HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-03-13, Page 131"' .%
— - I � - - -w- -
OW41-0— � � ,- � ,", � :
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I . -�, = .5, �m �_ - ' �__-___ — WINE:! III I 11"ll!'113M
KKMVS $0 IRAD I . THE OUMM Fft M ,,, I I I , I I . -*W11.00��u I � . .
. .1 I �
- I - - - - - -
.� 1W ft 4ft 11811110, I TM ______ffM1XethM(W News Numets � Pr..1A_* P U�,__# &�_A� � I SM&%1CAU
.. I
I FM W01Hk
Wjk*lk tk# ki%lutrw *Sia to 14"
1. 4 fail to Alter the W#W
I 1i there pas "- into tlM
, 6.v�t*ft uric X64 nail ollier Virulent
1i P0189ma wbigh, will ealuw 0014e of tX*
4, kvrorcm-k and =W, dra"'112? C1�r,k*ow
J� ikvowa. to mankind,
.. 'Da the *4 upproach. of kidney
troubk1f pean's Kwafy PiPs should
b* Wd and seii9as tfouble gvoideil.
Mrs. X X Jobason, offiatfor'd, Oat.,
Writ"; -"'*y llusl*ad 4ligerett saaw
thins v-qd wa his udgkirs QX4
WOUR k%ve to stay 1kome,frou work
two or thr" thues it W�Oek, ]I'D tried
*11 kinAll of things, but tbOy 4041,r ra-
wyea him for % shwt while. Ile law
D"A'11 Riduy Pills advertisedlimd
after 4 few d0def, he felt Isile; after
, he h4d used four boxes 1he ,%as con.
Pletely Vellovell. That W44 two years
UP, 111041 he hasi not v4ered sixtow.$ r
SO sure 4194 get "Doon,01 when
'YOu ask for thom. Price 50c. a box
alt all dealers, or %aptiled airect on
receipt of price by the T. Xilbllm
Co., Lioltod,vorgato, o4t.
I ,
.0 -04.".... -W -mm., I ---
. 108mpilul . I ;;�
DIt. 4 A. At. 11 'IST, 1!11:1;01*QPQIblo rhystel
.Dr4duate Des N
� olnes still college or
0 to
s 04thy, Ll"allato TOWS and Mletiliran
11 .
ROVIL'- SPOet'll attention to diseases
WOUien and children. Consultation rreo,
Qmco corner selson and St. Andrew $is,
Tliesdovs. Iii . Ill SearQrt4
, .
__ - -==
��"T.: .. __ - �:�_=.0
, . Spxclawr .
PIt. V. L. . IFOUST P. -
, Late House ,qupgedn lqew York Ophitull,
MIC and Aural 11081lital. assistant at, �lnarn.
ng Id's Eye Unital and Gowen Square
T rout Hospital,'
�Ondon, tag,
J13 WRIeVIOO 5t, $4 b4r3ttotd Tele,
Ono 267. , .
At 110drord Hote (Inderleb. from NV,pd.
nCS43Y. APr. Will, tit a P. in., w IlAursilay,
Apir. 17ttl, at I. V, Va. . .
I.. � __ I
Chiropractors. Graduates Pat,
Illel 'JIMIL, Or Chiropractors. Hour,s.. 10
4. in. P. 111� or by' ap K
carne golrament� nes.
n 0 0 co., 11 ortu and Neison
to.1c ra.,P4 Ic Odds TcNrli to 11fe, and' -life.
- .
.I -_ �_
. . NM ART V I PU.BLI I r4 ETC . L L
I , ---------..4r
WI .M. bAlils. , I .
� ' Oeneral COAvOyanclar done
. . GOOd CoMpanled ft presented_ -1 -
. .-
. I U6. Oo4erqeb, Ont.
, I ._=====Z:=__
. � � - L
. � __ . LNGAL VArin
CTIAS, stAGER K C - - . . . .
Barrister liotary PUblio
. or, Ixotary .
. 011104 ' 00tult Range, 76otlerloh. .
corfmAnolm Amo-or,&FA—RYT, .
. .
F� ,
I I . I
9, Otlyflotd, Coal
I voyalicifig and '.0tary Public .
(_ e
JL t1dirristerS. 50110itOPS. Aotarles Pub.,
Ile. - , �
#)Mee --On ifte Square. grid door front
1111411tob Street, Goderien. I . . .L .
. Private funds tO'104n auldw&�Tralle&
W. Pflorinrom X. C.. -1
. �
f"HOMAS GUNDRX. . . I ,.. . L .
. .
.8 I - ,
. I Live 80d'and General Auctioneer. , ... .
- . ,
. Hamilton street, Goderleb. " '
salos Xnade everYwjiem AW till - e#orts
loade to five You-sati4faction. L
Farmers sale .notes discounted, ' -
. . I I iN$OAANM ,
. .
R&KILLOP KVTVAl. rutir msuilAP74-CE
UX,L CO. . — �. L �
edila and .1sol Town. Property Insured L , ,
Insured up to- January.
OW , L
", . ,�. .. �,11
applerl(W468 conolly. President,
0040rith; 'Fas. Ev an$. Vice-Presideut, .
&Oectkwood _
(arth, . T. E, Hays, See,-Trea$., ffslt�
01111?XTOIRS41). 17.*Ncoretrar, sonfort ; -
F. 0, Orleve, Winthrop; VVIII, Wrin; Cork.
stance-, (learn MerArtri ;
Wit Ferris, Harlock ; %hu'z1,1,r-9.MV,I`11b,.
Broadhagan; Murray Gibson, Bruce,
. .
leld. . - . .
AGMNTS-,T. W.. Yea, -00derich - Sandy
ALUM. Clinton : W Chesney, Se4rorth i
I.P41flitlebley, Searork I . .
!4 Holders 09n pkv their %9$ossWe^tA I
It R. I - ,CUtt's Store. Oaderich. A. J. rAor. ,
or n or s. it,
, _..__=, ,t=,�_: _ , .:.::_ _...:7=
_ I � . �,_:
L . .
. I
I . .Have it #t6rided to by the - I
Established 1878
1 Read Office: Dungannon, OuL 7
.. .
IATR: -T It BUT 094T"X;I NUMolklIll liftlAng
. I
Juo,. A. MeXenzie, Kind4rdine,
res.; HaiiTy L. Salkeldo,R. R. NO. 2)
;odor�cb, vice Pres.; directorg-Tim
iriffin, It., R, No. 7, Lucknow, W. P,
'eed,' 11, R, No. 2, Lucknow;H.'L.
alkeld, Phone ,. 600 r 11, Goderich-
Llex. Nicholson, Lucknow, Win. wat,
, . Girvin, R� R. No. 6, Gode. 4
Dn' Jas
ich; Win. .1. Thompson, Auburn.
L ., t
. Treas. I Secretary.
-7�-� --��-. ....'.- ----,- __=
__ _
. . . I . . .
k , ,
I .
11.14' f .
- I I
11 10.
, P, 40�k
: b
I 4
prepares young met% And young.
women for Business, which is -how
Canada's greatest ' profession,
We WSW graduates to ,positions
and they have a practical train.
ing Which enables them to Meet
with srtgeegg. StaftntS are re
glateted each week, Get our frele,
3atalOgue and learn sometl4rig a.
�out our different tl�parthlents. ,
I ,d
. 0
. . I
, .
. .,. . L Prificiial.
I I' I - . I a
41A*WW4 I Mi16 Co. Talks on PtosWo
i .
70RONT�4 i �
r , i�j 110 � 1104140,11tugf. VOL 0
Wmit(�ba %Vhca%_%O� a xor2bcwo, 1 1� (Winnip;9—y—ree prf4s)
$I,244s, Nked From Off �
&U-1t0bit q'at3--X0 4 (', W, Q,:. Nq� J W1% Andrew Kelly, pte5ident of Wea� . I
I I'sxI, It.,, .1 L MW '.
"Ala of aWw10 C.21. bay P'..%V,� Malin HoopW %A44owmial iaw mod $bows Isdivam go - tkirn Canada Flour Mills Company. . I
x1mivabX )�Alley_%,�"% qv�tti. � NIOM - Aa win Alfitffyi*w *iih th,� I'll I I'll I
*10605ul 8"Iding 0_11�11 - *sWia, . 1`� 'k - I -
hi;r"nongs-5tal,clard rC,,ICArjC;J, f.q�% __0W Cs"Aft n^� in---- 1=0114c, - I I
. - _ , 43 -" 7___ -7--.Wv s 3 Spoke of the general tradtl
bar Port*, per too. $20,66. as It. a2____ � . - -
Amellca-z 10orrl_.N4..,. a yLllow. tv�e� to, FAA WOW640A H9W in 4iituation"in caup.�%k 4 �
41""M - —, � PUNNINNOW 4K __ , rd of the pro- �
"Ot3rio Oats_.No, U wh1w. 41C to 48-�. N46-4ko"ok Nodip" spects for the futare. The� Western, The Tobacco ot QuAl-ty I
ao-rdlaQ to f.-,��Ight� outsUm. -, 1�w4v* $9,914 for I &
OntskIA44 %vileat—No. 9 winiii" iva, OWed Acdv* Nawn ilk L Tok" C , Cguada (�Ompany has mills in the I - L I I
, pe� 4ar 1 Lake few Post Nesilive Noobt Last y. I � . Boniftee. I I I
lot. Ole to ;1.4�11. rx.-U. shipping polsvx prairie provinces at ift.
at,i,,or4It%W to XEelilbto.
"CA , 0--X9- 2. $1.46 to 11.0. . ITS. ,Samuel Smith, Of Mrs. C.'Venner, Mirt Al. Wiltse, 51IS31 in the past few years boon checked. . . . , � . .
the r4alt of a meeting in t 0 W&S London road, south of Exeter, all. Af,� Torrance, Misa JV Robertson, Miss 'mPe . - -1 . . .. I : 111.11 I . - _Z;==::=� � . . . .
he Labor ded and hindered by, mistaken le- -11.... .
a "t I J.Po'.1-11 10-4", I-.- ."'. ,,, - , ".. ik."I't. - . . I %
... .,If . .. a. 4'o-,11'! I'll I . , .
, .
Temple Yesterday afternooni attend- served their golden wedding anniver� F., Cun'ningbame, MV$s L Brigham gislation, by official Intorference and ' i " .%.
ed ,by- tNvt,lv,. bundred employes of sary last Thursday. They wertirtar. � -0 .�,%,.,A ' . I � . - I . I .
Lu s . $1� � I 1: - I - ., ., - I I . �. .
tho Postal Department In Toronto ried on this Ante 60 year ago1n; Port `7 _' .
. . . _--t- -t - ' by. excessive extrtivagance, The r
. Health,cannot be 'looked for in the ,vision of a large body of legislation, . .,,' ( IN 1- .� .. . '. . 1.
'For the first tillie In some yeari, Pe'4 h' - -- child th .1 . � — . I
, w '�ro they lived for a nun . . RGER) ' I
I �,pt in subject 'to worms be. the ccssation%of interference with in- ..1. " i, .
tl'P Possibility of a strike of serious bet of yeais ' ' I fi, � � �
., I . . . �
before coming . to the eAuse,wbrins destroy-Iilealth by creat, dustry and 4 return to rigid economy .. H MY' .
proportions arose. Resolutions of an L6ndon. Road. .1 inistratio , n w .. . I wl� I . . I
ordbrly tharacter and tlie"advice 'Of tbree4 'Both have passed' the Ing internal disturbIlAtog that retard in admi . ill do a great deal I . irik--i 0C.,00 I'll ...... 1. I I
icore and 10, but are eiijoyin development and cause Serious 'Wherev 11 � . .
officials, who pointed out that tl mily co 9 weak. to hasten the arrival of botter days er Swill, clean, bealine of 0 1 � � I L I
ould only go .ts i I ley good health. Th4,' � . woun' , i% "area or fojunes ]a dtimanded, �.. I I
ar as the men re Mrs ,fa nsists of 4esg. Miller's'Worm, Powders expel to" all _the C-anadinti people.- . zam-auk is shwayll the safest and beat . ..".") - I � �
itiested them, 'were answered with - A. B. Rich�aidson, of Walker. worms and are so befleficial in their I ,....A.. I . - I - I
h(- dpinand tor early and dlrect� ville;: Mrs. Aitken' thing t4 use. Thiii great herbal balm �
S, of Toronto-, Jas., Action that the gyater, I . 0 ,W .
" . N of the. little There is no truth ill the rumor.that qalckly Inove4i pain acid Irritation. it .C%A=.4
1_1�1 0 I I. , , � I . of Washington, D. C.; Willialn, of sufferers it to healthful- a Scotchman is in the local hospital . ends any �suppuratlon or . . I .
. I . . 0%velling. ,,, I I . . �
' , 1.
. Centralia, and Mrs-Webber,.Of Lon.. ness, All the discomWts and dangers receiving treatment for a. sprained cztractmp6f3oii&tiddir,case,ikndgrovwvtI ,
Quebec 1,eg1.4I,ttuVo Ppokogued. donro , ad. . I. . . I Of warm Infection ara removed, ind thuillb- sustained while trying tu . I . new skin In a wonderful way. . .. I . I . . I 7
. Qrkl�ft, .N'lArvh I 7--Wlth all ,the Hous ed .. satiafactory growth Igs,a . . .
sual cerethorifps of tbc� occasion, ills A house e' ancb.Barn Burn � ssiure(L squeeze thelast eighth of an Inch of ! KEEP , � I
.. I I - ____: I 9 �. _116, in, - IT ALWAYS HANDY. . - I . I '.
, l. . ,
and barn -on the ehiel.en having cr�am from the tile. -, ... I ., I I .
onor Narcisse Ilk-rodeall, Ueuten- fa . t , I W;�-:,.,Zz::��� I 4w~111*4,00 1 .*��#,#-�,�.-01 .
'Gov rnor of the Province oi Q . of Mr "
ut " Ile, fa�rrtm - Ci,.IL Holland, near 84a. ' 1. - I " I . . ;0
!. _ I 11- -111-1.-_1 11-_-___ I .
ee. 1�tt%. Satuirday brought to an end ' were destroyed by. fire, on Fri-, � — --' - - --"- . � . � I — . . . . - . — ___. ___ .
I . � - .
he fir -St session of tho Sixteenth Log- day, Feb. .29th, together vkth all the Concenlrated iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihilillillillillillillillilliillillillillilliilifilillillillillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillilloillilillillinhillilililillum I .
aw-an un- 401 ed . Str I . � . I I .
Mature, a ,spsslou wilich s atehts of the house and much ter . = .
411al amount of legislation anti -wit- and some implements ill the barn. it V 4 M!l I — . I . ' . = . I
he house Occupied by Mr. .
— —
'Aschereau forcm ,ana the greatly r n but was occup . & . � — := I
uguniented Opposition. .1 I led — �
= is I
I by Mr. and Mrs. S. A , ndrew�. �' The.nUtfiliVeValLie — SELLI G OUT SALE""" 1 .
(19sed ,many battles between th,y was' not t Oh
- - �_ Mr. Of.. . = � � ' J
I 11 I OLD CHUN 1_�
.I, I
I I I'
'I ��
I 1 4 1
n I :: I
, 11
ritain Accept#4 (:anadlan pat (*Attle. and Mrs. Holland, however, a . re heavy many a rneaj is ton- . I I N M � . .
LONDO . N, Alarch Y7.t, , losers on buildings and the contel'.N Z__ � . . . � . . � E .
-Tile. Allnis of the' barn. huirled in a sli%gle Oxo I = . . .
ry of Agrietilture has authorized the Happily, it was not the . = 11001111h .1
barn ill which most of their chickens cube. OX6. 2 , = .
ort, of',lifauchoster to receive Cann- were kept., I . i4tconcen- 1= .No Fake, No Blow'No Somba'st, nut I
. . , 9 a , I 1,
tau tat cattle as well as store cattle � . = L I . I
or slaughter. trated' food' itregigth I . , . . SE %, �,
i shill loado' of Death of Miss Christena Grieve, Sea. = Is � - ,
Threc, , — . -
. — . . = .1
tores are, now an the way, .to .Nran. � forth .of. prinae Bee"f. - . � .i A Real Genuine S le 11 BE - I
. . � � .= � %, .
-here, It is exPected, this ": I . . —
hester % .The death occurred at his holne In . = ', . . . I I a I — . . .
of the Canwil-in L4 . � A t%..L- t = . I I . I I I I I I I I . . = . , I
I!IN 111ol I I - - ektorth on. Wednesday morning, I to. a Cup. 1 = . = I
� . - -.1 . "attlo tr24, nIt"", 'Ile harassments, of March 12th, of Miss Christ . �, .. = tsuy YOUF95PRING,PARMENT NOW., = . .
I -ona.Grieve . . .. .
. . 1111111111111111111111 am last telv weeks due to the root in her 11st year, 93he was the jjC:. . . . I - I . �1 . . . - ,
= .
. afl,d mouth disease situation. . = wlifle t1lere is ,,l, large v,qrietV to ivlioose fr0lil, atid if vou don't get Vwir si.,e. will E .
DINS . . cond daughtek of the late Thomag = .
BF060 I I)eatlt of Gen. Pelle. Gpie"�,'Of MeXilloil, and was boril, on Ri in:,lie 1o'yc)tlr Illeastire, and' gilarautee perfect satisfilCtioll- . S(i please, doti't (Jej,ty - ,= .
D1_ 6 ' � —
. i the Grileve homestead on the 211d = I I = � .
TOULON, Slareh 17.-Ge,h. polle, con- = aS H,aster is very near, I I I . . . I I = ..
GOID9RICH former Commissioner- at Constanti, cession on July 20th, 1803, She re- = . I . . =
. �
I I . 16 - Pelle had . luar's I � = * = 'I
I . nople. died 1&inday. Gen, sided there till fiftedn §cars ago, ,,, ��� A depbsit uill 1101d ail v garitient i a lmr ,fitore Dalatice van he arranged, 6 ..
The Leadino only recently returno anco af- ! ! 1 tt�ti: 4! ! . .. � . - I
d to Fr. when, in coniparly with her sh'ter, 1. . . I � I - - . : . . . M .
rl's ter a long soJourn in Czpcho-Slovakls, Miss Rachel Grii0e, she went to Se,,, - 0- - . = All Rernedinming Ladies' Nlsses'and.Juniopal- E 11.1
. hneral Directors . where bo was chief- of. the I ,pri�riek CREAM FOR C TARI" =
and r=baliaers "W"lon, Pussing of James Graham ! U No = I
. , _%-_� The dedtb aceurred In Clinton STA —
.1 on OPEN _I ILS 'I= I Wintep Goal:W MUSt Be Sold =
Orders"eard(tilly attonded to 8 Tuesday of laut wepk of an old rchitlerib � I . -
Macl)ouidd Government submits . = .
I Army atid Navy elitimates to British of the district in the por,�ofl of jamc.tj Take 111dValltage like niatly I)eOple have already lone. =
� ab all hours -nigh � 6 I Or 1. day, . Grahams until' about tohr ,, $-earg a,vo a Tells How To Ga �qulck Relief = - I . = 0
I. . eat , , -
� 11 .1 � from Helid-C614s. Its spiel, . = -
. - I ___ . __ �_"-_-111_10_1 — _ _ - I . __ W-4dent of Goderleb to%Gfilllp. Ile -L--- L_ . . did! I = - I =
— , - -- -- wasin his vighty-g000nd yeaf"aini for - I - — — Millinepy Sapgains —
� 4kP1l0*WV%0k0V%0W%fW"�, � the Past year or so had bitt n in failing , - - . -
11 .1 health. Tbe In one Inillhte')-ourtldoggM no , = =
. a late Air. 6 -al ik, All .�,Iillitjery to be ciseared at Haif-Price. .
� ' lata W&S %1IN Open, the air pas5ages at. your head �_ . =
a. 9 a horn in W104a county bilt came to %,.,Ill clear q r is a oh%�� - . -
Is. it. Wheeler Huron coa.1tv in le", . nd J-0ir a bre., 610. f reely.- - . =
.1. '. �-,Otllnjr ln'�Oe hawking, zuminr, blowing. = Visit OUP Stom As Often As Possible. It Will Pay —
___ 8 obert S. 11th,c0neemion, wberqbp4 :a 'Ito "I devnt-ig. .XI You =
, " 11101`0
I live until four yeara aL:0 'Wilpil lip ".- .P, atrurgling = -
. uneral Director and a � left 11113difile . , ,6r = I —
F breath a 11191114 Your V.!111 f0i (--afa ril - - __ � . - __ ,- . . — , . -,-. - � -
, 1110 farm to hfn wn arid Ill, qud bli wife will Le gf.01'. I = __ - a -
� Embalmer . I I 106'"ll Int(l (1illt6n. 10 070' 'ho waq Cet a Amall ljoitip j,f,,I�-Iyla (-rea$n = . = "
. � 's triordi,dja Him 5farY St-Inley, ulio nur. L.Am frcim �onr tlrlr,ftpjht, jlo�v. ,tpp =
Godefich, Ontario a X vive" hint. ot this marilage wt -le bott a litilo of this fragrant. an( IC I =
ptip. Ilea? ,
. - twodauahters allativo sow. xi,6.36hu ivg crear's its VOIll' 110tril% It pi-ne.
I A& AimictwilwLi"WAgra �, a �
HA31113, %'AD9uaI11-,F1w&, dectm,r,ti-, Mrs. trabmthrols:�11*bverf air M,3,13go of thil 1 ROYAL LADIES READ�V,*TO-WEAR GO$ — , ,
I 'lliatt.. ('Jilit'nil aflfl Is - � ,
. �/' -% IniAly affelidel"I 0 Gro� It. L . 11(�Ovy W. fit -ad, fxAthm tbe 101amr-Iter swollr-n 0 , I . .
dsy or wght, ,p f(W COWNS. COLDS go Grallfing anti llarol(t S. (;;�iaw, bol )a of in uciras w(anane aW rtl - A 9 �
AN(:HITI$ = 0ederich tp. Oil 'Tawlary tslr4t, 1923i -tantly. - --- - �
P1103L aft = "I
0 W%%w *
,s: 6,101re.1,T7. flon."t? -;11w % 'e��o'�""'- — East, Side Squape, , - GODERIGH _—
, I I Mr. anal tfkr4. folall"111I t.. 10,111-41i'd Illo .Ttla'jln� floo. 04m'� atay%muflclmr -M �: . I ,.-
4044,1— . — wnto 11(tirtillatini%", ['11rV 14 111th, alukV14C... lv�tll 0, ce'd ur nasty cafartt—Pplief = I I ;;S1
1101401101w I i 00" I Mr. t; aham"da�in;.' hi!�tl xsMtna In 'v"trace q9 qukkly. � imiiifimHlllllmollllllloillillillilloillillollillig"MMINIINMNIOIllillilligillillillillilillillill!lillilliptililtiollifillimm.
. 1� 1k. I
. I— - I I I
. .
'. 4 I f d
//' � I . (f
.. 1%
; 11 I
. ,
. I 11
. ,\ I. .1 . � I a . . i. - � _.i... - . I 1
69&- i I — - 1� �-. ..,-1 � I I I I
. - -1
. ,.ik .
00101� Rawalses'.— - .Jdwll��, '..." 1- - 1 ,,, � -