HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-03-13, Page 17- ___1r_, ilwvrv -7 �- ---- �Q , - - I I . I
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� I I- I -,-- __ 1W � . i I -j,-nrA Vvijr4mClion pff"'k . _ - I - __ - .- --,I
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� TRUMDAY. MASCR V7. IJP*. i � - . _ , , .__ __ - �"001!*r0!!7!!"_____ __ _n!:W�.!--!!!ft! ! , �, 1!!V! i!!! i ___
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� - - - — - - - - __ '�JJJQU, lfilll;i4h� I rAft Wit YQ1C1 11041 -, T I I! �
- -----,-, , - , 454nall - I .
I I- - - '. - .- - - � . llq J,.3 jj�fjfe. IF444'T I 41AVAR 4101 d(OWS uVollueld Goletto) , I 13%,,q .
to it jTjj.4t uight ivout to-tir k9ast. *lit Sir 111vury Thorotoft lykade it Vlom � onw; .
� � . jje,kjji�sjf#Su,,.� VidultlivorilorbW . to tile cavadiail cluu,or-mogArtod it � it I Ay. I
U115jut Vowtulauteau to 60 sent I I ,� i f6ss�i 10 9 .
, , tur a up? ~ -ting adah"s yeaWWAY t At I'
� Roland Yorke tile vlaco as VQQU as V " owy ow lag ;Tktertp�, I Ar . sk _. �
. TOY hold betto-r �t-ll me Abet be fit comultas =Vk a" he ti not the kiQ of pesoiniiii; *�p I I rim*
I not tksro!" 4 two C -Viii 0I6Q0e,3 both, Ile I�Kke C66WAipc
� By MRS. HENRY WOOD i,WbAt 'they $;IV �s th7o, Roland.' loolk aAM -_ Of I I - I in a ,aust optim�stic, y6a Qf the f"t, 0
. That Arthur Wept Mete- but Isift Vallowivio 111thois ovolro Ure /,)j the V
.Ouatty UpQIj viijoise Care- � � I
AUTH04t (W � &Sala tbo "me right, uev*r ocetio. Cgieus too"" *A *46 gress and development depends thk4 - - I � 11 ., _.
. . tag his bet at All'. aud th*Y �C*u &IV* "wow ., proNrcrity of the propetty he shh, �
� Ct Ila* U0 lutorlaa%lou as tQ *usre 11AL 10 Ila 1.0-0-1-11.4-6 "*VW � the e% � - 1 �
TAst Ly fine." 'Ternees PrWo" "The Ch*w1ows, ~UX. I did uot out Zatty. quw llsa*aqsvie, iiiV"W4 $or I gad ef;jejertly manuge3. A,, . . i 1, i
� I 1401w, but Canto oft to You, tulukilas aw,sts". ponent, of the operMing 0a of thil; ji I
I'Lotd C4kWW* Daughtta," F49- 3rom would know ulw movelatuto. National Railway his ficope, wa* Or- � I
. - -
� I , *,And tbkt is jul6t WUQ1 I don't Wg4joy"a to daubl* iClibed, 8100 the QqU&jIy import. I
� I volose IK aw 16exesh W4 cunix .
i I ip�4,�!!!!�m,��-�!—ilio��",�!�-10 11- )W. Arthur has not Quesea. to lot pumme It "OV14MV. aUt phaje, 4Df P0110y 15001198 to thO PQ- .
at know. lie Is at the 1110tel 09* . Ititeialts. And upon this latter aspeez 11�
. 1� I euou*b; why, he wall 0Xp*ct1aj; lot- 344W As 40 ^140 � . Sir Henry Is compolled to Silence ',�,r.
. -,*,�. CHAFTF-ItXXVItI, ,- � tolik. just ap k Chwulwo for t44 worse tore and teleSTaiAs And all kluds of .0 L . . I
. �41 � I . save In gelieral terms. That is, per. �
� - ' - z3mc� in 1304e struck Mr. skitterby's k"a things meret They bave mlstsuou mitation, ainvo I I " .
]DbmWsftd, eye, so, ov it appqared. did som tbe name aud *ky�u 3�011; tile WrOulit .. , N . haps, a regrettable 11 ,1 � , I
� "I am' p$* ADAwer.11 I V It is eavy to coticeive Qf ecenomies * �
waiting for that.:Wr. York*.H chango Ut Hatubih, obanallic atrik . . . ssible under a management free I
, IFAMIsh, did not think this. U0 I I
- But for the proxettico'--o-r Bedo DO% . gilftee. feeling 4% lj�tjfl V417 - . oil, the tratallaris inevitably *4su- �
� GrWorox. who mat at his desk in "Are you well,211 lie &*kid. 11 4tood lit 11 I rn I ��
� tbv trQut 00100. Aolaud tafght ltay* I ,4AV well as Loudgn , and �Itil hard sled. And In that Moment 06 taint � . .11 I elated -.vith public ownership, but,18ir i , � .. .__w 4.
retorted on Mr. Browu that he might work will lot Ott IlWl repited H4,141oh, shadow, uot at Qvil Yet. but Ot some' R33 I � I Ilenry is enfor4edjo be dumb upcis - .... . (
, - I tutus or OtAor that was wrong* tirst � matters of polley. Ile has made sub- I . �
wait- for 110 f0lt In just it*. bad a with One of 1114 011AV614K OU0140- dawn qahla mind. � , , �
. 110MOr AN it was well po*sibl(, for Ro. ,which reaIll was gay and light, in ed ,0, I st4atiel headway towar-ds daylight b,�, . 04. �
� land, or anybody else, to Icel. Nev'eri spite at it* tjose at, seduces. "it ix " ,,I want to. and Ulm." said Ilaull0k. ... ,� I . co�ordimttlng separate disjointed �� �� 11 1. . I �� ..... . .�
siat:9 Roland lied joined theito . use at of no -us* to I drearA ot gTean fields It it 01411 turn out, that he Is really . __ _ . 1. _____,_ _ - - I - .________ ��- - ,- .,�_ 11
. I � I 11 �- � .1 1. � .
Gre4torex and Gr�moreT, did he re. aud bluelwaveo when we cannot get not lkt tile hotel and they cap 'alvo , - V/Aeju� lines, j*vIngdown, expenses, And 4 wo-io - - .1 11 � _ . L 11 - I . I.. .. . .
P# 11110 U., I shali not it � - - J t� spirit of loyalty in. lills 1 1, � 11- . i
, Member It to bave been *,a pressed to them. you know. � no Intorinotto "Row , , , fulling a fioo .
, .
98 now. as far as. Iledelb rogia. was "That's rest-Vuen "You 140 pit where to look for lilm or what tO . 1; � � I . -, � � . L - . . army qj employees. lie rests hia . I
� c0ncOraod. There was a sudUeu ac- down in the olic an,&. idly watch the think.4, Bkxt for y,.)tt * lielili; 1),10, RQ` ` ___M!L*���.___, claim for patronage upon atervioe, a
cumulatlQa'of work, and jainds were other," remarked )3ede, "But to ]go land. I wo'eld, havt- 01404 $01' to 90 uIr. toj,whj�U'1*jtm very sorr;r..' 'In fair .positIOU to which no exception 44pr 1 tp ,
acampetiag about for a ra,oAth or,two to .'jojjQIk Street_*' � L takins tbem k to x1vo can I V- Aft ry .11
short. - Little J*uusr had been *,um. ... nor ACT025 at Xr- tp Ulm . It will not be his, . . ; i i
uioneid1att:l Yorkshire by the illness at t4ilrQad speed, neither .body ltol*ud loolied . . air, I aveldenta,ily overlookotl efgoiftt the fau * Pdde B
. , . back with Ine eagerness Illum- out at the rae 3t taken, and it the service be not . iiianle i I
at his mothier, and Uri Bede an Brown, that light of quo, and �left it in, no that Mr. Arthur The 0. t;. R. produced an ,operating .. I
� .. Qregt�; I eye getting bolitlay. wes,re out a in , ' Usk �ta $00 Channing uover had It. It's In therO " .
Orex hikd Itladly saa to rim, *,poupt.j wbroo than working op, I& London, taint his tape, He did no', surplus of upwards, of twenty rolIllort I
I , .
. burry back if you find her in , dauger." 31r. chanalux.." � but it was a strong etlent kPVC21, Nut la,wo, . dollars last year, and Sir Henry * t
. . They could not borrow help from. with A slow. lingeriag gaze 0Lt that Ile hs,d"any doubt On the Scot* -Be od jgtnd jis to brinl; it to ""c"' holds the hope that the SUVAUS will ) ,
I I the other side,, for lt,bij U444 that Ham , of Arthur; but tile, walking to Nor- fia y I " Table Pride " " Broad*
. ppe laW4 tefluted face, Bede Passed Th,e man went for the Itter, and reach thirty millions this ,year. Ile
I I a glerk there also wall a . Nient. Thus OR to his room. k1litalsh turned to folk Street was $a prospective R'verY gave itto HaLmlsh. it was In ChArle* Iderable nduo! I I - �
I p, It toil out that adt, 94Y Bir. Brown , t 6 desk of Iturat and Roland Yorke. erludo to the eventax's 0110alag's handwritfn4, and bore tbo promisess too, R 00119 I Cakes andPastry � r, I
., . . 1� 411, ,out no anowerino look Marseilles lloxt-omark, A -proof that tiOn in V4041 outlay. The prospect . . .
. I 'had to stay In the office tile previous 44,Rdw are. you?" be asked of t4elO hir,49111"IrIk"It
.. night until a late bour, bitt lie do. Conjointly. , I at assent �14 lit reeelvii. . Charley had arrived there, 4101)t- of botterment, , of darUening tht . . I
� �
tattled Ap?aad in It as will, bedi4en ..Ali. well as cautaukerous girgum- "We'0 be back in an 1hour. Mr. -I suppose yon,will got Sjumble shade of* Canada's white elePliant � . �.- - T
i me be." Drdww. and I'd s(It to W014'. like a at my opening thiq911 he said to the tan, however, only be realized. it ihe .
warning that gentleman that be must Ottluees: And people Will lot I . WI1,,%,. liftho Fluit Vi U0, NVIlell will (,kttk �,ati it Inare . 1 ,
. briox. . or in less thart. that It we Map, with a siftile, �q lit, took out hie railway is permitted to maintain . . � e
� take Vorepty, minutes for - his dinner was the cross reply or Itoland. VrWi- . , �,
at Present, and i1o. more, Thin wits � Qat looltinV -up trom Ilia -%vrItlAr. take A cab." briskly Added Rolatkd. asrd and hand*4 it to him. "I AM rates according to co,st. of servioc. (Ivenl� nutdi) lit tho "VA111A." PUM1.1 11 AN E. By " . � .
, . �' --X have some Money to pay for one. Xr, ,&rthur Obsinning'jo brother' Thore pro demands from many quar- I
, ,
� , . altogether an fatoune grievance, -cou- - HaMish, laughed. . itfle let- I've gone About AIAc`o Ves' - " . mild imv�,N,otlrowlf the troultio, . � � I
xidering, that Roland had tully, put- "Just because I wanted a I terdai "104'0- -.0h. sirl I Van See that Vy' the tm far reduced rates, from the Mimi- . . . I I
� . I , joist now, I've got double woirl( Ills Vritfi a sovereign In MY PO�kcts� likeness; .no need to tell it to we,-,! - . . . � I
. posed to devote alarge amQunt.of Ure - for . was tile answer. "It's all right, Or, time Provinces, frani the livalvio pro . � .
. , [)n on tile. chance bf stixadjug treat I . . �
i . liolbure time to Arthur Chanhing. Ono out upon My' shoulders." went I . I itters vitictis, and from British Columbia, I . . I .
. . I � RblAhd _ "You romezaber that time sonio sights, Ilk c48e L found tho ]Vai sure,.. Theoe--othOr three le � . . 4 :.�'. I . I I I
I - 11
I IuRr out, wWt Arthur and the constant dAV90V IS that P011- WIS Pill � I '. I
. wards Its close, and Rol ,were bokh awi � I by, this inornins'x Post the other two 110111 Pressure May, � wr wo-d'dinsr C ,, - . I
� whole Or, and this one, gittlam to- at old aalloway's., HOWW6 when Jon- chance of 90 have como4ince, air. The big 00 .
. ,and, hod not ky'tiaw 40114allIng. Didn't INIT's. J. read. 0 a., . o beegme, stronc . Birthday and akes � I
Was Anil Axthur, T, . . I �
. . get eyes on-, ��rthur. gince'the MO� getUor, throwing all the work upon lecture on not $Pending it oa-,w asto later,", . . . enough to compel compliance with , . - .
' . 11 ^ . 0 . I I
� I inept when he left Ulm 'at the,door me* 11 1. 11 we-ve got a siecond odl- When she handed. It over.111 " OL back . The blg�oae, as the man called It these demands. But, if so, NVo fear . . I . � . . I L ''I 11
I . of the hotel in Norfolk Street, tile tio; . that bees." -It you would Promise to It AL thick, omolal,looklur blue euvelpPa the pleasgut picture Sir 11enry Paints . .1 I . a apecialty 'r, . . L.
. I . I IlAst 0veniriz but one Ilof.knd had. . LLLL .. . I -11, ' -wjthl�� the hoAir,. Mr, Yorke, and - will no. longer be #rose Ill . 0, of . . . . I . . L . L .. .. . . . . . ,I
---.---- �t_ _ JA4111011 h ... *94 In Mr.-0411OW&Y'll hAudwrittut ilia c It . �
__ a_*VMy - A91RAIsh-.- .7 iyork . . : . :
. I neltber� seen, nor heird Tf-bliul.7-14t, � 1,10ittle 4enner. And he I* good really set, to p,n`,'i�,1_,,__,y'0,u,,_ -A-Qliii-xW-Yiae—v?�-We-!iT;m"r4s- seat Aoo- --m-4--watinu ffloient-etpomi� I "_ I � _.- � I
. ""Ill 'A C
- I han , . oursoo " —
I I . . was regenting this-,qUJte-1k9'mudh as, for three. of us any day, In point qt shouldl go witu Ift. C woll. That Ono Hamish, did -not fool. 'a roposItIon, it his- I I . I , �!,
, I
. . I .. the weight of -work; ror w1ken-Ids I kittihs through work. :r4e r I ellult the Managerle answer, ovho tiad of .at Ilborty to, opep., but the littlers he tion of 4% losing P � , � . I �, . . . I , I
. . ' Wft et 0 440 Me heard %be, Whole "1109ity- ,1.4. �dldp and thought the circumstaneft sense of propriety and Self-respect . . . . :. .#iL
. . . � fielift WAS 'reAllY ellgag'edr Anythifig is, that Mr.� Bro k D me at. It u , fully Ills Ifteli -vone t I 0% . It EVENS 4 I ,�Wl ;
. like slikht o'"neglect wounded. It. to as iistless, temper t does dot inter ,\but tho,growin H , SVL .
, r� , like. & slave. But tar Arthav's being Rollind's. Pre at r it. Itianning his eyes . I I .. . . I
. the core, Reliad been- kept efoselY in � London, I'd �oot mine sQme.oxtra WAR likely to retard work more tultu over. CharleWs trot, he found It lied hope of the canadiall. People of a. P�t ' ... � . . . - I I I
. . . t9.,&4vnaCe it, " emote, end of railway deficits ,will . . . . ,
at work since. and 4rthur had not pressure, I'd be gled-to vbjIgeL and 'peelaily If denied the b"u w.rittet . West Sveet L
. I . . L V ;orfGjU Stl,00t;,L as no . a on board all tht'steam r Link's Old Stand I . . I I
. e L chosen to. coals In s�areh of him. exVedition to 1, or was,neskrtug Marsellles� It stated then be crushed. Sir Iten
do It. Not that Arthur'misses me, . 64 hry I - I . . . . . 1�,
'What0er linpressiou iftight liavo � otter than Mr. BrQWU-'L that he Was feell g Very nine own w t admints. I I
. If one maY Judge byApptm.*anoes,.11 lie body knew b, 11 .11 6ettee good. ' He L has ti has made . . . . : I .
. .
. L been made oil the - inIrsd , of Bede continued, Ila 4 dee i'.'ojuvid tone. ',10h, thank 'you. Brown;, that is . for the voyage, And thought of stay- trative, ability can do in the ,stay ot . . . I . L . . I � . . I
. , L PI - . I I
'. Groatotex.by tile pollcok offieWs,com- Lot would not be two dayto in a striiagq generous," .said he gratefully, a's he in quite a week in J'Aris an he came . . I I I ft � � . I I I- - __ I ,
. . . 1, I - nat. . L giving satisfactory servico under fair , . I , . - - _-, . , - - , - , , . L 11L_ _ , W^ .. I)
� inualcation, nown,early twp 4aYs old, tMa4h it. So. far. � that was good on, and If the politicians Will . . I . � __r_V__!1!!i1_!._A__�__. � �!��!!"' I
. ,. , place without gol4g to skjs After jjjm.,, JeAped off his stool and,got his , - -
. I I � tql morning light news. L compotiti I � - - - - - . I L
. . . — "' - _ �" �-,l
. -he cou]4 not but estimate 4t. its true , 0-0&ye,you not seen A,rtbur,, t!heu*j,, 111,11 work awn and now 119mish opened the -- ---.-----4 1
.. I , . ;And make permit him to operate.the railway,at I . I . . I ., .
Yjape,the efficlency of,Mr. Brown as Inquired Hatfilsit. . . . for yotf It it's aecessary, . otber two. 11lacil or tliem, dated that reasonable nilei h6,-%vII1 produce . I . ;
, '
. . present,% Ur. Brown did that which ' jtj�LL . I It �, "'
,� . �.*� . ,� -e
� 48 . a
. -th� � p1go have P With - retortell � I f in. 1923, Will they 40 so? A G 'PEOPLE OV G
a clerk. .In an emergency like P I not ieeA laini,1 Zo mistaken.' L ot to 'be 16U124, saurning, proved -to be from a sepav still better balance sheet than that of
Roland with U, . is *1H -has been But Art4ur was A . YOUN ODER , ,,
! . Holaiad was fund of tUlk1ug ot-I)ut ,at the h,otol In. Norfolk Street. AU4 ate ilral of solicitors In London, and
too.. 0 P" doiktajaod ^ few �rlef words 0 . I I � � . , "t
- � . , .
I much t ,you , and - . I . . . , L,
. . his shoulder to the whoel. Whatevc-r -' a he t le told there was rather a via 'QuIry � . � L I , 'I ,
� '1514 of me. IlCrItaps hv % R why Mr. Arthur Channing had n 'Special Aftor000ft claswi . Ij
I.:, . .frleijds,,tG tit . . " arn you talting 1111vantam of tit � I . ,
� . , the demands Of the'office,'Air illxown'� sulga. one, w1kich in the absenceL of kept t1he appolutment with-ttle , Tho world Is a I6QjCjjj6*gj4$4, L and : - I L I , I 1. 1�
. L . . I . � i l
."� - L I half gone over.to Gerrad'se interests; . not 141' - osen. by t4o , - . . I L.L �� , I
I . I ,by 001 on givea back to every Jana the reffeo. ..
�L Showed 111113self oxtual to t',"Im almost . ry Ill., that 10M nobody. the, principal was related UgL iho previous day, ' . I L I I � � . -1 L Ci �
. . and his thea L � tion of, hii own ftice. . Frown At it, � i
I .. ' \, I �
. , I I In �hid own person,' thisi cowbined worth kn6wing, Xothis,r JIenkW hoe Vattef. Mr. A,rthkjjq Chwuni had Wag Arthur l9st,'thell? Hartilsh 'COMMED'Es I to . . . . . �
.. . . . , elstoulel$hAto desire a L " al, CLWTOK Out
with tits verk exaellent administrative haA her beat gown on oor t'vo days, vrittelk from H was st,trtled. Ali to jjaor Roland, he , nd it in turn Avill look sourly tit you; : SCHOOL *OF , I L. i �
. . . . '4uslIties,-rendeted,bliti�-invalAa-ble to . v . � ared tot L could Only starti in Itelpleas wonder, laugh At it and �Vith_ it) Alld it is'a I : `�i�jjj GoIjer.jell I - - L '',
. '.. , W,ecting him'. Live stud jearn-and that A room should be prej) . . '10N,
. . � ' I ve, backed 7121m,"Alad any letttra that Vaight come �,an.d.o*taly lament that lie lied been jolly et�rrpanlon. ' , I. . to lWaointuoilate stuaoutq�i "isbilig to cotatnuto (I , I � . . I
. . . . L Bede Greatoreir. - In &� silent; unde�; confound It Alit I'd Us, -gre of, W A�w es all to attil- . . p 'L _. I .C1 ase .2:40 to 6.#40 P,Af',,o StanoRM11110r, 00tainer. L ' : L. I
.L. .1 . mondtrative kind -of way, Mr.;Prown Arthur 0120muing, for filthl, and truth, aild"Asod to hint be taken t , Icked jackanap . by tmin-. a 8 . . . ''*
. L . ,Upon his arrival sit the. hotel,. (Which bote . I . 13, * . . v� '�,',� ,-�e - ;
. . bid 410 I for Ome monflas past be�n . 4gainst, the. world."' L j . . . I unkindness to Arthur. Renialn- * . cial, Searebrial wid Speo[Al COUX'Se" , . . ,�. '' I
� oil, tile alert te ,iatch for those ln$� 'N I t, have been when. Aoiand left, lag at file hotel would not help them, ' Children Cry .. I. . L .
. HamiAll, laughed sllghti,y,� any such 'nut ' . . . I I I I I
I� ' . . I . I . I L
I . . takes, inadvtir�nnt neglects, forgetful- interlude A's (Eta iu RolarA'fil gencral. 'Alut at 0) he was Informedthat his for t1w Walter- could telIL no more . . FOR FUTCHER'SL � , . WINrER TERAI WEA JAN. 2o 1924 1 � .
. . ness In., his: master. Vbjeh thero4dtr ly�easy pature. 4)nukf*l litai always, rQ0Xn WJjs ready, and asked It he than be had toK HaMish pointed .. - "tIlde t,, ' ... I I
I . I .. .1�
" s lit%
11 � ,ntly, he 0 A.8i T 0 RIA . V onto). �� pit titne. forL information ivrit,o or Oolao 198 � I
I � . as UeArd comolained of.' SoLfar at; "You. 4ud I and Mrs. J63n1%4,is are in would Ilk* to 4" It. Pre$( to his address ail the card already, L . n � I 1 Y. L . L . �e�,
. Ile Was ible to do It,' tlioso' were tit coffee- , L .
, the Same box, old fellow, -tok Arthur answered, and wehL Into the alven,,,and they walked away kip Nor- =2=="_=1mn _ __. ___ . L.440 � � .
L . ,7*
i �!
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. . . once silentist remedied; and n6thIA91 h',sno.t been to.,see k *P -Toom, The man, -(this 34416 One toll" sit I.. . I ___ , - , - - . m.�A.�STON,E,,.C,om..Spec'ialist - . , - B, -F. WA.M. S. . 4, 1,
I V e. , L f6lk 4treet In. once. .1toland broke I ' � .11 . . 1. . . P I 1 a I .
flotootf"'i this; ' and be I . I it 04 P .
� 80,111, .L.B.0 . Oh, hasn't ,'he?" Vats L P A!$ Ing the story I It as they turned Into the Strand. L . V10"'Principol. � . . � I -
de .01%11 ) left him in It reading L q � ' . I - 1. . L I . . I Firlachial . ,�,�O,�'", ,.
I I . Anew that Many a night -hhen Mr, answor,,' deliveredL Wit& �Vlbat li h pplying him with to X774 tNe f%T # I . '. . ;. �
. �Pay,-,ffamlshl Arthurbadulot LL � I 0% tit PC P% 04 A L ' �,_______ -------- wtio - t
Brown stay d over hollro.in the of& lals, Arthur saying that of woney about lilat. . . L' . . 11 � .- __ _ 11 L
writing mater , I ,[ 6 1 1 1 0% . . L . .
meant to be joft JndMr "-ce, and �v would 4. ________�,!!tr_ .____- ____ .
I . g dilIgOvntly.. it,was to re- I the pjeA� . which when he wanted anything Il. * lot, of - money!" peatea . . . ___—, - . __ .
� ties, workine *i' 11 re AD �, � -1 lk .1
,an angry shake If I All exceedingly quiet . . I g .1 . , .
I I pair some failure of U18. Once, aud blotted his work all overt ,"It'a a ring. It Was Harosh. . I . I I W � �
4e. "Why 6 frequentred sit say L if W � , .
, , - . 1. .. L
I L .OZA,ee .only, B�do gpo - are case of Gorald, then,' .0e4bazis he Is Izotel, not inu .He had. Us brought It lip from I . I I . ab"Y111011,14"Ate I . I . I . I
I you so 1tte'!.t9-njgjit. Mr. Brown,?*' D- the three orifour people stay- , I 11, tcl�-Melotohclal L . ' L 1.
I IFVr.1 Lag MODULI- . . . . . . L �. . . L L . I
. I taking him rdund to tiv� 11 ' .� 014 Gallow �' rot � . L � I I I
. I aiaft� and ttmf ' Ay. You-you�-�donit I q 4 I I I'll, i
tie asked' t1non going, Into the owes S. J, lia 41 Ing .in it wore out that eV1nl1l$, 20 I n "Choi be A= - L L , I �
. � I LO tile Nvi*A,vyo4 a on" A. v. w . I . .
close upou ten -into-'- and jftpdtng Mr6 ��" '_ that Arthur wag quite aIQAo. By- . . . ..
- --
'L t , ' , i. r.,?,-. . . I I �
L . . . . as I thought to do-*' ' . Went ia Hush, Rolandt." 0 0 6 6
- Brown up to blo elh6vs in work, "I'm , "I expect it Is ,Vather a Cape ."of and -by, the man Said, 110 L � L . 6 I
I only kettlag fo,�ivard tor.tj4'm9rnI49, e s,11 romarkdtl.-Hamjstj� "You again, And found this room OMAN A'.. . UAVE MONEY By BUYING'NOW'
. . . . I L .. 'bugin s- , had neither stelt .. . I . It L V , . ..�L . . I
.. L . air," ,visa the manager', quiet answer. know yhat Arthur Is;.- when h(A 'has From that time they' . . 1) L .: 1. I . 1 4, 1 1 . I .. . I .
. But Bede, lbough 'ie $aid no,mbrc, ubr heard of Arthtir. 'This was the I . (To be eontjnile� 1.1%itq(9,W11t.,11n1Mt n,o I . . � �, .
. I .. L. . . wzrk to do, that supol-sedes all %else.' . . .11,Vd_,"I 'L� ,� III% . . I
saw that the.plekk ho.d taken some are giving up t
. ff I L . , . Still I -iVonder tie did ll.ot,uomig raund. substance 'Of the OCC011311t, And It ' Vito tt�jjn,,., `�,%,."%=', . we he sale of Morwin-Williamil Ralady
. � -unhappy - error of Ilia In hand, and lliortadefi somewhat Incrobible. 194ad Prosperous People Can Piy Taxef) WAdInit's V,�(�, wMe -
I . I last ulghC We Vaitkid dinner 4itIl .. n de " taIMM1.1101. I . L if YOU . I I
�, .. wAs': tolling to.. rptnedy It afid avert , Arthur been like Roland Yorke, for. . . Td, ( A I 111'n1k'1".'h"-* L M6ed Paints and contemplate. doing any palladag
, �
. troubI6. So'that,. wbateVer Might be half�ilast ieven." * , . I % instance. Ilghlo to dart about in ran- (The Financial Post) � a - �Wl �� I y buy
L . Roland w;ks occupied, Ill trying' tO atuosity a L n the I I I Ittis spring you can saver $1.50 per RAI. b .mg noW-� I -
� , Mr. Browals pri-a-to sins, 13 1 . I L douk imp , It might have boon t is a fund mental fbet that I I . � .
' �edo Great- . . . . . . .
' ' I . .
. '. orex b6uld. st,ari, affoM to, lose repair the damage be, had. Viltiftl thought that be bad taken UW1111011 10 run taxes are paid by the con. ' . I L .
. . . him. , Once mon-110"t. per"ps the. live mad(f, and gave no ankiwer. bit in � freak and forgotten to VV6 Ski , t Cana. L ' L L 11 . I I I ALL. COLORS EXCEPT WHITE
I I , er. Assuming, then, tha I . L .. I .1
. I '\ hundredth LtJM-' Bede glanced from 11 ,vame in ow s u i9s notice; but Arthur wait not likely dia sumers must bear the char- I I )u#4,h t%jjjpjjjj -#Jai jult j7AI. . I . I L
L ' .... " first 144 Coce" it I . . - Call .
I s of bImj Roland, , ,'WlxereL�lg 10 to do .such a thing.. 1jamish stood I . . lit I -
�. . his desk at.Mr. Brown,oppgatte. No. now I XZrIlvas - 1:21: I I gallon, c%iis�:tt $4-'00 pei . I
go � lxz, Z
. I I loagey need-, thour,�, was"there to StaYin-V I � . .. . quietly while he listened to this; An- ,S , he national debt and the cost L .. . If,", 11,01b"we'Ro .n �C,.; 11 !L" gallon �arjs at $2.10per oll .
. '' - land liad'put hirnsf-It 0011 A, table, , - 1100Z, . . . 10, Pef C 11 L '.
. . glance with any 6108eu]Ative ,view; W bas"llitt yet,callod to sq&� An, Of sary public Lservice, it is high : . . h &Qt Coast ,111W.C..
. ly i ;.' tant that the country should rdt* isel,,444 oil I ' . at $1. 11 I
. I "And thal ambqfr tot to thl hlAft .111i
� �.. . The eyes nabel," br�ke In Itqjand, _t 'Irt C'
. . that had beon Sot at rest. . and oat there'pulling .4oreely at his I III I "'
': . . - I. r. ous oo that the tax burden bst6tlor woodiotirk. slillor. It"irtme. win- III I p'jIIt C,tjjC; -,It 460, ett. per call - , '�
I sp'
i�u- ,
Ski or . �
"" ' !
'I , "'t - I
" � '
I' I'
, 1.� I , I do think shainef.al." lIkerm, hill long less: dangling bO, P,, . er - "10 �
tbat,had solmystifled Ilede Greatorex d Will I ." U.- L,
. .M,u ��V
' . - L
� I .0 "Where Is he.ijaying?" . r be too heavily felt, EXTAT- ' wo 116"Y"' swo "14" T"I'do""41 .I.I.K. . lit , I- pbit can,; at 39, cts. per cau
. I *01.re at length rendered clear .eye . M . downwards. he toom with compitto Inlit6ttitintlA I
__ j 0*14 kCi L , . . . .
. . . ' "Staying, What .nt the place In 1.1 came with him to the door my jenee , S s ft that the aVy Ili- (PAO. i ""114 t4. r stat a*, *"" L .' .
. . �. to hira. -He know where and oa'What ,, how roe'r
I I .11 *_ t,r4 LIC. x6py . ittywo , so
I L � oc,casion be had seen them; and It Norfolk Street. He told yout wher0l own selffol burst forth A01211d beiorO come vies do not Place the bur0e..n f1tan. 41 ft� V 31141007_� . I -INSIDE OR OUTSIIDE WHITE .
lie had disliked and dreaded ;them, "Yea#-# assented '11amish, "but his theL m4n had well finished, an It that hy actifally, be- Na It. A12441N.1talito *.- .fv. 273 .1 . . . I . I I I I
, . . - -it $4 an 1.
beforie, he dreaded,theiii ten thues Is Uot-st2ying thArQ. I 11tva just � causd I I I d * . " i 6d I lit I g0on ntii � -25 per: CL I I
were i disputed point. "I watched it:4 seeks conservative in. V . perL C,
More liow. . 1, � come from tile botel now." him come right Into it. Tbat'WOA vest ents wbere there is1ittla incoMe . Au"40 2411410, g.-twen", t. . I . -lit ,12 gallon carls at $2.20 .tit . I � I .
� i
. I I I "Ali, how 40 you do, Mr. Charl- "Who SUYS he is 210 I t?" . 11 at eigbi O'Clock." . t,o,tAjc and in following the cour �. . .. I . ''I . -I-- i . . I 11) I quart C.11h "tt $1.20,jivi Call
- -
I L . "The people at the liotWO' . -yes, jjlr,,, it was about that time, LIP -lost L .. . � . I - pint Cults at 65 cis. p.r calt L
ning?" , V, r�t ,Arthur obanniva got ,taf III 9t, capital avoids .0 I I . . 11 lit I .
179 11r, it DOLLAR BILL It ! ', p;nt can,� at 40 cts., per. can
I Tiede, leaving his Aesk, had been 10h, they say that, do 'key sIr, that Mr. PC -Plder altings and developments . . I
crogsilig tile OJUCLA to "Ills private L torte4. Itoland, turtling b rwout. in," anoNvered ,tile wulter,.who 900 : - . � I . . . I
I room, when. liamiSh eatervil. They ,-Inent 0.1i the People ' it) q1teflItiorl' them Ills nalue as Blans. , W L��,�Ajaparos )r employment atid Lill.. ' — 11 I I . . I
. . "They are nice .ones to keep an 'ell . p irltyltltr the people JIS -'.� , I
I ns, ixid stood 1alking for "And when I came down "an hour , �c I know thig is a hoalely thing I
a tow ifilnutes. apt haVing"met since h0tel-" . lat(er, you told me Mr. Arthur Chan le- To give capital encourage. on which to spin a little song, for 1, I .
They L say he IS 'not 1110 L
Bede rpturne�d from, blo 0090hellt9i - , nift had gone out; You know YOU � iVs boon d I Only _16 111ch, Cirr.ujar, Acie h co, Cord-YOW Saw MOM
" rd, And has ia!1c insure prosperity and provide one in Von and speech !
. I . Zkolk _beea there." . ke Roland, Who seemed At- the income L With I
__ - - - __.. ____._ -.,.-. ___ - I I only �9 inch, circular, Ace & Co. ("'Ordw -
. . . .. , die, "Do thy people with .that spoke and spake for ten feet I 00d Saw at $6.00
. ! ag at the I
I _.- ... ....... ... P., . togeXher out IK big reekont ch to meet their taXes, thO income jong. - I
..,..M..,.��Y,,�%,ov, . .
�"X,".� , � ... . I only lo inch, Clivular, A4C .S,c G*o� t',orkht.1643 Saw at
.$, ..:.X,i�,�.-!i.�.":i—�i::�i��:::�'..�i�,i?4:*"�";�.'."""".'...'-.�- _ . state,lot affairs, and wanted to blanaw, 0-2s
,..,1..1..:X�:. _4 ,X.,''� 'it tlie United States are being
__ .P.* *11' , Z . - 01. I" 5 lea all about is dollar' bill. A � . 1L. .
.,..� , �%i .., someVotly, ' "You nevOl, sokid be kad I
I .-:-*.-:0; .'-i�?'���,��'11.i maillrially redueed. Canada Is going � crumpled bit of legal kale, that I ' . . .
. �.. �::",.,.*"�i:i5;:.-.'.�:j�:K.14:,:,�.?-�.:�,-�;. � %%�1,Z:`.:.," "I .
.._.�.V-: ��,.�;-:_10: I t di, -Advantage if lPt- ' Auck in a - letter onto and tomed j -Several ('.oastin- Sleighs for bot,;, alul llidi at the %0101eifll�'
..X.,"�"-.. ��$:*.::�.;:.:�::$;%":;,:;:::�:5;:;�:;t.-:;:: 11K_1* to at a grea, . ill �
I -1n. 7' - - 1. %x-Xx. - X '__-',5-�'y.- WC41, air; but how was I to think . . CO�t pfice , L
- -1 .,
I . ;t;-'..... ��.X��,�,-%;"X
, I I *--K.'.-.1k .��� "' . I` -�$, .�Y.Aw tA!j d(loon not tio fA,mething in 1:4 ' going mail, I L I
I �;:�'-O.Z? e for good?" Mildly In- . . L
. ,,.;,-f? 0 I Into the out .
_. ;'-!:;: ::F..;:� : ,;��f he had goti . Iles I o . : L,
_ .
. 4 Z,-��,,%.-.. /��,�
...... .." "It 11
: .. , * .. _ W , . � It was 00111 801110 in . . I
L A: I- .. � . . ,;%*. "" quired the Walter. ias passled a ilrection, ' And "I .
-, - %,V.- � -
LLLLLLL -.1 ... - � inow what p,,O. fronj,h�re mid scenes both, odd Siv
- .... .1: , 1. ". _ str, we don't I ,..S7,. it), ('.Is)jjj.!, %Vr,jjj�i,!r, jt $6-00 01.01-
. - . I , the houses eep your eloudo nut of other .
.--Z.----.-,-. .;. 1 ;:;�'�,-:;:*;;X�3:9-.� Towards eleven O'Cl st, lingo to Ote. It may have . .
.,4 . . and r
- , .. to guppo.ge. ock,
, X.,
�::O:*.,:;,�s:: '��% , . -ill and hay to feed .
f L' X-y'X ". 7::
�:!*::��.xi- tv,-iji, did vot come P e,q sky. A111(1111011110 skate" al a Zut fit .Sl,(io per Imir .
� - 1 ::!O.�, -�V,�,`:!"7�-,; ler.
. 1 .. *i*:',.*:�;:*:::f..- I I �, Y,---- � .., when the'6 . .
:.::*�,-":::x.;:-..� ____ — bought bran ma
'..., '_.XW.-;f, '111U148 in L . I I
. . �j�.,:::::::�:j:j:j�f I '.. ,� in. I begail to -.11hik tne 4 ' the mules Kashakee.,. Some '
I ��;;.,X,,% - rMaid L. I
. I , L .". ,_ � he teacher wils giving a lfissoA On tj '
.. x
. * `��$i' , gowea ajui*to7bjA room 4
1. K��i:� � ..... , gay old soul Ile may havo grabbed I Jfo%�- c-,111 you save manev e;vlk-r it 1w walkin dOwn to
. . I... . vadW . lf�
. I .:.:.:-:-:,-:-- .X e a t o crocodile. . 't
1.i.: I - %do, "rhap; but she sat pu his hooks upon my bill., ! tile HARDWARE STORt AT THEt'WHARP ? we 01rq a
� 2, ,:::1;;:":,:".:9?..,- ,xxxZ� bellat
� I :,';:::,O��', "you must give ine all your atten- , and t
. � i$.*::,.$*.k-.;-.,-i$ ,:�;i%:,',,�::,;:_� she bad. not, and we went up and to the tAvent trod his WO 1: I
�'.:;.�k , ����:`.�:S'X:_ I "It ja Impossible for ! and
V 4:-�:,�X X%;,�. � Ion " he Sit cofilplete lille ot
,.,,� I .
:K:K$:?�, ._ found ther groom unocculpiO4. We, " I
-1. .
.. ..,
I ,*;-:.V,.",.V.:., , �,�.",;;, 11 'to form a true Idea of this bid- ! and parked my plaster in the OIL I .
.! ou L
,-P�::,.:,19.-;,..:;: i ... have never heard of hint at 91101129#, e has travelled �
. . -/..-%-W*..:-;,.,-; U , ous reptile unkp,g you Iteep your , That stad of, win
.1 A I �0:
. . L I �_Xl% ":,;. gentlewen," e of
. �� .
I .% :. far or else some V d - Hardware
I ��..i.%-,,K--�"f:*K��, I � 4 tniser hookoil. that I Shelf an Heavy
��V!K -'..:? -- .. : X I eyes fiXed On me. . '
. e ... .11 . The ishadow loomias
.� -K,i:'%;i� over lismish
;.x-�-:-..:-:-:-.-:-,.- . I . 6!!!�� rotito and stack It down to rot and - I
. I . '. . . 0 grom i little darker. He began to --- � no %
I , :. :K,X.. .--.. .
* ,.;,;-.-:.;.-,.�.�;_,'
..:,:.:...�,Z-;,..�..;%..;..::,; � .. I .KT�,ki�, - .
� %;L": I M Z _�, ��_: -
-:-�X-N-.-.::.:...'�.:. . ,$. - --you suffer , I
. . L = ._ " , dry inside lliq old mildewy sock. . , .
:*.�:.�*:�.%.��i'..!::K�:lil:'.:i:i:i::: ts. X.. ", 700 � sock, 1 1 . of Rodio, s4plies.
. �, think all this was very strange. �
`i��g �:,: . Also carry an alsottment
.00.:,,f.&%'1:- "The railway people We
I �. . ro to have
. W.4, "I
`iXe I i�l LL . ,$:" `-;?:�,� - I L I L
I .I M�i:.,i�'-,.--�. �,"I�i - �t_*�: Whorere it went I MVtr kn0W, I
-e .1. � 1. ,3�v.,.:;. X1. gent his portmarit"tt here." crI44 Ito-
, � -;.1.-,*- ,.:..` . i:�:...?�: .
I : i:�.. " . slow — , I , ,.*,n , � . Fro#" Headaches ? .
. ;; ........... .- , j, --,:X-.`.... .. .
i 9*;**�*-,�, ,-f:� .K ?�,.' land; who, when much put out, could t never tracktA Utat wayward I
K-'�-.�i- .. - . �,.;:.��. ' on Store 22
.1,%. 1 ,5 - � '' , ,$i�ii�i-.�;�:.'��;,��:, i" :�!,.'5,'*,, not reatlou at all, and spoko say Holditligs secia to be kabitual witk � sou, It ]tft my board and travelled i Ph: es ` House I 1 2
: i�i� �..:�k��':4:*;,,�-,�,!,%,. �,..',-,' . ".::" . CHAS.. C,L LEE
* . I'll, ,.:", ,�'o '�'. ,-�..' . uppermost, semble
, """', ""', 7` ,
, .. ...... . ,'� �. - . .
.� ,� . �; ,#Yea, stro the Vort0lallteAtt C411114S ,fof 40 Sufferer, in fut, a million . I . ..
, `� - .- -1 I . L . .
',-'.-x.-.-...-.: ,', . And so I swore from that ANY .
_ .....� �._ x , .
". "-"I- I .. Iff, tho, next morning, air, � rill
.1'. .
,`,� .. thought that Came � Many people and n ako lifo all . off to circulate in TinibuctOO. I
" , ...... , :�::��,:�*i4�.'r.K. �*-i, -�" �'
*�, ` ."', I - ., _. J�, W
..' ... .. - . L -
.. I . L '. - �
. "....' - . "... .-. -
_._..___,_' -. .1 _ . t tatried it
... .,,--,, ., .;Nw'...
-_-_-11-_-1___.1-._.-..n . .:: , " , -, I -
- ,.
_1 :, ;jk; �?� `� - *� up to his room, air, and it Is therej -_
. -:-VX. 1.4 I I L . - ___ .1 - -
, ,
. . `1� � jug and torture that thrim,nMetell uA j home, not lot it gad
..........'l, ..... 6: _. I �, on to keep my mon#Y CIO." tO ; �� -
.._,.,..._.--, "'....'. let&8 comia not p dnoe the suffer
.- : -4M about the I "W" - __
:::: L . , i% -_
%� ... I ;�i;, XV, louil.00 ;;��________:��
!:: lr�: -
.. I
. 1
" W , ..,
0 �q�_
�Vi�;,:::::: K ,kw '.X� , I woria, nor yet in foreign land to I
*;::�;.::,.j.;�,: �.:-.��-,�','V`,�,-,!; "What.? linovened"I , 010141MCA Ue,K11q" is only 61110 'Way to get rid
.,,w'!�.",::,�::;;-e, It"Ish, " , ' Tho Lu, aud that is to go I A Sure Rellet for Womon's Disordersti-io I i"itawks.
-;:Z�:�;-.;i;-:�,� �, 1, mean, bat Mr Arthur I roam. 6
:-;-��.:;�:_., �:�..,-;!.,:�,.,:,-;.:,-,
. .,��:::,�,::�:, For Every Use , , Of tie lkft&fl
. :�.*`:-;;.::�::�'! Obanallag not come here to cialrd III,, t, of the ttouble. 'i AnA every noW and then there ,
V . i.:::�'�I',-,�::;� .5'...."'.'...". I 6 the sea 8 comes into my modest little store, � oraag jjj� is a certain tMlef for all <116orders of Woale& It It 0013ed
. " i .�,.. for bira fig% Bitters will do Mi Aaftering tissue. 'Me dead waste odt,At.
,'V.�',,..��:�-* 11X0. Sir; It's waltinir -Burdock Bloott
`�*.:i*i%:i F ,'. V: ,:*�*:,. APinst h* do." ,, a bill that to6kg inost friendly like , %
�., . . �. 4 10tally and Is absorbed Into the
`,�.-:j.�,:j�:��;i� About ffie Rolf --�,:�.", OW1 by somqI09 40 c4a.m of tho, trolible . In thf, Congested region is expelled, giving Inituodlaw tatatfit AW ph"Itts)
:��,,:�:,.:�':�:: " , , , It grdw serlo" now, Whatever � ', because thi- thing's been here�l*- ' . ____ H f tho blood vl"Seh and
. � . .1 .-'�..'_::��:;:�-*,- titrough its cle"Ritgr 'AtItOgthening r �__- , __ - re le ;
,,::j:j:.�;��_::�: ill. d, *10 lit,W). 7� -.�--.! �-,t-�;-,%,7-i abode Afthur might have rew6lred a joaie aetion on Ibc whO10 OYAOM4 I tore, � � 11 , I . nprvei are toaeA lied MtOMNU? -
..,��j:�:j:j.-�::� , to, he would nott, fall to ell I I crod: and thA elreulAtion 0 W
. WOr w0hing fkx" .,;:i�`,�i:'n,�� Int his an I take it to the grocery f ad " I I
.:i,--, ;i:�?:: Oosrhorn, _ I
::Z.;.�:X:j:-]-: ' ' " common sense told , ol q Ib$& tit
Z .;:�i ,qr, 1:,,. Mackosuer, M 11 . . � dsvP4 0 normal. A-
, "'Lj::: .�_;��,
; �.j�j�., 6 ' - ' Portfa,"At"'" ", es101I had ,
.'.� woodwork '-','�i�-��,:�?'�,` � I peel it XWly from lay roill, for 11 �
. . . Itual—wtshing i� , , an. Man., writ n1pilt is based on strictly kC
lx:r!� , , jaamist). Roland, liftrIni'the r,
Z., -, x'a' .;-*.-:;�,, I oveW seeoma dt,
---� K�:i ,�.. . -4. swer, bftsv t6 Zire. .f# anj tht%y were to ., tft an4'osts with which to tie MY i, . � , 4 Ws or
� ..t.. .�
; ".";;':'�*��...I.L. I title PV1neiPk,% at
;.�....- ouid windows—for the nway . "I
4�11 ,,,, ::� . ::.�- , ,,�Y,41,!: ,,Have you any idea how long liv a I W6314 Uaio to stay iv beil all hungry body to my soul�ttle gro- I � �
,4* ��,::,. '. : -, cannot h
-::4 , ". �
�� " ,- " 0�!, .. 6 morping to 11 �
F :,", * " ,V""-- romidattl in writlast" asked Itanalith. long, in ftetj fr,DM 0 O'ClOtk in � C,et hasliftS OUL 110 Pay hiS liftft ' � '4011,11 loc3uoa of 9116 dim
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