HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-04-03, Page 1. . 1, ­ -, . . . � . ,; lk­., 411b. - . . ­ � L . I . I I 11 - ; -,A& a .. QUAurr PpiNTING— I I .) lb , I (r I (b , -5 t ,,;,, '� . "I ::. �46__ . ..& ,&-&._1,C T1W slitit It, e(J-k1JPrW,J ill (1,3 il I . , . fUa I a I , , " 'A Sol I's 11 _ -, I'll, I t"N of Printing. from a 1.4a to a k,�"k" 1) "I I 11 4 it�' - JV g:iv . Ctr I 1. stij�k upon Your Swicintry. . .1 . ­ I .1 . I I . , ...'....., .1111, .11 I � - _... - 4e I . At?kSw0fw,,*&w,twhwn k69 I I Ili . ­ I . - IT,' I- - -_ -- __ I :I: �:: : ;;�_ � - ­ -­ ­­_ __ � I— �______ � , - � ,- _,_______ �_.____ -11 .. ­ � . 11 �. -1 -­ 1. __ . I I I—— I - _j;� -­ - '''i -- _­_ _1P �41 ­�� -:" - ,� _. - -- ­� � -1 � - I ­ ­­­_ --- I 1;4TIETH TRAR. 0. ­_ — " tw-int W116LE N01PEA 311W. . GODERICH. ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, APRIL 3. 1924 � Fi.liti-'41-A�'N',"47.Txlrt"w',":.Tt*x'tt '11u3*fiiW'1,%4,;,rXo- ,_ - - �__ - ___­_____.___ ____ ;91 . '--'-- __ I � _. ___._ _ _ -7 1 � I—— 11 .. .. .. r ------ I—— ---­___;� - __­ �__ - ­ . ' - ­ _'­ �__ __ '7��­___ Sodarich's1ax Rate for 19241s I Mill Less Than Lost Year, Cox Released, Having Servedfull Term; Neighbors Hold Reception. Read About VaKs Gladloll Com - — 1 ­­ ­ -_ -_ - -1 -1 �__ petition . I . ____..��__ _.. . ________ -1 ____­ - __%_;:;;=­��;�___" �! � .. I 11 11 . . I �. . . I loderich during the past week., took of a dainty 'v �,ddlvg dinner. '40 . � i I__ - ___ 7___l___ 1- . I 1_-______ - I TOWN TOPICS . Vol. Riplen chief resident englaw, They left afterwards t,r their futu WHO CAN RAISE 0a WeducAsy- evvningb blarch Toronto; Divisional. superintendent home on the io.oad co , re THE FINhST QLADJOLI ?I winners of Rob"t"o C � 11" . . n,ession of Me, t) I BradWril-Sbielils Rutter, London; rriav and Building �, 26M, the Matthovis hQckey club � "O The inany it lends Soin In �' � were the reelpients. of ,% 'Chicke" din- ,, � . 611 Superintendent WHara, London, Re- X�110 � - . " 1131 STIORLIN6 BANK ' he marri;we took r3ace-In Xitch- I wishl';9 'them many happy ycars of ,The 094trich Star OVers Prizes AR* uer, given by the oilicers of the Mat� I . ener on Monday, March 24th, by Rev, sident Engineer Irvine, 14ndon; and married life. . 1 gregating $16 ilk Value for Com. . 1 r .�, . I OF -CANADA . IV. W. Lynn, Vaster of Knox church, Road blaster Lampart, of Guelph. petition lit, This District thows Steamship Line,, at the board. :,, "I . � � of Nellie Muriel, daughter of Mr. alid Sufficient Funds Retelved for , . Counifts Factor), prop"Ition,ow'. I - law house of Mr. Thomita Elliatt, 1� . I I . I .. I ­ ­ - � '� I ­ - " I . ­ r ., . I Z.- -111-1 est street. e i"I"K room Was 1 1 . I I . � . I I . . � . itt Monument Mr� GCo. Laithwalte hai had word.1 I .:, � , . Mrs. Thomas Shields, to Bert, second Bulp. from Mr. Cheer, who a short time ago I Ilk Probably there Is no more p9pu. I gaily dccerated with hockey $ticks , ,� : /? " . ! � . � ,son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brad- The sum Of $an -00, in three sub- discussed tho sub)"t of it canning r floweir among Cioderich 04rti. i and the nattio Matthews inscribed in , I I 111� 1. fords both of town. scriptions of $1 each was Tecolved by-1actory In Goderich at a meeting in I culturials than the giAdiolus. The 1 'AV I te-4wd- bluw.sround the wa Is. � ,P - I distribution 01"bulbs by 'the Horti."" � I ­ I , - P. R. 0 0.31s Wqjv Ue lffi _ mp - - ­ The Star towards the cost Of the the town hall, that the project Is off I I The event got undor way at 0.16, ­ , � I � 1:1� I I .. The following 0. P, R, officials were stone being erected to Charles J301- so far us he Is ,concerned. Ile � has I cultural t9ociety hss helped to " with Capt. Harding at the belm, sup- . . ­ - --- Pitt by the Biritish Welcome, and WQl- ken unable to make make It so and tile beAuty of this I pprted by Fai.-Ineer Gillics as hi3 ee. � , suitable arrange. l dower Is such that the grower la �', , SA.VE,-Becaxi8e.-.* - "- ­ —a fare League, and wus forwarded- by Monts fl* Any existing building and I Well C044 in time of distress, while M-efa p, I A"A V AUCTION SALES I �� I I us to the treasurer' of the League. it Would be too late to staij to 6 , -repaid for any effort he puts I � I . TL_-Z�TJUX FALK �UFFA.ux fir -ILD-, frow whom we have acknowledgment, for this year's business. Mr. C ulld 1 forlh. In ordee to,�Ijmulate still Xurdy slid McConnell, assl4ted by I . 11 "A r " 11 it Is the, man that looks ahead who gets ahead. �^ . INUS AND FENI.X.S. ,heer, I further the interest in gladiolus Engineer Thomas, took charge ofthe ­ I �. . � -"- I as the required sum bus been raised however, will be in the apple busincss I growing The Star Is offering g otter.,end. llftoLyll, was on dN.k , . I, . � I . . . 11vach Property, � aetinQ as first -mato_(but not in doubt . . . . On the little wator further sutserlittions are not requir. and will operate Ili& evaporator here I number of prizes for competition, , ,� saac $at- a � . . , � . " fornierly occupled by mr, b . , �, I .� . . IN - this time as to who would win the .t 1. � . . I I '11tild, (Oil W' fall, and would 1* ready to a�t I . or ; 4 I � Roses by Telegraph , i among tlte grg'We" % Gederich . , , � f . � I sATUR1W.),Y, APRIL Dill, 1024 !.— sho%v of as manager for 4 co-operative fruit it and nearby townships. , town league trophy). The crew con. 1i � I ",""I'll, : at i:30 Welcoli p. aii., 115112-111gq and The sixth national Rower shipping Qorprlse If desirM. I Por the best display of gladiolus sisted of 0e "Old Outfit" that weath. .. � , - � ,,,, __ -17--. �.. . - __ -.- , . __ I . Fences to ba removed by tliv purchaiier. the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Ar- Annual Meeting of S;ci;kl pervice, i I growing In the gardeA of the coat. ' cred the litorm of Friday, March 21sx. * OF ,,,, _"_____1_____-0_ I HDru, 80.\32 It.., 1,14 It, posts, I Barn, sociation, Inc., opened on Saturday, League of Goderich ,nil who In the last four minutes of �','q ,� -. . . 1. — - CO,*,'21'� ft.. 18 ft-pvs6n, I Bar . " 1, vetitor The Star Will, KIVO PtIM a T f,�;, I , March 29th, and on the occasion of The annual i P aY not full steam ahead ,and reach-. ,� I " lik -ft. post.q; i Bara, 9O.Nv. ft" is ft, -meeting e (;ode. 111 as follows.- First fttio, 2ud t2.000 ,. 111:1."'. I , 1151s; I 811o, 20 ft.,high. 11.), ft lacrogs-, fi e t ow a 4rgest and rich Citizens' Social Service League ! 3rd $1.50. and 4th $1.00. Messrs. I ed i the port or modern vallialld called i. , I :: i. a 14)t of Wire and lall. Fences. Tho.iu n .4 ft er how arranged by 00 was held on Wednesday night at the I Fell and Bowden., I "victory -11 When all had partaken of .. d, , : ,.- . J ,.�� � , I 0 ' Go-ofGanada I buildings and Vence -i must be. ,iold to combined flora it 0'rests of the Unit- of th the president � �-' . the opening of this, the I . . , Su' U As inake room for tile (1,olf t;oul,se. Fur- , I I t Baptist church, the various evangeli., i and secretary of the Goderith the abundance of good thinga set btv- ,'�", n _,'� :, eld States and "Citnada, the editor Of i , fore them tht�re were It. Milber of r, , - . "I. uttlon, -terms, etc., from J. cal churches Joining In a union prAy. il Her . . . ,-� . . the Infer � The Star was very much pleaged to er lueeting. . ,' Nv.,,( aiglel for tile . . t1oultural Society' have agreed brief speeches. Capt. Harding arose , , I . * 11 (, The officers were re- I to act as judges, - and congratulated the bo�-.i on their ' 1.1,�', .,oDg -T Go., receiv6 a beautiful bouquet of rose$ elected, as followa: pl,es., Rev. j. I;,. I This competition will be open to . WHAT A POLIOV IN THE SUN LIFE K.GANADA PROVIDES 1114;11 Im nwP.MEN �#..: I � . I . T.,,GUNDRY, Auctioneer. Own(,04 by the - F. T., D. system of relaying Ford; vicq pre.qldeot, Mr. J. X.Tom; � a"XOI%Q in Goderith town, 00dericit . . r - . � I splend d work. Chlef Murray voiced - '�� ­­ I Ib nob only prdvides protection agaifisb death during the years . 4 r I . CLEARING AUCTION o y elegraph. his, desire to hold the team together - I when it is most. needed, but -it Also est.ablishes capital or savings M . Robertson; treas- -township, ColbaknO, Ashilleld' 4r and trY Anain next year for the cup. ­ * , 171" - quietly aeoulnulatec! during the most productive years of a man's ,STO0K,0R.AIN, HAY, E',T(;. Delegation to Toronto Ito Consolida. urer; Mr. James Campbell. Addres. i WtSt Wawanosh. Now leVa oleo i� I. .1 I MR. HARVEY TRELEAVEN will so., - ses were given by Mr - Enginear Gillies congratulated the * - . I I I life, There is an old but truthful saying that "some day yon will I Al tion of Floating Debt I � who c 1, , , , , ' . by Imbue auction at NVesl; �1-4of Lot io ,&A. T. Cooper,, I -30 $;rely the - best 9111d'olus team oil their good work and btated ,. 1 4 . Me$sn.-M. G. Cameron, town soli. of Clinton, Rev,. J, - Hedloy and , In this %istriet. � ,� "'� ; . either be no old lultu or a dead one". A policy ptovides for both Con, 7. Ashileld Township, I . . that lit* had had the utinost confidence * I .. � . , itor, H J. A. MacEwan, chairman Rev, J. E. Holmes. Plans Zor the, re. ' ' Here is another contest, The I A � I I . contlaReneies., Consalb us regaiding on . r ntany Plans of Insurance. . , THURSIMY APRIL .10th,,1924 ci ' ' I in them during the season. He, all. .11 r !' :r,':, ' . � ieholng' at one o'clock sharp -, of finance committe6 of the toWn suming of -Sunday afternoon temper. I Star offers tivo prizes, a first and pounved that duringo,the most critleat I., I I Coma � . - T . . . - I 'S: I driving. ware, 7 years old, 0 k an 31 0 a In lie . , . . . ".." HORSE council, and L. L�, Knox, town cl r , cc i e ting t Temperance. I it second prize, for cacti of the 'tot- ' 5 . '.1 � . I'm". 11.---r. . ' � . moments he, never logt hope, but had - � - - I I Met for lady driver, bay Percheron, -5 w6re lit Toronto last week Interview- Hall wpro diseusse4 4nd left'to tile 110wing contests. Isl� the livat bou. ,1 � a feeling - they woqld come thrl-ugh, �� .. - ,.� . � KA. LONG, DieWCt Agent : ye I _­ . . I I . � ars old.; I heavy araft, 0 -years old. ing, the Railway and Municipal Board R. T. Of T. and the W. C. T. U.- to '� quet of too spikes, unnamed, Of I the .Nvinner. He said that lie liked , ,_� .1 I . . . . . . . I goneml, Purpose, *12 years oldr-­­­­ L . i:� , � � . I Ift - . . ­ , , I Durhata C --"'G Z'6;iZG_� with the applicationfi)f niinke arrapgements. I gladiolus; 2nd, tile best three I tho* good sportsmanship they showed '' , ��, � I _�� �'.. - - - I . ,. . . WNW. .ow, milking, sup the town to have the:4oating deb;'610 Former Resident Dies at Win ispilt-i eif Panli4%nrictle ' . ,. . . CARDS OF, THANKS , . VIOT100 T5 7 STATIONARY A posed to be in calf, due* Oct. 1,2th; 1, ,ona " Of Rill' 1 by'not using tho lighter G. C.'I. town ., , Ir 10 Durham Cow, just treshened with calf the town consolidated C . rr . I ,I diolus;, 11 I _. ___, ,&l HOISTIN ENGINE)IMS, Th ir . M and 3rd, the, be4t. single , �? �,, . I - . � . at foot; 1- -part Jersey Cow, luat fresh- 01bil, we tinderstafid, was Is-- ' r. Daniel B. Collifek, formerly of , th(41* two, matelles, , * (11 OF THANWSX, . . successful � spilie of 'gindio'u-4, IlDalvd. 13, ,' roughly during , f p , � "t I I .4 ARD I .—W I -___� o ened; I Hereford Cow, ,thic June 10; I , God,rich, where he At one time con. I , . I I 11 - Engineers' examination,j, will be eon- Durham L;o%v, supposed to be In 661f,.the only cbange� in the' ter . 0 . and lie hoped that next your they � ,..,. . _ ins bping ducted a book and 1 stntionery. storv,� I each t"thi-se three competitions I I . Mrs. John Thompson and Viola wish ducted. lit the Ooderich Collegiate In due Dec. ,1rd.;I 1%rham Cow, milkingi that the debentures will b-46 woufa again, bring honor to - thoul_ 11 I li . I , limited I we Will aive; two lirt?.v% Ow, firia ' , � � % -, : � . to -IhdnX frien*;. and u6igbbors for stitute, Qoderich, Thursdayr April I Durham liefter, rising 3 ym, old, . . I died on Saturday, March selve,9 and tile. Matthews.: S I .. � i 1! . I.; 1. 0 17tti. commencing. At 9 a, in. Mr. Scott - due to fifteen years.' � . .� Inona. '"ll, at I Orize a year'n sol),icrrPtion to Tito toomship �. �,., I., On 110% oud Sympathy shown. thenk NNoullner. . �,lay lotil; 1. Durham Heifer, rising " Wi Line by once more winning the cup. � . .1 I'll �. I durin The Illness. and sad bereavement � I " Maitland T He was also a 1*0'�Idollt of. I ' Goderich Stnr : � " . I due .�Iay 15tll; 1 Holstein Helfer, .dsinj ore Out Some of C. 11. R. Clinton, this being -beforo'coming to � .(82.) "t"I thO sO* � In closing lie asked Trainer E "I "I ,. 1. of a Toving husband and fatht.r. I � ',4, due April.uoth.,;ktwo�year (Ad lit-ifeit Embankment , - . I I tond prize ,six months* subscription ujott I I . . .NOTICE TO CUED . - I . I Goderich, and for I 11 * 1! , I I r I NIBS. JOHN THONU-SON, � � . I R.S due April 15th.. � . A )lumber of years witnt Ile thought , of. the tolim. , . , r � ' ' . � I The river Malt I 011). If the winners are already I "Sinoky" arose with the grace of o . , �t I , R11, 1, Aubtft'-Ont. . T . YO hind co the'rAdipage latterly he had lived at AV n 4 r "''. � . � , .. I _ � --- .. VOTION U_ CREDITORS. * I I . , L'NG'(1'V1`PlA1­*.2 Sreets, rising 2 � ' llej� , , r I. I - _ . . ­­!�,�­A�1------ , .;_;;.�7�_­_, I years old; 1. li4lifor, rising 2 Years om, on Fridai, Saturday and. Sunday tore where he Was engaged in fruit I on"i � subscribers to The Star ,they ivill 1, pronlier, saying, "I know. they wc.uW.! , . , farm- ' ,; 1:1 ,�, I Q�110.,OV THANKti. I . - IN TIM MATTER OF THE ESTATE � OF 4 *pfffiq kkklVos; 2 Cahe-i, abuut A mos. out quite A stretch at the north end Ing. 1118 wife and one, soii survive,. I have. their subscriptlons paid for I . I ." '/�! � I _-11-1 . . blAVARD 0. JOHN'STON, DECEAS7 oldl,'2 'joung Cal I . � . � - - I * . , .� ",:. I I i e, The 1"Arnily 4)f t110 [ate Arlr.4. .Varstar- V ED, , , , 1110�z, 5 111-s NeS. . 1. � of the C. P. R. embillikinent.'a good Oing'a daughter of the I I the further period named. Fur" I Wontlhued..,,from page 6) I � . - .. tite Herr desire to return tbanks tot . � . Cl1unK -,, about, 140 US.; 9 ! ther announcement will be do 11' -The Sin_m'�'r� Spwing Maq][illie Ja tile � I I �,� 1 - - and frIends. 41 -i to q . —_ ,,;; 2_J1.4n d Sows, due in April. ortion of 'the stream passing be. late Mr. .Robert Acheson,pf Goderiell I I .later as . ;�: iv,ighbiw, ,�, A . I �. . JL P . � . .. I ribey, Rcv� Fr. (inarn and f(ev'r- P"_ ,- Notice 6 hereby given. that all per- WONVL-3 Thoroughbre(l Rooster,;; tween 1he abutment which used to be. township, and a sister of'Miss Su ' I to' the ditto of thesot"a � Dehve� . C, N, ,;or I I eson, of 110114sville. Mr.* Cal. can' ' beat for you to buy. It'does the joo � . . exten4od during the oistate of Edword C, Johnston, late FFED: About 5W bush. of g bring h I . �� .�. If,, fo� , .s having claims or demands againA About 93 Pullets ana 111ens. . at the'elid -)f*the'embankment, und It , ;, . kftldncsse4 . Aoh' sle 1.11 tests � and *64.e competfitl twill , and lasts a lifetime, Ternm reason- . , , -(he Illoe-is and pa�slng.awray df their I . ood Oats: the, earth, fill, and wearing away a bick was a justice of tht. peace in ' The. Itar I .ubl .. THOSi YOUNG, Agent. .. � I :. , . . .if the TOwn of QO*rich, in the County about �O bush. of NN*heat; ,about 20 1 'or Q . . 1,140thev. � �. . I Huron," retirad flaxiller, dee -ill. vf lluehwheat; about B.,busli stretch almost to Ahe next abutr�ent Wentworth county, a membee of the cc whi -*'e'. he disprty" 1� - I � = 0 , ' . i � . ca" bu . of I o (h ere Ill'o .1 , . ' who died tin the cliThteebtli diiy of Peas, 3 Auns .or Altalta Hay; 4 il"alitIty I I.Ift Out wind I �, I WANTZ41 I *hich is in the embankment, -8orne Woodnien of the World. and it Metho .a his con44i is I I. A. play, "I Can't Afford'It,11 will be 1";, - . . . .lullo .A M,1923; are required to send of Straw;about 30 bush'. of Potatoe% : fif , teen carloads of stone have. been dist, an from an 't hibition'or con.! .1 given in North : atte . , , _ . 1 ,�, � r e - I " .ot Methodist :, . d was 62 �rears of ag... H al"Irt ' " ,,,� : : ­�- -ur de'livi,r to the undert;Igned, solicitors MISONLLANYWUS: I set doubto flar- Put in since as a protectf�; 'against was born near Holmeaville. . 0 1. test the Her ult ral Society may 1:ehurch on TUQRd4y�, .. �,, " - I) --t% ()OMPOW"t Caterer lf" for tho Adininistratrix, lull particulars ness, I -set plough llarness,'.1 tiet, siDgle I ,AprillAth., Keep 11 '. land, Wif Club- APPly' if) of thW.clanns, duly �erifled by doular- Harness.,,li flurs(I Collars; I the.possibility of furthbr erosion, Bar . . . I hold, but thc�H tieultural Soclety,.1 th,v. date. . . I 1 . " ��� . I pilono ,�A. � . ,D , ,D, "100' . Rubber . . . I . . old Jarvis Dead ; �offioers will ac o.q. judges. . . --- +_ . . - . , I 1,� � : . , ..,% x%y, S&Y- ation or affidw6f, oil or b6fore. tile 12th tire Top 8uggy; I steel tire Top 111199Y. Harrison Menzies - . . . I , ­ I — __".. . .. . I ­ .1 I I—, ­ . �- I . - -1 I . day of -Aull, A. D., 1924. ' . �. I ' . I I Goderich citizelks took 0 - . 1:1- ­_ - I . IG VIN DRY'S SALk REGISTER . � I . Melotto 'ureaut separator; J paii,y pecial, in -.1, _.; ?, --.------. . � . . I _.� .WANTED To FURGUA6tt'. tor casb,. old 'D IAXN' rWTJCF, that after the lhurn� I Nvaslr in the news.. of the death of 1, 11'111111.81)AY� April ,10th-,rnClearIng, ' . , I . i postage. stal-4)s and I old cilvelopei AN I � ing Machine; I QiLtt-r. ' A quiet wedding Was solemilized Aj toreat �. W StaMPA 8tWctko0­ �O s; D., 1924 'I e , - ald 12th U,a), of -April; A. thp . TF,1tN1-­XlI Sums, of- $100: ,Mr. , IfA I, of Norfolk CO, nt Old R a I I �� , 14 I . . , . Id tgquea,or Cgq � -1, 4T I U�'k�r.' pp,d thk,h9)Pq of,Ao:brldf&�parents, , r9ld JarvJN_4M Monday lljghti� oY, Aug- 2p(.1 atic,lion �sale of farlu aocki Irfulft, 1. I wX41'. eaS At.-IIIS . I �il . U4104 1oftoa-1, oreat',priwixf; '11rdish' . A10h1T.MratrlX,Wll1: p1loceed F� Jhjmo L jjfl�lf, -1 1, that arnoilift" -.6 to 7th this year.. The following let. 11,1y: 't, . , and'.Mrs. Jn�. A. Menzies, E. Wawa_ home in Detroit, as this noted tenor 1. � .�' I � 9� - . � col Dies rcreriQ. rio Enodern issaw tributv the assets� or thi.j I Irti ceased months' crrdit..9.11,-�n on farnishlug-ap- etv.,, at West % of lot 10, con. 7,.,- 11 .". . Wan ed. X may 6ay you W took up your . V A I � e , an proNvil jo;trt 116tes. A di"coiinl, of !, nosh, on Wednesday, March 26th, singer has frequently been heard lit tei from Dr. Alnb�c. to The Slinvoo. Ash'field commencing tit 10 o'clock ., I I'll old fettef�5. 1w,ply to, Box, 98. Tug STAR. "'no" ' inist trix will not he per Cent. .5L1,-a_1g4t off for Cash ig, er,idq when the Rev. Dr. -Perric, of St. *An- this town., His, troub)o, from wh!ch I I �, ­ � � 1. t "I'at .! Reformer will be read with Interest: � . . . �, ?. -1 -1 _a- - . � _ .. - 1 - — '. .. llabb�tf,)'�Rlo said assets or. any part �tmounts. flay. gvaln antl , toc � ­ .. uharp. ' IIARVEY . TREtXAVEK, I I . i V �91). to s(.4r our'sp",ial thervot' to any porsorr of,wbosc.el ir , � pota -s, drow's church, Winghamt united I,,, lit, had suffered severril months, w . - I Goderich, March Dill, 1924. Proprietor. T. GTINDRY, Auctioneer. � I 1", � , WANNT ­01ris a ft MAI.* Posith-ply no . reserve an *pro- � a r g ri 0 . a4 . , � .k. 2; � . line of .S,atinlett ,halt not then baw .. in r. !a a: An I M., to Mr. 'Albert. diagnosed as dilation of the heart. (- I �. � ,o 1;16omers .and . 'hey ,; . - mwieived no- Ptietor hit., rented Ws farm. I . �,911ps, U0, I . I . � . Harrison, of Seaforth,', ;Ont. After Hc'was 60 years old.4nd a native of To the Nditwr of The lti�fornier: I' SATURDAY, April 6th-INuction od:commission., For rufth. ic(l. . I fiARVE1 IREEAVEN, T. GUNDRY I 1. . , . . . I . - Toronto. � ldr� Jarvis was twice - y TO lera '- ,.� � �'r (Ir frifortbation address 4ALES NIANA. t liale,d at Goderich. Ontario, this 2-2n d Vropri.,tar. . Auet ��,Ir. the signing of the register they par . . mar I enclose ni b ti ' .1dreases, "ale of farm boildintrs and fen(!ps on " �� , It I I _ Wn -1 . . ­ �. ... � I I �. , ORR,. Anvil Shirt Go;*, ,14,6 D4rtt.w St. LY Of Alarell, A. tiz.j 1 P2 i. -.-...-.,. I - _ � . ­.l.t'. p ,, -ol)erty, vOrn- . ... , ,� , - .. .1 . � � . I " I 'CTlf)S �.. _.. . I ________ ' ... 1. ­ ­ . ... - - ; �- ried -and leaves a widow and two soni* and If you have arty 11t.jJ011,L. 3.01, the. Blue Wiiiter lieaeh Ili . 1: �, , .Bast, 41(unilton; ont, , . . IIA I I . . .:� . Y11 & HAYS, Goderiell, SALI. i4l lit I tj,41�1,11t,H,l) AU ended tlAit6rl, '""Del"g 'it 1130 0'00�1(- GODE- - . .� ,;,�_, . , licitors for tho AdmInistratrig. ' PUR-NITVRE . . I � I As, . lure broadcasting- to int I 1� 11, . So A' Murray and Hai -'old Jarvis, Jr.- Al. i THL WANTE6, to go to Londoi%�For.geo� ­ - -.,. I . I .AND M,Tt,urs. . . you may inelude-.them. I expoet 11 " RICH DEIVE MOPMENT Co. o" 1, V. I . G, eral housework. -must be appo to.cook OTICE TO CRMITORS. � __ . .. I I ..--,--. .. ; . '(,Tfi)N -�,Xi,�, op - LIVE STOCK, though he frequently made Conceit . ly T. GUNDRYj auctioneer. . I wilerii. I . � I � 1 �11,,4 " � aud be CApel-Wilged, No %Wshfuly, goad . _ . , :. Tho propi,ov ofmls-� i,. II. ,%V.% R :A' IN1111-L-NIFNI's ANM 1, - . tours through Canada, and partl�-n. brothe'� -from China will .arrive in . . . , _�� N . — I LTM . 1,�I*Sf*101,11 ., Toronto about July 24th frotit 19hiiiii;_! . _�_ . . . . � J. , i lionle, tilgh %vagob with.jqorvasi� rrum.lftnol 1,� T11E IN 1.4. T TFA I OF THM RISTATL � OF florner of Britak,Niia fwaij. ,and placin � . VURN-ITURE : . larly In Western Ontarlo,,Mr. Jarvis ' ' . . DIED . . . � � Ito Mile and porintinont pwitton to capablo 111CUARD UMMML, DECEASED. . ,,itreeLs, on . . I I . I - , . . . I I I hill, and no doubt W will bo glad to be" .%IN,,I . I � I � " i , � I . . . � - .1. I I . had made his. horde in Detroit fat- ,11; %ettorrd Into I#-! pt "'All .�, . girl. ROerenees required. Fodt oMce box- I . ___ 1 -1-21 . 1)1t`P#"" "t \Tfi� '-�,(01',IiP; 1). HIAVATT. more than J a 8 . I . 1J , . . , wg, Loodon, Ont, : . I . ,it tim( - . . T:1;�I, (111 WpOn"Nclav, \111,11 '2611, INN , I ,� " %VrURDAY, APRIL '12th, . in Simcoo about th, -. , . I . . . .Notito is horeby Friven uint all iiersons , 36 � r . He was tellor' I v 'I,,*, ,,Dly. 4111114 (JW . 4 ;I . ilavwg clairni; or dernancis against tile e4- conitneneing at 2 o'elock Fliarp; I 11,L119A f -')t ti %,,eC,,11. 7, (,;db -,r -iv 'rp.. i --j n1ile soloist of tile First Presbyter an Was very sorry indeed to rwi, lit .. ,W �aflw�v .�;11, . I lw� ;1 -ON M.%l) *11 tato or Richard Jewell, late of lh6 Town- I lloater, Parior set of ,�, pleros, ,,) �,,:x - Wos Auhtwii,- mi, I �, 1 , W, ZRR 0 NVAN 11�4 EAG . . your last issue of tile passing, of oul-! �11,. Ind \jr%i Witllho�,%.- Mn,.li�.. �111 . , ( COUNTY. to appoint agents to sell ililp of eolborne, Ili the.county or liurnn . t(nision Tablos, Dini ot- Chairs, 3 . FlllfiAY, �Allflll, J,"itji. 1,pli, - , thunh �or. '14 Years. Ile .received his I . . I I.j, *;p, �.�ji-. . 1. . . I . . 0 11 . rig .11 till . . . , ,� 1 I -nur "Magic Orate% a guajtaute�,d. farmer. df,.VWZ4�, Ato -died an the firsi s0s, 11r,drormi,Ffirniture. ,'prllig��, . musical -education in England a old fricn(V Jamon Douglaq Chriotje,j - 1171 " I . ro- .% �, Ma t, ,,,,,.jlp 11j.1fix ;Lt 2' #)?(A�A.4. nd wits w iiii, ...... I %%Ill I'L!,,l Hai— frorliAlif, . I ,duct; new disoovery,' 041.'JalS ;g&§0fi day of Alarch, A. D. 1921, are requirm .. . . � former principal of the High St.ho6l..j f - �',, I I ."11, Inc -A0 'reshi,sj InAlot Sets, 1 ,iNnAring Lanill, . A gold medalist of the Royal Acad. , INV $'Hlt'. W111VID4 -,11',.?. .tit S,lfur. I I at 3 cent,; a Sailon, $1,00 send or deliver to the undersitmod, 80"ci- Lal' I g-oll 11N.8ing nial'o, if yoar,,- old; I Ile was a fine type of mail 0 * , , it ,�L :; -1'4:1Jw6 I,, mlitlarot . : ... 'Fo" �""� "O' tors (or the Executrix,, lull particulars or llp.�, fto�killg, cha.,N'. i hug, (;U�pvts f. , ad cer- It,% ,&;-l-q- � . . I I . . I. j Pas Vr Wvr clainis, duly verified by declaration Dlshps and tit!i(r artioles, ,rerins cas�. I I Wilily A Courteous gentleman, - I ... ,-,�. ti - \ . "" 1, .1 � sniles; ?50,0 montliky � ��- -;,:',�, I �,-­"*, Idd, eaked I. I 0.%v 7 .... .. ir, OmZ receiving that'degree in 1$90 , truiak. . I -11;.l Gmv. 9 .�eam old '; Mrs. Williqip flop(%, of mdntr � I *1 lis 1; 0', it th'. ,;-tu., -it 120 . I" I , -oro 014 54i day or Sinall Tabl­i, Chalm Lroinges, seils, I,, i 'fi�rs, I . .. . I ­ ealved - ea, s g fl rnomo will (,,vpr live in. th6 niind,t � 'ri­'!.�' ' . .. � . � xymvp t & !. - bet I I ez , I. ­ . 11. A. I � ,1�u ., ��Ig or aMdavlt, ODA MO ;, andria, Ont. � ­ . . . .- ,ar nw,, a yourig- calA-,�, ry . . I., � . . Atiril, A. D., M& . Dlelvz� -.0 ollior artlelt , ,,, yi q� i sister, and Col. Arthur M. Jarvi , ot I 11 �, ; __ .____�._.___. .1 I AND -TAKE NOTICE that after 1he "1(1 . .11. Poll. And Whifiletri-em . for' Hugg�';' I Victoria, B. C., a brother, � of thosp Nvhonl h& used to teach, and � l'i'mirri" rut. r"At ilito ". 4. al 11414 1 � , "'J" - -Lftal' ne __ ____77_ 1 *Xe . I Tlli)�,% GV.N1WY, Aueti)noer. . ; ro, ;tw gnzi (,'.� '' WkNTED. Presentative for 141% day " April, A. D, 104 1110 Said N - - . . P e 49sets .___ . I ­ - - . .- .­ ­__ . __ . . I ere are many sad heart. -4 1-1:11,1i .,'..I Ilia 41v P1116 -r. v*b . Ill, .01 . , I " 4 Reliable. Fonthllt Nurserim." S ring Of tile Said 004180(1 arnonir lho persons en- a -%�,mllm I .�Imvt I\, ,-.A.Ix (IF Fmol ."'t of llarlro4i: I flugg-y, I 1,1glit I in Silticoe as a result of his pansing. t1k. ill#- 61-olge 11uh-1tv I . '.,,, GodeNeft and distries, to sell tue etulix %111 Pl'orwed W 'distributo t NVagOV: I Cult(1'; I I$- f1j9t Ludder, i An Ashileld Fire - I I .am our() tb I % rl'1.1.� , , 11 AI Inday. M I �' h , I - * - . I �,, I sefling season Dow swrting 1 ; targent do- tillcA wereto, and,that the said ExemtrLK v.%l1.Nl ,,,pri(X AS11 DIPLEN I [E.\TS Doublf,tro-i and Whillletrops; I Scuiller, James Kean, 6th coneession, of Asti. I I had hoped, to see him in A I! , . . ` � . I . Wive will not bo liable tor the said assets or .. I — . 40, , 11 I , , 'il � "'d, t � , !:�A I . I I I I I I I .1 I I I � .1 I I ND I I I ', ." - � ,-J�-- -1 u , ., " 1�. , waild'ror ston.]z since tho war:, oxcl t La%vn �Nlf)%Ver', I -set, IA'Alit llarn#�ss. field; had his house And burn coin- ugu-qt' -11',1111, 1*1111114-11 1111ii r-d. it (;ad . . v; bighet.4 mmalisarons., rreo Uloreor to any person of Whose along with many others with whom ,,it PrAaN. *8NN-li '.Nth. i'vIi .Mar . .1 ,. v�.rrttot. Mail)- "Lfarft'ly shalt ,not then bay receive ,itchen Rang4% pletely destroyed by fire oil �, ­wl. , " . . . :,� . Inent. STONE & WRITAMITON, I I'a . 0 d NTR DAVID CANTWELL will soll by I Coll -Ar and Tug. -i: I I lold associations were so I pleasailt, at, � , ­ - UP 1.1afi0r, %�1,1,)%,% -X'ii�,,-,Jaid . TOrouto- notwo. , � "Lun, .at % , ""I'"It",111; I 1101 stul#% morning about. p o'clock., A %parl,� ''. — . pl�blle' Due, t1w lirvmlivs iif Ln't INVInAiarrr , AWITIOUS MEN. I . * 8. Con. ,8. W.D. U4 . 1*1 vV41041: i 01al "tovo. with ,wen; ipiantity 'I'll I* -4 .r.l. 1wr hom., .v�.4ajbra, . t? � � Dated at 'GodOillclx- this Istil 4ay of ffliorn., Irigh at . �he'lljlgh School. Thanking you. I ,.X-hn Herr,' utzi-tl 7; -w-It-4 . 1, - 1: X I -to, W.Do werlmy. .. hlarrb, � ,A. D., JIM, I . Loyali. on . I . � � ' I I)IMSV ChUrd. NO. 3.' t TAL1`91' Gilp. from the chimney is supposet), to 111M., reinain, . : I W.A , . . . . � .013.00 1;1�1 I - . 11"114fArilla. on S-thlv,,*�v, Nuirell 14. I , , , . I 11AY8 & 114ty1j4.,6 Oodepiell, . _PRI0AY,*Al1l1ll, 11th, at I ij'Ooek �,Iijtrp br-ard: i xJ1.1it'll UlaIr's. Wire -4trPtellf.t. started the� roof, and is was 'Well, un. - . . Yours . truly, I 102i. M.Ir!ht, 11111114'r. %% I fre -if Henn, , q � . Why woric tor somil wappm Wfien �rOelcl Solicitors r the Executrlx.. � IL : : � 41an rt the J.ove money eawerl out ___ _" The'farm (vnqIAlDg 'Dr45 scres of 41111 6MIT ,Irtielos. All %nu,,t be ,%(ild der way before it wm noticed, With . � . . Ilvatf, f-trifludy tit 'bu!-riph Tp,, I I )eparimeais report many po� — . .. 0! t , . . A .L .0d of Stoyn I'llics'. I Grkini Sejjarati�r, Illu., the heavy gale it was only a few min. - L. St. hIAW"X. I I I . . . . � 10 11 RTICLES FOR SALE . P, _ _ . I --11- I. , .. . . .� I I I -I F . I . . ­11__P­�., , . . IT101's, ,Ali stirlis tir x1i).Mand undep utw before the house was a inwas of - - ­ �­ " - - . . I I 1. . , Muo-41,7111111 men who-whi.quaitry w itiotor laild tin \Nhich thi-re is a corn- ,wvd 4i vl,'ar�. . '� , � , " I ..; � 1 MechaDics, clas L?ngineem, chautrours, 91. -___ . 140irtabit, l3r;ek fluu,se. A -4oixj 11iirn aud I � I � � 1 7. � 0,ttietll Battery or eldilisr Elperts, Also SEVEN 1101IMS FOR S.M. * - aming, Orcilard, 910il WatPr R1111 Pn-. ("Unt': ON4'r it, I RRI lint 8. initnths' , , 11 . I . I )ly t,& ZNL a o . s flames. Tbe barn,which was directly �,� 00rber Trade, State )slboti dogiredt Wo I - ST('llljyl� We -54 IS 4 giv"n on approveiJ jiAnt in line, SOOO Ut4rt4ed, and, n1though � '%().; 3.t C(,,,, Tills J-ropvrt� li' only 4 1.2 miles (IrAll, will bi- i` ','�: . "' train you for these tor f----- .___­____­ ­' "_ � froill Godt,Pleh an will Diake un Ideal nol#,-4, A dlw�junt f .� I , , Itid Fruarantee satisfaction. 50ecial terins Building suitablf� for horne. for any ,pert -on. -wariting a s(nall 11jwi.(I j)fi, Icr 1)f _' li" rf'"t' 41" neighbors were. on hand, nothinF1 � Dow on. Write. 4uick for full particulars. ,' pil't SAL,K.- . Cash tit 'er(!,1it ar,titpulite. . -wd:sbrroundings. ,' * . could be done but get the live stock I tl� -'� TIENPHILL. TRADE SCHOOLS' LTD., 163 g4rage. To be rem(fve4l front larn) *svith gi G11WIMP; 1). HOWATT, :. RI'A1,KFR � reallw,s *vvli@n purchasod. Apply to J, Ti�rnls­Tpl in . . j!", .. : � King St. W., Toronto, OD$, Drapebeti iind )11 .. p yii,r eent Oe paid at I out.. In this they were succeimful, ,: c I D Proprietor. r � I I . EMP1637nent secVlC.­,�,Coa,S,q to. Coast., Iq kV. I I., I . DL K, NVII11am. St. tirne, , of sdVi' , � I-alan*ee -in thirty days or � , _ .�_. ­.. . � "Aue.tionoo . . I , . Canada and (Inited-Stites. I * tf-rms.filav" 13� arranged. . -1 I � ­ - - - but only before the roof fell In, The F _ — i � �. S . NCE AND REAL IFSTATF :I ". ­ I ,,,, I I — PR ..ALF,--4)ne'I1ght rig, elleap; one A1,40. I 6,�y lMrso,, 11 yeartt (A). I ba -y 1*48tM.A . I bousthold contents and considerable I � 'I, 11 I... - . . leavy pair of spring wdgg0n Mare, 0 vvar,i old; 1 black Nlarv, if years . ' -hay were burned. While mine insur- . - I I . . � Irott sAtiff on 10 mr shafts, no ; 1(% and . I � -_ bushin s for farm yvaggon; one pair of may Mill: I riq umv, t3 voars ald, milic- - � � I k � one set four -ax old; J lirindli- Cow, 10 years pld_due Houses—H Uses ., , ance was held the loss will be sorious� I '�qT-Fu� -rent . [ I � , I . To ap­ "'Ahed "Ouso to - William INIcItardy's I . �� � . . for flip suminer months. Con- Jeon whot,is and axies; one barml and ing ly.,o nitynths: I rt -40)w, i yoarq old, kII barn, about a , , �,� vvt * old, jtmt , ne, but in line with the flip, - � - . ilences. Noar Sunsot -Hotel ono Yol-L-4111re Sow due Appill, 10th. U, . I blaek. Tiolfer, 2 Years kinds for sale -it about half mile dista st 1 , I flanic, ,wrage. A:Y) per Inc and I 'O( ', Huron ,I. , ill I (.. -you to build, It . 11 Lake ' , inth. ,-kpplY to 11. St. JOINGS iti _ilf, 10 alontlis ,oid,, I Saw. witli what it would cost' also caught fire, but was extingul.4he'd - 1!� � - . possesshin, 1A of "Nta Ap. ' � ' ­ '- ­ � ­ - -- ­­ ­­ - "r .,r 10 Pigs, 3 woelis old,, 2 1)emv will be to your interest to Bee me be - I ' 11�,. '4011 ` ' fore buying. Several pr before any damage was done. As fal- , ; If desireid. . ply 13ox OV, STAR ()I,' IQ �. . Ik SAIX-40ur Red 11artrIdg(,'N1Vy,, 111)d ',Undt'r; a number of vounq, Heniq -Ope-ties on � i , m-: andotte , Cockerels. APPIY at STAR I Frost .,v 'Woml 111wit-r, r. ft. c -lit; I very easy termi of payment. See my ascan be learned thf,,; is the only serm I . , . OPPICE. . I ,� ,! i" I., H'On'4H F011. SALN.--Good driver, rig- ______ ,.-.---- Frost %-.W000l 'Stowisr. "t.cut, npw; I list, , I I Ious damago re�4ultlng front the tvr� , . ing live yearis old, can tSeeil Drill; 1 Adams Vagon, nvirly 11. J. RYAN, E. -White Blossom Swt.,c,t new. V. . . I ,q,t ,1fjj1.b -lie, . rifle gale which visited this twetion 11 aht' T`1�11(11"SA'� Real 1304te and Imurance. on Saturday. An It was from tit(, �',', " Milo -in M "All a little training, Ap- Vits. llearly llf'N m' ;:. I ply to OMNI. -RYAN, St. David"Street, ovpr IM Seed. Apply 44) MEL- I Walhing Illf,w,. I` se of Harrows; f -...--. ­ -1 - . ,- - ­_ - - � . VIN JENVP No. 4, Goderich. south and Past, the town did not .,iuf, , I VIA, L Nia-4sey-Harris (.attlng ll()%*, 1 Hay Haek fit. ATIN114TROX0 11EM, 'F�iTATF ANN OodeAch. I mr It. It. I "� . i ___ _ - Phone 1116, low. I . . I Gra�ol Box; I Guttor, i 11wil Cart; I T INSVIIANCP A(19W:y. 111VII, ACCI fer to any extent. ' . ", _Z � VOONI'S To 1,13T. --Apply P. 0. BOX FOR SAIAw-Paby chicks from our set hfwy Team Harness, I st,t 4ingle DEN'T atid AUTO INSURANG9. � � I .. Godor 4411 Al" . I �. i fO. Goderich, . lim,4-to-lay strain Barred ft"lis, UAI'1_1('�"'; 1, "t""I'th"'d 'Flop 1111&rgV, t I—- . 1. ich fillowlingr (.1ob Annual I 1.r- 1101"Ah.; * ' ' . -- for dolivery Alarch 319ft and, April Atli, 8t'ville-r: -1 flonfrow Cre,,tm 1-4-paNiiiir: VICINITY A'XD FAT01-f f C 11. ­ -AND 1,01n IN fXibVFW'll V,11 Meeting I ." . . IYOV814 TO�RZNT. ,-Nith CI"tP10 119111, 2(h% vi�eh. 'C', A. L No. �# Forks, Shovi-Is, i�hitlns Mid 11111nerous . ­­ - lit mi i, * , I Gardon and fruit In. 0,9erleb. Plione Dungannon 6 r 17 1.4rap numbor lliteil I-) qt+�rt ro.w. lit ,,leh �7 JLJL_ bath room. B.wrxai, R. i 11ther artirlos. N, rek4iT,60 W.4 1 roprielor The annual- incetina of the (;()de- . . 1. wason. Apply to STAR OFFICE for ___ ,.-,... _ ..._ , * l,111a: I'lahl, I elutlimr vwtv of tile fw4t. imu.44 in town. n Dowling Club was held oil , . , s - ­_ ' - � � -r t1w -sa #., I -a% I . I.. ­ ­ - P'4 )1�t aft, 7) ,� - particulars. ).-A. 4% flarle? *No. fl. TERNIIS: All soms Tueaday 1 -tight. March 125th. btl-. i . (of ,'tO.W and A liur0or nip full Inodom oquiplie4l. 4 --�-.�.�,.�'...".--,��,.-�.-�---,�— P)R s-k"'F- -( i ilia[ aniount, 7 Joseph Brnplw� Vas anpointed preal. i t .'I. I Prep front, we(d .4ed. Apfq� tk) U1W.'r, ("ish. nor X314Y #4 thP lopPrMe,i arp very low in I I . SPAINQ WHEAT FOR SALE -A flinitod I I . A It 4*1 11T)'OX, It. It. ,No. 3, 6sids-rieb, mi,nihs' 41redit "ill ho given tin fur- rinee, a.few ran be bounlit cyn ill(. nit,lililly I � quantity of Wdd Aloose spring wilest * I , 11 I paymelit PlIti. U 141nall ailloUlit dif,All l'ay dent; Mr. Go-rald lNewton, vive presi- 1 -J�."5, � . Apdly to 0AWALD 0114N *No. 1: or phone IB4, Wrlow. lilshing .d Joint notes. A lbs. - � , It. It. , "IDproki inent'. vio 631311ro lit tawithlY paymi,ut% the . . � - � � - ; -�, --- ___ . - e0unt per vent rent, or any wiv dent; C. A. Nairn, trea,qurtq-, I I IT . (iiii oriell. PhOnp id 4rsA."t. . straight allovwd samf, (" A. i - I.,- ' ' ' F. Hunt, A. I, A VIUN01% TAOCLTRY - YAlIJiF,. for eash on evollit "1211411ints. 13,011",11"'VA',"V abiput Wom. A nuntib(lf�r'"oltr Reid, st-cretary; Me.,��;rA. Homo -4 rjya-_� ffir hatelilng: Barred No for .c-alo alfflo-ll, any .1420, ltilld, ]so. t � ' V llLP-NT--4`omF()`r��i)l(� ­­Imm4� ­ ., , Ply- lj:%Vll) CVsTNVF;LT,, T. (' WNDRY �11 Taylor and J. Donal(hion, with the of. I I on Keays t,treet. Town %imter in m0utll ' ffoeh.,4 Ofaedonald (;Qll(-4*.-; Prop., 11.11. Zo owivrieli Au 1�41316'- PtWe or t#11-1114 Air Pornont requir. ? , . a S. ettonv%,r ('41. -soill'. large Wins to fIxellanklo flop ficero, tilt- mtetutive collimittee; N10.,q.. , , ItAUS". 4!dod Stable or itarams -4 dt!- 1110 W*yalitlfliles (Rewd Doreaq); , . ,11111il." 1,11-,. or Dir town vrtovf�rty, A few nrg. U. T. Edwar&, Geo. Symowl,�,. cir,,cl. Apply at I-5TAR 0101,"ICE. I G. Adetaiwi kllliverdale) ; .4 G. NVfllto t,AIA,' 0PIMRSF-4, ZATTI3. 41nall rfrfolm-ttlo'; for sale, 'Julwile tol, tol" i , I . . =-. 1.4`10juruq ,Forris and 110ron Arainw. A"("'10-11 'r, It. riall6l. .it T. MeDermott, ground, � �1 Tli v ficni 44 thov abo� e pens are select- I'laq AND IN it%'rtlY assinp, bee biiAue-is #w gartIvnilig Is, lit , _' iUiLX I Y—ric' ­­ 11 " committee; .Nfvq�irv. Rkg. .Shniql1all, "I I 19 mAli. . ": ­ 1 it for 01441' hlying Qualliff's, and cire MR CHAJILL,4 F1,4111KIt. %oll ,4-11 Is% 11 A 11110 lialf �velwwl of land rop f-310 "(-,IV � ­ I . AM itAN,or"m, oucot1,-.TIvt;, %vald�NrA frum tilt,. strain'i tha& produee , * ell"n-1, MAC. lalr,MVE41, I'vell rpneed Fred Craigie, Getald Nowtpi, and A. , ... I 1 41"0111,*, "pletitsilat List Ii. ("par"44ion 9, 4 00511ir ilw)04� Apar­sulo vla I � �', !11 1) tind "Wisr. Tinting, Painting ymid" vrgs, -P114,0, 141,A)o ­11� r, jt� ,i,ggs, Vlifi. ) t, ill;(orne, I I .'�J' InIlt's e;lqt tif Holt ellanae tqr ;I clo of R� ;R. ,-,,I�l.it-dil".,Ilivfn.ljt"l.,41.1,1� (!��)iJaJjtt-1(;(,.1 -, , , and otioldel, All wotk promptly attonq V. , 010- I",*01LADE, H.1vileld"', () 1. flipprtY 114,11'. The ann -V Juelliber'ilb''ils fi-e Was fix- I , od to tit rmqnniblo prfei% call op wit Ilt. milluor.11011 For nil partlefflari "Pe L %V. %1M, - , . if, Phimp �02) r 111.1, fititterleh: I d�s wil. ed a, ,,ua ' to A. SMUT., llroi* Stmet, Ce-ont tor nov ___ _­_....;�­_.___ ­­­­ NONDAY. APRIL filb. 102; %'MoNti, abllvt� Pal�dFW,, 1,41r, (,o , tit(- pame aq formerly. And commeneina at I 4)*(1110f-J, 1411.irtl, ill., I.,: Fol &19 . -1"';Pr 1mving. i g4rtoll I . Z 1­� -_ I - _ �1� j , � loy's Avallpaptri. I— '.1 - I ­ oil SAIX.-A Drop 11cad *` - - ercheridi,Mare, 1. N. T's. ,.- ._ _ = — — �� � � - it wan decided to affiliato witIl tht. ' — - - - , -- W. 0. V. A. The Club han (�ash oil I . NOTICE Is hereby oven, mas . a .- oytaw um F Som -1114 iMachtne. In JiNt.ekAs�4 old, I good Pf,.r,(1l14.1r0ll Cult. rl'idna 2 ____ "'14P . . ­ , fm�qed bi- t1w Munielpal (�ojweil of tile ("311ditialls. .Njay I)e li-ell at MRS. M. J. b , TOWn Of I'MeMI'll. oft tile 71h fty of Mare]), ,n)I1J.*j1';. .%elsoll St. Vva;N 'fill, I go -al qrry P.-rehl-roll lovil', and of $151.1,11 and it waq detided to � I IpM vrovuling file ins% isi,quo or 41olwaturt" ­� .1 I - ..1-,,;-1__ "I rmin". .5 vi -ars old. 2 Opmq dus- ill PaV aff another $109 on the mortgngv, I . s. I 10 ille amount of ro-5.1bui.6 f;,r 6A IMPK0 F1 M SAIAL - 4.luvb�,c hf,ab,r range in J,141'1�1. J vcari All; I Ctow duo at time of AUTOMOIRI, 46f Da all(_"Me %6VIC Vul,we'at'.03 plafit 8114 ,A,; I tirr.#w 0)%. 7 Nt,drs old, -.; Ito i - Which Will leave it at PHO Tile pri. I fir -tit elle-s PoWfili.m. will aw , OWNEIRWO vilep.e.'a of tile gret'll will Im extouded I for an 11apt-6VOld t4ilohnattoa npp3ratu5 fifi. t,olife.1t."Ap. Apply at ST.%R 0 friq 111w in ,lulw. I M -04'r dlie in Ju* . ( tilo ruithep vmtontkia 11 ttio pawr �,, PP4 - I ­ I . _. . ­ .- FFI#;I,_ 4) II,,lf,,rs I U - - ... - . - . onp 1,4'..ir o141.3 Stvvm, 111p. to lady bowlvra on the tialne termr, a,4 I ,or the TMAn or (01(.1161 MA .P,Jr ftItl; I .qgi%'.l Will tot, W1 PUP21- 'i littt.PL 3 %".#�#�Jj,4 , Ird Ill0ft SILF-41no. darh ti'AL Ulin, AN, N _ 44d; r mon tAt lbo intakil piral of tun SUM 911.4V a U liel e. 'Dr. A. H, Steldrum viag ap. .1 la a volm f,UVAO V.,-,� lfa-,Wur Ifa 1,11,4. ivipt ,,In)! ,;.,,I g�yf"j .*4jng#,r ,,, numbor 44f bye(Fto-lav Hmiq. I J;asLto Got Your Markers pointlul 11(inorary prolident and Lev I . ,,,,.,j�j�jltr a HUM. St the Pol't Or G10orlell. AND THAT Maphine. Ap,,,1y t�- Mit'. W, T. ,111�11.- � Rach 4311d Trilo'k: I 1011 Wagon %.ul $3id V14114W was rowlsVt1o] ia the lwgi�,Ti�.,? g,q 0%%% ­ �l , pksl-, and '.411afE.Z. FROM Colin pleicher was made all bonf�r, I �� All mr-.01. 1;r,Jl,.Z1?:1. OMO(l jif V& 11(1r,i�,t!y J�JV14Q,Lj f�e t& f,'oulff. 0h �41LL V;Uanor flall. tir-N!, pNit. , � vo-4hing allwHisfil 1, ,in llr,qt V131�4 ary membpr, The fixing, of touriat ' i�, o? flumn, ch ViA ittu dj,7 67 MV01. F ebvi ;4rrjli and I'vill hv �Jqlt %ilhf.lut qriy Ment dates war; left to tile p%(_-4,utj,.t1' ihm Ans? mav'Ga lo, f A4n ui- iwt *1 wkin, VIMT, I A"Ift- ('11tivo, v,011,-4 an'l J. W. WeVICAR . , I .r NdR 4he �1 �,I,j,7, a�w , r ­,t �n iU.I . li'rado ' TVVnVVf*.,,'l.'4;1'%o.'J�'tAr J,,J ()%O,'? St.tphp4j. al',O the W'ran,jinjq, ft,r wophly tourna- y . s4rw- ('r any raft VILPro"T la"pt lll#� ralm,j� N"', 1.1 -rmm.-I. 7 illapnUis, f-rj4it %ill 1w . walta, 1hrrp ww-Alh-j W`N-P V31 flebt PUNW11- 141 103? 0 11f, bZ V'VhJ,'glJ,_t�, li,A-r'l, � 6co. M1,419AX's SHOE ST01t. ialpnt�; arklongp t0'nwwb,,r!�,' ,,k itleaterpj%4.1: (-n fliall'Alina oppr"".id j,q3it At I � Alun nr M %MPv �L',d M! ­_l VA IM -10 ""as. I'V"A't. Plitt- 7N, p2r f�it,!). ,%J','o n,lb-s' A fh��Csvunl at S-atv� 4 mt Tj��t, t4arth $40 of swo. P 0# Nsx 414 Ijr. .41.11,)Ws I V,414,a' ��-,. 0 %. C, ,%,�. 1,11, <,-,�fl okt,iiov, 1,3V rpo,r "at. , �, . protljor Coraincr i . P.M.Al, VDP Utl'a dj,� 114' 1310., 'I, Vlk. CA 0 P:r IM101144 Lill._#%�d fog, 6-alih. . � 1, %%filh, ibu<h, 14;A%k L vfr'Nii� fib %Qf� " f. � IGODUICH front Shaflahai I UZI U ?-;'k* t�'_' fr,-ZJ ?1V O;Mll , 0.1, 1;fA­11,4 �. jl�a� �., ,�4.4 u w.w.,.,% � , It.w. FIAD.-A. 'I 4WN16:111. 410 14 - - - - - - - . �' 11 -k ' . - ,�Z­Iw,. P.H. 'v 0ajA,&`4,4. Aoirliwi.­ - VOW o pregpnviv4; V* a I. E7`11,, 4 ­ - - - - - - - - - %_0 �_ I ��5 � ofie i I ___ W _- . 11WWW --"' ""11�­J - - I ___ .— - ." I 0 M I I 4P - - . a .W P_ - . � � I _.� � . I � . I � . (_- ',), , . �-­ � I . . . I I I Q� . I 1. /4, _� .� . #I . - , � . . � u� � , I . � , � ---- . I . " � ..,,,- -..,., , , � ..7. I . . - I . � I .a A. 7 , W , . �g .� 'I —#. I .�-�­ " . �1 I 1 4. :!,.,nC1_ I— 4 . — I .. �, .4W..' � .- I`. ­ . , '. - .. I -1 - I - I ".,# * .- __ I - - . - ­ � . . V. lli,�trj !;� . I e- %**�.r - * P . "' , . , , -A a . �, # A�1. . . . . ! . ;I.V � .; . Or � " * , , - , . � - ,� ty ;J, � . - .% �7 V 4 1. . ... � I . .W. jr , , wx` ':`� �' vot'n ;�4 ZI i *. . I � 44k. t .. � .. � _ , 1 I I " , 1. � .� 4W I I_ I I I , . , . .1, �J . . I . 'A , rvN I I � dit 00 "" , I � V A, � ,4 1 � .�., . 1 4 . . . . _ . I I . , I 1 1 ? . * , "t- - , : . . �_ , L . 1. ,� I, . , . . I I I . V . . . Ir Far. #�.�_ �. - I . I....,.- 1: .. . . I . ` ' I . A , I ... . ­�4,.; . 11 , ." I . Bobk-ke & ; ." . ... I 0 , � . :,- .,. I I ,f: � opiTig, � , I . 'N .1 I ..... N - I I I . * . I . More and more the experitenced' * fartzier realizes the unpotunce of accurate book.ke,-ftin I . P 9. . . 0 ­ ' I The farmer who opens a Chequing I Account with the Bank of Moittreal I is exiabled to keep an exact record f receipts and expejiditure atid to J have the helpful advice of an experi. � . enced bafiker'wlienk�,W�r lid ... iik,dg- if. - '­,�, . - . I We shall be pleased to suppl'y .- � ith a Farmer's Accourst I .. -, ­ - ��-, yoll,wo I I., . _ I , Book free -f charge. I I I , . -T� � -- .. CkAem It Vj�,1005, , . * . .. L, N'.. Ll-..'�.1+11.., 1.vlana-ler. . .1 I I I M.. N_-� MONTREAL ablisheO ovor 100 YOU L�__, . . - I I.. ��_',�____ - _­­�_­­­ �­---_ I ­ .11.1 14 , 0. 0