HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-10, Page 4N
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N_ T=��--777���-�—, ,� �q �,PAY, AP141o"101-14 1924,
!t—_�-_,!____ 47=;�77-7MV!
VAGN YMR I . � I � -1. - _0040 _ . I ilili!iiii�ll�llt:lllllll�loililI I -1 . 11 I—. I -
�* I _ ---,..- � I - I - -1 .1 ''! I _ = . __ ___. 1 R, . -11 I J I 1-.��� -
W. W _,� ff�_ I p"wr Qf Cke church in okh case to Saturd*y, in St, Goorge's church. . - -
.- LOCAL TOPICS have chme of the AW404C. luere will be no o&kefiwa at any Qf 1
44 p"8011fl, pJaR SYN,IDT ^ A 10 - A most interesting *n4 iastrwtiie these services except the Wednesday � .0 I
I , I Aviol, ill Z nbe R wrVice. on 00W Friday. at ELKAY'S
I - I Vlt,nfinu�j i;Ww pwo 1) !aver on the suiliect, *Uom evening r
. I I 1-1 I I 1- � -- f the White and (_,1;oloro4Rw*s,*1 *3% 10 a. im, there, will -be shortened wa�
:1 � %, �, � .;H=AMrA1NT3ANDVARNISH " JAittoe, istiow" Joe 'WAS swe tU- ro#A by Rev. W. R.Alp, of Aubam- tin*, litany and ante --communion with I -
� , t'ame SWV - 1 ao t Jot AVM4 i couywit.wooa sopport the UW� 11he Mr. A)p told of the location and vhar. semon. In tho evenift at 8 oVf4ek STIDAW H A` n1m DY�E �
_ tile aj!teristic-a of the distinative races., tho service Will b e abortened even
.( PARSONS, PORCH AND !!Ork' Of t"W' takes *way from ow, aftei which the choir will sin' A All I
. ]PARSOM HOUSE PAIKT I I I . time Mr. Jenpor etin �&vot* to bis own traced the manver in which the white so 9
� 'I I FLOOR PAINTS - business, ard as be bav, tiakca ctxrge race gy vaillesseendant and Staunderla "penitence, pardon and - ifferent
. , *dually k __ Alal.-es all ),at$ look like new, sisteeii different
;r, - k, (bwu at $1.25 of tile Pavilion Orchestra, to tile Arf,t in 'c�idusion outlined the causes Peace." A bay boo been trained tq- -
_ Quwbp, $1.2s colors.
pints at M. . of jfo%e, he should be use-.UrC4 of Wbet ,which have led to the growing pres.t. take the soprano solos, Rod Mr. F. G. , 1 .
1- \, � I" ft% 40c. 1 ==-- . ----------- ��= Piato,70** the town council are willing to do, in Ige of the yellow ravea of Asia. The Holmes bus consented to take the 30c a bottle
__ STAINS .0 Way of supporting a band. The speaker Baw tremoudQuif promews, baritone 691". Evenoong and caw
-- VARNISI .. ,ganization is in good shape to,'go arising out of the Impending c .
I . 11FA-1jW` —1��i --J—__fA01D VARNISK 01 oliflict tata, will occupy 'slightly more than 4'.".. � .0-.-,
� k) (jot ow XW You NOW) zatol soc, - Ahead, and get up good overtures for betwectk the white and the yellow an b6i1r,._,.,. Lyma Y 1191.
I ,
I f , " - -I races, with no, solution excep 11 8 "ater Glass En Newer .
� I Qowts, 89C. the suminer sud it only needs init24 .t in the
MURS.SCO foor ase (for am wo* **) tjv,o� in forraing an orgallizatiou to rapid sprvail of real Christianity. I
�'� - . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",,,,��,,ii��������������,,��������������'ll'"'I'll'"'I�,�I __ - .... . � Stand behind the bandit that, IS I On raotion Mr. Alp was asked to XWU . I I 20c a fin
I 1� I /� I I '�' 0 ,I should be done, wltb Publish his p.oper in sbe local press. .- I I 1. . ,� On� tin will preserve ro or 12 d0Z= egg&
I . � I th council fee 4 � .
I I I 4TE - rt from Aott*r an f6teresiing discussion the .� ( Continued from Me 1,
, 1# PARSONS* IR SYN(N I 00DERIGH the promise of definite suppo ting 4djourned. I -_ , f �, ___ - - , I .
" 1 12 11to"ll 10 04TAX10 the municipal treasury to assure a met k . . . R M
, . fKRYTNINI W jut "WE 1. ___._1AL.__ ..., ,- S004 musical organization in town Valegstion Asks That Aniberley to the prediction wasonly a month out -
.0 - � 110*wmmmllllll I I" -I,--,-,- - .1 %his summer, . Kitekenler Road Be Made Provilicial and that was Owing P failure to al. 11 We uow stock Rastmau Kodaks, Rrowuie C*w-
�� l . I � . low for the attraetiQii of one: of the Films, Film Packs aud Amateur sup -
I I . .. ���-�_____ _,_______-.-___-_ .. "401ect 10 $11U00t Highway I I � planota near to which It passed. eras, Bastmau I
. ITho ltos*10#4.
THE C. C. L SYLAWWW The town , ?W�,fflmvoo is ta,king upi Somq'thirty *kmbers of the Coun. yrof. Klylgstou explained that as soon plies. 11 I I
1VW0 ,
! � . � .� t I)e 004V f -, . art, I the question .4f building a general ty Councils, of Huron and Bruce, to, as astronomers had three locations of.
" zn-_�_�__�--1 A51haproperty owners Of the town hospit gother,with the three members of the DEVELOPING PRINTING AND MAROC-
: 41, which is conceded to, be one a body, moving in its orbit fixed, they . TA
I _�11 tt��'-7 , f, the I , I
� T T�U�Sl).-.Y, MAR. 270i, 19214, Huron rldings, Messrs, John JOY11t, copld tell the -
11 11 ; � .7:- __ .L�= of "irlvh Ar4 about to vote an -a by- ot,.theo greatest necessities 6 E. R. Wirle and , No IV. T-rowartba, Passing whole orbit. , SEKVICE
. _;= ,
I � I ��, ._:�;�, =_, _ :�,=_,��,_",�_--_�: . vements town and county. A'About ten years P PT
, � law providing funds for impro bosrond the solar system,- " I RON I
, THE BYLAW VOTE ON MONDAY ,to the C minent Citizen of the town M. P. 1�.`Ri And ."veral of the county there were the ,stars; great sum; in
,011eglat� Institute, may I call ago a pro -_ I I
� � , officers, waited upoi —,. I I __��
I I ;..! I .� .v. to a point loft in his Will ,a bequest of It the DQPuty Ulu :fact our own sun was one of the smal- � .
� the attention of the elector some later. of Highways lost Friday to lily *le -
� 411,oW as the nucleus for the estsb� r stars. Prof. Kingston showed I'll D
;1 Tile limperty-owners *111 be 46ked . before his department the. desirabil. some. of .
,. � . ent which I have not board OmPhasizeO lishment of a hospital and another , . tile constellations on the 11. C. bUNLWJF
I _
� , to. vote on the bylaw for iloprovelll Y .Unyone? , I bequest of $5,000 00=0 ftOm AuOtllcr,fty. Qt taking over the county road screen. , Pointing to the fuzzy up. I I . I
I I 0 ;� . , and enlargement 6f the collesiato In- b"As Is now fairl�, well known, the estate, ,These aluounto have incrosa� running from Amborley,east through pearance ,at one side of one of the The Rexall Store -
� I I , . , atitute an MOI%4&y. It has been said county, pays for pupils attending a ed, until they now onioUnt to $2.0,000- Luck4ow, Wiligham. Listowel and on stars in the Constellation Orion, prof. Phone No, I GODERICH
. i . ntrate On COI,l ' to Kitchener and. ritising it to t ize of . .
� � . that the town should cotice egiate Institute or High School, Aud a canvass fdr subscriptions has Ile sta- Kingston gave an lde4, of the, A - - - - - -, - - -------
out vro*t.,%t a tlwq� and see it to from outside the municipality, to the raised $25,000 more. A free Vito Oi too of a provincial highway, This i this nebula, by saying that a 1- - __ - . ,
I - I , . t the - - 010101 7 � �. 11 .
� I ,
, � pll�ctlou instead of disotissing man3r upkeep of that Institution 100, per five acres has been donated, .so that, road is 6$ miles long and is a very lowest possible computation it would - ,.. k,:. - g . . , : . _____.__ _ , - .�
�1, � . I coraga, and.carryIng nothing througho cent. on their equal proportlon of the there is f46,OOO and a free site tit , heavily travelled thoroughfare. Th'era take a train going 60 miles an hour, � . �. .
thin - I , are 40 miles of this road in Huro ' "Is$ Gladva Spouss rotlQme(1 botoo, PlovvJngbeVn;p In this neighborhood
� , Irklo intake Is air 0: Cos I Ot all gone
. � I ead, t 1vith-pispils attendilig,from the present available.' Those in charge 1% six million years to cross that.dis.. lat uundayfrom Wostflei,,�"qbore she lastvritlay. The ovowis ,OR
- i Our ,water-Wc � -^hospital municipality, and also 80, per Cent. of of the project are seeking to secure County. The members of tile dele- tance. Astronomers were not pool. lita been visiting. ", , �,, I but� it is uebossary when there Is a large
under way, then tjore is the gation from Huron County, -were � �,
I f . I I their proportionate -share of Krman- Allotfier jg5j000, which they look up- tive of the exact' width; it might bq,a Bliss Mloule.daughiordl.)#V. avorge amonat of work to be don6 alld not
. , 404 a new town hall is in the . I Reeve McKibbon, of Wiligham inuell belp to do P
I pr+44� out improve . At t gob busy. early.
. . 'Ments, on as necessary, to Assure the success ; great deal more. Bllllhtv� spent gunda,y wtth bor-wind.
�, I I le G. C. 1. Addition. - I Shortieed, of Morris; Naylor, of West Some strange .are bei"' e '
.1 � air, *D4 there is if At the present time abo# one-third of the project. . Cooking neWar mas.. parf uts, Mr. and Mrs. 9�dkuw Millima I ' Nae revival seivioes ng on-
I 11� I � We earnot see Much in tV6 idea of of the pupas of Goderich Collegiate School Nurse7o Rqwrt I Wawan"h; Sughsmm,' Of East W-` I Ses were shown an the screen, sonlo, Ot. Nile- ' - 4;�) 1 tinned. Mie pastor, Rev, J.� J. John,
i I I On one -project at A 'Institute are.,from outside the immi. . * wanosh; UcEli4en, of Turnborry" of w !ell n' account of their polo. Mrs. J. McBride, of Carlow, wb�bas, Stan, is being Assisted by Rev, Mr�.
fouctntrating light�n;io '
! : I � tj;�e, The debentures Which ,will CO- . - The following is the school nursc.'s Johnston, of Ashfield; Inglis, of Hill- to many hours 0 impress boon visiting at Nilo uutj Duilganuo" pacrg, �
� I I cipality, TIlery In an increased ten- * 1, I , of Dungannon. I
I I in ah ' to X)r some time, raturaea to her, Walt . I I
L .. � � I . - -_ --- --,—. .-
, V" 0 no project ivill be dency in th(, rural district to have the.'rePOrt for the o t of March ilOtt; McQuaid, Of MCX1llOP; Coats, Of their image oil a pho graphic plate. Monday last. I . I I
1� . I - je cost of anyo children given the advantages of se,4 schools, visited, -Victoria,. 1) visits; Usborne; Warden Erwin, Of BaYfiOld, One of these, in particular, looked so .
. .
I spread over g term of ,Probably thirty I a; and County Engineer T. R., Patter- much like a swijil , Moog, t aj oi�e maot�r Main Itutiodge. came, home on .
, I i - ; I . , . d *0 Cannot wait for 30 condary education. Teachers' solar. Central, 0 visita; Collegiate, 5 visit' ng .. b I &vish I,Ativoak. On Pdondayhe start HOME FOR - WTER ,
11 . I I
, .. ;i , ye.vs, all .. _ L -Toynt$ moul-L could very we .irdaglue,'iii looking at - . L. � .
- years for .4 �OOW ' e4 back to Niagara. where he boo been .
. IOWA-holl for In- les. arc- high. and many County chil- Colborne No. 6, i v1sit.. Number of son, of Goderich.' Jobti , 11 .
. dreu aro qualifying as's�hool tcaoh�, children . inspected, 942. 427 itupas, bar for North Huron, introduced the it he was looking at the photograph w .
1 � il I I L, doe�sftilly h the � . Orkin$ for some time. , Tbe-very tiM6
,:. " nee, just because We are building 0 1 Vaccinated Messrs, M R. Wig) ,
I �� I SW - era, yet *.",eL find that the proportion were u . delegation and e of a universe in the king. ' rhe red winjeti blackbirds were seen .
1, . 'L a
� We Can't 'walt of pupils, in the Goderich Collegiatf: four to - and'N. W. Trowartha, the other two The myrialas ot ma last �Veeli. to have Your Pkture, t ken '
11 ntal, I . stars in the "Maky flylig around - These bird I
L ' , i'
I -.111 i �e pipO_ And � . , wil, schools during the month
%; " actually Alarge-porc way," the stag . .
1� I . Own has . goring distances and, a iew to prefer low'wet places ratlaes I I ' by R,.R. SLALLOWS
L". $or thlri� y�ajs for something to be from outside -the t ,ehtgge of tbe'remaiiiing Huron membeks, spoke on behalf of ,
� I ills in the schools were the project. It was pointed out that . .
�! . dono to the Collegiate just because decreased lustlad of increased, uumber'ot pill sizes of many of these stars astr;�n- t an high and. dry co ua�try, I . I
. .
,... I �. ow t*wn,hall- While there, are more reasons than voidoln4ted -successfully by their fAm- Huron County was entitled to.'more owers, have been able to compute, I I L- ====== ..1.
wp are talklog ot an . I. _____._______ - - .... ... .. ..-
... 4, ) , (_� one to atcount 16k this unfo�tunate fly physician. 'The schools' attend� roads of this class, as our PrOPOr- leads to spequlat!On as to how, many . . L I . I .
" � 't .. Nor can we wait for thirty years for herL COUntICS1
.. I " . - L . .. . 1Z � - tion compared With ot I L ond I I I I . .1 . . I .
I . � .
I . better ".1166filtal go,commodoxion be- state of affairs, yQt it must boilamit- once was depleted very greatly dur myriads rhore there, way be* bey .
ll . , . lug the last two.w6oks; but is 011AUt bad not yet been 4eached. The -D . � .
. !,I i -other projects on ted that tho chief rebson, Is that the L � 11 . e- the reacli Of the oi* most powerful �. . ,_ . . I . .
. i � . ll Cause there are ' bin 0**mept turn Mal now . . Inister, in the absence of the t I I ision.' Truly when we � - .'. . . . I -
t� 1 -, I I . . nee loodation and �. back to nor . puty X e escop c . v4 . kS, �f. . L � , 1: . I . I . .
� . 4 TH E. HAMILTON, Hon, Mr. Henry, through illness, eouside ' . .
� . 4 , bond. L !shed 'has become, h I .. RU S r the 'heavens, the wor . I , , * --
. . . ; I , ., opeleoly Inade- , I � I ' , I IL
.1 � � '111c r
�L , . . . otiring of a number of deben- ,quote and out *of dote arid, owing W . CfiQQI nurse. promised favoki6le consideration in God's,bands, we are led to askx "What . .. . . *,, . . � *
i I , � . Pnymolid7on Which the advent of v I I the near future. The delegation eon� is man that Thou'are mindAil of him'. I . ... � . L 11 . I DR"D
, ! " , tures'at tile town, good travelling 4ccom. only'Vive Wero Relati es .. . 1. � �� .W.
I . I � 11 I .
1. I 'f 1, :
L �' " . . Uvo been completed or are%elnT modation'. Country' pupils' are ott6nd- I % As regards the statemout in Miss sidered its mission In regard to the prof. Kiligstgres lecture in the�even, - , . � . le I .11 .
�L � . I highway irt questior wA& quito sue. I � 11 . , )k I
. � -. I. jr-,f . L'. , , I , , .
i" �L " . , oulpteted in the next fcW'YeArB will Ing' better equipped ,sohoOls cloo- Florence porter.'s telegram to Ottawa Ing was under the auspices of the . I .
, . .. I
. � _ , I .,:: I L, M -Ni's - - " , . I I I
L. , �, .jal: whore. The ,day,orrivod s me time that *IgUerp to petition for r. Co ccssful-_� Mr. J oynt aiterwards ,enter- Lion§ Club :for. Children'.s Welf4re I . .
I ;, � �, � . . I put the town 14 excellent financ � . P tained�the delegation; to lun ' I , I .... . I ... it 11 I .. 11
, il, , � . ago. whon the old 0. C. Lo, of, which Moose were rolalfts 6 have boon , cbeop,,at
t , , .the 440 , , . C, X. � I 4 .
X ,� . . W I , tel Work'and at the opening.Chief I . 11 . . I .
� , i: L j L ., ... . . condition, and it ian issue not-l'dtibell- we ex -pupils were once so proud, asked to. state that only five of' those . on's Ho , . . Saunders told about the Lions Clubla 1. . . it � I
� o. the bur&%.' # ... �� ' - $ L . �. . . .- I
,.. I . I . . L .1 .. I � � I . I %. The s W n If.
Ow � . ceased to be, as It once was, one. of who signed tile. aoderjoh .township � I effort to start. a ehildren's' play-� � t� . .-
� � 1. , j wroi witbout adding t . � - . pring . sho 'i 0 �'o I
�f "' , -� " � � I �. 11, . . . . 11 . L I
. , 61 taxatib". * the best, If not the best, occondaryin- petition 'were relatives, And thii, out, .. DRIEF TOWN. TOFICS - - ground; this had - not been 6velooked . I . I I . .
�# � . .Oloet, as the bilare. lititutiOn bt this wester I I but the lack of an auditoklum in' town L I ., � j.FL I Cloths. for .. . .
� . . : I . L . . ... !Ole hospital p, n district of correspondent understands was.the Tbe.Home and Sefiool Club of Con- � t. '. , . ... . . -1 I � I . �
I� I I I . , � L, . I
L .� 1 � . . . I . are planning it, 'Y I 'oh - A was torwarded: to i tral Schoot will meet on FridayL of I where they could g;sve entertoininents I I . I - .
1, 4. iL �_, . dI1 not add to 0ir Ontario, and outside 8tVndQuC6L h4a TV petitio Which' _ I had *i4ented the completion of'the. .. ' � I ,. p, �- I
I '' . " debenture ,acbt. The 6�m bali pro- been 4ffcCtVd 40ordingly. ! . Ottawa. A surprise party of some teinoon, April 11th, at 4 o!elock. d oil L .. 1. . ! Soitj Lan L ; L
,, 1% ..� ... . . � I q I .1, . I . . I . , L
act that this, is - . -Ak . I . , � I d "
fund duii tbe winter. Tile fun I � ' L
I . -t, NVIth auditorium, -is' A. ne"Gsity By VA'rtUo Of Lthe I ,150 of Mr. Cox!o friends and neigh The W. 0. T. U. will: meet in jbdL 1. hn , . . W, � I q L L . . .
*A.� 1,� . ; L , je4 I the County town ()no WouldL - ship assembled fit his . afftounted to $850' and about .. 1. 11 el , I . ' � .., I L . I I . .1 I !
I I . -
I ..... . .. .
�: 1: � k, . and wouid p1roV*0 vory largely self AAW'411Y bors of his, town !'Temperance Hall on Monday, April '' ' . 01� ;, - . -
. *
�i I I . 11 . I expect tbut, With 41"'Up.to_dato aCJAOOl, fiome to welcome his. return home and $1000 Would be needed to buy:the - � ,
,.t I'! � I.. I . water works intalm . I 14th, at a p.: m. Come and bring 'mn ropsed 1. I . I., ., . " .. i I . .
, . . I . 601stialling'. The . I " . I . I I 1. . 1;�- I � , . * . . . ...Overcoats.
. �,� . I . , and equipment we should have 4 194--, a good'time Is reported. There would . . . . I . . 1. '� t I I
, : . .. s Will be. providodaut of 'a I your friends. I . .11 . - . .. . . ' " L . ..'� . . I
I; � I I debenture er proportiont,of outside pupils than' have been A, . much larger gathering I .1 Prof. Kingston at both.his addreSS .. . I i 1. A t � � . .
, *
I � 1, . . . m, "...
I.. I . i Mr., David ,Unstlogs has come Von) to th6 Lions thill4rid his lecture: in . . 1. %�X ,ij, . ..�_
L . 1. - . ritinds - . .' " ,f 11 . " 1, . �." -! .. J : taorea .
. � MwOrAtO increase, in w4teV. riltoo-. Any other school ,in tho,coolity and but' for the. fact that 1he f: ;A by L,ownaes, is
11 ; I . AX0013u, 860041id'.-to take 4ho pal � .-,' L . .,
L . - 4W - -over, piO.-,&t thd Blllo� Water a t,f?fl tile sh6w soln -dew. I . , , .. . I �� . � I I
� ,,,- . ��:, . The Cr. C. t4o'bontures (it the bY1 60 per cent. woold'not seem too large thought the house would be , evening, . ed e a of the � �i 11 I . L I
I : . I I I - I �
I .i.
I I - 'build! being erected for the .... .. I . I now on - displ4y '�t ouf
.. . I . .. . I 1 O)f And County new .. I.. I.. I
.1 I . ,a), witl bo, the only once, Pozi a proportion, to estimate as pr0b$010- 'crowded and mank of those who were Club and ,has been 4 Work, on "the, of L . L
L � , . . . carrit I I , uga . .. I 11 --- �,
. I I I University Western Ontario, He I ..
1� . . I . I . t .
I that. % ill M,ean much to the tax This would mean to 'the t"PAYer,% - not present At the reception hav� cal- c6urge with -ten ruail.under him Since , i � L
� . . I . L sibly, . , , . . I . I N I
I . L �11 . .. I that the proposed JulproVenient'; le(ron IkIr. COX.31 . . the first of the 111012tb. L ... I quoted figures showing the growth J4 ��� f .. I store. L �
.. . . rate. The annual trepayMent -on nee, - , . . . . ( � - I
. � . . I I . . . registration at the various course " - I L . I .
, , . theso-'ampunts to'$2,700 as, tho,town's would not only furnish for their own - . . T'resident J. AL McAdam and See -L fact last year Wit a, i)W , . - I '� LWe invite you to'inspect
I " .. I � . L be I . .. It$ 639 I .. 0� ... I '. . . L
1. , . . . . . resting event took r 'he only� 'University in I I Y .42
. . L'�
..%, .. . ..� .11 . 'L . sbare. andL Of this ;1,600 Would Children Improved conditions from the The Stewart-Simpsoit Nuptials, retary France. of the. 'Blue Wate b reglstrk� 1. . R I
. �
I . L . ; ", I . . viewpoint of education and health, but I A most into . . Highway Association were in tO*n oil tions, it was t L , k . I I � these Cloths, krlowi�g they
li .. I . � . . . lost to the town'i" arly, event by tile . April . ,,.North America' Which Showed an " . I ) I.,� 7L � '. . I
� . I . I I I woyld actually reduce the annual cost place last Wednesda3r morning, Tuesday and addressed a meeting at . . In- .f L I .
I b . �
I . , I 11 . . 1, el-nmeut grant. ,t h Crease * in , registration. Prof. King- f I I 1, J� . . .2 will meet- ypu,r require-
... I loss, of the Gov if ' he of -upkeep to the tax payer. It ' 20d,.at the home, of the bride's moth- I t e town, hall in the evening on the I � I
I ,
. . � ... � I im"rovellients are u4i'made, leavinir very Otte possi . � .26 er, Mrs. Martha Willis,.Cam6ron at, work of the Assoc! ston also spo)re to the students of the I �. . . . . L .
. . I . I I u , ble to economize - by I ation. (jur report ments.
. . . . I alli"Aliting the puro spending 1. . � . when, her daughter,. Anna Georgetta Collegiate JuStitirteL in the -afternoon . 1, i a I I . . -
�. .. I . r -only $1,M Ann . # .. . Simpson, was united in warriage,lo of the meeting pis Welt as much 0 I . I . I , . L
L I . I . . %, � . . . jir�cvcy Of, the Neotures as the in� Every additional pupil attracted' matter is held over to next veet,halt at.the:school, and proved very enter- .- . I � �
, I I -
I 1. . : . .
. I ''. . . . . I lereased cost O the towAlf the bylaw from outside the municipality Lnot,oll_ Mr. Amos Stewart, by the Rev. R. C., th ugh in type, on account of lack of tainhig aw well as Importing informa4 __ I . I .11 I I �
... I . L I . �,� I. .4 � , . MoDernlid, ,pastor Of ]Knox church.. -0 I I tion about the University of Western . .1 I I I . I I I . I I I I
, . I � '' I earri"i ,and bv caltylug the. bylaw ly brings 4 contribution to the Cost Of L space, . . .. . � . . . I . .1 .1 I
I . . . . .. the Collegiate Institute, but also Tile bride woro a handsomely tailored I . Ontario. I L I � I I I L L I
I . . . I . � I . . 1. I I I
� the town would have a, fine up-to.4ate I I I L I
� . . .1 . . 11 from $300 to �$500 as livi K eXpellses. suit of taupe broadcloth, with- hot to
I i � ; �. �F:. -1 I . 104itution"which, wouldbe an attrao- , loll is some be n match, After partaking of a daintil AMONG THE CHURCHES * '' *rte .
. .. IL . 1. I .. wh I y . . .1 . GODERICH'TOWNSHIP F6rsy&:, 1&'
.. . I... I., . . . ... . L tion to Students to take their course nefit to the business ; -he cou. ' ', L �__ -.,.. I . t . . jaula,lkv
I .
, � I !, ; . I . I of the town, Other members of the I prepared wedding'breaUfast, t 'The Junior AuAllary of St. Geor. - (Froul. another comospondant) ,. . � . L L'': ,L '
� I I . I bere ),Other Aball going to. othel - London for a short bell, - g I ., . . -
�, !:. , . 11.1 . . � 'Pill* famil.v are attracted to the town and ple left fo.0 y es church are preparinga, three -act- Mr. Fred Gilbert bought a fill(, . . .
I , . I 1. so Ila Considerable buylugb -a their return took play, "iColor Blinil,"'which wilt be team -of botses lost vMpk. - . . . In Broadclothd , . .
. L � ,cos.. It was a surprise to thc, writer 41 , I inoon tripi and o
I I I .
I '1� 1. I � 1- to see Wbat �a �ZICQI lay, out i1provided N.rhaps It might.he well not to up their residence. tit the groom's - Mist-, Annie Cooper.was called ho I . . . L , -
.1 . . I - . . - I I or ill the plans for the ror � ,.the rush for tourist home on Warren street, where Mrs. staged soon aftet Easteri I me . B '
. ;. . . . " ,��, . oodoltWg ovorlook this in L Mr.. Arthur Langh ren , ' from Winghom .o*ing' to the ;lIness . � . IV
, 7", L . I ., I i Stewart will,recelve the third Thurs- � am , derod the I . 411bon Cloths I
f;. i twoo. I solo, .,,So .:
. . I I . . . of the Oollegltiui, and -it would be a . . ,� 11 L 'ek Ye L the Lord,", very - of her- father. Mr. Co6pe): is Aight. - . . I I . L �
� , -. I . ; I Also, since the proposed day Ili each mouth. Both . ac , , ,
L L 1. . pityk in our opinion, It those who. plans have the bride efling servie . e ill .L .. rby . � . ,� .
� I 11 . been approved by the Mducatlon.De.'aud groom aro woll,known residents eeptably at the ev -last 1v improved. . . Fo 16, I L . 1. . .1
. 0 . I might tool disposed to think. Goderich I North street Methodist church - Mrs. J. G. Steep returned to her I � . .
� L L ; L ' . pattment and that the provincial of town ,and,L NV'th their many friends, ,. .; . I S I , . .
. -new building, grant will undoubtedly csnc�lled .1 . on after ape)iding it. . � � . .
, . I should have a brand The Star joins In hearty cougratula- Sunday. ... . . home in Clint L Perale
L , I ; I . it be . . r� .
: . . . . . should by their voto.co.operate with satisfactory improvements are not tions ood good Wishes L to Mr. and, .. The gervices nex.t,Sabbath'In Knox week at -the home of her son, 51i.
, .
, . I . I :
� � I I . Milton Steepe. I . In a va' of shades fbr .
� , , " �1 .i those who ma3t be Opposed to any mildo, it would seem that, the add!. Mrs. Amos Sttwoirt- - �. - I church will he conducted by Rev, Jas. L . L : � I L . . nety I
. ,I � I =oaey being sl*rst and so dofeat 60nal Uollitles may be obfained as Maitland Lodge to Present Virst De Foote, H, A., of Exeter, in exe,hirk -A 14 rm . . I
. .ge The many friends of'A ja. � 6 in, 0 . �
I . . � ! I ,what looks like a very res -*m ed with' 't with the 'iifnister. gobbath School Welsh and -Mr. Walter thinIcAon tire ur sping showing.. . . I .- I
I prop" out In any wily adding sree at aintork April lgtk on Oftasion'
� � I I ., to the burdens of the t4xpayer. of Grand Mantees Visit I " � i and Bibles tlasses At 8 o'clock. L . . pleased to hear- they are bimproVing L � . . L . I . L I
� . . lutloil of a pf,essing nted at the Col I I I ,
�., ,�� . . .., AN INTERESTEI) OUTSW911. Plan$ for -the visit of R. W; GrandL Baptist church, Sunday, April igth,. after tholk recent illn�SSL � I... I I L
� I lWate. . . I ,- -_ . I Buy, your $,jopl� while
� (I I . 1, r 1 . - , *I I . I W. - J., Drope to Clinton Us Regular service,i durl the day. At � . . I . . . L
, I �,Ome,may say 4,L Rehool that r , . Muster I . 119 ALL FOODS .full., range of i
� . . 'erV(d L Tito; - —
� J � bur x*neratiou should bo, "d enough I ,SHEPPAOTON o sonic Lodge on ,Tuesday. afternoon the 11 a. rfri servietr Rev. Mr. Dewey . I .
� .
� I - The medicia Profession very geu� � -
I ! "'�A* 40d everting, Apr1l, 15th, are being will give, a report of the Jrubilee btis� ' .---
� . - I � I for thts rising gonerati6n. "But one Unple, Syrup making to thIs 0.111or -fit sion serviee held in Tbronto during orally advocate that -all food products sizes in All patterns, - .L .
� the day In One "el.111Abovilood. I �,`,, comploW. The.Lodge will moot at .
. �, . I . . 'ClIA". a very *1 pr4etleal One, that in I * lsq I 11lota Gtall4in *104tod at bor 3 p. m. and: the oflicers of Maitland the week. %sylor's Corners at 3 V.tn, should be 06.4. � in sealed - paekiges. . . .. � . . I .1 . . . . 1�. � I I
� L . . I. I typMrit.ing, Wa 110p0trik0lit Which 'AS laist wook ond. : � Th6 regular nioeting of ,.t),A w.1t.s. All cities vigorously, inspect butch4er 1. 1 L, I - % I . I I 1. � . . I . �111 "...._'..... . . . . 11
� 11 � . a dtj.#IopMMt Of in o I brother Petey's lAdge go. 33, Ooderich,'will present I 101OX Church 'Will be, held 0% Tues. shops to prevent meat front b#in, * _ I I I .
� ; L "ut Mr. and 511%. marahsal, Ilave. 016ved the First Degre*. The� officers of of footed, many p It in� � V* , I I .
0 : . 'i -1 I ytirs atild, no pro oWia,,7,,,, " 1 14 De day, April 15th, in tho riftture room at robibit , milk from I . .
� I L per P, 1,4 made ont to their tarm on tilt bouvdAry road. Clinton Lodge will g1vt the 3rd - ead. a . , '
. . ..) MAP,( tile bori )love beou trying '011POt On "ThO Beginning of Missionary Will come With everything,, (4SA_ . .
r. �L. " I ftngestt4 state of the science room theirlOCk at 11811111g. banquet will be hold in the town hidl VV
) I t 4., fif it in the prot Imilding. The ,4 ' give Aso, in tho,afternoon. A I pan. 3 30 o'cloolt, 'ANtra. Gondry. "i r being sold in bulk and -gradually this .
I ,�Ont
- I , . I . , .11.0W lually did work In Foralo.44,11 . . 0 LADAII was the first to introdiipe;* . .� � - ,, To N PS 11 .
� � � L - v -banquet, addreaso ,,, I � '') N E.: . .
I ,I . ,,, , ithout provision for storago of,ap. youe%tch, bopO and following the is
I . I Urs. IV, A. McKim has esuilled the PAckAP idea as'regards 'to '
� .
1 1, vNiinces, the deplorable conditIO!, ,of Tilt, 11ev. Mr. Alutoul dellv6red his 'Wal ber given by W. M. Bro. Drope, superintendetcy . a .
� � i . I , , ,,,of � t 0, L PrI ury thirty-tW and IISAL'Aov'r Clothing, F�mishings
Aullulsteriq the Bro. John Stevenson, of Stratford School of St. Geotge's c . - _- A" .
i � 't_" . histting and vent* ,�ote farowell sermon and 0 f . . 0 yes" Ag " lind a little het. - �
is still ,
i . , I
i . i .-,, 'Saceftlent Of tile LOW's Supl*lt last D. 1). G, X., for South Huron District, C. Glaziel, having to li" 6 , It has by far the 1. I .: I . . . I .
! I , make it most ilesirable thitt the -� S attenlOoll In St- Andrew% No. 4; Bra. S. Wilton, of Brussels, -ilikmimlili"M - - ____ - I - -
. , llation, ,41tie pilror
� 11 11 tionday I
, all PresbSteri to
� 44 " than Other tea".
I . .� tpost On Account '4� sic ness in the largest stile.
� th;kt have been approved should be, " obureh' Bir' ltlutoul Is 1). D4 G, .X, North Huron District family. � _ I I , . __ . I 1~ q A -,- - - ".0 I
i ! 1 .. \� gone on with and we Intend to vote # taking tip his work Ila Battle. 110 will N66 5; also Past D, D, 0. X's, and . . . . I — - - . --- I P1 A 0 0
� Ile greatIv wissed by ills max . . Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Davia'made a . . .
shing him smeo.% in his, . . e urell I .1. . L
�! I for the bylaw and colunlend*it to the L j�ho JOJ4 in wi y -friends, other o1ficilds �-' The Noetil 8tre!t1ret1lOdJst*(;h
. . . � � Itev. 1. 1L 11ollue.q. pastal. servicon: trip to Oshawa this w"*.
; � support of the property -owners. a ,if 01840, e) . . DD .
11 . . .1 , . ITO FAtk4lish. Milk Depot and 81111da.Vt 4WHI 13t)t . 10 a. al. men's � 0 � . rnESH SIDE. MAW .
;.� ,
. I . i"
� I I I I . � L 1-1 I., . . . 111asteorize . Clab. 8011J"t, "The UsO wad Abuse of � Nn.9 ,_
� I I I . NN="-W""."W - -_ I I I Mr. Jus. D. UeXanus,proprlevyr of ItCM11119 0CHOII," IntroOkleetl by Mr. G. Urs. Win. Finnigon Is in Goderloh I .
I 11 I , I : ' Ubbott. Church eliksaeg, ulasion Band. . I . .
I it A. m.* pre"bing ser,�'Ice, 11(vas, it - I .
� � , I PrA � lug the t3tablishmout of i milk depot spending V. time with her mother. I � .
� . % ; � Thunder w44 It on Angel --wan It 004? Me. L. it. Pentland is home from Irl y our Uwon, .25C. a vottnd.
� I 1)" AMPS 5 the "(;arbra'd Dairy"' 13 "Out"mPlat-
IN UP 'WITH � Diu 'L. Ili town ill the near future. He'atates m1lees lot Spiritual P166eptlon." it p.m Detrolt, 4134 expects to Stay for a tl
� .. . I -anted
�. I � he Is faced with the problem of plac. Clillreh Classes and Bible (,lass. 7p.tu, .*..W .... No ... W.6" te. 006d Chicken,* An4 Butter W
Mft� _ ' _ _ ___
� � .. I I . initLa third dellwry outnt in tovm, and Presetting service, subjeet, "Thk�ee, Et; - -_ 0M__.__ "T
� I UNTO-THEMNUTE L Measurements." strallgetsand 0
� " I I the V%ptilse of maintaining it will be ",till � 1. .,
! I � I ISO great that he thinka the milk- dep6t Visitors Welcome, I WL C* 'E. ALLISON
%. ' S 'IAL , The Easter Day sel-vices at St. � TTIMB g The $a' ry Meat Market West Side Squarg
� I , Plan 'Will not only be more economical I MY111 nfta
I i � ,
� art.Wear , . Georgela ebureh will be as followw , I I . .1 I 1. . - �
� I'll Ments Sm I i . I 11 m milk will 8 14. M., 110ILY eoilr 'on; 11 t. a., i 0 0 , , I - - - - - L- - -
I ; . I L be delivered to the depot in eans. it , 40,41 ____ - - . � -1
� -.1. - -_1 _-1_-_.__._
�____- ---�4� LL '- -
I I ,
� � ,*"� 66) will then 1* Pasttur'hed Arid cW'ed by festal matins In shortened form., fol. , - _ �____-___
I . . Furniturleul �
I � I . I I all up-to-date plant be,will, inst4tll for lowtd by Holy � C6ntimnlioft, fully .1 I .01
. and C 4 chorol; a p. in., Sunday School ter. I I
I the 1purpose, then bottled and deliver. ,
., k . 11 td to the homes. 119 this nio-thod he Vice in the chureb, when the schol*rs New or Used reniember
I �_ I . 11 . Spr,tna Footwear
1� "I I I hoom to be, able to handle the trade Will prelent the f*tults of their ua. I
�, I , " . , aAii,4VtOAIY with his present doliv-itfft mite bwxos; 4 ,P, in., JuptismAl "a"fa swm*Aaas. Fund- I � MAW i,
.0 llave a few uiec , . I 4ce, . YAR&TOF STYLE
� , We als .. ) . (TY $Yatew and.sopply rallk *ndeream SeVV - 7 P. m., eveliioftw, and aermon twe Eso,*up an the Wood- . I
, � things.for the Ladies. . that Wilt keep sweet longer, two or with special musle. way of dodoo*lk is t1w ooft a I APPEMUNCE .
- three days in fact dur* ig the 'tummer 4C.641 ra"lon. veek owsogelistie - ,
. I a T31 i -eg Will be ondueted next wtek 1690. Att In '��f -QUAUTY
104thtY, and, it ro sible, elitninitteL SOMC radave I
. � .
. � - Somet-Inn-a Newo In Ladies' Hose the J5unday 44vt-ty altogether. "b Vi " If it it al St6vt you WAftt we . 1* PRICE , -
. Nitlisteriol Association rains to the followhi.? �, I .
I . � , ' QP Y lienhurch., Accl-'Ote"is' 81re"t Methodist h" it.
� I ittst '11ing on Droadway. The'Goderieb and Dis A&W SundAY rdfthiogs "He is Able-" t tofth our lW.s6 cl`lortto,"Ouro fop one eustonjer,4
, % , -$,Ii* I tr'ct 11th"Ster" Sunday owning, 'Iftat W#9 Setft ;t I XVO Law. liti
�� , - � let Assq<-isttloi inet In, Krio.x church tht, Cwlrl.�,j ,,4ondAy. ,,Jftug ar
. � I A VL:.isy
,.-. ___ - - _ � - __ ___!!r"_ 1. 0!1!!!!!!!!!,MV4 - I �_ .. _. _,_!.!.1!!_ on Noufty Afternoon with tft rAena. Pilide;" TvesdUy. Aijo 111a W &on. .& ft ttle Best it, Foetw4mr for 18pling. Antelit it3 Complete
. I htfs PrtsewL Atttr tht oponing iv,g. , u,_t gild the L . I I L 11. "I � -1 ()Ur trAl"61)�"g gmig Deva .
I 11 . Penitmt Thtef-,111 X%M11eSd*,4 4441as =:= - ___ - !!
. . Shoe ReSW'riYW The Rest.
, "
! ,
I , I , - I I . I . 11
t I I
� �
. I
. ."...".4.0"V r
.I, I I
i I
I �
i�tl I
I � I
� I I
^ �
I I I Asyf>�,c
1 :2�
1 1
*%w 011d MV411019;" 't,h - - *
I I "��1!1,0!5 thlb 10116'Mult $11-TVAI:,"Atnt
I "s 3ft1%d(*, r#gtrding tht mouthly uil. urs;dsy. 11.tew�
I �
. CHAS. " 1 3 1 A, %,ft gi011 PrAYer sft"ting� April 30" And JMC)lh of Ararsatbe*-.11 F)ridA,%;. HAROLD BLACKSTONE S � I W# Invite You To M Yow Buyint At
, Vic, fURNI'MAE EXall" 'L . -- �_
�, -C %V. 1k. ('bYAt,JrA Soill Wit% 03 �. I ... - �
I 11, night �,trrvicps begin at kk os'vletN� ."
__ lily W1 �teiia atrmt churth; E;1*4'I" 1'�t *t tit !4 . 1 I
.. ,-,Uw MeWs ^'Ad Bori` Stor%WNth WW '. 19. Nam ��, (, #% , fj_� � _ "AME If pilme urnw" ^n X" We
I N;Xe$t� I �
Mirth; *pwshtr. Wv. X W. lleacy. . �i S BOOT S"Vir sq"r*
PHONE 219 � ,,Q C Oft tho arwissy of 44&*h ,I 43W IMA'11'
I Xr%t w"f (111'�� AV"k� ther4t W' L
. I 0 . I .. ' I "I " ' . L one 21%,, Nol'th t4rf-r-t Oluk,lt* ill . ,.1,,",.0i,w'1..,,1,,1."._1_ - L . 0 - � . - lft.wl I-
'. I . I -11-L--.-__ ,101::::::�� ' ' .r,caker, l"ov, C'. N. Th, x, rtrvkes ewry Ili$ 'clifin —
11 . - . .1.1 INMAN I . . � lh'mvy. , , L �;ht. ,ev _q I __ __ I .
- ___ ______..___ - , V ,�
. 0 4 .
- .. � � I I , I
I "A� ." i. � .f. -L . 1 . I 0 I I —A . I