HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-03-13, Page 11;
WT,X_--.-�F-,-T-W_ �
Continuous Advertisin&.W.�* .AW11ft_..d.&
. Is ium as U-NWINX to a M"Chint's I I ,
�', L , r
L Businelss as the lights in the store, - ! � .
or as irr ��mgly dreswd windows , I I
---The 1�:-�.1-mry Merdam i �,r 11
I _�—___01_1 _ __ -11, _:!��. _ .
_=== ,�, '_ I � � Q._- i . . _____ ;_-�_::�___,
wo� T3IPW- 1AW"r. 4NUMSY.11 3144. .
, "Z WTI a 0. C4 L 'Crawarsemelf
GOMM 04AR10. CANADA. TWWA I Y_ - ARCH 9i% in*A
I UabliA%im-pry Tu-'a'Aw I#W
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APPH 14thoolloo-Godarich's Tax Rate for 1,9-24 '11koly To 88 88me as Lost Year.001knotatio to fittaws tap 112WWO I
P I 1 __ __� __
__ � ��11111111111,�,�,M �� a
I !: i:!!� �!!��!��;�!�!��:,i��!��,!�!!��!!!!���, :::;:';� I'�l�Ill""I'll'i'll","Ill,������ll�i�i���l�l��lI ::;;:: WIN UUTU1114"to
ii 11 :: I
I I - ___ - - 11 T-1-11- . R144Y of the death at Pasadena, t, 111�.. - '''', F
.... ,41.1 eralo %heep and h �Cl ,
I'll -_ I � ___=________=;�_�__ . - - - z_3 � ..... -
11 .!�, fin, WN TOPICS Of Ur. Harry Armstrong, formerl,y 088l, sli irA and boma, W,Auft,of C,A,pt. Rgilvy,os . � ..
. 1.1, # -I,"" STE I Wr i i Letters'for publication Nuot operator ,and 4owntown tielget ggvnt poultry and eggs Aud form water Capt. McElroy has beenreslgriat'erio A letter from Mr. X, H. Darling
. � A19re an 'With reference to the intake Contract .
. Be signeil V. the Ontario Live Stoek harrovefflen,, With the co RICO b614 W83 rC4d and
� I . for the Q. T. Roo in Goderich. M supply' and"a under tT'-c auspices of two diffenut occasions, SIW
:11 Ma RUN68ANK Armatrone 10ft Goilerleb, some twer,. tN)I%y it %vas deefdcd to A
- _ r . , I Thc� Star has receivo a letter from ty-five y � � 4ittot. � MPUMV, 80 the work is him for inforinatiolI reg#raing the :P-
.41 . I tars age, going to $nowfiake, Somewhat familiar to hial."', I
1i - � - OP CAN&OA � � "A Detroit Reader," whieb lacks tile 3140 1114100V re stratfor,4 to coderich Vointment of an inspector.
� . _ . � � - � _ I . 619nature of the ,writer. We � are Latterly lie hod been in Cali. III Way D04146011i to Meet Minister of The Meclary ?4antilgeturipg C!O.
li 1, � � - . -O.V � _ un. fon4- Mr. Armstrong was a meni. . , Ch ,
I . I able to publish. it on that 40comi � I"41910 Works T"terday wrote announcing a convention for I
I I . i .t. as her
� I . D i Wo . of Huron L04e, NO' 62, If 0, 0. In the "V`Otek! and Pro�eodingq of the demonstration of their *oodj #04
; . � it ANW-mbly, Nye not') Goderich Elevator and .1yakil'.jit C invi ,
It, . must huv`0 the name of the writer F., which, be joined in july, 1870, the U918101V The president and manager of the
I I ,� of all letterp, not necessarily for pub. being 24 Years of age i*t the time an inquiry was to be "O., ted r-ePrt'sOutlififti. This wiga
, . I I .
i I t1i"tiOn but us a 9132r�lltee of good Which would make him 16 day this wt r4ade OR TJQS� Ltd,. had ark appointment to al"t the left with the superintendetit anti Mt
I . I - faith. Of age. Air. Arm � or 77 Years ,ek by Mr. Wigle, from Minister of Pubtle Works in Ottmva sceretary. .
, . strout has two'son,q the ministry, as follows: Is the bigh. on We esday of .
I . Lions Club to Eut.ert IT Guelph. ,station agents in tile We$ , 1, %dn It was 4velded to inform the ,:Ooa-
this week, the 19th oil that the work ori the Ite,w i talm .
1, . . SA, VE, Because-nop . Visitors April 11th al I , 't. way frove'Stratford to, Goderich Con,.. inot., with reference to an appropria- coutraet hatl comnience'd n
. pleted? . If - not What work is t'hol,0 and to ze-
1. � I . . . . . I St- P8trick's Day Coniert .and Lecture to be d $ tloh fOr d"01I of the harbor and .quest the Council t N ke 4
$46, 875, oil, and 950, been 0Ct0$knPN1e0a' entrance- 7`110Y were to� be zirrange.
� _ backed Tnents tQ provide funds for immeoilisite
an. to entertain the following visitori The lecture and sacred concert in up by a good delegation of Interesto ,
A SaVings account has made many a m, Are at St. Pettes church ' Have Contra
; I . On April 11th The Lions Club o, .one? a :0 a
�, . ed? It so, when? What exteflsioU4 members 11 requiromenta.
I : . from Guelph at On evening banquet: St. PetWa church ow Monda Petitions from vessel "10% �
.. . � � Mr. G. D. U48111198, city manager; Ing lived up to its ,idvance� OVOR- of time, it any; have, been given to the, 11willel,s, A number of applications, . .
. notices Contractors? Lengtho. f tilue, given. old-Sluel
I was And a large audience enjoyed the What is meant by 0on account'?*1 ' It. of grain through Goderiell kid and a
. the Mayor of Quelph,� the busir �to`-, interestett in the trnh- trio: light Ilervives A,.,(, for ell%,.
L I I . :: . I �� ...... - I � l� !111 Manager of Gueloh Junction .1y, event to the full. Rev. Father F, J. Webster Construction C ' number of account M pa"s
, . 11w, a were ordercd
I , - -_ . or representative of (,. p, , Y - been Presented Calling at. paid. �
I .. � LLLLLLL . Ra 3remiall, of Bishop , ba ;4O 41SO
.Qmp4Uy,,, tention to, the Importance
. 11 � 7- _ .11, 'Fallon's scmin- INIT) 846,960,846,911. % of the fr4f. I .
I . __ - ,— — R. Railway. � ary, London, gave a very interesting ernment decided us to ,U,,U,yr,t,hQ Gov� fic through this Port and the necto,q- 0. C. 1. 111-it.tl
. - ---------------------- __ . . I
-_ - — . , , �
I , . W -.1 � - - � - _ .-. � JTown League Finals and Illuminating lecture on "St. Pat. an 86 -foot roadway, or a 06 -foot,? '
I � � � I . I I I 'Ick the Apo,qtleof IrOand; and The fd belvr sity Of Inlaintaill-Iiig a"depth that will Oil Friday last with Toni Anderson I
. I at Friday might the I prevent vessels grounding at the Qn. an chairman, the 01. V. I. Literag 80�
". , ' L' Muttllew$ Hiberinan Emigrant of Fifty Years Lecture and -Concert in Victoria - trance as happon�'d last fall. I
. . *
I . Pfl S.S. Hockey Team beat the Bankeis Ago Compared with the Irishman of Street Church , derstand that the hull of t1WQ ill" cloty held its third "lit." Af ,., a
I . 8 4 to 2, and the Ali Stars beat tile Today," and visiting and
( I Sufflife'ASSUR "nee Go' of Can a'da 10 CON'- foNN' introductory realarka by the .
I . I . I ornment. (Iredge which W13 engaged ebtlirl"al, ,the program u, o
.. :,. � I '' W , . Go C. 1, 4 -to 1. on Monday the c4l talent . Ocal =us!- , Songs by Mrs. Gordon, Sutcliffe h .1 al perElca . .
.. . Bankers beat' tiered 0 Choice program 'ere Ant SP38011 1141 b0o.ft CondQuilled, Wit1k �,
I... I I . the All Stars 4 to I of high.el ren . . and by Mr. Fred Holitica and recita, � I tin i4strumental by F,tb(.l Whitt.
.� . ass, sacred inusle. . tions by.Mr. Toni Cult, corapri th 40 thut it Is likely any dredging worl, - , - :_;___ __.7._
. I I I . NEW RECORDS I and the Matthews beat the G. C, L 3 , _. . . � ".
I . - I I . I _, . I
, - t Wlkson will be (Coatlituf"d on hate 6) . I
.a 2. Last night the All-stars beat Smallpox in Bay Township . program given on Monday nicht, pre. done by contract . ""111110_;1� .
� '
1. I I .1 I , Zuring the year 1923 the Sun Life AssUrance Co. estab- i a ed e to be done here this .
. . . . I ': I . lished.new records in Canadian tlf� Insurance history. the Go Q.L 2 to I and in overtime the A special meeting of the t Ip ceding the lecture. by Rev. Fultoll . . . .
.1 I . Large. Matthews beat the Ban a Ownsil Irwin, Of Seliforth, At 'Victoria streq Rewrve Thursday and . �
� � . I � * . ker 2 to E' council Of Hay was hold In the Town Methodist ch , Friday . .
I . . I , . . . increases were made in new assurances'applied for, total AsSur- This leaves the Matthews and ti , on Monday, March loth, ( , . Western Canada Flour 3,1111s' .,New Alarch 27th And 28th, for the Concert . I .
� I andes in force, Premium i . �,i� Hall, Zurich ' Arch, on Ireland- And th SAIt'Plant lit OlP41I by the Arthur Circle of Xnox church,
Friday. ', , I -1
: : , . . . ncome, assets and surplus. a -Irish, These var QuA numberos_wer,,� Tile NVeatern Canada. Flour Milk* ------- "I.— I ;
... -_ - in the flolds on for tile purpose of cousiderings ways he4rd with - -1 .ment. , I . The Ml"1011 ]land of, North Street
�. . Dividends to Policyholders ,were-agatin materially i : . much' enjo� lev- now Salt Plant atarted
11_ 21 1 III i I and Ineans to combat VAle outbrea Of Mr. Healey was chairman .. Operations Oil U,etbodfst c .
I I -ed. � Many attractive katures were added to our policies. ,.To 'Discuss Co-oporative, I smallpox in the townshi k , . for the. ev. Tuesday and Is wol,king humb, Avill give Z11 Ran. - I
I I . _. I � I - . . � . - I I I 1 4 Egg -pool I pt andt In4w. enin nicely. - F.N. ter Ten in the chure . I
I . I . I 'T . Uppe 115 � , . I I __ I ;, Public meeting w of -the trustees of school sections in tA R. Mr. Irwin gave a two-hour haust Steam froill our mill vn_. April loth. . . h oli Saturday. I . .
III be held at Be tk, dealing with the conditions in glues' pumps -Ili
0 the fl
�,.: . - I ". g. LONG, DhI Agent Miller, on Tuead&V 'I-' the township were present, An ord. ' e $rot : I
�., . . � � I .. . - . I I com � evening March 25 Ire Ild And With the People and the ;f lloo feet ,the la . _-,-�_ - I . . :
I . . 3 ,.+-,. - . - R _yETv&k , 'TioN �1. I
. I � th, der wa!� pas ecl that overy ,child 14 .2% tp . .
� .:,�� . I menoing At, eight O'clock. X. To I I 6, li.r. 4 Ia. ron I -I - d- 16 the ___
. I __ . - _ _-11 - - I -twe -- _.____� of 1"14 INS- I - XTUN. -t:f-,- .
I _7 � , %. . , I _ .- ._____. ___ 1111111 I I 11 � — Martin, P1119019L.repfesentative-of MC-, on- I , (Ionvoye to
�, r , I I X -U-64 - i --T1 . ,,thu, ages of live and sixteen Mr. r n is himself a na , the big evaporator V`tit craus Are requested to 44(fob at the " .
.� ', , ,. �, 1, . ,. . ' . I __ I . . . a led vaimers (;Q.Opor&ti ,0., Years and ever. ive of -this ,
. , '�; � vs r v school te the Frolit ,tile we .,
I -
- �' IL IL'OSTI I . I Liniltod,of r6routo, willbeprosent to .be v4iccin ted as soon as 4cher must 4merald Isle and newspaper reports and . 1; salt drops -doxvii Arinattries. (Iolborno. opatt,,Ibenta. 101I.-,1 . I I
.� - , �'. , , �_ .. ..... .. .... 11111''lil!"I'll - 11�1111111111 , I I .1 DS OF THANKS explain and dhiouss the CO -Operative be 'able ,a I Possible -of- Of 'troubles there he sitys are much or o is carried by till elevator to one 14"04Y AVenino.1, Uure)A 1.)3rd,, tit, C�.,J.Ijo... I t .
r. ..., ... .... I Egg P601 and other pbrases. of 00-006r- cinAtiOn 'Within the past five - ye ,,a. i v ce, havC1 "a bins ree big 50 or 6( . 1, � I
;,." , . 'W 4$T,. M LOST --On Monday. Ito- --� . o. show a, certificate ther of th�t til Moll P.m. rot, ,tile Parpofloor AttfoUrIllifl. tw". ,
. I - RTC ... .... RANKS. -Mr. and Of vuc- exaggerated. The Irish tit . . r
�, . , - wawv- Ar$tar ofte. 1 14 ativP U811fettak. A 6 dripping, froin tilt, .I(, LL I I .
i � _71pai-O.Z. - The brine Ivoillill" of toomor
.� �' ! '. �! , :!:;1Z ''I . 1 64 7R")a �_'C.)'AiT 11 I a tire An he. Nays, or should havo goes illto 4 ta evapo L I I I I 141' ttlolot I at Knox "'
.., i reit thiaWs To. Ina friends and neighbors Welcome rd'al luvlt4t1011 Is And free vaccination, will 6 Provided: none. : . . it for churt.h. : . . .f ..
, w, _ .. : ��, : i!i , , , , I I !: i �, ----- I".-- �_ an sher desire to return beam given to
� . , . _V� NDERS, WAN"o- extended klndn0,9$e19 O,Vrih Ladies Ate especially . . . I ration .11. . w� . 'to.
I I .. -19,101-.1-11.1-11- I . � OL and sympathy . er information way be 4111 member of any family I gaP and th Al . ---,..-..-.- .� . I
I . 4W."ri. . Iiiing in . . 0 Halt In wheeled Ir.to . � "
the ill"088 and p ssing awa, . At th township up to March"31 t Mr. Robt.: Carey Aftached to . ,. W. No S. TEA ":, 11
. V or obtained frotu r. TITO& e I stlI from wht�h . I I
, : iz I . L 1, their g1rant son. - - . 1- it is elevatoA to � ".
, ''I TEN"As �!WAN . - � I - I 1, I . low. , .Wilson, Car. , I S.. ___ _ �
. .
� . . � MMIT16NA. — , -� 1 .7- L . I . I I I � the .drier,, A large revolving cylindri. . ,. .q. of North St6 31�tho.Aq . I I , � )_ "
. .. — I � Goderich Office � The W. M
* THE t1ARD OF - TIM Ur Ot Be Increased dist church Will hold a Tea 4Ad S41a " ,�� L 'I, �
I . 4D A-LTESAttoris -To., I * Tax,Rate Will N '
. I . Mr. cul affair, through which hot air f Own ' I.,
�2 . 'IUJ*'� COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, %_/ �WSOn behalf or the . .� Harry Armstron, ' . ,
. ('OU L G-Odedeh ,N I I L, 9 Dead . - The- . Robt. Carei; '�rho has been in _. .
. . .i� publiely to expre '4110 town council had a a L � . of 110 ",
. L GODEIIACRY ONTARIO, . lal Club, Nve desire: Word .was reC61v pecial aea- Stratford ,to I Pipes heated by five steam. Is, dflio,ph me-mude- Baking oil siIturdI . * �..
IA ' I 1. . , � ,:,,, ,,-,_�-_ . �� . �? s.9* our sincere and hearty i I Od it' town last sion. on, Friday night I r some time In charge of P'-;,
I . I I 1: aftern �f,
I I ........ . .. ... ''- L , , , I I -Y c g0it rom"of the church. Ton served front, --- .
Cieller Ontiorti ,o ast to consider -the branch office there ot O'L F. C by. a large fail. From this th OOnoo. March 242nd, IT[ the, lecture - --i
,11y r ,'%.(R W Wee'llted thank$ to tho� Pastor. and oinda'S of LKnos ---- 'are
I � I , church for the Privileges or tile fine[ 8". � 1. ------,th6*CoUegiate Institute bylaw and to & Son, has returno is - elevated to the dalry mill .. I ,
. I ,and -must . 0 on sp"'I I to n seale(I 1 AUCTION $ALR$ .
� I (-Uvoofles,�Lwhf�h ,will.b, 01,1-11,1111 ... this vWe 1100 Oil Sunday evoning, last and, the. . L L go into. the questio .. d to town and'bas .1 to 5 O'clock. . . I
- I . . . I . . 1- I I
. (*Qrtl(al x"IcOme extended to Our'bod�, in UCTION SALE __11_11_1_� for the, p3ar. The'bylaw is the mill is bagged ready . . I., "
%', . � evit-oo�ff,�4k,�'tlle,�A.reliltectg. , . a to C c be. Put I" Place, 44d the pro'diyl �eot't' 'i� ...
, L ''r. a'V4rXk,d one. _ '; 'O. OF VALVAD .13 010- , a of the tax rato Joined his father nd b th r in th -ir Of
, DeNsll ,4 -00 QLr , 2% Pei, 11- 010ndatIL The 'sopulon ,.N-89 appro. A PERTY ON I PthlisW , office in the Masonic Temple Building for I A,
. .
I I � .
I �i'lhd 1011dell 01, a bid b6ild WESI STREET folsewbere ifi this issue of Th S .
'. L "COUL, Of lost ser, OF N , IIN 1, . N111p. GUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER ,'..,
I I$L r('- P40tA to tile oveasion and. ibe; mug TRU' TOWN CODER , -1
. .. (1-diro�lvvitui�attlienaordaod"�Viieli the con. '�ive)>Yt4ephoirmo�stttiol'oughlyenio5*e(i. , . . . and ,the vote )1'j' M"I " " I I � � I
. . � 1, r�,O;K,ftUted a bgW I 0 L Vt I 0- . , �
Iraot Is will be taken � 0 of,the Ing end of the Will be a thOl'0139111Y up-to-date one � . . I ,
L %be �(:qrktr4ct, w ) to ye ilsmea en b9n — # ),. ',to F. Carey will ha millit. The plant when, complete(, '41VAY, blarch Mat -Auction -
I . �� or 0 Per cent of � air Of IhO -Club - of 14M , Instr6te(I by MISS - 11UTSON to son day, April 14th, In chlir� 11 I . I I
. a " . . � . urane I
_qulred; to The II. - . ,making up th business . '' und it valuable. rdfuncb �If the C6,11� lot 9, con, 4), X t -s n t I .
, , CAPT, MALC'O�,Nf.,, , DY Public Auctl sale of farm stock and implomen I
� . . ., orendors inust, N.� deave"d ,. Arel .%Iqd0N;Lrj, pires. on_�ilt the premise- On - 6 t' 'I % Mi*f! Philip Carey will han� i * .
, ilrcb!SV19.44.� ."', , . L vhw Preg." I .. IS DAY. ,1AAnCR 2o.d(t_". 1. a ima es for the Year th I . " I I Im-As busin L , D., Colborne, at,, 1, . . I
� . L I 411111. 0 counel I bond business as formorl�, . .
, . , � . .. -Fronting oil N , , I find they. Will be able to get al I
I " A d bat 6C;W,00114, ' %-4o', piro ('001*101, 'narch-ldth, Ifti.. : I LOTS IG AND 61 . _ . � _ Lt'I'CHER GILD.
. t"ts by. -"v � akl"L JORN 'NeRAY, I d e -the' Q.9 -S h(re.
�, . .1 .Oquleod . � at 12;30 O"olock sharp ; , O'clock sharp. F .
I � PTA$ Wk, Ag4rin'i., tg $he� l6voilf 'Ur, - , fter I Ask Tow" .
. . .0 - Robt. CAM will' loqk a I '
. Pill, and 3V e0 St. WHhout Any increase in L llig I arid Afr . Couneill for'Funds for I�RS, Proprietor. . . .
I . �
. . I L. I .
� . I 11110$ , o _&, q4, tW'dslp, U- L LIWIlthol[Ise Street in the . the rate of the real estato,section. This combin- Water Intake Work. ' .. - - :. Auctioneer. ' ,. . .: � . .
I . . 0l;1!;b;A"(Cr,t1#M0 , TRQP� GUNDRy" .
I I WANT= , I '- Mod(tpjc . _on this pro ,rowti or taxation 'this year.. In _iact thire is atidA should Prove 'a highly satisfil .1. I .. . I ,
� I groed,,4itLA5igt,4" -be forrolteo, I erty there is a .
, __ WwtiL L 11..',,� .. .. ... ... ,� .. ... . . .. 11,111; . . . . .
� -�;#Iy�, el rj� no; je0C0$j4rlIy a- -� . . . I
. . � Lo%-6st uF 'I — '*Oml`Oftabl0 frame dwe 11 I 1
I c� 900 '. '�' " � - L C 1"� f, 11R. . aloo a gap- half %a mill loss required for seh)al I ' �
, " �;�,_ � kISTED.-81 na ol , C - At t , .Ia r I
I . .,. M. Oil house ppoport -and, li,oultry house. . 'rho landL. 19 tory, one. We understa S . 11 inecting of the Water' a SATURDAY, Uareh.�112nd�Auctlou � I.. I 11 V,
I � -V as tat� Light coin I Illission on Thu I .
.. . . - lan$ -Pe��i worth,ovel' FOUR) tor 0 Your.;.Ju 4 pep for Warden Purposes, Or there is good Purposes 4n;d -it may be that the of ,un� ford * ftl6e Ia in chat lath, an a , rsday even., 8410 of valuable propert.
�. P, , * W I . th r t
� I
, wn I y on. West . . .
�L `t�,' 04i1Wl4,' t�i&i: 4orms 'and .Cew., J�qx xo'Til, %5`r.dlill. , .. . MOM tot' 1111'ec, tidditiolial housm on tp,l ,� ell at the ineeting tomorrow (Frid ly). lent: o go of 4'il QXPOi- Ing, -March * "
, jftrol,m6 6n nla
.. , " I ,., , *LJ) , J.. b14 _at 4fte�'Oil,Ce Or ___ _-j6__ -t - _'�� Property. I . . I ed gentiellian,' ho will co I Pplication froill stroet it' tile tfolvit of Goderiell, at . I . .
�, . : I _�. Ir."C0.0r.& �.O!�_�rchitqots. . , ANTE� 1;�J Cjljj�.'� I evening �Vill give the tax�p w ntinuo Mr- W, & Graham for electric range 12;80'o'clock sharp, bliss RUTSON, I . . . I
* Uumit'ift *L St, 'frownto . . . for - t;Qgb_ola - % UPANSI'-all Pei' ee,nt. of Jhd 11 �
, - , , "' " it _ W 0SM a s ip" - and (oI4-,oftveWk,i T0000Y to JX, Paid on day or saleoPurch "' benefit of the half milL. ak�t 40 to 106k after their business there. , ,
. , ;L �. h , . . . ,� . . .
Ir, , L `�,�_�._ A--"--------%,--- wit 'itti D at ( ' I balanee .. . . . ., I .service for his residence. on Nowgato, I!oroprlvtr�ss. T. GU I . L. ..
: I i 11 ,,I , - __ *bed. Olt 4aS ' -P - 'fit 30 UaYgi or ode -hair the FuQuase. mone I I Y, I L
11 , . � 3 - . . . . .
L .
I ." � I �, � I, I -It I 11.1 � i, 17, I' � 4., It ., -Vrearljnwk��,Iiii 1-vo.-Mortinisam 6 15gr vent p0yr RetteX Live, St"kMrsl` I .1 . . I Miq Passed autt 'the onglile�r f or. : I
..i , !�,��, Horticultural �Addrelqseq I M,,974= Wlia N DR Auction-
, ,,,,,, '1,*r:!1, 'A 0 Vo- #Alw�', �
_ ' I) 111", ' ' ,*� ,. ; . , ,t� lss_ tf�fi!onm rVinaw .. . :
.. . I . .1 I , I . .
1.� 1 1 1 1�1111 � I 11 **�� 11 a%, p er , ZVO motierit, issues dUr ullf, I . 1% I Pifafesimr"Toinlifison of file 0 A. Was-instru, d,toiftstalithe,game. SATURDAY, ,a L . . . . � I
- � , , �, . - � I I
, I
AR ''I'll 11 ''' I ill WE Olt' VA-Llnwix t '' I ; a �_ 1you 10 look 111) youp StTl)�lfpe.�X�%`JJIL bo� no resorre bid, I an, In- The, better liVO stock,ir�ft� the staff C,, Gue . . qtv .. � . larch 21�11W_Admih- �L . I
' UWA(Iii 'AN6 41'1'0�01;1, THE 'LATE I'll I ... el L)OX % THE STAIJ; I rt io,j 1, . I 1ph, and Mr. llartry, of Ston.. :,-.--i_- ,istrator's s . '. .
0�'�' �
., . t . � soil. I . I and equipment of whych are*suppliM - I . .
I , I .to � L ,. I
I � L . � NX -44: - -----..-.�..-----..-�---��*J.IAY,4 VS, T. 01--iflill by the C�, ,p. R. L Ate Of valuable �-otttige and
-f �, " . IZAN PREfor. � BELL, ; . ,, I . forth, will be in town -oil Friday, And "I'limp, foliol"L BOTTLE," A COM-pl)y I
I Spur . I land Of the lato Joan Drennan Bell.,4t , . . .
.. I .. 1. I— . .L. . I I;r WANTED, to go to Loyl(lon-For gen- " . . .. r0lwayo, Donninioll xvill address the ' � MISSIONARY ,D'RAINIA, if" O'clock 1). in. T. GVNDRY Aue � I I
I . lt-1!4� .
I iarnistrall'Lot tup G ..� . `Nuet'Oil(`�"' D ' Lions Club
I properw or tbp � Oral 11011SOWOrk. Must be Able, ,�j- -----* , apartment trriculturb Live their luncheon at n' I . . 9 I
�, la�1110%3 of' A% , n*t
,. W IIPOO.Aca.� _ ell., late bf we Town or and PC exPerifteed No wasill" 10,COOk d1I,rAlil,N4, .�j ION SALE OF . . oon and w4h. givi. � . "I I
L , dert In OW county Of Huron, Ividow � R, good PARM Stock AsSOCiation,'0inadian. Nati6nal Addresses L at a public , - i tiorleer. , I .
I or Im ate Willi -4 ell Ben� will Offer h0l"P, 111911 NVaNez, with*14crease trout flin A -J 'STOCk, *AMPLUME"N'T.S, all 1 , I . TONIGRT L I I
Ell" tim6 and Permanent p(wition abi I .l. I
;, ftblic . : � .. ", . I ... I uction . . .
0 , I 0 . the evening 'It Methodist.church are putting on 'till Sale, of household furniture and. ef. . L
- 311, Ult,Ws. I . (1 '--'EEl) Rallway gathering .of I FRIDAY, A14ARCII �11$th__A
), . L, toe 41 Ia tho 1.n4g,.0f,,r1. ed, by Pirl. aerarences required. -4, I a, Ontario Department of Ag. -Goderich citizens .-on The AM�.,;ioa-Circle of North..obvei
I rg 118fter df,,icrjb 1� O1q9 101101alM. riculture and Counctl of CanAdii M' ,A
,km,p'AUi-IJoxt A i'TtOnl Me, tontion, ent. . � , * I
. � K� LU Uulldky, AUC, . L eat the Masonic Temple on th c L
., OR , , . I . . .111. 1.1,sclii M(`.%(lfJ.A..N
11 -------- �_----�_ 1011 Sel� by pubile auetion at l'ot 11, me a L nd . e , subject P I
- L , , 11, A . , . . . ., . Packers, will visit �'�eaforth and, t1x,.,_ "Ho Garden Beautification." - uniqu lay in four acts in the loc- f0ets at the premises, Anglehea st. � I I . I
�! ,> 'at. Mo Ptopprt�' SJ%lJ;lToL'on Hint:ka , el'al .4tr)ip Tilt R-APAY . � I . � 25th. it, - IT - . I .
. . k t1RN�y1,'T)' '' � - NTED (;" ter during its 1924'�'tjnerary 0 Mal.. The evening meeting 'is tturto room of therhurell this (Thrrs.. MRS 'BRUCE WILLS, Proprietress, . .
&T I ,IE ,.,-Ono asy OF ��I'fic,lr JV�'Li (VXTIR WA, -for irrocepy or kon- 0, Goderl.eli to%"nship, on . ,
ST.. in porlouce; . , r4alp 01, remale. state (-X - I . . I evening, Seenea find vas . .
I if any. Apply to p. 0. 11OX �67, . , MARCII 121til ' contains Zine cars of high auspices of the Goderich llordeultiip. chiliae . .
: . %he Town Or GOderloh 4 -o'clock in. tile. -I . Und" the day) t of; T1108. GUNDRY, Atictioneer,
I � . I -� 1. � onlullilleing at I O'clorlt shurp . . , . . I
. Godepiell". . Clask stOW and ters are 'as follows: 13 rbara TURSDAY,, APRIL lot--Auctiou I . I
artlornootl�. . , .. V Ont e
.. . , I .
I -runhinpr ,.,��L� SdVoon L . .. ,Poultry with spef-lal al 'Society and everybody is invited. Lane, Mrs.. Vitester Johnstoniapran. Salt, of farm stock and'implement3 I . , **
. I I Lot N ,_ I Bri.-Righti.qt pr4ev fUy ll()Ullry anti alRarges 1 b"" lopperl"On tl0l"ie S Y004. demonstration azid. IectuK . e cars coni. The"Society Will have a record iiieni- cea, Miss Lonella Ceonh; Ifelen, MlFs at E. half Of lot 12, cofi..,(;, (A,)Iborne .
ty-six. hrl;y-one, Alroty,rdu, keari, about' j'vw lbs., -i bay -i)tq-t,ljjZ1`,0ll fortably L heated. L
� . live, "S,6yell W-'rour, S;%,PntN OUVIGM lbs�� I bay llerebes-�n* J)ol,.�Q S
�114I . itighty- three . I
1 L . . - Ili
and X glity'rour, seymoup,s TNT�Ul-lk. M.kX.P.vNyEl(. . . (;Iytl Demonstrations: bership this. year, already 213 or 214 . . I .
,, ,- - '. survey in the sala T043j, . . 114W, -1 Y.eftrs, about IWOL ll�..4.�
, I bll�
. � or 0�derich. . WA XTED, _ . - , Ab()Ut %fl() Ills P will be given..in- ll�.ries. be4.�attle naitnes are on the list and it * I . I
- * Representative rok Cilulo.,L J ,Ili , �'ly vah-eAl ('0"", and-,,(.ajf_ ,, dairy cattl - - Howell; Dr Ahnin, JAne, Miss Alaude'at .1 O'clock. ANDRr&W,,STRAtJGW1 � . . . .
I - -Local imniff, ,4L .J�t,ar, . I Margaret Gr
- I Tho. rp Lopty Mr,134 or villUllble market L. .. 31
. . I
enq )Ot4, rru Ulreas and has on it a .o6ld ,,,,,,,,b, and.'disjr.et, to sell "16 Ft(1('Jl 11tJJ'lJarne()'%!s, dlIQ I a d milk ptoddue. Posed to Close -the list in -a few - da�j,- -tson; 'Mrs. Lane, Miss Flort-nee A,JetioL � . . . . . .
. I Rapoe. I X Goderic a$ milk I itt pro. . -Lane', Mr. (1has. Rbb� AN, Proprietor. T1108. GUNDAY,
wintort I
. III well bollt-coftage. This Ill a selltnIr .!" $;Pl'ib� in ea]f, 4 M � I lit- iel�l .-_-=�:- I I I .
. �, 0 Foonthill Nurserl" � , 't,y('41 . i I I . .
I I Won f(,$,0a,S0,,%,nOw starOng; Iorg(18t dfl- �J St�.o��q � pl..�illlk . , . _=�_ , �� ---_—_ bdw- Last year there et
Orolendid.,opyortuftily -rot, any, ile -3 (?Ill. . were, 189 rn(,=- neer. I 0 � . .
� �. - Nvilo, inand . Plffls.--wl bl'ood' sows, IlUe In, I r - _61, - . 'Mooney; Hillau L I 1, i . . I
I deAll'Os to Iraticlit karden I � I since the war. o.tel!islve mwil. I L .Iapt�h and . 11 . L . .
. .
. . ` Thor-sald prop�rtY win bt*.orft,.p_ torpltoq, highest rominlanons; free oequip- L . I TICE, bers,and before that 140. ions If -poked Husbands, Me.wir?'., i � — . I . I
� , S , a subjt,oz lo,a rioserved bldf The ment- ST.ONE "I. . Pritchard, Breckow - and .I- DIRI)L
, 117"D51%,11 NUTO' I'D it 1-1 bfonze turkey ho,11 and gobblf-r: I I . BEII �(A 114, 1111-Z . .� I . Purvis; Ih_. ('r NJ JJLJN'�� _ �
) I �.�,., . - I L Wago I 1`0"o . AUCTION. ":_'_ uptittas a good list. . . I I
— Irl.s. I Cut. your distriet I World's 10 Marine Service . I Caste- Woman, Mis' Mullins, I
I . L ,chase Mone ent. 0 the Pur- ... I ,;t 114f1we ltr b44 niflitiow NJp J * � A
, purchaser sball.st tile &'%'ELXJ, .1. Toronto. iniptements.-I. lle&%,y wa.,fon, i,-frt I bit, Woman-, Miss bf, Railie; . Out 4)11 ";UndaY. N131'011 V,111 at tha - I
, time of. Ill sale pn� box, I tannimr inill. I 4ei. ()r sle, n 131'r Nioney , :oink w Allot ' L
I I tioun a. depoolt of 10 Aer c lonprip nr
LL F . . tor. . I I I
1, I and Mail pay time, remaincial, I IFOR SALO, 94.-"! X, 7 . , 1 Maxv6ell cuttinsr box, I I W4.4 y ffl- Course witi st flonle Train- ' I s Dorothy WI. It. tit, 1l'L",rlf"V st., TolOnto: ,jla�k Culliffolds..
. lwh cuttinir Mix wlih carrifir.4; I as line' 11(11�r) AUCTIO.IX SICI ) - 1. Sixty OfLthe mar;ne L I It 'lln4,rQl L toy : ��I. Palr,ek,o .
' .
�i I . or tile pure,Lse mon(.y thirty days There- r___'��— J'ngtlle' 4 t-,., 11. P., 'I * ne ' 1111 e3r rPS"ll CNThll*o,.k_ Soine 'fifty or L ; lbrookc�; Patients, Misses, Paltridgq, "WALI VA". S"Joal1q, f . .
After, u1thout interest, whon possession , , 1 no XAL .1" Cook -4111110 . .
p� - , - .....-,-, I 11fir"h 7 Bill., Tuogday, thf, INth 111404t, '.
' rU Of Goderich attended, Xnox I I
I . WWI be Irivon. Further Particulars and SEVE.N. 11OUSES4 l'on 'q.kt,E--' Apply I,) t1re'l J)Uprgy', I Notill)('r., I Sion . . - .1 ., moll. I Long, . Gkuharn, Purge, ('01borni., -Elli'll"of 1:.NJt. N't.0 U.ni. Train IL.11, Intp .
�, ll 00: TIANIGIN0, - 1) rotIATINO; , ill stratriold, (into
. . I I
.11 P 11101111titne i or single barnes � , Hern, Moloney, Mrs. Clark and G HOUTON. Ia Goderitti.-Il
T110% STI�fk])Y, Wost 9 i r4olk rollo. I set of dou I .4 t and Out$ldtf). All ,orit '( romptly attena-
_or . I of Fl�%PgAnd Ceill4fr Tintinit,
ondjtlunl,�,Of S410 will be Mad - �vapn, tonkups; 1-1 billdiv: I o R . ey 1`111011 . .
. a e, ,knowo at �F_._;Z,�_ lit. " , , ; I ba Wall church ofi Sunday evening. inst in a i Murn ', Farrow, Disheroo � Clark: I
lito 14M thaLSQ10"Afid In Ili of _.��!. bli, liar - .4 Pall'UnK (Inside body for ihe special servl�,oi.for those my imi, rimaly IlouiLt,,n. 14, I
, may be Und from the Adminisirator, Mr. t' SAXX OR HENT, --On reasonable vorniture, jut. S. . 1,.Ing, ed to at, re4ionabi 'all A good deal of time lins been 1,11414y. mar...
Jobtl ]]ell,. todt4rlebL Ontario, MV Tlioma.1 -1 eltoll Mid all� .4! ill A. $XAZEL, B�me . Pric C - ill, write who follow the life on the lakes tind .. . . .
� . 4 GUndt,)r,,0oderleh, Z)ntario Auctj;n U-1-1114, t011 -WPO, 1101d f.djolninpr altri- I table: 6 Ritchoin halrs;. I u � Sp ill L stre N " tak- �1-10:tl� V Saitforo, 'nti Woll Ostia . .
. , I � Villn;rell. ' � lay's walimpers. I - fill' Ill' ton made in -Niolo", L -11h. iwf, Apbort CIA'all(ii oil I
� ,ee culiural groundS, . SUltiLbi . V - t ' atrout ` occupied the fiont BeatS. L Thio mush. . (fit and sPecial prepara6 ly c I . I
I for the (1�1() don -L Apply STAR oFyI 0 r1jr mapket Era' ; I I . .
71110' A'Adereigned soliellers" ll� of.. I _4�_ ` . I .
, - . _' ' L � — — — ate anotl well-rondered - thig play whic) _11l,Jllll#4. ,,, ,,�lr,, Jonathaii F14lier. agod I .
-.---.-.-. f1b(out C , (it Up anti , �
i I A) bu4M 11ye. , . . I
__ I Cruln.-Abillit "'O hu"110-3 (;OOSfN UhOat-, 'kTOTJ y given I "it a ll,N�1'1" u"as including two'antheinh, "Now the j)�'.' promises to be of unusual interest, . I .
:� ��jT., the Plitt'nir On of
Utrator. . be
� ,,lf� ,,, � was appropri I
11 ted at'ooderi�4 this 01i'day- lot Mareb, -t' quaLntttY br Urst priz -IA Iplsll %Vhlte seed 03U; .L1, pam.,ed b .N
11 I
i .� . . * Ilann"r Out, borne, fpJXLao.I n1linel'olkli ' ' vp Or Iho . .. ()I' -q ---%t Nft flUrOlt, toil ThurkU* ,
, y .
11 is expected there 'will be a goof 1,11h. 10*11. fRUah Jane Powie Widow
., . f ft, I': i , . 4 Foll SALE (' ill)(Jut CA) bl"lel.i 1AU"ll -S' 1' "Tato"; TOWA tor (;()4l�rl(.Jl, (11 ill(- -,Ali day of Nfal,,.Il Is Over" and "o L Prai�e the Ity I Of 11 the late. 711(01113.4 M-eeloul, Ili or M
il .;� also registprod see,l v tile 'Munleipp.1 001111 .
L I 1, . III-AYS A RAYS 1111111PY 0. A. C; 72. fRA.NX U V01'.N(J. it. 61ijor 'artjejes.L Iml. pr L I it 4141!31i"
I I TEWNIS.All .sunii or 8J0_ and or, 001111W for tile hmiii- tir fipbeiltilrio4' G ,od," in the forme0Df whi dienee present there . 'A
. ��011(!ItQrg- Mr. the Admi4l,arator It, No. 3, Goderieli. Phone .46s. raviow. r,sh, und . 11 Au
,�Iii'li'll,��,�,,�,��- " , — '' to the aryouta or qwjo(K)u(x) �(or tho flufPCIA . ell -F. - . this evening. yea`r. .
_.-n.'' ------ ------- ,-'--""*, , I , 1,1,01,, t4l,lt 4111"Unt seve'll MontliV ere- or an attequat, 4,41gf.,., , 0 i 11r, 1�! I .
Wt E`krpw_'��t7m,': �%-.,Zd Von On filrillsibing aPproved for an improvp(l purill atillo plant and _.... ....... .... ..... '',',,',"..- ,-- :��_
I I (14 s0l be gi � Saunders took the solo part.s an,l in . - 0 L I .__;.� L ... ���� .
0SURUCE AND 44d _k6jjjf_ F. r ;�i] �ii,to joint note chlopinatish, amlaratus r()p th� latter Mrs. - A X, MacKay.' ' .,
.1 . I I �, I CoVROPPI-11, Gillid anti 'xartlii strains. itratirpt (ifi.,�LoddLicount,, tit 03 per cent. tile further proteeUt '. �. I I .
. ' Thego are 900d utility- bird, and breq front innuno, for CS h . It ept'dit a- 01, the Town or (,odt"Ift"Dill I %dff too I" sup'lly There was also a qu* -� F� .
. w an exten . artette by Mb . I I I
Houses-:—fiouseif � , ' 'lens that lay' 1"" $'-'-01-1 P301, 0E0. E. .No re.i;erve nn av$, ' Alvin or ths, lnj,u,e pill(. (or Ellt, sa,(i 4�%,.1tt.ni I . L I L
I L 'REI, *L.kl)F a 11010 Qrlt.� 11110111, 12 all leaving I .
. I . i , G --O, ,, D y I . thing ai Proprietor is to a p(qtot but,lde tile I al.b(,ur In Nairn, Mrs.. Dunlop and ;Nlea�rs. (if I � I Tku" .
" ill(. farm, 11' of t I6 L ' ' .
. �
. : o iin��'i, for sale at a - : ' 'h' if Coo' (' wdprivho� .. . . - . . L . Huron, at itip, ptipt of (;,flp1, I'"' Saunders and J. Thomson � � he crits ik$ . *th the "UMAN"d of I I I
:::�.. , . � I IJ�QIJV ?4(%1IIl.L,%&1 . jell. AM) VIAT I SAM . .1
. 1% OVSDRY, I said Bylaw w1w registerealiff ttp� 111-PlAttly * 4" I. resenusive, points swcAmAlk -
. � 4' SALE- . 11 * Clil. &Nis I)l,V_,8tan 1 Pr(TPr14%.Ior. Auctioneer. orlico, bt tilt. notristry rllvj r, Rev, R. C. McDermid s lie oil ti,(, I . . I
Tvhat It woltld'eost you,to . Il . I -114rht I 11.1fig, Cblk - It, '.NO. 1. C ty of Huron, on thp lot," 11 for ho Coun- po I . � elsewhere. T , .
will be to,y4tir Into es to see . .4 8008ion b,V orde . It' loderich, . challen - _ _ L - �� . ,�
be! .Our� 11 0114 Niagara, strains With % FIV "T Mar(*h ge and dangers of the lift. ill, I L .. --- I 1111i''11111111wo
#,JJlJ.'V f4i%lj.; Of, R0(,QF — I'Vi. Any-! 111i)tl()n It) qtlasll I � 7-i - . L 11111111�_
.1101.1p M, 64 ast Ie th� I .. - .1
fore'buyingi, Sev ral pro or el tonted bigh flock avqrag 1 the water a attractionq It hall, 'N * ,Ir - 1. .
'a Vro C s 'on age back Of them. too p I'Vit-Ni- 88mf' Or My Part tfiior�nr] inylki bl. In nd the . L . I . .
Or till, 1111.4 Jbill.a. I 'A I I
VeryoUsy"rMs,of . or At TURE AND EFFE'(781 %Ubin, throe 'niontnq tilt ad" The fact that Ili St. John,.4 vi. I - "I T WA . 1.
list. . . I .� . on . � S W Y 111FIVIP3411,11AIIN guaranteed. I.. j. sTg%V_ , ... tion or tilli .N(itiel. ,n(l fill; oft I 'I'll Made there wag to be no .4iol, . I . I . L .
. . Till'. Proll0tv or Airs. MuCe M1114, Anglespa "I'Aartfir. more i .
. I P. 1. RYAN,, , ,. , _�_,�__.__ � ---- ;�_ mreol, toil . 11 ft. As illeaning that i . .
" 11 . I , Orial.0y, Old, I lea, he ti,(Ic I
. ,
L . I � __ . IAI Ell tlln L lq *1 (joy or :. th(; division synilu., . I .
Xah-h, A.lt.. Itig-1. __
Real Estate ad Ins'drante. , ('40CRERELS AND PRAKE-y FOR S.Xi#f,' - -1 ' , 'I-RIDAY, MAhC,R,g8th, jp24 - , I , I L
L ... , _. !1_11_!_,� J , TWO expeptiontilly Well-bred -I?*frd,d! , I I I K"Nox, liziid by the se.L would be i 1 4- . I
- nock C0rkP(`eI3 and a number qr wen_btpol . , sharp: .1 I UP : " N, . I .. I I .
I r"1111110tielnir at One co'clork . rk or ifie 'I, lull off 61)(1 , priel I � L
T i Xecla Z'., , I
PRE ARMSTRONG RkAL 98TATE AND ....=-1 ....... 1.1, I Carling . 21
largis White Drakes, "llitablio 1101' bl't-to4kag botitosr,' 0 stoel rango, IL Coal and wood - � I . )..
. ISSUMANCk, ACE.14CII, LIFE,. Act;l. Purpose$. APPly, to ;. )I. I pKitellen . chairs, I lar . L", E1,14=6 -21111r=1111 I 11 9' . . . . .
, a, ..
_ .%.%II%O,N, Ire, kitchen . . � I
A NOTICR T . . .,. I .
o6fif wid AUTO JWWAANCH. . . SM411- eabilleto I knel '10 CR41HTORS The,mild weather hits been againSt ' I " I I � I.A.
1. Pardtoll, It, 11. No,4 U, 00d0riqlk, or *1)bone boar(l,. I Wilton 'On'tithle I latchon cup- -----.k-., .
L I , __,_ I � I f� , y4a. . . .
� Ifni: . 22 r 7, 6010piell hUral, ruir oxibi.., I %x,oven car- _. -,`----— the � tourlerri and the - Scotch do lo . - --- . ,.�,,,
. . , ()T(GE To C11E0ITORJ,J . u 1A, ( -, ?L I '& 0q.:24., - --
SE9 AIM) LOTS IN GODERICII ANII) Pet, 15 yards 11noleuril, some, olleloth, I .J_�.�' _4;� -
I N I A Z��., - 4 i.
. � 0 +.frgrfol 04.4, 1
CL . k, � I I JAI v""-,. -_ I
joiltet from, Lill I overhaillL 06 ,f.i -1 , , - . 4 1, -; U�_ � , I 1.
(or 'W11 MATII.D.% (,.%l.I,A(;R&.l,. ijk.CE'k, . A 4 4 - I
Miller listed to , _ 4)tlghJynQ-A'- D00-idEnlrinto has boon thor- m,exving inatfbillp toloarly netv), 2 beds. L I F.� I 1. as tot, " , __ r, - . .11111. M ill fil 12 I .b,
'I) FARN13 FOR SALE. Fon 'SAU�-Votd' Touring. Ca 411hing room Atilte, I large mirror, � rock- IN TUR MATI -rF of- Th secad 'round -.1 - I . ,
V I G UNIX T Y AN ..,�
t . jou"nament Is .still uncoinpleted. , 4� Xj.;
Large till p- brand """, 1 Centre tahl'o, t small tablo. I Sinkoir , � I wq ,l . � �, .
I goll body . rf;R ir kill,- resulted 11A.
" ti WIWI 11 - lit its ill 116 - 01,
,clUdils some, of tile, bot h % in toxin. cliassis septipately, lows: Campion and Purvis, 9, vt.;. if: I ti , _Fqfil to , I �
mlifty lot YL JOW it, ,- � 94 lit . , , ;,,., A A . PL."'C' L - - , - . I I
Ile vor QPIUNU WHEAT, FOR ',,4AI,E-A I 111, 9 ft (I " I I ,
price; a row -call Q,hought on the monthly 1, -
equippear. buggy, 1, Child's waw(jou (new), I baby cut. pstate Of 1134t tile latter bf 1, Wallace and �'*J(rga%', 1. .4'.. o i,al;A,- - ., I
the propertioe a -00 - I' " 11il - I .-
. i mf)(103, I Child's commode rbalp. I baby b1#vlug, elf,, Is qf�i;�nl that all Il(,l .;,ins Humber and Pindtor,,9, a plu�; for tilt.. - I. it if Ii ', F10
A num pr tire yall modpril ouse,, , I bill W. HOWFI.L. or '4ppings arl" In'"It0l"PA, 2 dreq9sirs. 2 com. NOtirl, Is hor(lby I I , 011; R 414;0
� _y quantity of W11 IT &Illti 11, xra � q Iri.
(I (loose spring wheat. 1 clouie,4 raek, I il,ullalg boat I �* � 'i i I' ,;- - ..
a. I lawn 1311, .% J�� , �. Alf� �, -- I .
Me froll, 5tllL (lay . A 4'. �19_ 4!AJk1*1U;;_!VA_ _ �
I - payments tile Uoderich. P11)"10r, 144-etitle( , . IW thed c,n tbA for the latti.l. of r , L e 4 - . � .
pay'nont Plan, 4 Sm3u amount dOwa Pay- [(or (111""' I tvasalng '"Ohlile, 1 Wr1n$rep- "Ou'll for 4,odorle .. 9)l Tile � __
lGit"a Natilda 01,141111,41or., lot . i I t
. men', the-Il4ranee in Tummy Apply io O,.4w,tI.I) M -4-'v, R. R. NO. 1, num,or, numher (),r Dasuelfl, I elect 11, 'if Uld 1-ountv fit my, vs- 21199inston and Bissett, 9, a pI M0444 " I .e 11;
game OLS Paying rer Phone 16-603. -eprutt*, l. 1, - --_77-_� - -� A Alf�.VZ AH " ::
� it or Ally way to quit --.-.. , __ ____._ -, ____ � _. __ I U "Od iron,.4 ti ale. .windoW blind. , ,12f, Olt, 0, Parsons arpi : _- .. 1 , ��
1111 11311 or jL ;. . ,r_ -VT L , -- , -, , � - - , " 11,�;��,, �7 " ;� , & .
L . qUiped to qenil or � - -o`6,;ttr,"_ _� -_ "' 1, " _ - � I __1. � - 11 ,�'; �. �
I , purenaser. Ask ub,j),It them. A number or 'Prinfr Wiloat, tew ned fruit .; . - 11), w. Fisher and flotV11441), ___� - - - _�_ . 7 . � )
Sale almos% 4ulyL $120, SALE.-%rqui-i (Ind pul'tainot, number or quht., 5oVIL1 Can, aignt'l(, to tilt, t1li'll-I - flaudei or ,ftv - _ � � .
,�, 10015 for '- about ill Lll(),- frl ' 40M.U0114 for ,
I kind, lo- Full L .1'n it sealers, I Ili EAU4,111,11., 1`1111 10, a plws for till, latter 4 1. vr,.. . � � I _:____- ---I-__ - I .._
r0tv, Price -or Mrms f0v 11037ment requir Mitit'lliar" (or Ih011 0 dali, Vt- Illf'd
. from weQ11I 81D) PPP 11114110, Ap. qet (if KIIW's. Odd (li'lles an' I phey and Wht ler, (*,, �s' Thollinq . I., . .
� 0XI. .%me largo tarmp tf - 01), t(� 110�% *A111) STI'RVY, 1R.. 11. NO. if tit gr(inittowape . I w declaration np 4111d , ill . 1: " (.
-) exchs"o for 110(lerfeb. phone M3 r 3, I T&t1J,n._Ca9j, �') 441 or bprtoi , illp ,11al I
1� Sm011el' 0110-', or for IO%n jiroperty. A foNy. ___V_ , "Dth da,v of Ilareb, A. I 19.1i. (,L In t . -*-9*_
I MWII PrOPertJM ,for Salli, allit3bler tot, touel ...... �_ I AND TAKL No,rl(,,I',, McKuY. 18, a Pluo for t� , It I
'"'_y cattle " "n ill, n � k,j
' ' I. � -,— __ "__ ,_ r _
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UZ bee buo 4APM FOR SALX0 aeros -clay —I I MRS. BRUCE 3111,1,q, ,.),)ill (lay or I 3t aftft" ill#, ,laid Goldthorpe and It, L. llej(j, r). v11. (;(I' , political Centre of 0:1nath. .Irtl pro,
. ralsk 1'. 0t'NhIlJ` (,r tot :% L
. pobs yr gardonsuir liatip, F 0111. .turtioneer. Nlrrh, A, '. W11. till, q3 ill I . ITAWA, the
I .. 115wo. : E. I� Lot Ii. sth (An., R. ID. (4- .. _ 11 � - firriprii,trea% F%P4'UtOr Will pl,O(,ppjJ ,l t,,,,p,bute ." Symonds and -Porter, 13, a, pill!; fly. . I
A fine 1110 b(orne I'll., eomrc,rtab1(% fr4ble llou%e. ju , I �, ,. _ .- ___ 11%,304 of file said d tit( . -
-section ur tind ror <ale near rroonig. barn MX70, 11 slied+ .00%3.', . 111TION, 44A 'k" OF . FARM STOCK AND ROM (Intilled there"'e"r-41 41"1111W till' POF
� Regina. Sa.w. Improveil .1 Well , tell(W]. i to, P"'ticaDY (1�319n,lted bY tile late U'arl (ire
'!, , IMPLEMENTS I . aft that the .,4,,It1I � the luttvr of 6. Hunt and l"attvn�w-, ' V ao; th- tunsible
baum And lifir lion, Orchard. Well.wdtp.r� ]
plowink (Ionei For sj�; cheap Or e.V- . . I centife'd tile & iti'll Empire of zt.� rutur ", !I?V_*r t! I !o*l.,.1rd .
chanFro for g.1`000tt3r ,here. ed toll sphnir . anti iven. �! mile front ______ ..'""t'r t'll, iii;t -i-,i` blp r(ol' till' '4ald� '9, vs, I'Owcll And Hunter, 11, a 141a.-
, artleulars q1`11001, n'j D1110.4 from Auburn Station 9 DIIPW STI1Al%I1.A!j it.-gloo 'r an e � r a,,,,,,,.,,
Z M I I I AN, , I ,,,,I,.,,,,,,,,
� tlbuil(f see milpi trunt Godetich Reasonablo terins 11111 Seni,by Publif mletion 43 Ea"t Hair of , � N rw tllsh44 11,11,11 a ,� for the latter of 4. Black and flo� uv, I
I I "t"tth..,
iSTRO-No, ,,, el
of. W. MUM- for Iful"Ic Aftle. Apply *u T. S. HAMIIJOS,, _$ ,011. 0, colb"I'll(o (in r. M no i,;,m titllfy I, of the brilliant de,itmv ir"I st#)re for it tv'hen 6" B.mk of ),
Ile; 8g, 1 Parsons, Fair, : Godertell. t ot Ill C . " I'd - .
N� I at � , ', 7, vs. V. A. Reid And Web.:;tel*, 11, .4 1
. It. R. No. 3, Aub�ro. I , � C'.. Iq �3 60d;'It I it, 4 4 . - I Montreal established a Brancli tne-e 8i )e,iv; ago. . ,
-===�-�--'.-:!-**."!�-.Z!�L���I� 11 I r I'VESDAY, APAIL fqt �644 1 ,2 , I 11-1 Plus for th�- latter of 5. Min,ir.01, .. . I. . i
I '%A'L'LAL'M�L� � � � - .2_._�_� - _1�_,__!_ I Poth"ItInclor At I O'Cloek. tl;P forim,wi _ IIAIS & R%VQ t,J1__ and Wi-ir to- v41 to ,%t .
. . 'Naii, aud 1A
PIUS for the latter of %fnaal 'mt t1lat time v'1� in 111311v res�cts a terra incobn ita, I I
t consisting of half a dozen Pro I . 11c ii . I . I 1. .
I 1, , , L' . -. � A� . y
APPointed Superinten. � tariffis Afid'ttlrrendei Arid Ouaw,l %A,o (;tlly' a In'47 In -6 I
Argh Steatuship Co. - 11111I camp caned Byto;vl� '
)Y referred to in tilt. .. I
T06y Onaw, is hot only the narnf� of a �_autiful c;
from ('treat Lake,. .ty, buc i,, iho a
iusband of Uk�s blabc! !lyuonym [Cr the voice oura nition—like Dowaing stmet n,qd dl�t
le time of Goderich: A quai dr�=.V. ,
tfeRlroy haq h"n ap� I
�ident A; V. IlaIvey t;o TIle ftm-# of the Bank of Montrtal, tOO, 65 enhrg,-d fil , gajvx�"
a Fred Bailey, wbo.,v lit die interuening yeaz... ,� .
Maline r,uperintelidmi, . It is 'low recotgni4M al tile tqje C,f . .W -
a sL on
. .
trah steaniship Con)- willc imfitution rX "'P, alnona the le,ding Eank; of d,lq- wgzl�,J. . �
eff"tive April , Lit, .
ntarted with tho vqju- L
�5 mat(f and %'tI3 ap.
r.qt boat, thq,� (,allib�i;.. BANK OF MON -
dvanepnwnt waq i.A11- TREAL .
___ yv; S
appointed to"rail *4(� EstabliPlIed aVer 100 "'I"."Z3
ttonu Ing scacon, ur,til
llne�up Wth'4 ncce,,;�'al,,' TOW Ar'llets, in Imeeso of 46$0.000.,400
4 0 � � _. � I
- �_�L---_—��---�---- �--O00000000000
, �__ = __
T,he Star is ftqu LPW to d* &11�*XtS,
()� F r I
of Ppluillv� ft= iii bill to a bwk�
S , ,("'Up oft your StAtionery for tile
"Iew year.
I A11USkr0&*,&&W0(&WFJW*
FA, � I
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L. -A - - -----L--_AL 'Aof '44�