The Goderich Star, 1924-03-13, Page 6L. 4 Iwo Now, 45 4� "Wo"Wa- "00010WAN aft Public libivit it ig iMM.&.ktj.0 shoulA bo ilieda"VOL ?JW rhartirew 'i )wV* a lifolwtitlal "-16; rocent Iss"n# b6f0ft them and, Ow 'Ovkraintnt, it (mght to bwe 1000ibl devi*e w4me jy*t*j* whkh mould Muke lwk toilwv# im, WHUNG, 10migrat --ir gcnerovs weatalrent, of her. INNkaltits Ta IWU igrAt thk We stwiatize in Nviving of sh"M 804449 CAW4 Ila* ljcoq it C'unsi'Afalt WuP#O,",'4Vr "f BlitAin's 4illk-ultito to India be� all 4irij4, With accumulation of twublciv in Fr4wztr 441 through tho Ruhr trout*,F", conte inereasingly seriouR. It is I 3� Lot 113 g1j.0 V1114 an he rAhape vt oil ani Und vandals, That was t4l. right so lops a )r, 04aiate for vij�ja# y ',j� _$ to lexiiXter&U-, of coyrse, but the our cu,30 Vnited Sawg Govcmatelit tj nev. is*A sola 'or gavag#. e, sdequjstt� rcturn. but Ill W.OProMaudists Am Yovclever ill their Is, crth4ts.4 vayixw itrlvt attkattion (kilk1gium, like lFrame, hxa probabiw work, slid ar* taking full advantase kso spectacular but quite julportaut been r "WATS TURPHOWES, A 133terna AufferR, The mcw rearictive me V�, 'reatly d4prointcd. In "y of every incWeat"that nijot,be con. M, event the new treaty 9a 1,04 by the atrued to the disoilyslitage of the Bri. ?o � MOTORS. OYSAXOS. the Trut 2fts applicable to immigration ivill go Jklgiana to Wt tbeir own ij3austr2al 41-A. The whole sittlav-ou is one thid 4�W, vfftvt in June. These affca all life, too haril. it 11 not improbable Vill requffs ftiost careful bandliog. ELECTRIC BEW maj, and wany Buropiou comtrics, rcoucipl: quito that there will bo $I cousiderabln, re. Extremist alwoclics. by old country rA. conswerably fto QUOTA from, Mcm. action against Froach policies atid divala at this- 6010 Would tan the. BURGLARALARM SYSTEMS 0t begrted pe: esilada 8hou)(I N tbo Rainer, as a nletWds. Thl,.i Way te foreseen by1014RIQ Of revolt in India itself, An& ALL WOAt OtTARAVES 9**Od deal of the im0gration. which the Fxencb- tow beginning to warm v(rY mui% elaWrasm the British locture will be ctherwlso would bo directed tortho� up for thvir clo,-alopst'aril may have GovPrilment. Those who gre, well #c. ing as a WOO 'United States will ixudopktcilly be de�l &ooietJ4vv to do with PrMicr Pol". quainted with the situation a COW, IRON sod TOAST hy re, abso� :kcted to thir, e0tintry. Most Ot it earo's conciliatory tone in answer to lutely certain that any false st�ps� 4ECTRICITY will he carefully ecicatd iniulfgration tho rather frank lottora of premle, t0kgu- by thO Witish 0overameat or too. 11-amsay vacWnald Of Dritain. its weredite4, ropres(suatives in tu. NVA havo 40 Asaortineitt of ill 'hel d1a. will rc�ult in Asa&ter of magni. t 11141ceftio fronq ga& larkish Decision to Abolish Caliphate Canada freaping seneiits fro It,. t 4 . Toustera islat) in e e 1'j� Cauadtl,. Leave$ Delicate Tasklor Britain nexroh Work The dc�islort of the Turkish Gov. Another (*xnadiatj bils attained t; C41%nd* puts EvAllargo, On V. S. j,jve �togk with xxv distinction 14 thO fold of medical dis. eptiou of 110roft r-rament. to abolisit tbo, C,'aliphato and ROB IT -OPtess religious instruction, )jai a covery. -110 is Dr. 11arold, VOx,,WjjOqe0, 4 cor)pleto embprgo. on all live 1vouliar Intere4t for the Britlah Em. mol;W of treatment for pyorrhea, a stoik-except horses, jj�om the lual ited West St. pire, This in ap4vt altogether from tliseasa of tho.tvethA it; officially all-Istatesy has become oftective ill thioti Phose SZ'or 254J the foreign relinjous collogea and nounced by the Ontario 31illiqtry ok country and Brituin. only a week Ifealth, and the royal Collego stabiblied in Turkey. , Tlic. rtbools, e, of vcqt. Or so ago cailada put an embargo UP* V01111h 1.1 Alle spiritual Aead of tlu� tul PS114,0cotis, Toronto, Dentists oll*livo stock and eortoin products MOSIVIa-VorI4 and there aro sonic throughout this Country and the IVII. such as hayj otc�, IVOM 0411forvia and .......... Fevewltv "111110"'P of Moslem suhsecto it -d SWO3 baVo been awaro of`4 Dr. ad;aoent states. vollowhic, the nri� TOWN COUNCIL POVS discoveiv of th-0 ure of the 1:14h. actfon In j JIB In tho n. ophv� While Britain bas no 'diseaticand afitilo, ."A, placing. an tribared a. 11 ? r Pov;or to Interfere with Turkey'a d,,,. d Of treatment, for Rainst the whole countm Canada feels at$ F Tho I Continued from Poe C -1401i she will upvortbolesa have to G02UO tittle. definite, V)ajVj, i�4 that it 19 the wisest precaution In, View . ........ .... ... bear the * �rynt of criticism, as jilostl made that przketical resultn; froffl.ttle of thc.� 'foot most that maliv hoots I na­�­ .1 treatment 4,r(j -now being 'iftIt'd. and mouth disease out. The fire brigade askod fo� throe of the Xoslemu tinder her rule Nvill , , att, �break In the states originally b0ftd. IVIM 114-11004, -4 c9atoand one bpt. �Iook to Britain to choose , So far as Ontario I$ goncorp'.d, It ji DrItaiWo experience with I the dread A4CO a successor 1 t, Wag prctt;� strong,,, Was Coun- shtimated that be " care, 41sease, leaves 'Canada no alternative ciltor lfumjWr,� comment, r �-o the Caliphatv' $'neo thero am bonefits of the, like the d'a t 'fou fire Wora, to be .0 numbor of claimantA 41soovelywill be made but the most draj�.tic action in defence alarms It 'I to Ast Year and we bonglij al. the p0st'iutluding 010 Amer of Af. avii"We'tO aft in Accd'of'lt. po mat�- of hor c4tile. LW THUNMAT, It". 1*&, ML IN F EPA A ay., V114RNATIONAL "BT. L U t1le Towil of Godericl, tlt* teaellingsof P r AiIssell aud of the 3iWle StUdeuts Assmiatioa were used 'as basis of an attack upon Od's Word by, a local tuinister. y visstatements *ere made trudis and U 1101101a were told fie people. We Wieve all boa- desixe tosee auy matte reseuNd in a fair light, tberefore a 9i in GoderiA b , , V ga's mrvvell qualified by reason ofbis train - dist $ter to pres bgtb sid of the q1jest, es IOU, HEAR PERRIN fof t"'LOC roronto. 71AMN't 16th X No ca�tion Rhanistan and Xing r1w5sein of, .be Ter w4AT, their Allancial condition. it that the mqueit �v reforredlo. the gro TXW Afft thl'i would be a very delle.A. VVIII be freely comittunicated to phy. A HOSPITA committee for Perusal, over. L FOR SINCOE Slci4ns and 4entists � the world task. There la 904t rivalry among (,,4,noda is The veqiiQst 6.t the Board of the 44imantz I cert -the honoi,- and tile 41AW beginning Health to Get tile ProJftt Ott 4 Sound.r1inallefal to 1140 the town milk b�lawlhmended !�Nyf some benefits from 010 4ttOntfoll 8015 IS the Advice or Simcoe to make the m1flimum rrequirement much awdo4n S. we upon �OkjTA-, NTr , last few yea rete t .0 A rs. to the spi�ijj c��j�jtte � tred I woofts Xpldowk in adtain Worst . The town of s1incoe, is o0usidering monding b�rjaw - -1 0 o , Ave SAO . Sit prepared.-., $140 1918, Men to Got the vote tile que.%tloll of building a hospital, The niatior Of PiirebaWng ScAriger to Out inioll Pwoad mus matter the 91PAI council to investig��o the, s ore has been nothisto Out 4 lot of extron, cor Since 1918 th It it's promoters are Vill A nmitt�e appoinied by the, Muni- grom, the DOrg 00;`WAY Of Oii ififlUeUZA vpidemio b,ill, to gjv,� Bri ub., CO. and tr4dlAg'in larger grader, and ill 11ritain to approach that now M. t1sh Women the voter on loot reporto 1% 4 that only sixother c9U . getttng� would board that,cQuM be us. reaebing tho I ties In the Province besides Noilolk Od on the jicarifierto do jr4ding w it$ 'Course' 1XaPplly It 'a of It likely to 'he page Of 'twen"y"O' 0 'a as 11110h.UdWer typo,tb4n JA 1018 when Osed. very soon it it ate W thout, hospitals, namely Italion, �rougbt up, by the Dej;iuty rte6vo hnd litany people collapsed, on the stn—ots 90103: thmgh, I -this 'yQ4r It ;I1 add P001% LennOX Und.,Addlogton, - Ppo$cot#�, Vaq,. referred to , tli6 P�jblje 'WOks be eight hud'AUSS011) 11411bukton and Maultoti- thelr­wor�-, and the de#h� rato li, '"""Q Pmen voters to t Committee! aftanied serjow. Proportion$, The 1*11, lroady oil the list, There in Island. Cbunctllor Wors6ll saW be had h . lid 'line$$ this tIffl0,usU0IIV lists abou WASI10,11 4 9PP431tion, to the main prin. 1 The oommltteom�omrkicnded Ali in- A MR look over ae.flro. oligipo With t k. XlfW,Qo ta cloo OtIlthe Measure fit the Comtnon$. corporation without share capital, oli,. reference eorge and Queou Mary, to &�Ihg tho` PUMP 4ndNR have bevu numbered *moug its Via. der the Ontario' coulpanigs was 04t it 'WAS a machine tu' MvO bad 0 cancel many on.,sonto Camille 8*1 the r-4.4ing . 01 Act� with 1'10PQ oil allil 1 AWOTS V#tsee' D11sap, f the pre. 811OR Jdbo The mattOr 'Was Veferred OW the wc�r )�, 00tish Liberal Psrty sann-Fund of 1,20v000 to about $6oj000 to the Are committee to -get an #�sli, of this -sum to ereci 4ad 'matc, "gements' .1"s a tribute to the ad -1 The British , I I A,T' vaAeoment of'Scient1fic COmillous bus witness.] and the using Ph Of knowle4ge-and * ed the unlque sbect4ofe of two $On$' f reseArgh that medical Anon wo,*, I -COM, Get the Do ..OWL a d intftduciag their -father. 'They 'Were stracte'211,P1 :JT "i!(] ll*i TheA t tile all0o$t uncan0 coFf the -kounge X, a, jumiger tbat it � I I V I Pao S r ffooders.onA and lion. Ar� cQU14 be easily 611larged. to".,, 30 Untagged Do" j*otAoS'4 the return Of the malady ill thUr Ifendenon, Secretary.for .11ome even 40 bed cap,acit The inatior of dog tags� and AS Present wide -spread form, that 4 public tagging The Forct is: wit Out sup ?rfluous s: I Of � 4698, Wag talk IAIT41rsi, While his bo voie.retur meeting be called'to Rom$ tW sit.0a. Campbell ed of. tq Ass,3sq4t I I I . PaM Yet has evory4ling -n --j.or txWIU Agree' that they are ideally in ale general clectJ61% he ;vgs do;, tibn thoroughly; and that 4 provi s4id thore: was,,na doubt Z-aed su e Sulall,� light car, Ite$ to th' 3�06rts,of Canadian Airfleat to China foated but gaintd,: his. seat in the al boApital boa that the town obould get about'lo An$ tho, tr, S. Show 1400408 BurnIGY b. rd be appolRod, com- Another feature is the V-0100tion, wbore he had a posed, of Sonat )r W14COH, Sudge 9610s, dog "eenses Paid Instead 04 W or 00r. in great engineering accomplish- so remarkable 1. iii' Foyd Thito hundred This Yeai With the a4gessment not jT ncipje=cj$osuz thousand �ton3 of very hail n the Warden of the County, tbo Mayor being, ieats* it has pro; Asome majorlty agal St al reosect thzeugh �e ful in ctice that 'Wheat were Imported by Straight -L ConsOrvati've, . candidate. of iho� town� a. represontiltivic, each c a comp, made tilt the late 6UmM0r,.he pra �,VWAVL last zeasoll.for "use In the t10 Solao commentators: oft'i ould make a. list of d(,gA as, SIMPUiicatio:�—the ieducti�n to fun- *.0 mill's of 4 . hat c I ounbry.. I! thl result f in;, -the ministerial. and medical 4$� . he usu�_I� Wt Nvasjecontly presented—by re-' It I$ intimat. the 41oppoaranco altogetheiaof the s9clations and five -other ly 4id- 00ilcillor' Holinea asked, if wl "- ill quest—to the Sniftbsq�iao Iiisiuu- 0, appoiht,�d there WAS a, do P6imelljor od that thif; amount I he greatly IlritUA IANrul pnrty,'gind li:_great by the c0411011; 410: that this board be Worsell V POU'Ad andC This procm ia4V490d text '800S011, Winnipog victory for. L464 h) the ne�jt gencral I 010POwered to (1) pecure, a ch.irtor v� sugxosted gotfirg.Ugs' -�t 4 also reports an illcm ortisjue biouAt in used demand for elections *111ch are P'rediclvd Or the for 1110. illsti calling "Ors, do owne'�. to; to J301119 ManY. Of those Th tution I �w rs ere are oftany such, k�tutos, �ut )iovi4luv that ev. jrij�, are Joun" ;'qour front th(� V'41tcd StAtOs, -This is comiPg summer- It 1�'A'Iittle eArly :011tributor of Pay j�clr license And got a ta4,And 4istinctiviorloatures -%vbi4 i founa. tb cry $100 or more bmi� a, then ese are sufficient to Indicate the 'thought to be. due t) the desilre of,- to draw'such �.co d T F liclusIOD81partlenjarly proceed to 'Impound, or destroy lie or(, f life member and every tontributor of the untaggea solind fouridation; upon, Which, engm- 1111110" to Ot Ila at;.. mucil, (,,�nadjgjj as the tabOr'jarty Ot 40g.sro. The,mattor wa.,j no! it$ on lid three haVe Pronpttaoc,4 the Fmij jo be vVIleAt, as, Possible be!fo has R jot boon $10 ori moro each year 'be A melabol' *0 ap"isi committoe 41 40ythinw likell real tost of its';rl th4t-YoWl, (2) to decide re their own 9M r re �4 th ejeatUrM a triumphof" ch;nj hospital, (3) toor-' co sim"'lizity, eauatm increases the. tarift ag�qjjj�st abilities, Tho traditio"41'Partles in I.Pularnalne for the 0" 8�01; 10th power. EZI mtm Yt z "his Canadian Product whj,:h..j,� so t, 4. The revision, an 1,� Uritain could t�rOw LaWr 04 of the reprintin . . ganize a'oampa on. to raise 4di. 9 of the they Caliclu4M Yonal funds, rules and r0gulati ng -of the couneil 00tial to PWO quality to. AmerUlan *WAS f , , Mr to hold.*air *roan' i� ftur. There in 4 rcport from Ottaw that it f&47fj� do SO was referred to the'special eo eater but tlie�y In$:, Meting -and (5).to encourage nY Authvrized F rd D far front A41OUS for I 090111=6011 Of 'a Woman'$ fro$ the Mr, Ikvy'la on th 14 that a now wheat for our weptera are Probably pital valuation . e 4011. p1rairles husbeen developed—one that battle.'at this -time whoft there is no Aidq tanta of the prock street plant Of the is paramount issue be National shipbuil Vill ripeft even more, rapidly than foko them. 'The r4uniolpal Council di ding Co.,was, emir- iww the ease, and gqsdo with the. *1 Al d not adopt ej and, the rest of the re 0 't wag best, this, report as a whol,e. ]Rut all p VAaadiali Wheat growers Aro pasoiliv Fib"046111111tIA0611 0houili tho promised it, a to* day Not # He 611990stiOns contained- in the report t Allowod to Tako *jm ro iOl orlod, ut there its Aftor were 1111OPted- and� -the rie"ove and, do. WOLUMOIrks Intake. Co�trgletor a atiOns Of I roved conditiolls It Is Ihsolveoi .1 Duty reeve WOM appointed to act with ready on,190, At for A %Vlie means busi.1 An 13hofficial statement da. tile conad th 'The Mayor reported j.hat the con. t b tal. n%_ On. bi ly cc '!n to complete the Provisional tactor for thd-waterWorks int.1ke had CARS TRUCKS - TRA&6RS na tj"I!'beers"01"mittee to llominat* f". mem- 0 POO a tax of at least. one and perilaps, bo*Vd. recommended -by, tile commlt,� soint of his tools hello; tber engineer 'A the o 4400 Over belgluin Ivan. QW0 per coat. On, the $g5o cjr� tee. W40 hd?6', i�4 w6rkWuld., 44, Vilartorod, ban The As GO(1411011 Is Interested he go%e on i IF'rmh 1pu�pose , is top In b `Ylth'60 014-14nd endof the, $Ob right Influence - over msontQ As instItuting fill mattergtit i4 jljtemstj� g O'pi away. to be Waiting. The oavern which,would bo,aft insurimeelthe conlnle�'ta The'Sinlcot, . WOrmoeti, also ftport�d a visit ment of the Utter country whll� against - loss by bank depositor�,s in makes upon the question, -of a hospj�, nd t recent- suvit vase�; as that Of the Home 90, tal for that towit. it s4kya: a very satisfactorr intorviow defoated 13A the C111011bOt' 04poli,tho $Vhero Olflcigls to! town that day a 4*mpt to Secure ratification of th" —I.Additiot4 'P- ArtIculars present I "There Are two sets. of instituti-,%. them as *�A ­ .3 with '141 la"6 41844tr011is MIA thin ;,'that Are, Proverbially, 4' V.; 4'raill service., q4r4meftI41 Waty With J."J'AAC14 804 was At r4rs voratioust con. �0180 the question of, a boatwa gium has giv6 to the World IL fij�6 ev_ t Anhoulictd. 110hate-vtt- - are tolleges up. or merit this Ide lsuwer� of Money. They AP10 � Of the , 1*nogt�s that ne - a inky have one, would and hospitals, � And� a hospital in A nice little horst rAeo on tho A10011 Preterit AvOuld 1* impossible for any figs,helal Tool th -990a" a W60k $90 the provious gun - 'from hard work' and attention to System under %illiell it simege will cost, Money., AndwO 11 . YOUR BATTERY - TROUBLEVIL BE AT AN -home lutOrost.& It Is probable tbtit instituti I tobatco, END )s which Suffered On, 11110%V4 to take deposits, to Put the Vfoloaf,on a,,soul al holle of tho countrit At Abe ArA thing tq W dolke is (18Y, bOysi smoking, chewing finauci ' .. I, I I - IF YOU WILL EQUID YOU4 CAR 'WITH A 'carrying on busiftessafter it foundation. And the ol4s re, were avo mad 0 Ill, the things Councillor Wotsell though�the the direct shook of war b. 0 solvent - Apart altogether frow 11101:09mmittee's report and Swearing OhStreet corne I recovery, though the Al- do0jo lisifility that 'we foot POlke should be asked to sto 1,51whA, quiet 'it's aro entitim to is p. and a Of sUmboldem in 1hould be neonsidered Is the- vlaus motion along these lines W98 adoptm. 'rod't for "ob�VO*Orlktiollsi, there is a duty to an vIllch the onfe colilt"Ittee state tha+ 'Councillor P they 4;.Pot rteil should tjkc a lAtt thought W tow* Witer Less'. Stor tho"jourills.0 han4 In Wing dtall a9c attery u le aV90 to Inci At the '�est of the harbor put fri bring ill a consideTable Income, an an to huld boats to. The Government V nw8sity- -They give as ellgi*lftl' idIt be asked to have the 6 volf .11 plate 'Olt -'13, Plate 12 volt -7 plate hospitals, matter 4tt*oded to at once. The pro Perth, Listowel, Ingergoll,. to Clinton Petty 'a OutsldO the town IlMits -ind and Clispleau, put they state that the Mayor, said tile town could 41 by self-supporting they meall that the nothingniord, $ 55 ineomo from :fees from Patients 001 80140 of Itho IV81,40tits on W408t of 3roling king, w1104 insdo him the provincial governalent grant of , 2 stmot�,Waftt to h* Privy ave curbing put in, 40 AW mvo walloillev to 1311. Ivilich Rav a 500 1*r day per patient hA$. equalled This will be for the Property owilerf; 32 8� ftty�elix Vol 0 :him ts thO cost of blalnti�n FW F041, Cks"At" stwoukot U And thoy to 96t is P066011'signed and have the t1ists, Pot tw*, poro. shilifie-& for 604 co In the govef-ament. state that, v� lh*ao, *%"I, Y44W vi 440, 64 the 10111 Ira" 1409s 'Thomaq i Within fs6ell, ST411a he was given, 'hile ther find th 004 walsey *as Ordained a rilest . tv his . at there work done Under the supervision,, of t C ORO. toyal waster Ill were blany hospitals of .016, the 4mt 6tell in the erful bishop of y0vj e appointments Or Areh., that were not the town Alothoritie% And 01141100116t, Wbile, solf-supportingr the kov to, a suee.ess. #*WWAW-WM lial A*4 tion Is Pvope'r and efficient Me Repair 06 to, pay, legate, whieh eoucebtrato(I to hit4 Management. AW a r4*10A of gktatet, potwver t AL lit, "Oil ereattj WhAttalfied by any brItiall. hanas the 810 hd tft'OUS 4 '1V0 fett that this Is rather to Every Baftay oin�hs a of ih Tis-yar NO aft'sive Redarg, Cm I# pay we was Abe last and tile 41teetloft o 4C.1101. The %,hole 'ertaht a foundation on, Which t lin. . . Wf wa chiga" din alone. and lot, eight of 50 ce the oft wbo agwoXI M0 omminentig )h ttw yft" he goVoIriled withaIt it patliamebt uts Per da 4"s ottlitalany g1r1rtteletical I , our M*W- In the first ptse(,, most magaill. f kowo and 41rolga ,%ffAtrfj 0 build lop A* go 101alatets, of flit &A1611 Cro "4%t fortgne. Whio!k be � ppt p4tiCht wa 0%littliled it blAde only during t1w, 11,01,30rissilould equip, their e- With Watet. 46v# boft favalcawi with ptlactly 04tikil �fkrst t.tln years. d1wt =& Tho battery With Mam th the e%ception at AIM the $I tittion. of the hospit*11A exist., longor life ftna servi =AhA*, Q&MfUCr Ill tb6 Tp )ICO'bur of his C.011 I it% Of Mal ttlIntle r�Vajjeli th , it 0knij, eho. After tell years the grant is, jr * et, will Pot lftk or ftftze und Any conditions, w"a "hich flavor no I air XUtA9Wt'W&8 ftbut0h(vot Imn-It_1 . Asalliplz)"lat ')�*Oftfio king, I Paid only for Patients for u,h . . JA Aorzigt bills, jugkes tile wokborless the Gulp*4 att rer or 4 , ftnSiderablo Vesith AW hl� bad to Solicitor, Anti tenanco #1U4 ose roalft- ppe Ory for yotir cqr. Costs of the ee ro I Senli-Dky Storage Patt&iea by i1t.mpingout tile tacludeiltbe A01. F-0ropetM polftle.14., 11i'l "lign number Of PAUWA and otb" timum and furtborwore, we sliall It _.Ww( hl,4t a prftd. 1114do liflu 4 doluillantuelor in At the tj'rXt presemt aeid Anti refilli With our Bf t li , * SIR Il"I It"Joubv b1s, vl,*4�kvq polky. I)OM at hoble &0 per Wa6kor less It& con Wet Ratteiriolt eat, 41�0 be tonvorw ctessful stance -A MAY i4ifluenCe the hospital,P fAhOkWhad's 6�na Imar, no matterw Itt w:IL& it May g'"ar'14teo yollr 6108rY fDr 04 and thcgiving of shotl Attfulptto wenklDtlectim totbeq*oal Sooso* hft7t *rA throve ivas tho grit velk, jr#jjar,, womor W"Olumtolat oxtortjpjuj� ravecr* W �JA Mj working espitcl, And it w6uld AD. Liniment. It Hadio uqer� find I WJ-e r in advance of the ordiu;tt, outtbawft Wilere he 41411191114*X1 Itial, XbMd Atafthil rear to be in"th' tht Hounder 4course spill *11016 e"Clie" i * frng�3 and rui em and U16 music, comeR in inuell clearep and 3ftonger. V *&W he remalbekI t(I 90 V* 1169PRA on a sound fillah. Ive", batterica 01% thoy wal not by *ftuftg the aftvC6 ot 4L alLpowqtal in batbolorot 4"ItRtibu earlyoft b(sil Q1*ttd1VVt1ke 1*1*43 'alkill 1W wat tial- bamig lj*faw bUjWjr*, ot All jwionq ate titlea t 404 "M 3FftVK 1*14Pt he kilig tA Ot %ho aldrmft launch#d th6 eat up I bhtkvy service, and you call have it by tvAing fj%e Your t4,coklhe a Moe t"Oft, (W*v�he Ot Arts**. VIA (411gv" eel i4a W444W-16"Ismi -11 at~ of the Awkgeg� W , fond, at OW4 he 44 hei* be had tt,�Ofttkre tho comtoloaft of t1w uk* M116MY with the majim"ji, of ;�tisi Noma big pupil's the sou 14 the Malt, *1 UAW it 11 built the furN6 radi6 us,�. for b6th car a Rk tho vaftatth'A WIM#4 bmifiht now in hald, will grow of thein*lv" "Vo xk�- ad whookwe kint big st* abot't laq ft"ta $ftr to :year. The *" A "Pe'dy 46IM(ldit 114% Wag lieW b=," derw liviNiz 4beftly att# sort # If IOU ilitend NzIN,ivgn� hxtter5, consuftfilst Vdth Parker dftft� -V bit Ordlik OWPOM Of 4f* VoAh AM h"04m, ow in bond is .00 so, As 0* oov� of �i�, Sit 1webw eb4*U *yr0A*PfV4 40 100*0 06 hk a 44 St. ifterfAting at the- rate of will get sel % ice alld satisfattion bN� Aloing -so. Watter-Lelis . %# 0" mbbbbspoo 0" 1, vs4kr. thro"k the ou to aftcr 111, ftv "&Oil bj OX600W *6 4104y h# wa* pow"Mi"04 flo� of intolvit. ArA W 0 10MM ftskosok julla "Wa. via in th,� 1W orre0#4 ro 4"% that � BR JrXAL-1 W&W. WW Iwo you% atw **Kb i4�� y is 4&w t*wft 154", Ott tWr sho%M" to tht, be W4 16110 so whoel. AYA tlwx* I BA -R Ah ­­_ .- D"461 t4*001i. A hv� pow on 01% ffAh* -K '�w "M RMS dft*. A" ffft uVeft". 1)"riaot 1hiA WIT, d *ill Joe b9 vrea k%bft -wk� Tht *OwA-At thing iij tjW rw_ al" Wow wqkwwy Ahb" *a Ike Mit0+4 ftport j� OWL V Off -e Ilip 1Rn:;V1h, tlw roftmmfvwit� 6w 474 a* NOPP0061 tiork In form a "tiftio-ne to tarry on thi* 1"_4 *6tk,­ 3ft r 2 Al IL MMMA...- _41 , 1�