cold" Are very prevA101A came to Canada % 1844 w1thhi.14 fatb- hi'., lt!W
at -prosent.,
19 1 these weft Teferied to the, public V who was Rev. Henry 'Revell of
White,Shoulders. *6 cut'down 61d'apPlo ltv�g bon' Mait VINR Vil;t, willis. Trinity College., Ou'lilm, Triland. Ills 111mid.- lvt� art! 'lloNving tlI i S
!works capi%ittee. land road gravel pit lot. Under the poxental voot on oali(IaV la�t. - 1�, - 00:
The I it, , I
CLYDE COOK COMEDY I A letter froln the' Amputations' That Mr. j.. Lavery be pd;d,the surn Miss Florence V-e'W1iJ11 father was in charge of the Anglican' Ill -.,reat detnand at (110 prky.s�!6�
f.th, . N
0ev, of Nile -about five, V ivht! an hilim dhlt,�
"the'- Mitfit" Assoc Great War, asked of �$j - as settleinent in f�lt of all has been NPOUling anmo eq ' Parish at Ingeredil for it, \V� h I
ve �wfth hor ariett anA the Values. -un"urp
Qztof the -town council in idahne in connection with svm, exca- sen INte. 1850.
for the su" r stater, M" Ituq yenis and came to WoodstoL oil. :.See. flivill I 1,eale, t A114� I; ".11T
At, that time Del Revell -was engage?)
securing a permanent pension policy, vutl 1iid and, Ckowltispect! u. lo
VednWay ind Thunday on, on Eldon street- ltxrvev rm,.v(ovA: mwl flowara Q11,
which would maintain the� bonus a- 'The . 'special,tom ittee recommend- of the 0.0 L,� f4l)"t 'the "W -U-01141 tit, in) making Nurveys �on the Great Was- bellig illown In
tbeir respective holil'" qqew, tern Railway and on the 14oft nover
JACK HOLT mounting t6 eme4hird -of the present 0.4 that the, town' milk,*1-aw be a mi -
in his new PAranigunt Podduction rate of penision *hich%would, automal. ended. so as to, confoM With the st,, Mrs. W Awo. Ile was an
Ill. Cluwforil jf4 im �ijo siolt *and Stratford'Rai
t' I1Y IUPse Ist, .1924- The tutes by providing that allrAilk for list. Her 111any 1be scene at't'he great, U-siardii
ca I :fli 1,011"I"WEAR. FOR CHILDREN
A Gev' III -of Leisum'" by Witt hope soo
We' an h to %ee her r"toroik to Canal disaster nour Hamilton 'in the
P I it Ad of 1919 created a per- sale -contain Ullvpor'ceiit, butter fat.
AlACK,S9NNN teal fifties. rTi.1859 lio VMnt to 10ineinnati
m=not Pension pf �60.0 per annurn That to chang;* 1�6: mad.e "m 'Me po- The-W.M..8. of -t. AcAm%% 11hurph whore. he attended the Clue . innati.
'lly, dighbled man and lice bylaws bdt th
44T)lte-Kitchen Lad*" I for a single tota for.1th ht,'00ink to com- intend boloing cheir ineeting ov'Thiirg- De tal Coll e d . f.i
a Pension �of $4W Lper -annum eg an u or practicing.
0 '01nints About loitering oii tbeliArtets day artortio0a at tbe 11011$c of )Avg, L
warm'dow. In that city and In Marion Ohio. anil. N
Ntiday aiiiI.Saturday' 4 Thls-*as found to be in- ion %undjiy, thel be instructed to be A D -SLIPPE
0 sufficient and a bonucs, of $120 was ad-' on 4Tuty . lar. 111"boal preaelied. hN farowoll Peru, Indiana,.he feturrie� to Wood
Sunday atternoon and Peven..
ded i stook and p6ned hio office berc1tl ;%t give tljej,est wc,�Itr ,It t1le Im"Ot rtl,, �-111 'tyl i
WILLIAM RUSSELL n 1919, artil ;a, Urther bonu,,i of ing. Rornion last-Runfix.v. Mr. 0
:.$180 4 1862. He has been in bu6inesiv as a
-1n an adventum drama was added fiz 1920, making, $900 That ino actio of Toronto, is tmoeeW to thke e6a�ge
n be takeA bo the t1se sp
AD io kvico ne..,Lt Sitad.ay and to oetindir dentist constantly since that t1rov,
the total disability 1pention. The war' matter of advertising in. the r I a -
"Good Bye Girli" for t1le, i4l1UlUleV InOntlils. He *as married in 1864 to'AUrgaret REPAIRING
widow's pension 'wasd1so increased ti6n regai3ding the Blue Water ffIgh- The roa4s to town aro vory 9004Y AkONV. Amelia � Little, daughter of Colonel
by $240 giving her at yearly pension lway.
SUNSHINE C y Tito snow disappedreA 1� a.' lturrVcou-
t.the Little. She died in 1001. Ito in sur-
ItHello Pardnee' -:i I present time 4f ;720. Thosf- The ffire eommittee i eportod baving siderin
�11 ", Ore was sm"il "ot OX""""'
IFOX. NIFWS RE9L NO -18. limOuntg t0tidiii1g, MO yearly for a ordered the rubber goods reque" year. xl!, Crawford 4mmainly Waks vilmd byone son, Dr. Richtird L. R
Yell, of Woodsitoelt, and three daUgh.
Itotally disabled eX-Serviee man and by the ffireraen, from tHe Gutta 21er� after patlgj�toffi)� tors.
UAOnees—Mon. and Wed. I Proportionate amoutift 41or I the lesser cha and 'RaU6 Co., r.oported h.avft' The sorapor lulto been *�Jovg and it t6
. I disabilitles,, and $720 "tly for t .he, passed. 2ill -applications for ImildIM— al.�uost as Moe as in. summer. Dil. Revell 4erved for some olirlit io M CV*
Sat. at 3.00. Ge a icar
war widow, were conVr�%Oelllrom year permits rdferred 'to it at the Ina yearr, in the old Woodstock town
Catfing—'Xorma . Tahnadx;� 1Q00 to year,, but no attompt !has beeil mee (Children Cry. ,,obncIl, beginning blq municipal rae. Nodh $We of Phonle .220 GODE.JRICH
ting, and -reported that the 9'Ar.. eer as councillor in 1882 a�d rising
Ruseiie 00rien in "The VOke 109111 made to,�volve a permaselItTpolicy. age built iby',Mr. IV. T. pellow on FOR FLETUERS 1. . I _ _. 11 1
the mrmaret." This was' rofe to be reeve in 1891 and 1802. Lst# -7
rred to Aik,,,special i South Strat ftas not in accordance. 19 A SO T.
Q Ft I A.
Cloth C
ty is ast r In oats,, SUIts
,Women t s
0. 9
I aces
'I'liest! are Very smart spring
wesses made, froll, ;ill wool dress
pl,11111el of a snitp)tjl ev'en finish,
in oriental Blue,, Nown.q. Nay.�S,
Altillierry, �alld, 1'eatldfuW trilli.
Iliad in contfiStjn,�,L
in' Mlite.
Smart, Models 0 0 -les
New Suits pring C ats, Lovely Siry
Women's and Mlsles�' Suits in Navv' anl,.Sand Tdrotitle. in Me sea. Wonlen's Spring (.*oats in Tricofine and fint? Velours, in new
son's latest styles, some 'in the regular ta'ila-xed models, others in thr models, madewith Me new. toll Collar, side tie or buckle
13ox Coat style, all beaurifolly finisbe'd with J-acks, stitchim, or brald. cloths are of all wool in sand and reindeer shades.
New Lisle Sport Hose Tow'ted Heel' Silk Hose Blick Si Hose
Wonien's. ;Lnd Misses' Silk Usle Sport Elose Women's and Misv,,j 111)'ointed Heel" pure Women's NaWd Silk Stockings if) a PtIrl'
ht the fashionable tibbed legs, Ill vi,! I Itest Silk "osiery in every ,shade for this season. Black. wearb fike a real Silk and has �Plcndid
Spring shades, Grey, Modd,' Bamboo, Silver, U'very pair 'has dotilik t#read toes, becl% and appearmice. all -4zes, riblied tops, sp&lai price,
Mastic, Olack, vdry, niciderately pillmi at faet, with the added featif re of the pointed hed. Pair
jPAIR 85e. PAIR, $1.05 PAIR, 05c.
1 -his Is the final Clearance of our Spring Gloves Gauntlet Gloves itt higliest grad� ("hal-voketle
Sale'Price before Uaster Site. Out they go regardless t�)f have long wrist with strap fastenifig.. lliis lot coln. Sale Prim,
-doille �Saff of )ur highest priced Gloves, in MtJ--.,AU1,
0C wrist, -in Mastic, Black, Bamboo, Grey. Brown, tie, Covet lid Iceindeer sllide,4. AW Az4:') ill the
Pair 5 the regular pricei, . rhese are 11146 in a two pris a, Pair 89C
White. all sizes ht tile lot. lot,
Wome - n s