HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-03-13, Page 1811
1MV,11WAY. MARCH '.0- 110i -,,�
_0 __ �
. ;;;6-- " , - -_ -"-- - - ______ -_ — — -
INFINPU1111ki-_ - - I V � - . - — -
hjgu.tvl�,g '�he owori J 16 i� — -!� ,i�:� � _ ., - - ---. rllal""!�"i !l __7777-7Z7=7::_ --;:-. I.- M _
I I , . I 11r. 4 ,
. am lowde y61=tl4CQ#QZv!,--j "'t HATOINNOOF 9M OUR I
FEW It S . i "
. -0 of the'- iric At 0;4 time tfki.- I -CANADIAN 11 . . I ,`
NOD* Better I cuenly, tile 11h'A*j-1V4' rentwed thOv " Tastes Like More* 1,
atoKk oil ,them, The TiracliW, &-- owattiat oe 1001641or ad f sk 0 ., I
_," . � SQA 5d . I I ,�. .
I their bebAlf, ,whk-h 1w 44 and was � - QUIZ COLUMN � ,
ght Samucl to conlioue proying on . b -*,t OW Ift. [ 0
1 1 4) 1 � AD .. . � �
I - � .... I I bear4 of Coil who conta"d th-.2 'En, $*low" of VW flop "acklaip.-Voi � 1 .... ��___ - I � ... - � � I I � �. � .
.. is' emy J)y a gt* t evash Of tkurAkr# sq ,, VANAT)A'S POW OFFICES � � .� .
17 I . . that they jtj *VA Tiolver again In ,4* X"p 1*00 E40W T0iaa tea I I
� ,a t j 0s)*-409ko to 000 Soll-ThO Q. --WhAt is t1w Vx4llt of the Caw . so*# Coady �
I . S&nlpel'S day MOIC-IttKI the VU1111M 'U' I 0 ' . ? I
I I a lsrAel.. 14" maket. I I adian, post omee,�aystem? ,� . Cdop, ould towmqueaft so jovkbg, ,
__ - 0 IrUrck Ith-0c ReWa of $aul-I (Coaul 004 .A. --The 12,OW Canadian post offl. . m3w. 11 ,.- "A ,Ust "ajuraljyv*nt *we. 4 I �
., Saw, 0,043. bV"r;46M&UV% 1.*t1,,!rV""t0`r cta exrrW ever a Willion letters and I I '"
. � I 1, other piwes of nistit matter during , A. X. VOLUOUNP, i- G= 04 wwrotwhoiewme" - I 'P
,. .
!I CvRZXN I Saul as a young Man Xcemed al. 4h"Wolins, so latuator. " 1922. Rural xuail delivery served a i,f
1i 'i
I most everything one icoulld desire. Given. a Suitxblo room, 010 SM million. Postal notes owl woney or- SUNORT NOTST, package I �'l
is the An"A USIC010 � t, Ask for the kaxdY 2Se,
\� .. t9a ptalcumblo In the wo. 11"'oll the he"O of the plo'When L thift Is tQk clean the WgcUtao bdolow der* wero? Jssu�4, to' tile value of I 11. C. Im"mo,p .� 1` ji
ildo Samuel Froclairow ,bi wog-tbls� 41116 , 1Ktt#V OVVY, t0ttll- ,, ]IM11 the *29;%QW-WO� . I 1�
. , I B.C. WILSON , a;l, .1 44010d
' brael , , x4acillat eigiall. wash It 'out With ,tot AMERICANS IN CANAIDA , � A&M GIM I �
t � I $Uporjor to M* bolqt jj%paniii, -'T*W It. fir$t king Ot 19tati. a time, he � ��, , 101
�j � - ,- r I I ' I— . luairlitsined 'bis,humility but in the _W I
_ , 11 !!�.Vj�.!R"! __'!!�__!_!!M"**-%'"" T_!V!" !M'... .!! P r -, C-loofte ,of tinie 1119 high Position and '4 ire I .
., _! 4 F
I ___�_ IV* �' V w, ttim stray or wilsli It With Q.-Ilow many kliericans, it TOMONT47:
atectiju I I i
jf*x�,*%", ,15jo hi.c; military Success mode him pr4jud a dI#sI . t. The next oPerAtIOU there Ili Vallada',' ill . I
. . W : � 1� -, �
,� K, 1011114"""Is"lax"O"s tte r a olachino level. Tito "Or- A. -It J* estimated tbAit there, are I I I -_ — _. , - _. - ,
.i � W uU4 seI"ej*Ts&"t.--%3., Is to set tu . � -ill" 1. r "Q;;� I
I wis' _" tat*,, OX4 to approximately Ono million people Ili .. I _��,�''... _ _ r '- - '_
, V11. 1!�' moill4er must be seen �� � t ! . %� I I -0600
thQ WAY 110 Met $omutt after Viat Mem- �
'tV ad beta � *s4uto &"may it skoUld he 0014 Canada who weire, born In the Unit(A , -----.�,--,�:-!L-��!!—i!,--"--I __, .
. s when be, b _ "r, , 11 - - I ��_ 11 , . �
I I � Sunday A fiilnoon 9 ivir the Amillokite Statest orab�mt twelveper cent of in lw2, elliefly in
. m comman4cid to destroy ultorly. He' at leil3t o,ace, o tettor, tirlco AUVIAS �thoi Dom,n,on I r exich Cglladigns who came to ,Call. Accidents, R214 23a, 1W .
W r . � r r )OPulatIlon. Moat of W ,
r I "
� .
"I I . 1#1 tried again and again tojustify bizi the ynegr, The, jl� MV*rgturro,&iy#A is ad*. from I" to 1,6u Mve grown. in Ontario. - I I
V.y UAREL ,NA1111,710A, GOAfe*tf, Od. . 11-4 conduct in sparing Agog suril the best usus4ly 103 these are to be found onforms In the , e
� uries to 4.W.W with 00 CANADA AS A UmNUFACTURING "
. , degrees VAbrOS1141t lVestern Pravinces. Nearly one hun'- three"cont th 1, '�_ �
. I a**xaltt 4 the flocks" but $*Muol pointed out tililes the originol I .It t esel COUNTRY
. L � thivuNbOlit `tU6 1140be ` 00 #X90ft' dred r4illjai! acres; .of Vestern Calni- itic, 442, 1 I . : ,�
. . I ,t t1i4t �'to obey Is better than CAL -TI. v440 has, teen, Abst. It, Iii bott*r to 14100 dion land bao ,been alattled by home- neatly Z,W,QW a! - 'I Q ire 4ovs (Whada stand as 4 -
, _Pm _' way$ to "o3a'sul a , -WIl volmtrY9 . I ,,
- ii;tt *IOU!$ time of favor come; 11" followed," tliero r A nInV4 n" gee." 004 sought illi, Dix other Varto of cam . . �
; . Vo, much as one of tholn. , an lobjectlyo of 109 40greea,axld. It steading. aud ,,citizens � of the Unittil QQO In I manufacturing . �
1 � 0 brimg the tribes of IsrAvi'llome; mould, him to 11is -will but% act$ of' I A ..- � second largoat . 1
4 1 And let our wouderlog,eyes b0hOld F0. 3X4 *What Israel t'"Wrled At di the maebino creep# ov. to 10a 4epeef $,totes, have accounted for thirty P million in the United $tat(!$. (
sobedlonee cau.iled him to be roJect. , et , .-CAMWO Itq till I �
� marialoeturitig country in the Brit!
Gentiles. -and Jows ill Jesue told. n8loal-Deat. 4:31#410. .1 Ed as king. , I , W10 bavo 00,1 joku$0 for worry; but ,Cent Of Snell. Settlement. -u's against F,1419CTRICAL P4VELbPMVNT f ' ' six � I
.. I
:. I . per lit Bri- Q._Whore. doell Canada stani in Empire, The totol value of manUfAc-
t The, children pt Israel were alio%it .. sirch Ifth.."'Tho Helga of David, ,91you & tem"rattit's Of 103 degrees' twerit)" Cent on the V0 of , r I � , tared artieles, now aveftse* about * [
A101* kty God, Thy gr*cq proclat.01 . 11 - �, .
.. , to enter tile ki;m4ed Land Sind so, .1 * I whon the glocillue goes up *a 104 or 0011* Jklr addition, United States Ott electrical 4evelome'at? I I .
f , 14 **04'ellmo of every name; 4 tile histor'y of their r 2 fix". V18,26" $1140 IS. - '. a e r- A,.-Conoiek - stoods -second in Per $goo plet.capita. or a higher,totol than , V
, r I*t Wverse powers before'Thce fall Moses roviewe f g6bove, usually viihdr the' h4cli Is 2ens 4'� ea�b - Vrollaoft, that Is ovet I :
- , LOW .of all. forty yeare sojourn in the -Mlilerne,is. After David become king both at .chasefli of -privately held and improv- ob of elfttricity; Swifte ALV that .of "f*rm I , .
And crown the S;40DUr . I 211`4 I . I Im. � � . I
� I . (Wol, r Sb,,b,,I,). bringing to their realealbranee-GOWS. INbron and -lerusAlom, tho. collotty ,� suialt or the chicks b4tolilpt ave hard ed lands,and Wros. ,!,'.,,d,,g`aj, consumption perrinb4bi; $2,000-000. � . I I
_ ,
� . I I PRAV$R, . 61ppeavance on Mount $lost wilt".1le had re�t from its oncrolva � round, -a- 'to rear. Low'janipor4tures are not .1 . � CANADA' W,W&INDUSTRY tent of 700 kilowoff tours, Canada, . 6 ;,,�' 77 40-. 1 I , . I � . I .
gave to Moses the oomolandmento. bouk.4,1W David thought to build an j;Q fatal as are high teviver4tures - -t, is the extent of CAn- 1012; , Norway, 493'r 'United � States, . 1. I . "
"requi* 4 T Q, -,N
- re - Vita. . - Stato . 11
� " Oh Thou the Ett'rnal God Who di4st hollse for the Ark of the Covcnont� The AmOuut Of U101stur(k it�,a IeAs in. to, Grin, darn It, orin, lot ollogbine 10, I . �,
Ile also rQealled aod's,�Preservation of . 472;. The Uni., 4 .
in groes post reveal Thyself 4t, fiuu- them when o r He, was told throo'gil _thQ Prophet- No- In an. Incubator depexilds �xxipvu the adays wine industry? I r ion. The world's potat- Then-sia how good. you feel. '' r � % .
� - 11 .
,r# we ttacked by the A400"s tiliko r tbathis son, not Ilk oj�k6 ou(t tho mm,. 00�Aeraljy it Is- A.,miw-It1 102i Canada h4d 13 Plants. to, Colls"inlitj or is 439,00,000kii&r." By grinnitil; you can bringi, I '. .., 4__
r ,or.* tirilles .-md in 4ilverse malme ,, shM4 build - W'St to folloWr t41% j0AxrafsctUror,V,4I_ w' ' '
� through whose 'land, ther were pa�- . ii . !till of -which -was $1,W.059; '*a`tcx� po of A lot of;joy,to others like you' I
thank Tbt-� for tile fuller revel,%ti011 the, house. On thir, David Poured out' � . , the, 0 value of products was roor tio' SIX Por'L.Cont. And in doiok- that � I I
Ong.' All thIa was in order that they i rections, . AT14 thro .. I y6ix7m doing . 4
I tIOW to'004 for all 289. � . r power' loss than . I I
,granted Unto us.iil the person,of Jet bift heart In gra, , . I wllieh isd4velopod. . I '� "
4004, the SQTk might know and ockoowledvo tb4t tho way he bail load hito 4ln4: for bi% I Notching by Abe NaturA MtUO4 - . W, -All you cau dQ'� .
14 Voo 'chost, the Soa of the 14rd he is God; lutre'la none CISC . FIRST ,CV�$"Tjs I SAW STE. MARIE 00 '
. - of MM Grant untO 'us the seeing beside Him, It was their dutY, there- Pr9mlso,of cont0itied go(ildllooil #'bis It J*, g011Qr4Ij;r. a$X0$d` 04t ta or- , . s arle G ini darq it, grill, letsunallim in, ' . - ,
I der to 040111ft 4 good. bxtob,,-Iixi� lien Q. -To whom does the credit of tl;10�. , Q.-WhOu wu the Sault Ste- 9 " You look much bettqr when you smile.'' , I
eypt tho bogriog- "r. and the -undor-. fore, to keep. His at-Atutes: so that b.ouse, tstablishim,* hl -,,.r tingdoin for must be placed whero otherj�loxix, aro grit census belong? , � � eonal olyened T � , % . .. r 110, , . . � , I .
I . ,
iding,heart, that WO May grow in- - 10 labd of Quousin Was 0"Wea e,,,,,r, After this David, wArrod a. not Wiely to d4turtr her; W, at 4 dit ,of the flist census , -, A, -The Sauli � $to. M4rie. ,caral A,a,ii want a real good measuror rr .. I
� `i, "'"' when 0 . . A. -The ere If you're in $catch of plousu , 4
. ; to 111i likeriess and be fittea for lifo, ' dr inheritance they Imight JC4 st many ealentleg #6d towjuor�4 rule, * Ic ej on 0 Uri 0 � , .
- � upon al"ll them .411 thu , e Seldom get good, ligtobes beliiogs to the Preocir Canadians, wAs opened on Juno 18th,U96i: as 44* just you e I ri j, g. � .1
. here toil, the e"falle.r lifle b0.yO1jj(j' �. � s firrAiV cst4blIsh1rW the Wrilexi r I.. boilt I - � � .. I . t
have rroir*"Y and Ion life ithcre. � . ter he** I". In tho Pest, with
. . �.9 . . ot who in I - ad the censub to to, � ditIonat, to three parallel Ones' boilt 'All the' 'while. I I o " � I , �
. . Amell, r . fliebrow monarSpr 'Anil givinir 4 ,4 tue sitter. 40me tirivers. do not set I ow I , . �
I I 066 sh .�
� I . lip , r I V , . . by the United,,State:o. Tito Canadian . - I .
. 1. I ,
. � , "Y ,W I ,Vtb. 10th -The F4IIVj*'4t ]KAdesh- PlAte of IniiiWAncle, ameng, Oriental . a bell '4xitilone. becoinelk bfqody� OW.4 I '8,125,iso 1% - 1, . I , , 01. " . , _ � , 1. ",
" � 14,_ MW r I . K -um. 14a.19. 1 . . r - . 'r . I . curial' is Ono of' tbe. largest 1644, in . The buo� man.,440 ,few idle v1sli- . - . . . 1.
, . Inn. fflho_A �Choo"l e r notions. I .1 OostwiietoAooth6l�014v"*hic,llotrt'eo I �GjXXGARRY,H0TJSR - - 'r . I I
. I 41W a .The report brought Wick by tho tea L . . necessitates Jate�clgckrS.' T� be, djM_ I I r itho �vorld, over $00 feet lo.ng.r It j� itri or$, of 'Whom'worry ' Is One. '' . I � '. � *1 � I
tile -
. --;r . . I I
I . Choo" """'4jpk�L �2:1*T;"''1#_*- e�rr.fjjledi tbQ 'PC � oplo With fear, in mairiclit 23rd--Tha Itelitil (it Solomon, � o.4W can -be ovol#come 0 m0h�p a. ' Qi�Where �nd whaly Is Glefig4riY striking ebutrust to 4411 Otte I 1. I %
, , � , ,. I . I I
" 17*19. � . ,. .. i'ow to, SONM011 ill -4 nov . fiest for, 111(t. broody U � I . 6n Glexigariy I I r , th West Fur Com- . "I , - . _ r . �. I P !. - . .
. oppeaved wo. A,box�ltollse: built by the. Nor . I T
, '
---I-- ______�- ."od--valli. I &.+.. _ spite of the ericouvogloir''W'drds of the dream Asktng_b1r4_ 11_wC questloxlt_4 about- twelvo'l-go �q #4ygtq 4nd A�A itablet � . House, ��)nj,jn the 'eig I liteenth �&1*4.r . for' r . _ I - * "' '.. r . r . I I #
, -- , " _§k;.1 __y
. P. . —.-- � _ . _#__n�___,_' 4 I ,'--_-_r. ---
� � .0"baywhoar QthWtwW,--ThQyo"rftoutkct4-VW Viiat wilt tbou. tbpt T give thee. *04-4 400W 001116 e"Art , oil go over- i put' +iup IN, ..... _H_1Sv-(_Jr1e___5-1_CCr 454 the pas`iije__of ihoir 16,19, c,anoeak A - nis � . 1,
. le$&o his tountry ArA, his X rod. "o land 4 900*401d, but thO inblibi- ' tUraed , I I . . . � - . .
" V I 1 #0 - flkimllar , - , Ile answered "Olve wo no.w. wlsdom "d Ili the bottO;, withleare XOnumentm Board. of Canada TeAds as took of the 44tter is preserved ao� Aix, , IXU ....... --- , 10, - . .
, tat away .. , 1100110 in ' r . 11 Rheum� I r I
�, . t*^ 44 Unk , tountry:. sot lie tanum woror So numerous -olid. sof bl-, gild'knowledge." Be � to hAvQ'tbOraOraer$'VcrY tall S that follows' � I . . .... .. I .. !.,a .
, , � .
. Collie of this an+ . .� I interesting historical revilatler of th0' I I � 6 . � . , . �
0 & I y
and strong 4bat tho ton ooul4tet see no eggs Can. roll OtAtkow the a a . ,,i,,,,i r r� 04% ' ' r � I I ..
� , .. 11 � . . �.-.
heara 'allSo r" tall. 0 Ili Canada.' . f ejorrene I � . � � . I .1
I . , MacDonell �(Ab Al- . Ogg � � I
tonco how it'w6uld be possible to �co Wer., God proillised. blot not Only Ile -t 04 t "Tho' Home .o - V -Colonel d-,%�s Rf b 114'
, f teuteliant
_nquer got cblll'od,l ni6xt, about two nehoS jolm e4olderb- a c C I
ir 0-6*,ard- . I
I to be on0tiled by ble -I . them. Thoy Impart;04'thel these but riches -and hon i , a4d 4bon, ;L felv 1, . g -LATEST POPULATTOMW - ' . . ., 1*� , ; . �, ...", I I . .� ,�r I
as � or slid loog OF'Straw, .I)r Chad , Int 'Atingulsbed office'r Ili the , �. . I I I I . %� �.,
. ,ANA,b, N
�o let'. to the POOP16 ,who turned Against 'Into MA r ,, , ". , I I �. _ .. I . t 1. . I . . .
. . r Ris N ""o,tiy to Which ho -wall t lifot.on condition, of ,obodleol;* In oleartlidn e0ga Put the, b I The avid di r '. X$TI TIES , � I "I � I. �.,
_ r ,
, . I Ili -bi i me Oman beglected to holier with i 'o In 4 10 I Royal Hlchlon4 Em�gvants, ($4tb. Ite_ rr � Q,_�What is, . tbo. latest -estimatt 4 Rub lial" r1alli, iij� wit , h .4 , Insit y . I . ,:, �
. go v*ij a larA of, promise wherol n Mo,46, Aaron, C'ujob and'JiDshoo, 130 neot alii)414 be V14ft .1 I
I , 4410' t ,weit to bftomo a great that'tbq thrt _olio� h art " . �, Ov, " & theNAwori ' �11 r I �
. h1siv the God- of Israel and ,w lj�h�, r ' ,ont),.in the war o .
. . - r, eV#jxtrxjjljj'r a bleg8jug. vatenW to stone tile, laqt ; . here no.tbing caA distuIP 0 gini, . , can , on;dali pdjalatfbh? I kHo bottl# r , ,
nitiWi, , - old . , �� I
. .t � , t-ol`�ed . r 6',.worah - put per ou.,aript, 4#rk. � a gna- Revolution,, 1775,84; a glember foi I r , -1 of . . '. ", I . . f
� ,I � I I #04ti 42�48 0111.""', . .
I , f4i� . to two for urong th6oito_trust in -G ". had, an IjitroanZ:ed itito the kingdom - ,Water mostbo wli-lifn PP?As1k.V,1T 'Ch"Andr the.� county of . Olongarry in. tho Le- A.�Thdr Do 'bure , . . I I ,I -, ,; .1
.1 I I . . , , - - , ,ip of idols thilt, itfid � ,00r ( Y41140n -census , 44 , , � . .. � I ..., . r% ., . I
I r ,.j . _. I , , God. iiii his 4 Ion . �L ,%t. estimated Ciinudi's populationo ,was -,. , I . .1, I , , . k
..'�;.. , f. I , � . 11 and go.forivaii& Igislative Assembly V that. FroVln0l, I ,, !.b , .. ".. �� . . r
. � ,
. . Long ojokkira their1delity by appea, " In I It 'the hen li; sittlAcq I ulot 116,40 olt1une' 1, 1923, ,%t 9,1416AM' -'a "' "". . . � I I lel�_,, r ..
I ..�Ule. 6 I rAlj*cwiVefi.r'j?o a dust bath should A!so,to, P. I
4& go it IS tab. WhIsm"Y lit' I r this . I � .
I . -, r / i � ,,,
. , . 1-'0i#;"414I-1Z - ernaelle Ut Ihor eight . o all th , a0y Shortened 4u4 gflo in r�,t Xt Lloutenant-Coldii , Or 'What's Rheumatism? rain oftj�p, . � �, - _ I . /
4 i, �� , I , , 14* I 11 .. r le. 20t; . hipilife. wai 0 In ih .,. el commanding the little less than 3 Ao,tfio Square inile r ., . . .
i - at j4C
.. 4r So sind Jacob sojourn. NOW � gS thlF it Payg
..- . 1 �4 1 1 , 'n tt a $dxltdolo in part ,ivot'60m his, de. , day. you W111.0,81 0 ,second battalion and Royal Cauidian. r Stop druggiogf: Nat'lono case �i* , . . . ,,, . I
, , , : - 1
4 11�., i6in"Iso 104;., ! . , eggs U44or her�, 14-011'r ex lorloueo, 48 compared with 00 in, Zaglaildiana * 1A
I -VI , . I I . . I . val I r , -quiM 91UP ;,o i , . �.
, � -actoolmits, ,� , . , . runteors, .1196-1'802; Colonel 'coin- ' fifty irc , - internal treatment. . ...
, I 4 � the I&A4 of Canaan but. litypriptiolulse" And go forward. , ,,, .. ,� . -1 '. � we got 1114etY. perkofmt;,:Qftbo.,�helis to. e ,VlliteiI Stateso ., sookbinir, paletr4tipf - r,, . 01 , �'. .
4 I � I . I . � . I i. r. . inanding'ther(Ilongarry Militia 1803-; Wales, or 31j" tb .. . , I
. � � . 'it VIRSTLI STEAMER r f _, ;44d ,r I ... I . . I ..
�� i 'IlEET 1�1?013mllored,tt,aat th,, ..08;jLIeutonant of the .Com0y.of Glog,, THV v . Olt' f1i E, directTY upon *e �terider $ .
i., I 0 actual Settl0f'$ thfte,� thOugh 4 by f011owlag. thlis iiadthod. . , llsv ja0lis,
� ,
. ,
� I 11ity still �F�h,. lith-3."hus, and thi conquest" :� * RINO TROUBLES ,' �. ; � Itabould lie I .� I 1. 1h '. DO, - ifr " : -, � - '
. . � .
- I .I ,
r - WileveA, Ood, that it. was to ,of 04111000-40011, 11.1-0; 2304, . I � � I � I hen Will bo. lo'bettot * O.Ondit loa It gArrY, 1792-1808. - I . I RED RIVER I I I relief comes instantly�!St. P obk011" L I - I
, I
I I , � . ,
. .. ,
I .
. , Om Into* the hands of Abrahigni's �%by% tooviliog Ilmo s 4 time ot ' 0-Wilm-was', the flrs� sto I � I
. , , r I dUste4 ,,t,r ,,,,,, powder Wr "en 44� IN, CAVA'D t I . io,a birmloss rheoinatism, Z AM& I � .
... � , ACI A I , - , � . Smer _'rljnjjie4t, which never disappai ,and ` . 1� It
'' . � '
. Josbu , having. beeli appointed As I�Ovr� a6q anjv�tv ,to ,no t. biotherNi - I DiV6 �f Itiver?, r .
� t se,edii; romin6, drovat 4010011 'Ano Ills I - A . _ a ' set , , 419 !-
r : i '.. , family into URYA whore they found Moses' sixecessor..was :on 'his"deAta the littlo oncA bocoma' orgo and algo, *V, ic*- days "betbr%" I ) 11AW) � . o,-frow�m0y'�4119rceg arg there OPeritted Oljth#,Red I � cinnot birn the skirl, � , �, , . I I J�r,
.0; peevish; _,, ,r 'ff..' 'Phi W1 1, I 1, .
r . 1. called to step into tho loadership an4 i6eir littliommach. becornes'dorauged comes OM Tilts will"uddally eep Wo . �' 10" . . - 'A,-'QrVJun6 11, .1951; � tile �iono r r 4it t *0k. I Get , � , r
. 1. , qj,. I e .
I I . r We Io`ahec,k,,, , I . I. . ., " Limbor up I Qi - omphillu . . r
. *tuil6 tot, their itoolis -in tho land of OQ 0 lospedally Joan e tauey" in, Canadat , , , .0" .: .
I proe old at once to vor the. Jor� %od coust1patiou An& colic soW lu., To ar . *4s the first.$tearkler'.,i� make o ,t r ra � . I., r
. , I tombenk, Little did or mint 14yt,% are'Uall . A. -Divorces �in C�n d Idly , � TiP i amolt ttial ,1)6tfle* from ,*.ou '4 / � .1. I I . . �
" I they 614 their don, e God oil(: , raged him by Saying, make the teetlijri� porlad ottsvii-on baby r� # In " Axing � 4 a . rap . ill jU en,.r. 9; , "I". I r I
, ; sojourb would boventutio#'Justiad of Oil . . I . r on the' 110rItivei.- 'The boat was' gist, and �st 4 $00to Ou'll I '
" lj� 1444 be kept the hest � r. increasing, from 60. in Ik K, 6441n � 4/
ii I , I � -famine, * He .had boolk with Moses.irt his'deal. the SkolliAalk 40,41bOW01 SoleetloAj of UggS. r .:,' . � I , . . 1. I . . brought in section$, from ,the United * fre� from , rheumatW and 8ci&ti'3,0')"'jj r I r I � - .- �.. .
. � 4iiiii tht ,as over; -14t Solt 4WOU axid.regular., 'I'Lil'S o%fl berdou� . I ,, 1922. . . . r .1 �
! I I � . . . , .- r . Whess An& S*4111"t. ..
. � ISSUED IN Pally. .'L '. I . I I .
. I �, ' PATtNf States and vas * assembled bv the 40rre�oo ' a �f'AW4jt$ YOU.'. OIN,rb .
I - -their AiWillilie, 4y tile 1144) of DR Select for ,CANADA - HudsoWa Vity Com,' r,f I
I %e�j .
.1 * I k lv*A Ood's litsujor lilig*, AvIth ti�i� Chililreu ol'Tortel and 6b_04 -OW4 114108-4110 I color. sl�6,,und sh . I _ Awt . I!-- , I
� I I :. - 00 Uls purpose for the world's r6. and. e- (deal Jaxativo 96r lixtio, 00'0S. r .Tbo.T%b, � the kilid oi,eg,Za ya want , ap� I I I . � *`
V I � . Ht would bi� with him. Akain m, Q want mAt- Q. -How m4hy jmtents.,,wore issliod VTOMOBILE ACCIDF,NT$ - .1 11, joicom Oil" has rell6ved million , kof-, 1. '.
�,�, , ,de"tion -might 1* porfo0od. gain, I ,a Admonished 111m, to be strong,, ietoi.fe -4i,nro relleffilrO the %J1409 ket, Cont4tilt I., ,A I's ,-, .� � 'r � .
� I I I , ous.'soloction..ye t4ftOr !A Cdnada in 1922-201i, - ' I . � , , I rheum.a6im silifetorg in the
� And f goo , 0 aiid, to give 41melitX.Of (I.bildbQo4 stich V coostips. . . -
, � I
I It
, , , MANNNANNOWNWORMON I I' . o- ffla�!� I
, � -, 1 f I
, " , so a---- IMA I '1i
10 I
1, I-
, I I
ftow 1�111 I -
41knotho 1 "1441 ,r� 'li"6
1� ItI
I .
" "' `6 loin
' "'
ec d '.
rel , ,,
64 0 �,
" 0 �
� ,
ling h , I tit J�
I or it
to ust I .01 OX �o
I .
i" 1. � . I automobile aeci- 1�,,c4ntutyo, and is�� jus � I
11 I I *10i r � . Pdae golloct ' Q, . .
'- � . 4 - *kk-A-Moses CoUtil. to:04vtr O� wo* Year, will glyo ireaults. . . , Maily I goo I I I I . ,
r , � ervi , � 411 the 00of 00112. iudigostion, coldo, t. A, 4a 19294a 12,649,paterits were -44"Ow . I - .
� 4 . I *0 simplo . 9"'b - th * bj�onr in ,atIca,, �_ I I ,
. . . Ave erlel I - ourOW141, umbogoo I . . I �,
" _.�S*odi 3, - I good he to OW law vsiod T11py always:46 dirty lQXjj,-jx9r liarldle,,eg#j� r�A nighbor., ,,� , , �deot Canada') . , I i� -1 . . .
r _ . leil� .
- . Watt .142,, . I ot, 0 WOO I '004 110"or �our hArlds over clear -T � ." . I 1. willl.mpf I
,� r so� � hi� h1we � faVers, - jiflsucd .1 I 1. �. , . 1. .
, * .
. ,4,. A-4-7callada had, il�,,1021, 191 fsital,��Pfiiils ' 4 I sI , , .
I ,
", '. , 8 lit training tor his life i I , by �,& . I Iiii AlPf r - I . 1� . . . -,1_1, ,
-, _ Vosea *a I ot 0s In _ observ* o4rin. Tiiii Tabretsore soM b i I I �Oli� , OROWTH OV * RE .0 �i 7 - . I I �
, , � . led I �htq P 0 porous, � hoodo there b possibi A I 6. , -
_,,__r blr � ,r XTI 11, 11 I 11 �: I . r. . . I.., � .:: , : :
' I . I r . I . .
f__� V- _ .t. . eo '�! .- . .
.-, ,', ,*vrk at, the Court of Pliaroh wherp .. , I AN PO �_- ` . ,
, unple 41 1 a atose toloo 0 , I'M ON . I r: 1.�� I )
a OfIG I I . alhe deulars or by mail, at 24 cL taloination, , - I I . r' AVr ! ' � - . . � , I . � ,
u4 " h . 0 VA trout The Dr. W"I'ams" Me' . . , 1, : 'Wjilat:.b I ,, I I '00 � I . � .. I .. . . � 1��. , I
I , 6� be0*o*,jeapxxt4 iri 411 t'ho *jSdorh of his )jfo h _VloWod, before tho US, I Bitek Ill" 0 0. , _ . Egsa.dotOrloroto. to hatching, uali, � . ,., ' - ' ==== . ,� Ill I r . r �
lr�-, . . V 0 11 as booii'tho growth of I ." I .". . . , r ' I 111.
� I I . . . . . .1 I .
. 'of the *#*YPtj#jo% Arid in thloi Willflor' sojobled %*ht$L'_Aj0jj t IV, , , I . y1th ago, �Wllou you hold 99s' I _ 'Ati'population? ' � IWI I I a - I .. I � I .1 r . � � I
� of he bAtf6 . . _ , r , ', -0 ,_�_ I Ity I ' r rp � 11
1� . I ,the french-Conadi i
�-Air- n6s fol- 4a equai t6gth of 44i for hA � I -P � . - � ,
t l "L I . 11 .
. I . . . I �
vo to� Ocs I I . � i - I � I
�1- � I *beto%'he learned, humility and phr '. 0. _�__ *.r..!� . 1. . , ,q, ,� ,q, � - -, 1 ,-
I �r * urging dodatia , ., .. r i, - -11 . _1..� N- - -i,.,1V: R1. A -M -ITT . .r r
that God hadr le4' them, 4e TboC$;PectXej0,*t Ott*Wa � tolifug k0p, theM in a oo'l I A�-The � parent � stock Of ,
r , SiXt., r - Ir
lie ,all tile 'Way . plkeo._4bolat 4fty to , . 51800) . .
t � " AUMI 'i"l4l;lr�jhlhi%ft WhAwk 'PeAkw t1i then, to. be ti I I I r , (kolitteal Gazette), . . Wahrentolt. ,go sur� :: It I I . I _ '.1, . 0 � I R a 1'. I I
J I I . �4 . # . Wattling TWO10 Or 0 laonsinjuelleol . Boro�j� a 16ttoight'After the open� clean AM not mutty. ;Vag. 't � A Ch.
I 4 . .him as HLu . . I
,I �_ I , I , 14"red to hilo slid $ovt Alloolld thoyAoirrt to Idobj..' Rit of the parliamentary 1*86104 th . iag should be kopt� Act I
"L." I .,. smUsssor to Z.harachl's'.-court to. so. Volo. 24th -The Period 4 the Jud ' iiioi I ,a toll dayw�, t . or t; A I ii: I
. ,. , . . 44"i the liberty U the childtooti; 6f ' -Jud9t 206*14; 7-V& Prime Minister kiiies to NOW YOrk T60 Qjs fro. 1,,t�'Ixiitohed p I U'll to,
I I -
. Woel. Moses rog - ASU , , I a4l, Atlantic oity, for a holiday. .. X.0 . .
. � ar4ed bimself or Immature birds, seldoni b4toh *x
� , Aulte Unfit torsuch Sin u4dortakine, 004 raised up 8pocially" oquipp0 one will begrudge him a respif.6 froill well'us oculi froal M wre lilrdg, . iii
I --- aZi '081; .
.; i
.. - I g, tq;4s ll*,v�u ��Z, V 'U.,
. but God: *so -a him of VIA to 111011 frOM 40100K, the tribei of .11rael the C�res,of,office if'.'his health dol. ,X
, im otfitual bes", ' hatchin
, , -of (110 Ilona . ot, Woo& It, t' 46ii tho other hand# his de- duced from early, IiCt�hQ; pu lei t 4
. I � -009, "Cortainly, I Will bo to deliver them otit, $
. 1. � Prosevee 9, 'hen thoy' wero ha�qj. pgirture,ot tbtg. tllo� iII?jj3tr4tejk �Qmo.."t 14 � _ "Outer mid t 'on
. I VIIW tho. and this Shalt. bo a taken their onemies w. IL Well Ili the'*atly
.. � . �resaod. At Ono time the widiftnito� wil.git Sharply ,4, parliomentar3t Attia. WeAt . througli . & p4rtla� 1.xuoult. - �` ho
, � I linto thee, that I have, sent thee; . I � . 1. . : I .. .. . 11
. I d � . I � . . . � . 1. . : , : - I , :
I I . f. .
� . , I
. !�% . � . . .11 . . � ... . 1 :3
. � � . :
: .- �.�. ' ' �\�. . L �
. . I �./. ,ii,
. , . - r
. �.., � I EATHER'' ' ' 1, ,
, , � 'O T ," ; � I - I
...J. k - E CO ,V I 1. 10 .. 1.
I . . . � . . , I .
.. t. L. _. � . I I
"*Z 1, . � i . . 11 . _01M ,.,.,I 1.Fr"Rft"_ ..". . .I .T..
. . -
I. 1. .1. I I . � I .1 ,,, - . I . I!., " ..'� 1.1�
� . I Largoit; slia' Flunlielotte, Bla,"ilt4ts ar4_01 wool._P001)JO � I � L � I
I I . Vantwts.. , a . I . . � I � � � . I . . . I ..
� I . I . . . . ". . .
. I I . I
� i 1. ast biought forth tjt� were opproRing, Mom- 4nu ilopMrl� ,tion, which wixS, without tills of do. . NKOMO' 1, Maea - In 40 11 JYL Ire r ry 1. � %i_,XVjt L I I .. ' , L' , I . �
e I - � . I . * .. I
1i I Shlirting� , , - .
,. � I T� i . '�'r y Flannel"pd 11,6, '�OK ,
ishirm . lopmerif %Uffiellontly 68atipfittory have, 00 following sotWu, ced � Red Peppe,r 'Rub, takes' t Ou . Gray ilantiol, militar , �oL"'
loople the country So the, children of ve , I * I I I ij�'y . � .0 . .
out of, P�gyli '.'yo shall �soryv o. Vilt .11 I . from wre, stiff, alobitis 10itir.''It call- '� I I . � .
t* . I V I . . " . . . .
. I I ,� Idt-Ael erled uiito the Lord 4114_1i Aind disturbing. ,Mr.*XIl5gi Isr,off for retuorkably good"Ogrgro tot, ng .Z.; - 411 suitable, for Water Work glilds'abjIghb. priaes.. . . .1.. 11 .
. I . , Ileavy brood rulleti hatch a , *.S thai , 1, . 1. . . . I I I
I . . 00:14 ullowthts wount4a." , s. . 47 Aothuft-youl, and ittertaw-ob. . . I � I . I .1 11 L � . . 11, I . . I . , ? I . . I
I %isp �� holiday bee4oso thew li'lla imme. �. hAve proituced the, 06ores olohtumatis% torture At. Ono. . I
. Am. 37th--foratt sovt4 at the, Ittil i ,d up Gideon to deliver them. Anil I Nag I a I . . I . �. .1
. 1. . to tva0i. them tb4t Wwas by His, oven . t I Peet I �. , � I , I . . Afe 's All AV,00l so6ka una Vaderv4sr at ol6se prio6iq. . . . c-
. I 1 5f - cottoludlot the do. eggs. ". � ,, ".,i � 3 , I Va e suffering to you coin - ' ' ' ' ', . � �,, . . I I I '.... .� . i� I � �.
. I 1 3ft-FA011. U41416 '. _� , . il you ar . . I .
I . 1; right arm they weto to b6 vle avess imil WA hard 'V . . . I
I . . toliww . 0 the ad, , . Itioll, , ,et �roimd. just try Reil PepW , I � i t
. - U36 the gggs from. birda otit 9 � 'odd Work G . -11 I I
I I . , - rod commanded Moses to 04=11) 110 ordero ftd agalost , .. .. � 1, Rub lifid yag. will have the qui&tst -' w �'Afen's I i I;Vos "At 150C4 � � I ; AW � . � I
"I . 4,01doon 16 proe I tt the 4bitto lit not -of nuffi-., Whether from tee4log, I �b or � . � 11 I . If A
1 _7'ii'�%� the son wad-thora -hitb � coo. oll"on J0101 4 Tilt, I , I Noce " rettasitsito big lakuliterdent, VVOCIUM # cult �dtbiog has suEh coix-d . ,Xfou's X IC006 ll lned.b*llabV%v,e4rj6 rlear Wforo Spring.,- ,I � I
,, . 1110y WON- 10�41" the enemy relief kdown. 1 i . �� ..
I . W
_�i ii1tta. by Philrooh and his army. intention Wgg lo� , to b&W It is %ISO trtlVf'L �ccotriitd, pe6trating bett as red � I I . . I .
. I to cut Off all . 1 lop, 'remaining.; In other vords,.the �$Q` .�p :4 the �
... . . . r$. 'Just as� SOQU, AS You app� Z "I - ' , . I . I , �
` vow" child -*At . ,V , ' L " _ . _- . .. - . . . �
-, ton Of Iftstl thought WOVO in I lot Commqua Is wastirit time and thils hatthIng powar of losgo,Axi Y OV ra�� ,. . 1111111111 #;�, _ .
, ,gon the part of Witt , I Vi ,Rub you will feet ft tinglis � . I "I 'j, .
I wai$ no *"w for thtim And they be, j�. I it , 4per - -ix . I I
,!� �. tworwill Vao. the"faus(I't* A . I I .
11 I tallix. blolech Ud�'Iu RwoWal ft . . 044ing the VItinier Minister a chaneo. . t. of b" to; V ' ' L . . . I . I I 1i .. . . I I .,
I sift j*nIc-itrickoo, but Mcwt � . timo to 4uh4ult % - o ,,�jt . % Mimlite$ it W*rtn$ ft . . � . .
. I 0 - , ,
I . - Z the folth that 00 . d *until . U01-41 Bi% U-130 : �11 for rest orid rft oration., soft.004 1 gh and tbrou&. Palo � � - I `
M by Wh � I I � I . .1 ExtenAtion, O. A. N,vile*q, GU61D . t *od . I Ir. 1 . - . �, %
t, . �, fonots$ $ire , , . 0 .' I 1 AN - , I . -
� them - A rn'tr*ale wos work. Worship of,the trut,4od by tht,U. Success Is the Ve , ( .11161. or %t Jar of' I , J101 W . I . .
. . I .
. . . I . I I . .
. I
. . , , M' � �, �E " 4EX �, I I
h � I I I suit of inspiration, son. , A* ;m =* I . .
their escalve ja1bot a stront ra(litei had, tiven 1place, In Urif 444ke to tho % itowl"W"'Ptl�w- . Bo tore to I , . , I I I I �
0 160- aspiration, desperation. and perolra. � We ,Uri well'010" this disoxi Rowjo � : PROME 46 Sowh'.&da Squoti ,
1 ,V,4r� . � . U Ao' I I �
... vdW dro" t1w wottra baek, Pure tt� tl�v worship of IU41 ind A*- tio,", battlw#�eAtcst.of the" is .. . bi' Vt 00,VA�* with the'name . - . . I I � .. .- . . . 14 1� I 11 �.. � 1. I I. if I .1 .1 .
I 't tvqptl. .� .. 04111 a statome-ilt published Yeats *60 " ft& 0*44 , , � __ -
114holittlie to,si stroo� wall 01. (.11�1.h. "'.1-ar(A V;40, t%n-wo � �. r � I _. . , sm - - I .1 � I jj L . I . 0 ""N". n . ,.;- � . I �
. �. I ,.
� 11 � " liatil t � bley posseA cwi�r to U-111tit Uwal tuoy muhL rVila . 4nee i'40 �.l , *04%twrlh � , , 0. I — . �' , , . . by the late Air. Roarli, for 14 it , the 4..�,_�. , . 1. I , %_ - .111, "I � I. I
I . lur;VAnir tboupt at it , t1l r xon* I . I . . I _.. �.. " . . I , �
- *A4 'MlIft ft th � _Qodr1iof :, A jUVym,&a Id 11 , h to , L. � � I -_ , . I I t, I ,i� , � I : I .. .'I- -.,.
� ViAm tb(, rou retw4ed to Its worship 6 alga wto lbust d" fl, _. ,1 _-I! I , I � ..
, 1"..10 � - ___1 - - .- I � — .- , r . I
, .
I � . 0* b#tom "Ili "a 4 - __ - -, 10 I ___.;..._-_.iZ_!1_ , .: ...;. .
th ittaught thal Zitypo"t *I* tl*lr fithl". ,310 *,hen t*W an, as* aid# which sot of liars.to btlieve. fuer,ii; i ,--,., __ ,,�� - - - � - -_, . _. -, - - __ __ . , `�;, .
I I Mr. soll". 114berar thilro Itin I or . I I . � ,�
. . � .1 . � , I � � �, - . . . . . . , I .11, , , , ,
I.- arb'Vid I . . 1, �
rr 1111111�111.111 l�il 44: 11� 01 !,I -l****A*'1"w"$ftw4*"w , - , I I,,-- - 430""" bt pro*114 , tot., -4u* , to. * . I I . � �� - . , "
. I . - � I o; �, � I # . I . , . : , A% I I
.. I 11 , ) � . � I � I '. 6- � the poftoaspo j to to � . 1. ' I .. . . . I . I . �
� I - " I I
, I I � . *,,A. _�_.' -, , I ju#doa to tits 40% Vatli tuaw bi** _1 � � . I I . i . . I . . I % .
t �1, , , I " I 1�1 I I . . . I I 1 ,� . � I � 41're Ubly ,06*044r" to the I SKJOP .. . . :1 ... . : I . I I I I I I � . Y .
I t . I I 1k - ._111 . that Irill bo const*1t,trittial .."d I I �� . � . .1 ; I . I 1�- �, .1 I
I I I I . 6 . I 41-asatto tion. *. W * * It Ik4 well I . "I . � � . .
I ��. . . I : j : I IF - I I I I , .w . �
� % I , r I `4 1 been Wd that thO toest prod at of - I . IT, I S ,� I
I I .. I � I : � I 40 .. I I I �,. . I 4 ;
1k, I - e% .1, tile bigboa tivillftuork U Idil. i . .. �� v "k I . c
I I I I 1.
� . 11. � � , , I ,� Istralglit 3tisti" alild-eciminorl " � . I � , . I � � � . I
, � I , ,, Irell , - I .
� 11 141b.. .., . 'N' 1-1 . I � 1. � * I I in all the rel4ttobs of lit!.", ." ,� . , , I j jy , I
I V r - - I - t. 4�- 4 , . , Ilk 1� 1��' % "e � , I I I � .
I . . , . - . L � 1, � . I I
� I 1. I .1 I . I " It. � , 2114"W101% . . I �. '' 1, � I � __. I I I . � 4 ,r, .,�',
. A � 1( , , A4 410rcOPU04 OX Vth, I U It, . . . I -� 11 " * �. .
11". r " . . . � .
I . - . ut by tht Atuft " t � I I 1, . I . . L " , �
� __ — I I ,-*A I �, � I \ �
. .1 4_146- - - I . W I " . "
4� I . , 1, . I . I I Dit"rivissit, 0. A. ., I pjent� r ater Im - �p I � �
I , : ., -� � 1— ;% .a ,.% I'L 11
. , I .Drink , , aitm _% L
1. � t, . .... . , '. 14 1 -, .1 L � Uol I lk& & Studr,'4()f the I t i .1 0. -_ - TWEV , 4M 'N . 1.
.1 . .r.t . VI% ,A-__, � .1, . '1�.. � 11 .. _. , ,
. I'll, N, . 04
1 . 10V B&AW . 4% I varkVA tot thill *Ut WdAtY 7 I � I I
� � 1Y
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ffs Wil
1 4 -4.1
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"* " lu �,l
* IL *VI .
, ,. 1 4. � I .
11 � Z I �
I . � \
I Every Woman C%1AH*V-* �
. . . ��
- .1�
1. �11'
. ,;�w
fif � I I
- i14 � I
I I I �
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P, X*114"t" 1`0004W cm*kwoo I
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� � #$*a* "" V" a MUR of lis"yo
6" *V* to iitvji� yftr 'e6mvic4oft
I I .
U& ~t, to"ect ftv$
* tliw". A"A " Is W*t V" ftsk
11"*, sidiow,y000m. Iliat k4walt
Vaoraftowt fin4 01 niore effettivt
, 11".
a W* cUslifift yfttwt�-thtsy in-
l"Utly utatotlit. B"Use hImfifive
� , MAN$" of"004% 46 -by 40116*-
fore Aix,
SOAP is blended4laretitimantloji"
& isit tillil, 0impIr$ correct Suit. fly
tollowi0c it too, too, toll itttli 4 , t
I L �
WOON lhorm*kly Willi t'illatolive
614*44kill"s 16t it"Q Wt thw*
clemilig epwitio silift *t days 0
X" 10*46ow 4 a wrliloolol C*00#xj".
'804ii-rach Inglit b0ofavotiviog.
jt4 t%t cfetmy, 1why 1whtt *01
Gli4ktft- Askj it k hitittlisive,
l6 .&0J1*0Wj�ftW*h
i6talkelifty""s. Itilist--weer-fat
Ott fth"Mive 8"Vot 10y, &sift-
C)"Wit ArtVal'tigullitlywavithoti.
kilt wathlow. T** fi** swils.
� .
.1 I .
� .
1 -ma -01 skin is dry-
Valmolke ie swttr aallit ii�iwrsrfeA!
VAtn jtv Aii mttlfto. The imp"yt.
orply it lwk CoM fttllvn.
*Mf fe 4111.3kiix 0 cAle'l
, ntat v4f�l amaltr oWdel;At �;ou� �
j.r . ;It
1� .& -
I ,
few k *A i*r#41 Uy itw-
At& W -&U* hl"*Ijft i#J 10 fto' 4 "
I ",._
i 4V . . 11 ,
. 1.
~**. by *W vA im"s
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or Im d'It- .
" Na ft &" for."w 6". .
11411111,100 *4 , tlW'
h I
VA4APA, 31.1 -NUM)
I POO#**,? -t4 W;e#;rM
Tot,"111, $4614ttw
"oft* OLI pwo,�W4041wW"�—.8040-00
f0c Xatorv.* or," f0AW##1*%"h"^0#- ,
. I It is *ViAeAt tb*%'UKAOW04t # I
locear JUL MoPtember, October 'an , -
'Novotilb4t. *44. Atirtlilas tbkt C4,11 I .
. 4out td sprud the I*mb marktO a I
period #11M, 06 trvattx* j*rt Of *014461y4om .
,would to of lValus tO OW produettsf.
I � I 4�
% 'Uxvoluisutt at this 0AWIo Asr .
I ieultuftl Collost, tondueted *IthX1
the PAU four YOAM #h4V OX6611c,
f4egilltS fCOM *"lle 8W4*t,ClOV* ,
aloti* $a the V,44atli, of jolt. Tit I
vfiedtiap whieli took blatlo later tb�,( r
July **to u4sathitactory'. �
.,.*� 14
. An itousit boolt bet#.# looktill th
.. 40=accouat "A tteps. __ I
4. W. i i .o Q ow- -.1066" �
I TWO C"18 I
. Thei tscitod iftiven rouliod lato th ')
little boknk. 40" a 00 'dW# Won,
t� the calshwa V46dolir jedec �' �,
"Grit"I" "All "Wor 161111 OWL ��
"Allat?" "kw tVA 404wak"
4,khjor. 14T*6 C#Aft 4t *Wt*
qltwo taao-41liis ov"*ht I* 11,
W, .1 I
I ,Vhat **A of a pwft alo rm 1,
thk 10 A#A of vdm* do III* I
two tao"I" ,
I "Anythift1111 drilk 111�
it Is. Ism a 410 F. osoi& w4id �
*4 per etatt'" -i" "I i
O" tat" *Wft May , ~.I
I It
�. I Iftwe lftfticftst Vommontuay
. _ I � , ,
. , I I 1,
I . I I
I , wh�n your mdneys hurt and your - for a few days &M yout kidoos may �
back feelit sort, dotet get scarad. and then set fine. INS famouLt Mats is made ,
Vzoeeed to load your stoni&A with i 14t from the acid of gapos and JMw juk*,
;, of dito that excite the. Miloys and tombined with 11thin. and has been a0d
inifilte the entire urbiary tt�q), Xtep � for years to help clean and stimWatei
. your kldnoys cleawlike you keep your , eloavd kidneys; also to peutraUxe the
bowels clean, by Aushing them with a 4cids lo the system iw they'Are no longer
MIK harialw soft whkh helps to M , A'source of U�Atatfon, thus often reuw.
. �
move tU. body's urhms waste and int bW&r w"Uw. .1 1 4.
xtimulatt them -to,their varog activity. . .Told $iius is inexpeisive; ""r44t bi.
1. - Ate function. of the kid&ys is to Jura; makes ,* delightful eNenw"At
Ster the blood. In 24 Murs, they strain lithis4ster drink which everyom
- ,, Vrom it SM srainx of *e1dand w&ate,,so �, should take now and then to help. k"
we can lresdilV finderstAnd the vital Im- - their kklmx tkan And, acti". 'Try
vorto",, of k"ift the kidtileys active. t4la �, also kftp up the V%ter "kiog,
.. Drink lots or 0od w4w—you can't aaW 'Z doubt you wM wonder what
drink too much; alm get from -w bm*we ot your, kkbuy,' troubk &,Ad
phovadat about four oumen of J#A,-- Uckac*. By aV mom ha" �
SWU. We a tabl,espomful In a skm Ankian exandu Ywr Wom at W*
of wattr bdor* 0breabA e" ww*W I twk* a ym. )
., � . �: ,,,
I ! 11
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WOW~ __ I I I I
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