HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-03, Page 9i -k�I - I 11 I - .- '� I ---- . -- -- -- - � . . .------ . - - 0 =1 I 1, � I I-— I - � - � - ­­ - ­­ . -I .- � . .1. I . � ­ I . - 11 I. .1 - - . 7� -!!!V!m �"� I - - , "! ==V!!!r� 1 1 .1 . - ­ ITX - -- I I � , TULIRSI)XV, APRIL ard, 1"4 1 THE GODERICH STAR .. --6.1-6- ­...---­6--­------�- - - - -.r-- - ., � ,� ,�. -- � "'. �, -:.= ­­ - - ­ .- �­­ �.­­­­ - ­ �­ - ­ � -- ­ ­ -� ­ ­ - , - ---- -- - ��­ ­ 'ap � .1 - a�,­� , - Ulm, �af.,ks c -aa o, .a �46,4", t� 0o'could Not skop jINE"114 TOPICS OF WEEK UWw,Cbrhli,&,, &-.�Zu urov":) ��P, n , I on %;44chliv OQU7,1;iz rcitigv i�,ri:ak;�- SIMI W" so W*Vun I V. S. JVA644ratiqu G.uc��.r t6W I 64tieplessatfis is eawo %7 *4 UW mportant E"nt* Whith Halve I With bullets by cAuadiau Ahou .- a4 "us qAcr, jx.c"ug dfr"-,�;#d, u*d " 0;curred Ouring the WeoU. 19'e"' ., A b4id fliw broke eat gia Lit to fl%oFo whose wat is br4ca bjr rbo nu.,W ­- Tolva. 14.�ac,tice; daz,is;;,c ,.0 Z. �91,lfiil ilrcauis, r0gift.area, simking World's floWaings Vsire- j8sj,i)Qa. .r . tally 0"Pilod me V*t lot* IMainion aub;ildle;3 to ,fifty j6tcl- find, 8rP.nZbCT3n- F�Clli�,�!Or?. t4 tlxo��O, ship 1�0"jianlrl tcnaliva m4pre t�,,� !� - Handy siftil AttmOve Sbaper for who wako up 'n tho rmm.rc, feeling 11cruW by illo fle*dem of Aftr 141111011 6"llars, 1115t,yvar. Za tii:T4 r.s when the -y Went to hedi I "alwi, UT11104 IjQw"(� Of votar"I'as r, . Goveromont rzu�jdrjty In VOZO �a U0 -we czu Me: Ap (44 pe;ierl'al, Im"bis- . . .. . turb"Q4 refrcshln6v t1cep tknt,k uqqala� TtlEADAV. * dozz Singapory naval I,W�. . it they wila iouly coo Uilbnvals 11mr, I hkilo tio. e4its . , I Liv. xercer. &.rvatvd. eQn-'t I V Tr , In chess Moslem tIvt, candidato. who rea�"ffJ4 e;t.Vt MA M­rvo Pills, I ! Zourt.*,nent. � appt-al, appointed 00t, ut:,::v�7�:Or. .1, Tte�o ZiLi b?!;a3 t1l) VX, . .!h-r.ec.4�a - Tortnito 1.,�,afb batll;y beateit by Vc- Ameadmo,,uts to O.T.A. pruirotwi .roit xiqt�rv. stop State of patent mfdiclue.� cunT I I night's Kitt taTh 14Y improviv,-, t4A Rual,pni,lmasoegl pwmy Olt Bc;lclara- ing more than two uud vae-tiail Umo *f the .3wrvvis and stren-,fteping blau fratniQr. Proof spirits. rittul)urg team Of U.S.H.A. beats � 00 klkft, and t'.0riethy IrMh;Mg ft Cl I Private Bills Copiriittvo in . Whole, fystem work 14 lia-mony. oveland 3-9. dpv�a Proroaal of Loudon City Ca - . Urlilsh .-Matom biegla. around the ell thal 0re;,t rallw"3: tw ri'lln-.ed I X", W. X. Blyre, Port Arthur, wvrZd­L;.ytzr by air. D . payint. i�xpvpse. 'Oat., wrll�eq:--111 w.�q vp r.ervou,) I 0ie4,% k3ound junloro lose 4Q Neu- Qharlco A. 13iiktthvN%,s. Dtput�� I -t ,. OrA, but win round. - , voi'lld mot steept at algb­ 1 wap- 11111cal Treaqurvr, has, teen 14tuied , vo,tal differtinct-8 &bar; iiigus of L troubled with fafat and iliziy &i.eils, a,jul,vo one who Aiarod III prol'aw lr,�:a G I I litervoutt teadaches, woold starl. up 14 40h. settlCluent. 11 41111111nient boud (If -.0. . Sentry In Italy kilbi British lady, -%� %ount, to beve "i I - , '0111 befoi =y slp.cp and si-maut a!nfj. jump up, V.110111 lot, bact challenged,. tiono for publiet.v owned will 40 !be least little ij(�1.4� 'Would put Pop -a confers C.'adirialato ha Iwo mi:ade by inx coa,etvre ciud at 11 My-lif'ryc's on edge. -I qlert,0 reo T117 amliblohopa from UPR0, States. tAIM, t4lie tll�it ta%A,.,� 4%r,- vol*rcto i � . . "'Wr nw! tzictl his mcirie�ne, but I,. f Stio �trvshouuds beat. 8ous of Ire- I0rbertfVr#-vj;,jjtj. til foront,4, 4"'t; set -81 to (10 nie anY gooil, At laitti %-Z, winning round 4-2. fatally injumd. wnt u hk- tried to I-. I last I wert to the drulz stom awl got Ict, iaondlti6ns in St. Lawrence jit- 111nalva,y horse wbica endan.-norvd. Afilburn's Heart oild Verve aF In opening of navigation. 4v(,s of a woman and klirt;tk . vAilld ., a box of I 41c,ate del. I F111% and when T found they wero. I Stefalissou's f5tory regarding Wraa- TRtII1is0.j,)E4 ., , liof ", -ditloA Is c6utradicted, doing me gooti T 0ontinued Their .,use. get re pe Quebec denies story, ebangv. of Canada recogulgos Russian ,Sov I hu�e taken four boxes, wqd c4A vovr' Sir Unlabad 111. wins Linvolus Ile dr n olid ,sleep without trny trou. venue to be, given in Abbe Detarma trial. . % Handicap. �. ble, ,I nd have none of those dizzv and INIcnacing ice -jam at� ,mouth of CallAdaOS dQfenQ(1 bill cf).stS fj I mervotis spells. I 'have ceriainly Tila;,mra river, goes out without per person. . fo6d your remedy to be Ck woude . Detroit Tlv�vm al�;ali� tkounct� ful',one.9# I r" daniago I ronto Leafs. . . �1. I Zurk;y,streugtheriing fortifications i Ifilburn's Heart kiftd. Nerve Pills ba I-ospheroue and -making Smyrna Milk blamed for poisoning of 0 11 . . are $0e. a box at all ilealers. or maile4l U -V4 base , . "'Ou"'y family, ' �, &reet an receipt of pritm by. The T. Cutting off Federal grant results In OweriBound Juniors earli. (wo-g , , , i I '* Wbura Co., Ltd, Torolljo, 03tt. - rt. -duction o*r agricultural . eery I Ices in. lerW over Calgary. , -. . ---�!,­- - - - - �� I - - WIWI) ClolumbI4. . Willion, dollars paid tor 14n .. 1, ,- . .1, . I I . Mf�. 111surange statilAics show re- cornflako (lompany. . I � �. . I I . - French Cabinet lorses,111 fluke V I I . 1=10 IT - --.--- dUOLIon tn mortality riffe of diabetic i I I .. vletilu, by us(- of Ins4ft. - and Prvind(r reptigns. .1 .. , ­ I ..... I r � . . W. II. Anderson,' "Dry" �supur- Sir Edmund Wa4ket., noted ban , . -T SW-4j,l��--- Im- aftff-bric-MIMeo- - : . - - -7 .- .1 I- - --R; -r .� I—- -", 1- I .. ­ ­ � � �, ft- -- 1woRiTcAt (A' Now Tor -Td-SW'4iT�11W,1 �� . - or �� - 11 , e - .#III 1- - - -Sfn----- - - --- - A landslide -at Anialil, lftly,cau , . - a skwve term lit Sing 9. �. � .4 , 1, oil. I - WORM. . I � '... , -.14.� - . - I - Itelatious between Londa4 and t,lie death at Afty persons. * � . . 7 .5,- � . Dublin Governments uot to be affect, I -Must. have periult td Imi)ort gar , � . � . � ed by shooting at Qupeustown. Plants from United States, , . . I r New Yorl: policd 'boat fired on it .MatIon Girling. aged Avo ye : i Xftft-sulphttr, A pleasant terearo, - was drowned In tho Maitland riv I : � Will �'Wol�'a and beat skin that is irrj­ rum -running ,�essel, which caught Reparation elperts- may stib I . .11 4ked or broken out with eczema- that AN. It Is' bolioveil ,four 'men were complete report ..by Wcduesdu�- n � , I is covered .with ugly rash, or p6ples, drowund. . � � . ,� I : . or is -tough or dr,r. Nothing subdues L.14,11t persons were killed .ana 1W. ("Strangler"). L6w1rs.-,1 hel I . throo seriously Injur(,O when on weight wrestling ehampWit, mgri I , f4lry akin eruptions so qiijcl4y, s0i; g *8ii1hun%Irvd boutIon vrery burne , PoW. zkin specialist. baardji British steamiar during a cot_ . The momeht this sulphur, preparition lision wkh-the V. S.,stoaamr Amerl, YoshI6­,tya, Japan; 3�00u are ho . I . I � . is applied the itcbling stops and afteir ean,-AlerChant. . . . . � I . lest;. . . I. � . � two or three applications, ifie eczMa WHONESDAY. . Strrhuous opposition frow I 'Oninlons, to Chicago Ar I . is gone and the skin is delightfAly cliar I . Drandon'(1celares war on Sunday j)a1-[l('.i Jil (I - . , -44 smooth. SUIPII0 is soopredous q's gOlt. I . . � ,al. � . � - . . utx . 11 - ' , I � a �kin rc*dy b�tatilse it d4troys the itozov "rigralulates new U. S. ear-, Greek Monarob lots formMly pro . , I � .. h L . . - again's-, dethror.0111ent AA � K . parasites I at cauw the burning, itch.;: IIWAILS, - I � Geo,rge. L . . I ''L. , ing or disfigurepicut. ldvatho-SwAtir i"nouto Leafs blanked by Detroit atus always heals -ecz�rua riot UP. I - Tig(.��3, :11-0, - . . L 'Debate III IVWX Mai on,Bt. . -of -SILU A�rftwft av!ptors-bop off -on ill fboora in army who. were guilt3 , � A .$mall jar Rowks Wi"016 ght 10 I .1 � L , motiny- . . . t pbur -may be .had st any:good dnig arountj the world . . . '* I """ ­- ­ L . . UnivLrsity College lady swimmers . Tremendous 1;-.owth of Cana . I L .:dwp ­ ­­­- . .. . ­ .. - I ,i tor L I whi I.% of T. m6et. .�.. . .": . , tradit shown In. report, - . � . �� I � � 1. 4=q- 11 . . L L ',,', I . ! - Canadians Nrin I ga-meL, SerICS and twel.V4,t 3110'at" .11 �� L . I I : Staulk,y Cup. from Calgary. � . I X. A. Pinard resigns as Lit; . . . .( ' I . I ' -16 Le I Whip lit Legislature and, A. P. . -� L I L . . . Ontax ,gisl;xture kills strong-% *hInnoy is el�,ctf.d to suieceed.h1ju � : �fj: boeii,bill by vote of 84 to,6. . � . . . L ' dits in Chieggo. suburb seize -.-.,---- - .. � . 1. � � I . . RICL lolaii 1, I . 1, 'ECT I I " . . . L " British Minister of Agricul . I il� - PAJ, I I � - -1-' -- - - . . . � . � 1. I , I . . I L . I Inlai prohlbitall inoventent. q1' ca - : 11� , I , .. . W I . -L 7 in klulted Kingdom for.,I)erlad Of I . . � . , . . � . - � , - month I I I .1 ... , . I .:, . ? -- ��. 1, . TIF NUING ' . tnlp�rtant elm. age. 10 W-jr.-cm ­� . 'ID .. I . . � . .1 . I . W6 Apoeirtlize i . n wir*olg of .. &4 . . I , �ompensation Act proposed JnL bill .1 . ' L I I fare House, and new act so-veri . , - --it 1. . , . , 11 . , , * ; 7. .1114 1', 'a . N �;,��, , . S, . ,.. - , , ! , � , L' � III !i� Let U"A give y -m tin I - ! . 6 li.otelp 14 Introdgeed, , . L % . . I 1 ). IL 9.-it,iinat4 ror Nviring yonr humid, . ,,- - &at I . - I F1111MLY. I I I . . 11 I . . I . I . . ­ I . I q � or 'garage. I . 0 ' Three United States army avia - I - q'. I . . %. I I � nn - killed at HcMaln,lu. . I Cari el I 4� . 10 4 X- 9- Canadian rum -runners blarneA , 1( PRIVATE ULEPHONCS, ;2/1, I " ; . I I . . . . .1 � � I / I I C I poisoning pretichell's, ruilk. ' " ORS, DYNANI $�, irst . Soo seniors defeat Set . kirk 6 -t � 11 . - NOT I Os. , snee h and In first ,f. Allan Cup fluals. , L. ' . F �, - ELECTRIC BELLS a04 M emi $ 1 Horatio -Bottomley must mfrrvo �L � . ill I ninient, It sentenee ,in English. prison,' .,� BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEMS- . earsouttheno,se , Canhda. trado.for Fel*ltary !ill �! 11� " . 'ALL WORK GUARANTEED . and tbroat. � increase In favorable' balani!v. 'Rub on sore tbroat. i'l . � L .. I.. . I . I I 11 I . ; . CanaldaL Inak nift'il Urlt(41 States 9 or <:Wat for quick -world'.4 hockey tropliy*tnth Nreux. I .� COOK, IRON and TOAST by . relief. , - I . French Governmont inakes ,. . . . r . . I I of:eredlts out at sale of francs. 'i ELECTRICITY - Al have ufrt� . . ' ­ . .11 . . ''. . . . . . , L as Free State inquiry into status L. �. . . . . 11 . . . . army offleers to be-wid(i III scope. . I- . . �Vo 4AN-0 'an asgortment 6t I . I I .. , . .. Girl at Pembroke, shootipg.at I ; tjie ljo.-;t Efllevtrie Troas ,mnd. I , Weight, lift by rebounding bullet. . I : It, , � Toastors Inado iti Clulad"t. , , , �,, " . . , .. Pcive-year-old. girl at Calabogie � .. - 11 . . d � ritis baby s18Vr out -of burning bu � . ­ 1� . . I I . . . . rr it Irmn - 1"In OF ..- ing. - . �- %. I . � .1 ' j I L Insurance. Institute ,of Toro ".L . ROBT 4, 1AH I . Olds tw . nty-fifth anniversary , . L 11 1. . Electricia . n . . West St. I . quet, . ­ I �; ...-_ . I- Phone 82 or 25,4J - - � - - i MR. -� 11 . At(orney-General Wckle introdt I - , . t I bill to reorganize C'ourt of App" . I � ..i*--- ­­ --- : - ­ I -. . L . -- 11 11 on-#2.rin. . I . .. . . � , - A I . . � . � . -­­�­­-­- -- - - ­ ­­� 0�­­ If,, . . I 1.10 - I : . Saving $now,-b.'0.und Deer from. Starvation,,7 . . . . - L I '. ­ ' [�' k _ J, � L .. - . .. . q,Vj.!j,%7,T : , � � . ,,!.L , , '. 1. �7 ., ." :�, I ­." . :,1,-...- ,' 1�'., ., ". , ..,- , .� -�..-.��.;::�.;,:i, . - - . I i��;.. . �W,.,: .­:::' � -�--.::�.-.�:.,',�','�'.'-..'.'-c,�,.::: � . .. ­ .. ".." `;.�­.:, ..1; '. �.. :, - � lio*�Zlhrj breight 'otj J.., 1,, I . I ; L WIN tvinter CoweA and with it' 11, W tile deepest snows 4 the ,tca- mn the d"llers in tke north coun- I Uy oftv?) have opportaltition to per - I , foria humanitarian acts4owards tho t aniniAls that roam tilt Woods. It is k.. only, jig* and then that lite wintAr I i� prov" too,severe, for the turry folk. ( Cold wcather they ran pretty, well � I ,stand and when the snow is heav- . I . iest Own, are alway,q tpots in the deptlig of tile for0st where it Is not ( I , too *ep t4 move and plams wbpro " elle4etic and remarceful deor I "" jig down to the food that lies . underneath. I . . rlut momedlots, the dttr arp cAuscht] iii the open by A heavk fall that imiilics the toint ItArd,tnd if tit* I *xy to asifety It Ion* Ill,, d,,,r 1*, tomn esluiustsa abd lih0p vittim 4f r!Arvation. L I That *at the ctsso "hft Mete . P!)4�%�L,%'Apja�.%L %V;�p ML,(r) ;)ftr St, 4TO. _ vau" a P't'st..'am du'lle raim"r S10. - - , , :*."QW ­1. - -­­�- - - -""� - - - -- . I. . , . I 11W r"= q� -11!=-­­!r!L- ­ ­- - - L. -- ­ . , " - ­­­ - I ' . --- - - . PAO* NINS - ", - � - ­-­,.-­.-­.­ . -...----­-­­-­.­ W-- ��­­­. ..'' . . - - -1, - L ' ­Ww� � vftfto."� � ��- �. �. �­:" �4=��. �-- ­ �� - , � � � -.-- �­ I ­ L -- 'L ' aw- I �, 11 I I ,L, , "" -- . ­ . ..... - . &_ ­-­­­Ih '11.1 1W ,I o, �,­, VA t', � , ,., ,-,,,,,.4,, rj ,,,, C, . . , �, L - ­ .� � ,.,, ).-4', " � , .1 ^ 4 � ' 'd If ­ � I 9;oW)Z-4� �"Ur",I�, bas L�mdo its ,)A,,- vfsk ror I % lr'� - j;�,� go 11r, mftlr 1. a al>J( ZINEZ W�4� IX,ujo- I I %. , ,I,i4. c-r� 4h Afz�aea� I t � Qrgo. VO V,14 JR11ittluatant, i's said to be dat to I.' "t"r]"N' li i=" 6AW uu'Atc�, ill .1�0- i4.e. 11 I k ONT0­14*1 am ia the I)Iood - whatc%-cr its , , Z, Us vle2a e'), i 4"w gat,rcir�-,Ae rccvjAWn v3 ." 41 L,. It . 0 causlc�, onl,v ttze-�c 'wbo ll;o.e it Xro'.v ri��t% i%wt vu�Gt­ �nal 1,�r klfaav�m. I 9), ,t.,, the. *ujjc�ina it pro4vecs. Wile W.k."Avd kmur"Dhy. ct7cd V51 ��C;;Ws, W LL . . 4' '�j CQmOI is wot daimed as a sr-wW4 'evrciv"). b,. -at ntr funot"s bull jvg"n !, . I 1. I �' , � for rZicumazi!"p, it did wuadc�a fo,", rotiek UnA ,m,W�'Wl fQ-ther'll lift, I I M,% �Nlr..�hlalhr"Lcr. 'Fu6cre" from rtic.q. I �­-� . L . "u- inatism im�y rofit from his 'Vxr,l��14. Allatineers lit Idsk Free State Army I I I vucc. uh,wh idllows: I I I ,VQ- "For the rast two years I 14ve Lay VOW," Ar^kl I,— . - Tho hoody b�et3 a 2�awlyr 1!13 ria('11111wri;% Jt i Tit(, Irish Frce State seems to have L, 11 WPIOC40 I'll � . 4.,lu Qf4eatzd wy n1=,ClC8 and Mrits, v-05ch passed eatcly through another er.ils. .. - , 1 NOW000064-A . I at thallos b;xalap quito swolku� I ,Mf- The lautineers lit iti army havo Non, 11 ��bl-,­ . I � I I I to fcrcdVvwc44tW0 Pala- I t"ted se" prevaikil upon to surrender their 40 --A ­ A&-Aftw ) . I I tin- en, I '%ure ;;re Ternicilics fer Theu- ormi gni stminunition. There 'was "I'll, Q'I" lua-tism. S '0111c of thcul gave V01-cf One grgvejnejjfQAt. natnely, the aboot- XY Z I ra for a thrie, others twere of ao mst. Ing of British soldiers vind elviHans I I ... I ,.,-,-' s At times lite pain was swre, than I LL 1 un, could'sland. 8=0 nights I Pal%- mt at Queenston by vnen. in the uniform TUR. I i., Of a few hours Wcp. I ias Completely of the Free State, who Made their, es- . I --.--- --- - - --- ­. � ­­ i .ro, run dowu. I f0t that if tile Theu. eape in the automobile from which I . WX I'll , I -01 in Town Py ' - . . 1L. I. .r, niatisni t6atinueill I uvuld have to they fired their shots. These WWI . 8041 I I i,) � as quit -work. 'I -mas 60colving wqvricd, ra, 4e wt -, lit reading, the Hanover Post on , t daY undoubtedly some of t,he QbdU t A. E. Colbome sumet Hotel H. C. Dualop S. C. wilsott i mutinevrs�the kind of men to Whorn -- - - - L - - ­­.- - ­ ­­­­----- , 1 noticed all UftVaisentent for Car* : . � I - 1-1 � -ft f 4 0- 1101. I s,tarwd talang it wid shortly murder Is to more than an ordinary I - , I I -- ' . � tic'S Ifteny_ . L Th � , faay r -m from this all- : �� Ards f. . y n It . .Ot e"% and relief from event in the da - 0 14 " , " er I F or Catarth.-It is one of the chief 'relief. N iotrerer ,�e , -6 wl tic recommendations of Dr. Thamai' Ec. ment have found relief In; the Oil W ' � I'lle - p,ain. It helped Ine wonderfully. I which they acted was Ite a � Was able to steep soundly. something of the cowardly gunmen ON r. . .� I ; - Who neVell �lectric Oil thaVit can be used inter. bate sent ten.timonial% upTi . I hadn't been able to do for mouths. take ,any chances of eng,aging In 4 rially Nvith aa much suc�-es.,4 r.kn it can �-p- .�, 11, i t.an I can recommend Carnal to cycryOnO fair lIght, The Free State Govern. outwardl .. Sufforere front entarrh A village ia a place where any stir I � " the .quffering f roto rheumatislu."-0. NIter- ment quickly repudiated the mov., Of. wj 71that the .011 whon USQ4 cie- after seven Weloelt means that it is ) 'S.9 , 11 tin ; I mil. liriger, Hanover, Out. fering $60,000 reward for their cap- cording to directions will give p cariaol is sold by all good dru,qVisity , pron; 't lodge night. -- I � '! .., I � ture,and viromising the British Gov. L � ,,,. everya.-here. full SUStice L ­­­­ -­ ­-­ ' f ­ , I I � COV -48 MAX50 InUch Mitering, but � . . ernment ihat would be ( I - . 11olloway's. Corn Remover, offers u i ur.. For sale at Campliell7s Drug Store, done in the matter. , -i 11 I I I I , R, I f it. ;(,,,I 1,'vv1!;.1/,',I� I.S."I".1 ". 11 sj*edy, sure, and satisfactory r4ef. � � I . , � A -- ­ - ­- Internal parasites in the shapp of I ! ...!�j��-�--,.��!!:-,;--�,-,�1--l.--..l=*�.� I , .. ­ . . I' DUMINION EXPRESS I . - ""I'' - L it, I , , To- .V.W.4 ..'.% COII.i�11.4 to Iti,ri.j jjt.�-, tworms in the stomach and bowelq of i =09===� , � � PrFAIC11 %1,-V,,.'.& -91. M V"44..'t (,� Itibildren -sap. their vitality ,and retard I *' 1'' ' " � �' � I I � MONEY ORDER 'i �, Xih(-raud. 1 physical development, They 'kepp ,I, I 11 * � r�,y Ttauaq,o Ccawt '9�,,Jlperd tit hochey ,'the, child in a constant state of un. ! .1 %: PR STAT1014t� . I . THE PEOPLEI POWER �,,, . L VA J" jllt.v !­v4k%,!' 4441d one of :ikr.,i,vr rest,;md, if not attended to, endanqg(tr I DOMINIGN EXIIALI-6 AGFNCILS-�- , Oat I I I 4 is Zr;%ted. " life. The child can be spared inupbf ,...-.--.- ­­­­ ou . don, , Hanill,vu Pollee volnwl�=,.oxi to ----- a . suffering and the mother mucltanxle- , '1' : =1- ­­­­ ­ L, - . - . . hold opc% prowo har) 0,T.A. viawn�," ty, by using a reliable worih re ­ .yw I I 0 COOK of' . . L . .11 Ott' Ilu'lit clh"rh;Qs. . I ' ,)a Inettv, - 40�00%0 I Thruo 1,w,&drcd fnrmeri dir.0 Mtli sn6 as )ZI111ce,s %Vorm wdel;. 4 � ker, Georgv, W. 11t.a.-iirt.1-11.0, ,,%Ia1;,,(.r tic tilt m�hich are, .sure death to worms.. . I I . T. SW A RT8.1 . . . L ­ -TQMUt"1wt.----- -- --- - . I " -­. ­-�­­ - . . . - - --'- L' ­­­-----­­ - -­ - � jjc&- � . - - a c d 11on. .1-4. ;104 aeaures-Haull1ton Few girls are really as bad its t i - lita-gol-4-0196. MOTU, I ELECTRICITY . I . dclegatiou IndtAstcy not jjoenjef,,u b� are paintcd, I . 4 , L . I I - -- - ­ ­- -- L, I den tarW prorosal. I . I I --- ­ . � . j I . . . - I Opliusitioa dovelovs to jiropos,�d - #ack stable89 EtG, o ... I changes in PubjW ;, . - . �,!o . Hoalth Am ry -,4r4- . Montreal Street . I L . . , , . aro, Ing school pl� . CANADIAN NATIONAL HYR Or. .1�118. ,, , I . I junt off theSquare I . . L . . Lord Rot]7�rnwra, British newspa- I , -11 wj t . ' I ,%4%. I .... I I . .�� I � L au,'Isivibltlitglimr York to s I . . ; 11 ,, .�t, perih� . tuZ TRAIN SERVICE'to TORONTO * 'SEVER&I, rIR5T CLASS AUTOS, I it f & 'IV.,, I . . I N LVY-, American inetlidds. � . . ; I '1,1;',. Lands and Foreqta Department . Daily Except Sunday I YOUL I FOR SERVICE- 69T AXY%� 10 i F . i I L . Promises better protection, for on- - 0,11 WIIEN YOU WhNT TO GF,r T11RE . � , . . d at , . Tove,, Goderich 6'00 a'llj' L 2'20 P.41. F � I ml-�. tarto's tJinb(-r against Ore.. . . 4& 'H4AS#r,* Meet all TrAlfiti 44%0 L I I � I I . t I -1 I I . . .. SATUXUDAY. .. 4t Clinton 6 25 a,m 2.52 p,ra. Pai'se'"ger Ropts . I'll ....I.. ,,, L , I I I I . . all I Det . roit Tihms I beat Leafs, 1 "I t . a 2,. ,, Se.%forth 6.41 4.to: .3.12 pau. . PS6SCnjr6fA C$116d (Or lWV E1111 I V 4 . .. � , I ater Co�l.' janiew Scrogr0o pas.- �s at . Alitollell 7.01 a.m. 142 p.m. part of the town for all I I I �­, . . . I I � . I � Ringston. . I . A rr. Str.Aford 7.30 a ni.. 4' 10 pan. trahis at 0. T. R. or C. P. R. I . I I .1 . . � . I I , .. � test Wfas,0,r Robert Nyina.gyanilzational " - Kitchener 8420 It.111. .1.20 p1m. .. . Depots, . 1� � . 11 . 1 i�ag -stcoplmlbaea, . if Guelph � $.As. a W. 5.50 P,M. . Prompt I Service. and , . . I . I . . . I . Strike 4y shipbuilders. III Britala ,, � .. , - I . . �,,*� 0 or. appears to be lminent.L I .ToroDto. 10.10.a.m. 7.40 ppl, Carefu( AttenJance, I 411420L � I � I . . . . ., I . I . . . at Oklahoma tornado takes -seveo Re�u)nihg-]�O' Toronto 6.50 ean, . -or& a ".. . . I I � , Mve p I . . .1 . I . . . . . lives and JnJures scdri8. 1. 12.65 p.m. and C10 p,rn� 0heaper flilan Coal op Wood I . dale I Absence oi Ilooda saves - railway Our Livery ind Hack Setvict . ' . .L . ; . I . past towbaAles millions of dollars. I Parlor We car,Goderich 'to -*Tor- will be iound up-to-b-datis ... conve"le."t, 61420, Quick .1 I . Jt . onto, on morning train, and 'Toronto . . I � .. . . "I. � Premier Polneare of France re- . lit' every respect,,, - . . I L . I . e . ral turns to power strolfger thdn ever. . ,to GodeAch 6.10 p. tn. train. 11 I . . Ift 0 Ifto . 6owhm - . I ; I I . I I L I . . .; . . . . . I I : � . I - Me- Ottawa denies rumor that Sir Thr(n:16 coach 00derich to Toironta. your Patronate Solicit**, I . � . . � . , 1Xon . ry Thornton Is tp return to. Erigw , . . I .1.1. . . I . I 1. , ., THE L H-VORO STORE I I .111 IL I., .. � � V., � 1, land- I L I . . I- I Y. F. -ILAWRENCE & SONS . .T. SWARLTS'. '� , . . I . I . I 1. ' Sit, Froderick Pdn.sonl;Iy, keeper of I 'L I ' �. . pbQlle 107 'If Nortl $We 11"are., , (1000100 . . . . . ture Town Passenger and Tickets Altento . I mlittical Stro�f , . . I 1. � ,the Privy V.uriw, is unawe to pay . . . _ . . . 0=0 . 0 , * . L . L i ttle taxes, % I I . . I I . . . . . !Phout S , . .L I . .1 ~ -1 � . . 04 04 I 1L---= . rZ,=;:=111,11'1,1 10M . , : L . I . . Ape ". .. ­­ � , ­­­ ��­­. ..-1.-- ,� . . � on'% King, 110f,hen an(A Forker endftfid L � . . I. 40 I , ". I I - . . 14 . � . I . I . I.. . . I . �­ 1. , .. . .. i 1. I . 0�ouolny. I . . . . � . 1. - . Ir . o : o -n I . 1. f ... -i- - L. .. . � .. r4� llifis§ Gladys Robinson, ofToroj. 9 , - ` r, � , - . . Boards of r1ratt.1 ition for aatlonai . I . I . I I . be- ,.The.. Passin f "'C ' al, dm�" d' ,B k "' . . I , .,(), I . I , .. an. .. 4 1-.. � III v k & . . I . . . . 1. . 11i ,, ., � . " is, ladles, skauxor.w1aijer at: viii, ,a b AL- I - . ,�- ­-­ ,, . .1 I I I . I 1- 11,��, I . � - . . 1 1. - . * , I I . . . . . I .. I . I I I . .1 I . Ing ineet. . . �, ­� � -- ,, r: . I . I �. I � 1. I 11",,;', "', " , � ".." - I .1 0 L , 1. I � ,­., 11 .... � ...'*yi, ,!: , "' I . . , .... I I' ":; . . . . . . . .� . . . . . . " . , ;, " . . . G6veranwut ineizuro to , amend I � ��� .." - �,��A; ..,..,., . qL. . . I . . L - I .11 ,. . tori .Worknicies Conwt-amitivit .&ct is . . ­ � I . - .. - . 1: ' hdrau � I I . . � I . .. I wit .,n. I . � . I I I I '' 1� I . r. .. . . I % I . ,; . I for 1,ropusal to send tfut-stion back to ­­ 11" I .... , 11 I . . I I... I I I . . �, I I.. r ..... plesoyteriana lost sj� 011t. vote in V'G.�, '. � ..; ...... - . I . I L .: L' L �" 0 2' tario -Ltzisiatura.' - . . .­' - , � ".'.. L � - " ­'­,"­ -; I . . . . . I -L, , . , .1 �. l3ludory girls pr -'skint to Alfnimuw � � , I 1- � /­ I Y.,-. ". , 1, .. � .. . I � I , " .11'1,1.1� 1..Ilr� . I . I . , , .I. I : . . I � , . . . I . , Out Wage Boaru a budgvL tAuNVIng IlVij)�; . -, I ", I . L .; - ­. �" W� . . - . "L L 'a '. L. . I . k-ximases tax- .Year. I . .... ...:L . ,,� , � � I'll I . , .1 " . , 4" 1 .. �. ;; F 14i ! .� �,: . � t I . � "I' ows . I­1oa.'P(;wr ,,4witli. will appcar an,,.4 11 �.. :.. to : ., i ... . � � . . I - . .d. �� .. . :.�.. 14 , �.� . . . . L . . . .. givo uyfdo.nc(, on Dj-ury (3uNejijjij(��i­ ,...�:, .1 I , " I .. . I I . � . � . to'l, oond transactions. : . : . -11', : .1 1. . �, ­, 7" ` `V I I Vw I . 1. ! . -4�', ��.,�`,,,,, ,, . . .1 ) Attorut,y-Goqvral Daughert), a . .1 P "'' . 1 L . 1K ilp'�,., ,A,-., -�),Af'A";; ... . � . - alu'l United l5tat(--s , reedgns ofllc�. UL L ­ . ­­ ,.-;..,f ­ -7 . I L . . � . 0QOUdg`V'4'r0q11Q8t' L . I . " ,��r�r��: -, , .. . - I . . - " . . ��4q,, � . .. �111�:. �'.;:," �`."; :. "L I . I . � , , �;" 4 ,' ,�,'�!- � . Of TweLrity-six nanons: last thwr, it e.i . , ­:,�� f. . I . V I ".1. I . . . whim -urnd at� Yu� . �� ;;;, � �.., Y, � 1. . . L L I I . . .. an .exploslosi oct . � ...!;.. 'L . . L ... � . � . " '. .,. � .� . . ran -kon, West Virziala. : � , . . I . 11 L "e I I � .. 11 . � . . , 0iykni ,Suund aild C . I ,­ r' .L I . Algary tle, " to .1 .. ­ WV�n- , . : . I IP ,,, ,�, , . - 1 , I t L L ... caf- 2, 4orim r .Nvin, round and Cabadoian �. . 1i .� I I II& ju-nior ChIiniplonshili, . . i I I - '. - I t"j, `*" . , I L . ' L . PL . I : .. . � . � ,j�, I _ ­ 11 . 1 , I I �. I I . Tor Itto Y.M.C.A. athletf,s, Tdii In- ex , , , 1�k . ". - ", A - 1. L . lf�,.A 1-1 ' " . 'Itf) tefilational Rexatblon and senior bas- .. . . I rrt" "", . , /' - , , . L ban- lietball icarn captures Ontario title. � . . I ... 1.-,�, I I . . I . I I , , I I , I , L, I � .. "; 11 " ., " ;. Ot . , :- I , I I L A Government cruiser ,hus-bevu � - . ;-1 . /' , . L 11 I " , ,; . I . . !, ;� L , I I . . � IcPA - . I , .1o, ­�, � . �, ,�, . :� rmt to st�4reh ful .four men who.were ... . , , , I . .; 11 I V . . ­ I . I III blown' to stia ' off .NewtoiUW4 - . - I � L I LL 1. / '�,,' , . I I . uld . "I , , 1. . � I . .. . � � . � .111, I . " ". I I �. I . .� . I I - L I � �,�. - --i. ;. . . b6lkb. . . L - -­ . . 0 i "i", i r L" � ". . � ; - ­­ L . v , , . � . . � &., A , � . .- . .1 *.'� L', " . � . � " F/ . . �' , I . I I ,:r" . I I . . j . , %, F. 1 .4 ' L I I . A10NDAY. �, ;, L' . . � _ I I ,.::. . . . . � ":, I . . . . . I 110*11� 1, � i , - 7 . . 1; : I , � .� . HIMLIL * . ,0, , : ;, , f ,;, . , . 1: � . I I .::Ij� �: I I � ­ 1. . I ,§ ; ., � / �> . .. . � . .. � I I I I Gen. Velz Is llh�nnlng r(V(iIt In - ,. � 11 . I I �, , 4 " ,':�,, - � .. . '­.: .. 11.1. � . .e, "":: ; J� � , #, - . .,.'., L I I . I I L , I 11 - : ?. I . . I 'r� . - . �:. " , . 4 : " .� I f, - t, . . , . I � ] � r : , . /-�, .1 -11 9 . I ': -, ." . � I C 11 wt. . � , . � ��, . r . . . , : I . . � . / . - I ./ - .1 I � I . I I . . , It ,�,� '!'� L � . , I I � I Yale boxtIrs ,tlervat Qu(,cm,s de- .;� ..... ,.! 1, ­ , ..� . � .7 � I . ,t,/ L,*V*W,., '.1'. - , " , - L . I I . ;�'­. ­ .1 : I . . " .. . .., I � .., . . � .1 , I elsively. I . .. I P! �� L I - ::, ., ..: . �:`. ,. I i / " . I � "I I . . �;"j::.4':;.:L :';. , �� -41; 1 . , : L - I - I I ,.... ,"j'L "" , ' I , I . ': :. :: . .L . I . .- ,4.: 1 ; , - , . . ­ _ I , *-� , . . . . . . IV-!, i I , �, ' 1;,..�7'�j.�4:,:j;'::�LL . , I L I ­ . . �,..;.�i� . Newcastle and Astan Villa In Eug-,. ��;�L I � I.- I " �A � � . ,. I I I . . - . .. I � - � ­ . . ` L . L ! I.. I . I . I',- I L I - . I " ,�t.f "L . . I . I ...o- . A, ", �. � I . - I 101 # ALr ' I 1i , I ­, 't� Wsh Cup 1111al. I I �. I I PrInco ?w �VaJQS 1% !, L;'... "., ­­­. -��,:,, .L I!:, , I � I , �, 14�.,. .1 . C,jvG'rS L but -ru- 1 - .1 , " ., . . . � I I ." , W , . . , 11. -- � . " :, I 1 :11 ' - � , - "I I . I . � I ; : .� : 1� �­ 'L I L I I . 1. � ,. . ... : . !L.. L'. � � I o "I. I . I ­ati - .. I . �, I �� 11 I . In4ins indoori. . � � .. I . 1; 'I- - . 4: !�,� . , I ,; ;; . ':j I .��.., I . : ..... ­... :j , , . I., � I . -t�tw, -, . - I ay I :­. . 800 teuux aee,ldws not to pi for, I ,�, .� , � 0 L I * . ".. ',�-,' I I ;­ ". ''. 1. $5 . . . Wills Cull tills year. L .. .J,et, � I I L L. , " I , .. , : . I . I . . I . . , - . ' I . " . � ,r: , 1��. "� , , , , � .;,: . . . �L . . Churcti, and Toun 11,01 al, Almonte "I -I " I ,. IL . . . I , . . . , I Mruc,k by I . Ig,hujing. . I.., I I I.! . . . I � .1 I 1; , . . 1 14, � - I e - I L 11. proplikVt3ve tarikes .till causing. 1...:j..­:-'­'AL'-'�­ I - . �, . . ultrest in G,reat ]Britain. *. . I Ll�, - � . L . . . �, ­ . ", I ­�.' � ,1L � I , 4, . ­ .. . �. . , - 't, .1 - , . L'. � ,!,� I � I , "I . , , firc-ece fears attack froin Turk;i . 1 ­--­,!'!��7 ��,' " ­ , I s F7 :1, ., " !, , , �- �. .; � , .:� � !� ,�.,! : � ---1. ., "I" .1 1-1 :, 1, . �. 1;�, " , :�,�"`;!�. I � I and Hulgarhm lrrfj_�ulars. "'i", I ­:', T, , .,� " �. e ,,,,*� � - . � , I I., 1 4 ��,� '.�,.' - ztw.', ­ I'-- �, , . Drunken blaekotwith alluost, wrockm . ....... - . I � I ". ..�.V­ �­­q"­Z. ­,v;.­­­+� ., ix- . ��7ih�-­,Z,-`� � I I /. - White Star 1111or oly1uple. � L. . . . L ?, .�..�. ­/­::;� ­ - 1. 0#111111101111011""o- . . . ­ I . .1. . .� Judge travols uor�h to try aTlOther NI) so the World I .1 . L " , ! " � �' -'� -: ... --,L '. I I . 'L, 5 7 . . . ooeq � I . : � , - "�, , - . . . . I I .1 . A , . on. old I , , , W I : I � . L:iltiniu (in murder cliarge. f . (,; ", 1! 1, . I " , .1 � I 1% L T. . ­ R . I � � dk - , - I I 1 . � � I I � I I I 11 �� i I I I" .� I i[*' .1 I I I �Oru 0. .1 . 'I . of' tat am hunian knotflcdg�.' : . � 4 0 , 77.�., . ..... L'" , ­ . I ., ! A. W :.� :. I Twf,ni,�-10,e lives blotud out by goes, yet ever eliail !jig, evt!r (4 . ; . , � :� " �'­ ' -:r1-111 I � . � , , � I I . . I . . g n W. I 11 , .. , . L i .. L I . -in III Wilted State-, . 1 , �, , , ,, , � � 11 I at, st.)i I I � " , . . . C, N I I . I L I . - . I ,gre. Tbere are still sonle among u.q, grp)l � ) r � �, " � : - , , . ."', ­� , " q T� I., - . I . I . I , I j Society of Pat -is goes to Me s balred men the gre, who remember � . I � " � : , .. 1 . L � tile clipper L all PS' �Vhl(.,jj . 4 . . i I �. I I I . . �, 11111filed Ill till's and tartan raits. yeargi : . . . , I 1 I , � , . rr Igo I . . I . 1. . I . - :.�, � .1 WF 7 � . 5 I ., ! . , 1, ,. . ,.:., , , I : killed III lvi't-1 forced tile �rallcon train ill(! gp�, -and . I � � I I . � : o I . I , . : , Father And sott . 11 .1 . . . . , . � > .. , I , , I teron, , traged)� near St. Thomas, 06 9ftht finir-masted 11, ,ques that I . . L , , .,�,:., � I I I � : , Mug .yhoubdis loge to $elk", � are now see Al � . . .r '9V ." ,# 1. - . v . I I . I . .ji)6 Pri tj only in 1 land trtide oil . ��L , I ,C., L � I I . . . 4" . I I . , . to o, but win round and. Allan I up, soutbern seas, but tlicne men are � 11L � �, . � It. -� , I ; I '� jk . : � \ � , . L .1� . .. . . 7"':, Wind not the fire alarin ringing at .1 I . � I , T*�*if - , j , the privileged few. F,Xeqpt for a , 5 , , . i �, . . . I , '. , " g .. .".,.. ., om I row schooner�4 Which ply tile fislling ; I f I � I ­'. ; Milton and halt the town turned out. . . . . �;�4-- .. 1 - - ... M-, � � I I . . . ; � ­�,,'�, ".","'.,:�: blinks, the AUlling Ve-mels have gone , -*-11, I 1� . I ­,:�,.­-...'.:,­­.!,;�..1 � Severe tbunderatorm, with sinow ... .: I 5-o.;!"':::,�', ­,�' ;;�.;, ' tilt WaLy of all tbIngs, ant) in their .1 4,0�, r ,�,i:�,, I ':­,-�:,�,­ ., :1.1�`��.. i ; .and slt,vt, sweeliq tiver Ontario and . . .:-, . , :,.,'11 . I . !, .. �� i I . . ....".. -) "Ill � L , QUPI)f C. ­ -1 ", 1 .4 , - ... ­ ­;;.�,�": ,� �,:.X� � place We �ee tile Ittiatil driven veii. �.., �. I , I � k� , I 1, � , . '­-­:�,­­ " . [' -1" " ­ I �:� �� - 1. . , ­ , , . �� �, , I 444 . , I � .. -, -�� - atial, 41141 P'o dir- -to I . .�,;:­,.�-,!,:%-��, . P0in4T1re VOIVI)MCS d(darlitIMI Of sels, gigalith, pal, �, O'� , , - .. "'.., .V '. �Z,,- . ,,-, , , , --m- � . �0.1: .1 .. : " '. �� : I I , �.. " ...�.. . : I I .:. � �, . I.;!:;, . �, - I new flabinot for muhnift,sion to Par-� ferent in almost all their aB Q05 , L ,, , .. I � h g: , � � ..,;..:.!.'.%'...-�,� � 1�­, '? -1 I � I IL " I " . ­­�',..'�r.'.1,"�-", , frnm the 'wind propelled vcp�cls Ag I 11�11 , I lialuent. ", ­­ 0 P . T"t � , "..�, , 4s:. � , . I . � .� � .�,-,­ ­­­ , . - '. , , . . , .. I ".. I f .�, - , . . .;. �:�:, - , , ,"..., � , to lilmott belie tljQir origin. There , I - I I - , . ­ .. It is predicted tImt Mael)onald , � , ." ,�. . I , � - r,,P,"�,W.�Z � A � . I :, . ; came coal. Coal revolutionizi-d the ... 1, ", ;� I . I 'W-:".. .; . 4i I - , ,,,x- Golorit'jileist cannot 11kAt SiX %400,k. � � I -.1 �. LC": ' ship . � . . . I .1 . ". . I . , ,ping Industry. Aq the marine - . ..... - - . liz . I " � ', �. � longer. *lv.to, forinvi- stir , � - . � , ,, � I . . . . . Frarcis (, I .�! : : , "; m` :, -A 1. .,)f onsine was improved upon and Ile. . . I � I kyo --I I "I �,, � �C_ I Of .ftrrogatf Opt". Lit 010 coolintillitv 1141j..'jille I W1, i fl�l "(ji"'I ,.�I",6. A, . � , . I I %Vl,idsor and Registrar � I � I - Ill I . ­ ­ '. . .. I., ,Xf, - 4& , � � . 0011r$, !!Ies, soure and iilt)66 iii tl4,fna;j(l inji'.0 jt4 t �, " %gj "N ,, . M , � � -j�Ie'!kN. , 0 . -1 I ... 0 . 'er-4.41.V, -r pliip5z -� ;k . , I W"i, I �� ! 4 � i boe*ftie A nt Largr I , 77 ­ - -- -1 ­� ­­ ­­­ ­­ , . ­ . I , �,*;F,:­' -1 wtv# designed ana o0erawd thrm --�- . .. 11 �­" .'- �� : - I ever before; they became njore, spa- � I , I . I ..,, "'.", `4 PRIVATP qVirTIV., WIWI it": Till, ­L,%kf`;"Vqo ill, � . N �, . il , r" 11 � , ejout, e0i"Inodinfl-4 and faPter than " "I "" �, --1 AmINVII oF Till, nmhp !-911V UWARD TOIN 11 , ­�� : I , ever W -fore. Cabinfi were improwd 'FN ABOV1. 1113*46 AVIAU I IA) 1% (if 11#.= lil" � It A C I., upon. thip slosepitil: bunkt; could lie na . 6 &]C:1 " I I". it A RINW4L tl.iltk�lq��,opli!t�l.,.;,%,,Il�liliti(.�1,11,T.'I�t4-h.qtl.41,NVI,'ItT#,I) CAPIN. kn!anged aq to enqure privicy 1,'Qr th", 11.1;,js tiat lit tho l"'allort.. a I Vnd IV...) N ­� 14 q pr 1;10tv 14 ,,$.!IT V.:tr.4 the oecup,ant; tho stale room vmq of ff;`111111311!"11.1 4is great liner haq C411 114 �;:,Ze wQ. Hww ..., lN, patalliq evolved. � aoine dine 1,vld the rcvord for tht"I'Mat.1 . rA rip.�P'lTit 41 %4.111 I'LO 11"91-4' 'atill And Ao tho abippirg world travo fa!,,N,st voymp 1;c-tviven the St. 1.2tv.-jimv ,I!.;,W I,n illt��'Ili4w,'y avi-aligett -on, Oil is now coming into ftEi own. renev wid Great WWI). ond it iQ - terth V.1,; 01 foida hv,) k-.Waa,jilent The inivic.q tit tile world are con. anth, that the time-ninde o0on tbe %u4l, 059.%, agfutAing n4voni. vertivg their older war allipa ilito tile 1�11L,1.1111111111111 li,jp vii:l IM bmipit loy�niuslativa foir nil vutt'v liI4140--s. oe - oil burning veasplx gild tl"igning the Xmjlre,iq oTtvi. her remintli0l�-', 61" N.111fly 1wrty IVI'li, s-% den:Ted. r4any of the addiflona to f1cots for in Thk n4lp, t,iio1.*i,6i,,.,rc,��4t,f Frauue the U510 of oil; and for "Ome ypnrn tvollwr impartnnt durnire is t!;v 11!0, bM 11 00"00 *, I k PRI".0 .trflUnd- past tbp sunmobip compatile.r; of all triepIncenniell., of all 91revil,l: loulitt; wo t1w.worM Dit 111#25 u1j&'r t!.e Conn.. nations havel be-oll turning Illeir at- it, Chip by relrWar br6tomht and 4!wl PaOfie 17=?.,1j;(-l­1wut. V wilp te"llon fo OU *q %vell a'I 'to tual 'Oup- "wittrm"ro avd tho e3rivurpian oe tL ,�A (�31V.atpl ftoLnl nvo- 17�,V,1., c , PHO* avid re'lourem, C -01411N44 Inti) 1-0,nng oliniln? to tLast, Jotmam tMli wid dayingo, it,% fiv,,' , t, Uit exuadlan paciffe stcamou"hy ono finds in up.to-d,;tp Lotula. 111cuniq 111watits, it*nwml,� �-,i4, )­ a, wl,­ Company early appredated th,e Aid- m4pli wato formerly foup.11mlt CW04 t in mnr#!�Z ma nlm�nt .'I'mPt" �',s . yants9#8 af(ertd b oil, and ILLO cabin-§ n7p 'A(AV vq�*111041 �',?itb two.enom2lify tl-s 1"' '. V-opd i') BA ��!C. �, - Zatebt cirn1kc1on to Flo S14115'anad by bmm t�-,-d�t�sdgp wlXe ttj�,.,?!a tl,at � i�y. , . 0 --- � ' Alwvit-Too et%toaoii to "teow. wtiow-uttiie ho*pr atta r-otw#. witittr resort that litl among tilt- c,app. Gently. but firmly their fftt tontitn hills on the 'ektiadisift were tied With strips of sAfkan t* nt injury, through strftVrin;., I Daring the 8( a art of visi- They were Isildon the t4w ans 40; tors thfro I 6 inter Ap5rts, hitultd biu.1 *.a III$ 'hotel W119eire Wir *ord was bro t in b Ide that introdoetion to * big bay staek, and twof deft*r wer I ande ur or five a ijbed to- mleep In quite recofteired miles away on the s re of Lake theii to their troubli-il. lt�. an, as. Ouimet A, re" jix"y gt onels sft tanL,thlng thett timo they btca*6 out *Ith snaw-slltift and , to�oxgsms used to 191"3itig with, human be'linitl and ,olien they sirtived on tbe vvene und they xpparont;y fi,id Me'v now titty found the &,or too exhausttil home liwl jimny advantsige; over tq SAAko *ny wKeus AWMpt to ts- %eir o4dir anj, wildf.t. StAt46 , � - 1...��L�, � � -- - I , 0 � : : I � . � I . . � I L I - k-. a � . IL L .. - .1 ­:� ( �.P"40--- .1 4�,N - -1. - ­.� .qm~ ). I . 'awl-- , I , -- -- � .... - i- 11111011 , I bW6qh..W%4% � � W901A ondfil.. -� . - N ­j� --A - - - I . N - I ldb--L- I