HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-03, Page 5TILUODAY, APRIL 3rd. 19.04 TRrk STAR Ow V "A "*V SLUE WATER SEALH LAKE 104T, AFFICERS I). LOCAL TOPICS A NEW HAT i , AMONG 'F1 0% R 3 0 c Go6gick %. . I *on "6# 1) 1 The SR"Icts i K lox Church V;�V A bottle of Colorite or Parkes Straw Uat Dye will make your old straw liat I , clol; lilt.- new in a very few n1l"Utm Von have sixteen shades to choose fiom. Pr" 1924 isk MV4jkVVAMt or a rIMIRIA710101W 1%44- Sarnian, Canadian Steamship Une I the, —Capt, T. Johnsten. Fort Dalhoulie" . ­­---­- be in chavue of he ministor. sub - win 11 but wao immediately aslica sects Of rjermoni, I Aj, = "The 0 It "s kThe WATER G� LADD At a meeting, held 1wently, of dir"tors of the Go4orich UVvelop- Fogineer, V. A. Prince, Tolouto. W,,, he tryint to Iret out one of P�Q of 'SPI;ngtiffic." p. M:,, oindow.3 Auring th,, Arst of the last vine Re&*4*0' F*bL&tk schopt 4na Preserves Eggs, "Five for a. Cent" nicut Company, Lillitid, oviters of xaploawn, V � &own, sarnia; Eaginccr T.Xority, !*is* Peez" in theganue against the Ali Bible ( , a at A penny will just about pay for the presery ' ation* .of five eggs and thest eggs will keep in gold condi. tion for nearly twice six months. Ly�nans Water G1 ass is the acknowleged cort ect egg preserver., t4e"Bluo'Water Be3ch property,, au development TorQuto. 1work Star& 110 rephEd, that "he ww3 Th" service's �Qwsy in the ju I POUND TIN9 20c extewive program of for the jear 4as 44004 the Mapjecourt. C. S. L- -Capt, frS. Pat. work to commence as -soon As weather tcraon, ToronUq Fuginecr, J. Kirk, �at U4 Quo V"as V chumh will going UP to sco V Victot-41 street 1 1 4 the 013ligv,4"" which was the bigj;cst 40 Cordu1;te4 by the stor, Rev, J. respenzit-ility that bad W. 110joy, M. A, N niAr. s uk* t. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Hamilton, I conditiQus permit. Q ru will com� S- L'­0QPt' F" fQ to I had. HO Q103cd 4' saYing, "W�111 41 -he Chavacter and A, of the Vc�- NQ b, PHONE 90 THE SQUARE Firp forcmqkstwork _t and Sault Ste. Mark,; Engineer J. Doug- mence ou the nQw eighteen-holf 9QU las, Fruitland. the -Cason Is ever. mom m4t, ViLl, Evening xsulbkct,\�Iwhen jesU3 ing, ;jwcatCri, minding sthAs, looking Comen Again-" A cc , 'al wel-zore that best sulls tkem.,�, TRrk STAR Ow V "A "*V SLUE WATER SEALH LAKE 104T, AFFICERS I). LOCAL TOPICS i , AMONG IME-To-NEASURE Go6gick %. . I *on "6# 1) 1 The SR"Icts i K lox Church V;�V Pr" 1924 isk MV4jkVVAMt or a rIMIRIA710101W 1%44- Sarnian, Canadian Steamship Une I the, —Capt, T. Johnsten. Fort Dalhoulie" . ­­---­- be in chavue of he ministor. sub - win 11 but wao immediately aslica sects Of rjermoni, I Aj, = "The 0 It "s kThe At a meeting, held 1wently, of dir"tors of the Go4orich UVvelop- Fogineer, V. A. Prince, Tolouto. W,,, he tryint to Iret out one of P�Q of 'SPI;ngtiffic." p. M:,, oindow.3 Auring th,, Arst of the last vine Re&*4*0' F*bL&tk schopt 4na CLOT nicut Company, Lillitid, oviters of xaploawn, V � &own, sarnia; Eaginccr T.Xority, !*is* Peez" in theganue against the Ali Bible ( , a at t4e"Bluo'Water Be3ch property,, au development TorQuto. 1work Star& 110 rephEd, that "he ww3 Th" service's �Qwsy in the ju extewive program of for the jear 4as 44004 the Mapjecourt. C. S. L- -Capt, frS. Pat. work to commence as -soon As weather tcraon, ToronUq Fuginecr, J. Kirk, �at U4 Quo V"as V chumh will going UP to sco V Victot-41 street 1 1 4 the 013ligv,4"" which was the bigj;cst 40 Cordu1;te4 by the stor, Rev, J. respenzit-ility that bad W. 110joy, M. A, N niAr. s uk* t. M Hamilton, I conditiQus permit. Q ru will com� S- L'­0QPt' F" fQ to I had. HO Q103cd 4' saYing, "W�111 41 -he Chavacter and A, of the Vc�- NQ b, Uke t# Sftt W* 0 f tin "Oples. **I thus %tyti Firp forcmqkstwork _t and Sault Ste. Mark,; Engineer J. Doug- mence ou the nQw eighteen-holf 9QU las, Fruitland. the -Cason Is ever. mom m4t, ViLl, Evening xsulbkct,\�Iwhen jesU3 ing, ;jwcatCri, minding sthAs, looking Comen Again-" A cc , 'al wel-zore that best sulls tkem.,�, course, which the Cor zipany is build- W, (%.Franz, Algoma Steamsliip in:;, and for this purpose churter pa- hands the Vnc­vs�pt. A. F. McIntyre, 40011ing. after shinpads, ces-iing plavrrs, and �j oil,. all.the Other things an inilustr-LOUS It he Baptist Intorest is I- I porhops twy have strit klt% are now in the of Pro- ller;liat y asking for Ineorpor- V."004; Engincer IV. 11. Chambers, Cot- vine, lingwoo trallior has to see about.lk Young Pe3plela untoil mckings, hold rac On every Monday night at IWP ist Mrs. Mliott was congutulated at e t I 't X ARNIM* or sloping shlowits. Aauld Ibmwave tkalf at -ion of the Goderich Golf and Colin- �4, try Club, Limited, with a caPit'd Of Agawa, A. 8. L­�--CaPt. It. Lavvrs, thospleudid way Rho served dinner church, has the Mr. jaules Ca it and the willingness she showed to topic for u(,vt night, "revsonalities old, tkotaftel d4blot *04 to 11I the It type ,olling%vood; EnThleer jetii. �qmj* $4000, made up of 400 shares with V a par value of $10Q, of which it io pro. Sarnia. make the event the success it wa& The rest of the program will be I", Ac"ll Canada in Pittums All are wcl- - --we cart It lily type. posed to have iminediatelY 100 shares Prater Taylor, A. 8. L—Capt. W, Corn- D. Montgomery, CoIllugwood; Xngin- most equally as good., A very interesting serje3. of pic- come andno admission Is charged. We have a woolothl M for pLblic subscription. The pimy plans Prepared by a well- cor Thomas Bogle, 004crich, tures across Canada �Pwm Halifax to North St. Methodist church',. 10 474C, of jgM0 is to Own *0 known golf proftssional And , work, Rome Smith, A. S. L.—Capt. X. Livingstone, Cvfflngwood; Engineer Vancouver 'were shown on Moaday a. In,, Men's Club; subject, evening, March 24th, In the Marloolchroule . Fault-fluder—Bellefitl to 1 '81 Idety" stolid o4d 'Ptol"". vAll be pushed rapidly with a large force of n* on to put the first nine V. McLeod, Collinswoodi holes in by May this Berryton, 3144ithew"s Steamship Social Club rooms, on Tue,-�duy after- himself and to others," introduced by noon, the 25th, in Victoria school md Mr. it. $al�ejd- Church Clussv-s* bood. Makers of h411111411110f1d garojects$ dislinod by, (up#ft- play of year. The and selected for the first nine Une--Capt. D. E. Kennedy, Colling. on Tuesday evening in Vict-�j ja -.,trcet Milksion BaI4 11 a m., "The Theory holes Is admirobly suitt-4 for ..�id wood; Engineer S. Murray, Kingston. Laketon, M. S. L.—Capt, P. McIn. Methodist church. Thc views wero, or, the Practise of Religion." 3 P. W., loaned by the C.- P. H. Itev. J. W. Church School and Sible Classes.' 7 LET US TAKE YOUR MEASURE working and the architect of the course has promised play by jja,y if tyre, Sarnia; Engineer D. McConnell, i "Cluey 94 V0 the lecture and Mr. G. V. m., ,Close the Door Please." M. Elliott FOR VOUR weather conditions permit of the pro- Colliagwood, gram of the work being carried on as Dayton, At. S. L.—Capt. W. X operated the lantern. The StrAnge.js and visitors -alwaro wel- views are very beautiful, recalling to come. EASTER SUIT' laid down. Kirkwood, Cobourg.; Engineer L. B. thote who have travelled some of the Baptist churcht. 10 a, m., Church The Development Company plans Cronk, Goderich . Canadian Warriort Canadian Mer. eqeues they have witnessed, 4nq in- Bible School,- Classes for all. 11 a. spirimg in those who have not seen in., preaching service, VoUlmunlon priceo, $25400 and' up# alt orations at once to the lelub house that will ultimately give mombors of chant Marinc--Capt. W. A. Redfern. the localities pletwed a destre W do and 11alid of Fellowship; vubject, "The by this course one of the best club. hou- Port Colborne; Engineer J, XcXevitt, sea In We. Montreal. %tern Ontario, if not the Canadian Signaller, C. X, 51- 00, and givii)g to all more of an - idea Old Covenant Replaced %he of the countW'thoy live in. Thi�re Now." 3 P. its., Taylor's C were some 100 sliden sho wa in this r also. 7 1). m.. subject, "The this $ea W G. PRIDHAM best. Lawns, tennis courts and bowl. ing be laid Capt. F. Beland, Collingwood; Engin. . series- Way Of 1,410.11 The Pastor, R�V. C. s. 0 greens will out on the spa. cious well-sbaded grounds surround- eer A. Wilson, GlaQqow, Scotland. On Monday evening, In addition to N. Dewey, will conduct the servicezi I I iw;,the club house. This work V11i Canadian Bower, C. 9. X—Capt, R. miner� P. t-.- -T the C, P. R. VIC16Vq IWVCral Old 'Anjt� and prekAth, the GO�Pel. NVe Qlttt'lld It I views the slides of ,�htch were Two- Ummq come Ron'$' 818thl started as soon as Possible this spring lti:I4 should prove a most at_ Brownlee, Montreal. Pared. by Mr. R. R. Ulows, were 'Phone 41 Funisbings TAX 94TE IS 45 51ILLS Town water .............. 3,160,00 tractive feature of t1iis ambltiouv Donald Stewart, J. V. U. Stewart Shown and created great interest. SHIEPPARDTON One of there was the: turning of Discount on taxes ......... 1,000-00 club. Line, --Capt. J. Cuthbert, Cdbourg; the Migs Nellie DXugford hag- tahen it aw, St. Catharines. first sod on the C. P. R. to Goderich-, po)31tion in. North Day, A Fgdfictlon of One Mill From Last Interest on county rates. . 260.00 Work will also commence on laying Engineer E, A. Sh, Sinking Fund arrears..... Kamarls, J, F. M. S. L.—C,,pt. A. the event taking Place on.,the other 200-OO.'a water supply to the cottages ind Mra. Will Long Is suffering Intense t lezted officers of tho, Sunday School _yeOir10,ltate IsDeciddil On 'Ifred Brian, Xingstm; Engineer H. Ste- side of the river when the big- steam Of e as f 01 to w A. Su 11 t .. U Bank Overdraft, ... ...... 42,QW.00 property for sale and will be pushed pain as, wtesult.,of having a piece supt., Stanley Snyder; seg.. The town.,council hold a special ses- Outstanding liabiliti"p; ..... 10,495111 to, completion as rapidly as possible. pbeha, Montreal. shovel started diggilig. This was on broken �60-dle lodged ln her hand. assistant sion on - PridaY evening last at whi(:b Water, Light and Harbor. Jolly . Inez, International Water- Sept. 15th, 1904. Another, view was Ila-4oj 11111; treanurer, Laura Mug - t c 1 300-00 1 The company also intends to de- The children's choil, very tIv. t.j,d; librariann, DorI6 11111 and Le" h: tax rate for the year was struck Mistellaneous 4,107-40 i volop. the blocks of land laid out for ways, LtdCapt. J. Redfern, Clove- of the first 0. P. R. passenger tbam awl' a 45 mills, this land; Bn inecr�'H. J leaving Goderich Aug� 26tb, 19 1) al numberr, last t being one inill less 'ks --and eNildren?s play- 9 Ohnstou, Mon. . 07. rendered two a eel Snyder; organizt, Mrs. NVIII Saydet; than last year. The public and sep- open 'par treal. The. fishing fleet at G9derich in 1886 Sunday morning ill the 11(.11rilille" convener, Stanley, SIRY&C", arate school rate is gi,2 mills; the Col- $169,976-21 grou-ndg. Blo4 "B" In the centra of church service. legiate Institute rate 6 MiUs al)d th� Receipts the property, fronting the lake, will Turret Crown, T4ronto Navigation conslaud of fifteea boats and Mr. tt,niperanve f!onyener, Howard Baer,; Cash from 1923 .......... �- .922A3 be cleared 'and niade into lawns, vifix Co,—Capt. W. 0. *Jordan, CcOling. SalloWs showed the string Of them TAIlAtOrIl views Oil SOM0 Phase Of Cradlkk Roll sapL, MrS. .1100M,' 110001 8 general rate 31Y� mills, The esti- od; Engineer A. M. Macrimos, across the barbor. A freshet in missionlry. work will he shown in 1)ept� Aupt., Njtvit, c;tevjkIIt;. Gradeei Taxep uncollected, from- shrubs, trees, etc, Frolim1pary work wo matos.on wMell, this is figured are as 1923 ................. 34,226.89 V;ill Gbderich. Goderich harbor In 1860, showing the Renmiller church Sunday ovolillg� A iepsong are�behlg iiitroduc-ed it ontv follows: also be done oil Block "A," -a river ice coming into the harbor ever me , u's choir will lead the alnging. . Cometery ..... i.-- 600.00 large. tract reserved for general play Glonsannox, Great Lakes Naviga- for tilt, use of, the 'primary and juillor Expenditures Licenses Brown, Colling tion Co.—Capt. 1. A.' the G. T, R. tracks was an olderview You are hot forgetting the en,"ago- vla,-�Qs. All - in.,it.,tilatioll tiervige for .......... 50(t,90 grounds. . . I . I . ..;, 1. . Sabries 6,700.00 Fines ...... 75.00 The beach w9l'be cleared further wood; Engineer 1. McCristic, Toron. and a still. older one was 06dorkh ment you have. for April 21, are you'? the now teachera 4tutoilleers %0I bf,'. Printing nd advertising., 900.00 to harbor in 1837 taken. from au Md The Play, "I Can't Afford It" will be hold no,". a Dog tax ...... 125.00 iind placed in good bathing conditton. , * - Law- costs.... ......... 1. — % . .1 painting showing two Wats stranded given that evening, In Benmiller Local improvement as- Good, bathing Is promised thoge who, . -1 "something d Fire . deparbWt. 1,400,00 sessments ............ 3,163.14 will have privileges over' the coln- WFIST WAWANOSI outside the harbor. -At Victorla:tL church This is' ifrqr. ". IGIRIBIF TONVN TOP10. Public works .............. 8,500-00 church on Tuesday evening, Mr. Salm ent'! ad you are going to onjoy it' Sewer rental ............. 4,50.00 pany's property this year., The Menosetung Canoo Club will ......... 1,676.00 Road oil' assessments ...... 600.00 ' Roads which received con.4i . derable nosh, for the vidnths i5f Februiry a' hold a danet- IA Emstor week, W. Tarvia Report cy S- S' N�, 17, West Wawa- lows showed A' couple of more t Id thoroughly.' Road oil ....... * ......... 1,010.00 National ShiPbuilding C6., - treatment in the latter par". of ]a - nd elides, the old Gun boat Cherub, at 4 service of more than usual -Intel*- Thursday, April 24th, for the Mem. Charity 100.00 lit March: V.—Myrtle Leishmali, 78; Goderich at the time of the Peniall arrears ... .......... 14,06000 year,. will be reconditioned and furth est was hold in. Benmiller Sunday be rs and their JOAje.. Asylum patio .. . .... 277-00 Xensingtpn F er treated, and should be in Sr� IV­Llewel�n Culbert, 71; M4ty r�id and the old.33rd battalioli train. Mildred V urniture Co., sp!epdid. S Ing on the square at the same period, School last'Sunday. Public library ............. 1,600.00 Proul, 69; George, Hamilton, $81, On' I Will, the party who advert,301 I payment .. ........... condition for traffle all year,' The Earl McNee stone and Rois Fisher gave two House � to Rent� With eleetelie town , 45, Jr. IV. -10101114 Bore, 2860, Then Mr. Sallows sprang, ;I cc Goderich Man. Co., payft.. � 2,006.66 ship of Gederich . has proiniied �llejjt rts of the Auburn con. ilath,, gat(jen grants 60000 repo r1g, W ............. . 4 77; Dorothy Million, 66; Ella Sproul, sur� 6 atid-frult trees, In Stae. Bank ilitei;;i 000-00 "erich A]rtcraft Co,, Vay't 1,660.0 Iniinediate treatment Of ' the main rise when Mr. Redley's familiar vention., This 1was followed by a of issue Mar0i 2701, kindly call a' Elections ................... 44.' Jr.. III.—Mary Girvin, 77; Gra- features were thrown 'i 260-00 do�erich Organ.Co.. on the.screen short missionary. program during Star Office, for litit Varks. 000 arrears 8,671.07 road leading into the property. The ham MoNeo, 61; Elnier,Sproul, 47; and g ti " i, . of '60 , Gode ch Otgan Co., int,. : township Is fully reat -was the apprecia on, w.h 8 ........... 450.00 this. property means and is giving lie McNee, Sr The� - Mrs. X. J. Pridliam, Goderich, w4s on arrear � - II. ---Char- -Some Interesting views Of Cblldi� ear 'was received r, aware'of the. asset Ethel McGrattent, 30 foich the last, -missionary offering Cemetery ......... 300-001 r the y Public. schools .............. 20#600A Railway tax 68, Besaie Bere, 66; Gor- reAls Aid Socl6t3r work, were also twenty-five dollar objectT4 was '?n f)f the winners ofa $50 cash Prlz�., Sepailate schools .......... . 1,300,00 . evol'y- COMPAny- - don.McGratten,'41; Edith Sprouj,.�30. shown by. Mr. Elliott In the. Lon(,Ion 'Free -Vr0s.s Salea=*A4 Rents ....... 175.00 By.J�ulyt 4lithe year Godpiich- Jr. llHildg reached and Passed. Mr. Mops gave. ship content with 10-el,248 750 erodit& Collegiate InstituW. .... 12,000.00.j. Finnigan, 63. Sr. a short talk On Ploge-aighing. after Xll� X.1116 W44tvn; and 51ri',Chestor 100ard- of, Health", D .'Taxes, should have good.reason to be proud Melbourne Culbert, 80, Stanley Me- PEOPLE WE' KNONV . - which fort3P-eight persons signed* 11 0 . . . I I I of this resort so close to its. borders Gratten, 69; Evelyn Zhrvin, 61. Pr. Miss : Sohnston earn0d 16 Insurance .... . "0 60 Public and separate schools and the activities of this , Corfipany - Norma Johnston was in Clin- idur-fold pledge. per Cent. COM, Narkot ...... 25:o.o 8.5 mills, Collegiate In- r-Cllfford. Culbert, Carl,. Finnigan. TAInAoll all. tbe subscription IllonO."g. 2 stItute,, at b mills .... should �receive the moral support of tort on Tuesda�r- Bethol beld's congregational nivet- Debenture pa�mehta. (Iesq IVA 1. CARR, Teacher. miss Ethel Farrow, of Torinto, is I turned i'n. 'General at, 31.5 every citizen. It,is at last real Ae- ng ast. Wednesday qveid.tjg - when ..schools and water and 64,778-6� velopnient along, our natural lines WESTFMLD visiting in town.' 'various. reports we.ro'heard. Elfred It your T4ew1i1g­mu.hine is givirk, light).. 25,22US and should not fall to interest la e Strang was ".10 Moore. reported the evening n(%ssion you. trouble wv van fix W for y.)u anv nterest ....... 7,60,00, rge Sugar makin is the order ot the Miss GrAe 0. W. S. R. 1 $169,876-21 numbers of . the ci . ty people desirous d Guelph for the week -end.. fron) of the Auburn conveption. -Tho Sun., thav,lalsei n-4-divs, wilti *i(nd acetmaor County, general rate ...... 4,629.00 A discount,'of 2 per cent. will be al- of owning first_class summet resi. ay, er, iv�,. Lowi� Y'lul, ditv 9ohnol was re-orranized. aft -Owing to the bad roads there -was Mrs. R. M.'Dayly, of London, is 4torv. T110S.- Y 0 once$ C4untyo highways rate.... 2,134.00 lowed off the first half of the taxes if d s. Hunter, o f wbich hineh, ww; servoil. Th- I lio. church service Sunda�: Street 4,662-60 paid on or before June 15th and 3 ppr visiting her si.�tcr, 'Mr. cent. off th"word 'half if. paid by town. kitty -five Tons of Grey Castings We are sorry. to report that' Mr. June l6th; A per cent, off the second Cli Mrs. R. 11. Johnston is visiting her nton News Record: One of John McVittie is under the doctor's alsi half if paid on or before Niovember Clinton's industries which works care. . daughter, Mrs, M. Schoenh Of Model Theatm Ist. Five per cent. - *ill be, added on i6tly but indu Mr. Jack Buchanan hiv; return I o . id . Clinton. away very qu striously overdue taxes. on the'first half if not Mr. T. M. Mitchell -returned last WEEK of APR. 7th, to APR. 12th paid by July lit and on thb second is the Huron Casting Co.; operating home -after spending, the, winter in *eolc from.his t;lp to the Maritime in the old Motor Works building. On Wingham. sl"� 0 half if not paid by Jan. Ist. Saturday last this Company, shipped Ws. Will . ter Co . ok entertained. a Provinces, Some of the council thought it Mond 4y anil Tuesday to� Godeiiell; for use In -fitting up the Mr. and Mrs. 1). - Thompson and would' be better to keep'the rate at 46 number of her friends to' On April Miss Dorothy, accompani6d by lurs. DOUGLAS McLEAN mills, bu.t � Councillars Humber and. - boats wintering in tbat-harbor, thir- fool party Tuesday last.� �. V omid wig- Irive you 2000, laughi; �In Holmes were the movers for the re- -ty-fi.va tons of grey- castings, This V. McDonald, left on, Tudway morn- That Gi 'e-, 'ol id C rt Mrs, D. Carter has been spending ing, for Toronto, where. they ill r - was an extra shippient and was in. e duction in committee of the vhole. � st week withher brother, Mr�: side. "B611 Boy 13" additioli-,to a steady weekly output. the pa B08BY VERNON, in The company, w x Saunders and Olive *th Outdoor W Aiken ff. Taman, who is critically ill MisseD Ali BAB'Y'S HEALTH ith Mr. J. -as W1 ear manager, employs about, six luen and visiting the past week: week from theii with friends Allen returned last -Reno or l3ust" ousins, trip to;Cuba and South Amprilel. and IN. THE SPRIN(; their business is steadily growing. in BlYth, has returned to hei e Mrs. Walter Cooke. Miss Saunders has'sin,oc gone -to Chi- Hardworking foet deserve support and comfort. Thty Vednesday and Thu"Y.. The Contributions to the Hospital cago on nursing duty. Spring is a time of! anxiety to KW KENNEDY and WNBLUE mothers who have little ones in the Building Fund NILE Mrs. Walter Kelly -was UP from are.entitled to Footwear.that fits well, takes the hard."knockP in a vivacious Paraniount Special fiomei , Conditions make it necessary The following letter has been re The Nile Sabbitth School is prepar- London last Thursday and was -an in- and keeps cold AnO dampness on the outside. to keep the baby indoors� :He is of- ceive&by the trustees of the Hospital "The, Purple Highway" ten confined to overheat��, badly ve,- Building Fund,. with tile accompany- ing for something special, on Eastir i#rosio4 spectator -it the. comedy, Sunday. "Safety First,'� put on by the Arthur Vy tilated rooms and catches colds which Ing bonds: of Salt. Circle In Knox church lecture rom To be su of m3ide comfort with outdoor wear, treat R . ALLROOAf BOYS COM rack his 'whole System. Too I guard Sitse-Ve, the undersigned officers Miss Amelia flotheringto'n, that evening; Mrs. Kelly was tbec . ., ,re . 0 "Only a Husbwnct" against this a box of Baby�s 0". of the Maple* Leaf Chapter, L Oo D. ford, spent the week -end ..visitifig your feet to a pair af Mae VICAR S SHOES. They are stout, Inueb, pleasure in friends at Nile, foulider of the Arthur Circle in Gode- Tabletw should be kept in the house E., Goderich, havo rich and taltes. a keefi interest In its Friday and Saturday and an occasional dose given the baby handing to the trustees Of the Build- We are glad to report that Mrs' G' doffigz. durabk and neat in appearance. The Prices arp most reasono a keep big stomach and bowelej work- Ing Fund of the Alexandra Marine Currey is recovering frord the effects AUCE GREY TERRY t Hospital a donation of of the fall that she sustained last Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shepherd were able.' Ing regiiliirly, This , will prevent and General With a very strong SURP.0fting cast in colds, constipation or' colie and keep $C)60 in Dominion of Canada 'Victory week. III town during the paqt week. Mr. L9T US DO. YOUR $HOE REPAIRING Shepherd was the professl "at with '64A Self Wde Wife", -baby well. � The Tiblets ate sold by Bonds, which are ehe),piWit herewith. Mr. A. Millian, of Nile, is assisting the Maitland Golf .(.'Iub andom M411Y iiiiedicine dealerp of by mail at 25 Yours his'son 'George, at form work. It VNIVERSAL COMEDY friends were pleased to tiec him and cents'a box from Ther Dr. Williams C. � Rigy146LDS, Regent. geo�ns illat retired farmers can get his bride and to extend congratula. "High Kickots" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. E. VULLIAMS, Treasurer. plenty of *ork if they are anxious tjolls on his recent marriage, X,. MUTT AN6 JEFF, in Miss L. Gibson, treasurer Of th� for it. The farmen cannot, at pre- Shepherd *00 at his old home 1111,' ng- Geo. Ma' Vicar 44 tV the- End" Another good memory test is try- Street'Fair ]Fuod, has handed to the vent prices of produce. afford to Pay land the post winter and returned in SHOEMAN FOR RELIABLE FOOTWEAR jn to remember when You got that trusteqs of' the Hospital Building for other hired help. double harneay. lie in. -now pro, at c� Ir c 1(d you have now. Fund, Dominion of Canada Victory matinees—Alon. and Wed. at 4 - 1.05. Fewer baby rattles are being. sold the Cheinuing Golf,and Country Club, North Side of Square Phone 220, GODERICH Sat. at 3.00. Keep Tuesday evening, April 15th, Bonds, to the amount of $180; one open for the play, "I Can't AfforA half year cou0olis attached, $49.60; how. -You can't rattle the modern Detroit. W bile in town they werp rguents at the honle of Mr. and Mr.q. ar conling--�'VItito Shoulders."' It," in North st. Methodist church. cash, $14.74; total, $1,864.24. d For S rin 'an, aster SUlt spring Coats Spriong G oves spring. S In all the seasell s latest shades for Now Cloves in"811k op Chamoisette in Navy or sand shades, in pupe wool ladies and misses the best shades Tricotine Curtains and Draperies Now Ready For Spring WM= am-tely P Come in and See Our'Showing Moder rliced G AY, C W I,GH 4, !.:'l I