The Goderich Star, 1924-04-03, Page 60
MR5DAY, AVA11, 80, IP
------ mr=
04. thut drvau*v of &6,ams, shall, t,
put to death,, bwouw he houl ropokc
Guar t1D turn You away irpm tbo D)rd you'D RELATIV. STRE TH
Your n
an God Which brought )�ou out of tL�o
lo"d tit Fopt, *nd re4gCmed you outj
of the house of bondage,, to thrurt;. Guaranteed Battery Lnargmg
you out el, the way Which the Uqrj
i HE TA01; Us charge vour batte�y for you st,r:ng� charg'Ci by ab,
thy clodcommanded thee to walk in" OF CHURCHES
So sb4lt thou put the .6vil away from S0111h) dilrect current. which 1% ab_�;Qluto;y for a ato=.P
thO mid, -t of tIlce" (1)(0t, 13.4, 0). , A Compsaison Wtiory wbich,.41sa makog yw-wr t,;ltvr-,ry hohl its chargo longer, 6pea-
ial spring ratc,3 until
WORLD MISSIONS Intr-m4tod in the Frapa" union .4411591 cxclu,�iivo. 40o.
Doxe Greater Than io&
One 4ay When Z.111ra Singli, a PREPARED flY REV. DR..G. C. NOCEON BARKER Dn0S
Christion convert. was crossirg tb,�J
samo boat wi , tv o PRONO 398 r 2 GODER10f
Ganges in the I STARN To OF T118 CHURCR98
ifteures tea that'is fresh, urah began to reproa�on - - - - - - - - - - - - --------
The Rev. Dr. G, C�- Pidgeon, Pastor of Bloor Street Presbyterian
for tuving lWome, a ebristian:1 (_Urreh, Toronto. and one of the
mansp thv'y
04wh , fore
fr^drant and puro Trr It* him most leaders in the Church Uu.
at do you know, you ignorant fel� '011 �f6vcmell% JAN Published a very interesting comparative atato�.
low" of your glyn, religion or of ClIrIF. Incut under the bvallmr, "The ftength of'the Threo UnItij4 rjhur�
tionity?" ellev " Tile tiguv*s Show Low near to evcninK up th.0 t*o Is
zalim, replied: 'IftAt you ellurChes come, when ever37thing is rcelconed up. Of cours
Pidgeon's ftwea are authoritati The figur.cs e., Dr.
said, pundits j)hout toy la V`e. other.
all true; but whoth('r I ll� V ear sit
Im, stated, are for last year.
ave '2eted
toolisbly in ceasing to worship Con, Moth. Pre$. 4 naotierste price
Afternoon ' toy
r Ignorance
'41 Sunday, A 1'tbakur" (household idol) is another W
a 1 114 thing. P9PulutION V914iniOu census, 1021 30,674 1,108,744
'Bv ISABEL 11AH14710AM, Goiferlefi, I0 fNumbcr OX members ............ 1g,102 4071264
ont. 1 hod a capital god ut ray holp:v; h
f Sunday schoQ1 force .......... 470,004 3091P942.1
!OWN** was beautifully made and cost we Giving:; to all purpo4s .......... $ 329,821 $ 9,06,270 95i,6
Sollie money 511nilster ' stipends exclusive, of
1rho dcamt idol I have known, , for the tnan� who madA par��
him Wils a Skilful worl� "Onago 113,000 2,020,282
ItIzOt :V0 1104) form%en the comm of or manse._.... 4
White'er that Motto, 'MOUts OZ the Lord� and thon hast;rol,; man, nnd I Wolueu'a Missionary Society...
15,145 457,707
Selp rie to tear it from the torono 'laried raolim,'" paid him handsomely, Real Property values ..... 0....: a*189,000' 57,067,429 4010MM,
And worshil) onlF Vice, But look here, pundits, suppose I Debtoncill real property........ B
I verse3 19-24—The Challenge. had my "khakur" here in this boat, 4,076,-"l
ISO oball. my walk lie vl000 with Got), Elijill, must make one grent publid and in my right'haild I took my ,tht� funds, CndO;N;;;*, 1'38,065 a,819,431 1623,184
Calm and screno my frame; cffort to reeltdin his people from Apes- ku at ..... 118,115 2,278,477 1,910,317
SO purer light sboll ma ,, and ill MY left hand this little Mission reserve and trust funds
rL' tile road jasF.apdr I including W. X�r
That leads mo to the LanAb, 49 lie requested Ahab to ex. dog, and cast them both in tbor Can- 261,730 675,490 725,573
at Wou
eftise hia authority and call an as. 0 of become of them,?" MA $TER FOUR 24-7
COWPcr, �Pvnibly to Mount Camel and there
110 pundits wore silent, but the
PUNUIC Ilet ttecontroversy, whether the king People said: "%by tile god being of Its destination on 30th August. 1812,
�,Oh Thou who art a Spirit. Infinite',0V the Prophet -was Israel's troUbler , stone Wo 4 sink, 11 a the dog would j
and ettrualt enable us to worahip W decided. Whatever was the socrei swim ashore." The Journey of 728 Miles ixtni York
Thee Ili opirit, and in truth. We bavo It the C n
t-lnneidagahmt Theb In thought, wor4 the challenge the result was directed the OUR. CANAD Factory. to the Present site of. tho Cost -and Upk
-t Motive that decided Ahab to accept bristioll -replied, 44then citY of Winnipeg W.nS Low
409 must 6e greater than the e made in,45 days.
,and in degil. and thuS have, permitted - by. God. As Baut waa tile sun.gol for o The Second party of Settlers, includ-
he CRT% Aave IfirAself, Which the Ing Woman and children, reached the ye
other godn to rule whore Thou a10116 JIM would he a power over wbicil h,, God cannot do!" QUIZ COLUMN "Land Of FrollliW' on the 21W Oe- elega'nt wzdc'omfoitable DO not expect Tnei pundits
vhouldst hold away. Help us to castl might be supposed to e%orcisu to %vor-
tober 1812,
'Restore unto us, 0 Lord-, the joy of EW, in every
out, all aucb and worship only Thee. A4 so 1",11Jib offered to &efdt� be- ")lip 4: gOd 'iihich Is inferior to a dog. 'SIP. ALEXANDER GALT 'WOMEN'S SUiPPRAGE
tw0en GrOd and Baal- by a mfra&� 1101 1 will no longer Worship a ston particular.. yet Strictly
e, Q.—Who was Sir Aloxan INIcLauglAilin�,Duick in char4cter, the.
Thy salvation. Amen. 1from heaven. IIQ vpoRo of hiniself but I -Vdll worship Him who made the A I Galt?. 10.—What countries have eon N
no bolup, alone, tk-smWI party against stOnc, I Worship the Lord Jesus, who, Sir Alexander Galt W9.r. be..
SUNDA-Y SCHOOL LUSSON f OR 'in Canada, of Scot granted Worhon's suffrage, 119.24 YicLaujhlin_1-;ujck DJaf-ter Four
ch parents, hist
the coiUntries whicu f1v0-P,'1$S0"-Ur1Or SO -Ian fully, exemplifies
a mirlity host but one with God made died for me, and ifiril only will I father, John Galt, being the foundorlhave bevit grantfd'womeu�s suffraro, XeLaughli�-B uidlt's P0116Y otbuilding-grqater
APHIL 13111, Int A MightY Witrument in the over- verm" A.�-Among
Lesson Title --E lijah and the strug. throwing of evil. With th, . I ic f Guelph and. Galt. Tile. son became Ion I t - Cl
gla with -"aaf, r I " r 8 as hS lie now tbati-tho-service of Jesus On active Worker for Confederation Ore -Ili- 4641t; o anada, Uiilte4.
OaYlnu power he aave oiirectors�that was one 0 a bto ibi cars NvIth each suc
f Peace and Joy, for Jesus
LV�-sou Passaacl Kings M 20424,. two bullocks Were to be slain, and saYsp "Take my Yoke upon yo with Sir John A. Macdonald, for St4tes,'Great Britain, Austrulla, new cee&
.39. Xn Zealand, Ger ' jngyear� Maderat-,J'
laid upofi separ4teraltar% tho 00,0,for learn of Inc. my Yoke is and which. 110 received ightbood� Later many. Finland, Poland, Y Priced, everything that
"Y, and he.bocAluo eanada,s High*.CoMmi$_ Austria,- Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary
Abab,,tho Gth, Icing ox Israel, reiga- Baal, tile other 'for Jobovdix, ' no my burden is light.n Have You Cat. could be otalced for is prosent--fine UPP
a ear-
tA jn . Salon sioner in England where'he latterly Hollando British East Africa, Bell
ria twenty -t170 years and %�hichcvar should be .0red upon this s*ervice?—Sel, ance Co.-Ofo
eonsumed by rt, p6wer. 'Its Dow .. Msherubullt
'71.12 41 evil in the slaht of the Lord fito must decide when the peo' 11vOd -until his death in 1893, Ifer gil"n' Rhodesia, Sweden, Norwayt
.3bovO Alt that wery before him PIC of was 4 high minded, and r Useful ctZC,0, Mexiqo,,_RussI4, etc.. bOdY, new franne, fekders
Israel were, anol-'wholn they, should A COOD MEDICINE -
rhis is: "attvibutcd In part to the In. worship, Thp people agreed t*o this I 111ADA or MCKIM, atOr 41101'�,cap, aluminurn running-boarde
$1066 his''AAfe Jezebel, daughter of. oaying. uIt is . Well FOR SPRINGTIME :. 'S% I bu:�Iper — its powerful BkLaughlha-Bulck
the king of T�rrc. bad over him. lie doubtr spoken.!' Nol LIWOR of e
some of them Could recall occa� Do Not. Vse ,&rob Purgot Q.—Wbat is CanadaareofiS ANADIAN PUBLICATIOIJ$r valvo_jn-head ' otor
PtrMittcd her to introduce from her,sions in the for f I- uor,? �ts sturdy, Proved
Mer filotory of God!s eeilive 9 lq
*wn 14_ tile �wQrahip of *,aai and people when he answered by fire, as
Topic is Ail 'kou, Broates, all contribute to that
� N . There are 1,409 newspape
�,qoon it NVan noticed be Wellb ,,, scr A.—Canaft."s consumption of liquor rs �qid rC.
built 4r h6usc rvt in the case of Gideon asking 'for. a No shows a. steady. dedrease, in th gularly iii Can- greater Weilsure,-Off utility. that the world
to Baal, lic for hIm,..SjgtXJ that
,nt u,
0 again t the Thattislefc, but not feellagquit w o last
Oil- few -years. .- ht 194$ rit Was: ada, against 1,553 a. year ag Dailjr I,= colne to'e "lot 1
reared an alt4l' in the house and made Miditluitos he would conquer. is, the Way most, people* -feel in tS;1 .03 gajlo�'S newspapers, have decreased rr XPI Standard
a I grove, as did the !It "%o the spring. E capita. of spiri 014 121 c4el.
hsily tired, a etite 'Ons 1.0a gallons Of bee -,weeklies from U to 30;
*hft WhOM angel of God said unto him, Take the of wipn'er and to 114; semi
4640, Sometimes headaches and a k
God drove out of Canaan to make fiesh and' the unleavened cakes, and
10041 for the If3raclitei After.bring. Iny fooling of deproosion V st 1.12 gallons, .18 gallons and and Weeklies from �1,022 to 975. On Ac ineut Plan.
thOM Upon tilis rock. and youO.out . . pimples, or 7,00 gall6ns rb§pejt1vCIyn I "-K vbOut -the 041--k.C. Deforrod Pay
eruptions may appear,on' the Skip, ot 913- the -other hand, a small increasoibas
ing them out of.'Er .. lie bg L� taken place.. during the year � in tho
yPt d then the broth, And he,dfd7so. -Then 5yor exports however -show a large
vxpressly commamded 'them they angel of the Lord put forth the tho there mak be twinges of rheumatism Increase in value,'viz. IQ21,
eild or neuralgia. Any of these indicite 000;, 1922, ;5,104,boo; 1023. $T,605" number of monthly and semi -!monthly
4tould not do as these heathen., but Of the'staff thotwas in his hanilt and $1 Porlodipals,
t�Ct the blood is gut of ordert- 2,261,- V
now wo read "that Alhali did. wore to touched tile fiesh And the ulile"Vencol' th6 indoor life 0, -that 000. 1-ThOse facts'ar howu in McKim's
h e s W BELL.
.,vrovoke the Lord God of Uradl to cakes; and.there 114 as left 11 Directory of : Canadian Publication.,3,
"or thou all the kings ou;sr;i6f, that the rock, and Consumed the fleah easily do. under � which . name the Seventeenth
"g no up. fire out, of mark upon you and may ADIAN. STEAMER ON
Velop into,.Moro serious trouble. LAKE ONTARIO t Sl�reet -Phone 243
Y �WOft before hlm�ll , Thus the worship the unleavened take .11� (judges, 6., Vditi011 o - f'thd' Canadign Newspaper
�Of V841 became POPUIAP, being, pro. 20-21). Do. not doso yourgelf with purgtl_� I Q&�Which and whewwa he Directory baa Just been issued, It
�inoted And protected the King. Elijah allowed tile propbdts of B nadian. stea;ner on Like Ontario? tile only coriiplete directory of ths
oy tiv"00, as many pebple do, in the hope 'Co
. . . . . . . . . . .
But God Was still sped that
�,mg to brJW. hpi baclv- to,.9orvo thelcalled saying, ,0,
Bahl, bear-, u
WVI ; '0 r tiue Go4;,_ooX"IiJ4h ap-11 e Strength. Any doctor 'Will !ell. You Ringston,'which 1-6s heralded. as a Cation.
king �to the tour hundred and fifty of then,.,, to pug YOU can *Put Your blood. right. A--�Tfie steamer."Front4naell was Publications of Canada -and NCZ 3=
people thro�gh his: prophets and - try� e the trial. ftst. r Ill val the atives.gallop thi Ing,
mak and r . ough the system launched on Sept4u&r 7, 1gl(;, on foundland, gh, _ACC ;e, physical
Y weaken Instead, of ' giving Like Ontario at'Ernesttdwn, near and circAllation detailk.
'Peon as though 41,0PP0411-6111 heaven h Y did not cease their Offorts untitr that. thid is true. C
!tile t'MC 0' the cVjAjnff''S(%crI4C6 but What you need in great event'hythe ptess. She was a , At the back oj' the book are several -
the spring is a tonic that win enrich woll built cra�Cof 700 tons and rend, tions arranged for con -
in the Vamp 'wouderful wAY* -hO us-1whan no voice, nor any answer, nor lists of publica,
,cendod, for theiv is no. montiou of his I any that rp�aroled* w4& joktheolull'g, e nerves. elled good ierv�ce for Mollyrryd, ' ra.
the blood and build up th verdent q0e by therradv�rtlser, �uch as,
UlnilY tither than III-, WilliamgO pink pills of this
the designation of they gave way,.to t',140, Who called the--�cdhdensed list, pro-
the "TishWite.11 It Would smm'frow the people to, drnw 'n�4r'. d,w tell dpokly, safety and- surely. Every iinces, the list,of daily hewspaperso
an a 0."0 0, this is Canadles, estImaie arranged bycoun.
the abruptitess of his MO$Sago t,6 tfie.r Ili's OVQrY'WOVoMent. JVUn, fits prN the blood, d the newspaper list
Medicine belps"to enrt6h share in ic, war reparations? ties, the cl ssified'Ilst of g ;)rE ABOUTTHAT
*1*9 On his' first uppearance before' parations weroall made he praye(�l which Clear the Skin, a eneTal and
him that he had bvei4, previous to thi th wou A--Calnada's�sh
S at God d vindicate Himself strengthens the appetite :4ud makes are in war ropara- Spctlatpublications, -and a list of pu&
utter'nuce, dtnouncitig the fniqult�t of Unr itired, depressed' mefi, women and tions, is estimated,at $300,00o,000, or lieatioils in languages , other than
*1119 and 'people al" and. wartiing rabam, Isaac. �and Isiabl,': let it b - cNldreq, bright, �actjve and strong. 41 per cent of'Great,13ritAin's toW, English or Ftench, with. statistics, as
of his pr6phet, "Lord �God of At
-Mr. Ron ry IL RiDbinson, Cruickohnfik, based, on.,,casualitieg, Pensions, ship- to.the PC
thOM"Of tlleconseqtle- hey kno NE WIT BA
nces should tr . wn this day that thou art Go �ulatlon they reub. ERY
I persist in. 41 to JdOIS Israel, and that I an, thy Servant, and says,—, laormati�n an the geography-, po-
oing reverence d '" Sask*, 'My. blood was, out. of PIng. 0880si etc-
tod in particular to tile Sun-god Baal. that I have done all those thingi at 6rder and I was nervous and., run THE LAST SPIK13 OF THE c.. p, h. Pulation and industries of e 6 :.Volt 1 -1 Plate Folly, Ggaranteed
down. ach Pro -
hour pIlhg0t, 4 supply of Dr. Wii� � Q__�JVhen,a�-d whero Vince is given aEr well as detailed facts
Ue f4ded-hia olireful denunciation by thy word. Hear me, 0 Lord, k P., was tber la8tr
A `601(illin oath. "As -the-- Lord Gott of me, t1lair this pOOPI liamW .4 lsl,�and after ta�ing spike of the C about �jeh &y, town and
art the Lord th N_ Ford,'� Chevkblet Ovedand and. Stat
o may know that them or a anadian NcIfic Railway, village
3[srAcl. livoth, before whoiii I gtand, thou I hile they fully restored driven? 'where a newspaper or other
God, and that Olt my health. � t am, now fbeling fille ' A.—The-last spike in. th' Con Is issued. MC
tbore shall: PCt be dow or t Publics -
KIM'S Directory
ain these bast turned their hea ba 'again," and have no hesitation 0 "OnstrUc- thus is a valuable compendium of- iu�
Yeate, ftbrea and a hall years, James At the CINO Of this 8* ort, -conildent. Ing thesi pills to till . in rccom;uend. tion' of the 64�4dlaa Pac'fie RA 'Way formation
5t.117) but according to my Word.,, 3 who are feeling .$ 1 s.00
prayer, the,fire talue down, licked lip W". driven Olt November 7, 1,885, by CommunlY required by SIZES� SUITABLE FOR ALL OTHER CARS
During. these ye,urs VIijah wag in W& the water and co sul , Ot"O IY: t.110
n utd n n those whose bushioss demands a
jog, 'UCCOrain Donald A.' Smith, aftervyard%ord gen.
9 10 God's directions, bullock, but the- %-cry Stones of the You can get these Pills through any Strathcona, Oral or specific knowledge
land being' cared for 4tiraguloasly. altar as well'. The etTect of this on �doaler in medicine, or by mail. at 60 A. McKim, Limited, is Of Canada.
the publish -
Dr. Williams., OrA In tbepreface and CORDOZ
"Me long famine -with rill tile Sufftr- the people Wao What the prophet cents a box from -The VANCOiIVER ISLAND TIRES, IN FABRICS
at it is on it modestly states
it entailed failed to d was Medicine Co., Brookville, .0 QHOW large is Vancouver 19.4 tb ly because of the service ]FROM $9.00 Up
r&W Ahab seeking. They prostrated thmselves, land?
Via Subjects fro'll their idolatrous thus recognizing they w6re. in the it renders to advertisers that it biq
practices. God, unve them another 0 of God, Almighty, and cried An Englishman says we have to 4—VilucOuvor Island is �the lari. become and, ternalned jhe I rgest Ad-
101suro'class, He should see the ch ore rof the vertising Agency in Canada. IN and OVERLAND AR�N
apportunity -of repenting and return 11 est'island o the WeStern all a
RT"ble"Ll'Ovd, he ia the God; the Loid McLAUGHL
1XIM$01f. According to the he is the God.,, service, Pacific Ocean- It has an area of 15,- - The, price Of MOXim's Directory of
11* to SOZI09 the oppor. Or square Miles, is nearly. 300 miles Canadian Publicatid"As, is
when the people were of this Tinle 110 00 $& Copies
nod stood OU00 494in 11% the mi-nd Elijah ordered the prophets� of Eclectrie Oil has bon on the marUCt coutai 'M offices
Wow ot�tlle.Lord,. 101(jah#teturbed to tunItV t.—Dr. Thoiitas' long rand from 0 tb 90 miles wide and may be bid from the WeXI ces
115ract s,Ttsted I All Kinds oi' Oil& and Ac sories
of Abab, . on seeing tile Baal ns!26 per cent of Canada's mer. at Montreal, Toronto, Winnip
to -be destroyed., He faltered upwards- of fifty years and �in that chantable timber. . I
prophet W�)Olu bc bad 0�At for kIv- not for God had sanctioned such dO- time It 'has Proved a blessing to thou- Hamilton, and London, England, 6
4vrYW1leM standing bettore him Ahab st�uctlon. "Yo shall walk after the sands, It is ii high favor through- Q. CANADIAN' ALSIXE Norfolk. St. W. C. 2.
"Ayt thou he that troubloth Lord your God and feari him is Canadian Alsike? W M BELL
und out Canada and its, eveellellce .,has
AU09 bnek � the keep'his comm A.—Canadiaft, Alsike !,%,,a kin(6of Children Ort
aAdments, and oboy.bis carried its fame beyond the Sells, if
charge, "I rave not troubled Israel; voice, and ye sha.11 server 1111m, Q it were -dou r hay that is Proving suitabler for &ft��' EA.S.T" ST. ONRAGE9''
hut u ble the price, It wo0d be MR FtETCHER's 'PhOft 243
tho and,thy futf`Oe� house, in CIC00 unto hlnl� And that pro nd ure In 'Canada, in fact it is claimed.tQ t*%.
phet a clieup linimeoL
be the beat in the world, and is in.r S.�T 0 R!-, A
creasing 'in demand throughout f:ur-
ope. 'It WAS brought Originally to
Zrom Sweden.
closely allied to Timothy. Alsike is
Q.—Whore does Alberta stato, re. M
latIVQ1Y r in dairying production,,>,
A.-41berts, Is steadily increasing E'
This chartiivou her dalry PrOduction,now taking first
plate among the western, provinces in Another PuPchaseq iggell Than Befope a
butter productioll and third place in
thO Dominion. The cream butt" Means—Another and—A -GREATER
can. 'production in 19,4, SALE
ke�. 3 was 18,500,000 Me
nad 1,500.00 polmols of cheese. Not
'YOUthU radjaaee of CoWple�dotkj'Milftong Only has the daity outputof this pro -
Vince iacreaAed in quantity but in N Ew, COATS
Women have teamed this simplo way qualltyas well.
*Cial RrOUP Of coats in dres!§ and sport model.%, low pilce
Q.—WIlat Is Ctnada�s National Net
The trmh r3oftt:t,%q1 tile radfillte llvt bewaro of harsh tleanging tive, beauty treatment. Because incoftiel. $ 7 $9--50 $10.00 $12s,50
10i Fouthfal Adn aced not be lost methedF,. They injare sWin. Palluolive Suap is blended of rare A.—According to tho. Dominion 14 050 16* 18ap tO 32.5,0.
as the years acemnulate. Ctwer Wash thorou'llly wittl P21JU and 4QJK�e ojj�,�41tnolls foe lcavkadea vationsl net go
women guard 11115 Palmolive $03P P, e. wild but thorough cleansing income M 'all brand UeW nlodels.
--cavlk %light b in IMO, from various elasses of pro.
fi)ro retking, Rtlh the lerealul", qualities sj;jee tile da,�s 01 (*Ieo- dfttift and after allowing for City.
pitra, And it ig Ineepens
foaany lather Ivell into tll�, V Thorwe a0a only 12 ShOPPIng days till Easter—Shop eaply
Thii shupfc, nActltod does that pores. Rin lopping totalled the large sum Of $31-
feT Alillious of women. 'Now Z*u ne—aild ropeat tile Do sure you Iget Patmolive M%hufacturers led with and got YOUP choice.
—gild 4000 that sellool-
may use it aing. Tlien tinse agala. whicla is nevcr. sold unwrapped. 0,08.644,194, followed by agrieult.
Theu�-!i skin !� a \If deatc-11 have it. For Juqt one ult 'With $1,519,844770; fon.str$ *9
little COM all. Skin Week trr thiq shaplo method anti thiW� 440%831,482; Inining" $213,044- SUITS
watch roquItz You will be ag
.V#,* st"d only do this gon. W41 construction, $135,874,014; elee- Special priced froill
wetlea,by wind akAd run, orby4irt. trio power, 165,705,00; euttom *M,,
Manse t1w, �khl regtdarg*y, An. repair. M 8%; fishetles, 09*- 16 pod%
te, kc�p your CORI- luse PainloWt for the bath. 941,339; afta t ping, 420^30. regular UP tO- $45�00
too. Thonsandq do — it !.q sq $10-00 tO
1011 lovely. raduat. ��otltbhll- Y011 c,'11116t Fild A 111001 ef�ec- econontical. LANDING 0 SEMMY.
Q�_Whea did the Selkirk- settlers!
laud in Wiiarkil*gt Ail wo
t!,()%tpANy pl, fotir shades SpIling at
CA NAMA, I I M J�rr 1) A.�--The 11rit Stlicirk aettler,,i deg. #nd $3.ol&
Ivinwipeg 'I'otent') Xfonwat tined for the Ittol Rivcr Volley of
Manitoba eftittld frorn 8t,&rnoway,1
Scothwd, on July 206th, 141, rftek.
for Pat* 1�4, 0*0 ing York Factory otk the 2#tb ;�ep. V'SIT OU0 STORE 00TXN IT WILL PAV VOU
tomb", tall, 'Whom thoy wintered.
10C noy coatinvoa their jow�mj, to the
te E
Ited Itiver %*Uey, fin 1�& &W jolA, ROYAL LADIEW 'REA
*401; 110
Mad attor awh .k*90rirW &tk., Dy1**r0**W9AR