HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-03, Page 2.V
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I PACs TWO . � - -_ THE C;iOI)EitiO'H'--ST'--A'H'------.-�"-.-�'--�-- - T11U, REPAY, APRIL ird, 10-2 I
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11 - " I Oft 0 0 =01, ; - I MWOMMO
A ITS OW" Y -- :11`�?Iqrtl . . . . . "I 1` - B_ a OR
IN DR I r � RE I'll, 0 %,;ondifions Under " "
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0 " P. I rsonall"Y", - Government Sale . .., - -
,..Wi"th" -,_� I .
. _-_____^m=�� `v A
Dr. Gwm W04 Prtpario a nd a Smart Costume
T*O* X to Bow Hospital— use of.890 Glimoes ott Con4itions in Quebec Under Beer *W Wine Lic�,nse and //1
� , 04 Bepedicts cootiond"i ia Hickey and So- slatimwcr�. 1-90 I in 8. C. VxWer Gavernmeot Siale They are to a well drewd woww' or stYlish
�, toined Mmy 3�w# $pcti � A S14tigbing PaW to,Co, Comicilior — MISSES I In. yaw "Jection of W,
I �' � - = no. �=�k
1. * I w,mlylt Residence. I 0 pajocetho1*0 coal# 6W.18 10001'* DARE WE ADOPT $VCH A SYSTEM IN ONTARIO? - outfit if YOU *e0k new otyles in SIA Coat, H;Kt or
�, I .1 I e distinct-
. in 1661 J&. Ww. McLean Wes Shipping Cixttla to u"WitrAs (" Great Malm-1 . Drew if you #00k charaling unusual habirr" that 11 . I
I I F_= � DE ty cf Manufacturero In Ontsizia Se_- .Ailvania2�ea of the ' ive. if you seek qu4ity ."d at reasufiAlt Fric'"'-Me
A Vol; HQ,m Was Needed and Cows Ro*med the sit eimebtg; �_ 1,
I . _� � �-��,ie z- NVQITjri(** Ontario Tempezanco Act call I Remeniber EasWr i,3 just two we4$,%W"y,
Town HowWa Cood Boad- _1 �, '" o" I
-1 � I I . PAP111a - :1 I �
. I ___�� ' -11. I _�, , - � The followhr,v --aluablo Information on the operation, of Wer and
I TWENTY YEAR$ Atio Mr. John 11. Treble. a higbl ste�m- I Win Lieemea G Quebec and Government Sale in British Colvmbia The Well -Tailored: Mannish Modes Are 13
. 11 li, – __�__ 0 1 ,
I (From The Goderich star of April n er 0 Zion, is alven In the iii!!ptbly lbullotin issued in conaection Arith the Ben-' ' ..
I - I .Entirely the Vogue
; colborn C, township. , SHORT PUTTS miller Methodist church. We reproduce it in The Star as it Is worth
I � lot, 1504) 14 A 8le4kint Party I - the most careful consideration In view of the probability of a vote In The chic, smart mannish suits, Paris inspired, are all tile I
I (,utting Ice om March 28th Ontario iu the near futuro on the continuance of the a T. A.
I �
. � on Monday eveninga oleighinr, Maitland Golf, Club, L1 Vogue for both Ladies and Misses. There are many styles 101
. I Robert Clark made 0 fresh StfiXt party, made up of 26 youpic people, , Realy for the Scason-4"�hiAlvca,q ' -of Tailored Coats, SdIts. D're$ses, The models for n
I � I .eutting, too on Monday, for, though he . CONDITIONS IN QUEBEC UNDER BF,Elt AND WINE, LICENSE etc.
drove into Godor SYSTRU . ctive and of course all
I I � ha!j good two big houses, he wants , 1ch township, to sur- I IN Pro This Ye*r. if � . Misse$ are.distinctly stunning, and attra �
. prise somebody, and when tile Code- � — - im
I I , be prepared for the hottest of som- The Lad?ea* Holue Journal of Philadelphia re-contly sent Mr. A. at lowest -in -town �rices.
to ifebites arrlvcd at the residence of At the annual Meting Of the 13113'e- B. Macdonald' to Q(Aebeo to Investigateand report upon tile operation
I mer. It is some yva%sive, *, bad C - holders of the Maitland Golf Club, of, I . !
0. i late as ,5 ,oy4nty 64noillor Connolly the our (jovernment Control., His article "Whirlpools of Beer" reciter, I Do yOuR EASTM SHOPPING EARLY'
ice gutting as arch 28th. ,Is hold in the Board of Trade roonla , that "The Quebec Fxperir.ent Brings the Reverse of Temperance And
1� $now vjgkt Feet D"o In Altuillop prise began, for Mr. Connolly w, a 1
4 = Mrs, Connolly, however, re- Tuesday, Jan, 17th, 1924, A fiFanci I Sobriety." This 1,1 his picture of theAbeer saloons of 31o;uroal: VAer in the Springtinse Season with Sowbethiug Ne* "a'
,� Iii McKillop the snow In rome too- the visitors, joyfully and in a statentent for. the year'1923 was pre. That night of my firat day in Montreal I sat $a oa� of the throe Vom in Your WearintAppwalt WhatovIer it is You waitt 13
� � I tions isi eight feet'deep. Michael Me- few momemis oveiyibIns went as sontetl and confirmed. The Club has hundred and seven licensed beer saloons of that city, a largos room Yotell Be Sure to Find it in Our $Wm
�'�, . Grath, Scaforth, drove for wood 'to smoothly and sweetly as marriage a good bank balance had no liabilities, Nvith twenty-six tables, at which more than one hundmid uum wore -
I . the $arm, of Mrs. Getzeineyer,1th con. bells) Mr. Conn , olly, who was attend- and is in a position to offor good golf drinking beer. I I _ __ I
: cession, a few days ago. Piles of Ing lodge, soon heard of the invasion to ibis seoaon�.s Jplayers. - 1`� Could Drink a Barrel - &
li wood four feet high ,were driven over of his vastle and returned home and At the shareholders' and directors' I orAored a soda p A 11V
;I pp, and a man near me .gold in beery friondu- I MENS AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS �
� __ ., - a11114 M had to dig down four feet to entered heartily into the pleasure of meeting the following directors and ness: "Don't be afr4l of this beer, old. man; you cant got drunk I . ' Spring Styles in single and aouble 'breasted
� di2cover the futll 'ou can drink a barrel of it and not get dru , New snappy I
. -i . I the evening. The bill of fare *on.. - officors were. electod and chosen. " C. , on it; it's harmless, 'A ,,,, , �
, . � sistcd of all aorta of games, iilotru- C. Leo. prosidout; J. L. Xilloran, vice , I moved to another table to be rid of him, and thirty minutes later �o models for Wn ,and Young ,Men in Navy Blue Serge, Navy,
_:�', . . d Personal Mention lack mental and vocat'music, a recherche president; D� 1). Mooney, secretary- � had crumpled down like a wilted plant,'bis arins were outflung upon Blue Herringbone, light . and dark Grey, Brown and fancy
i I I C. & Shaw left yesterday foi B silrery Jos. Donaldson, C. W. El- the table, and hisface was in 4 puddle of beer slops. . I .
11 - nocu, N. Y. . . � . supper and dancing. At, an early troa y , y, A. $- Mapl(4y In ,this saloon were four wAlters, big, husky men, and one - 0, , , stripes.- ()ur Blue Suits are all wool Serge, guaranteed fast
I . . hour the party lo.1ft for town, but be- If0i, Rev. S. $, Hard them rawhis hand dowrLbeneath the neck band of the drunken wan's' color and excellently tailored. Lined throughout with 131
i . . Mrs. Briegvt left'yeaterday for St. fore reaching home had a lovely up.'and T. R. Patterson. fact
I . � . called it. i The club has secured the scrv!�es blouse,- lifted him to lifiFfeet. and shook him, and trW to make, him , .P;tgo or Serge lining, All sizesguaranteed to fit. In
T . Lop$$, Mg., e" route to Mexico. set, as one of the ladies . understand tbatle war drunk and must g I
� W. R. Millers. of, London, was, in . . Mr. John Given, of Toronto, We . et out; but the man was too 11 every Suit to leave this store is guaranteed as to qvality and
� . I . I I � . . of far gone, and the bully ran him down across the floor, and ,shot him . . .
� i! .
;7 1 town on NV,ednesday, arranging for of the Lako Shore ,Country Club, as, slow -bang through the swinging doors into the streo a fit. Pr1;es$.1 7.00 to $29.5o. I.,
t! ;WHAT WAS DOLNG IN' 1881 ,t. He was jus; - , - .
A the appointment of Major Dock as professional for the coming season, ano'ther'of the thousands that could not get drunk on, be , or. I swvv ' .........O.O.O.I... . I �� 11 "I
".1. 1� :
May Mr. ,Giv(.r ___ —,----,----
1, . the district agent of the North,, Ami- (From. The Goderich . Star t of t comes highly recommend- twelve men drunk on beer fix that *to saloon on Craig .street that . .
, � . I crivan Life Insurance Co. Mr. Miller ath"Iwly , ed As a teacher, play -or and club m4k- night, and I saw fullyfifty men there who were in various stage* on , I
. . . - has not been In good health for. some . -Goderich Men Passed Law Exams ' ei� I I I the road to dead drunkenness, . �- .
I - ,. . .
, 11 . . -_ .
, time. and will probably take a trip to The follo,willit gentlemen from God. A competent c#terer will be secur- With a no,iN,spaper ipan as guide, I 'vi�nt ibut night into twelve . �.I�
;, 1. ELD
, I California to recuperate, for a couple erjoh passed the recent First Inter- 0, and be prepared to meet theso. .. saloons where nothing was'sold but the beer which thq gvernmett; of � .. . . . .1
� Of months. . I ,� . . Quebec.. says makes for teniperance and t3obriety. They. were the I " .
. . . mediate Examination before the Law cial needs of the club during the sca� West Side Square . . 7 .. GODERICH
4' 1 . . . same'old saloons, with the -exception that the luou sat at tablea' In. � 4. 1 .
I . �� � - � � . Society at Toronto..'J. At. Best lind J39n. . I stead of stin'ding at a bar; and they drank beer luste4d of whiskey. - I Shop, Where You are, Invited To Shop. . .
-Mr. T.,Howler'bas been. ro-engaged . . . I I . *
,��, I � " . .
I TWENTY-FIVS YEARS A160 C..C. Rossi, with CoMordn, Holt and There -were tbd- same old smells, .same old maudlin songs and N - Ladies' ;wd GeriVs Fornishistgo
��) I . ' , 4 a . . . . I
. .
I .
. . I
� , (1�tom The Goderich Star of March Cameron, and. j..R. Miller, P, ._ 1,, as groundsman foA the comino so - laughter, same old.vulkarity, sanio old quarreling and wrangling,
. .
I.;. . I . w reading with $, Mal- $on. . . same old drunks, )Before widnight-1 so on�e hundred me -o drunk on .
, I I w
�', 319t, 1899). , I Inson. . I � I 1. The following committees were'ap- =W=M=LM130=WC=K10d
I I I . I I p=, I . . beer; not all of them dead ilrunl�, but all unmistakably drunk, -and I --..."-
11, I Goderith Architect Prepared Plans co I OU .. .
. Shipping Cattle to the English blur- . saw many of them led to the door and pushed , t. 4 4 . I .._____________ __ -_ _ ,. ___ � __., , -_
41. , . for Dr. Gupn*g 1109pitAl � I I kets : I , golf and social c"o;nmlttec-- . I I AndthIs is,vhat the corr"pondent, s4w.1n. lj�ull: , , I I . J � � . . I.. �
lw_�A . Architect Fowler ba ' S Couiple"te4 ' L . . I . IMrs. ,W. F, Sounaers (ebnvenerb . I I .; . . .. . . . . ,, , "... ., _ �, . . � . . ... . I.. I .. . .
I . 44 sp"ificatloos for Dr, On Monday lost Messrs. Campion, Mra. U. L..Lloyd, Mrs. jas. Donald. � .. . ., A Night in Ifull' . � .. . � q 08 ,
. , 6 � I � . I
; . private bos&4 In . Clititon, ivi4n ,and'D., Cordon loO Gode. son, Mrs. 11; 0� Dunlop, Xibs Edith � The following Saturday night, in the city. of Hull, Quebec, I went . I I .
. . . � . 1. and they were sont. Away this Nveek� rich In'eharge,of Mr. Win. McLean's William$$ Miss, Olive Allen And Miss - into the Wo1jington saloon, and in a room as large as a big'church I � I 0 � I
' ,
. . , I shipment pl 400 cattle for I � is. - � 1. .� saw four hundred men at tablea,drinking beer, all talking and arg. . 'S � . ECIA AT Me : ,
:i Vu4n,143's llos.v, I .. EW
. ,
A the En4' Alix Sounder' I . � . � � . . . 1
1$1 . -be r , urchitect alsof sent away ,job wark6ts. uIrig and curi&g togethe . I . . I I .
I T ,wo,ii Mr. McLean left on G- , j, sowesinging and many drunk. This was I . � � I .
�t I . tho.pUtis for a two-stoiry Presbyte�y Tuesday morning and the lot Nvill be ( olf,tommittoo-W. A. Coul burst a *uble-decker imloon; tho owner of its told �nii he bad room for sev- ` . n .1m
1), '. - to be -built of rod pressed brick for convener), J. L. J(Illoraii Wt. PC p- FOR HOUn. CLEANING TIM
�i shipped from .blontroal probably to. Sound- � en hundft4 perswoi to sit at. one time at tables and drink.beer and u
�! . Rev. rather McCabe, of Seaforth. olorrq% . I . ... ors, it. L Uoyd,ind Jn'o. Given, � .stairs were one, hundied men and thirty -54c ,%vomen, .all drinking beer . .
:., " 0.1 . Grounds co . .. -___-. . ,..------.
I � . Benedicts'vis, Bachelors 11 I ,judttee-Jas. Donald. together, Und one of the drunken women was on. top of a table$ uyinp, - - . . I . . " .
I � , . . A Fog 119ra, Was Need*4 son (chairihan , 0, W. Ellis and T. to sing And dance. .1 . I . I ' "
, . . - . -1 I b ,
� . Sairims,,13ungalow Nets. Madras, MarquisetW.' ,
.. I On -Monday evening there was, a The heavy fogs that rise on tbd ' ' Work of Church Annihik -4 1.4 - I . . .. I.. I . I . . . . .
11 'raon* ttee-Rov. 8. S. Har. ' . . I "nev. I,. I,a:veigne is 01JCL. of . the editors of VAetion CEitholique, . . I Now. Pat . torns in floor oilcloth just rqpaivad. ,. * . .
- most exeiting b6ckey'matchbetwiion . lake overysprw mako it very desir-I'L Pat'L , to I I
. �Ifouse comial .
.j - seven married men and an equal dy (chairman),, I .1 . I .
I I � ble. that a bell or horn be locatod at 0.'L Jackson and.E� a leading French- now�papor, of Quebed 0ty, partly owned lie the I . I . . . .. . ,; I . .
� . . . I , ,
, i . ni .. 0 - Broamaj. Brushe ' Mop.% Polls[ es I
� imberof single men. The behodicts a arbor., The fishing V. Lesslio ., . Catholic Ch' misilonary .pri I , 0,*�,Oil'. r,itluid
J - '. the wouth of the b � urch of the province. He is 'a . eat and;a � ., Als QJ . I .
forming the team were Chas. Reld, 0 . . bor _ The, follovgpg, feas,'b4ve, ,been.� x- t*wpo nev, Orotpr".and und4o-,bis� fervent.. 4ppeals. thousunds hmve� . , - I , - - *--- �. I .
1� . . . ta.w,ero , go wi ff, , , , .ra. Silver Polislibs.1loor �
- I I 1� , 11_.11:.-_.1'i*1w; IV. � " .� 1 hoo ��le toleove the bar . . a,. . a. WAN, etc'. - , .
- '
,. �, A , - C1 W.Movicar, PA J. T.. N�f-' 0, WednosdAy, and the d4lay. ofthe -ed for. the, skason of 1094:' playing . gne, the temperance pledge. -A4 said- "In the old da�s th I I � . -01 . . I . . ..
1. . : , � I . . � - . . I . �
. I .., tel, Frank Humber, 0. GrIffith§, R, . business wasi despised and looked down upon. but now the Oovdrn- . . . . I .. . . ,� .1 . I . �
I ,� propollor Quebec in seeking to -find shareholder, each 00; shareholders' . I .. � I
. mei , I I .� I � :1 � ' � .. I
'., . . W. Logan wad John - Halliday, and the harbor occasioned a loss of sever- dependent, lir , . . � . , Everyth * ,
''I . . � I . I .41ted to one. dependent, ,it has bkome a saloon-keepep;'and 'that has made it respe(table .�. . . I . ing - I .. . I � I . �
� I . . � - the bachelors A. T. Cattle, ea,PtAin; 41 hours. This is .:the casex. we % be- 1 and dependent' to be a mbmb �r 1 of I in the eyes of nia'AY. Now there Is no shqme in being obartencer; it' - I . � . . � .
. I . 1, � I . . I I is a government job like being a, postmaster or � customs officor, ,'To ivahe The. You " Look Spick.and Span .
. . ' . se
�! . . I U. D. Grant, td,'Tilt, C. Pehpingtou, lieve, overy tpring and4lie rom,edy-shiroholder's Immediate family, $10; With'duo -respect to t6ie at the head of our 'goveritinenc, 'I. Inus I t SaY '. , . . .. I ,. .. I .. I . I ....,
1. . . . a . . .1 . .
. . I N. D. Rougvle, G. Henderson and 0. j�offgostod Is a boll'VIiiei Aould. be 1 46n.sharebold6rs, � $26; dopeadent, of that allwe they have become the advocates of bee'r and booze,'iind I'. .: I . . . . I . . .. i . . . .� � .. I
I �
. . -
� .. . . Rhynas.- The r0erce wos.D. McIver rung during such fogs., I I I I non -shareholder,' 11wited to one d,e- have put the seal of government approval upon.drinUing, they h . a � ve- . � I � I - . � . � 1. I . I . - — .
� . . I . . I � I . . . I i
. I .. I , � .
- I
' I
dq I I
I I 11
I " I
I a 91
a I
- I
I W*
, L 9
I. 1, 1, P Is EN
14 1
' - . I
I I 11. �. � . and, the umpires Tho.s. Nairn .and H. And theCows Roamed at e .. vefident, $15,1 n6n-rtsidents, 2weeks, , Almost annihilated the work of the church through years of preach� .1 I � ,.. . . . . . 1. � . . I I .. . . � I . . �
I � : I oe being soft the .. I .".,,",,.,,.1.ArX, $10; non-resfdont� per day, �1; siocia I - .. I . . � . . ' . I
I . g. . . . I NY. 13nit. The' 1 a : Ing temperance Una sobriety.111 '' I � w � . .... I .
... � . W .,players worc, A port! fence. surrounding i . � . . I I . I � .. . . I . � . ' .
. '.. , . 1. I . . '' M EN*-
L� I I I I iorlt was liard. but the fee, non-playifig, $5�. f-11, ; I � J, I J. cEW-- - . . � �
. � 1. I gopeiauy thankful for its softness: the Park pe Is now brok� Each ahare�of stoek toi carry a first, . 1101V MODERI(TION,XODERATES. IN B. C,, .. : ... . I " �. - . . , �
. � . I I . .. - � . .1 I . .
. . . �
. I
. ... I I . .
. I I .
� � . � down, and the good people of playing fee of. fW;iiirliether played ,on . I I . . PHONE -0 - . South � Side Square
L . . . . when. as was often the coo, they on . I Liquor sold. by'vendors in .S Alonthi ending- I
. 11 . I . I � ,xcre skating lengthwise on the rink, I GOdcrich WhOSO 'fOws run 'at 'urge .by shareholder o Dec. 1920 - I I . � $ 99.376 - I N I . I . I � . . . . . .. � I .. . .1. . . . ..� . � .
. I . . . ... � .. To say there wag lots of fun Is but an will find excellont, Pasture for them i6th , -Afar. 1923 k7 J . . . __;_�510MOOS - � . � I . ,. �; .. � .
" . I are due and illyable oil ,the of � . 4� .. I I . . . �
� �!' I . . 1. echo of the reility, for from start -to, In the park as well as on'the Couft April year. ... I � . .. � . . Iberease under Gov't, Sale 5000%% . '. . L 11 . . I . . . . . . I I L I
. I . : - . . �
I . . . I . I . . I . -W L .
11 . .. finirb, the, N%"ost street skating rink -HOU80 Squo . _Xn1s 'Will fe so con. Green tickets on sale at the Golf , , Wher the m6hey,goes '" , I � I . - . - I FG ..
. . I - , lif I I P I
- . I I vibrated *ith ,the cachinAtions of & venlent-for the tows -and, if coa- uropean .distillers $1,237,250; Canadian, � I chased at the lunch cou tei At any. THE STAR FOR JOB PRINTIN . �
. . . .
. - I I Clubo Sunset lRotel and ff., C,. bun. . . � . .1 � I . time during the, day. . I . . 11 - 1111, I I . . . . .
.. . One . I . . . 90 - . . t . . . I .
audi ' C. JA When j& game was cal. tinned -will , disappoint visitors Wid, lopis Drug Store. I Vt $2,09,45,41S.. Municipalities in relieg I
. . . . .
. . . I . xcursionists �in an amusing :-. The foliowlng are the . I of taxatiou 416,000 1 � - . � . � . I This service is oftourse in add!- , '7M I
. . . � led the score ,was -T all, Ana although summer e . , I I I I . . I L C)Ak-1BWC3`3M=.dL,. * .4
. . I I I , . I that tho Ine ' words' of an Cost of, Police (Vancouver) L . . . . . . . . tion to the regul�r dining. car service U. ,to In Use For Ow 30 Ysft . .
, R.
� .� I � . . �. . I a be. ivauner;, Xor wherv.thoy come here - � t, I.... I . I I.. i ned . the, . � I �
I � . . I it vals suggested P . enthusiast. .We aro,wor6.than readv I . . . . � I oArilted L on the, above4rnentio , skci,,-,-Wb, . I , I
I � . fought to a finish, the suggestion fell theyoll think they are still in the rur. for the 'springtime. We. are tired �f Average under Prohibitih,_�294,919 ., �' L': . trains. � - . . I., . I L.." . . . �e . 11 . 1,
r, 1. . I througb us both todina: wanted -AL prot- Id districts, picking their steps, care. houses, -and slush I .w--. $482,143 ..... . . . . . - ,. . . I I L; 42� �A:�t_v . ..,k
0 . I I. � I ., .y strdets and melt- ; I . . . 1: I t. _ I
, �:,. I . I , �pell. Shortly, ai- fully 41ong.cow'pathaj instead of'in Ing snows,, and W40 are' Ion I f L " . . Increase 411*,� . . . � - � . . . .�. . . I . . _ . I
. � . . l ty long lbroatblng, . I . . N . I I ,� . , . I . . )
. L11 . I . I ter the game th*-, drAy was -called -And 4, � t0w11 . �4hero parks a�d public- n . ging ('r . I ' I . . , 1. . . I I � �,
. . au 9hine, mild breeze W 4 bagful Cost df Ailminigtorinjr Justice (Vancouver) I .. L I
� . I � oroes of a well4ought fight . qu I . en . A ,e ,�o p dor Pr hiNtion . _.$41�,042 .1 I .. I � � , .,. I I I . ,.. . . - , * . I .
. . . . . . the tired h many persoil.11 trees. grow unmailoste.d, instead 40 1, ' ovoj� 111112. .
4� we stand . nme .
. � . a area are; kept clean and shade of woll�ehoson clubs. Wlh' L .422"' nt ,R . I
� ,� L . L departed, carrying , on the ,first too with our new driver � I I . . . 4 ,—$78,586 . - I 1�1
. L . . . . . ase is,;, I - I I
. I I marks of the battle, and a JOW'of L the being used as scratching P'Ots for - . . . , . nere. .1 L # . I I , . I .
. I . . in our banA5 and in�; . * 1
i . . our hearts swqlli '
;i ": . pl;t�,m. had -not ceasod rubbbig the wandering hairio, . . . L .
, a. . . . .1. with gladness, it Is the ti Prisoners sent to'OakaUo PA,son :*� � : .11 . . I I I .
I � . I I me wheg We. , I . Average under probibitilon . 511. . I . — , . � .. � 7 . � 1_;1 . ! . i?,
. � - . Sore soots when the, town clock I chim. Ilut the Town -Bad a Bal.4 . understand how, good a plate tho I . ,Average uaderCov1t So . — , , . I . . 1. I . . . 1i
I I , � ed the midnight h6ur. I I . , 1 lo --..1,565 . I � =, � . I
: � The conorts given on the Square world in d f two hours, at le . . . — I I . — ,
I I I . . ,.,an or, list, '* L , . � � Increase "OV; � = I ; . . . . .:1., = . , 11
". L A Nile, Wodding . each Saturday evening by ,the band we baniA.all Its worries, and walk . . I I I I . .. . . .. I N I . I SAVING L' = .1
. I , I * Prisoners in- Penitentiary. I * I I = CLE -Vi UP AT A, .1j:
� . appyL event are proving very ateeptabIc to out happily in*the land of play. in that . . I . = . .
I A vory pleasing and h. , I- . I
-Average under prohlbitlon� 61 . " ,_","2, Spring'hoii�,� -,'leaning thne is hero'L .
. I .1 citizons, und their continquatiee lduring magle land, with the spring alIgbout erago L . I pud special prices to help = - , � �
i took,,,placo' at the home of. Mr. and Av under Govft Sal . 113 . a. you do it at a satioing ire listed bAcw. Look thes.., ovcr and =
, Mrs. 006. May. 1411o, ou Wednesday the pleasant AlVeldno Of - the 800- Us' We Can build our little. fi-onver ... .. ... 1 Increase 95% . � I ,. I I . = - . I � I I — . . .
. . . I � L ., � I = , buy. what you reta. quickly. I . . =. I : I .
I � ,�.. � . of a got into a statel Span. How Government .Sale Reli,olves 'Taxes,. . . . L ,= I . - . . -
I .� . I evtAhw; Xafth 20th, 1899, wheli their mer months will be quite desirable. o4bill me I y . - . . . I _. I I . F % 1. I .. —
I '�, -, , . . I A good'bund is alwaysa or%ilt to. the ish castle. L&4 the ,ebildreh we call - Taxes collected on Vancouver home. a$SeSsnne � P . - =
i . . I youngest daughter, 'Elsle, was united I 0 �mchanqcd. — _r . ,#0 .
I .1 . place where it is located, and the ti- enJOY' every hoped-for. thing before , � A I � . , - 'Sp,ecial s vice patka at. special PrIce't =
. � in tbe holy. bonds of matrimony to verago under probibition— . $09.74 . 1= , = .1
. ..... wft"".Nmws� , r Govt. Sale —$104.25, . % - = . ^ rd , = i
I ; I . 6.zens lose nothing by seeing that all hand, and afterwards, too. if, forturt. Average wide , 1 Pkt. LUX _. . . . - ,
I � . I - moo"olow- d reasoz;ible eneoinzgement and suP- attly, it should be realized. For golf . .1, .Increase 50%, - . I . � = . I ftt. RINSO - - - . * 4% � I .
. . a. is a Rome, that fills both ou I ,K lktr � . . . L I Bar SUNLIGHT SOAP . . ,4 P% -"A �
- -
I . . port are given to such sill' organix r hands . , IN, . " -- �
I I 0%.0's - E
I BE =
, . I L . I
11. .. I . � I I � t1on., � . . . - q L . . With blessing$; we can dream of them � , , . 'Wherier i*tht'Madtration?, . — .1 Bar LIPP0140Y SOAP - ' . . = I . L
" . I . . - . .. I L = Rtgular Pricei 33c--Cur.+o-x- 'n ,0alaving, Be. . L I
I - . � . . .. . . at night and enjoy them in the sun. : The foregoing ate glimpseg at conditions In Quebec under a Beet, . I = . 0.4 1k om packet to e5wh custotuer- Nak, -gre olyvuh� fo-day. + = I L
- I . . L . Jeftse Systoin and at the effect of so�eallod,"Modeiation'l I � , o' , - L I
� . . $013NCH DEMANDS UNIFORM- bhilie;� and 'Whether our Or"ma fAil . and Wine 14 . + I . =
i � . I I . lop I . ITY � I us, +or am reAlited, we shall findL in. B. C. under Goverrim6nt Sale. - What*about O,uturi0 Do we aaj,� . I I I . I . L = . . �
I . I . . , . I I = — . � I
; , ,., L L , adopt any system of legalizing the liquor trafflo, even though it have + — : Othei 5 , kg Cleaning = L . � !
= I . . I I
.) . I . . A* careful resea�ch :made in re&nt health and happiness along-thO way- any sueb goo4-sounding name as "modoration"T The Oni�i,tio , . .r Suggebtioiii fi�r.your Sprit = I
I I I I I - - .. . ,,, I . Toni- — . . . . — t
, i L I .. L L . years In tho'study.of dietetics 113.4 . Perithice Act, in spite U wany disa&intgges, bas alroady brought . = . DR ' . ,9XT9A SMCIAL Py (0 =
. shown the great importaneo to (he BULPITT VINDICATED. ' about a betterment. of conditionkL in a very high degree. The most — SOAPS, 10 bar;. - _74c qul4my BRpoms i , =. I
, i ' . L L I I 5 — ..1.
- I I human system of parity And uniform . -11- 1. �erlous chargoi brought against it by its IM ,FELS NAPT11A =
, . - I I , critics is that it fal% to pro- .. I
, . 11 � I , CLOTHVS -LINES
. . I quality in foods. It Is L & great ble-r- .To the Editox-of The Star. I . bibilt, In other words, t L = -SOAP, 10 bars -, _ 74c , . I
I .. . 1, i sing that today So Zir o Pto.sition is not to -Prohibition oolnuch — 30 cottaft _, - C 91
_ �
I . . tiany delicious Dear Sir,. Seeing Mr. C . as to nou-prohibition. oin , 6� em, claim that there Is more drink. , . = OLD DUTCH 21: 'CLO4 23 L— .
I I .. . ,ox. Is now . ing under Prohibition than c under Monism Is it, n, # —
11 . I goods as well as tea And coNee coin be released and Charles Bulpitt vindi- -,not strange, the I _= CLEANSER, 2 W 50 ft., manillp, , . .,
I . Es 'N's, 29C =
I ffn� � C
. � � I . .� 1. ... . I 1procurttl in tins anit sealed Metal eated, I desire Jhe citizens of Gode. that they want to go book to the litenso SysteM? Of Course, we I .. = "IJAB13ITTIS P STICX8 I M
. � I I �-tiow and they know, tbst there is not more drinking done under , = �CMANS42, 3 fing .27c mo . C �
;� . __ packages, "SALAIDAI! Tea was ope rieh to know the troth of the outcome , = . . . .. - . M
. L I of the first pure food products to, be. the O. T. A. than there used to he under licenso. Below are some Of. _— a kR or RANDY 22
. at the petition, forwarded to Ottawa tho results of a Oestiopitairo, sent out to Ontario manufacturers, —_ AMMOKI�&3 I
. Coale widely popular In Canada. Th'e for reduced senteAce on his behalf. 57C � I
I 1. Are .yetk of the opinion that Prohibition under, the Ontario a=- POWDER, pkts. .25c , ff�w - -. . - =_
flavor-preserying Aluminum package Having read In both The Signal and . � ES FLOO)t - I
� 1DO,you 'need thL �Star t.,h Temperance Act makes for increased production of,goods? L 11 M CHLORIDE 'of �, C I =
;1 - L . keeps ,the tea fro,jh and delicious. tit a petition a nt to Ise . WA —
. 0 vt ,% 6 e 1,047 or 19% answered Yes and. — . —
lj . 1= .45
L L � i
,I ., more business? I Skilful blending maintains the qual. Ottawa for his inizatdiate release, 1 393 or 27% answered Xo. - L = BORAX, I I
. . I I = - O'CRDAk = I
j It.v absolutely uniform. knew fall well, had such takta plac6, OR. Does It Increase the workere regularity of attendg"Ce im- 2 pktt., - . . .25c Powsyr 4*5C & 23c — .
. I The mverap V a I Ill, e of i lie would have come forth with the mediately After pay day? o v =
. i I A hick town Is otto ,wberg every. . I . a .00 LIOUID — . -11
: . OAtArlo, and Quibic , feeling, also, the opinion of a. great, 1,094 or 70'�`b waswored Yis and . . — COD STROXG -" ".
knows she woro that Some hat wrongly '*41 or 23�'; Answered No. ' - L ' , 11 . I . X 55C VRNRER 45c & 23c = .
. I 3 I . =_ .. . BROOMS -1, I I.,
. .4 � I "t privir. W*L'haV6 I = !
" fam is 10,00, Their � , ,,a t I I many, that he 'had bom 3. Does'Lit improve theireApat-it,y f — AL fine stock of . Nail, Scrob and Stove 31rushes, = ,
avel-Age Ineme is ever *w.6**Aw.*w-*_ But the Almighty Lord hath - .or -work, and their ability to = . — .
7 .. - ___ .-L - - __- , pc%rforol their dutiest, = t L
. Voom. =nted thera by the, band of * 1,070 dr 14% answered Yes and 0 1 = See thi's stock iti prites helord buying elsewhere. � I$
1 "$an& saftr Woman fory by inspiration, I nont a — . . — I .1
Iftere Sn 334.00. I *rho 371L or 951% answered .No. . . = -.-- j� = . I ..
A . wite worded thum. 1, 4. Does It Tesult in more caoxfortoble homeq and bottei supplies U 11. ourkn9c — .
I ,
Dep4rtment stor" and " � . = DIRE, .Sy.)RUp $2 an RICHMELL0 —
. wide-awske mall-tWn �1 utjtm� J%&*W from 00 -cruor General, of food and clothing for wives.arid children? M - = .
. I - = No. to t I
14. Ottawa. - in , , , *V7 TEA, lb. - . . 79c I
,A o 1,165 or 82% answe'red Yes and I — = I I
� _' mnhauts a r * Oting hyaps"JA Petition for Cox former sign,61 ma- 935 -or 171�, answered No. . i_= BREAPWAST 1,9C M
.1 1- ....... I .. . ...... 6 the spr . aw w� Sority (relatives). SAtish sentiment �. Aro, drunkminess and poverty ag Conimon now undir the On- *1 Quarts . . . 74c COCOA, q lb. - JIL —
pAse of their Kom D = —
to fiild hoW eSA3r.ft ja to �� All t�� W,k,a jkiiftr f0a 11, = ARRARVAST
. V%"�Plk for Godorleb demands his full Itime tario Temperance Act as formerly under the opeo bar and the liquor 1�
- 1; *ell thae faralin I 4%j talte *ot c,t,jnft%t* that 73ardiek served. . License Act? I . L, = Pints - - . -39C COCQA,l 14C. —
PlAr 0 ILL ,,,, I 1. .. �
. _ g fgW1. 1,413 or 8V, answertd, No and I —
4 . 101 laloil ffittet's will rogultto f1ko &tom- F. PORTER. — 11 "'. ___ f = -
, Res h.v TAng Vitolm 'K, SA, stioelate stel*tlioa of tke,aAllvs, I rectived the reply as follows: . 2141 or 141,'4, skiftswered Ves. . =_ C1101CH DRIOD, . RAYS1011 PEARS — L
! Every da�, brilogs us 4, *%a ItA!stvic juict A,& ladl ^ __ ... --7, ,-----I ___ _ - ,_ _ AI?XICOT$. 1�.., 146 —
- __� , I L -7 , , _ - , -�L-� ___ _ '' _
It*% 3 - �_ � _:�_., -�� __�4� � 6jt6IC:k , , . I
- 77-,.- " ' " - '_ 12QC , " -(in U ht ,Qpup.) - LUC, L=_ -
'� A., ".,�, ", .1 11 ,.6. .I ,th I -1 �); I N1411" Dieth, " 14.24.- , - .. , . , �,4.
,, 41 d' 1 11 I I . Yil6ke .Prt*'f.'L" ' ' " ` I tiol, reftl ve *01 ty, 4241 wlifiCt �. 11".-OLVAWK, . His F A. L PRUN . 9 =
, —
� J i3 doas you cau Oat asyckist .wou Bko sirv=- , .Xeolloney the ,Governor Ge"Crall AN INNOVATION ON TRZ VAN- = "- 15C MANIVIELD nVAN =--
;P . . Try it kohal:A ently. IN& 01A I withw "r bwl after,49W9. I aw vornmsAded by His Excellency toneerning the r*s6 of Farmer Cox ADIAIN NATIONU ItAILWAYSr — 40/5% lb, - . . -BACON. 0 =
1� Sao$., aftraol.ve istaple *ar- ., S5. CHOICS PRUN99 ,& Machined Sliced. lb, I
1� 11 tv tM Governor Gment to acknowlMge has bten trazisferrcd to this Dt"rt-1 — 11>1 .31c — 11 . .
� ,kw"k 'Otfor thm,by 1,14119 11 MM _... Rtefte" Nastico'ke, OiNto your teltig%Ift ot Ith ment and will be turheA ovtr to t1helf,*"ch " fAllor sertko adween lor- M 40170, 2 lbs. - - -& . cHnnE, = . I
D1104"" U Six t,rblp~- � W6tt's--1111$6*t% lito *90 I hafl a. the re"Ipt of CA M coolama Plas NEW = �
1, very str4*044 AM *a March, regarding the Cvt petition, Solicitor General for attinition. oiato OrA wim4ft I lb. ., . . . C !a 4'
( f*Tl*X families a A%V, tior . '14 of 41yepevsia. a . —' 4 1W. - - - .25c .23 = li
. a em JL'dA* fte mults was *IA6 fmnbled With ga!A on my and to inform ,vou that it has bc*ij te. I have the honor to be, Sir, I For t'he 0nVehj4%*4b of Its paftcft-N PUCTICALLV II-ONRV __
r fy tj!* peror,face of ,."*Iw 1) #t~k, IL c , - yi are — �
I _eola U01i tat &%y- ftrritid to Tho $"rotary of .State for Your obedltbt sorvant, *hit INWACAU X*60hd R*il** PR=D MARSIXUALLOW =
� . tkins, 4*4 VeTV oftfla lillSpai0s Aftet colmmeratiell. I PXACH93, 1U. . .1&., := "
� P. rXI'ttlulft. now Operating C'41onist Can misip. BISCUITS, lb. . .23C —
� *"I& T ),*a mea difterent "WN. thime the honor to be, Sir, "" A,,�,sistsnt Under seeretaty of State. PQ with lunch countitrs on "Tht Xlk- 15 —
� . 11
� 11 �, e4eth but they did* It "em t6 do tut ZX I
I I Your obedient *mMut" Thus ends %L pitiful tragedy whieh tional" betw"n Tomto *rA iimmlxa� ; __-__--_-_1___._,____-- ._�__� .
� 4 *ay "04. At Isit It hq1*20a to ft* , 1�,W
. F- L- CKIIHIRA- has totwhed tht boorts of thousanits �M, leaviol: T 10.46 p. tit. ';; 1. �
� .. I ,I 'as tkl� Melt of SvT44k A10M Bit- A"istarit Deputy of the avid whie)l ent In. In. I
f ter*, %1%4 0" 1R_,4*0t A tot % tkort y a totrtlful 66d e*n dift, arriving Winni" 4.10 11 I rql�l
'I � 11
IL ,
.1 ,
'Afflfth. I . I 1
brA% . TORE
%W 40reft6aeld Gow,rnor Gcrtral',4 ,,c*eerctary. I dtal with and the light of the judge- ,the MW ilay, and from Winnipeg fo 4
: vier f Ielt a let Irott", � DOMINION S 43, 1,
I - ,Oft 1
. its c4i6 uffit�l Novo I wn emppletelt Ow Then one fiiam.tho �! _tstry of m#r.t d&V imrawl. ChkAft has not Umto'loavite WiWP(* lt-ftli, In. Ir , .
11 -*4 Kow I &% rmw�', t# r4i"L� .'4%%t* dn,%ftrAtftt., �' � I . # . I , �
1, , r d" for �khlog; bo hm WWA It *"- 4WIri *fthift TbroMo T *0 a a t1w I 11 -, m I t c it A
I r.01ry,r0,U!rekPA_0"# 44 ii W, 10 jf� t6 111"Y"t- tt63VM1_%S I V1*04" I I flitaWa, Marl'v,h Ilth. 19,24. ftv t6v hull"s of bovs in the fatute. I third day. Not tea. tot", and bov I I .
!� !%.%X i* sy.,aufaefurea by 13o, T. .4;ir� k rft I I k
, "
tesiorfiefe" .voo" . ,. Theterere out of "I), hastame **W. tit. iA*nd*khe_*, *Lo, j4ft, nil . lb, ii � I I . � 11 \*1 I `1i.jik11,%'T ill:.T,\1J. k I I
I - "' -----.fft 1i vilb!'Va (.,#,�, 1. wiffl, T#101110, Ott. ybur t-clegranl of tile 'ah br,tant tol - . F1,,0RF%*t,p be put- I � -_ k I
. _-, �. 1� � , Mp.TF,R� i butter, I*kod bes'not. ete- mav , I ,% L) C r: R 9 .
. i .. I
I I I � 1
I ,
&, * � .�