HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-03-13, Page 140
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I! . 1� 1 . !-- --owpo-0000004"" 1. Z�� � r _ _ _ _ _ - - - - , - r : - -
I .- i 4 N _ _ .. _ -1-1. I 1! 10 1111 I 100011-M 1.11 .1. I �__ __ _ __ __ � ------ ��_� , _ , r. r..' � 1 I, . r . . r, � I . .... ! :-_____� 77�� .. ._
1�� !1�!!==!= !!_...V�_. r --1--l- - -_ __ ... � _ . __ _. _ - - -11 .-.-- -, �._- �_ ---- __� o !"�_r__ �-M-0�__"__!! !!!��:r, I ! , -!--n -�-l"_---, -
VAGIR IF004 THE GODMICH STAR 11 .. -.1 -_ - - �_._r�.__ - ,Njtw,R.7qjA'f. 5TAr.01 'Ala �5_3
. I F
.0 I— . . I!----- ----I---'- 'r- . r .r- ____- ____ � _ � i"M mal�l . L � � � . - _!
k F�q . _ _ _ r - _. _�, ---,, � _ � ____ I -1 _ _ . . r _
- �_ - - � 9101010-0=1=10100 � N 11 I I I .A , 0=0====0=&
0=0 1. 1 Csnsland,, X, L, X, Toronto, said tl;&T,* - 0=0=====
tho "antis" should also be )ward lw- Cbe (3,010"Crich %tar, W1,
I DUINVI a Yew �44rlly t"t alyar,re, �� M Imam 'Ram
. WALL PAP EM . fore tile committee store warp rcz�b- 6"W111,10111" TOWN =911121111111111,
r - R' 'v' V'r- 'S' F. owwa, Rev. W, , L I
13RAND NEW ST40CK JUST ARRIVED "4 S:,�W,;ra,,-,,1 ta twe rfiktilii ,,�ti$6, kjf3; r"A - I ... V
Gunno and Rev. Geome PidgeODWOTO t" .
- ___ . ___ r ,V;4j% 04 -AAM -.1.9 for P09tage, --I*- A%Lrj GOLD FISH
: I- I spokesmen for the dolegfittion, wbicb .-musetwers who W ;4 sycelval Tb* stow _" - " -V I I ,
pw.a,j aqfflz wid couirer a favor by saylQue
BID ROM KITUEN PAPERS LOW IMS wa�i introduced by Hoin, Thi I ishers " sma U polisive, za re, . I .I,.._,- Ir
� , ,
! Cro*ford. no latter had no her,44- piesvog it citsinse or oourk,ii Mul tue old I
I A fluo eh -,12110 101 17131a filtipes Qn4 PAPERS sao %;fw ""Cloies saloula " wjvtp� � ,
. I Ety:csiustvow.,rap, , 1;15�L% In large vckr. Dial4s. Stripes =4 tion ill expircasing himself Pursonally __ . "', 91 I .1 MI 01y av Saturd, I
I in favor of organic union, blit Hon pecisloax Xtoillettlaf NOW""Wo . 11nursd Fri. I ays
"_ric-a aml all'over Ictv fit So. loz. aco. � . � . I sv� "i jr
Taperitrics. AVICo 2aN W. If. Videe, representing the CaNn. Any rMID who,tskes a Irispitt, raularly .1 rr I
vo%tvifia5atQ��0221�D.Ve gull r3p. 15Q and up, , --F_� et, said it WOU14 not be wise for tl;Q Vow I Me Post office. %betim, "are a) .. , � . I . . 9Q March 29 1
�4n�u!�?-__ -_ ctla Diane Or anotuer',* or *b#uw "" � .1 I I..! March 27 Ma 40
I . - Government to tak& any xtgM, Mmv jublerip-0 OF AGI, Is retpollp4ble 119"rx. � , . , . , " .1 I . � ,
I Varnish iilei � r Pantries or Kitchens, � it was dosiroble tb - At members should "'. I r�l I .1. , , a .. � �, It
I r _ *1�1.1 � � I
'A orders Ill$ Palm, dloc9littlaued , "! , � - , ,--4
�M 6b. It a ret'soi : � . ,
� : Rkplar 500 for 'I' 10 rZell. voto accor4ing to their awn view,,� as topit pay an arrears. or iW-pubuslier �� , I , . �', I ou,these tbree day,,; Ive will give 0
. . Way contl9ile to send is onsit paytimiat is - . I �
I PA16to , uperli the mvritt; of the bill, alade. slid tnC" 4CQIIeCt thS WhO16 #ajQUQj . I GOLD FISH FREE
SO= caor's. ter'njar 91.20, to eloar at 51.00 114:r Quart, -1 15 11, , , Whet ep $, A GLOBE AND f WO
r'' r .10 ..... ,,r raliffit or not, I . �
, � - e WaMi 1100 decided that tefuslair to (my one toeach
f , �qr. .1)1811 tow") 11raquea. also 11 I G. C. L EXAMS. 0 e , amra or 1 !0"adleal,5 trola toe with every purchase of Rexall Goods amounting to 75C or over., I
Wo carry a live at r4i0t* va% ana Will 000L w I or 111(ftur and havint tbem �
of 41111A I rl racle ovildencis of lo. - ik few items from the Rexall litle arle listed here,
t custolner. .
� A 1. "'. Nallllrusbez,z, f1hoo sail Move 14313hes-0004 T61111cs- I The following are tile results . of I 4 . . ' in Soap, 3 -
1, 11 * TRY PA44001% FIROT witainations ending February, jo.1241 itaval 44vorillstacc Racitsi I Jopteel Face Powderli, 5oc. . Radio C ,old Crej, for 25c.
f . " yeaq conq4tt qipiay- ailvertisint IG Jonteel Creams, 50c. Lorel Coid Cream Soap, 3 for 25C.
I 0 Tho numbers in brackets after the ro4w per blell 0241 111501,4011. run or 1,
# I PARSONS' FAIR SYNO101 T. E GODERICH L ,paper* 'I'K twam"t reatract, IS Cents: Jonteel Talcum, 215c. Tar Shampoo Soap, 25c. .1 I
11; I 1 en 3 0 a Me lth, SM � � . .
I otxotz:===O=O=-,;�t-",;;-'"',; ' I ===9=0=0 names Of students Indicate t46 uuul-. IhRe *m4othq, eu e t i n : - - r) . . . I I
I? I I I . - .... - � bor of subjecta. below pass standing: "nts- 'Ole 'itnteed -_ _� I
---�,-.-�-.-�---�.-,.�,.--,�-�.��, 1_1!�!_ -.1. - � � - Ta __ nrm - __ !�� ___-!!- W010k G1 ('0110. Guat I .
. . . I I positions 0. to W per ,,cent. 'eura, First 0 ,35c. 1 ',,(i3,, Hair Tonic, 50c, 'S1,00
Illake, Jimu per cent. extra. . a Klenzo Tooth Paste, 3Sc. ' ' Rexall Shaving Cream, � I
- � I Form M-Averagis 59 KIM$ or The R11, %8111. plea. .4c, note tilst M . .
:,. A. Honors— 14111 0131190A "n 104. rin'to'llt 1.19110 or T110 Syr - Hypophosphites, S t.0o . STATIONERY - I
. . ' star rook, Ili, sit flip hand-, of tile printer .
I THE WEEK IN THE LEGISLATURE " (lot ]at.(". thall �uusday noun of each wc-ek.. Hot Water Bottte-s, _,1 year I
. k.0 V. Osbaldeston ........ ,- U ' Pads, 1 5C to, 3 SC
� . H. Russell ...... 7 k) Lelml tiut$ 4111it'r '111111ist All. t-11I.Catellits, - '
; " 0 � . ........... ::: ,1: to cew-� Jim- title for- llr.-�t In.jertioa and t guarantee, $2.00 to $3.50 Beef, Iron and Wine, ,$I-00 1 Linvelopes, 10cto 15C. . I
'I Ahead gas " fthout,cf,kailift L. Bowler ................. 00.7 oontli pot fine ror Am 4up,equent, if,. I year guarantee, $1.50 Tasteless Cod Liver Oil, I I
,�. I 09vtirnment Form Risht , %d I .4111 eciale, 1 '
.1 - C. mexertzle ............... ::*I; O.A. Version. Ateasupc ))S% Q, jollpai . I Boxes, 25C to $1.00, . . .
, I . lFree Diiscussiwa . , 68.4 twelve Iftles to all lor", , . �
i . -
i �4, �. N. Carrick (1) ............. .. .. l`l1l'4jo(AS:j 4:uF(ks or 41X Ilac,j suit under. Rexall Orderlics, -,15c , 50c. 81-00 . I Red Cedar Flakes for Moths, .
% . " , . I
6 1�1 4- J. Wallace (1) ......... _...61,5 $10.00 pol, year.
. Averiisemeotii or situations vacant Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, j i 5c. I I I
GREGORY REPORT THE OUTSTANDING FEATURE . 0. Panzer (1) ......... ..... 073 situatlors-.7 Wanted, A�tlples Lost, llouseb kexall Cold Cream, .3�5c. ' I .
� I . . if. Brawalee (1) ........ :.,._Gu,a ,ror sale or to Pont, Forms ror sale or to. � 35c. � I Uggett"S Chocolates, 35C to
" � . . Petit, Artictes, for sale. etc.."not eyeeatur � I I . .1
.. , . I Bill to Abolish MuniciPal Boaming Introduced and Other L4gisla. 111. 119nors- . eight lines. 53 R each Insertion; Rexall Vanishing Cream 35c, t $2.00, ,
. , . I . Ir � 11 .
I �. , tion* FortcasW I N. Thompson (2) ............. 6 I I Inspr9lons for 11#11"., Larger adyerillserneacs . I . Riker's Cod Ll�er.Oil and I
, �, . - - to Proportion. I Lode, -Lemon Lofton, 35c. - %. Tar, 50c. A Sweetest Maid CIllcicolates, . I
I � . D. Plant# . ................... 63.1. clusinels. sotloe,4 (news type), each tn- .
Y', . . . N. Tobin (1) ....... .. ......... 03.7 8ertion, to cents pemeounicil line-. to mer. . I ' . . 75c to si.25.
, Toronto, March 16, -It was a big cd that Col. Carmichael, foriner by * 0 etia"Is havin contract for display. OtIvor. I .
. . ' D. r4rizer (a) ..... dfl,-3 usinill 5 cen1% tier counted line,. slid to Emulsified Cocoanut Oil MOMS, 25C. � ASSorte,d Fruit Drops, 40C 111. I
. I � week in the U,gislaturv, With a dro commissioner, and Mr. Doherty, P. Hunfalvy (2) ......... :::::G j,.j ChUre 03 And binirvolelli; organi�atfoaq, 6 Shamp6, 35c, , I Throalt Gaigle, 25c. Assorted Buttercups, 46c lb, .
10 ,strorig bond at the hcjm, the ship at slow that the I'diabontsty or Ineffil. . cePtS Tier c0uhted line, I . . I
. . Credits- i Overlisemonis without sineeine instruc. . . .
isto�te makes every port pretty well on cleflcY" alleged by the former two V slo, llons will bo Inserted. 'Until forlild, and . . .. .
. ,ittess years ago lizis been disproven, might U Brennan (3) .......... 5 ... ItisrRell; Areardialriy. . -m - I
time. In other wor4s the bur M Bell (2) ... I ...... I...::,: i 6.4 %ecotitiv; rendered and coueetea .o We have hut.a limited supply of Gold Fish so first conle first served.
of the $jouse is beinge xpedited by a do well to carry out lone of the full- r)6.1 T nAlAill advertising and job, w"pl(,11 6, . . .1
L. Evans (2) ............. 1:. INV - 0 . % . a,
. I . : 10
I 11,dership which for some yeara it diaimentals at public life and rise to . Gold Fish Fo d, I Se- Extra Fancy Gold Fish, -Globes and Omameats, f6r sale. - . ,
I . 4 jock�d. Witisout the slightest 4c- say they were in error W. E. N1. 6in- A. Freem4a. (2) ........ :..::.Do f THURSDAY. .XARCif 2% lyzi - ll . 0 , ,_ . � I I
.. I R. xiathiesion, (3),.,_. . 56 __ _ I __ � . I
irtall free spetch, clair, 1,31ler4l. leader, also got in line , 11 11 _,_=� �11 1-1 __ _ . 1, C I %.. ' . I I
I hydro . � ' � , . ' I . . " . I .. I I .
A I . * �
B. Black (2) .......... j ....... Da ,,, h DUNLOV
- It was a great - � - .. � . . I 6 1%.W As .1
I =ant navertheless seems to forge. and �Publle ownership. . I ... - - 7 - 45 .t�: I � -, . * , "., 11 , I � * . �
, � . Airo or attempt to ell H."Hamilton (8) ........ :_1.5o.3 ,
or expreisslon of �pinlon, the Govern. by declarinir his party Whind,
, I � . , . . � � . .
1. Johnston (0) .............. ; 6:i . I , . , . I'll . .. I 0 11 ��
-di . .. .. , .
. - right aWead with the business of the day for hN -a and Sir Adam Beck, , ;. , . I . . . * . . .
. . . I I "T& Rexall Drug Store . I I
I "I I I I . .
I . vrovince. Monday and Wednesday � . I � . . Below 60%, ranked- . . . , 01- 'BEDFORD BLOCK .. I", .
�msiw a raft of bills advanced. Tws� A. Ungmire, V. Fell, S. Proctor, G, I 0 I -
. � Th67, .0. T. A. plebiscite bill gat se- Horton, X, McKay,- X. bravc1le, L, . I § Phone, No... I . '.. b . . . . � � � GOPERICH 11 I
I . I � day wns devoteil`to the "Ontario TOM- cond r6ding after midnight on Trips- Harrison, I . I . . I . . . . . %F . . . . . . . . . . - - - - �
persince Act, 1924," or in other words day, following lengthy dobatoi Ili . OF THE' Q=09==;==q=0A=====Q I 0=0======0=
, , I ][3Y�,AW NO. 10OF 1024 .,. . . -
� . � , � . . I . . . I I I R I I . . .
.the bill providing for a plebiscite on ,.vlileb members �for once devoted Form 10i Merage 641�. CORPORATION OF TRI�, w I . � I I I ; . . I -1. - . . _m_l - 0 � 1. . 4' 1, _
. . .
4,n Oppo I - - __ LL Ir .1 -heturntliff I 101� uhd $I=,, ,S%ld prupubcd )W;1%W7- 1 --
.; .. .. .. - _11- I—— the O. T,-A-.,byrWj1T,4f plemend -ffioinserv*a1" Ure-3--0",6a-w--- -T.--Ho-jfo-r'p��- - . ... , alt--payuble ju � walou -or-M-0--WIM 01 -hall ,
, I mot - y;F -c-.-Mlch U, "rvlo
. pledge . . . .T'Q-VWQY I I T_�� Mod I - 00, 1, d le . . I . .
� . '.. the Prime 311nioter's - mending bill itself rather than the a. San 1. I. I I I I � I. .. .. year., or. the said pe � I Georgo Be hZ10% Clerk. . " .
, .1 I I dy".... . - .,. .. .. - ...-($, I � . ANIIY NV I amount . requill'. pollinir Sup I . . L. L. KNOX - '. I
I . on Thurs&y the report of 0, T, A. ,C,'ol. r . 4 the total .
sition. ,arrillichael (U. F O., . I ed !y 1"FREA1 . division No. 4. at Stothers, . I clorl ,
I V i he con UnlCitild Act % ,tvo6d .shop oil victoria �stroet, by P, A, . I ..
4 . tbiii po.op * IL Hangru . . A BYLAW TO' PROVIDE FUNDS M n �(, jiliq - Tutror 1)(ip . . .
.fled Gregory Commission, Centre Gri�) moved'an amendment I . I I f , � DY %clul. rne Officer, atid s his wife passionately it.
I in 's ' or jii�jnft, ho nc,,r,,5 ;3%ther Pol Clerk. I .
I . 11, zavitz, ...... . I . ... . I .... 14.3 . ,�ty'fneturnftlg If he kisse
I ApOiAtQo to e4quim into hy4r(), was calling on the -Govern ent to . h TO ENLARGE AND IMPROVE h#,r(,lliurt and, t as win, . I � . .
. *w .71.9 ' . MO ,I .11. 1)), . 0 1 tile'. $11111 Of polling subdivision No. 5, at P, L, %Val- may either indicate honeymoon or .
, I Ulbl And. MOMbelfs of the, House proof of a popular 0411 for V..vote, P. Sheardown (1) ...... :, . . , THE QODERICH COLLEGIATE . . . I Imoonshine. .� 11 . I .
. MI - McKay ............ . �. . 11.0 . I . I ton's store - on %Vest 14t1`00t. bY Oswald' . . . . I
I . . ssed it aU afternoon slid even- and also providing for a submisslo * 'STITUTE. . A -W) NVII914HAS The amount orthe whole ssurdy., b0puty hetuppine Olf1cer, and . . � � I . I
I I � . . I Without hindtAce, though it Is to the courts of the constitutionalit" F'. Warnoolc ...... I... .... .:"..It . . IN ��, . . I ratraple, tiroperty of tile Town or.Goderich, liarold waekst.one, Poll "clerk. , , . . - . . 1.
, - .,' ioubtfulif they were at all in or y J. Grove$. 6911 0 . � aceording to th,! last revised aisessinent Pollintr "Subdlvlsion,� No. 13, at Sam . . .. �
� Mist- .
.�lo � ,,.,,,: . . der, of the bills but; this NI) WHEREAS th( " CASTO R 1A .I
� I I I was ruled out�- J. Allen, (li:: : :: :: ': :: *,i, : ': ,.69 I 'it, ,oderich Collegiate rou theveor is ",7401900- , . . yatcs' offlee on wen ,street, by it. 1,,
�. , wimnu .; the o , fn�
* , 1.0, 114day afternoon, as usual, was do- Ron-, Alanning Diiiherty's amendment ,2 stituto ba.14 throiltrit iti board of Trwiteas At - amount of the exist- D(Iputy Haturnifur Officer, arid WIT). � . . .
vat0d to. routine business. . .1 � , moflift' hoiSt!4 a Jewell (1) ...... :,� �.......68 Walon to the litunielpal council Ing debenture debt of the said Municipal-, �10114. Poll clerk. I . . . . . . '
, .. I . . . I ... �, for the lisix was put made pi e Ity Is $M3,7W.07 (O.Vclusivo Or local Jm� 'to amd Wdren , , - .
� � I I 41, W * to the House, but was supported oidyi, D. .mute), ....................... 68 or the 181orporLtIOU of t;!#% said Town. to is � Will �debt,S secured by SPOC11111 11"S, Polling supaivislon No. 7,'. at Nvm, IV C. ,. Por Thfan I
� 11. � I .1 I 0, Cornfield, (9). - - .! ��.!.. .... 676. .4ue debentures or the said TOM for the �11101vlooe lasse,381TIOTIM) whoreor no priumpal Arthur's resmence at corl)Pr� of Nvilliam I
. The Gregory report was perhaps by, V. P. 0, members and was lost by J.. W ,sqo.ou, for tile purpose or tn- *!t by Dontild De- InUseftrfter,30wars , -
,� , cal . sum or s, I and CReOY streets,
I an n 4 larring And iniprovIng, mp_saia. "iegiato Orlpterest is in arre r. . ur 01 I
. , ter (1y.,. ....j ...... :6�, ' . a � . ninir onicor, 40d 4U.11i,rty'Talt, . 11 I .
� � . I the gutatz"ing :feature, The por- a vote of 8.0 to. 11. The otio for . 1 6,;.a. lustttut�', . I I I I 111PREFORE, the Munielpal council clorlt. - .. . . . I - I , . . . � . .
t, . :. � of T"Iff . . I . - Always'bt I
- souliel of the vomraission-W. D Gre. second reading carried, 07 to 22, Lib- J. Andrews .,,,"'.'.'.*.'#".*.......16(;.q AND NVIiEREA$ ltihu�� bw,n made to ap� . I I the
T 1� . the Tbun or Goderiell, entlets us follows: I . . . I . .
I I . I
. � .
i 4 � gory, 11. J. Haney, Lloyd Har�s, J.. erals voting with the U. F. 0. ono & . Winteir (1 ) . ' , . pear that the said 011epriaw Institute , - 1:1) Thl., Municipal Counell of ,the Town On flaturdw,'tha 1.6th day of April, 1021, Sitnature of I . . .
, . I A. Poss and R. Ai , Roahave been Labor member, Peter Heenah, voteir , I ,.-A ...... ...,.66.1 kipuiLl be rwarpred and Improvod and that or ,00derieli shall raise the sum of $M,000.00 the Nayor or the $aid Town will, attend at .. �
. . such. onlargoweat a" linprovemont would for tile , pull) -o" of Pulargintr and I rov- , the uneft C-4ambers or the said Town at . . . I . , '. , �
regarded, .hy reason of earlier ni With tile Goverriftlent, an IW Rotors " I I . . � . Inir tilti Col eglate InAtItute., Situate "in' the $011 1� . . I � . . I
tier- . . d his col- . . bc,a ireneral tildvantawo to ilia Inhabitants clock in the ror6noon, to appoint I - � .
oe Callan, of: Rainy River,. With I . ��.' I . . , Town 'of Godorich, and the pro -the V �
: . alfice$1 and octions, as OpIionents of G. Haacke (1).... . - - . I . I I. . 13�.2,, or 1ho said Town. . . I said . ceeds per�ous W': afte . I
� I . MI at arlous Polling
, 1, I lea gral . g from the i4aleor the flebentureo lierqlnar- 1 plarei aforesaid, and at the anai summing NOTHIN0. IS. MORE GRATIVI ING TO THE . - .
I � t1he, 0-Ppoition. The Government J. ,Abell (2)'.' * ...... 11 ... . ... .. 104,4-, AND NVII]RHEN91t i,4 e%limdIefit to , te mentionNY shall be handed ever U) the uji) or the votes by the coric on bobair -or I I �. . . ..
'**1 . tile a4ld runds undor tho.c6nditionsAloW ,ar � . . . . I
�, rubliO ,ownership, alid, recogitlized . Bz . I Eye I
. friends at the liydro �r � had some difficulty in hammarin H. Johnston 0) ...... a ....... 64-3 warter, set torch. -I d or Trustees of the (jodorich Colle- the pqrson.4 Interested In and promo I .
oJeet have *tle g it . . . p.11n&or . '
I C. Worsell Riati). institute, to be used by it for the 0- I (glyTorling the passing or ,the Said. .P, ed I Than a Hfo-lilco Pbotograpb. ,18v c h a - ,
I . r Ver haft, any. heoltatlon in chinong into the heads of hon. members -oppo- , (1). � ............... 6-8.8 . AND NVIltREAS lil order thereto; it will a e I I
. . . I I I , larging unit ImprovinK or t1a, sal Coll - law, respectively.
E. Currie . . I I bo' neressAry ,to isine.. dobtntuile,i of tho glat -Irstit . . ... one will bring up to the uilail of tho .. �
I that the Dury government Intended at s parely an.on. I ...... ...4..j`16:X2 ,aid e ace . 1: Tile, Clork Of the Council -of the. said personvilho'l
I � - ablhigmeasuto, andthat-the Govern- L Sturdy (I). � ........... i - I 1.63 ., Municipality fail thO Sulu of ,948,0011.00. M In order'to, rati5e the said $um, do-' TOvm- or potierich wat a . jazos 6pou it the bapplest, � .
I . as hereinafter 'provided, Qf%. proee(wils of b0fillfrei; or, the .sold Town to the a . ttelid, at his ontco xismetubravoes coqn6rtoa with Wo
11 to li'900 Sir, Adam -Beck'"a tfii�., on - . mount Ili thO 'Tbva Half, at ion oltiocir. in, the :,
. . A, Sturdy (1),.....; ........ 6g.g the: sild d&enturcs to 'Ile applied to the on,
to as -attempt was (;g 0 purpose afilPosald, and to. no -other. I
. . . prist it9ii1f, just i ment; ,When and if convinced, that or ,0,-A,000.00, as aforesaid, b6arifig ln� Mreno on TuesdW, the 16th day or drjginial.� Sa,11oVvs'n:ej%Is bu)y ftl'04-
* . me'do by the timber probe to "get'll sufficient Public. aestio was mawes�- B, X40arirmid (2)..* ..... j.... . . toll0st at (531.) live and one-half per cent. April, IM, TO SUM. up the, number or votes clo6sa PbooWs. .
"I 'P .. � led for a vote, w 4 talie S. 46hastbri (2).,. . � * . I AND WHkatRAS it Is dinsirable. to Nsue per annum, Aiall be Issued within one oar , . .. I . . IL 1, . �, I
not. Q�. H. Fergwon.. The fallure oul tile Tespoh- . 0. Goltitborp - I A)
. rX thO Sold debontures at one time 0114 to rr,oln. the passirilt of f1iis, b � - I
� glaw. - one Of I . � . I . . -_--___1l_!!!7?""M#
- . I e (1):::*-.-., 62.l1 Inake toe firlorAgIT, -or 0 2,: � ==
I . . Us been sibility - at framing the questions for P. Q. .e saiq debt rellay- WhI.0.1i debentitre.v shall�bd,r r-tbe sum -or. 01 P I !, � - - - .
ju9t as pronounee& Whion *0n. . . I W �04_ 1
� . " able, by-310atly s nts-Idut-frig W period or, $0 Dot less than $100,00 each, and .shall be. - _' . I �. . . . " ; .W�~ 1-0%0 - -1 40 W, .
thift DOW Covernment canie In, It in- a Plebiscite.. Should ,they fialne ...... I ...... . I ... i'612-4 yws, beinir the euVrenf�v of . . . I . I
. I . . i tile sald do datki Upoh the 'dAle ol"the Issue thereor - . . I . i . � !�.r!Iii�
d i�, ntructed the Gregory comalls$16n, these wrong, Prethier Ferguson p6i t. L. Ferguson' (2).. ......... # , . Q_1>.,4 bontures_ Tbe said yev.W �. umA boluir of and ,4ball be , - . , . . I .. I . . . . . . I
I . . in . �PVRJ)14 dn"1111Y at tbet B=K I I . .
1 ..62., such respective amounts that the aggrepattl of 'gontroal, a; tile Town or flo.derich, . . I . I . . . . . I . . . . . I
i . then -a year'nad a halt in,oi � X Htlt;b�r (1) .......... . 10 amount paSlablO.Jft h y r ,: 11. . LARD . :
�;. . pertAtIon, ed out, the Government itsof must , ' principal Witlillit thirty yettr,,; thereafter. . . .. .. . - , .. . . � I � I
11 . I . to report the fact � Ud nieres in r(q "" ;id�odebt_"ulj f2) I.,mch or the said dobeniiilres suilu . . � . . . � . �
I I . . . s it -found, and -the chlefli suffer. A curious legiture of Credits—- : 1. , it I I 4tt or, I Three H
. . I - be 111i nearli as, r 11 U41 to Ille a- bf� signed by the .1tayor of the said Town - . undr�nl Nils td -sell special Frids; a d 113atuM '
- I
� � � Government would urt&rtake,to J(,r. the debate Is that some Liberals re.. E.Tort,er (2)..".......l.... 58.9 I .. $ . . . of, Oodorivb, -or by some other person Au -d � . I I t'! � I . ly I n My% I �
r,� 1 A ,,, . . . Ululate it,% own policies. As'a -result, d4wet!" -constituencies saw H. Straiton (9).,.;, .......,...051; - � I �. . . , - __ 1. - __ I . .. 11%00�od by law Ao, sign the Some arid by I Pail, r 80 ' ' , .
r J �` -: . I Prearti . . . . I . I the rrejUrer of lite said, Town, .and the . Three Pound I � I
� - . the reportt though tootaining a f,ew at t 20'Against the bill which au, 11. ReDermid 4) ............ 55,41, F'. Cl,,k. � P410, .50c. Five Pound C I .
, , , 1 (2) ....... �_. .;.. �.,,57.21 Clerk- shall attach thOrett) tile Corporate ___�_ . I .. . �. .1 I ., . . : - �. . .
I .. -,----,-. � . . ..
o , � - left-handed "a ilhents to the ,.�hajr. thorizes the only possible way of ob. V. Rinallah 44.1 ............. 54�2.; E. Lawlor (9)..�...� .......... 55.7 sent of the Municipality. - _______.... . �::= . I I
. ,�.
I man, and ,crit:l as .to r , el.ations be. taining the public wilt in regard to X" E. Johnston (3)....;,�'....53,j) , E. Field (1)..,. I.....-. . . ; .... I �. . . 5545 ( � J) Durinir thiteurrerv�r lir tile Said de- , . . 11 I . . . . I I .% I . 1 � . I
" . - bentures, there %;ball be raised annually_ -by . I . . . . .
r, ."r � I , twoon tho Ontario Govern-ihent and the 0. T. A. 7 ft en the plebiscite bill .F. VrOoMan (4) ............... �-'50-1) A, Fow)ie ........... . . . ". I. ill -5 SPP.Cial 31to on Mi. the rateable property In I . . . . I - C& Z ALLISON . -'.. . . .. 1 �. .. �
. the Ontario Ifydro Commission, is a c4me'tO committee- stage,. next day, ' 0. Ross - (4) _ . . 1150.2 M. parrow (9). .'. .: ! ...... �55 the, said Town of Godetleb The sum of . . . . . . 1 . I !� . ..
- . - Tee Sanita 'Afeat Market. , . . I � � I I
. Bug* t ma"Ough a. .� ::::::", �,,000.72 tot* the purposo or repayinir the � .. I
complete vibdicatiorl of the , latter these Liberals offered varjoui . ( ):": ... � q50-1 H McLean (3) ... ::.�, 1 ....... 55 amount due dil�%Oavh of tile said years. for I . . � are
, . ry . I . ,.W�st Side S4u .
. ' I . . . I
. body and the hydro project, Illf,emler gestions, and -T. A. Piclaa Ottawa Below 50%, ranke,il�- - ... .. I . .
. . ( . . f G: Grove$ -0) ........ . 54,-, prinelpal an Interest lit respect or the --I---- , , , . . .
I .Ficrgwou, in a careflilly -would bring In a .B* AIlcCabe U. Nedd, B. 14ithw ite,,.,, j AteDermid, (1). f-. I .- said debt. .1 ---- . , - - - 0%.04-A-0iiiiiiiii-A-m-ow, - - %04^ I ..
prepared East) declared he 0 a ..; ...:,:.,:0"Z) _ I - .
. . . -, ____ I I .
� . . I I . � (3) This Bylaw shall take Mroct on the , � ___._.___._._S_. - _ .
. surnimary of the general, OndiAgslil de-. bill to permit sale of 6 per c�nt. beer.. veraX6 56% . . 4.5 I . . .
. � I . Form II, -A B. McManus (i)..: . ........ 13 du%- of the final pi4sing thereof'. - .
� claim thein 114, Monument to public which. of course, will be by �vay of . ').. ,- I . .. . � I .
. . . S. Seguss,(I).!!"�-�::: _,g C, Provisionally pussml at tno Counril �. , � - 1. .
I OwlterShilf, ,. and 1he, 9"Atftt. tribut4f, amendment. to the 04tario Tepiper- I. Honors- , I , . 24CCIUre (2): - '.' - '"l""' - Chat-lbori at ths To%m Or Goderich tho , � I *' 1- I � � 1. . I
. . - . '
I , - ever I)Wd a pubflz�In - .. 1, W . are ..; -� .... -50 lith'40 of MarCh, A. I.C. 1102f. . .
. . (2):::.:, ' , I , , ,
. . .
11**), , . W% In thii toun. ante Act itself. Hon. W. E. Ralley . M., Redditt '..............'. ;.-79 1 . � . . . .. I I . 0 I
. I . I tryt` As to the ChillpawA,quecostork was on the job, . as usual, itll* a H. Uedley., � ................ 76.8 , P-elOw 60%, rsink0d- . NV; F. GALLONV, Xq Spring .
w . L. L, hliOX, 01-,.M. . 1. .o wear 1 .
I , . 18, LeisVan,-V. Fin gan, L. Nich- 1. . I I .. . . . . .. I I .
I . . . . I .
developolent* which ,the Commission batch of P�468ed amendments. All It. 110nors- I , E. ngi" I � . .. . . .. I . . I - I � I
Vag prim4rily designed to, juve$tigsite, of which were lost or ruled 0. Hadley (1)..... j,_...: � 1.10.. Olson, - El. VIC rme, E.' Rob- T %la, ,�oTfcs illit The above 1.4 a true . .. ; .
out o -or. ',' inson. I ,li I . 1. s t1opy 0� 11 ! ,. . , I VARIETY OF STYLE . .
. most Of the W41 --dale cost over eid. der. The -bill was roported by com- X Cutt'. I . - I..... ......... (I-,. A r . . . 11 proPosed Bylaw Which has been, . , I .. .. . . . ,.
If Is $uetlfied. Th � Ithout Amend. It- 1100 (1) ....... * ....... I . ken Into: ronslaoirlition aild which will be I I 0 . I � I I I
. I 0 commisi;iblit mitteO Of the M-11010 wit .:.11: 4 Form IIIA.-Av 6V� 1111elially pashed by The ,.Council of t116 ,Munf- I : "11L I APPEA-R-ANCE' ' , -!
I . WaWl . � . - do. � . _ or tile . Wcfift . � . I .. .1 . .
� , � 10 SO Many WOWS, declar�s publio Ment, .1 S. Joiferson (1) .............. GG.-�, .1. Honorr-- ...., ) r"', - rip,lillty On Me event of the assent I ,Attractive In - . . . .
� I. ., � � . Olve-tors M -Ing olltairti"ll thi-rt,to) after one - : I . i L *
lr lo""ship in 61,116*10, 0 *. *, * I I J. Winter...a.. ..�.78 - .month from thil first Publication Ill tho I- . . . . . . . . I
� ndleaw'd - III. Hanors-' I .:- � 130deriell Star, ,he date of IN-hicli imblica- . . . .
I . , 65,9 It. Honors-� , I . .1 � I .
. PkaisOa 'aw work of tho hydrwenr,ln. Thi Prime Niniater made an infor- X. Falcone'k� (1) - - : ...... tion was 11110 Vtb day of Alarch, 10��%. � I I PRICE '' � � I I
. . . I . . .
I Md extob the chairman for the mal statement on Monday regarding U. Naftel (2) ............... . 04.4 H, Hunter....,P. ,, .., ....... 72.6 AND 9'NOTIV8 that oil I I I I .
,j � aer". " , *� ...... ** , . , I
.. . .
licht, he h". Put up on behalf at the forthcoming Governmeitt'legislation A. Johnston (1) ........... :* k;4 ? - L, Alackenwer .1 (1) , . V loasoboldoy Inder -site wovisioni I We have pub forth Our best effal't to 80c . ure for our. ousticim .
0 I 11"Plf)'411 Power ProWt. 1C. Gardne . r (2) .......... .::::-:::::;`0-1 or tile consou(jaied Atunicipal Act, jm,�, tbe Best ill Footwear for Spring. . � . � . I I 1. I 11 ell% ', I 1. . I I I .
. I 3 No *onder not yet on, the order paper. One bill, .:::O.-* *1 X. Wilson ......... �. seellon .%6, .9. S. 3, are requ I .
, Conservative roembers got UP and to 0611A municipal bonuses, with D. Brown .(3) - , . _lred on days . .
I i 621s, 0. Humber ........ �......... ,,0 boror(� The day of votint to file with. me . .
. .i...... ......... .... statutory d"laratlon or quisunpiltions, othal � � , Our tMV014119 oods Dej%ritmetil; is complete . r .
I r"& jubilant little sp"cht% fecal. tb� single 03;opt.ion.of fixed 23808- E., Ograw (1).'.... j.......�...�r,-_),rj F.,Duraln M....J. .. ....... 0918 orwi" their names win not appear on the . � . . I .
L, I ! 4ing the* oricift of the: project uA&r ments; in certain cases, WAA later in V. Wagliel- (0 ............... 60.* ......... 69.7 N-oler's, List for.suell votinsr, Shoe Repairing The 1kSA_ o � I ' . .�
Hir James Whitney, and -the consint.,the week introduced. Others _Are Jr. ttexenzie (a) ................ 60.1 � X. Straiton (1).:L: 090 , AND. Ft'111TTIEn TAKE NOTICE that, I � We Invite You To, Do Your Buying ,ht � . i
I . "t suppo . . . . I ..::.. W vote,of the electors or , the Said Town of ;: , . I . . . � . . I I
I pat aftorded by their. part.�-.billq by ItOA- James 1-yOns to Prevent Credits.- . I .F,. Elliott (1)....l ..... ... 0.8 Wderleb will be. filkila on the satil propos. . 7 _. . I .
. Oil through., . . . .� I nits and pla- I .
. . I
I ....... Go I 111. Iforlors . . ed byl#W-at tnii following it 'Pticine 'North SiU
. � � . . export of hardwood in ihe log and , 1. Aboll (I)o....4 .. " . " rfs, that 1.4 to say. Ott Mood the Utb dily
" 10 . I to take Measures for obtaining to- - I , �
I .q. gy,scif 41).....::.* ......... (30 ,1. U. McLeod ........ ... ,:.:. I 0.1i of April. to.,14. ro ingay., h � I
d contin . I . I
Illiddletort (1) ...... : ...... 60 1 M. Fisher (2) ....... �.. Glotl ,Until .11 Wel0ek In the afternoon . -
' . 2 athing more VI 4d be, V00ue from summer retfor - . X. I . ,Ioek in thcmm�'n � to au
-'Ff�' V 9 n't ro,'onco ,ow HERNS"OT SHOP
f / , said about the eifect""Ut Col .ta lit unior or ----. , . � .1 I . siuve, .
of the report *p. ganized territory- A hotel bill is , 1. Bisset (1) ..69.9 F. HarrLi (1)._j ....... . 01.8 czatile day. by, the following Deputy Return.� - - - ___ - --- . .1 .
. 1. . 00 the gr6up Isrepresenting the latt, cording down; sft# a Ition, ,to :.: *: Ing Ofterm � � b Mi _. - . . - - 11 11, .. :. ..
. 9. rowler MI_ .*':::::: I --- .�__ - - - _____ ---
I '.I dd . the * " * *: ". - .159.9 Credits" Polling qubflIvI,qjnn'.No. 1, at Aliller's , - I . � I % I
� f a to ,0 W To n . . ......... Siki - 5 X GrAhliklil ( aire, at cornor or victoria Street ,ad Etar .
0ov"Um"t" that' thefact that $ton- Highway Act" & 80curiti A bill t h . bi (2). .. . !t 1).�'.j .......... 50.5 Rin I _. .
� X11114ning Doherty said Aill he h4d to the place of Mr. Itaney's "blue sky =oft", by TboMits W. %V41118 DO
. . 9) Tuty Re -I ou I*, , 0 1
1r, "s Included a statemolt that the re. connection ivith fural power servh�e. Irk. I 01.1. . ��t 1. . . I
1. I Port upon the group -- I 5o 0 Polling Subdivision ,No. t", at , Temple A V � . G- n � r
toy in 15 Minutes. � In Ilia remarlm ;&W . h0ver prodaimed, and a bill in X. Horney (1) ........ I ....... 5. Otleer. and Jarnea ffievear, Jr., .
1.1 I Poll Cle IPA&
sys (2),. ..... ..... I � Y `
. X Mulvey (2).....:..........0,14.1 A. P4 Fra*r (2) .. ..... :*54.3
. roprese4ting IL Ctawf0t'd (2) .............. 50.7 A. H pirk's slorp oil kin . A ' to P
G. Ryan (3) ... ............. 66.4 N. MeXte (4) ..... .... # .. 51" irston street, by C11". �
9. the latt Oovornmen , :,.,:, Ile,; DaM,;. W-puly. llptu�hlnr Oftleer, add I 9 I . �
�_ � t" than the fact Preliminary to what %Ill no doubt A, Davidson (1)* 1. 1. 150.1 , Wes. ?t1dean, Poll Clerk . . I . . . .
40. * that H00- Nalihillig DollOrty sald� all prove controversial, lo&jatlon, in G. Jewell (.o)..:::.:'- I Form IV. --Aver ge 39% -, , . I
. ......... t5.4 L Polling Subdivision No, 3. at tile. to*11 0 1 - I �
' - -
.1 "Mark1 was included j t,�tt, tk large deputation of Toranto clergy. mbe ........... 81 - - - - - - . , .
he had to )may in 15 liante'n it, bis connection with the church L, Bruce (a) ................. r 110 ora- � . I 7
#' 11 nient union bill, ,6.1 I W. n 1). Woollen . .
. that the report wits vihe greatest It. Quaid (3) ................ 54.-j, L. A, Robinson ..... .......... 78.9 Your House This Sip, fin 0 � . ,,
. representing Methodist, Presbyterlen & Poster (4) .......... 54.5 I I
� I bowt Public owliership ever got. in and 0nigregational denomingti0l's, R. Bell (4) ........... ::::: "54 4 Il. Honors--, , I ..., . � 0 61'
I . this province." So anxious was tl,e met blembers of the House in the R. Kneeshaw (4); .............. �* I A. N. Howell ................. 14 . I
, I . ex-minigtor to climb on ,the band. Public Accounts Itoom on Fritlay, r.j. 0. Archer (4) ........ .. E. Id. Whitely ...... I ......... 70 . IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY Now , I
� . 6113
I 'wagon thit lie declarod himself .% ternoon arid presented the argument J. Stowe (1,11) ......... 11.51 I it 3r. 0. Ben (1) ... ......... 00.2 1, I . . . I . . I
I I PtibliC GWAetsbiP Man, and the Drur�� ,for union, The bill, Of, Which C. R. Rolow. r,0%, vahked- T. D. *Anderson (1) ......... 03 1 .1 �. CiAil the haqt dity or Maroll VOU emu lluy Sherw *
I . I GOVVIVIVILInt it friend of hydro. Lai.lMeReown Won. Diafterin) is spon. J. Purvot. It. Vinnigsm, F. Itolbi'n. ('redits . . I Rams Point, any color that We have lit sto in-. W11. .
I "o W- -4- ItanCY- thO brilliant .vounq sor, has not yet come boterp the pt -J. S . &ja. t T. If. Cutt (III) ..... .. I .......5. , ek it#, loq1thall whole- .
j. A. Me on, M. Rutledge. X. Dunlop, U. . U." . 8.110 prices. . .
meluber for West Lairobten, ,�tli�,:C.-A- 1 Vate b0h; conlmitte#v and ,. , �11 I . . . I
I . .1 20 - X Stalfford, R..Marriloct. .; . R. N. D rty " - .,. - - - - .51.6
___ �... I I I '
- I ___ � I
0 __1 - . .. � . � F. alehre (2) (1) .......... 58.41 . 11
, NV. V Ift one Gallon Cans, at $3.75 pej. g4lo
,. � .
- _ I I Form; 111B. -Average 59"i . , * `
V I I I % � I'll IX Jr. Baker (2), 73 . .1 In 6ne-b0f Gollow ( ,,%ns,, at $1.85 Der hajf g��jlon,
- L lionors- I :..5:::::.-�::18'" vkil* 140. M ra Onti-quUter'G111011,Canil, $1.00 per quart .
�� I It. AVCA " S ............. 78.4 N. F. Doble ( ) ... 5 � In OrIO-0ighth GM1100 Can% at 50c it pint I
A. .... I ............ 41.3 F. A, Deovers ..50,1, In ona-sixteenth Gallon Cana, at 30g, a halt f,int,
� OUR. NEW SPRING SHIRTS I 0r4"l::::,:" �� 1 �
. C. (;rpvt,,,; ..................... j, -t.,3 Below 505, r - . NOTHING WILL DIS- ,..__--___1-1_-__ '�.�-.-,�,�,�-.1l.-,-�-L"--;.�_.,'�L��;;.-,.,,.
I � . *oriois 4nked . PERSE A 'L a', D LIK L ,� . . ". --
, It. H - .t 'I D. B. Orr, J. W. Jeffraoll, I.% 1). -
`* . It. mec,sirflly ............... i. f 'A Thomson. I CIVOW E WE HAVE %JOT zv,; . A" D 11
, . Tobrdleoclolb ill blaliA wid pIT11% kii,411 tuld 11,110,U611 E. Hunt ...... � .............. 71. 1 S*co*A Ttar Co Amertial I A IQ Pt"'%EIVE f. I
'.1 X Mutav (1) . .......... 0 PASSING THE HAT �
I I 140A41cloth. . - . I It. Hetherington (1) ....... ""0*1 I' Honors- � 1. TWO Car Loa&- of,;N�Ikh 1
.*68 IML.'t- idl"f fi* L .
I 0. sbulov ......... .......... si. _Bd =011; Wal P C.
......... 1�7,5 .
L DRESS -UP WEEK, MARCH 16th to 214t . ...... ....75 IML
ve;e Ill. Irmlors. I G. Allison (1).%%. I...., � �.&�75 IRS . 0 It %0A', L
� Wait% bar,ialiazo 1109,,� a"(1 atso lllwk. 14. chkrk (1) ................. A4,q1lj ronor.s_ " �; . T"Oer. DOME00rIC LUM' .
. 0 OR 1). Nairn ..................... 64'.'�` . I 1� fula'-we a beautiful Spring W111'ell wo titre selling at $�1100 Pee ton. NVh6n we. M
. ....... � 'ein'�* IV, Do y four illch
. GOLF: KNiams niddson.. I ............. 61) eveniag, as,,. ott ,,,It on the ver. this mftn-q that at tho WON ibllMs DWA61 avar a, aermia with four.
19 1"Or Men *33 kh4j for L2, P. 1"cuttairA ............ _.....6.,1,1 ht: DsItOn .................... Of, andah. with tho lovely qtmiwl inehoptinino. Anythingbin0or t1laft four inj+eqfj$IjgthroDf,,ll.
teA It. vwk .. �C,2,,, Ill. ii�nor,,�_ - I froul a, =iz,---.��l-'-"t��".--".��-.L.- __-_'_--. " 1; - L, I �
" -'------ -_ - - L ___ _ __ _ . - . . . . � - _
. Our Tailodat Noutment i; complitte ia soyk *OA flkkks, ?4� Riftalcaft ................. 142"I lit. .1lortort..... � .... I ....... *= � - -1 _�_
. !,!�', !"� .0. -1 " "' jj V- Necis y,m....... I& Bridle (1).. � ........... �At Da not 0 r4ll do Plumbings Ste -am rtitting. El t
, I I .1 Ili rth ...... 0-1..-, VICTROLA Wiring and forgo5t t1lat W v 6C rie I
___ _ � tL' *'!'!t!� - _----.1- _ "I !__! ..... _.r.j I Credits- I , , Tinsimithing, whdri you want your next war -k done.
I -
, , .
1 . I
0 1
a 1
01 - 'O
1 1 1
,I .
I 0
I d
� I rch
'I 91 . i�
i a to I
L;;� Ril" I 11 �1 I
I I,
I 0
1 ill
I :11k
- I
1, I
, aow. �Azmc
- �
I 11 I
I . I -
1, I
.. - . I
1 e /.. __ F
r, at r 1, I I 'I
i ) I I I
. I I ,
I "..
I .,. I I'l I"
' 0 0) ...... � ........ 61.11 M. Wihzon (1) L ............... 39 fto4ting tbrough the door" : - ��_ - _.._.",�
! I I'll. *Xenli 4 ! W � ", "I. -F! _1! i �____- L ____
. . cr-Ait. I L, Carrick (I*) ........... � ... 52,.s _ LL -------L-- _!!.!!!!t!!!!!n!!!!!!t JK�JK
11 f J. Gibson (� . - I-— __ - - - ..
(CHAS, BLACK W SAndersilill m__..k-)11V1� �V� ... � ....... 4%6.43
1 4 co CIO LU
*,Tho NW# and ii X, Pell. . *;4 ,�j,3 InNVidual v ', tn are biti"S "t to ;:
&* stom W"th whiW, 43'. ft -,gip ............ iq 1hp Isa-cont'l simift6ft am fti". .
I L. 1110(41� � �i.* . , . , . , �, , , **,**,,*.. . . �rlv Ment, . �� - His E., JENNER T1* thirdwaift Store Am ti* whwd
PHONE 216 CODERICH ............ t� N*lt 160h of coaft#ftt PMES Stat-, 22 ; Reast, 112
J. Pin ,4,- L
- I 1. . I _ L. , . - � � . -1 I __ - _ � . L .il^r M...,..... _ __ � _ I 6 I'll 11. u;j.wt+ I L -L - � . 'L.. .1 GODERICH
11 _ " 0.00011,00 41 , , - _101 - - - 11. ltf.lvi�t�, wlli, . � � ......... � . ��S - i,l pirwrA. - - - . � � .1 _. 01 I - 0- 0 lk�:Iftwfll I I I 1111111 1! A& i
- - - - - _ - . � - ,., _ _.
I ___ - �_�� 1_ I_ W_ � - -------I,__ � I _FN - "'' VW"FWW0W1%W V -V -WW � 1- -,IV "'. ..�v � !"_" , -
�__ - 1101110=4 . - Dwaftma- - - .--- , . _ro. _W -