HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-03-13, Page 8I �' -T, -. folp"11"liqL �_ 'IF, 4FL ""I'l, I" a" V"_ 'L — - r_311w PMW- ­ - .1 - - — ---- -1 -- . � __ - - , , . - 4 - .q _� - __ - - _____ � - - __ . - - - __ - - - __ - - ___ - _ - — ___ I I — - __ — I - mnw4amialk , . N - -_ ____ !! '', . 0 .". - ff aWlk palgresol k" br*r Valltdit 14 60 ---111. I I.- � -_ � W � I ;O!n 16D.I.."tr &IA04 a tiona. 11% . � , oil I orke -Atsd Wkwee" vm bol evo Owt Wit- . for QX cma I wNhAt"Aiscoutbo=,atiesinthe . ' . . I I I 10 of M. Ho WOW -.1. . %**WkW roolis, conuairrei- I., I � i"WAwly, are amb %* to . . "WW obe"s a ewpo st - ,_­ , * � N`y , Ph ca te I � '. - I V . c(Atinued M Me 0 1 Ill' . 1114 � tho vantiAwtaft of the law, . 1, ­ ­­ -­� - ­­ -.-- "I 401F 1 VJ I 71 wbore" We are convimad - . I I r i4atJ14;Ar: Oi ifeir4o 111414 W01,146VOr 10*� osir tliat co"O"it ia gooboe itrot lkitio . . I', saeu, WhIZ W" t 0 VWW I tk)Qkl at rr/�� Columbia urA*T government sale of " : � i N a If �-_ , 911avor -- the lime -11 11 ­ -, liquor do wt vkWest the wisdom of a . - I N " . tu.'Aud hifibly fistorobabit." JQUr- Ti z%% , 4C. 1 1 vimilsir *xperiment being tried in the -1 _... ""N, i ur*d 10440. Frovince of ontoriso. % I J� . I "Wall, No L asy; and A taii't bolp 'And whereas we are persuaded M, . . Awakiag &VII, faips, out ot the sevir � ) I that to tepQ;kl the IXtRnt 14W'Or to . � . 0044 ullsork,04 11 Xlffi- � Q I A Troat witt I , i . no" I , - , CguiuU& a wtera of government I , ( me = Oaks. "What ordeal?*" Toprotoetyourftco e, . viendova would be disastrous alike to 1. IEI I "The chorse otlaurdor. Mr. orext- *ad winds aKoinst sit , f �nttim or Am . 0 11 , Aox ow 0 u4navacX440 to4ar- . Qr&X so #00 to 41vo Ida Into Custody cbstins, rgughcn;ng "' N the worst and commerclul interests of I I I . i, � upon It. I 4941 4114W that t1ke QVANA off4cls, of coo $print " . 0 the Province. - . 11 I ir t 1)�*UCIQUSI - X conomical 1. Jury would Xat a txue bUL11 N11149, OMPlYlAth in It I;tttg Xam-Buk 11herefore we,, the Presbytery of � , 'Oe%il, .. � I " .� v . . All in 4 womfut, IWO'S logo took I Ituron, declare ourselves as opposed I . 1, ., t!tmw-"-Vvi!iii,—",-"-,-,!-!-.!i,!it�!-:,--Wl�!�o".O.Wo,om.-, ­­­­ - �Wj��!M*_� before rttilins. At night. rhi*malics, . , - a shastly loolt �ot looir. At st*rtlod thes , �-la sm,golit and jl.-xjbl�c and cloars to hasty action in regard to. the pro. ".. - . 40 1 . 11 � ,I _____ i%00000lsoo*xoiiifjolos*ool000*Omlkllisition**,%Axwawlw3p W. *you the 4letectivo,' as It was turned It *I all'blitmiob. Besides voluable., pow4 referenduto and respectfully re- . . r. � I ,� W Ir'I - I . W sharply upon hint. AUd tbo ivote* to . 1100blaIr 4"'I � Vu011it' Ut P1`aP`91`tll!$ commend Otbat 14 order tQ avcertain . . I . � I I t . I . .# which he spoke wss bonb and com- Zani,tstAk lixt ArreacMul; Medicinal 11 as to the desirability . .) �� . I 0 ii, mandlulp . virtutit r which quickly ovorcome all public' 01)111�9 1 I rr,- I 11 . I I tern on I "This, Must Aot I)* oultored to come ;. sore, uritotea or inizi of subalitting tbe liquor question x- I I I I . , mcd ciiiqditlous "I I 11 -_ Sunday At ' 44 It purifiestl1gwhole tissue aud,rimove' gain, to the cc .� � . I r I " * to the 140WI9490 Qf PAY fodbor." a , . peoplo ,9f this provin , I .. . 1. . 1 $ � . It I 01 "Xotsoffero,4 to colas to. lit$ k4owl- the underlying calists, of ectemal 4Wt the0overnme . nt Apygint a wlect Cora- I 11 � z Ty ISOU HANIZ710A 00*rlck 04- w eder'!" echoed buttorby. . ftea � in. pimplos. blotches, rtal mittee of the House! to Olt during the I I I 11 t. I ,"No, 'Nol you Must not lot hilit Miss Nola Wallitet ut'll4efifto Onto recess'for the purpose of getting in- , � 1k :Wwgooasipn0000woo*oo*Svxnom*Z$pxom*000woolf,olq*oivk3lao'NAOW : I , . thy .4ays"', We lite in the part of the know- that Brown Jor 004troy ritatau. writes,'--" MY I)AIM were All TOugh- forrn4tion-v,t this subject." . � � I i . I There is a loy surifte follows bow I $910nign, 11* uiunt saver tio told tbat,Pitinau riied and pre througli, IN; Spring I I ­ 1 0 , � I - . . . KmIt WOMSONA . . �. . I which ood ilk hojiven Vill not do* lesson til4t to foutiV, I . winds. Zat zZim-Balk soon healea and Ir"AN 949AP . . 4 # � splov, trousgressv4 and died being acarcely' . "Why, Hcaye4 bless 7ou,,Ur. Beds .. WR4,0130611inflnogadswooth. ItlaAh* CHILDREN'S AID I I -_ I I ­ � Noy,,014 10 Precious in six ocso­ moroth"', 61)[ty years of 090. , Greotorox! my hopor bas Won eu, - mQ`8%s90tb1nr-hA1m. I hAv,`e0v0ru2cd,ll 1% I . . . ­lT I . I, The gontrite, heArt. I Klop 1114-11-801011101014 uAlm. gated All StIoliff,11% the tra.4141F out of . Difficulties and PleasurrA hUngled in .. �� � I I . T�h*t lofty 0aeo before whose throne grewon, Intman. That ono. man Ass giveit me I I the work and Much Faith I . . 11. I more Ittlarll trouble, than any throo. I I I . t , � The j�Wtl�ss hosts of beAven bow, Heretofore �othlng but what Was Wo detectives got Aold of mortItylas I . I Requitlod i I great and good had od 0 0 . . � i 4� 40"s , , I things as well As other Veoplet and I — d. I . . � I 'knotber 4weiiing rime will oven. � $010mon" in the lost chapter of Pro. thAt's been `011* at winer, Now that The regular monthly meeting of the - ��,- ' I .. . The contrito heart, I verb$ *re words of *"at Wisdom from I have trapped PIt%&#,,X csu1 lot I Children's Aid "ety was, held In the � ... th(I lips of his mother. $he used her I $w � (Cholootte Ellio0t). . the Matter' drop Courtty Speretary's office on Tuesdayi. .: I � I ­ I I . �, 11 �' �I 'I', I endearing isstme for him,. '414iiliuer' ,-, "411m oure, 'Mr, March 0h;,despite the very unfavar� --- ­ "" - -- . . -_ � 0. 1�4 , � . � P)tAY399 I � . areatorox wowt.11 .. . I I I . "--""-*"w*" �_- - ! ! I r! � . � ! I I ob I Thou who art the source of 'all and throughout the thought Of VilrltY Bodo; looked lcoutoulided.. 110 *Von* I I ... I 11 able w0ather condition.%, and'with the rulits and.,uralses.-The.re is . and temptrallco Is uppermost hr.ber od his mouth to #V"k an W counsel of a few of the ihitbW Whose $2; box 4 fruit from Ladies, . I � I ' iitO who hoist s4,d# It any . . I , 4 thisod it - F I I I I Aid of For Sp, I a and: conta- �_ I � * w1odolit mind. "Are those fit to sovera 011. 494111. . AU *oftho god 401trif slill RAM -SUN At� interest I the voti; is unflosolnep 8 the Method ,church, Belgrave; . XTS, nothing bettorfor 8PTallO r I , _ Mail ls�ek wwo.ft lot him lisk of God org who 04"not,control themselves?" � WtM*S. 0*01*01*1110MALSWIGg" In �Ist . Thompas!,lWectric Oil. 11, . . ; � "Antl It U.11 two was loolisu aaoush# of �throo. A1100 r"m col)sIderablo saqquot 4f business Wits Frank Allen, 2 copra; Mrs. Jane V. sions than Dr - I I J who givittli liberally W U11brAlAtth Itinga and, others in high oft' !are therla,# "another that W0414 ZA110r"M � rob"W .. r . Accounts for the Past Leach, 2 pra. of stocking$; 'Mrs St, It will rcdoce the - s*,ellinir that $91 . I � . -to he . W Olt; t3kat O"t SL4 1. transkct:04 � .. not, h"r Us 'Whilt we Vr,sy particularly osposed to these tem-pta- � would W. most 1000 six answer for Jt .�O,:,1,11:,I�g� 11:g11111l. I mouth were ordered paid, as soon as George Price, mitts and. stockings; low$ w sprain, will"coal. the Inflamed � 1, ,. . guided to ask arfelit. We 'have not tJ0AS,.bUtrJf they wa 0� " . Ul 8110AV Of Same n flesh - a draw the rain- It Vill tolm - . I . .1 ald preserve the ,with our lives,00 resumod the date. fund _, the balance Institute, 4,dozc an r I , . - r 4J$ndr � 'Jp.1tgS8yTE1ty Op ,hVRON wl Godortch. Collegiate I - . , . . because we 00k.liot or we silk ,,miss people from the unclean Epirit,. they ave, 14 & low, Imoriessivo toue­­ r 0 * � I in thd treasurcris hands just now. . ta:, vrison, 11olgrime, 6 9al- the RchO out of g bruise, by counter , l I rolls; Robt,". � 1, , - . 4W ,that we May gf;tnd it ,upon ourselves, must ther I J?clng such Its to allow of the exere Ions maple sy , 4selves be patterns of put- that is, Parson 011tysra." . acting the inflammation. A trial Will . oil Butterby, this, inuilt ,Ise -rup; xiss� Ilry Elliott, .. o doubt its power..' .' . % . Vil-rdon all the 1104f 01144010 404 Ity" Solomon had much knowledge L tolt YOU* Lr, M eel - - Call from of Wth. that the netdful,wilt be f4ith.. clot . 11aeVicar, 2 firs, rub- convince 1 -any 'wb ..--- � � - - -_ eommissioju of the -post *A4..ltX4 us * grea, wisdom � �bo bushoa up," -repeated 004o" his Re � & M0111681% Rt * V*s I � ,�tng; Geo, I - ­­.. -____r I q- r I I I �,,h jr*,U$ and , but'wo ves,4 that s$ft . Miltoll-Consymissioners to Asslem- coming, a tondition not infrequentl* ber$ V_ eiiii Instituto" I I Into 1441" I ,, itlandish Women caused, libit to I tion. uamloolts,ble, bit[ Y01*6 . . and '011008; OM cletting'an Idea Is like sitting on a ''I ss dt llf� tbr, . , . Several cases A burp, P, sealers 1rult, . pin; . r , . 01, � - bui , es AV. Met with Int the work 'o yott jump Up and .' r . . I m. ' I AtrArtusloly bollow,� "It must be, . ­ U 1 9 ---I'- _It Should Mak � . . I .. I . Christ, 00, 14.0. Amo $14' Well. 13,20). These Uothea- .. bly and Standing Committe � I e*lling 'for wigo gotinSol -.Veto r conSid. . � . .11 . " . . I 3rdp IOU W hs 9, , Vol , ,r ' �ornsr cause inp do something. . ' . 11 . , ., IV( ' **4 "" sit "yooitt' Do notbin '# et _ Ith, the im, r oge h � s. s. LM drew him *WAY from "�;k*- -1 "And It the pArpoa Aulls ritmalit. . . r %A and Will be dealt wl � � sufTering, but It � ON '001�,$AR_ 2 I%W' ' - r - , ch � . ­ � - , � I � ' Rer ra.a ��- I � Ir ' ., �' ' -, ­ 'I" ­ - ­ I . i . , - la '19k o strange . d Butterby. � . . � Holloway�s Corin nover .� # _ - _ '-perw I -17k , ". M. "'; ' - - -1 -- 1 7 % _ 4k, ­­rr­.. --Ping jeuvkh to servo their 41 lii..jl�._Itfontnigoney w - � I 4 'I.- - - ' oMdr-chl I ­_ .. I . I .1 . I'� - 01� . t 4016'r W-Pr0ab .1 r -0. Adr ody,_smV9_k1____._,.­____� �-Olefi I � r J ­­ ­­ _�- � .... 1:1-1 !��'. " out for mm"Itt's iske portant step'in some of which is the r� r, o1al � . ko`44`46 fh*Vl1%W_he_,0r, wag. A01; �1 11 go TI . ytery, 9--ouraft--hew4a. lacifiif on-InTalved -to-the- � I �fid sRtisfooto. -.--.— - ­­ I . . . ' ': . . . Chr", ; -.7,12; feet with. tho Lord his God," The nQtliln* (4 dowlth yet" ' me erkoul;ii, Togular uICOtillt 011 Tuesday, Feb. P I . .. I ­ _� . . ft-_ . . �. .. - 'r'. Uwa ras"go-2 I . � County Shelter at the earliest Pba-o music plays,. the heart , ---*----, " :ll� , . .. . . . I way of $in to SWAYS downward And to talk Qt- It *ben it tom.re*." 26% 1024. The following were pre- .Gible day. Just now- the ho . me b4s,4.' � When tbls . . . KubaWww.. ..,I. 't � . . .11 � ... I kitt" 11*13. � can I � I � . . - I 4 . . . . not '%ut#, Mr. Bede Orelklot*xi It Pit- �gontt Messro, Chidley, MCIntoshIr y A .. is light, I I I , 1, . , . 60140 Vxt�rrof,,Uyw . Itbey that got Into that way . H,,,,.r . r � bbut,411 that can be propiirl ccioml 11 .. . ,l.! " ­ "IT, - . . . easily step themselves, 'By 'forming Mau was the, � - I - , � : . Alp, Telford, MoDotiald, Grant, uIrlea being made I, I I ss, Stione . � . "Hu$hrl Stay,'." Iiitorropte(X Ilk ,r . modatedi but, enq .- - . . I . r ' '46 - � � '0 4 r � 4 � � 4 � ; ho 0 � � j - � M 1. . . r Sorene . a I � . , . .Wolnoft. hftoit his rolga "Ith I this, harem of foreign women he I .Dr. Larkin an4 Dr. Fletcher, and the . . . 'rr .. I . t � I � Involuntarily, . give hope, for placing several of the r . . I . I I �. _ glanclow found As it 11 r I r .. , . . . r .. � I 11�, .� . pa%10 Visit 0 00414 altat sit '01wo", wounded afts,ld of the, very wAlls, "For gost- dork, ministers, 0.nd XessiS, M000w- er e, which: , . — , ' r ' ' , I . I I tilt religious feeling of the , , jv�, The mo moA Of r blo kingdom Went ,t,blldren of 1,5t*el, Ile built'many al. wbolo. no, %rang, Boothronl Weir, Higgins, will allow the .neoded change in th'o Irlart ITCHY Sju I I Ith Ormai' , r I I .,4 Y.,. let the , Amb Pain right. aft W r � , , �, vi* him ano an 04erins tors to Etrouge godsarld thus did,eyll drop'; staw,:Aak for ovori Mr. �Jaefarlalio ... r . r � 1. . . I _ waiting, 6ases referred. to. The diffi- 0,01 010 I I I , I , , oi tbo'brAtto altar of the tobenaelre, 14row thing , ppointe4 mod- , QUICKLY, � trial bottl ". I . .. I : - ��,, A I '44 . In tbo Eight of the Lord slid Are interests l4volved ,in WItIlat I - I eultfea,,as Well as the pleasures of the.. . . "St. Jacobs 011.11 . , , .. , "�'�'f - g. six months. . � � . r .., I � A swillog at one 010"Itlid W49ts down 111a wrath, for had Ito not com- lesauqt sp6i%k of -that must at *11 orAtdr for the ansuln worki cagonly be fully vniderstood.by, �ISY T HIS SULPHUlt I . . . I I r . - � thori Fraser, Witsoll End, 9pier, elders- " -_ __ . I . . 4 'I. : � . , was made Vows. Oaks, auttexb $00THO :�, I � ; - )yoI magnifietaco man of , Sunday I , I . . . . . 11 , I . . 'Wat so tot of ri .404 him-fliat be should ,not go, risks be kept from my father.' I wish The annual reports I I attending the meetings of the'SocIIR7 - I I . . I . � fteuniati$m? r Pain, only. ' . .. I -1 I I . soltelil to the X"J%tAeU of Solomon, after other .gods?' This was At the. . I 0QUICr unburden Myself., but I to ;sY Schools and Young 1`000!8 Society ty'and the executi e I _- . -.- - - - I - o� � 0 oo 0 . Whaes . . . r I � � I I - I . r 'Not 'One case to . . ... �. for the kingdom to which, he had $u�" time of the building of the - temple notbrias 00016 oix othei peoplo. To wort, given by -Mr. McIntosh, at4t[Stje�$L Stop drugging I I . �.. - r . r , 1"dom Aval* Wheii blo beart W43 still -right With "00 ittee on eot, Invitation so oltdii.91ven, that Any' Uentbo-Sulphlnl, ra PleaSollt treamp - ... I tet" witt a, Mighty ki , No Pitman Woulo"*,Ould re-opotk it,., Rub; , . L . I I 11 . I � r wousio, vattl0y. bealod" I by Mj� Uamiltor: and conint one, feeling an ioterQsu in child wit, will soothe, and. heal skialliat is irri- - fifty requires internal treatmer . . I II r I Ili* in e**r1n1t and proopprity, Many . It, Might I God. Ito* light is ,acia in that won ,,,n death ainon status of deaconesseor by . Dr. Larkin. fare shouldr.Make it a,lionit to be pre- toted or broken out wilb.eczema;.fhat gootbinir,peoetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" _�,.,.,��*,� " ­ ­ " it -us.11 . I I .. . I. lang4ovio. His father derful pmyer offered by him at tb, bring worse is,covored with v -dirictly. upon. the "tender Epof� and .. 11 older Orkllta� � ,,411,to Mr. McIntosh from, 00 � Pimples, "' .. . lt truly oelamed', bendineover the A 0 2 sent at sqra6 of iliese monthly irmet- . _ gly rash or reliti.. comes instantly. 'St. Jacobs, OW _; I . r . r . 0 rQU It, or dry. -9 subdT r , ; r .404 . , . Nothin s , table in ,,rd I , � . - - I David W loft biliii flocks e0iigregation of Milton, pt6misln�: a I . �, I _ g 11 h0W8 dedication of1he tomplol (I Xings, ol. . liblimperatEve, reallatio e%ra- , ' n ings. fiViskin, cruptions, s quickly. �ays a is a harmless. rheumatism an4 sciatica I ' * 11 . � it, aliultdo,"teuid It"i these he mittle That 44) good a loant 60, filled vith estiteSS, that Bode WUfl longinj tQ' Stipend of #000', tisre of, manse' ans to the! 'or - I liniment) wVch never 44appr.no and ' r r .. : . . Ang offiring Which W44 iyell. Wisdom . . ''raigbed Tho'Lfollowibg pontributir �ttofed skin specialist. , I � 11 I .4 fitt and knOW) -slid grace Pour Out the Conodeato .hor dare4 not . lour wookW annual holidays, .. I ' of Ae,work 4are grate_ .r 'The moment this sulphiu,,preparation ­ 4 � ' .� . ,` I . 'r ., . r I 4vor giVe, � RUtterhy, r retolYltig SUA401 4y $37 mentbors and 66 adherents, ng O' ,no r � Limber upl OuWcomplaitilhol Get ' I I . k last teli*: iig,'applied the itching.sops after � . ,0 I r. � c Iledged since . � � , r e4ge Oak was considete r - Drose., ' �4 now . cannot -burn the ,ski I n r ' om , your ft � . *' I - pltisft to Gods for at the �001016094 should forfeit his place in Clod's f r ....... ot- the s4eri�co God appeared to him is -a warning to him ,that thinkethhe socoVIationg In his mind, never t id. Dr. Fletche . t4borno, �$10;, Mrs -1A. - 14N46 �, or thre,e 011141. the eczema , trilil bottle, f . I . . , : - fully 'I , gis , and in just a � fil - I and bade bird a J41 10 -esby- � , , . , applictti, I ar, small. 11 : iria,,drcam of tho.nightr ittindeth to take heed let It L his eye#, for an JustAnt f6in the eager,, behalf of the Pi Tow'"I ) 11 of ' , t re . , Iir � . '0#6 Some Sign Orf -HIS J$Vorli f act, r ., � cute4 the call in X. Go ble, $10; A. X. Ubortsonj is gone and the skin 19 delightfully ;16ar tumatier ana $ei-t' ' ' 11 I ­ . . , . r - t'hol r ­ r . tery.ot TorOnto. A host of visitors, - and, smooth. ,Sulphur is s&pfecious as iree from' rh . a 1C I)aJob r I ,. � . . The thing he did displeasa God, for $10; Ernest krirtehardo $2;' 'Wesley.. I it,destto eS�L and SWelfil1g. , JWt I . I . .r . . . . . anii Answer. it showed base Ingratitude. 116'ha4 "AzoWerr'nio out 4tiestionp Mr. 1:0r,ucefleld;-�Mesirs. - Hauch, %7.50; , yg the 30r*Oe$g Stiffn � .. 11 . " ­ von" 711%t�q;itotwft, . from , , a skin.tomedy, because aWA1jg,y.qu. L Old, b6 . I , . $, , I sufferlIkefief, nelt I 'I, I . -W you'don't mind I I I Methodist ehurloh, Clia�on r iWil -ning, Itch. I � _ I ,%1, " ,, ,r . . . I tbo,4U0gtIon,4l4�Sk Whitt 1, $111411 'been honored most gradlouslyi for the Bede Greatorex pItninn Moodie and Gemmel 4lid. Watson lrol� Pathor Gnam, 3 , B. k4 U ggqns, Clin. Flaras'te' that caute tbe bui ' ' . 1i . . r I . dolAir It, ,It now dilifiguremor, St, Jacobs Oil" has relieved millions of ' .1, . r . n . - . - . it., Metitho-SulphUr " '. . . .. � Lord Ood of' Isr4e), bad appeared to wcluld� the, session,. Mossrs. Allan and Dottg� . Ing or . � m , . . . . �*Ive -tl was I the player of your cousin., I ht$ lram..tbe managers ,Tough ton, �2; Miss Frances Sharp, I umatiamtsufftrars iii the lost half " 1. - I., bels" God tried Solomon -to $cc Varna, the . I , . , . . . I I rent . ., , t alwa-y's begs -eczema right up. - . Set. � . .. . ­ � I, . . � . � halt was it, tilt heart for "As a man . U - A filln?", . I � ., Messrs, -9. V. Lesslie, $I-, M153'Antlia , century,.aTill is, just as good for I . � I' , . , ' him on two diffo ocesmlovs,� PS1401, 70 �', still set" $1 *, , A small jar pf�Rowl,cg Ujittho.Sul. . �� � � . ­ . . I should ,have assured his unswerving ( 1,#IiOW.�_It I thoupt tbat,pl�_. from, ths. corgreVgtionk Miss Bowie, 'flayne, $1', McKilloP t -r,, V00,': West phur ma� be h.41d At atly. good� - pe . 1;;1 L 'heart so Is, he.1.0'_ He . I 11 , drug atica � uritlgik lumbago� b=Uche, I . )( thinketh In his � I .1( _ ' I - ,� , I X . .. foyaliv 6, Jehovah. I For his apostasy . man Lbjid' d0nothat OYU d0ed, I would Mrs. Houch and _ is$ - �avrdoek,ftoyd I . I ;;Wi6is and Awclli�gs, . . ,,,,;,,., �v. I I _�. . . trlt4 him# tool. -to put him in the way I lwhrs'nosh, $15, Tp. Tumberryl $10; stord, _ ,, . � . . !�, A 0%, , I , I I . , , i ititt . I I I ­ I I . I - L � , ,I .the Lord said. "YqAstatich aa,thla Is � be the,Arat to ,hand, Ultri, oyer to ju,- the. -various otgar ions---ox-pres8ed tp., $15; . . � . . . . , . � 4 _ 4 reieelvljg�"Ask alid $0, -shall n. . TI). Aforrist $15; Hullat M . . ... � . o . . . , . I . I . . . ­ �� ,11 A ��,,, 4, done of thee, and thou boat not'kept Ito " Stdo, breathing quickly., their regrets ,at the choice of X1% Me- Goderich tp,,-$10; E. Wawa�osh, 1,415, . . . I .. I 11 11 � I . � I . I I �,� :� � veo I A e' "Vok's . , I I # P . - � . I i , . ." I � col l T la clearly �een MY. eov6halmt and my st4t.ut#s.-..wb1ch 11 I teel turo'be did not," . ,tntqsb.by Milton, but expressed their � I I . 11 I . I . 'I I . I :1 [' I . 1, Y, �� . As'wAes charaote . Baker, Brussels, $5; Village of . .1, . I . ' ,., , thavb.commanded thee, I will,$ rely Bt%tt6rby-V%u4td,, "$It, 'aA you desire to 6xpl 04s, big worth � and put A. 1, - . . . I i . ,­ � Ili *hw 4914ts And desites so the inan. 'Exeter $to;. Mrs. gwanson,44 John I . - ' S. . , I t . . 1i e reigning govexvign . ' r it: .. , , , �, I rend the kingdom froyn. thee, a2vill ho,,te said. so much, I thfuk you should thing in the way. 7 Mr. Hogg, 04, , I r I ", , � , _ . ofs� no , � I i Linklater, $1-, Miss, Lottlo', Bentley, ,: . I I . I � , . ,. � : t*241 Wllt� 0&MC* ut In. his 411swer, A moo does. 441 It will b4 Aw Clinton, M r4tor 0 1 � -11, . I.Al"....W...."M . �S, � I , , or of man tb give It tothy servant." r N, little Mario. ras. .appointed Mode I I , ' 4 . il � . IL I �y . a - , pt ruin . - moderate .1 : . -!,­ .. . � ' I I . I � , I I I I - � I . . � not o�.Ck, alone for his. gins, b You've got, A God, 80%6 other sossion alid.givoa power to . ­ ,� � I , ..�. . , Ills-thouglits filew back to the great , , I � . -, _. I ____ � I -B ANKE '_ I I V10104.11 : . I L I 'L _ ". I . I 1,11, . '. L QJs ujion, his $oinfly and his ostate�� ,,,, have a, EU. . A- 8 IN � ; --- . , . . . .11 , . ness Of his father, who had boen a WAY$ kieved that 'it ,-in, a call after the end* of March, when I I . il , � . , . , L % f. . . .. ��,­j I I r - : . � � I Ill and, bes Itches his former good'usime. I hi will ,declare the pulpit vacant. I .- I . I . I , . I � I Polk � . . I I � I , .1 , . .. I 11 1_� "iler I 4 arcely a,blo, to speak for agitation. L I VVEATHER... I I L L I .1 I �­ I . . Avarrior-statesmart tralned ' far his 0% wit Q,ue Verson. did,that.11 Saldr SOO, WeberiniaL b4d . his 1-91 :0,9 . k U0 g"405t 0, older, Mr. 'L J,f;, "kin ;60f , Lowed , Mr. -report of the , : TOWTHE COLD L 11T .:: , r 1, ..gly, 9dite by;,Ipng and varied ex- But there is more for . . I " ­ . 'by* the great SiOnOr. :'God for the promise 001do to lif-4-understitud Mo --if It was not Weir, give .the .General' IREU f(RD , . I . I I 1. _�j­ _,�� L , 1�.e _bVer.Sho , . . . I . . I I . 1, _1 I I . &A steldltut, or .am -the �jury.:brought In *a ee . . 1� . I 'L., . �; I � I Mercy 6f 0041. :10 e9mlparison he wag David did not rend the CagdOM ti ". �#4 pi .utd 00 alfoca- . . I �, - " 111� I I.. . � tot who 0 �t "11fte _____1 I I . ". I . 1. . . '.. I _1� I ,�our . quickly nor Wholly from Solp)Aoil'a� it Ift, wby then I think I soto 0,$qvor t,�op �d.._ �­___. ;;-,.. ._: _ ,. i Novi . 0 I 11 � I . .1 ., &g. and uAtr1td "I am'but.A lit- . - . - I I '�, . I L I . house. It was for DaviXs 8.41(o And 4LUd Wb*t it ratify Wait- NQt',V1tmAA-" , The following ,VOrO hPPOi0ted the I 8 NUNN I L� I .�� . . .. ,., :;� . tle child; I know not how to go out .4 ot StTll Iii- . . Lar&St'.- sW 11,111ttinelette VtOi6ts mul A VQOI� 0611blo, 1 � I . �� I . !; I . or come in" (I 'Xiogs 31). � It is as for Jerusalem's sahe that ono tribe, 41i. Itanding committees ,for the year t "�� _.. ­ 11 3BI . It , �L r -�'. *-,I-, , : . ­ ... I ., I .1 I I .. I . f*, ":­ : . .q .1 that of -Judah, the strongest ilia most trod nutterby. I too - . I % ful ,eta. . I I .� . . I . . . . . 1, . I I . ­ ' . I . 11 . I �, . . . . . 2 I I though he sold, "It t in ' oat relgin "Not for any practical itse*$ hot lair , r.Rub takes the "buch!'.. 11 . I '. I - Cotton Shirtioo� . *1 ... -por . .and Y.11. S.-Me.5srs. Alx , Red. repp, , Groy Flannel, Uilitary Y66nal aod 11oavy I ,, . � . . . Vyt.r tbj$ grest, -nation, as numerous numerous tribe, was to retala,4, 7 Accusatlon�ll - � V. §. . t I 11 . I I �; . . us the $and upon the sea -shore, Lord, 0011 of tho kingdom, . 1�, "It It 41W oitt,qt them 1�16 idon. Telford and MoDermid. i � g joints. It cati, . �Al suitabla for Winter Work Shirts at right ptiooa. ... . . I I . ,I., . L L give, me * 4dubli'Vortion of my, fath- Solomon. 'fell, but 10 his, b0k Of tiontit in toutiettlou with the Aeath?ts C a nference--Mossrs. Ferguson#, not hurt yo!�t andIt,aiiaitify stops that . I . I . . . L .. (�: , L .' . .. . I I , � . ts�s sphit.,�' Oulu at the chief 1qvic. towlesinstes, he publiolted his bitter "NO; neither �you. nor tho morld. '4A0FaAa1k0 alv�l Lundy� - . , r Wo L ,%00�8 and, , I . . . � . Inderwaar at close prioeA. . . � Itoil &81; I . old rheumatisni, torture at once. Mou!s Ail 61 t', , L . . I Wo � 11 . .. I . I .1. I;�, j�l ' at the Orkot*l monarch was' -to lomentatiou of his folly all4l"wo,rood List that 1#44s. �on. .On my Word at fqAtlstjcs�gessrs6 Hamil , When you Ave, suffering so U can .. .�, I . I . � . . . I . . . L 0" I oAduct . hardly,get around, just try R : '. M611'q litioa Workd1oves at '60c. :.. �. I � L . ­ I L . I 'L � . . .. I ;. . . . , . I I I � I ... bear and 4"Ide to"$* so he ask% for others to beware ..qt IWO %J1 e bouor* I may to you, Ur. Stitt0byll and Orant, , Rub and you' will halve; the ,�,,Ilxrt . . . - . . . �, 1. . . I ".. � ;1% I - � , -wisdom and knowlefte that 1141 T"y and thent. to Vat God stud thAt I 041 mutt :04toatt bad no hand Gonernt Inte�ests�mossrs- MeDor*- relief knoin. Nothing has such oft- . - ' , I . I ,viife in -before this peo. keep *0900"llim"at"atsI. �_,� In, this insitter; ftr that tepAout and ,nid, McDonald, Foote aU4 Chidley. centtated, penetrating beat zO re*Vc AUen's r, lceco'Lloea Uader-woor to clear Wore �Spring, , . . . . , . go out and ( . P� ,� I I . � 1. -1 I L LI: . . . . I . I � . . L I . I I in $oftt thlithy peo. ,WOIMD MISSION01, - for other W01104 rila`0`08, I - wish' Foreign Missions-Messrsi Lutid3rj Ws. just gig 'soon -as you apply RW .4. .. I I I..., I.. I I I .L . . I . I wmaw L' I - .1 . li _L . , . -1--a* I .. � L. 'L 1 ­ I . . � , , , 131o.. tot whis is U10 information YOA% baye"Oven Me, Woonald'and Ferguson. Pepptr Rub you 'Will f4el''the tidgli'09' I . .. . I I I I s � . . I L . I �� ! . ."W., 1� L . 1. Ali *4 1* sovmt?" I 'shaftho'c"Muolty akrek to -rtmala burled; a secret between 119me, Missious-I-Ifessrs. MaefAr- . 116it. in thrft minutes it,Watms the . . .. I . 1� I . . . I "& ow1k v4sotil the Lord. - It The communitJ obarch �j Shang. you and me. I Will take my 0*4 . . . . I.. I I . . 11 � L I . *nor, A" attl ),.-gg- . soft spot through and through. Pain ., L . . � ' ' . 1. I 11 w" rawit in a ,droam but Arittotle W' organised tbrto ytars ago with thgo "4 opportunity for dischorigi 11 .. 1 s1i ore no. *L t . . I 4, * � M'� Ex , , . I . I "": 41be drtsins of tood - A Ur.,Ur6w4i, Will You PrP101ae tial StudeAts--DrE I vieteber, Laricht to f ru jarof . , ,.J. A'A EW—_ . . 1. I . . I . ' g . . * '*On �Arc " 26i 1111001b011, no* Aumi*rs 469, at %ud Foote. , I . � ,%U ' �T'.i& L.,Pklon 'M . ,. , L L . ... bo(tr emb those of otdinary f*r' is tontinually irowipg. Aiv. Clifford Sko'44 you hat" Inourr" metal& UY Its I r. " c. . . . South SIX& �Slquaft , �� ,waws I *11i 40 ;V00 tAr choolor for Smergentyw-Xioosts. Poote, Chid- I U i�ft # . n . . . I . - � to M" id, Drury. aft Arwicon oresichler, is I ley Itnd Telf76 Aft .1 I . . I I I . ­ . I ... I I . � =��=" of bill - the ataount.11 r4i . Cot L � . I ­ I AWW"__..4" . �d parl,)o *f *.%e thurell, slid Uvide- 111,4 ­Thpre linn not been 4fitti'll ('()"�t ',Ill 'I., ML. and W. 0, ;pUn - - . I I I I . 1 -1 . I . I I - ,A* d Mess", ,,,i,,,.,,. 0- - J'- ­_ -I � . ',­­ __ -1 ­ ­ _,.W" . I I . I -.n_ , ,;, ." I stord ebartailr. - .,!�_411) .3 camia:crabl'- tlaalvga- 0 .. o ,,,, .. I . . ,t y0"'I"Xclurakti Lite avz�Lttve liguestly. ihor and Atli". I I . . . " — . ­ . � t & SOt 11101* than 0 og'" ,_400��- tion h4s been built Up., 'LIT110 of , Hogg, Dr. Mob - - ­__'_­.__ - ­_.___ ­ L �,'d ­­ - -_ _­ _ ­ � .,. _. I ­ __ _ I I ter- -W011 lot that bo for now. vik" :o.opsr&tIo*0_1lsX*r& Telford# Ale. " I I ,-- '7 �— - — - — - loft --- —_ — 04 . I c . I 1 ,7�- -.7-- - " I I . I .1 � . I . *0 O�ft I — 7 — - —_ ; .1 ! 900 v41%t havt�44,ed lor rich" or noon servito frequfttly brings out you "k was Is 41fitoolt, aft. X *Utht lWaild and Grant. I ,% _ : . kl .. I I . L I I A ­ tk*T W 0(�Oki 44% VW Or 1`608th at four h**dreil t*oplo. TM Sutdity Set taft troubto tot It later att 6 � .. ;,. , . � .. '' . .. .. _.­ . p. . . I , , I ..� I I I A SPA UNWZ* Writ school 11f at prsoont sfttt*od fir"rA I � . b"16, Wulmors.-Re"to. Xworlo,46 luta , . . . . I I., 1, L' . . L .. 'A 4 " . . "" '. . . . I i # k"s tot IN, 4014 ,4100&M." I . L 1, . * .1 , , " I. - 1� I sbm J-0 Ws nO"t tot U"tr lit sevor4 *4**At b"1148. As 11111kould thitt tutu out to to *16 weli,v L . . i . r , '. 0 � . I ­. t"o $,A solt-4glogto, brIng v Thr� following wft* made commis. . I � ,� I I . . � L I WA"Is ",It tva as tuodfilt th.0 io�wiislt W�i he oft quartets, it 040*4 YOU, L][F. . I L, I I q, I I � I L � . .4 . 11 ; .+ . , ".-.Ak& of 4M Witt sit onto Z$s%e & jittte growth. for'L gloliorE to the Citnetal Assembly In . . . I Mkb# -A"t ki ward my SAJ4A010114. say I stop- . -3 � I . L ' Sea *ro0"ta0,*, L I L 11imilton � I I . . � I #J = A.*J.':0tS jig so June,, in Owen.Soundt Messrs. Ab- I I . TS . I I . ""S"t'Lf WAIN The, eh*eh IS MJ$jJonSr$, and Alftljtdy Itylory wen", returnod Rutterbyl, ety,, Verguson, and Dr. I . L I I. . I . .. . I L I . I �� I _, 'A Jkla *%led. Then ban a k%nol4trable budglot of btnevo* After & I*ui* at cousidetatiou. lorlift notphet, L I . . 11 I .. . . ; I . 11 . _ .1 11 1, . . � 6**dv Is I .1 L I L. . 1. I 't&W1& - . s" "Sk", I this *a& in tbloo 1wort lencts. Twenty dtAftifiationt art - %' , I tj A �- reprtsttiteil in the membetship, of the ot#Ad so. or toursi, it the thin -9 19 ated to prealdo over the coiiiin:gr as- o I . I ; ' L I " I , Ive ,&,. church. it h now planned to,�ereot a brought to light through o foll% sembly, . . . 11 � ­' I I .. I : , will#& "thet I tot thlb Potent, air. *01140 It 41161A Dr. Clarence MeXimion was tomin I I . L 4 � I I . r ' ;=; fal . � ,L ... ' I 11 �� 11 SAW V*Nlth��'Xild h0004 SUCh 4% 11001 suitable building, at a tost of 4550,000. I laust be held'absolviod from AW . . , , I I s ; .51, 1 , , 4 ther _ I I ot theltiNit 1100, had that have b0ft Of this amount $34,W has been al- promiso.", , The following resolution was un-, . I . \LL ­­ . .L. . 11 . I I - it - I I bsdet* th", r*ther sball thett any rcxdy pledged: by 0A residents ill 11 Thank you; thank You- truly, Mr.: Ahliraouslyadopttd. - . .1 . . .1 .. I I .1 I — . I 1, . 1. saw tb" ho," tho like." -- Sligughai, the money being Sivlen in. uttorby " "'Whoreas the rtotlit, prog"SaWo J&JU r . . 11 le I Ation 0 r".16 1.10'al. VlaA of L I AM Solomit sulolte; arul. behold, . sodi , arettorev, the naturally &no" dealing with the r)1ink Plenty Water. and AU Sal r I d Kings 3'.15). it e6asidorable measure, by missionaries, bAughty moa, eaftaostand4d ta shakin quor e is prattically tffftth* a I . . .t� � _108 __Its Wft a Ars" . 06 n%0dC3t 841116". It Is propootd, to Jassido With the dotfttivo. Mr. Aut- volut h, I mu& as it Is erAdi- r ^ - � o" Pat of "'a vromist Is not P the C%1n%*1g1t Into AtAt** far I Befom Brewilp r � art$ . did-h-st vecasio I - o"Wl i in'this Its"" but is found in hor aid from the, American chur- torby attended hink downstairs, OAA ca;tj it institution WN61% for genor- , ! I I ­ � nally 1. � � l 91*0d. the door for blul. It Was at- otions I n firmly toted in -the . ' It. . .� I fte*, 3:14, at Wks aspoodelit olt ches. Missionary RtVitW. L "t he had 'Jalbea X'Ieet AU'W*'L'tW political, tudustrkl and solo life, of I . A I . I �om "Alid �'If thou wilt A-A*�_ 2046 Cokot in contstot. *tilt the, the MPIO Slid "lisequoutly the thing Men -your kidneys hurt and your for a few days and your IddaWs I 15k �v sN,dr*,1$;rx. to litep ray StAtUttS ' ahoubitts at Roland Yorkoi, Bock u* . I I"y � Is# ~wAaftents, ,alk tLhy father We visely strip ... 0 itted We =C,411 ttig, Nt1AIrN, turnod, Mr. .Uuttt'rhy', NX(I 'to be 'Wondered, -at -is not that diffieul, back feels sore, dotet get wared and thOn Act flue- Thill fAMOUS 34to is Made "1__ , SSIQ Ad vtok, t%ipft 1, VdU lt�ngtbt,n Ito buy. . $at down in ftout at the art, loo;Vlat ties are being ewunttred in am at- rrilcmd to load your stoulkeh with a lot from the acid,of grapes. anA lemon juice, . - ­ 11 ­­ 1! ,! ,I, L "! - - I I I the Sas-buttiersto Ught up hitbatit, tempt to ftfam the Uv, but thiki so . I . . _ -, 1. ­­ - I . of drugs that -excifte tho'kidneys and e0mbilled with lithia, and has bftn IvW __ L -_ I . ­ I . . 1. .. I IL � � _10w, L - ­ The", With 0. hoind on Other k460, 'I i L . .*4r ­­- -I.-,. I I ­ .1. I . 111. ­­_ -11 I -1 . b* wallod allotht ctrounistatess, of M�11 �� �­­ 'I L l' I . ­ - '' ­ II'L --- ­­ irelttte the entire urinary tract, Xeep fOr Yt= to help clean and StitnWato I � I I . 461411 0111yCht4VO dtkth With 10010140 your kidneysclemn Me y4n keep your - clowd kidneys; also to neuttsliz6 W I I * . � Aftuttry, k4d went 6vtr tbook One br , CREAM FOR CATARRH I I on*. That done, bt revolvad Nov OPENS Up MTR,ILS bowels clean, by Aushiag them with a Acids in the system so tho'Y'Are 40 loser, . I � i 0 roundirle Intelests In bit silent waril , mildl, harmless "ItA which helps to te. A 80urc* Of irritation, thus often relkv. * I A&** I eowtolly tuti words that had Ust � I -the body's urinous waste and -, W bladder we . , 0 folft front BfAe: Oreatorox, a" TOW New To Got " moys Mr I says : . , .& It" . . , aknm, I 5 VY I $tulle "bielit(b, during the wholo to- ,I stimulato, them to their normal Acflvlty� -Tsid Wts is intxt*1%*1v,e; cannot in. L- � . � yon0f t"Apilks Ilia It". M- 0 1 _101., -, . I i -.:, i. .1 The function of the kidneys is to 311ft; makes a deli1ttful ftyavesmt I . I "W44 SAM" JOU96 Out tUt *V`66' to am atiatifa yw shorA xobUils' lithig.water 'drinkL Which e"tyone 1. ,� lAt, I woAter"111 Vill =1 t1* air = 111ter the blood. In 24 Ultra they strain �b =o1r hold I I I I Wieve in novspaper advertWing., I silet'd � And the, cloc't of at. Movatut MA46 Will r an# r* "a f"ay. from it NO grains of oeid and waste, a* . should take now and then to help keV I, 1. . .I- af iiout a WHIon dollanana year for new"per space I "* a6veA Ott an hour And % quator No wre ltwklat, WANS& w0wio-, I ' their kidntyx Cl � C='gnd active. Try 4 i ds or ,Usjv�w, *OsOW7 N.,w * IS$ for we can re,adily, understand the vital *m- , � I . to Wl the %vorld about the gows I have to sell. � r4"M train, Me soat. . I at **kt,; lent 4614 or titwlk portance of keeping the kidneys active. tbis; *180 kOtP UP tho, Whttr drigkim , . I. I Q = 9"ft hwwc. � ­_ ' , —you evet AW no doubt you Will vmb&r wht � � (To b6.t,ftti1iWd) " A own "We at ISY'* Or" ) Drink,lots of good water . ­ 4,mly everybody reads the papen and they , ­ . _. .1 drink too much; alAo get from any became of your ki&wy trwbW &M I K P 1", I - I ! IV bf ,I-; I SALIBN It I S WE A I I. V I IL , , I'*. .1 � - �11', 1� i I,. I', 11 I 1� , 8111t] I 1, it 6eo . a , "teff"Ve aleftill to reach the buying ' xiws wa-M Powders lkstroy 1 t"00 Iat �� .0 I 1414"hatilk Ail,out four ounces Ot- Jad, botkache. By ag rAar* hg" your r* the , , worm* ViAlhout any Incionve"Itw to t 100 I Salts. Take a ttblospoonful in & Sku 010WAA tUiA6 yor kMnM at UpAt pjr�xwb quickly -and often. 1)w t1klW,, &nd A* t9ectually tkat thts' % _"A sk W I I *iveC u". = tmm Ithe body unfore . :0:!!t *10 . . 0 thowelveltly, rl#*N* 04 Atolow S"l:1tt — 40"A ft. of water befort breakfag tab MoMint twk* a y"r., I L 10 W" arA ko" Owl" In a it"Al. k% W# dwak& I I I Ift $04 *#. 1AN ".. -.11 a I 1, L 11 tieft I" '14"taw to vvrv^ A" V10k & 4" 4* U* . ­ - I—— _ - — -11. � W -_ - -0 - ­ - ­ - — 10., 101N N~ I — - — - — � � ­­­'-_d� . - tbft* ifln 1* r& rethal. of t1it *W#� *ftw so 01ift. . 11 - ___ ___ I ---.— _, ___ ­ '