The Goderich Star, 1924-03-27, Page 80
MON =RT THE GODERICH STAR 1111T�RgPAY, MAR, 2111h, 19� -
now 1"101111
";acivity of tile polict. 410sig tho bf�M-
Temperance moat"" roal of N,
dke Finest ofta% F"17'aw- OUR CANA01A
(Omt4tuve znr�l paga (,Jcjran,�o papers V) Cu IN to eaiikad%�
uvwolor" 0*011 tow 1"Cumblo boato F_Ugagej i" tln ruin runift'. Chocolate Bars
roaarx_,76 tbo Mgbe lri; oil the Qvtcso the g.'rot �Ikc:3. To Cult I
't Offff QUIZALUNKI 01
bar part of Avcry motho�, and that could coi,,duct lo to IMt tbf,' ___ - — - - 0 are so good
-0 tc,=cl, the GovMmont C-3%7 cuse wildlyl It alrO dCO3 not waliol JOSEPH BRANT
11 for uelgilbotlinc-33 tO rCad Of Nu'vu 1
by probiNtion. *. I Q.- Who was J.0seph Brant?
NVbi�e 1,;e admircj that Order in sc-otlan or DrIti9t) ver,'�klc� V24ilix out' TME arew, UUOY Uri-
IWIle or 12 Milo limit 'oil V.01lawk chief, also known under Ills S014 in 1�timat lea6t oir for every
did ro� -44islro the Ordcr side the Io . A. ----Joseph Brant was a ion, ous-
Council we the Atlaliti-a con[3t, h9ping Ill, SO= indian name of Thoyandanegea. He Tpwn by
in eounoll plal;lng the book 101)(10t In thcjr. cart, lior Into was, bora in 1741P and educated a,; a
or victory" viidew the ban. Tills way to V a of liq t.Ute. just a for Patter -
X408 r Ilia
b3_9L-, Ivrittcit by Rov. J. .8tuart. Hold- an Amorleas white man and a Chrirstlan. AX. CovoommR *ote$=dyo4111rotthebest.
mentioned tile, tostes wvre 110ritry, but his. military
oil, WZ9 cminent clergyman of the NVO have alreat -ker ba;3 ability rande him the w4r�chlvf of his 'UNsFa 11=4
Chulroh of Vj)glond and Mr. Arthur fact that the mwctsitc. hi, us. people when the Iroquois stayed truo
suporlar to, tho boat Japan$, Trr It t9claro )ilyeniefit to Secure - to their alliance with Britain, in the
-K0 of the L0040; D40y Chroviciv- found It Inc(
plies of liquor. As a result
gave a. f4*jthful picture of conditions ual sull] war,of independence. Brant fought
1_.,�",___!__..t!_!�;; p_ I_. S. c.
lit Great Britain 40171ug the 'War with an agtive propogalida jigs been Start- as , white" as ever any soldier did,
XLvrb*,Xm$om"X"WrLit�woplowic%L-tL,5eazp-af� paltipular A. and 0 ad- and after tile, war, in 1792, he was in.
to the liquor ed to 4 Kcredit the 0- T-
tralrie. It was not encouraging to vacate 00vernment sale. This 004- vited to New York by the Pr"esid6it,
oQk: that 10,000 tol'15 Of Von has resulted in GOV01111ment sale to give advice concerning, treatle$
read in that b t. e
Sunday Afternoon tq Loudon by being- adopted byQuebce, British C0- With t1jo rridianq of the Wes Th
ould lambla, Manitoba and Alberta. Ae- Amerienns'-would not take Brant',; ad. this, Butler euglueered the so-called and, honorable history,, It llQs 169
FA London dealera during the war c this hiethod of sale In Que. vice, th6ut.di they respected 'his amassactes', In NVyoming that follow. cadets at the present time and is the
[Mg not bo handled by those dealers U011 cotdiug to I A.�,
Ty JW51- NASUMN, OvdWeh, Od- spoken Christian. And prollib....b.. ed, while Brant and, his, Mohawks chief training c011e,90 for the 10�1[1
y had promised that the sugar bee, -a commission Of five Members principlp�. Vo lie returned lto the picked up five Starving and than military forges
tile , the appointed by the Government estab- es
1�1. IA",lf-1knoried-forthe od,0f lands gianted to his people by, c tbirtY-onc Children, whom they
Crowns and thrones May periall, here, no counsel is, the people fall' I �ly for brewing pur. lish what gie Called taverns it, v3r- Canadian GovermnQat, near Brant- , corted to Niagara$ then without po-
but in tbt multitude of couasellortj� people but ou, ace$, where liquor ulay be *Pur,� ford, a city na "
:Kingdoms riao Stitt Wane, e3, Many otilor similar fractri IOU5 A wed for him, end where llulgtlov, The names of these 'pil.
But t1joChurch of Jesus- there is safety" (Prov. 11.14). Hot'. POS This book -was fOrbiddcll chused by the bottlo consItulRd On his monument utands, today. grIui mothizirs, of Ontario were Socord,
vlowitant Will romain; he stopped when he conaillted the old were aiven. nada,� AnYone bav- the premises or carried away, RCYAL CANADIAN NAVAL RE- 11401118"Young, B,4C.k and Bomtr.
Gates of bell van never men the�:story would in all probability birculation lit CA IQ to I Thl; ethod f de ling with the R, SERVE FORT LIVINGSTONE
'Goin"t that Church prevail. have had a different ending. They Ing it in Ills possession -was Ilab, 3 in '0 a
Ave have Christ's.ow" promise, out of the fulnesi of their experience a fine, of $5000. Our Governuionts"quor traffic at first Sight 100ks vor' Q. -What is the Royal caradlan Qi --Where, Is, Fort Livingstone,
Udvjs.e4 concillAtion; "that a soft an- were very careful to protect Qs fur pblialble. Many argurnents are�ttd- 'Naval lt�serve? and wbat is its bistoO?
And that cannot fail, K , 'Away wrath." They or Interests. vanced to commend it by its awvo- A.-.500 officers and men, being or- I Ai�Fort Livingstone WA the firit'
(Sabine D#rfiW.GoWtJ) sNvvr turnetl as possible ille liqu I
friail convin him at the WAY to .t" +n ex, 4- g-anized n. C. N. R, headquarters will capital of the North West Territories
ir, mlUp;, J00 IV" — I . . I
PRAYER rule was to nerve, tollecome, all things , lbition la be established at Charlottetown, Ha- from iV76 to.1877. Uore Lieutenant Red Fc*r Rub t*es the "COW"
Wo thank Thee, our FAther, that to skit men and so bind the, people to plain one reason for this. Some I Wo are told that - Vrobi ing j intp, It CA
years ago I investigated the persQuel wrong in theory. It is an infring- lifax, Limenburg, St. Jobn$ Quebee,' Golernor David Laird and his equitelt from4orci stiff, acb 0 n -
we aro'kilit to Thee by the; bonds of him forever. But Relioboam turned 1. Vancouver, Prince Rupert and Vic. were swdru Into oflice on November Vot hurt You, and A certAi0lY Steps that
of the Shareholders of a lorgebrOw- meat on personal liberty to tulle I old rheumatism,tortur4 at orkqc�
love; that nothing can separate ul t9 the'youlig men who had grown up Ing concern in Q. Britain. ThQY'wQw0 quor away from the people, a toria. Naval training at, the naval 27, 1876, and here, on the 9th' of When you.4resufforing so you CAU
from- the love of Ood in oblvist Jest's with hint alla they said, #Say unto If bases of Halifax or Esquimalt will be Mgtrch, 1$77, was held the -first sea- hardly get *round, just try Red Ftwr
but Binc Iday we bear Thco saying them, Zty little finger shall be thicker as follows: 4 dukes, 42 peers, 17 � man wants liquor let him have It. If given to R, C. N. R. ratings duriiig sion of the North West Council which. Rub and you, wilt have the quickest
Xt and turn unto the than my father's joins, a car1q, 84 baronets, 81 'he does Pot know how. to restrain bin%- the winter months. was afterward discontinued w relief known; NQthing has su*4494,
mi. , noW 6 Viscounts. hen the
"rend your liker knights, 100 lionovablos. 2'archdoa. leat
L rd your,(rad for He lagraclous and whereas my futhor did lade YouWAth self that is his own lookout, How- Z]rc provinces of Manitoba, Sapkatchol, ,,t,4,t,,, US rK
0: P11 %
morelful.11 We pray that Thy Holy a. heavy yokoo I will add as I dean, 0. eanoml, 82 clergymen. ever, this is not the way we deal with CANADA'S WHEAT U �. . . i . lberta Were forme just is soon 'US yo
to your �011 wan Aucl A d Mrs,
t QWbat is Canada's rogori' in you will' fed t
Spirit may. descend upo� our hearts yoke; MY father chastised YOU ulth, It is easy to see how financial Inter- other evils, 'We throw all or., many. THE TREATY OF PARIS Pepper Rub he tingling
with power and wean our affections whips, but I will chast V at prize0 beat. In three minutes it warms the
Ise you with estp way blight, the moral sense. lot rostrictions- around disease.' Our A �je spot throligb and through. Pain
from the things7of earth, .40 that U0 scorplons", , Canada has beeti inost. success- Q. -What was the, treaty. of Paris! i
on the lot day of Decoviber, 1911)" health � w4horld-os quarantine if ae-� fill in Winning hittrnationill. and A.�-In the year 1763, following the and soreness ore
y serve Thee with true devotl t for a jor of
Ina on" Vemes 12.15*-Rehoboaues Answer. the Ordor in Council Was voicaled I cossary. They volrop6l us to be vaccl-. W.orld"wheat aving won'tbe defeat of the French loy the British Ask any good =W$
113 name we ask It. Amou. OntArlo'meantime on, tho'precei4ing ftwies Red Pepper Rub, Be suft td
Evidently bla interview with the natg� '.We give up -A great maTlY of world ehawDI(P)nr1rZJ8p' 11
110��--austalrrtho On-
_��_-454—tfewfwthe 4w-lio—niwd- thfReen years. In lfr2l the. Donlin- came British territory under . the cath packap.
Cause tbe
tent Sion made on Ills mind by the aged tarlo T. A. by a majority of 407,289. Ott
tew+- Tltlel-"The. Ringdom I When we give up our liberty in we. ion �ecurod 22 out of 26, prizes in Treaty of ' Pakis,'ao called be
A ;un orm- Look at the a tuatior. A vast popu- do so be- 01 Wit n
4 counsellors. The words of his f ga�d to the use.of liquor W )mpetitions'.and one man, $eager treaty a negotiated that city
or associates gratified his 'pride so I the -neighboring republic
0-1 Rings 12'. 32-20. ation in Wheeler .9f.,Saskatchewan, won the C
that when Jeroboam and the repro- wall under probiblilon, The brewer. hip five
on P453ag cause We�'know it tends to promote wdrIMs wheat � champions CANADIAN GOLF CLUBS
-Prqv.. 10 1.18. sentatIves. the Welfare of the witiow. and if there Q. -Row many golf clubs arethere
olden Text of the people appeared at 101, of Ontario Wore L Still manufaotur�- ession. RubRhoomati Pai
citizenship times in succ in Cnuada?
some years before his death solo 0 alipointed time his mannor WAI!3 Dg liquor, while the bar.rooms of are those. wMse sense o UNITED FZIPIRV LOYALISTS IN, -A.-The ' growth of golf - clubs in
in*# choie Jeroboam, An ludustilovist haughty rather tban-kingly, Thoy, Ontario Were close must is so darkened by selfish interests -St
4. An outlet that they, NIAGARA.. I'Canada has..been. very rapid in late $0renen, Iffness
mighty"'Moll of valour to be superin- had not up to this tinic been in 4 v6- nwilling to- progtice
answer had be found for the product. The grcatll 'I Q. -When did the. Unitea Empire years until there are no 860 With a,.
k1l the forced labor Ox- volutiogary, wood butillis any Self-denial, then the, only alter-: W I
t�ildtiltl over ng eat whrket was across the line, The L' ists first S�ttle in Niagara? largo'-pumbQ)r of new ones d
attell from tbe tribe -of Josepli'durl � A mos�'Uuexpocted effect. ift tileni Oyu'
native IS by legislation to I prolegy Rub Pain right out, with M 11
the time Old fortifications 'of Jeru- risk In traoaportation was great but A.�-Abliut November of 1778 the 7 o 0 ,, , .. t
Verses 16-20-Tbo Revolt, to the higher placo. of neighborly PORT ARTHUR
first'company of United Empire Port trial bottler Of Old
word were-behig built One day be,. "Wholl �all Israel' aw that the king it meant great profit to the man who Conduct. Person4l liberty must mako Lov Q. -What is the'llistory of Ad
all tho prophet who usiliesm, The lis6..reachea Niagara from N. Y.
was zit,by AN bearkened not untos t engage in Aut b a Arthur and where did it get its Joe Its
u0m, - the 'People 'afgh way for civil liberty or our -very Safe.
4cought the pow-,garmintbe was weirtr answered -the king, sayiug, Ilt was a Iveat rum. -running. Statei They were from the W-voming
Ing,. and tori it'into twelve pieces ty its, it fiation is endangered, and IN16hiW]" valleys, where most of
I - for tion have - We In Dav TWhit ph�er; bteo�Qrt'-Iogging traille WAS, established What%Rlleuwafl�mp -Pain Only.
thl -God of � Is- id Nelt We*.Aire'told also that men gannet the men had -'a -a' A -o Port Arthur mias. first named.
as saitli the Lordi the have we Inheritance' in -the ' of 11ong the Detroit river� joined Butlei I ra gors, Stop ditiggingI Not ono case in
Son be� maO sober by law"" Let us say and a Whig -mob burnt their b mes� Prince Aribur's Landing by. Garnet fifty
raelf 'to", 0 Wolsoley, in 1870, after Prince Ar�
rW, Behold 1. *111 rend the kinglioni, 48se; to your, tent$ 0 Is _ requires internal treatment Rub
1016mon, And Will While.this, notorious troffic I'as at once that"wen can be, made, �obcr driving Women and children, Soothing, 'perietratitif Icft. Jacobs 0111
"Out of the hand of.. see to, thive own bouse David, . utterly thur, nOW Duk,_ of'Clinnaught, who,,. I
give 'ton trib6 to theo?' (I King$. So been largely -Stormed bec.ause of 010 by law. hundrods` and thousands dest,itute, into ihe bush, and hanging directly upon the Iender spotc' and
ilaraol deParted.unt6 their tent0' In was then serving with the Rifle 13i�i-
have been made Sober., The great old w6 and boys. in retaliation for relief vomes'instaqtly� 'St. Jacobs Oil"
ThIsAncident came to the oars ofitheaa Words. was the, king warntm gade� of'.Montreal.- In 1883 it was - is a harmless rheumatism and sc I iatim
that ]henceforth there would 1,xi,two. toi, reok,''or qorlo4aW cliPpI6, -purpose of � law is to i6at -min and edu- changed to its present name, Tile liniment, wfiich never disappoints'and.
solomiln and 'he sought to kill "P%- kingdoms, that the thing the prophet ilonary effort in otbor lands,_an4, took pate. It is, i7itended to, point the 'way 'mous Dawson Road of the �eventjeg cannol burn,the skin.
boam,.but Jeroboam fled into, Egypt had, told to Joroboaw.� as. -At Udyantage of the experiences which It.. FOR f, Limber upl " tomplainingl 'Got
W, harld. I . One� of. the right - Hvi L HELP started from P6rt,. Arthur. It- was
and voltod th0c''untIl the death of Reholloam. lsaw when it wits t olat6 had' proved ..frultful. it as easy.�a possible for us -to I a small trial bottle, from your drug.
00, make Ui 0 over this route ille Canadian forces
how Total to his: best iriter�sta had 'a decisions of these pioneel's 6 t and it! just a moment* you'll, be
Solomon. L rliest maiched in 1870! quell the'Indi n.. OR
do:what is right and as hard as pas- to a t
Whet Solomon died his eon Roholbpm the advice of the youbikenj was to encourage selfi-support in the 4ible to do i . rha is Wrong! YOUNG it MEN i1prisilig in.tbe West.. filom. rWumatfo and sciatic Vain,
boom succoode4, him, So far its ies, This subject iaq Soreness stiffness and swelling. Do .
How could he lkave. beatt s pI1W hS iiativo . cluirel ROYAL MILITARY CO Ott holief Awaits You. Old. honest
tory 'records -he was h It% onb� soil. to *follow such,. ins, - 0 ildvice?, - In, rogiNed as mugb'thou9bt'4ud utton� Further we 'are told that you can- 4" f
not make a nation s� v
and In the compally, verso It trong by giand Q.-�-Whcre is .�.'Istl. Jacolis Oil" has rellived millions of
11:41sed in luxu, ,ad, an Tile cause Was issionavies, in XQrea us the Royal, Military
ry ; e tion, by the hi 9 The
of-leorned nle from.,the Lord," but even then 4o ginvolle pbaso of the work. it iq -,lot motherly legislation. , By this, is pinbe
%u lio:had not AtfortY OW college.. umatism sufhrers in thi last half
f age a desire to be ft med . nt Jegislation Mri, r -0 T"�"6 lilltary� College 4c . entilry" and is. just its good for sci.
Years o - learned Y41domc He. to. an attehipt to rectify luatterg easy - to incwO to. a that : protects the Lydia kht 's egAt ble A.�—The Royal IV. atica, neuralgia, lumbago, bpkitcht,-
ma( CoMpotll d er
lbor Son of the 'wisest, m9ni �howcd I and 1,044 Church in. such' weak�' It is to the'glory of our couis- id ejp� situated At,K!rl ri a114 1128 It long' sprains. 4nd swellings, -
hL,; utter lack of it at the first Inter- iel Adorm to * offer beft6r, lelf-SUPPOrting
'llis and wake peace but the & 4 PovertY-Stri4eh OouititltellcY and, ty that we bave-so,.iduch,legislation
$toaed with the record of missionar3t efroxt
view be. ''had onicially with tho.uwn had been cost. All Israel stoned
of his kingdom. The country wis._u Adoram, with stonos, And tben,�: aoho� in 6ther,.Plelds before them. This is
of this kind. There is ho country in
the world. whorcWIdo*s nh4 orphans
Vildngt Alta.-, 'From the time I wai
It yearaol.d I would got such stek, feell.
rie h and prosporo�s one but I order boam fled to.. Jerusalem, , What a especially true of the Xoreans *hol
S6jot�oll' Ilaii
a e more eitiofully povided for thaw
iota in the lower part of my Abdomen,
to MaintittaL his Court home-goingi Instead of, tile pledggj aq a Tac�, have never (ulitil, recently)
in Conada,� Our CrdreA's Aid So-
�o, owod by erdnipsand vomiting.., This
Vi otdorw'w build loyalty of 4 whole atioil he wasitfug been noted for their patriotism,'pride
And. A
his palace and the temple 111011 Wore over but two 'tribes and 7JOrOb6am, or spitit. of. Independence, Some, of
elety-la a 'n -nation, 4lsQ
kept me f,,.ow Iny, work (I heir my par -
enti on tho. farm) as I usua ly had to
forced into w0k, Villa they consid- Ills fathor)s servaut,,,was elected king the nli0i(ins have--mad� it It rule to
our provision for th _ slek and the in
go to J*d for the test of the day, Or -at
times t Would have to walk the f1bor. t
ored Was. too heavy 4 burden upon over the ofihor tou� - We thus so how supply. no funds for the ortation of
them. and the accossion of, a Tlew.king great pow -or call; become,great church buildings except in placets
Sane. Wfij! should �yoot the, tempted
illso, be protected' 4 -for As i
sufrered in this way uiit;l a friend in6
duced, me to try Lydia E.Tinkham's
soemed to them -to be, a Atting time to ny, where, Ili order to ac�omraodate the
'by our, laws?
Vegetable Cmpqund. I have had, very
lay their 'complaints before hiln Aud "An .'Ancieut Prenell counsellor,' large 'numbers of men and women
We have Also' h ard that �ovoitn-,
satisfactory -.6sults so far and am tee -
ask for a reduction. - : being Asked by, his king to laiv down from the country who come to those
They sent foi Jeroboam to be thtift, ruleg, for centres to attend thO Bible ClaSS03
Somd - I
went solo- will: �,6stroy bootlegging.
ommending theVegetable Co und tD
my friends.' I surely arn gla I. Wed
goner gove;iinent,
spokesman. "'And they came,, and '00' 4 piece of 'Paper, and wote an ard. Institutes, it i.a. necessary to pro-
Spoke, unto Rehoboalit" sating, "Thy the. top it 'Moderittlo'n*' ift vide larger buildings � than the lorat
W c, have ci�efull�,`tollowvd the- cOl"
that . pre*ail lit Ouipbec and
it for I feel like a difterent person now
that I don It have these troubles.
. W of , the
fsithei made our yoke. grievotm.11 I mWdlo of the leaf tmoderation* and congregation -w4old require.
- 11 -
]British Columbill And We ind tijat,
Dn 3
0 1AHoLlimmiG,Box9 VikIrligA1ta.
Letters like this the
I Rings 4-0 We r"d that RIM i%,)- Th a thogreat need for the carry.
the bottow moderation.* 11�Trapp, , u
boot-lpgglug pr4ails in these proviu7
establish Ineflits
of Lydia Z Pinkhain's-Veptable Com-
otnon. talsed a levy out of All. 18rael.1 This Was. the voty advice Reboboam ing on of, thol&,vork so wonderfully
, to a greate-4 extent tha -4. In, Ou_
�ound. They, tell -'of the relief from such
This was oppattutlytile first time IS- received from tho.old ment his joth* blessed of ",l tiot for more lundi
tario, ;7duty.lif every law a-
pains and fillmonts after takingit.
WO-ro V$110d,tipoo to I)erforlll or's, connsellors, but God woo work. with which to cirry on the vatise of
biding eltizon aiiVell as of every ISW
Lydia R. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.
fore4 labor but it was the fulfilment big out His grejlt.�Sjbomo ,,Q. 110 the Church, Vitt for the. suppot of
�l to do All in th'0
enforcing Alof ir
of a prorUvy for *hen they asked blinds whoin lit. means tn' destroy� more missionaries whose main re,
power to uttej�y destroy this mise
contains no narcotic or harmful dkugs
for,st kift.they Weto told, "Ito would -If �Qtt ask whether there Is not sor.10 sponsibillty shall be,to direct the edu..
take their men servalits, and their better way than that taken by the cation of the youth' And the trainlnl�
able traffic.
We further tooI that Gov-,
and todar holds the record of beinglP
most Successful reme#y for feibaler ilia
-and their 9604110st Lord in the case of Itelloboam, Ion. Of leaders, Who cAn lead their own
Your.# men and, -put -them to his swer, The Lortl people4uto the Light.
are told
eminent sale jigali_ * .1'41r moderation.
in-thiscountM and of Vol.
utt testIM0 11018PtOvOthisfa t
ftry -ill c . �
reigheth, and Our
Work,'* wisdom, apparently 0 excellent, I Thr4ugh theme ellongell.the Church
411 $1
I . b$ grievou-.4 servi4m maini - true to the teachings As
Wake thou t foolishness before I%J.m (Parker). to
It has not �royen, so in l4uebe.14
Ptow selling *ine and beer th 6- Gov.
Ifyoudoubt thatLydia E.-Pinkham's
Vidgetable Cord und will help yot,
V to thIllyl ' am Medii
L E'
of thy father, and big heavy yok found in the Word of God, By fire
itnment tovak hotte goneon selling,
6ri rinkii
( 0 1 rgt On lo for Mrs.
9T (ap
- blood.atid tears; by
Whitb be Vilt upon us. lighter,, sad antl Sword.
in inetoasing ` Uarittles, until tow ov-1
'0 __
a rvoi xt��j mid learn
wo Vill serve th"," . Roboboam, 1 ml, 'VI
ol�y �,arioty o, iquor may be po chits.
III gig W W017 It 0 V19 14 4 Act" III. 'y 'MurS 4K0. lie PQ99104e. U -Na 15, 001111119 Up A%* UR tv It it. viotJn the vilture of HGUQr
x6lit them kwav r three days atil, Ionters in this, Undertaking *vbided the Gospel. -World, Dominion
-lie should tousult his Coutmilorg,ithe rocks, some of which tbroatoned don).
(Lou to make for' It tAtlaii to
ftesto an V�er h%cooslbt applotite.
One & -*U to anotbew =0 raod-
-b& It
oration, P1 ks,* to tx"".
Will Govo 1�meat ssle� add to tile
revenue of Or country and *ovince-
Let us say. t once liquor is vot a
This simple.
Ilk .
far f
source of Our wealth comes
from our lan 9. forests, mines, 110er-
-from our lan
Ica and mi, facturing plhnts. , No
mnnethod f WJL'
brewery Or �/llqqor ator� produces
wealth. T m net legitimate In-
dtist-vies parasitic. industries.
-youthful loveliness
They fted t1*86 othet indidstries
and destroy ;,thoir valoo. AA liquov
Interests Ao*ish other iwustties de.
Allitions have Idar"Cathis
easy*, Atom
cline. W, I d I ed from the
quor ttulv ood drawn
tr= errivIll, bl
way so keep thatschoolkirl vonWcxion,,,
t 4
frovA the vi ot thqL nation.
f G r4iftnt sale t1to
Ad 00
not trell lux loalt this method Of* deal.
Tl�e bcauly and charm that is
plexiou lovl4yi radiant, yotitliful.
tive beauty tmalinenf. Becatise
ins withINquor trafte makes v3
Priceless to pvcry wollian and girt
But beware pf barsh cleansing
Palmolive, Seao i5 blended ei rare
all rt in the crimt mind turse of
may, be hid by this simtkle
inetho4s. They hijure slkin.
palin and olive oiL.Wuowt for
Itski �"M!Jlt is 34st �" Criminal allit
Uiltions Lave found th(% crtret
Wash thoroughly Wit It
PAIniolive Soapeaell night bt-
wild but thorough ek-allsing
'llMlide", ohlee the dal'i of clee.
di,,1graettok for a country to run st� qn.
loon as it 4 for An inCvidW, stud &�i
Of having and ketplug dom"
ploxionq� iad',,�,t and lovely as a
fate r,_11r;1lg,, Rub tl.,e ereauly.
foamy lAther wt,11 illto tl-,t tiav,
r.Atra. And, it i,3 iflexpcnive. ,
a citizen oftntario r am totwilft
&01134)19itl't�- nXth0d 1113t SOO,
too. alav ctuploy.
rort.s. Hince - and vppat tli�
UO'Shing. Tfieft rinse again.
Tust V wal.0 t qtltle I yon get
11�lmcli 4�--%Vl %4 iq lever sola
to be, In 44 saloott bilsine". If no
drlinkardaiii ;hherit the kilagdorn of
AftWANW4 iiia rku
Then -if tkin i,3 dy-apply a
iinwrappcd- AD *41crq lt.,,vo it.
Ca "Zome anti io�,row t1do �Fmpt,�
hCaV01% I & t4t *a Uw any druratard.
Cleanse lite A-ift r"Pliularly. go.
little cold creallu That is all.
methi'd Cif a utrt-. RCS111ti will
maker can Oator )at* tUt i4tritame,
INnittes fly, to Ceti)-
SM!, S4 (-mcd for 1-, 1101 ill,jurell
�tqrfise 'Ana tncouragel sots,
we comkowe GAvothmut sale
by lAy uInd and' quil,
by our vot" Vft %bare fik 4wo 0"t.
o,T by (lirt.
RV11CAlIftf thJkt
threat 114:0 thk fitattilent. t'014.
sibilities OfAht tevflbh
IU jftpk. rartwt troy
t Palawlive 410 for Notir ullete
"What Itan we & ia th"t dars,'�
vwl Cannot find a mart tffec-
IWAY'allat it atts f3itho fiit�
1W ran "Wit 1101P t1W lawm"Iyeg,
Wit itxvk d& 4 in our power t6 impboid
Irolowir *04 In% PALMOLIVU cOMI-ANV OF
tho arjw_4 of thoft cur"d vdth tho
k"nfor"bont of low. Wit talk go an
*#*Awv 2k willAieg Tart -"v%
in Our tawj*ft until rwot om, on.
"Oft for
t4liq but emy proviftf. in the V�o,
Poo **do*#
riodw 000 awmft tio %wor-1
he ftrA &,* si W#.#ftJW& OW.
feari Sav".