HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-03, Page 4V
.1 "
WAJ.L PA2`fXw-A'lt*ike JksVvtn1C0t anJ DC�t lucs. (-'alt
an4 Exan ;Z. our Stock . ....
11"Alvas _1 %V, 17
WINDOW SHAMS. -We carry flw�� in 3 Eh 03 at sex
THE GODERICH �tkF - -- -------
jInAw ',%.0. 10 OF 103,2. or,
TOWN 0V 1301*4011-
$1.25 eac-11111
, -� �_ W 1. - � # A rYLAW To PROVWE FUND -151
British Labor Coverom.tat Cannot Government to drop the Singapore
Imo,t.m 9A31WTV.,.spcIaJ Value at $11. $1.26
11'revent strike navill bsse pl=,, Ue Australiani
As was the case with its predeces- have uscil some franh �anguage in re-
sors, *,o LaWr Government of Bri- $Peet to their feeling upon this Sings.
VIAWyAD CXXNSER�Spcis,� at 10c a can.
V150 fS Utterly heIVICS3 to PMVeRt Pore deels.on, and the burden IV
stlllc3 wbere the men are determin- throws urmn themselves. For thi�
WilyRFAIS The QAf crich
vtltlitfl hall Movirii, Il..5 Ponta, or T1
rIZOV. Qi.0lv4*4(,4q V_J Vie Nuutrip3l Ci)uvic'l
DER.-Srocial at 16C per I tin.
Cd to walk out The bus nn4 tram- t4y. bavo been, oubjcgted to zome cri-
if 1,3" #if M1, �392 Town. 413� 1-3-
Aui, tleb.-liturej of tro �ald Town for the!
way ztriko In Undon. Ici a case in ticim In the British proos. But it ia
or �- . i. ". 71 1 0 0 on..
point, Every propo3al -to rostpQne to be expeeted that the vlosor t ho OQ2
the strike or call.1t oil while the Gov. of Empire the more frank will bc� the
14, 411, or,'r We f "it 2,110glatol
A%*D Ni,3113VA'As It haq
tvt#VT0lN6 FO UE NONE ily M�"s fl"t
trament or other yattl(s t, ried nego� language of the members of its fam-
be Impror-
1*ar f�vat i'lle fat4 C011efA040 111411RAW
tiations for settlement, was rejected ity. If there is ever to an
J*I federation in name as well as in
4hould be 0-.ilarred and irnprovcd avid
""'I calargoillent mid 1:11PI'V% �eawrvt would,
and millions of Wople were in, couven,
fqnc(d over sk dispui . e which, like most effect-, with formal VeD And agree-
bi! is ponoml aftaw-,ure to the intiabstant.,
of the owl Tulkii.
CaURCH VNION tic perrsxuan�o in jKaox *hum), travle disputes, could have been avold, Monts, We shall have tip get USed to
every member of the consenting par.
AND it 14 oxPollont it) great
AN 1�116
17111-114 Wer the, toliditiomi Acre -
would have Mr. James Thomson in lit oil byeompromise. In our own coutt.
the som;whcro -aying that is piay� try its well. as In Britain, Australia ties APeallft-19 Out ilX MC01119 V�vhQn'
How Ourows Membem VOW4 on , c � , and
ev er he feels like it,
11044111ter Set forth.
AND NV11FREAS la OV111111 thereto, itwin.
li�.A I.-ce-ary w illnE, liew-ature., Or the
AmevAments itic a tribute to ability. 110 appeared sand other countries, we arc const xnt�
saw munwiptaity top the aunt ot szs,ow.bo.
The church Union bill came up ia this performance its Mr. McNutt, 17 being reminded that a class gov,
Of a detective detective. And Mr. Doti. ernment comes no nearer to being -oil Washington Ready to Arrange Tattr.
ai hel'olitialter provided, the Proret'di or
the - said dclivviturei to be- applied to the
purpose aforesaid aild tiv no other.
;igain in the privilege comraittw ideal than any other government. national Conference an Disarma.
the Ontario, Legislature on Tuesday aid Gray as Elmer FrIatmel (deserib.
AND WHEREAS It Is deltrable to Issue
ed as awfully shrinking) was very Education in the barm that strikes
and all amendment to the Vill was do -to industry avid finance is neeAe Washington will be #W, to bave an,
law goo itilleed- A touch Of color Was d
lite said debentures at one ti ate, arvil. to
inako the priacipat of the sold act)% repay.
able by ivarly aunts during a PeRog or so
passed by 86 to 20, whereby The
cltTk3 Of the Crown are Instructed to added' by Zulelks, the tender Turkish 41110"WeVersr Class of people. rnow. international conference on disarma-
maiden, who3o peachy eyes Elmor ledge is the surest weapon with which mont. There has be -On more Or less
cars, beirsir the Currency of lite sala, 40-
gentUres. The said yeatl "3ulw,� being or
aniounts Zat lisp
,dr*w up clauses to add to the bill# ocussion on -the subject in
Flannel rav0 over, and her father, to fight the wastis of strikea,-but it general dir
such respective agirregate
alnou"t payable �in each yNcor lOr principal
prorvidow, that its the event of Union, Abou Wri Mocha, a Turk from Tur. must be accompanied by cvavasldera�, Britain and- elsewhere, and the Gov.
C-ongregational, Methodist and J."res 'United Stites is
and interest in respect or said debt, shall.
be as nearly as possible equal to the 4, -
by a 11my. We have seen Mr, Fred: Woli tiob o; the clailoo of each side to a ernuitut Of the wg_
M ount payable to each or the other i�i years
byterl*n vongTv9sitions may, as a Scotch minister and in such char- dispute, and earnest and genuine cf. lin8r to ariange for another gather-,
or the salik period.
vote, stay in their motUer churchea
and retairt their congregational pro.; acters before, but he can make an forts to arrive 'at understandings. ing It the powers are Agreeable, It
is that several nations would
AND WHEREAS the total inuount requir.
idated *Iftlalelpial Act Or
vi'Tiv rca,,,:�vlafvouaily by s ecial rate
Witty tcqual. success as a terrible 4lood er poinicare R0$Ig"3 After Do. be. willing enough to tutor Into a
thirsty Turk. Mirts Ruby NCLPod Preftl
the said debt and nterest w
vvivft� provided Is $lit) lum or
Tb� vote an the amendment was feat on 1119 Heollonly Program new arrangement to cut down on mf-')O�
-was quite channing a.4 the Turkish
litary expendituies, butmost of them
as follows! maiden, bla daughter. After a protracted and bitter Par.
are afraid to take the initial stop�,
YNAS-R� 3t. Berry, Presbyterian; The costunies and get-ups of the liamentary
- A-�,r) 1101013-ts the amount or the -mule
rateable property Of 1110,ToWlt Or 6040rich
0001-111TIR to the last reviiect msoi.meni
struggle, in which be * * *
W. 1), Vittek, Presbyterian; R. L. actors were splendid and most appro- stalked 0VCrYth1rW on his economy
toll thereof Is
Br*ckin, Presbyterian; W. S. Drogg.
Retbodist; L. S. Callan, Presbyter-
prla and t e stage tott n9a were R6Vehifloiits In Respect
Program, Premier Poincare of France to Publie Funds in Ontario
equally good. Miss Dorothy Bell, be.
AND W111ERFAS the aniount of we exist-
trir ilebentaro delit of the ,,iod Alunleipal-
It'N -i M.M4,702M
Jim; Col. Carmichael* ftesbyterion;
W. C. Chambers, Presbyterian, It.
bias resigned. He stronglY opposed
hind, th(- scenes, playtitl the piano the domand for Increases in pensions, - 'Ontario is now undergoing some
lictween To in
I. (exelu�iiN,fl of local im;
PrOMnA09 d0bt' .40cur0d by si)(1cito acts
11VII 1111'asacssmentq) v�tereor no princiiM
A. Clarke, Presbyterian; S. A. Currie,
cleverly acts. Previous Purely on the ground of ocornomyg and humiliating, revelations respect to.
production, by the Arthur Circle vo* the handling of funds, Vol-
(Ir 1,; lit urrear.
the ?4vuldlial
-Wesbyteriam IV, XWestone, An -
glican; W. J. Vinlayson. Anglican;
- he and his, government were defeated public
,41. music Una jwuaI1;);r W. a prorAirt. b3r seven votes., It Is not likely that lowing upon recent occurrences in ro�
7 coune'll or
P 111wn or Godericil, 4�tvuctq aa followic,
(0 The Municipal Council of Ille. Town
A. C, Guidon, Anglican; A. W. Gray,
ent part, but iA their latest effort on. this tarrl to a bank failure, these in CI_
ly one soln that of Mrs Frank Sfiun� of events will, vitally affect 12!0.�. 1- 4-
of Goderli�h shall raise the suin of $Mj00Q.0Q
I It I . I P � I l.
foreign policies hill- it may de, U .4 Ulp�
I IF . pression, about. the ability and hou. "M the I 091at" AiltuAta . JA the
^n9XICAK ro, % %T Avcst nug 4con; diers, introduced into the garden settlement of the German repara- aid 'Town Of.GndeVlch,'�Rtid 'the proeoed.i
W- S- 114AW, PNsbyterlurv; George scenei where ohe stood -by, the well tions question. Promier Voineare is eOty Of Public mon, and public get - rout the sale of the 66petitures heroinar.
tyItillmor, Anglican; F. It. Xcel, Angli- And song About the old oaken bucket, a'stubborn man and it hard fighter. ants and people entrusted with o Or lunlitforied Shall be handed Over to the
o9rd Or TrU-00,84 Of. UW Godertch Cone -
can,, T. Keliph, Anglican; A. 0, Uivis. war; given, and this was done effect. Ito believes that every Frepelliq fivance4 of others. It mqst be ob. glase Institute, to be used by It for the en-
Arigbean;.J. A.�McCsuslandt Angli. ively. Ark vious,th - at on the whole the Public is lamlivir and liuvrovinc,Qr the saia.,colie.
tan; F. G, MeDiarmid, Anglican; Z should be willing to make flil.ancial reasonably well served. 'There or giate inAltute..
Mageaut, Roman Catholic; A. P. sacrifices at this time in order that w it) order to raise the, said SUM, do.
LIONS" CLUB NOTES the country in of *W.090.0). ni aforesaid, bearing .
Whinhey, ProsbYteirlan; J. C.'Xilli- ay be r�aved from fin. evidences. on every band that the ma. botituro.,i of tho said Town to the ain t
eople are honest And 10
gov, Presbyterian; A. R. Nesblitt,Arv, anglial collapso,.and in that belief he Jority of P lerest Jit mg swe and one -hair per rent.
This Week and would not deviate from the progr4u, straightforw;4rd. Otherwise the pet- annum, iWl be issued within oneyear
gilican; P. W. J. Owens, Anglican; J' Next for Community Betterment marked out. whole Vtbrie of our- constit4ti4h. would Prom' The pamsing Of this byla each of
A. . ilir�ard, Roman e-otholle; )9, Naturally his increas. %%hich deboutures qbanlx, for ltvq. sum or
Proulic. . Roman Catholic; X M. 04 April 4th an address Will be ed taxation scheme was unpopular collapse. It Is all the more neces' not less than. qi)O,W each, avid shall be
gIv4n in Xnox church lecture room by with the People generally, -and - sary, therefore, that eternal vigi- 4ated upon the date of the Iswe thertor,.
Itoss., Presbywrian. W. C, X� Sin. his and shall paysivip annually at the sank
larfee should be txetelsed by those in or. Atontre, I. if pie Town or Ooderieb.
clair, Preafttorl4n; & P. Tollier, Ro- Prof- H. X XIOPtollo, of Western cuts in expenditures affected 'many %i -
Universityi; London,, on "The Wonder- civil servants, Fra positions 'of pubho or . serad-publie within thirty ;9ears thereafter.
litan Catholic; A.-$. Wallis, Congro- ful Heavenb." This address. Is. given coot heads, which ace is in need, of trust., People who ore In receipt of 0) Each* of the sald, debenfur6s sliall:
Igationalist; W. Q. Wtichel, - Luther- will not be divprt- be signed by tlxo. blayor of tno a Town
niler1he auspices of.the Lions' Club ed from the task of financial reh4bl, good pay for' such work ought to or do4orlet, dr,,by sorive Other P rson an.
An; I,. It. Wigle, AvlI n; F. W. WI U 1101
h4 the common fairnbas to giver of thorized by law tohqJ�,.i,,dwn saine, and by
for the purpose;of raisink funds for litation by the damor of the fraffilti. vc tho. Trew(urer of if Town, 4n.4. the
son, Anglican; W..G."Vilson, Augll- childircits welfare. - A nomfoul.,sid-. tude, With the Icctions coming on their best. In return, and there ought. Clerk shall attach thereto vie Corporate
0) Durt 9 lite cUlTency or tAie said d ei-
NAY$--,W. 'E". Rowe, Methodist, to be every endeavor on.,thel part to, scal or the X1311101P414Y.
-mission of 24*5 oents--will, becharged,. the lattst political serisation, vil I be
Q. D. $0woll, Methodist; V. Spehee, and as there will be no advance ticket reflected there. be. worthy of the trust reposed in
them b6niures t ero Aall be ralsed annually lit,
NetW14; A. Sweet Methodist,, N. o Of the public Li special rate.ort in the rateable property in
pationag beat what is -The Situiftitialt Jim the' tb* said 'f9wri of GQdes,Jcb. The aunt of
R. Mo. Nes the purpose or repo -ink --the
= d'o,; . to YearA for
Neouit, Methodist; J. R. Mark, Pres- sa?du VWbc notie'r.11iffterestincand in- formally ratif, Canada Overtaking 111. a. Ilf; Export -sell (if' 111P -sa
Flour' d lutierea in respect or the
6truetive looture, but, to help the Greece has ed its po� of PrIdyledipidt, an
bytorl, pular decision to ei:id the. monarchy, sa Qb
0-1 "' Uore'll Roman C"holic' Lions! Club in providing funds,for , . . I . Recently . revision has romoved, (5) This B.Vlaw shall take jqrect o file
Ilyxco0ti AiWicau; W. if; ritgl"tod children. )kom Its capital, Athensi, there comes- temp6rarlly'at least, the disorbuina- 'it' 0 0 final pasAlim thereor. - P'.
Methodist; J. Joynt, Metho. y d tlip Council
at, the same uall� pas"
An Opportunity is time a despatch alleging at
dlift% 11. It. i(emp, llaptist; S. G. being presented that the TvrU areatreigthening t1U t4onagainst ocean rates on Canadian Clitunbers. at the To%rA of Cquerich the
to the citizens of "orich to avail: 0our as:ipomparect With the Unitell 14111-timy of March, A. I)., jr.l.
Ives of the Co-operation of the their deforices! at vithierable points, States.. Ntvert�elegs 7a sub-oommit-
Brien, kiithodist; A01phus Arm- , themso W. F. GALWW, Mayor.
and increasing their l'. '.. xxoxanot.:
stroug, Xethoillst,,,A, StIfinger, Ro- city of Guelph. in matters'af vital in, army- Turkey U0 of the British shipping covumis�
terest to the Town of Goderieb. and resented 'as fearing both Russia, olion
man Catholic,* IV, 11, Chambers, au is . 0 vfW this country to. look
d Greece. It there is any gTound into the a TAM NOTICE That the aDove M a, true
the surrounding community. in ttqr, prosumably.to ace ot it proposed. llylaw� which b 0.%
Methodist. Th13 for this alarm. it does not appear to be that such discrimination. to , colpt) Iry
Lions' Club have arrangtd to enter- grave not pos- M wtv into coniiidoeution and whielt wil bre
tain a deputation front the City of ly regarded in thwcapitAia of sible in the future. In the export of '10 Its, passed by the council Or the Aitim-
SAFETY FIRST 'Guelph at an evening banquet . other countries.. The � republicans of e. wity fin the event or the assent or uic
on Greece have cherished the ho flour Canada is bogirml�g to overtake, olfwtora being obtalived thOrOto) aft(!r One
April Alth at 0.30. Therewillalsobe PO Of'ft- the United States, and this matter is,' =cMp
�thp first publication in -the
A ing Comedy, With Its T 201he. date of which publiea�
r It vitse iltatives from the 0. p. It_ gaining lost laurels at the expense of tberelge.,:f great impoitance. to her. tion was the th day of 41fareh, 10,24.
Momenta Su fully P Given by 'will be on sale by members but it is higlily Improbable It is A,ND Ft-11THER TAKE L "XOTICIF� that all
%Z hoped that the sub am- leaseholders qualified under the provisions
Arthur (3re ThuarikefiYnIanciallyttr in a military !sense Iluittee, will extend its Inquiry b c' d or 1ho Consolidawd Ntunlcipal Art, tM.
Pu Wltk ofthe'Llorts" Club at 41-00 eachi, and they in eyou
The most pretentious VMuotiou go the attendance will be limited to in any conditioh to embark the rates on flour.41ofiet; and get some SOctlon 265, .9. 9. 3. are required ten days
'the Arthdr Circle of F.0ox church has :Ono lhundM guests, the business men upon a ne* campaign. It is true that usef 1, informatAon respecting' t horor(i the day of. voting to fliq with the a
u he ,tajutory cieclarittloff or crudilleatlons, oth.
yet attempted was'the comedy, "Safe- and others who are Interested in the' the situation in the Near East and general aiscrimiustion agbijinst the St., erwi.S& thor narne,, *III not appear, on the
Votars' Llst,roP sucis
ty Firit", whieb, was given ill'the Ift- viovelopmout of the Town *rt'request- in the Balkatir countries especially, is, Lawrence route. voting,
ture room lost Thursday and Fridiy 4 to. secure their reservation tarly. somewhat unsettled,'but. one may ex- AND FURTIMIt TAKE NOTICE, that the
*A vitte, of the electorit of the said Town of
evmtlngs. There was a. Crowded Th pect that the powers will. be,talmo on lite said propos.
0 $910 of tickets will Close on 90 to 9fta Sir Edmond Walker Wis 1�atl
house ench Cronin hs, to prevent the outbreAk of a
g and the au�dlenco I . , Canadian
r new war which might involve them -
April 4th. Tickets may be so
*as kept ih a gt4te of cured -from Lton It. J. A. X4eftoill. Sir I�dhiuuvl Wal
throughout� except for tv few tragic . .. n U s e. t e p4tron. $elves before it had gone fay.- , I ker, President 'of
lioMents, whou the stress of emotion ago 'of he community in p vidirkV the Canadian Bank of Commerce Xqr W
throidened to make one give.way. . 1-tho means for making a meeting of Drit,18h. Doctor Discoveis �Vhjt is many years, who recently died inhar-
ositive Curt for -shining example of. �'the: vy hin 8
Claimed to U_, p ness, was a
Miss Esther Ifume had 4 rather dif. this kind possible. Inative bom Canadian Who makes
ficult part, that of Haltel Motitgom.l Tho difficulty'An securing an Audi. good in his own country
He was
evy, 64 Young wife WhO is WQrr1td iorlium for'the, pr6iientAtion of thea. �A good deal of.attelition has boen'born In Sonica township; Huldimand
. Ri 0 f late to A, discovery' by .'Sir In- 1848, started work. in a
41111100t into -a state of hyttexies by the'tricalsluts Prevented the Lionst Club v n 0 Furnitul%;;
to"Plilined abs6co from home of front going ahead this winter with Leonard Rogors A British doctor,
her busb*xid,* arkid, whelk VWhia Vrl&ifurtber developments in Connection which is stated to be a WittY41t thirteen Years of, age, and New or Used rcmember'
Positive 'cure for the last 66 years has; been with
Ner (MM Frank SAU114034 hOr -76049 With'the childivn's playground. The, for� leproay. There ft�a said to 6 the Bank of Cominverce, risini'stead- Harold Blatkiltone?s Funiti-'
sister. whose, sweetheart is ablift al- Club has. on hand the sumv of $slso. for three hundred thodsAnd victims iiD ily
00 without 44 0xplanvi'tion, pucktired this purpose and It is txpftW that tht British Empire alone Of whom until bo�becarae its hon6red head. tuft tLehanp on'the'W"d-
UP apparently ready to burst into Unar Sir Edirittud was noted also for big
this sum will bo suitmeniedby. aptivi. two h ed -thousand are in India. support of CanAllian art, literature, way of Godier" lithe Place
te*M It W43 "too -killing for AUY- ties V111oh the Club ton tam on Of the latter, more than forty th6us- historical avid scientific, research, his
tbibit" M they 4ay, that is unless one throughout the $Urnmer months. It and roam at large among the popala- to to.
activity in odui�atloual affairs and his
let his emotions run the' o
4" puckered up %6. MarythAttrinwoty. t'sov'M'o '�*Njlhloned that by ifixt Year the tlonO most of them Writ Paupers kud Support of many movements for the If it is &.Stove yoU want we
liave all tudItoriurn where beggars, With the result that, the dif. countryvs welfari. lit Was very sim-
love Ito
FiW*rtY,_ the Itli-sh took lady. in the amateur thestriesla eon be Presented, Aculties'of isolating and treating vie. Pit in his personal tastes and habits,
MOM90111M, home, VW a poor con. And thus. make it possibilt for the 6200, are greatly increased. Dr.'Xog. grivi,democratle in. his friendships.
�hwer fo tb6,hX4Wlc&1 Young thdies Lions' Club to preaeu t to the com- era in reputed to be the greatest liv-
but di4r k ' %is YOW store- -use It,
A lot to ttl)' the AudifuCt, unuilty 4 childron's,playground that ing authority on leprasy,'and with a Some of these movie stars stre of
amused� It would be. hard -to beat will bo a credit to thet town. band of devoted collaborators 'hits nsiderable scandal 1mvirer.
Xm Dutilop In such s, role. Mr. studied A'Ad fought it for many'Yet". 0.,
Douglas Nalvit did really woll a Jac), C. Lee* change of AdvIt value' In, Britain atampaigni to raise. a huge HAROLD SLACKIII-ORE 8
latintg0literY. and Toni Cutt, its 4eirry in' too late fbr Ituiertion this week fund with which to fight the dimeage:
Aniold, his -friod, wil', as successful Ito has been Unusuidly'llusy with the througliout the Empire is now In'
'AS Tdim Cutt kno", how to 1*, and beat trade thus far this spring and p)rogresso with the prince. of WgIes, F RNITURE EX0 iNGE
that is saying "a- mouthful,*' if we bus net hlid time to ship back to the as one of the patrons and many emin- I On the Broadway of Go4trIch
may be allowed the sl4tig. Mrs. Btx,. manuffietur ors bit stock of Sherwin. out mort an the board. Sir Leonard , N
the maluma. ot JAckta NVillIAM' Point% Ito will., therefore, Rok�rs hI-msjqf has deolared that, ME
wife At'd bOr Young aister, was Vier. COAtIllie the mal% as advertised on properly handled, leprosy can be to.'
son4ted With Itately grace by Misl Page 4 Ili this week's issue of The tall d vn out the Empire with.4
Adelaide 'Nalra. Of court Y. ri t of
e a drams. StskV in three generations.
ing Flight Aroutid the World
British airmen have started on their
V attempted flight around the world in
a special amphibian plane, - Cowman.
der Nael, It $5,095
aren and his two coutpan-,
��fons expect to make the journey of
'Some twenty-three thousand odd just teceived a ship.
imiles with the one inachine, as
against the three of, four maeltille,; Inent Of ulellf's Parainatta
Vk*ek No. 214
�used by the American avraiora who
Aqted I)% an opposite direction some raincoats inade in a
fors, I You Neier 11"ght of
dois *fore the British jai - In 1%4h I you ?
neither iesse are the lights eantift. dej*ndable olivie shade,
UOU4. An objective is "t for each
% day and it it is attained, then th , "o is JUSt thek: coat for rainy A w. lapholly 01,01109h I% of One
an overhatilifix of the machine and a � hundretl Vieces repre;enta one
rest for the aviators. ne British days.
airmen are counting Oil completint thousanid yeirs! musicaal train -
the JOUMOY by June 0.8. 'Tht%y hope fog at tell N. ems per roan - 3
to Aveme irt olt-tull flying from wee All sizes, while th.y coti."rvative' estitnate. to say
nothing of tho moneyand tabor
It at mat St SArt %Offs hunflittd and twenty-five to five, him. last involved.
40* dtW miles per day, and to occupy not
BORSALINO and "DIR201.4% M0110 thitil thr" hundred boall Alto. Volt ea" got their mtlsie 'it
Nother in the air. These eirmpti holpe its Lest oil the
1to reach Vancouver gorle time in V�ay
(mol 4PAN hild to arrive fil 0�,t_:Jtva VICTRO0111LA
4�fsrly in: June, so that it they 11INVO ancl � kna hxven't olle- - and )avo
�XOM forturfe, many ChrAdians win at
C"HASo BLA%*Oft 14ast seo thtwir m&ehine in ffight.."
Australia to tattes-ile Naval Sirelilgilb
"Mo Ideres and %ye Stom Worth While' Cw" Ho E. JENNER
u� twia E�,, Vtop sing n -1 Me ROBINS
PwNf: 1219 g 6, � to tnire-�7( Next bah of c6awret
to tivft - - - - - - - - - - -
di��Isioln Of tho lohca-h - - - - - -
a find P'3y
the boor 0
d C"tilit-l'
,em or thl1r; wheat� per bfush $ 95 to $ 1-00
put. Oats, er bulah ....... 40 to 41
Peas,, per bugh. ...... 1.40 to 1.50
,Nlillerli gar-
!cf and Elgin 13arley, per bush..... 60 to 65
Dogy Ae- Family flour per civt. 3.26 to F-35
0ev ar. Jr., Patent flour per cwt., 3.35 to 8.50,
at TelnPle Bran, per .30-00 to 31.00
ethg -- Shorte, per ton ...... 81-00 to 32-400
0 cer�iai
and Ilay, per ton .......... 8,00' to 140.00
h - 1� Hogs per cwt ....... 7.25 W 7.50
a% t e town
w neturrithk Cattle, ordinaryg per
Du Clerk. ............. 5.50 to 0,00
at stother.9'. Cattle choice, �er eNyt. 6.60 to ".100
t5fIbyr,H`an4: cwt .... ....... 4 40 to ;.50
-1 'Lambs, Per eWt.,... 13.00 to 134.00
L. Wald q
b Oswal Hides, per lb.,.r.. o4 t o5
cot, and Dairy Butter. per Ili.. 35 to 40,
Egptl per 20 to 20,
at James
r IL L. Will. Potatoes ............ 50 to 60
r, and livra.
it wra. Alc.
or William
McKay, -De- CASTO R 1A
-Robert Tait,
For Infants and Cliffilren
f April, 1.0204, In Use ForOver3OYears
vill attend at
;014 ToUll at Always beirs
to appoint the
lous polling 7-0. . .
nal sunvultur Signature f
nn ItAbalr nr