The Goderich Star, 1924-03-13, Page 9W_ WOUTSINNAV am" lb&- Losil_ rA49 MR , - 4 Nqrw tUmiburg in flu,4 Of WAA41 Sod on) *a *"Plod" voft4wAile i" VW Thm Try6ft Timm 40101le NM To Im" M*.qw1w0 F IN UER Lkl=�QUUSCI vrotc-lits; axtfabt mum to JoAm. in jk VAwaW Lft court ot Illurdt" Now *#Wak Alubs0NOW t3 UNkId The N"Itur CMI& 4100�11 Well and %*t You Auto O*er6uW produVOOK fit I *Atqw %aen Newax* *00 slow to I T%& -o an tbleo lryiilog LWM in a juaft*d Clothing. FrO4141rul, c4WIldX-4. dowe its wakw 14"M is AVVvr ,wo.ma,l, life wbale, she is is mod of Jmpwtant E~ts %Vtkh Hav* Booth,%g*rs oj�4111*t t'hittd 1.44V6 fi%04 'TrO114 W JaIW*V8 h4"Y MW 11*%visaltialt. TM e. )wArt nm%u t4a'ag Uv..A It is only the siciLly thild t1lat im cra" seek $A Occurrod Durj% iho Week. *gcutts ill New Volk *" 9"�' 44_�olvtqll� W NOW to M t if" it as blead voritJLmg ****4 wiaur. AVCTIN'44 150,00 NUVI- tit bll 411% IS, 4" PftN Uh. Nothers, if your chd- 11"LUW4WS%L a" IL "L" nW nleuaAoL - 1 411 C -11a W(- %%likKiclift'd 41 �d d t k -*p w0l, if 1(boV 00 WorWo **Vf"1110 VOINI jjx-�nttovd Council Vrotcbft r4,dw;tvjA SILloo's In* i'.- tour".; J.et u -n give I-ou a ptive n,)w *lid Init'll The yCouss 141, �Qot tuddilig isate *07 (*Oro" "A I%t 1*0 Qi;ljICutEur-.A finpleownts tariff, Inat"d Ut UbXkloloov. get a bettet- j;b. "autly *Ad Attr"-tivo Sb*f* top A wild ste�er c,. -caped frow JL Brock- 11-theto I Haby'* Ow� blv'�* %MY will weawalw-4,11 it&$ on ker cen%oition 111 Villsadiall L � .11 a The' *yW'Is Alul lkis folwAtitsk tzeriQd, VeMoAt bl, t%* atadeL% of. Our IN", N�V­ Abattoir *ud cAuv"�'d q0Q10 aud, 614-tallarg -U&d, swu be v 11 y again. .2� L11-ta are juirlotiou berew It Was UhlOd- I TaUets are t thorough ei _ luk,01bors. -and Will �s tht, tiwe wh*,u 01 slaake" 9, quCk'n" POW. Four studcutq by two hundr#4 xvgula the bowtut looL after vvq 4 aretallv; it. BrItilluc,14 131161r. kealtik �i *3ty WprC lined 12� "U(j C.Ost'3 401), a i6('11l; I -At QlAzy1if tsweet he sittimaeb, litt, time vtlten, it their French glove tr General NerhAul, ITLYfork llogle-ted, mvx� ycan of *'j;rojoag hays'�, of astmulth;,,; Q Klag�tpn I,,,. Mon's FurnislAak, AtiliecilitIOU, �,pgtZorl. colic, and jrAlgesti6 rid, pro. Spaci;d Rates on may folifow. 11605h, Voirtc r. jUly 21 its thkx kljjtt� flw�d tor the 'mote 1(��e - The Ub- Hamiltor, Juniors win TOUTIld tFOM 1VNUN*NIW.AV. L beafthful Wtp liquor plebim%a In 4jilcutchi-w-all. It solutely guaranteed free from a I*' Parry Sound. scutom 4,'A.'at r, �, V& Winter Storage for Battedies Woll" L ;J,3'4� �jo j*eMA 4 Fall of *now % or lro. Tko " on Vr4irles, 14 wel- 11311111ton, W911 114`1 i� ",*# I antl. may be given to the rAX- *oU*r is peculiarly liablm to 41^tt Comf TroajL�r W414 whippicil _4 by f&Mer*. Callpb or Tar);QY gocs 100 cxlt"; A TOTOIAW. Is now a. 4e- I babe with perfect sat#tY# Ill* MA stisit serve d6turbaiew. t4s 4 often brittall 0averallieut dropA propo"*1 6,4111s, Ear $wltxorland, �,Wted Oil a charge ot salf4 tAX will Tlot isicreaw tile price McLaughlin High Grade Cars ttfU*I, CaPjjejQVR Una W -j jenlpt!red' Sor Esnpire Board. -Four Canadian riwimUlf-U-9 Kv(103 ljtlr.*4'r ' and IS W4 , �bo of Baby's 0VM Tablets, *I the coul- Collie 11, alld 10&� t1lexii over. 04 iealby Van't h(IF it. Uer Uer" Ontario adds thirteen P141104 to S' brolma in Taranto. �tvqlim, lnoll("V troln Q conlradt Ivilly paya thtil tax. You cim obtain exergy I.- being dr*wu all 14mvily, asta atreogthell foreFits patrol. ;sv�r1unded biul. F11-011vago I-Awyer an t4,ial Wr 11!�­- the Tablets through any lillediefte Acr heart I* Wixg oVek%1V4 tQ44PAY AU,70ra AsseulblY C111111,11vt0i M- 4t 4ost-ow. 03s and Aca bl"If" * now life. Uglon from Tu0mi". life'. Alwell sound lilay crt et grain 0ova- 1ln!,;I4t"lI tot -onus AT, tlealor ut 25 ceitts a box. or ty mail, 3FA CHAMW low Um - Winulrwg rUraub-a sirrvated at,ro. tor 1)y jinblic autiscripti(illi. w 'rin vaal. . post paid, froul tho.4)r. Williams, me- �itiw is the loost se*�Ote 1wri(r.1 ill X Torsto on charge of murder. - �lug thei Itod utlep., *yaluatts will Co., BroAvilk-, Ont. First so -Viet 81,011. it suclal (lu=c- w0walk's life, � and. '*s, * rule, taV3 King, George coact flat,,. arrivei At Itailaa port. plapo twtweoxt the uges of 45 Ilud 5,1- rjf�slt.S Q'lejog to AightL Cold. tslopplar, sleklt4 tis (,.stlosgtes are reluccd Al, i'Ch tiole lbego is oftvl,� glo Thounis nj�,y T to at no. , ottjrsk� to powQr In au.ollg' puysxe;�4L.. J.Q V, .19 1106,000. Inent at *UiNiAc VIAllpil. NI)ntj jit,08ttlItioll, livDterht jju.d pselik%t- Z(,jgjjjm; has interview with King. N(ki. I .4100tia, Ullsliva Not". dowrl 4 W* M., BE L I � foano In 1181ew yorl" _ofiw.w,& au lu-0, UrO B�,%d- Vonspr%atlye plans Will prolong de. j,ltoliN. Tliew heatt. palvitatol, W, Assiplout Chalice inw fatialiq j3 liww-� Us" JWIAJ;t� Aj;reemeut. bate on adfiress Ut Ottawa. a e I ctiou -AST Qrt4v:,!tqs of tbo nie-ek tbroV, thore, is ruay bear genulne Portrait of saotsur. of sany Vounctect %j lkir$tt praottee, Is Wfustoft 114urelitIl Jasue djzzj%(i�ii."xu-sh of''blood to tile head, Pm.sidvat of''Houdurari ou CV0 at irid, I 0AIRNUAMEll 13 '61413111110Z VASQ13 C -140,4u it vor, Hamilton sch L UdArcssatvicking Soiftllstw lkot Sughell. �jjd u goileyal wcol�.ae�-4 1111ght. danger to, foreltss0rz in capital. Graphic accouat o2 uvrz4re ti rum- A wireless telephomle bVLR beta pre�� North l3py Phittl ptillod from undor I INN the WhO14 lsvotepl. Iteevej, of Wesitwortli organize, to 1-nusling 23410 t4l)k�,a lit AWMe 0100111- Sk"Ate4l t(l thf) pope, . NvIseels of doll*iery r1j; by dog. j, During fliuse 1hreo trving Out" '411 A911t Occe"ICin or. DunClas frow Rux0ruirning treaty to bO sUbvit- ' Tommy Walker at Toronto whis vrowcu -wIll find flist 'by talling u tounty. British oust,� Of Lords Saj�a lar te;l�to Uouw of Commorlo. Ll. g rvesters, I I.- I . , 4. , .). V!!V vourqe Of Milburn 114, Ilklltt and Nery ou , UQ.11111% A niust be r*kA- 4uQtQ to U-1-WOU'll Cleveland" 0.. people go thirlity Advertising 's Or 12#000 UrItIt3h Uja Brittnh )jUki-c-t llktI.V to show stir- tTength., 000 j)ernaineti, in t�auo4 I 4rtliodox churen to be openvil 14 To. 11,1110 111eir hollft wilt,t P10045, Owing to Pollution, Ot Take supply. Plus Owing tocut'lis. expendituve. clued. 0"eir tiortps toxed up 'und t1seir found work. Journals formerly owned by Sir Brantford Trad" and TAbor Coun. Canadit'lul beat Ottawa, I- �0. ist "Onto slue4m th(. litf,16011ation. It N vltu- A subseriber to, 4% 51tnsourl 114PO" Xlagam Falls latersuediate beat Me play-olt atcd on Vlar( .t. .4tiltaro. off spawto.,i oucc, ��djtvd by Aturl; Twain wrote 111W hloo4l. i3ilrijh"I., �ud they vill be kept o 114'4warcl, Iluttq4 art; as -119 lAOU11911sh, ell PrOtest9 cut 14 Implement tariff. tirut of Nattl Mal 1.1tag Ir found 4A -�plder iti this in a perfect stato of hetilth for tliet �,:wlwwlw I, :�i Home Bank liquidators will IUVes- 4114trielt J - Woottv, V1000 t' 411,1 ovenav, belo* Ring stl'k-tt- statfug,110 hail lual%et. &Veml wee%s .1ti'a tho t%: isnpor and wanted to know it it mcullt y4arr, to enine" Nine ji"o'Urivili n,4!i tA overwhelmed by 400 WIthdrawalo Ina . do . just prlcsr� 13mettoil diottlet, d1vaat goot). or bad lu0c. t0plied' priee r)Qe. a boX,L *t (1ruggigia 1 an avalagcht., it, Swit%erland�,_ Owl to. tallure. Caulandinvat 11adD rightoouls3vila ia J, 4 4,1 Seemed No premilor add4resss to N.J.. plea'ded fm� 111t, qw.'Ation (1 1Jj 1. vo d &9�b, (,riber.. V" 'i � 4 1. AUUdaN * I"V_% in rLo. jor On rtcelpt there' %vas Wileo. world 'It Arnold justi-Aild in travin- In El"' t t Firlding a Spider I r "I rilay VrvuIi Oc-rernment 4z ImUlti, ill your paper was nelther ",od lock 16olralllir Hapol. -fler ,Ikluoru be vxport(ii from FrQe Church VoUjjQ% llay na IPIR W 4aor o ly oetvecu %our$ 0 Ist"; 11rau to "s"N't. fritue froat lur'llk I to nor bad 'luct Tor VU. Tha splor 04C in t a.lu, too moterlal, ovilln- picturvo and oth% Two d0aths Iron, smallpox at and a Vall, verAvrdtw- took tUo Uhilwo joercly looldrig ever out- VOPOr N*hki licit r%lillatild Jt; was -Po you feet, depressed? Arc you Ovt:r Juil'sion dollars Paid- by Ved- Wjnjlsar� but bordor opidelote said Tri-nwuC!"s lsieftzry In.W0 Insur- 14-000' PPOPIC' Lis not adver- f . Ir j. V. �.., * 1hA 1­1­'nollt I . 1 .1 A A, 4w I laws - men 'rwcelillia oldo�-3t.: to see which wevellant Arc your tierves as; eraA 0ovellItle.U.- JN.. V Wlev AM?'% 2 IN -V Q 1� M 11.w "I!, M:111411V tising'so that ho can goto that Marc-, VARAUI N MAI I AL il'o U16B AnWo G060140111- d0an,-Of IsUlldlne grill; lit OlUrt, )- 01 0111 'edge? D-0 tri hig hapinning's instruktioll. 'NY$. vtt.. Diversity, Addresses 410VIO silo Pill his well 4e ka 41 ftefilig, that 0an;o1jull Olympic boelic-FIsts, t Ya I e V Xitchtller 1.73ty Vullut:11 i,%Uft V( botlivryou? Have y, narses a rois theL (100r. "d live Toronto gradauto nurses' banquer. the vralk(l jurv. lutioxi, t( ward." TRAINIERVICE.-to TORONTO soniedui4'11readful, is going to fjajl� %Vo','jd �;tyk4 a 100, of %millsturbe ficu. 5yIIjPtQju,., . are jli>t n%_: Warn, r(LXPtjou,. -.0ontlikuous export -at good- tatt,14 aolftr. lExiooppt Sunda3r coninidn as many people have thelli. , Oss�szrla A9rlMKlIj.-%i College plalkla. to Great UrAdlo would lower ahili- No Rest With A)Mtlelpsl d�-vj3v,'s' Ili Old St. Ali - They are the signs which tell yol-t to Jntroajjc(� new oat, Said to bo bt X.- pingeosta,clalms. atrealauthorlty. drew -a bArrtivit.4, 'Lorouto, totally di- usuti%r attacks at. night" the 0110 tilue Lve. Goaorjeli 6.00 man, 2.�O pm' 1. - when Tost IsTicleded'olost, Hence tho tbatL �.aa Are run down. and siced ttlr than O.A.C, 710" Twenty-.0191i'tvessels ill rtuM ROW, stro-ed by Are. Clinton 0 25 it,ro.. 2,62 p.ris. something to enricb. your blood, quiet� I $pea:ker Of House rales that rro-. oll! United States coast, has OVWL Taomvw SouthiyortU, , forUierly lo%.,4 of.strengtho the llervouq* debilit"V% &Afortil 6,11 A.= 3,12 licirNes'an(Vtonc up your Syli- �gr(!siltVes eall,lonly bii,c6usiderod a �elovers millton dollars, worth Of ftikot, Dirpetorof 000ulvAticits, And I.,orestry the loss of flesh and otherevil-, WhIell 3.42 1:0111. CarnOT will ilo lithis quiCkly ' and luloority opposition ill Qnta4lo L09- aboatil. for 04mvia, , Ivr, at OttAW4. unless V01iPf 6 141 -Out.. must be expectOd 7-7:- NANVVIje 41scoveyy by London, _yt--ffUCthTb-7_U- . ­__4000rb Arr. Stral, y t" Llikabeth King, as well is thousand -i Physician: will rovolutlofilze eertalu grixiily bailgit4; oil, but IVIII not Bur.; 1(itchorker 84% W11, of -other people and it will do it for : spaill, enti-l's slutily Oq� l4ple events. brauches of X -my. work In diagnozing qvil.tnotlit.l. �_ar uj jlopt� dererred. Dr. -T,'D- Xellogg's Astbuits! IteoledY 40 has proved its morits through y6ru (;uCijpI). �i,45 tiop, 5,50p.to. you.- 11-cre%s Wlr4t Mrs. Kltw 51tys. mijita�y ecintrol- q anxes Z,' Cis in disMse- 'rheophlie. Nu�trojsolltp (I "This is to ciertify that I was for 11 . , Ron. Peter. Smith replies to' of service. 4 trial will Sur'llY 0011- Toroisto -, 10-10 a.m. 7.40 P,nl. Germany. . 11, L X,.C., lot the ltuw�,ai Orthodox Church Ift several �ea�s (roubled­ with -a run4 ports bright,out- ellatges, of Run. W . Ill .8, yes- Vince yqu., C. N% It. 011101al rc J ICALg and tli*.� Wcatern Stat( Roill) nin ve Toron6o 6.150 &�m,p dpWls: slut6 of bogith. 1, �N,as I -de- lie welcomes probe tote te 11!18816711 g -tea , ciaring lie m A took. for 1924. rday drdifsati'd t1lo arnt 12..5a P.ba., and 0.10 P.M pressed., nervous, weak, r4rcquently terss. powers . isia, In giving bond tnansuctions, WM -1 0 . WLto y,VIk 6*014"01'40" 1 ! -_ I 'or. I , sufrered it parlor Cate car, Croderich to 7 froul scvcrc lim- acb" caused by loss, of appetite. - I flad Caliph to Islam. 01 rn�rnlp Asollost-A, granted to Alf "U. .9. dQ- British Gol"ornmerit will luer (11FU9 onto� Cin 1 g train,.and Toronto I ease ar U to Toronto. Smalipox . cases discovered Irt Man in New York. Juraps OR 15. THE PEOUS "WER h St r no in�liflationjo, CID anything. I w, , : to God ich 6,10 v, m. troifi. 8-Tters diring war. air force. Th coatll Godoich Ticcoining toore and' more desponil�nt ar every Clay. There tweincil'-slio haPpi­ e-Goderic I)rockville caus6� alarm, istoroy bulldink. ness ahe.�d of Inc. My friend told ,WREN SONS 'we to iry Carnal as she was sure' - Sin6mpore bitse i,4sue still unsettled British subie owners 4nd workers LA by British Gove0lint- lit. debate wage Issue. Town' 11,asseoger siod Tickets Agenilt. It would ficlpone-; Uptireba ' sed a. f,e%� P uiaha,Neb., will Reeve resigns Office following a & wid before I bad fiiiistred'. iak- acklug b0ilse in 0 trage Ay in gravel pit, 11pholie'S ce COOK ..By' ling the first bottlib I feliAikc ii'dif:- 'kill cattle by 01 ll"elt C L I ame. of P, J. ("Vat"),Mora'si, former Cln- 0 -wom; lt,�;�flords use tho St. Patriek,s lose Ina 9 ITV. fercut an. fl chniati. matageri dead greatest pleasure to :recomnsend it scasoll to Ottawa, 8.to C. intruder to her down A :r1clous horse snapped the'nose, Woman Who alsoots to any,one wild is...In a run ELECTRIC 4, Illolre I . . I I . . . . . i "state Of health, I foUnd-1 sliq- off a roan In Saskatoo homa Is Ireed by 4ury. I.I. , , I . T I S( -Urs, s are unpropitious. for - At- Central Y�M.C.A of Toronto wins ar aild 1.()ndon HCC Pr0s. ............. I nau Csthor 'tonic." omen lie S d s toruey-o"cluer4l Dk%horty. u& 17 CtClar Street, Ontario, v61loyball iftle.. ar .1 The St. and Lon oil Adv0rt1-W ........ jo -ite inde- Ali eartbquake shock was 'felt lit V 20 6ojjdgb'6pp4en *Ikmedl C altdo pe�dence of 11�hllltiillrle Islands. sQuie parts he.StAr and Th Tdrontt) of P;ngland. Uobe. r TelePb6slty strike ends to Aleaford -Old Belleville., bride- ail and Hulpire'. 40- injerywhere. The Star and The N1 wherihp.11 staff goes batk to work. 0001A dies' mysteriously. nrutr Sto -+-t- mon, 1-ardIn pr(iftst �rt.'A 04 o W Tile Totoilto''SUtt... , ...... 0-75 A-40 "lid, The,14-arm against higher expross r4teit� rQ "kill .... r ...... '10vertp The �tar a I It.aly, . . . 4. . � he Falill ly Heral"A alid NN e from United States to Canada. The Star a n r h Ramilton. a The Star and,Saturday N1 lit ......... R Ar. -6 d "T x1ter ekly Star 3-50 f th a a T I loner juniors tie in firstgaine, of Rerie�, 3-3. 1. 91194"r Ingo U0111 or Wood Ar law. Ads's �r rulers eutcy race for Call - Pilate of mopleing abollmllp4l In Tur)�ey, .'Olven, �jquud j4nlora otter OJI.A. spelpial clubbin' with other Periodica Allial by 6pating Cirele Sft ol Hisig- THE HYDRO STORt May be had on application Oshawa became, a city to -day. the, Roth NO baby city celcbralcd tbe.occaslon right royally. 10 Niagara Fallb OJI.A. lutorruedlates win Arat or home-and4tom l galum ............. rrout A coulpally Is beling' fortned in Johantseaburg to acquire 6Q,.0j)0 avrv$ In connectioli with a cottoorgrowing scheme.. Liberal Loader, W E. N. SlutlaIrt makeA keen critlelsus. of Ferguson EXTRA G H TS Government and V.V,O. extravagance at Weston ulecting, Hall. Chas. Mccrae, minister of Mines, to vilsit, Old Country and seek Invesitment or' British capital In ARE. I N I WHAT -DO I �.C.. ortbern Ontario dovelopineut. IF . I I I L 911411 of Persia said to be exiii?d. town 11m, electric Oustonui and elelse.show lurge In- When wme Isiouseliolder in. the far we'stern seet.1011 Of tile: It'reneh tratic quoted In New York Dot greatl� Concerned unless lie be a friend of at 3.771J. liglit iustalled in lij,.g bome.you are Sterling In Toronto, $4.41 NeW York, $ 4 2 5 ll" .1. 1 yourst. Appeii al;lVwed by privy Council In Holue, Bank case. it aterlaervice, or of . gas! 91xty thousand The saine is trite of 0 Strilw In New York, Ireland defflats Wales lit 111ternk- tional Itugby match. But if lie has a teleplione in, it is different. You may liave occasion -it Strike of Austrian bafik clerk s vf4. led by a compromise. auy,dwe to speak to lilm or la so inember of I is 11011sell(Ad, and M8 tC1CPl1Ol1C -Aston villa, In Vaglish, CUP Iletal- ifinals for eleventh time, , MosleVia..1n. Indiz inalies this possible. The value of yo ple tit lixi been increased by reasou oi resent banish - been widened u(I ita the new itistallatiou. Tile atige of ervice for you has a lywtt jtbovo, X*ilr"d T.M.C.A. 61; %**6!*0L, Ont. ctsolirmli Y., lor t1ile welfilre of oulployets the town, i'm ift good w6r,k so frapregsed flit offiCarg all, was lusiantly s. rrdulx, Cornwi possibilities etila�ged. 'rhe Stll' 1,111d PROVISIONS Made of the company with its postibilitits that at t1st end .who art tempOrUilY AWXY from their hotne d' practically taken ever Wlainaij ai# illlportant jeetors in the guccelifol. of one-year the bull jAit W%$ :sf the greater ia C-Anads WA lily the Vueltus i *here lly, themo Thim Big Auto ad lolsetiovelg killed.bra board AunK from a saw. I I'll v St,,,t r and Et George Mills, Toronto, vote ran rail;- r6ok, 3.0 ' Fjoldt B.C., where the C011011alaY t*r* is :06or jlooml�odation, if Awtv, fir t1W Crtsill' tatimNicent,mount SfqUn House; X*noft, ack NOW%, 0 0 F159VEItUL worlting of every other itistritnieut. way engineer, :dAes Irl- elglity.�xkinth M Joist off the atinalre M :1 "L.0. "llagt AtiLin the ordinary comifort* Oflife, And far tourse of construction; White River.. choplesu, and is it**Aon, to keep its mitili on the job, as well *8 cArtier in Ontario, and, l3rowliville Junction, Usiftis. im I irstitution is of civic rh thete 131tres the Tie ar, Canad Iasi slational telegraPlis te- years .33,J cables, have bteu laid, new wles erected, netv wires st; t 7, new s�vjteljf)jard afl(I I'lio Star �,tr[%jjGj%j anki (Jiun . . . . . . . . . 94V the reason "is t it desire% its employees to enjoy most of jovint pio #dv*nt*S#A of good food, rest -and reeteltiOn imPtUllet Alrrii shows tro artmagod the A U_ !A tVX ."T YOU A"WUU "IfUt LWA Umm vA" 1VANT TO fRIT TRINE duces cable' rates In Western Pro, Tlw Star and Mcmarcal Wltllel,r;� ........ 1`k!!W,. now ... 3i5o Issited StA Oil Un- L . tes Inereases duty nortation oir-wh�atluiidvr flexible tar- VL4 Vvorlkl wkk�;`. 'rell eviral 4.215 1. 91194"r Ingo U0111 or Wood Ar law. Ads's �r rulers eutcy race for Call - Pilate of mopleing abollmllp4l In Tur)�ey, .'Olven, �jquud j4nlora otter OJI.A. spelpial clubbin' with other Periodica Allial by 6pating Cirele Sft ol Hisig- THE HYDRO STORt May be had on application Oshawa became, a city to -day. the, Roth NO baby city celcbralcd tbe.occaslon right royally. 10 Niagara Fallb OJI.A. lutorruedlates win Arat or home-and4tom l galum ............. rrout A coulpally Is beling' fortned in Johantseaburg to acquire 6Q,.0j)0 avrv$ In connectioli with a cottoorgrowing scheme.. Liberal Loader, W E. N. SlutlaIrt makeA keen critlelsus. of Ferguson EXTRA G H TS Government and V.V,O. extravagance at Weston ulecting, Hall. Chas. Mccrae, minister of Mines, to vilsit, Old Country and seek Invesitment or' British capital In ARE. I N I WHAT -DO I �.C.. ortbern Ontario dovelopineut. IF . I I I L 911411 of Persia said to be exiii?d. town 11m, electric Oustonui and elelse.show lurge In- When wme Isiouseliolder in. the far we'stern seet.1011 Of tile: It'reneh tratic quoted In New York Dot greatl� Concerned unless lie be a friend of at 3.771J. liglit iustalled in lij,.g bome.you are Sterling In Toronto, $4.41 NeW York, $ 4 2 5 ll" .1. 1 yourst. Appeii al;lVwed by privy Council In Holue, Bank case. it aterlaervice, or of . gas! 91xty thousand The saine is trite of 0 Strilw In New York, Ireland defflats Wales lit 111ternk- tional Itugby match. But if lie has a teleplione in, it is different. You may liave occasion -it Strike of Austrian bafik clerk s vf4. led by a compromise. auy,dwe to speak to lilm or la so inember of I is 11011sell(Ad, and M8 tC1CPl1Ol1C -Aston villa, In Vaglish, CUP Iletal- ifinals for eleventh time, , MosleVia..1n. Indiz inalies this possible. The value of yo ple tit lixi been increased by reasou oi resent banish - been widened u(I ita the new itistallatiou. Tile atige of ervice for you has a lywtt jtbovo, X*ilr"d T.M.C.A. 61; %**6!*0L, Ont. ctsolirmli Y., lor t1ile welfilre of oulployets the town, i'm ift good w6r,k so frapregsed flit offiCarg To SWAHTW T 40 possibilities etila�ged. PROVISIONS Made of the company with its postibilitits that at t1st end .who art tempOrUilY AWXY from their hotne d' practically taken ever Wlainaij ai# illlportant jeetors in the guccelifol. of one-year the bull jAit W%$ :sf the greater ia C-Anads WA lily the Vueltus i *here lly, themo Thim Big Auto ad lolsetiovelg III otber words, tli valUe(jfeaellitidividtia'elepliOnedepCIIiilio"tlleeffcctive partieWarly *rtafttll located At J11111111 '0110 an�. Makil Y'e. will no* be f6urid, sit ,1,. Et r6ok, 3.0 ' Fjoldt B.C., where the C011011alaY t*r* is :06or jlooml�odation, if Awtv, fir t1W Crtsill' tatimNicent,mount SfqUn House; X*noft, ack NOW%, 0 0 F159VEItUL worlting of every other itistritnieut. tmusieus'or periodleal woltor, And prattleallY', ft store -the lAalty for aUUt#4WUt. Few men are slatimitied bs � nL, whore -the Mcoa iss6eiatloyi becaralb istaVieb- ov#r at frequent int#rVAU I'll p1goes, where they ej; IgnaLee, where it xO�endid new building is in M Joist off the atinalre Five ago Goderich had telej)11011es i service. Since thell, liew "llagt AtiLin the ordinary comifort* Oflife, And far tourse of construction; White River.. choplesu, and is it**Aon, to keep its mitili on the job, as well *8 cArtier in Ontario, and, l3rowliville Junction, Usiftis. im I irstitution is of civic rh thete 131tres the Ilks?. C(A% AUTO", 29-Alliv years .33,J cables, have bteu laid, new wles erected, netv wires st; t 7, new s�vjteljf)jard afl(I 94V the reason "is t it desire% its employees to enjoy most of jovint pio #dv*nt*S#A of good food, rest -and reeteltiOn imPtUllet Alrrii shows tro artmagod the A U_ !A tVX ."T YOU A"WUU "IfUt LWA Umm vA" 1VANT TO fRIT TRINE te-Ha, we 11,1ve �1.1 ice f1t1+1 � 'I fGA a it wullevor "Miult, ihe catindia" Pacific Railway ~trasoll twicle a Ween# , A" E W A-V V toteoa . Meet all ro Q913tral 0111ce e(ju FMC114 11.01 1 1 1� Vey itly supportled vArtoll Ra5road bY the whole t6wtk. M011t, of the "indoor" iInt0lalls- T inis simit Almost every termillAt 01611til Ulb a en to VisittitE, but tile 'OutAtler sports 60*0 rx.C.A.6 A1614t its )in". At A ranizz Almplit solely by slid tat tkG VAIR04A here. ~ provwo* it, nolde for the train crows 119actskre 01 1rACrA. lines, bot tile Oblullasy his beop, moft tsvill6yets. and their folulliest. Thinfir, footbAlt, Woo. 11*11 and other srorts are, orgaUsed, and Divisional of 6*0 r a I ;aimatod in providing Aulrt#tg in such ?�*" AsiteurnAmersti; klid ra&ttbe*'*r* arranSed in. wbfcL 04011010 TV Oro. P. IR. Telephone service ig different froni otlierservieC.S iu thAt each lm�v 1116t iw�ta`i- lff*d to OtUr acrommod1flObs guell as White ltivert, Imosts, ejas, in Ontario, which b6th the YAJ& and female trAolby"s take palrL X*eh jeatOtt, Small tal stthea to the fac-t that they oy to *jVV!d wA'tjj bilwliot,slleys and binfAtil Prompt SerVkt and led any�vhere in town adf1p, to the Valtle ()f yotir SetViOC, Mal y *we their ox, are I r4l, ilway Alwh1orial polhtig. Altoset'her tell loullaisgst Ublos, Atti, oatstpdidan In thexe "ts it %6 1"$ kftn calreful Attandatuct, �Wj" lsj,#A SIT" over by the railftY 0110 Ithy to WWftjjL'th# va'riaus dbtricti and, town#. 0 40013119 alki The vtl*e Of the OttAni7sti011 CA"Ot 1" fally V. VAA. w1or and in sadition to it 6 kmth *k W k- 1%,pping the UUjjj1W, 0* Clkt*dA% paiRk tsup- a0redated $y other than tbw'wb 41 Of olgr LI*4wy sod 41oKk Servlc*, t sni r*#AjV*.ajftd U&V*j; la montSly jr MISS McDONALD plift light, 1"I 4it. The inghtterm Slid t-NdnMell, Aft0t Vi i It will bas f6*04 stoloto-Asto of 001107 t* tarli. Th* Y U Is chrli_ through the ftow slid cold, find an opita *or a good to overy roso"t.8 r"imix 0") tuorful, tompolli0ftAip Awaiths Wm At A"ftlp k isto jja 4od of a jbismep They -tat eqJOY 1).Wtiral't Se*k*4 . Local Re Mt, and wbtr* a profit is made this is Put oft0m 4 ff � lia tho of a Dome evil Q* fttWf________ __ _0 U AW, h*"vor, that �* first " silo Am and the solleral OPet it U!5 on ft To SwAl"C', ................... 'tit 111"M *149 0"1" "wilm a" *t1f.b0lime of the #MployteA collm"Allyt VS a %W V NJ 4' A. on OtUdilrll Peel U* PIN" 101 suat $Woo I*'- " U lit , "a"llijit" tile iuwwaar for ht rather heavjv jl�(, P"kPloVM ATM r 111.,-� ylgan�44t:qn did *.N -k Z